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Debre makos university burie cumpas

Effect of planting depth on germination and vegetative growth of faba

bean( vicia faba L.) Advisor:Tesfaw Fetene

A Research Proposal

debremarkos University College of Agriculture and natural resource

Department of Plant Science


February, 2020

List of Abbreviation set by:

3D- Three centimeter depth Name ID NO

6D- Six centimeter depth 1. Dessie Getnet Agr/1249/11

9D- Nine centimeter depth 2. endeshaw getabalew Agr/

12D- Twelve centimeter depth 3.g/medhin shiferaw Agr/


RCBD Randomized complete block design 4.fikadu Yitayew Agr/

ANOVA-Analysis of variance 5. Nitsuh Agr/



Masl-meter above sea level



First of all we like to thank the almighty God who helps us to reach this stage by passing through
different constraint. We would like to thank our advisor Mr. Chemeda A. for his help and
support for his guidance and arrangement of some procedure in this research Finally we extend
our thanks to our famous college liberalists who help us by giving books and other related
sources of information.

Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is one of the earliest domesticated food legumes in the world. In
Ethiopia, Faba bean is produced in limited scale due to low production and productivity. Sowing
depth have great impact on germination and growth of faba bean due to deep and shallow
depth of sowing that may limit seed germination and seedling performance and less productive.
Among several factors contribute to low productivity, planting the crop at proper depth have to
be made to achieve attained proper plant population and high productivity. Thus this study was
conducted to determine the effect of sowing depth on germination and growth of faba bean.
For the study 36 faba bean seeds /plot were sown at 3, 6, 9 and 12 cm depth as treatments in
RCBD with three replications or plots. There were significant difference among the treatment in
numbers of tillers at p<0.05 (the largest mean was recorded 6cm at planting depth and the
smallest mean was recorded at 12cm depth. however, number of seed was started to emerge on
the same date (8) after planting about (68%) and total number of seed germination percentage
was (100%) at the date of (10) after planting. Plant height showed that there was significant
different at p>0.05. In general from the conducted study statistical non-significant difference
among three parameters there were leaf number, fresh weight and dry weight. On germination,
plant height and number of tillers there were significant variation. .The best performance of the
plant observed on 6cm in all case the 12 cm shows the least from all treatments as we see as the
depth of plant increase the significance of the treatment decrease. Based on this fact it is
possible to recommend that plant with less number of depth performance well than plant with
high depth from experiment result plant planted at 6cm showed best performance so 3cm and
6cm is better than9 cm and12 cm.

1. Introduction
1.1 Back Ground

Faba bean (Vicia faba. L) is one of the earliest domesticated food legumes in the world
(cubero, .1973). Its center of origin was located between oriental Mediterranean countries and
Afghanistan (Cubero, 1973) species with chromosomes number of 2n=12. Based on the seed
size, shape and number of leaf lets, there are two sub species were identified as paucijuga and
eufaba. The later one was subdivided into three botanical varieties according to their seed
weight. This includes minor, equine and major. Moreover, these three botanical varieties were
also differentiated based on human use. Minor and equina are mainly used for animal feeding
where as majorities mostly produced for human nutrition. Among the grain legume crops, faba
bean has one of the highest seed protein content (30% on average) (Hulse, 1994) .As a legume; it
is also characterized by its symbiotic fixation of atmospheric nitrogen. It is therefore
contributing to preserve the soil fertility and to reduce energy inputs during the crop cycle. Faba
bean covers large absolute and relative acreage (FAO, 2004).

In Ethiopia, Faba bean is produced in limited scale).However renewal interest for growing this
crop is observed during the past ten years. The main reason was (1) The symbiotic nitrogen
fixation, especially in organic farming(2).The need of vegetable proteins in animal feeding(3)
The resistance to Aphanomyces (serious threat to peas especially in France), and (4) The
demand of the Egyptians market of faba bean for human consumption(260000 tons imported in
2005; FAO ,2012). In Europe two types of beans sown in autumn could be distinguished
mediterian types which are exposed to mild winter and beans grown in the north and central
European which are exposed to harsh winters (Bond et al, 1985). In these cool temperate
countries a faba bean is mainly grown as spring crop because the insufficient winter hardiness of
current autumn-sown genotypes.

Crop plant must be planted at proper depth to achieve a uniform stand of intended population.
Optimum planting depth is generally related to the seed size. Large seed were emerging from
greater depth because they have larger stored food reserves that can were utilized for
germination. Seed size, type of emergence and the type of soil in which seed are planted
determine the optimum depth of planting (Cubero, 1973).
The seed must be able to imbibe enough water to germinate before the soil surrounding it dries
out. Seed require as much as 50% of weight in water for germination, thus large seeds require a
considerable amount of water to germinate. firming of the soil after seed placement provide good
seed to soil contact, which result in water movement from the soil into the seed plant species
exhibit different types of emergencies. In some crop the cotyledons remain in the soil as either
the mesocotyl or epicotyl elongates and pushes to the surface. When comparing crop with similar
seed size those that must pull their cotyledon remains in the soil (Robertson, 1996)

Depth of planting is also influenced by the soil type. Deeper planting are possible in lighter soil
than in heavy soils. The surface dries out quickly in sandy soil, making deeper planting are
necessary for placing the seed in the moist soil. In cold, wet soil, shallower planting are required
because the oxygen concentration and temperature at greater depth may be too low for
germination especially in early spring (Cubero, 1973).

1.2 Statement of the problem

The study was done on the effect of planting depth on germination and seedling performance of
faba bean due to research gap in the study area. Furthermore, knowing on this title .The problem
in detail and giving solution for the problem essential. Planting technique has also an impact on
water quality because it minimizes water, fertilizer and pesticide use (Picard, 1988). In the past,
planting depth effect on plant growth and vitality has been studied extensively in plant crops. In
the study of crop depth had a significant effect on the dry weight of shoot, the total length of the
plant (Hussein and Msalch, 1985). Planting depth is one of the most consideration in planting
faba bean and others legume crops. Depth of planting is also influenced by soil type.

1.3 Objective

 The main aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of planting depth on germination and
vegetative growth of Faba bean.
1.4 Significance of study
Planting depth may affect crop production cost. Planting depth may also affect the germination
of the crop, growth and crop performance. Depth require substantial expenditure of energy and
entails significant cost to producers. However, little research has been reported in Ethiopia on
planting depth treatment effect on crop performance and germination of faba bean. At the end of
this research, the results of this study generated the following findings;

 Provide information on faba bean seed quality and sowing depth that would
improve germination rate and percentage, good growth and high yield. Scope of the study

The studies were conducted at Jimma University, College of Agriculture and Veterinary
Medicine at Jimma zone at the campus level. Moreover the study was only focused on the effect
of planting depth on germination and vegetative growth of faba bean. In campus at the field level
and to recommend optimum depth for farmers and all producing members which is advantageous
to have an understanding on germination and seeding performance of Faba bean.


2.1 Origin of faba bean

Faba bean is assigned to the Central Asian, Mediterranean and South American centers of
Diversity (Cubero, 1973). Postulated a Near Eastern center of origin, with four radii (1) to
Europe (2) along the North African coast to Spain, (3) along the Nile to Ethiopia, and (4) from
Mesopotamia to India. Secondary centers of diversity are postulated in Afghanistan and Ethiopia.
(Ladizinsky, 1975b), reported the origin to be Central Asia. The wild genitor pro and the exact
origin of Faba bean remain unknown. Several wild species (V. narbonensisL. and V.
galilaeaPlitmann and Zohary) are taxonomically closely related to the cultivated crop, but they
contain 2n = 14 chromosomes, whereas cultivated faba bean has 2n = 12 chromosomes.
Numerous attempts to cross the wild species to cultivated Faba bean have failed (Bond et al.,

2.2 Botany

Faba bean seeds have a seed coat, two cotyledons, and an embryo. The seed coat consists of two
layers, the outer testa and the inner tegmen, and a hilum. The hilum is the point of attachment of
the seed to the pod. There is a minute opening above the hilum called the micropyle, and a ridge
formed by the funicle called the raphe. The embryo consists of an axis and two fleshy
cotyledons. The pointed end of the axis is the radicle and the feathery end the plumule. Faba
bean seeds germinate at an optimum temperature (28-33°C) and moisture level in about 5-6 days.
Germination begins with absorption of moisture and swelling of the seed. The radicle emerges
first followed by the plumule. The portion of the axis above the cotyledon called the epicotyl,
elongates and pushes the plumule upward. The growth of the plumule produces an erect shoot
and leaves, and the radicle grows to produce the roots. The first true leaf has 2 or 3 pairs of
leaflets plus a terminal one. The plumular shoot and lateral branches grow continuously to
develop into a plant (Cubero, 1973).

2.2.1. Taxonomy, Morphology and Floral Biology

Faba bean (Viciafaba) is an annual herb with coarse and upright stems, unbranched 0.3-2 m tall,
with 1 or more hollow stems from the base (Bond et al., 1985; Duke, 1981). The leaves are
alternate, pinnate and consist of 2-6 leaflets each up to 9cm long and unlike most other members
of the Genus; it is without tendrils or with rudimentary tendrils (Kay, 1979). "Flowers are large,
white with dark purple markings, borne on short pedicels in clusters of 1-5 on each auxiliary
raceme usually between the 5 and 10th node; 1-4 pods develop from each flower cluster, and
growth is indeterminate though determinate mutants are available.

About 30% of the plants in a population are cross-fertilized and the main insect pollinators are
bumblebees. The latter was subdivided into var. minor with small rounded seeds (1 cm long),
var. equine with medium sized seeds (1.5 cm) and var. major with large broad flat seeds (2.5 cm)
(Kay, 1979).

2.2.2. Root

There is a robust tap root with profusely branched secondary roots. Based on seed size, two
subspecies were recognized, paucijuga and eufaba. Faba bean plants have a strong taproot
system with 3 or 4 rows of lateral roots. The parenchymatous tissues of the root are rich in
starch. All the peripheral tissues disappear at plant maturity, and are substituted by a layer of
cork. The roots grow 1.5-2.0 m deep. Faba bean roots bear Rhizobium nodules. They are of the
carotenoid type, branched with laterally flattened ramifications, sometimes forming a fanlike
lobe. (Bond et al., 1985).

2.2.3. Stem

Faba bean stem is erect, branched, viscous, hairy, herbaceous, green, and solid. The branches are
usually quadrangular, ribbed, and green. There are primary, secondary, and tertiary branches
(Cubero, 1973).

2.2.4. Plant Habit

Faba bean is a herbaceous annual plant which branches from the base. It is almost a small bush
with diffused, spreading branches. The plant is mostly covered with glandular or non glandular
hairs but some genotypes do not possess hair. Based on seed size and color, cultivated chickpeas
are of two types (Cubero, 1973).

2.3 Uses
Cultivated Faba bean is used as human food in developing countries and as animal feed, mainly
for pigs, horses, poultry and pigeons in industrialized countries. It can be used as a vegetable,
green or dried, fresh or canned. It is a common breakfast food in the Middle East, Mediterranean
region, China and Ethiopia (Bond et al., 1985). The most popular dishes of faba bean are
Medamis (stewed beans), Falafel (deep fried cotyledon paste with some vegetables and spices),
Bissara (cotyledon paste poured onto plates) and Nabet soup (boiled germinated beans)
(Jambunathan et al., 1994).

"Feeding value of Faba bean is high, and is considered in some areas to be superior to field peas
or other legumes. It is one of the most important winter crops for human consumption in the
Middle East. Faba bean has been considered as a meat extender or substitute and as a skim-milk
substitute. Sometimes grown for green manure, but more generally for stock feed. Large-seeded
cultivars are used as vegetable. Roasted seeds are eaten like peanuts in India" (Duke, 1981).
Straw from faba bean harvest fetches a premium in Egypt and Sudan and is considered as a cash
crop (Bond et al., 1985). The straw can also be used for brick making and as a fuel in parts of
Sudan and Ethiopia.

2.4 Ecology

Faba bean requires a cool season for best development. It is grown as a winter annual in warm
temperate and subtropical areas; hardier cultivars in the Mediterranean region tolerate winter
temperatures of -10°C without serious injury whereas the hardiest European cultivars can tolerate
up to -15°C (Robertson, 1996). "It can be grown anywhere and does not winterkill. Well-adapted
to wetter portions of cereal-growing areas of western Canada and elsewhere. Tolerates nearly
any soil type; grows best on rich loams. Moderate moisture supply is necessary" (Duke, 1981).
They are considered to be the least drought resistant of legume crops; however, cultivars with
high water use efficiency have been developed at ICARDA; International Center for Agricultural
Research in the Dry Areas (Robertson, 1996).

"Moisture requirement is highest about 9-12 weeks after establishment. Faba bean is more
tolerant to acid soil conditions than most legumes. Can be grown in nearly all parts of the United
States without liming. Growing seasons should have little or no excessive heat, optimum
temperatures for production range from 18 to 27°C (65-85°F)" (Duke, 1981). Rainfall of 650-
1000 mm per annum evenly distributed is ideal (Kay, 1971). The maturity period ranges from
90-220 days depending upon the cultivars and climatic conditions (Bond et al., 1985).
2.5. Sowing date

The ideal time to sow faba beans is between late April to early June, depending on rainfall and
latitude. Highest yields were generally being achieved from earlier sowing. However sowing too
early will increase the likelihood of severe chocolate spot disease and reduce opportunities for
pre-sowing weed control. Sowing time is therefore a compromise between planting early to
achieve high yield potential, while delaying sowing to avoid disease and ensuring weeds are
adequately managed. Faba beans have the highest yield potential of all pulse crops grown in.
Faba beans are therefore, best suited to the medium to high rainfall areas in Western
Australia(Lawes, 1980).Where consistent rain occurs during April in low rainfall areas, the high
yield potential of faba bean, also offer an excellent opportunity to capture maximum benefit from
the early break. It is possible to sow faba beans successfully into dry soil, however, weeds
become more difficult to control, emergence is generally patchy and staggered and inoculation
with rhizobium is less effective because a large proportion of the inoculums dies. Dry sown faba
bean should be placed deeper (8 -10 cm) and the sowing rate increased by 10 percent. In most
circumstances it is recommended that faba bean is not sown into dry soil (Ladizinsky, 1975b)

2.6. Sowing method and seeding depth

In Ethiopia, and North Africa, farmers use traditional plows with an attached V-shaped funnel
(pora) for sowing. This implement places the seed at a depth of 10-12 cm in sandy and loam
soils. The seeds are drilled into the furrows with a 5-7 cm soil layer over them. In Ethiopia, faba
bean is sown after the cessation of rains. The seeds are dropped at a depth of 10-15cm by a
person sitting on a duck-foot cultivator drawn by a tractor. The duck-foot hoes are attached to the
bar with a spacing of 45 cm between the hoes. In high-rainfall areas, chickpea seeds are
broadcast evenly on a flat seedbed and then covered with a duck-foot cultivator. In all these
cases the seeds are placed at a depth ranging from a few centimeters to as deep as 10-15 cm.
Increase in seeding depth decreases the yield in Kabuli cultivars while in desi cultivars the
highest yield was obtained when the seed was sown at a depth of 12 cm. In another method of
sowing, the field is first plowed with a duck-foot cultivator and then the broadcast seeds are
covered by another pass of the duck-foot cultivator (Lawes, 1980).
2.7. Seed germination

Faba bean seeds have a seed coat, two cotyledons and an embryo. The seed coat consists of two
layers, the outer testa and the inner tegmen, and a hilum. The hilum is the point of attachment of
the seed to the pod. There is a minute opening above the hilum called the micropyle, and a ridge
formed by the funicle called the raphe. The embryo consists of an axis and two fleshy
cotyledons. The pointed end of the axis is the radicle and the feathery end the plumule.
Germination according to (Hulse,1994) is the activation of the metabolic machinery of the
embryo leading to the emergence of a new seedling. Faba bean undergo epigeal form of
germination where the cotyledons come out of the soil.Mobilization of reserves during
germination has been concerned with breakdown of storage carbohydrates and proteins in a
variety of seeds. Factors stated as affecting germination include light, temperature, moisture
salinity, allelopathy, germination injuries and seed viability. Injuries and disturbance to
groundnut seeds are responsible for the loss of germinating capacity, and the ability of a seed to
germinate at the desired time to ensure an adequate level of initial growth (vigor) confirms its
physiological seed quality (Oram and Agacoili, 1994).

Faba bean seeds germinate at an optimum temperature (28-33°C) and moisture level in about 5-6
days. Germination begins with absorption of moisture and swelling of the seed. The radicle
emerges first followed by the plumule. The portion of the axis above the cotyledon called the
epicotyl, elongates and pushes the plumule upward. The growth of the plumule produces an erect
shoot and leaves, and the radicle grows to produce the roots. The first true leaf has 2 or 3 pairs of
leaflets plus a terminal one. The plumular shoot and lateral branches grow continuously to
develop into a plant (Cubero, 1973)
3. Material and method

3.1 Description of Experimental site

The experiment was conducted at Jimma University College of agriculture and veterinary
medicine at plant and horticultural field during 2013 cropping season under irrigation
conduction. The area is suited in oromia region, jimma zone of south western part of Ethiopia,
which is located at 70 33’ and 360 57’ longitude and at altitude of 1710m.a.s.l the area receive
annual rainfall of 1500mm. Maximum and minimum temperature of the area is 26.8oc and 11.4oc
respectively the soil of the area was characteristically reddish brown clay soil with ph from 5.07
to 6 (BPEDORS, 2000).

3.2. Materials (equipment and supply)

The materials that were used during the experiment were faba bean seed , peg, watering can ,hoe,
ruler, meter, paper and note book,. And DAP and Urea.

3.3 Site preparation and Experimental Design

The demonstration site that the experiment were carried out was by digging and followed by
leveling the detachment of the cold the seed were sown by row method and with spacing of
40cm .the plot size were 0.8 x 0.5=0.40m2 the space between block was 0.5m and between plot
was 0.5m.the total experimental field was 5.5 x 5.8=31.9m2 area. The nitrogen and DAP
fertilizer were applied by splitting (i.e nitrogen fertilizer was applied in splitting method) and
DAP at sowing and after emergency. The applicrate of fertilizer depends on recommended rate
of fertilizer. The experiment layout was laid out in RCBD design with three replication and four
3.4. Agronomic practices

All recommended agronomic practices like adding fertilizer (Dap and Urea), watering, weeding,
and other related practice were applied to all experimental plots during the study.

3.5. Data collected

Data were collected from central rows of each plot. The parameter measured during the
experiment was conducted in the following:-

 Germination date after planting

Germination date was recorded after planting eight days later. During data collection each
plant counted from each plot. This parameter is measured when the seed emergence reaches
68% and 100% respectively

 Plant height after planting

Plan height was measured after the emergence of seedling the records were done 15,30
and 45 days respectively by representing five plants for each plot randomly from the
middle of the plot.

 Leaf Number
Leaf number were counted after planting one month later after germination has been takes
place data was collected by representing five plants for each plot and excluding number of
tillers or branches

 Number of Tillers

Tillering is a branching of plants that emerges from the base of the main stem .numbers of tillers
was collected after planting 45 days later by counting each plants tiller.

 Fresh weight

Fresh weight is the weight the plant after harvest or before it taken to oven dry .during this data
collection care was given to all inert matter including soil after the plant was up rooted to reduce
weight variability. Beam balance was used to measure their weight by representing five plants
for each plot.
 . Dry weight
Dry weight is the weight after taken to oven dry and. Beam balance was used to measure their
weight by representing five plants for each plot.

3.6. Data analysis

Data obtained from the effect of different planting depth on germination percentage, number of
leaf per plant, plant height, number of tillers per plant, fresh weight and dry weight where
subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA); using statistical analysis system (SAS) of soft ware
and data showed significant different were separated using least significance difference (LSD)
5% probability level statistically.
4. Result and Discussion

4.1 Germination date

The analysis of variance indicates that there were significant difference among the treatment in
day of emergency at p<0.05 (table1) in treatments ,one at 3cm two at 6cm depth there was no
significance difference among the treatments ,however, number of seed was started to emerge
on the same date (8) after planting about (68%) and total number of seed germination percentage
was (100%) at the date of (10) after planting. Due to the effect of planting depth, in case of
treatment (T4) the seedling start to emerge at date 12 after planting however there was not
emerged total number of seed but germination percentage 100% of the seed was emerged at the
date of 15after planting. And in case of treatment three the number of seed started to emerged at
the date of 9after planting, however total number of seed was emerged 100%at the date of
12after planting .

Hussein and Saleh (1985) was reported that planting depth can affect the germination date of
faba bean. As planting depth increase the germination and germination percentage was decreases
which make low productivity of Faba bean. So this idea was supported our result.

4.2 Plant height

Plant height shows significant different at p>0.05.Numerical treatment 4 different from other
treatments. According to our result indicated plant height was affected by planting depth.
According to data investigated by Williams, (1988) indicated plant height was affected by
planting depth. As we concluded from the investigation plant height directly affected by planting
4.3 Number of tillers

The analysis of variance indicates that there were significant difference among the treatment in
numbers of tillers at p<0.05. The analysis of variance indicates that there were significant
differences among the treatment in day of emergency

4.4 Leaf number

The analysis of variance indicates that there were non-significant difference among the treatment
in leaf number p>0.05 (table1) may be this is due to randomization or the depth cannot have an
effect on leaf number. According to Haqqani (1992) reported that leaf numbers of faba bean was
affected by planting depth. His result indicated that as planting depth increase, numbers of faba
bean decreases. These results disagree with our result.

4.5 Fresh weight

Fresh weight is the weight the plant after harvest or before it taken to oven dry According to the
analysis of variance indicates that there were non-significant difference among the treatment in
fresh weight at p>0.05 (table1) in treatments so plant fresh weight do not show variability
among treatments. Bejiga, (1982) reported that planting depth can affect fresh weight. As depth
increase the lowest fresh weight was recorded. Our result disagree Bejiga idea. This may be due
to variation of soil, climate condition and randomization.

4.6 Dry weight

Dry weight is the weight after taken to oven dry. According to the analysis of variance there
were non-significant difference among treatments this is due to randomization or variety
because it is local. But Siddique (1999) reported that dry weight was affected by planting depth.
His idea disagrees with our result.

Table1. Mean separation for date of emergence, Plant height,

, Number of tillering, fresh weight and dry weight of faba bean.

Treatment Date of Plant Number of

(Planting emergence height(cm) tillering
3cm 6b 50.23a 3.06c
6 cm 10a 48.27a 5.43a
9 cm 10.33a 46.53a 4.47b
12 cm 11.66a 43.78b 6.16a

LSD(5%) 3.76 6.33 0.99

CV% 19.84 6.71 11.57

Table 2 parameters not show significant variation, Number of leaf. Fresh weight and dry weight
of faba bean.

Treatment Number of Fresh Dry weight

(Planting leaf weight
3cm 24.87 156.57 53.43
6 cm 5.43a 27.03
9 cm 4.47b 34.08
12 cm 25.93 192.28 36.15

LSD(5%) Ns Ns Ns
CV% 4.16 46.61 52.66

Values followed by the same letter(s) with in Column are not significantly different at P <0.05.

NS: non significant at 5%

Values followed by the same letter(s) with in Colum are not significantly different at P <0.05
NS: non significant at 5%

5 Summary and conclusion

Faba bean (Vicia faba. L) Is one of the earliest domesticated food legumes in the world Crop
plant must be planted at proper depth to achieve a uniform stand of intended population.
Optimum planting depth is generally related to the seed size. Large seed were emerging from
greater depth because they have larger stored food reserves that can were utilized for
germination. Seed size, type of emergence and the type of soil in which seed are planted
determine the optimum depth of planting.
The analysis of variance indicates that there were significant difference among the treatment in
day of emergency at p<0.05 in treatments ,one at 3cm two at 6cm depth there was no
significance difference among the treatments ,however, number of seed was started to emerge
on the same date (8) after planting about (68%) and total number of seed germination percentage
was (100%) at the date of (10) after planting. Plant height showed that there was not significant
different at p>0.05. The analysis of variance indicates that there were significant difference
among the treatment in numbers of tillers at p<0.05.

In general from the conducted study statistical non-significant difference among three parameters
there were leaf number, fresh weight and dry weight. On germination plant height and number of
tillers there were significant variation. The best performance of the plant observed from the
6cmdepth in all case. 3cm and 12cm shows least from other treatments so the medium means
below or above recommended is good from research. Depth to extreme small or too large has
their own effect on germina2tion and vegetative growth of faba bean.

6. Recommendations

Ethiopia is one of the most commercially faba bean producing country. It occupies about 33%of
the total production area of developed to pulses .Even though the country has potential to
production this crop, there is no sastification from the product maintained due to sowing depth
have great problem on germination and growth of faba bean due to highly depth and shallow
depth of sowing. This would creates the germination seedling had less performance and

 Thus empirical analysis of sowing depth on germination and growth will be needed to
over come the problem.
 Researcher and agricultural exporter should try to determine the optimum planting depth
for faba bean

 Farmer should be try to sowing faba bean crop at recommended planting depth

6. References

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Table 1.Analysis of variance date of emergence of faba bean influenced by planting depth

Source df Ss Ms F cal Ftable

0.05 0.01
Block 2 0.0 0.00 4.67 9.78

Treatment 3 11.67 3.88 1.09

Error 6 21.33 3.56
Total 11
CV %=19.84

Appendix2. Analysis of variances plant height of faba bean influenced by planting depth

Source Df Ss Ms F cal Ftable

0.05 0.01
Block 2 3.33 1.66 0.17

Treatment 3 3.97 1.32

Error 6 60.23 10.03
Total 11 67.53


Table.3Analsis of variance of leaf number faba bean influenced by planting depth

Source df Ss Ms F cal Ftable

0.05 0.01
Block 2 1.28 0.640 4.76 9.78

Treatment 3 2.25 0.75 0.58

Error 6 6.66 0.70
Total 11 10.20
Table 4 Analysis of variance number of tillering of faba bean influenced by planting

Source df Ss Ms F cal Ftable

0.05 0.01
Block 2 0.07 0.03

Treatment 3 0.35 0.12 0.47

Error 6 1.47 0.24
Total 11 1.89


Table 5; Analysis of variance fresh weight 0f faba bean influenced by planting depth

Source df ss Ms F cal Ftable

0.05 0.01
Block 2 20037.25 10018.62

Treatment 3 6849.36 2283.12 0.30

Error 6 10018.36 7631.74

Total 11 72677.07


Table 6. Analysis of variance of dry weight of faba bean influenced by planting depth

Source df Ss Ms F cal Ftable

0.05 0.01
Block 2 332.23 166.12 4.76 9.78

Treatment 3 1130.38 375.79 0.96

Error 6 2361.75 292.52
Total 11 3824.37

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