G10 W7X

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Hello! Can you still remember the types of plates

movements? Convergent, divergent and transform
fault. Today, you will learn what causes these plate

There are three theories that were formulated to explain the

movement of plates.

Activity 1: Mystery Words

Problem: What are the theories that explained the movement of


Hypothesis: Continental Drift Theory, Seafloor Spreading Theory,

Plate Tectonics Theory

1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate letters that will complete
the mystery words.
2. Use the equivalent letters for each number. Example: 1= A, 2=
B, 3= C and so on.

C. Seafloor spreading causes the movement of the plates away from
each other. Guide Question:
D. Continental drift and seafloor spreading both explains the process 1. What are the theories that explained the movement of plates?
of plate movements. _________________________________________________

RUBRICS Is the hypothesis correct? If yes, why? If no, why?

Completed most Completed some
Completed all _____________________________________________________
tasks, but some tasks, but not Failed to
Individual Task tasks were of
of the work was high- quality complete tasks. Therefore, what is your conclusion?
high- quality.
of fair quality. work.
Answers and
Therefore, I conclude ____________________________________
Answers and Answers and ______________________________________________________
explanations Answers and
explanations are explanations do
show a complete explanations
clear and show not show
understanding of show evidence of
Answers and complete evidence of
concepts. There understanding,
Explanations understanding. understanding Continental Drift Theory
are some facts but facts and
Concepts and and facts and
and concepts concepts are not Proposed by
facts are concepts are not
that are not accurate.
accurate. accurate. Alfred Wegener
A theory that about 200
million years ago, the
continents were once
https://image.app.goo.gl/raiz6R7eDCzy5pRo7 one large landmass
https://images.app.goo.gl/hcR37VNMxSNigaX98 then started to break
https://images.app.goo.gl.kUGhjoMXUN1bEsHK9 into two smaller
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aso/tryit/tectonics/convergent.html supercontinents.
Scie 57 These smaller
supercontinents broke Figure 1. Continental Drift
into the continents and these continents separated and drifted
Quality Assurance Team/ Evaluators:
apart since then.
Jenny T. Dosil
Education Program Supervisor in Science Seafloor Spreading Theory
Suggested by Harry Hess
Sheila Marie M. Amigo and Robert Dietz
Allien B. Fabian
Vivian P. Hinayon According to this theory,
Marvin R. Monteza hot, less, dense material
Lilanie B. Olmedo
Judy P. Omandam
crust rises towards the
surface at the mid-ocean
ridge. This material flows Figure 2. Seafloor Spreading
sideways carrying the seafloor away from the ridge, and creates a
crack in the crust. The magma flows out of the crack, cools down
and becomes the new seafloor.

29 2
most active sites of seafloor spreading, with more than 14 cm every
Plate Tectonic Theory year.
Provided an explanation New crust is continually being pushed away from divergent
about the movement of the boundaries (where sea-
lithospheric plates. This surface. But the
theory evolved from the two keep the Earth the same size? The answer is subduction. In locations
former theories and was around the world, ocean crusts subducts, or slides under, other pieces of
developed during the first
decades of the 20th century. It is the spreading of the seafloor which causes and facilitates the
Figure 3. Plate Tectonic Movement movement of the continents, separating them away from each other, as
the Continental Drift Theory claims.
over the weak asthenosphere. IV. EVALUATION ACTIVITY
There are three types of plate movements- separation of two
plates (divergent), collision of two plates (convergent) and Let us now check your understanding with our
sliding past each other (transform). The convection in the last activity. Good Luck!
mantle causes the plate to move around.
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
II. GUIDED PRACTICE ACTIVITY 1. What formation does seafloor spreading does surface?
A. bodies of water C. trenches
Since we have discussed the necessary B. continents D. volcanoes
concepts of our topic, let us do the activity below to 2. Which ridge causes the separation of Australia, Antarctica and South
enhance what you understood. America?
A. Mid-Atlantic Ridge C. East Pacific Rise
Activity 2: Complete Me! B. Ninety East Ridge D. Atlantic Indian Ridge
3. Which is formed when magma pushes its way towards the surface the
Problem: What are the processes of the theories that explained the continental plate?
movement of the plates? A. rift valley B. trench C. oceanic ridge D. mountain
4. Which statement is correct about the difference between the Seafloor
Hypothesis: Spreading Theory and Continental Drift Theory?
Continental Drift Theory. The continents were once one large A. Continents move through unmoving oceans in continental drift,
landmass then started to break into two smaller supercontinents. while the seafloor is the actual tectonic site in seafloor spreading.
These smaller supercontinents broke into the continents and these B. According to seafloor spreading, it creates new bodies of water,
continents separated and drifted apart since then. while in continental drift, new continents are formed.
C. Continental Drift Theory explains that continents move through
Seafloor Spreading Theory. Hot, less, dense material from below
moving seafloor, while Seafloor Spreading Theory explains that
ises towards the surface at the mid- ocean ridge.
seafloor is moving the continents.
This material flows sideways carrying the seafloor away from the
D. New continents are formed in seafloor spreading, while new bodies
ridge, and creates a crack in the crust. The magma flows out of the
of water are formed in continental drift.
crack, cools down and becomes the new seafloor.
5. How does process of the spreading of the seafloor relates to
Plate Tectonic Theory. Th
Continental Drift Theory?
several plates and ride over the weak asthenosphere. The
A. Seafloor spreading creates new continents.
convection in the mantle causes the plate to move around.
B. New formations of water happens in seafloor spreading.

3 28
Materials: Activity Sheet, Graphic Organizer
Figure 1. East Pacific Rise Procedure:
Guide Questions: 1. Fill the organizer with the appropriate details from the mini-lesson.
1. What is similar between the
Red Sea and East Pacific
Figure 2. Red Sea
2. What continents does the East Pacific Rise is pushing away from
each other?

3. How do you think the Red Sea was formed?

____________________________________________________ These three theories are similar in a way that it explained the
possible causes of plate movement. Yet, Continental Drift Theory have
4. How will you relate the seafloor spreading process to the an unanswered question that led to the development of Seafloor
Continental Drift Theory? Spreading Theory. Then from these two theories, Plate Tectonic Theory
____________________________________________________ was formulated.
____________________________________________________ Guide Questions
____________________________________________________ 1. What are the theories that explained the movement of plates?
Is the hypothesis correct? If yes, why? If no, why?
_________________________________________________________ 2. What are the processes of the theories that explained the
_________________________________________________________ movement of the plates?
Therefore, what is your conclusion? _________________________________________________
Therefore, I conclude _______________________________________ _________________________________________________
Is the hypothesis correct? If yes, why? If no, why?
The Red Sea was created as the African plate and the Arabian _________________________________________________________
plate moved away from each other. Seafloor spreading is also pulling _________________________________________________________
the continents of Australia, South America, and Antarctica away from Therefore, what is your conclusion?
each other in the East Pacific Rise. The East Pacific Rise is one of the Therefore, I conclude _______________________________________

27 4
The process of seafloor spreading allowed the creation of new
This time, let us do an activity where we can apply bodies of water. When a spreading center develops within a continent,
what you have learned. the crust may break into several segments. The breaking leads to the
formation of down faulted valleys called rift valleys. It is also associated
with the rising of hot materials from the mantle. The rift valley increases
Activity 3: Where Do You Stand? its length and depth as the spreading continues.
Problem: Which theory has more acceptable and believable explanation The Seafloor Spreading Theory contradicts a part of the
of plate movements to you? Continental Drift Theory. According to this theory, continents moved
Hypothesis: Either of the three theories: Continental Drift Theory, through unmoving oceans, and that larger, sturdier continents broke
Seafloor Spreading Theory, Plate Tectonics Theory through the oceanic crust. Whereas, the seafloor spreading shows that
Materials: Activity Sheet the ocean is the actual site of tectonic activity.
1. Read again the three theories of the possible explanation of why III. INDEPENDENT PRACTICE ACTIVITY
plate move.
2. Then answer the guide question below. Let us have another activity that will help you
Guide Question: deepen your understanding.
1. What are the processes of the theories that explained the
movement of the plates?
____________________________________________________ Activity 3: Spread to Form
____________________________________________________ Problem: How will you relate the seafloor spreading process to the
Continental Drift Theory?
2. In your opinion, which theory has more acceptable and believable
explanation of plate movements? Why?
____________________________________________________ Hypothesis: The spreading of the seafloor itself explains how the
____________________________________________________ continents moved as claimed by the Continental Drift Theory. It
____________________________________________________ facilitates the movement of the continents which are drifting away from
____________________________________________________ each other.
Is the hypothesis correct? If yes, why? If no, why?
Materials: Maps showing the Red Sea and East Pacific Rise
Therefore, what is your conclusion?
1. Study the pictures of the product of seafloor spreading then
Therefore, I conclude _______________________________________
answer the questions that follows.

What causes plate tectonics to move? This is one of the main

questions that has remained unanswered since Alfred Wegener
proposed the Continental Drift Theory. The Seafloor Spreading Theory
contradicts a part of the Continental Drift Theory. According to this
theory, continents move through unmoving oceans and that larger,
sturdier continents broke through the oceanic crust. Whereas, the
seafloor spreading shows that the ocean is the actual site of tectonic

5 26
to the continental drift?
Hypothesis: The spreading of the plates itself supports the claim that
continents move since it is pushing the continents away from each other. Let us now check your understanding with our last
activity. Good Luck!
Material: Diagram of rift valley formation
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Study the picture given then 1. Who proposed that the continents broke and drifted apart from each
answer the guide questions. other?
A. Harry Hess C. Charles Darwin
Guide Questions: B. Alfred Wegener D. Robert Dietz
1. How will you describe the
process that is shown in the 2. Which statement best describes the Plate Tectonic Theory?
diagram? A. Plates ride over the asthenosphere caused by the convection
current in the mantle.
______________________ B. A large landmass broke into smaller continents that drifted apart
______________________ into its current position.
______________________ C. Driving force for plate motion in plate tectonics that occurs at mid-
______________________ ocean ridges
______________________ D. Force that exerted by a cold, dense oceanic plate plunging into the
______________________ mantle.
2. What is formed after the 3. Which theory is NOT identified as a possible cause of plate
divergence of the continental movement?
plates? A. Convection Mantle Theory C. Plate Tectonic Theory
B. Seafloor Spreading Theory D. Continental Drift Theory
______________________ Figure 1. Development of a rift 4. Who proposed the theory of Seafloor Spreading?
______________________ valley A. Harry Hess C. Robert Dietz
3. Do you think the seafloor spreading answered the question about B. Alfred Wegener D. Charles Darwin
the Continental Drift? Why?
____________________________________________________ 5. Which theory explains the magma that flows out of the crack in the
____________________________________________________ ridge
____________________________________________________ in the ocean, cools down and becomes the new seafloor?
A. Convection Mantle Theory C. Plate Tectonic Theory
Is the hypothesis correct? If yes, why? If no, why? B. Seafloor Spreading Theory D. Continental Drift Theory
Therefore, what is your conclusion? V. REFERENCES
Therefore, I conclude _______________________________________ https://images.app.goo.gl.boLNSHEC7sR5B8x99
_________________________________________________________ 72

25 6
Guide Questions:
1. Which piece/s of evidence supports the Continental Drift
Hello there! Previously, we have learned the __________________________________________________
theories which explained the possible causes of plate __________________________________________________
movement. We also have an overview about its __________________________________________________
processes. This time, we will discuss more of the ______
2. Which piece/s of evidence supports the Seafloor Spreading
Continental Drift Theory about how was it developed
and we will make a timeline about it. Have fun!
speculated by Abharam Ortelius in 1596. ______
The concept was independently and Is the hypothesis correct? If yes, why? If no, why?
more fully developed by Alfred Wegener ______________________________________________________
(pronounced as vey-guh-nuhr), in 1912, ______________________________________________________
a German meteorologist. Therefore, what is your conclusion?
Wegener proposed a theory that about Therefore, I conclude ____________________________________
200 million years ago, the continents were ______________________________________________________
once one large landmass. He called this
landmass Pangaea, a Greek word which means The outlines of the continents had suggested from an early
All Earth date
is called Panthalassa, meaning super ocean. Figure 1. Alfred that they had become separated from each other during geological
This Pangaea started to break into two Wegener(1880- time. The location that they occupy today is no longer the one they
smaller supercontinent called Laurasia and 1930) once had.
Gondwanaland during the Jurassic Period. Several groups of related arguments led to the Continental
These smaller supercontinents broke into the continents and these Drift Theory. The theory was not adopted immediately because it
continents separated and drifted apart since then. provided no explanation for the driving force behind the mechanism.
Another mechanism was proposed to explain the process: as the
oceans open the continents separate.

two sides of the same coin.

Activity 1: What are These? II. GUIDED PRACTICE ACTIVITY
Problem: What is Continental Drift Theory? Since all necessary concepts are already
presented, the next activity will let you relate the
Hypothesis: Continental drift was a theory that explained how
processes of the two theories.

Material: Picture of the Continents Activity 2: Rift Apart

Problem: Which part of the process of seafloor spreading can we relate

7 24
I. MINI LESSON DAY 4 Procedure:
1. Study the picture and answer the guide questions.
Hello there! We already discussed Continental
Drift Theory and Seafloor Spreading Theory Guide Questions:
separately. This time, let us relate these two theories. 1. Who proposed
Let us start! and independently
developed the
The question as to how the drifting took place left the Continental Drift
Continental Drift Theory blurry. Despite the evidences presented by Theory?
Wegener, his idea that the continents were once joined together

able to explain how this drifting took place. This made scientists
conduct further studies in search for the answer. 2. What is stated in
the Continental
Activity 1: Do You Have a Proof? Drift Theory?
_______________ Figure 2. Pangaea
Problem: What are the pieces of evidence of the Continental Drift _______________
Theory? Seafloor Spreading Theory?
3. What continents did the Laurasia broke into?
Hypothesis: ____________________________________________________
Continental Drift Theory: Shape of the continents, Rock and ____________________________________________________
Seafloor Spreading Theory: Oceanic ridge, Rift valley, Age
of rocks, Age of seafloors 4. What continents did the Gondwanaland broke into?
Material: Crossword Puzzle Figure 2. Pangaea

Procedure: Is the hypothesis correct? If yes, why? If no, why?

1. Find and encircle 5 pieces of evidence of Continental Drift _______________________________________________________
Theory and Seafloor Spreading Theory at the puzzle. _____________________________________________________
Therefore, what is your conclusion?
Therefore, I conclude ____________________________________

23 8
Part 3 Template
Since all necessary concepts are already
presented, the next activity will show us how
Continental Drift Theory evolved.

Activity 2: The Evolution of Continental Drift Theory!

Problem: How did Continental Drift Theory evolve?

Hypothesis: It traces back from the discovery of Alfred Wegener that

the shapes of the continents fit together. Then he claimed that the
continents moved. To support his claim, he gathered evidences. Yet
there is still an unanswered question remained. The reason why his
claims are rejected.

Material: Reading Text, pen, and, paper

1. Access the link below and watch the video- Continental Drift
(Updated 2018); https://www.youtu.be/rM8KrmRedSw
2. Fill up the timeline given after the text with the events that
happened chronologically.

Note: In case the video is unavailable, below is the summary of the


If you look carefully at the

continents, you might notice
something which many have
noticed in the past. And that is
the continents almost look like
they fit together. A pieces of some
sort of giant puzzle.
The place where this is most
obvious is along the eastern Figure 3. Shape of the Continents
coast of South America and the Which Fit Together
western coast of Africa. People have
known these hundreds of years ever since the first accurate maps were
created. But most people just chalked it out to mere coincidence.

9 22
continental plates. One person who had trouble with that, is German meteorologist
Part 1 Template at these
landmasses have such similar shape coastlines. He tried to come up
with some sort of explanation. What he concluded was something

continents are moving and run time backwards, there must have been a
time where all continents are together in some sort of a supercontinent.

For his idea to gain attraction, he needed to provide evidence. And

so he set his life work, researching to every corner of the planet to better
understand this strange observation and to explain it to the scientific
By the end of his life, he had collected four main pieces of
1. The apparent fit of the continents. That the coastlines appeared to
fit together like a pieces of some sort of giant puzzle.
2. Fossil Correlation. Where the matching up of similar fossils found
in distant locations.
3. Rock and Mountain Correlation. Where the matching up of similar
rocks from distant locations proving that they were once together.
4. Past climate data. Coal has been found in cold regions and glacial
evidence has been found in warm regions.
Part 2 Template These four pieces of evidence put together became the Theory of

Unfortunately, there is one thing

that Wegener could never wrap his
mind around. And that was, what
force was driving the motion of the

was it possible for landmasses to

actually move considering the amount
of force and energy required to do so. Figure 4. Site in Greenland where
And without this explanation, his
Theory of Continental Drift remains
largely rejected in the scientific community.
In November of 1930, while on a research expedition on the ice
sheets of Greenland, Wegener froze to death. His body was found in the
ice months later.

21 10
Is the hypothesis correct? If yes, why? If no, why?
Therefore, what is your conclusion?
Therefore, I conclude _______________________________________

The rate of formation of a new seafloor is not always as fast as the

destruction of the old seafloor at the subduction zone. This explains why
the Pacific Ocean is getting smaller and why the Atlantic Ocean is
getting wider. If subduction is faster than seafloor spreading, the ocean
When the seafloor spreading is greater than the subduction, then the
ocean gets wider.
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. What is sea-floor spreading theory?
A. Scientific theory describing the large-scale motion of seven large
B. A theory describing that seafloors are spreading because of the
flowing of magma at the rift valley.

relative to each other.

Guide Questions:
1. What is the cause of his death? north and magnetic south.
____________________________________________________ 2. How will you describe the process of sea-floor spreading?
____________________________________________________ A. Change in magnetic polarity field.
____________________________________________________ B. Rising of magma towards the surface of the earth
2. C. Rotation of the earth caused the ocean-floor to split
cannot answer? D. Process that allow the creation of mountains in continental crust
____________________________________________________ 3. What does the center slit in the paper model represents?
____________________________________________________ A. rocks C. trench
____________________________________________________ B. rift valley D. subduction zone
4. Where is the famous seafloor spreading site?
Is the hypothesis correct? If yes, why? If no, why? A. Pacific Ocean C. Atlantic Ocean
_________________________________________________________ B. Indian Ocean D. Antarctic Ocean
_________________________________________________________ 5. What will happen to the size of the earth if the seafloor will continue to
Therefore, what is your conclusion? spread?
Therefore, I conclude _______________________________________ A. Increases because the seafloor is getting bigger.
_________________________________________________________ B. Decreases because the continents are getting smaller.
C. Remains the same because the old seafloor is destroyed at the
The question as to how the drifting tool place left the Continental Drift subduction zone.
D. Remains the same because the old seafloor becomes the new

11 20
Dr. Neal Driscoll, a geologist. Theory blurry. Despite the evidences presented by Wegener, his idea
Harry Hess analyzed core samples and sonar readings from that the continents were once joined together was not accepted by the
around the Mid-Atlantic Ridge has made him an astonishing discovery. A
phenomenon almost beyond comprehension. drifting took place.
The age of the Atlantic Ocean floor was progressively older the
further it moved away from the ridge. Harry had discovered that the III. INDEPENDENT PRACTICE ACTIVITY
seafloor was spreading. He
concluded that molten rocks were
being forced up from the inside the what you have understood.
earth at the ridge where then formed
into new crust at the ocean floor. Activity 3: What Can You Say?
Gradually, it was pushed away on
either side as more molten rocks Problem: What is stated in the Continental Drift Theory?
continued pushing up from behind. Figure 8. Captured underwater
Hess called his discovery Seafloor Hypothesis: Continental Drift Theory stated that about 200 million years
activity at Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Spreading. ago, the continents were once one large landmass. He called this
Dr. Driscoll added that Hess appreciated the fact that if new earth
was being generated in one area, they have to be consumed or recycled
on another area. The process that recycled the crust of the spreading Materials: Picture, Activity Sheet
ocean floor back inside the earth is called subduction.
Guide Questions: 1. Study the pictures given.
1. What is found at the floor of the Atlantic Ocean?
____________________________________________________ Guide Questions:
____________________________________________________ 1. What can you say about the
____________________________________________________ Continental Drift Theory?
2. What continents does the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is pushing away from ________________________
each other? (Refer to Figure 5) ________________________
________________________ Figure 5. Continental Drift Evidence
____________________________________________________ ________________________
____________________________________________________ 2. If you are living in the time of Wegener, would you believe his
3. What pieces of evidence did Harry Hess gathered that made him ____________________________________________________
claim that the seafloor is spreading?
3. How do you think his theory help modern geologists today?
____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________
____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________
4. If the seafloor is spreading, what will happen to the size of the
earth? Why?
19 12
Is the hypothesis correct? If yes, why? If no, why? Is the hypothesis correct? If yes, why? If no, why?
_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________ Therefore, what is your conclusion?
Therefore, what is your conclusion? Therefore, I conclude _______________________________________
Therefore, I conclude _______________________________________ _________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________ In the place where two oceanic plates collide or where an oceanic
plate and continental plate collide; a subduction zone occurs.
The story of Wegener is a tragic one. It is a story of a great scientific Overtime, the new oceanic crust pushed the old oceanic crust
mind who is ahead of his time, but died before he reached his true far from the ridge. As the new seafloor is formed at the mid- ocean ridge,
potential. the old seafloor farthest from the ridge is destroyed at the subduction
Modern geologists owe to him their understanding of how the zone.
Earth actually works.
Have you created your paper model? Did you have
Let us now check your understanding with our fun doing it? Do you now fully understood the seafloor
last activity. Good Luck! spreading process? Now, let us proceed to the next
activity to see where on earth the seafloor spreading is
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. happening.
Activity 3: At the Middle of an Ocean
1. What does the word Pangaea mean? Problem: What activity is happening at the Atlantic Ocean?
A. All Sea C. All Country Hypothesis: Atlantic Ocean floors are discovered with system of
B. All Earth D. All Land mountains were volcanic activities are happening leading to the
2. What is the name of the vast ocean that surrounded Pangaea? spreading of the seafloor.
A. Megase B. Tethys C. Pacific D. Panthalassa Material: Reading Text, pen, and paper
3. Which is NOT an evidence of the Continental Drift Theory? Procedure:
A. ocean B. fossil C. rocks D. climate 1. Access the link below and watch the video- Sea Floor Spreading with
4. When did Pangaea broke into two supercontinents as Wegener Bill Nye; https://www.youtu.be/GyMLlLxbfa4
proposed? Note: In case video is unavailable, the following is the summary of the
A. 100 million years ago C. 300 million years ago
B. 200 million years ago D. 400 million years ago For years, oceanographers surveying
5. What is the chronological order of the development of Continental the Atlantic Ocean had taken sonar reading
Drift that indicated there was something down
Theory? there, something big. In 1953, they found
i. He discovered similar mountains formations at distant out what it was. A twelve-thousand-mile-long
continents. mountain range. They called it the Mid-Atlantic
ii. He observed that shapes of the continents fit together. Ridge.
iii. Wegener concluded that the continents are moving. of the big discoveries that was
iv. He discovered similar fossils found at distant continents. made is that there was this ridge of underwater
A. i, ii, iii, iv B. iv, iii, ii, i C. ii, iii, iv, i D. iii, iv, i, ii volcanoes that stood high above the
seafloor. The average seafloor depths is Figure 7. Infrared
about 4 to 5 thousand meters. The mid-ocean picture of Mid-Atlantic
https://www.youtu.be/rM8KrmRedSw ridge sits

57 18
creates a crack. The magma then flows out of the crack, cools down, I. MINI LESSON DAY 3
and become the new seafloor.
Hi there! We already discussed evolution of
Materials: Seafloor Spreading Templates Glue continental drift theory and how it developed. In this
Colored pencils or crayons Scissors module, we will be informed about Seafloor Spreading.

1. Three-part paper model templates of seafloor spreading are
attached at the last pages of this module. During the 1950s and
2. Study the templates carefully. Instructions can be found in the 1960s, new techniques and
template. modern gadgets enabled scientists
3. Cut only the solid lines, and the slit. Fold on the dash lines. Attach to make better observations and
the paper model together using the glue. Look for the word glue on gather new information about the
the template to be guided. ocean floor. With the use of sonars
4. Add color to the template to highlight visuals. and submersibles, scientists had
Figure 1. Sonar
a clearer view of the ocean floors.
They have discovered underwater features
deep within the ocean.

Activity 1: Describe Me Please

Problem: What is seafloor spreading?

B Seafloor spreading is a process that occurs Figure 2. Submersible
A at mid- ocean ridges, where new oceanic
Figure 6. (A) Parts 2 and 3 fit over Part 1, (B) Pull Part 2 and 3 to
crust is formed through volcanic activity and then gradually moves
model the spreading seafloor crust.
away from the ridge.
Guide Questions:
1. What does the center slit in the model represent? Material/s: Picture of seafloor spreading
1. Study the picture showing the process of seafloor spreading.

2. After pulling Parts 2 and 3, where do you think the old seafloors
are located? Why?
3. What forces the seafloors in spreading?
___________________________________________________ Figure 3. Seafloor Spreading
17 14
Guide Question: Mid- Atlantic Ridge
1. What is seafloor spreading? The famous undersea
_________________________________________________ mountain chain in the
_________________________________________________ Atlantic Ocean.
_________________________________________________ It has a gigantic cleft
_________ about 32-48 km long and
2. What is the process of seafloor spreading? 1.6 km deep.
_________________________________________________ Seafloor Spreading Theory
Figure 5. Mid- Atlantic Ridge
_________ Suggested by Harry Hess
and Robert Dietz in the
Is the hypothesis correct? If yes, why? If no, why?
______________________________________________________ According to this theory, hot, less dense material from below
______________________________________________________ -ocean
Therefore, what is your conclusion? ridge.
Therefore, I conclude ____________________________________ o This material flows sideways carrying the seafloor away
______________________________________________________ from the ridge, and creates a crack in the crust.
o The magma flows out of the crack, cools down and
Seafloor spreading is a process that occurs at mid-ocean becomes the new seafloor (Figure 3).
ridges, where new oceanic crust is formed through volcanic activity
and then gradually moves away from the ridge. Findings that support the Seafloor Spreading Theory:
1. Rocks are younger at the mid-ocean ridge.
2. Rocks far from the mid-ocean ridge are older.
3. Sediments are thinner at the ridge.
4. Rocks at the ocean floor are younger than those at the


Since all necessary concepts are already

presented, the next activity will let us simulate the
Figure 4. Spreading at a mid- ocean ridge process of the seafloor spreading through making a
paper model!
Mid- ocean ridges
A system of ridges or mountains found in the seafloor similar Activity 2: Seafloor Spreading Paper Model
to those found in the continents.
It has a cleft or crack at Problem: How will you describe the process in seafloor spreading?
the center called the
rift valley. Hypothesis:
of the crust at the mid- ocean ridge. The materials flow sideways and

15 16

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