Workshop - Level V

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Make an affirmative sentence, negative sentence or question using 'used

to + infinitive':

1) I / live in a flat when I was a child.

 I used to live in an apartment when I was a child, but I don’t live in a flat
2) We / go to the beach every summer?
 We used to go to the beach every summer?
3) She / love eating chocolate, but now she hates it
 She used to love eating chocolate, but now she hates it
4) He / not / smoke
 He used not to smoke, but now he don't
5) I / play tennis when I was at school
 I used to play tennis when I was at school, but I graduated from high
6) She / be able to speak French, but she has forgotten it all
 She used to be able to speak French, but she has forgotten it all

7) He / play golf every weekend?

 Used to he play golf every weekend?

8) They both / have short hair
 They both used to have short hair, but they don’t anymore
9) Julie / study Portuguese
 Julie used to study Portuguese, but she does not anymore
10) I / not / hate school
 I used not to hate school, I do anymore

1. The blue car is

the red car. (fast) The blue car is AS fast AS the red
2. Peter is car
3. The violin is Fred. (not/tall) Peter is not AS tall AS Fred.
4. This copy is the cello. (not/low) The violin is not AS low AS
5. Oliver is the cello.
6. Today it's the other one. (bad)This copy is AS bad AS the
other one.
7. The tomato soup
was Peter. (optimistic)Oliver is AS optimistic AS Peter
8. Grapefruit juice is yesterday. (not/windy) Today it is not AS windy
AS yesterday
the mushroom soup. (delicious)The
tomato soup was AS delicious AS
the mushroom soup.
lemonade. (not/sweet) Grapefruit juice is
not AS sweet AS lemonade.
9. Nick is
Kevin. (brave) Nick is AS brave AS Kevin
10. Silver is
gold. (not/heavy) Silver is not AS heavy AS gold.
Add the phrase in brackets to the sentence using 'which”, “that”, “where”,
“when” or 'who' and a relative clause:

1) She worked for a man (the man used to be an athlete)

2) They called a lawyer (the lawyer lived nearby)
3) I sent an email to my brother (my brother lives in Australia)
4) The customer liked the waitress (the waitress was very friendly)
5) We broke the computer (the computer belonged to my father)
6) I dropped a glass (the glass was new)
7) She loves books (the books have happy endings)
8) They live in a city (the city is in the north of England)
9) The man is in the garden (the man is wearing a blue jumper)
10) The girl works in a bank (the girl is from India)

Select and write if is ACTIVE or PASSIVE VOICE

PASSIVE Guernica was painted by

PASSIVE The doctor talked to him.

ACTIVE The fire was put out.
ACTIVE My parents gave me a

English is spoken here.

The dog has been taken to the vet.
Somebody has stolen my bag.

1. That man repairs cars

2. I clean the kitchen every day
3. Many tools produce plastic
4. My mother drives to school
5. Maria drank some beers last night


1. If he ( change) jobs, he (be) happy.

2. If I (be) you, I (tell) that I love her.
3. Maria (buy) a new house if she (win) the lottery.
Bill: Excuae me. I want to buy a few
Clerk: We have lots of toothbrushes next to the
Bill: I don’t need any toothpaste, but is there
any shazopoo over there*
Clerh: We have n little shampoo next to the soap.
Bill: Good, I need a lot of soap, too, Thanks.
Clerk: Sure. You’re welcome.

1. Is there off n co&ee in the cuy?

2, We have soap and shampnn.

3. Do you h Bve

4, Tom doesn’t have clothes for’ lits ti-ip,

ñ. There are towels in the biithruuiii,

6, Hi:nny didn’t liaYo money

the same as the word.

1. start answer end study rinae

.2. big long

B lOt tall

3. every aome a.lot.of any

4. talk know apeak answer cull memorize

5. eetect circle talte

6. pznts man trousers lege

shirt clotbez

7.base post boSj3ftal BX UOIOIIITBBB

8. a lot some a'll

every lots of million

9. father o8icer ajar family Mr. dad

10. quiz answer test class select question

Read he pa a aph and f n the bo ou ne

Every year, Reagan High School makes a schedule for sports. Reagan
High School has about 1500 students. It plays teams from other schools that
have about the same number of students. This years’ fall sports are football
and soccer. The school’s basketball and volleyball teams will play in the winter.
And, in spring, students can play baseball or tennis. A student may play only one
school sport in a season.
and Read the pa ag aph f n the box out ne

Our small city has only three large buildings. They are the bank, the post
office, and the grocery store. The bank is old. It opened in 1803. It was the first big
building in the city. The post office looks old. The outside wall that you see from the
street has 1903 on it. But inside, the building is new and clean. We like our new
grocery store because they sell very good food there. It’s in a big building that
opened in 2003. The grocery store is our city’s newest building.

W te the top c of ea ag ph

l. This morning in my math class we studied shapes. Math is about

both numbers and shapes. Last week, we studied numbers.
Today, we began to learn about shapes and talked first about
squares. Tomorrow, we will study circles. The next day, we’ll
study triangles. Right now, we are learning easy things about
shapes, but soon we will do very hard problems using numbers
and shapes.

2. Joan has two houses. One is in the city and the other one is near
a lake. The house near the lake is not very large, but it’s nice. It
is white and blue and has nice pictures on the walls and large
windows. Joan can see the lake from some of the windows. She
goes there to relax. Sometimes she only stays there overnight, but
at other times she stays for a few weeks.

3. John had a bad day yesterday. First, he was an hour late for work
in the morning. Then, he didn’t have his desk keys. They were
in the suit he wore Tuesday. At noon, he went to a restaurant
for lunch. The waiter brought him the wrong plate and made a
mistake on the bill. In the afternoon, he didn’t get a telephone call
he wanted. At the end of the day, he was ready to rest at home.
He wanted to watch the basketball game on TV, but his television
didn’t work.

A topic is the subject of a paragraph. A paragraph is made up of

a group of sentences. Each sentence in a paragraph says
something about the subject or topic. All of the sentences about
the topic together make the paragraph. Ask, “What is this
paragraph about?” The word or group of words that answers
that question is the topic.

Write a paragraph using the information given.

Writing a paragraph from a table

Anna Chicago last year. He

The men went to Houston last week. She
My father England yesterday. They

by bus. His mother her

traveled by He friend met hi
train. r students m
by Th the
plane. eir m

at the hotel. He her his room.

atthestation. She took him to her hotel.
at the airport. They them their house.

°+° Your choices at the beginning of the paragraph limit the next choices.

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