God Grew Tired of Us

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God Grew Tired of Us

The world is going through a series of mass forced

migrations. This activity will international migrations,
refugees, and human trafficking.

PART 1 - Immigrant Interview

Using the included list of questions, you are to
interview an immigrant, as in someone who was
born in another country and moved in their
lifetime to the USA. They can be related to you, a
friend or a limited acquaintance (friend of a

PART 2- Current Events

Read and listen to the following resources, in the following order:
Questions to guide your note taking:
- Who is migrating?
- What is causing them to migrate?
- What challenges do they face?

1) Kirsten - 1854
2) Market Place: Refugee
3) Description of Refugees
4) Next Phase
5) Germany Refugee Seeker
6) Refugee Syria
7) Being Smuggled
8) Human Trafficking
9) Better Home?
10) Extreme Vetting

PART 3 - Movies
When watching the movies “An American Tail” and “God Grew Tired of Us” take notes to be prepared
to answer the following questions. These questions will become an essay that will be submitted as a
Google Doc. REMEMBER: Plan your writing with Thesis, Key Points, Examples. Don't just make
generalized statements. I expect to see references to what the currents: smuggled, human trafficked,

This essay is to be typed: Times New Roman, 12 Point Font, Double Spaced, 1’ Margins. The essay
is to be submitted online.
- Heading #1: The Interview
• Explain. Introduce the Interviewee (who they are, why you interviewed them), followed by
summarizing their experiences, and the answers to the given questions, in 2-3 paragraphs.
This should be written in basic language. (Pronouns allowed)
• Huggify. Connect their experience to the human geography content. Craft a 4-5 sentence
summary, huggifying their experience through the lenses of Economic Development,
Population and Migration. (No pronouns allowed)

- Heading #2: Synthesis. (Each bullet point == 1-2 paragraphs. Follow the “Thesis > Key
Point > Because > Example” model of writing)

This part is to be written as one essay, making sure to address each of the following questions.
Use these questions to help guide your notes, and what information you choose to write down.
• Compare the methods of transportation to America, and how they have changed through the
centuries? Address Kirsten, Fievel, the Lost Boys and the Interviewee. Who do you think had
the most difficult journey and why?
• Identify and explain the types of migration and causes of migration (push/pull factors) that the
interviewee, Fievel and the Lost Boys experienced.
• Migrants to America have a vision or idea of what they THINK America will be like before they
arrive. Based on the Lost Boys, Interviewee and Fievel… Compare the reality of their
American experience to their previous perception of what they thought/hoped America would
be like.
• Identify and discuss three difficulties were faced by the migrants in the current events.
• Did these interview, articles, news stories, and/or movies change your perspective and
understanding about forced migration around the world? If yes, how?

- Plan before you write. Outline or web the order of your ideas BEFORE you write.
- Once you have finished planning, go back to the questions and make sure that ALL requirements
of the questions have been addressed in the planning.
- Each paragraph is to contain ONE big idea. When switching to a new big idea, start a new
- First sentence is the thesis that should summarize what the entire paragraph is about. Then, utilize
the Key Point - Because - Example/Evidence format to flesh out the rest of the paragraph.
- Once finished writing, go back to the planning and make sure that every part of the planning has
been added, and ensure that you can point to each requirement from the questions.

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