005 Writing Medicine Miss Cathy Jones Referral Letter To Gynaecology

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Writing Task I Doctors

Read the cases notes below and complete the writing task tl-rat follows

Time allowed: 10 minutes

Today's Date


Patient History

Miss Cathy Jones - 25 year old single woman

Occupation - receptionist
Family history of deep vein thrombosis
On progesterone-only pill (POP) for contraception
No previous pregnancies


Presents to GP surgery at 7 pm, after work

Complains of lower abdominal pain since the evening before, worse in right iliac fossa
Unsure of last menstmal period, has had irregular bleeding since starting
POP 2 months ago, New parlner for past 2 months
No bladder or bowel symptoms


Mild right iliac fossa tenderness, no rebound / guarding

Apyrexial, pulse 88, BP 110/70

Vaginal examination - quite tender in right fomix. No masses


Non-specific abdo pain

Plan: Asks her to return in morning for blood test anil reassessment


Pain has worsened ovemight. Now severe constant pain.
Some slight vaginal bleeding ovemight also.
Felt faint while waiting in reception.
On questioning, has left shoulder-tip pain also.


Very tender in the right iliac fossa, with guarding and rebound tendemess
Apyrexial, Pulse 96, BP 110/70
On vaginal examination, has cervical excitation and markedly tcnder rn the right fornix.
Pregnancy test rcsult positivc
Urine dipstick clear


Suspected ectopic pregnancy

Plan: You ring the on duty Gynaecology Registrar and ask for urgent assessment. and are
instructed to send her to the A&E Department u,ith a refcrral letter.

Writing Task

You are the GP, Dr Sally Brorvn. Write Refen'al letter to the Gynaecology Registrar at
the Mater Hospital, South Brisbane. Ask to be kept informed of the outcome.

ln your answer:

. Expand the retevant case notes into comptete sentences

. Do not use note form
. The body of the letter shoutd not be more than 200 words
. Use correct [etter format
Task 1 Model Letter: Cathv.Iones

Gynaecology Registrar
A&E Department
Mater Hospital
South Brisbane

Dear Doctor,

Re: Cathy Jones DOB 1.12.83

Thank you for seeing this 25 year old woman who I suspect has atr ectoprc pregnancy.

This is her first pregnancy. She presented to the surgery yesterday evening with vaguc
lower abdominal pain. She starled the progesterone-only pi1l for contraccption two
months ago, when she starled a new relationship, and has l-rad some irregular blceding
since then. Therefore she is unsure of her exact last menstrual period. Ycsterday. she u,as
mildly tender only and her obsen,ations were normal.

However, on revicw this morning her pain had worsened overnight, she is verv tender in
the right iliac fossa, with rebound and guarding, and on vaginal examination tl-rerc is
cervical excitation, and marked tendemess in the right fomix. Her pregnancy test is
positive .

I am concemed that she may have an ectopic pregnancy, and would appreciate your
urgent assessment.

Please keep me informed of the outcomc.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Saiiy Brown (GP)

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