CH 12 The Creative Side and Message Strategy

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Op An effective ad has to be  m mean something to the target m have a
fresh look, unexpected,    ± one of a kind that gets your attention, and
m target remembers, sticks in their memory« this is referred to as an ROI
Example is the Microsoft butterfly
Op „o have an effective advertisement, there has to be a creative concept/Big Idea
that causes the message to be attention getting and memorable.
Op „he Big Idea has to be creative (original, unexpected) and strategic (right for the
product and target)

mlooking at the product in a different way, at a different

ma Big Idea is expressed visually and verbally
mthis is the art part of creative advertising
mex. Milk Board campaign« the Big idea is that one
needs milk to eat certain types of foods. uses the ³Got
Milk´ slogan which is the verbal. „he verbal is
followed by the visual image of the milk mustache or
some other image.
mthe visual and verbal need to work together

Op „o create an idea one needs to see relationships between two unrelated concepts \
Ex. Harley Davis is the ³Steak for your ears´

A creative idea has to be something you haven¶t

thought of before and something someone else
hasn¶t thought of before
èp one needs to be careful of copycat
advertising which is an idea that wasn¶t
originated by you
èp ÿohn Eighmy estimates that 50% of
advertising falls victim to this
èp A challenge in advertising is coming up with creative, interesting ideas for boring
Practical „ips for Creating Original Ideas
èp An unexpected twist
èp A unexpected association
èp Catchy Phrases
èp A play on words
èp Analogy and metaphor
èp ramiliar and strange

Creating a new creative idea is taking a risk and that is why it is a good idea to test the
idea first to see if it worksm this is called copymtesting.

„o make an idea creative one needs to stimulate new ideas through these techniques
èp rree Association: think of a word and describe everything you think of when you
imagine that word
èp Divergent „hinking: uses playfulness to search for alternatives
èp Analogies and Metaphors: patterns and relationships, most creative thinkers
express their ideas through analogies
èp Rightmbrain thinking: nonverbal, and emotionmbased thinking, uses expressive
images, emotion, and complex interrelated ideas that are understood as a whole

Creative roles:
èp Copywriters and art directors develop the creative concepts and craft the
execution of the advertising idea.
èp Often work in teams meaning they sometimes get hired and fired as a team

„he Creative Person:

èp Idea people, creative problem solvers, and original thinkers
Characteristics of creative person:
dp Problem solving
dp „he ability to visualize
dp Openness to New Experience
dp Conceptual „hinking

Steps of Creative Process:

1.p Immersion: learn everything you can about the product
2.p Ideation: develop as many alternatives as possible
3.p Brainfog: stuck and want to give up
4.p Incubation: putting your conscious mind to rest to allow your subconscious to
take over
5.p Illumination: the idea comes unexpectedly
6.p Evaluation: Will this idea work
Part of the creative process involves the
technique, brainstorming, which is when a
group of 6m10 people work together to
come up with ideas, one person¶s idea
stimulates another idea therefore
producing more ideas as a group then if
one person had worked alonep

Creative Strategy

Creative strategy: what the advertisement says

Creative executions: How it is said

You want to know what you want a message to accomplish, so need to set up objectives
Advertising Objectives that relate to the 6 facets of effectiveness:
1.p Perception: creates awareness
2.p Cognitive: delivers information and understanding
3.p Affective: create feelings
4.p Persuasion: change attitudes
5.p „ransformation: establish brand identity
6.p Behavior: stimulate an action such as purchase or trial

Head and heart strategies:
dp „he rational and emotional dimensions are called the head and heart
èp „he cognitive and persuasion objectives speak to the head while
the transformational and affective objectives speak to heart

use two techniques to reach the head or heart of consumer:

èp ectures: a serious instruction given verbally
dp Advantages: not expensive to produce and are compact and efficient
èp Dramas: advertisers tell stories about their product, the characters only talk to
each other, and the audience has to make inferences
Hardmand softmshell strategies:
èp Hard shell: informational message that touches the mind and creates a
response based on logic based on the assumption that the target
audience wants info and will make a rational product decision
èp Soft shell: uses emotional appeals or images to create a response based
on attitudes, moods, dreams, and feelings based on the assumption that
the target audience has little interest in the info and will respond to a
message that touches their emotions
Can combine these two together

How Advertisements can be effective:

èp Attention and Awareness: these types of ads are high in originality, captures
attention through surprise. Has stopping power
èp Interest: pulling power for the ad, pulls the reader or viewer till the end of the ad,
speak to the interests of their target
èp Memory: sticks in the viewers memory, this can be done through repetition,
clever phrasesm slogans such as ³ÿust Do It´ for Nike and Michigan¶s „ravel and
tourism website slogan is ³Pure Michigan,´ color can trigger memory as well

Emotional Strategies: psychological attraction of the product to the targeted audience

through responses such as: love, fear anxiety, envy, or sexual attraction.
èp Can be manipulative if they play on fear
èp „rying to get you to connect to a feeling, not get you to feel something you aren¶t

Persuasive advertising creates belief and affects attitudes.

èp ]se message and testimonial strategies
dp Appeal is a message strategy that connects to an emotion that
makes the product more attractive or interesting
dp Selling premise states the logic behind the sales offer
dp Conviction is when the consumer is hooked on the product, prefers
it to others. Celebrity endorsements help to intensify conviction.

Image Advertising: used to create a representation in a consumers mind. „hat image

means something based on ideas, feelings, attitudes that a consumer forms about the
product. „he advertiser needs to bring these meanings and experiences of the product
come together to make an image of the brand.

Association message strategy: delivers information symbolically by connecting a brand

with a certain type of person, lifestyle, or characteristic.
ma car in front of a mansion says luxury without having to say it
create a brand relationship with the users

Common message formats for advertising:

dp Straightforward
dp Demonstration
dp Comparison
dp Problem solution/ problem avoidance
dp Humor
dp Slice of life
dp Spokesperson
dp „easers
dp Shockvertising

„he Creative Brief:

dp „he creative strategy and key executions are spelled out in this document
rormats for a brief
dp „he problem to be solved
dp „he objectives
dp „he target market
dp „he positioning strategy
dp „he type of creative strategy
dp „he selling premise
dp Suggestions about the ad¶s execution, such as the tone of voice

Many different ways to execute an ad,

dp Some are written as if an anonymous announcer were speaking
dp Some angry
dp Pushy
dp rriendly

„o make a campaign global, the message may have to be changed slightly due to culture
and market differences if the campaign is not standardized.

„hroughout the stages of the creative process, evaluation occurs

dp Can figure out if the ad is too creative that the ad is what is remembered and not
the product.
dp Structural analysis:
1.p Evaluate the power of the narrative or story line
2.p Evaluate the strength of the product claim
3.p Consider how well the two aspects are integratedm how the storyline
brings the claim to life
dp Copymtestingm more formal way of evaluating the effectiveness of an ad in either a
draft form or after it has been used.

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