Boats and Stream Quiz

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Boats and Stream Quiz

1. A boat goes 14 km upstream in 42 minutes. The speed of stream is 4 km/h. The speed of boat in still
water is

[a] 24 km/h
[b] 25 km/h
[c] 30 km/h
[d] 23 km/h

2. The speed of a boat in still water is 7 km/h. If its speed in downstream is 10 km/h. Then the speed of
stream is

[a] 7 km/h
[b] 3 km/h
[c] 10 km/h
[d] 6 km/h

3. Aditya can row with stream at 10 km/h and against the stream at 6 km/h. His speed in still water is

[a] 16 km/h
[b] 6 km/h
[c] 8 km/h
[d] 10 km/h

4. Speed of man is 12 km/h in still water. If the rate of current is 4 km/h, then the effective speed of the
man upstream is

[a] 6 km/h
[b] 7 km/h
[c] 5 km/h
[d] 8 km/h

5. A man moves downstream at a rate of 14 km/h and upstream at a rate of 6 km/h. Speed of boat in
still water is

[a] 4 km/h
[b] 10 km/h
[c] 16 km/h
[d] 2 km/h

6. A man moves 20 km down stream in 5 hours and 10 km up stream in same time. The speed of stream

[a] 4 km/h
[b] 1 km/h
[c] 1.6 km/h
[d] done

7. A boat travels 18 km towards upstream in 6 hours. How long (In Hrs) will it take to cover the same
distance downstream the speed current is one fourth the speed of boat in still water.

[a] 3
[b] 4
[c] 3.6
[d] 3.4
8. A person can row with the stream at 8 km/h and against the stream at 4 km/h. The speed of the
current is (In km/hr.)

[a] 1
[b] 2
[c] 1.5
[d] 4

9. When the speed of a boat in still water is 4 km/h and the rate of stream is 2 km/h, find upstream speed
of the boat ?

[a] 6 km/h
[b] 5 km/h
[c] 2 km/h
[d] 7 km/h

10. If the speed of a swimmer in still water is 9 km/h. Find the downstream speed of the swimmer, when
the river is flowing with the speed of 6 km/h ?

[a] 15 km/h
[b] 18 km/h
[c] 3 km/h
[d] 12 km/h

11. A swimmer’s speed in downstream is 11 km/h and speed of the stream is 1.5 km/h. Find the upstream
speed of swimmer ?

[a] 8 km/h
[b] 9.5 km/h
[c] 9 km/h
[d] 6.25 km/h

12. A boatman rows 1 km in 5 min along the stream and 6 km in 1 h against the stream. The speed of the
stream is

[a] 3 km/h
[b] 6 km/h
[c] 10 km/h
[d] 12 km/h

13. Keshav can row 60 km downstream and 36 km upstream, taking 10 h each time. What is the velocity
of the current?

[a] 3 km/h
[b] 2.2 km/h
[c] 4 km/h
[d] 1.2 km/h

14. What time will be taken by a boat to cover a distance of 128 km along the stream, if speed of a boat in
still water is 24 km/h and speed of stream is 8 km/h?

[a] 8 km/h
[b] 4 km/h
[c] 7 km/h
[d] 6 km/h

15. A man can row against the current three-fourth of a kilometre in 15 min and returns same distance in
10 min, then ratio of his speed to that of current is –

[a] 3:5
[b] 5:3
[c] 1:5
[d] 5:1
16. A boat goes 48 km downstream in 20 h. It takes 4 h more to cover the same distance against the stream.
What is the speed of the boat in still water ?

[a] 2.2 km/h

[b] 2 km/h
[c] 4 km/h
[d] 4.2 km/h

17. A man can row 15 km downstream in 3 hours and 5 km upstream in 2.5 hours. His speed in still water
in (km/hr.) is

[a] 4 km/hr.
[b] 4.5 km/hr.
[c] 3.5 km/hr.
[d] 5 km/hr.

18. A man can row 44 km downstream in 4 hours. If the man’s rowing rate in still water is 8 km/hr, then
find in what time will he cover 25 km upstream?

[a] 5 hours
[b] 6 hours
[c] 4.5 hours
[d] 4 hours

19. A man can row 20 km/h in still water and speed of the stream is 5 m/sec. Ratio of speed of man to
current speed is

[a] 9 : 10
[b] 4:1
[c] 1:4
[d] 10 : 9

20. A man can swim in still water at 9.6 km/hr, but takes twice as long swim in upstream then in
downstream. The speed of stream is
[a] 3.2 km/hr
[b] 2.3 km/hr
[c] 5.6 km/hr
[d] 6.5 km/hr

21. The current of a stream runs at the rate of 4 km in an hour. A boat goes 6 km and comes back to the
starting point in 2 h. The speed of the boat in still water is:

[a] 6km/h
[b] 8km/h
[c] 7.5km/h
[d] 6.8km/h

22. A man can row 15 km/h downstream and 9 km/h upstream. The speed of the boat in still water is:
[a] 8km/h
[b] 10km/h
[c] 15km/h
[d] 12km/h

23. A boat running downstream covers a distance of 20 km in 2 h while it covers the same distance
upstream in 5h. Then, speed of the boat in still water is :

[a] 7km/h
[b] 8km/h
[c] 9km/h
[d] 10km/h

24. In a fixed time, a boy swims double the distance along the current that he swims against the current.
If the speed of the current is 3 km/h, then find the rate of swimming in still water ?

[a] 6km/h
[b] 9km/h
[c] 10km/h
[d] 12km/h
25. A boat goes 20 km downstream in 1 h and the same distance upstream in 2h. The speed of the boat in
still water is :

[a] 15km/h
[b] 10km/h
[c] 5km/h
[d] 7.5km/h

26. A man can row 30km downstream and return in a total of 8 h. If the speed of the boat in still water is
4 times the speed of the current, then speed of the current is :

[a] 1km/h
[b] 2km/h
[c] 4km/h
[d] 3km/h
27. A boatman rows 1km in 5 min, along the stream and 6km in 1 h against the stream. The speed of the
stream is :

[a] 3 km/h
[b] 6km/h
[c] 10 km/h
[d] 12 km/h

28. A man rows a boat 18 km in 4 h downstream and returns upstream in 12h. The speed of the stream
in km/h) is:

[a] 1
[b] 1.5
[c] 2
[d] 2.5

29. A man can row at 5km/h in still water. If the velocity of current is 1 km/h and it takes him 1 h to row
to a place and come back, how far is the place?

[a] 2.5 km
[b] 3 km
[c] 2.4 km
[d] 3.6 km
30. A man can swim at the rate of 4km/h in still water. If the speed of the water is 2km/h. Then, the time
taken by him to swim 10 km upstream is :

[a] 2.5 h
[b] 3.5 h
[c] 5h
[d] 4h

31. The speed of a boat along the stream is 12 km/h and against the stream is 8 km/h. The time taken by
the boat to sail 24 km in still water is:

[a] 2h
[b] 3h
[c] 2.4h
[d] 1.2h

32. Two boats A and B start towards each other from two places, 108 km apart. Speed of the boats A and
B in still water are 12 km/h and 15 km/h, respectively. If A proceeds down and B up the stream, they
will meet after:

[a] 4.5h
[b] 4h
[c] 5.4h
[d] 6h
33. The ratio speed of a motorboat to the current of water is 36 : 5. The boat goes along with the current in
5h 10min. It will come back in :

[a] 5h 50min
[b] 6h
[c] 6 h 50 min
[d] 12 h 10 min

34. A man swims downstream a distance of 15 km in 1h. If the speed of the current is 5 km/h, the time
taken by the man to swim the same distance upstream is:

[a] 1 h 30 min
[b] 45 min
[c] 2 h 30 min
[d] 3h
35. Speed of a boat is 5 km/h in still water and the speed of the stream is 3 km/h. If the boat takes 3 h to
go to a place and come back, the distance of the place is:

[a] 3.75 km
[b] 4 km
[c] 4.8 km
[d] 4.25 km

36. A man who swim 48m/minute in still water, swims 200m against the current and 200m with the
current. The difference between the time taken by him against the stream and with the stream is 10
Quantity 1: speed of current.
Quantity 2: Speed of a man who completes 3 rounds of a circular path of radius 49 m in 14 minutes.

(a) Quantity I > Quantity II

(b) Quantity I < Quantity II
(c) Quantity I ≥ Quantity II
(d) Quantity I ≤ Quantity II
(e) Quantity I = Quantity II or No relation

Explanation- Quantity 1: Let, speed of current be x m/minute

200 200
= + 10
48−𝑥 48+𝑥
⇒ 𝑥 = 32𝑚/𝑚𝑖𝑛.
3×2× ×49
Quantity 2: 7
= 66𝑚/𝑚𝑖𝑛
Quantity 2 > quantity 1.

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