Hubregt Et Al, RF Energy Harvesting and Transport For Wireless Sensor Network Applications, Principles and Requirements, Proc. IEEE, 2013

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RF Energy Harvesting and

Transport for Wireless Sensor
Network Applications:
Principles and Requirements

By Hubregt J. Visser, Senior Member IEEE , and Ruud J. M. Vullers, Senior Member IEEE

ABSTRACT | This paper presents an overview of principles and KEYWORDS | Antenna; energy harvesting; rectenna
requirements for powering wireless sensors by radio-frequency
(RF) energy harvesting or transport. The feasibility of harvest-
ing is discussed, leading to the conclusion that RF energy
transport is preferred for powering small sized sensors. These Wireless radio-frequency (RF) energy transmission dates
sensors are foreseen in future Smart Buildings. Transmitting in back to the experiments of Heinrich Hertz, in the 1880s,
the ISM frequency bands, respecting the transmit power limits proving Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetics. The modern
ensures that the International Commission on Non-Ionizing history of RF free-space power transmission may be
Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) exposure limits are not exceeded. considered to find its origin in the late 1950s [2] with
With the transmit side limitations being explored, the propa- applications in microwave powered aircraft [3] and the
gation channel is next discussed, leading to the observation that Solar Power Satellite Concept [4]. After a quiet period in
a better than free-space attenuation may be achieved in indoors the 1980s and 1990s, we may observe a regained interest in
line-of-sight environments. Then, the components of the the field. This interest seems to be initiated by short-range
rectifying antenna (rectenna) are being discussed: rectifier, (G 2 m [5]) radio-frequency identification (RFID) applica-
dc–dc boost converter, and antenna. The power efficiencies of tions, focusing on the available industry–science–medical
all these rectenna subcomponents are being analyzed and (ISM) frequency bands around 0.9, 2.4, 5.8 GHz, and
finally some examples are shown. To make RF energy transport higher. Especially for the higher frequencies, the wave-
a feasible powering technology for low-power sensors, a lengths become small enough for the realization of minia-
number of precautions need to be taken. The propagation ture wireless autonomous transducer systems (WATSs).
channel characteristics need to be taken into account by These systems could be powered by incident RF radiation.
creating an appropriate transmit antenna radiation pattern. Thereto, an antenna is connected to a rectifier to form a
All subcomponents of the rectenna need to be impedance so-called rectenna that converts the incident RF power
matched, and the power transfer efficiencies of the rectifier and into usable direct current (dc) power. This dc power will,
the boost converter need to be optimized. in general, pass through an energy storage system (ESS)
before being delivered to the load. The schematic of a
general wireless RF power transmission system is shown
in Fig. 1.
Manuscript received February 6, 2012; revised January 29, 2013; accepted It should be noted that we are talking about far-field RF
February 10, 2013.
The authors are with the IMEC/Holst Centre, Eindhoven 5605 KN, The Netherlands
energy transmission, which is different from (close con-
(e-mail: huib.visser@; [email protected]). tact) inductive RF energy transmission [6] or nonradiative
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/JPROC.2013.2250891 RF energy transmission [1].

0018-9219/$31.00 Ó 2013 IEEE | Proceedings of the IEEE 1

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Visser et al.: RF Energy Harvesting and Transport for Wireless Sensor Network Applications

Fig. 1. Wireless RF power system, with the rectenna in the dashed box. Pinc is the incident power upon the receive antenna; Pacc is the
accepted power after impedance matching; z , z1 , and z2 are the impedance matching efficiencies; con is the rectifier power conversion
efficiency; and dcdc is the boost converter power efficiency.

Wireless power transport (WPT) is actively researched ical Effects of Electromagnetic Fields’’ [15], [16] has been
by groups in Finland [7], United States [8]–[10], Korea used. Fig. 2 shows single-frequency GSM900 peak power
[11], Japan [12], Belgium [13], Germany [14], and at many density levels as a function of distance to the nearest base
other places. station. These data have been gathered in Austria,
Considering the source in Fig. 1, we may ask if we may Germany, and Hungary between November 1996 and
use ambient RF energy as a source or if we have to employ November 2000 in the downlink frequency range 935–
a dedicated RF source. Using the first source variant, we 960 MHz. The transmitting power densities and traffic
will refer to it as ‘‘RF energy harvesting’’; using the second densities are unknown [16]. Data gathered outdoors on
variant, we will refer to it as ‘‘RF energy transport.’’


The answer to the above question is not unique and is
related to the frequency being used, the available RF power
density, the size of the application to be powered, and the
power consumption of this application.

A. RF Energy Harvesting
For employing ambient RF energy, i.e., RF energy
harvesting, the most interesting systems to be explored are
GSM900 in Europe (downlink: 935–960 MHz) and
GSM1800 (downlink: 1805.2–1879.8 MHz) and WiFi
(2.4 GHz). These systems are omnipresent in an urban en-
vironment and use frequencies that allow resonant antennas
of sizes in the order of 10–50 cm2 . Broadcasting systems Fig. 2. Measured GSM900 peak power density levels as a function of
operate at (much) lower frequencies and would require distance to the nearest base station. Data are taken from [15]. Code
‘‘XY-a’’ indicates area and measurement site characteristics.
(very) large antennas for an efficient rectenna operation.
XY: IC ¼ inner city; OC ¼ outer country; IR ¼ industrial area; ST ¼ small
For assessing the power density levels supplied by GSM town; R ¼ rural or countryside area; 1 ¼ outdoors on roof, terrace,
base stations, the data gathered within Cooperation in or balcony; 2 ¼ indoors, close to windows, 1.5 m or less; 3 ¼ indoors,
Science and Technology (COST) Action 244 bis ‘‘Biomed- not close to windows.

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Visser et al.: RF Energy Harvesting and Transport for Wireless Sensor Network Applications

Table 1 Frequency Band Allocations and Transmit Power Restrictions for RFID Applications

ground level are not included in Fig. 2. The large variation conversion, and the rectifier to load impedance mismatch;
in power densities for this measurement subset would see Fig. 1. Thus, RF energy harvesting is not feasible for
obscure the figure [16]. powering applications a few square centimeters in size,
From Fig. 2, we may conclude that in between 25 and requiring about 100 W.1 For those, we have to employ a
100 m from a GSM900 base station, we may expect, dedicated RF source in the vicinity of the devices to be
indoors everywhere or outdoors on an elevated level, a powered wirelessly, i.e., we have to employ RF energy
power density between 0.01 and 1.0 mW/m2 (103 – transport.
101 W/cm2 ).
The power density integrated over the downlink B. RF Energy Transport
frequency band (935–960 MHz), i.e., the summed power Since no special regulations do exist for rectenna
density, leads to the conclusion that [16] in between 25 systems, it makes sense to operate these systems in the
and 100 m from a base station, we may expect, indoors license-free ISM frequency bands. They should be classi-
everywhere or outdoors on an elevated level, a summed fied then as either nonspecific short-range devices, or,
power density between 0.1 and 3.0 mW/m2 (102 –3  especially when used in combination with sensing func-
101 W/cm2 ). tions, as wideband data transmission systems or RFID
The power density levels received from GSM1800 devices.
base stations are, up to 100 m, in the same order of Taking antenna size in consideration as well as allowed
magnitude as those received from GSM900 base stations transmit power levels, the frequency bands of interest
at a single frequency or summed for low traffic density within the allocations and regulatory parameters, includ-
situations [16]. Measurements performed in a wireless ing allowed transmit power levels, for RFID are shown in
local area network (WLAN) environment indicate power Table 1 [17]–[19].
density values that are at least one order of magnitude For Table 1, national restrictions do apply. Frequency
lower [16]. band a is in France restricted to a maximum EIRP of
The measurements show that for obtaining an incident 500 mW and in Sweden to a maximum of 25 mW. Fre-
RF power of, for example, 100 W, an area is required of quency band b2 is in France restricted to a maximum ERP
about 330–1000 cm2 , which is equivalent to an area of of 500 mW within defined zones around military camps
about half to one and half A4 (letter) pages. Of this 1
For applications requiring substantially less power, recent work by
incident, 100-W RF power, parts will be lost in the Imperial College London (London, U.K.) has shown the feasibility of RF
antenna to rectifier impedance mismatch, the RF to dc energy harvesting at London underground stations [53].

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Visser et al.: RF Energy Harvesting and Transport for Wireless Sensor Network Applications

and in the Russian Federation the ERP is restricted to will be applied remotely while the rechargeable batteries
100 mW within the frequency band 866.6–867.4 MHz. are placed in the wireless sensors.
With the restricted transmission power levels as stated Transmit power restrictions, for preventing inter-
in Table 1, we may now proceed with designing small-size ference problems, are set by the U.S. Federal Com-
rectennas for powering small-size applications. Those munications Commission (FCC) and the European
small-size applications may be nodes in a wireless sensor Radiocommunications Commission (ERC). An abstract
network. Wireless sensor networks are the key compo- for frequencies of interest is stated in Table 1. Next to
nents for the success of smart building integration (SBI) these legal transmit power restrictions, also potential
initiatives. health issues should be considered.


To halt climate change by reducing energy consumption, With a growing public concern about potential health
smarter buildings are necessary.2 In these buildings, wire- hazards caused by RF and microwave radiation, we need to
less sensors will measure temperature, light conditions, address this topic in relation to RF energy transport. We
and presence of persons. Lighting and heating will be need to distinguish between known heat effects and not
adjusted based on the readings. This SBI concept [20] yet fully understood possible long-term effects.
relies on the widespread use of wireless sensors. SBI will The effect of heating of tissue by RF and microwave
also contribute to a higher wellbeing of an aging popula- radiation has been known since the 1930s and has become
tion in an assisted living scenario, allowing the aged to live well known since World War II with the introduction of
at home for a longer period [21], [22]. Both aspects of SBI, radar.
sustainable energy and living in health, may be associated Microwave heating is caused by dipole rotation.
with a large economical drive. In 2007, the European Molecules having an electrical dipole moment (like water)
home automation market earnings were estimated at will align themselves in an electromagnetic field. When
C186.1 ($245.7) million and expected to reach C357.3 this field alternates, the molecules will reverse direction
($471.6) million in 2013 [23]. The European (retrofit) and, in this process, distribute energy to adjacent mole-
smart homes and assisted living market was in January cules in the form of heat. This principle is used in micro-
2010 expected to reach a size of C152.2 ($200.9) million wave ovens.
in 2014 [24]. The widespread use of wireless sensors in The first exposure guidelines were already developed
the office and the house has, however, been severely by the U.S. military in the 1950s and have evolved in
slowed down due to the cost of cabling.3 This is especially today’s exposure limits. These limits are based on the fact
true for offices, that are, on average, reconfigured every that the human body can handle heat up to 4 W/kg without
five years [25]. risking permanent damage.4 The 4 W/kg is for the whole
The use of battery-powered sensors (for sensing mo- body. For limbs or parts of the body, the limit may rise up
tion, presence, door bell, light switch, smoke, etc.) may cut to 80 W/kg due to the cooling effect of blood circulation.
these costs severely (up to 80% in offices [6]). The main- For the eyes and male’s testes, the exposure limit is the
tenance issues associated with these sensors, however, will same as for the whole body due to the limited blood flow in
not be tolerated by the market [26]: For every 50 battery- these organs.
operated sensors, having a battery life of one year each, on Based on these limits and applying a safety factor of
average, every week a battery needs to be replaced and one 10, the International Commission on Non-Ionizing
sensor will be down [27]. Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) has issued guidelines for
Energy harvesting may provide a solution to this main- limiting exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic, and
tenance problem. Possible sources for energy harvesting electromagnetic fields up to 300 GHz [28] The ICNIRP
are: vibration, ambient light, temperature gradients, and exposure limits for frequencies we identified as being
ambient radio waves. The availability of energy harvesting relevant for wireless power transmission are stated in
sources of sufficient power cannot be guaranteed under all Table 2.
circumstances however. A means of powering the wireless When transmitting in the license-free ISM frequency
sensors is through employing rechargeable batteries that bands, respecting the international and national legal
are being recharged by means of radio waves that are transmit power restrictions (see Table 1), the exposure
generated by a dedicated RF source. This RF recharging limits as stated in Table 2 will not be exceeded, except
perhaps in some situations wherein a person may get
2 close to a transmit antenna. This can be understood by
Artificial lighting, for instance, contributes approximately 30% of
electricity consumption in a commercial building, and buildings
collectively account for 40% of total world energy use [51].
3 4
Cabling an average office unit or a four bed house is estimated at The metabolic rate of a sleeping person is about 1 W/kg, increasing
?7000–11 000 ($9000–15 000) [52]. to about 2.5 W/kg during moderate exercise.

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Visser et al.: RF Energy Harvesting and Transport for Wireless Sensor Network Applications

Table 2 ICNIRP Exposure Limit Recommendations

recognizing that the power density S, at a distance r from of the International Space Station (ISS) [34] to 1.8 in a
the transmitter, is given by [29] common office building [32]–[35]. For non-LOS environ-
ments, n may get as high as 8.6 [35]. Also, the transmit
antenna plays a role in establishing a value for n in (3).
S¼ ¼ (1) Fig. 3 shows two examples of measured dc power as a
4  r 2 4  r2 function of distance from a transmitter in a LOS
situation. The measurements are performed in an office
where PT is the transmitted power and GT is the transmit corridor having a width varying between 1.2 and 2.3 m.
antenna gain. The ceiling height is 3 m. The ceiling is covered with
So, respecting (inter)national legal power restrictions metal plates. The frequency used is 2.45 GHz. A 4-W
will, in general, prevent adverse heating effects of human transmitter is being employed that is connected to a
tissue by RF and microwave radiation. Furthermore, RF vertically polarized fan-beam array antenna (GT ¼ 9 dB)
and microwave radiation is nonionizing and, thus, cannot and to a vertically polarized broad-beam horn antenna
directly cause cancer. Long-term effects are still a subject [GT ¼ 9 dB, matching efficiency, see (4), z ¼ 0:32];
of research [30], [31]. see Fig. 4.
Both transmit and receive antennas were at a height of
50 cm from the ground. The RF power is rectified by a
V. PROPAGATION CHANNEL Schottky diode voltage doubling circuit. The dc voltage is
For a transmitter–receiver pair in free space, the pro- boost converted to 3 V for charging a lithium–ion battery.
pagation is described by the Friis transmission equa- The specifics of the circuit, that is optimized for a 0-dBm
tion [29] RF input power, will be discussed further in Section VI-B.
In Fig. 3, we show the curve-fitted lines which are ob-
tained through a least squares fit through the measure-
GT GR 2 ment points. Although these trend lines are not directly
P R ¼ PT (2)

where PR is the received power, PT is the transmitted

power, GT is the transmit antenna gain, GR is the receive
antenna gain,  is the wavelength used, and r is the dis-
tance between the transmit antenna and the receive an-
tenna. For the indoor situation, the path loss PL may be
described by (3) that is based on the Friis equation (2)

4r0 r
PL ðdBÞ ¼ 20 log þ 10n log (3)

where r0 is a reference distance and where n equals 2 for

free space. Indoors, n is a constant, in general different
Fig. 3. DC power versus distance in an office corridor. Transmission by
from 2, dependent on the propagation environment. EIRP ¼ 32 W fan-beam antenna and EIRP ¼ 10 W broad-beam antenna,
For line-of-sight (LOS) environments, n may vary 50 cm above the ground; receiver also 50 cm above ground. The
from 0.8 in a highly reflective environment like a module frequency used is 2.45 GHz.

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Visser et al.: RF Energy Harvesting and Transport for Wireless Sensor Network Applications

Fig. 5. Equivalent electrical circuit of a packaged diode.

Fig. 4. Transmit antennas. (a) Four-element linear microstrip patch diodes. The equivalent circuit of a single, packaged
array antenna: DT ¼ 11.6 dBi; radiation efficiency r ¼ 2.6 dB. (b) Horn Schottky diode is shown in Fig. 5.
antenna: DT ¼ 9 dBi; r  0 dB; matching efficiency z ¼ 0:32. In this figure, d denotes an ideal diode, Cj is the (diode
voltage dependent) junction capacitance, Rs is the bulk
series resistance, and Lp and Cp are the packaging parasitic
representing the path loss,5 they do indicate that in an inductance and capacitance, respectively. The values may
office environment n G 2 in (3). be found in the diode’s datasheet.
Furthermore, from Fig. 4, we may conclude that To determine the input impedance of this packaged
through a stronger illumination of the walls (incorporating diode, we connect a voltage source Vg with internal resis-
metal door posts) we may obtain the same dc power level tance Rg and terminate the packaged diode with the
at a certain distance from the transmitter while transmit- parallel circuit of a capacitor CL and load resistor RL . For
ting a lower EIRP. Finding the optimum illumination of CL  0.1 F, the load may be considered being a short
the environment is part of an ongoing research at IMEC/ circuit for most commercially available Schottky diodes in
Holst Centre (Eindhoven, The Netherlands). the range from 0.1 to 2.5 GHz [37]. Then, the input im-
With the propagation channel being discussed, we now pedance is obtained in a very time-efficient way, applying
have reached the core of the wireless RF power system of a Runge–Kutta (RK) analysis [37]. Fig. 6 shows the
Fig. 1, i.e., the rectenna. calculated real and imaginary values of the input impe-
dance as a function of available input power at 2.45 GHz
for a number of commercially available Schottky diodes.
VI . RECTENNA Measurements have proven the correctness of the model
When an impedance and filtering network is being applied [37], [38].
between the antenna and the rectifying circuit, as depicted Fig. 6 shows that for very low power levels the input
in Fig. 1, a standard (50 ) antenna may be applied. The impedance remains constant as a function of available
filtering function is for preventing higher harmonic fre-
quency components being reradiated by the antenna.
These frequency components are generated by the nonlin-
ear rectifier circuit.
As demonstrated in [36], designing an antenna
having an input impedance that is the complex conjugate
of the input impedance value of the rectifier circuit,
leads to an overall efficiency improvement of the rec-
tenna. Moreover, it leads to a compact design [36]. Har-
monic frequency rejection is automatically ensured
through the antenna impedance mismatch at these higher
harmonic frequencies.
By thus designing a rectenna, the dominant compo-
nent, determining the impedance level, is the diode used.

A. Schottky Diode
The rectifying circuits we have been using in our de-
monstrators thus far consist of single or cascaded Schottky
In fact, the shown results are worse since they do not only represent Fig. 6. Calculated real (top) and imaginary (bottom) values of the input
the decrease of RF power with distance but also the decrease of antenna impedance of a short-circuited diode as a function of available input
impedance match efficiency with distance and the decrease of RF-to-dc power at f ¼ 2.45 GHz. Diodes analyzed: Avago types HSMS-2850,
and dc-to-dc power conversion efficiency with distance; see Section VI. HSMS-2860, HSMS-2820, and HBAT-5400.

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Visser et al.: RF Energy Harvesting and Transport for Wireless Sensor Network Applications

apply an approximate method for calculating the output

voltage of the rectifying circuit.
To increase the dc output voltage, several diodes may
be connected in cascade. Cascading two diodes in a voltage
doubling circuit is very convenient since most commer-
cially available Schottky diodes may have two diodes in a
single package.
The above approximation is therefore applied to a
voltage doubling circuit (see Fig. 8), and uses the implicit
expression developed in [41] for the output voltage V0 of
a diode

 q pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  V0
  R þR 
g s q
I0 8Rg Pinc ¼ 1 þ e 1þ RL nkTV0 : (6)
nkT RL Is
Fig. 7. Calculated impedance matching efficiency for an Avago
HSMS-2850 Schottky diode. 0 dBm indicates an antenna input
impedance ZR ¼ ð71 þ j84ÞV. 15 dBm indicates ZR ¼ ð11 þ j109ÞV. In this equation, I0 is the zero-order modified Bessel
function of the first kind, q is the electron charge, n is the
diode’s ideality factor, k is Boltzmann’s constant, T is the
input power. For our region of interest, i.e., 15 dBm  temperature in Kelvin, and Is is the diode’s saturation
Pinc  0 dBm, the input impedance changes rapidly as a current. Pinc is the available power.
function of Pinc . The voltage doubling circuit is shown in Fig. 8(a). For
Choosing the ‘‘correct’’ antenna impedance will have a an RF signal applied to the doubler, the capacitors will
great impact on the rectenna efficiency. To demonstrate act as short circuits leading to the equivalent electrical
this, Fig. 7 shows the impedance matching efficiency as a circuit, as shown in Fig. 8(b). From this figure, it is clear
function of available input power for two chosen antenna that the (RF) input impedance will halve with respect to
impedances. The impedance matching efficiency Z is that of a single diode. For dc signals, the capacitors will
defined as act as open circuits, and the two diodes will behave as
two voltage sources connected in series, as shown in
Fig. 8(c).
Z ¼ 1  jj2 : (4) To apply (6) to the voltage doubling circuit, the
transformation from a voltage doubler to a single diode
equivalent circuit as outlined in [42] is followed. For
Herein,  is the power wave reflection coefficient, the approximate analysis of the doubler, using (6), Rg is
defined by [39] doubled (to obtain the same current flowing into the cir-
cuit) and RL is halved (to obtain the same current flowing
out of the circuit). Results are shown in Fig. 9.
The calculated results appear to be adequate for design
¼ (5) purposes in the range 15 dBm  Pinc  0 dBm.
The dc output voltage has been calculated for a
generator impedance of 50 . With the input impedance
of the parallel diodes of the doubler now known, we can
where ZL is the input impedance of the rectifying
calculate the accepted power Pacc ¼ z Pinc ; see also Fig. 1
circuit and where ZR is the input impedance of the
For analyzing the dc behavior of the diode, the RK
method fails. When the RC time of the load, which consists
of a resistor (R) in parallel with a capacitor (C), becomes
orders of magnitudes larger than the period of the source,
the time-domain circuit equations tend to become stiff.
This phenomenon, a numerical instability, occurs most
likely when dealing with more than one differential equa-
tion. The stiffness is due to the existence of two or more
very different scales of the independent variable on which Fig. 8. Voltage doubler. (a) Electrical circuit. (b) RF equivalent circuit,
the dependant variables are changing [40]. Therefore, we Zin :¼ Zin =2. (c) DC equivalent circuit, Vout :¼ 2Vout .

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Visser et al.: RF Energy Harvesting and Transport for Wireless Sensor Network Applications

Fig. 9. Approximately calculated and measured output voltage of a

voltage doubling circuit based on the Avago HSMS-2852 Schottky diode
as a function of available input power, for several load resistance
values. R g ¼ 50 V. Fig. 11. Schematic of discrete dc-to-dc buck boost converter.

and calculate the RF-to-dc power conversion efficiency results. This value must correspond to the equivalent dc
con as source resistance of the two diodes, acting as dc sources,
connected in series, as shown in Fig. 8(c).

con ¼ : (7) B. DC-to-DC Converter
RL Pacc
The output voltage of the rectifying circuit will, in
general, be too low for directly driving an application.
Fig. 10 shows the RF-to-dc power conversion efficiency Furthermore, the output voltage will change with a chang-
of the voltage doubling circuit as a function of the accepted ing input power. Therefore, a dc-to-dc converter is used to
power for several values of the load resistor. For the adapt the rectified voltage to the voltage of a rechargeable
generator impedance, the value of the 0-dBm-matched battery. This converter should have an input impedance
antenna has been used. that is equal to the optimal load impedance of the rectify-
Fig. 10 shows that in our power region of interest, a ing circuit.
load resistance between 200 and 400  gives the best In [37], a discrete buck-boost converter is described;
see Fig. 11.
The unregulated buck-boost converter, operating in the
discontinuous conduction mode, is used to achieve a con-
stant input impedance Rdc equal to 300 . The reason for
this constant resistance is that the maximum power points
and related voltages of the rectenna result in a load resis-
tance of approximately this value for the incident power
range from 10 to 0 dBm [37]. The input impedance is
given by

Rdc ¼ (8)
fs t2s

where fs is the switching frequency of the oscillator and

ts is the on-time of switch Sc . Rdc is constant only if
product fs t2s is constant, since Lc has a fixed value. Both
Fig. 10. RF-to-dc power conversion efficiency of a voltage doubling fs and ts are set by the oscillator, which is based on a
circuit based on the Avago HSMS-2852 Schottky diode as a function of positive feedback (three times Rhys ) and a delayed negative
accepted input power, for several load resistance values. feedback (Rl , Rh , D, and COSC ). Assuming that the diode

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Visser et al.: RF Energy Harvesting and Transport for Wireless Sensor Network Applications

In Fig. 12, the measured power efficiency is shown as a

function of input power Pin for three different batteries.
The undervoltage lockout makes that the converter
starts at a minimum accepted power level Pin ¼ 10.3 dBm.
The overvoltage lockout is set at 4.2 V and effects the
maximum value of Pinc at which the efficiency can be
measured. The measured efficiency for the 3.5-V battery at
Pin ¼ 8.9 dB is believed to be erroneous.
Now we can (roughly) estimate the RF power transfer
in an indoor LOS connection. We also have all the tools
necessary to determine the overall RF-to-dc power con-
version efficiency of the rectenna, To do that, we have to
start with the antenna and calculate the accepted power.
Using this value as input, we determine the power at the
output of the rectifier and the accepted power at the input
Fig. 12. Measured power efficiency of a discrete buck boost converter
of the boost converter. Then, we determine the power at
as a function of input power. the output of the boost converter and the power accepted
by the battery. From this value and the incident power,
we then calculate the overall power conversion effi-
forward voltage drop of D is negligible, both feedback paths ciency. This is shown in Table 3 for the 0-dBm-matched
scale with the oscillator’s supply voltage (Vsup ¼ Vdc þ Vbat ), rectenna.
which makes timing independent from Vsup . ts and fs are The 15-dBm-matched rectenna’s input impedance is
given by [37] too low to be used alone in combination with the HSMS-
2850-based voltage doubler rectifier. The RF-to-dc con-
version efficiency would be far below 1%.
ts ¼ Rh COSC The only component of the rectenna left to discuss is
1 the antenna.
fs ¼
ðRl þ Rh ÞCOSC
0 1 C. Antenna
Vsup  Vdc In Sections VI-A and VI-B, we assumed that we have an
 ¼ ln@3 A: (9) antenna with the required complex input impedance. To
Vsup  Vdc design such an antenna, we start by selecting an antenna
type that will be small enough to fit into the application to
be powered (sensor). Furthermore, the antenna needs to
The converter may charge a battery within a voltage have enough geometrical features that can be used to tune
range of 2.1–4.5 V and needs a rectifier output voltage V0 the input impedance at the operational frequency. The
between 0.21 and 1 V. An input undervoltage lockout of antenna may then be designed through iteratively using a
0.21 V is used to prevent battery discharging due to in- commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) full-wave electromag-
efficient conversion. A battery overvoltage lockout is used netic simulation software suite, but employing a fast engi-
to protect the battery from overcharging. neering model may be more time efficient. When an
We define the power efficiency dcdc as approximate, dedicated analysis model is at hand, which
can calculate the antenna characteristics fast at a maybe
reduced accuracy, we may embed this model in an opti-
Pout mization shell and thus automatically generate a prede-
dcdc ¼ (10)
Pin sign. When necessary, this predesign may be fine tuned
with a limited set of iterations using a full-wave analysis
program. Thus, a pragmatic way to speed up the overall
where Pin ¼ con Pacc ; see Fig. 1. design time has been created.

Table 3 Power Transfer Through a Rectenna

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Visser et al.: RF Energy Harvesting and Transport for Wireless Sensor Network Applications

A collection of approximate antenna analysis models

may be found in [38]. As an example, we will discuss the
design of a 2.45-GHz rectangular microstrip patch antenna
to be directly matched to an Avago HSMS-2850 Schottky
diode voltage doubling rectifying circuit.
In [36], we applied a cavity model [43], [44] for ana-
lysis and design of a rectangular microstrip antenna. The
accuracy of the model, however, appeared to be too limited
for obtaining a desired complex input impedance with a
sufficient accuracy [reflection coefficient, see (5),
 G 0:25]. Therefore, a combined use of the cavity model
and a COTS full-wave analysis program were employed
[36], [45]. In typically one full-wave iteration, the effective
width and length of the microstrip patch antenna are fine
tuned for a further use in the cavity model. This method
speeds up the design process by using a fast, dedicated,
microstrip patch antenna model for a multiple-iteration
design process and a slow, general purpose, full-wave ana-
lysis program for a single iteration. The drawback of the
method is that it relies on the availability of a full-wave
analysis program. We would rather have an all-analytical Fig. 13. Geometry of a probe-fed rectangular microstrip patch
model that can be used to obtain the desired input im- antenna.
pedance fast and with a sufficient accuracy. Such a model
is found in the transmission line model of [46].
Consider a rectangular microstrip patch antenna as
shown in Fig. 13. mission line of width W and  is the propagation con-
The length and the width of the antenna are, respec- stant [38]. Further [46]
tively, L and W. The probe feed is located at x ¼ xf , y ¼ yf ,
where the origin of the coordinate system is at the bottom
left corner of the patch. If the feed will be at the edge, one LW
Leq ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (14)
of the feed coordinates will be zero. m2 W 2 þ n2 L2
The input admittance of the microstrip patch antenna xoff yoff
is given by [46] eq ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (15)
m2 2yoff þ n2 2xoff

1 L
1 1 1 1 1 xoff ¼  xf (16)
Yin ¼ þ þ þ þ (11) 2
Y10 Y01 Y11 Y21 Y12
yoff ¼  yf : (17)
where Ymn , m, n ¼ 0; 1; 2, are the TMmn mode admit-
tances, given by (12), shown at the bottom of the page
[46], where We will demonstrate the modified cavity model (i.e.,
using a single full-wave analysis iteration to fine tune the
effective length and width in the classic cavity model) and
Yt2 ¼ Ys2  Ym2 (13) the transmission line model of [46]. Thereto, the real and
imaginary parts of the input impedance of a rectangular,
dual-resonant microstrip patch antenna have been calcu-
wherein Ys is the admittance of a radiating slot and Ym is lated as a function of frequency, using both models. The
the mutual admittance between two radiating slots [38]. classic cavity model will fail in accurately predicting the
Y0 is the characteristic impedance of a microstrip trans- input impedance for frequencies below and above the first

Y02 þ Yt2 þ 2Ys Y0 cothðLeq Þ  2Ym Y0 csc hðLeq Þ

Ymn ¼ 2Y0   2    : (12)
Y0 þ Yt2 cothðLeq Þ þ Y02  Yt2 coshð2 eq Þ csc hðLÞ þ 2Ys Y0

10 Proceedings of the IEEE |

This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.

Visser et al.: RF Energy Harvesting and Transport for Wireless Sensor Network Applications

Fig. 16. Wirelessly RF powered wall clock. (a) Rectenna element.

(b) Front view of the clock with eight rectenna elements. (c) Back view
of the clock showing the separate rectenna element’s ground planes.

Fig. 14. Real part of the input impedance of a rectangular micropstrip

patch antenna as a function of frequency as calculated with three
reveals that the power wave reflection coefficient will be
different models. around 0.2, which we consider to be acceptable. We do see
that the modified cavity model is more accurate over the
frequency band shown but that around the frequency of
interest the accuracy of both approximate models is
resonance frequency [47]. The parameters of the microstrip comparable.
antenna are (see Fig. 13) L ¼ 30.8 mm, W ¼ 27.7 mm,
h ¼ 1.6 mm, "r ¼ 4:28, tan ¼ 0:0016, xf ¼ 0, and yf ¼
0.4 mm. The copper thickness is 70 m. VI I. EXAMPLES
Figs. 14 and 15 show the real and imaginary parts of the
In this section, we will show some examples of wireless RF
input impedance as a function of frequency, respectively.
energy transport. In some of the examples, the dc output
Also shown in the graph are the full-wave analysis results
voltage of the rectenna’s rectifier is used immediately to
obtained with a COTS Method of Moments (MoM)
drive the application. In other examples, a dc boost
analysis program.
converter and rechargeable battery are being employed. As
Figs. 14 and 15 show that both the modified cavity
a first example, a wirelessly RF powered wall clock is
model and the transmission line model can predict the real
shown in Fig. 16. The rectenna consists of an edge-fed
part of the input impedance around 2.45 Ghz within a few
microstrip patch antenna on an FR4-substrate, directly
percent. For this, we take the full-wave results as a
matched to an Avago HSMS-2852 Schottky diode voltage
reference. The imaginary part of the input impedance as
doubler [36] optimized for an input power of 0 dBm at a
calculated by both approximate models differs up to 50%
frequency of 2.45 GHz. The antenna input impedance as a
of the reference value at this frequency. However, if we
function of frequency was analyzed in Section VI; the
would have a front–end having an input impedance that is
results are shown in Figs. 14 and 15. The voltage doubler
the complex conjugate of the input impedance as
was also analyzed in Section VI. As can be concluded from
calculated by the full-wave method at this frequency, (5)
Figs. 6, 14, and 15, the antenna is directly matched to the
voltage doubler (half the impedance values at 0 dBm in
Fig. 6). Eight of these rectennas are connected in series to
power the clock.
Fig. 17 shows an array of strip folded dipole rectenna
elements, used to directly power a so-called ‘‘E-skin’’ [48].
This E-skin uses a low-power voltage supply to make it
optically transparent. For the application shown, about 9 V
is needed while the current is in the order of a few nA.
A constraint for powering the E-skin was that no
batteries were allowed. Therefore, the dc-to-dc voltage
boost converter, as discussed in Section VI, could not be
employed and a relatively large RF collecting aperture was
needed to deliver the required voltage. In the second
version, also the dedicated 2.45-GHz transmitter had to go
and was replaced by a GSM-900 cellphone. The RF
Fig. 15. Imaginary part of the input impedance of a rectangular collecting aperture was replaced by an array of strip Yagi–
micropstrip patch antenna as a function of frequency as calculated Uda antennas on foil. These antenna elements were also
with three different models. used in the last example of directly, i.e., without a voltage

| Proceedings of the IEEE 11

This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.

Visser et al.: RF Energy Harvesting and Transport for Wireless Sensor Network Applications

Fig. 17. E-skin. (a) No voltage supplied: E-skin panel is opaque.

(b) Voltage supplied: E-skin panel is optically transparent.

Fig. 19. Measured supply current for a constant voltage of 3 V for the
COTS wireless temperature and humidity sensor.
boost circuit, powering an application, as shown in Fig. 18.
The figure shows a transmitting GSM900 cellphone (1).
A part of the transmitted power is intercepted by a propagation results shown in Fig. 3. The wireless RF bat-
rectenna array consisting of four Yagi–Uda rectennas (2) tery is next used to power a 3-V COTS wireless sensor
and is powering the wireless temperature sensor (3). The node, measuring temperature and humidity and transmit-
dc voltage delivered to the sensor is displayed on a volt ting the values every 45 s at a frequency of 433 MHz. The
meter (3a). The 2.45-GHz radio of the wireless temper- power needed by the COTS wireless sensor has been
ature sensor (3) transmits the measured temperature obtained by measuring the supply current as a function of
every 7 s to a remote wireless base station (4). This base time for a constant voltage of 3 V; see Fig. 19 [50].
station relays the received data to a computer (5) for Based on these measurements, the average power
storage and a convenient display [49]. The power con- supply level is found to be 55 W. The voltage boost
sumption of the sensor is 10 W on average. The maxi- converter uses 17.9 W [50].
mum distance between the phone and the RF collecting Fig. 20 shows the packaged RF battery in front of the
aperture in this feasibility demonstrator is about 1 m. The COTS wireless sensor. Laying in front of both is an opened
maximum distance between the wireless temperature RF battery showing the back (ground plane) of the micro-
sensor and the base station is about 30 m. strip patch antenna with attached to it the dc-to-dc voltage
The 0-dBm-matched microstrip patch rectenna [see boost converter PCB and the 3-V lithium–ion battery.
Fig. 16(a)] has been combined with the voltage boost By employing an EIRP of 10 W, it has been possible to
converter (see Fig. 11) of which the power efficiency power the wireless sensor indoors to a distance of 7 m from
curves are shown in Fig. 12. The output of this converter is the transmitter [50]. By carefully choosing the receiving
connected to a rechargeable 3-V lithium–ion battery. This
wireless RF battery charger has been used for obtaining the

Fig. 20. Packaged 2.45-GHz remote RF battery charger and COTS

Fig. 18. Array consisting of four Yagi–Uda rectennas, connected in 433-MHz temperature and humidity sensor. 433-MHz base
series, powering a wireless temperature sensor. station not shown.

12 Proceedings of the IEEE |

This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.

Visser et al.: RF Energy Harvesting and Transport for Wireless Sensor Network Applications

Low-power wireless sensors in a smart building environ-
ment may use rechargeable batteries that are remotely
charged by means of RF energy transfer. The transmit
power levels are restricted by international rules for
avoiding interference and recommendations concerning
health. Obeying these power limitations means that we
need to fully exploit the characteristics of the propagation
channel and the components that make up a rectenna. By
carefully illuminating the environment, next to establish-
ing a LOS, a power decay better than predicted by the Friis
transmission equation may be obtained. Smart illumina-
tion is one of the research topics ongoing at IMEC/Holst
Centre in the field of wireless energy transfer. A Schottky
Fig. 21. Wireless energy transport measurement setup. By diode may be chosen based on the calculated RF-to-dc
optimizing the receiver location, a battery may be charged up
to 18 m from the source.
power conversion efficiency. Then, from the impedance
characteristics calculated for this Schottky diode, the
impedance matching efficiency of the antenna may be
optimized and an antenna may be designed accordingly.
location, battery charging appears to be possible up to a Finally, a dc-to-dc boost converter may be designed for the
distance of 18 m, employing a source transmitting an EIRP application at hand, also optimized for power conversion
of 10 W; see Fig. 21. The distance is a maximum distance, efficiency. The efficiency graphs (Figs. 7, 10, and 12)
yielding a dc of 18 W, which would result in a battery shown in this paper show that improvements in the order
charging time going to infinity. of tens of percent are feasible, for example, by replacing the
Although 10-W EIRP is far above (inter)national legal 0-dBm-matched antenna in the last shown example by a
restrictions, there is enough room to increase the overall 15-dBm-matched antenna.
power transfer efficiency, especially in the dc-to-dc voltage Thus, RF energy transfer is a powerful technology.
boost converter. Eventually, power transfer over a few However, an optimum design of all the constituent parts is
meters, delivering tens of microwatts dc will be feasible. essential. h

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Hubregt J. Visser (Senior Member, IEEE) was born Antenna Basics (New York, NY, USA: Wiley, 2005), Approximate Antenna
in Goes, The Netherlands, on October 26, 1964. He Analysis for CAD (New York, NY, USA: Wiley, 2009), and Antenna Theory
received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineer- and Applications (New York, NY, USA: Wiley, 2012).
ing from Eindhoven University of Technology,
Eindhoven, The Netherlands, in 1989 and the Ph.D.
degree in applied sciences from the Eindhoven Ruud J. M. Vullers (Senior Member, IEEE)
University of Technology and Katholieke Univer- received the M.Sc. degree in physics from the
siteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, in 2009. Radboud University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The
In 1990, after fulfilling his military service at Netherlands, in 1994 and the Ph.D. degree from
TNO Physics and Electronics Laboratory, The the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven,
Hague, The Netherlands, he joined the same laboratory as a civilian. He Belgium, in 2000, where the topic of his research
has participated in several projects concerning near-field antenna was lithography on nanometer dimensions, using
measurements, monolithic microwave integrated circuits design, and local oxidation of titanium thin films by atomic
phased-array antenna design. From mid-1996 to mid-1997, he was force microscopy.
stationed at the European Space Research and Technology Centre, RF He has worked for Philips Research Laborato-
Systems Division, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, where he worked on ries in the area of optical storage, on the fabrication and design of thin film
infinite waveguide array antenna modeling. In 2001, he joined TNO coils for use in magneto-optical storage, followed by recordable Blu-ray
Science and Industry, Eindhoven, The Netherlands where he has been Disc development. In 2006, he joined the IMEC/Holst Centre, Endhoven,
involved in antenna miniaturization projects. Since 2006, he has been The Netherlands, where he is Principal Scientist. He has (co)authored
part-time connected to the Holst Centre, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, many papers in the field of wireless sensor nodes and energy harvesting
and since 2009, he has been with the Holst Centre as an employee of technologies. He holds six patents (of which two are U.S.).
IMEC. Here he is working on wireless energy transfer. He is an Associate Dr. Vullers is Area Chair of the Body Sensor Network (BSN)
Professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology, where he teaches Conference and member of the MEMS and PowerMEMS Technical
antenna theory. He is the author of the books Array and Phased Array Program Committee.

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