Allocution at Sentencing To Dismiss

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The key takeaways are that an allocution is an oral declaration of rights presented just prior to sentencing that allows one to cancel any convictions, contracts or consent given to the court. It is a way to assert one's natural rights and deny jurisdiction of the court over the individual.

The purpose of an allocution is to orally declare one's rights and deny consent to any punishment, fines or restrictions imposed by the court following a conviction. It is a way to cancel the conviction and contracts entered into during the legal process.

The steps one must take when presenting an allocution are to request a separate sentencing hearing, write out one's allocution, present it orally to the court, and immediately leave the courtroom without acknowledging anyone after finishing.


Oral declamation of rights & Non-Consent at/or prior to sentencing - it’s never too late
This is key is late to the game, just prior to sentencing.

1. The document below is to be read orally to the court following conviction of a

(whatever) and just prior to "sentencing". The particular allocution below is the work
and experience of one man during a "traffic" trial with a "charge" of "no valid
registration (plates)". But it really should not matter what kind of case it is.

There are two parts to the allocution: (a) declamation of rights and errors in the trial,
etc, along with producing affidavits, information and mitigating facts, and (b)
declamation of non-consent to any fines, taxes, prison, etc. Allocution has its origins in
the common law. (See CJS, Criminal Law, §1573-1576). One must be totally alert to ask
for the opportunity to "say something prior to sentencing" before the judge starts his
sentencing – interrupt if necessary, but do it. Request s separate sentencing hearing of
at least two weeks hence. Give yourself time to write the allocution.

2. Do NOT give this information in writing to the court, nor to the opposing attorney
beforehand, as it is only valid when orally presented to the court by the live sentient
man/woman and you do not want to forewarn the enemy. The legal fiction is civilly
dead and cannot speak.

3. The court needs your consent to impose any sentencing or "punishment" or fines or
restrictions of any kind, etc. In almost 100% of the cases the sentient man/woman
becomes the surety (or stand in) for the legal fiction "defendant" and takes on the
burden of the sentencing pronouncements. It is the legal fiction which is indicted, tried,
and convicted. It is the sentient man/woman who takes on the sentence. The court
needs the permission (consent) of the sentient man to impose a sentence and gets it
through presumption, silence, acquiescence, or outright consent to apply to the
"surety". It is the sentient man/woman who now serves the sentence. The style of the
case through conviction for the "defendant" is in all capital letters. The style of the
sentenced party is upper and lower case.

4. When finished with the oral allocution, one must turn around and walk out of the
court and its jurisdiction immediately. DO NOT HEAR the judge or the prosecutor or
anyone else, even if they are screaming at you to "STOP", or "Come back here!" If one
does, then jurisdiction is given back to the court, i.e. you have contracted back in.

5. Allocution, Part One: During the trial you were denied exculpatory evidence such as
the court not answering motions, notices, affidavits, allowing witnesses, etc. Keep a list
of such omissions, errors, and due process denial during the trial, especially
constitutional guarantees.

6. Allocution. Part Two: Read the following statement (i.e. create your own written
statement to reflect your specific situation and trial activities). There is no time limit on
its reading. Do not give in to interruptions.

“FOR THE RECORD YOUR HONOR: I am a living soul appearing specially and not
generally and speaking as only a Man can. I was created in the image of God under the
authority of the Redeemer, Jesus Christ with all of My senses intact. I am canceling the
conviction and all appearances on My part and now cancel any and all contracts,
entered into by Me, knowingly or unknowingly by any methods including but not limited
to verbal, by assent. consent, presumption, assumption, deception, threat, duress,
coercion, fraud, fiction, fantasy or illusions, or any other method, including words of art,
magic, and sophistry, casuistry or out right lying, or by specious acts of fallacious,
deceptive, delusive, misleading, apparent, illusive, illusory, ostensible, practice of law”.

(a) This proceeding has failed to produce evidence of an injured party.

(b) This proceeding has failed to produce an affidavit of verified complaint, or the
existence of a complaining party.
(c) This proceeding has failed to produce an injured party onto the witness stand for
(d) This proceeding has failed to produce and to state a claim upon which relief can be
(e) This proceeding has failed to produce an honorable ruling, therefore the court could
rule only by an undisclosed presumption of an assumed intention, and this may be
deemed the practice of witchcraft by a Satanic Cabal.
(f) This proceeding – and this court – has now lost all jurisdiction by it's denial of due

I have not violated God’s law. I have not caused an injury to another living man. This
would be a violation of the Royal law of love your neighbor as yourself, or man's
interpretation "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". In spite of any
jury decision made in error, they cannot know my mind nor my heart and there can be
no willfulness proven.

I have not committed a crime, and there is nothing on which to convict Me, thus the
conviction is null and void. And, any Bonds affiliated or associated with this case,
whether they were issued with the citation in the form of a bid bond, or as an
appearance bond, or as a performance bond which have been written as a result of this
procedure – and any other bonds written in any way, shape or form whatsoever. I
hereby now cancel, terminate, discharge, dismiss, deactivate, eradicate, nullify, quash,
rescind, repeal, revoke, abrogate, abolish, and expunge, and I forbid the commercial use
of My name and likeness for profit, as all Bonds created, whether on the record or not,
are void ab initio as only I, a Man can cause.

I do not accept any offer to, nor do I give consent to, nor will I go to jail, go to prison,
pay or discharge any fines, fees, court costs, nor taxes of any kind.

I do not accept nor consent to have My rights blocked or impeded in any way. shape, or
form. I do not accept any offer, nor consent to have My body or possessions seized or
confiscated or used by anyone or their agent for their own use, or for the benefit of
another. I do not accept any offer nor do I consent to probation, parole, pre- or post-
trial release, or any other form of supervision imposed for this matter or in association
with this matter, which may be attempted to be linked with or in causation with this
matter, or placed twice in jeopardy for the same pretended crime.

I, this man, [ full name ], reserve all My natural God-given unalienable birth rights,
waiving none, ever – as all is conditional upon My receipt of your written statement of
claims, and proof of claim to the contrary under your bond of office and penalties of

My public business here is completed, perfected, discharged, accomplished, dismissed,

concluded, terminated and, as Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior stated: FINISHED!!

7. Immediately turn around and walk out of the courtroom. DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE
asks for a copy of your allocution, do NOT respond. It is on the record and he can get it
there. If the bailiff stands in your path on the way out, ask him to arrest the judge for
treason (abrogated his oath of office) and move on. Do not hesitate.

8. According to Michael Stone, this procedure is authorized under FRCP Rule 60, 1946
Amendment, Note to Subdivision (b). "Since the rules have been in force, decisions have
been rendered that the use of bills of review, coram nobis. or audita querela, to obtain
relief from final judgments is still proper, and that various remedies of this kind still exist
although they are not mentioned in the rules and the practice is not prescribed in the
rules. It is obvious that the rules should be complete in this respect and define the
practice with respect to any existing rights or remedies to obtain relief from final
judgments." et seq.

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