Introduction To Kelly Radionic Antennas

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Introduction to Kelly Radionic Antennas

Few components of the radionic instrument are more mysterious to the new user than the
rub plate, that shining mirror of black acrylic across which we brush our fingertips while
searching for the “stick”. With its peculiar and sometimes elusive reactions and Ouija
board-like ability to answer our questions, these reaction plate/antennas are often the most
misunderstood elements of a radionic system.

Kelly Radionic Instruments are Radios

Our radionic instruments utilize a series of coils
and capacitors to capture, tune, and grow the tiny
bioelectrical fields emitted by all things into a
signal strong enough to be recognized and
interpreted by the trained operator as an
electrostatic response on the surface of a reaction
plate/antenna. Banks of the same variable plate
capacitors used in almost all pre-digital radio
receivers provide the ability to tune the
instrument to settings known to resonate with
specific bioelectrical fields and allow discovery of
new settings specific to that sample, time, and
location. In these ways, Kelly radionic
instruments are radio receivers that allow us to
spontaneously capture and analyze information
about the energetic strengths of materials and organisms, using no electrical power. With
the application of external power, Kelly radionic instruments can also operate in a
broadcast mode. In this case the signal developed through passive resonance by the
instrument is passed through a solid-state amplifier and dispatched to a bifilar coil antenna
that converts the normal longitudinal waveform into a transverse or “scalar” waveform, a
directionless wave whose energy and frequency information can reach any location on the
planet to resonate/add or deharmonize/remove energy from the organism identified by the
witness or sample.

Kelly Radionic Antennas are Electrostatic Reaction Plates

The primary antenna of a Kelly radionic instrument serves two purposes. The first is to
provide the feedback mechanism that allows the operator to assess the strengths of the
energetic fields of the samples and combinations of samples being studied. This is done by
rubbing the fingertips across the surface of an insulated reaction plate that is positioned
directly above a bifilar coil antenna while also operating a rheostat on the instrument. A
resonance point is created when the sum of all
signals being produced or captured by the radionic
instrument is equal to the resistance being
measured on the rheostat. The resulting change in
electrostatic attraction on the surface of the
insulated reaction plate delivers a tactile response
to the operator – the “stick”.

Engineers at Northwestern University are

harnessing the same haptic technology to create
the next generation of virtual reality computer Finger-surface interface schematic for haptic
environments, where computer controlled changes device designed at Northwestern U.

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in signal strength to a reaction plate creates a perceived change in texture under the
fingertips of game players. Because the touch of a fingertip also generates an electrostatic
reaction, the exact same principles of haptic technology are responsible for the recent
revolution in touchscreen smartphones and computer monitors.

However, an important distinction between the 21st century touchscreen technology of

today and the 1930’s radio technology utilized in Kelly radionic instruments is the fact that
the instruments generate detectable electrostatic reactions on the reaction plates with zero
external electrical power or powered amplification. Instead, the coils and plate capacitors in
these instruments resonate spontaneously when tuned to the same frequencies found in
the bioelectrical fields of those objects in the sample well.

It is interesting to note that while the mechanism of

the electrostatic response was not identified by
scientists and engineers until publication of the
article Perception of electrically induced vibrations
by E. Mallinckrodt in the journal Science in
September of 1953, the actual phenomena was
described four years earlier by T. Galen Hieronymus
in his October 1949 patent – the only patent issued
by the U.S. government for a radionic instrument.
Hieronymus Instrument
U.S. Patent #2,482,773 - 1949
Kelly Radionic Antennas are Bifilar Antennas
The second function of the radionic antenna is to
broadcast the output signal back to the plants or
organisms we seek to impact. With the application
of power to an internal solid-state amplifier, Kelly
radionic instruments can also operate in a
broadcast mode that allows resonance of the
bioelectrical fields of organisms or parts of
organisms at locations of any distance through the
use of the bifilar coil antenna located underneath
the reaction plate.

Kelly radionic antennas are all variations on the

bifilar coil first patented in 1894 by Nikola Tesla for
Tesla’s Original Bifilar Coil
use in electrical transformers. Unlike an ordinary U. S. Patent 512,340 - 1894
single conductor antenna that produces a
longitudinal waveform, bifilar coil antennas have
two conductor paths whose spirals are wound one
within the other or looped side by side and then
tied together at the center. As the electrical
impulses move through the wires, each radiates a
magnetic field that in turn rotates around that wire
in the direction specific to the flow. Many readers
will remember the “right hand rule” from Physics
class, in which students hold up the right hand and
make the classic “thumbs up” gesture. In this pose Not one spiral, but two! Follow red arrows to
the thumb always points in the direction of signal the center and return via blue to see
flow and the curled fingers show the direction of signal/energy flow spun inward and outward
rotation of the magnetic field emitted by the wire. concurrently.

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On a bifilar coil antenna, the dual wires or conductor paths are placed so close together
that the magnetic fields cancel one another out. This leaves only the energy component,
which is being broadcast at whatever frequency is set on the tuning banks of the
instrument. Because the scalar waveform has no external direction, this wave has also
been described as a “zero point” and a “free energy pump” wave.

How is it possible that this directionless wave can reach any point on the planet? Up to this
point there has been no definitive, proven answer. The New York Times published the
following statement by Tesla in 1904, which clearly suggests he felt that the phenomenon
is terrestrial in nature – a factor of planetary geology and atmospheric conditions. This was
published at the time as construction of the famous tower at Wardenclyffe, New York,
which was 180 feet tall and rumored to extend that far or more into the earth.

"When the great truth, accidentally revealed and

experimentally confirmed, is fully recognized, that this
planet, with all its appalling immensity, is to electric
currents virtually no more than a small metal ball and
that by virtue of this fact many possibilities, each
baffling imagination and of incalculable consequence,
are rendered absolutely sure of accomplishment; when
the first plant is inaugurated and it is shown that a
telegraphic message, almost as secret and non-
interferable as a thought, can be transmitted to any
terrestrial distance, the sound of the human voice, with
all its intonations and inflections faithfully and instantly
reproduced at any other point of the globe, the energy
of a waterfall made available for supplying light, heat
or motive power, anywhere--on sea, or land, or high in Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower on Long Island
the air--humanity will be like an antheap stirred up
with a stick. See the excitement coming!"

However, the physicist Tom Bearden has written extensively on the possibility that the
bifilar coil’s special ability is not to reach through the globe, but instead to reach through
the dimensions that we perceive as reality back to a realm of limitless universal energy – a
virtual particle flux that fuels the heart of every atom. In this mode, the signal is presumed
to be able to reach any distance because everything on the planet is plugged into the same
energetic dimension. An analogy would be that even though a California surfer is 6,500
miles away from a fisherman in Shanghai, both of these people are in direct contact
because they have their feet in the same ocean. This idea has been supported by recent
advancements in String Theory, which states that the universe is composed of at least 11
and maybe as many as 22 dimensions of reality, of which we can only perceive only three.

At KRT, it is our belief that the unique qualities of the scalar wave are energetic in nature.
Consider that every esoteric modality ascribes specific rotational qualities to energy.
Whether it is the energy flowing into a chakra or out of a planetary vortex, the direction of
rotation determines whether the energy is entering or departing that system. We believe
the Kelly bifilar coil antennas place the amplified signal in a state of clockwise and
counterclockwise rotation within the same physical space – interlocking vortexes that are
simultaneously pumping energy into and out of the physical realm creating a portal back to
the energetic universe.

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Of course, the most profound resonance is taking place at the energetic level in
the operator – the body’s natural energetic field interacting directly with the
field captured or produced by the instrument. Everyone is encouraged to
develop their radionic talents by practicing to stretch out with their other
senses, remaining fully aware of all sensations while fingers move on the
reaction plate. The “stick” has also been heard as a tone, seen as a sparkling
pattern, or felt as a tingling in another part of the body by researchers over the
years. Greater awareness and sensitivity to the energetic realm will improve
accuracy, effectiveness and the ability to manifest the changes we desire.

Kelly Antenna Designs

Kelly radionic instruments utilize three types of bifilar coil antennas.

1. Classic Rub Plate (1978 – Present)

For 35 years the Kelly Personal Instrument has come
equipped with this simple but effective moebius loop coil
antenna. Signal information is delivered to the antenna
via the blue tipped leads, which are cross-wired to deliver
the signal to both sides of a two-conductor copper speaker
wire at the same time. The loop of speaker wire has a half
twist at the “twelve o’clock” position in the photo shown
below that flips the orientation of the speaker wire in the
groove in the oak block such that whichever wire was in
the outer position is moved to the inner position and vise
versa. Mk 2 Personal Instrument with
Classic Rub Plate

Classic Rub Plate w/ Acrylic Two Conductor Wire Moebius Connection

Reaction Plate Removed

Its important to note that the clear vinyl plastic that surrounds the two speaker wires also
keeps them both perfectly joined and also perfectly insulated from one another. This
marriage provides the immediate physical proximity necessary for this moebius loop to
function as a scalar bifilar antenna. The winding and unwinding of information has to take
place in closely overlapping physical spaces if the fields produced by each of these wires
are going to cancel out and produce the scalar wave.

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2. Spool Style Bifilar Antenna (1984 – Present)
The spool style bifilar antenna was introduced in
1984 with the launch of the Mk 2 Large Agricultural
Workstation. Under the reaction plate this
instrument utilized a moebius loop coil antenna
identical to those found in the Classic Rub Plate to
create the electrostatic reaction for the operator.
However, this was the first Workstation to also
carry a secondary antenna whose only job was to
increase broadcast power – a spool style antenna
that has ranged from five to eight inches in

These antenna are created by separating two disks

of identically sized insulating material (either
phenolic resin or acrylic plastic) with a spacer in
between just wide enough to tightly wind the same Spool Style Bifilar Antenna (above)
from a Mk 2 Workstation (below)
two-conductor copper speaker wire used in the
Classic Rub Plate. In this case the spool is wound
tightly from the center to the outside taking care to
prevent any twists from being introduced to the two
conductors. A pigtail at the center is soldered
together to complete the circuit between the two
signal pathways. As in the Classic Rub Plate, the
side-by-side construction of the two conductor
speaker wire provides flawless proximity of the two
wires for maximum field cancellation for creation of
a perfect scalar wave. The result is a bifilar coil that
much more closely duplicates the original coil
patented by Tesla 90 years earlier, with one
conductor providing the clockwise/inbound spiral
while the adjacent conductor provides the counter-
clockwise/outbound spiral.

To this day, the

spool style bifilar
antenna is utilized as
a secondary antenna
in both the Mk 3
Workstation and The
Beacon, the two
most powerful KRT
radionic instruments.

The Beacon Mk 3 Workstation

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3. Phase Array Reaction Plate/Antenna (Original: 1995 – 2013)
The original Phase Array Reaction Plate/Antenna was introduced in the May/August 1995
issue of Interdimensional News, the predecessor to the Kelly Research Report, with
discussion continuing in the issues that followed. This technology provided a tremendous
leap forward in both strength of the electrostatic reaction, which brought increased
sensitivity to the operator, as well as stronger broadcast capability, which could be
measured with reductions in required broadcast times. These units were made to be
utilized not only a Kelly radionic instrument, but also with any other instrument whose
design includes the ability to access the outgoing broadcast signal/information.

The Phase Array Reaction Plate/Antenna

significantly improved the density of the
conductor pathways by replacing the simple
moebius loop of speaker wire with a printed
circuit board imprinted not just in a simple
pair of loops but in a pair of rectangular
spirals that wound one inside the other from
the outer perimeter to the center and back.
This is how Peter Kelly sought to apply the
principles of “rhythmic balanced interchange
of energies” as expressed by the late Walter
Russell to the “golden mean” – the
Golden mean spirals in nature and radionics.
mathematical ratio that describes the
geometry of countless shapes found in

However, two additional features would be

added to the new design before the new
antenna was introduced to the public. This
first of these was the addition of a top quality
silver mica capacitor to the center of the two
spirals that ensured that even the most
subtle of outgoing energy fields would build
to a sufficient level to fully power the longer
conductor pathway found in the new form.
This was especially important given the
second important feature, which was the
first-ever application of the array concept to
broadcasting in radionics.
Phase Array antenna plates are stacked
The idea of assembling multiple, double sided in perfect vertical alignment to
maximize resonance and minimize dissonance.
antenna plates into stacked arrays came as a
result of Peter Kelly’s search for solutions to
the problem of changes in the strength and stability of the Earth’s natural magnetic and
energetic fields reducing the impact of radionic broadcasts. These changes were already
having localized and regional effects, such as an increase in the number and/or length of
recurring radionic broadcasts to achieve the same results as shorter and/or less frequent
broadcasts in the past. Rather than try to overcome these issues by adjusting the
broadcast strength of the radionic instrument, the idea was to instead increase the density
of the information by allowing the signal to build and grow over a stack of antenna plates

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that featured the new bifilar coil antenna on
both sides of each board, then connecting
the plates in parallel with a common pair of

With this configuration the entire array acts

as a capacitor. First, the silicon substrate in
each circuit board would serve as an
insulator between the conductive circuit
pathways found on both sides, yet the field
generated on each side would reinforce the
signal found on each opposite side because
the field radiates through the insulator. A larger enclosure allowed two arrays of
Similarly, the air between each board would antenna plates to be installed inside.
serve as an insulator; yet again the field
from each board would impact and reinforce the fields generated on the neighboring plate.
The resultant broadcasts exhibited a much higher level of information density than the
simple moebius loop rub antenna and was theorized to be more deeply impacting reality by
resonating the broadcast of information-as-energy on more levels than ever before. Finally,
it was confirmed that adding more antenna plates served to increase the effectiveness of
the outgoing signal – more plates, more density, more effectiveness. One of the most
interesting realizations was that multiple arrays could be wired in parallel and also achieve
the combined benefit found in a purely vertical stack. This led directly to introduction of the
large-form phase array reaction plate/antennas in 1995, as well as the decision to include
phase array antennas in all of the cabinet style radionic instruments (The Seeker, The
Beacon, and The Workstation) beginning in 2008. Here is a “Frequently Asked Questions”
piece published in the September/December 1995 of Interdimensional News.

The nearest that we know of would be similar to phase conjugate

waveforms such as used by us in the BETAR sound relaxation
systems (sound waves) or in Laser Four Wave Phase Conjugate
Mixing (light waves).

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Introducing the Perfect Spiral Phase Array Antenna
The second generation antenna features a new look, new materials, and new capabilities!

William Kent, the English architect, once

famously observed “nature abhors a
straight line”. The rectangular bifilar coils
utilized in the original phase array
antennas were a “best approximation” of
the true round spirals found in nature, a
compromise made due to limitations in
our abilities at the time. For the last 18
months at KRT we have been testing a
brand new Perfect Spiral two-sided bifilar
coil antenna that takes all the right angles
out of the signal pathway. While the
primary objective of the redesign effort
was simply to streamline and speed up
the flow of energy-as-information through
the antennas, several more new features
and benefits were identified during the
development process, both expected and
unexpected! Here are the key changes
noted thus far:
Production Artwork – Perfect Spiral Array Bifilar Coils

1. Perfect Bifilar Spirals: Today’s

printed circuit board manufacturing
techniques allow designers to create any
form or figure on the silicon board. This
leap forward has allowed KRT to at last
produce the antenna plate originally
designed by Peter J. Kelly – a pair of
flawless interlocking clockwise and
counterclockwise spirals with neither right
angles nor straight lines to impede the
speed of the outgoing broadcast.

2. Pure Gold: Since 1995 the actual

circuit paths found on each antenna board
were made with a tin alloy laid atop a
base of copper – the standard method for
manufacture of printed circuit boards.
And while the first run of Perfect Spiral
antenna plates was made in the same
way, we also commissioned a test set of
the same antenna plated not with tin but
with pure gold. This was done not just
because gold is pretty and doesnot
oxidize, but because gold has a much
higher degree of innate conductivity than Perfect Spiral Array w/ Clear Reaction Plate

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tin, meaning any signal information delivered to this antenna will move much more quickly
through the circuit. In fact, gold is nearly five times more conductive than tin according to
standards established in 1913 by the International Electrotechnical Commission. And while
mainstream technical standards are not always directly relatable to the world of esoteric
electronics, building the first array with the new gold antenna plates made it clear that gold
would have to be the new standard despite the fact that KRT’s per-plate expense would be
every inch of 75% higher than if we were to stick with the old tin plate method. Even
before we began taking readings the antenna exhibited an innate warmth and glow of
energy unlike anything we have seen previously.

3. Perfect Enclosure: Since 1995, the Phase Array Reaction Plate/Antennas have utilized
an oak box with a black acrylic rub surface. The oak does not contribute much to the
radionic process and was primarily chosen for its visual similarity to the KRT Classic Rub
Plate. In contrast, the new enclosure is smaller, lighter, and made entirely of polycarbonate
plastic. Once the clear top is locked down using the dust-abolishing rubber gasket, the
entire enclosure becomes tight as a drum and resonates like one as well, thus further
heightening the vibratory qualities of the electrostatic response felt on the plate. The
shorter working height of the new enclosure will be a welcome change to those clients who
have experienced wrist fatigue when using the taller original phase arrays for lengthy
periods of time.

Classic Rub Plate Original Phase Array Antenna Perfect Spiral Phase Array Antenna

4. Unlimited Modular Expansion: On countless occasions clients have asked for ways to
further expand the broadcast power of their instruments. In the past we have only been
able to offer a single Phase Array antenna to each client to use with their instruments even
though we knew that use of multiple harmonically tuned arrays will consistently reduce
broadcast times and produce a stronger outcome for the user. For example, an array with
12 antenna coil plates is actually made by installing two arrays with six antenna coil plates
each in the same enclosure, then wiring them in parallel. Building an antenna with 18 or 24
coil plates has always been a limitation of the oak enclosure, not the antenna boards inside.
For the first time this obstacle has been defeated! Built into the new polycarbonate
enclosures are an extra pair of output/input jacks that deliver unlimited expansion and
Kelly Research Report -20- Vol. 7, No. 3/4
flexibility to every instrument. There
does not seem to be a ceiling to the
number of antenna that may be
connected together.

It is easy to use the new Perfect

Spiral Phase Array with any
instrument. Simply plug the blue
tipped leads into the blue OUTPUT
jacks on the Personal Instrument or
the blue jacks found on the front of
all cabinet-style instruments
(including The Seeker, The Beacon,
and The Workstation) and the
Towers of Power! Each of the units shown is a 6 Plate/ 48
antenna is ready to use. A pair of 18” Phase Array Antenna, so these super stacks total 36
blue tipped extension cords is Plate/288 Phase (left) and 54 Plate/432 Phase (right).
provided with each Perfect Spiral to
simplify connections. Multiply the output power of the instrument by connecting a second
antenna to the blue jacks on the side of the Perfect Spiral. The second antenna can be a
Classic Rub Plate, an Original Phase Array Antenna, or an antenna of your own design.

5. Keep Using Your Current Equipment: The extra jacks on the Perfect Spiral Phase
Arrays are the perfect place to integrate a Classic Rub Plate or an Original Phase Array
Antenna into the circuit. We have only begun to explore the impact of combining the old
and new antennas, but the results thus far are exactly as expected – additional arrays
delivers a stronger response to ALL antennas connected in the circuit and a reduction in
broadcast times dowsed on the instrument.

Old and new work together! Kelly Personal Instrument drives Perfect Spiral Phase Array
with Classic Rub Plate (left) and with Original 6 Plate/48 Phase Array Antenna (right).

6. The Bifilar Coil is a Focusing Tool: One unexpected benefit that came with transition
to the polycarbonate case with the transparent top is the fact that for the first time the user
has a plain view of the actual antenna coil inside. Several testers have reported a positive
benefit upon gazing at the actual Perfect Spiral coils while checking for a “stick” on the
reaction plate. The spirals can deliver a mildly hypnotic visual effect that some testers felt
was helpful in putting them in a state of focus ideal for operating the radionic instrument.

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Now you decide how many antenna to use with each radionic instrument!

The all-new Perfect Spiral Phase Array Reaction Plate/Antennas deliver:

x Flawless interlocking clockwise and counterclockwise spiral geometry with no right
angles or straight lines to impede the speed of the outgoing signal.
x Pure gold plating atop copper for maximum throughput of the outgoing signal.
x Airtight high resonance polycarbonate enclosure with buttery smooth reaction plate.
x Endless expansion when you need it, endless flexibility where you need it.
x Instant compatibility with all Kelly radionic antenna and instruments.
x Each antenna includes a pair of 18” long extension leads to simplify unit integration.
x No price increase until January 1, 2014.


Four Plate/32 Phase Array…..……..……..……..……..……..………..…….. $375.00

Five Plate/40 Phase Array…..……..……..…..……..……..………………….. $450.00
Six Plate/48 Phase Array…..……..……..……..……..…..………..………….. $525.00
Replace 18” leads with 36” leads ..……..……..……..……..……..………….……..…. $20.00

Build your array of savings with special introductory volume discounts:

Perfect Spiral Array 4 Plate/32 Phase 5 Plate/40 Phase 6 Plate/48 Phase
Buy 1 List Price List Price List Price
Buy 2 Save $10 each Save $15 each Save $20 each
Buy 3 Save $20 each Save $25 each Save $30 each
Buy 4 Save $30 each Save $35 each Save $40 each
Buy 5 or more Save $40 each Save $45 each Save $50 each

Act now! This offer expires on December 1, 2013.

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