Boat and Stream

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Boat and Stream

1. A boatman rows 1kmin 5 minutes, along the steam and 6km in 1hr against the stream. The
speed of the stream is :
a) 3 kmph b) 6 kmph c) 10kmph d)12 kmph
2. A boat covers 12KM upstream and 18KM downstream in 3hr, while it covers 36KM
upstream and 24KM downstream in 6 1/2hr. What is the speed of the current?
a) 1.5 km/hr b)1 km/hr c) 2 km/hr d) 2.5 km/hr
3. A boy can swim in still water at a speed of 10 km/hr. If the speed of the current would have
been 5 kmph, then the boy could swim 60 km:
a) Upstream in 4hr
b) Downstream in 12hr
c) Upstream in 6hr
d) Downstream in 4hr
4. A swimmer swims from a point A against a current for 5 minutes and then swims backwards
in favour of the current for next 5 minutes and comes to point B. If AB is 100 metres, the
speed of the current (in kmph) is:
a) 0.4 b) 0.2 c) 1 d) 0.6
5. The speed of the current is 5kmph. A motorboat goes 10 km upstream and back again to the
starting point in 50 minutes. The speed (in kmph) of the motorboat in still water is :
a) 20 b) 26 c) 25 d) 28
6. In a fixed time a boy swims double the distance along the current that he swims against the
current. If the speed of the current is 3 kmph, the speed of the boy in still water is :
a) 6 kmph b)9 kmph c) 10 kmph d) 12 kmph
7. A man can row at a speed of 4.5 kmph in still water. If he takes 2 times as long to row a
distance upstream as to row the same in downstream then, the speed of stream (in kmph) is :
a) 1 b) 1.5 c) 2 d) 2.5
8. The speed of a boat in still water is 6 kmph and the speed of the stream is 1.5 kmph. A man
rows to a place at a distance of 22.5 km and come back to the starting point. The total time
taken by him is :
a) 10 hr b) 4 hr 10 min c)6 hr 10 min d)8 hr
9. The speed of a motor boat to that of the current of water is 36:5. The boat goes along the
current in 5hr 10min. it will come back in:
a) 5 hr 50min b) 6 hr c) 6 hr 50 min d) 12 hr 50min
10. The speed of a motor boat in still water is 45 kmph. If the motor boat travels 80 km along
the stream in 1 hr 20 min, then the time taken by it to cover the same distance against the
steam will be :
a) 3hr b) 1 hr 20 min c) 2hr 40 min d) 2 hr 55 min
11. A boat goes 40 km upstream in 8hr and 36 km downstream in 6 hr. The speed of the boat in
still in water is :
a) 6.5 kmph b) 5.5 kmph c) 6 kmph d) 5 kmph
12. A motor boat in still water travels at a speed of 36 kmph in 1 hr 45 min. The time taken by it
to cover the same distance down the stream will be :
a) 2 hr 25 min b) 3hr c) 1 hr 24 min d) 2 hr 21 min
13. Two boats A and B start towards each other from two places, 108 km apart. Speed of boat A
and B in still water are 12 kmph and 15 kmph respectively. If A proceeds down and B up the
stream, they will meet after:
a) 4.5 hr b) 4 hr c) 5.4 hr d) 6 hr
14. A person can row 7.5 km an hour in still water and he finds that it takes him twice as long to
row down the river. The speed of the stream is :
a) 2 kmph b) 3 kmph c) 2.5 kmph d)3.5 kmph
15. A man rows to a place 35 km in distance and back in 10 hr 30 min. He found that he can row
5 km with the stream in the same time as he can row 4 km against the stream. Find the rate of
flow of the stream :
a) 1 kmph b) 0.75 kmph c) 1.33 kmph d) 1.5 kmph
16. A motor boat covers a certain distance downstream in a river in 3 hr. It covers the same
distance upstream in 3hrand half. If the speed of the water is 1.5 kmph, then the speed of the
boat in still water is :
a) 17 kmph b) 17.5 kmph c) 19.5 kmph d) 19 kmph
17. A boat running upstream takes 5 hr 40 min to cover a certain distance, while it takes 3 hr to
cover same distance downstream. What is the ratio between the speeds of the water current
a) 13:4 b) 20:1 c) 19:2 d) 1:19
18. The water in a river is flowing at the rate of 4 kmph. If the width and depth of the river is 8 m
and 4 m respectively, then how much water will enter the sea in 15 minutes?
a) 60000 m3 b) 18000 m3 c) 28800 m3 d) 32000 m3

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