LP Application of Ellipses of CIrcles

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School Eastern Visayas Regional Science High School Grade Level 11

Lesson Plan
Teacher John Kenneth D. Arlando Subject Precalculus
Nov. 29, 2022, 4:30-5:30 p.m. Section Celsius
Teaching and Date Time Quarter II
Nov. 29, 2022, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Section Rankine
Learning Competency:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Solve situational problems involving conic sections
Unpacked MELC/Enabling Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Review the mechanism in problem solving
2. Solve situational problems involving circles and ellipses
Topic: Applications of Circles and Ellipses
Materials: Laptop, PPT, Projector, Whiteboard, Whiteboard Marker, Graphing Board
A. Preliminary Activity
Submission of Outputs/Problem Set/Assignment/Performance Task
B. Lesson Proper
What’s the Shape?
The class will identify what conic shape the picture illustrated.
The pictures that will be reflected on the different puzzle pieces are applications of parabola in real life context.

1. Activity
Guide Question:
a. What is the picture all about?
2. Analysis b. Describe what is in the picture.
c. How is the picture related to our topic which is the application of conics?
Processing of the Guide Questions
The teacher will call students to answer the guide questions.
The teacher will discuss the key concepts of this topic.
 The concept of conic sections is used in engineering, architecture, electronics and communication, astronomy, and
many more.
 Problem solving is a complex process which requires an individual to coordinate previous experiences, knowledge,
understanding and intuition, to satisfy the demands of a novel situation.
 George Polya’s 4-Step Rule in Problem Solving
1. Explore.
2. Plan.
3. Solve.
4. Check.
 Circle is one of the most familiar conic sections. It has a lot of application in architectural design, engineering, and
3. Abstraction  The reflection property of ellipses is used in lithotripsy (treatment for kidney stones) and the construction of the
whispering galleries. Also, the shape of the orbits of planets is elliptical.
The teacher will give a sample problem. The student will help to solve the problem by answering the teacher’s series of
Sample Problem: A street with two lanes, each 10 𝑓𝑡 wide, goes through a semicircular tunnel with radius 12 𝑓𝑡. How high is
the tunnel at the edge of each lane? Round off to the nearest hundredths.

Guide Questions:
1. What are the given in the problem?
2. What is required in the problem?
3. What will you do to solve the problem?
4. What mathematical process will you use to solve the problem?
5. How can you justify your answer?
Processing of the Guide Questions

The class will be divided into 6 groups. Each group will be assigned with a problem. The group must work together in order for
them to solve the problem using the 4-step rule of Polya.
4. Application
For Group 1, 3, 5: A tunnel has the shape of a semi-ellipse that is 15 ft high at the center, and 36 ft across at the base. At most
how high should a passing truck be, if it is 12 ft wide, for it to be able to fit through the tunnel? Round off your answer to two
decimal places.
For Group 2, 4, 6: The orbit of a planet has the shape of an ellipse, and on one of the foci is the star around which it revolves.
The planet is closest to the star when it is at one vertex. It is farthest from the star when it is at the other vertex. Suppose the
closest and farthest distances of the planet from this star, are 420 million kilometers and 580 million kilometers, respectively.
Find the equation of the ellipse, in standard form, with center at the origin and the star at the x-axis. Assume all units are in
millions of kilometers. (Note that a circle is a special type of ellipse.)

Guide Questions:
1. What are the given in the problem?
2. What is required in the problem?
3. What will you do to solve the problem?
4. What mathematical process will you use to solve the problem?
5. How can you justify your answer?
6. What difficulties did you face in solving your assigned problem?

Processing of the Guide Questions

Solve the following problems completely. Show your solutions.
1. A single-lane street 10 ft wide goes through a semicircular tunnel with radius 9 ft. How high is the tunnel at the edge of each
lane? Round off to the nearest hundredths.
IV- EVALUATION 2. An orbit of a satellite around a planet is an ellipse, with the planet at one focus of this ellipse. The distance of the satellite from
this star varies from 300 , 000 km to 500 , 000 km, attained when the satellite is at each of the two vertices. Find the equation
of this ellipse, if its center is at the origin, and the vertices are on the x-axis. Assume all units are in 100, 000 km.

No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation: _______
No. of learners who need additional activities for remediation: _______
Did the remedial lessons work? _____
No. of learners who performed satisfactorily in the remediation. ______
No. of learners who continue to need remediation. ______
Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work? ________________________
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?


Special Science Teacher I
Noted by:


School Principal II

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