International Business CGB - Modified
International Business CGB - Modified
International Business CGB - Modified
MBA Program
Course Information
Course Number MBAM551
Course Title International Business
Instructor’s Name Tariku K. (Ass. Professor)
Information Contact Mobile +251910320766
E-mail [email protected]
Contact Hours (per week) 2
Course Objectives Upon successful completion of this course a student will be able to:
& Competences to
be Acquired Understand the current theories and practices in international business
Produce creative, action-oriented, practical solutions to international
business problems.
Develop an understanding of the worldwide developments and
foundations for international business and the cultural context for
managing in an overseas environment
Understand the different modes of engagement with international markets
Develop an understanding of the economic, legal and political changes
that have taken place in the era of globalization
Explain the international trade theories
Develop an understanding of the global financial framework in which
international business transactions are conducted.
Course Description The objective of the course is to familiarize the student with the international
environment, the impact of diversity of culture on international and global trade.
The factors that influence international business and the way of sourcing
resources from the international markets, the way how human resource may be
recruited for the international business. This course also focuses on the value of
interactions in international business and its consequent impact on international
trade relationships, a broader perspective espouses that international relationships
should be the paradigm of business. The impact of MNCs on trade will be
discussed under this topic.
Course outline
Course Contents Reading
Unit Three: International Trade Theory
3.1. Mercantilism
3.2. Absolute advantage
3.3. Comparative advantage
3.4. National competitive advantage (Porter’s diamond)
3.5. Trade theory and business
Unit Four: International Trade Policies and Institutions
4.1. Trade policy
4.2. Purposes of protectionism
4.3. Benefits of free trade
4.4. Instruments of Trade Policy
4.5. Arguments for protectionism
4.6. International Trade Institutions
Unit Five: International Monetary and Financial Issues
5.1. Foreign exchange markets
5.2. Exchange rates
5.3. Relationship between prices and exchange rates
5.4. International monetary system
5.5. Effect of exchange rates on business
Unit Six: Entering International Markets
6.1. Purposes of expanding into global markets
6.2. Entry strategies
Unit Seven: International Human Resource Management
7.1. Management of qualifications and characteristics
7.2. International development of managers
7.3. Labor market differences
7.4. Labor compensation
7.5. Comparative labor relations
Mid Exam --------------------------------------------------------15%
Term Paper and Presentation -----------------------------------20%
Case Analysis and Presentations -------------------------------15%
Final Exam --------------------------------------------------------50%
Text and reference books
Wild, John J, Wild, Kenneth L. and Han, Jerry C. Y. (2008), International Business: The Challenges of
Globalization (Fourth Edition), Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Charles W.L. Hill, International Business, Competing in the Global Marketplace, 7th edition, Irwin,
McGraw-Hill, Illinois, 2008
C. Gopinath, Globalization, a Multidimensional System, Sage Publications (N.Y., New York) 2008