Assignment 3 Module 4 To-Do-List Baltze

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Course Title: Reconstruction through the Westward Expansion

Module 4: Economic, Political, and Social Effects

To Do List
Assignment 1: Southerners Text
Read the Southerners Text and answer the questions. Pretend you are a southerner and write out
your feelings in the form of an acrostic poem using the words: Southerners or South.
After completing this assignment, students will be able to:
Explain the social and economic effects Reconstruction had on the Southerners

In this assignment, you will analyze the economic and social effects Reconstruction had on

1. Read Southerners Text: Read the text and highlight important pieces. Then answer the
questions below independently.
2. Create an Acrostic Poem: Use your text to create an acrostic poem using the word
Southerners or South
3. Submit on Moodle: Using Moodle, submit your poem.

Course Title: Reconstruction through the Westward Expansion
Module 4: Economic, Political, and Social Effects

Assignment 2: African Americans
Read the African American Text and answer the questions. Pretend you are an African American
and illustrate a picture of the way you were economically dependent on white landowners.
Provide a caption to explain your illustration.
After completing this assignment, students will be able to:
Explain the social, political, and economical effects Reconstruction had on the African

In this assignment, you will analyze the economic, social, and political effects Reconstruction
had on African Americans.

1. Read African Americans Text: Read the text and highlight important pieces. Then
answer the questions below independently.
2. Create an Illustration: Use your text to create an illustration that shows the African
Americans being economically dependent on the white landowners.
3. Read the following link:
4. Submit on Moodle: Using Moodle, type out a summary explaining how African
Americans had gained rights politically (in politics and government).
Course Title: Reconstruction through the Westward Expansion
Module 4: Economic, Political, and Social Effects

Assignment 3: Poor Whites
Read the Poor Whites Text and answer the questions.
After completing this assignment, students will be able to:
Summarize the political and economical effects Reconstruction had on poor whites
Describe the treatment of the poor whites by the southern elite

In this assignment, you will describe the way Reconstruction changed life for the Poor Whites.
1. Read the Poor White Text: Answer the questions
2. Summarize: Create an summary using your answers to the questions in the text
3. Submit in Moodle: Post your summary in Moodle

Course Title: Reconstruction through the Westward Expansion
Module 4: Economic, Political, and Social Effects

Assignment 4: Northerners
Read the Northerners Text and answer the questions. Then view the powerpoint to find out how
reconstruction caused the economy to change.
After completing this assignment, students will be able to:
Summarize the effect Reconstruction had on Northerners.
Describe the changes in the economy as a result of Reconstruction.

In this assignment, you will interpret the way Reconstruction changed life for the Northerners
and how the economy changed from agrarian (farming-based on agriculture) to industry (based
on factories).
1. Read the Northerners Text: Answer the questions
2. Open and View the Movement from Farms to Factories powerpoint: Create an
illustration that shows why the economy moved from farms to factories after the
Reconstruction era.
3. Submit in Moodle: Post an explanation that can accompany your illustration
showing why our economy changed from one based on agriculture to one based on

Course Title: Reconstruction through the Westward Expansion
Module 4: Economic, Political, and Social Effects

You need to create a page entitled Reconstruction Standard 5-1.4 on your Google Site.
On this page you must have must reflections that incorporate African Americans, Southerners,
Poor Whites, and Northerners. You must include a reflection of the different assignments you
have created in this module. You can use creative processes such as making a political cartoon,
taking a picture, and uploading it to your site with a caption explaining it. Another idea would be
to create a letter as though you are an African American, a Southerner, a poor white tenant
farmer, or Northerner traveling South in the Reconstruction Era. Perhaps you would like to
create an acrostic poem using the name of the group and the effects of Reconstruction. In
addition, you may wish to summarize the main points you learned. If you access to an iPad, you
may create a trading card, a telegami, or an Animoto presentation about these topics. If youd
like to record yourself summarizing these topics with the camera in your laptop or iPad, you may
do that as well. A Powerpoint, Prezzi, Glogster, or a Microsoft Publisher brochure can be
created. Really, the sky is the limit in how you choose to demonstrate your reflection of the
content that was provided.

Grades on this paper will be based on the following rubric. Read it carefully to get a sense of the instructors specific
16-18 out of 18 points =100 %
13-15 out of 18 points = 90%
10-13 out of 18 points= 80%
8-9 out of 18 points =70%
7 and below point out of 18 points= 60%

Course Title: Reconstruction through the Westward Expansion
Module 4: Economic, Political, and Social Effects
Criteria 1 2 3
African Americans No explanation of what you

Somewhat explained in
reflection, but key points
are missing
Thoroughly explained in
reflection. Reflection shows an
understanding of main points

Poor Whites No explanation of what you

Somewhat explained in
reflection, but key points
are missing
Thoroughly explained in
reflection. Reflection shows an
understanding of main points

Southerners No explanation of what you

Somewhat explained in
reflection, but key points
are missing
Thoroughly explained in
reflection. Reflection shows an
understanding of main points
Northerners No explanation of what you
Somewhat explained in
reflection, but key points
are missing
Thoroughly explained in
reflection. Reflection shows an
understanding of main points
Movement from
Farms to Factories
No explanation of what you
Somewhat explained in
reflection, but key points
are missing
Thoroughly explained in
reflection. Reflection shows an
understanding of main points
Reflection on
Peers Work
No reflection of peers work

Reflection on peers work is
submitted, but is very
Reflection on peers work is
specific. It shows that time was
taken to construct and has details
about positive points and
suggestions if necessary.

Take online assessment using Google Form. It will consist of 7 multiple choice questions and 13
fill in the blank/short answer.

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