Cincinnati FRS

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

School Info
We agree to release the institution's data to the conference: Yes

Institutional Contacts:

Primary Contact Kimberly McGraw Title: Associate AD, Business

Person: Affairs
Phone: 5135562980 Email: [email protected]
CEO: Dr. Neville G. Pinto CEO Email: [email protected]
University CFO: Mr. Bob Ambach University CFO Email: [email protected]
Audit Firm: BKD CPAs & AUP Report Issuance 06/30/2019
Advisors Date:

Classification & Conference:

NCAA Primary I-FBS

Athletic Conference: American Athletic

Sports Sponsorship:

Sport Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Mixed Teams

Baseball x
Basketball x x
Beach Volleyball
Cross Country x x
Field Hockey
Football x
Golf x x
Ice Hockey
Lacrosse x

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

Sport Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Mixed Teams

Soccer x x
Swimming and Diving x x
Tennis x
Track, Indoor x x
Track, Outdoor x x
Volleyball x
Water Polo
Totals 9 10 0

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

Revenue/Expense Summary
ID Item Amount Definition
1 Ticket Sales $7,736,020 Input revenue received for sales of admissions to athletic events.
This may include:

• Public and faculty sales.

• Student sales
• Shipping and Handling fees.

Please report amounts paid in excess of ticket's face value to obtain

preferential seating or priority in Category 8 (Contributions).
2 Direct State or Other $0 Input state, municipal, federal and other appropriations made in
Government Support support of athletics.

This amount includes funding specifically earmarked for the

athletics department by government agencies for which the
institution cannot reallocate.

This amount also includes state funded employee benefits.

Corresponding expenses should be reported in Categories 22 and

Any state or other government support appropriated to the

university, for which the university determines the dollar allocation
to the athletics department shall be reported in Direct Institutional
Support (Category 4).
3 Student Fees $0 Input student fees assessed and restricted for support of
intercollegiate athletics.
4 Direct Institutional $27,261,434 Input direct funds provided by the institution to athletics for the
Support operations of intercollegiate athletics including:

• Unrestricted funds allocated to the athletics department by the

university (e.g. state funds, tuition, tuition discounts/waivers,
• Federal work study support for student workers employed by
• Endowment unrestricted income, spending policy distributions
and other investment income distributed to athletics in the
reporting year to support athletic operations. Athletics restricted
endowment income for athletics should be reported in Category

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

ID Item Amount Definition

5 Less - Transfers to $0 If the institution allocated funds to athletics as represented in
Institution Categories 3-4 and the athletics department provided a transfer of
funds back to the institution in the reporting year, report the transfer
amount as a negative in this category. The transfer amount may not
exceed the total of Categories 3-4. Transfers back to the institution
in excess of Categories 3-4 should be reported in Category 50 -
excess transfers to institution.
6 Indirect Institutional $2,440,986 Input value of costs covered and services provided by the institution
Support to athletics but not charged to athletics including:

• Administrative services provided by the university to athletics but

not charged such as HR, Accounting and IT.
• Facilities maintenance.
• Security.
• Risk Management.
• Utilities.

Do not include depreciation.

Note: This category should equal Category 36. If the institution is

paying for debt service, leases, or rental fees for athletic facilities,
but not charging to athletics, include those amounts in Category 6A.
6A Indirect Institutional $0 Input debt service payments (principal and interest, including
Support - Athletic internal loan programs), leases and rental fees for athletics facilities
Facilities Debt Service, for the reporting year provided by the institution to athletics but not
Lease and Rental Fees charged to athletics.

Do not report depreciation.

Note: If the institution is paying for all athletic facilities debt

service, lease and rental fees and not charging to athletics, this
category will equal Category 34. If athletics or other entities are
also paying these expenses or the institution is charging directly to
athletics, this category will not equal Category 34.
7 Guarantees $435,100 Input revenue received from participation in away games.

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

ID Item Amount Definition

8 Contributions $6,399,903 Input contributions provided and used by athletics in the reporting
year including:

• Amounts received from individuals, corporations, associations,

foundations, clubs or other organizations designated for the
operations of the athletics program.
• Funds contributed by outside contributors for the payment of
debt service, lease payments or rental fee expenses for athletic
facilities in the reporting year.
• Amounts received above face value for tickets.

Contributions shall include cash and marketable securities.

Do not report:

• Pledges until funds are provided to athletics for use.

• Contributions to be used in other reporting years.

9 In-Kind $512,798 Input market value of in-kind contributions in the reporting year

• Dealer provided automobiles.

• Equipment.
• Services.
• Nutritional product.

All in-kind contributions that are made as a result of a licensing or

sponsorship agreement should be reported in Category 15.

Please offset in-kind values in the appropriate expense category.

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

ID Item Amount Definition

10 Compensation and $0 Input all benefits provided by a third party and contractually
Benefits provided by a guaranteed by the institution, but not included on the institution's
third party W-2. These may include:

• Car stipend.
• Country club membership.
• Allowances for clothing, housing, entertainment.
• Speaking fees.
• Camps compensation.
• Media income.
• Shoe and apparel income.

The total of this category should equal expense Categories 23 and

25 combined.
11 Media Rights $0 Input all revenue received for radio, television, internet, digital and
e-commerce rights, including the portion of conference
distributions related to media rights - if applicable.

Consult with your conference offices if you do not have the media
rights distribution amount available.
12 NCAA Distributions $4,699,368 Input revenues received from all NCAA distributions including
NCAA championships reimbursements and payments received from
the NCAA for hosting a championship.

In some cases, NCAA distributions may be provided by the

conference office. Consult with the conference office for the
amount if you do not have it available and include in this category.
13 Conference $1,018,194 Input all revenues received by conference distribution, excluding
Distributions (Non portions of distribution relating to media rights (reported in
Media and Non Bowl) Category 11) or NCAA distributions (reported in Category 12).

Note: Conference distributions of revenue generated by a post-

season bowl to conference members should be recorded in Category
13A. Distributions for reimbursement of post-season bowl expenses
should be included in Category 19.
13A Conference $710,746 Input conference distributions of revenue generated by a post-
Distributions of Bowl season bowl to conference members.
Generated Revenue
Note: Distributions for reimbursement of post-season bowl
expenses should be included in Category 19. Portions of
distribution relating to media rights are reported in Category 11,
NCAA distributions are reported in Category 12 and all other
conference distributions are reported in Category 13.
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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

ID Item Amount Definition

14 Program, Novelty, $1,574,390 Input revenues from:
Parking and
Concession Sales • Game Programs.
• Novelties.
• Food and Concessions.
• Parking.

Advertising should be included in Category 15.

15 Royalties, Licensing, $8,327,576 Input revenues from:
Advertisement and
Sponsorships • Sponsorships.
• Licensing Agreements.
• Advertisement.
• Royalties.
• In-kind products and services as part of sponsorship agreement.

An allocation may be necessary to distinguish revenues generated

by athletics versus the university if payments are combined.
16 Sports Camp Revenues $0 Input amounts received by the athletics department for sports camps
and clinics.
17 Athletics Restricted $905,856 Please report spending policy distributions from athletics restricted
Endowment and endowments and investment income used for athletics operations in
Investments Income the reporting year.

This category includes only restricted investment and endowment

income used for the operations of intercollegiate athletics;
institutional allocations of income from unrestricted endowments
qualify as ""Direct Institutional Support"" and should be reported in
Category 4.

Note: Please make sure amounts reported are only up to the amount
of expenses covered by the endowment for the reporting year.
18 Other Operating $6,672,421 Input any operating revenues received by athletics in the report year
Revenue which cannot be classified into one of the stated categories.

If the figure is greater than 10% of total revenues, please report the
top three activities included in this category in the comments

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

ID Item Amount Definition

19 Bowl Revenues $150,880 Input all amounts received related to participation in a post-season
bowl game, including:

• Expense reimbursements.
• Ticket sales.

Total Operating $68,845,672 Total of Categories 1-19.

20 Athletic Student Aid $9,865,114 Input the total amount of athletic student-aid for the reporting year
• Summer school.
• Tuition discounts and waivers (unless it is a discount or waiver
available to the general student body).
• Aid given to student-athletes who are inactive (medical reasons)
or no longer eligible (exhausted eligibility).
• Other expenses related to attendance.

Note: Division I Grants-in-aid equivalencies are calculated by using

the revenue distribution equivalencies by sport and in aggregate.
(Athletic grant amount divided by the full grant amount). Other
expenses related to attendance (also known as gap money or cost of
attendance) should not be included in the grants-in-aid revenue
distribution equivalencies. Only tuition, fees, room, board and
course related books are countable for grants-in-aid revenue
distribution per Bylaw 20.02.7.

Athletics aid awarded to non-athletes (student-managers, graduate

assistants, trainers) should be reported as Expenses Not Related to
Specific Teams. It is permissible to report only dollars in the
Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams row as long as you have
reported non- zero entries for Equivalencies, Number of Students,
and Dollars (all 3 required for at least one sport).

Note: Pell grants are provided by the government, not the

institution or athletics department, and therefore should be
excluded from reporting in this category.

This information can be managed within the NCAA's Compliance

Assistance (CA) software. The information entered into compliance
assistance will automatically populate to the athletic student aid
section within the NCAA Financial Reporting System when the CA
import feature is selected.

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

ID Item Amount Definition

21 Guarantees $1,691,250 Input amounts paid to visiting participating institutions, including
per diems and/or travel and meal expenses.
22 Coaching Salaries, $13,164,835 Input compensation, bonuses and benefits paid to all coaches
Benefits and Bonuses reportable on the university or related entities W-2 and 1099 forms
paid by the University inclusive of:
and Related Entities
• Gross wages and bonuses.
• Benefits including allowances, speaking fees, retirement,
stipends, memberships, media income, tuition reimbursement and
earned deferred compensation, including those funded by the

Place any severance payments in Category 26.

Note: Bonuses related to participation in a post-season bowl game

should be included in Category 41A.
23 Coaching Salaries, $0 Input compensation, bonuses and benefits paid to all coaches by a
Benefits and Bonuses third party and contractually guaranteed by the institution, but not
paid by a Third Party included on the institutions W-2 including:

• Car stipend.
• Country club membership.
• Allowances for clothing, housing, entertainment.
• Speaking fees.
• Camps compensation.
• Media income.
• Shoe and apparel income.

Expense Category 23 and 25 should equal Category 10.

Note: Bonuses related to participation in a post-season bowl game

should be included in Category 41A.

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

ID Item Amount Definition

24 Support Staff/ $8,310,119 Input compensation, bonuses and benefits paid to all administrative
Administrative and support staff reportable on the university or related entities (e.g.
Compensation, Benefits foundations or booster clubs) W-2 and 1099 forms inclusive of:
and Bonuses paid by
the University and • Gross wages and bonuses.
Related Entities • Benefits including allowances, speaking fees, retirement,
stipends, memberships, media income, tuition reimbursement and
earned deferred compensation, including those funded by the

Staff members responsible for the gender-specific athletics

department, but not a specific sport (i.e., director of men's athletics),
will have their compensation figures reported as Expenses Not
Related to Specific Teams fields. Athletics department staff
members who assist both men's and women's teams (sports
information director, academic advisor) will be reported as Not
Allocated by Gender column.
25 Support Staff/ $0 Input compensation, bonuses and benefits paid to administrative
Administrative and support staff by a third party and contractually guaranteed by
Compensation, Benefits the institution, but not included on the institutions W-2 including:
and Bonuses paid by
Third Party • Car stipend.
• Country club membership.
• Allowances for clothing, housing, entertainment.
• Speaking fees.
• Camps compensation.
• Media income.
• Shoe and apparel income.

Expense Category 23 and 25 should equal Category 10.

26 Severance Payments $229,616 Input severance payments and applicable benefits recognized for
past coaching and administrative personnel.
27 Recruiting $1,026,279 Input transportation, lodging and meals for prospective student-
athletes and institutional personnel on official and unofficial visits,
telephone call charges, postage and such. Include value of use of
institution's own vehicles or airplanes as well as in-kind value of
loaned or contributed transportation.

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

ID Item Amount Definition

28 Team Travel $4,844,408 Input air and ground travel, lodging, meals and incidentals
(including housing costs incurred during school break period) for
competition related to preseason, regular season and non-bowl
postseason. Amounts incurred for food and lodging for housing the
team before a home game also should be included. Use of the
institution's own vehicles or airplanes as well as in-kind value of
donor-provided transportation.

Note: Expenses related to post-season bowls should be included in

Category 41.
29 Sports Equipment, $385,923 Input items that are provided to the teams only. Equipment amounts
Uniforms and Supplies are those expended from current or operating funds. Include value
of in-kind equipment provided.

Note: Expenses related to post-season bowls should be included in

Category 41.
30 Game Expenses $2,140,650 Input game-day expenses other than travel which are necessary for
intercollegiate athletics competition, including officials, security,
event staff, ambulance, etc. Input any payments back to the NCAA
for hosting a tournament.

Note: Expenses related to post-season bowls should be included in

Category 41.
31 Fund Raising, $3,971,336 Input costs associated with fund raising, marketing and promotion
Marketing and for media guides, brochures, recruiting publications and such.
32 Sports Camp Expenses $0 Input all expenses paid by the athletics department, including non-
athletics personnel salaries and benefits, from hosting sports camps
and clinics. Athletics personnel salaries and benefits should be
reported in Categories 22-25.
33 Spirit Groups $268,743 Include support for spirit groups including bands, cheerleaders,
mascots, dancers, etc.

Note: Expenses related to post-season bowls should be included in

Category 41.

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

ID Item Amount Definition

34 Athletic Facilities Debt $11,739,646 Input debt service payments (principal and interest, including
Service, Leases and internal loan programs), leases and rental fees for athletics facilities
Rental Fee for the reporting year regardless of entity paying (athletics,
institution or other).

Do not report depreciation.

Note: If the institution is paying for all debt service, leases, or rental
fees for athletic facilities but not charging to athletics, this category
should equal Category 6A. If athletics or other entities are paying
these expenses or the institution is charging directly to athletics, this
category will not equal Category 6A.
35 Direct Overhead and $876,357 Input overhead and administrative expenses paid by or charged
Administrative directly to athletics including:
• Administrative/Overhead fees charged by the institution to
• Facilities maintenance.
• Security.
• Risk Management.
• Utilities.
• Equipment Repair.
• Telephone.
• Other Administrative Expenses.

36 Indirect Institutional $2,440,986 Input overhead and administrative expenses NOT paid by or
Support charged directly to athletics including:

• Administrative/Overhead fees not charged by the institution to

• Facilities maintenance.
• Security.
• Risk Management.
• Utilities.
• Equipment Repair.
• Telephone.
• Other Administrative Expenses.

Do not report depreciation.

Note: This category should equal Category 6.

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

ID Item Amount Definition

37 Medical Expenses and $588,360 Input medical expenses and medical insurance premiums for
Insurance student-athletes.
38 Memberships and Dues $121,747 Input memberships, conference and association dues.
39 Student-Athlete Meals $785,201 Include meal allowance and food/snacks provided to student-
(non-travel) athletes.

Note: Meals provided during team travel should be reported in

Category 28.
40 Other Operating $3,401,903 Input any operating expenses paid by athletics in the report year
Expenses which cannot be classified into one of the stated categories,

• Non-team travel (conferences, etc.).

• Team banquets and awards.

If the figure is greater than 10% of total expenses, please report the
top three activities included in this category in the comments
41 Bowl Expenses $665,615 Input all expenditures related to participation in a post-season bowl
game, including:

• Team travel, lodging and meal expenses.

• Bonuses related to bowl participation.
• Spirit groups.
• Uniforms.

Note: All post-season bowl related coaching compensation/bonuses

should be reported in Category 41A, Bowl Expenses – Coaching
41A Bowl Expenses - $314,238 Input all coaching bonuses related to participation in a post-season
Coaching bowl game.
Note: All other post-season bowl related expenses should be
reported in Category 41, Bowl Expenses.
Total Operating $66,832,326 Total of Categories 20-41A.

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

Revenue/Expense Details
1 Ticket $7,736,020 Input revenue received for sales of admissions to athletic events. This may include:
• Public and faculty sales.
• Student sales
• Shipping and Handling fees.

Please report amounts paid in excess of ticket's face value to obtain preferential
seating or priority in Category 8 (Contributions).

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source Ticket Sales Ticket Sales Ticket Sales
Baseball 37,740
Basketball 3,822,401 62,590
Football 3,805,145
Lacrosse 964
Swimming and Diving 7,180
Track and Field, X-Country
Subtotal All Teams 7,665,286 70,734 0
Revenue Not Related to Specific Teams
Total Revenue 7,665,286 70,734 0

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

2 Direct State or Other $0 Input state, municipal, federal and other appropriations made in support of
Government Support athletics.

This amount includes funding specifically earmarked for the athletics department
by government agencies for which the institution cannot reallocate.

This amount also includes state funded employee benefits. Corresponding

expenses should be reported in Categories 22 and 24.

Any state or other government support appropriated to the university, for which
the university determines the dollar allocation to the athletics department shall be
reported in Direct Institutional Support (Category 4).

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source Direct State or Other Direct State or Other Direct State or Other
Government Support Government Support Government Support
Swimming and Diving
Track and Field, X-
Subtotal All Teams 0 0 0
Revenue Not Related to
Specific Teams
Total Revenue 0 0 0

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

3 Student Fees $0 Input student fees assessed and restricted for support of intercollegiate athletics.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source Student Fees Student Fees Student Fees
Swimming and Diving
Track and Field, X-Country
Subtotal All Teams 0 0 0
Revenue Not Related to Specific Teams
Total Revenue 0 0 0

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

4 Direct $27,261,434 Input direct funds provided by the institution to athletics for the operations of
Institutional intercollegiate athletics including:
• Unrestricted funds allocated to the athletics department by the university
(e.g. state funds, tuition, tuition discounts/waivers, transfers)
• Federal work study support for student workers employed by athletics.
• Endowment unrestricted income, spending policy distributions and other
investment income distributed to athletics in the reporting year to support
athletic operations. Athletics restricted endowment income for athletics
should be reported in Category 17.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by

Revenues by Source Direct Institutional Direct Institutional Direct Institutional
Support Support Support
Baseball 152,534
Basketball 111,977 115,513
Football 289,218
Golf 7,921 93,646
Lacrosse 249,037
Soccer 172,654 68,910
Swimming and Diving 181,161 201,367
Tennis 126,296
Track and Field, X-Country 126,048 142,541
Volleyball 102,906
Subtotal All Teams 1,041,513 1,100,216 0
Revenue Not Related to Specific 25,119,705
Total Revenue 1,041,513 1,100,216 25,119,705

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

5 Less - $0 If the institution allocated funds to athletics as represented in Categories 3-4 and the
Transfers to athletics department provided a transfer of funds back to the institution in the reporting
Institution year, report the transfer amount as a negative in this category. The transfer amount may not
exceed the total of Categories 3-4. Transfers back to the institution in excess of Categories
3-4 should be reported in Category 50 - excess transfers to institution.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source Less - Transfers to Less - Transfers to Less - Transfers to
Institution Institution Institution
Swimming and Diving
Track and Field, X-Country
Subtotal All Teams 0 0 0
Revenue Not Related to
Specific Teams
Total Revenue 0 0 0

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

6 Indirect $2,440,986 Input value of costs covered and services provided by the institution to
Institutional athletics but not charged to athletics including:
• Administrative services provided by the university to athletics but not
charged such as HR, Accounting and IT.
• Facilities maintenance.
• Security.
• Risk Management.
• Utilities.

Do not include depreciation.

Note: This category should equal Category 36. If the institution is paying for
debt service, leases, or rental fees for athletic facilities, but not charging to
athletics, include those amounts in Category 6A.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source Indirect Institutional Indirect Institutional Indirect Institutional
Support Support Support
Swimming and Diving
Track and Field, X-Country
Subtotal All Teams 0 0 0
Revenue Not Related to 2,440,986
Specific Teams
Total Revenue 0 0 2,440,986

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

6A Indirect Institutional $0 Input debt service payments (principal and interest, including internal loan
Support - Athletic Facilities programs), leases and rental fees for athletics facilities for the reporting
Debt Service, Lease and year provided by the institution to athletics but not charged to athletics.
Rental Fees
Do not report depreciation.

Note: If the institution is paying for all athletic facilities debt service, lease
and rental fees and not charging to athletics, this category will equal
Category 34. If athletics or other entities are also paying these expenses or
the institution is charging directly to athletics, this category will not equal
Category 34.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Indirect Institutional Indirect Institutional Indirect Institutional
Source Support - Athletic Facilities Support - Athletic Facilities Support - Athletic Facilities
Debt Service, Lease and Debt Service, Lease and Debt Service, Lease and
Rental Fees Rental Fees Rental Fees
Swimming and
Track and Field,
Subtotal All 0 0 0
Revenue Not
Related to
Specific Teams
Total Revenue 0 0 0

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

7 Guarantees $435,100 Input revenue received from participation in away games.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source Guarantees Guarantees Guarantees
Baseball 19,600
Football 400,000
Soccer 10,500
Swimming and Diving
Track and Field, X-Country
Volleyball 5,000
Subtotal All Teams 419,600 15,500 0
Revenue Not Related to Specific Teams
Total Revenue 419,600 15,500 0

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

8 Contributions $6,399,903 Input contributions provided and used by athletics in the reporting year

• Amounts received from individuals, corporations, associations, foundations,

clubs or other organizations designated for the operations of the athletics
• Funds contributed by outside contributors for the payment of debt service, lease
payments or rental fee expenses for athletic facilities in the reporting year.
• Amounts received above face value for tickets.

Contributions shall include cash and marketable securities.

Do not report:

• Pledges until funds are provided to athletics for use.

• Contributions to be used in other reporting years.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source Contributions Contributions Contributions
Baseball 182,651
Basketball 68,996 4,352
Football 502,309
Golf 80,568 10,241
Lacrosse 2,286
Soccer 4,349 4,420
Swimming and Diving 2,321 1,580
Tennis 5,559
Track and Field, X-Country 14,872 11,922
Volleyball 1,900
Subtotal All Teams 856,066 42,260 0
Revenue Not Related to Specific Teams 5,501,577
Total Revenue 856,066 42,260 5,501,577

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

9 In-Kind $512,798 Input market value of in-kind contributions in the reporting year including:

• Dealer provided automobiles.

• Equipment.
• Services.
• Nutritional product.

All in-kind contributions that are made as a result of a licensing or sponsorship agreement
should be reported in Category 15.

Please offset in-kind values in the appropriate expense category.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source In-Kind In-Kind In-Kind
Baseball 150
Basketball 40,450
Football 83,934
Swimming and Diving
Track and Field, X-Country
Subtotal All Teams 124,534 0 0
Revenue Not Related to Specific Teams 388,264
Total Revenue 124,534 0 388,264

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

10 Compensation and Benefits $0 Input all benefits provided by a third party and contractually guaranteed
provided by a third party by the institution, but not included on the institution's W-2. These may

• Car stipend.
• Country club membership.
• Allowances for clothing, housing, entertainment.
• Speaking fees.
• Camps compensation.
• Media income.
• Shoe and apparel income.

The total of this category should equal expense Categories 23 and 25


Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source Compensation and Benefits Compensation and Benefits Compensation and Benefits
provided by a third party provided by a third party provided by a third party
Swimming and
Track and Field, X-
Subtotal All Teams 0 0 0
Revenue Not Related
to Specific Teams
Total Revenue 0 0 0

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

11 Media $0 Input all revenue received for radio, television, internet, digital and e-commerce rights,
Rights including the portion of conference distributions related to media rights - if applicable.

Consult with your conference offices if you do not have the media rights distribution amount

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source Media Rights Media Rights Media Rights
Swimming and Diving
Track and Field, X-Country
Subtotal All Teams 0 0 0
Revenue Not Related to Specific Teams
Total Revenue 0 0 0

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

12 NCAA $4,699,368 Input revenues received from all NCAA distributions including NCAA
Distributio championships reimbursements and payments received from the NCAA for hosting
ns a championship.

In some cases, NCAA distributions may be provided by the conference office.

Consult with the conference office for the amount if you do not have it available
and include in this category.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams OnlyNot Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source NCAA Distributions NCAA Distributions NCAA Distributions
Basketball 1,758,123
Football 1,988,754
Swimming and Diving
Track and Field, X-Country
Subtotal All Teams 3,746,877 0 0
Revenue Not Related to Specific Teams 952,491
Total Revenue 3,746,877 0 952,491

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

13 Conference $1,018,194 Input all revenues received by conference distribution, excluding

Distributions (Non portions of distribution relating to media rights (reported in Category
Media and Non Bowl) 11) or NCAA distributions (reported in Category 12).

Note: Conference distributions of revenue generated by a post-season

bowl to conference members should be recorded in Category 13A.
Distributions for reimbursement of post-season bowl expenses should
be included in Category 19.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source Conference Distributions Conference Distributions Conference Distributions
(Non Media and Non Bowl) (Non Media and Non Bowl) (Non Media and Non Bowl)
Swimming and
Track and Field, X-
Subtotal All Teams 0 0 0
Revenue Not Related 1,018,194
to Specific Teams
Total Revenue 0 0 1,018,194

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

13A Conference $710,746 Input conference distributions of revenue generated by a post-season

Distributions of Bowl bowl to conference members.
Generated Revenue
Note: Distributions for reimbursement of post-season bowl expenses
should be included in Category 19. Portions of distribution relating to
media rights are reported in Category 11, NCAA distributions are
reported in Category 12 and all other conference distributions are
reported in Category 13.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source Conference Distributions of Conference Distributions of Conference Distributions of
Bowl Generated Revenue Bowl Generated Revenue Bowl Generated Revenue
Football 710,746
Swimming and
Track and Field, X-
Subtotal All Teams 710,746 0 0
Revenue Not Related
to Specific Teams
Total Revenue 710,746 0 0

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

14 Program, Novelty, Parking and Concession $1,574,390 Input revenues from:

• Game Programs.
• Novelties.
• Food and Concessions.
• Parking.

Advertising should be included in Category


Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source Program, Novelty, Parking Program, Novelty, Parking Program, Novelty, Parking
and Concession Sales and Concession Sales and Concession Sales
Basketball 174,195
Football 207,900
Swimming and Diving
Track and Field, X-
Subtotal All Teams 382,095 0 0
Revenue Not Related 1,192,295
to Specific Teams
Total Revenue 382,095 0 1,192,295

NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Page 29 of 79

Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

15 Royalties, Licensing, $8,327,576 Input revenues from:

Advertisement and
Sponsorships • Sponsorships.
• Licensing Agreements.
• Advertisement.
• Royalties.
• In-kind products and services as part of sponsorship

An allocation may be necessary to distinguish revenues

generated by athletics versus the university if payments are

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source Royalties, Licensing, Royalties, Licensing, Royalties, Licensing,
Advertisement and Advertisement and Advertisement and
Sponsorships Sponsorships Sponsorships
Swimming and
Track and Field, X-
Subtotal All Teams 0 0 0
Revenue Not Related 8,327,576
to Specific Teams
Total Revenue 0 0 8,327,576

NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Page 30 of 79

Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

16 Sports Camp Revenues $0 Input amounts received by the athletics department for sports camps and clinics.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by

Revenues by Source Sports Camp Sports Camp Sports Camp Revenues
Revenues Revenues
Swimming and Diving
Track and Field, X-Country
Subtotal All Teams 0 0 0
Revenue Not Related to Specific
Total Revenue 0 0 0

NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Page 31 of 79

Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

17 Athletics Restricted $905,856 Please report spending policy distributions from athletics restricted
Endowment and endowments and investment income used for athletics operations in the
Investments Income reporting year.

This category includes only restricted investment and endowment income

used for the operations of intercollegiate athletics; institutional
allocations of income from unrestricted endowments qualify as ""Direct
Institutional Support"" and should be reported in Category 4.

Note: Please make sure amounts reported are only up to the amount of
expenses covered by the endowment for the reporting year.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source Athletics Restricted Athletics Restricted Athletics Restricted
Endowment and Endowment and Endowment and
Investments Income Investments Income Investments Income
Baseball 35,197
Basketball 39,472 4,514
Football 82,641
Golf 7,198
Soccer 4,244 528
Swimming and 9,736
Tennis 23,235
Track and Field, X- 15,905 641
Volleyball 105,687
Subtotal All Teams 194,393 134,605 0
Revenue Not 576,858
Related to Specific
Total Revenue 194,393 134,605 576,858

NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Page 32 of 79

Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

18 Other Operating $6,672,421 Input any operating revenues received by athletics in the report year which
Revenue cannot be classified into one of the stated categories.

If the figure is greater than 10% of total revenues, please report the top three
activities included in this category in the comments section.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by

Revenues by Source Other Operating Other Operating Other Operating
Revenue Revenue Revenue
Baseball 44,871
Basketball 1,121,656 14,271
Football 21,031
Golf 16,376 150
Lacrosse 8,869
Swimming and Diving 270 270
Tennis 879
Track and Field, X-Country 9,522 19,657
Volleyball 16,741
Subtotal All Teams 1,213,726 60,837 0
Revenue Not Related to Specific 5,397,858
Total Revenue 1,213,726 60,837 5,397,858

NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Page 33 of 79

Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

19 Bowl $150,880 Input all amounts received related to participation in a post-season bowl game,
Revenues including:

• Expense reimbursements.
• Ticket sales.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Revenues by Source Bowl Revenues Bowl Revenues Bowl Revenues
Football 150,880
Swimming and Diving
Track and Field, X-Country
Subtotal All Teams 150,880 0 0
Revenue Not Related to Specific Teams
Total Revenue 150,880 0 0

NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Page 34 of 79

Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

Total Operating Revenues $68,845,672 Total of Categories 1-19.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by

Revenues by Source Total Operating Total Operating Total Operating
Revenues Revenues Revenues
Baseball 472,743
Basketball 7,137,270 201,240
Football 8,242,558
Golf 112,063 104,037
Lacrosse 261,156
Soccer 181,247 84,358
Swimming and Diving 193,488 210,397
Tennis 155,969
Track and Field, X-Country 166,347 174,761
Volleyball 232,234
Subtotal All Teams 16,505,716 1,424,152 0
Revenue Not Related to Specific 50,915,804
Total Revenue 16,505,716 1,424,152 50,915,804

NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Page 35 of 79

Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

20 Athletic Total Dollar $9,865,114 Input the total amount of athletic student-aid for the reporting year
Student Amount including:
Aid • Summer school.
• Tuition discounts and waivers (unless it is a discount or waiver
available to the general student body).
• Aid given to student-athletes who are inactive (medical reasons)
or no longer eligible (exhausted eligibility).
• Other expenses related to attendance.

Note: Division I Grants-in-aid equivalencies are calculated by using

the revenue distribution equivalencies by sport and in aggregate.
(Athletic grant amount divided by the full grant amount). Other
expenses related to attendance (also known as gap money or cost of
attendance) should not be included in the grants-in-aid revenue
distribution equivalencies. Only tuition, fees, room, board and
course related books are countable for grants-in-aid revenue
distribution per Bylaw 20.02.7.

Athletics aid awarded to non-athletes (student-managers, graduate

assistants, trainers) should be reported as Expenses Not Related to
Specific Teams. It is permissible to report only dollars in the
Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams row as long as you have
reported non- zero entries for Equivalencies, Number of Students,
and Dollars (all 3 required for at least one sport).

Note: Pell grants are provided by the government, not the

institution or athletics department, and therefore should be
excluded from reporting in this category.

This information can be managed within the NCAA's Compliance

Assistance (CA) software. The information entered into compliance
assistance will automatically populate to the athletic student aid
section within the NCAA Financial Reporting System when the CA
import feature is selected.
Total 246.92
Total Students 383
Receiving Aid

Male Athlete Scholarships

NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Page 36 of 79

Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

Sport Athletic Aid Exhausted Total Equivalencies Number of Total Dollar

Equivalency Eligibility or Awarded in Students Receiving Amount
(A) Medical 2018-2019 (A+B) Athletic Aid
Equivalency (B)
Baseball 11.68 0.55 12.23 25 464,520
Basketball 13 13 13 573,060
Football 85 2 87 87 2,948,883
Golf 4.5 4.5 9 130,226
Soccer 9.66 9.66 22 404,289
Swimming and 9.46 0.34 9.8 30 392,711
Track and Field, 12.6 0.38 12.98 29 465,052
Expenses Not
Related to
Specific Teams
Totals 145.9 3.27 149.17 215 5,378,741

Female Athlete Scholarships

Sport Athletic Aid Exhausted Total Equivalencies Number of Total Dollar

Equivalency Eligibility or Awarded in Students Receiving Amount
(A) Medical 2018-2019 (A+B) Athletic Aid
Equivalency (B)
Basketball 15 1 16 16 661,550
Golf 5.96 5.96 9 240,827
Lacrosse 10.08 10.08 23 426,134
Soccer 13.95 0.85 14.8 34 504,735
Swimming and 13.19 0.96 14.15 32 550,640
Tennis 8 8 8 351,754
Track and Field, 16.76 16.76 34 625,972
Volleyball 12 12 12 464,606
Expenses Not
Related to
Specific Teams
Totals 94.94 2.81 97.75 168 3,826,218

NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Page 37 of 79

Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

Not Allocated by Gender Scholarships

Sport Athletic Aid Exhausted Total Equivalencies Number of Total

Equivalency (A) Eligibility or Awarded in Students Receiving Dollar
Medical 2018-2019 (A+B) Athletic Aid Amount
Equivalency (B)
Expenses Not 0 660,155
Related to
Specific Teams
Totals 0 0 0 0 660,155

NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Page 38 of 79

Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

21 Guarantees $1,691,250 Input amounts paid to visiting participating institutions, including per diems and/or
travel and meal expenses.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object of Expenditure Guarantees Guarantees Guarantees
Baseball 13,500
Basketball 943,000 76,000
Football 650,000
Soccer 7,750 1,000
Swimming and Diving
Track and Field, X-Country
Subtotal All Teams 1,614,250 77,000 0
Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams
Total Expenses 1,614,250 77,000 0

NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Page 39 of 79

Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

22 Coaching Salaries, Benefits $13,164,835 Input compensation, bonuses and benefits paid to all coaches
and Bonuses paid by the reportable on the university or related entities W-2 and 1099
University and Related Entities forms inclusive of:

• Gross wages and bonuses.

• Benefits including allowances, speaking fees, retirement,
stipends, memberships, media income, tuition
reimbursement and earned deferred compensation,
including those funded by the state.

Place any severance payments in Category 26.

Note: Bonuses related to participation in a post-season bowl

game should be included in Category 41A.
23 Coaching Salaries, Benefits $0 Input compensation, bonuses and benefits paid to all coaches
and Bonuses paid by a Third by a third party and contractually guaranteed by the
Party institution, but not included on the institutions W-2 including:

• Car stipend.
• Country club membership.
• Allowances for clothing, housing, entertainment.
• Speaking fees.
• Camps compensation.
• Media income.
• Shoe and apparel income.

Expense Category 23 and 25 should equal Category 10.

Note: Bonuses related to participation in a post-season bowl

game should be included in Category 41A.

Men's Teams Coaching Expenses

Men's Teams Head Coaches Men's Teams Assistant Coaches

Sport Numbe FTE Coaching Coaching Numbe FTE Coaching Coaching
r of Salaries, Benefits Salaries, r of Salaries, Benefits Salaries,
Positio and Bonuses paid Benefits and Positio and Bonuses paid Benefits and
ns by the University Bonuses paid ns by the University Bonuses paid
and Related by a Third and Related by a Third
Entities Party Entities Party
Baseball 1 1 263,020 2 2 206,000
Basketball 1 1 2,429,631 4 4 786,413
Football 1 1 2,123,340 15 15 3,800,999

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

Men's Teams Head Coaches Men's Teams Assistant Coaches

Sport Numbe FTE Coaching Coaching Numbe FTE Coaching Coaching
r of Salaries, Benefits Salaries, r of Salaries, Benefits Salaries,
Positio and Bonuses paid Benefits and Positio and Bonuses paid Benefits and
ns by the University Bonuses paid ns by the University Bonuses paid
and Related by a Third and Related by a Third
Entities Party Entities Party
Golf 1 1 149,763 1 1 38,445
Soccer 1 1 142,569 2 2 128,743
Swimming 1 0.5 82,744 4 2 84,288
and Diving
Track and 1 0.5 90,380 5 2.5 155,652
Field, X-
Subtotal All 7 6.0 5,281,447 0 33 28.5 5,200,540 0
Not Related
to Specific
Total 5,281,447 0 5,200,540 0

Women's Teams Coaching Expenses

Women's Teams Head Coaches Women's Teams Assistant Coaches

Sport Numbe FTE Coaching Coaching Numbe FTE Coaching Coaching
r of Salaries, Benefits Salaries, r of Salaries, Benefits Salaries,
Positio and Bonuses paid Benefits and Positio and Bonuses paid Benefits and
ns by the University Bonuses paid ns by the University Bonuses paid
and Related by a Third and Related by a Third
Entities Party Entities Party
Basketball 1 1 521,510 6 6 545,492
Golf 1 1 113,080 1 1 32,615
Lacrosse 1 1 140,268 2 2 135,699
Soccer 1 1 164,290 2 2 118,765
Swimming 1 0.5 82,744 4 2 84,288
and Diving
Tennis 1 1 91,645 1 1 40,634

NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Page 41 of 79

Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

Women's Teams Head Coaches Women's Teams Assistant Coaches

Sport Numbe FTE Coaching Coaching Numbe FTE Coaching Coaching
r of Salaries, Benefits Salaries, r of Salaries, Benefits Salaries,
Positio and Bonuses paid Benefits and Positio and Bonuses paid Benefits and
ns by the University Bonuses paid ns by the University Bonuses paid
and Related by a Third and Related by a Third
Entities Party Entities Party
Track and 1 0.5 90,380 5 2.5 155,652
Field, X-
Volleyball 1 1 186,960 2 2 178,826
Subtotal All 8 7.0 1,390,877 0 23 18.5 1,291,971 0
Not Related
to Specific
Total 1,390,877 0 1,291,971 0

NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Page 42 of 79

Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

24 Support Staff/ $8,310,119 Input compensation, bonuses and benefits paid to all administrative
Administrative and support staff reportable on the university or related entities (e.g.
Compensation, Benefits foundations or booster clubs) W-2 and 1099 forms inclusive of:
and Bonuses paid by the
University and Related • Gross wages and bonuses.
Entities • Benefits including allowances, speaking fees, retirement, stipends,
memberships, media income, tuition reimbursement and earned
deferred compensation, including those funded by the state.

Staff members responsible for the gender-specific athletics

department, but not a specific sport (i.e., director of men's athletics),
will have their compensation figures reported as Expenses Not
Related to Specific Teams fields. Athletics department staff members
who assist both men's and women's teams (sports information
director, academic advisor) will be reported as Not Allocated by
Gender column.
25 Support Staff/ $0 Input compensation, bonuses and benefits paid to administrative and
Administrative support staff by a third party and contractually guaranteed by the
Compensation, Benefits institution, but not included on the institutions W-2 including:
and Bonuses paid by
Third Party • Car stipend.
• Country club membership.
• Allowances for clothing, housing, entertainment.
• Speaking fees.
• Camps compensation.
• Media income.
• Shoe and apparel income.

Expense Category 23 and 25 should equal Category 10.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses Support Staff/ Support Staff/ Support Staff/ Support Staff/ Support Staff/ Support Staff/
by Object Administrative Administrative Administrative Administrative Administrative Administrative
of Compensation, Compensation, Compensation, Compensation, Compensation, Compensation,
Expenditur Benefits and Benefits and Benefits and Benefits and Benefits and Benefits and
e Bonuses paid Bonuses paid Bonuses paid Bonuses paid Bonuses paid Bonuses paid
by the by Third Party by the by Third Party by the by Third Party
University and University and University and
Related Related Related
Entities Entities Entities
Baseball 73,038
Basketball 303,031 44,254
NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Page 43 of 79
Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses Support Staff/ Support Staff/ Support Staff/ Support Staff/ Support Staff/ Support Staff/
by Object Administrative Administrative Administrative Administrative Administrative Administrative
of Compensation, Compensation, Compensation, Compensation, Compensation, Compensation,
Expenditur Benefits and Benefits and Benefits and Benefits and Benefits and Benefits and
e Bonuses paid Bonuses paid Bonuses paid Bonuses paid Bonuses paid Bonuses paid
by the by Third Party by the by Third Party by the by Third Party
University and University and University and
Related Related Related
Entities Entities Entities
Football 875,220
Lacrosse 3,009
Soccer 2,383 2,063
and Diving
Tennis 236
Track and 401 401
Field, X-
Subtotal 1,254,073 0 49,963 0 0 0
All Teams
Expenses 7,006,083
Related to
Total 1,254,073 0 49,963 0 7,006,083 0

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

26 Severance $229,616 Input severance payments and applicable benefits recognized for past coaching
Payments and administrative personnel.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams OnlyNot Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object of Expenditure Severance Payments Severance Payments Severance Payments
Basketball 142,946 38,870
Swimming and Diving
Track and Field, X-Country
Subtotal All Teams 142,946 38,870 0
Expenses Not Related to Specific 47,800
Total Expenses 142,946 38,870 47,800

NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Page 45 of 79

Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

27 Recruiting $1,026,279 Input transportation, lodging and meals for prospective student-athletes and
institutional personnel on official and unofficial visits, telephone call charges,
postage and such. Include value of use of institution's own vehicles or airplanes as
well as in-kind value of loaned or contributed transportation.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object of Expenditure Recruiting Recruiting Recruiting
Baseball 23,103
Basketball 242,987 98,229
Football 435,115
Golf 7,170 3,599
Lacrosse 26,421
Soccer 33,677 32,723
Swimming and Diving 23,966 15,567
Tennis 6,175
Track and Field, X-Country 16,269 25,942
Volleyball 35,336
Subtotal All Teams 782,287 243,992 0
Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams
Total Expenses 782,287 243,992 0

NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Page 46 of 79

Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

28 Team $4,844,408 Input air and ground travel, lodging, meals and incidentals (including housing costs
Trave incurred during school break period) for competition related to preseason, regular season
l and non-bowl postseason. Amounts incurred for food and lodging for housing the team
before a home game also should be included. Use of the institution's own vehicles or
airplanes as well as in-kind value of donor-provided transportation.

Note: Expenses related to post-season bowls should be included in Category 41.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object of Expenditure Team Travel Team Travel Team Travel
Baseball 397,787
Basketball 1,146,039 607,352
Football 1,179,515
Golf 98,095 84,424
Lacrosse 99,198
Soccer 107,419 104,099
Swimming and Diving 87,494 115,594
Tennis 89,464
Track and Field, X-Country 203,922 279,796
Volleyball 244,210
Subtotal All Teams 3,220,271 1,624,137 0
Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams
Total Expenses 3,220,271 1,624,137 0

NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Page 47 of 79

Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

29 Sports Equipment, $385,923 Input items that are provided to the teams only. Equipment amounts are
Uniforms and Supplies those expended from current or operating funds. Include value of in-kind
equipment provided.

Note: Expenses related to post-season bowls should be included in

Category 41.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object of Sports Equipment, Sports Equipment, Sports Equipment,
Expenditure Uniforms and Supplies Uniforms and Supplies Uniforms and Supplies
Baseball 74,659
Basketball 54,576 8,342
Football 130,105
Golf 17,315 15,990
Lacrosse 2,753
Soccer 8,373 9,231
Swimming and Diving 4,633
Tennis 16,414
Track and Field, X- 19,365 18,350
Volleyball 5,817
Subtotal All Teams 309,026 76,897 0
Expenses Not Related to
Specific Teams
Total Expenses 309,026 76,897 0

NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Page 48 of 79

Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

30 Game $2,140,650 Input game-day expenses other than travel which are necessary for intercollegiate
Expense athletics competition, including officials, security, event staff, ambulance, etc. Input
s any payments back to the NCAA for hosting a tournament.

Note: Expenses related to post-season bowls should be included in Category 41.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object of Expenditure Game Expenses Game Expenses Game Expenses
Baseball 125,139
Basketball 828,961 72,332
Football 932,735
Golf 13,783
Lacrosse 21,238
Soccer 25,328 31,628
Swimming and Diving 1,539 1,566
Tennis 11,567
Track and Field, X-Country 14,804 9,651
Volleyball 47,099
Subtotal All Teams 1,942,289 195,081 0
Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams 3,280
Total Expenses 1,942,289 195,081 3,280

NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Page 49 of 79

Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

31 Fund Raising, Marketing $3,971,336 Input costs associated with fund raising, marketing and promotion for
and Promotion media guides, brochures, recruiting publications and such.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object of Fund Raising, Marketing Fund Raising, Marketing Fund Raising, Marketing
Expenditure and Promotion and Promotion and Promotion
Baseball 7,165
Basketball 7,173 1,727
Football 16,632
Golf 1,308
Soccer 791 96
Swimming and Diving 1,899
Tennis 4,222
Track and Field, X- 2,890 143
Volleyball 19,204
Subtotal All Teams 37,858 25,392 0
Expenses Not Related to 3,908,086
Specific Teams
Total Expenses 37,858 25,392 3,908,086

NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Page 50 of 79

Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

32 Sports $0 Input all expenses paid by the athletics department, including non-athletics personnel
Camp salaries and benefits, from hosting sports camps and clinics. Athletics personnel salaries
Expenses and benefits should be reported in Categories 22-25.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by

Expenses by Object of Expenditure Sports Camp Sports Camp Sports Camp Expenses
Expenses Expenses
Swimming and Diving
Track and Field, X-Country
Subtotal All Teams 0 0 0
Expenses Not Related to Specific
Total Expenses 0 0 0

NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Page 51 of 79

Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

33 Spirit $268,743 Include support for spirit groups including bands, cheerleaders, mascots, dancers,
Groups etc.

Note: Expenses related to post-season bowls should be included in Category 41.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object of Expenditure Spirit Groups Spirit Groups Spirit Groups
Swimming and Diving
Track and Field, X-Country
Subtotal All Teams 0 0 0
Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams 268,743
Total Expenses 0 0 268,743

NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Page 52 of 79

Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

34 Athletic Facilities $11,739,646 Input debt service payments (principal and interest, including internal
Debt Service, loan programs), leases and rental fees for athletics facilities for the
Leases and Rental reporting year regardless of entity paying (athletics, institution or other).
Do not report depreciation.

Note: If the institution is paying for all debt service, leases, or rental fees
for athletic facilities but not charging to athletics, this category should
equal Category 6A. If athletics or other entities are paying these
expenses or the institution is charging directly to athletics, this category
will not equal Category 6A.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object Athletic Facilities Debt Athletic Facilities Debt Athletic Facilities Debt
of Expenditure Service, Leases and Rental Service, Leases and Rental Service, Leases and Rental
Fee Fee Fee
Football 3,735
Swimming and
Tennis 5,620
Track and Field, X- 2,847 2,847
Subtotal All Teams 6,582 8,467 0
Expenses Not 11,724,597
Related to Specific
Total Expenses 6,582 8,467 11,724,597

NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Page 53 of 79

Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

35 Direct Overhead and $876,357 Input overhead and administrative expenses paid by or charged
Administrative Expenses directly to athletics including:

• Administrative/Overhead fees charged by the institution to

• Facilities maintenance.
• Security.
• Risk Management.
• Utilities.
• Equipment Repair.
• Telephone.
• Other Administrative Expenses.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object of Direct Overhead and Direct Overhead and Direct Overhead and
Expenditure Administrative Expenses Administrative Expenses Administrative Expenses
Baseball 5,149
Basketball 1,649 180
Football 8,691
Lacrosse 29
Soccer 8 825
Swimming and Diving
Tennis 32
Track and Field, X- 436 1,491
Volleyball 30
Subtotal All Teams 15,933 2,587 0
Expenses Not Related 857,837
to Specific Teams
Total Expenses 15,933 2,587 857,837

NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Page 54 of 79

Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

36 Indirect Institutional $2,440,986 Input overhead and administrative expenses NOT paid by or charged
Support directly to athletics including:

• Administrative/Overhead fees not charged by the institution to

• Facilities maintenance.
• Security.
• Risk Management.
• Utilities.
• Equipment Repair.
• Telephone.
• Other Administrative Expenses.

Do not report depreciation.

Note: This category should equal Category 6.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object of Indirect Institutional Indirect Institutional Indirect Institutional
Expenditure Support Support Support
Swimming and Diving
Track and Field, X-Country
Subtotal All Teams 0 0 0
Expenses Not Related to 2,440,986
Specific Teams
Total Expenses 0 0 2,440,986

NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Page 55 of 79

Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

37 Medical Expenses and $588,360 Input medical expenses and medical insurance premiums for
Insurance student-athletes.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object of Medical Expenses and Medical Expenses and Medical Expenses and
Expenditure Insurance Insurance Insurance
Baseball 947
Basketball 627 4,385
Football 33,843
Soccer 846
Swimming and Diving
Track and Field, X-Country
Volleyball 304
Subtotal All Teams 36,263 4,689 0
Expenses Not Related to 547,408
Specific Teams
Total Expenses 36,263 4,689 547,408

NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Page 56 of 79

Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

38 Memberships and Dues $121,747 Input memberships, conference and association dues.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by

Expenses by Object of Expenditure Memberships and Memberships and Memberships and Dues
Dues Dues
Baseball 540
Basketball 735 852
Football 2,724
Golf 57,985 33,420
Lacrosse 1,175
Soccer 520 615
Swimming and Diving 225 225
Tennis 710
Track and Field, X-Country 400 400
Volleyball 1,374
Subtotal All Teams 63,129 38,771 0
Expenses Not Related to Specific 19,847
Total Expenses 63,129 38,771 19,847

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

39 Student-Athlete Meals (non- $785,201 Include meal allowance and food/snacks provided to student-
travel) athletes.

Note: Meals provided during team travel should be reported in

Category 28.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object of Student-Athlete Meals Student-Athlete Meals Student-Athlete Meals
Expenditure (non-travel) (non-travel) (non-travel)
Baseball 12,874
Basketball 75,075 54,469
Football 473,238
Golf 5,876 2,648
Lacrosse 17,862
Soccer 21,592 20,881
Swimming and Diving 10,096 9,532
Tennis 11,919
Track and Field, X- 20,668 21,325
Volleyball 27,146
Subtotal All Teams 619,419 165,782 0
Expenses Not Related to
Specific Teams
Total Expenses 619,419 165,782 0

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

40 Other Operating $3,401,903 Input any operating expenses paid by athletics in the report year which
Expenses cannot be classified into one of the stated categories, including:

• Non-team travel (conferences, etc.).

• Team banquets and awards.

If the figure is greater than 10% of total expenses, please report the top three
activities included in this category in the comments section.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by

Expenses by Object of Other Operating Other Operating Other Operating
Expenditure Expenses Expenses Expenses
Baseball 82,050
Basketball 117,907 84,506
Football 395,081
Golf 20,370 14,440
Lacrosse 10,174
Soccer 23,457 19,659
Swimming and Diving 9,556 12,278
Tennis 1,644
Track and Field, X-Country 10,883 9,423
Volleyball 14,771
Subtotal All Teams 659,304 166,895 0
Expenses Not Related to Specific 2,575,704
Total Expenses 659,304 166,895 2,575,704

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

41 Bowl $665,615 Input all expenditures related to participation in a post-season bowl game, including:
• Team travel, lodging and meal expenses.
• Bonuses related to bowl participation.
• Spirit groups.
• Uniforms.

Note: All post-season bowl related coaching compensation/bonuses should be reported

in Category 41A, Bowl Expenses – Coaching Compensation/Bonuses.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object of Expenditure Bowl Expenses Bowl Expenses Bowl Expenses
Football 665,615
Swimming and Diving
Track and Field, X-Country
Subtotal All Teams 665,615 0 0
Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams
Total Expenses 665,615 0 0

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

41A Bowl Expenses - Coaching $314,238 Input all coaching bonuses related to participation in a post-
Compensation/Bonuses season bowl game.

Note: All other post-season bowl related expenses should be

reported in Category 41, Bowl Expenses.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by Gender

Expenses by Object Bowl Expenses - Coaching Bowl Expenses - Coaching Bowl Expenses - Coaching
of Expenditure Compensation/Bonuses Compensation/Bonuses Compensation/Bonuses
Football 314,238
Swimming and
Track and Field, X-
Subtotal All Teams 314,238 0 0
Expenses Not Related
to Specific Teams
Total Expenses 314,238 0 0

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

Total Operating Expenses $66,832,326 Total of Categories 20-41A.

Men's Teams Only Women's Teams Only Not Allocated by

Expenses by Object of Total Operating Total Operating Total Operating
Expenditure Expenses Expenses Expenses
Baseball 1,749,491
Basketball 7,653,810 2,820,050
Football 14,989,709
Golf 540,336 541,043
Lacrosse 883,960
Soccer 907,745 1,010,610
Swimming and Diving 699,151 872,434
Tennis 632,036
Track and Field, X-Country 1,003,969 1,241,773
Volleyball 1,225,683
Subtotal All Teams 27,544,211 9,227,589 0
Expenses Not Related to Specific 0 0 30,060,526
Total Expenses 27,544,211 9,227,589 30,060,526

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

Athletics Participation
Table 381 Table 1 - - - Athletics Participation. A participant is a student-athlete who, as of the day of a varsity
1 team's first scheduled contest in the traditional season: (a) is listed as a team member; (b) practices
with the varsity team and receives coaching from one or more varsity coaches; or (c) receives
athletically-related student aid.

Any student who satisfies one or more of the criteria above is a participant, including a student on a
team the institution designates or defines as junior varsity, freshman, or novice, or a student who
does not play in a scheduled contest, whether for medical reasons or to preserve eligibility (i.e., a

Student-athletes who participate in more than one sport should be counted in each sport. The Coed
Teams column is marked based on the content of the sports sponsored table (Mixed Sports) in the
School Info page. Male practice players are NOT to be included as participants in this table.

Number of Participants Number of Participants Number of Participants

Participating on a Participating on a
Second Team Third Team
Sport Coed Men's Women's Men's Women's Men's Women's
Teams Teams Teams Teams Teams Teams Teams
Baseball 36
Basketball 15 16
Cross Country 1 14 11
Football 115
Golf 10 9
Lacrosse 28
Soccer 29 33
Swimming and Diving 29 32
Tennis 9
Track, Indoor 1 1 29 28 11 14
Track, Outdoor 2 1 29 28 11 14
Total Participants 238 143 69 56 22 28
Participant Proportion 62.5% 37.5%
Unduplicated Count of 200 110

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

Head Coaching Assignments - Men's Teams

Table 2A 7 Table 2A - - - Head Coaches Assignments Men's Teams

Head Coaches of Men's Teams

Male Coaches - Head Count Female Coaches - Head Count
Sport Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time
Coaching Coaching University University Coaching Coaching University University
Duties Duties Employee Employee or Duties Duties Employee Employee or
Volunteer Volunteer
Baseball 1 1
Basketball 1 1
Football 1 1
Golf 1 1
Soccer 1 1
Swimming 1 1
and Diving
Track and 1 1
Field, X-
Coaching 5 0 5 0 0 2 2 0

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

Head Coaching Assignments - Women's Teams

Table 2B 8 Table 2B - - - Head Coaches Assignments Women's Teams

Head Coaches of Women's Teams

Male Coaches - Head Count Female Coaches - Head Count
Sport Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time
Coaching Coaching University University Coaching Coaching University University
Duties Duties Employee Employee or Duties Duties Employee Employee or
Volunteer Volunteer
Basketball 1 1
Golf 1 1
Lacrosse 1 1
Soccer 1 1
Swimming 1 1
and Diving
Tennis 1 1
Track and 1 1
Field, X-
Volleyball 1 1
Coaching 2 0 2 0 4 2 6 0

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

Assistant Coaching Assignments - Men's Teams

Table 3A 41 Table 3A - - - Assistant Coaches Assignments Men's Teams

Assistant Coaches of Men's Teams

Male Coaches - Head Count Female Coaches - Head Count
Sport Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time
Coaching Coaching University University Coaching Coaching University University
Duties Duties Employee Employee or Duties Duties Employee Employee or
Volunteer Volunteer
Baseball 2 1 2 1
Basketball 4 4
Football 15 15
Golf 1 1
Soccer 2 1 2 1
Swimming 3 3 1 1
and Diving
Track and 7 3 4 4 2 2
Field, X-
Coaching 24 12 30 6 0 5 3 2

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

Assistant Coaching Assignments - Women's Teams

Table 3B 32 Table 3B - - - Assistant Coaches Assignments Women's Teams

Assistant Coaches of Women's Teams

Male Coaches - Head Count Female Coaches - Head Count
Sport Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time Full Time Part Time
Coaching Coaching University University Coaching Coaching University University
Duties Duties Employee Employee or Duties Duties Employee Employee or
Volunteer Volunteer
Basketball 1 1 5 5
Golf 1 1
Lacrosse 2 2
Soccer 1 1 1 1 1 1
Swimming 3 3 1 1
and Diving
Tennis 1 1 1 1
Track and 7 3 4 4 2 2
Field, X-
Volleyball 2 2 1 1
Coaching 5 11 11 5 9 7 12 4

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

Other Reporting Items

AUP Data Categories:

50 - Excess Transfers to Institution: $0

51 - Conference Realignment Expenses: $0
52 - Total Athletics Related Debt: $164,966,527
53 - Total Institutional Debt: $1,175,980,000
54 - Athletics Dedicated Endowments: $10,195,220
55 - Institutional Endowments: $1,452,598,000
56 - Athletics Related Capital Expenditures: $28,055,139

Other Data Categories:

Institutional Expenses: $1,270,239,000

Athletically-Related Facilities Annual Debt Service: $9,783,000
Institution's Annual Debt Service: $94,653,113
Institution's Education and General Expenses: $939,265,000
Average Cost of Full Grant-in-Aid - In-State: $24,622
Average Cost of Full Grant-in-Aid - Out-of-State: $39,956
Average Cost of Attendance - In-State: $27,254
Average Cost of Attendance - Out-of-State: $42,588
Expenses Dedicated to Compliance: $674,759
Name of Compliance Software Used: Jump Forward
Compliance FTEs: 6

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

Revenue Distribution - Sports Sponsored

Distribution Year: 2020
Academic Year of Sport Sponsorship Information: 2018-19

Men's Sports Women's Sports Mixed Sports

x Baseball x Women's Basketball
x Football x Women's Cross Country
x Men's Basketball x Women's Golf
x Men's Cross Country x Women's Lacrosse
x Men's Golf x Women's Soccer
x Men's Soccer x Women's Swimming and Diving
x Men's Swimming and Diving x Women's Tennis
x Men's Track, Indoor x Women's Track, Indoor
x Men's Track, Outdoor x Women's Track, Outdoor
x Women's Volleyball
Total Men's Sports Sponsored: 9 Total Women's Sports Sponsored: 10 Total Mixed Sports
Current Year's Submission of Sports Previous Year's Submission of Sports Variance: 0
Sponsored: 19 Sponsored: 19

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

Revenue Distribution - Grants-in-Aid

Distribution Year: 2020
Academic Year of Grant-in-Aid Information: 2018-19

Men's Team Sports

Men's Team Sport Athletic Aid Exhausted Eligibility Total Revenue

Equivalency (A) or Medical Distribution Equivalencies
Equivalency (B) Awarded (A+B)
Baseball 11.68 0.55 12.23
Basketball 13 0 13
Football 85 2 87
Golf 4.5 0 4.5
Soccer 9.66 0 9.66
Swimming and Diving 9.46 0.34 9.8
Track and Field, X- 12.6 0.38 12.98
Total Men's 145.90 3.27 149.17

Women's Team Sports

Women's Team Sport Athletic Aid Exhausted Eligibility Total Revenue

Equivalency (A) or Medical Distribution Equivalencies
Equivalency (B) Awarded (A+B)
Basketball 15 1 16
Golf 5.96 0 5.96
Lacrosse 10.08 0 10.08
Soccer 13.95 0.85 14.8
Swimming and Diving 13.19 0.96 14.15
Tennis 8 0 8
Track and Field, X- 16.76 0 16.76
Volleyball 12 0 12
Total Women's 94.94 2.81 97.75

Mixed Team Sports

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

Mixed Team Sport Athletic Aid Exhausted Eligibility Total Revenue

Equivalency (A) or Medical Distribution Equivalencies
Equivalency (B) Awarded (A+B)
Total Mixed 0 0 0

Prior Year Total Rev Dist Current Year Total Rev Dist Variance Between Prior and
Equivalencies Equivalencies Current Year
249.03 246.92 -2.11 (-0.85%)

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

Revenue Distribution - Pell Grants

Distribution Year: 2020
Academic Year of Pell Grant Information: 2018-19

Men's Team Sports

Sport 2018-19 Pell Prior Year Pell Variance Total Dollar Amount for SAs on
Grants Grants Totals Pell Grants
Baseball 1 6 -5 4,545
Basketball 4 6 -2 21,580
Football 38 44 -6 209,765
Golf 0 0 0 0
Soccer 4 4 0 17,030
Swimming and Diving 1 2 -1 6,045
Track and Field, X- 9 7 2 47,107
Men's Total 57 69 -12 306,072

Women's Team Sports

Sport 2018-19 Pell Prior Year Pell Variance Total Dollar Amount for SAs on
Grants Grants Totals Pell Grants
Basketball 5 10 -5 21,825
Golf 0 0 0 0
Lacrosse 1 4 -3 6,045
Soccer 3 4 -1 14,185
Swimming and Diving 1 2 -1 4,145
Tennis 0 0 0 0
Track and Field, X- 7 4 3 36,065
Volleyball 0 2 -2 0
Women's Total 17 26 -9 82,265

Mixed Team Sports

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

Sport 2018-19 Pell Prior Year Pell Variance Total Dollar Amount for SAs on Pell
Grants Grants Totals Grants
Mixed 0 0 0

2018-19 Pell Prior Year Pell Variance Total Dollar Amount for SAs on Pell
Grants Grants Totals Grants
Total 74 95 -21 $388,337

Variance explanation: Less Pell eligible recipients in 2018-2019 Academic Year.

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019


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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

Miscellaneous Information
Note: These values are calculated from data entered earlier in the system.

Athletically Input the total amount of athletic student-aid for the reporting year including:
Related • Summer school.
Student Aid
• Tuition discounts and waivers (unless it is a discount or waiver available to the general
student body).
• Aid given to student-athletes who are inactive (medical reasons) or no longer eligible
(exhausted eligibility).
• Other expenses related to attendance.

Note: Division I Grants-in-aid equivalencies are calculated by using the revenue distribution
equivalencies by sport and in aggregate. (Athletic grant amount divided by the full grant
amount). Other expenses related to attendance (also known as gap money or cost of
attendance) should not be included in the grants-in-aid revenue distribution equivalencies.
Only tuition, fees, room, board and course related books are countable for grants-in-aid
revenue distribution per Bylaw 20.02.7.

Athletics aid awarded to non-athletes (student-managers, graduate assistants, trainers) should

be reported as Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams. It is permissible to report only dollars
in the Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams row as long as you have reported non- zero
entries for Equivalencies, Number of Students, and Dollars (all 3 required for at least one

Note: Pell grants are provided by the government, not the institution or athletics
department, and therefore should be excluded from reporting in this category.

This information can be managed within the NCAA's Compliance Assistance (CA) software.
The information entered into compliance assistance will automatically populate to the athletic
student aid section within the NCAA Financial Reporting System when the CA import feature
is selected.
Men's Teams $5,378,741
Women's Teams $3,826,218
Total Amount $9,204,959

Recruiting Input transportation, lodging and meals for prospective student-athletes and institutional
Expenditures personnel on official and unofficial visits, telephone call charges, postage and such. Include
value of use of institution's own vehicles or airplanes as well as in-kind value of loaned or
contributed transportation.
Men's Teams $782,287
Women's Teams $243,992
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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

Total Amount $1,026,279

Head Coaches Input compensation, bonuses and benefits paid to all coaches reportable on the university or
Salaries related entities W-2 and 1099 forms inclusive of:

• Gross wages and bonuses.

• Benefits including allowances, speaking fees, retirement, stipends, memberships, media
income, tuition reimbursement and earned deferred compensation, including those funded by
the state.

Place any severance payments in Category 26.

Note: Bonuses related to participation in a post-season bowl game should be included in

Category 41A.
Average Salaries of Head Dollars per FTE's Dollars per Number of
Coaches FTE Position Positions
Men's Teams $880,241 6 $754,492 7
Women's Teams $198,697 7 $173,860 8

Assistant Input compensation, bonuses and benefits paid to all coaches reportable on the university or
Coaches Salaries related entities W-2 and 1099 forms inclusive of:

• Gross wages and bonuses.

• Benefits including allowances, speaking fees, retirement, stipends, memberships, media
income, tuition reimbursement and earned deferred compensation, including those funded
by the state.

Place any severance payments in Category 26.

Note: Bonuses related to participation in a post-season bowl game should be included in

Category 41A.
Average Salaries of Assistant Dollars per FTE's Dollars per Number of
Coaches FTE Position Positions
Men's Teams $182,475 28.5 $157,592 33
Women's Teams $69,836 18.5 $56,173 23

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

Statement of Revenues and Expenses

For the fiscal year ended 2019 (UNAUDITED)
ID Item Football Men's Women's Other Non-Program Total
Basketball Basketball Sports Specific
1 Ticket Sales $3,805,145 $3,822,401 $62,590 $45,884 $0 $7,736,020
2 Direct State or Other $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Government Support
3 Student Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
4 Direct Institutional $289,218 $111,977 $115,513 $1,625,021 $25,119,705 $27,261,434
5 Less - Transfers to $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
6 Indirect Institutional $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,440,986 $2,440,986
6A Indirect Institutional $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Support - Athletic
Facilities Debt Service,
Lease and Rental Fees
7 Guarantees $400,000 $0 $0 $35,100 $0 $435,100
8 Contributions $502,309 $68,996 $4,352 $322,669 $5,501,577 $6,399,903
9 In-Kind $83,934 $40,450 $0 $150 $388,264 $512,798
10 Compensation and $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Benefits provided by a
third party
11 Media Rights $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
12 NCAA Distributions $1,988,754 $1,758,123 $0 $0 $952,491 $4,699,368
13 Conference Distributions $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,018,194 $1,018,194
(Non Media and Non
13A Conference Distributions $710,746 $0 $0 $0 $0 $710,746
of Bowl Generated
14 Program, Novelty, $207,900 $174,195 $0 $0 $1,192,295 $1,574,390
Parking and Concession
15 Royalties, Licensing, $0 $0 $0 $0 $8,327,576 $8,327,576
Advertisement and

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Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

ID Item Football Men's Women's Other Non-Program Total

Basketball Basketball Sports Specific
16 Sports Camp Revenues $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
17 Athletics Restricted $82,641 $39,472 $4,514 $202,371 $576,858 $905,856
Endowment and
Investments Income
18 Other Operating Revenue $21,031 $1,121,656 $14,271 $117,605 $5,397,858 $6,672,421
19 Bowl Revenues $150,880 $0 $0 $0 $0 $150,880
Total Operating Revenues $8,242,558 $7,137,270 $201,240 $2,348,800 $50,915,804 $68,845,672
20 Athletic Student Aid $2,948,883 $573,060 $661,550 $5,021,466 $660,155 $9,865,114
21 Guarantees $650,000 $943,000 $76,000 $22,250 $0 $1,691,250
22 Coaching Salaries, $5,924,339 $3,216,044 $1,067,002 $2,957,450 $0 $13,164,835
Benefits and Bonuses paid
by the University and
Related Entities
23 Coaching Salaries, $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Benefits and Bonuses paid
by a Third Party
24 Support Staff/ $875,220 $303,031 $44,254 $81,531 $7,006,083 $8,310,119
Compensation, Benefits
and Bonuses paid by the
University and Related
25 Support Staff/ $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Compensation, Benefits
and Bonuses paid by
Third Party
26 Severance Payments $0 $142,946 $38,870 $0 $47,800 $229,616
27 Recruiting $435,115 $242,987 $98,229 $249,948 $0 $1,026,279
28 Team Travel $1,179,515 $1,146,039 $607,352 $1,911,502 $0 $4,844,408
29 Sports Equipment, $130,105 $54,576 $8,342 $192,900 $0 $385,923
Uniforms and Supplies
30 Game Expenses $932,735 $828,961 $72,332 $303,342 $3,280 $2,140,650
31 Fund Raising, Marketing $16,632 $7,173 $1,727 $37,718 $3,908,086 $3,971,336
and Promotion
32 Sports Camp Expenses $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

NCAA Membership Financial Reporting System Page 78 of 79

Reporting Institution: University of Cincinnati Reporting Year (FY): 2019

ID Item Football Men's Women's Other Non-Program Total

Basketball Basketball Sports Specific
33 Spirit Groups $0 $0 $0 $0 $268,743 $268,743
34 Athletic Facilities Debt $3,735 $0 $0 $11,314 $11,724,597 $11,739,646
Service, Leases and
Rental Fee
35 Direct Overhead and $8,691 $1,649 $180 $8,000 $857,837 $876,357
Administrative Expenses
36 Indirect Institutional $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,440,986 $2,440,986
37 Medical Expenses and $33,843 $627 $4,385 $2,097 $547,408 $588,360
38 Memberships and Dues $2,724 $735 $852 $97,589 $19,847 $121,747
39 Student-Athlete Meals $473,238 $75,075 $54,469 $182,419 $0 $785,201
40 Other Operating Expenses $395,081 $117,907 $84,506 $228,705 $2,575,704 $3,401,903
41 Bowl Expenses $665,615 $0 $0 $0 $0 $665,615
41A Bowl Expenses - $314,238 $0 $0 $0 $0 $314,238
Coaching Compensation/
Total Operating Expenses $14,989,709 $7,653,810 $2,820,050 $11,308,231 $30,060,526 $66,832,326
Excess (Deficiencies) of -$6,747,151 -$516,540 -$2,618,810 -$8,959,431 $20,855,278 $2,013,346
Revenues Over (Under)

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