Bavaria Flux BF 5.1
Bavaria Flux BF 5.1
Bavaria Flux BF 5.1
Flux type: Aluminate-Basic
A neutral, semi-basic agglomerated flux of the aluminate basic type suitable for joint welding of low-alloy
structural steels, fine-grained steels and pipe steel qualities. Designed for DC and AC welding.
BF 5.1 is suitable for the two-run or multi-layer technique using single or multi-wire processes. The flux shows
constant metallurgical characteristics (low Silicon and Manganese pick-up). In combination with appropriate
wires, such as Mo-, Ni- or NiMo-alloyed types, uniform mechanical properties with low temperature
toughness are achieved. Slag–detachability, even in narrow-groove welds of thick-walled sections, or at high
preheating temperature (> 250 °C), together with finely rippled weld bead performance and smooth tie-ins, even
when fillet welding using high currents, are additional features of the flux.
BF 5.1 is formulated to achieve very low diffusible hydrogen levels (< 4 ml/100 g weld deposit). The chemical
composition of the flux and its alloy vector have been designed for achieving large amount of acicular ferrite
with typical standard wires.
SA-welding of low-alloy structural steels (Y.S. up to 420 MPa), boiler and vessel materials, high-strength ship steels
such as EH36; fine-grain structural steels up to Y.S. 460 MPa and pipe steel qualities up to X70 grade (ISO 3183/
Si-content in the wire electrode (%) Mn-content in the wire electrode (%)
*) Diffusible hydrogen content H5: determined in deposited metal acc. to the method described in ISO
3690 Type of current DC; redrying conditions 200 ± 50 °C
BF 5.1
All-weld metal multiple pass classification of wire-flux combinations:
Wire electrode Test assembly ISO 15792-1: AWS A5.17M/5.23M AWS A5.17/5.23
(ISO 14171-A AWS type 1.3
ISO 24598-A) A5.17/.2
BA-S1 EL12
3 ISO 14171-A- S 38 3 AB S1 F48A3-EL12 F7A2-EL12
BA-S2 EM12(K) ISO 14171-A- S 42 4 AB S2 F48A4/F43P4-EM12(K) F7A4/F6P4-EM12(K)
BA-S3 EH10K ISO 14171-A- S 46 5 AB S3 F55A5/F49P5-EH10K F8A6/F7P6-EH10K
BA-S2Si EM12K ISO 14171-A- S 42 5 AB S2Si F48A5/P5-EM12K F7A6/P6-EM12K
BA-S3Si EH12K ISO 14171-A- S 46 5 AB S3Si F55A5/F49P5-EH12K F8A6/F7P6-EH12K
BA-S2Mo EA2 ISO 14171-A- S 46 4 AB S2Mo F55A4/P4-EA2-A2 F8A4/P4-EA2-A2
BA-S3Mo EA4 ISO 14171-A- S 50 4 AB S3Mo F62A4/P4-EA4-A3 F9A4/P4-EA4-A3
BA-S2Ni1 ENi1 ISO 14171-A- S 42 7 AB S2Ni1 F49A7/P7-ENi1-Ni1 F7A10/P10-ENi1-Ni1
BA-S2Ni2 ENi2 ISO 14171-A- S 46 7 AB S2Ni2 F55A7/F49P7-ENi2-Ni2 F8A10/F7P10-ENi2-Ni2
BA-S3NiMo1 EF3 ISO 14171-A- S 50 4 AB S3Ni1Mo F62A4/P4-EF3-F3 F9A5/P5-EF3-F3
BA-S2NiCu1 EG ISO 14171-A- S 46 4 AB S2Ni1Cu F55A4-EG-G F8A4-EG-G
BA-S2CrMo1 EB2 ISO 24598-A- S S CrMo1 AB F55P4-EB2-B2 F8P4-EB2-B2
Wire electrode Two-run / ISO 15792-2: type 2.5 AWS AWS A5.17/5.23
(ISO 14171-A AWS A5.17M/5.23
ISO 24598-A) A5.17/.2 M
BA-S2 EM12(K)
3 ISO 14171-A- S 3T 2 AB S2 F43TA2-EM12(K) F6TA0-EM12(K)
BA-S2Si EM12K ISO 14171-A S 4T 3 AB S2Si F49TA3-EM12K F7TA2-EM12K
BA-S3Si EH12K ISO 14171-A- S 4T 3 AB S3Si F55TA3-EH12K F8TA2-EH12K
BA-S2Mo EA2 ISO 14171-A- S 4T 3 AB S2Mo F55TA3-EA2 F8TA2-EA2
BA-S2Ni1 ENi1 ISO 14171-A- S 4T 3 AB S2Ni1 F49TA3-ENi1 F7TA2-ENi1
BA-S2Ni2 ENi2 ISO 14171-A- S 4T 4 AB S2Ni2 F55TA4-ENi2 F8TA4-ENi2
BA-S3NiMo1 EF3 ISO 14171-A- S 5T 3 AB S3Ni1Mo F62TA3-EF3 F9TA2-EF3
BA-S2CrMo1 EB2 F49TA2-EB2 F7TA0-EB2
Chemical composition of all-weld metal acc. to EN ISO 15792-1 and AWS A5.17/5.23: (characteristical values in wt. %)
Wire electrode C Si Mn Mo Ni Cr
BA-S2 EM12(K) 0.05-0.08 0.2-0.4 1.1-1.5
BA-S3 EH10K 0.05-0.08 0.2-0.4 1.5-1.9
BA-S2Si EM12K 0.05-0.08 0.3-0.5 1.1-1.5
BA-S3Si EH12K 0.05-0.08 0.3-0.5 1.5-1.9
BA-S2Mo EA2 0.05-0.08 0.2-0.4 1.1-1.5 0.5
BA-S3Mo EA4 0.05-0.08 0.2-0.4 1.5-1.9 0.5
BA-S2Ni1 ENi1 0.05-0.08 0.2-0.4 1.1-1.5 0.8
BA-S2Ni2 ENi2 0.05-0.08 0.2-0.4 1.1-1.5 2.0
BA-S3NiMo1 EF3 0.05-0.08 0.2-0.4 1.5-1.9 0.5 0.9
BA-S2Ni1Cu EG 0.05-0.08 0.3-0.5 1.0-1.4 0.8
BA-S2CrMo1 EB2 0.05-0.08 0.2-0.4 1.0-1.4 0.5 1.0
BF 5.1
Mechanical properties of all-weld metal acc. to EN ISO 15792-1 and AWS A5.17/5.23: (characteristical values)