2020 Compensation Surveys - Philippines Order Form: Willis Towers Watson Data Services

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Willis Towers Watson Data Services

2020 Compensation Surveys – Philippines

Order Form

Copyright © 2020 Willis Towers Watson. All rights reserved.

WTWDS AP 2020 Compensation Surveys Order Form
Our Surveys Include
Compensation HR Policies and Practices Benefits Design Practices
▪ Employee pay, location and Additional information on typical local HR Comprehensive coverage of benefits
geographic responsibility practices: information, including retirement,
▪ Base pay, guaranteed bonus, ▪ Attraction, retention and termination, and healthcare, death and disability, and
allowances, actual and variable pay, lengths of service wellness to support benefits specialists
long term incentives*, total annual and ▪ Company car with plan benchmarking and design:
total direct compensation ▪ Education and training, working hours, ▪ Healthcare: medical, dental and vision
▪ Practice, prevalence, design and business travel and relocation ▪ Retirement: DB, DC or hybrid schemes
valuation for all long-term incentive ▪ Employer and employee costs, including ▪ Risk benefits plan: death, accident,
social security contributions disability, critical illness
valuation methodology**
▪ Guaranteed payments, cash allowances ▪ Wellness: medical check-ups, employee
▪ Organisation size, number of
and perquisites assistance plans
employees, geographic scope,
▪ Paid time off, meal benefits, flexible
location, board membership** and
reporting level

*May vary by region, country or survey

**Executive surveys only

Compensation Surveys – Subscription Options

Features Standard Custom Premium*
View, download and print presentation-ready reports ✓ ✓ ✓
Export data in a variety of formats in one click ✓ ✓ ✓
Customize currencies, data elements and percentiles ✓ ✓ ✓
Design your unique group of peer companies by name or company
characteristics i.e. industry sector / geographic location ✓ ✓
Combine jobs to mirror your internal job classifications ✓ ✓
• Show your company's competitive position relative to all companies, or
unique peer group of companies.
✓ ✓
Apply a best match algorithm of your data to the closest market
equivalent ✓ ✓
Copy your customised peer groups, computational parameters and
combinations across countries and years ✓ ✓
Auto-refresh of matches from new survey year data ✓
Develop and manage your salary structures and consider cost
implications, bring to minimum, compa-ratio, etc. ✓
Bring-to-target and Merit Matrix analytics enable modelling of key
compensation actions. ✓

Speed up salary survey participation ✓

Ability to market price jobs using data from multiple vendors ✓
*For more information on our premium offering and associated fees please contact us, or select premium on page 3.

Benefits Online – Subscription Options3

HR Policies and Practices and Benefits Design Practices

Access survey market data by topic, section and individual provision ✓ ✓
Export results in Excel ✓ ✓
Create custom peer groups to view results based on selected criteria ✓
(e.g., number of employees, industry and/or revenue)
Highlight your own data to compare against your peer group* ✓
*Data availability for the custom access features are dependent on when data was submitted and processed. Results are typically available in January.

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2020 Willis Towers Watson Compensation Survey – Philippines
Submission Cash Report Industry Only Fees (Cash)2
Surveys Deadline Delivery1 Standard1 Custom3
Artificial Intelligence & Digital Talent July 2020 September 2020 ☐ PHP 185,000 ☐ PHP 205,000
Construction, Property and Engineering July 2020 September 2020 ☐ PHP 205,000 ☐ PHP 230,000
Consumer Products and Retail July 2020 September 2020 ☐ PHP 205,000 ☐ PHP 230,000
Consumer Products/Manufacturing July 2020 September 2020 ☐ PHP 205,000 ☐ PHP 230,000
Executive Compensation July 2020 September 2020 ☐ PHP 225,000 ☐ PHP 285,000
General Industry July 2020 October 2020 ☐ PHP 205,000 ☐ PHP 230,000
General Industry + Executive Compensation July 2020 October 2020 ☐ PHP 368,500 ☐ PHP 436,000
Financial Services – Banking July 2020 September 2020 ☐ PHP 205,000 ☐ PHP 230,000
Financial Services – Country Report July 2020 September 2020 ☐ PHP 255,000 ☐ PHP 310,000
Financial Services – Insurance July 2020 September 2020 ☐ PHP 205,000 ☐ PHP 230,000
Fintech July 2020 September 2020 ☐ PHP 205,000 ☐ PHP 230,000
High Tech (Information Technology /
June 2020 August 2020 ☐ PHP 205,000 ☐ PHP 230,000
Telecommunications, Semiconductor / Electronics)
Pharmaceutical & Health Sciences June 2020 September 2020 ☐ PHP 205,000 ☐ PHP 230,000
Shared Services & Outsourcing July 2020 October 2020 ☐ PHP 205,000 ☐ PHP 230,000

Benefits Online - HR Policies and Practices and Benefits Design Practices3

All participation includes access to General Industry HRP and BDP reports. Target market group (TMG) data on HRP and BDP will be
accessible only through Custom subscription to Benefits Online. You may opt to upgrade your Benefits Online subscription for the fee
below. For more details on Benefits Online Custom, please see page 2.
*Results are typically available in January
☐ Upgrade to Benefits Online Custom for HRP and BDP at PHP 46,500

Additional Items
Multiple Industry purchase:
30% discount will be applicable on second or subsequent survey participations. The discount will apply to lower priced survey(s).
Please indicate additional industry and subscription type : ______________________________

Multiple Year Participation:

☐ Two-year participation at 5% discount ☐ Three-year participation at 10% discount
*Discounted 2020 rates will apply for the subsequent years if full one-time payment is made.
Fees may be invoiced annually but will be subject to yearly price increases.

2020 Compensation Surveys – Premium

Our Premium survey subscription includes access to the Analytics and Design feature-set of Compensation Software. For more details
please see page 2, and to request for a demo tick the box below. One of our consultants will contact you with more information on this
offering and associated fees.
☐ I am interested to learn more about the Premium Offering (Analytics and Design)

Disclaimer and notes

Willis Towers Watson’s surveys and the results of such surveys, including participation materials and related reports, are made
available by local Willis Towers Watson affiliated companies. Following receipt of your order form, your account manager will send
you an e-mail confirming acceptance of your order and the next steps.
Data effective date for all surveys is April 2020.
Invoice will be issued on the nearest cycle upon submission of order form. Reports will be released via our online reporting tool after payment is
received. Fees are exclusive of VAT and due within 30 days upon receipt of invoice.

wtwdataservices.com 3
Order Form
Company name
(Survey participating

Company Name

Billing company
name and address Invoice Recipient Company
(to be stated on the Name TIN No.
Title Tel. No.

Email Address

Name Tel. No.

Report receiver
(Primary User)
E-mail Address

Name Tel No.

Data provider Title

E-mail Address
* For VAT-Exempt companies, please attach a Zero-Rated VAT Certificate (PEZA-ERD Form No. 97-01)

By submitting this order form, you confirm that you are authorized to order the product(s) selected on behalf of your company.
Access to and use of the ordered product(s) is subject to Willis Towers Watson Data Services’ Terms and Conditions on the back
page. Product fees are quoted exclusive of all taxes. Taxes will be added to product fees where applicable.

Signed by,


Name: __________________________________

Position Title: _____________________________

Date: ___________________________________

Please email the completed order form to your account manager or to [email protected]
Thank you!

Contact Information

Willis Towers Watson Data Services
23/F, W City Center 7th Avenue corner 30th Street,
Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City 1634, Philippines

[email protected]
Phone: +632 8877 5100
Fax: +632 8877 5100

wtwdataservices.com 4
Terms and Conditions
Willis Towers Watson's surveys and the results of such surveys, including participation materials and related reports (collectively, "surveys") are made available by local
Willis Towers Watson affiliated companies which are directly or indirectly controlled by Willis Towers Watson PLC (collectively referred to as "Willis Towers Watson") on
the following terms and conditions.

Service Quality. Willis Towers Watson will collect relevant data and conduct the surveys with reasonable care. While Willis Towers Watson cannot be responsible for
verifying the accuracy and completeness of each data submission, a Willis Towers Watson associate will review each data submission for overall reasonableness. Willis
Towers Watson provides the surveys on an "as is" basis and does not provide a warranty or guarantee of any kind as to the accuracy or completeness of the surveys or
the data or information contained therein. Survey results will be available only if there are sufficient participants in the applicable survey.

Intellectual Property Rights. Willis Towers Watson retains all intellectual property rights in the surveys. Unauthorized use or duplication without prior written permission
from Willis Towers Watson is prohibited. You shall not refer to us or include any of our work product (including, without limitation, the surveys and the information they
contain) in any shareholder communication or in any offering materials (or fairness opinion provided by your professional advisers) prepared in connection with the public
offering or private placement of any security, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

Use of Surveys. You may use the surveys only within your own organization for internal human resources planning and may not modify, sell or transfer such surveys.
Surveys may not be reproduced in employee newsletters or posted on your company’s intranet. If you desire to share the surveys (in whole or in part) with a third party
(including any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with your company, Willis Towers Watson’s competitors and/or independent contractors working
solely for your company), you must first obtain the written consent of Willis Towers Watson. Any use of the information contained in the surveys is not a substitute for
seeking expert legal, consulting or other advice on the reasonableness or appropriateness of compensation and/or benefits levels and practices.

Limitation of Liability. The aggregate liability of Willis Towers Watson and its employees, directors, officers, agents and subcontractors (the "related persons") whether
in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty or otherwise for any losses under or in connection with these terms shall not exceed in aggregate the
greater of (a) $25,000 USD or (b) the total fees paid to Willis Towers Watson for the particular survey(s) and/or custom report(s) related to such survey(s), unless
otherwise agreed in writing. Nothing in these terms shall exclude or limit the liability of Willis Towers Watson or our related persons in the case of: (a) death or personal
injury resulting from Willis Towers Watson’s or Willis Towers Watson's related person’s negligence; (b) willful misconduct; (c) fraud; or (d) other liability to the extent that
the same may not be excluded or limited as a matter of law. In no event shall Willis Towers Watson or any of our related persons be liable for any incidental, special,
punitive, or consequential damages of any kind (including, without limitation, loss of income, loss of profits, or other pecuniary loss).

General. The validity and interpretation of these terms will be governed by the laws of the State of New York, United States of America, excluding its conflict of law rules.
The parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the State of New York, United States of America Courts to resolve any dispute between them, provided that Willis
Towers Watson shall have the right to initiate proceedings in any court of competent jurisdiction in the event of breach of Willis Towers Watson's proprietary rights. The
parties hereby waive any right they may have to demand a jury trial. These terms will apply to purchase orders generated by your company for survey results provided
hereunder. In the event of a conflict or inconsistency between the terms and conditions of such purchase orders and these terms, these terms will prevail. Willis Towers
Watson may deliver the surveys by providing your company access (via the internet) to Willis Towers Watson's online data delivery platform ("online platform"). Separate,
supplemental terms and conditions apply to use and access of the online platforms. To the extent there is a conflict, these terms and conditions take precedence over
such separate, supplemental terms and conditions. You shall not assign or otherwise transfer any rights or obligations under these terms without Willis Towers Watson's
prior written consent.

Participation Terms

By participating in Willis Towers Watson’s surveys, you will be deemed to have agreed to the following participation terms on behalf of your company and you represent
that you have authority to submit data. As a participant, your company's name will be included on survey participant lists. Survey participants must submit data on a
timely basis and provide an accurate and complete data submission, including completion of all sections of the participant materials (e.g., HR Policies & Practices
(“HRP”) sections, Benefits Design Practices (”BDP”) sections, individual employee compensation data and long-term incentive information). Benefits and HRP data
submitted may be used in current and future BDP and HRP surveys. Data may be submitted directly via the Willis Towers Watson portal hosted in the USA where such
data will be stored. If your company’s data submission is late or does not meet the requirements for a particular survey, Willis Towers Watson may, at its discretion,
limit/deny access to such survey results. For select surveys, participants must submit executive data to purchase executive products, middle management, professional
and support data to purchase non-executive products and industry-specific functions/disciplines/positions to purchase associated industry-specific survey products.

Confidentiality and Use of Data. Participant data submitted to the surveys will be held in confidence. Willis Towers Watson takes reasonable security precautions,
including the same precautions Willis Towers Watson takes to protect its own confidential information, to prevent unauthorized access. Participant data will be used by
Willis Towers Watson for purposes of creating aggregated compensation survey results and/or anonymized benefits survey results which are presented in a manner that
protects individual company confidentiality. Willis Towers Watson reserves the right to use participant data in multiple surveys, where relevant, which may be available to
participants and non-participants. Participant data and survey results may be used by Willis Towers Watson for training, quality assurance, research and development,
general promotional activities such as trends analysis and consulting services (e.g., market/job pricings) that are provided to survey participants and other selected
clients of Willis Towers Watson.

Data Protection. Willis Towers Watson may pass participant data, which may include individually identifiable information, within our global network of offices and
affiliates (including the Willis Towers Watson Global Resource Center) and to subcontractors and providers of IT outsourcing who will be subject to appropriate data
protection standards. The Global Resource Center is located in Manila, The Philippines, and will be used to analyze such data in connection with the surveys. The
Manila corporate entity is a wholly owned subsidiary in the Willis Towers Watson group, and Willis Towers Watson’s operations in Manila are certified to the ISO27001
standard covering information security, including data confidentiality, integrity and availability; and are also certified to the ISO9001 standard covering quality
management practices. Irrespective of where Willis Towers Watson receives or stores such data, Willis Towers Watson confirms that, acting as data processor, Willis
Towers Watson will take appropriate technical, physical and organizational/administrative measures to protect such data against accidental or unlawful destruction or
accidental loss or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or access. Willis Towers Watson will use such data only for the purposes described above unless a participant
instructs Willis Towers Watson otherwise. Participant and Willis Towers Watson shall each comply with applicable data privacy legislation and regulations.

Willis Towers Watson Data Services About Willis Towers Watson

Willis Towers Watson Data Services is a leading provider of Willis Towers Watson (NASDAQ: WLTW) is a leading global
compensation, benefit and employment practice information to the advisory, broking and solutions company that helps clients around
global employer community. Our databases are recognized the world turn risk into a path for growth. With roots dating to 1828,
worldwide as a premier source of current data for compensation Willis Towers Watson has over 40,000 employees serving more than
planning. 140 countries. We design and deliver solutions that manage risk,
optimize benefits, cultivate talent, and expand the power of capital to
Willis Towers Watson Data Services – Asia Pacific
protect and strengthen institutions and individuals. Our unique
[email protected]
perspective allows us to see the critical intersections between talent,
assets and ideas — the dynamic formula that drives business
performance. Together, we unlock potential. Learn more at

Copyright © 2020 Willis Towers Watson. All rights reserved.

WTWDS AP 2020 Compensation Surveys Order Form

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