TNT-GoingItAlone - BETA Solo Rules

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Solo Wargaming Rules for TNT

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Acknowledgements Introduction

Original TNT Rules Written and Concept by Welcome to Going It Alone, a free guide to playing This Is
Joseph McGuire Not a test without a human opponent. Right now there is
a want, and practically a need, for good solo wargaming.
AI Solo Rules by Roger Pennarun, the majority author of these rules, has
Roger Pennarun and Michael James really created thoughtful and intelligent solo play rules that
Cover Artist can be as complex or simple as you want your artificial
Big Ban Studios opponent to be. I really want to thank him for his hard
work. My role in their creation of these rules is limited to
Other Artists mild tinkering and having some professional polish put on
Matt Weaver them. I feel that positively about them. That being said, this
Graphic Design, Layout, and Photography ruleset is ever evolving and your feedback and comments
Dave Taylor Miniatures and Caleb Wycoff are requested. So please have fun out there and stay safe.

Miniature Painting - Joey McGuire

Copplestone Castings, Fernando Enterprises, Dave Taylor
Miniatures, Daniel Siegenthaler, Greg Zuniga Contents
Miniatures Used
Brigade Games, Hyacinth Miniatures, Old Glory Miniatures,
World’s End Publishing CREATING AN AI WARBAND 4
Terrain Construction and Painting Deploying an AI-controlled Warband 4
Cigar Box Battle Mats, Joseph McGuire, Jeremy Walker Choosing which AI Models Activate 4
Legal How activated Models Function 5
Produced by World’s End Publishing AI Activation Sequence Reviewed 6
All rights reserved. This Is Not A Test Logo, the World’s End BEHAVIOR/ACTION GUIDELINES 7
Publishing Logo, and any places, things, and character names MODEL TYPE BEHAVIOR MODIFIERS 8
and their distinctive likenesses, or artwork and photography
created specifically for this book are ™ and © 2019 of World’s End BEHAVIORAL/ACTIVATION CHARTS 10
Publishing, LLC. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic, electrical, chemical, mechanical, optical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior permission of
World’s End Publishing.
This work is a fiction and parody. No reference to real physical
locations, events, persons living or deceased is intended.
The models used in the photographs of this book, not specifically
the © or ™ of World’s End Publishing, LLC, are used with
permission by their manufacturers, where possible, and no
challenge is made to their ownership and rights. Illustrations by
Joakim Olofson and John Newman are used with permission and
no challenge is made to ownership or rights.
Contact us at:
[email protected]
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Piracy kills small business. Please do not post or distribute this
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else online. The wasteland is harsh, please be kind.

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Creating An AI Warband

This document was created to play against a warband using the model D10". If the model is within 2" of cover, move
an AI system. This is done by either following flow charts their deployment point to that position of cover. Continue
and/or guidelines. This allows for solo play, cooperative play selecting models and deploying them until all models from
or even having an AI play with other players in a multiplayer the warband have been deployed.
scenario. At times players may need to use some common
sense to playout an AI’s turn. Choosing which AI models activate
A warband must be created normally by a player. Basic For each member in the AI-controlled warband, create a
selections are recommended and it is best not to over token with their name on it. Either flip the tokens face down
equip a model with weapons or special rules. The more so the names cannot be seen or place them in a container
basic the model, the easier it will play on the board. and mix them around. A player then selects a single token.
Whichever name is selected is the model that will activate.
Deploying an AI-controlled warband Set the revealed tokens aside until all models have been
activated. Once a new turn begins, reset the tokens.
The player controlled warbands set up and deploy as
normal following the deployment section in the selected It is recommended to add the Model Type Behavior
scenario. Once all player controlled warbands have Modifier (Found at the very end of this document) to each
been deployed, the AI controlled warband then deploys. token of each AI model. This will make more sense later on.
Following the scenarios deployment rules, determine the
center of the AI’s deployment zone(s). Place a model in For example, a caravan guard has a model type behavior
the center of one of its deployment zones and scatter modifier: -2. You would then note down ‘-2’ on the token
that represents the model.

Behavior/Action Table

Solo Play Rules

D10 Roll Cautious Reserved Aggressive Reckless
1-2 3-5 6-8 9-10
Defensive Cautious Reserved Aggressive Reckless
1-3 Defensive Defensive Defensive Defensive
Offensive Cautious Reserved Aggressive Reckless
4-6 Offensive Offensive Offensive Offensive
Objective Cautious Reserved Aggressive Reckless
7-0 Objective Objective Objective Objective

Two ways to play *If there are multiple models who fit the description of the target,
the AI model will target the closest of those types. If an AI model
Players can choose to play the AI in two different ways. uses a template/blast weapon, the selected enemy target will
always be the one that causes the most enemy models to be hit if
They can either follow a strict flow chart or they can follow
they can reach them with the AP they have.
some basic guidelines and choose what the AI model does
for its turn. Both can be used during a scenario. If an Objective action is rolled, the model will focus
on the mission at hand. They will do whatever is best
How Activated Models Function to obtain victory points from the scenario’s mission
First, determine how many AP the model will get by description. (Lead a cargo animal off the table towards
performing an Activation Test as normal. Once a model is the closest table edge, collect water, etc.). However,
activated, a player should do the following: sometimes there can be more than one objective. If
there is multiple objectives then follow the Objective
1. Roll two D10s. The first D10 will determine the Target Choice Table:
model’s type of Behavior and the second D10 will
determine the model’s type of Action. Objective Target Choice Table
D6 Roll Objective*
2. When the D10 is rolled for the behavior, you must
then look up the Model Type Behavior Modifier (Found 1 Closest
at the very end of this document) that will be added to 2 Most enemies within 5"
the die result. For example (D10 result of 8 -2 =6).
3 Least enemies within 5"
3. Once the Behavior and Action is determined, use the 4 Least allies within 5"
following chart to determine which Behavior/Action Flow 5 No models from either side within 5"
Chart or Behavior & Action Guidelines (Located at the
end of the document) to follow. 6 Highest VP value

4. It is up to the players whether to control the AI with *If the main mission of the scenario is to take models out of
action, roll on the Enemy Target Choice Table.
the Behavior/Action Flow Chart or Behavior & Action
Guidelines. 6. Complete the model’s activation by following the
chosen Behavior/Action Flow Chart or Behavior & Action
5. Roll a D6. Depending on what type of Action is rolled
will determine the model’s Target.

If a Defensive or Offensive Action is rolled, then

determine who the current enemy target is by following
the Enemy Target Choice Table:

Enemy Target Choice Table

D6 Roll Target
1-2 Easiest to hit*
3-4 Easiest to wound*
5 Specialist*
6 Leader/Elite*

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AI Activation Sequence Reviewed
• Select randomly which AI model activates

• Roll to see how many AP the model receives by

activating them and performing an Activation Test

• Roll a D10 to determine the model’s Behavior

(Cautious, Reserved, Aggressive or Reckless)

• Modify the D10 result with the Model Type Behavior

Modifier number to get the final result

• Roll a D10 to determine the model’s Action

(Defensive, Offensive or Objective)

• Follow the Behavior/Action Chart to determine which

flow chart to follow from the Behavior/Action Flow
Charts or use the Behavior & Action Guidelines

• Roll a D6. Depending on what the model’s Action is

will determine if the model is targeting an enemy model
or focusing on the objective

• Perform the model’s turn by following the correct

Behavior/Action Flow Chart or Behavior & Action

• Select another AI model if the current model passed

their Activation Test and repeat, or else play passes on.

Example of an AI model’s turn and the second D10 (8) will be an Objective action.
This will be a Reserved/Objective result.
1. A player selects a random AI model to activate.
Which turns out to be a Raider Wrecker. 6. Since the action is Objective, the D6(3) result is
consulted on the Objective Target Choice Table. If
2. A player rolls a mettle test to determine how many the action would have resulted in either Defensive or
AP the AI model has this turn. Offensive, the D6(3) roll would have been consulted
on the Enemy Target Choice Table instead. In this
3. A player rolls two separate D10s and a D6. The
example, the D6(3) would become an Objective Target
results are: D10 = 3, D10 = 8, D6 = 3.
Choice: Least enemies within 5”.
4. The AI model’s Model Type Behavior Modifier is
7. Now that the Behavior, Action and Target of the AI
added to the result of the behavior D10. The new
model is known, it is up to the player to either follow
result of the behavior die would be:
the correct Behavior/Action Flow Chart or follow the
3 (D10 result) + 2 (Model Type Behavior Modifier of Behavior & Action Guidelines to play the AI model’s
the Raider Wrecker) = 5 turn. In this example, the player would follow the
Behavior/Action Flow Chart of Reserved/Objective or
5. Looking at the Behavior/Action Chart, the first D10 the Reserved Behavior & Objective Action Guidelines.
(a 3 modified to a 5) will become a Reserved behavior

Behavior/Action Guidelines AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR

Solo Play Rules

Once the AI model’s Behavior is determined follow the rules Priorities
and priorities of the particular Behavior and Action. When a • Unjam>Combat>Cover>Prone
‘greater sign’ (>) is used, this is to explain what is a higher • Burst>Concentrate>Suppressive Fire
priority for the AI model in this particular turn. Keep in mind Movement
any special rules a model may have such as, Frenzied. • Only seek cover if beneficial to its goal
• Leave prone position as soon as possible
Priorities • Use burst if a 7+ is needed to hit target
• Cover>Prone>Unjam>Combat • Use suppressive fire if a 9+ is needed to hit target
• Concentrate>Burst>Suppressive Fire Jammed Weapons
Movement • Always attempt to unjam weapons
• Always end in/behind cover or as close to it Close Combat
as possible • Hold enemies in close combat unless outnumbered
• Stay prone if there is an enemy to shoot at, • Use as many melee attacks possible
unless in charging range of another enemy
• Concentrate when attacking Priorities
• Use burst if a 6+ is needed to hit target • Combat> Unjam>Cover>Prone
• Use suppressive fire if an 8+ is needed to hit target • Burst>Concentrate>Suppressive Fire
Jammed Weapons Movement
• Always unjam weapons, unless out of cover or in • Always move its full movement towards goal
close combat • Leave prone position as soon as possible
Close Combat Ranged
• Push enemies away if alone and/or outnumbered in • Always use burst when possible
close combat • Use suppressive fire if a 9+ is needed to hit target
• Only charge into close combat if they will outnumber
Jammed Weapons
the opposing side
• Unjam weapons when no enemies to charge or attack
• Concentrate attacks if possible
in close combat
Priorities • Hold enemies in close combat
• Cover>Unjam>Prone>Combat • Use as many melee attacks possible
• Concentrate>Burst>Suppressive Fire
• Always end in/behind cover or as close to it Priorities
as possible • Hold>Objective>Advance
• Stay prone if there is an enemy to shoot at • Move in/behind cover if in range and site of enemy
ranged weapons
Ranged • Go on hold if there are no targets to shoot/charge
• Concentrate when attacking
• Use burst if a 6+ is needed to hit target OFFENSIVE ACTIONS
• Use suppressive fire if a 9+ is needed to hit target
Jammed Weapons • Advance>Objective>Hold
• Always unjam weapons unless in close combat • Move towards target
Close Combat • Shoot/Charge target if possible
• Push enemies away if alone and/or outnumbered in
close combat
• Only charge into close combat if they will outnumber Priorities
the opposing side • Objective>Hold>Advance
• Concentrate attacks if possible • Focus on the objective of the scenario to gain VPs

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Model Title Roll Modifier Model Title Roll Modifier
Big Lug +1 Arbitrator -2
Caravan Guard -2 Excavator +1
Caravan Runner +1 Heal-o-Matic -3
Caravaner Lieutenant -2 Lord Reclaimer -2
Caravaner/Defender -1 Lorekeeper -2
Local Emissary Varies Reclaimer -2
Lugger +1 Savant -2
Tracker -2 Seeker -1
Trade Master -2 Semi-Autonomous Drone -1
Tech-Bearer -2
Mutants Wreck-It-Bot 0
Model Title Roll Modifier
Abomination* +3 TRIBALS
Alpha Mutant* -2 Model Title Roll Modifier
Dominant (Feral Mutant)* +1 Berserker* +3
Dominant (Mutant)* 0 Chronicler -2
Feral Mutant* +1 Great Shaman* -1
Mondo* +1 Lesser Shaman* 0
Mutant* -1 Tribal -1
Mutant Emissary -2 Tribal Champion -2
Mutant Gunner* -2 Tribal Representative -3
Omega Mutant* -2 Tribal Scout -1
Psychic* 0 Tribal Warrior* +1
Psychic Lord* -1 Warbeast* +3
* Mutant Outcast warbands gain +1 to their modifiers. War Leader -2
Warbringer -2
RAIDERS *Totem Tribals gain additional modifiers:
Model Title Roll Modifier • Laughing Crow = No modifiers
• Hungry Wolf = +1 to modifiers
Bandit King -2
• Diamondback = -1 to modifiers
Broiler +2
Brute +2
Fire Bug +4
Maniac +4
Mongrel +4
Mutant Raider 0
Raider 0
Raider Champion -2
Scrap-Taker -2
Warlord +1
Wrecker +2

Peace Keepers Renegade Reclaimers

Solo Play Rules

Model Title Roll Modifier Model Title Roll Modifier
Bloodhound 0 Adjudicator -1
Cyber-Dog +3 Aspiring Reclaimer -1
Deputized Settler -3 Hijacked Robot 0
Hanging Judge* -2 Indentured Wastelander +1
K-9 +3 Renegade Arbitrator -1
K-9 Handler +1 Renegade Lord Reclaimer -1
Line Breaker +2 Renegade Reclaimer -1
Officer -1 Renegade Tech-Bearer -2
Outrider -3 Repressor +1
Quartermaster -2
Road Marshal -2 Mutant Cannibals
Sacrificial Lamb +3 Model Title Roll Modifier
Tactical -2 Critter +4
Warden -2 Degenerate* +1
*Excluding the Hanging Judge, all models in a warband First-Born* -2
lead by a Hanging Judge add +1 to their modifiers. Foundling* 0
Gimp* +1
SETTLERS Gramps* -2
Model Title Roll Modifier Gran-Gran* -1
Citizen -4 Maw-Maw -2
Citizen Medic -4 Pa -1 (+2 If enemy model
Militia Gunsmith -2 within 6" of Petunia)
Militiaman -3 Petunia -1
Militant Leader* -2 Psycho +4
Missionary -2 Tiny +2 (+5 If enemy
Mysterious Stranger 0 model within 6"
of Maw-Maw)
Prominent Citizen -2
Youngins* +1
Regular -2
* Model gains +1 to modifier if there are any enemy
Settlement Leader -2 models within 6” of Maw-Maw.
Sheriff -2
*Excluding the Militant Leader, all models in a warband
lead by a Militant Leader add +1 to their modifiers.

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Behavior/Action Charts

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Behavior/Action Charts

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Behavior/Action Charts

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Behavior/Action Charts

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Behavior/Action Charts

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Behavior/Action Charts


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