I. Objectives: Laila T. Guarin

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Demoer Grade Level 7

Observer Laila T. Guarin Area
WEEK 2 Subject of the SENSE
Date and Time
First Quarter Lesson (Venn Diagram & Problems
Involving Sets)
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sets and the real number
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to formulate challenging situations involving sets and real numbers
and solve these in a variety of strategies.
C. Learning Competencies / The learner uses Venn Diagrams to represent sets, subsets, set operations, and solves
Objectives problems involving sets.
1. Illustrate Venn Diagram
2. Solve problems involving sets
3. Appreciate Sets by satisfactorily answering the given exercises.
III. LEARNING RESOURCES Materials: Instructional video, printed materials like worksheets, activity sheets, and
Objective 2: Ensured the
A. References
positive use of ICT to
1.Teacher's Guide Pages
facilitate the teaching
2.Learner's Materials Pages Pages 5 – 18
learning process
3. Textbook pages Practical Math 7 pages 22 – 34
College Algebra pages 1 – 15
Objective 7: Selected,
4. Additional Materials from
developed, organized and
Learning Resource (LR) portal
used appropriate
B. Other Learning Resources https://www.onlinemathlearning.com/venn-diagrams.html
teaching and learning
resources, including ICT,
to address learning goals
A. Reviewing previous Hello! How are you? Did you enjoy your weekend? It’s our second week now.
lesson or presenting the It’s been five months since we don’t see each other. But don’t worry. Everything has a
reason and plan by God. One day we will see each other. But for now let us have patience
new lesson
in doing our module.
(ELICIT) Let us start the lesson with the activity. Look at the pictures below, and answer the
following questions.

Objective 1: Applied
knowledge of content
within and across
curriculum teaching areas.

The use of MAPEH, Science,

and TLE as part of the lesson.

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Answer the following:
1. What steps do both hand washing and hand sanitizing have?
2. What steps does hand washing have that hand sanitizing does not?
3. What steps does hand sanitizing have that hand washing does not?

Now, check your work by turning to the key to correction check your work by turning the page
to 8. How many of you got 4? How about 3? 2 and below?
B. Establishing a purpose for Now, let us proceed to the discussion.
the lesson. For those who have internet connection, watch the full video on the link below
(ENGAGE) https://youtu.be/KckUy7xqyxw , then answer the following questions.
Objective 1: Applied And for those who do not have internet connection, read the text on the module then
knowledge of content within answer the following questions.
and across curriculum teaching
areas In the midst of the pandemic, it may be easy to forget about the importance of
getting your annual flu shots. Influenza known as flu and Covid 19 they honestly caused
The use of MAPEH, Science,
by corona virus are both contagious respiratory illnesses. Meaning they affect your lungs
and TLE as part of the lesson.
and breathing. Although the symptoms of Covid 19 and flu can look similar, the two
illnesses are caused by different viruses. Lisa Maragakis, M.D., M.P.H., Senior Director
Objective 2: Ensured the of infection prevention for the Johns Hopkins Health System and infectious diseases
positive use of ICT to physician at The Johns Hopkins Hospital, explains how the flu and Covid 19 are similar
and how are they different.
facilitate the teaching
First, let’s start with the similarities. Both diseases can cause fever, cough, body
learning process. aches, new fatigue and congestion or runny nose; sometime vomiting and diarrhea. The
The use of video, and printed
full list of symptoms of Covid 19 continues to evolve as more is learned about the illness.
Both can be either mild or severe, and even fatal in some cases. Both can be spread from
through droplets in the air from an infected person coughing, sneezing, or talking. Both
Objective 4: Established a diseases can be spread by infected person by several days before their symptoms appear.
Both are treated by addressing symptoms, such as reducing fever. Severe cases may
learner centered culture by
require to hospitalization and even support mechanical ventilation. Both diseases may
using teaching strategies be prevented by frequent, thorough hand washing, coughing in the crook of your elbow,
that respond to linguistic, staying at home when you are sick, and limiting contact with people who are infected.
cultural, socioeconomic, Physical distancing and wearing covering or mask can also limit the spread influenza
and religious background. and Covid 19 in communities.
The first main difference is the cause behind each infection. Covid – 19 is caused
The use of Covid 19 as part of by one virus, now called severe acute respiratory syndrome Corona virus 2 or SARS –
the lesson. Cov – 2. Influenza is caused by any of several different types and strains of influenza
viruses. It is worth noting that the symptoms of patients of Covid 19 often include the
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loss of taste and smell and this is not a typically symptom associated with influenza.
Objective 5: Planned and While both influenza and covid 19 might be transmitted in similar ways, data shows that
delivered teaching there is a possibility that a Covid 19 being spread through the air borne room meaning
strategies that are that tiny droplets remaining in the air and could cause disease in others even after the ill
person is no longer near. No vaccine is available to Covid 19 at this time though the
responsive to the special
development and testing is in progress. A vaccine is available and effective to influenza
educational needs of to prevent some of the most dangerous types or to reduce the severity of the flu. Lasting
learners difficult damage to the lungs, heart, kidneys, brain, and other organs is possible after a severe
circumstances* including: case of Covid 19. Influenza can also cause complications such as inflammation of the
geographic isolation; heart, brain or muscle tissues and multi organ failure in the severe cases. Patient
chronic illness; sometimes developed secondary bacterial infections such as pneumonia can occur after
displacement due to influenza infection.
The first cases of Covid 19 appeared in China in the late 2019 and the first
armed conflict, urban
confirmed case in the US appeared in January 2020. The World Health Organization had
resettlement or disasters; estimated one billion worldwide get the flu every year. Doctors and scientist continue to
child abuse and child labor work to quantify exactly how deadly Covid 19 is. At present, it is thought to have a
practices. substantially higher risk of death than influenza. It is imperative this year that each of us
get influenza vaccine to protect ourselves, our love ones, and our community.

The use of different options

in order to address the needs
What are the similarities of Flu and Covid – 19?
of the learners.

What are their differences?

Illustration of the answers is shown below
C. Presenting examples / Going back to the presentation a while ago, let us illustrate the similarities and
instances of the new lesson differences of Covid 19 and Flu using Venn Diagram. But before that, let me introduced
(ENGAGE) to you the man behind this Venn Diagram.

Objective 1: Applied
knowledge of content
within and across
curriculum teaching

The use of English subject VENN DIAGRAM – graphic representations consisting a rectangle and overlapping
for defining terms, Science, circles.
Health, TLE in the lesson. - Visual representation of sets and set operation.
RECTANGLE IN THE VENN DIAGRAM – represents the universal set
CIRCLES IN THE VENN DIAGRAM – represents subset


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From the given activity we were able to illustrate Venn Diagram. Let us continue the
lesson now.
Objective 4: Established a Example #2: Teacher Fernand and Teacher Dina were talking about the modalities of
learning that they will do this coming school year. Read their conversation and answer
learner centered culture
the following questions below.
by using teaching
strategies that respond to
linguistic, cultural,
socioeconomic, and
religious background.

Localization and
socioeconomic were used in
the lesson as example.

Let us create a Venn diagram in order to answer the following questions.

The diagram above can be used to answer the question no. 7.

1. How many parents were surveyed? ____150________

2. How many preferred both modalities? _____11_____
3. How many preferred modular learning? ___47______
4. How many preferred online learning? _____89_____
5. How many preferred modular learning only? _____36_____
6. How many preferred online learning only? _____78_____
7. What made Teacher Fernand conclude that there were 25 parents who did not
prefer either online learning or modular learning? There are 25 remaining
parents who did not choose any of the options.

Obviously, there were 25 parents who did not choose either online learning or modular
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D.Discussing new concepts and Venn diagram and set operations may be used to solve real – life word problems.
Practicing new skills #1
(EXPLORE) Examples:
1. A group of 40 students were asked whether they used either Facebook or Twitter or
both. 20 of these students use Facebook, 15 use twitter and 7 use both.
a. How many use Facebook only? 13
Objective 4: Established a b. How many use Twitter only? 8
learner centered culture by c. How many use both networking site? 7
using teaching strategies d. How many of them do not used any of the two? 12
that respond to linguistic,
cultural, socioeconomic, How to create the Venn diagram?
1. Draw the universal set for the 40 students
and religious background. consisting of two overlapping circles each
properly labelled.
2. Because there are 7 students who used both,
put it in the overlap
The use of cultural and socio –
3. Notice that 7 students were now accounted
economic as applied in the for the 20 students who used Facebook,
examples. write 13 for the remaining part of the circle
labelled facebook. Similarly, 7 were
accounted for the 15 students who used
twitter, leaving only 8 for the remaining part
of the circle labeled with twitter.
4. Since, there are a total of 40 students, write
12 outside the circles to complete the 40
students in the universal set.
Objective 1: Applied 2. Fernand and Dina took a survey among the 100 Grade 7 students in Telabastagan
knowledge of content Integrated School, 50 like eating in Jollibee while 64 like eating in McDonalds and
within and across 20 of them like both.
curriculum teaching areas. a. Illustrate the problem in Venn diagram.
b. How many like eating in Jollibee?
c. How many like eating in Mc Donald’s only?
d. How many eating both in Jollibee and in McDonalds?
The use of MAPEH subject and e. How many do not like eating any of the two?
Localization in the lesson.
b. 50
c. 44
d. 20
e. 6

3. Mrs. Fernandina Fernando presented a diagram showing her students’ favorite TV

a. How many students like Kapuso
only? 15
b. How many students like both
Kapamilya and Kapuso? 13
c. How many students do not like either
Kapamilya or Kapuso? 4

4. In a poll of 46 students, 23 liked rap music, 24 liked rock music, and 19 liked country
music. Of all the students, 12 liked rap and country, 13 liked rap and rock, and 14 liked
country and rock. Of those students, 9 liked all three types of music.
a. How many like rock only? 6
b. How many like rap only? 7
c. How many country music only? 2
d. How many students did not like
any of these types? 10

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E.Discussing new concepts and TRY THIS ( Performance Task)
practicing new skills #2 Draw a Venn diagram to answer the following problems. (Write your answer
at the back of this page)
Objective 3: Applied a range 1. A group of 45 students went out to eat at a fast – food restaurant. Among them, 25
of teaching strategies to wanted to order chicken fillet meal, and 40 of them wanted a spicy chicken sandwich
develop critical and creative meal. If 20 wanted to order both, how many are ordering only one meal?
thinking as well as other higher 2. There are 37 students in a class. If 28 students attended Mathematics class, 22
order thinking skills attended Science class, and 15 attended both, how many were not attending any of
the two classes?
3. One hundred persons were surveyed about their movie preferences. Among the
group, 50 persons prefer comedy, 35 like romantic comedy, and 20 like suspense.
Also, 15 prefer both comedy and suspense, 14 like comedy and romantic comedy, 12
like suspense and romantic comedy, and 10 like the three movie genres. How many
like comedy or suspense?

Rubric for Performance Tasks

5 3 1
Objective 8: Set achievable 3 problems are 2 problems are 0 – 1 problem is
and appropriate learning correctly drawn correctly drawn and correctly drawn and
outcomes that are aligned and labeled labeled labeled
with learning competencies. 5 3 1
COMPLETION 3 problems are 2 problems are 0 - 1 problem is
completely drawn completely drawn completely drawn
The use of rubric and rating and answered and answered and answered
scale in assessing students.
5 3 1
WORK SHOWN 3 problems are 2 problems are 0 – 1 problem is
(systematicness) completely drawn completely drawn completely drawn
and answer and answer and answer
accurately accurately accurately

F. Developing mastery (Leads to A. Read and answer the following word problems.
Formative Assessment 3) 1. In a group of 65 people, 45 like cold drinks and 32 like hot drinks and 15 person
(EXPLAIN) likes at least one of the two drinks. How many like cold drinks only? Illustrate
the problem in Venn Diagram and solve.
Objective 3: Applied a range 2. A survey was conducted among 70 persons about food they usually order in a
of teaching strategies to restaurant. The following were the results of the survey: 50 prefer pancit
develop critical and creative malabon, 30 prefer carbonara, and 27 prefer both. How many do not like any of
thinking as well as other the two?
higher order thinking skills. 3. Mr. Canlas presented a diagram showing his students’ favorite board games.
a. How many sets are involved? ______
b. How many like Chess only? ______
c. How many like Scrabble only? ______
d. How many like Damath only? ______
Creating Venn Diagram and e. How many like chess? ______
solving the problems f. How many like both Chess
and Scrabble? ______
g. How many like both Scrabble
and Damath? ________
h. How many students like Chess
and Damath? _________
Objective 8: Set achievable i. How many like the three board games? ____
and appropriate learning j. How many do not like any of the three board games? _______
k. How many students in all? ______
outcomes that are aligned
with learning competencies. Now, check your work by turning to page 8 Score Description
for the key to correction. 17 – 20 Very Good
How many correct answers did you get? 13 – 16 Good
Rate your result using the table above. 10 – 12 Fair
The use of rubric and rating If your score is at least 10 out of 20,
Turn to sec. J and work on the
scale in assessing students. You may proceed with the evaluation part. 0–9
enrichment activities

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G. Finding practical applications of “Every problem has a solution. You just have to be creative enough to find it.“
concepts and skills in daily living – Travis Kalanick
Solving problems teach us how to accept challenge and to think logically. It help
us to understand that there are many possible solutions can be done. It may be in a long
or short process but still we can derive for the right and correct answers. In reality,
problems may be harsh and cruel, but by applying the steps on how to solve it, we can
always have a positive and good solutions in it.


abstractions about the lesson  First, VENN DIAGRAM – graphic representations consisting a rectangle and
(ELABORATE) overlapping circles. It is also a visual representation of sets and set operation.
 In addition, RECTANGLE IN THE VENN DIAGRAM – represents the
Objective 1: Applied universal set and CIRCLES IN THE VENN DIAGRAM – represents subset
knowledge of content  JOHN VENN – English logician and philosopher who introduced Venn
within and across Diagram
curriculum teaching  Finally, in creating Venn diagram you should analyze the problem first, then
draw the universal set and the overlapping circles which are properly labelled.
Next, write the number who used both then subtract it to the remaining sets.

The use of ENGLISH subject

as part of the lesson.
Defining of terms and

I. Evaluating Learning Problem:

(EVALUATE) 1. A group of 60 students bought the different delicacies. 20 bought pastillas, 28
bought yema, 30 bought bibingka; 12 bought pastillas and yema; 15 bought
Objective 1: Applied yema and bibingka; 10 bought pastillas and bibingka and 5 bought the three
knowledge of content delicacies.
a. How many of the students bought pastillas only?
within and across
b. How many of the students bought either yema or pastillas?
curriculum teaching c. How many of the students bought bibingka and yema?
areas. d. How many did not buy any of the delicacies?
e. How many students bought the three delicacies?

The use of TLE subject in 2. We asked a group of children what they like to do most in their free time:
the lesson. watching TV or playing games. The results can be seen in the following Venn
Diagram. Use the diagram to answer the questions.
1. How many are watching TV? ______
2. How many are playing games only? ______
3. How many children were surveyed? ______
4. How many are watching TV and playing
games? _______
5. How many do not like any of the two? ____

J. Additional activities for Solve.

application or Remediation 1. We asked a group of students whether they like Math and English and made the
(EXTEND) following Venn diagram. Use the diagram to answer the questions.
a. How many like English? _______
b. How many like Mathematics? ______
Objective 1: Applied
c. How many like English only? ______
knowledge of content d. How many like Math only? ______
within and across e. How many do not like either of the two? ___
curriculum teaching areas. f. How many were surveyed? _____
2. A survey was conducted among 120 students about the sports they play. Among the
respondents, 85 students play basketball, 50 students play badminton, and 40 students
The use of MAPEH subject in play both.
the lesson. a. Draw the Venn diagram to summarize the results.
b. How many students play basketball only? ______
c. How many students play badminton only? ______
d. How many students play basketball or badminton? _______
e. How many students play basketball and badminton? ______
f. How many do not play either of the two sports? _____

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Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

1. What steps do both hand washing and hand sanitizing have?
a. Rub the back of each hand with the opposite palm.
b. Rub palms with fingers interlaced.
c. Rub each thumb clasped in the opposite palm
d. Rub fingertips in the opposite palm.
e. Scrub the wrists.
2. What steps does hand washing have that hand sanitizing does not?
a. Wet the hands.
b. Take an adequate amount of liquid soap.
c. Rub hands to lather.
d. Rinse well with running water.
3. What steps does hand sanitizing have that hand washing does not?
a. Curl fingers while applying an adequate amount of disinfectant to the palms and fingertips.
b. Repeat until dry.

Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

1. 25 2. 2 3. 55

Developing mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment 3)

1. 30 2. 17 3. a. 3 b. 16 c. 12 d. 27 e. 34
f. 5 g. 12 h. 13 i. 10 j. 10 k. 85

Additional activities for application or Remediation

1. a. 30 b. 55 c. 12 d. 37 e. 13 f. 30
2. a. b. 45 c. 10 d. 95 e. 40 f. 25

If you need more help, you may reach me at cp # 09162736188 or send me a private message thru my facebook account
Roschelle Baking Canlas.

Prepared by:
Observed by:
Master Teacher II
Noted by:

School Head

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