Exam Paper

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SULIT 1119/1

Bahasa Inggeris
Kertas 1
Julai 2023
1 Jam 30 Minit






1. Kertas ini mengandungi lima bahagian yang terdiri daripada 40 soalan: Bahagian 1, Bahagian
2, Bahagian 3, Bahagian 4 dan Bahagian 5.
2. Jawab semua soalan. Baca arahan bagi setiap bahagian dan soalan dengan teliti.
3. Tulis jawapan anda pada kertas jawapan yang disediakan.
1. This paper contains five sections consisting of 40 questions: Section 1, Section 2, Section 3,
Section 4 and Section 5.
2. Answer all the questions. Read the instructions for
each section and question carefully. Untuk kegunaan pemeriksa
3. Write your answers on the answer sheet provided. Bahagian Markah Markah
penuh diperoleh
1 8
Name: __________________________________________ 2 10
3 8
Class: ___________________________________________
4 6
5 8
Jumlah 40

Disediakan oleh: Disemak oleh: Disahkan oleh:

_________________ ________________ _______________
(Nurul Hanani Abd Rahman) (Pn. Arutchelvi N.) (Pn. Ruziana Kormin)

Kertas ini mengandungi 15 halaman bercetak termasuk muka hadapan


[8 marks]
[Time suggested: Fifteen minutes]

Questions 1 to 8
Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C. For each
question, mark the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following is true?

A. Climbers can visit the place at various altitudes.
B. Mount Kinabalu is the largest biological site on Earth.
C. This mountain contains diversity of species of plant and animal.

Dear valued guest,

2. From the notice, we know that
We apologise that we were unable to A the Housekeeping
service your room this morning as Department has disturbed the
there was a “Do Not Disturb” sign guest.
hung at your doorknob.
B the guest wishes for the room
to be cleaned immediately.
Please contact our Guest Services at
Ext. 0 if you require your room to be C the room can be cleaned if the
cleaned. guest contacts the
housekeeping department.
Have a pleasant day!

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NASA watchdog says the return of

astronauts to the moon by 2024 3. Which of the following is true?

(CNN) - NASA's goal of returning American A. It is not possible to return to

astronauts to the moon by 2024 isn't the moon by 2024.
feasible because of significant delays in B. The spacesuit development
developing spacesuits, NASA Inspector
is in progress and will be
General Paul K. Martin said in a new
report. completed in 2024.
C. NASA has spent billions
Even though NASA will have spent more
of dollars on the
than a billion dollars on the next-
generation spacesuits, Martin concluded expedition to the moon.
that the "suits would not be ready for
flight until April 2025 at the earliest" and
are "years away from completion."

Cloning Fast Facts

4. Which of the following is true?
(CNN)Here's some background A. Cloning is the process of
information about cloning, a process of
creating new organisms.
creating an identical copy of an original.
B. Replicating an identical
Reproductive Cloning is the process of copy of an organism is
making a full living copy of an organism. called reproductive cloning.
Reproductive cloning of animals C. In cloning, we simply need
transplants nuclei from body cells into
nuclei and an egg.
eggs that have had their nucleus
removed. That egg is then stimulated to
divide using an electrical charge and is
implanted into the uterus of a female.

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What is Third-hand Smoke?

Third-hand smoke is the chemical residue that's left behind by smokers
on clothes, skin, furniture, walls, and other surfaces.

Why should you care?

Third-hand smoke contains many toxic chemicals that can harm you
and your loved ones.
Possessions like homes, cars, carpets, and furniture lose value when
contaminated by third-hand smoke.
Young children are the most vulnerable because they frequently touch
objects and put their hands in their mouth.

5. According to the information about third-hand smoke, we can conclude that smokers
A. will lose their possessions due to toxic chemicals.
B. can harm young children by touching their mouth.
C. are accountable for leaving behind harmful particles.

Miri: Eleven-year-old Teng Wen Yen

died in a fire trying to save her six-
year-old brother when a fire broke
gutted the whole longhouse here
yesterday. Both siblings were
overcome by smoke and perished in
the blaze. Their mother said that it
was love that drove Wen Yen back into
the burning house.

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Why must we do warming up?

Warming up prepares our cardiovascular 7. Which of the following is true?
system for physical activities, by
increasing the blood flow to our muscles A. Warming up should be done
and raising the temperature of our body. after exercises.
When our muscles are adequately
B. Warming up helps to reduce
warmed up, the movements and
pressures we put on them during exercise muscle discomfort.
are less serious, thus minimising muscle C. Our body will be healthy
without warming up
rming- cooling-important/

In conjunction with the Green Day

Celebration, Malaysians can now adopt a 8. The objective of the campaign is to
allow Malaysians to
plant or tree for conservation at the country's
oldest and largest artificial forest, the Forest A. Be aware of the resources

Research Institute of Malaysia. This campaign found in the forests.

aims to change the mindset of Malaysians, B. Help converse trees in

that forests are not only a source of timber Malaysia.
but also a valuable source of health products C. Plant a tree in the Forest
and eco-tourism. Research Institute of Malaysia.

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[10 marks]
[Time suggested: Fifteen minutes]

Read the text below and choose the best word for each space. For each question, mark the
correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.

Boxing History

The first known boxers (0) were the ancient Greeks, who toughened up young men by
making them box with bare fists. Later, a length of leather was (9) __________ around their
hands and forearms to protect them. Although the sport was brutal, in ancient Greece, boxers
who killed their (10) __________ received a stiff punishment.
During the Middle Ages—from 500 to 1500 A.D.—boxing fell out (11) __________
favour. It became popular in England about 100 years later, when the new middle class had
the time (12) __________ money for sports. Boxers would travel to matches held at inns and
bars, and their loyal fans would follow. No gloves were used in the early 1600s in England.
(13) __________, like the ancient Greeks, boxers used bare fists and—something new—
wrestling holds. Carrier pigeons with messages tied to their bodies were trained to take news
of the fights back to the boxers’ hometowns.
Because (14) __________ many people were badly hurt or killed, padded boxing
gloves began to be used in the United States (15) __________ 1880. Boxing became
fashionable and safer. Harvard University offered boxing as a recreational sport in the 1880s.
U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt’s love of the sport helped to further popularise it. It was
said that Roosevelt boxed regularly with a (16) __________ heavy-weight champion named
Mike Donovan.
During World War I, boxing was part of the required training (17) __________ army
recruits. The Golden Gloves Championship for boys, which (18) __________ in the 1930s,
also helped spread the sport’s popularity.
0. A was B were C are D is
9. A wraps B wrapping C wrapped D wrap
10. A participants B partners C friends D opponents
11. A of B in C on D off
12. A or B and C but D yet
13. A However B Instead C Therefore D Likewise
14. A few B very C some D so
15. A within B inside C outside D around
16. A former B current C instant D last
17. A as B for C to D by

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18. A begin B began C begun D beginning

[8 marks]
[Time suggested: Twenty minutes]

You are going to read an extract from an article. For questions 19 to 26, choose the correct
answer (A, B, C or D) and mark the correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.

Kieron Graham always knew he had an older brother. His adoption papers, signed and
sealed when he was three months old, listed a sibling named Vincent but no last name.
Although Kieron spent years thinking about Vincent, he could never track him down.

That changed in December 2017, when Kieron's adoptive parents gave their four
adopted children DNA Test Kits as Christmas gifts. Kieron, now 21, sent his saliva sample in
for analysis. When his results came back, he was stunned to find one strong match labelled
“close family.” His name was Vincent Ghant.

Kieron looked for him on Facebook and soon made a possible connection. "This is
going to sound so wild, but I think you're my brother," Kieron wrote on Facebook's
Messenger app. He added that he was given up for adoption in 1997 and on his paperwork, it
was written that his birth mother had a son named Vincent along with his birth date. His birth
mother's name was Shawn.

Vincent, 30 years old in his Facebook profile, responded to Kieron's message almost
immediately. He asked if Kieron knew his given name before the adoption and Kieron wrote,
"I think it was Tyler". After exchanging several messages, Vincent excitedly confirmed that
he was Kieron's long-lost brother, much to Kieron's delight.

As they talked, the brothers realised they lived about 20 minutes from each other,
outside of Atlanta. More mind-blowing, they attended the same university and majored and
minored in the same subjects: political science and legal studies.

"We were both speechless. What are the odds? We were separated our entire lives and
then somehow ended up at the same school with the same interests?" says Kieron.

Vincent was nine when Kieron was born and remembers caring for his baby brother.
But times were tough, and Shawn, who worked 15-plus hours a day as a nurse, decided that
placing Kieron for adoption would give him the best chance to succeed. According to
Vincent, Shawn was very emotional about that time of her life, to the point where it was hard
for her to put into words anything that had happened.

Now the brothers had the chance to make up for the lost time. They decided to meet at
a local tea shop that week. Kieron was extremely nervous. He wondered about what he
should say and what he should do. As he waited outside the shop, he heard someone calling

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his name, and he suddenly found himself in a hug with the brother he had thought about his
entire life. The men went inside and talked.

"We connected," says Vincent, 'like we already knew each other."

One of Vincent's concerns was that Kieron might resent his birth family for placing
him for adoption. He was relieved that Kieron didn't, and that he'd grown up in a loving
family. Later that day, Kieron talked to his birth mother on the phone and went to Vincent's
house to meet his wife and his two-year-old daughter.

"She looked up at me, and I was blown away. Wow, here I am, an uncle and I have an
older brother," says Kieron.

Since that first meeting, the brothers have bonded even more. "We'll keep growing
our relationship until it's time to leave this planet," says Vincent. That shouldn't be hard. As
Kieron says, "We've got years and years to catch up on."

Adapted from Discovering a Lost Brother by Juliana LaBianca. Reader's Digest USA,
November 2018

19 In paragraph 2, what was Kieron's reaction to the results?

A. He was indifferent.
B. He was relaxed.
C. He was surprised.
D. He was worried.

20 In paragraph 4, what was Kieron's feeling when Vincent confirmed their relationship?
A. Happy to find out his brother.
B. Sad to find out he was adopted.
C. Disappointed to find a long-lost brother.
D. Surprised to find his elder brother. \

21 In paragraph 5, what surprised Kieron and Vincent the most?

A. That they both are studying in the same school.
B. That they both took the same courses in the same university.
C. That they both live in the same state of Atlanta
D. That they both go to university.

22 In paragraph 7, why was Kieron placed for adoption?

A. His adopted family loves him very much.
B. His original family hated him.
C. His adopted family was rich.
D. His original family was poor.

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23 What was the impact of Kieron's adoption to Shawn?

A. She was taken aback.
B. She was indifferent.
C. She was happy.
D. She was very emotional.

24 In paragraph 9, why did Vincent said, "like we already knew each other"?
A. The brothers were comfortable around each other even though they just met.
B. The brothers had the same interest in science.
C. The brothers liked the same tea shop.
D. The brothers had been close friends before the DNA test.

25 How does Kieron feel about finding his long-lost brother in the last paragraph?
A. Relieved to know he is an uncle.
B. Excited to get closer to him.
C. Envious of Vincent's wife and daughter.
D. Disappointed that he did not meet Shawn.

26 What is the purpose of the writer writing this article?

A. To share the impact of adoption to people.
B. To promote the state of Atlanta.
C. To share a heart-warming story of separated brothers.
D. To demonstrate strong family ties.

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[6 marks]
[Time suggested: Twenty minutes]
Questions 27 to 32
You are going to read an article about plastic waste. Six sentences have been removed from
the article. Choose from the sentences A to H the one which fits each gap (27 to 32). There
are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.

Are Zoos A Good Thing?

Zoos are popular attractions for adults and children alike. However, are they actually
a good thing?
Critics of zoos would argue that animals often suffer physically and mentally by being
enclosed. (27) This situation causes many zoo animals to become stressed or
mentally ill.
Some zoos also make animals behave unnaturally. (28) Capturing animals
also causes much suffering by splitting up families. (29)
In contrast, by bringing people and animals together, zoos have the potential to
educate the public about conservation issues. People are inspired to protect animals
too. (30) Zoos also carry out important research into subjects such as animal behaviour and
how to treat diseases.
(31) In the wild, some of the rarest species have difficulty in finding mates
and breeding. They might also be threatened by poachers, habitat loss and predators. A good
zoo will enable these species to live and breed in a secure environment.
All in all, are zoos good for animals? (32) However, it is understandable
that many still view keeping animals in captivity for any reason is simply wrong.


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A Some zoos provide a safe environment B Also, zoos support breeding

for animals which have been mistreated in programmes that will release animals back
circuses, or pets which have been to the wild.

C Consequently, these animals may die D For instance, dolphins and whales are
decades earlier than their wild relatives. often forced to perform tricks in marine

E Zoos do more harm than good to F There are people who strongly agree that
animals. zoos have more positive than negative
effects on animals.

G Even the best artificial environments can H One of the most important modern
never come close to matching the space and functions of zoos is supporting international
freedom that animals have in their natural breeding programmes, especially for
habitats. endangered species.

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[8 marks]
[Time suggested: Twenty minutes]
Questions 33 to 40
Questions 33 to 40 are based on the following texts. Read the text carefully and answer the
questions that follow.
Advantages of Hobbies

A – Meena
I love reading books, especially non-fiction ones. For example, I am currently reading a
book called The Unconquered which focuses on a tribe of native Indians that lives in
isolation in the Amazon Forest. Every book I read teaches me something about the world
and gives me a new perspective on life. Reading is a wonderful way to transport me to
different places and times without actually leaving home.
B – Peter
One of my favourite hobbies is cooking. Cooking has taught me so much about patience
and focus because those two are essential ingredients to make delicious food. The more I
cook, the better I get at it. Of course, I have also cooked food that did not turn out so well,
but I learned from my mistakes and improved each time. I cook food that I enjoy eating.
Best of
all, it is generally cheaper and tastes better than eating out at most restaurants.
C – Jasmine
Quite a few years ago, I decided to exercise regularly, and it has been a wonderful hobby
for me, although some may argue it is more of a necessity rather than a hobby, much like
brushing your teeth. However, I really enjoy all sorts of exercise: going to the gym, lifting
weights, running and walking. The longer I do it, the more I enjoy it. I have also met a lot
wonderful people who share this passion.
D – Alicia
Edible gardens have become popular nowadays. I started growing my first edible garden
several years ago. Not only does my garden provide me with herbs and vegetables that I
can use in my favourite dishes, it also provides me with a healthy and totally organic food
source. I love knowing exactly what goes into my cooking. Though gardening requires
patience, it is worth it when I get to dig into a plate of my own fresh produce.
E – Henry
It was 3 years ago when I decided to take up fishing. Initially, I saw this as a time
commitment that I could not really afford, but once I was able to find the time in my busy
schedule to be in nature, it has helped me to leave my hectic life aside for a while. Fishing
has allowed me to relieve stress and become more relaxed and in turn, it has helped me to
improve my relationship with other people too.
F – Nick
Sitting with a guitar and learning to strum the chords to my favourite song helps improve my
concentration. Learning to play the guitar helps develop hand-eye coordination as my hands,
fingers and mind work together to combine notes, chords, and scales. To me, playing the
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Questions 33 – 36
Which paragraph (A - F) describes the following opinions on the advantages of hobbies?
Mark your answer on the separate answer sheet.

Statements Paragraph

33. I am able to build relationships with people who share the

same interest.
34. I can enjoy delicious homemade meals and save money.
35. I can transport myself to a whole new world without leaving home.
36. Taking time off and enjoying nature has made me a better

Questions 37 to 40
Complete the notes below using information from the text. Choose no more than one
word from the passage for each answer.
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Things We Know About


 An avid reader usually gains a new life (37) as they read

various genres of books.
 One of the benefits of (38) an edible garden is having an
organic food source.
 Being close to nature helps to relieve stress and makes you feel more (39)
 One can (40) _____________ oneself through music as an effective way to
communicate feelings.

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1. C 21. B
2. C 22. D
3. A 23. D
4. B 24. A
5. C 25. B
6. C 26. C
7. B 27. G
8. A 28. D
9. C 29. C
10. D 30. A
11. A 31. H
12. B 32. F
13. B 33. C
14. D 34. B
15. D 35. A
16. A 36. E
17. B 37. perspective
18. B 38. growing
19. C 39. relaxed
20. A 40. express

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