Hpr6000 Manual

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Turbocharger HPR6000
Data sheet - (KBB)

Turbocharger HPR6000

Data sheet - (KBB)

and :

Type HPR6000

Serial- 40. see A1.10.2O.nn.nn ( Number: XXX)

Specification- No. see A1.10.20.nn.nn (Specifikation: XXXXXXX)

Kompressorenbau Bannewiix GmbH

WindbergstraRe 45
01728 Bannewb
Federal Republic of Germany

Phone: +49 (351) 40 85 603 (Sales)

+49 (351) 40 85 633 (Service)
+49 (172) 35 16 045 (24 Hours Phone)
Fax: +49 (351) 40 85 840

5588903 en 4'h Edition ( 08/04)

Turbocharger - HPR 6000 -
Description - (KBB)

Turbocharger = HPR 6000 -

Description -
Operating Instructions
HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger

The data given in the operating instructions only apply to the exhaust gas turbocharger with the serial
number mentioned above. The name-plate is affixed at the side of the bearing housing of the exhaust
gas turbocharger.

In case you have questions regarding the exhaust gas turbocharger, it is important to give the correct
TCtype (Type)
Serial No. (Serial)
( 3 Specification No. (Spec.)
Only if these data are known, the request can be handled properly and promptly.

Direct your inquiries to the following address:

KompressorenbauBannewitz GmbH
Windbergstr. 45
01728 Bannewitz
Federal Republic of Germany

Fax: +49 (351) 40 85 840

Phone: +49 (351) 40 85 603 (Sales)
+49 (351) 40 85 633 (Service)
+49 (172) 35 16 045 (24-hour phone)
E-mail: [email protected]

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Operating Instructions
HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Contents

Table of Contents
Chapter Title Page

1 TECHNICAL DATA ....................................................................... 5

1.1 Operating data ............................................................................................... 5
1.2 Alarm values .................................................................................................. 6
1.3 Dimensions .................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Test connections ........................................................................................... 7
1.5 Dimensions of important subassemblies .................................................... 7
1.6 Vibrations ....................................................................................................... 8
2 SAFETY......................................................................................... 9
2.1 Built-in safety systems .................................................................................. 9
\. 2.2 Safety measures (to be taken by user) ........................................................ 9
3 GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT DANGER ........................... 10
3.1 Danger zone ................................................................................................. I0
3.2 Operators and maintenance personnel ..................................................... I 0
3.3 Installation of spare and wear parts ........................................................... II
4 DESIGN ....................................................................................... 12
4.1 Brief description .......................................................................................... 12
4.2 Construction ................................................................................................ 12
4.3 Function........................................................................................................ 12
4.4 Usage to the intended purpose .................................................................. 12
5 OPERATION ............................................................................... 13
5.1 Commissioning ............................................................................................ 13
Starting-up ....................................................................................................
Stopping .......................................................................................................
5.4 Failures ......................................................................................................... 14
5.5 Emergency operation of the exhaust gas turbocharger ........................... 14
5.6 Measures for extended period without operation ..................................... 15
6 MAINTENANCE .......................................................................... 16
6.1 General ......................................................................................................... 16
6.2 Maintenance work ........................................................................................ 16
6.3 Cleaning........................................................................................................ 17
6.4 Maintenance schedule................................................................................. 18
6.4.1 Maintenance for operation with Marine Diesel Oil (MDO) .............................. 18
6.4.2 Maintenance for operation with Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) ..................................19
6.5 Trouble-shooting table ................................................................................ 20

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Operating Instructions
Contents HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger
Chapter Title Page

DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY ........................................ 21

Introduction ................................................................................................ 21
Checking the components ......................................................................... 21
Test results .................................................................................................. 23
Clearance sheet .......................................................................................... 25
Work sheets ................................................................................................. 26
Compressor washing .................................................................................... 26
Turbine washing........................................................................................ 27
Shutting down the exhaust gas turbocharger ............................................. 29
Bearing check ............................................................................................. 30
Disassembly of the complete turbocharger ................................................... 31
Assembly of the complete turbocharger ..................................................... 32
Disassembly and assembly of the silencer or air-intake housing .................. 33
Cleaning the silencer .................................................................................... 34
Disassembly and assembly of the compressor housing ............................... 35
Disassembly and assembly of the cartridge............................................... 36
Disassembly of the rotor, complete ............................................................... 37
Assembly of the rotor, complete.................................................................... 39
Disassembly of the exhaust-gas elbow ......................................................... 42
SPARE PARTS AND TOOLS ..................................................... 43
General......................................................................................................... 43
Spare parts .................................................................................................. 44
Exhaust gas turbocharger. complete (1000) ................................................. 44
Exhaust gas turbocharger. basic unit (1100)................................................. 45
Cartridge (1200) ............................................................................................ 46
Rotor (2000) .................................................................................................. 47
Bearings (4000) ..................................................................................... 47
Turbine housing (5000) ................................................................................. 48
Compressor housing (6000).......................................................................... 49
Gasket set (9910) ......................................................................................... 50
Standard parts 1 (9920) ................................................................................ 51
Standard parts 2 (9930) ................................................................................ 52
Standard parts 2.1 (9931) ............................................................................. 52
Tools ............................................................................................................ 53
Tool set l(9800) ............................................................................................ 53
Further tools .................................................................................................. 54

1 I
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Operating Instructions
HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Chapter I


Operating data

Specification 558xxxx
Max. speed 34,600 rpm
Max. exhaust gas temperature upstream of turbine 650 "C

Lubricating oil
Types of lubricating oil: engine oil with a cinematic viscosity of 60 ... 115 mmz/s
at 50 'C, e.g. SAE30, SAM0
Nominal oil filter fineness upstream of TC max. 25 pm
Lubricating oil pressure upstream of TC 300+150kPa
Admissible lubricating oil pressures for special operating states
at start-up min. 50 kPa
from start-up to idle running min. 50 kPa
at standstill (prelubrication or relubrication/standbymode) see diagram below
Lubricating oil temperature upstream of TC 40 ... I 0 5 "C
Lubricating oil temperature downstream of TC max. 120 ' C
Lubricatina oil flow 20 ... 40 Ilmin
Sound power level (measured on silencer at 100 mm distance 108 dB(A)
from compressor housing) at 32,500 rpm
Counter-pressure downstream of turbine max. 2.5 kPa(g)
Underpressure upstream of compressor max. 1.5 kPa(g)

Admissible lubricating oil pressure for prelubricationor relubrication

(standby operation)

I )

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Operating Instructions
,-. Chapter I HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger

1.2 Alarm values


Measurement Alarm value

TC speed 0.97 ' n max
Exhaust gas temperature before turbine t max- 15K
Lubricating oil outlet temperature of TC -
c 120 'C
Lubricating oil pressure before TC 2 125 kPa (1.25 bar)

A If alarm values are adapted accordingly t o the engine data, the values
specified above are not to be exceeded andlor be fallen below in the case
of lubricating oil pressure1
The maximum speed and the maximum exhaust gas temperature before
turbine are indicated on the name-plate and the test certificate1


All dimensions are specified in mml

Length ') 1.440 ... 1,570

I Width ") max. 742 1

Height ") max. 853
) Exhaust gas turbocharger with silencer or intake housing and exhaust gas elbow
") Dimensions depend on the housing position

Exhaust gas Inlet single-nozzle housing I x 0 182 mm

Inlet double-nozzle housing 2x 0 120 mm

Inlet triple-nozzle housing 3x 0 100 mm
Outlet 0 357 mm
Charge air Outlet 0 208 mm
Lubricating oil Inlet at bearing housing 0 14.5 mm
Outlet at bearing housing 0 54 mm

Compressor washing Air piping M18x 1.5

Water piping MI6 x 1.5

Turbine washing Water piping M18x1.5

Drainage 0 90

Further connection dimensions can be taken from the assembly drawing.

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Operating Instructions
HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Chapter I

The piping for the pipe connections listed is not included i n the scope of
supply of Kompressorenbau Bannewitz GmbH.

A Pipes have always t o be laid free of stress.

Test connections
The TC is equipped with the following test connections which can be used as required.
There are two threads each (M18x1.5) provided at the intake, compressor and turbine-
inlet housings and at the exhaust-gas elbow for measuring the temperature and
For measuring the speed, the bearing housing can be equipped with a speed sensor.
:p 1.5 Dimensions of important subassemblies
Exhaust gas turbocharger, compl. *)
Exhaust gas turbocharger, basic unit
Air-intake housing
Compressor housing
Turbine inlet housing
Exhaust-gas elbow
Bearing housing
Compressor impeller

*) Basic unit including silencer and exhaust-gas elbow (see name-plate)

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Operating Instructions
-\ Chapter I HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger

1.6 Vibrations

Maximum admissible vibration load at engine for 2 ... 250 Hz :

Admissible value at TC at silencer
(at place LG) (at place SD)
Velocity VRMs (mmls) max. 45 mmls max. 71 mmls

Amplitude SRMSmm max. 0,7 mrn max. 1,Imm

1 Acceleration I aRMs (m/s2) I max. 70 m/s2 I max. IIIm/s2 I

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Operating Instructions
HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Chapter 2

The exhaust gas turbocharger has been designed on the basis of the following standards
and regulations:
1. EC machinery directive (891392IEEC, 91/3681EEC, 93144/EEC, 93168lEEC)
2. EN 292 Parts 1 and 2: Safety of machines (fundamentals)
3. EN 294 Safety of machines; Safety distances to be kept to prevent the upper limbs
from reaching dangerous zones

2.1 Built-in safety systems

. A safety system for the turbocharger is not necessary as its design and connection with
the engine to which it is attached require an inherent safety.
For general speed monitoring, i.e. without a turn-off function being included, the
turbocharger can be equipped with a tachometer.

Assembly and disassembly work must not be done during operation.

See chapters 7.5.4 and 7.5.2 for maintenance and cleaning jobs which
/ :\ may be done while the engine is running.

2.2 Safety measures (to be taken by user)

These operating instructions are part of the exhaust gas turbocharger and shall be
always accessible for the operators and maintenance personnel.
The operating instructions should be read before commissioning the turbocharger.
Particular attention should be paid to directions and information relating to dangers.
The user is required
to make his operators and maintenance personnel familiar with safe working methods
to supervise the observance of the safety regulations.
The individual jobs in these instructions are described such that they can be understood by
skilled workers.
The necessary tools and testinglinspection means must be made available to these
The user must obtain permission to operate the unit from the local authorities and observe
the following:
1. labour safety
2. cleaning and maintenance of the machines
3. product disposal
4. environmental protection

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Operating Instructions
HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger
3 Chapter

Danger zone
The danger zone is defined by the engine as the turbocharger is an integral part of the

During turbocharger operation, the user must keep the danger zone free
of any objects so to ensure unhindered access to the unit.

A Ear muffs should be worn as the sound level is high. Care should also be
taken when approaching the hot housings.

The exhaust gas turbocharger is mounted on the engine. It may not be interfered with
when the engine is running.
Make sure the exhaust gas pipes at the turbine side cannot come loose during operation
since exhaust gas might escape at this point.
As the exhaust gas turbocharger is an integral part of the engine, its operation is
described in connection with the engine. However, its maintenance is described
separately in the operating instructions.

Operators and maintenance personnel

Operators and maintenance personnel are persons who are responsible for transport,
assembly, installation, operation, setting, maintenance, cleaning and troubleshooting.

Make sure t o obsewe.the following accident prevention regulations:

winches, hoisting and drawing gear (VBG 8)
load take-up devices for hoisting operations (VBG 9a)
If these regulations are not observed, your life and limb may be endangered!
1. The turbocharger may only be maintained by duly qualified and authorised persons.
2. In maintaining the turbocharger, the responsibilities shall be clearly defined and must be
adhered to so as to prevent confusing competencies with respect to the safety aspect.
3. The operating instructions shall be followed irrespective of what kind of work (operation,
maintenance, repair etc.) is concerned.
4. The cleaning, maintenance and repair work described in these instructions are easy to
understand by persons skilled in mechanical, cleaning and maintenance work.
The necessary tools and testinglinspectibn means must be available to these persons.
5. Operators are not allowed to interfere with the unit in a way that would affect machine
6. It is also within the responsibility of the operator to see to it that no unauthorised person
works on the turbocharger.

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Operating Instructions
'-3 HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Chapter 3
7. The operator must inform the user without delay of any safety-affecting changes to the
8. In order to ensure a long service life, the exhaust gas turbocharger has to be operated in
accordance with the technical specification.

3.3 Installation of spare and wear parts

It is emphasised that spare parts and accessories not supplied by us are not
testedlinspected and approved by us. The installation and use of such products may
negatively affect the performance of your turbocharger. We assume no liability for damage
caused by the use of components and accessories not made by us.
For ordering spare parts and tools, please refer to the
spare parts list
tools list.
The spare parts lists attached (see chapter 8.2) contain all spare parts for the turbocharger.
DIN (standard) parts may be bought from specialised dealers.
For the assembly, disassembly and commissioning of the turbocharger, refer to the
respective chapters in these operating instructions.

Before doing any maintenance, cleaning or repair work, the engine must
have come to a standstill. Therefore turn the engine off and secure it
against unintentional re-starting.
See chapters 7.5.1 and 7.5.2 for maintenance jobs which can be done
during engine operation.
Make sure t o observe the following accident prevention regulations:
winches, hoisting and drawing gear (VBG 8)
load take-up devices for hoisting operations (VBG 9a).
Ifthese regulations are not observed, your life and limb may be

See the inspection schedule (see chapter 6.4) for the maintenance

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Operating Instructions
HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger
3 Chapter

Brief description
Exhaust gas turbocharger (TC): Type HPR6000
Specification number: 558mxx
Mass : 565 kg

The exhaust gas turbocharger (TC) HPR6000 is equipped with a single-stage radial flow
turbine and a single-stage radial flow compressor.
The turbine wheel and the shafl consist of one part, the compressor impeller is mounted on
the shafl. The rotor has a bearing consisting of two plain bearings in a bearing housing. The
compressor housing and the turbine inlet housing are flanged to the bearing housing. You
can use a silencer or alternatively an intake housing (intake elbow) at the entrance of the
compressor housing.
The plain bearings are lubricated by the lubricating oil system of the engine. The lubricating
oil flow depends on the oil temperature, oil pressure and TC speed.

The rotor is driven by the exhaust-gas energy of the diesel engine. The exhaust gases
reach the turbine wheel via the turbine inlet housing and the turbine nozzle ring.
The compressor impeller mounted on the same shaft takes in the required combustion air
via a silencer, compresses the air to a higher pressure and transports the compressed air to
the engine via a charge air cooler.
The TC is not equipped with a special control device. The TC speed is adjusted depending
on the operating conditions of the engine.

Usage to the intended purpose

The exhaust gas turbocharger is intended for supercharging combustion engines. Any other
usage is not permitted and has to be cleared up with Kompressorenbau Bannewitz GmbH
(KBB) in advance.
Modifications and additional attachments to the TC are subject to a written consent of
Kompressorenbau Bannewitz GmbH, non-observance of the aforementioned invalidates
any rights of warranty claim.
The usage to the intended purpose also includes that the specified maintenance and
inspection work is carried out regularly and to the full extent (see Chapter 6.4).
The TC specification attached to the engine is thermodynamically adjusted and is binding
for this engine variant, i.e. if the TC has to be replaced, use the same TC specification

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Operating Instructions
q HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Chapter 5


5.1 Commissioning
Prior to commissioning, it is imperative to make sure that the plain bearings of the TC are
supplied with oil. The plain bearings are lubricated by the lubricating oil system of the
engine. The lubricating oil flow depends on the oil temperature, oil pressure and TC speed.
The lubricating oil pressures required for special operating conditions are listed in chapter
Ensure and check the free return flow of the lubricating oil.
The following has to be checked :
lubricating oil pressure upstream of TC,
lubricating oil temperature upstream of TC.

A 0
Ensure the lubricating oil supply of the plain bearings
(see chapter 1.1).
Lubrication has t o be started prior to start-up processes.
Pay special attention to prevent leakages i n the oil supply and return
pipes t o prevent oil from flowing onto the hot, gas-carrying housings i n
order t o prevent the formation of hazardous oil vapours (and fire risk).

The exhaust gas turbocharger is driven by the exhaust gases of the engine and is started
together with the engine.
The TC speed is adjusted depending on the operating conditions of the engine. The charge
air pressure required for the engine is fixed by adjusting the turbine nozzle ring and the
compressor diffuser during the TC tuning.
If the corresponding meters are available, enter the following measured values into the
engine log during engine operation (at least once every 24 operating hours):

.. Speed of exhaust gas turbocharger

Exhaust gas temperature upstream of turbine or downstream of cylinder

. Charge air temperature downstream of compressor or downstream of charge air cooler
Charge air pressure downstream of compressor
Lubricating oil temperature upstream of TC
Lubricating oil pressure upstream of TC

A The engine has to be stopped immediately when the oil pressure falls
below the minimum value.
Pay special attention to prevent leakages in the oil supply and return
pipes t o prevent oil from flowing onto the hot, gascarrying housings
i n order to prevent the formation of hazardous oil vapours (and fire

1 . -)

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Operating Instructions
.Chapter 5
1 HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger

Additionally perform the following checks at regular intervals :

Tightness of the exhaust gas, charge air and oil piping
Smooth running of the exhaust gas turbocharger
The charge air pressure is utilised as a parameter for the exhaust gas turbocharger speed.
Unsteady operation (vibration of TC) indicates an increased unbalance of rotating parts
possibly resulting in the rotor or bearing being damaged (see chapter 6.5).

5.3 Stopping
Afier the engine has been stopped, the exhaust gas turbocharger continues to run for some
The run out period depends on the installation.
If the rotor comes to an immediate standstill, this can be caused by one of the following
damaged bearings
compressor impeller or turbine blades come in contact with the housing as the clearance
is compensated due to extensive forces caused by thermal distortion
clamped foreign matters

The turbocharger must lubricated 15 minutes after the engine is turned

- off.
. ~ ~ .
The lubricating time is to be extended in case of engines with a turbine
inlet temperature >580°C (at full load) or oil inlet temperature >80°C.
Pay attention to the operating instructions of the engine manufacturer.

5.4 Failures
Failures can be detected by abnormal measured values (exhaust gas temperature, charge
air pressure, speed), heavy noise or leakages of lubricating oil pipes.
In case of irregularities on the TC, reduce the engine load or stop the engine.
Since even minor failures may cause heavy consequential damage, determine and
(.(J immediately eliminate the cause of failure (see chapter 6.5)

5.5 Emergency operation of the exhaust gas turbocharger

If the exhaust gas turbocharger has to be shut down due to a defect and the engine has to
run in emergency operating mode, perform the work according to chapter 7.5.3.

After shutting down the exhaust gas turbocharger, limit the engine output
in order t o prevent the exhaust gas temperature from exceeding
/ :\ admissible~valuesdownstream of the outlet valves.
Pay attention t o the operating instructions of the engine manufacturer.

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Operating Instructions
HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Chapter s

5.6 Measures for extended period without operation

When shutting down an exhaust gas turbocharger, which was operated with an engine
before, for more than twelve month, it has to be dismounted from the engine.
An inspection should be carried out in accordance with the maintenance schedule in chapter
It is necessary to completely dismantle the exhaust gas turbocharger. All components are to
be cleaned and slightly rubbed with oil. Then the exhaust gas turbocharger can be
reassembled. All machined surfaces and flanges are to be evenly coated with an
anticorrosive agent (such as "Tectyl"). All openings should be sealed. Additionally, a
hygroscopic drying agent can be put into the interior spaces of the compressor housing and
the turbine inlet.
The preserved exhaust gas turbochargers and spare parts should be kept in a dry room
(humidity of 60 % max.) and protected from moisture, aggressive gases and vapours. At
rest, the exhaust gas turbocharger should be protected against steady vibration which may
damage the bearings.
The state of the preserved parts and exhaust gas turbochargers should be checked every
twelve months.
Before re-operating the exhaust gas turbocharger, it is necessary to clean off the
anticorrosive agent.

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Operating Instructions
--,Chapter 6 HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger


6.1 General
Maintenance and monitoring work is summarised in the maintenance schedule in chapter
Proper maintenance work enables failures to be detected in time. Maintenance work also
indicates necessary overhauls as well as work to be scheduled during yard or harbour times
or on interruptions.
The operating hours specified in the maintenance schedule are to be considered as average
values. They can be extended or shortened according to existing operating conditions as
well as adjusted to the maintenance intervals of the engine.
It is important to eliminate even minor, apparently insignificant defects immediately and to
determine and eliminate their causes in order to prevent consequential damage at the
engine or exhaust gas turbocharger.
If the engine is not equipped with an automatic monitoring system with data recording,
entries into the engine log are required at least once every 24 operating hours. Thereby,
deviations can be detected in time.

6.2 Maintenance work

In order to keep the exhaust gas turbocharger in a safe condition, perform the inspection
and check of various subassemblies and components according to the maintenance
schedule in chapter 6.4.
The chapter 7.5 includes detailed instructions on the work sequence for assembly and
disassembly work.

is A Make sure t o observe the following accident prevention regulations:

winches, hoisting and drawing gear (VBG 8)
load take-up devices for hoisting operations (VBG 9a)
If bolts and nuts cannot be loosened immediately, do not apply excessive force in order to
avoid damage of threads causing subsequent machining. Apply diesel fuel and wait for half
an hour. In this way, "seizing" of threads can be avoided in most cases.
For bolted connections under heavy thermal load, bolts and nuts are made of high-
temperature material. Make sure that you do not confuse these bolts and nuts with
conventional ones during assembly work. In order to prevent burning and to facilitate
subsequent disassembly, apply a suitable bolt paste (e.g. molybdenum sulphide paste,
graphite) to those bolted connections prior to assembly. Contaminations have to be
previously removed from the threads.

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Operating Instructions
7 HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Chapter 6
During assembly, all bolted connections equipped with locking elements (lock nut, locking
plate, spring washer) have to be properly locked.

For a basic overhaul or repairs affecting essential parts of the exhaust

gas turbocharger, it is recommended t o document their condition. The
' ~ e s tresults" form can be used as a sample (see chapter 7.3).

6.3 Cleaning
Cleaning the silencer
see chapter 7.5.8

Cleaning the compressor

Cleaning during operation: see chapter 7.5.1
Mechanical cleaning: see chapters 7.5.7 and 7.5.9
Remove the compressor housing and silencer. (The compressor impeller remains on the
shaft.) Remove all deposits with diesel fuel or another admissible liquid cleansing agent.

A Make sure t o observe the accident prevention regulations1

While washing, make sure t o prevent the cleansing agent from entering
the charge air piping or the interior of the turbocharger.

Cleaning the turbine

Cleaning during operation: see chapter 7.5.2
(for heavy fuel oil operation only)

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Operating Instructions
-, Chapter 6 HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger

6.4 Maintenance schedule

6.4.1 Maintenance for operation with Marine Diesel Oil (MDO)

The operating hours given in the table are guidelines which can be
reduced for adjustment t o the maintenance intervals of the engine.

Item Chapter Maintenance work Required Maintenance interval

parts (operating hours)

1. Check for abnormal noise 24

2. 7.5.1 Compressor washing during 24 - 48

operation, actuate compressor
washing system
3. 7.5.8 Clean air filter at silencer approx. 250
or on demand
4. Check fastening bolts at the feet, once afler
tighten all housing bolts and commissioning, then
piping joints every 1,000 hours
5. 7.5.4 - Inspection I (9910) m a . 12,500
7.5.12 disassembly (9920)
cleaning (9930)
checking of rotor 8 bearings
checking of housings
6. 7.5.4 - Inspection II (4000) m a . 25,000
7.5.12 like inspection I (9910)
replacement of the bearings (9920)
7. 7.5.4 - Inspection Ill (2000) max. 50,000
7.5.12 like inspection I (4000)
replacement of the rotor (9910)

(2000) Rotor (9910) Set "Gaskets"

(4000) Bearings (4010) and (4020) (9920) Set "Standard parts 1"
(9930) Set "Standard parts 2"

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Operating Instructions
HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Chapter 6

6.4.2 Maintenance for operation with Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO)

The operating hours given in the table are guidelines which can be
reduced for adjustment to the maintenance intervals of the engine.
The interval of the ins~ection"I" are to be shortened de~endenton the
fuel quality.

tern Chapter Maintenance work Required Maintenance

parts interval
(operating hours)

1. Check for abnormal noise 24

2. 7.5.1 Compressor washing during 24 - 48

operation, actuate compressor
wash in^ system
3. Turbine washing during operation, Approx. 300
actuate turbine washing system depending on HFO
7.5.2 Cleaning with water quality
1. 7.5.8 Clean air filter at silencer Approx. 250
or on demand
5. Check fastening bolts at the feet, once after
tighten all housing bolts and piping commissioning, the1
joints every 1,000 hours
8. 7.5.4 -
7.5.12 .
Inspection I
max. 12,500

0 checking rotor and bearings

0 checking housing
0 assembly
7. 7.5.4 - Inspection II (4000) max. 25,000
7.5.12 like inspection I (9910)
replacement of bearings (9920)
0. 7.5.4 - Inspection Ill (2000) max. 50,000
7.5.12 like inspection I (4000)
replacement of the rotor (9910)
assemblv (9920)

(2000) Rotor (9910) Set "Gaskets"

(4000) Bearings (4010) and (4020) (9920) Set "Standard parts 1"
(9930) Set "Standard parts 2"

A The nozzle ring is subject to an increased wear for heavy fuel oil
operation. Therefore it is a wear part.
The lifetime of the nozzle ring is approximately 12,500 hours, but it
depends on HFO quality and operating conditions.
After exceeding the lifetime the nozzle ring should be replaced in case of
fundamental change of performance data as charge air pressure and
exhaust temperature.

(, 3
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Operating Instructions
7Chapter 6 HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger
6.5 Trouble-shooting table


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Operating Instructions
7 HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Chapter 7


The chapter 7.5 shall enable the user to perform certain repair and maintenance work by
Work sheets are sorted according to the sequence required to disassemble the exhaust gas
It is assumed that the staff is familiar with the work and that the tools required are ready at
hand. Furthermore, the exhaust gas turbocharger has to be accessible and corresponding
hoists have to be available.

A Make sure to observe the following accident prevention regulations:

winches, hoisting and drawing gear (VBG 8)
load take-up devices for hoisting operations (VBG 9a)

Checking the components

The check list shown below can be used as instruction for checking the condition of the
exhaust gas turbocharger and its major components. As a rule, the user is able to eliminate
minor damage. Major damage effecting rigidity, balance and smooth running of rotating
components should be eliminated by the manufacturer or an authorised workshop. If
damaged parts are returned for repair, ensure an appropriate protection against
transportation damage.
Afler having disassembled the exhaust gas turbocharger, perform the following checks at
the cleaned parts. The condition is to be recorded in the "Test results" form, chapter 7.3.

Rotor, compl. -Are the turbine blades damaged or did they contact the housing?
-Are contact traces visible at the housing?
-Are contact traces visible at the rotor?
- Does the shaft run smoothly?
- How is the condition of the bearings?
-Are the plain compression rings heavily worn?

A If reworking is performed or if rotor parts are replaced, rebalancing has

to be executedl For admissible residual unbalance, refer t o clearance
sheet. chapter 7.4)

Wear occurs at the plain compression rings at the turbine and

compressor sides in axial direction during running-in, which is intended
and could be max. 0.5 mm.

Compressor impeller
- Can you detect any sliding traces or cracks at the compressor impeller?
-Are the bore and the axial surface OK?

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Operating Instructions
Chapter 7 HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger

Bearing - Is the axial clearance of the rotor impeller inadmissible high?

-Are the running surfaces of the compressor andlor turbine bearings heavily

For evaluation of bearings, refer t o chapter 7.5.4 .

Turbine nozzle ring
- Are the guide vanes twisted or worn out?
- Is foreign matter clamped into the ducts?
-Can you detect traces of foreign matter?

Housing -Are the housings heavily contaminated by oil, dust or soot?

f -A
- Is there any leakage at the housing? (Main items: connection flanges, charge
air, exhaust gas and oil connections)
-Are all bolts and nuts tight?

( 1
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Operating Instructions
7 HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Chapter 7

7.3 Test results

Exhaust gas turbocharger: Serial No.
Specification No.

Type of engine Engine No.

Customer name
(Location, ship's name)
Latest inspectionloverhaul on : by :
Inspectedloverhauled on : by :

Number of operating hours - since commissioning:

- since latest inspectionloverhaul:
Results of the inspection of components
Rotor1 Shaft
Turbine blades 0 no
damaged 0 yes
0 blade parts missing
0 traces of foreign matter
Contamination Ideposit 0 no
on rotor blades 0 slight Plain compression 0 no
0 heavy ring damaged 0 yes
0 unilateral
0 uniform Radial deviation of rotor
(acc. to Clearance sheet) ........ mm
Blades tarnished 0 no Blade cracks 0 no
0 yes 0 yes
Location : ..............
Gap: turbine wheellhousing Gap: compressor impellerhousing
(acc. to clear. sheet) Clear.Sl2 : mm (acc. to clear. sheet) Clear.Sl : mm
Clear.Sl4 : mm Clear.S2 : mm
Sliding traces 0 no Rotor rebalanced 0 no
at shafl 0 yes 0 yes
Bearing seats 0 no Condition prior to 0 good
damaged 0 yes rebalancing 0 poor

Compressor impeller
Sliding traces 0 no Blade cracks 0 no
0 yes 0 yes
Location: ............... Location : .............
Contamination 0 clean Quality of bore 0 good
0 contaminated 0 average
0 oily 0 poor

(. 3
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- -, Chapter 7 HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger

Turbine nozzle ring

Guide vanes 0 good 0 Part tom out
0 twisted 0 Traces of foreign matter
0 scaled 0 worn out

Bearing housing
0 clean Sealing air bores 0 clean
0 coked 0 narrowed
0 corroded 0 clogged

Compressor diffuser
Guide vanes 0 little Damage 0 no
contamination 0 heavy 0 yes
Location : ...............

Compressor bearing
0 used
0 replaced Reason ................
Load-carrying surface of radial bearing Load-carrying surface of thrust bearing
B(rad) : ................mrn B(ax) : ................. rnm
Marks 0 no Marks 0 no
0 yes 0 yes
Location: ............ Depth : ................. mm Location: ................ Depth: ............... mm

Turbine bearing 0 used Load-carving surface

0 replaced B(rad) : ................ m m
Marks 0 no
0 yes Location: ............... Depth: ................. m m

Contamination 0 oil Condition of felt layer 0 good
o dust 0 poor
0 soot
Filter mat 0 yes
cleaned 0 no

Other defects1component/ type :

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Operating Instructions
HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Chapter 7

7.4 Clearance sheet

*) reworking or replacement required if exceeded

") measured at location E
Admissible residual unbalance of rotor: 26.5 gmm compressor bearing
and 21.3 gmm turbine bearing
Admissible radial deviation of rotor: 0.020 mm (location E)
Tightening torque of rotor nut: 220 (+ 5) Nm

Clear. 19 (S19=L2-L3) Clear. 18

rvn n h'i w n

- B-
a) compressor b) compressor
X - reference edge bearing housing bearingfixed bearing loosened

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Operating Instructions
- ,7
Chapter HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger

7.5 Work sheets

7.5.1 Compressor washing
(Every 25 - 50 operating hours)
1 Ball valve
2 Water tank
3 Water piping
4 Air piping

Work sequence:
5. Operate the engine close to full load.
6. Open the water tank (2), fill with clean water (no sea water) (approx. 0,5I), close the
water tank.
7. Open the ball valve (I), wait for approx. 20 sec., close valve (1). The compressed air
flows through the air piping via the ball valve (1) into the water tank. The water is
pressed through the water piping into the injection pipe, atomised by the air taken in
and hits the compressor blades at high speed.

j. 3 A Perform cleaning with warm engine close to full load operation only.
Continue t o operate the engine for at least 10 t o 15 min. afler cleaning.
Do not wash before a pause of operation. Corrosion riskl
Washing is ineffective in case of hardened deposits, thus perform
washing at regular intervals.
Do not use any chemical additives1
If the negative pressure upstream of the compressor is too high, water is
already taken in when the water is filled into the water tank and the

cleaning effect is reduced. In order to avoid this, you can:
install the water tank at a lower level or
include a second stop valve, which is opened after the water tank has
been closed, into the water piping.

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Operating Instructions
HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Chapter 7
7.5.2 Turbine washing
(For heavy fuel oil operation only, every 300 operating hours approximately respective
depending on HFO quality)
Heavy fuel oil operation results i n contamination and deposits on nozzle
ring and turbine wheel reducing the efficiency. Due to these deposits the
charge air pressure will be increased.
The washing intervals depend on the fuel quality and operating
conditions. That's why they must be adjusted based on the experience
gained during engine operation i f necessary later.The washing
interval could be adjusted from 50 t o 600 hours.
The increase of charge air pressure by for e.g. more than 0.1 bar (at same
engine power) could be used for adjusting the washing interval, which
could be adjusted within 25 t o 600 hours.
Read and take down the charge air pressure and exhaust gas
temperatures at a reference point (at 75 % o r 100 % of the output) before
and afler washing t o check the washing effect.

Legend (Example, could vary depending on engine installation)

1 Sanitary fresh water 5 Stop valve 9 Valve
2 Regulatingvalve 6 Wash-water piping 10 Escape funnel or sight
3 Fresh-water piping 7 Injector 5000 Turbine housing
4 Removable flexible tube 8 Drain 9100 Exhaust gas elbow
Work sequence:
1. Check injection nozzle1valve (7) for free passage!
2. Connect the flexible tube (4) to fresh-water piping (3).
3. Reduce the engine output to approx. 15 % of its rating until the temperature
downstream of the cylinder has come down to its specified value. (see table)
4. Wait for approx. 10 minutes!

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-, Chapter 7 HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger

w If the temperature before turbine is not available, the temperature after

turbine can be used as reference point1

Open the valve (9) of the drain (8) (if present).

Open valve (2) and adjust the water pressure (see table).
Open stop valve (5) for approx. 30 seconds and close again.
Wait for approx. 3 minutes so that the injected water can evaporate.
Repeat steps 6. and 7. twice or three times.
Close the stop valve (5), valve (2) and the valve (9) of the drain.
Run dry the exhaust gas turbocharger at constant load for approx. 30 minutes,
increase engine load slowly!
Repeat the washing process if the exhaust gas turbocharger is affected by vibrations
which did not occur before.
Remove the piece of flexible tube (4).

The effect of the turbine washing could be controlled by changing of

w charge air pressure and exhaust temperature1

Water pressure and washing period could be increased for improvement
of washing effect, i f necessary1

Operating values for turhine washing

1 1I
Exhaust gas
before turbine
II Exhaust gas
after turbine I
Exhaust gas
after cylinder
II p
e II wasz:eriod I
max. 1 400 - 420 "C I ~33O 0C 1 300 - 330 "C 1 2.4 - 4.5 bar I 3-4x 30 sec

A 0 Hot exhaust gas can escape from the drain Risk of burning1
Continue to operate the engine for at least 30 minutes after
Do not wash before stoppage of engine. Corrosion hazard1
Washing is ineffective in case of hardened deposits, thus
perform washing at regular intervals from the beginning.
In the case of ineffective washing the turbine is to be cleaned
mechanically. For this purpose the turbine housings are to be
Pay attention also t o instruction of the engine's operating

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Operating Instructions
HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Chapter 7
7.5.3 Shutting down the exhaust gas turbocharger

w In case of a TC damage especially at the rotor or bearing, it i s

recommended to shut down the TC i n order to avoid any further damage.
Pay attention to the operating instructions of the engine manufacturer.

When the engine is operated with a defective exhaust gas turbocharger,

limit the engine output in order t o a re vent the exhaust gas temperature
/ :\ from exceeding admissible values~downstreamof the cylinder.'

Related chapters
7.5.7, 7.5.9, 7.5.10

Initial condition: The turbocharger is mounted on the engine.

A Mass of the silencer

Mass of the air intake housing
Mass of the compressor housing
Mass of the cartridge
Mass of the sealing device (9804)
63 k g
24 k g
145 kg
151 kg
32 k g
Work sequence:
1. Disassemble the silencer (9010) 1 air intake housing (9020) (see chapter 7.5.7).
2. Loosen all piping at the wmpressor housing (6010).
3. Disassemble the wmpressor housing (6010) (see chapter 7.5.9).
4. Remove the cartridge (1200) (bearing housing with rotor) and turbine nozzle ring
(7010) from the turbine inlet housing (5010) (see chapter 7.5.10).
Use a hoist1

Caution in removing the cartridge in order t o avoid damage t o the turbine


5. Attach the sealing device (9804) to the turbine inlet housing (5010) and tight with
ripped washers (5100) and hexagon nuts (5090).
6. Screw the sealing device (9804) to the engine console.

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-,Chapter 7 HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger
' j
7.5.4 Bearing check

Related chapters 7.5.7 to 7.5.1 1 l~ew

bearing I
Thrust bearing (4020)
e g s u h c e 1

Radial bearing (4010/4020) I :


D 6earing diameter
R Radius of wedge surface
B(ax) Load-carrying surface width of
thrust bearing
B(rad) ~oadcarryingsurface width longer
of radial bearing operation
Tools required
1 Micrometer screw
1Calibre gauge
Initial condition: Compressor bearing (4020) and turbine bearing (4010) are disassembled.
Worksequence I: Load-carrying surface of radial bearings
1. Carefully clean the bearing!
2. Determine the width of the load-carrying surface B(rad)!
3. Visual inspection!
Replace bearing if :
the width of the loadcanying surface B(rad) at the compressor and
turbine has reached 18 mm,
heavy dirt marks can be seen.
Determine the causes1

Worksequence 2 : Load-carrying surface of thrust bearings

1. Carefully clean the bearing.
2. Determine the width of the loadcarrying surface B(ax).
3. Determine the axial clearance S15.
4. Visual inspection!
Replace bearings if :

. B(ax) is larger than 213 of the sliding surface,

the sliding surfaces reveal heavy dirt marks.

A If bearing material is deposited on the bearing surfaces of the shaft, a

repair is required in an authorised workshop.

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HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Chapter 7

7.5.5 Disassembly of the complete turbocharger

Mass of complete TC is approx. 565 k g

Make sure t o observe the following accident prevention regulations:
winches, hoisting and drawing gear (VBG 8)
load take-up devices for hoisting operations (VBG 9a)
Pay attention t o piping and sheathings1
Work sequence :
Remove the sheathings from the turbine housing and loosen the exhaust gas piping if
Loosen the exhaust gas piping from the turbine housings. Pay attention to gaskets!
Loosen the piping at the compressor housing (6010), remove them if necessary.
Attach the exhaust gas turbocharger to a hoist. For this purpose
a) Screw the eye screw into the bearing housing (3010) or
b) Put two ropes around the flange between the silencer and the compressor housing
and behveen the turbine inlet housing and the exhaust-gas elbow.
Loosen and remove the fastening screws at the sides of the bearing housing (3010).
Lift and carefully place the exhaust-gas turbocharger on a wooden base, secure
against tilting.
Cover the openings of the lubricating oil pipes in the engine console in order to prevent
dirt from entering the lubricating oil system.

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7Chapter 7 HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger
7.5.6 Assembly of the complete turbocharger

A Mass of complete TC is approx. 565 k g

Make sure to observe the following accident prevention regulations:
winches, hoisting and drawing gear (VBG 8)
load take-up devices for hoisting operations (VBG 9a)
Pay attention t o piping and sheathings1
Work sequence :
1. Attach the complete TC to a hoist (see chapter 7.5.5) and put it onto the engine
console. Pay attention to the pipe wnnections!
2. Screw in and tighten the fastening screws at the sides of the bearing housing (3010).
3. Connect the exhaust gas piping to the turbine housings.
4. Attach the sheathing.
5. Connect the charge air piping.
6. Connect the water and air piping for compressor washing.
7 . Tighten the bolts at the connecting pipes.
8. Supply lubricating oil to TC and check all flanged wnnections for leakages.

A Afler having installed the TC, check that the assembly is free of stresses
and forces. Rework piping, if necessary.

Only use perfect gaskets for the pipe joints. Apply molybdenum sulphide
lubricant t o the connecting bolts of the exhaust gas piping prior to

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-\ HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Chapter 7
7.5.7 Disassembly and assembly of the silencer or air-intake housing

A Mass of the silencer approx. 63 k g

Mass of the air-intake housing approx. 24 k g
Tightening torque of V-band
Work sequence I:
35 Nm I
Disassembly of silencer Iair-intake housing
1. Put a rope around the silencer (9010) or intake housing (9020) and attach it to a hoist.
2. Slightly loosen the V-band (6020) at both screws (6190).
3. Remove the V-band (6020) from the flange.
4. Pull off the silencerlair-intake housing in axial direction from the compressor housing
Work sequence 2 : Assembly of silencer Iair-intake housing
1. Put a rope around the silencer (9010) or intake housing (9020) and attach it to a hoist.
2. Slide silencer Iair-intake housing in axial direction onto the compressor housing
3. Install the V-band (6020) and tighten at both screws (6190).

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7Chapter 7 HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger
! I
7.5.8 Cleaning the silencer
(Every 250 or 12,500
operating hours)
Related chapter 7.5.7

In most cases merely the filter mat has to be cleaned. For this purpose the silencer may
stay at the exhaust gas turbocharger.
The given maintenance intewal of 250 operating hours is just a mean guide value, since the
accumulation of dirt in the filter mat and the pressure drop resulting therefrom are largely
dependent on the environment. For operation under extreme conditions, it is recommended
to add a maintenance indicator (water gauge) signalling the right moment for cleaning.
This indicator shall be adjusted so as to give the cleaning signal when a vacuum of
app. 100 mm w.g. is reached at point A intended for mounting (e.g. a MANN maintenance
indicator for air filters, max. 200 mm w.g. = 20 mbar).
Work sequence: Cleaning the filter mat
1. Open and remove the tension tapes (9014)
2. Pull the filter mat (9012) from the silencer (9010) .
3. Put the filter mat (9012) into a cleansing liquid for approx. 10 hours. Subsequently
rinse in the liquid and externally clean with a soft brush, stub out and let dry the filter
4. Install the filter mat (9012) and tension tapes (9014).
Work sequence: Cleaning the silencer

d Ifthe silencer is heavily contaminated or if an inspection is carried out,

the silencer has to be cleaned completely..

1. Dismount the silencer (9010) (see chapter 7.5.7).

2. Put the silencer for approx. 10 hours into a cleansing liquid. Subsequently, externally
clean with a soft brush and let dry.
3. Install the silencer (9010).

A To operate the exhaust gas turbocharger without a filter mat is not

Pay attention to applicable accident prevention regulations (handling of
hazardous, volatile, combustible solvents) and fire protection regulations
(DIN 14096). Cleaning by P3-solution or trichlorethylene is prohibited. If
other solvents are used, check the compatibility with the filter material. In
case of ship operation pay attention t o the regulations of the
classification societies with regard t o washing liquids.

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HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Chapter 7

7.5.9 Disassembly and assembly of the compressor housing

8010 8030 B
O M 1200 5010

A Mass of cartridge (bearing housing with rotor) approx. 151 kg.

Mass of compressor housing approx. 145 kg.
Make sure not t o damage the compressor impeller during assembly and
disassembly of the compressor housing.
Worksequence 1: Disassembly of the compressor housing
1. Slightly loosen the hexagon nuts (6160) at the clamping flanges (6140).
2. Turn the compressor housing (6010) until the eye bolt can be attached to the hoist.
3. Completely loosen and remove the clamping flanges (6140).
4. Remove the compressor housing (6010) and put it on a wooden base.
5. Loosen and remove the screws (6070) and washers (6080).
6. Remove the compressor housing (6010) from the insert (6040), pay attention to the
shims (6131 - 6135).
7. Loosen and remove the screws (8040) together with stop bushings (8020).
8. Remove the compressor diffuser (8010).
9. Remove O-rings (6030,6090 and 8030) and check for damage.
Worksequence 2 : Assembly of the compressor housing
1. Install and, if necessary, replace the O-rings (6030, 6090 and 8030).
2. Lay the insert (6040) with shim (6131 - 6135) on a wooden base. And then lay the
compressor housing (6010) on the insert (6040).
3. Tighten the insert (6040) with screws (6070) and washers (6080).
4. Slide the compressor diffuser (8010) onto the bearing housing centring (3010) and
fasten with the stop bushings (8020) and screws (8040).
5. Attach the compressor housing (6010) to a hoist and slide it onto the bearing housing
6. Install the clamping flanges (6140) and slightly fasten with washers (6170) and
hexagon nuts (6160).
7. Turn the compressor housing (6010) into the required housing position.
8. Tighten the hexagon nuts (6160) at the clamping flanges (6140).

w Mark the position of the compressor housing (6010)l

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Operating Instructions
- A Chapter
7 HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger
7.5.10 Disassembly and assembly of the cartridge

Mass of cartridge (bearing housing and rotor) approx. I 5 1 kg.

Mass of the turbine inlet housing approx. 145 kg.
Caution in disassembling and assembling in order t o avoid damage to
the turbine blades.
Caution i n disassembling the turbine inlet housing i n order to prevent the
turbine nozzle ring from falling out1
Work sequence I : Disassembly of the cartridge
1. Slightly loosen the hexagon nuts (5090) and ripped washers (5100) and take away.
2. Screw eye screws in the turbine inlet housing (5010) and hoist it.
3. Loosen both screws on the feet side of cartridge (1200) and take away.
4. Forcing-off uniformly the cartridge (1200) with forcing screw. Are the connection with
carbon glued, net with diesel fuel and wait a minute.
5. Move careful the cartridge (1200) out of the turbine housing (5010) in axial direction.
Put it on a wooden plate.
6. Remove the turbine nozzle ring (7010) from the turbine housing (5010).
Work sequence 2 : Assembly of the cartridge
Clean the connecting flange between the bearing housing and turbine housing from
combustion residues using fine abrasive cloth. Subsequently, apply a molybdenum
sulphide lubricant to the flange.
Insert the turbine noule ring (7010) into the turbine inlet housing (5010), pay attention
to the position of the locating bolts (7020)!
Fasten the turbine inlet housing (5010) by means of a rope at the hoist and move it
towards the cartridge (1200)
Carefully slide the turbine inlet housing (5010) onto the bearing housing. Screw fast the
hexagon nut (5090) with the ripped washers (5100).
Tighten the screws for the feet on the engine console.
Check the rotor for contact by slightly rotating it.

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Operating Instructions
HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Chapter 7
- -

7.5.1 1 Disassembly of the rotor, complete

* For disassembling the rotor, mount the cartridge on a rack (9822) (see
chapter 8.3.2)

A Mass of the cartridge approx. 151 k g

Mass of the complete rotor 32 k g

Work sequence :
1. Disassemble the speed sensor (9110) - if provided -and remove it.
2. Put the locking device (9801) on the turbine wheel and attach the device to the flange
of bearing housing (3010).
3. Loosen the rotor nut (2060) with a torque spanner.
4. Remove the rotor nut (2060) and thrust washer (2050).
5. Carefully remove the compressor impeller (2040) from the shaft (2010).
The installation position of the compressor impeller in relation to the
shafl is marked or has to be remarked with a scriber.

6. Loosen the hexagon socket screws (3090).

7. Remove the bearing cover of the compressor (3040); if necessary force off the cover
with hexagon socket screws (3090). The plain compression ring (2070) is located in
the bearing cover.

* Pay attention to the gaskets (30811315) under the bearing cover (3040)l

8. Remove the spacer (2030) from the shaft.

9. Loosen the hexagon socket screws (3100).
10. Remove the compressor bearing (4020), force off if necessary.

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-, Chapter 7 HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger

II. Put the extractor (9803) on the shaft (2010) and screw it into the thread of the thrust
collar (2020).
12. Remove the thrust collar (2020) from the shafi.
13. Move the guide sleeve (9805) on the shaft (2010).
14. Carefully pull the shaR (2010) out of the bearing housing (3010).
15. Remove the plain compression ring (2070) from the shaft.
16. Remove the feather key (2080) from the shall.


17. Remove the heat shield (3030).

18. Pull the bearing guide sleeve (3020) out of the bearing housing (3010) by using forcing
screws, do not cant.
under the bearing guide sleeve
Pay attention t o the gaskets (3081/3/5)

19. Loosen the screw plugs (3120), remove the separating plate (3060).
20. Loosen the screw plug (3200) and remove with washer (3210).
21. Pull the turbine bearing (4010) out of the bearing guide sleeve (3020).
Now the turbocharger is disassembled. Check, evaluate and clean the
parts according to chapters 7.2 and 7.3.

( 1
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HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Chapter 7

7.5.12 Assembly of the rotor, complete

Related chapters 7.5.5 - 7.5.1 1

A Mass of the cartridge approx. 151 kg

Mass of the complete rotor 32 k g

For assembling the rotor, mount th

assembling trestle.
learing housing on an

Prior to the assembly, check the cleanliness of the bearing housing,

oilconducting ducts and sealing air piping.

If all components and gaskets are to be reused, it is not necessary to

check the clearances, otherwise pay attention t o the specification
given in the clearance sheet, chapter 7.4.

Work sequence :
1. lnsert the turbine bearing (4010) into the bearing guide sleeve (3020) and tighten with
screw plug (3200) and washer (3210).
2. Check that the thread plug (3110) is screwed into the bearing guide sleeve (3020)!

Always install the turbine bearing (4010) with 3 cylindrical pins (4050)
(protection against torsion)l
Always insert the thread plug (3110) in the bearing guide sleeve (3020). Do
not forget the thread plug when components are replacedl

3. lnsert the separating plate (3060), fasten with screw plugs (3120).
4. Insert the bearing guide sleeve (3020) with the original gasket (3081/3083/3065) or a
gasket of the same thickness into the bearing housing (3010), do not cant.
5. Fasten the bearing guide sleeve (3020) with two screws.
6. Attach the heat shield (3030) to the centring on the bearing housing.

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,I\, Chapter 7 HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger

Insert the plain compression ring of the turbine (2070) into the shaft groove.
Insert the feather key (2080) into the groove.
Use the guide sleeve (9805) to move in the shaft.
Apply clean oil to the turbine bearing. Carefully insert the shafl (2010) into the bearing
housing (3010).
Apply oil to the thrust collar (2020) and put the collar onto the shafl.

12. Apply oil to the compressor bearing (4020). Put the bearing onto the shaft with its flat
flange side pointing downward and fasten with Hexagon socket screws (3100) with
ripped washers(3130).
13. Check clearance S18: (only if components are replaced)
a) b)

a) Fasten the compressor bearing (4020) withthe hexagon socket screws (3100). Press
the shaft (2010) against the bearing housing. Apply a dial gauge to the shaft end
and adjust it to zero.
b) Loosen the hexagon socket screws (3100) and again force-off the compressor bearing
( 1

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Operating Instructions
HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Chapter 7

(4020) by approx. 1 mm. The shaft is displaced by the clearance S18; correct by
changing the thickness of the gasket (3081-3085) under the bearing guide sleeve if
14. Attach the locking device (9801) for the rotor to the turbine wheel and fasten it to the
flange of the bearing housing.
15. Slide the spacer (2030) onto the shaft up to the shoulder; pay attention to the assembly
16. Check clearance S19: 6 1 9 = L2 - L3)
(X - reference edge at bearing housing)


.Determine the dimension L3.

Again remove the spacer (2030).

Install the compressor bearing cover (3040).
Determine the dimension L2 and calculate S19.
Correct S19 by changing the thickness of the gasket under the compressor
bearing cover (3040).
17. Install and fasten the compressor bearing cover (3040) with hexagon socket screws
(3090) and ribbed washers (3130) (Nm).
18. Insert the plain compression ring (2070) into the bearing cover (3040).
19. Slide the compressor impeller (2040) onto the shaft (2010); pay attention to the
assembly position.
20. Grease the threads with a lubricant containing MoS2. Install the thrust washer (2050)
and rotor nut (2060).

A The mounting marks at the shaft and the compressor impeller must

Lock the rotor by means of the locking device (9801). It is imperative t o

use a universal joint with the torque spanner1

21. Tighten the rotor nut (2060) with 220 Nm.

22. Check the rotor for smooth running: Slowly rotate the rotor. It must be possible to
rotate the rotor easily without sensible resistance.
23. Check the rotor for truth of rotation: Apply a dial gauge to the shoulder of the
compressor impeller and measure the radial run-out of the rotor while slowly rotating
the rotor. For the radial run-out refer to the Clearance sheet in chapter 7.4.

Now the bearing housing with rotor is assembled. The exhaust gas turbocharger can be
completed according to chapters 7.5.5 to 7.5.10.

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Operating Instructions
:--, Chapter 7 HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger
' 9
7.5.13 Disassembly of the exhaust-gas elbow

A Mass of the exhaustgas elbow 70 kg

Initial condition: Exhaust gas piping is disassembled.

Work sequence:
1. Attach the exhaust-gas elbow (9100) by means of a rope to a hoist.
2. Loosen and remove the hexagon nuts (5090) together with the ribbed washers (5100).
3. Remove the exhaust-gas elbow (9100) in axial direction from the turbine housing
(5010) and put it on a wooden base.
4. Loosen the cylindrical screws (5070).
5. Force the turbine housing insert (5020) with forcing screws off the turbine housing

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Operating instructions
HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Chapter 8


8.1 General
The following details are required for an order:
1. Address of orderer
2. Type of turbocharger
3. Serial number of turbocharger (see name-plate on page 2)
4. Specification number of turbocharger (see name-plate on page 2)
5. Part number, designation and quantity
6. Shipment address
The spare parts box supplied by order contains a selection of the most important wear parts
and a relevant listing.

The parts contained i n the spare parts box are preserved for a storage
period of two years.

A certain selection of tools is also supplied if ordered. These tools are necessary to maintain
and repair the exhaust gas turbocharger and are not included in the basic equipment of
every workshop.

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Operating Instructions
,-> Chapter 8 HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger

8.2 Spare parts

8.2.1 Exhaust gas turbocharger, complete (1000)

Part No. Quantity Designation Remarks

1200 cartridge
Screw plug only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
Gasket only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
Turbine housing
Compressor housing
V-band, compressor
Cylindrical screw only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
Filter mat
Tension tape
Intake housing
Screw plug only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
Gasket only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
Screw plug only available within the 'Standard parts 2 ' (9930) set
Screw plug only available within the 'Standard parts 2 ' (9930) set
Gasket only available within the 'Standard parts 2 ' (9930) set
Gasket only available within the 'Standard parts 2 ' (9930) set
Screw plug only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
Gasket only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
Exhaust gas elbow
Hexagon screw only available within the 'Standard parts 2 ' (9930) set
Ripped washer only available within the 'Standard parts 2 ' (9930) set
Speed sensor
O-ring only for turbocharger on gas engines

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Operating Instructions
HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Chapter 8

8.2.2 Exhaust gas turbocharger, basic unit (1100)


Part No. Quantity Designation Remarks

1200 Cartridge
Turbine housing
Hexagon nut only available within the 'Standard parts 2' (9930) set
Ripped washer only available within the 'Standard parts 2' (9930) set
Compressor housing
Compressor housing
0-Ring, compressor only available within the gasket set (9910)
Clamping flange
Stud bolt only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
Hexagon nut only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
Ripped washer only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
Turbine nozzle ring
Locating bolt only available within the 'Standard parts 2' (9930) set
Compressor diffuser
Stop bushing only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
0-Ring, compressor only available within the gasket set (9910)
Cylindrical screw only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set

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Operating Instructions
HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Chapter 8

8.2.4 Rotor (2000)

Part No. Quantity Designation Remarks

2010 1 Shaft
2020 Thrust ring
2030 Spacer
2040 Compressor impeller
2050 Thrust washer
2060 Rotor nut
2070 Plain compression ring also available within the gasket set (9910)
2080 Feather key only available within the 'Standard parts ' (9920)

8.2.5 Bearings (4000)


Part No. Quantity Designation Remarks

4010 1 Turbine bearing (inclusive 3x4050 assembled)
4020 1 Compressor bearing

HPR6000En06.doc 6IhEdition (0712007) Page 47 of 54
Operating Instructions
- -,
Chapter 8 HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger
8.2.6 Turbine housing (5000)

Part No. Quantity Designation Remarks
5010 1 Turbine housing
1 Insert, turbine housing
2 Screw plug only available within the 'Standard parts 2' (9930)set
2 Gasket only available within the 'Standard parts 2' (9930)set
2 Cylindrical screw only available within the 'Standard parts 2' (9930)set
36 Hexagon nut only available within the 'Standard parts 2' (9930)set
36 Ripped washer only available within the 'Standard parts 2' (9930)set
12 Stud bolt only available within the 'Standard parts 2' (9930)set
4 Stud bolt only available within the 'Standard parts 2' (9930)set
24 Stud bolt only available within the 'Standard parts 2' (9930)set
3 Locating bolt only available within the 'Standard parts 2.1'(9931)set

t. 1
Page 48 of 54 6~ Edition (0712007) HPR6000En06.doc
Operating Instructions
HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Chapter 8

8.2.7 Compressor housing (6000)

Part No. Quantity Designation Remarks

6010 compressor housing
0-Ring, compressor housing only available within the gasket set (9910)
Insert, compressor housing
Screw plug only available within the 'Standard parts ' (9920)
Gasket only available within the 'Standard parts ' (9920)
Cylindrical screw only available within the 'Standard parts ' (9920)
Ripped washer only available within the 'Standard parts ' (9920)
0-Ring, compressor housing only available within the gasket set (9910)
Screw plug optional connection for jet-assist
Gasket optional connection for jet-assist
Shim (0.1) only available within the gasket set (9910)
Shim (0.15) only available within the gasket set (9910)
Shim (0.2) only available within the gasket set (9910)
Clamping flange
Stud bolt only available within the 'Standard parts ' (9920)
Hexagon nut only available within the 'Standard parts ' (9920)
Ripped washer only available within the 'Standard parts ' (9920)
Corresponding with clearance adjust

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Operating Instructions
-,Chapter 8 HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger

8.2.8 Gasket set (9910)

Part No. Quantity Designation Remarks

2070 2 Compression ring only available within the gasket set (9910)
3081 2 Gasket, bearing cover (0.1) only available within the gasket set (9910)
3083 2 Gasket, bearing cover (0.2) only available within the gasket set (9910)
3085 1 Gasket, bearing cover (0.3) only available within the gasket set (9910)
) 6030 1 0-Ring, compressor housing only available within the gasket set (9910)
6090 1 0-Ring only available within the gasket set (9910)
6131 2 Shim (0.1) only available within the gasket set (9910)
6133 1 Shim (0.15) only available within the gasket set (9910)
6135 2 Shim (0.2) only available within the gasket set (9910)
8030 1 0-Ring, compressor diffuser only available within the gasket set (9910)
9104 3 Gasket only available within the gasket set (9910)

(. 1
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Operating Instructions
HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Chapter 8

8.2.9 Standard parts 1 (9920)

8040 8020 3090 3100 3130 5140 2060 6160

Part No. Quantity Designation Remarks

2080 2 Feather key only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
3090 Cylindrical screw only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
3100 Cylindrical screw only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
3110 Thread plug only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
3120 Screw plug only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
3130 Ripped washer only available within the 'Standard park 1' (9920) set
3140 Screw plug also available within the 'Standard parts 2' (9930) set
3150 Gasket also available within the 'Standard parts 2' (9930) set
3160 Ripped washer only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
3200 Screw plug only available within the 'Standard parts I'(9920) set
3210 Washer only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
4050 Cylindrical pin also available within the 'Bearings' (4000) set
5140 Hexagon-head bolt only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
6050 Screw plug also available within the 'Standard parts 2' (9930) set
6060 Gasket also available within the 'Standard parts 2' (9930) set
6070 Cylindrical screw only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
6080 Ripped washer only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
6110 Screw plug only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
6120 Gasket only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
6150 Stud bolt only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
6160 Hexagon nut also available within the 'Standard parts 2' (9930) set
6170 Ripped washer only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
6190 Cylindrical screw only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
8020 Stop bushing only available within the 'Standard park I'(9920) set
8040 Cylindrical screw only available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
9030 Screw plug also available within the 'Standard parts 2' (9930) set
9040 Gasket also available within the 'Standard parts 2' (9930) set
9070 Screw plug only available within the 'Standard parts I'(9920) set
9080 Gasket only available within the 'Standard park I'(9920) set

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Operating Instructions
7Chapter 8 HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger
' !
8.2.1 0 Standard parts 2 (9930)

Part No. Quantify Designation Remarks

5050 9 Screw plug also available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
Gasket also available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
Cylindrical screw only available within the 'Standard parts 2' (9930) set
Hexagon nut also available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
Ripped washer also available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
Stud bolt only available within the 'Standard parts 2' (9930) set
Stud bolt only available within the 'Standard parts 2' (9930) set
Screw plug also available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
Screw plug only available within the 'Standard parts 2' (9930) set
Gasket also available within the 'Standard parts 1' (9920) set
Gasket only available within the 'Standard parts 2' (9930) set
Hexagon-head bolt only available within the 'Standard parts 2' (9930) set
Ripped washer only available within the 'Standard parts 2' (9930) set
Hexagon screw optional for insulation
Washer optional for insulation
Hexagon screw optional for insulation
Washer optional for insulation
Standard parts 2.1

Standard parts 2.1 (9931)

5130 5100 5090 7020 9231 9130

Part No. Quantify Designation Remarks

5090 24 Hexagon nut
5100 24 Ripped washer
5130 24 Stud bolt
7020 3 Locating bolt
9230 24 Hexagon screw optional for insulation
9231 24 Washer optional for insulation

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Operating Instructions
7 HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Chapter 8

8.3 Tools

8.3.1 Tool set l(9800)

Part No. Quantity Designation Remarks

9801 1 Locking device
9803 1 Extractor, thrust ring
9805 1 Guide sleeve
9806 2 Hexagon head screw forcing screw for turbine housing
9807 4 Hexagon head screw for (9801)
9808 1 Eye bolt
9809 2 Eye bolt
9810 1 Eve bolt


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Operating Instructions
-, Chapter 8 HPR6000 Exhaust Gas Turbocharger

8.3.2 Further tools

Part No. Quantity Designation Remarks

9822 1 Rack, complete only for cartridge HPR5000/6000

Part No. Quantity Designation Remarks

9804 1 Sealing device stoppage of the exhaust gas turbocharger

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Charge Air Cooler

Charge Air Cooler

GEA Maschinenkiihltechnik GmbH
SUdsbaDe 48
D-44625 Herne


GEA Maschinenkuhltechnik GmbH

D-44625 Heme

Cooler design
Removable stack cooler with casing
Removable stack cooler without casing
Block cooler

Storage, Installation and Removing of Cooler Bundles

Installation of Cooler Bundles
Removing of Cooler Bundles

Pressure Test
Open Cooling Circuit
Cooling Water Flow
Protective Film
Closed Water Circuit
Cooling Water Flow
Protective Film

Standstill in Case of Open Cooling Water Circuit
Standstill in Case of Closed Cooling Water Circuit
Standstill at Freezing Conditions

Service control
Performance Test

Cleaning at the air-side
Cleaning agents
Continues cleaning
Chemical cleaning
Mechanical cleaning

Possible Solutions for Operations errors

Tube Leaks
Repair of Water Leakage

Tightening Torque [Nm]

Stack cooler with housing (Drawing)
Block cooler (Drawing)
GEA Maschinenkiihltechnik GmbH

1. General
The GEA Charge air cooler is a tinned tube heat exchanger. The hot air flows over the fins on
the outside of the tubes and the cooling fluid flows through the tubes. The heat exchange
surface of the cooler consists of round expanded tubes and continuous flat plate tins.
The bond between fin and tube is achieved by mechanical expansion of the tubes.

The tubes are rolled into the tube sheets at each end of the tubes by the use of
tube expanders. The sidewalls form an integral part of the cooler and are bolted to tube sheets.
Water headers are provided for water handling and pipe joints. The number of division rips are
('2 .conform to the number of water passes. The headers are bolted to the tube sheets, gaskets are
mterposed for sealing. Plugs in the headers are provided for cooler venting and draining.

The materials for headers and tube are chosen in accordance to the cooling water specification
and also depend on the velocity in the tubes. Charge air coolers are designed as one stage,
two stage or three stage coolers according of the demand of the engine design and

2. Cooler desicln
The charge air cooler is an integral part of the diesel engine. Mounting situation inlet and outlet
water pipe connection as well as air duct connection are designed by the engine manufacture.
Further information's are given in the manual of the engine manufactures. Principle cooler
sketches see page 13 - 14.

2.1 Removable stack cooler with casing

! A removable stack cooler refers to a design of a casing with a removable tube stack.
The cooler casing is bolted between the air ducts. The tube stack is pushed into the casing
and is bolted with the protruding tube sheet (fixed end). The lose end is bolted with a frame
which allows movements in horizontal direction to compensate extension coursed by

2.2. Removable stack cooler without casing

Removable stack coolers are used where a casing is an integral design of the Diesel engine.
The tube stack is slided into the casing. The protruding tube sheet (fixed end) of the tube stack
is bolted to the casing.

2.3. Block cooler

A "Block cooler" refers to the design mounted, directly between the air ducts of engine.
The block cooler is bolted with the air ducts at the side walls and the tube sheets.
GEA Maschinenkuhltechnik GmbH

3. Storaae. Installation and Removina of Cooler Bundles

3.1. Storage

The coolers have to be stored in a dry and vented hall. They have to be protected against
dirt and mechanical damages.

The cooler bundles are drained before dispatch. The water flanges are closed with plastic caps
and the fin bay is covered with a protection plate.

3.2. Installation of Cooler Bundles

Before first installation the protection plates have to be removed from the tube bundle.

The air connections have to be sealed with new gaskets provided at site.

The water connections have to be fitted to the water piping with new gaskets provided at site.
All connections must be free of tensions.

3.3. Removing of Cooler Bundles

Before removing the cooler has to be drained. Removing the cooler is carried out vice versa as
the mounting. The cooler has to be deposit at a suitable place. The fin bay has to be protected
against damages and dirt. For long term storage the water connections have also be closed.

4. Commissioning
4.1 Pressure Test

After the water pipes are connected, GEAIGMT recommends to check the tightness before
commissioning. Clean water (drinking water quality) has to be used for the pressure test.
If the cooler is not taken into operation immediately after the pressure test the cooler has
to b e drained (see item 5 Standstill).

After a longer period of storage or extended stand still the header screws have to be checked
with the recommended torque and shall be tightened with the recommended torque if
necessary. After that the cooler has to be pressure tested. In case of leakage's the gaskets
have to be changed.

4.2 Venting

For cooler venting use the venting plugs which you will find on the nozzle header.
For continuously venting a venting pipe should be installed.
GEA Maschinenkiihltechnik GmbH
SUdstraUe 4 8
D-44625 Heme

4.3 Open Cooling Circuit

4.3.1 Cooling Water Flow

The flow rate of the cooling water has to be in accordance to the layout values of the cooler.

Frequent fluctuations of the cooling water velocity prevent the formation of a natural protective
film against corrosion. In case of open cooling circuits a too low water velocity encourages
dangerous dirt deposits and too high velocity causes erosion. In case of open cooling water
circuits never operate at rnin. or max velocity for a prolonged period. The recommended
velocity for a prolonged period is 2 mls.
The followina water velocities have to be observed

Material DIN Material Comparable admissible Cooling Water Velocity mls

ASTM-Nr.iNo. min max
CuNilOFelhh 2.0872 B-111 C70600 1,s 2,5
CuNi3OMnlFe 2.0882 B-111 C71500 1,s 3.0

4.3.2 Protective Film

The good chemical resistance of copperhickel alloys is due to their ability to form a
natural protection film which has the capability to prevent corrosion attacks.

New cooling tubes of which the protection coat has not yet fully developed shall not
C2 come into contact with contaminated water. The immediately forming dirt deposit will
destroy the formation of a protective coat.

Water pressure test has to be done therefore only with clean water.
GEA Maschinenkiihltechnik GmbH
GeschMsbereich SUdstraDe 48
Walmetechnik D a 2 5 Herne

4.4 Closed Water Circuit

4.4.1 Cooling Water Flow

The flow rate of cooling water has to be in accordance with the layout values of the cooler.

It must be guaranteed that the circuit water is clean and no deposits in the tubes can occur.
(Drinking water quality).

- ) The followina water velocities have to be observed:

Material DIN Material Comparable admissible Cooling Water Velocity mk
ASTM-Nr./No. max

4.4.2 Protective Film

The good chemical resistance of copperlnickel alloys against corrosion is due to the
ability to form a natural protection film which is difficult to dissolve.

New cooling tubes of which the protection coat has not yet fully developed shall not
come into contact with contaminated water. The immediately forming dirt deposit will
destroy the formation of a protective coat.

Water pressure test has to be done therefore only with clean water.
.1 )
GEA Maschinenkiihltechnik GmbH
Geschaftsbereich SlldstraDe 48
Warmetechnik D-44625 Heme

5. Standstill
5.1 Standstill in Case of Open Cooling Water Circuit

In case of a standstills for more than 3 days the water side has to be drained.

A standstill is especially dangerous for copper alloy tubes in case of a not fully build up
protective coat or the risk of getting disturbed by corrosion under deposits.

If possible the cooler operation should not be interrupted during the first 2 months after
commissioning. However, if there is a failure in cooling water supply and operation is resumed
0 w .~ t.h ~
n days time, the cooler can be lefl undrained. It must be guaranteed that the tubes
are free of deposits.

In case of deposits the cooler must be drained, the tubes have to be cleaned, flushed with clean
water and dried. A blow through with warm predried air through the pipes is recommended. The
cooler has to be sufficient vented. If sea water, brackish or saline water (reference value
chloride content 2500 mgll) is used as cooling water for flushing clean water
(drinking water quality) has to be used.

In case of standstills for more than 3 days during the start-up period of 2 months and later on
during standstills for more than 2 weeks the same cleaning procedure has to be used.

In case of short standstills operating with low water velocity is to be preferred to water standstill.

5.2 Standstill i n Case of Closed Cooling Circuit

, Drinking water quality is prescribed for closed cooling water circuits (see item 4.3).
'-)Under this conditions no draining in case of standstill is necessary.

5.3 Standstill at Freezing Conditions

The cooler has to be drained in case of wintertime standstills, when a frost injury to the cooler
must be feared, also during short standstill periods.
GEA Maschinenkuhltechnik GmbH
SUdstraEe 48
044625 Herne

6. Service control
6.1 General

For Service control, the manometers have to be installed in the air ducts and in the cooling
water piping. We recommend to keep record of the air and water temperatures in the machine
log book periodically. Further control instruments can be provided in accordance with the
individual requirement.

A possibility to drain the condensate must be assured for installation.

(36.2 Pemrmance Test

The performance guarantee given by GEA is mainly expressed by the temperature difference
between cold water and cold air during normal operation and should be checked from time to

A differential pressure gauge can also be used to check whether or not cleaning of the air or
water side of the cooler is necessary. We recommend to install differential pressure gauges in
the air duct and water piping before and after the cooler.

7. Cleaning
7.1 Cleaning of the air-side

Cleaning of the air-side should be done early to avoid accumulations of sludge and oil. The
1 cleaning has to be done in regular intervals. The time interval of cleaning depends on the
amb~encecondition of the engine. Soiling of the air-side has a low influence on the thermal
capacity of the cooler but on the pressure drop. High pressure drop has an influence on the
thermal load of the engine. Limits of the allowable increase of the pressure drop are given by
the engine builder (see engine maintenance manual)

7.2 Cleaning agents

Use only agents which have no corrosive effect to copper and copper nickel alloys.
Wrong chemical cleaning agents may occur defects on the cooler. GEA GMT can not accept
responsibility for defects coursed by using wrong cleaning agents.

The requisite cleaning agent depends on the kind of soiling of the fins. Cleaning agents for
different soiling are offered by following expert companies:

Drew Aneroid Marine

GEA Maschinenkiihltechnik GmbH
SiidstraDe 48
D-44625 Heme

7.3 Continues cleaning

Some cleaning companies offer continues cleaning systems. This systems may influence the
engine operation. Use continues cleaning only on release of the engine builder.

7.4 Chemical cleaning

GEA GMT recommend to contact a cleaning expert company.

For cleaning the cooler, the cooler stack has to be removed from the engine. The cooler is
immersed in a cleaning bath which has to be filled with the cleaning agent. The cleaning agent
(3 has to be according to the recommendations of the engine builder or there suppliers.

Immersing the cooler in a cleaning bath may not have a satisfying cleaning result.
Using a circulation pump will improve the cleaning result.

The best cleaning result can be obtained by using ultra sonic transducer.
This cleaning system is normally performed by expert companies.

The time of cleaning depends on the degree of fouling as well as the kind of fouling.
It may be advisable to scour the cooler over night in the cleaning agent.

After cleaning the cooler, the fin stack has to be rinsed with tap water using a water jet.
The water jet has to be applied in minimum % m distance from the fins and only parallel to fins.
Maximum water pressure is 120 bar. After rinsing the fin stack it has be dried with compressed
air before refitted on the engine.

Mechanical cleaning
i-': '.=
Mechanical cleaning is done by the use of nylon brushes fitted to a rod. Tube brushes are
available at GEAIGMT service department. Regular cleaning is necessary, the cleaning
intervals depend on the used cooling water. The cleaning of the water side is not only required
to maintain the thermal performance of the cooler. Scaling increases the risk of pitting corrosion
and obstacles particles blocking the tubes and favours erosion. Mechanical cleaning can be
done on side or when the cooler is removed. At least one header has to be removed, the wet
tubes should be brushed clean one after the other by pushing the nylon brush through the
whole tube until all the dirt is flushed out and no residues are left. After finishing cleaning
activities the headers have to be re mounted with new gaskets. Venting must be repeated after
cooling water is refilled.
GEA Maschinenkiihltechnik GmbH

8. Possible Solutions for O ~ e r a t i o nerrors

All remedies have to be done in conforrnitv with the technical s~ecificationsof the enaine
nanual and Chargl air cc ~lermanual. Cornp e measured vaiue with test bed values
Fault Location I Remedy, see
Difficulty Possible Cause
IEngine manual

:harge air
1.1 Charge air High engine room
Reduce engine loac
emperature after temperature before temperature. according engine
:ooler too high. cooler too high. manual.
Dirty, turbocharger. Clean turbocharger
according engine
- I manual.
I.2 Increased coolant I
Maladjusted cooling Readjust cooling
- inlet temperature.
1.3 lncreased coolant
outlet temperature,
Inadequate low
coolant flow.

- partly blocked.
1.4 Low coolant outlet I
Fouling of the cooler Clean cooler tubes.
temperature, low
to out let Heavy fouling of air Clean cooler air
temperature side, high air side.
- difference. pressure drop.
:harge air 2.1 Water inlet Maladiusted cooling I Readiust cooling
ernperature too low. temperature too ION s t e m . - I[tem. -
Low sea-water Recycle sea-water
temperature. into sea chest too
increase water inlet
Reduce water flow
to allowable
amount, see water
- I velocities.
i i g h pressure drop 3.1 Air side fouled. Check ~ressure 1 Clean cooler air
)n air side. gage. I
Pressure gage Air temperature I Repair or refit new
well as exhaust gas
temperature after
GEA Maschinenkuhltechnik GmbH
SlldstraDe 48
D-44625 Heme

Difficulty Possible Cause Fault Location Remedy, see

Engine Manual

iigh pressure prop Increased coolant Maladjusted cooling Readjust cooling

In water side amount, high water system. Low water system.
flow. temperature
Air cooler water side High water Clean cooler.
partly blocked temperature
1 difference
Heavy fouled water I Low water I Clean cooler tubes.
side of tubes. temperature
Pressure gage Water temperature Repair or refit new
defect difference OK. pressure gage.

ixternal water Leaking gasket Retighten cover and

sakage pipe connections,
see torque value on
data sheet. If
necessary replace
nternal water High air humidity may cause water
sakage, condensation. Check always water quality
if treated circuit water or sea water.
Leaking gasket. Drain water is Retighten cover
treated water and connections, see
water lost in header torque value on dat;
tank. sheet. If necessary
In case off sea replace gasket.
water coolant drain
water is sea water.
Leakagebetween Use tube expander
tubes and tube to secure tube in
plate. tube plate.
Cooler tubes Leaking tubes have
leaking. to be plugged on
both ends.
GEA Maschinenkuhltechnik GmbH
Geschaftsbereich SUdstraDe 4 8
Warmetechnik D-44625 Heme

9 Tube Leaks
9.1 Repair of Water Leakage's

Cause of a water leakage may be corroded tubes or a leaking rolled in tube end. To find out the
leaking tube it is helpful to remove the bundle and to deposit it on suitable benches.

The removed bundle has to be filled up with water and should be put under water pressure. The
area of the leaking can be estimated by the dripping water. To find out the real leaking tube it
could be necessary to do an individual pressure test of single tubes of the identified area.
Therefore the headers have to be dismantled.

10. Tinhteninn Torque lNml

GEA Maschinenkuhltechnik GmbH

11. Stack cooler with housing

1. Air cooler housing

2. Fin tube bundle
(3 3. Tube plate
4. Nozzle header brush
5. Return header
6. Cover
7. Water mist catcher
8. Cover
9. Sealing groove
10. Tube cleaning brush
GEA Maschinenkuhltechnik GmbH
SlldstraBe 48
D-44625 Herne

12. Block cooler

1. Nut
2. Flange
3. Gasket
4. Bolt
5. Nozzle header
6. Header Bolt
7. Nozzle header
8. Tube brush
9. Return header
10. Return header
11. Header bolt
12. Drain I vent
14. Tube plate
Fuel Pump

Fuel Pump
Technical Documentation
Operation, Maintenance, Mounting and
Disassembly Instructions for the
Series L 3 N G Screw Pump

E 185 51me:rev. 3
1'' Contents

1. General ...................................................... Page 1

1.1. Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2. Information about the Product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.1. Addressing of the Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.2. Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2. 3. Name, Types and Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.4. Serial Number and Type Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.5. Date of Manual Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.6. Change Notes and Manual Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.7. Copy Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.8. Technical Documentation and Data Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.9. CustomerService . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.1 0 . Quality Assurance and Quality testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.11. Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1

2 . Safety ....................................................... Page 2

2.1. General Rules and Advice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2
2.2. Dangers of not observing the Safety Advice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2
2.3. Safety conscious Working . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2
2.4. Warning and Advice signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2
2.5. Safety Advice for the Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2
2.6. Safety Advice for the Service, Inspection and Mounting . . . . . . . Page 2
2.7. Denial of Modifications and Changes without Approval . . . . . . . . Page 2
2.8. Unallowable Running Conditions ........................... Page 2
2.9. Other Operations and Safety Hazards ....................... Page 2

3 . Transport and Intermediate Storage ........................... Page 3

3.1. Safety Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
3.2. Transport Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
3.3. Unpacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
3.4. Intermediate Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
. 3.5. Preservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
3.5.1. Aging of Preservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
3.5.2. Re-Preservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
3.5.3. Removal of the Preservation ............................. Page 3
I . -1 3.6. Protecting from the Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3

4 . Description of the Pump ...................................... Page 4

4.1. General Description ...................................... Page 4
4.2. Assembly and Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.3. Construction of the Parts .................................. Page 4
4.3.1. Pump casing ........................................... Page 4
4.3.2. Rotor Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.3.3. Shaftseal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.3.4. Casing Gasketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.3.5. Bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.3.6. End Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.3.7. Drive Side Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.3.8. Safety Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.3.9. Nozzles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.3.10. Drive and Shan coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
4.4. Dimensioning and Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
4.4.1. Standard Overall and Single Dimension Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
4.4.2. Standard Assembly Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5

E 185 51Tlle: rev 3 . Page i

4.4.3. Standard Sectional Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
4.5. ExecutionModifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
4.5.1. Typekey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
4.5.2. Standard Material of Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
4.6. Operating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
4.6.1. General Operation Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
4.6.2. Temperature- and Pressure Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
4.6.3. Performance Data and Speeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5 Performance Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5 Power Consumption Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
4.6.4. Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5 Necessary Space for Operation and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . Page 5 Allowable Environmental Influences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5 Base, Foundation and Anchoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6 Suction and Discharge Piping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6 Support Connections .................................. Page 6

Mounting and Installation ..................................... Page 7

5.1. Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7
5.2. Initial Installation of the Pump .............................. Page 7
5.3. Initial Installation of the Pump Unit .......................... Page 7

Start up .Shut down ......................................... Page 8

6.1. Technical Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
6.2. Pipes schematic and Measuring Points ..................... Page 8
6.3. Preparation for Start up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
6.4. Startup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
6.5. Shut down of the Pump ................................... Page 8
6.6. Re-starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
6.7. Still stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
6.7.1. Shut down for up to 3 Months ............................ Page 8
6.7.2. Shut down from 3 to 6 Months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
6.7.3. Shut down for more than 6 Months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
6.8. Operation Supervision ................................... Page 8
6.9. Bearing of the Power Rotor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9

Maintenance ................................................. Page 10

7.1. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10
7.2. Maintenance and Inspection ............................... Page 10
7.3. Disassembly and Assembly ................................ Page 10
7.3.1. General Precaution ...................................... Page 10
7.3.2. Customer Service I Personal I Danger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10
7.3.3. Disassembly and Assembly Advice ......................... Page 10
7.3.4. Necessary Assembly Tools ................................ Page 10
7.4. Disassembly of the Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10
7.5. Assembly of the Pump .................................... Page 11
7.6. Spare Parts ............................................. Page 12

Trouble Shooting ............................................. Page 13

8.1. Table to define Reason and solving of Problems .............. Page 13
8.2. Torque Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14
8.3. Allowable Pipe Forces and Moments ....................... Page 14
8.4. Changes to the technicd Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14

Drawings. Data Sheets and Appendlx .......................... Page 14

I Appendix

E 18551TNe.rev . 3 Page i
-\ 1. General 1.2.10. Ouality Assurance and Quality testing
1.l. Application A complex quality assurance system guaranties high qualay standard
This screw pump is used for pumping oils or othsr lubricating media at levels for Leistrib screw pumps. The quality assurance, according to
pressures up to 16 bar. DIN IS0 9001, covers all produceon steps, which are necessary to ful-
fill all the quality requirements for this product.
1.2. Information about the Product
Quality assurance measures (i.e. size, type of test and certification)
1.2.1. Addressing of the Manual are issued by the purchaser in writing, including the necessary forms
This manual was made for the pump series L 3 N G. and documents. Prior to shipment all pumps are rigorously tesled.
For other executions different manuals are vald. They may be ordered Only pumps which fulfill the confirmed test data will be shipped.
from the manufacturer separately ifnot on hand. Use of this manual will help to assure a trouble free operation and full
1.2.2. Manufacturing flow performance. The proof of test data on the bench follows tho gen-
The manufacturerof the screw pump type L 3 N G is
. eral test remmmenda~ons
. .posilive displacement .pumps
for rotarv . per

The prwf of test and their results are documented in test protocols per
residing in the
Federal Republic of Germany DIN 50049 3.1 B .
90459 Nimberg, MarkgrafenslraRe29 -39
1.2.11. Warranty
or 90014 NOrnberg. Postfach 30 41
DIN- Pans, accessories and additional p a s are purchased from Our liability for defects of shipped goods is outlined in our delivery and
sukuppliers. payment mndiions, which are part of our Sales Condiions and Terms.

1.2.3. Names, Types and Sires Damages which may occur as a result of disregard of the instruction
Name: T h r w o t o r screw pump manualandreplacement mndifions are not covered under warranty. if

3 Type: L3NG
Sizes: OM, 025.032,038.045,052.060.070,80,90.100, 112,125
at a laler date operation mndiions change, for example dflerent prod-
uct, viscosity, temperature, speed or inlet condiiion. these conditions
have to be reviewed and acknowledged by LEISTRITZ. If no other
For additional informationsee the type key. agreements have been made with LElSTRiTZ the delivered pumps
can only be dsasembled and mcdiied by LElSTRm or LEISTRITZ-
12.4. Serial Number and Type Plate Service Representatives.Otherwise the warranty for occurred dam-
Each unit is equipped whh a standard type plate, which shows the ages will be voided.
manufacturersserial number and type key. Enlargedtype plates are
avail& on request.
12.5. Date o l Manual Execution
Dated October 17, 1994.
Technical and design changes, improvements and amendments may
be made without notice.
12.6. Change Notes and Manual Numbers
All executed changes are listed on the final page of this manual. The
type of change, date, executor and proof reader are noted.
Manual number E 185 5177 includes additional dowmentah in lhe
form of drawings.
12.7. Copy Righls
All manuals, documents and drawings are copy righted according to
DIN 34.
I i' 12.8. Technical Documentationand Data Sheet
For in depth explanations see the following chapters:
Safety Chapter 2.
Transport and Storage Chapter 3.
Descriptionof the Pump Chapter 4.
Mounting and Installation Chapter 5.
Mounting at Stan-up and Shut down Chapter 6.
Maintenance Chapter 7.
Trouble Shooting Chapter 8.
Drawings and documents Chapter 9.
1.2.9. Customer Servlce
If s e ~ m
is requiredor questions need to be answered, p l e a contact
our headquarters or someone in our sales organization.

E 185 5177le; rev. 3 Page 1 of Page 14

1 2. safety
2.1. General Rules and Advice
2.6. Safely Advice lor the Service, Inspection and M a n r i n g

The entire scope of service, including inspiction and

This manual includes general rules which have to be obsewed for
installation,operation and maintenance. Therefore this manual has to mounting, has to be done by an aulhorizdspsjalist, h a
be read before installation and operation by the installer, as well as by
the reswnsible s~ecialisVuser.It has to be made available at the job
site for reference at a later date.
2.2. Dangers of not observing the Safety Advice
lgnoringthe safely advice can endanger people, the environment and
the pump unit. For example:
Damage to the pump units or certain functions of these units, can en-
a has knowledge of this manual. Any worhon t b machine
is only allowed when the unit is standingstill.The shut-
down of the unit described in the manual ha to be i o l -
danger personnel through electric, mechanical and chemical in-
Immediatelyat the end of any work ail safety n d prolec-
fluences, endangering the environment by leakage of harmful prod.
UCIS and other pollutants.
lion devices have to be installed compleDl~.Before
slart-up, points menlionedunder 6.4 have t o te lollowed.
2.3. Safety conscious Working
The safety rules listed in this manual, applicable preventive practices
as well as internal safely rules of the user always have to be followed.
2.7. Denial of Modifications and Changes without A p r o v a l
2.4. Warning and Advice Signs
in this manual safely symbols are menhoned which can help to prevent Changes or modificationson the unit which have nolbeen mnfirmed
accidents to personnel. A general safely sign identifies hazards which
1 will endanger the unit and its function.
by Leistrik, are not allowed.

2.8. Unallowable Running Conditions

The operationalsafely of the delivered unil is only assured by operat-

ing a w r d i n g to the confirmed design and dala. Units sbuld not be
used under different operating conditions wilhout the manufactureh
approval. The limitation of the performance data sheets should never
be exceeded. Safely hazards may result if they are exceeded.

c J
The word "Attention" is insened in the text to note these additional ad-
vice signs and is labeled directly on the unit. 2.9. Other Operations and Salety Hazards

All packing material of the pump or the unit shall only be

removed directly before the inslailationof the pump.
No foreign particles are allowed to enter thepumpl

For examole:
Direclionbf Rolalion and Flow The danger of an accident at installation and mounting of
Electrical Current Warnins the unit has to be observed at any time.
MaMng of the Noules (inlet, outlet arrows) Balance stability always has to be existing, assembly
Marking Vent and Drain Opening parts have to be secured againsl falling.
"No ruWrynsign and others. Loose parts have to be secured by proper means.
2.5. Safely Advice for the Operator The pump unit is not allowed to be lowered or [fled by the
power supply lines or by the piping.

-Hot or extremely mld machine parts are potenSal dangers and must Connecting the power supply line to the Motor starter has
be orotected aaainst access. to be done an Eledn'cian and following the electrical lay-
-&upling guards, which protect the flexible coupling and shan from
out of ths motor supplier.. Proper dimensioningof the lines
assess, shall NOT be removed during running of the equipment.
has to be observed. All dangers by electrical energy have
-Leakage of hazardous products at the seal, by such as, explosive.
todc or hot fluids have to be mllected and drained to a safe place not to be eliminated. NEMANDA rules aid the ~ l e of s the I*
to endanger operating personnel and the environmenl. cal Energy and Supply company have to be obsewed as
All general rules of law, applicable to the site have to be followed. well.

i .)
E 185 5177le: rev. 3
Page 2 of Page 14
i 'I 3. Transport and Intermediate Storage The listed preservative agent are meant to be a recommendation.
Other manufacturers can be used as well. Preserving the internals of
3.1. Safety Measures
the pump is achieved by filling the pump with the preservation agent.
Duringfilling the Page 6.. power rotor has to be rotated in revene very
slowly. Continue filling the pump until the preservation fluid exits the
suction nozzle with any air bubbles.

Larger screw pumps and all pumpldriver mils have to be transported

to the installahon bv means of lilting &vices. Liiing and lowering of the 3.5.1. Aging of Pwservation
unit have to be done in a balancedkanner. Crank and L i ~ n devicesg
have to be specified properly. It has to be assured that h e unit will NOT According to the preservationfluid manufacturer, the shelf life of TEC-
"tip ovef. Shelves and racks used for storage of the units have to be TYL 506 is 4to 5 years at inside storage and 12-24 months at W i d e
designed to acmmmodate the weigh1 and size. s1orage;TECTYL 511 M is approx. 18 months at indoor storage only.
By mixing TECTYL 506 and 511 M 50150, conservation preservation
time 012-112 - 4 years indoors and 12 months outdwrs can be ex-

Addilional packing will extend the preservalion lime accordingly. h e

ingredients in these preserving agent will allow proper corrosion
Damage during transport of the unit should NOT occur. Lining, using protectionevenat high humidiry, independent of any temperature.
parts like the motor, conduit box or a power supply cable is not per-
mined. Sufficient care should be taken that the unit cannot slide or fall
during the transport. The packing material of the unit shall rot be dam-
aged. A4! adis? on !he packing crate or box haveto be strictty fdlnwed.
For longer storage the user of the pump has
3.3. Unpacking
tl[t to check the preservationof the pump regu-
Upon reoeipt of the pump, immediately inspect the unit lor potential larly. Avoid damages which occur due to im-
transport damage. Transport damages have to be reported immedi- proper preservation.
ately to the Insurance Company.
Beforeinstallingthe unit all packing material has to be removed com-
pletely. All uncovered openings of the unit, for example, the access
3.5.3. Removal of the Preservation Fluid
hole on the bell housing, is to be inspected for loose material, such as
wooden splinters, nails, bolls, metals damps and others. Such items Betorestart-up of the pump the preservation agent needs to be re-
need to be removed. End coven, blind plugs, etc., have to be removed
moved. The Ruid which was used on the inside of the pump normally
as well.
can be removed by flushing the pump wim product. pmvided the prod-
3.4. Intermediate Storage uct is allowed to get contaminated by this. In addition proper soivenls
can be used to remove the inner and outer preservatives. Proper sol-
The delivered screw pumps are already preserved for shorter storage vents could be Kerosene. Diesel or &-mineralized spirits, industrial
time. For longer shuldown time, the pumps have to be further pro- solvents, cleaners and other paraffinsolvents. Hot steam cleaners
tected from corrosion. An outsidefinside preservation needs to be with acmrding anachmenls can be used as well.
done as outlined under 3.5. The pump always needs to be filled with
~* 3.5. Preservation [Attention1 start-up.
Productto avoid seizing the pump rotors at
If at the installation site the piping,
The time limitationof the preservingmaterial is dependent on the a m - tanks and other parts in various circulation systems are covered with
~ositionof the malerial. Theretorepreservingmaterials should be used paraffin containing preservationmaterial, the whole system needs to
which will be stable for at least 12 months. The following materials can - -
be Rushed. This is neoessarv because oaraffin lowers the deaassina
be used for an inside and outside preservation. capabiiiw of the products. This might cause a rough running pump in
connection with loud noise development (aeration).
Preservation Points: Preservation agents:
- machined
~ ~~-~~
and unoainled ITECTYL 506


surfaces like shaft end and or compound

Range covers TECTYL 506 and 3.6. Protection horn the Environment
TECTYL 5 1 1 4 1')
I When storing the screw pump, the discharge and suclion flange ai-
Pump casing intemals, rotor compound
set and end covers TECTYL 506 and ways need to be covered by blind Ranges, blind plugs or similar mate-

TECTYL 5 1 1 4 1')
rial. The storage shall take place in a dust free and dry room. During
storage. it is recommended to tum the inner parts of the pump manu-
-(') Manufacturing: VALVOLINE OEL GmbH & Co:-
ally every 4 week. The rotor set and beaxing change heir pos*on dur-
The preservative agent shall be spread by means of brushing or ing this process. If the storage and packing is done properly, the unit
spraying. can be preservedlor avery long lime.

Page 3 of Page 14
4. Description of the Pump 4.3.3. Shalt Seal
4.1. General Description Sealing the stub shaft ot the power rotor against the product, a simple
The Leistrilz Screw Pumps ol the WNG Series low pressure non-balancedmaintenancetree mechanical seal (position number
pumps up to 16 bars, They are self priming positive displacement 62) mounted directly in the driving side cover (position number 045).
pumps and are used to move oils or other lubricating products. Materialsand means of mnsiruction (manufacturer of the mechanical
seal) will be adjusted to the according operating conditions and char-
acteristics of the product being pumped.
4.2. Assembly and Operation
Due to the special profile of the three turning spindles, sealed cavities 4.3.4. Casing Gasketing
are produced. The doubldead power rotor (position 150) rotates, ~h~ pump is off usingfiat gasket (position 031) and
sealing with the doubldead idler rotor (position 151) in the rotor bore
Seals rings number 006) depending on condi.
of the pump casing (position 001) which encloses the rotor set with
and the pumped products,
tight tolerances.
The motion of the two .ole: rotors is caused by the calwlated hydraulic 4.3.5. Bearing
forces eavlng only the res~lringmoment caused by the Ruid lndion to
oe transminea over tne flanks of the rotor profi e. Thereforethe rotor The outboard, greased, shielded and maintenance free bearing
set is almost without any load and w I not wear Wth In's principal the lion nLmber 170) acwrd ng to DIN 625, moLnts the power rotor (post-
pLmpS cont'nual y move t uid witho~tsheer and l~rbulencefrom the tlon n~mber015) into the dnve s'de cover (posiion n-mber 045).
s ~ d i o to - n workiw.prin-
n the discharge side. This constructivedesian . 4.3.6. End Cover
aple assures a low noise level and an almost pulsation free discharge.
The complete spindle aeomew is chase in in a wav that no axial thrust The end side cover (position number 030) or the pedestal (position
:s effected on the ball bearing iposnion nmber 1jo). m e bal beanng numberU40)shuts the pump casing (posilion number 001) at suction
I -.
(wsitqonnumber 170) fixes the d h h c sdndie lwsition nbmber 150) in side.
axial direction.
The bearing application of the idler spindles (position number 151) is 4.3.7. Drive Slde Cover
effected in the pump casing (position number 001). The dine side cover (position number 045) serves tor inlegration of lhe
Dependngon the operat ng pressure, an appropriate choke g a p s mechan'calsaal andlor fix~ngof the complete p-mp. he mounting
bui.1betWBBn the balandng piston of the driving spindle (posnion num- face is according to DIN 3019. posdion 2, secbon 4. souared mounfw
ber 150) and the idler spindles (position numberl51), which guaran- flanges. WUI this four hole mothng flank, the complete pump can be
tees the hydrodynamic bearing of the idler spindles. rotatedin 90° incremenls.

The subsequent tightening area is connected with the suction side At the discharge connection, a cast in error desuibes the
pump room by means of a boring and stands thus always under flow direction of the product. Before start up that flow
suction pressure. By this geometric design of the spindle padcage the direction has to be h d d .Mountingthe complete pump
axial thrust balancing is guaranteed. to the diner, suews acc.10 DIN 938 or DIN 939 have to be
used together with hex head boils and nuts.
4.3. Construction of the Parts
4.3.8. Safely Valve
4.3.1. Pump casing
As desdbed on 4.3.1, the pump can be executed with an integral pres-
Depending on the mounting configuration, the execuiion of the pump
sure relief valve. Exaggeratingine adj~stedvaldes, the poppet (posi-
casmgmil be made (posito" number 001). The mmpletepump-ng
tion number 219) Ills from the seat and tne prodm cirwlates into the
'.can be mounted turned by each lame 4 x 90° to the man shall of the
suction area of the pump casing. The opening pressureis adjusted by
driving aggregate. The s;ction area will be closed off with the non-
compressing the valve spring (position number 235) with the adjust-
drive side cover (position number 30). The drive side cover (position
ment screw @ositionnumber 222) at the factoryor ai the user, de-
number&) is mounted on the discharge side. As an option the pump
pendingon the requirement.
casing can be executed wlh an integrated relief valve.
Using the pump with a pressure limitation valve, care

The relief valve protects the pump only against overload

BI t should be taken that the poppet will h a y s stay movable

and is not meant to be used as a pressure regulating .
.In it's
. axs. A complete dosing of the valve tore by means
valve1 Operation and manual of the pressure regulating
ot locking the aqustment suew and ite connected vaives
valves. see section 4.3.8. The pump casing can be
spring by complete compression, shall not be allowed.
drained in any mounting configuration. Therefore, check betore stan
since this muld cause damage to the pump. If a pressure
up on eventually not plugged openings.
regulationis necessary, this shall be done with separate
On the suction mnnectianthe cas5ng is executed wiih a
regulating devices, executed and inslaliedby the user.
cast in Row direction arrow. Before stM up the Row direc-
tion needs to be checked.
4.3.9. N o d e s
Suction and discharge connection are executed as a DIN or ANSI-
flangedconnection, marked with flow direction mows cast into the
4.3.2. Rotor Set panern. U B l d n d counter Ranges according DIN or ANSI can be sup
The power rotor (position number 150) is doubtdead, hardened and pliedwith a price adder.

axially positionedwith a ball bearing (position number 170). The idler Maximum allowable forces and moments are depending
rotors (position number 151) double-lead as well, hardened or un- on the pump size, and are listed on ihedimensionprint Of
hardened, are paired to the power rotor. During operation both idler the pump or on ihe assembly drawings. These values
spindles are pushed in axialdirectionagainst the driving side balanc- shall never be exceeded. Connectiom f o r drain, vent or
ing piston of the driving spindle (position number 150). heating, il not needed, need to be plugged beforetart up.

E 185 5177le; rev. 3 Page 4 oi Page 14

1 i 4.3.10. Drive and Shall coupling idler rotor 1.7139 hardened or 0.6025
The pump will be directly coupled to an electric motor or other drive via Gasket CENTELLEN WS 3820
a bell housing w#h fwt angle or a bell housing with a mountingplate in a
vertical mount arrangement.
Always observe the correcl direction of the rotation and

B proper drive speed. The pumps can be mounted in any

mounlingposilion. Because of safely reasons, mounting
4.6. Operating

4.6.1. General Operation Fields

the motor below the pump is not allowed. The shaft m u -
pling transmits the turning momenl form close wiVl a three General industry technology, oil burning energy, ship building and off
piece elastic form connecting coupling, which balances shore technology, machine and heavy machinery manufacturing, tank
axial, radial and angular misalignment of the connecting lams, chemical and pelro chemical and OEM Industries, food proces-
shafts. Different execution (manufacturer and material
sing and others.
wmbinations)are available with price adder

4.4. Dimenslonlng and Geometry

4.4.1. Standard Overall and Single Dimension Drawings 4.6.2. Temperaturs and Pressure Limltatlons
Standardoverall dimensions for the size 020 through 070 are accord-
ing to drawing E 168 5954 with DIN flange connections.

Standard single dimension drawings for the size

with DIN flange connections
020 + 025 drawing E 168 5918
032 drawing E 168 5919 The nominal pressure, viscosity and temperature details must be
038 drawing E 168 5920 needed (see data sheet). If no details are given to the contrary, the
045 drawing E 168 6026 - can be wnsidered as relief values and mav not be
values aiven
052 drawing E 168 6027 exceeded. If protective measures are required as a result of the
060 drawing E 168 6028 Operating temperatures or temperature limils to prevent disturbance
070 drawing E 168 6029 of the surface, these are to be applied by the customer and may not
lullher project related drawings will be attached be removed in operation

If separate single dimension sheets have been executed for the user
they have to be requested.
4.6.3. Performance Data and Speeds
4.42 Standard Assembly Drawings
Assembly drawing for the size 020 through 070 with DIN Range
connections and various motor size are available: Performancetables accordingto pump size and lead angle for various
For foot pumps D 161 9247 speeds and viscosily's, see E 165 6448, page 1-21.
For submerged pumps D 161 9249
For tank top mounted pumps D 16t 9248
further project related drawings will be attached. Power Consumption Diagrams
If separate mounting drawings had been made for the user, they have
to be requested. Power consumption's diagrams for pump size and lead angle forvari-
ous speeds and viswsily's, they have to be requested.
4.4.3. Standard Sectional Drawings
Standard cross sectional drawings for all sizes and possible execu-
tions according to drawing E 160 6878. 4.6.4. Installation
If special cross sectional drawings for the user have been made, they Necessary Space lor Operating and Maintenance
have to be requested.
All above drawings are available in different languages on request. Choose the mounting space that way that an undisturbed operation
and unwmpiicated maintenance of the unit is possible. Follow all
safely regulations as well.
4.5. Execution Modifications
4.5.1. Type key
The tvPe key, listed at Ule end of this manual, does include all mmbina- Allowable Envlronmental Influences
lionsof pump modificationsvia number and letter code. Every stan-

dard pump can be described by that. Existing environmental influences which would have
negativeinfluence on the operaSon of unii, i.e., high heat
4.52. Standard Materlal of Construction radiance from neighboring machine pans, splash water
Pump casing 0.6025 or 0.7040 and so forth, have to be avoded as much as possible. All
Drive side cover 1.0037 environmental influences and mounting configurations have lo be
End cover 1.0421 stated upon ordering. Addiionally operation measures, i.e.. insulating,
Power rotor 1.7139 hardened vibrationdampers, have to be stated at order.

E 185 5177le; rev. 3 Page 5 of Page 14

4 Base, Foundation and Anchoring
The anchoring is depending on the type and the size of the unit. If the
Thecleaning of the pipework should not be executed with water
or with fluids with minimum viscosity below the minimum indica-
unit is mounted via L-bracket, the mounting holes, respective elon- ted viscosity shown in the pump data sheet. During hydrostatic
gated holes of the loot bracket have to be used. test of the whole pipework system, the pump must be isolated.
The munSng should be chosen that no movementof the The hydrotest of the pump (dynamic or static) will cause damage
tothe pump (especiallyto the shah seallng system). lithis proce

unit is possible. All sub bases and foundations must be
statically sound. The unit should not be exposed to the dure is not maintained, the guarantee is not void.
vibrations of other machines. If vibrations cannot be SupporI Connections
avoidedvibration isolators have to be installed. All other support connections have to be dimensioned properly and
If the unit is mounted with a lid plate onto a tank, ensure broughttowardsthe unit. The user is soleb responsiblefor the sizing
that the tankcan support the weight of the pump. it is rec- and material selection. In principal no mechanicalforces are allowed to
ommended to use vibration isolators. This will reduce he take place. Damaged suppoR pipes have to be repaired or exchanged
noise at the tank walls drastically. Leistritz cannot be immediately
madeliable for damages of the unit due to unstable anchoring. Suction and Discharge Piping
The pump unit is not permilled to act as a mounting point

for piping. The maximum allowable forces and moments
on the flanges mentioned in the dimension sheets and
assembly drawings may not to be exceeded. This is true
for possible temperature forces as well, see section 8.3.The pipe sizes
on the suction and discharae side should be at least the size of the
pumpmnnections. The selection of the pipe has to be done using me
existina" flow velocilv. The flow velocilv in the suction line should not
exceed 1 meter per s a n d and in the discharge line, 3 meters per se-
cond. When piping up suction and discharge lines, care should be
taken that the flow of the medium is not distubd by mounting short
radius elbows, right angle valves or check or back pressure valves in
the s~ctionline. Unavo:dable diameter changes in the flow I'nes have
to be executed with smooth reducers. Any sudden direction changes
should be avoided. The suction and dischame tines have to be sealed
tightly and piped in such a manner that noair bubbles can build up.
Thereforethe .~ .i ~-i must
n a alwavs be laved in a risina - manner. The
spindles of gate valves should be positioned horizontally or vertically
downwardto allow ventina - .
- of the lines at the hiahest mint. Flanoe
- aas-
kels cannot be penitled to pmtlude into the I.D. of the pipe and innal-
. .
lation of isolation vaives before and aner the oumo as well as a ch&
valve at the discharge side is recnmmended. The isolation valves are
. -
onlv used to dme the lines for wllina the unit out of service. Thev have
to be completely open during normal operation. All pipes and vaives
have to be cleaned thoroughly before the pump is mounted in order to
flush out weld slag, weld beads and possible mounting debris, like
bolls, nuts and so forth. No liabilay can be claimed for damages to the
pump which have been caused by solid partides in the pmducf. Mount
the pump onto the tank in such maner that air bubbles and foam par-
tides, which miaht- have been Droducedin the fluid are ked out of the
pump inlet.

The tank has to be dimensioned and mounted in such

fashion that the use of maximum allowable Row and media
temperatures are not exceeded, proper installations mea-
sures achieve this goal.
The lifetime of a screw pump is determined by the cleanliness of the
product and it's relationshipto the tight tolerances between the rotors
and the rotor sleeve. We remmmend the installation of sunion strain-
ers with the following mesh sizes:

Mesh size viscosity

0.3 -0.5 mm ,150 mm2k
0.1 -0.3 mm 37 - 150 mmZs
0.06 - 0.1 mm 4 7 mmWs
During the connection of the piping to the pump the flow direction
through the pump has to be observed (arrows on lhe pump). The mn-
neclion of a pressure gauge on the pump body should be planned.

E 185 51Tlle; rev. 3 Page 6 of Page 14

5. Mounting and Installations Careful and accurate adjustment of the shaft ends will
5.1. Tools lengthenthe life time of h e coupling. The coupling half on
the pump side is not allowed to be installedwaha hammer.
For the total mounting or disassembly standard tools are necessary
-Allen head wrenches according to DIN 911 Bell housing or other suppoll measures of the pump have to be thor-
-Open end wrenches according to DIN 838 IS0 3318 oughly checked for possible defective manufacturing.The referenced
-Open end wrenches according to DIN 3110 minimum allowable values for radial, axial and angular offset of the
-Machinist hammer according to DIN 1041 shafts according to DIN 42955 (table 1.N and t a b i 2,N) have to be
-Rubber mallet achieved manufacturinq - Mountina advises of the cou-
.the bell housina.
-Screw driver according to DIN 5.264IA piing manufacturer have to be observed.
-Screw driver insulated (electrical)
-Gear ~uller2 or 3 armed All rotating palls have to be protected against uninten-
- ~liers'forsnap rings according to DIN 5254 tional touch1 Damages caused by improper mounting or
- SnaD. rina- .Dliers according- to DIN 5256
-Mounting sleeves for ball bearings
- adjustment of the pump and motor, are not mvered under

5.2. Initial Installation of the Pump
The shaft end of the pump and driver have to be aligned
carefully, since eccentricity, non-parallelisms and plain
arrows will fast deslroy the elastic element of the mupling
and furthermore can cause damage to the pump. Mount-
ing the pump lo adriver, care should be taken hat the side offset of h e
shafts (distance between shafts) the maximum eccentridty (center off-
set between the shafts) and the maximum angularity of the two shafts 5.3. Initial lnstallatlon of the Pump Unit
do not exceed the remmmended data of the mupling manufacturers. The pump unit has to be inspected at h e job sile for damages. If the unil
When using special couplings h e recommendalions-ofthe manufao- is assembled at the job sile, follow 5.2 After proper aignment, the
turer cannot be exceeded. Axial forces are not allowed to be trans- complete unit has to be anchored accordingly. Base and foundations.
minedthrough the coupling into the pump. see 4.6.

1. Mounting the indicator on h e drive 2. Mounting indicator on one shaft and

shaft and rotation of both shafts; turning of both shafts;
checking on concentricity and correction checkhg of parallelism and correction if
if necessary. necessary

E 185 5177Ie; rev. 3

Page 7 of Page 14
6. Start up - Shut down not be over loaded and NPSH required of the pump is not exceeded.
Otherwise cavitation will take place. Check the liquid level in the tank,
6.1. Technical Documentation especially at tank mounted units, that the suction opening always
stays flooded.
Before start up check all technical demands
and documentation's. Especially check the 6.5. Shut down of the Pump
pump unit on:
- serlal no. For the shul down of the driver no preparations are needed. If the pump
is shut down against full pressure, it will stand still immediately (un-
-type and sire
problematicfor purnp and el& motor). It is remmmendedto innall a
-flow direction and operation type
check vaive between the isolation valve and discharge line. At longer
shut down the isola6onvaJves should be dosed. Ifa change of the fluid
6.2. Pipes Schematic and Measuring Points
concentration, crvstallization. solidification and others have to be
taken in to consideration. the pump has to be drained and flushed with
The total piping arrangement, proper connection and dimension of a proper fluid.
measuringand governing devices have to be observed.
The cleaning of the pipework should not be executed with water 6.6. Restarting
or w i ~ fluids
h with 'i~mum vismsity below the minimum indica-
ted viscosity shown in the pump data sheet. During hydrostatic After a short shut down, the pump can be re-slarted without any prepa-
test 01 the whole duework svstem, the ournu must be isolated. rations. Aner ionger still standing time or r&nstaliation of the pump.
The hydrotesl of the pump (d;namii or staticj will cause damage the procedure acwrding to section 6.3,preparation for start up has to
to the pump
. . (especially
. to the shaftseallng system). If this proce-
be followed.
dure Is not maiitained, the guarantee is not-void.
Damages which occur due to improper positioningor di-

6.7. still Stand
mensioningof measuring and governing devices, are not
covered under warranty. 6.7.1. Shut down for up to 3 Months

6.3. Preparation for Start up if the start up of the pump is within 3 months of installation or the shut
down of the pump is less than 3 months, no special preservation is re-
m \ f o r e initial start up the following scopes have to be quired.
-Cleaning of the piping, section 6.7.2. Shut down from 3 to 6 Months
- Checking of the anchoring, section Before the initial start up the suction and discharge port
-Checking on power supply to the motor
have to be covered with a blank. At shut down, suction
- Direction of rotationon driver. The direction of flota- and discharge insulation valves have to be closed. Wnh
tion must be chiwying with the flotation direction ar-
that measure the pump remains filled with product. Ifthe
. . If rotation direction is o~!xsite,
row on the ourno. .. the
product includes aggressive particles which might anack the materials
pump wiil not prime. This wiil cause damages on the
of constructionof the pump, follow according section.
-Remove blind plugs on suction and discharge lines, section 3.3
6.7.3. Shut down for more than 6 Months
-Check piping acwrding to Row direction, section 4.3.9 and
- Wsual checking of the pump unit, section 6.1 The purnp has to be dosed offand sealed oli amording to
-Opening of the separationvalves
6.7.2. and has to be filled with preservation material. To
-Fill the pump with product to insure protection against dry run protect the running surfaces of the bearings against com-
-All and kntrol equipment have to be checkedon func-
pression marks caused by vibrations or shocks, the
tion after inslaliation ( i.e., emergency
. . switch off, needle pressure power rotor is to be turned in acwrding time intervals. (1.e. all 4 weeks
gauge and others)
rotatedmanual, so that pans like the rotor set and the bearing should
-To protect people, all equipment has to be acwrding to rules and
end in a different position each time).
6.8. Operation Supervision
6.4. Start up
The necessary supervision of a Leislrih screw pump is

Beforestart up. the rotation direction and speed has to be
checked. Suction and pressure gauges have to be ob-
sewed and compared to order and operation data. Tern
peratureand viscosity of the product should be checked.
On the drive side cover in the ball bearing area. the tem-
perature can be 20-30 OC, below the product tempera-
B very minor. In proper lime intervals, discharge pressure,
flow rate, exaess power consumption of the electrical mo-
tor, alignment of the pump (coupling), seal. filler, contami-
nation and unusual noises should be observed. The deanliness of the
product is the main factor in the life time of h e pump. A visual check of
ihe pump should be done at least once a month. The pump should al-
lure. but has to be below 120 "C. wavs run quiet andvibrationfree. The pumpis not permined to run dry!
I.1' sh& seal should be checked, esp&& during start up Cme, leakage
The discharge line has to be venled unCl produd erdls the vent vaive or might occur.
vent screw. The venting devices have to be closed after this prow. The leakage of one drop of product per hour is an average
dure. lor an undamaged mechanical seal. If the pumps are
After start up of the pump, total pump pressure, flow rate, viscosity, mountedas spares, they should be started up from time to
temperatmspeed and horse power have to be compared to the order time for a short period of time, to assure they are ready
and operat~ondata Check especialty tnat wnh higher specific gravity when needed. Furthermore, the shalt shouid be rotated according to
or higher viscosity of the product aioriginal assumed, the driver will Section 6.7.3.

E 185 517710: rev. 3 Page 8 of Page 14

Bearing of the Power Rotor

The bearing on the power rotor is a maintenance free.
r grease packed sealed ball bearing. The bearing is de-
signed for 17500 hours running under the conditions de-
scribed under section 4.6.2. In a rough service, high tem-
peraturesor others, the design life can be shortened drastically.

if there is a regreasing-possibility at the pump, h e groove ball bearing

has to be regreased reguiarlr The regreasing intervals depend on the
grease service life of the used greasemedia and on the operational
charges./\ monthly inspection respectively an inspeclion after 500 o p
erating hours would be recommendedby the manufacturer.

For the lubrication, all high-qudv and temperature-tesistant ball bea-

ring- greases as proposedas follows, can te used.

manufacturer up to 130°C up to 180°C

Aral Aralub HLP 2

BP BP-Enerrease LS-EP2
Castrol Spheeml Ap2
DEA Glissando EP2 Diskor Plus 2
Esso Beawn Ep2 Unirex S 2
Fuchs Renolit FEP 2 Renoplex EP 3
Mobil Mobilux EP 2 Mobiltemp SHC 32
Optimol Oiit 2 EP oder Oplitemp HT 2
Longtime PD 2
Shell Aivania Grease EP 2 Darina Grease 2

or comparable grease - products

grease-filling -quamities

type of pump grease filling quantity

E 185 5177le: rev. 3

Page 9 of Page 14
! 1 7. Maintenance For Pumps handling dangerous materialor en-
products the user has
7.1. General at the job site or at a
back to the factory shipment, the factory has to be in-
The maintenance work includes almost exclusively c h d i n g of pump ( formedwilhout asking. In this case,the user has to sup-
parts for wear and damage. Leist* Screw Pumps of the Series L3NG ply a DIN safety sheet to identity the pump product.
need minimum maintenance, as long as the mnfirmed operating data Dangerous products are:
are kept and the Ruid is as free as possible from abrasive particles. The - Toxic. Cancer creating, vegetable damaging, Gene
cleanliness and the capability to lubricate the product, are dominant in changing materials, which endanger in other ways
the expectancy life of a pump. If a high operation safety is necessary, people's health. Acids, irritating materials, explosion en-
we remmmend the following maintenance intervals according to sec- dangering.Rame exhilarating, high and light Rammable

7.2. Maintenance and Inspection

-After 500 hours of operation the pump shouid be ex-

amined. the pump shouid be checked lor unusual
noises and it shall be checked with a temperature sen-
sor. The temperature difference between the Ruid and
the drive side cover should not exceed 22-25 "C. The The user is solely respons ble for the s te warnings signs
leakageof the mechanical seal should not exceed a few and these slgns have to be observed. At all workatthe job
drops per hour. site ther own or LElSTRrrZ personnel have to be advised
-After 2 years the pump should be disassembled and all inner parts ( about all dangers which might occur during disassembly
should be examinedfor damage and wear, espedally the mechanical and repair.
seal has to be checked in the sliding sudaces. The idler rotor head
7.3.3. Disassembly and Assembly
surfaces have to be checked for wear as well.
The most important disassembling and mounting steps
-Worn pads need to be replaced. Check the casing and the flow @-

are described in the following:
ets in the relief vaive for dirt contamination. If dirt deposits are noted, a
No warranty claims can be accepted ifall necessary as-
needs to be cleaned out. sembly steps have not been kept in order, or damages
due to improper disassembly or assembly occurred.

7.3.4. Tools
7.3. Disassembly and Assembly
Necessary Assembly Tools (see .%don 5.1)
7.3.1. General Precaution 7.4. Disassembly of the Pump
With proper supenrision of the pump, operation interruptions which -The power lines have to be disconnected by an Elec-
trician. Motor or driver have lo be made unfunctional.
might make adisassembly necessary, arevery rare. If an interruption
-Checking of the insulation valves in suction and dis-
occurs, the possible cause should be determined before disassembly,
charge line, they have to be closed.
if at all possible. The trouble shooting table in section 8.1 gives hints \ -Let pump w o l down to surrounding environment tem-
about wssible causes. At all disassemblv and assemblv. .
,. all Darts perature.
have to be handled with care. Shocks and impacts have to be ahvays Dismnnect suction and discharge flanges.
avoided. All parts have to be carefully cleaned, possibly re-condi- I , ,
By unbolting the mounting the pump can be
tionedor exchanged for spare parts. After assembly the power rotor r KMed from the mounting unit.
has to rotate heely, otherwise the bearing and mechanical seal could -Couplings half on p ~ m shaftp has to be pulled via
be damaged. At all work the proper cross sectional drawing has to be gear puler, remove key. (position
.. number 180) from
used as work base. pumpshaft.
-Valves spring
. .(position
.. 235) needs to be released via
adjuslment screw 222, the ieal nut (position 281)
needs to be loosened for this purpose (only with inte
7.3.2. Customer Se~lcelPersonneUDanger gral safety valve).
-To remove end side cover or the pedestal (position number 30 or
For mounting and repair LElSTRlR personnelcan be made available 40) take out bolts (position number 32 or 47) and remove gaskets
to the user upon request. (position number 31).
If repairs are done by the user or LElSTRlR personnel. -Remove valve parts (position number 219 and 243,238,220 with
237 and 235) (only with integral relief valve).

the pump always has to be under atmospheric pressure,
-Loosen screws (posilion number 50) on drive side cover (position
completely emptied and cleaned. This is essential for
number 45) and remove drive side cover and gasket (position
pumpswhich have to be shipped to our factory for repair. number 46) from pump casing (position number 001). Doing that.
Receipt of pumps which are filled with product, has to be rejected to watch for rotor set, mechanical seal and ball bearing. See valid
protect the fellow worker and for environmental reasons. Otherwise sectional drawing.
we would have to charge the user for an environmental improper dis- -Separate idler rotors (position number 151) from power rotor (posi-
posal. tion number 150).

E 185 51771e; rev. 3

Page 10 of Page I 4
i -Remove snap ring (position number 174 and 173) and distance ring mounted with the spacer ring (position number 172) in place
(position number 172). through the drive side coverand the ball bearing. ~ e v idrive r the
-Pull power rotor (position number 150) through the I.D. of the ball power rotor throuuh - the ball bearinu- with impact bv a hammer nor
bearing (positionnumber 170) towards suction side through the the ball bearing over the shaft via hammer. The power rotor,
drive side cover. Remove spacer rino - (position
.. number 1721. slightly greased, needs to engage wilh the inner diameter of the
-The rotary part of the seal has to be carefully pulled from the ball bearing all the way on to the shoulder on the power rotor.
power rotor. Depending on the manufacturer the lockhg device Afterwards mount the spacer ring (position number 172) and snap
has to be removed. ring (position number 173).Afler mounting of the rotary element
-The stationary face of the mechanical seal with O-ring or seal ring (position number 062) on to the power rotor (position number 150)
can now be pressed out carefully of the drive side cover. the power rotor needs to be mounted with the spacer ring (position
-Remove ball bearing(posi1ionnumber 170) in direction shaft end number 172) in place, through the drive side m;er and Iie'ball
with a gear puller out 01 the drive side cover (position number 45) bearing. Never drive the power rotor throuah the ball bearino with
impacby a hammer nor ihe ball bearing over the shaft via h - m
7.5. Assembly of the Pump mer. The power rotor, slightly greased, needs to engage with the
inner diameter of the ball bearing all the way on to the shoulder on
A re-assembly can only be permined if full functional and
the power rotor. Afterwards mount the spacer ring (position num-
undefeclive parts are used. We recommend as well a
ber 172) and snap ring (position number 173).
cleaning of heavily stained parts
- Put gasket (part number 46) in place on to drive side cover (posi-
tion nurnber 045).
-The ball bearing (position number 170) needs to be checked for
-Position the idler rotor (position number 151) as a pair on lo the
damages', def&tive seal disks, then it should be pressed into the
power rotor and slide rotor set into the casing. Watch for the posi-
drive side cover (part number 45). 'Like smooth run, grease filling-
tion of the running surfaces ( mark). the casing box should be
Never force the bearing in place by means of a hammer, this slightly oiled for this purpose. Bolt the pump casing wilh screws
would cause damage of the running surfaces and the bearing
(position number 050) onto drive side cover, note that the screws
balls. Secure in place by means of the snap ring
need to be pulled simultaneouslv and the .Drocer. wsilion
. of the
(position number 174).
connection Ranges has to be noted.
- Mounting of the mechanical seal needs absolute cleanliness. -Assembly valve parts, position number 219, with 243 and 236,
Especially a damage of the sliding surfaces and elastomers have
220 with 237.235, in the proper order in to the vaive cavity (only
to be avoided.
with existing relief valve). If no valve is present, check the exis-
-The stationary element of the mechanical seal
tence of the plug screw (205) with the seal ring (206).
(position number 62) can be pressed into the drive side mver with
-Place gasket (position nurnber 031) onto h e end side cover of the
the M n g in place. Watch for equal pressure distrioution over tne
pump casing (position number 001).
whole ring. Watch as well for the position of the locking pin (posi-
- T U ~set screw (position number 222) that far into the end side
tion number 61)in driie side cover
mver (position number 030) that the tip of the adiustment screw
(posilion number 45). If necessary, slide distance ring (position
touches the spring plate (gsilion number ~ 0without ) tensioning
number 63) on to power rotor (poiition number 150).-~atchfor
the valve spring (position number 235). Afterwards pull the end
absolutely undamaged . power
. rotor surface in the mechanical seal
side mver tight by means of using screws (position number 030)
seal nut (position number 281) on to adiustment screw and after
-TO reduce the friction forces at assemblv of the mechanical seal.
adjusting the relief valve to proper operating pressures, seal tight
oil power rotor (position number 150) in the area of the rotating
(only if a relief valve exists).
'* element with oil or silicone grease fill. it is not cermitted that Tef-
-Heat pump side coupling half to app. 110°C and slide

lon oil ring gels in contact with mineral oil or Silicone
on to shaft end of the power rolor with the key (180) in
grease is recommended, depending on seal execution. the rotary
place. The coupling half shall not be installedwith
part needs lo be locked onto the shaft.
impact by a hammer.
Above is not amicable for rubber bellows
I Attention I seals, they have to be mounted vhih a proper
solvent, water or almhol.
After complete re-assembly lhe pump has to be installed into the driv-
Ing unit and be mo~ntedaccording to secton 5.2. Thereaher me dis-
cnarge s~ctionand supply I'nes have to be connected properly. At the
-Never grease the sliding surfaces, always mount completely dry restariup, section 6.0 have to be followed and the pressure IimitaUon
and dust free. valve. safely vave, il exsting has to be ad:usted
-After mounting 01 the rotary element (position number 062) on to -The down valve spring (position number 235) hard via adjustment
the power rolor (position nurnber 150) the power rotor needs to be x r e w (position number 222).

E 185 5177le: rev. 3

Page 11 of Page 14
, -Stad pump with the throttle valve A open.
-Throttling valve A, so that the pressure gauge shows the required
valve opening pressure and the flow meter 8 shall show steady
- Release valve spring via adjustment screw (position number 222)
until the flow rate on the flow meter number B lowers. This means
the relief valve opening pressure is reached,
-Close thronle valve A. Now the pressure gauge will show the
pressure where the total flow is cycled over the valve
- 0 Design variant with sealing nut and adjusting screw
-Lock seal nu1(281)tighliy.
- 0 Deslgn varlant cap nut seallng of adlustlng screw
For fixing of me aq~slingsaew (posiuon n~mber222) his one nas to
be countered wilhthe hexagoni nut (position number 215) and the
sealing ring (position number 216). Afterwards the cap nut (position
number281) has to be tigMened withe the second sealing ring (psi-
tion number 216).

Further steps see section 6.4.

7.6. Spare Parts

:3 In general, we recnmmendthat the user should keep a complete set of
spare parts for the pump unit on stores. It is also possible to seied a set
of appmpriate s p i e s a k . to our spare parts listfor the Individual user.
in order to do this, the followina- informationshall be supplied
. . when or-
-Pump Type
-Pump Size
- Leistritz Serial Number
-Cross Sectional Drawing Number
-Purchaser IUser
-Address and Telephone Number

piiiz6q An interchangeabilitycan only be guarantied

t accurate informationis given.

Conserving and intermediate storage of spare pads or spare pumps,

see secb'on 3.4. and 3.5.8.

E 185 51m e ; rev. 3

Page 12 of Page I 4
'7 8.2. Torque Requirements
hecessary lorque requirements according BDI 2230, sheet I.(me-
8.3. Allowable p i p forces and moments
Forces and moments shown on assembly and d mensional arawngs
d um lnc6on) factor 0.14 for shahs. screws and metnc standard thread sna l not De exceeded
according to DIN 13, pan 13, and head dimension of hex head screws
according to DIN 913 or Alien head screws according to DIN 912 Violating and exceeding these values can damage the
pump causing operating problms. Eventually occurring
thread size lhermotensionshave to be mnected by design modiica-
lion (flexible piping).

Mi0 8.8
MI2 I 8.8 I 87
Mlfi R.8 215

First edaion Prepared Checked .......................... Approval ....................................

Date 17.0cl.1994 ............................. .......................... ....................................
Department KSP..................... ......................... ....................................

9. Drawings, Data Sheets, Appendix

'. E 185 51Tlle; rev. 3 Page I 4 of Page 14

Additional for Shaft Seal
LPk t r i t ~ "Oil Receiver Mechanical Seal"
Aktiengesellschaft (optional)
i Oil Receiver Tank

horizontal line


~ -1 Function of the oil receiver: On sealing leakage and higher atmospheric pressure at the suction (in-
The contact between the hot wnveying medium and thew01 ambent dr lake) of the P L ~ Pthe
, level raises.
has to be avoided for wnvey'ng lubricants at temperat~resfrom 12OSC, lnspectlon and Rlllng intervals:

inevilablefor mechanical seals, tne escaping liquid is uachng and CaL- spe~tiveoperatin~ data of the system. The level and the consumption
ses malfunctions of the mechanical seal. shouldbe checked in shon intervals dunna the break4 period. We sup
Inmallallon of the oil receiver: gest to check the level on operaBng s l a daily and after a.perbd of opera-
The installationis described in the illustrations above. The oil receiver is
tion weeklv. On wnlaminalion of the oil fillina. - of the
-. visible on the rhanae
oil wlor, the oil should be exchanged after cleansing.
placed upwards when pump has a horizontal arrangement and in direc-
Regreasing installation ball bearing:
tionof the drivina. -. when the .DumD -
. has a veltical ananaement.
Design of the oll receiver: The ball bearings are exclusiviy fit out with a regreasing installation.
T h e oil receiver allows a dust-orcnf fillino of un~ressurizedreciDient me-
We remmmend a monthhlwmasina or a wreasing alter max. 500 ~ n -
diums. The transparent cylinder jackels &nsisiopllonal of plex/ or natu-
ning hours. lnlormat onsaboit the grease l&els i d the suggested lu-
ral alas.
t o meet the requirements.
- . the sealsmnsisl of NBR or viton. The materials will be desimed be founa In the operatonginst~ct'onsE 185 5177.
oncants c o ~ l d
Reclplent medium:
F o r filling to wnvey the heavy oil, heat transfer oil should be used exclu-
sively. The receivers are empty on delivery. The Riling has lo be procee-
ded preoperational. The redpienl medium should be chosen in the way
that the viscosity amounts fmm approx. 10 lo 60 mm-Is on temperature
. 'j during operakn. The reservoir should be filled to approx. €4%in order to
l e t shcient wmpensation @amon leakage. On sealing leakage and lo-
w e r almospheric pressure at the sunion of the pump. the level reduces.

Appendixlo E 185 5177


Range Type Size Pdch Shape I Type o f Seol Idenl~t~colion


62 mechanical seol .. 180 key

1 pump
5 lock~ngscrew
120 grease box .. . 215 nu1

6 seohng ring
3 0 cover
3 1 :lo1 seol
w 150
driving spindle
idler spindle
grooved boll beoring
. 2 16
saollng ring
volve cone
spring plole

32 mounllng screw
L 5 cover driving slde
6 1 edged odjusling pln
-. 172
Supporling disk
inlermediole ring .
28 1
odjusling screw
volve spring
cup nu!

. DIN - ports
soore o o r k
Edilion: 10.06.9L Scherlel Subjecl l o modificol~on.

Leslrdz AG r,ongrolwslr 29.19 0.93159 WMrrg. Porllorn 3011 0-9mll &rowq 1.1 IO9:U13(1J.O I#% $1673 Tmelor IWlUl106-~90 16 0 7 0 2 2,
The complete pump
con be hslolled
in each position

execvlion vhitoul voLve: - lhese parts are dropped ,. 174

179 h l d l e
Die komplette Pumpe
kmn in jeder Loge
eingebdul werden.

Typenreihe I Bouart I Baugrnfle I Steigung I Bauform I Abdichtung

L3N G 20- 70 /... AFOOI G 3-SPINDELIGE

Ausfijhrung ohne Ventil: - diese Teile entfallen. eingebaut werden

1 Pumpengehiiuse * 61 Pankerbstlft 174 Sicherungsrlng

+ 5 Verschluflschroube *
62 Gleitringdlchtung +x 180 Poflfeder
+ 6 Dichtring + 150 Antrlebssplndel - r 219 Ventilkegel
30 Deckel endseilig * 15 1 Loufspindel - 220 Federteller
r 31 Flochdichtung * 170 Rillenkugelloger - 222 Stellschraube
+ 32 Zylinderschraube x 172 Stutzschelbe - 235 Ventllfeder
45 Deckei ontrlebss. + *173 Sicherungsrlng - 28 1 Seal-Lock-Mutter
+ -
DIN Teile Ausgobe: 10.03.94 Anderungen vorbeholten. gespeicherl unler:
r Reservetelle E-1606878-FOR-MAK-D
Leielrilz AG Morkgrolenslr.29-39 Poslfach 3041 0-8500 NUrnberg Te1.1091114M60 Telex 626717 Fax 4306 490 1E 16 0 687 8

- I Bougr6Oe
I Bounrt
I Steigung I
Bouform I Abdichtung

Enlfiilll bei
ohne Venlil

Enlleerungs- oder
Meflonschlufl R 1

Enlfiilll bei
ohne Ventil

H m ZUI.Kr611e und Hmenle

an den AnschluOllanrchen
Sougllansch - Druckllonrch

?owe ( Type Size I Pitch I Shope 1 Type of Seol ldenlification

1 pump mechonicol seal + + 180 key

+ 5 locking screw grease box + r 215nut
+ 6 sealing ring drlvlng spindle + r 216 seoling ring
30 cover idler spindle 2 I9 volve cone
w 3 1 Rot seal grooved ball bearing 220 spring plate
+ 3 2 mountlng screw supporting disk 222 adjusting screw
45 cover drivlng side clrclip 235 volve sprlng
+ 6 1 edged adjusting pin intermediate ring + + 281 cup nut

+ DIN - ports Edition: 10.06.94 Schertel Subject to modification.

I spare ports a PAGE ,

L&biiz AG llorkgoi~rst29-390.90159 hhmberg. P o s l l o ~3061 0-9WU m g T& IWIOLM6-9Tden 626717 Telelax 09fflLYM-490 IE 16 0 7 0 2 2
Typenreihe I Bouorl I Bougrbfle I Steigung I Bauform I Abdichtung -
L3N G 20- 70 /... AFOOl G 3-SPINDELIGE

1 Pumpengehause + 62 Gleitringdichtung + + 180 PoOfeder

5 Verschluflschroube 12 0 Kugelschmiernippel + + 215 Sechskontmutter
+ 6 Dichtrlng + 150 Antrlebsspindel + x 216 Dlchlung
30 Deckel endseitig 151 Loufspindel r 2 19 Ventilkegel
x 31 Flochdichtung * 170 Rillenkugelloger 220 Federteller
+ 32 Zylinderschroube + 172 Stijtzscheibe 222 Stelischroube
L5 Deckel ontriebss. t + 173 Slcherungsrlng 235 Ventllfeder
+ 61 PoOkerbsllfl 175 Lobyrlnthring + + 281 Hutmutter

+ DIN - Teile Ausgobe: 10.06.94 Schertel Anderungen vorbeholten.

I Reserveteile a SEITE .
L&lrilz AG tknkqolenslr.29-39 D-90459 Ninberg. Portloch M4 U9Wt4 Mrberg Tel. 1091ULXb4 Tdex 6267V Tdelm 109m(Mb-490
IE 16 0 7 0 2 2
: -7

Coupling selection
The selection of the ROTE^ coupling is eflected in accordance with DIN 740, part 2. The size of the coupling has to be such, that the
permissiblecoupling load is not exceeded in any operating condition. For this a comparison of the occurring loads with the permissible
identificationvaluesmust be performed.

1. Drlves wlthout perlodlcal torsional vlbratlon load

for example centrifugal pumps, ventilators, screw compressors etc. The coupling selection is performed by examining the rated load torque Tm
and the maximum torque TK-.

1.1. Load with the rated load torque I TKN2 T N .S, I

Under consideration of the ambient temperablre the permissible rated load toque Tm of the coupling
must at least be the size of the rated load torque of the plant T,.

1.2.Load with torque shocks

I, TN[Nm]= 9550 . PwJkW1
rill,- /mini
.. ,-..-..I

The permissible maximum torque of the coupling T, must at least be as big as the total of the peak
torque TSand the rated load toque of the plant TN, under considerationof the shork frequency Z and
I T~m"
T~ . ' 2 ' ' 1 + T~ ' ' 1 1

the ambient temperature.

This applies in that case that the rated load torque of the plant T,superimposed by a shcck process.

If the mass arragnment, the shodn direction and lhe shodn rype are known, the peak torque TScan be
calculated. I
shock on load side
T, = T~ . M, .
ML = -
For drives with threwhase A.C. motors and large masses on load side we recommend the MA=
calculationofthe peak starting torque by means of our simulation programme. JA + JL
2. Driveswith periodical torsional vlbratlon load.

For drives endangered by torsional vibration, for example diesel engines, piston compressors,
reciprocatingpumps, generators etc. it will be necessary to perform a torsional vibration cakulalion for
an operationally reliable selection. If desired, we will carry out the torsional vibration calculation and
the mupling selection in our works. For the necessary details please see the KTR Standard 20004.

2.1.Load with the rated load tomue

Under consideration of the ambient temperature the permissible rated load torque Tm of the coupling
must at least be the size of the rated load torque of the plant TN.

2.2.Passing through the resonance.

Under consideration of the temperature the peak torque Ts occuning ddng the passage through the
resonance must not exceed the maximum torqJe, ,T of the coupling.
I TKmm > Ts '

23.Load with allernatlng torque shocks

Under wnsiderationof the ambient temperature the permissible alemating torque TW of the coupling
must not be exceeded by the largest periodical alternating torque T
, at operating speed. u T, 2 Tw . S,

In case of higher operating frequendes f > 10 Hz the heat resulting from the damping in the elastomer
will be considered as damping capacily PKw.

The permissible damping capacily Pw. of the coupling depends on the ambient temperature and
must not be exceeded by the arising damping capacity.
3. Permissible keyway load of the coupling hub

For the mupiing selection the penissible keyway load, depending on the material selection, must be observed. if no material is indicatedwith the
order, we will supply Ihe mupling in grey cast iron, GG 25 q u a i . The permissible surface pressure in the keyway is limned by us to the following
values according to the type of material:

Material orev cast iron 120 N/mm2

Material nodular iron GGG 40 180 Wmm2
Material steel St 52.3 210 Wmm2

For steel the limit is assumed to be 30% of vield stress

I 1
1 Temperatdie factor S, Stad I factor 57 11 d S-
Service factor S.. I

(+8OeC +80°C
fre 100h 2OOh 400h 800Ih
quency small shock load 1 1,5
medium shock load 1 1.8
1.2 1,4 1.6
heavy shock load 1 2.5

Maximum torque of the coupling TK max Torque, which can be transmittedduring the complete life of the mupiing as dy-
namic load 2 105 times or 5 . 104times as alternating load.
Alternating torque of the coupling Tw Torque amplitude of the permissible periodicaltoque fluctuation with a frequency of
l o Hz and with a mnstant load of TKNor a dynamic load up to TKN
Dampmg capacity of the WUpllng
I1 Pw II Permisscble dampng capacny wth an amb'ent temperature of +30"C
Rated load toraue
~ ~~ ~
~, of the ~ l a n t
~~ TN IStal~onawrated load torque at the mupllng
. .
Peak torque of the plant Ts Peak torque of the coupling
Peak torque of the driving side TAS Peak torque of driving side, for example starting toque of the electric motor
Peak torque of the driven side TLs Peak toque impact on the driven side, for example braking
Allemat. torque of the machine Tw Amplitude of the alternating toque effecting the coupling.
Damping capacity of the machine Pw Damping capacity, which effects the mupling due to the load caused by the alter-
natina toroue
.- >--
Moment of inertia of the driving side JA Total of the moments of inertia existing on the driving side or the load side in relation
Moment of inertia of the driven side JL to the mupling speed.
Rotational inert'a meficient of the MA Factor. which considers tne distribution of the masses in case of impact and vibra-
driving side tion exc'tation at driving side or at the dnven side.
~otatibnalinertia meficient of the ML
load side
r Wf
Installation of coupling
Shaft with keyway projects
Shaft seDaration 'E" into spider

Axial displacement AKa Radial displacement AKr Angular displacement AKw

Type of coupling
(dl malends) -
- - 191

Above listed values of displacement for dastic ROT^ -couplings are standard values taking a m u n t of the torque rating of Ux,coupling up to
the nominal torque TKNand nominal speed of 1500 llmin, as well as an ambient temperature of +30DC.With d k e s subjected to v a n g service
conditionspiease ask for our R O T W Dateheet on displacement, KTR-N 20240. The displacemenl data may only be used one by one - if
lhey appear simultaneously, they must be limiled in proportion.

Care should be taken to maintain precse shall separation in order to have axial dearance for the coupling in se~'ca.In case of an axial shifhng
the distance 'L" has to be a minimum in order to keep the spider free of pressure on its faces. If the shaft separa~onis shorter than the mupling
distance "e" it does not matter ifone of the shaft ends enters the spider. The dimension dw corresponds to the rnax. shaft diameter which together
with the key may enter a spider with inner diameter d ~if. is p&Ue to keep the key at some distance from the h a f t end i.e. if only the shaft
enters the spider. the diameter of the shall may be larger. Ifshould, however, be 2 mm smaller than the inner diameter of the spider to allow the
latter free axial movement.

The ROT& - coupling can cope eilher wilh a radial or an angular displacement. The life of the coupling can be maximised by careful and
accurate alignment of h e shan. The shafi ends to be linked should be supported on both sides dose lo the mupling hahres. The customer must
provide appropriate guards in order to ensure that rotating parts cannot be touched, as required by safety laws. (Safety of machines.
DIN EN 292,parl2). Assembly instructions are available for the individual types of couplings.

Sanitallon: Any defect parts of the coupling must be cleaned and scrapped
Handels GmbH
Hochstadter Str. 17 - 91475 Lonnerstadt

Tel. : 04919 1931507402 / Fax : 049/9193/507407

Th ree-phase squirrel-cage-motors

Type MA - , MAR - , AT - , DM1 - , DMAI

Mounting & Maintenance

' I
This manual concerns normal three phase induction motors with an output
varying from small to middle size; they are externally cooled, totally enclosed,
supplied in a cast iron frame and provided with ball bearings or roller
bearings lubricated with grease.The motors are according to IEC 34-1,IEC 72
and VDE 0530.


After receipt remove the package material if any and mind the parts that have
been delivered loose. In the case of unpacked motors, the glands are often
put in the terminal box to protect them against damage.

Check the motor to see whether transport damage has occurred.

' You should be able to rotate the shaft easily and smoothly with the hand.
Compare the details on the rating plate with those of the power network and
with the requirements of the motor.


The motor must be fixed on a stable, clean and flat foundation with good
fitting foundation bolts, using washers.

Never mount a motor manufactured for a horizontal mounting on a surface

with an angle of inclination of more than 15 degrees without consulting the
supplier in advance.

Foot 8 flange motors always have to be mounted in such a way that the drain
) holes, if any, are situated at the bottom. otherwise you run the risk that
moisture has condensed into the motor and cannot be drained off. To this end
you need to remove the drain plugs.

Under no circumstance must the free flow of air be obstructed to the cooling

- fan or the motor will overheat.

This has also to be borne in mind when you are mounting motors in enclosed
spaces of small size.

The ambient temperature must not exceed 40 "Celsius, unless

otherwise agreed upon at the time of ordering.
' -) 4 I Direct cwpling

The motor and driven shafts must be accurately aligned. In case of a flexible
coupling, the manufacturers distance between the parts to be coupled must
be adhered to, also the degree of misalignment must be within the makers
tolerance. We do not recommend using solid couplings.
4.2 Indirect coupling
4.2.1. - Flat or V Belts -

Mount the motor on slide rails in order to adjust belt tension.

The belt pulley has to be fitted hard up the shoulder of the shaft. The pulley
centre line should be within the shaft centre line. Use correctly sized belts
with a correct profile and in sufficient numbers to drive without slip and

>undue tension. Aling both pulleys accurately in such a way that the centre of
both pulleys are in line.
Mufti V belt drives need to be matched sets.

A belt pulley which is either too small or too wide, or too high a tension on the
belt may damage the bearing or cause a shaft break.
In case of doubt, consult the supplier.

4.2.2.Spur Gear Drives

The motor and the driven machine have to be positioned in such a way that
the two gears mesh correctly. The motor should then be fixed with dowels.

4.3. Shaft couplings and pulleys etc.

Remove the corrosion protection from the shafl extension and the coupling
elements. The coupling parts, belt pulleys and gear wheels need to be
dynamically balanced and fit easily on the shaft and to be provided with good
fitting keyways.
In the factory the rotor has already been dynamically balanced including the .
key in the shaft.
The dimension and the tolerances of the shafl extension and the key are
indicated on the motor dimension sheet.
Assembling the coupling elements has to been done with great care. Careless
handling may damage the bearings, shaft or end shields.
Do not file or emery the shaft to achieve a fit!
hen fitting pulleys couplings or bearings, we recommend using heat to
elements; therefore the part to be mounted has to be heated till + or- 80
degrees above the ambient temperature.

A large washer and set screw can be useful for pushing on pulleys using the
tapped hole in the shafl. Only use proper tools for removing the above
mentioned parts e.g. pulley drawers.

5.1. General information

On delivery the motor will rotate clockwise lookig at the drive when the phases L1 ,L2
and L3 are connected respectively to the connection terminals U1,U2 and U3.

) The direction of rotation can be changed by exchanging any two phase 1ines.When a
motor is only suited for one direction of rotation, it is indicated withan arrow on the
motor fan cowl.Connecting cables must confirm to IEE regulations and must earthing

Line fuses only protect the cables in case of short-circuiting and do not
constitute a safeguard against the overheating of the winding caused by
overload. Therefore it is recommended that a motor starter and overload is
fitted, giving single phasing and overload protection.
Tolerances according to IEE :
- Frequency +3/-5%
- Voltage +/-I 0%
Note the dates at the nameplate ,and connection shown inside of terminalbox (cover).

1 5-2. Circuit

Normally our motors are provided with a terminal box with six connections, to
which six leads from the winding are connected either in a delta connection
o r in a star connection by means of connection links.

Usually two voltages are indicated on the ratingplate of these motors, which
means that the motor can be connected to a circuit having one of these
If the mains voltage is correspondig with the lowest indicated voltage, the
windig has to be connected in delta connection (see figure 1); if it is
corresponding with the highest indicated voltage, the winding has to be
connected in star connection (see figure 2).
motor with e.g. 2301400 V on its rating-plate is suited to be switched on
on a circuit with a voltage of 230 V between phases with the winding
connected in a delta connection, or on a circuit with a voltage of 400 V with
the windig connected in a star connection.
But if the motor is switched on with a star-delta starter the motor is only
suited for a mains voltage on the rating-plate, this is the delta voltage. In this
case, the connection strips on the terminal box have to be removed when the
motor is connected; the star and delta connection will be made successively
in the starter during the run up.
If only one voltage is indicated on the rating-plate together with the delta
sign, the motor can be switched on directly at the indicated voltage or with
delta star starter.
Pole change motors (for two or more speeds) are connected according to a
diagram sent together with the motor.
: '1

Before putting a motor into service, one should check especially when the
motor has not been used for a long time that the insulation resistance of the
winding is sufficient. The insulation resistance has to be at least 10
meglohms on a 500V megger.

If the insulation resistance is not high enough, the motor has to be dried out
and revarnished or rewound.
Check all connections and adjust the thermal protection units to the correct
current. Switch the motor on in a no load state to determine the direction of
rotation. Load the motor gradually and check whether it runs without
1 vibration.
The motor can be used under deviation of the mains voltage +/-I 0% or
frequency max.+/-5% compared to the nominal value, in compliance with the
international regulations for electric machines.


The totally enclosed and fan cooled three phase squirrel cage induction
motors require very little maintenance.
Nevertheless it is recommended to check the motor regularly in order to
prevent a breakdown caused by dust, moisture, vibrations, too much or too
little greasing.
7.1. Dust
1The outer parts of the totally enclosed motors, especially the cooling ribs or cooling
channels, have to be kept as clean as possible in order not to obstruct the cooling air
from the fan extracting the heat from the motor frame.Motors are protected in IP55.

7.2. Moisture

Motors which are not oflen run, should be started from time to time to prevent
moisture affecting the windings in the long term.

7.3. Wear & vibration

To prevent abnormal wear & vibration, one should:

a. take care that the tension of the belt or the chain is not too high;
' -1 b. check whether the mounting of directly coupled machines is correct;
c. check whether the foundation bolts, the bolts to fasten the motor and the
slide rails are tight.

7.4. Greasing

Before they leave the factory, the bearings of the Dutchi Motors are filled with
a high quality Lithium base grease.
For re-greasing we recommend Shell Alvania R3 or an equivalent.
The sizes 63 up to and including 132 are provided with shieldedlsealed
bearings (resp. 2RS and 2Z), wich have been filled with life-time grease by the
manufacture of the bearings.
The sizes 160 up to and including 280 are provided with open bearings which
have been filled up to 213 with grease. The end shields are provided with
) bearing covers of which the grease compartments are filled up to 1/3 with
Motors with sealed bearings and no re-lubrication system require no
maintenance other than checking for noise & temperature.
Size 315 has been provided with a permanent lubrication system containing a
grease valve.
- The lubrication must take place when the machine is running.
The old grease is ejected from the grease valve thus maintaining the correct
level and avoiding overfilling which would be harmful.

7.4.1 Greasing interval

By the term "greasing interval" we mean the number of working hours after
which the bearing lubricant has to be replaced.
1, )5
. .
Electric motors have such a wide range of application that they must cope
with many adverse conditions as for instance dust, moisture, vibration,
tempereture, chemicals, marine atmosphere and of course, the mounting
position and loading of the driven machine.
Generally we can say lubrication life is a product of time, speed and the
bearing size. Due to the impact of all these factors, it is practically impossible
to determine any exact values which are valid under all circumstances.
Nevertheless it is necessary to provide at least some guide-lines concerning
greasing to the user.
Under normal circumstances, the grease needs to be renewed after 15.000 to
25.000 of running hours, but in any case after every 5 years.
In case of an r.p.m above 1500 revolutionslmin. it is recommended to halve
these values.
A chemically agressive environment, extreme moistness, strong vibrations,
high or low ambient temperatures are not normal circumstances and such
conditions must be taken into account.

The indicated values are valid for a bearing temperature of 70 degrees

centigrade. At higher temperatures the greasing interval will decrease.
As a matter of fact the values shown in figure 3 are not fixed values which are
valid under all circumstances, but only a useful guide-line for machines which
are running under normal circumstances.

7.5. Replacement of ball or roller-bearings

When a bearing has to be replaced, the old bearing has to be removed from
the shaft with proper tools in order not to damage the shaft. Thereupon the
3 bearing location on the shaft has to be cleaned and checked thoroughly.
T o fit a new bearing correctly, heat to 80 - 90 degrees centigrade with an
electric induction heater, then slip quickly onto the shaft up to the stop. In the
case of a roller beararing only fit the inner race in this manner.
A suitable sleeve may be used to help by tapping gently to seat the bearing
home. Note that under no circumstances must a bearing be driven home cold
with excess force. We must also stress that pressure must not be applied to
the outer race of a ball bearing.

D o not mount the end shield until the bearing has cooled down.
Greasing is done in the same way as described under 7.4.
- Connoxlanr nux barn06 Code de muleura pour
- Schaltung a m Klernmenbrett conduclcurs d e miexion
7 ~ n e c ~ i oton terminals - Farbencode filr
- Connexion Anschlusslei~er
- ~chaltun~ - Colour code for connection
- Delta-connection cables
J (U1) bleu X(U2) jaune
blau gelb
\ blue yellow

J (V1) noir Y (V2) blanc

schwarz weiss
black white

N ( W I ) rouge Z (W2) vert

rot grlln
red green

- annexion Y X;Y;z
1Y-~chalt'un~ Designations selon DIN
- Y Connection
Markierungcn gcrnass DIN
Terminal markings according
to DIN

u1; v1;w1
u2;v2; w2
Designation selon CEI
Marklerungen gemass CEI
Terminal markings according
to CEI
Lub.-Oil Pump

Lub.-Oil Pump

0 0

L m
Technische Dokumentation
Technical documentation CAT
Bezeichnung: Schmieroldruckpumpe
Description: Lub.oil pump
Giiltig fiir Pumpen mit Einbauzeichnung Nr.:
Valid for pumps acc dimension sheet No.:
CAT-Purchase order no.:
Kostentrager Nr.:
Record No.:

Pos Beschreibung IUnterlage Unterlage Nr.: Seiten

Pos Description IDocument Document No.: Pages
Einbauzeichnungrrechnische Daten
Installation drawing pump technical data

Betriebs- und Wartungsvorschrift Pumpe
Instruction manual pump

Teileliste mit Schnittzeichnung, Pumpe

Parts list and sectional drawing, pump

Technische Unterlage, Kupplung

Technical document, coupling

Technische Unterlage, E-Motor

Technical document, e-motor

Abnahmeprufzertifikat M, Pumpe
Inspection test certificate M, pump

Werksbescheinigung fur Material

Certificate of Conformance for material

Leislrih Purnpen GmbH - Technische Dokurnentation

Technbd documentation
Fx-1350N Mr- 750Nn
Fy.1350N My- 750Nn
Fz.1350N nz- 750Nm
Technical Documentation
Operation, Maintenance, Mounting and
Disassembly Instructions for the
Series L 3 N G Screw Pump

E 185 51Tlle; rev. 3

i .
. '1 Contents

1. General ...................................................... Page 1

1.1. Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2. Information about the Product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.1. Addressing of the Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.2. Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2. 3. Name, Types and Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.4. Serial Number and Type Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.5. Date of Manual Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.6. Change Notes and Manual Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.7. Copy Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.8. Technical Documentation and Data Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.9. Customer Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.10 . Quality Assurance and Quality testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.11. Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1

2 . Safety ....................................................... Page 2

2.1. General Rules and Advice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2
9 2.2. Dangers of not observing the Safety Advice .................. Page 2
2.3. Safety conscious Working . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2
2.4. Warning and Advice signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2
2.5. Safety Advice for the Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2
2.6. Safety Advice for the Service, Inspection and Mounting ....... Page 2
2.7. Denial of Modifications and Changes without Approval . . . . . . . . Page 2
2.8. Unallowable Running Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2
2.9. Other Operations and Safety Hazards ....................... Page 2

3 . Transport and Intermediate Storage ........................... Page 3

3.1. Safety Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
3.2. Transport Precautions .................................... Page 3
3.3. Unpacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
3.4. Intermediate Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
3.5. Preservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
3.5.1. Aging of Preservation ................................... Page 3
3.5.2. Re-Preservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
3.5.3. Removal of the Preservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
,I 3.6. Protecting from the Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3

4 . Description of the Pump ...................................... Page 4

4.1. General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.2. Assembly and Operation .................................. Page 4
4.3. Construction of the Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.3.1. Pump casing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.3.2. Spindle Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.3.3. Shaft Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.3.4. Casing Gasketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.3.5. Bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ..... . .............. Page 4
4.3.6. End Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.3.7. Drive Side Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.3.8. Pressure Relief Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.3.9. Nozzles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.3.1 0. Drive and Shaft coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
4.4. Dimensioning and Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
4.4.1. Standard Overall and Single Dimension Drawings ........... Page 5
4.4.2. Standard Assembly Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
I. . )
E 18551TIle;rev.3 Page i
4.4.3. Standard Sectional Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
4.5. Execution Modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
4.5.1. Typekey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
4.5.2. Standard Material of Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
4.6. Operating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
4.6.1. General Operation Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
4.6.2. Temperature- and Pressure Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
4.6.3. Performance Data and Speeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5 Performance Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5 Power Consumption Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
4.6.4. lnstallation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5 Necessary Space for Operation and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . Page 5 Allowable Environmental Influences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5 Base, Foundation and Anchoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6 Suction and Discharge Piping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6 Support Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6

5. Mounting and Installation ..................................... Page 7

5.1. Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7
'3 5.2. Initial Installation of the Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7
5.3. Initial Installation of the Pump Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7

6 . Start up .Shut down ......................................... Page 8

6.1. Technical Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
6.2. Pipes schematic and Measuring Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
6.3. Preparation for Start up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
6.4. Start up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
6.5. Shut down of the Pump ................................... Page 8
6.6. Re-starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
6.7. Still stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
6.7.1. Shut down for up to 3 Months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
6.7.2. Shut down from 3 to 6 Months ............................ Page 6
6.7.3. Shut down for more than 6 Months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6
6.8. Operation Supervision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
6.9. Bearing of the Power Rotor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9

7 . Maintenance ................................................. Page 10

7.1. General ................................................. Page 10
b 7.2. Maintenance and Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10
7.3. Disassembly and Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10
7.3.1. General Precaution ...................................... Page 10
7.3.2. Customer Service I Personal IDanger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10
7.3.3. Disassembly and Assembly Advice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10
7.3.4. Necessary Assembly Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10
7.4. Disassembly of the Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10
7.5. Assembly of the Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11
7.6. Spare Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 12

8 . Trouble Shootlng ............................................. Page 13

8.1. Table to define Reason and solving of Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 13
8.2. Torque Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14
8.3. Allowable Pipe Forces and Moments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14
8.4. Changes to the technical Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14

9 . Drawings. Data Sheets and Appendix .......................... Page 14

( 1
E 185 51771e; rev. 3 Page i
i 1 1. General 1.2.10. Quality Assurance and Quality testing
1.1. Application A complex quality assurance system guaranties high quality standard
This screw pump is used for pumping oils or other lubricating media at levels for Leistrih screw pumps. The quality assurance, according to
pressures up to 16 bar. DIN IS0 9001, coven all productionsteps, which are necessary to hl.
fill all the quality requirements for this product.
1.2. Information about the Product
Quality assurance measures (i.e. size, type of test and certification)
12.1. Addressing of the Manual are issued by the purchaser in writing, including the necessary forms
This manual was made for the pump series L 3 N G. and documents. Prior to shipment all pumps are rigorously tested.
For other executions dimerent manuals are valid. They may be ordered Only pumps which fulfillthe confirmed test data will be shipped.
from the manufacturer separately if not on hand. Use of this manual will help to assure a trouble free operation and full
122. Manufacturing flow performance.The proof of test data on the bench follows the gen-
The manufacturer of lhe screw pump type L 3 N G , is eral test remmmenda~ons for rotary positive displacement pumps per
LElSTRlTZ Pumpen GmbH VDMA 24284.
residing in the The proof of test and their results are documented in test certificates
Federal Republic of Germany "M" per DIN 55350 P18.
90459 NOrnberg. MarkgrafenstraRe29 -39
1.2.11. Warranty
or 90014 NOrnberg. Postfach30 41
DIN- Parts, accessories and additional parts are purchased from Our liability for defects of shipped goods is outlined in our delivery and
sukupplien. paymentmnditions, which are pad of our Sales Conditions and Terms.
13.3. Names, Types and Sizes Damages which may occur as a result of disregard of the instruction
Name: Three-rotor screw pump manual and replacement mndiiions are not mvered under warranty. If
:I $ Type: L3 NG
Sizes: 020,025,032,038,045,052,060,070,80,90,100,112, 125
at a later date operation anditions change, for example diferent prod-
uct, viscosity, temperature, speed or inlet mndiaion. lhese mnditions
and 140 have to be reviewed and acknowledged by LEISTRITZ. If no other
For additional informationsee the type key. agreements have been made with LElSTRlTZ the delivered pumps
can only be disassembled and modified by LElSTRilZ or LEiSTRilZ-
12.4. Serial Number and Type Plate Service Representatives.Otherwise the warranty for occurred dam-
Each unit is equipped with a standard type plate, which shows the ages will be voided.
manufanurenserial number and type key. Enlargedtype plates are
available on request.
12.5. Date of Manual Execution
Dated October 17. 1994.
Technical and design changes, improvements and amendments may
be made wnhout notice.
126. Change Notes and Manual Numbers
All executed changes are listed on the final page of this manual. The
type of change, date, executor and proof reader are noted.
Manual number E 185 51TI includes additional documentation in the
form of drawings.
1.2.7. Copy Rights
All manuals, documents and drawings are mpy righted awarding to
DIN 34.
1.2.8. Technical Documentation and Data Sheat
For in deplh explanations see the following chapten:
Safety Chapter 2.
Transport and Storage Chapter 3.
Description of the Pump Chapter 4.
Mounting and Installation Chapter 5.
Mounting at Stan-up and Shut down Chapter 6.
Maintenanm Chapter 7.
Trouble Shooting Chapter 8.
Drawings and documents Chapter 9.

12.9. Customer Service

If service is requiredor questions need to be answered, please a n t a d
our headquaners or someone In our sales organlzalion.

E 185 51Tlle; rev. 3

Page 1 of Page 14
I :i 2. Safety
2.1. General Rules and Advice
2.6. Safety Advice tor the Servlce, lnspectlon and Mounting

This manual includes general rules which have to be observed for The entire scope of service, including inspection and
installation, operation and maintenance. Therefore this manual has to mounting.has to be done by an authorizedspecialist, who
be read before installation and operation by the installer, as well as by has knowledge of this manual. Any work on the machine
the res~onsibles~ecialistluser.It has to be made available at the iob is only allowed when the unit is standing still. The shut-
Site for'referenm i t a later date.
2.2. Dangers of not observing the Safety Advice
Ignoringthe safety advim can endanger people, the environment and
@ down of the unit described in the manual has to be fol-

the pump unit. For example:

Damageto the pump units or certain functions of these units, can en-
danger personnel through electric, mechanical and chemical in-
fluences, endangering the environment by leakage of harmful prod- lmmediatelyat the end of any work all safety and prolec-
ucts and other pollutants. lion devices have to be installed completely. Before
start-up, points mentionedunder 6.4 have to be followed.
2.3. Safely conscious Working
Thesafety rules listed in this manual, applicable preventive practices
as well as internal safety rules of the user always have to be followed.
2.7. Denial of Modifications and Changes without Approval
2.4. Warning and Advice Signs
In this manual safety symbols are mentionedwhich can help to prevent Changes or modificationson the unit which have not been mnfirmed
accidents to personnel. A general salety sign identifies hazards which by Leisfrih, are not allowed.
.' 3I will endanger the unl and l s function.

2.8. Unallowable Running Conditions

The aperational safety of the delivered unit is on4y assured by operat-

ing acmrding to the mnlirmed design and data. Unils should not be
used under different operating mnditions without the manufacturer's
approval.The IimM~on of me pelformam datasheek should never

The word "Allention" is insertedin the text to note these addiional ad-
vim signs and is labeled directly on the unit.
be exceeded. Safety hazards may result if they are exceeded.

2.9. Other Operations and Safely Hazards

(Attention] All pa&

nig material of the pump or the unit shall only be
removed directly before the inslallation of the pump.
For example: No foreign particles are allowed to enter the pumpl
Directionof Rotation and Flow The danger of an am&nt at installaton and mounting of

Eleclrical Current Warning the unit has to be observed at any time.
Malking of the Nozzles (inlet, outlet arrows) Balance stability always has to be existing, assembly
L . -
Markina Vent and Drain Owninq parts have to be secured against falling.
I "NOru* sign and others.
Loose parts have to be secured by proper means.
2.5. Safely Advlce for the Operator The pump unit is not allowed to be loweredor lifted by the
powersupply lines or by the piping.

+lot or extremely mld machine parts are potential dangers and must
Connecting the power supply line to the Motor starter has
be protected against access.
to be done an Electrician and following the electrical lay-
-Coupling guards, which protect the flexible mupling and shaft from
assess, shall NOT be removed during running of the equipment. out of ihe molor supplier.. Proper dimensioning of We fines
-Leakage of hazardous producls at the seal, by such as, explosive, has to be observed. All dangers by electrical energy have
toxic or hot fluids have to be collected and drained to a safe place not to beeliminated. NEMMDA rules and the ules of thelo-
to endanger operating personnel and h e environment. cal Energy and Supply mrnparry haveto b e observed as
All general rules of law, applicable to the site have to be followed.

E 185SlTNe;rev.3
Page 2 of Page 14
3. Transport and Intermediate Storage The listed preservative agent are meant to be a recommendation.
3.1. Safely Measures Olher manufacturers can be used as well. Preserving the internals of
the pump is achieved by filling the pump with the preservation agent.
During filling the Page 6.. power rotor has to be rotated in reverse very
slowly. Continue filling the pump until the preservation Ruid exils the
suction nozzle with any air bubbles.

Larger screw p m p s and all pumpldriver un ts have to oe transportm

to the instalaIion by means of lifong cences. Liing and owering of the
3.5.1. Aging of Preservation
i lo ta done in a baanced manner. Cranes and Jfting devices
~ n fhave
have to be smified orowov. It has to be assured that the unn wll NOT According to the preservationRuld manufacturer, the shelf life of TEC-
'%pove?. shelves d d ;a& used for slorage of the units have to be TYL 506 is 4 lo 5 yean at inside slorage and 12-24 months at oulside
designed to accommodate the weight and size.
storage; TECTYL 511 M is approx. 18 monlhs at indoor storage only.
3.2. Transport Precautions By mixing TECTYL 506 and 511 M 50150, conservation preservation
time of 2-112 - 4 years indoors and 12 months outdoors can be ex-

Additional packing will extend lhe preservationlime accordingly. The

ingredients in these preserving agent will allow proper corrosion
Damage during transport of the unR should NOT occur. Lifting, using protectionevenat high humidity, Independent of any temperature.
parts Ike the motor, condut tax or a power supply cable is not per-
mined. Sufficient care snould be taken that the unn cannot slide or fa I
during the transport. The packing material of the unR shall not be dam-
3.5.2. Re-Preservation
aged. All advise on the paddng crate or tax have lo be stridy followed.

3.3. Unpacking

Upon receipt of the pump, immediately inspect the unil for potential
IAttenfion For longer storage the user of the pump has
to che, lhe premvation of the pump regu.
lady. Avoid damages which m u r due to im-
transport damage. Transport damages have to be reported immedi- proper preservation.
ately to the Insurance Company.
Before installingthe unit all packing material has to be removedmm-
pletely. All uncovered openings of the unit, for example, the access
3.5.3. Removal of the Preservation Fluid
hole on the bell housing, is to be inspected for loose material, such as
wooden splinters, nails, bolts, metals clamps and others. Such items
Before stan-up of the pump the preservation agent needs to be re-
need to be removed. End covers, blind plug, etc.. have to be removed
moved. The Ruid which was used on the inside of the pump normally
as well.
can be removed by Rushing the pump with product. providedthe prod
3.4. Intermediate Storage - . .
uct is allowed to get contaminated bv this. in addiion Drooer solvents
can be used lo remove the inner and outer preservatives. Proper sol-
The delivered screw pumps are already preserved for shorter storage vents could be Kerosene, Diesel or M i n e r a l i z e d spirits, industrial
time. For longer shut-iown time, the pumps have to be further pro- solvents, cleaners and other paraffin solvents. Hot steam cleaners
lected from corrosion. An oulsidelinside preservation needs to be with according anachmenls can be used as well.
done as oullined under 3.5.
The pump always needs to be filled with
3.5. Preservation product to avoid seizing the pump rotors at
slart-up. II at the installation site the piping.
The time limitation of the preservingmaterial is dependent on the com- tanks and other parts in various circulation systems are covered with
position of the material. Therefore preserving materials should be used parafin containing preservation malerial, the whole system needs to
which will be stable for at least 12 months. The following materials can be Rushed. This is necessary because paraffin lowers the degassing
be used for an inside and outside preservation. capability of the products. This mighl cause a rough running pump in
connection w l h loud noise development (aeration).
Preservation Points: Preservation agents:
All machined an0 uno&nled 1 TECTYL 506
surfaces like shaft end and
Range covers

Pump casing intemals, rotor

Ior compound
TECTYL 506 and
TECTYL 5 1 1 4 1')
.. I 3.6. Protection from the Envlronmenl

When storing the screw pump, the discharge and suction flange al-
set and end covers TECNL 506 and ways need to be covered by blind Ranges, blind plugs or similar mate-
TECTYL 511 4 (') rial. The storage shall take p x a in a dust lree and dry room. During
-(') Manufacturing: VALVOLINE OEL GmbH 8 Co. - storage, R is rewmmended to lurn the inner parts of the pump manu-
ally every 4 week. The rotor set and bearing change their position dur-
The preservative agent shall be spread by means of brushing or ing this process. If the storage and packing is done properly, the unit
spraying. can be preserved for a very long time.

E 185 51TNe; rev. 3

Page 3 of Page 14
,i 4. Description of the Pump 4.3.3. Shaft Seal
4.1. General Description Sealing the sub shaft of the driving spindle against the product, a sim-
The Leistrilz Screw Pumps of the L3NG Series are low pressure ple non-balanced maintenance free mechanical seal (Dosition 62)
pumps up to 16 bars. They are self priming positive displacement mounteddirectiyin the driving side cover (position 045).
pumps and are used to move oils or other lubricating products. Materials and means of construction (manufacturer of the mechanical
seal) will be adjusted to the according operating conditions and char-
4.2. Assembly and Operation acteristics of the product being pumped.
Due to the s!mcial Drofile of the three tumina s~indies.sealed cavities
are produced. ~ h e ' d o u b ~ e adriving
d spi'dld (posaion 150) rotates. 4.3.4. Casing Gasketing
sealing with the doubldead idler spindle (position 151) in the spindle The pump is sealedoff using flat gasket (position 031) and seals rings
bore of the pump casing (position 001) which encloses the spindle set (position 006) depending on the operating conditions and the pumped
with tight tolerances. products.
The motion of the two idler spindle is caused by the calculated hydrau-
lic forces leaving only the reiulhng moment &used by the fluid iriction
4.3.5. Bearing
to be transmined over the flanks of the spindle profile. Therefore the
spindleset is almost withaut any load and will not wear. Wlh this prina- The outboard, greased, shielded and maintenance free bearing (posi-
pal the pumps continually move fluid without sheer and turbulence tion 170) according to DIN 625, mounts the power rotor (position 015)
from the suction to the discharge side. This constructive design in into the drive side cover (position 045).
-. .
workina DrinciDle assures a low noise level and an almost ~ulsation
freedischarge. 4.3.6. End Cover
The complete spindle geomey is chase in in a way that no axial thrust The end side cover (position 030) or the pedestal (position 040) shuts
is effected on the grooved ball bearing (position number 170). The the pump casing (position 001) at suction side.
grooved ball bearing (position 170) fixes the driving spindle (position
150) in axial direction.
The bearing application of the idler spindles (position 151) is erected in 4.3.7. Drive Side Cover
the pump
. . casing.(position
.. 001). The drive side cover lwsition 045) serves for integration of the me-
Dependingon the operating pressure, an appropriate choke gap is chanicalseal and for fuing of the mfnplete pump. hi mounting face is
built bemeen the balancing - .piston of the driving- spindle
. lwsition 150) accordina to DIN 3019. Dosition 2. section 4. squared mountina
and the idler spindles (position 151), which guarantees the hydrody- flanges. w L ~ this four hole'munting flange. the com&te pump can be
namic bearina of the idler soindles.
The subsequent lightening area is connected with the suction side
At the discharge connection, a cast in error describes the
pump room by means of a boring and stands thus always under flow direction of the oroduct. Before start up that flow
suction pressure. By this geometric design of the spindle padcage the directionhas to be &ed. Mountingthe mm&te pump
axial thrust balancing is guaranteed. to the dnver. sue% acc.to DIN 938 or DIN 939 have lo be
used together with hex head bolls and nuts.
4.3. Construction of the Parts
4.3.1. Pump casing 4.3.8. Pressure Relief Valve
Depending on the mounting configuration, the execution of the pump As desdbed on 4.3.1, the pump can be executed with an integral pres-
casing will be made (position 001). The complete pump casing can be sure relief valve. ~xaggeratingtheadjusted values. the poppet (posi-
mountedturned by each time 4 x 90' to the main shaft of the driving tion 219) liis from the seat and the product circulates into the suction
aggregate. The suction area will be dosed off wilh the non-drive side areaof the pump casing. The opening pressure is adjusted by w m -
cover (position 30). The drive side cover (position 45) is mounted on pressingihe valve wrina . lmsilbn 235)with the adius6w
. .screw (posi-
the d i i a r g e side. As an ophn the pump casing can be executed with iion 222) at the factory or at the user,depending on the requirement.

an integrated relief valve. Using the pump with a pressure limitation valve, care
The relief valve protects the pump only against overload should be taken that the poppet will always stay movable
and is not meant to be used as a pressure regulating in it's axis. A complete dosing of the valve bore by means
valve1 Operation and manual of the pressure regulating of l W n g the aauslmenl suew and the mnnected valves
valves. see section 4.3.8. The pump casing can be spring by complete compression, shall not be allowed.
drainedin anv mountina - confiauration. Therefore, check before s M since this could cause damage to the pump. If a pressure
up on eventual y not plugged openings. regulationis necessary, this shall be done with separate
\ On the suction connectionthe castina 's executed wdh a regulating devices, executed and installedby the user.
cast in flaw drection arrow. Before st& up the flow direc-
tion needs to be checked.
Suction and discharge connection are executed as a DIN or ANSI-
flanged connection, marked wilh flow direction arrows cast into the
4.32. Splndle Set panern. YUsldneck counter flanges aowrdiw DIN or ANSI can be s u p
The diving spindle (position 150) is doubldead, hardened and axially pliedwith a price adder.
positioned wilh a grooved ball bearing (position 170). The idler Maximum allowable forces and momenls are depending
spindles (position 151) &ubMead as well, hardened or unhardened, on the pump size, and are listed on the dimension print of
are paired to the driving spindle. During operation both idler spindles the pump or on the assembly drawings. These values
are pushed in axial direction against the driving side balancing piston shall never be exceeded. Connections for drain, vent or
of the driving spindle (position 150). heating, if not needed, need to be plugged before start up.

E 185 517iVe: rev. 3 Page 4 of Page 14

: ) 4.3.10. Drive and Shaft coupling Idler spindle 1.7139 hardened or 0.6025
The pump will be directly wupled to an electric motor or other drive via Gasket CENTELLEN WS 3820
a bell housing wilh foot angle or a bell housingwilh a mounting plate in a
vertical mount arrangement.
Always observe the correct direction of the rotation and

4.6. Operating
proper drive speed. The pumps can be mounted in any
mountingposition. Because of safely reasons, mounting
4.6.1. General Operation Fields
the motor below the pump is not allowed. The shaft mu-
pling transmfis the turning moment form close with a three

General industry technology, oil burning energy, ship building and off
piece elastic form wnnecting coupling, which balances shore technology, machine and heavy machinery manufacturing,tank
axial, radial and angular misalignment of the connecting
farms, chemical and petrochemical and OEM Industries,food procas-
shafts. Different execution (manufacturer and material
sing and others.
combinations)are available with price adder

4.4. Dimensioning and Geometry

4.4.1. Standard Overall and Single Dimenslon Drawings 4.62. Temperature and Pressure Limitations
Standardoverall dimensions for the size 020 through 070 are accord-
ing to drawing E 168 5954 with DIN flange mnnections.

Standard single dimension drawings for the size

with DIN flange wnneclions
020 + 025 drawing E 1M15918
032 drawing E 168 5919 The nominal pressure, viswsity and temperature details must be
038 drawing E 168 5920 needed (see data sheet). Ifno details are given to the contrary, the
045 drawing E 168 6026 values -aiven can be considered as relief values and mav not be
052 drawing E 168 6027 exceeded. If protective measures are required as a result of the
060 drawing E 168 6028 operating temperatures or temperature limits to prevent disturbance
070 drawing E 168 6029 of the surface, these are to be applied by the customer and may not
further project related drawings will be attached. be removedin operation,

If separate single dimension sheets have been executed for the user
they have to be requested.
4.6.3. Performance Data and Speeds
4.42. Standard Assembly Drawings Performance Tables
Assembly dram'ng for the size 020 through 070 with DIN Range
wnnections and various motor size are available: Performancetables aanrding to pump sue and lead angle for various
For foot pumps D 161 9247 speeds and viscosity's, see E 165 €448. page 1-21.
For submerged pumps D 161 9249
For tank top mounted pumps D 161 9248
further project related drawings will be attached. Power Consumption Dlagrams
If separate mounting drawings had been made for the user, they have
to be requested. Power wnsumption's diagrams for pump size and lead angle for vari-
ous speeds and viscosity's, they have to be requested.
4.4.3. Standard Sectional Drawlngs
Standard cross sectional drawings for all sizes and possible execu-
tions according to drawing E 160 6878 or C160 7631 4.6.4. Installallon
Ifspecial uoss sectional drawings for the user have been made, they Necessary Space for Operatlng and Maintenance
have to be requested.
All above drawings are available in different languages on request. Choose the mounting space that way that an undisturbed operation
and uncomplicated maintenance of the unit is possible. Follow all
safety regulationsas well.
4.5. Execution Modifications
4.5.1. v p e key
.. kev...listed at the end of this manual, does indude all wmbina-
The tMe Allowable Envlronmentat Influences
tions of pump modificationsvia number and letter wde. Every stan-
dard pump can be described by that. Existing environmental influences which would have

4.52. Standard Material of Construction

Pump casing
Drive side wver
0.6025 or 0.7040
[1'] negative influence on the operation of unit, i.e., high heat
radiance from neighboring machine parts, splash water
and so forth, have to be avoided as much as possible. All
environmental influences and mounting configurations have to be
End wver 1.0421 slated upon ordering. Addiionally operation measures, i.e., insulating,
Driving spindle 1.7139 hardened vibraliondampers, have to be stated at order.

E 185 5177Ie; rev. 3 Page 5 of Page 14

I i Base, Foundationand Anchoring The cleaning of the pipework should not be executed with water
The anchoring is depending on the type and the size of the unit. If the or with fluids with minimum viscosity below the minimum indica-
unit is mounted via L-bracket. the mounting holes, respective elon- ted viscosity shown i n the pump data sheet. During hydrostatic
gated holes of the foot bradcet have to be used. test of the whole pipework system, the pump must be isolated.
The mounting should be chosen that no movement of the The hydmtest of the pump (dynamic or static) will cause damage

B unit is possible. All sub bases and foundations must be

statically sound. The unit should not be exposed to the
vibrations of other machines. If vibrations cannot be
avoidedvibration isolators have to be installed.
If the unit is mounted with a lid plate onto a tank, ensure
to the pump (especiallyto the shah sealing system). H this proce
dure is not maintained. the guarantee
Support Connections
is not void.

All other support connections have to be dimensioned properly and

broughltowards the unit. The user is solely responsible for the sizing

that the tankcan suppart the weight of the pump. It is r e and materid selection. In prindpal no mechaniciforms are allowed t i
ommended to use vibrahon isolators. This will reduce the take ~plce.Damaged support d w s have to be re~airedor exchanaed
noise at the tank walls drastically. Leistrilz cannot be
made liable for damages of the unit due to unstable anchoring. Suction and Discharge Piping
The pump unit is not permilied to act as a mounSng point

for piping. The maximum allowable forces and moments
on the flanges mentioned in the dimension sheets and
assembly drawings may not to be exceeded. This is true
for possible temperature forms as well, see section 8.3.The pipe sizes
on the suction and discharge side should be at least the size of the
pumpconnections. The sel&on of the pipe has to be done using the
existino Row velocitv. The flow velocitv in the suction line should not
exceed 1 meter per second and in the discharge line, 3 meters per se-
cond. When piping up suction and discharge lines, care should be
taken that the Row of the medium is not disturbed by mounting short
radius elbows, right angle valves or check or badc pressure valves in
the suction line. Unavoidable diameter changes in the Row lines have
to be executed with smooth reducers. Any sudden direction changes
should be avoided. The suction and dscharge Ines have to be sealed
tightly and piped in such a manner that n o i i r bubbles can build up.
Therefore the piping
. . .must always be laved in a rising manner. The
spindles of gate valves should be positidned horizontily or veltically
downwardto allow venting of the lines a! the highest point. Fmpe gas-
kets cannot be permilied to pmlrude Into the 1.6 the
of pipe andinstal-
lation of isolation valves before and after the pump as well as a check
valve at the discharge side is recommended. The isolation valves are
onlv used to dose . -
lines for wllino t% unit out of s e ~ mThev
to be completely open during normal operation. All pipes and vaives

have to be cleaned thoroughly before the pump is mounted in order to

nush out weld slag, weld beads and possible mounting debris, like
bolts, nuts and so forth. No liabilily can be claimed for damages to the
pumpwhich have been caused by solid partides in the product. Mount
the pump onto the tank in such maner that air bubbles and foam par-
tides, which might have been produced in the Ruid are kept out of the
pump inlet.

The tan6 has to be dimensioned and mounted in such

fashlonthat the use of maamum alowable Row and media
temperatures am not exceeded, proper installations mea-
sures achieve this goal.
The lifetime of a screw pump is determined by the cleanliness of the
product and it's relationshipto the tight tolerances between the rotors
and the rotor sleeve. We recommend the installationof suction strain-
ers with the following mesh sizes:

Mesh size viscosity

0.3 - 0.5 mm ,150 mm2k
0.1 -0.3mm 37-150mnWs
0.06 - 0.1 mm c37 mmZs
During the connection of the piping to the pump the flow direction
- wmD
throuahthe . . has to be observed (arrows on the DumD). The con-
nection of a pressure gauge on the pump body shouid be planned.

E 185 5177Ie; rev. 3 Page 6 of Page 14

i' 1 5. Mounting and lnstallatlons
5.1. Tools
Careful and accurate adjustment of the shaft ends will
lengthen the life 6me of the coupling. The wupling half on
the pump side is not allowed to be i n s ~ l e with
d a hammer.
For the total mounting or disassembly standard tools are necessary:
-Allen head wrenches according to DIN 911 Bell housina or other su~portmeasures of the pump have to be thor-
-Open end wrenches acwrding to DIN 838 IS0 3318 oughly cheiced for po&ible defective manufacturing. The referenced
- 0 p n end wrenches acwrding to DIN 3110 minimumallowable values for radial. axial and anaular
. offset of the
-Machinist hammer accordina - to DIN 1041 shafts according to DIN 42955 (table 1 ,N and table 2.N) have to be
-Rubber mallet achieved manufaclurina - the bell housina.
- Mountina advises of the cou-
-Screw driver according to DIN 5.2641A pling manufacturer have to be observed.
-Screw driver insulated (electrical)
-Gear puller 2 or 3 armed All rotating parts have to be protected against uninten-
- Pliers for snap rings according to DIN 5254 tional touch1 Damages caused by improper mounting or
-Snap ring pliers acwrding to DIN 5256

adjustment of the pump and motor, are not covered under
-Mounting sleeves for ball bearings warranty.

52. lnltlal Installation of the Pump

The shaft end of the pump and driver have to be aligned
carefully, since eccentricity, non-parallelisms and plain
arrows will fast destroy the elasticelement of the wupling
and furthermore can cause damage to the pump. Mount-
ing the pump to a drier, care should be taken that the side offset of the
shafts (distance between shafts) the maximum ecoentndty (center off-
5.3. Initial Installmion of the Pump Unit
set between the shafts) and the maximum angularily of the two shafts
do not exceed the remmmendeddata of the coupling manufacturers. The wmr, unit has to be inspectedat the iob sile for damases. If the unit
When using special couplings the reoommendations of the manufac- is aisembled at the job site, follow 5.2 After proper aignment, the
turer cannot be exceeded. Axial forces are not allowed to be trans- comDlete unit has to be anchored accordinalv. Base and foundations.
mined through the mupling into the pump. see 4.6.

1. Mounting the indicator on the drive 2. Mounting indicator on one shaft and
shaft and rotation of both shafts; turning of both shafts;
checking on concentricity and correction
if necessary.
checkina of Darallelism and correction if

E 185 51Tlle: rev. 3 Page 7 of Page 14

6. Start up - Shut down and operation data. Check especially that wilh higher specific gravity
or hioher viswsitv of the oroduct as orioinai assumed. the driver will
6.1. Technical Documentation not b;? over load& and NPSH requirdWofthe pump isnot exceeded.
Otherwise cavitation will take olace. Chednthe liauid level in the tank.
- ,
Before start up check all technical demands especially at tank mounted units, that the suction opening always
anddocumentation's. Especially check the stays flooded.
pump unit on:
6.5. Shut down of the Pump
-serial no.
- lype and size For the shut down of the driver no preparations are needed. If the pump
-flow direction and operation type
is shut down against full pressure, it will stand still immediately (un-
problematicfor pump and electric motor). It is remmmended to install a
62. Pipes Schematlc and Measuring Polnts
check valve between the isolation valve and discharge line. At longer
shut down the isolation valves should be closed. If a change of the Ruid
The total piping arrangement, proper connection and dimension of
concentration, crystallization, solidification and others have to be
measuringandgoverning devices have to be observed.
taken in to mnsideralion, the pump has lo bedrained and Rushedwith
The cleaning of the plkwork should not be executed wllh water
a proper fluid.
or with fluids wilh minimum viscosity below the minimum indice
led viscosily shown in the pump data sheet. During hydrostatic
test of the whole pipework system, the pump must be isolated.
The hydroteat of the pump (dynamic or static) will cause damage
Alter a short shut down, the pump can be rHtaned without any prepa-
to the pump (especially to the shaft sealing system). llthis proce
rations. After longer still standing time or re4nstallationof the pump.
~y dure is not maintained,~.the guarantee is not void.
the procedure according to section 6.3, preparationfor start up has to
Damages which occur due to improper positioning or di-
be followed.
mensioningof measuring and goveming devices, are not
mvered under warranty. 6.7. Still Stand

6.3. Preparationfor Start up 6.7.1. Shut down for up to 3 Months

-\fore initial start up the following
- scopes
-Cleaning of the piping. section
. have to be

- Checkhg of the anchoring, section

- CheMng on power supply to the motor
-Check the direction of rotation of the driving motor,
the direction of rotalion must correspond to the direc-
Ifthe start up of the pump is within 3 months of installation or the shut
down of the pump is less than 3 months, no special prese~aSonis r e

6.7.2. Shut down horn 3 to 6 Months

Before the initial start up the suction and discharge port

have lo be mvered with a blank. At shut down, suction
tion of rotation arrow on the pump. By an incorrect
direction of rotation, the pump will produce no suction. and discharge insulation valves have to be closed. Wdh
this will cause the pump to be damaged that measure the pump remains filled with product. If the
- Remove blind plugs on suction and a'scharge l:n& section 3.3 product includes aggressive panicles which might anack the materials
-Check pp'ng according to Row d'rection, sect:on 4.3.9 and of construction of the pump, follow according section.
-Visual checking of the bump unit, section 6.1
6.7.3. Shut down for more than 6 Months
-Opening of the separation valves
- ~iii with pumping liquid and be sure to protect against running The pump has to be dosed on and sealed off according to
1 dry. For filling information and recommendations, see Document E
6.7.2. and has to be filled with preservationmaterial. To
I 1ffi 5504 (see Append*).
protect the running surfaces of the bearings against mm-
-All goveming and control equipment have to be checked on lunc-
pression marks caused by vibrations or shocks, the
tion alter inslallation ( i.e.. emergency switch off, needle pressure
power rotor is to be turned in according time intervals. (1.e. all 4 weeks
gauge and others )
rotatedmanual, so that parts like the rotor set and the bearing should
-To protect people, all equipment has to be according to rules and
end in a differenl poslion each time).

6.4. Stan up
The necessary supervision of a Leistritz screw pump is
Beforestart up, the rotation direction and speed has to be very minor. In proper time intervals, discharge pressure.
checked. Suction and pressure gauges have to be ob- Row rale, excess power consumption of the electrical mo-
served and compared to order and operation data. Tem- tor, alignment of the pump (coupling),seal, filter, mnlami-
peratureand vismsily of the product should be checked. nation and unusual noises should be observed. The deanliness of the
On the drive side cover in the bail bean'ng area, the tem- prcduct is the main factor in the lie time of the pump. A visual check of

LJ! T perature can be 20-30 "C, below the product tempera- ihe pump should be done at lean once a monk. The pump should al-
lure, but has to be below 120%. ways run quiet andvibration free. The Dump is not permitted to run dry1
shalt seal should be checked, espedily during sfart up time, leakage
The discharge line has to be vented until prcduct edts h e vent vaive or might occur.
vent screw. The venting devices have to be closed alter this proce- The leakage of one drop of product per hour is an average
dure. for an undamaged mechanical seal. If the pumps are
Alter start up of the pump, total pump pressure, flow rale, viscosily, mountedas spares. they should be started up from time to
temperaturespeed and horse power have to be compared to the order time for a short period of time, to assure they are ready

E 185 51TNe; rev. 5-27.08.04

Page 8 of Page 14
when needed. Furthermore,the shall should be rotated according to
section 6.7.3.

6.9. Bearing of the Driving Spindle

m The bearing on the power rotor is a maintenance free.

r grease packed sealed ball bearing. The bearing is de-
signedfor 17500 hours running under the conditions de-
scribed under section 4.6.2. In a rough service, high tern-
peraturesor others, the design life can be shortened drastically.

If there is a regreasinwssibility at the pump, the groove ball bearing

has to be regreased regularly The regreasing intervals depend on the
grease service life of the used greasemedia and on the operational
charges.A monthly inspection respectively an inspection after 500 o p
erating hours would be remmmended by the manufacturer.

For the lubrication, all h i g k q u a l i and temperalure-resislant ball bea-

ring - greases as proposed as follows, can be used.

manufacturer up l o 130% up to 180°C

Aral Aralub HLP 2

BP BP-Enerrease LSEP2
Castml Spheerol Ap2
DEA Glissando EP2 Diskor Plus 2
Esso Beacon Ep2 Unirex S 2
Fuchs Renolit FEP 2 Renoplex EP 3
Mobil Mobilux EP 2 Mobiltemp SHC 32
Optimol OM 2 EP oder Optitemp KT 2
Longtime PD 2
Shell Alvania Grease EP 2 Darina Grease 2

or comparable grease - producls

grease - filling - quantities

type of pump grease filling quantity

E 185 51TNe; rev. 5-27.08.04 Page 9 of Page 14

7. Maintenance For Pumps nandlmg dangerous materialor en.

7.1. General 0 .
Attention wonmentalendangering prod.c!s the user has
to lnfoim tne personnel at the job site or at a
oack to the factory shipment. the factory has to be in-
The maintenance work includes almost exclusively checkhg of pump (foimeawithout askno.- In th s case.the user has to s m
parts for wear and damage. Leisle Screw Pumps of the Series L3NG ply a DIN safety sheet to identify the pump product.
need minimum maintenance, as long as the confirmed operating data Dangerous products are:
are kept and the fluid is as free as possible from abrasive panicles. The - Toxic. Cancer creating, vegetable damaging. Gene
cleanlinessandthe w a b i l i i to lubricate lhe Droduct, are dominant in changing materials, which endanger in other ways
the expectancy life of a pump. If a high operation safety is necessary. people's health. Acids, iMating materials, explosion en-
we recommend the following maintenance intervals according to sec- dangering,Rame exhilarating, high and light flammable
tion. materials

7.2. Maintenance and Inspection

-After 500 hours of operation the pump should be ex-

amined, the pump should be checked for unusual
noises and it shall be checked with a temperature sen-
sor. The temperature difference between the fluid and
the drive side cover should not excaed 22-25 "C. The The user is solely responsible for the site warnings signs
leakageof the mechanical seal should not exceed a few and these signs have to be observed. At all work at the job
drops per hour. site their own or LElSTRlTZ personnel have to be advised
-After 2 years h e pump should be disassembled and all inner parts about all dangers which might occur during disassembly
should be examinedfor damage and wear, especially the mechanical and repair.
seal has to be checked in lhe sliding surfaces. The idler rotor head
7.3.3. Disassembly and Assembly
surfaces have to bs checked for wear as well.
m- The most important disassembling and mounting steps

-Worn pans needto be replaced. Ch& the casing and the Row
are described in the following:
ets in the relief vaive for aid mnlaminalion. If ain deposils are mted, it
No warranty claims can be aazpted if all necessary as-
needs to be cleaned out. sembly steps have not been kept in order, or damages
due to improper disassembly or assembly occurred.

7.3.4. Tools
7.3. Dlsassembly and Assembly
Necessary Assembly Tools (see Section 5.1)
7.3.1. General Precaution 7.4. Disassembly of the Pump
With proper supervision of the pump, operation interruptions which -The power lines have to be disconnected by an Elec-
trician. Motor or driver have to be made unhmctional.
might make a disassembly necessary, are very rare. If an intemption
-Cheddng of the insulationvalves in suction and dis-
occurs, the possible cause should be determined before disassembly,
charge line, they have to be closed.
if at all possible. The trouble shooting table in section 8.1 gives hints
about possible causes. At all disassembly and assembly, all parts
. . cool down to surroundina- environment tem-
r -Let DumD
have to be handled with care. Shodcs and impacts have to be ahvays -Disconnect suction and discharoe Ranoes
avoided. All park have to be carefully cleaned, possibly re-aondi- J
-BY unbolting the mounting Range, the pump can be
tioned or exchanged for spare parts. After assembly the Driving \ lifted from the mountino unit.
spindle has to rotate freely, otherwise the bearing and mechanicalseal I 1; I
-Couplings half on pump shaH has to be pulled via
could be damaged. At all work the pmper cross sectional drawing has gear puller, remove key (position 180) from pump
to be used as work base.
-Valves spring (position 235) needs to be released via
adfisting screw 222.the seal nut (position 281) needs
to be loosened for this purpose (only with integral
7.33. Customer SenricelPersonneVDanger pressure relief valve).
-To remove end side cover or the pedestal (position 30 or 40) take
For mounting and repair LElSTRlTZ personnelcan be made availaMe out bolts (position 32 or471 and remove aaskels (wsition 31).
to the user upon request. -Remove valve parts (position 219. 220 and 235) (only with integral
Ifrepairs are done by the user or LElSTRiR personnel, relief valve).

BI the pump always has to be under atmospheric pressure.

completely emptied and cleaned. This is essential for
pumps which have to be shipped to our factory for repair.
Receipt of pumps which are tilled with product, has to be rejected to
protect the fellow worker and for environmental reasons. Otherwise
-Loosen screw (position 50) on drive side mver (position 45) and
remove drive side cover and gasket (position 46) from pump cas-
ing (position 001). Doing that, watch for spindle set, mechanical
seal and grooved ball bearing. See valid sectional drawing.
-Separate idler spindles (position 151) from driving spindle (position
we would have to charge the user for an environmental improper dis- -Remove circlip (position 174 and 173) and supporting disk (position
wsal. 172).

E 18551771e: rev. 3
Page 10 of Page 14
-Pull driving spindle (position 150) through the I.D. of the grooved with the supporting disk (position 172) in place, through the drive
I ) ball bearing (position 170) towards suction side through the diwe side cover and the ball bearing. Never drive the driving spindle
side cover. Remove supporting disk (position 172). through the ball bearing wilh impact by a hammer nor the ball
-The rotarv oart of the mechanical seal has to be carefullv ~., ulled
from the driving spindle. Depending on the manufacturer the lock-
bearing over the shaft via hammer. The driving - spindle,
. sliohtlv
greased, needs to engage with the inner diameter of the ball bear-
ing device has to be removed. ing all the way on to the shoulder on the driving spindle. After-
-The stationary face of the mechanical seal with G r i n g or seal ring wards mount the supporting disk (position 172) and circlip (posi-
can now be pressm out carefully of tne drwe s~dewver. tion 173).
- Remove grooved ball bearing (position 170) in direction shah end - Put M n g (part 46) in place on to drive side cover (position 45).
with a puller out of the &e; side cover (position 45). - Posilionthe idler spindles (position 151) as a pair on to the driving
Spindle and siide spindle set inlo the casing. Watch for the posi-
7.5. Assembly of the Pump tion of the runningiurfaces ( mark), the casing box should be
- .oiled for this purwse. Bolt the pump casing with screws
A re-assembly can only be permined if full functional and (position 047) onto drive side cover, note that the screws need to
undefective parts are used. We recommend as well a be pulled simultaneously and the proper position of the connection
cleaningof heavily stained parts
flanges has to be noted.
-Assembly valve parts, position number 219, 220 with 235, in the
-The grooved ball bearing (position 170) needs to be checked for proper order in to the vaive cavity (only with existing relief valve).
damages*, defective seal disks, then it should be pressed into the - Place gasket (position 031) onto the end side cover of the pump
drive side wver (position 45). 'Like smooth run, grease filling. casing (position 001).
Never force the bearing in place by means of a hammer, this -Turn ;el screw (pos'tion 222) that far nto the end slde cover
would cause damage of the running surfacesand the bearing (position 030) that tne tip of the adustment screw touches the
balls. Secure in place by means of the circlip (positionl74). ;pring plate (position 220) withoutiensioning the valve spring
-Mounting of the mechanid seal needs absolute cleanliness. (Wsilion 235). Afterwards pull the end side cover tight bv means
Especially a damage of the sliding surfaces and elastomers have 61 using screks (position 030) seal nut (position 28;) ohto adjust-
to be avoided. ment screw and after adjusting the relief valve to proper operating
-The stationary element of the mechanical seal pressures, seal light (only if a relief valve exists).
(position 62) can be pressed into the drive side cover with the - Heat pump side wupling half to app. 110°C and slide
O-ring in place. Watch for equal pressure distribution over the on to shaft end of the driving spindle with the key
whole ring. Watch as well for the position of the edged adjusting (180) in place. The wupling hall shall not be installed
pin (posifon 61) in arive side cover (position 45). 11necesiary. with impact by a hammer.
spacer ring (wsitlon 63)on to driving spindle (position 150).
watch for absolutely undamaged dn'b spindie surface inthe Afier complete re-assembb the pump has to be instaled into the d k -
mechanical seal area. ing unii and be mounted acmrding to section 5.2. Thereafter the d s-
-To reduce the friction forces at assembly of the mechanical seal. charge suction and supply lines have to be connected properly. At the
restart-up, section 6.0 have to be followed and the pressure I'mitation
oil driving soindle l~osition1501In the area of the rolatino - element valve, safety valve, ifexisting has to be adjusted
with oil or siliwne grease fill. It is not permined that Teflon oil n'ng
gets in contact with mineral oil or grease. Silicone grease is r e c -The down valve spring (position 235) hard via adjustment screw
ommended, depending on seal execution, the rotary part needs lo (position 222).
be locked onto the shan. -Start oump with the thronle vaive A open.
Above is not applicable for rubber bellows -~hro~lin~;alveA, so that the gauge shows the required
seals, they have to be mounted with a proper . - .pressure and the flow meter B shall show steady
valve opening
solvent, water or alcohol. flow.
-Release valve spring via adjustment suew (position 222) until the
- Never grease the sliding surfaces, always mount completely dry Row rate on the Row meter number B lowers. This means the relief
and dust free. valve opening pressure is reached.
-After mounting of the rotary element (position 062) on to the driv- -Close thronle valve A. Now the pressure gauge will show the
ing spindle (position 150) the driving spindle needs to be mounted pressure where the total flow is cycled over the valve

E 185 5177/e; rev. 3

Page 11 of Page 14
- Design variant with sealing nut and adjusting screw
-Lock seal nut (281)tightly.
- 0 Design variant cap nut seallng of adjusting screw
For fixing of the adjusting screw (position 222) this one has to be
counteredwilh the hexagonal nut (position 215) and the sealing ring
(position 216). Afterwards the cap nut (position 281) has to be tight-
ened withe the second sealing ring (position 216).

Funher steps see seclion 6.4.

7.6. Spare Parts

In general, we remmmendthat the user should keep a mmplete set of
. . .
soare ,oarts for the oumo unit on stores. It is also mssible to seled a set
of appropriate spares am. to our spare pails list for the individual user.
In order to do this. the following information shall be supplied when or-
-Pump Type
-Pump Size
- Leistrilz Serial Number
-Cross Sectional Drawing Number
-Purchaser IUser
-Address and Telephone Number
An 'nterchangeabi iw can only be gdaranlied
11accurate information's given.

Conserving and intermediate storage of spare pails or spare pumps,

see section 3.4. and 3.5 ...

E 185 5177Ie; rev. 3

Page 12 of Page 14
8. Trouble Shooting Solv~ngal of the partcalar a sturbances the pump news
8.1. Table to define Reason and solving of Problems to oe w.thout system pressare and needs to be drained.

The lane oelow .s ~ s e d to define eventual y nappening dishrbances at

the pump unm. IIproblems ocwr during operaLon of the arm, wh'ch are
not listed in the Uouble shooting list, we recommend a check back wih
the factory or the sales forces.

Compuo malion dirsdion anow ot me pump with !he m l o r direction

ot roation, iln e m m e m a w diredon
chedc ruc~i& and m s u r e s lor tightness, mnDdled pressure relie1m e ,
NPSH amilaMe D Iw shonen wclion line.
mount pump lower in sys.iem, lmpmve flw. lay oudon lines more smlghl.
dimemlon oucfion line blgger In diameter, eliminate flw lurbulence.
eliminate f l w umulence lay eu&n lines more suaighi

OiXharge pressure t w high, mechoperaling daiad the pump,

ulrmriw Iw hlgh, check opraung daw 01 ihs pump, heat up product

operation lhs v l e m and pump was mi filled win product

All In sucflon and dihsharge system, d-erale ihs pump at me hlphest paint.
we larger tanh wim bener de-gasring enect. drop relum 11"s below fluid level in tanh
~ B d l a n l msea damaged by lmpurilles In me produsi.
msdanlsal sed laces damaged and m r n out.
sea OU~BCBOran dry, ovemealed and deledlm, replace mechanld oeai
spindles setzed In me wing baling w machined lhemrelves in,
Ispplq ot damaged area It m l n o r . r ~ o u n ~ n ched
g, and do not ex& operating data
Pump Inner pem have I0 be damaged and mm.r%mount spare paris, flller lhe product or mange
611er9. mech operalion. do not exceed operating pelnD

I )
E 185 5177le; rev. 5-27.08.04 Page 13 of Page 14
8.2. Toque Requirements 8.3. Allowable p i p forces and moments
Necessaw torque requirements according BDI 2230, sheet 1, (me- Forces and moments shown on assembly and dimensional drawings
dium friction) factor 0.14 for shafts, screws and metric standard thread shall not be exceeded.
according to DIN 13, part 13, and head dimension of hex head screws
according to DIN 913 or Allen head screws according to DIN 912 Violating and exceeding these values can damage the
thread size I properiy class I starting torque in Nm pump causing operating problems. Eventually occurring
thermotensions have to be corrected by design modifica-
M6 8.8 10.4 lion (flexible piping).

First edition Prepared Checked .......................... Approval ....................................

Date 17.0ct.1994 ............................. .......................... ....................................
Department KSP..................... ......................... ....................................

9. Drawings, Data Sheets, Appendlx

1. 1
E 185 517718; rev. 5-27.08.04 Page 14 of Page 14
Additional for Shaft Seal
Leistritz "Oil Receiver Mechanical Seal"
Pumpen GmbH (optional)

Oil Receiver Tank Oil Receiver Tank

pump position pump position
horizontal line vertical l i y

) Function of the oil receiver: On sealing leakage and higher almospheric pressure at the suction (in-
The contact between the hot conveying medium and the mol ambient air take) of the pump, h e level raises.
has to be avoided lor mnveying lubricants at temperatures from 120°C, Inspection and filling intervals:
for example heavy oils. When leakage escapes, which is to a less degree The inspection and the refillingof the receivers is dependent on the re-
inevitable for mechanical seals, the escaping liquid is uad4ng and cau- spective operating data of the system. The level and the consumption
ses mallunclions of the mechanical seal. should be c h d e d in short intervals during the breakin period. We sug-
gest to chedc the level on operating start daily and after a period of opera
lnstallatlon of the oil receiver:
tion weekly. On conlaminalionof lhe oil filling. hble on the change of the
The installation is described in the illustrations above. The oil receiver is oil color, the oil should be exchanged after deansing.
placed upwards when pump has a horizontal anangement and in direc-
tionof the driving, when the pump has avertical arrangement. Regreaslng inslallation ball bearlng:
Design of the oll recalver: The ball bearings are exclusivly fit out with a regreasing installation.
Theoil recaiver allows adust-pmof filling of unpressurized recipient m e
We recommendamonthly regreasing or a regreasing affer 5M) run-
diums. The transparent cylinder jackets mnsist optional of plexi or natu-
ning hours. Informations about the grease levels and the suggested lu-
ral gias, the seals mnsist of NBR or viton. The materials will be designed
bricants be found in the 85 51n,
t o meet the requirements.
Reclplent medium:
For filling to convey the heavy oil, heat transfer oil should be used exclu-
sively. The receivers are empty on delivery. The filling has to be procee-
ded preoperational. The recipient medium should bechosen In the way
that the viscosity amounts from approx. 10 to 60 mm-Is on temperature
1 during operat& The reservoir should be filled to approx. 60 %in order to
!. let sufficient cornpensahon dace on leakage. On sealing leakage and lo-
wer atmospheric at the suclion ofthe pump, the leveireduces.

Appendixto E 185 5177

Allowable displacements
Ldstrit~ appendix to all pump instructions

speed n= up to max 1500 rpm speed n= up to max 3600 rpm

Chapter 5 (Mounting and Installation) of the pump op- Pump units or a pump and lantern unit are designed to
erating instructions specifies that the shaft ends of the comply with these requirements in the original state
pump and driving motor must be carefully aligned. In (supplied by Leistritz). If attached parts are purchased
the above table the quality of this alignment can be de-
separately (not included in Leistritz delivery scope),
termined with reference to the coupling size [da].
the requirements for the geometly of these parts must
It should be noted that an alignment of the type shown
also be complied with.
can only be carried out in horizontally installed pump
units. In special cases an alignment of the pump relative to
For units with a "lantern arrangement" it must be en- the lantern is permissible, however this adjustment
sured that the position of the pump shaft is determined should be secured with a suitable locating device.
by the geometry of the lantern relative to the mounting If special couplings are used, e.g. with removable el-
flange of the driving motor. The shape and position of ements, special documents are added to the project
the lantern must be such that the alignment values of documentation. In case of specific questions, please
the above table are achieved. contact our agents or the plant.

(. 1
E 185 5270le Rev.: 02-07. June 2004
ROTEX@Torsionally flexible couplings
Description of coupling - Spider material
ROTE^ wuplings are small in size, low in weight and centrifugal mass yet transmit high torques. Running
qualiiy and durability are positively improved by a l h v e r machining.

Their application is ideal for transmillingtorque and damping the torsional vibrations produced by the uneven
running of certain prime movers.

General description

ROTE^ couplings are torsionally flexible and designed for positive torque transmission. They are
failsafe.Operational vibrations and shocks are efficiently attenuated and reduced. The two congruent
coupling haives wah concave daws on the inside are peripherally olfset in relalion to one another by half a
pitch. In addion, they are designed in such a way as to enable an involute spider to be located between
them. The teeth of the spider are crowned to avoid edge pressure if the shafts are misaligned.

ROTE^ couplings are capable therefore of mrnpensatingaxial, radial and angular displacemenls of the
shafts which they connect.


.- . the intermeoiale members of which are subied to bendiw

As distinct from o h r fledble mudinas. - and are
therefore pmne to more rapidwear, the flexible teeth of ROT^ muplings are exposed only to pressure.
This aives the additionaladvantaoe of the ind~dual teeth beino able to suDwrt mnsiderablv hiher loads.
The maximum torsion angle wiih ROTE^ wuplings of anysize a m o i t s S0.They can.befitted both
horizontallyor vertically.


An operaring temperature range ol-40"C m +1W"C ensures perfecloperation, transient temperatures up

10 +120DCcan rot damaae the muolina. Continuous im~mvemnt of materials has resuked in a standard
spider of 92 Shore A which offers various advantages by comparison with conventional polyurethanes.
For higher toques it is also possible to m&e usa of a 95 -98 Shore A spider ard one wah €4 Shore M.

The spider is exlremely resistant to wear oil, ozone and ageing. Partiarlarlynoteworthy is its resistance to
hydmlyses (ideal for tmpical dimates). Owing to the high internal attenuation the dive is protected against
excessive dynamic loading.

Splders - Materials. Physlcs. Properties

I -
Standard soiders - Basic ranae
1 h k f t ~1
Spider type ldentilication Adm. temvarature PC)
Material time from stock Range of application
colour Continuous max. for Sizes

92 SH A yellow
I Polyurelhan 4 0 to +90

4O +150

19 lo 55
General drives in all ranges of machinery
hydraulicsfor standard applications with
medium elasticih,
Drives wilh higher loads, for very small
twisting angles only with well aligned shafts
e.a. bellhousinas. For vew hiah ambient
. -

Coupling selection
The selection of the ROTE^ coupling is effected in accordance with DIN 740, part 2. The size of the coupling has to be such, that the
permissiblecoupling load is not exceeded in any operating condition. For this a comparison of the occurring loads with the permissible
identilicationvaluesmust be performed.

1. Drives without periodical torsional vlbratlon load

for example centrifugalpumps, ventilators, screw mmprewrs elc. The coupling selection is performed by examining the rated load torque TW
and h e maximum torque Tnmx

1.1. Load with the rated load torque

I Tm TN . S, I
Under mnsideration of h e ambient temperature the permissible rated load torque ,T of the mupling
must at least be the size of the rated load torque of the plant TN.

i 1.2. Load with torque shocks

' B The permissible maximum torque of the coupling Ts must at least be as big as the total of the peak
T,,, 2 Ts . S, . S, + TN . s,I
torqueTSand the rated load torque of the plant TN,under considerationof the shodc frequency Z and
the ambient temperature.

This applies in that case that the rated load toque of h e plant T~superimposed
by a shock process.
shock on load side
Ifh e mass arrajgnment. the shock diredion and We shock type are known, the peak torque Ts can be

For drives with three-phase A.C. motors and large masses on load side we recommend the MA = JL ML = -

calculationof the peak starting torque by means of our simulation programme. JA + JL

2. Drives with periodical torsional vibration load.

For drives endangered by torsional vibration, lor example d'esel engines, piston compressors.
reciprocat'ng pumps, generators etc. d will be necessary to perform a torsional vibraLion ca!ulabon for
an operationally relable selection. Ifdesired, we will cam/ out the lorsional vibration calculation and
h e mupling selection in our works. For me necessary detals please see tne KTR Slandard 20004.

2.1.Load with the rated load torque

Under mnsiderationof the ambient temperahrre the permissible rated load torque ,T of the mupling ITrn2 TN.s,I
must at least be the size of the rated load torque of the plant TN.

2.2.Passing through the resonance.

Undermnsiderationof the temperature h e peak torque Ts occurring during the passage through the
resonance must not exceed the maximum torque TK- of the mupling.

23.Load with alternating torque shocks

Under mnsideralionof h e ambient temperahre h e permissible alternating torque TW of Ule mupling

must not be exceeded by the largest periodical alternating torque Tw at operating speed.

In case of higher operating frequenciesf > 10 Hz the heat resulting from the damping In the elastomer
will be considered as damping capacity P w .

The permissible damping capacity Pw. of h e coupling depends on the ambient temperature and
must not be exceeded by the arising damping capacity.
3. Permissiblekeyway load of the coupling hub

For the mupling selection the permissible keyway load, depending on the material selecliwn, must be observed. ifno material is indicatedwith the
order, we will supply the coupling in grey cast iron. GG 25 quality. The permissible surface pressure in the keyway is IimRed by us lo the following
values according to the type of material:

Material arev cast iron 120 N/mm'

Material nodular iron GGG 40 180 N/mm2
Material steel St 52.3 210 Wmm2

For steel the limit is assumed to be 30% of yield stress.

I Temperature factor S, 11 Starting factor Sz Service factor SAISL

Starting SA~SL
400h 80Olh
quency small shock load 1,5
medium s h d load 1,8
1,4 1.6
heavy shock load 2.5

Designation Symbol Definition

Rated load torque TKN Toque, which can mntinuously transmitted in the complete permissible speed
Maximum torque of the coupling TK Torque, which can be transmined during the complete life of the coupling as dy-
namic load 2 105 times or 5 . to4 times as atemabng loaa.
Alternating torque of the coupling T w Torque amplitude of the perrn'ssible period'cal torque fluctuation with a freq~encyof
10 Hz and with a constant load of TKNor a dynamic load up to TKN
Dampng capacity of the coupling P w Permissble dampng capacitynnth an ambient temperature ol t30"C
Rated load toraue of the olant Tu .
Stationaw rated load toraue at tne couolina -
Peak torque of the plant Ts Peak torque of the coupling
Peak toque of the driving side TAS Peak torque of driving side, for example starting torque of the electric motor
Peak torque of the driven side T L ~ Peak torque impact on the driven side, for example braking
Alternat. torque of the machine Tw Amplitude of the alternating toque effectingthe coupling.
Damping capacity of the machine Pw Damping capacity, which effects h e coupling due to the load caused by the alter-
nating torque
b Moment of inertia of the driving side
Moment of inertia of the driven side
Total of the moments of inertia existing on the driving side or the load side in relation
to the mupling speed.
Rotational inertia coefficient of the MA Factor, which considers the distribution of the masses in case of impact and vibra-
driving side lion excitation at driving side or at the driven side.
Rotational inertia coefficient of the ML
load side
Installation of coupling
Shaft with keyway projects
Shaft seoaration 'E" into spider
of mupling

Axial disolacement AKa Radial displacement AKr Angular displacement AKw


Above listed values of dsplacement for elastic ROT^ -mudings are standardvalues taking acmunt of the torque rasng of the mupliw up to
the nominal torque TI(N a i d nom'nal speed of 1500 l/min, as wel is an amsent temperature of 40°C. M t h drives sub;ected to varying s e ~ c e
mnditionsdease ask for our ROT& Datbsheet on displacement, KTR-N 20240. The displacement data may only be used one by one - if
they appear simullaneously, they must be limited in p r o p i ~ o n .

Care should be taken to mantan prffise shah separation in order to have axial clearance for the muplng in service. In case ol an a d d shiing
tne distance i 'has to oe a min'm~min order to keep the spider free of pressue on its faces. Ifthe shall separationis shorter than the mupling
distance %"it does not matter if one of the shah endsenters.the spider. The dimension dw carresponds to the max. shaA diameter which together
with the key may enter a spider with inner diameter dH. Ifit is possible to keep the key at some distance from the shaft end i.e. if only the shaft
enters the spider .the diameter of the shah may be larger. If should, however, be 2 mm smaller than the inner diameter of the spider to allow me
latter free axial movement.

The ROTE^ - mupllng can mtm either with a radial or an angular displacement. The life of the mupling can be maximised by careful and
accurate alignment bf the shaft. he shall ends to be linked shoid be subponed on both sides dose to the mupling halves. The customer must
a t e in order to ensure that rotating Darts cannot be touched, as required by safety laws. (Safety of machines.
Drovide a ~ ~ r o ~ r iguards
DIN EN 292,part 2). Assembly instructions are available forthe individual types of muplings.

SBnitatlon: Any defect parts of the mupling must be cleaned and scrapped
17 1
replaced or the lubrication grease must be
Read carefully this manual before totally removed after cleaning.

Single phase motors when kept in stock

for 2 years or more must have their
capacitors replaced (if any).

Check if any damage has occured during We recommend to turn the shaft (by
transportation. hands) at least once a month, and to
JCheck nameplate data. measure the insulation resistance before
JRemove shaft locking device (if any) before installing it, in cases of motors stored for
operating the motor. more than 6 months or when subject to high
-urn the shaft with the hand to make sure it humidity areas.
is turning freely.
If motor is fitted withspace heaters, these
should be switched on.

Insulation Resistance Check

1 General Measure the insulation resistance
before operating the motor andlor when
there is any sign of humidity in the winding.
Motors must not be liftedby the
The resistance measured at 25OC must
motor weight.
Ri 2 ;20 x U) 1 (1000 2P) [MR]
Lifting devices, when supplied, are (measured with a MEGGER at 500 V d.c.)
designed only to support the motor. Ifthe where U = voltage 01); P = power (kW)
motor has two lifting devices then a double
chain must be used to lift it. If the insulation resistance is less than 2
megaohms, the winding must be dried
Lifting and lowering must be done gently according to the following:
without any shocks, otherwise the bearings
can get damaged. Warm it up inside an oven at a
minimum temperature of 80°C increasing 5OC
every hour until 105OC, remaining under this
During transportation, motors fitted
temperature for at least one hour.
with roller or angular contact
bearings are protected against Check if the stator insulation resistance
bearing damages with a shaft remains constant within the accepted values.
locking device. If not, stator must be reimpregnated.

This locking device must be used on

any further motor transportation,
even when this means to uncouple
the motor from the driven machine.
1 Safetv

All personnel involved with electrical

installations, either handling, lifting, operation
If motors are not immediately installed, or maintenance must be well informed and
they must be stored in dry places, free of updated concerning safety standards and
dust, vibrations, gases, corrosive smokes, principles that govern the work and carefully
under constant temperature and in normal
position free from other objects. follow them.

Jase the motors are stored for more We strongly recommendthat these jobs
than two years, the bearings must be are carried out by qualified personnel.
Metal parts must be painted to avoid
Make 'sure that electric motors are corrosion.
service. The foundation must be uniform and
sufficiently tough to support any schock. It
must be designed in such a way to stop any
Motors must be protected against acci- vibration originatedfrom resonance.
dental starts.
4 Drain Holes
When performing any maintenance
service, disconnect the motor from the power Make sure the drains are placed in the
supply. Make sure all accessories have been lower part of the motor when the mounting
switched off and disconnected. configuration differs from that specified on the
motor purchase order.
In order to bevent from penetrating dust
and/or water into the terminal box, cable -
5 Balancing
glands or threaded'pipe in the lead holes must
be installed. I WEG motors are dynamically
balanced with half key, at no load
Do not change the regulation of the and uncoupled.
protecting devices to avoid damaging
.' -1
' 2 - Ooeratina Conditions Transmission elements such as
pulleys, couplings, etc must be dynamically
Electric motors, in general, are designed balanced with half key beforeinstallation.
for operation at an altitude of 1000m above Use always appropriate tools for installation
sea level for an ambient temperature between and removal.
O°C and 40°C. Any variation is stated on the
nameplate. -
6 Alianrnent

Compare the current, voltage, Align the shaft ends and use
frequency, speed, output and other flexible coupling, whenever

A values demandedby the application
with the data given
- on the

Ensure that the motor mounting devices

do not allow modifications on the alignment
and further damages to the bearings.
Motors supplied for hazardous locations
) must be installed in areas that comply with that When assembling a half-coupling, be
specified on the motor nameplate. sure to use suitable equipment and tools to
protect the bearings.
~ e e ~ ' ainlet
7 r and outlet free and I Suitable assembly of half-coupling:
clean. The air blown out by the Check that clearance Y is less than
motor shall not enter again. The 0.05 mm and that the difference X I to X2 is
distance between the air inlet and less than 0.05 mm, as well.
the wall must be around 54 of the inlet
opening diameter:

3 - Foundation
Motors provided with feet must be
installed on solid foundations to avoid
excessive vibrations.
0 Note: Dimension XI and X2 must be
The purchaser is fully responsible for the 3mm minimum
foundation. - Figure and alignment tolerances
0 4
7 - Belt Drive The connection to the power supply
must be done by qualified
- -)When using pulley or belt coupling, the personneland with full attention to
(,.owing must be observed: assure a safe and permanent
connection. After connecting the
-Belts must be tighten just enough to motor, check for any strange body
avoid slippage when running, according to the inside the terminal box. The cable
specifications stated on the belt supplier inlets not in use must be closed.
Make sure to use the correct cable
dimension, based on the rated current
stamped on the motor nameplate.

Before energizing the terminals,

8 Connection
A check if the grounding is made
according to the currentstandards.
This is essential against accident

.h' )1
Voltage may be connected at standstill When the motor is s u ~ d i e d
~ n s ~ the
d e terminal box for heating elements or
direct winding heating. protective or monitor temperature device
such as thermostats, thermistors, termal
WARNING: protector, etc, connect their terminals to the
The capacitor on single-phase motors corresponding devices on the control panel.
can retain a charge which appears across the
motor terminals, even when the motor has
reached standstill.

A A wrong connection can burn the

IA The key must be fastened or
removed before starting the motor.

a) The motor must start and operate

smoothlv. In case this does not occur. turn it
Voltage and connection are indicated on off and &eck the connections and the
the nameplate. The acceptable voltage mounting before starting it again.
variation is ?lo%; the acceptable frequency b) If there is excessive vibration, check
)iation is 25% and the total acceptable if the fastening screws are correctly fastened.
variation is ? 10%. Check also if the vibration comes
from a neighbour machine. Periodical
vibration checks must be done.
9 -Starting Methods
c) Run the motor under rated load for a
short period of time and compare if the running
The motor is rather started through direct current is equal to that stamped on the
starting. In case this is not possible, use nameplate.
compatible methods to the motor load and

The rotation direction is clockwise if the

motor is viewed from DE side and if the
phases are connected according to the

sequence L1, L2, L3.

JCheck the motor periodically.
(\) To change the rotation direction, inter- JKeep the motor clean and assure free air
change two of the connecting leads. flow.
JCheck the seals or V Ring and replace
them, if required.
JCheck the connections as well as
, ) supporting screws. Fr.m.lnxuntM ,800 3WO 1800 ,500 1000 -900
JCheck the bearings and observe: Any dm 0n.u p rpn rpm rpm rpn rpm rpn

excessive noise, vibration, bearing I ..8.11


temperature and grease condition.

JWhen a change, under normal conditions, is
detected, check the motor and replace the
required parts.
The frequency of the inspections depends
on the motor type and on the application
250 30 1100 2WO 4100 O W 5700 4500
1 6 40 700 1100 2M)(I 3.00 4 MOO
z45 50 too0 2800 3SW 4400

Follow the regreasingintervals. WARNING

/ 3 A This is fundamental for proper motor


1 - Machines without Grease NioDles

The maximum temperature of the
bearing or of the grease is 70°C and shall not
be exceeded. For each 15OC over this
temperature, the regreasing interval must be
reduced by 50%.

Motors up to frame 200 are normally

3 Lubricants
fitted without grease nipples. In these cases When regreasing, use only special
the regreasing shall be done at the preventive bearing grease with the following properties:
maintenance job observing the following
Jgood quality lithium base or lithium complex
aspects: grease
Jbase oil viscosity 100 - 140 cSt at 40°C
Jdisassemble carefully the motors Jconsistency NLGl grade 2 or 3
Jtake all the arease out /Temperature range - 30°C to 130°C, +
Jwash the bearing with querosene or diesel continuously
Jregrease the bearing immediately or special applications such as high or low
temperatures, speed variation, etc. The kind of
,2 - Machines Fitted with Grease Nipoles grease and the regreasing interval are
indicated on a special nameplate.
It is strongly recommendedto grease the
machine while running. This allows the grease The use of sfandard motors in
renewal in the bearing housing. When this is specific areas or special applications
not possible due to turning parts by the grease must be done by consult to the
device (pulleys, bushing, etc) that offer some grease manufactureror WEG
risk to the physical integrity of the operator,
proceed as follows:

Jclean the area near the grease nipple. Disassembly and assembly must be
Jput approximately half of the total grease done by qualified personnel using only
a n d run the motor for 1 minute at full speed. suitable tools and appropriated methods.
Then turn off the motor and insert the rest of the The stator grips must be applied over
grease. the side face of the inner ring to be
Jthe injection of all the grease with the motor disassembled or over an adjacent part.
in standstill can make the grease penetrate
It is essential that bearings assembly be
(. . ,) into the motor, through the inner seal of the done under cleanning conditions to ensure
bearing housing. good operation and to avoid damages. New

learings shall only be taken out from their cases

vhen assembling them. Any electrical or mechanical

modification made on hazardous
i ')efore installing a new bearing it is location motors will void the certifica-
eq,,red to check the shaft fitting for any tion.
;harp edge or strike signals.
For bearing assembly warm their inner When performing maintenance,
,arts with suitable equipment - inductive installation or relubrication,follow these
locess - or use suitable tools. instructions:

JCheck if all components are free of edges,

knocks or dirt.
JMake sure all parts are in perfect conditions.
When ordering spare parts, please
/Lubricate the surfaces of the endshield
specify the full type designation and product
:ode as stated on the motor nameplate. fittings with protective oil to make the
assembly easier.
Please also inform the motor serial JUse only rubber hammer to fit the parts.
lumber stated on the nameplate. JCheck for correct bolts tightening.
JUse clearance calibrator for correct T-box
fitting (smaller than 0.05mm).

Besides the recommendations given Do not reuse damaged or worn

previously, these ones must be also followed: parts, Replace them by new ones
The specification of the motor factory.
installation place is for customer's
responsibility, who will also
determine the environment

Motors for hazardous locations are Applications using VFD's without filter can
manufactured according to specific standards affect motor performance as follows:
for such environments and they are certified by
worldwide certifying entities. JLower efficiency
JHigher vibration
1 Installation JHigher noise level
JHigher rated current
The complete installation must follow J Higher temperature rise
pr- y d u r e s given by the local legislation in JReduced motor insulation
et. A. JReduced bearing life

The installation of hazardous

location motors must be carried out JVoltages lower than 440V dp not require filter
by skilledpeop/e, and the thermal JVoltages equal or higher than 440V or lower
protection must be always installed, than 575V require filter for motor power
either inside or outside the motor, supply cables longer than 20 meters.
operating at the rated current. JVoltages equal or higherthan 575V requirefilter
for any size of power supply cables.
2 - Maintenance

Maintenance must be carried out by

repair shops authorized by WEG.
A If such recommendationsare not
followedaccordingly, motor warranty
will be void.

2- Inverter Dutv Motors:

Repair shops and people without Weg's
authorization who will perform any service on
, Jrdous location motors will be fully JCheck power supply voltage of the forced
responsible'for such service as well as for any cooling set.
consequential damage. JFilters are not required.

Weg warrants its products against defects in This warranty does not include disassembly
workmanship and materials for twelve (12) services at the purchaser facilities,
monthsfrom the invoice date issued by the transportation costs with product, tickets,
factory, authorized distributor or agent limited accomodation and meals for technical
to eighteen (18) months from manufacturing personnel when requested by the customer.
date independent of installation date as long The warranty service will be only carried out at
as the following items are fulfilled accord- Weg Authorized Repair Shops or at Weg's
ingly: facilities.

-' 3 Proper transportation, handlingand Components whose useful life, under normal
storage; use, is shorter than the warranty period are not
- Correct installation based on the covered by these warranty terms.
specified ambient conditions and free of
corrosive gases; The repair and/or replacement of parts or
- Operation under motor capacity limits; components, when effected by Weg and/or .>
- Observation of the periodical
any Weg Authorized Repair Shop, will not give .?
- Repair and/or replacement effected only warranty extension.
by personnel duly authorized in
This constitutes Weg's only warranty in
writing by Weg;
connection with this sale and the company will
- The failed product be available to the
supplier and/or repair shop for a required have no obligation or liability whatsoever to
period to detect the cause of the failure people, third parties, other equipment or
and corresponding repair; installations, including without limitation, any
Immediate notice by the purchaser claimsfor consequential damages or labor
about failures accured and that these are costs.
accepted by Weg as manufacturing
PHONE (55)(47)372-4000
1. )
FAX (55)(47)372-4060
Abnahrnepriifzertifikat M OrdermMmslion KB0928000100
wrgBbe sene
Inspection Test Certificate M Ednion 0baa 111
7 Purnpefl GmbH nachlacc. to DIN 55 350 TeiVpart 18
~als 11.10.04
Anlage 1 Ktr:271 405 Schmierllld~ckpurnpe Endkunde
gAip!_e?! .......... .-...... D 162.5270 ..... Cu~tomer i ...-...West Contracts.-. ......
Besteller ! AuRrags-Nr.
Yu'chase!.. . .. _
;. ..-..Caterpi!!a_r --OrderNo..L ................ : 774791215 Sach.Nr:273011177.-
Arlikel Serien-Nr.
Obiecl L3NG-0901152-ASOUI-G ' Serial No. I 112940-001

BetriebsbedingungenI Operating conditions

Flow liquid.
.... ........




33 1

Messergebnisse I Test results
Flow liquid_-.-~..__i

mm- ID^
_ _
Shell Tellus 68-._

109 .2

Belriebsternperatur i Temperatur !
(3p. Temperature .c . j
25 -. 80 1I TemPerature. ...- 'C .. 22
F6rderdNck gesamt

9509 01.. 902 0
954,O --

.......TO,. man. Pressure bar ! Pressure bsri - ....... 10,OO . ...

1 1
Drehzahl Drehzahl !
-Speed ..... mn.1 1750 1750 i Speed
Max. Seugdrud
Ar:d. 1750--- ..
-.NPSH -.
.- -- ,
m w -5,40 -..k- 350.. Max.sud.Pressure her

-Power input. kw 1
1 - 223 - 90 19,40 Power input -. -EL&i .-
20.65 -
Test Toleranz NPSH !
VDMA 24284 11 mws l 3,41

Test tolerance NPSH

. mm.1. :
. -
380,O '
Umgerechnet auf Betriebsdaten I Calculated to operating conditions
I 33,O .

C.pa.ity . . ....
959 3
946 4
._--.LA. . -.r-.~~> .
.. ..... ! ....
D ~ c k
Pressure her
.. I 10,o..
i i

Drehzahl I
-. . mi-1 I+. 1750 1 1750 ._ !
.. w r Input LW
I .
.. 19.2__L
i ...
NPSH mws
/ I I !

Sicherheitsventil ISafety valve

SchlleBl be1 I
Cffnet be1 I! Offen bei I i
Opens at bar i 11,o open at bar j 14,O Closed at bar I 10,7
~ % h ~ l A r ~ " " g
Abnahmepriifzertifikat M Omsrmnfirma~im KB0928000100
-gab+ seite
,- Inspection Test Certificate M ~diti~" 0 PW 111
O h
P u m p e n GmbH nachlaa. lo DIN 55 350 TeiVparl18 D& 11.10.04
Anlage i Ktc271 405 SchmienYldruckpurnpe Endkunde
@~.!!enl . . . . !
._-, . D 162.5270 Customer _; West Contracts -
Besteller Auflrags-Nr. 1
&chaaE! .... i ~ Gate- .-.. Order No. .. ---- 774791215
. Sach.Nr:273011177
. .........
Ariikel Serien-Nr.
Object L3NG-0901152-ASOUI-G Serial No. 112940-002
BetriebsbedingungenI Operating conditions Messergebnisse I Test results
FOrderflOssigkeit FOrderflOssigkeit I
liquid ............
. .
SAE 40 . . ...
Flow liquid
_ _1 _~
Shell .
...... Tellus 68 ..........

Viscosity ........ .
Betriebstemperatur :
Op. Temperature .c Temperature ! 24
Delivery ~


........... ....
Drehzahl 1 I ! Drehzahl
Speed................. m1-r: 1750 / 1750A 1 Speed .~--~AkL 1750
Max. Saugdruck
m w ~ k 5 , 4 7 3,50
- .- ...... - ! Max.suct.pressure bar
Power input kw 23,90 19,40 1 1 Power input kw ! 20.56
Test Toleranz I NPSH I
Test tolerance VDMA 24284 11 NPSH mwli 1 3,41
Umgerechnet auf Betriebsdaten ICalculated to operating conditions
ViskosiUt !
Viscosity ... mm.J 0 ....
380L & 33,O I i
FOrdermenge 1 r- .....

.Capacity umin ; 959L6 ~ -,

.A ... --. .........
Pressure bar j 10.0 -..
j ...... .- ..-- 1
Drehzahl I
speed -L ,-..i h l I
-m~L 1750 ...
Leistungsbedarf 1 !
input .. 23,l 192 . -. ---- I

Sicherheitsventil ISafety valve

Offnet bei I Offen bei Schlient bei
) ,opensat bar I 11,o Open at bar 14.4 Closed at bar 10,7

Statische Druckpriifung nachl Hydrostatic test Iacc. QSP 114


-- ITest
-- part 1
Werkstoff IMaterial Prijfdruck ITest pressure
I 0.7040

............... il5-t G&W..~#QP ,@?6Vbo -..~A.

- -
.......... ....
4 {

- - ----&."-
.Test fluid j KSS
Test duration 15 j min
Gepmftrrested Abnahme Bemerkungen 0

~ ~ i ~ d l ~ ~ : ~ 7 f $ ' ~ , 7 .,
DatumlDat casing: Q.?F'tq ., .
11.10.04 Motor: . . . . . .
0 8 8 Pmtckoll istelektmnlsch erstelH urd ohne U
T h e camAcatewasn e%
I alectmnlcaliy and Is valid wllhout slgnmm. The Issuer la quality assurance - aulhorlzed.
- - -
Certificado de Fabrica
Work Certificate
EN 10 204 12.1
E n
Traqfbnning energy
,' -1 Projekt - Nr:
into solutions
AuftragsbestBtigungs- Nr::
Kunden- Bestell -Nr:
Nopedido cliente N" projet : N"conRrmat1on d'ordre:
P.O. No.: .
Customer .
.. ...... Project No:
....................... order confirmation -No:
JB90ffi6-200 0052977 828840

KurzschluRlaufer Full load current
(cos phi 0.87 I
Motor asincrono rotor Insulation class
de jaula Drehzahl [minll]: Ubertemperatur: DT 80K

Spannung [Volt]: Betriebsart:

Schaltung: Raurntemperatur:
;. I
Asynchronous motor
Fre uenc

Mechanlsche Ausfirhmng: Der Motor entspricht der Schutzart nach DIN 40050 (IEC 34-1)
Elektrische Ausflihmng: Der Motor entspricht VDE 0530 "Regeln fur elektrische Maschinen". Die zulassige
Hochsttem~eraturder Kuhlluft betr'dgt -20 bis +40°C, wenn auf dem Typenschild kein anderer Wert angegeben ist. Die

I~ndprilhingdes Motors erlolgt nachmodernen Prufmethoden, die eine eindeutige Kontrolle der vorgeschriebenen
elektrischen Daten und der Gijte der lsoliermaterialien gew6hrleisten. Fur die Nenndaten des Leistungsschildesgelten
ldie zul6ssigen Abweichungen nach VDE 0530. I

I~jecucion mec5nica: El motor corresponde a la proteccibn segun DIN 40050 (IEC 34-1)
Ejecucion el6ctrica:El motor corresponde a la norma VDE 0530 "Reglamento para maquinas electricas". La mgcima
temperature admissible del aire de refrigeracibn es de -20 le +40"C, di la p l a p de caractbristiques non lndica OtrOs I
Ivalores. La prueba final del motor se rbalisa segljn mbthodes de p ~ e b modemes,

bas tol6rances'~ermitidasen la Norma VDE 0530

a 10s datos elbctricos arriba
menc~onadosv de la calldad del meterial alslante. Para 10s datos nominales de la plaw de caracteristiques son vahdas
I ~ e c h a n i c adesign:
l With regard to the degree of protection the motor complies with DIN 40050 ( IEC 34-1).
Electrical design: The motor complies with VDE 0530 "Standard Specification for Rotating Electrical Machines". The
maximum permissible temperature of the cooling air is -20 lo +40 "C provided that the Nameplate bears no deviating
) marking. The tests were carried out applying latest testing methods to verify excellent quality of insulation and in
compliance of electrical data with wles. Regarding the rated data printed on the nameplate tolerances according to
VDE 0530 apply.

Zusatzliche Vorschriften: Normas adicionales: Additional specifications:

Der Motorist gebaut El motor esth fabricado The motor has been manufactured
nach den Vorschriften von: segdn las normas de: in accordance with the rules of:

KlassifikaUonsaesellschaftenIClassiflwtion Societies
American Bureau of Shiping ABS 50% Korean Register of Shipping KR 50'C
Bureau Veriias BV 45°C Lloyd's Register of Shipping LRS 45%
China Classification Society
Det Norske Verilas
Germanischer Lloyd
ez :z:E
GL 45°C
Nippon Kyokai Kaiji
Maritime Register of Shipping
Registro ltailano Navale

Es wird bestatigt, das die Lieferung den Vereinbarungen der Bestellung entspricht.
We hereby certify, that the product described above complies the terms of the order.

' .
i WEG Germany GmbH

D- 50226 Frechen
Tel: +49.2234.95353.0
Fax: +49.2234.95353.10
Lub.-Oil Pump

Lub.-Oil Pump

0 0

Technische Dokumentation
Technical documentation CAT
Bezeichnung: Dieselolpumpe
Description: Diesel oil pump
Gultig fur Pumpen mit Einbauzeichnung Nr.:
D 162.5221
Valid for pumps acc installation drawing No.:
CAT-Bestell-Nr.: 752581215
CAT-Purchase order no.:
CAT-Sach-Nr.: I 273480173
Kostentrager Nr.: I I
Record NO.:
Serien Nr..
Serial No.:

Pos Beschreibung I Unterlage Unterlage Nr.: Seiten

Pos Description 1 Document Document No.: Pages

Einbauzeichnungnechnische Daten
1 D 162 5221 1
Installation drawing pump technical data

Betriebs- und Wartungsvorschrift Purnpe

2 E 185 5177 21
Instruction manual DumD

Teileliste mit Schnittzeichnung, Pumpe

3 E 160 6878 1
Parts list and sectional drawing, pump

Technische Unterlage, Kupplung

4 40210 21
Technical document, coupling

Technische Unterlage, E-Motor

5 AC 2
Technical document, e-motor

Abnahmepriifzertifikat M, Pumpe
6 DIN55350118 2
Inspection test certificate M, pump

1 Zertifikat fur E-Motor

Certificate for e-motor

Leistritz Pumpen GmbH Technische Dokumentation
Technical documentation
Fx- Z8BN nx- 160Nm
Fy- ZBBN Uy. 160Nm
Fz- 288N Uz- 160Nm
Technical Documentation
Operation, Maintenance, Mounting and
Disassembly Instructions for the
Series L 3 N G Screw Pump
I 3 Contents

1 . General ...................................................... Page 1

1.1. Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2. Information about the Product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.1. Addressing of the Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.2. Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2. 3. Names, Types and Sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.4. Serial Number and Type Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.5. Date of Manual Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.6. Change Notes and Manual Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.7. Copy Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.8. Technical Documentation and Data Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.9. Customer Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.1 0. Quality Assurance and Quality testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
1.2.11. Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1

2. Safety ..................................................... Page 2

2.1. General Rules and Advice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2
.. ') 2.2. Dangers of not observing the Safety Advice ............... Page 2
2.3. Safety conscious Working . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2
2.4. Warning and Advice Signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2
2.5. Safety Advice for the Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2
2.6. Safety Advice for the Service. Inspection and Mounting .... Page 2
2.7. Denial of Modifications and Changes without Approval . . . . . Page 2
2.8. Unallowable Running Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2
2.9. Other Operations and Safety Hazards .................... Page 2

3 . Transport and Intermediate Storage ........................... Page 3

3.1. Safety Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
3.2. Transport Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
3.3. Unpacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
3.4. Intermediate Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
3.5. Preservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
3.5.1. Aging of Preservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
3.5.2. Re-Preservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
3.5.3. Removal of the Preservation Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
3.6. Protection from the Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3

4 . Description of the Pump ...................................... Page 4

4.1. General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.2. Assembly and Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.3. Construction of the Parts ............................... Page 4
4.3.1. Pump casing ......................................... Page 4
4.3.2. Spindle Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.3.3. Shan Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.3.4. Casing Gasketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.3.5. Bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.3.6. End Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.3.7. Drive Side Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.3.8. Pressure Relief Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.3.9. Nozzles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
4.3.10. Drive and Shan coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
4.4. Dimensioning and Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
4.4.1. Standard Overall and Single Dimension Drawings . . . . . . . . . Page 5
4.4.2. Standard Assembly Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5

E 185 51TITIeBRev.7-20.02.07 Page i

Standard Sectional Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
Execution Modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
Typekey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
Standard Material of Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
Operating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
General Operation Fields ............................... Page 5
Use of pumps in potentially explosive areas ............... Page 5
Temperature- and Pressure Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
Performance Data and Speeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
Performance Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
Power Consumption Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
Necessary Space for Operating and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . Page 5
Allowable Environmental Influences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6
Base. Foundation and Anchoring ........................ Page 6
Suction and Discharge Piping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6
SupportConnections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6

Mounting and Installations ................................... Page 7

5.1. Tools ................................................ Page 7
5.2. Initial Installation of the Pump ........................... Page 7
5.3. Initial Installation of the Pump Unit ....................... Page 7

Start up . Shut down ......................................... Page 8

6.1. Technical Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
6.2. Pipes Schematic and Measuring Points .................. Page 8
6.3. Preparation for Start up ................................ Page 8
6.4. Start up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
6.5. Shut down of the Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
6.6. Re-starting ........................................... Page 8
6.7. Still Stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
6.7.1. Shut down for up to 3 Months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
6.7.2. Shut down from 3 to 6 Months .......................... Page 8
6.7.3. Shut down for more than 6 Months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
6.8. Operation Supervision ................................. Page 8
6.9. Bearing of the Driving Spindle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9

Maintenance ................................................. Page 10

7.1. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10
7.2. Maintenance and Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10
7.3. Disassembly and Assembly ............................. Page 10
General Precaution .................................... Page 10
Customer Se~iceIPersonnellDanger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10
Disassembly and Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10
Tools ................................................ Page 10
Disassembly of the Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10
Assembly of the Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11
Notice to the valve adjusting pressures ................... Page 12
Spare Parts .......................................... Page 12

Trouble Shooting ............................................ Page 13

8.1. Table to define Reason and solving of Problems . . . . . . . . . . . Page 13
8.2. Torque Requirements .................................. Page 14
8.3. Allowable pipe forces and moments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14
8.4. Allowable pipe forces and moments ...................... Page 14

Drawlngs. Data Sheets. Appendlx ............................. Page 14

E 185 5177.e.R~ . 7-20.02.07 Page i

1. General 1.2.10. Quality Assurance and Quality testing
I )
1.1. Application A mmplex qualty assurance system guaranties high quality standard
This screw pump is used for pumping oils or other lubricating media at levels for Leistrih Screw pumps. The quality assurance, acwrding to
pressures up to 16 bar. DIN IS0 9001. coven all production steps. which are n e c e s w to ful-
1.2. Information about the Product
. . reauirements
fill all the aualiw . for this ~roduct.
Quality assurance measures (i.e. size, type of test and certification)
1.2.1. Addressing of the Manual are issued by the purchaser in writing, including the necessary forms
This manual was made for the .Dump . series L 3 N G and documents. Prior to shipment all pumps are rigorously tested.
For other executions dflerent manuals are valid. They may be ordered Only pumps which fulfill the confirmed test data will be shipped.
from the manufacturer separately if not on hand. Use of this manual will help to assure a trouble free operation and full
flow performance.The pmof of test data on the bench follows the gen-
122. Manufacturing
The manufacturer of the screw pump type L 3 N G i s
LElSTRlTZ Pumoen GmbH
. eral test remmmendationsfor rotary. .positive displacement .pumps
VDMA 24284.
. per

The proof of test and their resulls are documented in test certificates
residing in the
"M"per DIN 55350 P18.
Federal ReDubllc of Germanv
1.2.11. Warranty
DIN- Parts, accessories and additional parts are purchased from Our liability for defecls of shipped goods is outlined in our delivery and
sukuppliers. paymentmndiions, which are part of our Sales Condiions and Terms.

1.2.3. Names, Types and Sizes -

Damageswhich mav occur as a result of disregard
. of the instruction
Name: Three-mtor screw pump manual and replacement mnditions are not covered under warranty. If
Type: L3NG - for exam~ledflerent rod-
at a later date omration mndiions change,
Sizes: 20,25,32,38,45.52,60,70,80,90, 100, 112,125,140,160, uct, viscosiiy, temperature, speed or inlet mndn:on, these mnd'lions
180,200,225,250 and 275 have to be reviewed and achnowledoed ov LEISTRIR. II no other
For additional information see the type hey. agreements have been made with L~ISTRITZthe oelivered pumps
can onb be disassembledano modfled ov LElSTRlTZ or LEISTRTZ-
12.4. Serial Number and Type Plate Service Representatives. Otherwise the warranty for occurred d a m
Each unit is equipped with a standard type plate, which shows the ages will be voided.
manufacturersserialnumber and type hey. Enlarged type plates are
available on request.
12.5. Date of Manual Execution
Dated October 17, 1994.
Technical and design &anges, improvementsand amendments may
be made without notice.
12.6. Change Notes and Manual Numbers
All executed changes are listed on the final page of this manual. The
type of change, date, executor and proof reader are noted.
Manualnumber E 185 51Tlle indudes a&3%onal documenlabon in the
form of drawings
1.2.7. Copy Rights
All manuals, documents and drawings are mpy righted according to
DIN 34.
1.2.8. Technical Documentatlon and Oats Sheet
For in depth explanations see the following chapters:
Safety Chapter 2.
Transport and Storage Chapter 3.
Description of the Pump Chapter 4.
Mounting and Installation Chapter 5.
Mounting at Start-up and Shut down Chapter 6.
Maintenance Chapter 7.
Trouble Shooting Chapter 8.
Drawings and documents Chapter 9.

12.9. Customer Sewlce

If service is required or questions need to be answered, please mnlad
our headquMers or someone in our sales organization.

Page 1 of Page 14
1 2. Safety
2.1. General Rules and Advice
2.6. Safety Advice for the Service, Inspection and Mounting

This manual includes general rules which have to be observed for The entire scope of service, including inspection and
mounting.hasto be done by an authorized spedalist, who
installation.oceration and maintenance. Therefore this manual has to
has knowledge of this manual. Any work on the machine
be read before installation and operation by the installer, as well as by
the responsible specialisWuser. It has to be made available at the job is only allowed when the unit is standing still. The shut-
site for reference at a later date.
2.2. Dangers of not observing the Safety Advice @ down of the unit described in the manual has to be fol-
Ignoringthe safety advice can endanger people, the environment and
the pump unit. For example:
Damageto the pump units or cenaln functions of these units, can en-
danger personnel through electric, mechanical and chemical in-
fluences, endangering the environment by leakage of harmful prod- Immediately at the end of any work all safety and prole*
ucts and other pollutants. lion devices have to be installed completely. Before
stan-up, poinls mentioned under 6.4 have to be followed.
2.3. Safely wnsclous Worklng
The safety rules listed in this manual, applicable preventive practices
as well as internal safety rules of the user aiways have to be followed.
2.7. Denial of Modifications and Changes without Approval
2.4. Warning and Advlce Signs
In this manual safety symbols are mentionedwhich can help to prevent Changes or modifications on the unit which have not been confirmed
accidents to personnil. A general safety sign identifies hazards which by Leistrib, are not allowed.
will endanaer the unit and its function.

2.8. Unallowable Running Conditions

The operational safety of the delivered unit is only assured by operat-

ing according to the confirmed design and data. Units should not be
used under different operating conditions without the manufacturer's
approval.The limitation of the performance data sheets should never
be exceeded. Safety hazards may result if they are exceeded.

The word "Attention" Is inserted in the text to note these add'nional ad-
vice signs and is labeled directly on the unit. 2.9. Other Operations and Sefely Hazards

I Attention I All packing material of the pump or the unit shall only be
removed directly before the installationof the pump.
For examde: No foreign parlicles are allowed to enter the pumpl
Directionbl Rotation and Flow The danger of an accident at installation and mounting of

Electrical Current Warning the unit has to be observed at any time.
Making of the Nozzles (iiet, outlet arrows) Balance stability always has to be existing, assembly
Marking Vent and Drain Opening pails have to be secured against falling.
"No ruMry'sign and others. Loose pam have to be secured by proper means.
2.5. Safety Advice for the Operator The pump unit is not allowed to be lowered or lined by the
power supply lines or by the piping.

-Hot or extremely cold machine p& are potensal dangers and must Connecting the power supply line to the Motor starler has
be protected against access.
to be done an Electricianand following the electrical lay-
-Coupling guards, which protect the Rexible coupling and shaft from
out of Um motor supplier.. Pmper dimensioning of the lines
assess, shall NOT be removed during running of the equipment.
-Leakage of hazardous products at the seal, by such as, explosive. has to be observed. All dangers by electrical energy have
toic or hot Ruids have to be collected and drained to a safe place not to be eliminated. N E W D A rules and the mles of the I*
to endanger operating personnel and the environment. cal Energy and Supply company have to be observed as
All general rules of l a i applicable to the site have to be followed. well.

\. 1
E 185 5177-e-Rev. 7-20.02.07
Page 2 of Page 14
'' > 3. Transport and lntermedlate Storage
3.1. Safely Measures
The listed preservative agent are meant to be a recornmendation.
Other manufacturers can be used as well. Preserving the intemals of
the pump is achieved by filling the pump with the preservation agent.
During filling the Page 6., power rotor has to be mtaled in reverse very
slowly. Continue filling the pump until the preservation fluid exits the
suction nozzle with any air bubbles.

Larger screw DumDs and all ~um~ldriver units have to be transwrted

to i e installaion by means of lifting devices. Liiing and lowering of the 3.5.1. Aging of Preservalion
unii have to be done in a balancedmanner. Cranes and Lifting devices
have to be specified properly. It has to be assured that the uniiwill NOT According to the preservationfluid manufacturer, the shelf life of TEC-
"tip over. Shelves and ra& used for storage of the units have to be TYL 506 is 4 to 5 years at inside storage and 12-24 months at outside
designed to accommodate the weight and size.
Storage; TECTYL 511 M is appmx. I 8 months at indoor storage only.
3.2. Transport Precautions -
Bv mixina TECTYL 506 and 511 M 50150. conservation oreservation
time of 2-112 - 4 years indwrs and 12 months outdoors can be ex-

Additional packing will extend the preservation time accordingly. The

ingredients in these preserving agent will allow proper corrosion
Damage during transport of the unit should NOT occur. Lining, using protection even at high humidity, independent of any temperature.
Darts like the motor. conduit box or a wwer s u ~ ~cable
l v is not oer-
mined.~ufficientcaie should be takenthat the ;&.cannot slide o;fall
durina -
" the transwrt. The oackina material of the unit shall not be dam-
aged. All advise on the pa&ng mate or box have to be stricUy followed.

3.3. Unpacking

Upon receipt of the pump, immediately inspect the unit for potential
1- For longer storage the user of the pump has
to che& the preservationof the pump regu-
larly Avoid damages which occur due to im-
transport damage. Transport damages have to be reported immedi- proper preservation.
ately to the Insurance Company.
Before installingthe unit all packing material has to be removedw m -
pletely. All uncovered openings of the unit, for example, the access
3.5.3. Removal 01 the Preservation Fluid
hole on the bell housing, is to be inspected for lwse material, such as
wooden splinters, nails, boils, metals clamps and others. Such items Before start-up of the pump the preservation agent needs to be re-
need to be removed. End wvers, blind plugs, etc., have to be reroved
moved.The Ruid which was used on the inside of the .D U ~. normalhD
as well.
can be removedby Rushing the pump with product, providedthe prod-
3.4. Intermediate Storage uct is allowed to get wntaminated by this. In addaion pmper solvents
can be used to remove the inner and outer preservatives. Proper sol-
The delivered screw pumps are already preserved for shorter storage vents muld be Kerosene. Diesel or de-rnineralized spirits, industrial
time. For longer shut-down time, the pumps have to bs further pro- solvents. cleaners and other oaraffin solvents. Hot steam cleaners
tected from corrosion. An outsidehide preservation needs to be wilh according attachments can be used as well.
doneas outlined under 3.5.
The pump always needs to be filled with
.I 3.5. Preservation roduclto avoid seizing the pump rotors at
start-up. if at the installation site the piping,
The time limitation of the cfesewino malerial is dewndenton the wm- tanks and other pans in various circulation systems are wvered with
positionof the malerial. Tierefore presening matirials should be used
which will be stable for at least 12 months. The foliowina materials can
oaraffin wntainina oreservation material. the whole svstem needs to
be Rushed. This is necessary because paraffin lowers the degassing
be used for an inside and outside preservation. capability of the products. This might cause a rough running pump in
connection wilh loud noise development (aeration).

fiange covers TECTYL 506 and 3.6. Protection from the Environment
TECTYL 5 1 1 4 (7
When storing the screw pump, the discharge and suction flange al-

Pump casing internals, rotor
set and end covers
TECTYL 506 and
TECTYL 5 1 1 4 (')
-(') Manufacturing: VALVOLINE OEL GmbH & Co. -
~ ~
ways need to be wvered by blind Ranges, blind plugs or similar mate-
rial. The storage shall take place in a dust free and dry room. During
storage, it is recommended to turn the inner parts of the pump manu-
- -
altv, everv, 4 weeks. The mtor set and bearinu chanoe their w ~ o dur-
The preservative agent shall be spread by means of brushing or ing this process. If the storage and packing is done properly, the unit
spraying. can be preserved for a very long time.

Page 3 of Page 14
I, 1 4. Description of the Pump 4.3.3. Shall Seal
4.1. General Description Sealing the stub shaft of the driving spindle against the product, a sim-
The Leistrilz Screw Pumps of the L3NG Series are low pressure pie no;-balanced maintenance ire; mechanical seal (position 62)
. up. to 16 bars. Thev are self priming
..positive displacement
rnounteddirectlv in the driving- side cover (position 045).
pumpsand are used to move oils or other lubricating products. Materialsand means of construction (manufacturer of the mechanical
seal) will be adjusted to the according operating conditions and char-
4.2. Assembly and Operation acteristics of the product being pumped.
Due to the scedal profile of the three tumina spindles, sealed cavities
are produced. ~he'double-leaddriving spi;dls (poslon 150) rotates. 4.3.4. Casing Gasketing
sealina- with the doubldead idler spindle (wsilion 1511in the spindle The pump is sealed off using flat gasket (position 031) and seals rings
bore of the pump casing (position 001) which encloses the spindle set (position 006) depending on the operating conditions and the pumped
with tight tolerances. products.
The motion of the two idler spindle is caused by the calculated hydrau-
lic forces leaving only h e resulting moment caused by the fluid friction 4.3.5. Bearing
to be transmittedover the flanks of the spindle profile. Therefore the The outboard, greased, shielded and maintenance free bearing (posi-
spindle set is almost withut any load and will not wear. W h this prina- tion 170) according to DIN 625, mounts the power rotor (position 015)
pal the pumps continually move fluid without sheer and turbulence into the drive side cover (posilion 045).
from the suction to the discharge side. This constructive design in
workina principle assures a low noise level and an almost pulsation 4.3.6. End Cover
free discharge.
The mmplete spindle geometry is chase in in a way that no axial thrust The end side cover or immersion tube (posilion 030,450) or the pedes-
is effected on the grooved ball bearing (position number 170). The tal (position 040) shuts the pump casing (position 001) at suction side.
grooved ball bearing (position 170) fixes the driving spindle (position
150) in axial direction. 4.3.7. Drive Side Cover
The bearing application of the idler spindles (posiIjon 151) is effected in The drive side cover (position 045) serves for integration of the me-
the pump casing (position 001). chanical seal and for ruing- of the wm~lete . . The mounting- face is
. Dump.
Depend ngon the operasng pressure, an appropnate choke gap 1s according to DIN 3019, position 2, section 4, squared mounting
budt between the balancmg p ston of the dnnng sp'nd e (position 150) flanges. Wih this four hole mounting Range, the compkte pump can be
and the idler spindles (posilion 151), which lhe hydrody- rotated in 90° increments.
namic bearing of the idler spindles. At the discharge connection, a cast in error describes the

The subsequent tightening area is connected with the suction side flow direction of the product. Before stall up that flow
pump room by means of a boring and stands thus always under direction has to be chedced. Mountingthe compkte pump
suction pressure. By this geomelric design of h e spindle padcage the to the driver, screws accto DIN 938 or DIN 939 have to be
axial thrust balancing is guaranteed. used together with hex head boils and nuts.

4.3. Construction of the Parts 4.3.8. Pressure Relief Valve

4.3.1. Pump casing As described on 4.3.1, h e pump can be execuiedwilh an integal pres-
Decending on the mountina configuration. the exewlion of the pump sure relief valve. Exaggeratingthe adjusted values, the poppet (posi-
caiingwilibe made (posiIj& 0 0 1 f ~ h ecomplete pumpcasing tin be lion 219) lifts from the seat and the product arculates into the suction
mountedturnedby each time 4 x 90" to the main shaft of the driving areaof the pump casing. The opening pressure is adjusted by com-
aggregate.The suction area will be dosed ofl with the nowdrive side pressing the valve wring (positbn 235)wilh the adjusting suew (posi-
cover (wsilion 30).The drive side cover (wsilion 45) is mounted on tion 222) at the factory or at the user, depending on the requirement.
the &age de
side: AS an opbn the pump casing can e x W wilh . - .pressures see ChaDter 7.5.1
Notlce to the valve adlusting
an integrated relief valve. Using the pump with a pressure limitation valve, care
The relief valve protects the pump only against overload should be taken that the poppet will always Ray movable

B and is not meant to be used as a pressure regulating

vaivel Operation and manual of the pressure regulating
valves, see section 4.3.8. The pump casing can be
drained in any mounting configuration. Therefore, check before starl
LP on eventually not plugged openings.
in Vs axis. A complete dosing of the valve bore by means
of loding the aajusment suew and the connected valves
spring by complete compression, shall not be allowed,
since this could cause damage lo the pump. If a pressure
regulationis necessw, this shall be done with separate
\ On the suction connection the casthg is executed with a regulating devices, executed and installed by the user.
cast in Row direction arrow. Before st& up the Row direc-
tion needs to be checked. 4.3.9. Nozzles
Suction and discharge connection are executed as a DIN or ANSI-
flangedconnection, marked with flow direction arrows cast into the
4.3.2. Splndle Set pattern. Wldneck counter flanges amording DIN or ANSI can be sup
The driving spindle (posilion 150) is doubldead, hardened and axially
positioned with a grooved ball bearing (position 170). The idler Maximum allowable forces and moments are depending
spindles (position 151) doubtdead as well, hardenedor unhardened. on the pump size, and are listedon the dimension print of
are paired to the dking spindle. During operation both idler spindles the pump or on the assembly drawings. These values
are pushed in axial direction against the driving side balanung piston shall never be exceeded. Connections for drain. vent or
of the driving sp'ndle (pos'tion 150). heating, if not needed, need to be plugged before start up.

E 185 5177-e-Rev. 7-20.02.07 Page 4 of Page 14

i '1 4.3.10. Drive and Shaft coupling 4.5. Execution Modillcations
The pump will be directly coupled to an electric motor or other drive via 4.5.1. Type key
a bell housingwilh fool angle or a bell housingwith a mountingplate in a The hlPe
.. key,
. listed at the end of this manual, does include all wmbina-
vertical mount arrangement. lions of pump modificationsvia number and lener wde. Every stan.
Always observe the correct direction of the rotation and

dard pump can be described by that.
proper drive speed. The pumps can be mounted in any
mountingposition. Because of safely reasons, mounting 4.5.2. Standard Material of Construction

the motor below the pump is not allowed. The shaft w u -
plingtransmitsthe turning moment form close wilh a three Pump casing 0.6025 or 0.7040
Drive side a v e r 1.0037
piece elastic form connecting coupling, which balances
axial, radial and angular misalignment ol the connecting End cover 1.0421
shafts. Different execution (manufacturer and material Driving spindle 1.7139 hardened
Idler spindle 1.7139 hardened or 0.8025
wmbinations)are available wilh price adder
Gasket CENTELLEN WS 3820

4.4. Dimensioning and Geometry 4.6. Operating

4.4.1. Standard Overall and Single Dimension Drawings 4.6.1. General Operation Fielda
Standard overall dimensions for the size 020 through 070 are accord- General industry technology, oil burning energy, ship building and off
ing to drawing E I 6 8 5954 with DIN Range wnnections. shore technology, machine and heavy machinery manufacturing,tank

farms, chemical and petro chemical and OEM Industries,food proas-
Standard single dimension drawings for the size sing and others.
with DIN Range wnnections
' 020 + 025 drawing E 168 5918 4.62. Use of pumps in potentially exploslve areas
032 drawing E 168 5919 These pumps and pump unas are suitable for use in
038 drawing E 1685920 potentially explosive areas according to EC DirecWe 94/9/EC (ATEX).
045 drawing E 168 6026 The condition is:
052 drawing E 168 6027 that the pump units are des~gneda m r d ng to the specifications and
060 drawing E 168 6028 that this desgn is confirmedin lne project<elated pump data sheets.
070 drawing E 168 6029 Proper operation and the permissible amlication limits must be wm-
080 + 090 drawing E 168 6393 pliedwith as spedfied in the conesponiig chaptersof the data sheets
100+112 drawingE1686394 and of the operating manual. Also see Chapter 6 ol this operab'ng man-
ual (Commissioning).
125+140 drawingE1686395
The confirmation for the wrmissible area of use is:
160+180 drawingE1686431
documenledinthe EC Dedaration ol Canformdyfor the wnespondng
200 + 225 drawing E 168 6446 project. Detailed documents are included in the project documenta-
250 + 275 drawing E 1686657 tion, in parbcJar ATEX cen%cateson devices or attached parts requir-
ing verification.
funher project related drawings will be attached.
4.6.3. Temperatus and Pressure Llmltations

'If separate single dimension sheets have been executed for the user
they have to be requested.

4.42. Standard Assembly Drawings

The nominal pressure, viscosity and temperature details must be
Assembly drawing for the size 020 through 070 with DIN flange
wnnections and various motor size are available:
- .
needed (see data sheet). If no details are aiven to the wntrarv.. the
values given can be considered as relief values and may not be
For foot pumps D 161 9247 exceeded. If protective measures are required as a result of the
For submerged pumps D 161 9249 operating temperatures or temperature limits to prevent disturbance
For tank top mounted pumps D 161 9248 of the surface, these are to be applied by the customer and may not
Assembly drawing for the size 080 through 275 wilh DIN flange be removedin operation.
wnnections and various motor size are available:
For pedestal pumps D 162 1327 4.6.4. Performance Data and Speeds
For flange pumps D 162 1328
funher project related drawings will be attached. Performance Tables
Perlormancetablesaaurding to pump size and lead angle for various
speedsand viscosity's. see E 165 6448. page 1-21.
If separate mounting drawings had been made for the user, they have
to be requested. Power Conaumptlon Dlagrams
Power consumption's diagrams for pump size and lead angle for vari-
4.4.3. Standard Sectional Drawlngs
ous speeds and viscosity's, they have to be requested.
Standard cross sectional drawings for all sizes and possible execu-
tions according to drawing E 160 6878 or C160 7631. 4.6.5. Installallon
Ifspeaal uoss sectional drawings for the user have been made, they Necessary Space tor Operatlng and Malnlenance
have to be requested. Choose the mounting space that way that an undisturbed operation
All above drawings are available in different languages on request. and uncomplicated maintenance of the unit is possible. Follow all
safety regulationsas well.

Page 5 of Page 14
\ Allowable Environmental Influences We recommend the installationof suction strainers with the following

Existing environmental influences which would have mesh sizes:
negativeinfluenceon the operation of unit, i.e.. high heat
radiancefrom neighboring machine parts, splash water Mesh size viscosity
and so forth, have to be avoided as much as possible. All 0.3 - 0.5 mm >I50 mmZs
environmental influences and mounting configurations have to be 0.1 - 0.3 mm 37 - 150 mmZs
stated upon ordering. Additionally operation measures, i.e.. insulating, 0.06 -0.1 mm c37 mmZs
vibration dampers, have to be stated at order.
During the connection of the piping to the pump the flow direction Base, Foundation and Anchoring through the pump has to be observed (arrows on the pump). The con.
The anchoring is depending on the type and the size of the unit. If the nectionof a pressure gauge on the pump body should be planned.
unit is mounted via L-bracket. the mountina holes, respective elon-
gated holes of the foot bracket have to be used. Thecleanlng of the plpework should not be executed with water
The mounting should be chosen that no movement of the

or with fluids with mlnlmum dscosinr below the minlmum indica-
unit is possible. All sub bases and foundations musl be ted viscosity shown in the pump data sheet. During hydrostatic
statically sound. The unit should not be exposed to the test o l the whole oioework svstem. the oumo must be isolated.
vibrations of other machines. if vibrations cannot be The hydrotest of t i pump or static) will cause damage
avoidedvibration isolators have to be installed. to the .pump . to the shafl seallng svstem). H this proce
. (especially
dure is not maintained, the guarantee is not- void.^

Ifthe unit is mounted with a lid plate onto a tank, ensure
that the tank can support the weight of the pump. It is rec- Support Connections
ommended to use vibration isolators. This will reduce the All other support connections have to be dimensioned properly and
noise at the tank walls drastically. Leistritz cannot be brought towards the unit. The user is solely responsible for the sizing
r B madeliable for damages of the unit due to unstable anchoring. and material selection. In prindpal no mechanical forces are allowed to
take place. Damagedsupport pipes have to be repairedor exchanged

La Suction and Discharge Piping
The pump unR is not permittedto act as a mounting point immediately
for piping. The madmum allowable lorces and moments
on the flanges mentioned in the dimension sheets and
assembly drawings may not to be exceeded. This is true
for possible temperature forces as well, see section 8.3.The pipe sizes
on the suction and discharge side should be at least the size of the
pump connections. The sel&tion of lhe pipe has to be done using the
existing flow velocity. The flow velocity in the suction line should not
exceed 1 meter per second and in the discharge line. 3 meters per se-
cond. When .pidna . - up. suction and discharge lines. care should be
taken that lhe flow of the medium is not distirbed by mounting short
radius elbows, right angle valves or ched or back pressure valves in
the suction line. Unavoidablediameter changes in the flow lines have
to be executed with smwth reducers. Anv sudden direction chanoes -
should be avoided. The suction and discharge lines have to be sealed
" . ..
tiahtC and oioed in such a manner that nmair bubbles can build UD.
Thereforethe piping musl always be layed in a rising manner. The
spindlesof gate valves should be positioned horizontallyor vertically
downward to allow venting of the lines at the highest point. Flange gas-
kets cannot be permittedto pmwde into the I.D. of the pipe and instal-
, lationof isolation valves before and after the pump as well as a c h e d
valve at the discharge side is remmmended:The isolationvalves are
only dlo dose the lines for pulling the unit out of service. They have
to be completely open during normal operation. All pipes and valves
have to be cleaned thoroughly before the pump is mounted in order to
flush out weld slag, weld beads and possible mounting debris, like
bolts. nuts and so forth. No liabillv can be claimed for damaaes to the
pump which have been caused b; sold partides in h e produ-ct. Mount
the pump onto the tank in such maner that air bubbles and foam par-
tides, which might have been produmd in the fluid are kept out of the
pump inlet.

m T
The tank has to be dimensioned and mounted in such
fashion that the use of madmum allowable Row and media
temperatures are not exceeded, proper installations mea-
sures achieve this goal.
The liletime of a screw pump is determined by the cleanliness of the
product and it's relationship to the tight tolerances between the rotors
and the rotor sleeve.

E 185 51TITIe-Rev. 7-20.02.07 Page 6 of Page 14

: 1 5. Mounting and Installations Careful and accurate adjustment of the shaft ends will
5.1. Tools lengthenthe life time of the coupling. The coupling half on
the pump side is not allowed to be installedwith a hammer.
For the total mounting or disassembly standard tools are necessary:
-Allen head wrenches according to DIN 911 Bell housing or other support measures of the pump have to be thor-
-Open end wrenches according to DIN 838 IS0 3318 oughly checked for possible defective manufacturing.The referenced
-Open end wrenches according to DIN 3110 minimumallowable values for radial, axial and angular offset of the
-Machinist hammer according to DIN 1041 shafts according to DIN 42955 (table 1.N and table 2.N) have to be
-Rubber mallet achieved manufacturing the bell housing. Mountingadvises of the mu-
-Screw driver according to DIN 5.264lA pling manufacturer have to be observed.
-Screw driver insulated (electrical)
-Gear ouller 2 or 3 armed All rotating parts have to be protected against uninten-
- ~lien'forsnap rings according to DIN 5254 tional touch1 Damages caused by improper mounting or
-. -
- S n a, ~rina oliers accordina to DIN 5256
-Mounting sleeves for ball bearings
adjustment of the pump and motor, are not covered under

52. lnltlal lnstallatlon of the Pump
The shaft end of the pump and driver have to be aligned
carefully, since eccentricily, non-parallelisms and plain
arrows will fast destroy the elastic element of the coupling
and furthermore can cause damage to the pump. Mount-
ing Uw pump to a driver, care should be taken that the side ofset of h e
shafts (distance beween shafts) the maximum eccentricity (center off-
set between the shafts) and the maximum angularity of the two shafts
do not exceed the recommendeddata of the coupling manufacturen.
5.3. Initial lnslallatlon of the Pump Unit
The pump unit has to be inspededat the job site for damages. If G
w unit
When using special couplings the recommendationsof the manufac- is assembled at the job site, follow 5.2. After proper alignment, the
turer cannot be exceeded. Axial forces are not allowed to be trans- complete unit has to be anchored accordingly. Base and foundations,
mined through the coupling into the pump. see 4.6.

1. Mounting the indicator on the drive 2. Mounting indicator on one shaft and
shaft and rotation of both shafts; turning of both shafts;
checking on mncentricily and correction checking of parallelism and correction if
if necessary. necessary

E 185 ~ l n - e - ~ e v7-20.02.07
. Page 7 of Page 14
:, ') 6. Start up - Shut down The discharge line has to be vented until produd ex& the vent valve or
vent screw. The venting devices have to be closed after this proce-
6.1. Technical Documentation dure.
After start up 01 the pump, tolal pump pressure, flow rate, viscosity,
Before start up check all technical demands temperalure.& and horse power have to be compared to h e order
and documentation's. Especially check the and operation dala. Check especially that with higher specific gravity
pump unit on: or higher viscosity of the product as original assumed, the driver will
not w over oaded and NPSH requ rea of the p m p s not exceeaed
-serial no. Othemse cavltallonnol lake place Cneck tne l~au d level n the tank,
-type and size especially at tank mounted units, that the suction opening always
-flow direction and operation type stays flooded.

62. Pipes Schematic and Measuring Points

To the save and troublefree operation, the valve adjusting pres-
sure is to be examined - see chapter 7.5.1
The total piping arrangement, proper connection and dimension of
measuring and governing devices have to be observed. 6.5. Shut down of the Pump
IIthe pump is used in potentially explosive areas. the measuring and
controltechnology must be checked with regard to the approval of the For the shut down of the driver no .preparations
. are needed. IIthe pump
. .
devices. The declarations of wnformity are included in the project is shut down against full pressure, it will stand still immediately (un-
documentation. ~roblematicfor.D U .~ and
D electric motor). It is recommended to install a

The cleanina of the plpework should not be executed with water check valve between the isolation valve and discharge line. At longer
or with fluids with i n i m u m viscosity below the minimum indica- shutdown the isola6onvalves should be dosed. If a chanae - of theRuii
ted vlseostly shown in the pump dala sheet. During hydrostatic concentration, crystallization, solidification and others have to be
test of the whole ~ i ~ e w o r k s v s t e m
. DumD must be isolated. taken in to consideration.. the .DumD
. has to be drained and Rushedwith
The hydrotest of the pump (d;namic or &ticj will cause damage a proper fluid.
to the .pump. (especially
. . to the shaft sealing system). If this p m
dure is not maintained, the guarantee is %void.-
Damages which occur due to improper positioningor di-
mensioningof measuring and governing devices, are not After a shod shut down, the pump can be m e d without any prepa-
covered under warranty. rations. After longer still standing time or r&nstalialion of the pump,
the procedure according to seclion 6.3, preparation for start up has to
be followed.
6.3. Preparation for Stan up
6.7. Still Stand
r Before initial start up the following scopes have to be
6.7.1. Shut down for up t o 3 Months
-Cleaning ol the piping, section
-Checking of the anchoring, section If the start up of the pump is within 3 monthsof installation or the shut
-Checking on power supphl to the motor down of the pump is less than 3 months, no special preservation is re-
-Check the direction of i t i t i o n of h e driving motor, quired.
the direction of rotation must mrrespond to the direc-
6.7.2. Shut down from 3 to 6 Months
tion of rotation arrow on the pump. By an incorrect
direction of rotation. the DumD will Droduce no suction.
Before the initial start up the suclion and discharge port
this will cause the &mp'to be damaged.
have to be mvered with a blank. At shut down, suction
- Remove blind plugs on suction and discharge lines, section 3.3
P -Check piping according to Row direction, section 4.3.9 and
-Visual checking of the pump unit, section 6.1
and discharge insulationvalves have to be closed. Wdh
that measure the pump remains filled with product. Ifthe
product indudes aggressive particles which might attack the malerials
-Opening of the separation valves
of wnstruction of the pump, follow acwrding section.
-Fill pump with pumping liquid and be sure to protect against running
dry. For filling information and remmmendations, see Document E
6.7.3. Shut down for more than 6 Months
185 5504 (see Appendix).
-All governing and control equipment have to be checked on func
The pump has to be dosed on and sealed on according to
tion after installation ( i.e.. emergency switch off, needle pressure
6.7.2. and has to be filled with preservation material. To
gauge and others )
protect the running surfaces of the bearings against com-
-To protect people, all equipment has to be according to rules and
pression marks caused by vibrations or shocks, the
power rotor is to be turned in according time intervals. (1.e. all 4 weeks
rotatedmanual, so that parts like the rotor set and the bearing should
6.4. Stan up end in a different poshion each time).

Before start up. the rotation direction and speed has to be

checked. Suction and pressure gauges have to be ob-
served and compared to order and operation data. Tem- The necessary supervision of a Leistrilz screw pump is
peratureand vismsity of the producl should be checked. very minor. In proper time intervals, discharge pressure.
On the drive side cover in the bail bearing area, the lem- flow rate, excess power mnsumption ol the electrical mo-
( mrature can be 2C-30 'C, below the ~roducttemoera- tor, alignment of the pump (coupling), seal, filter, mntami-
iure, but has to be below 120 OC nation and unusual noises should be observed. The cleanliness of the
1: i product is the main factor in the Me time ol h e pump. A visual check of

Page 8 of Page 14
!' -1 the pump should be done at least on- a month. The pump should al-
ways run quiet andvibration free. The pump is not permilledto run dry1
grease -illling - quantities
Shaft seal should be checked, especially during s t m up time, leakage type of pump grease filling quantily
might occur.
The leakage of one drop of product per hour is an average
for an undamaged mechanical seal. If the pumps are
mountedas spares, they should be started up from time to
time for a shon period of time, to assure they are ready
when needed. Furthermore, the shalt should be rotated according to
Section 6.7.3.
6.9. Bearlng of the Drlvlng Splndle
The bearing on the power rotor is a maintenance free.
grease packed sealed ball bearing. The bearing is de-
signed for 17500 hours running under the conditions de
scribed under section 4.62. In a rough service, high tem-
peraturesor others, the design life can be shortened drastically.

If there is a regreasing-possibility at the pump. the groove ball bearing

has to be regreased regularly. The regreasing intervals depend on the
greaseservim life of the used grease-media and on the operational
charges.A monthly inspection respectively an inspection afler 500 o p

a erating hours would be recommended by the manufacturer.

For me lubrication, all higbquality and temperatureuesistant ball bea.

The indicated lubricantsexclusively apply to
the pump. Please you wnsider their regula-
ring-greases as proposed as follows, can be used. tionswith fur!her wmponentsfor lubrication.

manulacturer up to 130'C up to 1BO"C

Aral Aralub HLP 2

BP BP-Enerrease LS-EP2
Castrol Spheerol Ap2
DEA Glissando EP2 Diskor Plus 2
Esso Beawn Ep2 Unirex S 2
Fuchs Renolit FEP 2 Renoplex EP 3
Mobll Mobilux EP 2 Mobiltemp SHC 32
Optimol Olit2 EP oder Optitemp KT 2
Longtime PD 2
Shell Aivania Grease EP 2 Darina Grease 2

or comparable grease - products

Page 9 of Page 14
-7 7. Maintenance
IAffentjon For pumps handling dangerous substances
andlor environmentally hazardous media,
7.1. General the owner must inform its own assembly per-
sonnel on site of this fact, or our factory personnel in case
The maintenance work includes almost exclusively checking of pump of return. In this case, we must be presented with proof of
parts for wear and damage. Leistritz Suew Pumps of the Series L3NG the pumping medium, e.g. in h e form of a DIN Safely Data
Sheet,toqether with the request for customer service.
need minimum maintenance, as long as the confirmed operating data
are kept and the Ruid is as free as possble from abrasive particles. The Dangerous substances are:
cleanlinessandthe capabilty to lubricate the product, are dominant in
Toxic, carcinogenic, embryotoxic substances, gene-
the expectancy life of a pump. If a high operation safety is necessary,
altering substances or substances which are other-
we recommend the following maintenance intervals according to sec- wise harmful to h e health of and dangerous to human
tion. beings.

promoting, highly flammable

7.2. Maintenanceand Inspection

-After 500 hours of operation the pump should be ex- . and flammable materials
Corrosive materials.
amined, the pump should be checked for unusual
noises and it shall be checked with a temperature sen- The user is solely responsible for mounting on site warn-
sor. The temperature difference between the fluid and ing signs, which naturally shall be observed at all limes.
the drive side cover should not exceed 22-25 'C. The During all activities on site, the owner's own personnel
leakageof the mechanical seal should not exceed a few and LElSTRllZ employees must be informed of all
dangers which can o a r during dismantling andlor repair
drops per hour.
-After 2 years the pump should be disassembled and all inner parts
For mounting and repair LElSTRllZ personnelcan be made available
should be examinedfor damage and wear, espedly the mechanical
to the user upon request.
seal has to be checked in the sliding surfaces. The idler rotor head
7.3.3. Disassembly and Assembly
surfaces have to be checked for wear as well.
The most important disassembling and mounting steps
-Worn parts need to be replaced. Check the casing and the flow W-
are described in the following:
ets in the relief valve for dirt contaminahn. H dirt depo* are noted, it No warranly claims can be accepted if all necessary as-
needs to be cleaned out. sembly steps have not been kept in order, or damages
due to improper disassembly or assembly occurred.

7.3.4. Tools
7.3. Disassembly and Assembly Necessary Assembly Tools (see Section 5.1)

7.3.1. General Precaution 7.4. Disassembly of the Pump

-The power lines have to be disconnected by an Elec-
With proper supervision of the pump, operation intemptions which trician. Motor or driver have to be made unfunctional.
might make a disassembly necessary, are very rare. Ifan interruption -Checking of the insulation valves in suction and dis-
occurs, the possible cause should be determined before disassembly, charge line, they have to be closed.
if at all possible. The trouble shooting table in section 8.1 gives hints
about possible causes. At all disassembly and assembly, all parts
. . -
-Let oumD cool down to sunoundino environment tem-
have to be handled with care. Shocks and impacts have to be h a y s Disconnect suction and discharge Ranges.
avoided. All parts have to be carefully cleaned, possibly r-ndi- I Q unbnlting the mounting Range, the pump can be
tioned or exchanged for spare palls. After assembly the Driving lifted from the mounting unit.
Couplings half on pump shaft has to be pulled via
spindle has to rotate lreely, otherwise the bearing and mechanicalseal
could be damaged. At all work the proper uoss sectional drawing has I I I gear puller, remove key (position 180) from pump
to be used as work base. -Valves spring (posi8on 235) needs to be released via
adjusting screw 222, the seal nut (position 281) needs
to be loosened for this purpose (only with integral
- . Dressure relief valve).
7.3.2. Afler Sales Selvlce Technlclans/Dangen
-To remove end side cover or the.pedestal (position 30 or 40) take
out bolts (wsition 32 or 4TI and remove naskets (position 31).
LElSTRlTZService Technicians for mounting and repairs can be
made available to the user upon request.
- Remove valve parts (position 219,220 aA 235) [only with integral
relief valve).
If repair work is to be carried out by the owner or by LEIS- -Loosen screws (posilion 50) on drive side a v e r (position 45) and
TRlTZ service personnel, the pump must always be de- remove drive side cover and gasket (position 46) from pump cas-
pressurised, completely drained and deaned. This is es- ing (position 001). Doing that, watch for spindle set, mechanical
pecially applicable for pumps that are returned lo our fac- seal and grooved ball bearing. See valid sectional drawing.
tory for repair. In order to protect our employees, and for -Separate idler spindles (position 151) from driving spindle (position
environrnental~mtectionreasons, pumps filled mth pumping med um 150).
wi I not be accepted for recair. Otherwise the owner will be charge0 for - Remove c'rdip (posilon 174 and 173) and supponing disk (pos'tion
the costs lor an environmentally appropriate disposal. 172).

i )

E 185 5ln-e-Rev. 7-20.02.07

Page 10 of Page 14
I 1' -Pull driving spindle (position 150) through the I.D. of the grooved with the supporting disk (position 172) in place, through the drive
ball bearing (position 170) towards suction side through the drive side cover and the ball bearing. Never drive the driving spindle
side cover. Remove supporting disk (position 172). through the ball bearing with impact by a hammer nor the ball
-The rotary part of the mechanical seal has to be carefully pulled bearing over the shaft via hammer. The driving spindle, slightly
from the driving spindle. Depending on the manufacturer the lock- greased, needs to engage with the inner diameter of the ball bear-
ing device has to be removed. ing all the way on to the shoulder on the driving spindle. After-
-The stationaw face of the mechanical seal with China
can now be pressed out carefully of the drive side cover.
- or seal rina- .. - . ..
wards mount the suowrtina disk lwsition 172) and c i r c l i ~iwsi-
lion 173).
-Remove grooved ball bearing (position 170) in direction shaft end .. . .
-Put Grina" loan 46) in olace on to drive side cover fwsition 451.
wilh a gear puller out of the drive side cover (position 45). -Position the idler spindles (position 151) as a pair on to the driving
spindle and slide spindle set into the casing. Watch for the posi-

7.5. Assembly of the Pump tion of the running surfaces ( mark), ).hecasing box should be
slightly oiled for this purpose'. EIoiilhe pump L i n g with screws
A re-assembly can only be permined if full functional and
(position 047) onto drive side mver. note that the screws need lo
undefective parts are used. We recommend as well a
be pulled s i ~ u l t a n e o u sand
~ ~ the proper position of the connection
cleaning01 heavily stained parts
flanges has to be noted.
-Assembly valve parts, position number 219, 220 with 235. in the
-The grooved ball bearing (position 170) needs to be checked for
proper order in to the valve cavity (only with existing relief valve).
damages', defective seal disks, then it should be pressed into the
-Place gasket (position 031) onto the end side mver of the pump
drive side cover (position 45). 'Like smooth run, grease filling.
casing (position 001).
Never force the bearing in place by means of a hammer, this
-Turn set screw (position 222) that far into the end side cover
would cause damage of the running surfaces and the bearing
(poslon 030) that the tip of the adjustment screw touches the
balls. Secure in pla& by means oflhe circlip (positionl74). -
spring plate (position 220) wilhout tensioning the valve spring
- Mounting of the mechanical seal needs absolute cleanliness. (position 235). Afterwards pull the end side cover tight by means
~ s p e d a i ya damage of the sliding surfaces and elastomers have
of using screws (position 030) seal nut (position 281) on to adjust-
to be avoided.
ment screw and after adjusting the relief valve to proper operating
-The stationary element of the mechanical seal
(position 62) can be pressed into the drive side cover with the
oressures, seal tight - lonlv
. . ifa relief valve exists).
-Heat pump side coupling half to app. llO°C and slide
M n g in place. Watch for equal pressure distribution over the
on to shaft end of the driving spindle with the key
whole ring. Watch as well for the position of the edged adjusting
(180) in place. The coupling half shall not be installed
pin (position 61) in drive side mver (position 45). If necessary,
with impact by a hammer.
spacer ring (position 63) on to driving spindle (position 150).
Watch for absolutely undamaged driving spindle surface in the After complete re-assembly the pump has to be installed into the driv-
mechanical seal area. ing unit and be mounted acmrding to section 5.2. Thereafter the dis-
-To reduce the friction forces at assembly of the mechanical seal, charge suction and supply lines have to be connected properlr At the
oil drivlng spindle (position 150) in the area of the rotating element restart-up, section 6.0 have to be followed and the pressure limitation
with 0'1 or al:cone grease h I. It is not permitted that Teflon oil ring valve, safety valve, if existing has to be adjusted
gels in contact with mineral oil or Silicone grease is rec-- -The down valve spring (position 235) hard via adjustment screw
ommended, depending on seal execution, the rotary . part
. needs to (position 222).
be locked ontoihe shift. -Stan pump wilh the thronie valve A open.
Above is not applicable for rubber bellows -Tnronling valve A. so that the oressue ga.ge shows the reaulred
seals, lhey have to be mountedwih aproper valve opening pressure and the flow meter B shall show steady
solvent, water or alcohol. now.
- Releasevalve spring via adjustment screw (poslon 222)until the
-Never grease the sliding surfaces, always mount completely dry flow rate on the flow meter number lowers. This means the relief
and dust free. valve opening pressure is reached.
-After mounting of the rotaryelement (position 062) on to the driv- -Close throttle valve A. Now the pressure gauge will show the
ing spindle (position 150) the driving spindle needs to be mounted pressure where the total flow is cycled over the valve

Page 11 of Page 14
i 1 -a Design variant with seallng nut and adjusting screw
-Lock seal nut (28l)tightly.
- 0 Design variant cap nut sealing of adjusting screw
- . -
For lixina of the adiustino screw loosition 2221 this one has to be
counteredwith the hexagonal nut (position 215) and the sealing ring
(position 216). ~Ilerwardsthe cap nut (position 281) has to belighi
ened withe the second sealing ring (position 216).

Fullher steps see section 6.4.

7.5.1. Notlce to the valve adjustlng pressures

Like all positive-displacement pumps, this screw pump requires a
pressure relief valve to protect against overloading. This valve can be
installedexternally,as an external valve in the piping system, or di-
rectly as an attached part on the pump. The respedve model is sped-
lied in the data sheet or the valid drawings.
If no other agreement has been made, the valve actuation Dressure is
preset at the factory on the test bench. The opening pressure is a p
orox. 10 to 20 %above the ooeraSno oressure. However. the values on
the system must be checked prior to commissioning
Thefollowlng distinction is made for valves:
-Valve actuating pressure: this is the pressure at which the valve
begins to open.
-Valve shorl-clrcuit pressure; this is the pressure at which the en-
tire pump feed quantity Rows off via the valve.
-valve cl&sing pressui'e; this is the pressure at which the valve has
closed awin followiim relief.
It must be noted that at operation pressures, the adjustment values
are selected so that the valve closing pressure is always above the
operating pressure and the valve shbn-circult pressi~redoes not
lead to overloading .
- of the oumD. and drive.
If this is not observed, damage to the pump and drive may result. We
shall assume no liability whatsoever for damage resuhg from a failure
to observe this fact

7.6. Spare Parts

In general, we remmmend that the user should keep a mmplete set of
. . . .
mare cats for the Dumo unil on stores. It is also wssble to select a set
p f appropriate spares a=. to our spare pads list for the individual user.
In order to do this, the following information shall be supplied when or-
-Pump Type
-Pump Size
- Leistrih Serial Number
-Cross Sectional Drawing Number
- Purchaser IUser
-Address and Telephone Number
An interchangeabilrty can only be guarantied
accurate informationis given.

Conserving and intermediate storage of spare pads or spare pumps,

see section 3.4. and 3.5 ...

Page 12 of Page 14
1 -'> 8. Trouble Shwtlna - - list, we recommend a check back with
not listed in the trouble shootina
the factory or the sales forces.
8.1. Table to define Reason and solvlng of Problems
Solving all of the particular disturbances the
The table b l o w is used to define eventually happening disturbances at pump needs to be without system pressure
the pump unit. If problems wcur during operation of the unit, which are and needs to be drained.


1 Com~aredirection of rotation arrow on Dump

. . wilh direction of rotation of motor.
.Ine&ssa!y reverse motor.
Check suction p pelines and stopcow for leaks. Vacuum suct:on heao to high.
shorten suction pipe ine, mount pLmp at a lower position
Reduce Bow turbdlence. lav sudon o'wlhes straiohter.
I System and pump are empty. Fill tank with media.
Drive speed too low. Check motor for speed and power o~tput.Compare motor
speed, supply vohage and heq~encyto designating plate.
Discharge pressure too high. Check operabng data of pump, meola vismsity.
Compare operat'ng data. Heat med.a if necessw

II Viscosity too low. Compare operating data, increase drive speed as required.
Select a pump with steeper spindle pitch or nekl larger size of motor. Increase
.. --
media viswsilv bv chanoino media temcerature.
During operation the media tank was not filled with media.
Air bubbles in suction and discharge system. Vent pump at highest point. S e
- -
lect a laraer media tank wilh better deaeratino characteristics. Submeroe return
I line unde; the media level in the tank.
Mechanical seal damaged by dirt in the pump med a. Floating ring seal sur-
faces worn or abraded. Mechanical nng seal oveheated and defective as a
I result of running dry. Completely replace floating ring seal.
Shafts or spindles have seized in the housing borings. If the surfaces are only
slightly damaged these can be honed or lapped. Check operating data and do
no exceed.
Internal parts of pump worn, fit spare parts, fill with media or change filter insert.
monitor operating characteristicsand do not excesd.
Pump and coupling are not correctly aligned and mounted. Realign the unit.
$2Check manufacturers data lor the coupling and "allowable displacements
&$ E1855270".
Pressure and vacuum lines are under tension. Refit lines in atension free man-
& ner. If necessary fit compensators into the lines. Support and secure pressure
7i;< and vacuum linss.

Ball bearina defective. dismantle and reolaae

gs Dismount pump, find out defective parts, remove and renew them. In case of
defective magnetic coupling, the mmplete unit should be returned to the factory
~ ~

for repair.
Sgl Coupling components defective. Dismantle unit and replace..

E 185 5177-e-Rev. 7-20.02.07 Page 13 of Page 14
83. Toque Requirements 8.3. Allowable pipe forces and moments
Necessary torque requirements according BDI 2230, sheet 1. (me- Forces and moments shown on assembly and dimensional drawings
dium friction) factor 0.14 for shafts, screws and metric standard thread shall not be exceeded.
according lo DIN 13, part 13, and head dimension of hex head screws
according to DIN 913 or Allen head screws according to DIN 912 Violating and exceeding lhese values can damage the
pumpcausing operating problems. Eventually occurring
thread size I property class I starting torque in Nm lhermo tensions have to be mrrected by design modiica-
M6 8.8 10.4 lion ( flexible piping).
MR I 8.8 I 25

8.4. Allowable pipe forces and moments

Rev-No. Chapter Page Modification Date Name Checked

1 6 9 lubrication information added 271196 Frbg.
2 all sizes 80 - 140 add. to 121099 Frbg.
3 4,s 4-6. Remarks to "tmperaturs and pressure limitalions" add. to 07.00 Frbg
13-1 4
4 6+8 Cleaning, pressure test and filling of the pipe work 7.06.04 HB Frbg
fi 2
5 1 1.4.6 11.5.9 1 ~bricationtnformation added ~3NG160up to L3NG 275 27.8.04 I Frbg
6 4.6,7 4. 5.8, Inlormation 'EX-appl." and 'Valve ad;usting pressures' added. 7.12.05 Frbg
I ,-
7 6 1 9 1 lubrication .nformation added 1 20.2.07 1 Frbg I

First edition Prepared Checked .......................... Approval ....................................

Date 17.0ct.1994 ............................. .......................... ....................................
De~artment KSP..................... ......................... ....................................

9. Drawings, Data Sheets, Appendix

E 185 5177-8-Rev. 7-20.02.07 Page 14 of Page 14

Additional for Shaft Seal
Leisfritz "Oil Receiver Mechanical Seal"
Pumpen GmbH (o~tional)

Oil Receiver Tank

pump position
horizontal line verlical line

) Function of the oil receiver: On sealing leakage and higher atmospheric pressure at the suction (in-
The mntacl b e m n the hot mnveying medium and the cool ambient air take) of the pump. the level raises.
has to be avoided for mnveying l~bricantsat temperatures horn 120°C. lnspectlon and filllng Intervals:
for example heavy oils. W e n a
ilkage escapes,which is lo a less degree The inspection and the refilling of the receivers is dependent on the re-
inevitable for mechanicalseals, the escaping liquid is cracking and cau- spective operating data of the system. The level and the mnsumption
ses malfunctions of the mechanical seal. should be chedced in short intervals during the breakin period. We sug-
gest to check the level on operating s M daily and after a p e a of opera-
Installation of the oll receiver:
tion weekly. On mntaminalimnof the oil filling, visble on the change of the
The installationis described in the illustrations above. The oil receiver is oil mlor, the oil should be exchanged after cleansing.
placed upwards when pump has a horizontal arrangement and in dire+
tion of the driving, when the pump has avertical arrangement. Regreaslng lnstallatlon ball bearlng:
Deslgn ofthe oll recelver: The ball bearings are exclusivly fit out with a regreasing installation.
The oil recaiver allows a dusl-cmof filling of unpressurizedrecipient m e
We recommenda monthly regreasing or a regreasing alter max. 500 run-
diums. The transparent cylinder jackets &nsisioptional of plexi or nab-
ning hours. Informations about the grease levels and the suggested lu-
raJ alas..the seals mnsist of NBR or viton. The materials will be desianed
t o meet the requirements.
. bricants muld be found in the operating lnstruclions E 185 5177.

Reclplent medlum:
For filling to mnvey the heavy oil, heat transfer oil should be used exdu-
sively. The receivers are empty on delivery. The filling has to be proem-
ded preoperational. The recipient medium should be chosen in the way
that the vismsily amounts fmm approx. 10 to 60 mm-Is on temperature
) during operahn. The reservoir should be filled to appmx. M) % In order to
let sufficient mmpensalion placa on leakage. On sealing le&age and io-
wer atmospheric pressure at tne suclion of the pump, the level reduces.

Appendix to E 185 5177

Allowable displacements
Ldstri*~ appendix to all pump instructions

speed n= up to max 1500 rpm speed n= up to max 3600 rpm

0 coupling
up to da = [mm] R ma, [mm] A max [mm] R ma, [mm] A max [mm]
30 0,06 0,06 0,04 0,04

,\ II

Chapter 5 (Mounting and Installation) of the pump op- Pump units or a pump and lantern unit are designed to
) erating instructions specifies that the shaft ends of the comply with these requirements in the original state
pump and driving motor must be carefully aligned. In (supplied by Leistrik). Ifattached parts are purchased
the above table the quality of this alignment can be de-
separately (not included in Leistritz delivery scope),
termined with reference to the coupling size [da].
the requirements for the geometry of these parts must
It should be noted that an alignment of the type shown also be complied with.
can only be carried out in horizontally installed pump
units. In special cases an alignment of the pump relative to
For units with a "lantern arrangement" it must be en- the lantern is permissible, however this adjustment
sured that the position of the pump shaft is determined should be secured with a suitable locating device.
by the geometry of the lantern relative to the mounting If special couplings are used, e.g. with removable el-
flange of the driving motor. The shape and position of ements, special documents are added to the project
the lantern must be such that the alignment values of documentation. In case of specific questions, please
the above table are achieved. contact our agents or the plant.

(. )
E 185 5270le Rev.: 03-18. July 2005
Hinweise und Empfehlungen zum Befiillen Notes and recommendationsfor filling Conseils et recommandations pour le
von Pumpen. pumps. remplissage des pompes.
Annexe au chapitre 6.3 Preparatifs avant
Pumpen GmbH Anhang zu den Betriebsanleitungen
Kapite16.3 Fertigmachen zum Betrieb
Appendix to operating instructions
Chapter 6.3 Getting ready for operation utilisation du manuel de service

'Or einen st8rungsfreien Bebieb der P u m p ist es wichtig, vor der Far . . ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~
. - - oumo oneration.. it Is imoortant to ensure sufficient
. fault-free
7 -

ubrication of the moving pans before commissionhg (initial start-up)

'our que la pompe fonctionne sans problhme, il est important de bien
gbrifier les pieces en mouvement avant la premiere mise en service
mten lnbebiebnahme (Erststart) und bei Wlederinbebiebnahme nach
Nlstandszeiten, mr eine ausreichende Schmierung der bewegten ana when restarting aRer standstill periods. We recommeno the premier dbmarrage) et avant une remise en service apres un anOt
reile zu sorgen. Folgende Schritte werden von uns empfohlen: following steps: ,rolongB. Nous recommandons d'acmmplir les Btapes suivantes :

1. Bemllung des Pmpeninnenraumes mil FdrderROssigkeit. Dies FI I the inside of the pLmp with pumping Iqdio. This wets the spindle Remplir la pompe avec du liquide A refouler. Ceci a pour effet de
bewirkt eine Benetzung des Spindelsystemesund sorgt for gute system and ensures goo0 intake quality OLring start-up The mouiller le s y s t h e d'arbre e l d'assurer une bonne aspiration A
Ansauaaualiit beim hfahrvorgang. Zur Bemllung mit following 1:q~ioscan be use0 for fi ling: I'amorpge. Les liquides utilisables sont :
Flossiskeit kann verwendet weiieri
Pumping liquid (lubricating) -or Liquide B refouler (lubrifiant) - ou
1.1 FdrderllOssigkeit (schmierend)-oder
Lubricating oil - or Huile de lubrification - ou
1.2 SchmierCII- oder
1.3 Eine Fl0ss:gkeit (schmierend), die m l der FbrderllOssigkeit A liquid (lubricating) which is compatible with the pumping liquid and Un liquide (lubrifiant) compatible avec le liquide B refouler et
verHglich und vom Anwenoer helgegeben ist. is approved by the user. approuvB par I'utilisateur.

2. D:e BefOllung kann Ober oen Druckanschlussder Pumpe oder Filling can be carried out via the delivery connection of the pump or Le remplissage peut Blre effedu6 via le raccord de pression de la
Ober einen anlagenseitigen BeKlllanschlusserfolgen. via a filling connection on the system. pompe ou via un raccord de remplissage a t 6 installation.

3. D:e Foilmenge nchtet slch nach der G r N a und Bauart aer The fill ng qdanttty is aependent on the size and design of the pump. La quantit6 B remplir est fonction de la taille et du type de la pompe.
Pumpe. ErfahrungsgemBDgenOgen 5% der minOtiichen Experience shows that 5 % o f the feed rate per m'nute is sufficient. GBnBralement, 5 % du dBbl par minute suffisent.

4. BefOllungdes Raumes der Gleibingo'chtung oder bet Fill the chamber of the mechanical seal or at incapsulated pumps the Remplissage de I'espace de la garniture Btanche ou B des
gekapseken Pumpen a'e entsprechenden Elemente. appropriate elements. encapsulb pompes les BlBments correspondants.
Der Dichtungsraum ist unmittelbar mit dem Saugraum der Cet esoaw est direclement relib B la chambre d'asoirationde la
Tne sealing chambers oirectly conneclea to tne ntake chamber of -~~~~
P u m p verbunden. Dies bewirkt, dass die Dichtung nicht gegen
den Fdrderdruck abdichten muss, sondem nur aeaen den me p m p . Thls makes it Lnnecessary to seal off the seal against the anmae'.
- .. .. Ceci
. ... sionifie
- - - ~~.~
- aue le ioint n'a oas besoin d'a'ssurer une
6tanchBitB mntre la pression de refodlement mats uniq~ement
anlagenseitigen ~ u ~ l h r u n ~ s d r uDamit
c k . beim k k h ~ o r g a n g deliverypressure, but Instead only against the system feed pressure.
So that sufficient lubrication is available for the moving parts of the contre la press'on a'admiss on cbt6 'nsta ation. PoLr assxer Lne
Mr die bewegten Teile der Gleibingdichtung ausreichende lubrification suffisante des pieces en mouvement de la garniture
Schmierung vohanden ist, empfehlen wir, den Raum mechanical
-- - ~~ seal durino start-uo. we recommend fillinithe chamber
~~~ ~~

with lubricating oi or ashable 'iquid (lubricating) air& y before Blanche au moment de I'amorpge, nous recommandons de remplir
unmittelbar vor der lnbebiebnahme und bei cet espace avec de I'huile de lubrification ou avec un liquide
Wlederinbebiebnahmen nach Stillstandszeiten mit SchmierOl comm;ssioning and when restarting after standstil. periods.
approprie (lubrifiant) immbdiatement avant la mise en service ou la
oder einer geeigneten FlOsslgkeit(schmierend) zu bemilen,
remise en service apr& un arr6t pmlongB.
Filling can be carried out via this hole with a syringe alter removing
the sealing plug (Item 69). The filling quantity is dependent on the Effen~er.e rempltssage avec un olsposltlf d'lnjectlon apres avo r
5. Die
- .BefOlluno
-.-- kann nach dem
-~ Enlfemen
- der
rebd le bo~chonPos. 69 La qdantlt6 B remp lr est fond on de la
~~ ~

~erschlusss;hriubePas. 69 Ober olese Bohrung mit einer ske and design of the pump. The chamber should be completely
filled. taille et du type de la pompe. L'espace doit Obe entieremen1rempli.
Sprihe erfolgen. Die FOllmenge richtet sich nach aer GrbDe und
Bauan der Pump. Der Raum sollte vo Istandig gemlit women.

Established -checked IErstellt geprijft: Dokument Nr. IDocument No. I rev. Idate I Deutsch English Fran~ais
Date I Datum: 01.06.2004 Frbg. E 185 5504 1 0 104.06.2004


Safety and Health Declaration

Please include with shipment or send to us by mail or fax +49/911/4306-251

Dear Customer,

We need to protect our staff against hazards caused by contaminated pumps.

Please understand that we can only undertake repairs Imodifications Iprovide cost
estimates, after receiving this declaration that you have completely filled-in and signed.

Please return the pump(s) to us in a cleaned state and confirm that the cleaned pumps or its
medium which was piped does not bear any health hazard.

- In case of toxic or hazardous media or products which are subject to the Regulation on
Dangerous Chemicals (German: Gefahrenstoffverordnung),the Material Safety Data Sheet
I ) (MSDS) must be included to this Safety and Health Declaration.

We reserve the right of returning contaminated pumps back t o you for cleaning1

King regards
Customer Service -After Sales and Services
Leistritz Pumpen GmbH
Markgrafenstr. 29-39
- D - 90459 Niirnberg - Germany

Pump type: ........................................ ............................

P u m p serial no.:

Shipment date: ..................................... Delivery note No.: ...........................

W e herewith confirm that the above mentioned p u m p is clean, i.e. free of liquid
or solid media. Possible present residues f r o m t h e medium are:
~j Medium: harmless yes no

The p u m p was cleaned with: Can be dissolved with:

Company (stamp)
Name (in b l o c k letters)

Position IDepartment

L Phone IFax IEmail ..............................................

Date, signature

Rev. 0 vom 20.04.2007


Range I Type I Size Pilch Shope Type of Seal ldenfificalion

L3N G 20- 70 I... AFOKl I G 3 SPINDLE

24.01.07 1 pump + 61 edged odjusling pin 174 circlip
Herrm. + 5 locking screw 62
x mechanical seal +* 180 key
+ 6 sealing ring x 150 driving spindle - * 21 9 volve cone
REV. 1
30 cover x 151 idler spindle - 220 spring plofe
WN 31 flot seol "170 grooved boll beoring - 222 odjusling screw
n 1:2
+ 32 mounting screw x 172 supporling disk - 235 volve spring
K,.-,mqk 45 cover driving side +x 173 circlip - x 28 1 seal-lock-nut
A*...L& + DIN - ports
spore parts
Edition: 10.03.94 Subject l o modificotion.
. PAGE .
Leislrilz AG Morkgrolenslr.29-39 Poslfoch 3041 0-8500 Niirnberg Te1.10911)43060 Telex 626717 Fax 4306 490 1E 16 0 6 8 7 f
4 KTR Kupplungstechnik ROT EX^ KTR-N 40210 E
KTR GmbH Oaeratina-IAssemblv sheet: 1

Torsionally flexible jaw-type
couplings types
No. 001 -shaft coupling,
NO. 018 - DKM,
. " sleeve
with taoer clamoina design NO. 001 -shaft coupling
and {heir combinations

according to Standard 94/9/EC

(ATEX 95) for finish bored, pilot
bored and unbored couplings

design No. 018 - DKM

double-cardanic coupling

design with taper clamping sleeve

Schulmermerk Gezeichnet 03.07.06 SharTn I Ersat! fir:

IS0 16016 beachten. Gepmft 03.07.06 Sha I Ersetzt durch:
A KTR Kupplungstechnik ROTEX@ KTR-N 40210 E
WR GmbH Operating-/Assembly sheet: 2
D-48407 Rheine instructions edition: 9
ROTE)$ is a torsionally flexible jaw coupling. It is able to compensate for shaft displacement
caused by, as an example, inaccuracies in production, heat expansion, etc.

l ~ a b l of
e Contents .I
Technical Data

2.1 Coupling selection
2.2 General Hints
2.3 Safety and Advice Hints
2.4 General Hints to Danger
2.5 Proper Use


4.1 Components of the Couplings
4.2 Hint Regarding the Finish Bore
4.3 ~ s s e m bofl ~the Hubs
4.4 Assembly of the Taper Clamping Sleeve
4.5 Displacements -Alignment of the Couplings
4.6 Spares Inventory, Customer Service Addresses

Enclosure A

Hints and Instructions Regarding the Use in a Hazardous Areas

5.1 Use in @ Hazardous Areas According to the Regulations

5.2 Control Intervals for Couplings in

5.3 Approximate Values of Wear
@ Hazardous Areas

5.4 Permissible Coupling Materials in the @ Hazardous Area

5.5 @ of Coupling
5.6 Starting
. - for the Hazardous Area

5.7 Breakdowns, Causes and Elimination

5.8 EC Certificate of Conformity according to the EC Standards 9419IEC
dated 23 March 1994

Schutmrmerk Gezeichnet 03.07.06S h u n I Ersatz fi~r:

IS0 16016 beachten. G ~ ~ ~ Sha
~03.07.06 R I Ersetzt durch:
/\ KTR Kupplungstechnik ROTEX" KTR-N 40210 E
1 KTR GmbH Operating-/Assembly sheet: 3
D-48407 Rheine
I instructions ledition: 9 I

picture 1: R O (matwial:
~ AID) I pidure 2: ROT& (material: EN-GJL-2501ENGJ540015)

Table 1: material AI-D

1) maximum torque of the coupling T- = raied torque of lhe coupling TKM, x 2

2) bore H7 keyway to DIN 6885 sheet 1[JS9] wim thread for selsuew
3) thmads for set suews are opposite lhe keyway in case of materialACD and on the keyway in case of material EN-GJL-2501
4) ionsize 125 thread for sels- on request
I Ersiz fir:
I S 0 16016 beachten.
03.07.06 Sharrn
03.07.06 Sha I Ersetd durch: I
A KTR Kupplungstechnik ROTEX@ KTR-N 40210 E
lCTR GmbH Operating-/Assembly sheet: 4
D-48407 Rheine
1 -) instructions edition: 9
~~ .~
,. . . ~.

picture 3: ROTE? (material: steel) pidure 4: ROW.

design DKNl

Table 3: material steel
spider " (ampanent 2) dimensions lmml
ROWcompo- rated toque [Nml
finish bore " gened
thread for
size nent 92 S h A 98ShA 64 S h D setscrews
(Yellow) (red) (green)
,, L 1I1:l21 E I b 1 s IDn I d~ I D I N 1 G I 1

Table 4: desian DKM

1) marjmm toque ofihe coupling T- = rated torque of the Coupling TKN-. x 2

2) b m ~7 keyway to DIN 6885 sheet I [JSS] wiVl Bread for setscrew
3) Breads for set suews are opposite the keynay in case of maten'alAID and on lhe keyway in case of material E W L - 2 5 0 1

Schutrvermerk Gezeichnet 03.07.06 ShalTn I Ersah:for:

IS0 16016 beachten. ~epmft 03.07.06 Sha 1 Erseht durch:
/\ KTR Kupplungstechnik ROTEX@' KTR-N 40210 E
lCTR GmbH Operating-/Assembly sheet: 5
D-48407 Rheine instructions edition: 9

Couplina desian:

TB1 Cam-sided screwing

TB2 Collar-sided screwing

Different combinations of types TBI and TB2

are possible.

picture 5: ROTEX., design with taper damping sleeve

Table 5: desian with taper clampina sleeve

ROT^ couplings with attached parts that can generate heat, sparks and static charging
Q (e. g. combinations with brake drums, brake disks. overload systems like torque limiters,
impellers etc.) are allowed for the use in hazardous areas.
A separate checking must be made.

Schuhvermerk Gezeichnet 03.07.06 Sna~Tn I Ersatz fi~r:

IS0 16016 beachten. Gepm 0307.06Sha I Ersetzt durch:
/\ KTR Kupplungstechnik ROTEX" KTR-N 40210 E
lCTR GmbH Operating-/Assembly sheet: 6
D48407 Rheme instructions edition: 9
12.1 Coupling selection 1
A - .A.U
C - T.I.O- N

/1\ For a continuous and troublefree operation of the coupling it must be designed according to
the selection instructions (according to DIN 740 part 2) for the particular application
(see ROT* catalogue).
If the operating conditions (performance, speed, changes at engine and machine) change,
the coupling selection must be checked again.
Please make sure that the technical data regarding torque only refers to the spider. The
transmissible torque of the shaftlhub connection must be checked by the orderer, and he is
responsible for the same.

For drives with endangered torsional vibration (drives with periodical load on torsional vibration) it is necessary to
make a torsional vibration calculation to ensure a perfect selection. Typical drives with endangered torsional
vibration are e. g. drives with diesel engines, piston pumps, piston cornpressors etc. On request KTR makes the
coupling selection and the torsional vibration calculation.

Please read through these mounting instructions carefully before you set the coupling into operation.
Please pay special attention to the safety instructions!
The ~~TEX@coupling is suitable and approved for the use in hazardous areas. When using the
@ coupling in hazardous areas please observe the special hints and insfmctions regarding safe'y in
enclosure A.
The mounting instructions are part of your product. Please keep them carefully and close to the coupling.
The copyright for these mounting instructions remains with KTR Kupplungstechnik GmbH.

DANGER! Danger of injury t o persons.

A CAUTION! Damages on the machine possible.

G3- ATTENTION1 Pointing t o important items.

Q P R E C A U T I0 N l Hints concerning explosion protection.

Schutzvermerk Geeidmet. 03.07.06 Sha~Tn I Ersatz filr

IS0 16016 beachten. GeprMt: 03.07.06 Sha 1 Emtzt durch:
-- ~-

A KTR Kupplungstechnik ROTEX" KTR-N 40210 E

Operating-/Assembly sheet: 7
\ D48f:~heine instructinns edition: 9

12.4 General Hints of Danger 1

With assembly, operation and maintenance of the coupling it has to be made sure that the
entire drive train is protected against unintentional engagement You can be seriously hurt
by rotating parts. Please make absolutely sure to read through and observe the following
safety instructions.
All operations on and with the coupling have to be performed taking into account "safety first".
Please make sure to disengage the power pack before you perfoml your work.
Protect the power pack against unintentional engagement, e. g. by providing hints at the place of engagement
or removing the fuse for current supply.
Do not touch the operation area of the coupling as long as it is in operation.
Please protect the coupling against unintentionaltouch. Please provide for the necessary protection devices
and caps.

may only assemble, operate and maintain the coupling if you
carefully read through the mounting instructions and understood them
had technical training
are authorized to do so by your company
The coupling may only be used in accordance with the technical data (see table I to 5 in chapter 1). Unauthorized
modifications on the coupling design are not admissible. We do not take any warranty for resulting damages. To
further develop the product we reserve the right for technical modifications.
The ROTW described in here corresponds to the technical status at the time of printing of these mounting

The coupling hubs are supplied in prese~edcondition and can be stored ata dry and roofed place for 6 - 9
~,) months.
The features of the coupling spiders (elastomers) remain unchanged for up to 5 years in case of favourable stock

The storage rooms may not include any ozone-generating devices, like e. g. fluorescent light
sources, mercury-vapour lamps or electrical high-voltage appliances.
Humid storage rooms are not suitable.
Please make sure that there is no condensation. The best relative air humid* is under 65%.

Schunvennerk Gezeichnet 03.07 06 S h a n IE m tor

IS0 16016 beachten ~ e p r ~ l ~ 03.07.06 Sha 1 ErseW a~rch:
/\ KTR Kupplungstechnik R 0 T E x@' KTR-N 40210 E
WR GmbH Operating-/Assembly sheet: 8
I?-48407 Rheine instructions edition: 9
Basically the coupling is supplied in individual parts. Before assembly the coupling has to be conbolled for

14.1 Components of Couplings (

Components of ROTEX@,shaft coupling design No. 001

quantity designation


picture 6: R O ~

Components of ROTEX@,DKM


4 2 setscrew

pichae 7: ROT* DKM

\ Components of ROTEX@,design with taper clamping sleeve

quantity designation
hub for taper
TBIllB2 2
darnpinu sleeve
I taper clampifla
I sleeve
. -
2 1 I spider
3 I 4 I set-

pidwe 8: R O M design with taper damping sleeve

Features of the standard spiders

spider hardness
marking (colour)
92ShA ellow
95198 Sh A
natural white with green
I. \ ,
64 Sh D-F

Schutzverrnerk Gezeichnet: 03.07.06 Sharrn I Ersatz for.

IS0 16016 beachten. GeprOft 03.07.06 Sha I Ersem durch:
KTR Kupplungstechnik R o T E X~ KTR-N 40210 E
lCTR GmbH Operating-/Assembly sheet: 9
D-48407 Rheine instructions edition: 9

14.2 Hlnt regarding the finish bore (

bore diameters d (see
The maximum ~ n n i s s i b l e
table 1 t o 5 in chapter 1 -Technical Data) must not be
exceeded. If these figures are disregarded, the
coupling may tear. Rotating particles may cause
serious danger.

= Hub bores machined by the customer have to observe

mncenbic running or axial running, respectively (see
picture 9).
Please make absolutely sure to observe the figures for
Carefully align the hubs when the finish bores are
brought in. m L I
Please use a setscrew according to DIN 916 with a cup
picture 9: concentric nmning and axial w ~ i n g
point or an end plate to fasten the hubs axially.

~ ~~~ ~~~

/1\ The orderer is responsible for all subsequently made machinings to unbored or pilot bored
and t o finish machined coupling parts and spare parts. KTR does not assume any warranty
claims resulting from insufficient refinish.

Any mechanical rework to couplings that are used in hazardous areas require an explicit
release by KTR.
The orderer must send a drawing t o KTR acc. t o which the manufacture must be made. KTR
checks this drawing and returns it to the orderer with approval.
KTR supplies unbored or pilot bored coupling pa& and spare parts on explicit customerrs
request. These parts are additionally labelled with the symbol 0.

Table 6: setscrews
ROTEX" size ( 14 1 19 1 24 1 28 1 38 1 42 1 48 1 55 1 65
dimension G I M4 I M5 1 M5 I M8 I M8 I M8 1 M8 I M 1 0 1 MI0
~1 tightening torque Ta ) 1 , 5 1 2 1 2 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 7 1 7

R O T W size 1 75 1 90 1 100 1 110 1 125 1 140 1 160 1 180 1

dimension G I MI0 I MI2 ) MI2 1 Mi6 1 M16 1 M20 1 M20 ) M20 1
tightening torque T, 1 17 1 40 1 40 1 80 1 80 1 140 1 140 1 140 1

Schumermerk Gezeichnet 03.07.06 Shanlf I E m h for

IS0 16016 beachten. ~~~m 03.07.06 Sha I Ersem durch.
A KTR Kupplungstechnik R o T E X" KTR-N 40210 E
K'rR GmbH Operating-/Assembly sheet: 10
D48407 Rheine instructions edition: 9
4;&s$mtjI ~ ~-5-

14.3 &sembly of t h e Hubs 1

@= We recommend to check bores, shaft, keyway and feather key for dimensional accuracy
before assembly.

Heating the hubs slightly (approx. 80 "C) allows for an easier installation onto the shaft.

Please pay attention to the danger of ignition in hazardous areas.

Touching the heated hubs causes burns.
We would recommend t o wear safety gloves.

For the assembly please make sure that the distance dimension E (see table 1 to 5) is kept to
ensure that the spider can be moved axially.
Disregarding this hint may cause damage on the coupling.

Assemble the hubs onto the shafl of driving and driven side (see picture 10).
Insert the spider into the cam section of the drive- or driven sided hub.
Move the power packs in axial direction until the dimension E is achieved (see picture 11).
If the power packs are already firmly assembled, axial movement of the hubs on the s h a a allows for adjusting
the dimension E.
Fasten the hubs by tightening the setscrews DIN 916 with cup point (tightening torque see table 6).

G P If the shaft diameters with inserted feather key are smaller than the dimension d. (see
table 1 to 5) of the spider, one or two shaft ends may protude into the spider.

driven side

pidure 10: assemby of the hubs I picture 11: coupling assembly

IS0 16016 beachten.
IErsatz Mr:
I Enetzt durch: I
/\ KTR Kupplungstechnik ROT EX^ KTR-N 40210 E
K'rR GmbH Operating-/Assembly sheet: 11
D48407 Rheine instructions edition: 9

14.4 k s e m b l y of the Taper Clamping Sleeve 1

Assemblv of the taDer clampinu sleeve:
The taper clamping sleeve has cylindrical and even pocket holes parallel to the axis. Only half to these holes are
in the material of the sleeve. The other half located at the hub has convolutions.
Push the coupling part and the taper clamping sleeve into each other, make holes onto the cover and tighten the
grub screws slightly. Push the coupling part with taper clamping sleeve onto the shaft and tighten the grub screws
until reaching the tightening torque indicated in table 7.
During the screwing process the hub is pushed onto the conical sleeve and thus the sleeve is pressed onto the
shaft. W ~ light
h hammer strokes the taper clamping sleeve must be further pushed into the taper bore with a
suitable sleeve. Afterwards please tighten the grub screws again with the tightening torque indicated in table 7.
This must be made once at least
After the drive has operated under load for a short time please check if the grub screws have untightened.
An axial fixing of the taper lock hub (coupling hub with taper clamping sleeve) is only possible by a correct

If used in hazardous areas the grub screws must be additionally secured against self-
loosening t o fix the taper clamping sleeves, e. g. glue with Loctiie (medium strength).
The use of taper clamping sleeves without a &ather key is not permilted in hazardous area*.

1 pidure 12: RO& design v.ilh taper damping sleeve

Disassemblv of the taDer clam~inasleeve:

By removing the grub screws you can detach the taper clamping sleeve. Afterwards, one of the grub screws is
screwed into the thread of the sleeve as forcing screw and tightened.
The detached coupling hub can be manually taken off the shaft with the taper clamping sleeve.

Table 7:

I taper
clam~ina I G I
screw dimension
L I sw I T. auantitv I wanner I

picture 13: w i M h grub s a e w (BSW)

Schutzvermerk Gezeichnet 03.07.06ShaKn I Ersatz hir

IS0 16016 beachten. ~ ~ ~ m f 03.07.06
f Sha I Ersem d ~ r c h :
/\ KTR Kupplungstechnik R o T E x@' KTR-N 40210 E
ic"rR GmbH Operating-/Assern b l y sheet: 12
\"/ D-48407Rheine instructions edition: 9

) 4.5 Displacements -Alignment of the Couplings I

The displacement figures shown in tables 8 and 9 offer sufficient safety to compensate for environmental
influences like, for example, heat expansion or lowering of foundation.

In order t o ensure a long lifetime of the coupling and to avoid dangers regarding the use i n
hazardous areas, the shaft ends must be accurately aligned.

Q Please absolutely observe the displacement figures indicated (see tables 8 and 9). Ifthe
figures are exceeded, the coupling is damaged.
The exacter the alignment of the coupling, the higher is its lifetime.
In case of a use in hazardous areas for the explosion group IIC (marking I1 ZGD c IIC T X),
only the half displacement figures (see tables 8 and 9) are permissible.

Please note:
0 The displacement figures mentioned in tables 8 and 9 are maximum figures which must not arise in parallel. If
radial and angular displacement arises at the same time, the permissible displacement values may only be
used in part (see picture 15).
Please check with a dial gauge. mler or feeler whether the permissible displacement figures of tables 8 and 9
can be observed.

angular displacements radial displacements a M displacements

pidure 14: displaments


Example for the misalignment f,

combinations given in picture 15:

Example 1:
pidure 15:
combinations of
displaoement .
=I aox

AK,=30% 50%
AKw= 70 % :
-g 40%
Example 2: 30%
AKn = 60 % 3 20%
AKw = 40 % 2"
* MX

IOX 20% 30% LOX 50% 60% 10% 80% WX MQX

radial dirplalemenlr AKR % --D

I S 0 16016 beachten.
03.07.06S h u n
1 Ersah Mr.
I Enem d~rch: I
A KTR Kupplungstechnik ROTEX" KTR-N 40210 E
lCTR GmbH Operating-/Assembly sheet: 13
D48407 Rheine edition:
instructions 9 -

14.5 Oisptacements Alignment of the Couplings I
Table 8: dis~lacementfiaures

Table 9: disdacement fiaures anlvfor desian DKM

A basic requirement to guarantee the operational readiness of the coupling is a stock of the most important spare
parts on site.

Contact addresses of the KTR partnersfor spare parts and orders can be obtained from the KTR homepage
under www.ktr.com.

Schutzvene& Gezeichnet 03.07.06 Shafrn I Ersatz ffic

IS0 16016 beachten. G ~ ~ ~ O R 03 07 06 Sha I Erseht durch:
A KTR Kupplungstechnik ROTEX" KTR-N 40210 E
lCTR GmbH Operating-/Assembly sheet: 14
D-48407 Rhe~ne instructions edition: 9

design 001: hub Ispider Ihub

design 018: hub Ispider IDKM spacer Ispider Ihub
design with taper clamping sleeve: hub Itaper clamping sleeve 1 spider itaper clamping sleeve Ihub
(Use of taper clamping sleeve in connetion with a feather key!)

ROT EX^ DKM and ROTEX@ZSDKM only with spacer from steel or aluminium semifinished-products with a yield
point of RpO22 250 NImm2.

Conditions o f operation in @ hazardous locations

ROT* couplings are suitable for the use according to EC standard 9419lEC.

1. Industry (with the exception of mining)

. device class II of category 2 and 3 (coupling i s approved for device class I)

media class G (gases, fogs, steams), zone 1 and 2 (coupling is approved for zone 0)
media class D (dusfs), zone 21 a n d 22 (coupling is @ approved for zone 20)
explosion class IIC (explosion class IIA and 116 are included in IIC)

Temperature class:

I Temperature class
T A T7 r 7 T d
I ambient temperature
- ?n*rtn + an or
I max surface temperature 'I
iin-r2) I
The maximum surface temperatures result from each the maximum permissible ambient or operating temperature T, plus the
maimurn temwrature increase AT of 20 K which has to be taken into account
1) The ambieh or operating temperature T. is limited to + 90 '
C due to the permissible permanent operating temperature of
the elastomers used.
2) The m&mum surface temperature of 110 'C applies for the use in locations which are potentially subject to dust
explosion, too.

2. Mining
Device class I of category M2 (coupling is not approved for device category MI).
Permissible ambient temperature 30 ' C to + 90 OC.

SchuhvermelX Gezeichnet 03.07.06 Shamn 1 Ersatz for:

IS0 16016 beachten. Gepm 03.07.06 Sha I Erseta durch:

/\ KTR Kupplungstechnik ROT EX^ KTR-N 40210 E

D-48407 Rheme
Operating-/Assembly sheet. 15
instructions edition: 9

. . . .
. . .
: 8 . .
.. .
. .. . .
.. ..
.. . .
. . .. . . ... .. . .. . .
. . . .. . .
5.2 control lntericilsfcir ~o&lings'in1 .; Hazardous Areas.

explosion group control intervals

I For couplings which are classified in cateaorv 3G or 3D the o~eratinaand assemblv
instructions-that are usual for standard operation apply. ~ u r i the
n ~standard operaion
which has to be subject to the analysis of danger of ignition the couplings are free from any
ignition source. Merely the temperature increase produced by proper heating and
depending on the coupling type has to be considered:
for ROTEX'? AT = 20 K
A checking of the circumferential backlash and a visual check of the flexible spider must be
effectedafter 3,000 operating hours for the first time, after 6 months at the latest Except fo
centered, stiff connecting flanges (e. g. bellhousings).
Ifyou note an unconsiderable or no wear at the spider after this first inspection, the further
inspections can be effected, in case of the same operating parameters, respectively after
I' 2GD 'IB
6,000 operating hours or after 18 months at the latest.
T4' T5' T6 If you note a considerable wear during the first inspection, so that a change of the spider
would be recommended, please find out the cause according to the table .Breakdownsu, as
far as possible.
The maintenance intervals must be adjusted according to the changed operating
A checking of the circumferential backlash and a visual check of the flexible spider must be
effected after 2,000 operating hours for the first time, after 3 months at the latest. Except f o ~
centered, stiff connecting flanges (e. g. bellhousings).
Ifyou note an unmnsiderable or no wear at the spider after this first inspection, the further
inspections can be effected, in case of the same operating parameters, respectively after
I' 2GD 'IC
4,000 operating hours or after 12 months at the latest
T4' T5' T6 If you note a considerablewear during the first inspection, so that a change of the spider
would be recommended, please find out the cause according to the table .Breakdownsu, as
far as possible.
The maintenance intervals must be adjusted according to the changed operating

ROT& coupling

picture 16: ROW

mupling picture 17: ROT& spider

Here the backlash between coupling cams and the flexible spider must be checked by a feeler gauge.
When reaching the limit of wear of max. friction, the spider must be exchanged
. immediately, independent of the
inspection intervals.

Schvtzvern~erk Gezeichnet 03.07.06 S h u n I ErWz mr.

IS0 16016 beacnten. Gepm 03.07.06 Sha I Ersekt durch:
/\ KTR Kupplungstechn~k ROTEX@ WR-N 40210 E
KTR GmbH Operating-/Assembly sheet. 16
1 D-48407 Rheine instructions edition: 9

In case of a backlash of more than X mm, the flexible spider must be exchanged.

The reaching of the exchange values depends on the operating conditions and the existing operating parameters.

In order to ensure a long lifetime of the coupling and to avoid dangers regarding the use i n
hazardous areas, the shaft ends must be accurately aligned.
Please absolutely observe the displacement figures indicated (see tables 8 and 9). I f the
figures are exceeded, the coupling i s damaged.

B-new state

X-wear and t e a r
approximate value1
circumferential backlash

pidure 18: checking of ihe lirnilof wear piclure 19: wear of spider

Table 10:

In the Explosion Groups IIA, IIB and 1IC the following materials may be combined:
EN-GJL-250 (GG 25)
EN-GJS-400-15 (GGG 40)
stainless steel

Semifinished products from aluminium with a magnesium part of up to 7 3 96 and a yield point of
, ?".- 2 - ' oermitted for the use in hazardous areas.
250 ~ l m m are
Aluminium diecast is $enerally excluded for hazardous areas.

Schmermerk Gezeichnet 03.07.06 S h n n I Ersatz fir

IS0 16016 beachten. ~ ~ ~ m f 03.07.06
t Sna I Erseht durch.
/\ KTR Kupplungstechnik ROTEX@' KTR-N 40210 E
Kl'R ~m bH Operating-/Assembly sheet: 17
D-48407 Rheine instructions edition: 9

.. . .

:-. :
. :

. . ..
- . . . . .. ....... ..... .....-... . ..- ... ... .. .. . .
o f C6uplhg:fbr the Hazardous &*a.
. ....-. . ... .
, . . .. . . ....

Couplings for the use in hazardous areas are marked on at least one component conipletely and on the remaining
components at the outside diameter of the hub or on the front side with an @ label fcIr the respectively permitted
conditions of use. The flexible spider is excluded.
For reason of the limited space only the symbol @ is stamped up to size 19.

Complete labelling:
Q 11 2G c IIC T6, T5 bzw. T4 - 30 'C $ T. $ + 65"C, + 80 'C bzw. +90 "C

Short labelling:

The former marking

remains valid: Q 11 2G c IIC T4K5K6 - 30 "C 5 T. S + 80160145 ' C

The labelling with Explosion Gmup IIC includes the Explosion Groups IIA and llB.

If the coupling part is labelled with in addition to @. KTR supplied it unbored or pilot bored.

Any mechanical rework t o couplings that are used i n hazardous areas require an explicit
release by KTR
The orderer must send a drawing t o KTR acc. to which the manufacture must be made. KTR
checks this drawing and returns it to the orderer with approval.

' Before putiing the coupling into operation, check the tightness of the setscrews in the hubs, the alignment and the
distance dimension E and corred, if necessary, and also check all screw connections regarding the stipulated
tightening torques dependent on the type of coupling.

If used in hazardous areas the grub screws to fix the hub as well as all screw connections must be
@ addiinally -red against self-loosening. e. g. glue with L&e (medium strength).

Last but not least, the coupling protedion against unintended contact must be fixed.

The cover must be electrically conductive and be included in the equipotential bonding. Bellhousings (magnesium
part below 7.5 %) made from aluminium and damping rings (NBR) can be used as connecting element between
pump and eledro motor. The cover may only be taken off afler having stopped the unit

During operation, please pay attention to

strange running noises
occurring vibrations.

If the couplings are used in dust explosive areas and in mining the user must make sure that there is no
accumulation of dust in a critical quantity between Me cover and the coupling. The coupling must no operate in an
accumulab'on of dust.

Schuhvermerk Gezeichnet 03.07.06Sharrn I Ersah fir

IS0 16016 beachten. G e p a 03.07 06 Sha I Enem durch:
/\ KTR Kupplungstechnik ROT EX^ KTR-N 40210 E
K'TR GmbH Operating-/Assembly sheet: 18
3 D-48407 Rheine instructions ed~tion: 9

For covers with unlocked openings on the upper side no light metals may be used fthe couplings are used as
appliances of appliance group II (ifpossible, from stainless steel).
If the couolinos are used in minino laooliance arouo I M2). the cover must not be made from liaht metal. In
addition, it &st be resistant to higher mecharical ioads h a n #it is used as appliance of appliance group II.

The minimum distance of the protection device to the rotating parts must be at least 5mm.

If the protection device is used as cover, regular openings complying with the explosion protection demands can
be made that must not exceed the following dimensions:

form of the openings

circular openings recmWlar openings
i ) distance
straight of
or the
side slot
diameter in mm side length in mm
in mrn
top surface of the covering 4 4 prohibited
side parts of the covering 8 8 8

If you note any irregularities at the coupling during opeation, the drive unit must be turned
off immediately. The cause of the breakdown must be found out with the table
,,Breakdowns" and, if possible, be eliminated according to the proposals. The possible
breakdowns mentioned can be hints only. To find out the cause all operating factors and
machine components must be considered.

Couplino laver:
If coated (priming, painting etc.) couplings are used in hazardous areas, the requirements to
@ condudabiliw and layer thickness must be considered. In caseof paintings up to 200 pm no
electrostatic load can be exoected. Multiole coatinos that are thicker than 200 urn are ~rohibiiedfor
explosion group IIC.

The below-mentioned errors can lead to an incorrect use of the ROT& coupling. In addition to the stipulations in
these operating and mounting insbuckions please make sure to avoid these errors.
The errors listed can only be clues to search for the errors. When searching for the error the adjacent components
must be generally included.

Due to incorrect use the coupling can become a source of ignition.

@ EC Standard W 9 E C requires a special care from the manufaclurer and the user

General errors incorrect use

Important data for the coupling selection was not forwarded.
The calculation of the shafthub connection was not considered.

. Coupling parts with damage occurred during transport are assembled.

If the heated hubs are assembled, the permissible temperature is exceeded
The fits of the parts to be assembled are not coordinated with each other.

.. Tightening torques are belowlexceeded.

Components are exchanged by rnistakelput together incorrectly.
A wrong or no spider is inserted into the coupling.
~ 1
Schutzvermerk Gezeichnet 03.07.06 Shfln IErsatz firr
IS0 16016 beachten. GeplMt 03.07.06 Sha I Ersem durch:
A KTR Kupplungstechnik ROTEX" KTR-N 40210 E
K'rR GmbH Operating-/Assembly sheet: 19
$' > \m/ D48407 Rheine instructions edition: 9

(5.7 Breakdowlis, Causes and Elimination I


No original KTR parts (purchased parts) are used.

Old spiderslalready worn out spiders or superposed spiders are used.
The coupling usedlthe coupling protection used is not suitable for the operation in hazardous areas and does
not correspond to EC Standard 94191EC, respectively.
Maintenance intervals are not observed.

danger hints for

breakdowns causes elimination
hazardous areas
1) put the unit out of operation
2) eliminate the reason for the
misalignment (e. g. loose foundation
increased temperature bolts, break of the engine fixing, heat
the the spider surface; expansion of unit components, change
danger Of by hot of the assembly dimension E of the
3) checking of wear see under point
change of the 1) put the unit out of operation
running noises 2) disassemble the coupling and remove
andlor occurring wear of spider.
rests of the spider
vibrations short-term torque danger of ignition due 3) check coupling parts and exchange
transmission due to to sparking
damaged coupling parts
metal contact 4) insert spider, assemble coupling parts
5) check alianment, correct if necessary
1) put the unit out of operation
2) check alignment of coupling
loose screws for danger of ignition due
3) tighten the screws to secure the hubs
axial securement of to hot surfaces and and secure against self-loosening
hubs sparking 4) checking of wear see under point
wear of spider, 1) put the unit out of operation
danger Of ignition due
torque transmission 2) change complete coupling
to sparking
due to metal contact 3) check alignment
I) put the unit out of operation
break Of the cams
danger of ignition due 2) change complete coupling
due to high shock 3) check alignment
to sparking
4) find out the reason of overload
1) put the unit out of operation
break of cam operating 2) check the operating parameters and
parameters do danger of ignition due select a larger coupling (consider
correspond to the
to sparking installation space)
performance of the
3) assemble new coupling size
coupling 4) check alignment
I) put the unit out of operation
mistake in senrice of danger of ignition due 2) change complete coupling
the unit to sparking 3) check alignment
4) instruct and train the service staff

Schu!memlerk Gezeichnet 03.07.06 Sharrn 1 Ersat? t(lr

IS0 16016 beachten. G e p m 03 07.06 Sha 1 Enem durch:
A KTR Kupplungstechnik ROTEX@ KTR-N 40210 E

-1 KTR GmbH
D-48407 Rheine

) 5.7 Breakdowns. Causes and Elimination I

danger hints for
breakdowns causes elimination
hazardous areas
1) put the unit out of operation
2) eliminate the reason for the
increased temperature misalignment (e. g. loose foundation
bolts, break of the engine fixing, heat
the the spider surface;
misalignment expansion of unit components, change
langer of ignition by hol
of the assembly dimension E of the
3) checking of wear see under mint
. conbol-
1) put the unit out of operation
II e. g. wntact with
aggressive liquids/
oils, ozone- danger of ignition due
2)disassemble the coupling and remove
rests of the spider
influence, too to sparking in case of 3) check wupiing parts and exchange
premature wear of damaged wupling parts
spider highnow ambient metallic contact of the
4) insert spider, assemble wupling parts
temperatures etc. cams
5) check alignment, correct if necessary
ef&ting a physical
6) make sure that further physical changes
change of the spider
of the spider are excluded
1) put the unit out of operation
2) disassemble the coupling and remove
temperatures which rests of the spider
danger of ignition due 3) check coupling parts and exchange
are too high for the
spider, max. to sparking in case of damaged wupling parts
metallic wntact of the 4) insert spider, assemble coupling parts
e. g. T4 = cams 5) check alignment. correct if necessary
- 30 T I + 90 ' C 6) check and regulate arnbientlwntact
temperature (eventually even eliminatio~
by using other spider materials)
1) put the unit out of operation
2) disassemble the coupling and remove
rests of the spider
premature wear of danger of ignition due 3) check coupling parts and exchange
;pider (liquefaction to sparking in case of damaged coupling parts
drive vibrations
of material inside metallic wntact of the 4) insert spider, assemble wupling parts
the spider cam) cams 5 ) check alignment, correct if necessary
5) find out the reason for the vibrations
(eventually elimination by spider with
lower or higher shore hardness)

If you operate with a worn spider (see item 5.2) and the subsequent contact of metal parts a due
@ operation meeting the explosion protection requirements and a r r to Standard 9419IEC is not

GF KTR does not assume any liabilities or guarantees regarding the use of spare parts and
accessories which are not provided by KTRand for the damages resulting herefrom.

SchuIzvermerk Gezeichnet 03.07.06 Shafrn I Ersatz fir:

IS0 16016 beacnten. &prim 03.07.06 Sha I Ersemdurch.
15.8 EC Certificate of Conformity 1

EC Certificate of Conformity
conespondina to EC Standard 9419lEC dated 23 March 1994
and to the leaal reaulations

The manufacturer - KTR Kupplungstechnik GmbH. D48432 Rheine - states that the

flexible ROTEX@couplings
described in these mounting instructions and explosion-proof designed correspond to Article 1 (3) b) of
Standard 9419lEC and comply with the general Safely and Health Requirements according to
enclosure I1 of Standard 9419lEC.

The couplings are cerb'fied according to Type Examination Certificate IBExU02ATEXB001-05 X vor.

According to article 8 (1) of Standard 9419lEC the technical documentation is deposited with the:

lnstitut fU Sicherheitstechnik GmbH
Fuchsmuhlenweg 7

09599 Freiberg

Rheine, 14.03.02 ppa.

Date Dr. Norbert Partmann Bernd Tenfelde
Engineering Manager Product Manager

Schuhvermerlc Gezeichnet
IS0 16016 beachten. Gepnm
03.07.06 S h u n
03.07.06 Sha
I Ersatz fdr:
I Ersetzt durch: 1
Lagerung und Transport -
Storaee a n d h a n s o o r t
-- -- -
Matoren eeeen mechanische Beschndirmneen sichem und moelichst nur in
geschlossenen, tmckenen RBumcn lngcrn Auch be, kumcmger Lagerung im
- - . .~~~~
The motors are to be nmtecled aeainst mechanical damaees and. if oarsible.
they arc to be stared in closed and dry moms only. In ease of shart-term

Fredunbcre8ch gegcn allc Schadhchen Umwclte!nflussc x h l l m n Motoren outdoor storage they have to be protected agaml all harmful environmrntal
nicht auf der LORerhaube bsnsportieren oder lagem. Bei Tmspart darauf influences.Never transport or store the motors on the fan cowl. During
achten- daD die Motoren nicht beschadigt werden. bansportation the motors should be kept fmm any damage

M o n t a g e - ilbemaguagselemente - Mounting - Transmission components -

Beim Aukiehen eines @bemgungselementes (Kupplung, Rikel oder When pulling a bsnsmission component (clutch, pinion or belt pulley) onto
Riemenscheibe) unbedingl AuFiehuorricbtung benuken oder das the shaR it is absolutely necessary to use a pull-on device or lo warm up the
aufivziehende Teil e w h e n . Auf keinen Fall d w e n ilbemgungselemente component to be pulled an. To prevent shafl, bearings and other par& fmm
auf die Welle aufgeschlagen werden, da Welle, Lager und anderc Tcilc dcs damages the bsnsmission campanens must never be driven onto the shsfl by
Motors d a d m h beschadigl werden konnen. hammer blows.

- ~ - ~~~ - -
' Alle am Wellencndc angebautcn Teilc sind sargfllltig dpamisch a wuchtcn. All thc campanens amrhed to thc shan end are to be balanced d p a m d l y
Die Laufcr sind werkscllig mil hnlber PaOfeder gcwurhtct. On the pnn of the manufacrurer the mton arc balanced w h half ke)

- AuTsteUen - - I ~ s h U a l i o n-
Motoren moglichst schwingungsfrei aufstellen. Bei direkler Kupplung den If possible. the motan are to be instelled free fmm vibration. In the case of
Motor zur angebiebenen Maschine besonden gens" ausrichten. Die Achsen diLct coupling the motor is to be accurately aligned to the driven machine.
beider m as chin en massen fluchten, und es dllrfen keine Spannungen The axles of bath machines must be in line and no stresses should occur.

- BelOhuag - - VenlUstiao -
BelOfhmgsUfiungen und KWrippen freihalten und MindeslabsUiude Vent holes and cooling fins are to be kept hee and the required minimum
einhalten. Emeutes Ansaugen der envlirmten KUhllufl vermeiden. Bei distances must be observed. It is to be avoided that the heated up cooling air
FreiluRamfstellung die Motoren gegen unminelbare WinmgseinflUsse is laken in again. In m e of installation in the open ihe motors are to be
(Regeo, Schnee- und Eiseinfall, Festkieren des LOflers) schUken. protected against direct environmental influences (rain, snow and ice,
fceezing of the fan).

I n b e h i e b n a b m e - Varsussekungen -
Alle Arbeiten nur durch geschulles Fachpenonal im spannungslosen
Zustand des Moton vomehmm.
" NcQvcrhalWissc (Spmung und Frcqum) mil den
Commissioning - Prerequisites -
All operations have to be carried out by skilled staff with the motor in
dead state.
Ihe power supply data (voltage and frequency) have to carrcspand
Lcishmgsrchtldaogabendes Motors vcrgleichen. Zulnsigc with the data on the motor's rating plate. Pemursible voltage
Spannungstoleranr (DM VDE 0530): tolerance(DN VDE 0530):
Rlr Bemessvngsspmung + 10 % for design voltage 2 10 %

) - Rlr Bemessungsspannungsbereich +5 %
Abmessungen der AnschluDkabel den Nennstrumen des Motors
for design voltage range 2 5 %
The dimensions of the connection cables are to be adapted to the rated
motor c~rrenls

- i m ~ r l ~ h l a g s s c h u- k -Overload proteelion -
Motoren bei direkler Einschalhmg mil 3-poligem Molorschumchalter In case of direct s&g, the motors are lo be pmvided with hiple-pole motor
venehen. Auch bei Stem/Dreieck-Anlaufist ein zus(llzlicher protection switches. An additional motor protection switch is also
Molorschumchalter empfehlenswert.F(Lr Motoren mil recommended far staddelta starting. For motors with PTC-thermistors a
KaltleitertemperaturRUlIem is1 ein enlsprechendes AuslUsegerUt erforderlich. corresponding tripping device is required Far motan with bimetal
B e i Motoren mil Bi-Metall-ThmofOhlem w i d empfahlen, den Motor bei thermistors it is recommended to switch off the motor thmugh a eontactor
merlast Ober ein Schnlz (Hilf~mmkceis)abmchalten. (auxiliary circuit) in case of overload.

- .- - .- - Tealing the roUllon dlr~elioa-

Drchnchtung var dem Ankoppeln&: ~&t~~UrnaschlneObcrprdfen. Dne The motor's direction ofrotation is to bc checked before coupling the
Drehnchtung ggf durch Taurchen der AnrchlUsre von zwct Phasen Undem machine. lfnemrsry. the ratattan directton can be altered by changing thc
conneclions of two phases

--- - Klemrneoknsten -
V o r dem Schliekn des Klemmenkastens oafen:
alle KlemmenkastonanschlUssoauf fcsten Silz
lnnenseile sauber und h i von Fremdkurpem
Before closing

Termlnal box -
- the terminal box check whetha
all tcrm~nalbox connections are tightened;
the inside is c l a n and free fmm any panicles;
Unbenulae KabeleinRlhrungen venchlossen und VerschluDschrauben unused cable enhies are closed and threaded plugs are tightened;
fest angezoaen tho packing in the terminal box lid is inserted correctly and all packing
surfaces are in good condition according thc class of protection.

der Schulzart nchten.

I )
AC-Motoren GmbH Telefon 06106-770280
K r o n b e w e r Str. 16 Telefax 06106-77028-20
-Switching the motor oalolf-
- Elo-/Aussrbalten d w Motors -
Vor dem Einschallen, w&renddes Behiebs und beim Abschalten des Motors Before switching the motor on, duringmotor operation and when switching
pmfen, ob alle Sieherheilsbestimmungeneingehallen werden. Bci it off it should be checked whether all safety regulations are followed. When
Inbehiebnahme Slromabnahmeunter Belashmg beabachtcn, urn mogliche switching the molor on, the current consumption under load should be
Oberlaslungen sofort zu erkennen. observed in order to detect possible overloads immediately.

- Messen d w Isolsdooswlderstandes - -Insulation trst -

Als lelzle Arbeit vor der lnbebiebnahme einer neuen Maschino oder nach Before slarting a new molor and after long periods of inactivity or storage,
I?ingeren Stillslands- oder Lageneiten empfiehll es sich, den the insulation resistance of the windings is to be measured.
lsalationswidonland der Wicklungen zu Uberpriifen. Dieser sallte bei einer The resislance should be higher Ulan 5 MSI at 25'C ambient temperature.
Umgebungslemperatvr von 2 5 T hoher sls 5 Megaohm sein. Ergibl sich bei If this value cannot be ablained, the winding is damp and must be dried by a
der Messung nicht der angegebene Wcrt. lie@ dies darin begrilndel. daO sich skilled company.
Feuchtigkeit in den Wicklungen befindet. Das Tmcknen der Wicklungen
sollte in einer dafb eingerichteten und kampelenlen WerkstaU durchgeWuI

Wartung Maintenance
- 1 Der Elektmmolorund evenhlell vorhandene ZubehOrleile sollten immer The motor as well as possible accessories should always be kept clean, free
sauber gehalten werden, so daD weder Staub, Schmuk, b l d e r sonstige
Verunreinirmneen den einwandfreien Behieb storen konnen. Es w i d I horn dust traces, oil or other grime.
As a good rule it is recommended lo periodically check whether
avllerdern &p?ohlen, zu kantmllieren,
r ob der Motor ohne smke Schwingungen oder anomale
. the motor operates without any vibrations or anomalous noises,
the tension of a possible driving belt is correct,
the inlet ofthe ventilation circuit is not obshucted causing overheating

daO die Zugspannung des m6glicheweise eingeselzlen Treibriemens of the windings.
komM eineestellt kt:
daO und ~ G b l a s b ~ n u n g mrdlr
en KUhlluR7ufuhr ruchl
mgeslrllt alcr rercngt rind (unnbtlg hohc Whnebildung in den I
Alle Motoren sind rmt hochwert~gm,lebmsd3ucrgeschnuenm
Kugcllagcm dcr Henteller FAG. SKP. NSK oder INA ausgcm\tel
Die nominelle Lagerlebensdauer in waagerechter Bauform behll@
bei Kupp1~11gsbekieb o h e axiale Zwtzlasten mind. 40.000
~etriebs~shm;leo.Unter Ausnulzung der max. zuksigen Belashmgen
behllgt die Lebensdauer mind. 20.000 Behiebutunden.

All moton are fined with hkh-qualiw. lifetime-lubricaledbearings
afthe manuiactvrers FAG, SKF; NSK; or INA. m e nominal rating
life of the bearines used in horizontal mounted motors without anv
~~~~~ ~~

axis1 load is 40 000 working hours, for power ukcdff viashaft

coupling. Undcr use of maximal load the lifctimc of thc beuings is
minimum 20 000 working h o w .
ACM 280 6314.22.C3 2-polig 6314.U.C3 2-polig
6317.22.C3 4; 6; &polip 6314.22.C3 4; 6.8-pohg
ACM315 6316 ZZ.C3 2-pol% 63 16.22.C3 2-pollg

Schaltblld / Wdng dlagmm

,_______________-------~ ,-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---
~ 2 1 Kllfiglllufer mit einer I Kllfiglllufer mit einer
I Drehzahl =
( Drehzahl
I One-speedsquirrel-cage I ~2 ~2 ~2 ; Onespeedsqirrel-cage
I motor I motor

L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3
i .-,) AC-Motoren GmbH Telefon 06106-770280
Kronberger Str. 16 Telefax 06106-77028-20
D-63110Rodgau e-Mail: [email protected]

Abnahmepriifzertifikat M o ~ KB1467100100
~ ~ ~
Ausgam seie
Inspection Test Certificate M E.J~I. 0 page 111

Pumpen GmbH nachlacc, to DIN 55 350 TeiVpart 18 ~ a ~ s 20.06.07

Anlage Dieselolpumpe Endkunde Sach-Nr.: 273480173
Equipment Zeichn. Nr.: D 162.5221 Customer Ktr.Nr.: nicht bekannt
Besteller Aunrags-Nr.
Purchaser Calerpillar Order NO. 752581215
Artikel Serien-Nr.
Object L3NG-0321064-AFOKll-G Serial No. 120369-001 -

Betriebsbedingungen IOperating conditions Messergebnisse ITest results -

Fijrdedijssigkeil FBrderfiksigkeit
Flow liouid
~ ~,~~ M DO Flow liquid Shell Morlina 68
Viskositat Viskosital
Viscosity mmzis 7.0 viscosity mmvs 109,6
Betiebslemperatur Temperatur
Op. Temperature "c 60 Temperature 'C 26,O
Fbrderslrorn ~brderslrom
Delivery !vmln 38.7 Delivery limm 48,7
Forderdruck gesamt Druck
Tot. man. Pressure bar 6.00 Pressure bar 6.00
Drehzahl Drehzahl
Speed min., 1750 Speed min., 1750
NPSH Max. Saugdruck
NPSH mwr 1,7 Max.suct.pressure bar -0,65
) ~eisth~sbedarf
Power input rw . . 0.72 .. . . ,
Power input kw 0.90
Test Toleranz NPSH
Test tolerance VDMA 2428411 NPSH mw~ 1.70 -
Umgerechnet auf Betriebsdaten I Calculated to operating conditions -

Capacity . .. . . umi.n
. . . . . . . 4',3. . ... .~ . . ..
Pressure bar 6,OO
Speed man.. 1750
Power lnput hw 0,7
NPSH mws -
Sicherheitsventil I Safety valve -
. bei Offen bei SchlieRt bei
6.6 8.6 6,4
.- )
opensat bar Open at bar Closed at bar -

Statische Druckpriifung nachl Hydrostatic test I acc. QSP 114 -

. . Prufteil I Test part Werkstoff I Material , ,
Prufdruck I Test pressure

Pumpengehause/Purnp casing 0.6025 , , 24 bar

. .





D a s Protokoll is1 ele~lronischsrstslll und ohne Unterrchrin girllig. Der Aussteller is1 QS- aularisien.
The cenilicale was w.tlsn eleclronically and Is valid wilnoul signature. The Issuer is quality assurance aulhorized
Abnahrnepriifzertifikat M Orderconllrmabon KB1467100100
Ausgabe se~te
Ins~ectionTest Certificate M Edilmn 0 page 111
Pumpen GmbH nachlacc. to DIN 55 350 Teillpart 18 oak. 20.06.07
Anlage DieselBipurnpe Endkunde Sach-Nr.: 273480173
, Zeichn. Nr.: D 162.5221 Cuslorner Ktr.Nr.: nichl bekannl
Besteller Auftrags-Nr.
Purchaser Caterpillar Order NO. 752581215
Artikel Serien-Nr.
Object L3NG-0321064-AFOKll-G Serial No. 120369-002

Betriebsbedingungen IOperating conditions Messergebnisse ITest results

F6rdedOssigkeit Fordemiissigkeil
Flow liquid MDO Flow liquid Shell Morlina 68
Viskosilat Viskosilat
Viscosity mmvs 7,O Viscosity mm4r 109,6
Belriebslemperalur Ternperatur
Op. Temperature .C 60 Temperature 'c 26.3
Fiirderstrorn Fiirderstrorn
Delivery ),mi" 38.7 Delivery limn 48.5
Forderdruck gesarnt Druck
Tot. man. Pressure bar 6,00 Pressure bar 6.00
Drehzahl Drehzahl
Speed rnln.1 1750 Speed mm.4 1750
NPSH Max. Saugdruck
.' -\
NPSH mws 1,7 Max.suct.pressure bar -0,65
' I ~eislh~sbedarl Leistungsbedarl
Power input hw 0,72 Power input W
I . . .0,80
. .
iest ~oleianz NPSH
Tesl tolerance VDMA 2428411 NPSH mwr 1.70

Urngerechnet auf Betriebsdaten I Calculated to operating conditions

VISWSI~~ mm% 7.0
Capacity ~irnin 40,8
~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pressure bar 6.00
Speed . m
. in.1 1750 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
Power input LW 05
NPSH mwr

Sicherheitsventil I Safety valve

Offnet bei Offen bei SchlieRt bei
) Opens at bar 6.6 Open a1 bar 8.4 Closed at bar 6.4

Statische Druckpriifung nachl Hydrostatic test I acc. QSP 114

Priifteil ITest part Werkstoff IMaterial Priifdruck ITest pressure
24 bar



U terschnWSignature Acceptance
, .-*

19.06 07

D a s Prolokall is1eiehlronisch emlelil und ohne Unlerrchrlftg"1lig. Der Aurslellcr is1 QS- aulorisien.
T h e ceniiicale was wrillen eieclronically and is valid without signature. The issuer is quality assurance aulhorized

AC-Motoren GmbH
Order no.lof: JB19876-200 / 29.03.07
AC-Motoren corn. no.: 97823
Motor serial no. 0701 101736
Art. No.: 0053384
Motortype: FBA 90L-4
Mounting: B51200 mrn
Output in kW: 1,s
Duty: S1/100 %
Speed in rpm: 1680
Voltage in Volts: 2541440
Frequency in Hz: 60
Current in Amps at 440 V, 60 Hz: 3,7
Powerfactor at 100 % load: 0,79
Efficiency in % at 100 % load: 78,6
Insulation class: F
Protection class: IP 55
Moment of inertia in kgm2: 0,00290
Mass in kg: 16,O
Starting torque M A N N : 2,3
Starting current I,&: 60
Rernarksladditional options: Ship execution below deck acc. classification
ABS 50 O C
High voltage test between phases and
earth during 15 sec. overload torque: 2000 Volts
Overload test during 15 sec. overload torque: 160 %
Vibration severity according NENIISO 237311974: Class N

We herewith declare that the motor(s) covered by this certificate hadhave been manufactured in accordance with the current
standards and applicable regulations and that the technical details are equal to the requirements of the international nolm
IEC 34-1 and the national requirements based on this standard like:

BRD: DIN 5753ONDE 0530 1284 U.K.: BS 4999,3979, 5000

Belgium: NBNC 51-101 1976 Holland: NEN 31 73/1967
Denmark: NFC51-111 1979 Norway: NEK 41.69-49.72
France: NFC51-111 1979 Sweden: SS 4260101/1986

77le fype test results as stated on this certijcate are also applicable to fhis/these motor(s) as these are measured on a
identical machine

Certificate no.: 97823 Signature: S

Date: 2007-06-06

() AC-Motoren GmbH Telefon 06106177028.0 Amtsgericht Offenbach

Kronberger Str. 18 Telefax 06106177028-20 HRB 34096

I' D-63110 Rodgau e-Mall: [email protected] Uet.-ldNr.: DE 812439558 Geschaftsfiihrer: Peter Dieter
Order no./of: JB19876-200 I 29.03.07
AC-Motoren corn. no.: 97823
Motor serial no. 0701101739
Art. No.: 0053384
Motortype: FBA 90L-4
Mounting: B51200 mm
output in k ~ : 1,8
Duty: S11100 %
Speed in rpm: 1680
Voltage in Volts: 2541440
Frequency in Hz: 60
Current in Amps at 440 V, 60 Hz: 3,7
Powerfactor at 100 % load: 0,79
Efficiency in % at 100 % load: 78,6
lnsulation class: F
Protection class: IP 55
Moment of inertia in kgm2: 0,00290
Mass in kg: 16,O
Starting torque MA/MN: 23
Starting current I,&: 60
Remarksladditional options: Ship execution below deck ace. classification
ABS 50 O C
High voltage test between phases and
earth during 15 sec. overload torque: 2000 Volts
Overload test during 15 sec. overload torque: 160 %
Vibration severity according NENIISO 237311974: Class N

We herewith declare that the motor(s) covered by this certificate has/have been manu@tured in accordance with the current
standards and applicable regulations and that the technical details are equal to the requirements of the inremotional norm
IEC 34-1 and the national requirements based on this standard like:

BRD: DIN 5753O/VDE 0530 1284 U. K.: BS 4999,3979, 5000

Belgium: NBNC 51-101 1976 Holland: NEN 31 73/1967
Denmark: NFC51-111 1979 Norway: NEK 41.69-49.72
France: NFC51-Ill 1979 Sweden: SS 4260101/1986
The type test results as stated on this certwcate are also applicable to thidthese motor(s) as these are measured on a
identical machine.

Certificate no.: 97823 Signature: 5 &-

Date: 2007-06-06

j ) AC-Motoren GmbH Telefon 06106177028-0 Amtsgerlcht Gffenbach

Kronberger Str. 16 Telefax 0610817702kZO HRB 34096

I D-63110 Rodgau e-Mall: [email protected] Ust.-IdNr.: DE 812439558 Geschaftsfiihrer: Peter Dleter



Protection Systems



Order No.

1. Type sheet
2. General notes on the automatic filter
3. Installation of the filter
Installation drawings 239347 + 239349
4. Commissioning
5. Filtration phase
Filtration phase 239293 sheet 1
6. Back-flushing phase
Back-flushing phase 239293 sheet 2
7. Functioning of the overtlow valves
Overflow valves 239293 sheet 3
8. Maintenance
9. Filter candle inspection and cleaning
10. Technical information.BOLL CLEAN 2000
11. Sources of faults and their remedy
12. Spare parts drawing for type 6.46
13. Spare parts list for type 6.46
14. Type sheet differential pressure contact indicator
15. Spare parts drawing for the differential pressure indicator

BOLL & KlRCH assumes no liabilityfor any mistakes by improper use of the product.
We reserve the right to change this description without prior noticel








COI.h:Cl O\ FIJlhGES FOR Dh 175-I50




TYP 6.46
'c-) 2. General notes on the automatic filter

The back-flushing Filter type 6.46 satisfies the safety standard

for ships' main propulsion units. It is registered by GL, LRS
and other ship classification bodies.

The back-flushing filter type 6.46 is suitable for filtering oils with a viscosity of max.
50 cSt. and an operating pressure of min. 3 bar to max. 10 bar.

The filter works with permanent back-flushing using its own process fluid; the back-
flushed fluid is fed back into the circulation tank or the oil trough again.

No external power is required to operate the automatic filter.


The function of the automatic filter is to protect the bearings, journals and shafts in
the engine from noxious impurities in the oil.

Treating the lubricating oil, i.e. removing the solids discharge, is carried out by a
separator, a centrifuge, a bypass filter or the attached flushing oil treatment unit.

The filter can be mounted both vertically and horizontally directly on the engine or
on the base frame.

1 In order to satisfy the different requirements of the engine manufacturers, the filter
type 6.46 can be combined with a wide variety of engine attachments.

I ) The filter type 6.46 mainly consists of the following:

- the housing with the inlet and outlet flanges

- the filter element with the appropriate number of filter candles, depending on the
nominal width
- the excess pressure safety devices
- the downstream second filter stage [protective filter (8)]
- the entire flushing facility
- the gear unit including drive turbine.
I 1 3. Installation of the filter

Care must be taken during installation of the filter to ensure that clean pipes are
connected to the filter inlet and the filter outlet without any strain.
The inlet and outlet'of the filter are marked.
The flushing oil line is to be at least as large as specified in the information sheet.
This line is to be laid without any shut-off device but with a gradient and vented to
prevent any build-up in the pipe.

The potential-free contacts of the differential pressure indicator (24) installed (see
"Differential pressure indicator, section 14) must be wired to monitor the degree of
contamination of the filter elements (7) and the protective filter (8).

lThe filter housings are only designed for internal overpressure in

laccordance with the AD Information Sheets. Additional external
lforces and moments at the filter connection flanges are to be
avoided (possibly by supporting the supply lines).

Ileaks due to improper handling cannot result in a fire or injury.

Prdeetion Systems



Praleetian Systems


Check to see whether all connections have been made properly.

Check to see whether the ball cocks in the control line to the differential pressure
indicator are open.

The following must be observed before switching on the pump:

- Close shut-off device in the bypass line
- Open shut-off device at the filter outlet
- Only partially open the shut-off device at the filter inlet and, after switching
on the pump (to prevent pressure surges), slowly open it fully.

If the pressure downstream of the filter is less than 2 bar, the shut-off device
downstream of the filter is to be regulated until the appropriate operating pressure
has built up.

The rotary motion of the flushing facility can now be seen at the visible shaft end in
the filter cover.

If there is an inadmissible rise in the differential pressure during

commissioning (with new plants poss. greater initial
contamination) in spite of perfect back-flushing, a signal is
emitted via the differential pressure indicator. The Filter must be
taken out of service (open the bypass line and close the shut-ofl
devices on the Filter). Dismantle the Filter element completely
and clean the Filter candles individually (oberserve section 2
"Filter candle inspection and cleaning").
lr) 5. Filtration phase
(see drawing 239293 sheet 1 or 2101308 sheet 1 )

The fluid to be filtered passes through the inlet flange and turbine (14) to the
bottom end of the filter candles (7); a partial stream of about 50% is passed
through the central connection tube (4) to the top end of the filter candles (7). This
means that the fluid flows through the filter candles (7) at both ends from the inside
outwards and most of the dirt particles are retained in the inside of the filter candles
The fluid filtered in this way now passes through the protective filter (8) to the filter
Prcrtectian Systems

W Proteetian systems

'> 6. BackAushing phase

(see drawing 239293 sheet 2 or 2101308 sheet 2)

The back-flushing filter type 6.46 operates as a continuous flushing filter and
does not require any external power to drive the back-flushing facility.

The flow energy drives the turbine (14) installed in the inlet flange. The high speed
of the turbine (14) is reduced by the worm gear unit (13) and gear (15) to the lower
speed required for turning the flushing arm (3).

The individual filter candles (7) are now connected successively to the atmosphere
:I $ by means of the continuously rotating flushing arm (3), the flushing bush (17) and
nozzle (21).

The pressure gradient thus produced (operating pressure t o atmosphere)

results in an extremely efficient cleaning action.

The unfiltered fluid passes through the optimally designed bores of the top cover
plate (9) into the individual filter candles (7) from above. The resultant turbulent
stream in the longitudinal direction of the filter candles (7) (cross-flow back-flushing)
and the counter-flow back-flushing through the filter candles (7) result in a
particularly effective and lasting back-flushing action.

Counter flow back-flushing:

The lower pressure in the interior of the filter candles (7)
during the back-flushing operation (connected with the
atmosphere) and the higher pressure (operating pressure)
outside the filter candles (7) produce a counter-flow through
the mesh from the clean filter side through the dirty filter side
to the atmosphere.

This newly developed cross-flow back-flushing feature in conjunction with

the time-tested counter-flow back-flushing principle means that the pressure
drop at the filter remains constant for a longer period.
I? 7. Functioning of the overflow valves
(see drawing 239293 sheet 3 or 2101308 sheet 3)

Should for any reason the filter candles (7) (first filter stage) no longer be
adequately cleaned, the overflow valves (19) are opened at a differential pressure
of 2 bar upwards and some of the fluid is filtered through the protective filter (8)
(second filter stage).

However, before this situation arises, the installed differential pressure indicator
(24) emits a differential pressure warning (first contact). The cause must now be
localised and remedied.

If this warning is not heeded, an alarm is emitted by the second contact of the
differential pressure indicator (24).

l ~ h filter
e may only be operated in this emergency condition for1
a short time (opened overflow valves and differential pressure
warning). Prolonged operation in this mode can result in
damage to downstream components.

The overflow valves are closed under normal operating conditions, even
during start-up at lower fluid temperatures.
( 8. Maintenance

Section 9 - Filter candle inspection and cleaning - must also be observed.

Even with automatic filters inspections and maintenance must be performed at

regular intervals.
It is extremely important to remember that in spite of constant back-flushing the
mesh may become clogged over the course of time, depending on the quality of the
fluid and whether a bypass treatment unit installed.

In order to maintain trouble-free operation, the following aspects are to be observed

during maintenance:

8.1 The filter must be switched off for all maintenance work.

8.2 Check filter and connections for leaks.

8.3 Conduct visual inspection of all filter candles (7) once a year.

Should a higher differential pressure occur beforehand, all the

filter candles (7) and the protective filter (8) must be checked
and, if necessary, cleaned.
Observe section 9 "filter candle inspection and cleaning".

A highly contaminated protective filter (8) is a sign of

prolonged operation with defective or clogged filter candles (7)
and thus (from a differential pressure of 2 bar upwards)
opened overflow valves (19).
It is imperative to check these components.
8.4 Check the ease of movement of the worm gear unit (13), the turbine (14)
including gear (15) with flushing arm (3).

To this end the cover (34) or the screw plug (34) must be removed. Now check
the ease of movement with a suitable spanner (on the hexagon of the worm
gear unit).
If movement is sluggish, refer t o section "Sources of faults and their remedy".

8.5 Replace the dyn. loaded seals (66) as and when required.
It is advisable to replace all static seals during an overhaul.
. ~

', 9. Filter candle inspection and cleaning

(see drawing 239293 sheet 2 or 2101308 sheet 2)

9.1 Open bypass line.

9.2 Close shut-off devices at the filter inlet and outlet.
9.3 Now drain the filter from the drain screw.
9.4 Pull the entire filter element incl. flushing arm (3) and gear (15) out of the

Make sure that the exposed gear (15) is not damaged.


9.5 Remove the upper cover plate (9).

9.6 The filter candles (7) can now be pushed out from below or pulled out from
9.7 Place the filter candles (7) in the cold cleaner BOLL CLEAN 2000, max.
soaking time 24 hours.
9.8 After immersing the filter candles (7), clean them from the outside inwards
using high pressure.

Ilt must be ensured that the filter candles are cleaned at a1

lpressure of max. 60 bar and at a minimum distance of the1
lcleaning nozzle of 20 cm. Otherwise, damage to the mesh is1

I' I

In our experience it is only possible to achieve an almost 100

1% cleaning effect by hand with the high-pressure cleaning unit1
ltype 5.04 using BOLL CLEAN 2000. I
1Refer to the separate description "Filter cleaning unit type 1
U!U Protection Systems

9.9 If operating an engine on heavy fuel


If operating on heavy fuel, the filter elements must be

checked after 2 years at the latest and any damaged ones
must be replaced.
We recommend the general replacement of all filter elements
after 4 years.

If operating an engine on diesel oil

If operating on diesel oil, the filter elements must be checked

after 4 years at the latest and any damaged ones must be
We recommend the general replacement of all filter elements
after 6 years.

Defective filter candles (7) must not be used again.

Before installation of the entire filter element, the ease of

motion of the flushing facility must be checked.
The flushing arm (3) must not grind against the bottom filter
plate (5).

9.10 Now push the entire filter element into the housing.
By slightly turning the flushing shaft (10). the gear (15) is forced into the
drive pinion of the gear unit (13).

Now reassemble the filter in the reverse sequence to that described

under points 9.1 9.9.
~ r k i o Systems

) 10. Technical information BOLL CLEAN 2000

Solvent-free cold cleaner

Product description
BOLL CLEAN 2000 is a liquid cleaning and degreasing agent for a wide range of
applications. It can be used for virtually all cleaning and degreasing work.
BOLL CLEAN 2000 is miscible with any water - even sea water.
BOLL CLEAN 2000 cleans quickly and thoroughly and is extremely economical.
Even mixed with water in concentration ranges of 1:50, it exhibits good cleaning
and degreasing properties. When BOLL CLEAN 2000 is used, no safety
precautions are needed. BOLL CLEAN 2000 exhibits these outstanding properties
:' 1 without having the disadvantages of solvent cleaners.
BOLL CLEAN 2000 is non-flammable
does not need to be identified
does not have a pungent smell
is a non-irritant
is physiologically safe
is biodegradable
Federal Office of the Environment Reg. No. 04860019
BOLL CLEAN 2000 can become cold or hot during storage but can be readily used
again at normal temperature.

1 Field of application
BOLL CLEAN 2000 is suitable for cleaning and degreasing all metals, plastics,
highly adhesive paints etc. It removes oil, wax, grease, rust and numerous other
kinds of dirt.
BOLL CLEAN 2000 is used, for example, in the automobile, engine, aviation, oil (for
drilling equipment), food and drinks, and metalworking industries, in overhauling
and machine workshops, shipping, diesel and electric locomotives, and in electricity
works for cleaning the generators.
Protection Systems

Mesh contaminated with heavy oil

Filters contaminated with heavy oil must be soaked in a commercially available
solvent. After being soaked, the filters are cleaned in the BOLL 2% KlRCH cleaning
unit type 5.04 with BOLL CLEAN 2000 and a high-pressure pump.

Instructions for use

The use of BOLL CLEAN 2000 does not involve any specific cleaning method.
BOLL CLEAN 2000 can be employed in an immersion bath, in a spraying plant, in a
steam jet cleaner or using a manual application process with a cloth, brush or
sponge, depending on the circumstances.
It can be used either cold or warm.
BOLL CLEAN 2000 is miscible with water - even sea water.
Concentration for cleaning mesh: 1:2.5
Temperature: up to max. 60°C
The concentration depends on the type and thickness of the adhering material to
be removed. When used in a concentration of 1:30 and more, rinsing is not
necessary. No visible film remains on the surface.
') 11. Sources of faults and their remedy

Fault Cause Reasons and remedy

Iiscosity too high Wait for normal operating

iigh volume of dirt Check bypass treatment unit for
Wer candles clogged Clean candles
=lushingvolume too low Check flow control device in outlet
and sludge discharge line for
Shafl end does not turn Turbine iammed
Remove parts jammed between
turbine and wall
Ap rises Gear unit defective
Check for ease of movement
(as per section 8 "Maintenance")
Replace gear unit if necessary
Flushina arm (3) iammed, Remove
any foreign matter
O~eratinaDressure < 2 bar
Run for prolonged period at higher
pressure 5-6 bar and thus eliminate
the blockage
Oil auantitv too low IIncrease oil

Protection Systems



0000 0629032 6.46 NW100 RUECRSP. 19032 03


0001 6521234 GEHAEUSE 1.000 ST
0002 6020214 DECKEL 1.000 ST
0003 6552600 SPUELARM 1.000 ST
0003 2007222 VERSCHLUSSCHRAUBE 2.000 ST
0004 5151253 VERBINDUNGSROER 1.000 ST
0005 5250045 SIEBPLATTE (UNTEN) 1.000 ST
) 0006 5250046 SIEBPLATTE (OBEN) 1.000 ST
0007 1365425 FILTERKERZE 78.000 ST
0008 5709912 SCHUTZSIEB 1.000 ST
0008 7108805 LOCHBLECHZUSCHNITT 1.000 ST
0009 5107505 ABDECKPLATTE 1.000 ST
0010 5309685 SPUELARMWELLE 1.000 ST
/ 2



0011 6853849 TURBINENGEHAEUSE 1.000 ST

0012 5301235 FLANSCHBEFESTIGUNG 1.000 ST
0013 2709131 SCHNECKENGETR.KUFlZ A 1.000 ST
0014 2784402 FLUEGEL MIT NABE 1.000 ST
I ' 0015 2705519 ZAENRAD 1.000 ST
0016 5300723 BEFESTIGUNGSBUCHSE 1.000 ST
0017 5060722 SPUELBUCASE 1.000 ST
0018 0209130 UEBERSTROEMVENTIL 6.46 D=34 19130 6.000 ST
0021 5003166 DUESE 1.000 ST
0022 2310058 DRUCKFEDER 1.000 ST
0023 2703599 RILLENKOGELLAGER 2.000 ST
) 0024 0550001 4.36.2 P = 0.8 DDA 09322 08 1.000 ST
0025 2000257 ZYL.-SCHRAWE 1.000 ST
0026 2301130 STECRKERBSTIFT 1.000 ST
0027 2300010 SPANNSTIFT 3.000 ST
0028 2560063 WINKELKVGELHAHN 2.000 ST
0029 2806480 VKT.GEGENFL. 2.000 ST
/ 3



0030 2009088 STIFTSCHRAUBE 8.000 ST

0031 2100007 SECHSKANTMUTTER 8.000 ST
0032 2009088 STIFTSCHRAUBE 8.000 ST
0033 2100007 SECHSKANTMUTTER 8.000 ST
) 0034 6402865 DECKEL 1.000 ST
0035 2000187 VERSCHLUSSCHRAUBE 5.000 ST
0036 2000155 ZYL.-SCHRAUBE 4.000 ST
0037 2000142 ZYL.-SCHRAUBE 6.000 ST
0038 2000130 ZYL.-SCHRAUBE 3.000 ST
0039 2000130 ZYL.-SCHRAUBE 3.000 ST
0040 2000197 ZYL.-SCHRAUBE 1.000 ST
) 0041 2003658 STIFTSCHRAUBE 1.000 ST
0042 2000122 ZYL.-SCHRAUBE 2.000 ST
0043 2000154 ZYL.-SCBRAWE 4.000 ST
0044 2000121 ZYL.-SCHRAUBE 2.000 ST
0045 2000121 ZYL.-SCHRAUBE 3.000 ST
0046 2200235 FEDERRING 3.000 ST
/ 4
Protection systems





0047 5008712 SCHEIBE 1.000 ST

0048 2200007 SCHEIBE 1.000 ST
0049 2200008 SCHEIBE 4.000 ST
0050 2008438 SECHSKANTSCHRAUBE 4.000 ST
( 1 0051 6024502 BODENBEF .
1.000 ST

0052 5708316 BEFESTIGDNGSBLECH 1.000 ST
0053 2000122 ZYL.-SCERAUBE 2.000 ST
0054 2100003 SECESKANTMUTTER 2.000 ST
0055 2500024 VERSCHRAUB . 2.000 ST
0056 2500025 VERSCRRAUB . 2.000 ST
0057 7300002 PRAEZ.-ROAR NBK 1.000 M
) 0060 3040136 O-RING 1.000 ST
0061 3040018 O-RING 1.000 ST
0062 3041700 O-RING 2.000 ST
0063 3049400 O-RING 156.000 ST
0064 3040115 O-RING 1.000 ST
0065 3031743 O-RING 1.000 ST
/ 5



0066 3040115 O-RING 1.000 ST

0067 3382321 HOCHDRUCWICH. 2.000 ST
0068 3041106 O-RING 1.000 ST
0069 3270002 DICHTRING 5.000 ST
' - ................................................................................
0070 3332814 FLACHDICHTUNG 1.000 ST
0071 3048235 O-RING 1.000 ST
0075 2209799 FEDERRING 3.000 ST
0076 2000122 ZYL.-SCBRAWE 3.000 ST
0077 2100047 SECHSKANTMUTTER 1.000 ST
0079 2000115 ZYL.-SCHRAUBE 1.000 ST
0080 9400997 SCEILD "EIN/IN 1.000 ST
LABEL 8, IN 8 ,
) ................................................................................
0000 9407569 SCEILD "AOS/OU 1.000 ST
LABEL 8, om "

0080 9402913 TYPENSCEILD WN2 6 1.000 ST
0081 3529686 ANZEIGEBUCHSE 1.000 ST
0082 5209684 SPANNRING 1.000 ST
0083 4707080 SCHAUGLAS 1.000 ST
0085 2311117 WELLENE'EDER 1.000 ST
U W PratecQion Systems

LO. 5

I? la?


0 0.8 BAR 1
0 - 1.2 BAR
0 2.0BAR




AT 100% DELTA P2.
Protection Systems







ZUM TYP 4.36.2 UND 4.46.2
Mac Plate Heat Exchangers -Oil- (GEA)

Plate Heat Exchangers -Oil-

GEA Ecoflex
Process Equipment
Table of contents

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

PHE safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1 Generalsafety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. . . .
2.2 Incorrect operating conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.
2.3 Permitted PHE operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.
2.4 Residualdangers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Operating instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.1 Operating instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8.
3.1.1 Usernotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8.
Drawingsandfigures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8. .
OperatorofthePHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8.
PHEsetter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
3.1.2 Safetynotes in the text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9. .
Manager's obligations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
. .
Functional description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Intended purpose.............................................................

Overview and description of the PHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

7.1 Basicstrudure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
7.2 Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
7.3 Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
7.4 HE plates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
7.4.1 Chevronpattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
7.4.2 Freenowdesign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
7.4.3 Plate evaporator design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
7.5 HEplategaskets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Delivery. transport. and installation of the PHE ..........................24

8.1 Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
8.2 Setting up the lying PHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
8.3 Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
8.3.1 Suspended with shackles at the fixed plate
and with sling attachment at the carrying beam29
8.3.2 Suspended at hansport eyes .............................................30
8.3.3 Suspended with sling attachment at the tightening bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30

1 .
Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a
i ')
Cis Table
.. of contents

8.4 Installation of the PHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

8.4.1 Spacerequirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
8.4.2 Pipe assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
8.5 PHEdisposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

9 Operation. start.up. and shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

9.1 Start-up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
9.2 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
9.3 ShutdownofthePHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
9.3.1 Short-term shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
9.3.2 Long-term shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
10 Maintenance and repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 ..
10.1 Preparatoryprecautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
10.2 Opening the PHE and removing the HE plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
10.2.1 Opening a PHE with a CD frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
10.2.2 Opening a PHE with B frame ............................................45
10.3 Mounting the HE plates and closing the PHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
10.4 CleaningthePHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
10.4.1 Cleaning the HE plates of the closed PHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 .
CIPprocess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 ..
Backflushing .......................................................... 50
10.4.2 Cleaning the HE plates of an open PHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 .
Manually cleaning the HE plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chemically cleaning the HE plates ........................................ 52
10.5 ReplacingHEgaskets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
10.6 Replacingportrings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
10.7 Maintaining the PHE frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
11 Troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 ..
11.1 Impaired PHE performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 ..
11.2 PHEleakages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
12 Technical terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58

. 2 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

2 F-


1 Preface
With GEA Ecoflex, you use the technical know how of one of the worldwide lead-
ing manufacturers of plate heat exchangers (PHE).
We would like to make the handling of the PHE as safe and simple as possible. For
this reason, these comprehensive operating instructions serve as your personal ad-
viser who explains everytlung understandably and dearly: structure, function, in-
stallation, operation, maintenance, troubleshooting, transport and repair.
We especially devote ourselves to the subject of safety, so that all possible dangers
or damages can be avoided from the start. For that reason alone, all employees
who deal with the PHE should be able to reach for these important operating in-
structions at all times.
In the clear table of contents, you will quickly find what you are looking for. If not,
look in the index with page references. In the same way all technical terms are in-
formatively explained. After all, no questions should remain open, and in the case
they do, your GEA Ecoflex agent or the central senrice department is glad to assist
you further.
Operating instructions for special applications supplement these general operating
With this in mind, we wish you a problem-free operation with GEA Ecoflex plate
heat exchangers.
GEA Ecoflex GmbH
Karl-Schiller-Straf3e 1-3
D-31157 Sarstedt
Phone: +49/5066/601-333
Fax: +49/5066/601-104
Internet: http://www.gea-ecoflex.com
e-mail: senriceagea-ecoflex.com

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision Za

3 -
C 5
- . PHE safety

2 PHE safety
2.1 General safety
This chapter advises you on general precautions for the proper handling of the
PHE and which dangers the user can encounter.
If the PHE is employed improperly or not according to the intended puIpose, or if
the safety notes are not adhered to, dangers to persons and property can arise.


Read this chapter attentively. It contains important information and obligations. It

concerns your health and the trouble-free operation of the PHE.

The operator is responsible for the safe operation of the PHE.
The following points must be adhered to:
Always adhere to the general, national, and operational safety regulations, for
example, wearing protective glasses, close-fitting protective clothing, and
safety shoes.
Always adhere to the safety notes in the individual chapters of these operating
The PHE may only be operated in perfect condition. Each change on the PHE
must be immediately reported to the nearest available responsible superior.
Before beginning work with the PHE, operators must familiarize themselves
with the possible dangers.
Before each start of the PHE, ensure that all parts of the PHE are in perfect con-
dition and function correctly.

- 4
Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a
PHE safety

2.2 Incorrect operating conditions

Operation of the PHE is not permitted, whenever:
substantial faults or damages are present,
w the maintenance is not regularly performed,
w the operating conditions (e. g. inner pressure, temperature, media, external in-
fluences) are exceeded.


GEA Ecoflex accepts no liability for damages caused by incorrect operating condi-

2.3 Permitted PHE operators

For operating the PHE each operator must:
be appropriately trained for the task to be performed,
be familiar with the work safety and accident prevention regulations,
be instructed in the handling of the PHE and
have read and understood these operating instructions.
Persons who are responsible for the set-up, assembly, start-up, maintenance or dis-
assembly of the PHE must have command of the necessary knowledge.

5 -
Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a
PHE safetv

2.4 Residual dangers

Residual daneers
" can never be fullv excluded. You can only prevent these dangers
through appropriate behaviour.

Danger of injury!
Heat exchanger (HE) Plates:
The thin HE plates are sharp edged.
When handling HE plates, always
wear suitable protective gloves.
Outside of the PHE
On the edges, threads, or similar
parts, there is a danger of injury. Al-
ways wear suitable protective gloves
when handling the outside of the
Hazardous flow-through media
Hazardous flow-through media
present dangers of chemical bums,
burning, or poisoning. Always wear
suitable protective clothing when
working on the PHE with hazardous
flow-through media.

Opening the PHE:

Before opening the PHE, ensure that
it is unpressurised and empty. When
opening the PHE, always ensure that
the HE plates do not unintendedly
loosen from the frame and tip over,
see chapter 10.2, page 42.
Also ensure that the pressure plate is
secured against unintended slippage
(e. g. on ships).

- 6 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

Transporting the PHE:
Before transporting the PHE, always
ensure that the hoisting gear are of
sufficient dimensions and secutely
Never step underneath suspended

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

7 -
Operating instructions

3 Operating instructions
3.1 Operating instructions
These operating instructions are the instructions of the manufacturer for the PHE
managers and for aU persons who are responsible for the set-up, operation, main-
tenance and repair of the PHE.
These operating instructions are generally applicable to all bolted/gasketted (not
welded) PHEs manufactured and supplied by GEA Ecoflex.

3.1.1 Usernotes
3 Drawings and figures
The drawings in these operating instructions are exemplary. For reasons of clarity,
some drawings have been greatly simplified. The actual details depend on the in-
dividually delivered PHE. You find diagrams and dimensions of the delivered
PHE in the supplied technical documentation.

Operator of the PHE

The operator of the PHE is the person who the PHE manager entitles to operate the

PH E setter
These operating instructions contain no details about special tools that are needed
for the setting up and operating the PHE.

- 8
Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a
* -- Operating

3.1.2 Safety notes in t h e text

In these operating instructions, the following symbols are used in order to draw
your attention to dangers in handling the PHE or give you information about han-
dling the PHE:

This symbol means danger to life and health of persons.
The following text explains the type of danger and its effects and gives instructions
for averting the danger. Not adhering to the instructions can have health effects up
to and including death.

This symbol means danger to the PHE or its parts and the surroundings.
The following text explains the type of danger and its effects and gives instructions
for averting the danger. Not adhering to the instructions can cause substantial
damages to the PHE.


This symbol appears above paragraphs that give you useful or important notes for
the correct handling of the PHE. This information helps you to avoid problems and
makes it easier to handle the PHE.

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision Za

9 -
, .
, *G
Manager's obligations

4 Manager's obligations

Danger of injury!
In the case of hazardous media (acids or similar media), high pressures and high/
low temperatures in the PHE, there is a danger of injury during maintenance or
leakages. In this case, you absolutely must have a splash protector. This splash
protector may only be removed when the PHE reaches room pressure and room
temperature, or is empty.

As manager of the PHE, you must ensure that each operator who is responsible for
the set-up, operation, maintenance or repair of the PHE has read and understood,
from beginning to end, the parts of the operating instructions important for the
The PHE is built according to state-of-the-art technology and is reliable in service.
Nevertheless, dangers from the PHE or damages to the PHE can arise if you do not
adhere to the following instructions:
rn These operating instructions must always be accessible to the operators en-
trusted to work on the PHE.
Only operators who are instructed in the handling of the PHE and the basic
work safety and accident prevention regulations may work on the PHE. For
safety reasons, it is forbidden for other persons to be in the area of the PHE.
rn You must venfy the safety-conscious work of the operator in regular intewals.
As manager you must ensure that:
rn the PHE remains in functional order.
no premature wear of certain PHE components due to unfavourable sur-
rounding conditions occurs.
Unfavourable surrounding conditions are for example, for

sealing materials: rn aggressive gases and/or aggressive aerosols in

the surrounding air
rn effects of UV radiation (eg. sunlight)
rn extreme surrounding temperatures
metallic components: I aggressive gases and/or aggressive aerosols in
the surrounding air
rn humidity

- 10 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

cw'i -- Manager's obligations

m all maintenance/inspections are carried out in regular intervals.

rn no changes, additions, or reconstructions to the PHE are carried out without
approval of the PHE manufacturer. A change can lead to the loss of the op-
erating approval.
all - even not here explicitly mentioned - laws and regulations valid for the
PHE as well as the valid accident prevention regulations are adhered to.

11 -
Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a
Functional description.

Functional description
A series of contoured plates with transfer ports forms a pack of flow channels in
the PHE. The heat exchange media flow through these flow channels in alternate
Usually a single-pass PHE is employed. In this single-pass PHE, all of the feed and
discharge pipes are connected to the fixed plate, that is, on one side.

- 12 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

Functional description
~ ~ p p ~ p

Close temperature differences between the media may demand multi-pass PHE. In
these multi-pass PHEs, the connection pipes are then attached to the fixed plate
and to the pressure plate, that is, on both sides.

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

13 -
Intended purpose
This PHE has been specially designed and manufactured for your specified operat-
ing conditions concerning pressure, temperature, flow rates, and type and compo-
sition of the flow-through media.
If a change in the specified operating conditions becomes necessary, GEA Ecoflex
must be consulted. The PHE may only be operated under new operating condi-
tions after GEA Ecoflex has examined, approved, and altered the PHE documenta-
tion, if necessary.
Usage according to the rules includes:
adhering to the valid national and international laws, decrees, regulations, di-
rectives and other rules for the installation site .
following all safety notes of these operating instructions.
adhering to regular inspection and maintenance work.


GEA Ecoflex accepts no liability for damages caused by deviations from the speci-
fied operating conditions for the PHE.

- 14 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision Za

* Overview and description of the PHE

7 Overview and description of the PHE

7.1 Basic structure
The following figure represents the basic structure of a plate heat exchanger. The
actual design depends on the application.

No. Component No. Component

I1 I Carrying beam I 14 1 support column
12 1 Pipe connections I 15 1 Pressure plate
1 3 1 Fixed plate I 16 1 HE Plate
17 1 Guiding bar
18 1 Gasket

15 -
Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 23.
Overview and description of the PHE

The plate pack consists of contoured

HE plates (1) and the corresponding
gaskets (2) of varying number and ar-

Each GEA Ecoflex PHE is provided with a name plate. It is attached to the outside
of the PHE's fixed plate. Here you find details about:
rn plate heat exchanger type
rn serial no.
rn admissible working pressure [bar g]
rn admissible working temperature [" C]
rn test pressure [bar g]
rn volume [L]
rn net weight, year of construction
compression dimensions:
"a max." / "a rnin."[mm]
rn additional details [project specific]

- 16 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

G % Overview and description of the PHE

Examples for the name plate design in conformity with the European Directive on
Pressure Equipment 97/23/EC.

No. Component
1 PHE without CE index number
2 PHE with CE index number

Each PHE is supplied with a dimension sheet or, alternatively, an assembly draw-
ing, and a flow diagram.
The dimension sheet or the assembly drawing shows the external dimensions as
well as details of the type, size and position of the pipe connections.
The flow diagram shows the HE plate arrangement and the type, the HE plate ma-
terial, the plate thickness as well as the sealing material and the part numbers.

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

17 -
Giii Overview and description of the PHE

7.3 Frames
GEA Ecoflex PHE are available in different application specific frame designs.
There are two basic designs, B and CD. The design B is especially employed for
longer plate packs.


Special stainless steel designs with intermediate elements for separating the indi-
vidual compartments are employed for the foodstuff and pharmaceutical indus-
The frames made of structural steel are given a weather-protective coating. The
tightening bolts and nuts are made of high-strength steel alloys and in some cases
The pipe connections can be attached to the fixed plate, to the pressure plate and
possibly to intermediate elements.

- 18 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

G?ii Overview and description of the PHE

The pipe connections on the fixed and pressure plate are positioned as follows:
From an outside position looking
onto the fixed plate, the connec-
tions IF-4F are numbered consec-
utively anticlockwise.

rn From an outside position looking

onto the pressure plate, the con-
nections 1L-4L are numbered con-
secutively clockwise.

In order to fulfill customer specific requirements, different connection types are


Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2.3

19 -
Overview and description of the PHE

As an alternative, the designs B and

CD can be cladded with stainless steel
and equipped with tightening bolts
made of stainless steel. They then
have the additional letter C (for clad-
ded) and frame designation BC and
To some extent, these frames are
equipped with height-adjustable
threaded feet. In this case, the feet are
not anchored to the ground. Thrust
plates lie beneath the threaded feet.
. . These thrust plates are not part of the
standard equipment.

7.4 HE plates


The selection of the HE plate material is determined by customer-specific operat-

ing conditions (among others pressure, temperature, media, operating mode). In a
few special applications, the media used typically erodes the material of the HE
plates. This can lead to a malfunction of the HE plates and to a mixing of the me-

The HE plates and gaskets are essential components of the PHE. GEA Ecoflex dis-
tinguishes between three product groups.
7.4.1 Chevron pattern
The HE plates of the series VARITHERM (VT), NT and LASER welded cassettes
(LWC) belong to this product group.
These HE plates have horizontal and vertical profiles, which are used individually
or combined. They are used for clean media with a low viscosity and also for high
working pressures.
The gaskets of this product group can be fixed with adhesive. Additionally, many
plate types allow adhesive-free fixing (Loch, EcoLoc).

- 20 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

G 5 Overview and description of the PHE

7.4.2 Free Flow design

The HE plates of the series FA (free flow) and the N40 plate belong to this group.
The special feature of this product group is the wesbicted broad flow cross sec-
tion between the HE plates. Highly viscose media or media containing solids re-
quire the use of this product group.
The gaskets of this product group are fixed with adhesive. The plate type N40 al-
lows adhesive-free fixing (Loch).

7.4.3 Plate evaporator design

The HE plates of the series CT (Concitherm) form this product group.
Liquids are concenbated by evaporation using these plates ("evaporator").
The gaskets are fixed with adhesive. The plate type CT187 allows adhesive-free fix-
ing (Loch). The plate type CT193 consists of LASER welded cassettes.

21 -
Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a
Overview and description of the PHE

7.5 HE plate gaskets

Damages to persons and property !
The use of inadmissible pressures, temperatures and media can lead to an imrnedi-
ate failure of the gaskets and a grave endangerment of persons and the surround-
ings. Therefore, never exceed the admissible operating parameters.

The gaskets are wearing parts and sensitive to chemical, thermal and mechanical
damages. The selection of the gasket material and its properties is determined by
customer-specific operating conditions (pressure, temperature, media). hadmissi-
ble use can lead to a reduction of the senrice life. Elastomer gaskets are always sub-
ject to the ageing process (e.g. ernbrittlement).
There are two basic groups of gaskets:
Gaskets made of elastomers, available in different materials and design types
(e. g. Zeye gaskets and 4eye start and/or end gaskets). The gaskets can, in
principle, be fixed with adhesive, also often without adhesive (Loch, EcoLoc).
Gaskets made of mineral fibres ("hard gaskets"). They are principally fixed with
adhesive. Unlike gaskets made of elastomers, these gaskets made of mineral fi-
bres cannot compensate for large temperature differences (e. g. start-up and
shutdown). Therefore, leakages may occur during these operating phases.

- 22 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

GiWi Overview and description of the PHE

All gaskets are designed to enable separating both media from each other at the
transfer ports by means of a double-gasket guidance system. In the event of any
leakage in this area, the leakage chamber formed in this way has the task of out-
wardly discharging the liquid via gaps in the sealing webs (leakage grooves) so
that any leakage immediately becomes apparent.

The materials of the gaskek are clearly marked by coded colours.

The storage of the gaskets must be done properly.
Never exceed the admissible parameters.

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

23 -
Delivery, transport,
and installation of the PHE

Ielivery, transport, and i nsta llation of

the PHE


Damages to uersons and urouertv!

1mpro;er anh careless hkdiing'of the PHE can lead to danger to persons and
property. The PHE may never be lifted underneath the plate pack, at the connec-
tions or at the tightening bolts.

- 24 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

c%% Deliverv. transvort. and installation o f the P H E

8.1 Delivery
The fully assembled PHE is packed and delivered either lying on its side or up-
right, depending on the frame type.
If it is delivered lying on its side, the PHE is anchored by the back of the fixed plate
to solid planks. A forklift truck can pick the PHE up from beneath the planks and
transport it.
The PHE that is packed upright and to be transported upright is top heavy. To be
secured for transport, it is screwed to solid planks and must be unloaded and
transported in suspension, according to chapter 8.3 on page 29. In no case may the
device be lifted under the HE plate pack because this inevitably leads to a damag-
ing of the plate pack.
In the BC frame, the height-adjustable transport feet replace the ball feet. You find
the ball feet in an enclosed package with the PHE.
PHE parts are packed on pallets as well as in suitable cartons on pallets. Upon re-
quest, we will use special air freight, container and wood packages. You, as the
customer, are responsible for the disposal of the PHE packing material.


If, in spite of the careful packaging, you should observe damage at delivery, you
must make a note of the extent and type of the damage on the consignment note
and obtain a receipt from the deliverer. Please report any possible damages to us

8.2 Setting up t h e lying PHE

Danger to life!
There is always a danger that the PHE will tip over while righting it. Always en-
sure that:
rn the hoisting gear are of sufficient dimensions,
w the hoisting gear cannot come loose or slide off,
rn no swing movements to the side result when lifting the PHE,
rn the floor at the installation site is sufficiently large, level and able to support the

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

25 -
G % Delivery, transport, and installation of the PHE
, i

Damage to the PHE!
The connecting pieces can bend or
crack. Attach the hoisting gear
(slings) only as in the following.
When attaching the hoisting gear
(slings), make sure that they are
firmly seated.
Never use a chain or a steel rope, but
only slings.

Proceed as follows to set up the lying PHE:

1. Remove a l l of the fastening screws
and elements from the PHE and
from the pallet.

- 26 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

G 3 Delivery, transport, and installation of the PHE

2. Attach a sling to the upper tight-

ening nut on each side of the PHE.
d Do not use a steel rope or

If the tightening nuts are not

accessible for attaching the
slings, slightly tip the PHE
with an additional sling (al-
ways attach the slings between
2 tightening nuts).
Then attach the slings around
the top tightening nuts.

3. Lift the PHE slowly from the pal-

let over its centre of gravity.

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

27 -
,- 'r
c Delivery, transport, and installation of the PHE

4. Slowly lower the PHE onto the

edge of the fixed plate or the feet
of the PHE. Align the PHE and
bring it to its final position at the
installation site.

5. Remove the slings and other aids.

Then anchor the PHT to the

The PHE has been set up.

- 28 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a


G 3 Delivery, transport, and installation-of the PHE



Danger to life! Damage to the PHE!

Before transporting the PHE always ensure that:
the hoisting gear are of sufficient dimensions,
the hoisting gear cannot come loose or slide off,
no swing movements to the side result when lifting the PHE,
the operating personnel keep a sufficiently large safety distance,
the floor at the installation site is sufficiently large, level and able to support the
The suspended transport always starts out from a n upright position of the PHE.

Suspended with shackles at the fixed plate

and with sling attachment at the carrying beam
Proceed as follows:
1. Attach two suitable shackles in
both holes intended for that pur-
pose on the upper side of the fixed
2. Attach a sufficiently long sling to
the carrying beam directly behind
the pressure plate and to both
Do not use steel ropes or
3. Slowly lift the PHE.

The PHE can now be trans-

ported away.

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision Za

29 -
*G Delivery, transport,
- and installation of the PHE --

8.3.2 Suspended at transport eyes

Proceed as follows:
1. Attach the hoisting gear to both
transport eyes on the top side of
the carrying beam.
2. Slowly lift the PHE.

The PHEcannow be hans-

ported away.

8.3.3 Suspended with sling attachment at the tightening bolt

Use this transport method only when the above-described fastening possibilities
are not available.
Proceed as follows:
1. Attach a sling around the top
tightening bolts on each side of
the PHE.
+ Do not use steel ropes or
2. Slowly tilt the PHE until it reaches
a hanging position.

ThePHEcannowbe hans-
ported away.

- 30 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

G 5 Delivery, transport, and installation of the PHE
17 --

8.4 Installation of the PHE

Danger to life!
There is always a danger that the PHE will tip over during installation. Always en-
sure that:

rn the hoisting gear are of sufficient dimensions,

rn the hoisting gear cannot come loose or slide off,
rn the operating personnel keep a sufficiently large safety distance,
rn the floor at the installation site is sdficiently large, level and able to support the

In case of outdoor installation, take precautions against freezing the flow-through

media in the PHE, if necessary.

8.4.1 Space requirements

Provide enough space around the
PHE. This facilitates access to the
PHE and necessary service tasks (e. g.
replacing individual plates, com-
pressing the plate pack).
The values for the necessary space
given in the adjacent figure are guide
values and are recommended by
GEA Ecoflex. They provide sufficient
space for accessing the PHE.

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision Za

31 -
*G Delivery, transport, and installation of the PHE

8.4.2 Pipe assembly

The PHEs from GEA Ecoflex are provided with different connection b e s accord-
ing to the purpose. Pay attention to the following points during pipe assembly:

Damages to the pipe connections and to the PHE!
Make sure that no forces. moments. or vibrations that are too high are transferred
via the pipes onto the connections of the PHE. By request, you can obtain an over-
view of the admissible forces and moments for the PHE.


In order to avoid clogging problems during commissioning GEA Ecoflex strongly

recommends to use filters or bypasses for the first flushing of the overall pipe sys-

8.5 PHE disposal

As a customer, you are responsible for the disposal of the PHE packing materials.
By request, GEA Ecoflex takes on disposal of the PHE. For the cost of labour, the
PHE is disassembled, transported away and professionally disposed.


If the PHE or its parts are contaminated, GEA Ecoflex cannot take on the disposal.
In this case, disposal of the PHE is the manager's obligation.

- 32 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

c&a Operation, start-up, and shutdown

9 Operation, start-up, and shutdown

Danger of injury!
Hazardous flow-through media (corrosive, poisonous, flammable, explosive etc.)
present dangers of chemical burns and burning. Inform yourself beforehand which
flow-through media are used and make sure that a protective covering is on hand.

Environmental damages! Damage to the PHE!
When ecologically harmful flow-through media flow out, serious environmen-
tal damages are possible. Make sure that it is possible to empty the product and
that a drip tray for the entire PHE filling volume is on hand.
If the PHE is further compressed
below "a min.", the plates warp.
Make sure that the plate pack is
compressed to the necessary com-
pression dimension
"a -," < "a" < "a max,",

Damages to the PHE!
Quick switching operations (e. g. from valves in the pipes connected to the
PHE) or operation-related events (e. g. spontaneous evaporations, condensa-
tion surges) can lead to high-pressure surges. Avoid high-pressure surges
through the flow-through media in order to avoid damaging the PHE.
rn The PHE may only be tightened in its unpressurised state because otherwise it
may fall below the compression dimension "a min." (see the explanation for
"a &in."in chapter 12 on page 58).

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

33 -
, G
* Operation, start-up, and
-. shutdown

9.1 Start-up
Before start-up, visually inspect the PHE and make sure that:
rn the PHE is not operated with inadmissible flow-through media, pressures and
rn all pipe connections are firmly connected to the PHE.
rn all necessary PHE components are completely installed.
the plate pack is not compressed below compression dimension "a min." (see
name plate or flow diagram in chapter 7.2 on page 16). The HE plates could be
permanently damaged.
rn when restarting, no residues of previous processes (e. g. cleaning agents) are
present in the PHE.
rn all air is removed from the PHE.
pressure surges are avoided. The proper operation of the PHE could be endan-
gered. Flow-through media could escape.

If all of these conditions are fulfilled, you can start operating the PHE.


If faults occur during start-up of the PHE, see chapter 11, page 55.

In order to avoid clogging problems during commissioning GEA Ecoflex strongly

recommends to use filters or bypasses for the first flushing of the overall pipe sys-

- 34 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

c % Operation, start-up, and shutdown

9.2 Operation

Danger of iniury! Damages to the PHE!
If the PHE is'in operation when working on the PHE, there is a danger of injury or
a danger that the PHE will be damaged. Always shutdown the PHE first, before
you start maintaining or repairing it.

Visually inspect the PHE regularly during operation and make sure that:
the PHE is not operated with inadmissible flow-through media, pressures and
the minimum and maximum parameters given on the name plate are not ex-
ceeded. If the parameters are exceeded, the operating approval dissolves and
GEA Ecoflex accepts no liability for resulting damages.
pressure surges are avoided. The proper operation of the PHE could be endan-
gered. Flow-through media could escape.


If faults occur during operation of the PHE, see chapter 11,page 55.

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision Za

35 -
*G - -- .-
-- .-- ---
. --
Operation, start-up, and shutdown
I' I'

9.3 Shutdown of the PHE

9.3.1 Short-term shutdown

Escape of environmentally hazardous flow-through media possible!
Flow-through media can be dangerous and environmentally hazardous. Make sure
that no flow-through media can escape during the shutdown period. In case of
outdoor installation, take precautions (e. g. emptying, heating) against freezing the
flow-through media in the PHE.

9.3.2 Long-term shutdown

Premature component wear!
The components of the PHE can wear out prematurely due to unfavourable sur-
rounding conditions or due to flow-through media remaining in the PHE. If the
PHE is shutdown for a longer time period, the PHE must be depressurised and
completely emptied. Additionally, we recommend a basic cleaning and an appro-
priate storage until setting the PHE into operation again.


You can obtain detailed information about storage conditions from your
GEA Ecoflex service depadment (see back cover).

- 36 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

- Maintenance and repair
1-3 ~ ~ -- -

10 Maintenance and repair

10.1 Preparatory precautions
Before starting work, check the supplied documentation to see with which frame
type the PHE was delivered.

Danger of injury!
There is a danger of injury during maintenance and repair work on the PHE. For
this reason, always adhere to the following points:
Always wear suitable protective clothing.
If a pressurised o r filled PHE is opened, the flow-through media can escape un-
controllably. This is a danger of injury for the operator and bystanders.
Before beginning maintenance or repair work, ensure that the PHE is empty
and has reached room pressure.
When using hot o r very cold flow-through media there is a danger ~f burning,
or respectively, freezing. Before beginning maintenance or repair work, always
ensure that the PHE has reached room temperature.
Hazardous flow-through media (corrosive, poisonous, flammable, explosive
etc.) present an acute danger of injury for the operator and bystanders. Make
sure that the regulations for flow-through media are followed during all work.
Ensure that the pressure plate is secured against unintended slippage (e. g - on

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

37 - ;
Maintenance and repair

rn The HE plates of the PHE can tip

out sideways and severely injure
persons. Always ensure when sus-
pending the HE plates and when
closing the PHE that the HE plates
do not unintentionally detach
from the frame and tip over.
For this reason, at least two per-
sons must work on a PHE with
CD frame.
The safe procedure for opening
and closing a PHE is described in
sections 10.2. and 10.3. below.

Danger of falling over during stacking!
The HE plates can fall over during unchecked stacking. Injuries and damaged HE
plates are the result. Never stack the plates higher than:
60 HE plates for Varitherm/NT
rn 30 cassettes for LWC
rn 30 HE plates for Free Flow/Concitherm/Sdetytherm
rn Before opening the PHE you must carry out a few work steps. If necessary, re-
move the comicted pipes.
In general, you should proceed as follows:
rn Clean the guiding rail (for better
plate mobility).

- 38 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

* Maintenance and repair

Clean the threads of the tighten-

ing bolts (to remove the contami-
nation and prevent a fretting of
the nuts).

Apply a thin film of oil to the


Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

39 -
Maintenance and revair

rn To ensure that the plates are reas-

sembled in the right order, we ad-
vise painting a diagonal line
across the side of the plate pack.

Be sure to note the current "a" di-



When removing the HE plates, document the order with the help of the flow dia-
rn The PHE frames are usually
equipped with four tightening
bolts. In PHEs with more than
four tightening bolts, as a rule
four longer tightening bolts are
used. These only pretension the
HE plate pack (so-called preten-
sioning bolts).

- 40 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

G 5
---- -
and repair

The HE plates are mounted in different ways in the frame, depending on the frame
design of the PHE.
In CD frames, the HE plates rest on the bottom guiding bar and are guided by the
rn In the CD frame, the plates are VT NT
guided by a top and a bottom I I

In the B frames, the HE plates are suspended at the top carrying beam with a spe-
cial rail. The plates are hooked into the recess of the guiding rail and are guided by
the bottom guiding bar.

rn Top carrying beam without a

guiding rail. VT NT

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

41 -
Maintenance and repair

10.2 Opening the PHE and removing the HE plates


Before loosening/opening the PHE pay attention to the safety notes in

chapter 10.1, page 37 "Preparatory precautions".

10.2.1 Opening a PHE with a CD frame

CD frames need to be equipped with
a locking element (e.g., a pipe clamp).
Ensure that the HE plates can always
be set up as described as step 3 below.
Attach the locking element accord-
The following HE types do not re-
quire locking elements:

The drawings below show a CDL frame (with a support column). The handling
desaibed also applies to CDS frames (without a support column).
The CDS frames feature an extra retaining lock at the end of the upper guiding bar.
This retaining lock limits the path along which the pressure plate can be moved.

- 42 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

Maintenance and revair

Open the PHE as follows:

1. Release the nuts of the tightening bolts on the pressure plate.
e Release the tightening bolts
evenly in small steps on alter-
nate sides (1-2-3-4) and diago-
nally (1-2 and 3 4 , in order to
prevent overloading individ-
ual tightening bolts and tilting
the pressure plate.
0 Proceed similarly in the case of
frames with more than 4 tight-
ening bolts.

2. Remove the nuts without remov-

ing the tightening bolts. Push the
pressure plate right up to the lock-
ing element.

3. Move the HE plates. The HE

plates must afterwards safely lean
against the fixed plate.

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

Maintenance and repair

4. Now remove the tightening bolts.

To secure the unit, two tightening
bolts should be left in on either
side of the frame.
5. Mark the position of the locking
element. Then move the locking
element right up to the support

6. Move up the pressure plate to the

support column. The second oper-
ator ensures that the plate pack
does not slip. You can now take
out the HE plates.

The procedure is the same for CD frames without a locking element (VT 04, VT 10,
VT 20).
The PHE with a CD frame is open.


The best position of the locking element depends on the size and number of HE
plates. Please contact your GEA Ecoflex senrice department (see back cover) if you
have any questions on this point.

- 44 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

* ---
Maintenance and repair

10.2.2 Opening a PHE with B frame

1. Release the nuts of the tightening bolts on the pressure plate.
0 Proceed as described as step 1 "Opening a CD frame", chapter 10.2.1, page

2. Remove the nuts.

3. Remove all tightening bolts

The PHE with a B frame is open.

Remove the HE plates as follows:

1. Move the pressure plate right up
to the support column.
.) You now have access to the in-
dividual HE plates.

For removal, swing the HE plate

out to the side and take it out of
the guiding rail of the carrying
In the case of some Varitherm
carrying beams, swinging is
only possible to one side.

45 -
Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision Za
Maintenance and revair

10.3 Mounting the HE plates and closing the PHE


Before mounting and closing the PHE, pay attention to the safety notes in
chapter 10.1, page 37 "Preparatory precautions".

Damage to the HE plates!

Going below the compression dimen-
sion "a min" generally leads to dam-
age to the HE plates and possibly to a
malfunction of the PHE. Ensure that
the plate pack is only compressed to
the necessary dimension
"a min." < "a" < "a max.".


When all the HE plates are correctly installed, the outside of the plate pack must
show a continuous honeycomb pattern.
You can also check that the plates are in the right order by means of the diagonal
line on the outside of the plaie pack, which youpainted belore opening the P&.

- 46 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

Maintenance and repair

Proceed as follows:
1. Make sure that the gaskets and HE plates are free of foreign matter or contami-
+ If necessary, clean them with running water and a soft brush.
2. Check that the gaskets fit correctly in the grooves of the HE plates.
3. Clean the sealing faces of the frame gaskets.
4. For a PHE with a B frame: clean
the HE guiding rail at the carrying
beam and apply a thin layer of oil
to it.
5. Clean the threads of the tighten-
ing bolts as well as the tightening
nuts and apply a thin layer of
grease to these.

6. Mount all the HE plates into the PHE frame in the correct order according to

the flow diagram.

In the case of a CD frame, the following actions are required:
+ Before installing the HE plates,
screw in two tightening bolts
to serve as securing elements.
+ Every HE plate you put in
should safely lean against the
fixed plate.
Have another operator hold
and secure the plate pack.

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

47 -
Maintenance and repair

Q Push the pressure plate against

the plate pack and put in the
remaining tightening bolts.
Attach the locking element at
the correct position.

7. Determine the required compression dimension ("a" dimension).

Q The required compression dimension "a" is
in the case of a complete replacement of the gaskets: the "a max" printed on
the name plate.
provided that the HE plates are only cleaned and no gaskets are replaced:
the compression dimension written down before opening the PHE.
rn in case of a change in the number of HE plates: the new "a max"-dimension,
which matches the details on the supplied flow diagram and the supplied
modification plate at the name plate.
8. Tighten the tightening bolts according to the procedure described in
chapter 10.2, page 42 "Opening the PHE and removing the HE plates" on alter-
nate sides and diagonally to the necessary compression dimension "a".
9. Cany out a leak test before restarting the PHE.


The procedure for the occurrence of leakages is described in chapter 11on page 55.

- 48 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a


Maintenance and repair

10.4 Cleaning the PHE

10.4.1 Cleaning the HE plates of the closed PHE

Deposits on the HE plates
a impair the heat transfer between the flow-through media,
increase the pressure loss,
can cause or accelerate HE plate corrosion.
The particular PHE application determines
a the necessity,
a thetypeand
a the frequency of a PHE cleaning.

CIP process

Danger to persons and environment!
The use of aggressive cleaning agents presents poisoning, chemical bums, and
burning dangers. Make sure that:
a before the C@ process, you have been instructed in the use and have a good
command of all work steps.
a during work with aggressive cleaning agents you always wear suitable protec-
tive clothing.
a the cleaning agent you use is completely removed from the PHE after cleaning.
With Cll' ("Cleaning in Place"), a cleaning agent flows through the PHE instead of
the flow-through media. Contaminants are removed by the cleaning solution's dis-
solving capacity, supported by the mechanical action of the turbulence.

Damage to the PHE!

The improper use of Cll' can damage the PHE. Pay attention to the notes on chemi-
cal cleaning of the HE plates in chapter 10.4.2, page 51 "Cleaning the HE plates of
an open PHE".

49 -
Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a
GiEA ~ Maintenance and repair
1 )

This process is used if the flow-through media contain coarse particles of contami-
nation and thus block the inlet channels. By briefly reversing the direction of flow,
the particles of contamination are removed from the PHE.

The direction of flow is reversed by

using a suitable pipe configuration
with the appropriate valves. If there is
a risk of the released particles of con-
tamination causing damage to the
PHE, preference should be given to
manual cleaning of the H E plates.

- 50 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

Maintenance and repair

10.4.2 Cleaning the HE plates of an open PHE

Manually cleaning the HE plates

rn At every cleaning, ensure that no particles can settle on or under the gaskets
because this leads to leakages.
rn Hard cleaning tools (e. g. brushes with metal bristles) can damage the metallic
surfaces of the HE plates and the surfaces of the gaskets. Damaged metal sur-
faces can lead to corrosion of the HE plates. Damaged gasket surfaces can lead
to leakages of the PHE when restarting it.
Never use hard cleaning tools.
Ensure that the stTeam of the high-pressure jet always directs face-on at the
gaskets in order to avoid loosening them.
In order to manually clean the HE plates, proceed as follows:
1. For coarse contamination, use a
high-pressure cleaner jet to loosen
the particles.

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

51 -
'r G . 5 -- -
Maintenance and repair

2. Wash each plate from both sides

with flowing, warm water and a
soft brush.

The HE plates have been

manuallv cleaned.

Chemically cleaning the HE plates


he mi& cleaning processes can attack the gaskets materials and create leaks. Al-
ways use cleaning agents that do not attack the gaskets materials. Choose a suita-
ble temperature and do not let the cleaning agent take effect on the materials for an
unnecessarily long time.


Always follow the safety instructions and recommendations of the cleaning

agent manufacturer. Only use chloride-free or low-chloride water with a low
hardness value for the cleaning liquid.
Chlorides in the medium reduce the corrosion resistance of chrome-nickel
steels and chrome-nickel-molybdenum steels (including Hastelloy, Incoloy and
Inconel). The intensity of the effect of the chlorides depends on the tempera-
ture, concentration and pH of the medium.
Stubborn contamination, such as coatings on the plate surface, which are not
released by the above-described processes, can be loosened by soaking in an
open chemical bath.

- 52 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision Za


Maintenance and repair

Choose a cleaning agent suitable for the type of contamination and for the
properties of the HE plates and sealing materials.
You must obtain confirmation from the cleaning agent manufacturer that
the cleaning agents employed will not attack the HE plates or gasket mate-
rials. Clean the HE plates according to the cleaning agent manufacturer's in-
rn Before reassembling the cleaned HE plates, always rinse them with sufficient
clean water. Remove foreign matter on the gaskets with a soft brush.

10.5 Replacing HE gaskets

You can find the fixing type of the gasket in the PHE technical documentation. The
gaskets can be either fixed with adhesive into the gasket grooves or pressed into
the grooves without adhesive.
We recommend that you always replace all gaskets at the same time. Use only
original GEA Ecoflex gaskets.


You can obtain detailed information about replacing gaskets from your
GEA Ecoflex senrice department (see back cover)

;. 10.6 Replacing port rings

The type of port ring between the HE plate pack and the frame components de-
pends on the frame type.


You can obtain detailed information about replacing port rings from your
GEA Ecoflex senrice department (see back cover)

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

53 -
- Maintenance
and repair

10.7 Maintaining the PHE frame

Loss of operating approval!
You must consult your GEA Ecoflex service department (see back cover) before
changing or replacing PHE frame components. Always use original PHE compo-
nents from GEA Ecoflex because otherwise loss of the operating approval for the
PHE follows.

Regularly cany out simple maintenance work, for example:

external cleaning,
rn greasing and
touch up varnish damage on the PHE frame.


You can obtain detailed information about maintenance of the PHE frame from
your GEA Ecoflex service department (see back cover).

- 54 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a



On principle, you should reach an agreement with your GEA Ecoflex service de-
partment (see back cover) before repairing faults, in order to avoid improperly per-
formed work on the PHE and its consequences.

In the following
.you will find a few typical faults that can occur during operation
of a PHE.

Impaired PHE performance

insufficient heat deposits on the HE plates clean the HE plates

flow paths, media etc. changed have GEA Ecoflex examine the
hom the design design of the PHE with the
new operating data
too high-pressure

means of the flow diagram

flow paths, media etc. changed have GEA Ecoflexexamine the
from the design design of the PHE with the
new operating data

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

55 -
I I .2 PHE leakages

Fault Cause Remedy

sealing fault be- false compression dimension check the correct compression
tween the HE plates of the PHE dimension by means of the
data on the name plate
too high working pressures check the working pressures
by means of the data on the
name plate
too high/too low working tem- check the working tempera-
peratures tures by means of the data on
the name plate
gaskets fitted incorrectly open the PHE and correct the
gaskets' position
gaskets are dirty open the PHE and dean the
gaskets are defective open the PHE and replace the
sealing fault be- gaskets or port rings fitted in- open the PHE, correct the posi-
tween HE plates correctly tion of the gaskets or port rings
and frame, interme-
diate plates, inter- gaskets or port rings are dirty open the PHE, dean the gas-
mediate elements kets or port rings
gaskets or port rings are defec- open the PHE, replace the gas-
tive kets or port rings
sealing fault be- too high loads at the pipe con- reduce connection loads to the
tween pipe connec- nection due to the pipe admissible parameters
tion and frame plate
seal ring fitted incorrectly loosen the pipe connection and
correct the position of the seal
seal ring is dirty loosen the pipe connection and
clean the seal ring
seal ring is defective loosen the pipe joint and re-
place the seal ring
flange connection is not suffi- check the seal ring and connec-
ciently tightened tion and tighten any loose bolts
damage to the HE over-tightened plate packs replace defective HE plates
plates (compressiondimension less
than "a min")
corrosion of the HE plate check the design of the PHE
material concerning flow-through me-
dia, consult GEA Ecoflex

- 56 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a


Fault Cause I Remedy I

damage to the start incorrect earthing during replace defective HE plates
or end HE plate welding of special connections
to the open c o ~ e c t i n gpipes of
the PHE frame

57 -
Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision Za
Technical terms

12 Technical terms
B frame An espeaally stable frame design, which also allows a
high number of HE plates.
backflushing A cleaning process in which the direction of flow is
regularly reversed. Reversing the direction of flow
flushes the particles of contamination from the PHE.
carrying beam The top component placed between the fixed plate and
support column upon which the HE plates and the
pressure plate are suspended.
In CD frames the carrying beam guides the HE plates.
CD frame A compact PHE frame design (compactdesign). The
number of HE plates that can be stacked is lower in a
CD frame th& the corresponding B frame.
CIF process (Cleaningin A cleaning process in which the flow channels of the
Place) closed PHE are flushed with specific cleaning solu-
collector channel The flow channel which is mated by the total passage
openings of the HE plates.
compression dimension Dimension referring to the depressurised (!) PHE.
"a" dimension ("a m a . " / Tighten the HE plate pack placed between the frame
plates to this dimension. Going below the "a min" di-
mension can damage the HE plate pack. The tighten-
ing units adjust the compression dimension.
connection (pipe) The pipe connections intended for the fixed plate and,
if applicable, the pressure plate. The pipe connections
have different designs according to each application
(industrial design, rubber insert piece, metal liner,
flange connection etc.).
connection comer (pipe) Component of the intermediate element in the HE
plate pack. With this intermediate element, multi-stage
designs of a PHE are realised. The connection comers
allow the connection of additional pipes/media (espe-
cially for f w d applications).
distributor channel see "collector channel"
A fixing system without adhesive for gaskets of the
NT series.
fixed plate The basic component of the PHE frame. The fixed
plate is an unmovable frame plate. Normally, the pipes
are connected to thiscomponent.

- 58 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a


Technical terms

low-through media The term for the media that are responsible for the
heat transfer in the PHE.
!tame plates The fixed plate and the pressure plate of the PHE
;asket of the HE plates An elemental component for sealing the flow channels
from each other and between the HE plates and the
surroundings or leakage chamber. There are gaskets
that are fixed to the HE plates with adhesive or with-
out adhesive (Loch, EcoLoc).
guiding bar Component that guides the HE plates and the pressure
plate at the bottom.
In CD frames the HE plates rest on the bottom guiding
HE plate pack The collective term for all of the HE plates located be-
tween the frame plates, including the gaskets.
HE plates The short form for the term Heat Exchanger plates. An
elemental component that keeps the flow-through me-
dia separated from each other and transfers the heat.
intermediate element A component placed within the HE plate pack. The in-
termediate element has pipe connections along the
sides for multi-stage PHE designs.
intermediate plate A component placed within the HE plate pack. The in-
termediate plate has no pipe connections and is used
for special multi-pass PHE designs.
A fixing system without adhesive for some elastomer
metal liner A liner of the frame plates in the area of the pipe con-
nections. The material used depends on the applica-
tion (stainless steel, titanium, etc.).
multi-pass PHE A special design of the PHE with internal deflection of
the flow-through media. The construction of multi-
pass PHE always demands pipe connections to the
pressure plate.
multi-stage PHE A special design of the PHE with more than two flow-
through media (use of intermediate elements). With
this PHE design, complex heat transfer tasks are com-
bined in one PHE (heating and cooling, e.g. in the food
stuff industry).
name plate A label attached to the fixed plate of the PHE frame for
identification with the basic data of the PHE (stand-
ardly applied as a gummed label).

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

59 -
Technical terms

Term I Meaning
PHE I The short form of the term Plate Heat Exchanger.
pressure plate A movable frame plate suspended at the carrying
beam of the PHE frame. This frame plate compresses
the HE plate pack.
I The pressure plate can have pipe connections
rubber insert piece A liner of the frame plates (elastomer) in the area of
the pipe connections. It seals off the pipe connection
and the HE plate pack.
single-pass PHE The standard design of a PHE with two flow-through
media. Normally, the connections are placed on the
fixed plate.
splash protect01 A safety device attached to the HE plate pack.
GEA Ecoflex generally recommends attaching a splash
protector when using hazardous media.
support column A fixed component of a PHE frame to which the carry-
ing beam and the guiding bar are fixed.
suspending (the pressure Suspending the pressure plate at the carrying beam
plate) (normally with a movable roller). The suspension
makes it possible to move the pressure plate on the
carrying beam.
tightening unit The frame component for compressing the HE plate
packs. It consists of tightening bolts, tightening nuts
and washers.

- 60 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

GEA Ecoflex
For more than 75 years, GEA Ecoflex has been developing customer-
oriented and cost-optimised plate heat exchanger solutions for the
following fields of application:

Process Equipment
., A company of mg technologies-group
Karl-Schiller-Str.1-3. D-31157 Sarstedt
Phone: +49/5066/601-0. Fax: +49/5066/601-104
wnrw.geaacoflex.com . e-mail: infoegea-ecoflex.com
Cooling Pump Unit HT
(Iron Pump)

Cooling Pump Unit HT -

(Iron Pump)




PURPOSE : Cooling water

ORDER NO.: 75259/215

PROJECT : Sach Nr. 273830196


PUMP NO. : CNL9017

ORDER NO.: 3573165

PUMP TYPE: CNLB 80-80/160

IMPORTANT: Read this manual before mounting and starting the pumps

Manual identification No. cnlb24616-le.bov .

List o f content

Technical data..............................................................................................................4
Operating instructions for Centrifugal pumps .........................................................5

1.0 Product Description ................................................................................................................. 5

. .
Capacities and Appllcahons .................................................................................................... 5
/ 3 1.2 Construction and function ....................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Risks and leakages................................................................................................................... 5

Demands for the mounting setup ...............................................................................6

2.0 Environment con&hons........................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Space requirements.................................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Foundation ............................................................................................................................... 6
. .
Electrical ~nstallations............................................................................................................. 6
2.4 Leakages .................................................................................................................................. 6

LTransportand installation of pumps and motor assembly ......................................7

3.0 Con&hon on delivery .............................................................................................................. 7
3.1 Transport and storage .............................................................................................................. 7
3.2 Lifting instructions .................................................................................................................. 7
3.3 Mounting on the foundation .................................................................................................... 7
3.4 Installation of the pump ........................................................................................................... 8
3.5 Electrical .................................................................................................................................. 8
3.6 Pipe installation ....................................................................................................................... 8
. .
3.7 Installation of plpehnes ........................................................................................................... 8
3.8 Recommended accessories .................................................................................................... 8
3.9 Safety arrangements ................................................................................................................ 9
3.10 Disassembling and transport.................................................................................................. 9

Running instructions for centrifugal pumps ...........................................................10

4.0 Prevention of accidents.......................................................................................................... 10
4.1 Start up ................................................................................................................................... 10
4.2 During start up ....................................................................................................................... 10
4.3 Stand-by pump....................................................................................................................... 10
4.4 Lubrication ............................................................................................................................ 10
4.5 Maintenance .......................................................................................................................... 11
IRON Pump A / S

Disassembly and assembly instructions ...................................................................


5.0 Repairs ................................................................................................................................... 12

5.1 Disassembling and opening the pump ................................................................................... 12
5.2 Assembling the pump ............................................................................................................ 12

Installation and maintenance instructions for EFLEX-R coupling type RN .......13

6.0 Safety precautions ................................................................................................................. 13
6.1 Mounting ............................................................................................................................... 13
6.2 Alignment .............................................................................................................................. 13
. .
Possible misahgnments ......................................................................................................... 13
6.4 Operation ............................................................................................................................... 13
6.5 Maintenance .......................................................................................................................... 14
6.6 Replacing of flexibles ............................................................................................................ 14
6.7 Table ..................................................................................................................................... 14
6.8 Dibujo de la inshuccion per EFLEX-R acoplamiento typo RN ............................................ 15

Drawing with fitting instructions for mech seal . ....................................................16

Centrifugal pump wear ring clearances .................................................................. 17

Instruction drawing for pump..................................................................................18

Parts list for pump .....................................................................................................19

Interruption of operations ........................................................................................ 20

7.0 Error finding .......................................................................................................................... 20


Technical data


VP~ : CNLB 80-80/160

Capacity : 60,O m 3 h

Total head : 30,60 mVs


Suction head

Inlet pressure

Mech. seal : Carbon /Ceramics max 100 C

Gland packing

Coupling type : 111 Flex

Weight kg. : 65

Pump casing

Impeller : Ni.Al.Bronze

3 Casing wear ring : Ni.Al.Bronze

Shaft : AISI-329


VP~ : BEVI 2A132S2-2

KW : 9,OO

Power consumption kW : 7,80, max 8.0

RPM : 3500

Voltage : 3 x44OV, 6OHZ

Weight kg : 51,OO
1 \

Page 4


Operating instructions for Centrifugal pumps

1.0 Product Description

This description applies for centrifugal pumps from the pump factory IRON Pump AIS.
The type, pump no. and the order no. appear from the front page of this manual and from the plate situ-
ated on the pump. Pump no. can also be found stamped into the suction flange of the pump.

1.1 Capacities and Applications

' The maximum pressure, the permissible temperature and the pump media we hnve set the pump for

are stated in the pump data sheet. The performance of the pump can be seen in the graph.
IRON Pump A/S does not render any gmrantee $the
tions have been insuficiently specified or omitted.
of liquid or other important working condi-

I f the working conditions differerfrom those given in the pump data sheet contact us before putting the
pump into operation.

1.2 Construction and function

5 p e CNLB(X) and CNHB(X) is a vertical centrifugal in-line pump with 2 external bearings and a
mechanical shaft sealing (can also be supplied with a stuffing box) - for remaining details see "Technical
In principal a centrifugal pump is built up in the following manner:
It consists of an impeller furnished with blades that are normally curved backwards in relation to its
direction of rotation. The impeller is situated in a spiral pump casing (snail shell). The pump casing is
equipped with a suction flange and a pressure flange.
Before the pump is started the pump case and the suction line must be filled with water (or other liquid
which is to be pumped).
When the impeller starts rotating, the blades cause the liquid to rotate in relation to the pump casing.
Centrifugal force will sling the liquid out of the impeller and into the spiral of the pump casing. This
causes a vacuum in the centre of the impeller exactly where the entrance is situated. As atmospheric
pressure influences the surface of the water in the well (or in the tank from which one wishes to pump
from) the created vacuum (differential pressure) affects the fluid in the suction line and presses in into
the centre of the impeller.
When the water is slung out of the impeller and into the spiral of the pump casing the velocity energy that
is created is changed to pressure energy. The pressure affects the amount of water in the pressure line and
starts this moving and hereby creates a continual flow (regular flow) from the suction line through the
pump to the pressure line.

1.3 Risks and leakages

IRON Pump AS: Products comply with the regulations for work safety and accident precautions.
If the workers are exposed to danger due to the media used having for example too high tempe-
i.. ) ratures, they must ensure that the necessary protection precautions are made.

Demands for the mounting setup

2.0 Environment conditions

Standard pumps are intended for installing in dry rooms free from aggressive atmosphere and having a
temperature between + 10 and 40 deg.C. Mounting under other conditions (e.g. outdoors, in damp rooms
etc.) is only allowed if it is stated in the pump data sheet and therefore suitable for these conditions.

2.1 Space requirements

The space required for the pump and the positions of the foundation holes are given in the dimension

2.2 Foundation

The foundation with its mass must counteract vibrations, take up small outside stresses such as hydraulic
strain and "fitting in" forces from the pipelines.
Damages due fo insumient or faulty foundation are not covered by the guarantee.

2.3 Electrical installations

Pumps with electric motors must have sufficiently dimensioned connections.

Kilowatt ratings are given in the pump data sheet. If the mech. seal need external cooling I lubricating the
necessary amount of coolant is given under the instruction for the mech. seal.

2.4 Leakages

Leaking can arise from the mech. seals so it is recommended to fit a drainpipe to them.
When the pump is supplied with a stuffing box, it must always leak from the gland in a rate given under
the instructions for gland packing.

Page 6

Transport and installation of pumps and motor assembly

3.0 Condition on delivery

Products from IRON Pump AIS are inspected for perfect condition and function before leaving the fac-
tory. The pump has been tested with water complying with the capacity ratings that are given in the pump
data sheet and shown in the graph.

3.1 Transport and storage

Standard packing protects the pump against corrosion by land transport and storage in dry rooms for at
least 3 months. For longer storage it is necessary to make special protection measures.
Seaworthy packing protects the pump for land and sea transport and dry storing (under cover or in closed
rooms) for at least 3 years. On arrival at its destination, the packing must be examined to ensure that it is
in a condition to guarantee protection in storage.
The cases can be opened when:
Large damage is found.
The goods are to be stored for a longer period than originally planned.
In all other cases the goods must not be opened until the pump is to be installed. When unpacking
check that the order is complete and correct.

3.2 Lifting instructions

Straps are mounted around the flanges.

(Lifting chains might damage the surface
of the pump, and are not recommended)
Above the motor a wooden bar is placed
for guiding the strap.

If the motor has lifting eyes at the top,

these can be used to guide the pump,
so it does not tip. Otherwise a strap
fixes the motor.

3.3 Mounting on the foundation

If the pump and motor are delivered separately, they must be assembled, see instructions for fitting the
couplings - "Installation and maintenance instructions for EFLEX-R .......". After being assembled the
unit can be mounted directly on to a suitable foundation.

3.4 Installation of the pump

The whole pipeline system must be pressure tested and examined for leakages and rinsed out before con-
necting to the suction and delivery flanges of the pump. If the pump has been installed before the pres-
sure test care should be taken to ensure that the test pressure does not exceed the test pressure of the
pump (stamped in the pump, usually in the suction flange) otherwise damage can be caused to the pack-
ings or the mech. seals of the pump. When connecting the pipelines to the pump, do not use force as this
can damage the alignment of the pump.
Precautions must be taken to support the pipelines so as prevent inadmissible strain being transferred to
the pump due to expansion.
Check all connections to the pump e.g. lubrication, priming, heating, cooling media drainage etc. and
various gauges are all properly connected. Make sure that nothing prevents access to the pump for
inspection or replacing parts. Adequate space must be made for axial split casing pumps in order to dis-
assemble the upper half of the casing.

3.5 Electrical

Electric motors must be connected in accordance with the local regulations and with enough cable to
allow the motor to be removed without disconnecting the wires.
An electrical switch (emergency stop) must be installed near to the pump.

3.6 Pipe installation

Points to be considered:
Loss of pressure in the suction line must be kept at a minimum in order to avoid cavitation in the pump.
Static suction height + loss of pressure in the suction line + NPSH value for the pump + steam pressure
must not exceed 10 m.w.c. at sea level. Long suction pipes making air pockets possible should be

3.7 Installation of pipelines

Suction and pressure lines must be connected to the flanges of the pump free from strain, as eventual
stresses are taken up at fixed points and therefore suitable compensators should be installed in the pipe
system. The flanges in between which the pump is installed must be absolutely parallel.

3.8 Recommended accessories

As the pump, especially the mech. seal, is designed to run with clean water without sludge a suitable fil-
ter must be installed in the suction line, and if the mech. seal is not furnished with external cooling a filter
must be installed in the circulation pipe. A filter having a large area and which can be cleaned is recom-
IRON Pump AIS can supply suitable filters.

3.9 Safety arrangements

If the pump should run with closed valves for a longer period of time, it should be furnished
either with temperature control equipment or recirculation, othenuise it will run hot.

3.10 Disassembling and transport

Before sending the pump for repair, Please note the following:
All media remains to be removed from the pump.
Oil to be emptiedfrom the bearing house.
The sender is liable for damage inflicted to the pump or other goods caused by media remains leaking.

Running instructions for centrifugal pumps

4.0 Prevention of accidents

Ensure that the pump and motor are mounted according to instructions, all connections are right and the
necessary screens and guards are in order.
If the workers should be exposed to danger e.g. the media having high temperatures, the user
must take the necessary precautions such as periodic examination for leakages from all pack
Air escape valves are to be opened very carefully.
The pump must be emptied before it is opened.

4.1 Start up

Before starting, make sure that there is grease in the bearing houses - see next page.
Carefully fill the pump with water and let the air escape.
This air escape operation is very important because otherwise the mech. seal can be destroyed.
Check the coupling.
Ensure that the pump can be turned by hand.
= Start the motor for a short period and check the direction of rotation - Remember that the pump must
be filled with watel; or the coupling removed, so as not to destroy the shafl seals.

4.2 During start up

Normally the pump is started with discharge valve closed and filled with water.
After starting, the discharge valve is slowly opened until the working point is reached.
Immediately after start, check for noise and vibrations. At the normal head of the pump and after running
for about a minute it should have a very steady motion without unusual noise and vibrations.
Check bearing temperature - max. 105 deg.C.
Check seal housing for leakages.

4.3 Stand-by pump

If the pump is not used frequently it must started or rotated at least once a week to avoid damaging the
shaft seals.

4.4 Lubrication

The pump bearings are greased with Mobiltemp SHC 100 or similar grease.
Lubricating intervals are 2000 hours.
The pump is lubricated in accordance with the following tables:

I Pump type I Grease amount I

1 - 1 160 1 10 g. Per bearing I
- I 200 16 g. Per bearing
50-1001250 16 g. Per bearing
1 125-2001250 1 25 g. Per bearing I
1 80-2501315 1 25 g. Per bearing I
I Grease lubricated all types I
Nato code /DIN







1 4.5 Maintenance

Check every 3 months:

Unusual noise, vibrations and leakages.

Pumps with mechanical shaft seals must not leak either during standstill with inlet pressure on the pump
or when running. Circulation pipe to the mechanical shaft seal must be intact and not blocked. If any of
these points are lacking, they must immediately be put right, otherwise any defects can have great impor-
tance to the function of the pump and its lifetime.

Check every 12 months:

Take the pump apart (see instruction).

The rotating parts are checked and repaired of necessary. Normal clearance between the impeller and
sealing ring is 0,45-0,50 mm.Maximum clearance is 0,8-1,O mm. depending on the size and capacity.
See "Centrifugal pump wear ring clearances".
! ,I

Disassembly and assembly instructions

5.0 Repairs

If you undertake repairs your self, your are requested to follow these instructions or to contact our ser-
vice department.

When ordering spare parts state the following:

Pump type. and no. (The type and number of the pump appear from the front page as well as from the
name plate situated on the pump. Pump no. can also be found stamped in the suction flange).
Pos. No. and description (see "Parts list for pump").
5.1 Disassembling and opening the pump

Empty the pump for liquid.

Unscrew bolts connecting pump casing and cover. Lift the dismantled part of the pump comprising
motor, brackets and pump cover.
The impeller will follow the removed part enabling direct access..
It is recommended to dismantle gently in order to prevent any damages on the mech. seal.

5.2 Assembling the pump

Before reassembling clean the inside of the pump casing and paint with e.g. Apexior No.3 or treat with a
more resisting product (e.g.Hempadur No.1513 "Hempel Marine Paints").
In order to make a dismantling of the pump easier at a later stage and to avoid any pick-ups, it is recom-
mended to lubricate all bolts and assembling surfaces with "Never Seez" lubricant.
Assemble bearing housing, bearings and cover.
Assemble the bearing housing and the bracket, Pos. 344 with the motor bracket, Pos. 341-2.
Fit the thrower Pos. 507 on the shaft.
Pump cover Pos. 161, with the seat ring of the mech. shaft seal, has to be fitted gently on the shaft and
tightened to the bracket Pos. 344 by screws. The o-ring has to be fined to the cover.
The rotating part of the shaft seal is placed carefully on the shaft.
The casing wear ring and the impeller have to be fitted and tightened by screws.
The rotating assembly can be fitted to the pump casing and tightened by screws.
Before any up-start the shaft has to be turned by hand in order to check for any blockages. Bearings
have to be lubricated and the pump primed in order to prevent any dry running.

Installation and maintenance instructions for EPLEX-R coupling type RN

6.0 Safety precautions

Rotating parts should be guarded by the buyer to prevent accidents, considering applicable local
safety precautions.

6.1 Mounting

Before mounting the hubs, carefully clean the shaft ends and the coupling parts.
Inside hubs to be flushed with the shaft ends. Tighten the set screw to secure hubs axially.
= Tighten the set screw only with hexagon socket wrench according to DIN 911 without extension
Heating the coupling parts at approx. 80°C. will facilitate mounting, however at first the flexible ele-
ments must be removed from the female part.
Assure that the flexible elements are turned correctly when they are remounted - se instructions draw-
Bring the coupling hubs together, observing the dimension S1 according to the table.
Check all screw connections with screw tightening torques of the table.

6.2 Alignment

EFLEX-R couplings will absorb deviations in the relative position of shafts to be connected (Please
see below: possible misalignments).
Aligning the coupling halves, the angular and parallel offset misalignments of interrelative shafts
should be reduced most possible. Alignment to be carried out in two planes as shown in fig.1 with a
straight edge (offset misalignment) and spacer bar (angular misalignment). For better accuracy use a
dial indicator.
The gap dimension S1 should be within the limits listed in the table.

6.3 Possible misalignments

The axial distance Ka (fig.2) must be within the limits for SI (see the table).
Angular misalignment K, (fig.3) is measured as the difference between S, and Sfin. possible val-
ues are calculated with values from the table.
Parallel offset misalignment K,(fig. 4) see the table.
Angular and parallel offset misalignment might occur at the same time. The total of both alignments
should not exceed the values K, respectively K ,.
K, and K, apply in a shock free operation at ambient temperature - 30°C to 80°C.

6.4 Operation

Before starting initial operatings check alignment and gap dimension Sland make corrections, if

required. Further check the screw connections.

6.5 Maintenance

EFLEX-R couplings do not require any regular maintenance except for an occasional check on the
torsional play or backlash between the driving and driven halves. When EFLEX-R couplings are used
in drives which do not require a minimum of torsional play or backlash in the coupling, the coupling
flexibles can be allowed to wear down 213 of their original thickness before replacement is required.

6.6 Replacing of flexibles

Continuous torque transmission and reliability of operation cannot be guaranteed unless original
EFLEX-R flexibles are used.
'1 After fitting new flexibles, assure that they are turned correctly.
Before starting up control the mounting.

6.7 Table

I Table

Coupling size s1 Angular Offset

Misalignment Misagnment
outside diam. -
Smax Smin
mm mm.
1800RF'M 3600RPM 1800 RPM 3600 RF'M
2 180 3 - 4,5 1,4 0,28 0,26 0,05
3/94 3 - 4,5 1.6 0,32 0.30 0,06
4 1 110 4-6 1,9 0,38 0,36 0,07
5 1125 4-6 22 0,44 0,42 0,08
6 I140 5 - 7,5 2A 0,48 0.50 0,lO
7 / 165 5 - 7,5 2,9 0,58 0,60 0,12
81180 5-73 3,l 0,62 0,70 0,14
9 1210 6-9 3,7 0,76
10 I240 6-9 42 0,84
11 1260 7 - 10,5 4s 0,95

6.8 Dibujo de la instruccion per EFLEX-R acoplamiento typo RN

Female Male

Fig. 1
Spacer bar

Moviemento Axial Desalineaci6n Angular Desaliaci6n Desplazada

~ i i2. ~ i z3. ~ i 4g

Drawing with fitting instructions for mech. seal

Check the oumD is readv
Shaft is' clean and free from b u r r s etc.,and is not bent.
The bearings a r e in good condition.
All sharp corners, where rubber components must be fitted over,
are removed.
You have a suitable lubricant available.
NEVER use lubricants containing SILICONE.
Use ONLY l ~ q u i dsoap, soapy water o r Glycerine with
Ethylene Propylene elastomer.
The gland plate is also clean and free from b u r r s .
Do not unpack the seal until you a r e ready to proceed with fitting
Psnc 16

Centrifugal pump wear ring clearances




100 200 300 400 500


Instruction drawing for pump


Parts list for pump I

Pump type: CNLB -A60 - Drawing No.: 24616
Pos No Description Pcs Material
102 Volute casing 1 Cast iron
161 1 Casing cover I 1 I castiron I
182 1 Foot 1 1 1 castiron 1
210 Shaft 1 AISI 329
230 Impeller 1 NilBrz
321.1 1 Radial ball bearing I 1 1 steel I
321.2 1 Radial ball bearing I 1 I steel I
330 Bearing housing 1 Cast iron
341-1 (I Motor flange I
Cast iron
341-2 1 Motor stool 1 I cast iron
344 ( Bearing bracket lantern I 1 I castiron I
360-1 1 bear in^ cover I 1 /castiron I
360-2 Bearing cover 1 Cast iron
412 O-Ring 1 Viton
420-1 ( Shaft seal ring ( 1 ( Nimle rubberlSteel 1
420-2 1 Shaft seal ring I 1 I NimlerubberISteel I
433 Mech.sea1 1 CarbonICeramics
502-1 Casing wear ring 1 I NiAlBrz
502-2 1 Casing wear ring I 1 I NiALBrz 1
554 1 Washer I 1 I stainless steel I
636-1 Grease nipple 1 Steel
636-2 1 Grease nipple
1 I steel
630 Lubricating pipe 1 I steel
861-1 1 Coupling half I 1 I Nodularcast iron I
861-2 Coupling half 1 Nodular cast iron
903 I Impeller screw 1 I stainless steel

Interruption of operations

7.0 Error riding

This list below shows possible trouble sources if the pump does not function correctly.
If you are unable to find the source of interruption or if you cannot repair the fault, Please contact our
service section.

Faults Possible causes

Pump and motor cannot be actuated:
') Impeller or shaft blocked.
Motor fault.

Motor running but no pumping effect:

Motor rotation is not transmitted through coupling.
Discharge valve closed.
Non-return valve or other valves are closed.
Suction line closed.
Air in pump casing.
Suction line leaking.
Shaft seal leaking.
Bottom valve defective.
Suction lift too hlgh.
Priming pump defective.

Insufficient capacity:
Wrong direction of rotation.
Number of revolutions too low.
Counter-pressure too high.
Suction line or impeller partly clogged.
Air in pump casing.
Air in pumping medium.
Suction lift too high (inlet pressure too low).
Suction line leaking.
Shaft seal leaking.
Pump worn out.

Page 20

Pump pressure too high:

Number of revolutions too high.
Impeller oversized.
Too many pressure stages.
Specific gravity of pumping medium too high.
Viscosity of pumping medium too low.
Inlet pressure too high.
Manometer defective.

Capacity too large:

Number of revolutions too high.
Impeller diameter too big.
Counter-pressure too low.

'1 Discharge head too low:

Number of revolutions too low.
Impeller diameter too small.
Too few pressure stages.
Specific gravity of pumping medium too low.
Viscosity of pumping medium to high.
Manometer defective.

Power consumption too large:

Motor too small.
Motor fault.
Capacity too large.
Counter-pressure too low.
Stuffing-box tightened too much.
Shaft ends out of alignment.
Electricity supply incorrect.-Volt-amp-frequency.

1 Pump output decreases or stops:

Suction line leaking.
Shaft seal leaking.
Increasing suction lift.
Filter clogged.

Irregular running:
Bearings defective.
Motor fault.

Increasing noise level:

Beginning cavitation.
Air in pumping medium.
Capacity too large.
Clamping to base loosened.
Base bolts loosened.
Influences from pipe connections or base.

Page 21

Cracks in pump casing.
Faulty assembly of pump.
Pipe connections leaking.
Shaft seal leaking (in case of soft stuffing-box pack-
ing minor leaks are necessary).

Bearing temperature too high:

Faulty lubrication or wrong lubricant.
Deficient pump alignment.
Influences from pipe line.
Coupling distance wrong.
Shaft bent.
Foreign bodies or impurities in bearings.
' )
Pump wears out quickly:
Wrong materials in relation to pumping medium
Stuffing-box tightened too much.
Shaft bent.
Deficient alignment.
Influences through pipe line.

Strong vibrations:
Impurities in pump.
Motor not properly balanced.
Influence from other factors.
Electric motors
Customer safety and installation instructions
: )
AC induction m a c h i n e s (50-1000V AC) DC m a c h i n e s (75-1500V DC) CE

Warning Avertissement AcMung Awiso

All operations must be carried out by appropriately trained personnel.

Toutes les manoeuvres doivent &tre effectubes par un personnel avant re$u une
formation appropribe.
Alle Arbeiten rnussen von entsprechend geschultem Personal ausgefuhrt werden.
Tune ie operazioni devono essere effettuate da personale qualificato.

Lifting Levage Heben Sollevamento

e.g. both lifting points or single lifting point if

if fitted fitted
ex: les deux points de ex: le point de levage
levage si installbs unique si install6
z.B. beide Hebepunkte oder einzelnen Hebepunkt,
falls vorhanden falls vorhanden
es. Entrarnbi i punti di es. o il punto di
sollevamento se presenti sollevamento singolo se
Note: maximum hand lift is 20kg below shoulder, but above ground level.
Use all lifting Noter: le poids maximum de levage manuel est de 20kg.
facilities provided Bine beachten: max. Hublast mit der Hand 20kg unter der Schulter, aber fiber dem Boden.
Utiliser tous les Nota: il sollevarnento a rnano massimo B di 20kg al di sotto della spalla ma al di sopra del
dispositifs de levage livello del suolo.
Alle vorgesehenen Vertical lifting - Prevent uncontrolled rotation.
Hebevorrichtungen Levage vertical - Ernpbcher toute rotation non contrB18e.
Senkrechtes Heben - unkontrolliertes Drehen verrneiden.
Usare tutti i
dispositivi per i
l Sollevamento verticale - evitare una rotazione senza controllo.
sollevamento ~ ~

Do not lift other equipment with motor lifting points
Machine .-8..
Ne pas soulever d'autres Bquipernents en utilisant
unlquement les points de levage
du moteur.
Angebaute Maschinen nicht mit Motorringdse
Non sollevare altre apparecchiature usando
solarnente i punti di sollevamento del motore.

Maximum Poids bruts Maximale Pesi lordi

gross weights maximum bruttogewichte massimi

Frame size .--.

63. 90 112, 160 200 250 280 315 355s 355M 355L
Hauteur d'ax~ 71 b 132 b b
Baugrdsse b80 100 180 225
Dimensione carcassa 782/4 254/6 324/5
NEMA 56 743/5 273/5 284/6 3645 404/5 444/5 504/5 585-7 585-7 585-7
63 80, 112 132 160 200 225 250 250 355
Hauteur d'axs 4-
Frame size '6 +
b 90 b 180
Baugrdsse 71 b 2546
Dimensione carcassa 100 284/6 324 364 404 404 585-7
NEMA 217 2772/3 2811H3 3211/2 3617/2 447 11213
Pre-installation Contr6les ijberpriifungen Controlli di pre-
checks avant I'installation vor der installation installazione

Fan cover damage

DBgSts sur capot de
Corrosione Schaden an der Luiterhaube
Danno alla calona

FooWmounting damage
DBgBts sur les panes de
~- sur
- - I'arbre
&hiden an der Welle
Schaden am GehauselFuRen
Danno all'albero Danno al piedi dellmotore

0 Check nameplate details

Verifier les renseignements indiqubs sur la plaque signaletique .
Typenschilddetails prufen
Controllo dei valori in targa
0 Duty matches application? Le service correspond-t-ilB I'application?
Leistuna betriebsausreichend? La ~otenzanominale del motore B adatta
all' impiego?
0 No loose fasteners? Pas de fixations desserrbes?
Keine losen Befestigungsteile? L'attaccoB ben fissato?

Installation Installation Mechanische lnstallazione

Mechanical MBcanique Installation Meccanica

0 Level mounting surface VBrifiez I'alignement du moteur

Montageflache ausrichten Superficie di montaggio piana

0 Not misaligned Pas de desalignement

Ausrichtung uberpriifen Non allineato

0 Mountings- use appropriate fastener toques Fixation- utiliser les couples de serrage appropribs
Befestigungen- korrekte Anzugsdrehmomente Supporti- usare coppie -di fissaggio appropriato

Balanced Equilibrage Unwucht prufen Bilanciato

0 Gaskets. and/ Joints eWou Korrekte Montage von Le guarnizioni, tenute
or sealants. garnitures Dichtungen, Kabeldurch- e protezioni
guards d'8tanchbitb. capot fuhrungen und devono essere
correctly fined correctement Schuworrichtungen montate
monte uberprufen correnamente
0 Belt tension Tension de courroie Riemenspannung Tensione cinghia

0 Ensure adequate ventilation Verifier que la ventilation est correcte

Fur einen freien Kuhlluftstrom sorgen Assicurare una ventilazione adeguata

0 Drain plugs (if supplied). Fit to retain Bouchon de purge (si fournis) monte pour
enclosure and certification maintenir la protection et certification
Kondenswasserstopfen (wenn geliefert) Montare i tappi di scarica condensa (se forniti)
montieren zum Erhalt der Schutzart per mantanere il grado di protezione
e la certificazione

0 If noise level Lp is s80dB (A) at lm, protection may be required

Si niveau sonore Lp >80dB (A) B l m , des protections peuvent &re necessaires
Fur Schalldruckpegel (Lp) grBsser als 80dB (A), l m von der Oberflache des Motors -
Ohrenschutzer kdnnen erforderlich sein
Si il livello di rumore Lp B di >80dB (A) ad lm, sarA forse necessario usare dispositivi di

0 If temperature limits are specified, fit guards Si des limites de temperature sont specifibes,
monter des ~rotectionsthermigues
Wenn Temperaturgrenze vorgeschrieben, Se i limiti di temperatura sono specificati,
Schuworrichtungen montiern montare ripari
Installation Installation Elektrische lnstallazione
Electrical ~lectri~ue Installation Elettrica

- 0 Earthed Mise B la terre geerdet A terra

0 Check insulation resistance of all windings with 500V dc megger and discharge after test.
If less than 10MO. dry out
Verifier la resistance d'isolement des bobinages B I'aide d'une magneto de 500V cc
et dbchargement aprhs la mesure. Si c B 10MO. Btuver le bobinage
Der lsolationswiderstandjeder Wicklung muss mit einem lsolationsprufer (500V GS)
gemessen werden und nach der ~ e s s u n gentladen werden. Wenn weniger
als 10MO Trocknung erforderlich
La resistenza d'isolamento di ogni awolgimento deve essere misurata con megger
(500V c.c.) e scaricata dopo il rilevameno

Fused and isolated correctly Protege par coupe circuit et

Korrekt absichern und
i solieren
isole correctement >-
Fusibilato ed isolato correttamente

0 Overloads correctly set? Les relais de surcharge sont-ils

correctement rhgks?
ljberlastungsschutz richtig eingestellt? I sovraccarichi sono impostati
0 Heater terminals (if fitted), will be live when motor is stationary
Les bornes des rechauffeurs (si fournis), seront ahentees lorsque le moteur est
. -. . -.
A- rarrat
Die Klemmen der Heizelement (wenn montiert) bleiben gefihrlich auch bei Stillstand
Iterminali del riscaldatore (se montati). saranno sotto tensione auando il motore
h fermo
0 Mains cable correctly sized? Les cables d'alimentation sont-ils
correctement dimensionn6s7
Sind die Kabel gross genug? La dimensione dei cavi di alimentazione
h corretta?
0 Covers must be fitted Les capots doivent Btre en place
- -
Abdeckunsen mussen ansebracht sein I co~erchidevono essere montati

Connections Connexions Anschliisse Collegamenti

0 Check connection diagram 0 Check driven equipment is free

Verifier le schema de cablage VBrffier que la machine
Anschlusse nach entrainbe est libre
Anschlussplan uberprufen Prufen,ob angetriebene
Controllare lo schema di Maschine frei beweglich ist
collegamento Controllare che la macchina
condotta sia libera

0 Correct terminal arrangement 0 Check rotation, uncoupled

VBrifier le reperage des Verifier la rotation B vide
bornes Maschine im Leerlauf prufen
Auf einwandfreien Controllare la rotazione
elektrischen Anschluss delmotore disaccoppiato dalla
achten macchina
.. .. ....-
Stringere i collegamenti
0 Check fan rotation
Verifier la rotation du
0 Connections are tight? ventilateur
Les connexions sont-elles Drehrichtung Geblssen
bien serrees?
Sind die Anschlusse fest
angezogen? Controllare la rotazione della
I Collegamenti sono stretti?
Problems Problhes Probleme Problemi

1 Noisy 0 vibration Bruit 0 vibrations GerSusche 0 Vibration Rumore 0 vibrazione

tripping overheating declenchement UberstromauslBsung scatto 0 surriscaldamento
run-up surchsuffeOddmarrage ljberhihung accelerazione

Refer to supplier Consulter le fournisseur Hersteller fragen Consultare il fornitore

Ouote motor Donne2 lo n u m h du Motornummsr Citere il numero
number moteur angeben d i serie del motore

Maintenance Entretien Wartung Manutenzione

Refer to supplier for details

Pour les dbtails, consulter le fournisseur
Schrnierung usw. siehe Herstellerangaben
Isolate lsoler Consultare il fornitore per i denagli sulla
Trennen lsolare lubrificazione. ecc ...


Refer to supplier

Quote motor
Pieces de rechange

Directives and CE marking

Consulter le
Donnez le
numero du


Low Voltage Directive (LVD): motors are CE marked in compliance

Amendment to LVD
Pezzi d i ricambio

An Hersteller wenden Consultare il

Ciiare il numero
di serie de

98137lEC Machinery Directive: motors are outside of scope

891336lEEC Electro Magnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC): motors comply
) Amendments to EMC
9419lEC ATEX Directive for hazardous atmospheres (where applicable)
Directives et marques CE Richtlinien und CE-kennzeichnung Direttive e certificazioni CE

Directive basse tension: la confornite des rnoteurs est indiquee par la marque CE
Modification h la Directive basse tension

98137EC Directive machines: les rnoteurs ne sont pas cornpris dans les lirnites de cette directive

891336lEEC Directive sur la cornpatibilite electrornagnetique: conformite des rnoteurs

92/31EEC 1 Modifications a la Directive sur la cornpatibilite
93168EEC I 6lectrornagnBtique

9419EC Directive ATEX pour zones explosibles en cas d'application

\ 3
Richtlinie Beschreibung

72/23/EWG Niederspannungsrichtlinie: die Motoren werden in Erfijllung der Richtlinie rnit X E "
93168lEWG ~ n d e r u zu
n ~Niederspannungsrichtlinie

98137lEG Maschinenrichtlinie: die Motoren fallen nicht unter den Anwendungsbereich

891336lEWG Richtlinie uber elektrornagnetische Vertraglichkeit: die Motoren erfullen sie

) ~ n d e r u zun ~Richtlinie uber elektrornagnetische Vertraglichkeit
9419lEC ATEX-Bestirnrnungen bei explosionsgefahrdeten Urngebungen soweit zutreffend

Direttiva Descrizione
93123lEEC Direttiva sulle basse tensioni: I rnotori hanno la relativa certificazione CE
93168lEEC Ernendarnento della Direttiva sulle basse tensioni

98137lEC Direttiva sui rnacchinari: i rnotori sono fuori da questo arnbito

891336lEEC Direttiva sulla cornpatibilith elettrornagnetica

Rispettata ernendarnento della Direttiva sulla cornpatibilith

9419lEC Norrnativa ATEX per arnbienti pericolosi per quanto applicabile

Hazardous Zones Aree
areas dangereuses pericolose

? If motors are marked by any of the 7 symbols, special

conditions apply
Si les moteurs portent I'un des 7 symboles indiqubs, des
conditions spbciales seront applicables
Wenn Motoren mit einem der 7 Symbole markiert sind,
gelten Sonderbedingungen
Se i motori sono contrassegnati da uno dei 7 simboli,
significa che delle condizioni speciali sono applicabili
Refer to: a) Constructional standards
b) The approval certificate
C) Codes of practice
A l l operations must be carried out by appropriately trained personnel

Se reporter A: a) Normes de construction

b) Certificat d'homologation
C) Codes de dbontologie
Toutes les manoeuvres doivent &re effectukes par un personnel ayant recu une
formation approprike

Bitte nachschlagen in: a) Baunormen

b) Zulassungsbescheinigung
C) Richtlinien
Alle Arbeiten mrjssen von entsprechendgeschultem Personalausgefijhrt werden

Fare riferimento a: a) Normative di costruzione

b) II certificato di approvazione
C) I codici di
Tutte le operazioni devono essere effettuate da personale qualificato

Storage Stockage Lagerung lmrnagazzinggio

x >40'C 4 Energise heaters

Falls vorhanden,
4 Menre sous tension les
if fitted or use desiccant rbchauffeurs si install& ou
utiliser un dbshydratant
4Alimentare i riscaldatori
Heizgerate einschalten, se montati od usare un
---. sonst Trockenmittel essiccante

%Vibration X Vibration
,) % Vibration X Vibrazione

6 - -.
-, ,
1 week: rotate shaft approximately 90'
Toutes les semaines: rotation de I'arbre 90' environ
Wochentlich: WeHe rnit Hand drehen ungefahre 90"

OGNl settimana: Ruotare I'albero di 90°gradi

3 months check insulation resistance.

Fabbisogniperiodici Tous les 3 mois vbrifiez la resistance d'isolement, si infbrieur A 10 Mohm, Btuver le
Vierteljahrlich lsolationswiderstand prufen. Wenn unter 10 M Ohm, Wicklung trocknen.
Ogni 3 mesi: Controllare la risistenza d'isolamento.
Installation And Maintenamce Procedure

All 3 phase induction motors are 3. PRE-COMMISSIONING instructions given by the coupling
manufactured in accordance with strict Satisfactory operation of an electric manufacturer are followed. We
quality control procedures, have motor depends on its location. Please recommend that couplings and pulleys
excellent functional and performance ensure that the following factors have are bored out with an H7 tolerance. Do
characteristics, and are of robust been taken into consideration. not at any time use force in the fining
construction. TO obtain optimum (a) Ambient Temperature of couplinos, pulleys etc. All motors are
performance and service life from The ambient temperature range in provided with a threaded hole in the
these motors please follow the which a standard motor will operate drive end shaft to assist fining and
instructions listed below. without any problems is -1 5°C to removal. A bolt should be used in this
I. SAFETY WARNING +40°C. If motors are required to hole and a nut with a large washer
operate outside this temperature range. used to press the coupling or pulley
These Electric Motors are designed for
and were not specifically ordered and against the shoulder of the shaft dare
operation in Industrial applications and
supplied for such conditions, please must be also be taken to ensure that
in normal service there is possible
contact the nearest sales office for the motor bearings are not subjected to
danger from rotating parts andlor live
advice before proceeding. end-thrust caused by the two halves of
teninals. I1 is essential that these
(bl Ventilation the couplings being squeezed too
motors are only installed and services
Please ensure that the motor is tightly together.
by qualified personnel in order to avoid
i n j u j or death andlor damage to installed in a sultably ventilated area Please ensure that all couplings, belts
Ensure that there is a free area in front pulleys etc are properly and
equipment or buildings.
of the air intake of at least a quarter of permanently guarded against
If Were are anv safelv concerns
' the shaft height. The exhausted air accidental contact while the motor is
regarding these mot& please contact
\ must not be re-circulated back over the runnino.
your nearest sales oAce for advice or
motor, as this will reduce the Care should be taken to ensure fixing
effectiveness of the cooling system. bolts are correctlv tiqhtened. It is
If there are any doubts about safely do
(c) Dust recommended thst flat washer and a
not install the motor and do not attempt
tithe air contains a high concentration spring washer are used to prevent too
to operate it.
of dust which is permitted to much stress on the foot or flange of a
We cannot be held responsible for
accumulate on the extemal surfaces of motor, and to prevent ruing bolts from
damage as a result of installation or
the motor. it may result in the motor becoming loose, see Fig 1. Normal
service by unqualified personnel.
overheating. If the dust is a problem it hand toois should be used and bolls
2. ACCEPTANCE INSPECTION may warrant the use of a special should only be tightened until the
Upon receiving the motors please carry motor. spring washer isfully compressed
out the following: (d) Hazardous Area between the Rat washer and the bolt
(a) Check that the description on the Ensure that lhe motor is celtified for head.
delivery note I docket agrees with your use in lhe area of operation.
order specifications. Hazardous areas require specialty
(b) Check that the rating, speed. etc certified motors.
are in acmrdance with your (e) Mbration
requirements. Ensure that the motor is installed on a
(c) Check for any damage, rust, did. solid fioor. foundation. or rigid base.
foreign substance, etc. All motors free from any extemal vibration.
should be received with a plastic shaft Electrical connections also need to be
cover to protect the shaft during ~ o t o r saredesigned for horizontal done correctly to ensure solid
storage and transport. mounting and frames 100 and above connections and avoid hot joints. The
. .) !d) check that the direction of rotation.
11specified, is correct. If the motor has
are provided wiih suitably positioned
condensation drain holes. All motors in
correct arranaement on the terminal
stud is one flat washer, lug from the
a low noise unidirectional fan a frames up to and including 280 are stator winding, another flat washer, full
direction arrow is fined to the motor mechanically suitable for mounting in nut, flat washer. StarDelta link if
( @ A l l motors 160 frame and above any position subject to the drain holes required. flat washer, half nut, lug from
Should be received with a shaR clamp.
After removing the clamp, if applicable.
- ..
beino suitablv Dositioned. Where it Is
required to mount larger frame sizes
supply cable, flat washer, spring
washer and two half nub. All of these
manually turn the shaft and check for other than horizontal please contaa nuls should be tight, but not over light.
Smooth quiet rotation. your nearest sales office. as per Fig 2.
If the motor is to be transported again, (g) Enclosure All fixing bolts and electrical
either alone, or with the euuioment it is All motors are Totallv Enclosed Fan connections should be checked and
driving. (he rotor and shan'must be Cooled and have a;enclosure ratlng of lightened necessary after 100 to 200
clamped again to prevent brinelling of IP55 as a minimum. Motors with hlgher hours of operation.
the bearings. Electric motors shouid protection are available, but we
not b e transported by rail, as vibration recommend that IP58 and IP66 motors
from this method of transDon has been are supplied and used with space
known to cause brinellingof bearings. heaters to prevent the build up of
If any defect is found please contact condensation
the nearest sales office immediatelv
and Provide the following Information: 4. FITTING COUPLINGS A N D
Full nameplate details. ALIGNMENT
Details of your order number and Extreme care must be exercised in
lining up couplings as mis-alignment
delivery docket.
) - FUII description ofthe defecl. can be detrimentel to the shaft and
bearings. For dlred drives, we Recommendeo l~ghlenmgtoques for
recommend that flexible couplings are eIechl&-I lermmals m Nm
used. Please ensure that the alignment
Installation And Maintenance Procedure

Slvddlameler M5 ME ME M10 MI2 M1S When a motor is operated for the first the motors are checked every three
Min. 1.8 3.0 8.0 10 20 80 time it is rewmmended that it Is run months and regreased if necessary.
2.5 4.0 9.0 17 30 73 uncoupled from the load to ensure that Please refer to the separate bearing
the direction or rotation is correct and and regreasing page.
that there is no undue noise or (c) Frames 315-355
vibration. Before running the motor These motors have open bearings with
Please ensure that the V-Belts are of
make sure that any loose items such a C3 internal clearance and automatic
the same manufacture and have the
as shafl keys are removed or fixed so grease relief as standard. We
same dlmenslons. Also ensure that the
that they cannot n y ORwhen the rewmmend these motors are checked
belts are mrrecUy tensloned in
motor is switched On. every 3 months and regreased if
accordance with the manufacturers
All motors are balanced in the factory necessary.
recommendations. If the V-Belts are
with a half key. Moton can be run We rewmmend that these motors are
not tensioned correctly it can cause
without the key fitted, or wlth the full regreased whilst they are runnlng. It is
belt and pulley wear and / or shaR and
key fitted, however this may cause a essential that the grease nipples are
bearing damage. When replacing belts.
small amount of vibration. always cleaned before each'lubrication
it is recommended that all belts be
(g) Reversing to ensure dirt does not enter the
replaced at the same time. It is not
TO reverse the direction of rotation bearings.
generally rewmmended to use two
interchange any 2 of the 3 supply Recommended greases for normal
pole motors for belt drive applications.
leads. In the case of incorrect rotation armllcations are :
Please refer such requirements to the
of a motor fitted with unidirectional fan G m e s 63-132 SKF LGMT2
neareslsales offim
please contact your nearest sales Frames 160355 BP LS3 SHELL
Before starling the motor, please Mixing different greases Is not
(h) Frequency of Starting rewmmended, as not all greases are
ensure that the following checks have
Standard motors are capable of 2 compatible with each other.
been carried out:
starts in suwassion, of 3 seconds If the motor Is subject to any axial
(a) Safeiy / Lifting duration each start, with the motor at
All motors 100 frame and above are thrust, please contact your nearest
normal running temperature. Standard sales office, as special thrust bearings
fitted with lifting eyebolts as standard. motors are also suitable for 6 evenly
These eyebolts are only intended for may be necessarv.
spaced starts per Dour. If Starling ~o'motors withoh grease relief
lining the motor, not equipment frequency in excess of the above is
attached to the motor such as geafoox. fadlities the old grease must be
required please contact your Westem cleaned out from time to time bv
pump etc. Elecbic office. removing the bearing cap and \ o r
(b) Wiring (i)Thermistors endshield. The bearing and housing
Please refer to the motor nameplate for Motors 160 frame and above are must men be repacked wtth grease
the method of wnnection. All motors supplied with thermiston as standard and reassembled. Do not ovefill the
are supplied with a wnnection diagram in some countries. The thermistors are bearing housing - it should not be more
on the inside of the terminal box lid or terminated in the main terminal box than aquarter Lll of grease aRer
on the motor nameplate. Ensure the unless separate terminal boxes are reassembly. The bearing details and
motor is connected in the correct specified. Please note that if regreasing information are shown on
manner for the starter. thermistors are to be checked fol the bearing and regreasing page.
(c) Connection continuity, the maximum voltage
All motors are pmvided with a spacious applied MUST NOT exceed 2.5 volts 8. MAINTENANCE
terminal box. They are mounted on top d i . (an ohmmeter can be used, but a We recommend that if a motor is used
of the motor for all frames. All terminal Megger cannot). continuously mat it is removed for
) boxer can be rotated in 90' steps.
insDection and dlsmanued everv 5
pars. Items that should be checked
(d) Earth Connection The bearings in all motors are and recorded are:
All motors are provided with two lubricatedwitn lithium based grease (al
> . Insulation resistance and
eanhing points, ensuring reliable and Motors running in high or lowambient temperature at which It is measured.
permanent connection of the motor to temperatures may require special (Expect the insulation level to be low If
the earth with the Drotective conductor. bearlnw and almost certainly special me.motor Is hot)
The internal connection Is located grease: As stanoard the molors-iare (b) Inspection of the bearings and
adjacent to the supply terminals lnslde supplied with the following bearings: check for discoloration of the grease
the terminal box. The external (a) Frames 63-132 (c) Tghtness o f " V-Belts" and
connection Is mounted on the stator ib motors have ~3 internal alignment of couplings.
frames for all frame sizes. clearance double shielaed 'sealed for (d) Ensure that the holding down bolts
(e) Insulation Reslstance life' bal bearings. These bearings are ere tlghl and the base plate or
Check the insulation resistance not designed to be regreaseable. foundations are rigld.
between ohase and earth, and (b) Frames 160-280 (e) Cleanliness inslde and outside the
between bhases wlth a 500 volt or ihese motors have open bearings with motor.
1000 volt megger for 60 sewnds. The a C3 Internal clearance. Grease
reading mustnot be less than 5 nipples are fitted and the motors are 9. FAULT FINDING
megohms. ARer a long period of regreaseable as standard. These Please see separate fault finding page.
stor- a~~orestanding Idle In a moist motors are fitted with a grease rellef
environment, it is rimmmendea that plug wh'ch must be removed to allow
motors are aled out or n n on no load the old grease to purge d ~ r i n g
at approximately 20% of rated volts to regreaslng. It Is rewmmended that the
) ensure that any Internal molslure Is motor should be run for 2 hours with
dried out. the plug removed when the new
(0 Starling grease Is added. We recommend that
1 Terminal markings
A connection diagram is supplied with every motor.

Connection of single-speed motors

A-connec tion Y-connec lion
Ll L2 L3

L1 L2 L3
Connection of two-speed motors
Two separate windings L1 L2 L3

r-2- .-.-.-2. -.-.-.2- w,.- .-.-.- -.

i r2u
i .-.7v
i 0 0 01 i 6 2 4 : i
!0 0 O j
L .-I!.-.-
Li ~2 ~3
Low speed High speed

Dahlander connection

L1 L2 L3
Low speed High speed

Y/D - start at Low speed

(9 terminals)

L1 L2 L3 ~i LZ ~3
(. ) Low speed - start Low speed - run High speed
Parts Lists

TYPE 2A63-2A132 AND


P a m description
1 Endshield D.E. with oil seal
2 Wave washer
3 Bearing D.E.
4 Terminal box
5 Termlnal box lid
6 Stator lamination pack
7 Rotor lamination pa*
8 Stator frame
9 External earth stud
10 Endshield N.D.E. with oil seal
11 maring N.D.E.
12 Fan w w l
13 Fan

TYPE 2D160-2D280

Parts desuiplion
Outer bearing cap D.E. with oil
VVave washer
Bearing D.E.
Inner bearlng cap D.E.
Endshield D.E.
Terminal box lid
Terminal box
External earth stud
Rotor lamination pack
Stator lamination pa&
Stator hame
lnner bearing cap N.D.E.
Endshield N.D.E.
Fan w w I
Bearing N.D.E.
Outer bearing cap N.D.E. with oil
Parts Lists

TYPE 2D315-20355

Parts description
Flinger D.E.
Outer bearing cap D.E. with oil
Bearing D.E.
lnner bearing cap D.E
Endshleld D.E.
Terminal box
Terminal box lid
Terminal box adapter
Removable gland plate, undrilled
External earth stud
Stator lamination Dack
Rotor lamination pack
Stator frame
lnner bearing cap N.D.E.
Bearingshield N.D.E.
Fan w w l
Bearing N.D.E.
- .
Outer bearina cao N.D.E. with oil
Flinger N.D.E.
Fault Finding - Three Phase Induction Motors

Motor will not start.

Supply or starter trips out at start.
Motor starts but has not torque.
Motor does not reach full speed.
Motor takes a long time to reach full
Motor overheating.
No load amps in excess of full load
Mechanlcai nolse or Vibration.
Noisy bearings.
Bearing overheating.
Motor amps in excess of nameplate full
load amps on load.
Excessive electrical noise.
U n b a l a n d amps in different phases
when motor on load.
' ) Motor runs wrong direction.

Motor will not start. 1. Fault with supply. 1. Check for correct voltage at I. Fit new fuses, reset
motor terminals. circuit breakers, etc.
2. Motor or load locked up. 2. Make sure motor and load 2. Remove clamps,
are free to tum. locks, etc.
3. Wrong connections i n . 3. Check to ensure wntactors 3. Sort out control circuit.
control circuit operate.
Supply or started trips 1. Wrong or loose connections. 1. Check ail lugs are properly 1. Fix up connections.
out at start. crimped or soldered, and
connections are tight.
2. Motor overloaded. 2. Check load performance data 2. Change motor for correct size.
against motor performance data.
3. InerIja of load to high. 3. Measure voltage at motor 3. Change cables for correct size.
terminals while motor starting.
4. Low voltage due to volt drop 4. Check settings of overload and 4. Correct setting of overload or
in cables circuit breaker and allow for breaker or change.
I starting current
5. Overload or d r w i t breaker inwrrecUy set or sized.
Motor starts but has no 1. Incorrect connection. 1. Check connection diagram 1. Sort out and correct
torque. Motor does not and nameplate data. connections.
reach full speed or takes
a long time to accelerate
2. Delta wound motor connect 2. Check load performance data 2. Che& timer and starter control
in star. against motor performance data. circuit
3. StarIDelta starter staying 3. Measure voltage at motor 3. Change motor for correct size.
in Star. terminals while motor starting
4. Inertia of load to high. 4. Change cables for conect size.
5. Motor overloaded.
1 6. Low voltage due to volt drop in kbles.
Fault Finding -Three Phase Induction Motors

Motor overheating. 1. Motor overloaded. 1. Check load perlormance data 1. Fix problem with ioad or fit
larger motor.
2. Ineffectivecooling. 2. Check fan and air flow and 2. Clean motor. Sort out cooling o
temperature of air. air temp. and flow.
L w k for build up of dirt.
3. Excessive ambient. 3. Check connection diagram and 3. Sort out connections
nameplate data.
4. Wrong connection. 4. Check volts and amps in all three 4. Restore supply to all phases.
5. Delta wound motor in star. 5. Check nameplate 5. Correct voitage or frequency,
6. Motor "Single Phasing". 6. Measure phase to phase voltage 6. Balance supply or accept
accurately unbalance.
7. Wrong voltage or frequency.
8. Supply voitage unbalanced.
N o ioad amps in excess 1. Incorrect conner3on 1 8 2. Check connection diagram 1 8 2. Sort out and correct
I of full l w d amps and nameplate data. connections at motor temlinals.
2. Star wound motor connection . 3. Measure voltage at motor terminal! 3. Correct supply voltage
3. Voltage in excess of nameplate 4. Compare supply voltage and 4. Change motor for correct
frequency to nameplate. voltage and frequency
4. Motor supplied for different voltage or frequency.
3. Measure voltage at motor terminals.
4. Compare supply voltage and frequency to nameplate.
Mechanical noise or 1. Thrust from load or 1. Check gap behveen coupling 1. Realign couplings
vibration. misalignment. halves and alignment.
Noisy bearings. Bearings
2. Damaged bearings, t w much 2 8 3. Turn shall slowly by hand and 2 8 3. Clean bearing housing.
grease, no grease, or foreign feel for roughness or stiffness. changebearingsand repack
matter in grease. Check for bent shaft or fan rubbing. with fresh grease.
3. Rotor pulling or foreign matter 4. Run motor disconnected from 4. Fix up out of balance items
in air gap. load and then wilh pulley or
coupling removed.

4. Out of balance load, coupling 5. Run motor wilhout bells. 5. Lwsen belt tension
or pulley.
5. Excessive belt pull. 6. Check design and construction 6. Increase strength of
foundations foundations
6. Motor foundations not rigid.
Motor amps in excess of 1. Motor overloaded. 1. Check load and performance data. 1. Fix problem with load or fit
nameplate full load larger motor.
amps on load
2. Low supply voltage. 2. Measure voltage at motor terminal! 2. Fix problem, maybe wilh larger
3. Wmng vollage or frequency. 3. Check nameplate. - or freauencv.
3. Correct voltaae . .
4. Wrong Connections. 4. Check nameplate 4. Sort out and correct.
5. Motor 'Single-Phasing'. 5 8 6. Check volts and amps in ail 5 8 6. Restore balanced supply
three phases. l o ail three ohases.
6. Supply voitage unbalanced. 7. Measure motor speed and check 7. Chenge motor for correct motor
load speed requirements. speed.
7. Motor Speed not matched to load
Fault Finding - Three Phase Induction Motors

Excessive electric noise 1. Wrong wnnections. 1. Check connections 1. Fix up connections

phases. phases.
Unbalanced amps in
different phases when
motor loaded
Motor runs in wrong
1. Unbalanced supply voltage

1. Wrong connections.
1. Measure phase to phase voltage

1. Watch shaft rotation

1. Balance supply or accept

1. Swap and two phases of


Fault Finding Single Phase Motors & Standard Controllers

/ ) 'ACO" (and 'MCO') Does not Close

when Started is Called for.
'ACO' Closes But 'MCO' Does Not.
'ACO' and 'MCO' Close but Motor Fails
to Rotate.
Supply Fuse(s) Blow When Motor
Attempts to Start.
Overload 'T.O.L.' Trips During Run-Up.
Overload 'T.O.L.' Trips During Running.
Motor Stalls When 'ACO' Opens Afler
'ACO' Does Not Open When Motor up
10 SDeed.

I Problem I Possible Cause I

'ACO" (and 'MCO') Does not Close when Start is Called for. 1. Fault with supply.
2. Power supply absent at terminals L1. L2 and N.

3. External control circuit is blocking operation.
4. Thermal Overload 'T.O.L.' is ttipped.
5. Control fuse 'CFI' is blown.
6. 'ACO' mil is open circuit.
7. Controller wiring is faulty.
8. Electronic switch 'SC' is faulty.
'ACO' Closes But 'MCO' Does Not. I.'MCO' coil is faulhr.
2. Controller wiring is faulty.
'ACO' and 'MCO' Close but Motor Fails to Rotate. I 1. Supply fuse for L2 is blown.

4. Power supply drop increased due to faulty line capacitors 'CL'

(controllers 11kW and above only)

6. Mechanical load Is excessive

7. Controller wiring is faulty.
8. Motor winding is faulty.
Fault Finding Single Phase Motors 8 Standard Controllers

Supply Fuse(s) Blow When Motor Attempts to Start. 1. Supply fuses are undersized.
2. Faulty line capacitors 'CL' (controllers l l k W and above only).
3. Faulty start capacitors 'CS.
4. Faulty run capacitors 'CR'. I
5. Controller wiring is faulty. I
6. Motor winding Is faulty. I
Overload 'T.O.L. Trips During Run-Up 1. 'T.O.L.' setting is incolrect.
2. Motor taking too long to start due to adverse mechanical load and/or
supply voltage.
3. Faulty start capacitors 'CS.
4. Faulty line capacitors 'C1' (controllers l l k W and above only). I
5. 'T.0.L.' is faulty. I
Overload 'T.O.L.' Trips During Running. I 1. 'T.O.L.' setting is incorrect.
1 2. Mechanical load is excessive. I
3. Supply voltage is too low during running. I
4. Faulty run capacitors 'CR'.
5. 'T0.L.' is faultv. I
Motor Stalls When 'ACO' Opens Alter Run-Up. 1. Mechanical load is excessive.
2. Faulty run capacitors 'CR'.
3. Controller wiring.is faultv.
4. Electronic switch 'SC' is faulty. I
5. Motor winding is faulty. I
'ACO' Does Not Open When Motor up to Speed. 1. Supply voltage not equal each side of neutral.
2. 'ACO' is stuck closed.
3. Faulty start capacitors 'CS.
4. Controller wiring is faulty.
5. Electronic switch is faulty. 1
Bearing Sizes & Regreasing Information

Squirrel Cage Electric Motors NOTES: shield from the outboard side of these
STANDARD: C3 "SEALED FOR LIFE" 1. Remmmended greases - Frames bearings, clean them out, and repack
DOUBLE SHIELDED ZZ BEARINGS. 63-132 SKF LGMT2 them with fresh grease, but it is not
NOT REGREASEABLE. Frames 160-355 LS3 or SHELLAlvania recommended. (The grease is retained
R3 oerween tne inboard bea"ng shielo
2. Vertical motors snould be regreaseo ana the o..seal n the enosh.eld, as all
at half the time soecified abovifor motors are IP55 and fitted with an
horizontal motors odseal a l both ends).
3. .t is mmmmenoed tnat 'Sealeo for -
4. Reqreasina - time snould oe reddcaa
Life" bearings are replaced with new if bearing operating temperature is in
bearings when they are due lor excess of 70'C.
regressing. It is p&ible to remove the 5. n = R.P.M,


Bearing And Greasing Arrangements

2A80-132 FRAME V1 motor with DE '7' series thrust
bearings, with regreasing and grease
Standaro bearmg arrangement Non a w e end .oawted relief.
S. raole for 8 3 and V1 Su~lablefor 83 and V1 Suitable for 83 and V l



2D160-280 FRAME 2D315355 FRAME

Standard bearing arrangement with regreasing and grease Standard bearing arrangement with regreasing and grease
relief. relief.
Suilable for 83. Suitable for 63 and V1.

V1 motor with DE '7 Series thrust V1 motor with NDE '7 series thrust
bearings lowted. with regreasing and bearings.
grease relief.


Cooling Pump Unit LT
(Iron Pump)

Cooling Pump Unit LT -

(Iron Pump)




PURPOSE : Cooling water - FW NT/HT

ORDER NO.: 12596/215 - pos 2



PUMP NO. : CNL6481

ORDER NO.: 3568217

PUMP TYPE: CNLB 80-80/160

IMPORTANT: Read this manual before mountinp and start in^ the DumDs

Page I
IRON Pump A / S

Manual identification No cnlb24616-le.bog ..

List o f content

Technical data..............................................................................................................4
Operating instructions for centrifugal pumps ..........................................................5
. .
1.0 Product Descnpuon ................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Capacities and Applications .................................................................................................... 5
i -9 1.2 Construction and function ....................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Risks and leakages................................................................................................................... 5

Demands for the mounting setup ...............................................................................6

2.0 Environment con&Qons........................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Space requirements ................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Foundation ............................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Electrical installations ............................................................................................................. 6
2.4 Leakages .................................................................................................................................. 6

Transport and installation of pumps and motor assembly ......................................7

Condition on delivery .............................................................................................................. 7
Transport and storage .............................................................................................................. 7
Mounting on the foundation .................................................................................................... 7
Installation of the pump ........................................................................................................... 7
Elecbical .................................................................................................................................. 8
Pipe installation ....................................................................................................................... 8
. .
Installation of plpellnes ........................................................................................................... 8
Recommended accessories ...................................................................................................... 8
Safety arrangements ................................................................................................................ 8
Disassembling and transport.................................................................................................... 8

Running instructions for centrifugal pumps .............................................................9

4.0 Prevention of accidents............................................................................................................ 9
4.1 Startup..................................................................................................................................... 9
4.2 During start up ......................................................................................................................... 9
4.3 Stand-by pump ......................................................................................................................... 9
4.4 Lubrication ............................................................................................................................ 10
(. 1
. 4.5 Maintenance .......................................................................................................................... 11

Page 2
; 7
Disassembly and assembly instructions ...................................................................12
5.0 Repairs ................................................................................................................................... 12
5.1 Disassembling and opening the pump ................................................................................... 12
5.2 Assembling the pump ............................................................................................................ 12

Installation and maintenance instructions for EFLEX-R coupling type RN .......13

6.0 Safety precautions ................................................................................................................. 13
6.1 Mounting ......................................................................................................................... 1 3
6.2 Alignment .............................................................................................................................. 13
. .
Possible nusallgnments ......................................................................................................... 13
6.4 Operation ............................................................................................................................... 13
6.5 Maintenance .......................................................................................................................... 14
6.6 Replacing of flexibles............................................................................................................ 14
6.7 Table ..................................................................................................................................... 14
6.8 Instruction drawing for EFLEX-R coupling type RN ........................................................... 15

Fitting instructions for mech seal . ............................................................................16

Centrifugal pump wear ring clearances .................................................................. 17

Instruction drawing for pump.................................................................................. 18

Parts list for pump .....................................................................................................


Interruption of operations ........................................................................................ 20

A 1 . . ..........................................................................................................................
7.0 Error findmg 20

Technical data


5pe : CNLB 80-801160

Pcs :1

Capacity : 50 m 3 h

Head -

:b Total head : 30,60 m.w.c. 1 3 bar

Suction head -
Mech. seal : Yes

Gland packing : No

Coupling size : EFLEX-R I RN4

Weight I kg. : 60


Pump casing : Cast iron GG25

Impeller : Ni.Al.Bronze

B Casing wear ring : Ni.Al.Bronze

Shaft : AISI-329


5 ~ e : BEVI 1A132S2-2

KW : 7,50

Power consumption kW : 6,60 - Max. 7.50

RPM : 2900

Voltage : 3 x4OOV,5OHz

Weight 1kg : 60

Page 4

Operating instructions for centrifugal pumps

1.0 Product Description

This description applies for centrifugal pumps from the pump factory IRON Pump LTD.
The type and number of the pump together with the order no. is to be found in the technical data sheet.

1.1 Capacities and Applications

The maximum pressure, the permissible temperature and the pump media we have set the pump for is
stated in the technical data sheet. The performance ofthe pump can be seen in the graph.
; -1 IRONPump LTD. does not render any guarantee ifthe type of liquid or other important working con-
ditions have been insujkiently specified or omitted
Ifthe working conditions dzfferfrom those given in the technical data sheet Contact us before putting
the pump into operation.

1.2 Construction and function

Q p e CNLB(X) and CNHB(X) is a vertical centrifugal pump with 2 external bearings and a mechanical
shaft sealing (can also be supplied with a stuffing box) - for remaining details see the technical sheet.

In principal a centrifugal pump is built up in the following manner:

It consists of an impeller furnished with blades that are normally curved backwards in relation to its
direction of rotation. The impeller is situated in a spiral pump case (snail shell). The pump case is
equipped with a suction flange and a pressure flange.
Before the pump is started the pump case and the suction line must be filled with water (or other liquid
which is to be pumped).
1 When the impeller starts rotating the blades cause the liquid to rotate in relation to the pump case.
Centrifugal force will sling the liquid out of the impeller and into the spiral of the pump case. This causes
a vacuum in the centre of the impeller exactly where the entrance is situated. As atmospheric pressure
influences the surface of the water in the well (or in the tank from which one wishes to pump from) the
created vacuum (differential pressure) effects the fluid in the suction line and presses in into the centre of
the impeller.
When the water is slung out of the impeller and into the spiral of the pump case the velocily energy
which is created is changed to pressure energy. The pressure effects the amount of water in the pressure
line and starts this moving and hereby creates a continual flow (regular flow) from the suclion line
through the pump to the pressure line.

1.3 Risks and leakages


( ,I
IRON LTD: Products comply with the regulations for work safety and accident precautions.
If the workers are exposed to danger due to the media used having for example too high temperatures,
they must ensure that the necessary protection precautions are made.

Demands for the mounting setup

2.0 Environment conditions

Standard pumps are intended for installing in dry rooms free from aggressive atmosphere and having a
temperature between + 10 and 40 deg.C. Mounting under other conditions (e.g. outdoors, in damp rooms
etc.) is only allowed if it stated in the technical data sheet and is therefore suitable for these conditions.

2.1 Space requirements

The space required for the pump and the positions of the foundation holes are given in the dimension

2.2 Foundation

The foundation with its mass must counteract vibrations, take up small outside stresses such as hydraulic
seain and "fitting in" forces from the pipelines.
Damages due to insufficient or faulty foundation is not covered by the guarantee.

2.3 Electrical installations

Pumps with electric motors must have sufficiently dimensioned connections.

Kilowatt ratings are given in the technical data sheet. If the mechanical shaft seals need external cooling
/ lubricating the necessary amount of coolant is given under the instruction for the mechanical shaft seal.

2.4 Leakages

Leaking can arise from the mechanical shaft seals so it is recommended to fit a drainpipe to them.
When the pump is supplied with a stuffing box, it is always leaking from the gland.

Transport and installation of pumps and motor assembly

3.0 Condition on delivery

IRON LTD. products are inspected for perfect condition and function before leaving the factory. The
pump has been tested with water complying with the capacity ratings that are given in the technical data
sheet and shown in the graph.

3.1 Transport and storage

Standard packing protects the pump against corrosion by land transport and storage in dry rooms for at
least 3 months. For longer storage it is necessary to make special protection measures.
Seaworthy packing protects the pump for land and sea transport and dry storing (under cover or in closed
rooms) for at least 3 years. On arrival at its destination, the packing must be examined to ensure that it is
in a condition to guarantee protection in storage.
The cases can be opened when:
Large damage isfound.
The goods are to be storedfor a longer period than originallyplanned.
In all other cases the goods must not be opened until the pump is to be installed. When unpacking
check that the order is complete and correct.

3.2 Mounting on the foundation

If the pump and motor are delivered separately, they must be assembled on a base, see instructions for
fitting the couplings. After being assembled the unit can be mounted directly on to a suitable foundation.

,I 3.3 Installation of the pump

The whole pipeline system must be pressure tested and examined for leakages and rinsed out before con-
necting to the suction and delivery flanges of the pump. If the pump has been installed before the pres-
sure test care should be taken to ensure that the test pressure does not exceed the test pressure of the
pump (stamped in the pump, usually in the suction flange) otherwise damage can be caused to the pack-
ing or the mechanical shaft seals of the pump. When connecting the pipelines to the pump, do not use
force as this can damage the alignment of the pump.
Precautions must be taken to support the pipelines so as prevent inadmissible strain being transferred to
the pump due to expansion.
Check all connections to the pump e.g. lubrication, priming, heating, cooling media drainage etc. and
various measuring instruments are all properly connected. Make sure that nothing prevents access to the
pump for inspection or replacing parts. adequate room must be made for axial split case pumps in order
to disassemble the upper half of the casing.

3.4 Electrical

Electric motors must be connected in accordance with the local regulations and with enough cable to
allow the motor to be removed without disconnecting the wires, an electrical switch (emergency stop)
must be installed near to the pump.

3.5 Pipe installation

Points to be considered:
Loss of pressure in the suction line must be kept at a minimum in order to avoid cavitation in the pump.
Static suction height + loss of pressure in the suction line + NPSH value for the pump + steam pressure
must not exceed 10 mWC at sea level. Long suction pipes making air pockets possible should be
:1 3.6 Installation of pipelines

Suction and pressure lines must be connected to the flanges of the pump free from strain, as eventual
stresses are taken up at fixed points and therefore suitable compensators should be installed in the pipe
system. The flanges in between which the pump is installed must be absolutely parallel.

3.7 Recommended accessories

As the pump, especially the mechanical shaft sealing, is designed to run with clean water without sludge
a suitable filter must be installed in the suction line, and if the mechanical shaft seals are not furnished
with external cooling a filter must be installed in the circulation pipe. A filter having a large area and
'which can be cleaned is recommended.
IRON LTD. can supply suitable filters.

P 3.8 Safety arrangements

If the pump should run with closed valves for a longer period of time, it should be fumished either with
temperature control equipment or recirculation, otherwise it will run hot.

3.9 Disassembling and transport

Before sending the pump for repair, Please note the following:
All media remains to be removedfrom the pump.
Oil to be emptiedfrom the bearing house.
The sender is liable for damage inflicted to the pump or other goods caused by media remains leaking.

Running instructions for centrifugal pumps

4.0 Prevention of accidents

Ensure that the pump and motor are mounted according to instructions, all connections are right and the
necessary screens and guards are in order.
If the workers should be exposed to danger e.g. the media having high temperatures, the user must take
the necessary precautions such as periodic examination for leakages from all packings.
Air escape valves are to be opened very carefully.
The pump must be emptied before it is opened.

, 7.
I 4.1 Start up

Before starting, make sure that there is grease in the bearing houses - see next page.
Carefully fill the pump with water and let the air escape.
This air escape operation is very important because otherwise the shaft seal can be destroyed
Check the coupling.
Ensure that the pump can be turned by hand.
Start the motor for a short period and check the direction ofrotation - Remember thar the pump must
beJilled with watel; or the coupling removed so as not to destroy the shaft seals.

4.2 During start up

Normally the pump is started with discharge valve closed and filled with water.
After starting, the discharge valve is slowly opened until the working point is reached.
Immediately after start, check for noise and vibrations. At the normal head of the pump and after running
for about a minute it should have a very steady motion without unusual noise and vibrations.
Check bearing temperature - max. 105 deg.C.
Check seal housing for leakages.

4.3 Stand-by pump

If the pump is not used frequently it must started or rotated at least once a week to avoid damaging the
shaft seals.

4.4 Lubrication

The pump bearings are greased with Mobiltemp SHC 100 or similar grease.
Lubricating intervals are 2000 hours.
The pump is lubricated in accordance with the following tables:

Pump type Grease amount

- 1 160 10 g. Per bearing
1-1200 1 16 g. Per bearing I
50-1001250 16 g. Per bearing
125-2001250 25 g. Per bearing
80-2501315 25 g. Per bearing

I Grease lubricated all types

I Nato code / D I N I G 395







Page 10

4.5 Maintenance

Check every 3 months:

Unusual noise, vibrations and leakages.

Pumps with mechanical shaft seals must not leak either during standstill with inlet pressure on the pump
or when running. Circulation pipe to the mechanical shaft seal must be intact and not blocked. If any of
these points are lacking, they must immediately be put right, otherwise any defects can have great impor-
tance to the function of the pump and its lifetime.

Check every 12 months:

Take the pump apart (see instruction).

The rotating parts are checked and repaired of necessary. Normal clearance between the impeller and
( P sealing ring is 0,45-0,50 nun.Maximum clearance is 0,s-1,Onun.depending on the size and capacity.

Page I I
IRON Pump A / S

Disassembly and assembly instructions

5.0 Repairs

If you undertake repairs your self, your are requested to follow these instructions or contact our service
When ordering spare parts state the following:
Pump type.
IRON Ltd order No. (is normaly stamped in the suctionflange and on the nameplate situated on the
Pos.No. name and No. ofpart (see instruction book).
I -,
\ 9 5.1 Disassembling and opening the pump

Empty the pump for liquid.

Unscrew bolts connecting pump casing and cover. Lift the dismantled part of the pump comprising
motor, brackets and pump cover.
The impeller will follow the removed part enabling direct access..
It is recommended to dismantle gently in order to prevent any damages on the mech. seal.

5.2 Assembling the pump

Before reassembling clean the inside of the pump casing and paint with e.g. Apexior No.3 or treat with a
more resisting product (e.g.Hempadur No. 1513 "Hempel Marine Paints").
In order to make a dismantling of the pump easier at a later stage and to avoid any pick-ups, it is recom-
mended to lubricate all bolts and assembling surfaces with "Never Seez" lubricant.
Assemble bearing housing, bearings and cover.
1 Assemble the bearing housing and the bracket, Pos. 344 with the motor bracket, Pos. 341-2.
Fit the thrower Pos. 507 on the shaft.
Pump cover Pos. 161, with the seat ring of the mech. shaft seal, has to be fitted gently on the shaft and
tightened to the bracket Pos. 344 by screws. The o-ring has to be fitted to the cover.
The rotating part of the shaft seal is placed carefully on the shaft.
The casing wear ring and the impeller have to be fitted and tightened by screws.
The rotating assembly can be fitted to the pump casing and tightened by screws.
Before any up-start the shaft has to be turned by hand in order to check for any blockages. Bearings
have to be lubricated and the pump primed in order to prevent any dry running.

(. 1

Page I2

Installation and maintenance instructions for EFLEX-R coupling type RN

6.0 Safety precautions

Rotating parts should be guarded by the buyer to prevent accidents, considering applicable local
safety precautions.

6.1 Mounting

Before mounting the hubs, carefully clean the shaft ends and the coupling parts.
Inside hubs to be flushed with the shaft ends. Tighten the set screw to secure hubs axially.
Tighten the set screw only with hexagon socket wrench according to DIN 911 without extension
i piece.
Heating the coupling parts at approx. 80°C. will facilitate mounting, however at first the flexible ele-
ments must be removed from the female part.
Assure that the flexible elements are turned correctly when they are remounted - se instructions draw-
Bring the coupling hubs together, observing the dimension S, according to the table.
Check all screw connections with screw tightening torques of the table.

6.2 Alignment

EFLEX-R couplings will absorb deviations in the relative position of shafts to be connected (Please
see below: possible misalignments).
Aligning the coupling halves ,the angular and parallel offset misalignments of interrelative shafts
should be reduced most possible. Alignment to be carried out in two planes as shown in fig.1 with a
straight edge (offset misalignment) and spacer bar (angular misalignment). For better accuracy use a
,I dial indicator.
The gap dimension S1 should be within the limits listed in the table.

6.3 Possible misalignments

The axial distance Ka (fig.2) must be within the limits for S1 (see the table).
Angular misalignment K, (fig.3) is measured as the difference between S, and S ~ , possible
, val-
ues are calculated with values from the table.
Parallel offset misalignment K, (fig. 4) see the table.
Angular and parallel offset misalignment might occur at the same time. The total of both alignments
should not exceed the values K, respectively K,.
K, and K, apply in a shock free operation at ambient temperature 30°C to 80°C.

6.4 Operation
Before starting initial operatings check alignment and gap dimension Sland make corrections, if

Page 13

required. Further check the screw connections.

6.5 Maintenance

EFLEX-R couplings do not require any regular maintenance except for an occasional check on the
torsional play or backlash between the driving and driven halves. When EFLEX-R couplings are used
in drives which do not require a minimum of torsional play or backlash in the coupling, the coupling
flexibles can be allowed to wear down 213 of their original thickness before replacement is required.

6.6 Replacing of flexibles

Continuous torque transmission and reliability of operation cannot be guaranteed unless original
E m - R flexibles are used.
13 After fitting new flexibles, assure that they are turned correctly.

Before starting up control the mounting.

6.7 Table

I Table I
Coupling size s1 Angular Offset
Misalignment Misapment
outside diam. -
%tax. Smin
mm mm.
1800 RPM 3600 RPM 1800 RPM 3600 RPM
2/80 2...4 1,4 0.28 0,26 0,05
3 194 2...4 1,6 0,32 0,30 0,06
41110 2...5 1.9 0,38 0,36 0,07
5 I125 2.3 2,2 0,44 0,42 0,08
6 1 140 2.A 2,4 0,48 0,50 0,lO
7 1 165 2...6 29 0,58 0,60 0,12
81180 2...6 3,l 0.62 0.70 0,14
9 1210 2...6 3,7 0,76
10 1240 2...6 42 0,84
11 1260 3...7 4,5 0,95
12 1300 3...8 52 1,00
13 1325 3...8 5,7 1,15
14 1360 5...10 6.3 1,30

6.8 Instruction drawing for EFLEX-R coupling type RN

, (-Straight edge

Fig. 1
Spacer bar

Axial movement Angular misalignment Mfset misalignment

Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4

Fitting instructions for mech. seal

Check the pump is ready
1. Shaft is clean and free from burrs etc.,and is not bent.
2. The bearings are in good condition.
3. A l l sharp corners, where rubber components must be fitted over,
are removed.
4. You have a suitable lubricant available.
NEVER use lubricants containing SILICONE.
Use ONLY liquid soap, soapy water or Glycerine with
Ethylene Propylene elastomer.
5. The gland plate is also clean and free from burrs.
6. Do not unpack the seal until you are ready to proceed with fitting

Page 16

Centrifugal pump wear ring clearances




100 200 300 400


Page 17

Instruction drawing for pump

CNLB- /I60

b e c u r e screv with LOCKITE type 241 or eqv.


Pegc I 8

Parts list for pump

Pump type: CNLB -1160 - Drawing No.: 24616
-~ -~

Pos No Description Pa Material

102 Volute casing 1 Cast iron GG2S
161 1 Casing cover I I I~ a s t i r o n ~ ~ 2 5
182 1 Foot I 1 I Cast iron I
210 1 Shaft I 1 I AISI 329 I
230 Impeller 1 Nirz
320 1 Radial ball bearing
330 Bearing housing 1 I cast iron
341-1 1 Motor flange I 1 I castiron 1
341-2 1 Motor stool I 1 I cast iron I
344 Bearing bracket lantern 1 Cast iron
360-1 1 Bearing cover 1 I cast iron
360-2 1 Bearing cover I 1 I castiron I
420-1 Shaft seal ring 1 NitriUSteel
420-2 1 Shaft seal ring 1 I NitrillSteel

502-1 1 Casing wear ring I 1 I NilBrz I

502-2 Casing wear ring 1 NilBrz
554 Washer 1 Stainless steel
636-1 ( Grease nipple 1 Steel
636-2 1 Grease nipple I 1 I steel I
630 1 Lubricating pipe I 1 I steel I
861-1 Coupling half 1 Nod. cast iron GGG40
861-2 1 Coupling half
- ~

1 I Nod. cast iron GGG40
903 Impeller screw 1 Stainless steel

Interruption of operations

7.0 Error finding

This list below shows possible trouble sources if the pump does not function correctly.
If you are unable to find the source of interruption or if you cannot repair the fault, Please contact our
service section.

Faults Possible causes

Pump and motor cannot be actuated:
Impeller or shaft blocked.
Motor fault.

Motor running but no pumping effect:

Motor rotation is not transmitted through coupling.
Discharge valve closed.
Non-return valve or other valves are closed.
Suction line closed.
Air in pump casing.
Suction line leaking.
Shaft seal leaking.
Bottom valve defective.
Suction lift too high.
Priming pump defective.

nsufficient capacity:
Wrong direction of rotation.
Number of revolutions too low.
Counter-pressure too high.
Suction line or impeller partly clogged.
Air in pump casing.
Air in pumping medium.
Suction lift too high (inlet pressure too low).
Suction line leaking.
Shaft seal leaking.
Pump worn out.

Page 20

Pump pressure too high:

Number of revolutions too high.
Impeller oversized.
Too many pressure stages.
Specific gravity of pumping medium too high.
Viscosity of pumping medium too low.
Inlet pressure too high.
Manometer defective.

Capacity too large:

Number of revolutions too high.
Impeller diameter too big.
Counter-pressure too low.

Discharge head too low:

: 1 Number of revolutions too low.
Impeller diameter too small.
Too few pressure stages.
Specific gravity of pumping medium too low.
Viscosity of pumping medium to high.
Manometer defective.

Power consumption too large:

Motor too small.
Motor fault.
Capacity too large.
Counter-pressure too low.
Stuffing-box tightened too much.
Shaft ends out of alignment.
Electricity supply incorrect.-Volt-amp-frequency.

,I Pump output decreases or stops:

Suction line leaking.
Shaft seal leaking.
Increasing suction lift.
Filter clogged.

Irregular running:
Bearings defective.
Motor fault.

Increasing noise level:

Beginning cavitation.
Air in pumping medium.
Capacity too large.
Clamping to base loosened.
Base bolts loosened.
Influences from pipe connections or base.

Cracks in pump casing.
Faulty assembly of pump.
Pipe connections leaking.
Shaft seal leaking (in case of soft stuffing-box pack-
ing minor leaks are necessary).

Bearing temperature too high:

Faulty lubrication or wrong lubricant.
Deficient pump alignment.
Influences from pipe line.
Coupling distance wrong.
Shaft bent.
Foreign bodies or impurities in bearings.
,' -'I
Pump wears out quickly:
Wrong materials in relation to pumping medium
Stuffing-box tightened too much.
Shaft bent.
Deficient alignment.
Influences through pipe line.

Strong vibrations:
Impurities in pump.
Motor not properly balanced.
Influence from other factors.
Electric motors
7 Customer safety and installation instructions
AC induction machines (50-1000V AC) D C m a c h i n e s (75-1500V DC) CE
Warning Avertissement Achtung Awiso

All operations must be carried out by appropriately trained personnel.

Toutes les manoeuvres doivent &re effectubes par un personnel avant requ une
formation appropribe.
Alle Arbeiten mussen von entsprechend geschultem Personal ausgefuhrt werden.
Tutte ie operazioni devono essere effettuate da personale qualificato.

Lifting Levage Heben Sollevamento

e.g. both lifting points or single lifting point if

if fined fitted
ex: les deux points de ex: le point de levage
levage si install& unique si install6
2.0. beide Hebe~unkte oder einzelnen Hebe~unkt.
falls vorhanden falls vorhanden
es. Entrambi i punti di es. o il punto di
sollevamento se presenti sollevamento singolo se
Note: maximum hand lift is 20kg below shoulder, but above ground level.
Use all lifting Noter: le poids maximum de levage manuel est de 20kg.
facilities provided Bine beachten: max. Hublast mit der Hand 20kg unter der Schulter, aber uber dem Boden.
Utiliser tous les Nota: il sollevamento a mano massimo B di 20kg al di sotto della spalla ma al di sopra del
dispositifs de levage livello del suolo.
Alle vorgesehenen Vertical lifting - Prevent uncontrolled rotation.
Hebevorrichtungen Levage vertical - Emp6cher toute rotation non contr616e.
Senkrechtes Heben - unkontrolliertes Drehen vermeiden.
Usare tmi i
dispositivi per i
l Sollevamento verticale - evitare una rotazione senza controllo.
Do not lift other equipment with motor lifting points
Machine only.
Ne pas soulever d'autres Bquipements en utilisant
unlquement les points de levage
du moteur.
Angebaute Maschinen nicht mit Motorringbse
Non sollevare altre apparecchiature usando
solamente i punti di sollevamento del motore.

Maximum Poids bruts Maximale Pesi lordi

gross weights maximum bruttogewichte massimi

Frame size '.. .-- 63, 90 112, 160 200 250 280 315 355s 355M 355L
Hauteur <ax( 71 6 132 6 6
Baugrbsse 680 100 180 225
Dimensione carcassa 18214 25416 32415
NEMA 56 143/5 21315 28416 36415 404/5 444/5 50415 585-7 585-7 585-7
Frame size 'P + 63 80. 112 132 160 200 225 250 250 355
Hauteur d'axa ---I- b 90 6 180
Baugrbsse 71 6 25416
Dimensione carcassa 100 28416 324 364 404 404 585-7
NEMA 217 217213 Bl112D 321112 361112 W1N3
Pre-installation ContrBles ~berpriifungen Controlli di pre-
checks avant I'installation vor der installation installazione

Fan cover damage

DBgdts sur capot de
Korrosion ventilateur
Corrosione Schaden an der Lufterhaube
Danno alla calotta

Foothounting damage
DBgAts sur les panes de
Schaden an der Welle Schaden am GehauselFuRen
Danno all'albero Danno al piedi deltmotore

Check nameplate details

Vbrifier les renseignements indiques sur la plaque signaletique
Typenschilddetails prufen
Controllo dei valori in targa JA Jr~min
Duty matches application? Le service correspond-t-il .4 I'application?
Leistung betriebsausreichend? La potenza nominale del motore B adana
all' impiego?
No loose fasteners? Pas de fixations desserrees?
Keine losen Befestigungsteile? L'attaccoh ben fissato?

Installation Installation Mechanische lnstallazione

Mechanical MBcanique Installation Meccanica

Level mounting surface VBrifiez I'alignement du moteur

Montaaeflache ausrichten Superficie di montaggio piana

Not misaligned Pas de desalignement

Ausrichtung ijberpriffen Non allineato

Mountings- use appropriate fastener torques Fixation- utiliser les couples de serrage appropries
Befestigungen- korreke Anzugsdrehmomente Supporti- usare coppie di fissaggio appropriato

@Balanced Equilibrage Unwucht prufen Bilanciato

Gaskets, and1 Joints etlou Korrekte Montage von Le guarnizioni, tenute
or sealants, garnitures Dichtungen, Kabeldurch- e protezioni
guards d'btanchbitb, capot firhrungen und devono essere
correctly fitted correctement Schutzvorrichtungen montate
montb uberprufen correttamente
Belt tension Tension de courroie Riemenspannung Tensione cinghia

Ensure adequate ventilation Verifier que la ventilation est correcte

Fiir einen freien Kuhlluftstrom sorgen Assicurare una ventilazione adeguata

Drain plugs (if supplied). Fit to retain Bouchon de purge (si fournis) monte pour
enclosure and certification maintenir la protection et certification
Kondenswasserstopfen (wenn geliefert) Montare i tappi di scarica condensa (se forniti)
montieren zum Erhalt der Schutzart per mantanere il grado di protezione
e la certificazione

If noise level Lp is >80dB (A) at lm, protection may be required

Si niveau sonore Lp s80dB (A) A lm, des protections peuvent Cre nbcessaires
Fur Schalldruckpegel (Lp) grdsser als 8OdB (A), I m von der Oberflache des Motors -
Ohrenschutzer kijnnen etforderlich sein
Si il livello di rumore Lp h di >80dB (A) ad l m , sar.4 forse necessario usare dispositivi di

If temperature limits are specified, fit guards

. Si des limites de temperature sont specifih.
monter des protections thermiques
Wenn Temperaturgrenze vorgeschrieben, Se i limiti di temperatura sono specificati,
Schutzvorrichtungen montiern montare ripari
Installation Installation Elektrische lnstallazione
Electrical ~lectri~ue Installation Elettrica
- 0 Earthed Mise B la terre geerdet A terra

0 Check insulation resistance of all windings with 500V dc megger and discharge after test.
If less than 10Mn. dry out
Verifier la resistance d'solement des bobinages B I'aide d'une magneto de 500V cc
et dechargement a p r h la mesure. Si < B 10Mn. Btuver le bobinage
Der Isolationswiderstandjeder Wicklung muss mit einem lsolationsprufer (500V GS)
aemessen werden und nach der Messuna - entladen werden. Wenn weniaer
als 10Mn Trocknung erforderlich
La resistenza d'isolamento di ogni awolgimento deve essere misurata con megger
(500V c.c.1 e scaricata dopo il rilevameno
0 Fused and isolated correctly Protege par coupe circuit et
Korrekt absichern und isole correctement 4 a - . c
i solieren Fusibilato ed isolato corretlamente

0 Overloads correctly set7 Les relais de surcharge sont-ils

correctement rbgles?
ilberlastungsschutz richtig eingestellt? I sovraccarichi sono impostati
0 Heater terminals (if fitted), will be live when motor is stationary
Les bornes des rechauffeurs (si fournis). seront alimentees lorsque le moteur est
a I'arrt
Die Klemmen der Heizelement (wenn montiert) bleiben gefshrlich auch bei Stillstand
I terminali del riscaldatore (se montati), saranno sono tensione quando il motore
0 Mains cable correctlv sized7 Les cables d'alimentation sont-ils
correctement dimensionnbs?
Sind die Kabel gross genug? La dimenslone d e ~cavi di alimentazione

0 Covers must be fitted Les capots doivent stre en place

- mussen angebracht
. sein I coperchi devono essere montati

Connections Connexions Anschlisse Collegamenti

0 Check connection diagram 0 Check driven equipment is free

Verifier le schema de ceblage VBrlfier que la machine
Anschlusse nach entrainee est libre
Anschlussplan uberprufen Prufen,ob angetriebene
Controllare lo schema di Maschinefrei beweglich ist
collegamento Controllare che la macchina
condotta sia libera

dl 0 Correct terminal arrangement 0 Check rotation, uncoupled

VBrifier le reperage des Verifier la rotation B vide
bornes Maschine im Leerlauf prufen
Auf einwandfreien Controllare la rotazione
elektrischen Anschluss delmotore disaccoppiato dalla
achten macchina
Stringere i collegamenti
0 Checkfan rotation
VBrifier la rotation du
0 Connections are tight? ventilateur
Les connexions sont-elles Drehrichtung Geblesen
bien serrbes?
Sind die Anschlusse fest
Controllare la rotazione della
I Collegamenti sono stretti7
Problems Problbmes Problerne Problemi

Noisy Ovibration Bruit vibrations Gerausche 0 Vibration Rumore vibrazione

tripping overheating dbclenchement ~berstrornausl6sung scano 0 surriscaldamento
run-up surchauffe O dbmarrage UberhiQung accelerazione

Refer to supplier Consulter le fournisseur Hersteller fragen Consultare il fornitore

Quote motor Donnez le numbro du Motornumrner Ciare il numero
number moteur angeben d i serie del motore

Maintenance Entretien Wartung Manutenzione

Refer to supplier for details

Pour les dbtails, consulter le fournisseur
Schmierung usw. siehe Herstellerangaben
Isolate lsoler Consultare il fornitore per i denagli sulla
Trennen lsolare lubrificazione, ecc ...


Refer to supplier

Quote motor
Pieces de rechange

Directives and CE marking

Consulter le
Donnez le
numero du


Low Voltage Directive (LVD): motors are CE marked in compliance

Amendment to LVD
Pezzi d i ricambio

An Hersteller wenden Consultare il

Ciare il numero
d i serie de

98137lEC Machinery Directive: motors are outside of scope

891336lEEC Electro Magnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC): motors comply
) Amendments t o EMC
9419lEC ATEX Directive for hazardous atmospheres (where applicable)
Directives et marques CE Richtlinien und CE-kennzeichnung Direttive e certificazioni CE

Directive basse tension: la confornit6 des rnoteurs est indiquee par la marque CE
Modification a la Directive basse tension

98137lEC Directive machines: les rnoteurs ne sont pas cornpris dans les lirnites de cette directive

891336lEEC Directive sur la cornpatibilite Blectrornagnetique: conforrnite des rnoteurs

Modifications a la Directive sur la cornpatibilite
93168EEC Blectrornagn6tique

9419IEC Directive ATEX pour zones explosibles en cas d'application

Richtlinie Beschreibung
72/23/EWG Niederspannungsrichtlinie: die Motoren werden in Erfullung der Richtlinie rnit ICE"
93168lEWG ~nderung zu Niederspannungsrichtlinie

98137lEG Maschinenrichtlinie: die Motoren fallen nicht unter den Anwendungsbereich

891336lEWG Richtlinie uber elektrornagnetische

- Vertraglichkeit:
. die Motoren erfijllen sie
) Anderung zu Richtlinie uber elektrornagnetische Vertraglichkeit
9419lEC ATEX-Bestirnrnungen bei explosionsgefahrdeten Urngebungen soweit zutreffend

Direttiva Descrizione
93123lEEC Direttiva sulle basse tensioni: I rnotori hanno la relativa certificazione CE
93168lEEC Ernendarnento della Direttiva sulle basse tensioni

98137lEC Direttiva sui rnacchinari: i rnotori sono fuori da questo arnbito

891336lEEC Direttiva sulla cornpatibilith elettrornagnetica

92/31/EEC 1 Rispettata ernendarnento della Direttiva sulla cornpatibilita
93168lEEC I

9419lEC Norrnativa ATEX per arnbienti pericolosi per quanto applicabile


conditions apply

If motors are marked by any of the 7 symbols, special

Si les moteurs portent I'un des 7 symboles indiqubs, des

conditions spbciales seront applicables
Wenn Motoren mit einem der 7 Symbole markiert sind,

QQQ gelten Sonderbedingungen

Se i motori sono contrassegnati da uno dei 7 simboli,
significa che delle condizioni speciali sono applicabili
Refer to: a) Constructional standards
b) The approval certificate
c\ Codes of practice
All operations must be carried out by appropriately trainedpersonnel

Se reporter A: a) Normes de construction

b) Certificat d'homologation
c) Codes de dbontologie
Toutes les manoeuvres doivent Ptre effectuPes par un personnel ayant r e p une
formation appropri6e

Bine nachschlagen in: a) Baunormen

b) Zulassungsbescheinigung
c) Richtlinien
Alle Arbenen mussen von entsprechendgeschultem PersonalausgefOhrt werden

Fare riferimento a: a) Normative di costruzione

b) II certificato di approvazione
cl I codici di
Tune le operazioni devono essere effettuate da personale qualificato

Storage Stockage Lagerung lrnrnagazzinggio

x \,

I 1,
J Energise heaters ./ Mettre sous tension les
if fitted or use desiccant rbchauffeurs si install& ou

J Falls vorhanden,
utiliser un dbshydratant
Alimentare i riscaldatori
Heizgerite einschalten, se montati od usare un
sonst Trockenmittel essiccante

)(Vibration I( Vibration

'. )( Vibration K Vibrazione

Requirements 1 week: rotate shaft approximately 90'
Obligations Toutes les semaines: rotation de I'arbre 90" environ
Wochentlich: Welle mit Hand drehen ungefahre 90'
OGNl settimana: Ruotare I'albero di 90" gradi

3 months check insulation resistance.

Tous les 3 mois vbrifiez la rbsistance d'isolement, si infbrieur A 10 Mohm, Btuver le
Vierteljahrlich lsolationswiderstand prijfen. Wenn unter 10 M Ohm, Wicklung trocknen
Ogni 3 mesi: Controllare la risistenza d'isolamento.
Induction motor ~ ~~ . . ~ ~ ~.
. .
. . Machine lnstructions G B . . . 3 . . .
. . . . . .~ . . .

. .
. . .~
. . . . . ~. . . . .. . D 6'. .
. . . .

Kortsluten motor

Motorinstruktioner DK 12
lnduktie motor
... ' '

. .
Motor instructies
.... . .
. .
. .
. . ,15. .

Moteu a cage

Motores de jaula de ardilla ~~ ~ ~. .

. .

Motore a Gabbia di Scoiattolo

lstruzioni I 26

Silnik elektryczny
lnstrukcja ujtkowania PL 34

Svend Heyer N S
Over Hadstenvej 42 . DK 8370 Hadslen
Tel. (+'IS) 88 98 21 11 . Fax (+45) 86 98 17 79

- E-rnall: svendhoyo~svendhoyer.dk.http://www.svendhoyer.dk
Over Hadstenvei42 Bank: DenOanrkeBank
P8S : 0070 9212
OK 8370 Hadrten AIS reg.",. 216719
Fax it451 86 98 17 79 Moms nr OK 17 63 06 95
Email: svendhoye~rvendhoyardk hltp//w.svendhoyer.dk

EC Declaration of Conformity
The Manufacturer: Svend H@yerA / S
Over Hadstenvej 42
DK 8370 Hadsten, Denmark

Herby declares that

3 The products: H0yer Motors (3-phase induction machines).
Aluminium motors: MS 56-132
Cast iron motors: Y2E2 80.400

Are in conformity with the following:

International standards:
IEC 34.38.72 & 85, EN 60 0 3 4 1 & E N 60 072

This means that the motors complies the following:

EMC Directive 891336EEC (amended by 92131EEC and 93168EEC)
regarding the intrinsic characteristics to emission and immunity levels,

Low Voltage Directive 73123EEC (amended by 93168EEC)

The design of the motors, considered as components, comply with the essential requirements of

Machinery Directive 98137EEC provided that the installation is correctly

realised by the manufacturer of the machinery. (for example: According
to our Machine Instmctions)

The motors are provided with a CE marking

September 2005
; 7 Motor Instructions Direct start or star-delta start
The terminal box on standard single speed motors
Declaration of Conformity normally contains 6 winding terminals and at least one
earth terminal.
Declaration of Conformity with respect to the Low vol-
tage Directive 73/23/EEC amended by Directive 93/68 Earthing shall be carried out according to local regu-
EEC are issued separately with individual motors. lations before the motor is connected to the supply
The declaration of Conformity also satisfies the require-
ments of a Declaration of Incorporation with respect to The voltage and connection are stamped on the rating
the Machinery Directive 89/392/EEC. plate.

Validity Direct starting

Y or Awinding connections may be used. eg 690 W, 400
The instructions are valid for the following Hwer electri- VA indicates Y-connection for 690 V and A-connection
cal motor types, in motor operation. for 400 V.

Aluminiummotors MS 56-132 Star-Delta start (YIA):

Cast motors Y2E2 80-400 The supply voltage must be equal to the rated voitage of
the motor in A-connection.
(Additional information may be required for some motor Remove all connection links from the terminal block.
types due to special application andlor design conside-
For two-speed and special motors, supply connection
\ -1 rations') must follow the instructions inside the terminal box.
Activating the motor
Terminals and direction o f rotation
Acceptance inspection Direction of rotation is clockwise when viewing the
Immediately upon receipt check the motor for external shaft face at the motor drive end, when the line phase
damage and if found, inform the forwarding agent right sequence L1, L2, L3 is connected to the terminals as
away. shown in enclosed drawing.

Check all rating plate informations, especially voltage By interchanging the connection of any two line cables.
and winding connection (star or delta). the direction and rotation is altered.

Turn shaft by hand to check free rotation, remove trans- If the motor has a uni-directional fan check that the
port locking if used. direction of rotation is according to the arrow marked
on the motor.
Insulation resistance check

when winding dampness is suspected.

Measure insulation resistance before commissionino and Employment

Operating environment
Resistance, measured at 25" C shall exceed the refe- The motor is meant for use in industrial environments.
rence value, ie Normal surrounding temperature limits -25' to +40° C.
Maximum altitude 1000m above sea level.

Security precautions
Where U = voltage in Volts; P = power output in kW The motor is intended to be installed and used by
qualified personel who are familiar with relevant safety
WARNING requirements.
Windings should be discharged right away after measu-
rement to avoid risk for electric shock. Safety equipment necessary for the prevention of
accidents at the mounting and operating site shall be
Insulation resistance reference value is halved for each provided in accordance with the normal regulations in
20" C rise in surrounding temperature. the local country.
If the reference resistance value is not secured, the win-
ding is too damp and must be oven dried. WARNING
Oven temperature should be 90" C for 12-16 hours fol- Small motors with supply current directly switched by
lowed by 105' C for 6-8 hours. thermally sensitive switches can start automatically.

If drain hole plugs are fitted, they must be removed Important

during heating. the motor shall not be used to step on
the outer casing of the motor may be very hot, even
Ifwindings get soaked in sea water, they normally need during normal operation
to be rewound some special motor applications require special
instructions (eg using frequency converter supplies).

September 2005
, -1 Handling 100 resistance elements.

All motor storage should be done indoors, in dry, vibra- Voltage may be connected at standstill inside the termi-
tion free and dust free conditions. nal box for heating elements or direct winding heating.

Unprotected motor surfaces (shaft-ends and flanges) Connection diagrams for auxiliary elements are placed
should be given anti-corrosion coatings. inside the terminal box cover.
It is recommended that shafts are rotated periodically by
hand to prevent grease migration. WARNING
Anti condensation heaters, if fitted, should preferably The caoacitor in single-phase motors can keep a charge
be energized. which appears across ihe motor terminals, even when
the motor has reached standstill.
The characteristics of electrolytic capacitors, if fitted to
single-phase motors, will require weforming" following Assembly and disassembling
periods of storage beyond 1-2 years. Contact Svend
Hvyer AIS for details. Important
These two jobs must be carried out by qualified personel
Installation using only suitable tools and working methods.

Base Bearings
The purchaser bears full responsibility for preparation Special care shall be taken with the bearings. Bearings
' -3 of the base. shall be removed using pullers and fitted by heating or
the use of specialized tools for the purpose.
Metal bases should be painted to avoid corrosion.
Fitting coupling halves and pulleys
The base must be even, and sufficiently rigid to with- Coupling halves and pulleys shall be fitted using suitable
stand possible short circuit forces. They shall be dimen- equipment and tools that do not damage the bearings.
sioned as to avoid the occurrence of vibration due to
resonance. Never fit a coupling half or pulley by hammering into
place or remove it using a lever pressed against the
Base studs body of the motor.
Bolt the base studs to the feet of the motor and place a
1-2 mm shim between the stud and the feet. Equilibration

Align the motor by using appropriate means. The rotor of the motor is dynamically balanced.

Grout the studs with concrete, check alignment, and drill As standard, balancing has been carried out using a
holes for locating pins. half key.

Drain holes Maintenance and greasing

If the mounting designation differs from standard, check
that open drain holes face downwards. Common check-up
Motors with closable plastic drain plugs are delivered check the motor at regular intewals
with these in the open position. keep the motor clean and ensure free ventilation
) In extremely dusty environments all drain holes should air-flow
be closed. check the condition of shaft seals (eg V-ring) and
replace if necessary
Setup check the condition of connections and mounting and
Correct setup is essential to avoid problems with bear- assembly bolts
ings, vibrations and possible fractured shaft extensions. check the bearing condition by listening for unusual
noise, vibration measurement, bearing temperature.
Connection inspection of spent grease or SPM bearing monito-
The normal motor design is with cable entries on both ring
sides and with terminal box on top. "When changes of condition occur, dismantle the
Motors are available with top mounted terminal boxes motor, check the parts and replace if necessary."
rotatable 4 x 90, and some with side mounted terminal
boxes. Greasing
Motors with eternal greased bearings.
Availability of these solutions is described in the product Motors up to frame size 160 are normally fitted with eter-
catalogues. nal greased bearings of the 2RS type. Bearing types are
specified in the respective product catalogues.
Ifany cable entries are not in use, they must be closed.
Motors fitted with 2RS-bearings can be regreased by
Besides the main winding and earthing terminals the ter- opening the motor, cleaning the bearings and bearing
minal box can also contain connections for thermistors, -
housings, and filling these with new grease approxim-
standstill heating elements, bimetallic switches, or PT ately t o a level arouid 50-70%.
September 2005
, 7 Guidelines for regreasing intervals are:
20.000 - 40.000 duty hours for > 4 pole motors.
When regreasing, use only special ball bearing grease
10.000 - 20.000 duty hours for 2 and 214 pole motors. with the following properties:
The shorter times are valid for larger frame sizes. good quality lithium base or lithium complex grease
base oil viscosity 100-140 cST at 40' C
Motors fitted with grease nipples consistency NLGl grade 2 or 3
Grease the motor while running and especially during temperature range -30" C - +120° C, continuously.
start-up for the first time.
Grease with the correct properties are available from all
If grease outlet plug fitted, remove temporarily when the major lubricant manufacturers.
greasing, or permanently with automatic greasing.
If the make of grease is changed and compatibility is
If the motor is fitted with a greasing information plate, uncertain, grease several times at short intervals in order
follow the values given, othewise use values as fol- to displace the old grease.
Highly loaded andlor slowly rotating bearings require
Frame Amount of 3600 3000 1800 1500 1000 500-900 EP-grease.
size Grease (g) rlmin rlmin rlmin rlmin rlmin rlmin
Ball bearings If greasing intervals are short due to bearing tempera-
~ubrication intervals in duty hours tures of 80' C or above, use high temperature greases
112.132 15 4200 4800 7000 7800 10000 10500 which normally permit approximately 15 K higher bear-
160,180 20 3200 4200 60007000 9000 10000 ing temperatures.
() 200.225 25 1800 3100 5500 6500 8500 9000
250.280 35 800 2000 5000 6000 8000 8500 If the surrounding temperature is below -25' C consult
315 50 800 2000 4600 5500 7500 8000 Svend Hwer A S regarding the possible use of low tem-
355 60 - 1000 4000 5000 7000 8000 perature grease.
400 81 - 2500 3000 5000 6000
Roller bearings WARNING
Lubrication intervals in duty hours Many greases can cause skin irritation and eye infla-
200.225 25 900 1500 43005000 6500 7000 mation.
Follow all safety precautions specified by the manu-

Spare parts
When ordering spare parts, the full type designation
The table is prepared for horizontally mounted motors. and product code as stated on the rating plate must be
specified. If the motor is stamped with a serial manufac-
Greasing intervals for vertical motors are half of the turing number, this should also be given.
above values.

The grease amount in the table is used if small quanti-

ties of fresh grease are replaced at regular intervals as
The table values are based on 80' C bearing tempera-
1 ture. The values should be halved for every 15 K increase
1 in bearing temperature.

If the maximum bearing temperature is 70" C, the table

values may be doubled.

The maximum operating temperature of the grease and
bearings must not be exceeded.

Higher speed operation, eg frequency converter appli-

cations, or slower speed with heavy loading will require
shortened greasing intervals. Consult Svend Hsyer AIS
in such cases.

Typically a doubling of speed will require a reduction of

greasing intervals to approx. 40% of values tabulated

Suitability of bearings for high speed operation must

also be checked.

September 2005
] Betriebsanleitung Zeitraum von 12 bis 16 Stunden getrocknet werden. Die
Schiusstrocknung muss bei einer Temperatur von 105°C
KonformitiitserklZrung uber einen Zeitraum von 6 bis 8 Stunden durchgefuhrt
Konformitatserklarung gemaR der Niederspannungsricht- Eventuelle Verschiusse oder Pfropfen mussen vor dem
linie 73/23/EWG, geandert durch die Richtlinie 93/68/ Trockenvorgang enifemt werden, damit die Feuchtigkeit
EWG, werden gesondert herausgegeben. aus dem Motor entweichen kann.

Die Konfonitatserklamng erfullt auRerdem die Anforder- Sollten die Wicklungen mit Salzwasser in BeNhrung
unoen einer Herstellererklaruno oemaR der Maschinen- gekommen sein, mussen diese Wicklungen in der Regel
ausgetauscht werden.

Giiltigkeit Direkteinschaltuna oder Stem-Dreieck-Anlauf

Im Anschlusskast~von einphasigen Standardmotoren
Diese Betriebsanleitung bezieht sich auf die im foigen- finden Sie normalerweise sechs Anschlussklemmen und
den genannten Baureihen aus dem Produktpmgramm mindestens eine Erdungsklemme.
der Firma Svend Heyer AIS, Danemark. Die Betriebs-
anleitung gilt fur den Betrieb als Motor. Eine Erdung muss in Cibereinstimmung mit den jeweiis
national und regional geltenden Vorschriften vorgenom-
Aluminiummotoren: BaugroRe MS 56-132 men werden.
Guss Motoren: BaugroRe Y2E2 80-400 Spannung und Leistungsart sind auf dem Motor ange-
(Bei Sonderausfuhmngen oder speziellen Applikationen
werden unter Umstanden zusatzliche Infonationen Direkteinschaltung (DOL)
bentitigt) Es kann zwischen den Betriebsarten Sternschaitung
und Dreieckschaltung gewRlt werden. Die Angaben
lnbetriebnahme 690VY und 400VA geben die Anschlussart "Stem" fur die
Spannung 690V und die Anschlussart "Dreieck" fur die
Eingangskontmlle Spannung 400V an.
Unmittelbar nach der Entgegennahme sollte der Motor
auf auRere Beschadigungen hin untersucht werden. Im Stern-Dreieck-Anlauf
Schadensfali solite der verantwortliche Spediteur umge- Die Versomunossoannuno ist oleich der auf dem Motor
hend verstandigt werden. angegebenen spannung'i"r z e Dreieckschaltung. Alle
Die auf dem Motor angegebenen Daten, wie Spannung Verbindungslaschen am Klemmenblock mussen entfernt
und Schaltungsart (Y= Sternschaltung und A = Dreieck- werden.
schaltung), sollten unbedingt i l b e r p ~ fwerden.
t Bei Motoren mit Polumschaltung und Sonderausfuhr-
ungen mussen die Angaben im Anschlusskasten beach-
Die Motorwelie muss sich mit Handkraft bewegen las- tet werden.
sen und frei drehbar sein. Evtl. angebrachte Transport-
Siche~ngensind zu entfernen. Anschlussklemmen und Laufrichtung
Bei einer Betrachtung der Laufrichtung vom Antriebs
wellen ende (AS), lauft die Welle in Uhneigerichtung,
Vor einer lnbetriebnahme und bei erhohter Umgebungs- wenn die Phasen L1, L2. L3 der Versorgungsspannung

) sen w&den:
feuchtiakeit, muss der isolationswiderstandnachaemes- wie auf der beigelegten Zeichnung angeschlossen sind.

Gemessen mit einem lsolations~riiferllOOOV DC) und Die Laufrichtung andert sich, sobald zwei beliebe
bei einer Temperatur von 25'C, s&te de;lsolationskder- Anschiussleitungen vertauscht werden.
stand Ri die foigenden Bezugswerte ubersteigen: Falls der Motor mit einem drehrichtungsabhangigen
Lufter ausgestattet sein sollte, ist die Cibereinstimmung
der Laufrichtung mit dem auf dem Motor angebrachten
Pfeilsymbol zu uberp~fen.
Mit U = Spannung M
P = Ausgangsleistung FW] Anwendung

ACHTUNG: Betnebsbedingungen
Um die Gefahr eines StromstoRes fur Menschen auszu- Die Motoren sind fur die Anwendung in industrielien
schlieflen, mussen die Wicklungen unmittelbar nach der Antriebssystemen gebaut. Die standardmaRigen Grenz-
Messung entladen werden. werte der Umgebungstemperatur liegen im Bereich
von -25°C bis zu 40°C. Die maximale lnstallationshdhe
Bei erhohten Umgebungstemperaturen ist der angege- betragt 1000 Meter uber Normal Null (NN).
bene Bezugswert pro 20% Steigemng zu halbieren.
Solite der Bezugswert nicht erreicht werden konnen, Die Installation und der Betrieb des Motors durfen nur
liegt dieses an einer zu hohen Feuchtigkeit innerhalb durch qualifizierte Fachkriifte erfolgen. Diese Personen
der Motonvicklungen. Elne Trocknung des Motors ist
deshalb erforderlich. Der Motor sollte bei einer Trocken-
mussen mit den ieweilioen Sicherheitsanfordemnoen
vertraut sein.
i 1 temperatur von 90°C in einem Trockenofen uber einen Die notwendigen Sicherheitseinrichtungen fur die
September 2005
Verhutung von Unfallen wahrend der Aufstellung und Anschluss
wahrend des Betriebes des Motors mussen mit den
jeweiligen nationalen und regionale Sicherheitsbestim- Der Anschlusskasten befindet ist bei der Standardaus-
mungen ubereinstimmen. fuhmng auf der Oberseite des Motors und macht die
Kabelzufuhrung von beiden Seiten rnoglich.
Kleinere Motoren, die uber einen temperaturabhangigen Motoren mit Anschlusskasten, die auf der Seite des
Schalter direM an der Versorgungsspannung angekop- Motors angebracht sind, sind auch erhaltlich.
~ e lsind,
t konnen eventuelle selbststandig anlaufen. Die Verfugbarkeit dieser Motoren ist bei Svend Hwer
AIS direMzu klaren.
Nicht auf den Motor treten oder steigen! Nicht benotigte h u n g e n am Anschlusskasten mussen
Auch bei nonnaiem Betrieb kann die Motomberllache verschlossen werden.
hein werden!
Einige Applikationen, wie der Motorbetrieb mit Fre- Neben den Anschlussen fur die Primarwicklung und den
quenzumrichter, konnen spezielle lnforrnationen Erdungsklemmen, enthalt der Anschlusskasten weitere
erfordern. Anschlussmoglichkeiten z.6. furThermistoren, Ruheheiz-
ung. Bi-metall Schalter oder PT100 Widerstandsfuhler.
Lagemng Auch bei Motorstillstand konnen fur Menschen gefihr-
Die Motoren sind in geschlossenen Raumen trocken, llche Spannungen, z.6. f2r die Versorgung von ~ i i z e l e -
vibrations- und staubfrei zu lagern. menten oder fiir die airekte Wicklungsheizung anliegen.
j )
Ungeschutzle, schon bearbeitet Oberflachen Wellenen- WARNUNG:
- - mit Korrosions-
den und Flansche) sind vor der Laqemng Bei einphasigen Motoren kann die Restladung des Kon-
schutzmitteln zu tiehandelm aensators aich bei stillstehendem Motor eine elektrische
Um eine gleichmanige Schmiemng auch im Lagerzu- Spannung an den Motoranschlussklemmen bewirken.
stand zu eneichen, empfehlen wir lhnen die Antriebs-
welle regelmaflig von Hand zu betatigen. Montage und Demontage

Evtl. vorhandene Heizelemente sollten angeschlossen Generelles

werden. Montage und Demontage des Motors durfen nur durch
qualifiziertes Fachpersonal und nur unter Verwendung
Die fur den Betrieb von einphasigen Motoren evtl. ver- geeigneter Hilfsmittel durchgefuhrt werden.
wendeten Elektmlytkondensatoren mussen nach 1- bis
2-jahriger Lagemng neu formiert werden. Die Lager
Nahere lnfonnationen erhalten Sie bei Svend Hwer Die Lager mussen mit besonderer Sorgfalt behandelt
AS. werden. Sie durfen nur mit dafur geeigneten Auszieh-
werkzeugen demontiett werden. Eine Montage darf nur
Installation in erwarmten Zustand oder unter Verwendung von Spe-
zialwerkzeugen erfolgen.
Der Kaufer tragt die voller Verantwortung fur die sach- Anbau von Riemenscheiben undKupplungshNten
) gemaeer Vorbereitung des Maschinenfundaments. Riemenscheiben und Kupplungshalften durfen nur mit
Metallfundamente sollten durch einen korrosionsfesten dafur geeigneter Ausrihtung und Werkzeug montiert
Anstrich geschiitzt sein. werden. Eine Beschadigung der Lager muss ausge-
schlossen sein.
Die Motorfundamente mussen eben und steif genug Schiaaen Sie niemals eine Ku~~lunashaifte oder
sein, um den erhohten Wften im Kurzschlussfall stand- ~iemekcheibe mit dem ~ammerei".'Beii e r Demontage
halten zu konnen. Die Fundamente mussen so ausgelegt darf die Hebelkratt niemals auf das Gehause einwirken.
sein, dass Schwingungen auf Gmnd von Resonanzen
ausgeschlossen werden. Auswuchten

Entwfisservngsdffnungen Der Rotor dieses Motors ist dynamisch ausgewuchtet.

Falls die Bauform nicht der Standardausfuhruna ents- Eine Auswuchtuna mit halbe Passfeder wurde
pricht, muss uberpriift werden, ob alle ~ n t k s s e r - standardmenig- vorg&ommen

ungsoffnungen nach unten gerichtet sind. Motoren, die

verschlieobare K ~ n ~ t S t o f f ~ t b enthalten,
D~el wemen mit Wartung
- und Schmierung
offenen Stopseln angeliefert.'ln staubreicher Umgebung
mussen alle Entwasse~ngstjffnungenpermanent ver- Allgemeine Kontmlle
schlossen sein. Der Motor sollte in regelmafligen lnte~allenunter-
gucht werden.
Ausrichtung Uberprufen Sie regelmiiflig den Zustand der
Eine genaue Ausrichtung ist fur die Vermeidung von Wellendichtungen und erneuern Sie diese, falls not-
Schwingungen. Lagerschaden und evtl. Bruch des wendig.
Wellen ende von hkhster Wichtigkeit. Der Motor solite sauber gehalten werden und es
i. 1 7
September 2005
I ) sollte fur einen ausreichenden kuhlenden Luftstrom Bei wertikai installierten Motoren mussen die angege-
gesorgt werden. benen Werte um 50% veningert werden.
Uberprijfen Sie alle Verschraubungen und Verbin- 1st der Motor mit einem Schmierstoffauslassventil ver-
dungselemente sehen, besteht die Moglichkeit, frische Schmierstoffe
Uberprijfen Sie den Zustand der Lager: einzud~cken,bis ein kompletter Schmierstoffaustausch
- Akustisch auf Schleifgedusche stattgefunden hat.
- Vibrationsmessungen
- Temperaturmessung des Lagers Die angegebenen Werte gehen von einer Lagerbetriebs-
- Fettverbrauch des Lagers temperatur von 80°C aus. Fur jeweils 15% mehr, mus-
- SPM Lagerubenvachung sen die Listenwerte halbiert werden.
Bei einer maximalen Lagerbetriebstemperatur von
Bei einer Zustandsverinderung ist der Motor zu demon- 70% konnen die angegebenen Listenwerte verdoppelt
tieren und alle Bauteile mussen untersucht und bei werden.
Bedarf ausgetauscht werden.
SChmie~ng Folgende Betriebsbedingungen verringern die Nach-
Motor mit Dermanent aeschmierten Laaern schmierfristen:
Motoren mit einer Achsenhohe bis zu 160 sind in der Niedrige Drehzahlen mit hoher Belastung
Regel mit permanent geschmierten Lagern des Typs Hohe Drehzahlen (Frequenzumrichterbetrieb)
2RS ausgeriistet. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Svend Hrayer AIS.

Motoren, die mit 2RS Lagern ausgerijstet sind, konnen Ein typischer Wert ist die Veningemng der angegebenen
nachgeschmiert werden. ber ~ o t o muss
r dafur demon- Werte um 40%, bei einer Verdopplung der Drehzahlen.
tiert werden und die Laaer und Laaeraehause mussen Die Tauglichkeit der Lager fijr den Betrieb mit hohen
gereinigt und mit 50% b&. 70% ~ e tbifullt
t werden. Als Drehzahlen ist immer zu uberplijfen.
Richtlinie fur Nachschmierintervalle gilt:
20.000 bis 40.000 Betriebsstunden fur vier-Imehrpolige Schmierstoffe
Motoren. Fur die Nachschmiemng darf nur ein spezielles Fett ver-
10.000 bis 20.000 Betriebsstunden fur zweipolige und wendet werden. Dieses Fen muss auf die Schmiemng
zwei-Ivierpolige Motoren. von Kugellagern abgestimmt sein und muss folgende
Je hoher die Achsenhohe des Motors ist, desto kurzer Eigenschaften haben:
sollten die Kontrollintervaile sein. Fette auf Lithiumbasis oder Lithiumkomplexbasis
Mskositat des Basisols: 100cST bis 140cST bei 40%
Motoren mit Nachschmierza~fen = Eine Konsistenz von NLGl Grad 2 oder Grad 3
Der Motor muss im Betriebszustandgeschmiert werden. Betriebstemperatur von -30% bis zu 120'C
Besonden wichtia sind die Schmieren bei der ersten
Inbetriebnahme. Fette mit diesen Eigenschaften konnen Sie uber alle nen-
nenswerten Schmiemittelhersteller erhalten.
Bei einem Motor mit Schmierstoffauslass Stopfen, muss Sollten Sie beim Nachschmieren Zweifel uber die Ver-
dbr Stopfen wahrend des Nachschmierens offen sein. traglichkeit der beiden Schmiermittel miteinander haben,
Bei selbsttdtig wirkenden Schmiersystemen, muss die sollte das neue Schmiermittel in kurzen Abstanden nach-
~ u s l a s s o f f n uimmer
i~ offen gehalten werden. geschmiert werden, um das alte Schmiermittei komplett
zu verdranaen.
Wenn der Motor mit einer Nachschmiermarkie~ngver- ~ochbelastbareLager und besonders langsam laufende
1 gelten die nachfolgenden ~ n ~ a b i n .
sehen ist. mussen Sie diesen Anaaben folaen. Im ubriae - Laaer mussen mit einem S~eZialSchmiermittelIEP-Fett)
ge&hmiert werden.

AchshaheFettmenge3600 3000 1800 1500 1000 500-900 Wird der Motor bei hoher TemDeratur ((80(C) betrie-
R rlmin rlmin rlminrlmin rlmin r/min ben, sollte ein spezielles ~ o c h t e m ~ e r a t u hverwendet
Kuelelaeer werden. Normalerweise erreichen Sie eine Betriebstem-
~achschmierinteruallein Betriebsstunden peraturbereichserhohung um 15"C, wenn Sie ein solches
112.132 15 4200 4800 7000 7800 10000 10500 Speziaifett venvenden.
Bei Umgebungstemperaturen unter -25% sollten Sie
zusammen mit der Svend Hsyer A 6 klaren, ob ein spe-
zielles Niedertemperaturfett eingesetzl werde kann.

Fur eine korrekte Bestellung von Ersahteilen, muss die
kompiette Typenbezeichnung (siehe Typenschild auf
~achscj;mierintenrallein Betriebsstunden dem Motor) angegeben werden. Hat der Motor eine
200.225 25 900 1500 4300 5000 6500 7000 Seriennummer, sollte diese auch angegeben werden.
250.280 35 400 1000 3300 4500 6300 6800

Diese Tabelie gilt nur fur horizontal installierte Motoren.

September 2005
-") Motorinstruktioner Direktstart eller YIA
Uttagsladan till en standard enhastighetsmotor innehal-
Bverenstammelseforklaring ler normalt 6 lindningsuttag och minst ett jorduttag.

C)verenstammelsefork.aring viomranoe lhgsphningsdi- Mororn skall ansl~tasti.1 ,or0 en igt gallande bestammei-
rektivet 73123lEEC kompletterat med o rektnv 93168lEEC ser innan den ansuts till natet.
utfardas separat med enskilda motorer.
Spanning och koppling framgt av markskylten.
C)verenstBmmelsef6rklaringtacker ocksa kraven for en
inbyggnadsdeklaration med avseende p i maskindirekti- Direktstart
vet 891392lEEC. Y eller A koppling kan nyttjas. T.ex. 690 VY, 400 VA
anger Y-koppling for 690 V och A-koppling for 400 V.
lnstmktionernagaller for foljande el-motorer frhn Svend Natspanningen maste vara lika med motorns markspan-
Hoyer A6 som t i drift: ning i A-koppling. Alla kopplingsbleck skall tas bortfdn
Aluminiummotor MS 56-132
Gjutjarnsmotor Y2E2 80-400 For specialmotorer och andra tvhhastighetsmotorer
mhste anslutningen till natet folja anvisningarna i ut-
Wtterliaare information kan vara ett krav for vissa tagsladan.
inotorljper som berirr speciell anvindning ochleller av
konst~ktionsmassighansyn.) Uttag och rotationsriktning
Rotationsriktningen ar medurs sett mot axelandan pa
drivsidan om natfasorna L1, L2 och L3 ligger anslutna
till uttagen som visas pa bifogade ritning.
Omedelbart vid ankomsten skall motorn ses over sh den Rotationsriktningen andras genom att v h l a plats ph tvh
inte har skadats under transporten. Om den skadats av natanslutningskablarna.
skall speditoren unden2ttas om detta omedelbart.

All markdata skall kontrolleras, speciellt spanning och

Om motorn ar utmstad med en envags-flakt skall det
kontrolleras, om mtationsriktningenar som angivet med
koppling (Y,stjama eller trekant). pilen pa motorn.

Vrid axeln for hand for att kontrollera att den roterar Anvindning
Avlagsna eventuell transportlasning. Motorn ar avsedd att anvandas i industrimiljoer.
Grinserna for normal omgivningstemperatur ar -25°C till
Kontroll av isolationsresistansen +40°C. Maximal hijjd over havet ar 1000 m.
lsolationsresistansenskail matas fore idrifrtaanino och
dB man kan misstanka att lindningama blivit'iuktiga. Sikerhetsaspekter
Motorn skall installeras av kvalificerad personal som har
3 Resistansen matt vid 25' C skall vara stone i n refe-
rensvardet, dvs:
kunskaper om erforderligasakerhetskrav.

Den sakerhetsutmstning som ar nodvandig for att

Ri [Mn] 2 (20 X U ) l(1000 X ZP), hindra olyckor vid montering och anvdndning skall an-
vandas i enlighet med landets lagar och forordningar.
dar U =spanning i volt, och P = uteffekt kW.
VARNING Var vanlig obse~era:
Lindningarna skall omedelbart urladdas efter matningen
for att undoa nsken for elektrisk chock. Motorn skall inte anvandas att klattra p i
Temperaturen pa motorns holje kan kannas mycke
Referensvardetfor isolationsresistansenhalveras for var hog vld berorlng aven under normal drift
20% hojning av omgivningstemperaturen.Om referens- Vissa speciella drifter for motorer kriver speciella
resistansen inte kan uppnhs ar lindningen instmktioner (t.ex. frekvensomriktardrifter
for fuktig och mhste torkas i ugn. Ugnstemperaturen
skall vara ph 90% i Hantering
12-16 timmar, och darefter pa 105°C i 6-8 timmar.
Om det finns pluggar i draneringshlen maste de tas ur All lagring av motorer skall girras inomhus under tona,
under uppvarmningen. vibrations-och dammfria forhallanden.
Lindningar drankta i havsvatten mhste normalt omlindas. Oskyddade bearbetade ytor (axeltapparoch flansar)
( ) 9
September 2005
,-) skall tackas med rostskyddsrnedel. Montering och demontering
Evt. Varmeelement for att motverka kondensvatten skall Detta arbete m b t e utforas av kunnig personal som
helst vara aktiverade. anvander andamAlsenliga
verktyg och arbetsmetoder.

Fundament Lager kriver specie11 omsorg. Lager skall dras av med
Bestallaren ansvarar for utforandet av fundamentet avdragare och sattas pa rned hjalp av uppvarmning eller
med anvandning av specialverktyg.
Metallfundament skall vara malade for att forhindra
korrosion. Montering av kopplingshahror och drivskwor
Kopplingshalvor och drivskivor skall monteras med
Fundamenten skall vara plana och tillrickligt stabila for hjalp av andamaisenlig utrustning och verktyg som inte
att motsta kortslutningskraftema. Fundamenten skall skadar lagren.
vara dimensionerade sa att vibrationer inte uppstar pa
gwnd av egenfrekvens. Montera aldrig en kopplingshalva eller en drlvskiva
genom att banka den pa plats eller demontera dem
Fistklotsar genom att banda mot statorn.
SkNW fast fastklossarna vid motorns fotter och placera
en 1-2 mm mellaniaggsplAt mellan klotsen och foten. Balansering
Motorns rotor ar dynamiskt balancerad
Rikta upp motorn med hjalp av en iimplig metod
Baianseringen har som standard blivit utford med halv kil.
Gjut fast klotsarna med betong, kontrollera uppriktnin-
gen och borra ha1 for att fasta styrpinnar. Underh%lloch smerjning

Om monteringssattet awiker f r h standard skall det

kontrolleras att drinerinashal mvnnar nedt. I extremt Kontrollera motorn regelbundet
dammiga miljoer skall alla draneringshal vara stangda. HUI motorn ren och sakerstall fri tillgang till
Uppriktning Kontrollera axeltatningarnas tillstend (t.ex V-ringen)
Det ar nodvandigt att ha en korrekt uppriktning for och ersatt dem om det ar nodvandigt
att undvika lagerprobiem, vibrationer och eventuellt Kontrollera natanslutningarnastillstand och alla s k ~
axeltappsavbrott. var for uppstallning och montage
Kontroilera lagrens tillstand genom att iyssna efter
Anslutning frimmande bud, vibrationsmatning, mata fettet eller
utnyttja SPM lagerove~akning.
Normalt ar motom konstwerad med uttagsladan ovanpa
motorn och med kabelanslutningsmiijligheterf d n bida "Om det upptrader andringar i tillstandet sB demontera
sidorna. Vissa motorer kan levereras. som soecial. med motorn, kontrollera ingaende delar och effiatt de delar
roterbar, 4X90°, uttagslada ovanpa motorn, bch andra som behover ersattas".
) med sidomonterad uttagslada.
Oanvanda hAI for kabelansiutning skall vara tbkta.
Motorer med ~ermanentsmordalaaer
FoNtOm anslutningar for huvudlindning och jord kan Motorer upp till storlek 160 ar normalt monterade med
uttagsladan ocksh innehalla anslutningar for termistorer, permanenkmorda lager av typen 2%. Lagerlyperna
element for stiliestAndsuoovarmnina.temoeratu~akter framgar av respektive produktkatalog.
av bimetalltyp eller PT 100 motst8ndselement.
Motorer med 2RS lager eftersmorjes eftersom motorn
lnmlNG oppnas, lager och lagerhus gors rena och nytt fett fylls
Trots att motorn star stilla kan soannina finnas ansluten pa till en niva pa c:a 50-70 %.
till uttagsladan for varme-element elleydirekt varme i
lindningen. Riktlinjer for omsmtijningsinte~allerar:
20.000 - 40.000 driftstimmar for > Cpolsmotorer.
VARNING 10.000 - 20.000 driftstimmar for < 2- och
Kondensatoren i enfasade motorer kan innehalla en 214-polsmotorer.
laddning som ligger over motorns uttag trots att motorn De kortare tiderna galler for storre storlekar.
star still.
Motorer med sm8rjnipplar
Motorn skall smbrjas medan den Br i drift, och skall
aven smojas under den forste uppstarten.

September 2005
Om det finns en piugg i fettutloppet sB skall denna hos alla storre fabrikanter av smojmedel.
; I)
tas bolt under smorjningen. Md automatisk smorjning
avlagsnas den permanent. Om fettkvaliteten andras och kompabiliteten ar osaker
sa smoj Atskilliga ganger med korta mellanrum sB att
Om motorn ar forsedd med en smorjskylt sB skall denna det gamla fettet ersatts.
foljas. I annat fall kan foljande varden anvandas.
Vid kraftig belastnig ochleller lengsamt roterande lager
Motorstorlek Mangd 3600 3000 1800 1500 1000 500-900 skall det anvandas EP-fett.
Fett (g) rlmin rlmin rlmin rlmin rlmin rlmin
. Vid kortare smorjinte~ailerbemende p i en lagerte-
~mii&tervall i driftstimmar mperatur pa 80°C eller darover skall det anvandas
112.132 15 4200 4800 7000 7800 1000010500 hogtemperaturlett, som normalt tillater c:a 15 K hogre

Om den omgivande temperaturen ar under -25°C skall

Svend Hover AB kontaktas anoaende eventuell anvand-
ning av l~&emperaturlett.
400 81 - - 2500 3000 5000 6000
Rullager VARNING
Sm8rjintewall i driftstimmar
200,225 25 900 1500 4300 5000 6500 7000
MBnaa smorimedel kan orsaka hudinitation och haon- .
besAr. F61j iarfijr alla fabrikanters sakerhetsfiireskrifter.

Md bestallning av rese~delarfodras alla de betack-
ningar och produktkoder, som t angivet pa marketiket-
ten. Om motorn ar u t ~ s t a d
med ett serienummer, skail
Tabellen dr utarbetad for horisontellt monterade motorer. detta angivas.

Smojinte~allenfor vertikalt monterade motorer ar

halften av ovanstaende varden.

Den fettmangd som ar angiven i tabellen skall anvan-

das, om sm8 mangder fett regelbundet ersatts med
ovanstaende inte~all.

Tabellvardena ar baserade pa en lagertemperatur pa

80°C. Vardena skall halveras for var 15 K okning i lager-
temperaturen. Om maximaia lagertemperaturenar 7O0C
kan tabeliens varden fordubblas.

Den maximala arbetstemperaturenfor fett och lager far
) inte overskridas.

Kortare smojinte~allerkravs vid hogva~sdriftereller

lagre varvtal vid stor last.

Wd en fordubbling av varvtalet kravs en minskning av

smojintewallen till omkring 40 % av ovantaende tabells

Det skall ocksa kontrolleras lagrens lamplighet for


Md smojning skall det anvandas speciellt kullagerfett
med foljande egenskaper.

Litiumfett eller litiumkomplexfett av god kvalitet

RBolieviskositet 100-140 cST vid 40'C
~~~ ~ ~~

oni is tens NLGl grade 2 eller 3

Temperaturomrade -30°C - +120'C, kontinuerligt

Fett med de korrekta egenskaperna finns tillgangliga

i i
September 2005
- -
' - Motorinst~ktioner Direkte igangsaetning eller
Overensstemmelseserklaring Klemkassen pa motorer med Bn hastighed indeholder
normalt 6 viklingsklemmer og mindst Bn jordklemme.
Overensstemmelseserklaring vedrerende lavspan-
dingsdirektiv 73123IE0F med zndringer i direktiv 93/68 Jordingen skal udferes i henhold ti1 lokale forskrifter, far
E0F udstedes separat for enkelte motorer. motoren tilsluttes forsyningsspandingen.

Overensstemmelseserklaringen skal ogsa opfyide kra- Spending og tilslutning er praget pa maerkepladen.

vene i en indbygnings erklaring vedrerende maskindi-
rekiv 891392lE0F Direkte igangsatning
Der kan anvendes Y- eller A-viklingskobiinger, f.eks.
Gyldighed 690 VY, 400 V A, hvor Y angiver tilslutning ti1 690 V og A
tilslutning ti1 400 V.
lnstmktionernegalder for felgende el-motorer fra Svend
Hwer A/S, som er i drift Stjemeltrekant-igangsgtning VIA)
Spandingsforsyningen skal vzere lig med motorens
Aluminiumsmotor MS 56-132 markespanding i A-koblingen. Fjern aile koblingsforbin-
Stebejern Y2E2 80-400 delser fra kiemr~kken.

(Yderligere informationer kan vare pakravet for visse Specialmotorer eller motorer med to hastigheder skal

:) motorlyper som felge af saerlig anvendelse ogleller af

konstmktionsmaessige hensyn).
oveholde instruktionerne i klemkassen.

Klemmer og omdrejningsretning
AMivering af motor Omdrejningsretningen er med uret, nar man ser pa aksel-
fladen ved enden af motordrevet, og nar liniefasesekven-
Afleveringsfomtning sen L1, L2 og L3 er tilsluttet de klemmer, som er vist pa
Umiddelbart efter modtagelsen skal motoren ses efter vedlagte tegning.
for udvendig beskadigelse. Hvis den er beskadiget, skal
speditaren njeblikkeligt informeres. Retning og rotation aendres ved at bytte om pa de to
net ledninger.
Alle maerkepladeinformationer skal kontroileres, isar
spandings- og viklingskobling (stjerne eller trekant). Hvis motoren er forsynet med en envejs-ventilator, skal
det kontrolleres, om omdrejningsretningen er som angi-
Drej akslen ~ n dmed
t handen for at kontrollere, at den vet af pilen pa motoren.
mterer uhindret.
Kontml af isolationsmodstand
lsolationsmodstanden skal males far ib~gtagningog Dfiftsmiljn
ved mistanke om viklingsfugt. Motoren er beregnet ti1 anvendelse i industrimiqner.
Graenserne for den normale omgivende temperatur er
Modstand malt ved 25' C skal vaere sterre end referen- -25" C ti1 +40' C. Maks. hejde over havets overflade er
cevaerdien, dvs.: 1000 m.

Motoren skal installeres og anvendes af kvalificeret
hvor U = spanding i volt og P = afgivet effekt i kW personale, som er bekendt med de relevante sikker-
Viklinger ber aflades umiddelbart efter maling for at und- Det sikkerhedsudstyr, som er nadvendigt for forebyggei-
g8 risiko for eiektrisk stad. se af uheld pa opstillings- og driftsstedet, skal fremskaf-
fes i overensstemmelse med de forskrifter, som normalt
Referencevzrdien for isoiationsmodstanden halveres galder i det pagaeldende land.
for hver stigning pa 20" C i den omgivende temperatur.
Hvis referencemodstandsvardienikke opnb, er viklin- ADVARSEL
gen for fugtig og skal terres i en ovn. Ovntemperaturen SmB motorer med en stremforsyning, som tilsluttes
skal vare pa 90' C i 12-16 timer og derefter pA 105" C direkte ved hjalp af varmef0lsomme omskiftere, kan
i 6-8 timer. starte automatisk.

Hvis motoren er forsynet med draenskmer, skal de fjer- Wgtigt

nes under opvarmningen. Deter ikke tilladt at st8 oA motoren
~ ~

Motorhuset kan vare rileget vant, ogsa under nor-

Viklinger skal normalt omvikles, hvis de bliver gennem- mal drift
vzdet af hawand. Visse sarlige motoranvendelser kraver saerlige
instmktioner (f.eks. anvendelse af frekvensomformer)

September 2005
stramfarende pa tvaffi af motorklemmer, selvom moto-
ren er standset.
Alle motorer skal opbevares inden dare under tarre, Montering og demontering
vibrations- og stavfri forhold.

Ubeskyttede motolflader (akselender og -flanger) bar ~ k e a r b e j d eskal udfares af kvalificeret personale ved
pafares en korrosionsbestandig coating. Det anbefales hjalp af egnet varktej og passende arbejdsmetoder.
javnligt at dreje aksler rundt manuelt for at forhindre
fedtvandring. Lejer
Der skal udvises sarlig omhu over for lejer. Lejerne skal
Evt. varmelegemer ti1 forebyggelse mod kondensvand fjernes med aftrakkere og monteres ved opvarmning
skal helst vare aktiverede. eller anvendelse af specialvarktaj.

Installation Montering af koblingshalvdele og remskiver

Koblinasha.vdele oa remsiver skal monteres ved hi&
Fundament af egnEt udstyr og Garktaj, som ikke beskadiger lejerne.
Kaberen barer det fuide ansvar for etablering af fun-
damentet. Koblingshalvdeleeller remskiver ma aldrig monteres ved
at hamre dem pa plads eller ved at fjerne dem med en
Metalfundamenter bar males for at undge korrosion. Iaftestang, som presses mod motorens kmp.
/ ') Fundamentet skal vare lige og tilstrakkeligt solidt ti1
1 at kunne mod& eventuelle kortslutningskrefter. Fun-
damentet skal vare konstrueret, s~%vibrationer forhin- Motorens rotor er dynamisk afbalanceret.
dres pA gNnd af resonans.
Som standard udfares afbalanceringen ved hjalp af en
Fundamenttapskmer halv not.
Bolt fundamenttapskmerne fast ti1 motorfaddeme og
anbring et afstandsstykke pa 1-2 mm mellem tapsklue Vedligeholdelse og sm~lring
og fod.
Almindelig kontml
Bring motoren i vater ved at treffe de fornadne foran- Kontroller motoren javnligt
staltninger. Hold motoren ren og sarg for fri gennemstremning af
Pafar tapsk~ernecement, kontroller vater og bor huller Kontroller akseltatningsringes stand (f.eks. V-ringen)
ti1 anbringelse af tapper. og udskift dem om nedvendigt
Kontroller tiislutningers samt monterings- og sam-
Drcenhuller lingsboltes stand
Hvis monteringsbetegnelsenafviger fra standarden, skal Kontroller lejers stand ved at lytte efter usadvanlig stej,
det kontmlleres, at dramhullerne vender nedad. I meget mAlevibrationer,lejetemperaturellerkontmllereanvendt
stavede omgivelser skal alle dramhuller vare lukkede. smarefedt eller SPM-lejer
"Ved andringer i tilstande skal motoren skilles ad
Opstilling og dens dele kontmlleres. Udskift om nedvendigt."
Det er altafgerende at undga problemer med lejer, vibra-
) tioner og evt. knakkede akselforlangelser.

Tilslutning Motorer med levetidssmurte leier

Den normale motorkonst~ktioner med kabelindgange Motorer op ti1 og med byggestanelse 160 er normalt
pa begge sider og med klemkasse overst. Motorer fas udstyret med levetidssmurte lejer af typen 2RS. Leje-
med topmonterede klembokse, der kan drejes 4 x 90, typeme er beskrevet i de respektive produktkataloger.
samt nogle med sidemonterede klemkasser.
Motorer med 2RS-lejer eftersm~resved at abne moto-
Hvis kabelindgange ikke er i bwg, skal de lukkes. ren, rense lejer og lejehuse og derefter forsyne dem med
nyt fedt op ti1 et niveau pa ca. 50-70%.
Ud over hovedvikling og jordklemme kan klemkassen
ogsa indeholde tilslutninger for tenistorer, varmeele- Veiledende smereinte~allel:
menter ti1 brug ved standset motor, bimetalomskiftere 20.000 - 40.000 driftstimer for >4-polsmotorer.
eller PT 100-modstandselementer. 10.000 - 20.000 driftstimer for 2- og 214-polsmotorer.
De kortere intervaller galder for sterre motohuse.
NBr motoren star stiile, kan spanding for varrneelemen- Motorer med smsreniQLer
ter eller direkte viklingsvarme tilsluttes inde i klemkas- Motoren skal sm~res,mens den er i drift og skal smeres
sen. under den farste opstart.
Hvis motoren er udstyret med en dmnskwe, skal den
ADVARSEL fjernes midlertidigt under smaring og permanent ved
1. 1 Kondensatoren i enfasede motorer kan stadig vare automatisk smaring.
September 2005
.,,.-) Hvis motoren er forsynet med en informationssmere- I tilfzlde af skift ti1 et andet fedtmierke og efterfelgende
plade, skal vierdierne herfra felges og ellers nedenstA- usikkerhed om kompatibiliteten skal fedt pAfems flere
ende vrerdier. gange med kortere inte~allerfor at udskifte det gamle
Motor Fedt. 3600 3000 1800 1500 1000 500-900
hus, miengde olm olm olm olm olm olm Ved kraftigt belastede ogleller langsomt roterende lejer
stmelse (9) skal der anvendes EP-fedt.
Smereintewaller efter antal driftstimer Ved korte smereintervaller som felge af en lejetem-
112,132 15 4200 4800 7000 7800 10000 10500 peratur pA 80" C eller derover skal der anvendes
160.180 20 3200 4200 60007000 9000 10000 hejtemperaturfedt, som normalt tillader ca. 15 K hejere
200; 225 25 1800 3100 5500 6500 8500 9000 Iejetemperaturer.
250,280 35 800 2000 5000 6000 8000 8500
315 50 800 2000 46005500 7500 8000 Hvis den omgivende temperatur er under -25' C, skal
355 60 - 1000 4000 5000 7000 8000 Svend Heyer N S kontaktes vedrorende oplysninger om
400 81 - 25003000 5000 6000 muligheden for lavtemperaturfedt.
Smereintewaller efter antal driftstimer ADVARSEL
200.225 25 900 1500 4300 5000 6500 7000 Mange fedtmidler kan give anledning ti1 hudirritation og
Felg derfor alle fabrikantens sikkerhedsforskrifter.

I Ved bestilling af reservedele anferes alle de betegnelser

Tabellen er udarbejdet for horisontalt montemde moto- og pmduktkoder, som er angivet pA mrerkepladen. Hvis
rer. motoren er forsynet med et serienummer, skal dette
Smereinte~allemefor vertikale motorer er halvdelen af
ovennrevnte vrerdier.

Den fedtmiengde, som er angivet i tabellen, skal anven-

des, hvis smA mrengder frisk smmefedt udskiftes med
de inte~aller,som er angivet ovenfor.
Tabelvrerdierne er baseret pA en lejetemperatur pA 80'
C. Vierdierne skal halveres for hver stigning p i 15 K i

Hvis den maksimale lejetemperatur er 70' C, kan tabel-

vardierne fordobles.

Den maksimale driftstemperatur for smerefedt og lejer
ma ikke overskrides.

) Kortere smareinte~allerer pAkmvet i tilfielde af drift ved

., hejere hastigheder, f.eks. i forbindelse med frekvensom-
formeranvendelse, eller lavere hastigheder med sterre
belastning. I sAdanne tilfrelde skal Svend Hlayer N S
kontaktes for yderligere oplysninger.

Ved en fordobling af hastigheden skal man typisk redu-

cere smereinte~allerneti1 ca. 40% af de vrerdier, som er
angivet i ovenstiende tabel.

Det skal ogsA kontrolleres, om lejerne er egnet ti1 drift

ved hej hastighed.

Ved smering skal der anvendes specielt kuglelejefedt

med felgende egenskaber:
Litiumfedt eller litiumkompleksfedt af god kvalitet
RAolieviskositet 100-140 cST ved 40" C

. Konsistens NLGl grade 2 eller 3

TemperaturomrAde -30" C - +120° C, lebende

Fedt med de korrekte egenskaber kan fAs hos alle sterre

! ,) fabrikanter af smeremidler.
September 2005
>' 1 Motor instructies Als de motorwikkelingen zijn doordrenkt met zeewa-
ter, dan zal de motoren hoogstwaarschijnlijk moeten
EG Conformiteitverklaring worden herwikkeld.

EG conformiteitverklaring in overeenstemming met de Direct starten of sterldriehoek starten

laagspanningsrichtiijn 73123lEEC aangevuid met richtlijn
93168lEEC is geldig voor afzonderlijke elektromotoren. In de klemmenaansluitkastvan de elektromotor be-
vinden zich normaal 6 aansluitingen en op zijn minst 1
De conformiteitverklaring is ook in overeenstemming aarde aansluiting.
met de Machinerichtlijn 891392lEEC.
De aarding van de elektromotor moet worden aange-
Geldigheid sloten volgens de lokale regelgeving, voordat de motor
wordt aangesloten op de voedingsspanning.
Deze instmcties zijn van toepassing op de volgende
Hoyer elektromotoren types: De aansluitspanning en de schakeling van de elektro-
motor staan op het typeplaatje vermeld.
Aluminium motoren MS 56 - 132
Gietijzer motoren Y2E2 80-400 Direct starten

(Aanvullende informatie kan noodzakelijk zijn voor een Y of A wikkeling aansluitingen kunnen gebmikt worden
bepaald motortype. Gezien hun specifieke eigenschap- op 690W, 400VA of bij een Y-aansluiting voor 690V een
pen enlof uitvoering) A aansluiting voor 400V.
In gebruik name van de elektromotor Ster-driehoek starten

Controieer direct na ontvangst van de elektromotor op De voedingsspanning moet overeenkomen met de

eventuele beschadiainaen aan de buitenziide. lnformeer aansluitspanning bij een A aansluiting. H ~ ~ N moeten
het vervoersbedrijf bij iventuele schade. ' wei alle verbindingsplaatje van het klemmenbord zijn
Controleer alle informatie op het typeplaatje. Speciaal
aandacht voor de spanning en de schakeling van de Voor twee toeren motoren en speciaal motoren, volg de
motor (Yof A) instmcties in de klemmenkast van de motor.

Draai de motoras met de hand om een vrije rondloop te Aansluitingen en draairichting

controleren. Verwijder indien nodig de transportplaat.
De draairichtingvan de motor zal rechtsom zijn (met de
lsolatie weerstandscontmle klok mee). Kijkend naar het motor aseinde. Dit wanneer
de lijnfasen L1, L2 en L3 zijn aangesloten volgens het
lndien er een vermoeden is op eventuele aanwezigheid bijgaande aansiuitschema.
van vocht in de motor, controleer dit aan de hand van
een isolatieweerstandtest. Voor het veranderen van de draairichting kan men een-
voudig twee van de fases wisselen.
De isolatieweerstand moet bij een omgevingstempera-
tuurvan 25% boven de referentie waarde liggen van: lndien de motor is uitgemst met een uni-directionele
koelwaaier, controleer de draairichting dan aan de hand
van de richting aanduiding op de motor.

U = de spanning in Volt; P is het vermogen in kW Service

WAARSCHUWING Bedripomstandigheden

De winding moet direct worden ontladen om het risico De motor is geschikt voor een industriale omstandig-
van een elektrische schok te krijgen te vermijden. heden. Normale omgevingstemperatuurvan -25% to
+40°C. Opstellingshoogte 1000 meter boven zee niveau.
De referentie isolatieweerstand zal gehalveerd worden
bij iedere 20% van de omgevlngstemperatuur. Ais de Velllghelds maatregelen
referentie waarde niet verzekerd is, moet de motorwin-
dingen in de over worden gedmogd. De oventempera- De motor moet worden aangesloten door gekwalificeerd
tuur moet circa 90% zijn voor 12-16 uur, gevolgd door personeel. Die op de hoogte zijn van alle benodigde
105°C voor een duur van 6-8 uur. veiligheidsvoorschriften.

lndien er condenswateraflooppluggen zijn gemonteerd, Veiiigheids benodigdheden die nodig zijn voor het voor-
moeten deze gedemonteerd worden voor het verar- komen van ongelukken, moeten ter beschikking worden
1, ) mingspmces. gesteld volgens de gelden de wetten van het land.

Kleine motoren waarvan de voeding wordt geschakeld Een conecte opstelling van de elektmmotor is nood-
door een thermische schakelaar, kunnen na storing zakelijk om geen schade aan de lagers te krijgen door
automatisch herstarten. trillingen. Hevige trillingen kan zelfs een asbreuk tot
gevolg hebben.
Gebruik de motor niet als opstapje Aansluiting
De buitenkant van de motor kan heet zijn, zelfs onder
normale omstandigheden De normale uitvoering van een elektmmotor is dusdanig
Sommige speciaal motoren hebben aanvullende dat de klemmenkast aan de boven zijde is gemonteerd
instructies nodig (bij gebruik van frequentie omvormer) met de kabelinvoer aan een kant. De klemmenkast aan
de boven zijde kan met de kabelinvoer zijde 4 x 90'
Behandeling worden verdraaid. Sommige modellen zijn uitgevoerd
met de klemmenkast aan de zijkant.
De opslag van alle elektromotoren moet binnen zijn, in De beschikbaarheidvan deze uitvoeringen staan be-
een dmge, triliingsvrije en stof vrije omgeving. schreven in de catalogus.

Onbehandelde onderdelen zoals motoras en flenzen, Als een kabelinvoer niet wordt g e b ~ i k tdient
, deze te
moeten voorzien worden van een anti cormsie coating. worden afgesloten.
Het is aan te raden om de as van de motor periodiek
() met de hand te draaien. lndien de motor is voorzien In de hoofd klemmenkast kunnen naast de hoofdaanslu-
van een stilstandverwarming, dient deze aangesloten itingen ook aansluitingen aanwezig zijn voor thermistors,
te worden. stilstandverwarming. schakelende bimetalen of PT-100
weerstands elementen.
De eigenschappen van een condensator weike gemon-
teerd zijn op de een-fase motoren, kan na verloop van WAARSCHUWING
tijd veranderen tijdens opslag van 1-2 jaar. Voor meer
informatie neemt u contact op met Svend Hoyer AS. Bij stilstands van de motor kan er toch een elektrische
aansluiting zijn voor het voeden van de stiistandverwar-
Installatie ming of voor stilstandverwarmingop de motorwikkeling.

Montage Aansluitschema voor de eventuele aanwezige opties

bevind zich binnen in de klemmenkast.
De koper draagt volledige verantwoording voor de
preparatie van de motor fundatie waamp de motor
gemonteerd wordt.
De condensator van een een-fase motor kan zijn lading
Metalen fundatie moet voorzien zijn van een verfbehan- zelfs na het tot stilstand komen van de elektromotor aan
deling om roestvorming tegen te gaan. de aansiuitklemmen afgeven.

De fundatie moet geheel recht zijn en voldoende stevig Montage en demontage

1 om eventuele krachten op te vangen tijdens een kort-
sluiting. De fundatie moet ook dusdanig geconstmeerd Belanariik
zijn om eventuele resonantie trillingen tegen te gaan.
Deze twee werkzaamheden moet gebeuren door
Bevestiging gekwalificeerd personeel met gebmik van de juiste
gereedschappen en werkmethodes.
De bouten waarmee de motor voet wordt bevestigd,
moeten worden voorzien van een vulring van 1-2 mm
tussen de bout en de motorvoet.
Speciale aandacht zal gegeven worden aan de lagers.
Bevestig de motor met het juiste gereedschap Demontage van lagers moet gebeuren met een speciale
trekker. Montage van lagers moet gebeuren door middei
Condenswater a f l o o ~
aaten van verhitting van het lager of met daarvoor speciaal
geschikt gereedschap.
lndien de bouwvorm van de motor afwijkt van de positie
van de condenswater afloopgaten, contmleer of deze Montaae van ko~lmlinaenen ~ u l l v ' s
openingen naar beneden zijn gemonteerd.
Motoren met hersluitbare plastic condenswater afloop Koppelingshelften moeten dusdanig gemonteerd wor-
pluggen worden geleverd in een open uitvoering. In een den met speciaal gereedschap dat er geen schade aan
stofrijke omgeving moeten de condenswater afloop- de lagers kan ontstaan,
\ pluggen gesloten worden.
. ..I 16
September 2005
- -
Monteer een koppelingshelft nooit door er met een Groef kogel lagers
hamer op te slaan. Gebruik voor demontage van de Smering interval in bedrijfsuren
koppeling ook speciaal gereedschap. Frame
Grootte Hoeveelheid 3600 3000 1800 1500 1000 500-900
Trillinaen vet (g) rlmin rirnin rlmin rlmin rimin rlmin
112.132 15 4200 4800 7000 7800 10000 10500
De rotor van de motor is dynamisch gebalanceerd. 160,180 20 3200 4200 6000 7000 9000 10000
200,225 25 1800 3100 5500 6500 8500 9000
Als standaard is de motor gebalanceerd met een halve 250.280 35 800 2000 5000 6000 8000 8500
spie. 315 50 800 2000 4600 5500 7500 8000
355 60 - 1000 4000 5000 7000 8000
Onderhoud en smering 400 81 2500 3000 5000 6000
Cilinder m l lagers
Controleer de motor regelmatig. Smering interval in bedrijfsuren
Hou de motor schoon en zorg voor een vrij lucht Frame
inlaad van de koeling. Gmotte Hoevedheid3600 3M)O 1800 1500 1000 5W-900
Contmleer regelrnatig de staat van de as keering vet (9) rlmin rlmin rimin rimin rimin rimin
(Wing) en vervang deze indien nodig. 200.255 25 900 1500 4300 5000 6500 7000
Contmleer de bevestigingsbouten en de elektrische 250.280 35 400 1000 3300 4500 6300 6800
aansluitingen regelmatig.
Controleer regelmatig de lagers van de motor met
: behulp van een trillingsmeting en een temperatuur
meeting. SPM meting kan vooraf aangeven dat de
Bovenstaande gegevens zijn voor horizontale opstelling.
conditie van de lagers zijn veranderd. lndien nodig
vervang de lagers. Smering interval voor verticale opstelling zijn de helft
van de hierboven vermelde waardes.
De hoeveelheid vet zoals vermeld in de tabel kan
Motoren met intern aesmeerde laaers. gebruikt worden indien er kleine hoeveelheden worden
Motoren tot en met de IEC160 hebben lagers met inter-
vervanpen volgens bovenstaand interval. De tabei is
ne smering van de iagers van het type 2RS. Type lagers
gebas<erd opeen lager temperatuur van 800C. De
staan vermeld in de respectieve product catalogus.
waardes moeten worden gehalveerd bij iedere 15K
temperatuur toename,
Motoren met 2RS iagers kunnen nagesmeerd worden
door het lager te demonteren, schoon te maken en Als de maximale lagertemperatuur niet hoger is dan
opnieuw van vet te vootzien. Het lager moet dan gevuld
70°C,mag de bovenstaande hoeveelheid vet verdub-
worden met een 50-70% vulling. Ook de lagerkamer beld worden.
dient men schoon te maken.

Richtlijn voor smering interal zijn:

20.000 - 40.000 uur voor 4-polige motoren De maximale bedrijfstemperatuur van het iagervet mag
10.000 - 20.000 uur voor 2 en 214 polige motoren niet worden overschreden.
De lagere tijden zijn voor de grotere motoren.
Bij hogere toerentallen (bijvoorbeeld frequentie
Motoren met nasmeerinrichting
omvormer aebruikl of bii laae toerentallen met mare
Smeer de motoren gedurende in bedrijf zijnde en bedrijfsomGandighedk z i d e interval korter worden.
speciaal voor het opstarten van de motor voor de eerste Voor deze gevallen kunt u contact opnemen met Svend
maal. Hoyer AIS.
Bij een verdubbeling van het toerental zal de bovensta-
lndien er een vet uitlaat plug is gemonteerd, zal deze
ande vet waarde circa 40% worden gereduceerd.
verwiiderd moeten worden tiidens het nasmeren. Als Bij hogere toerentallen moeten de iagers gecontmleerd
er permanente smering is aangebracht moet deze plug worden of deze geschikt zijn voor de toepassing.
verwijderd worden.
Als de motor is vootzien van een typeplaatje voor de
Bij nasmering gebmik alleen smeermiddelen met de
smering staan daar de gegevens voor het nasmeren op volgende specificatie:
vermeld. Zoniet contmleer de waardes in onderstaande Goede kwaliteit iitium vet of litium komplex vet
tabel: Mscositeit 100-140 cST bij 40'C
Consistentie NLGl klasse 2 of 3
Temperatuurbereik -30'C - +120'C

Smeermiddelen met deze specificatie zijn verkrijgbaar

bij alle leveranciers van smeermiddelen.

September 2005
,? Als het merk van het vel veranderd en het is niet zeker
of de specificatie is correct, smeer het lager dan met
een korte interval, zodat het oude vet in zijn geheel
vervangen wordt.

Zware lagerbelastingen en hoge toerentalen benodigen

een speciaal EP-lagetvet.

Als de smering interval kort zijn gezien een lagertem-

peratuur van boven de 8UC, gebruik dan een hoog
temperatuur vet wat normaal een bedrijfstemperatuur
van 15K boven de lagertemperatuur heeft.

Als de omgevingstemperatuur onder de -25Zkomt is

het raadzaam om Svend Hoyer S/A te raadplegen voor
het eventuele gebmik van een laag temperatuur vet.

Veel smeermiddelen kunnen huisirritatie tot gevolg
hebben. Bij contact met de ogen kan dit een branderig
gevoel geven.
' > Volg de veiligheidsinst~ctiesvan de levemncier.

Bij het bestellen van onderdelen gelieve de informatie
van het motor typeplaatje op te geven. Hierop staat ook
een type vermeld en een serie nummer. Beide gegevens
zijn van belang.

September 2005
) Notice technique pour moteur Au cas ou ies enroulements auraient Btb en contact
avec de I'eau de mer, ceux-ci devront etre reenrouies
Declaration de Conformite A nouveau.
La Declaration de Conformite a la directive eumpeenne
Basse Tension 72/23/CEE modifiee par la directive 931 D h a r r a g e direct ou Btoile Itriangle
68ICEE sont &tabliesseparement pour chaque moteur. La boite A bornes sur les moteurs monovitesses stan-
La Declaration de Conformite satisfait egalement les dards comporte normalement 6 bornes penettant le
prescriptions de Declaration d'lncorporation relatives A raccordement des enmulements ainsi qu'une borne de
la Directive Eumpeenne sur les Machines 89/392/CEE. terre.

La mise A la terre doit Btre effectuee conform6ment B la

reglementation en vigueur avant de raccorder le moteur
Cette notice technique s'applique aux types de moteurs A la tension d'alimentation.
Biectriques Hwer suivants, en phase d'exploitation.
La tension et ie type de raccordement sont estampilles
Moteurs en aluminium MS 56-132 sur la plaque signalbtique du moteur.
Moteurs en fonte Y2E2 80-400
Dbmarrage direct
(Des informations suppiementaires peuvent etre neces- Possibilitb de raccordement Y ou A, par exemple 690
saires pour certains types de moteurs destines B des VY, 400 VA designe un raccordement Y en 690V et un
utilisations specifiques et / ou des constructions par- raccordement A en 400 V.
'1 Dbmarrage k o i l e ITriangle (Y ID):
i Pour la mise en sewice du moteur La tension d'alimentation doit Btre Bgale A la tension
assignee du moteur en raccordement A.
Verifications a la k e p t i o n Retirez alors tous les contacts de pontage du bomier.
VBrifiez le moteur dbs reception, s'il y a presence d'en-
dommagement exterieur, signalez-le immbdiatement au Pour les moteurs bi-vitesses et de constructions specia-
transporteur. les, les raccordements doivent &re realises en fonction
des indications figurant dans la boite A bornes.
Contrblez toutes les indicationsse trouvant sur la plaaue
signalbtique du moteur, en particulier la tension et'le r k - Bornes et sens de rotation
cordement des enroulements @toileou triangle). Le sens de mtation s'effectue dans le sens horaire vu
du cbt6 de I'accouplement du moteur, avec un ordre
Faites tourner I'arbre A la main afin de vous assurer si de phases L1, L2 8 L3 sur les bornes, voir schema en
celui tourne librement puis demontez ensuite le dispositif annexe.
de blocage utilise pendant le transport.
Pour modifier le sens de rotation et la direction, permu-
V6rification de la dsistance d'isolement tez simplement le raccordement de deux fils.
Mesurez la resistance d'isolement avant toute mise en
service du moteur et aussi s'il y a une presencesuspecte Si le moteur est Bquipe d'un ventilateur A sens de mta-
d'humiditb au niveau des enroulements. tion unique, verifiez si ceiui-ci correspond au sens de la
flbche situee sur le moteur.
La resistance d'isolement, mesurbe A une temperature
ambiante de 25% doit Btre superieure B la valeur de Utilisation
) reference suivante
Conditions d'exploitation
Les moteurs sont destines A des applications industri-
elles. La plage de temperature ambiante est comprise
Oh U = tension est en volts et P = puissance utile en entre -25'C et +45'C.
kW Altitude maxi: 1000m au-dessus du niveau de la mer.

Attention! Mesures de securit.3

Les enmulements devmnt atre decharges immediate- Les moteurs doivent &re instailes et utilises uniquement
ment aprbs avoir effectue les mesures afin d' Bviter tout par un personnel competent et qualifib, possedant une
risque de decharge Blectrique. connaissance parfaite des regles de securite appli-
La valeur de reference de la resistance d'isolement est
divisee Dar 2 chaaue fois aue la temperature ambiante Les Wuipements de securite necessaires pour la pre-
augmerite de 20'~. vention des accidents lors de I'installation et I'explolta-
Si la valeur de reference de la resistance n'est pas tion doivent satisfaire A la r6giementation en vigueur.
respectee, ies enmulements sont alors tmp humides et
devront &re seches en Btuve pendant 12 916 heures A AmFNTION!
90°C et ensuite pendant 6 A 8 heures A 105°C. Les moteurs de petites dimensions dont I'alimentation
en courant est diktement commut4e par des intemp-
Si des bouchons pour orifice de vidange sont install6s. teurs thermiques peuvent demarrer automatiquement.
i 1 retirez-les avant le sbchage.

September 2005
,) Important: Positionnement
Ne montez jamais sur le moteur Un positionnement correct permet d'bviter toute dbtbrio-
Cenveloppe du moteur peut Pre trhs chaude, mCme ration des paliers et toute autre vibration pouvant entrai-
en phase d'expioitation normale. ner une rupture d3extrbmitBd'arbre.
Certains types de moteurs spbciaux nbcessitent des
instructions spbcifiques (par exemple pour alimenta- Raccordement
tion par convertisseur de frbquences. Normalement, le moteur standard est iivrb avec des
entrbes de cibles sur chaque c8tb et une boite B bornes
Manutention sur le dessus.
Les moteurs sont disponibles soit avec une boite B bor-
Entreposage nes orientable dans les 4 directions (4x90) soit avec des
Centreposage du moteur doit se faire dans un local boites B bornes latbrales.
intbrieur, sec, non poussibreux et n'btant pas expos6 B
des vibrations. La description de ces diffbrentes solutions se trouve
dans les catalogues produits.
Les surfaces du moteur non protbgbes (extrbmitbs d'ar-
bres et brides) doivent Ctre recouvertes d'une couche de Fermbes les entrees de cables non utilisbes.
protection anti-corrosion.
Faites tourner de temps en temps manuellement i'arbre Outre les bornes des enroulements et de la terre, la
pour Bviter tout dbpiacement de lagraisse. boite B bornes peut aussi contenir des points de rac-
cordement pour thermistances, rbsistances de rbchauf-
Les rbsistances de rbchauffage, si installbes, doivent fage, des contacts bimbtalliques ou des blbments de
-1 atre mises sous tension. rbsistance PT 100.

Les condensateurs blectrolytiques qui bquipent Bventu- ATrENTION!

ellement les moteurs monophasbs devmnt etre "refor- La boite B bornes peut &re maintenue sous tension,
mbs" suite B une pbriode d'entreposage comprise entre mCme si le moteur est hors circuit, pour I'alimentation
1 et 2 ans. Contactez Svend Hsyer AIS pour de plus des rbsistances de rbchauffage ou le rbchauffage direct
amples dbtails. des enroulements.

Installation Les schbmas de raccordement des auxiliaires sont B

I'intBrieur du couvercle de la boite B bornes.
Cacqubreur aura I'entibre responsabilitb pour la prbpara- ATENTION!
tion de la fondation. Le condensateur des moteurs monophasbs peut con-
server une charge rbsiduelle au niveau des bornes du
Les supports mbtalliques devront &re recouverts d'une moteur, meme si ceiui-ci est B I'arrat.
peinture anti-corrosion.
Assemblage et d h o n t a g e
La surface de la fondation doit Ctre suffisamment solide
et rigide afin de pouvoir supporter d'bventuelles con- Important
traintes en cas de court-circuit. La fondation doit 6tre Dbmontage et assemblage doivent uniquement stre
dimensionnbe de manihre B bviter toute vibration doe B effectubs par un personnel competent et qualifib, utili-
la rbsonance. sant un outillage adapt6 et en suivant les procbdures de
\ travail m6thodiques.
i Fixation sur la fondation
Boulonnez les tiqes filetbes sur ies pattes du moteJr et Paliers
placez des tales-de 1 B 2 mm d'bpaisseur entre les pat- Toute intervention au niveau des paliers demande des
tes et les tiges filetbes. prbcautions extrhes. Utilisez des extracteurs pour les
extraire et remontez-les aprbs chauffage ou en utilisant
Veiilez B ce que I'alignement soit rbalisb selon les pro- un outiilage spbcial.
cbdures adbquates.
Montage des demi-accouplements et des poulies
Scellez ensuite les tiges filetbes avec du bbton, contr8lez Le montage des demi-accouplements et des poulies
I'alignement et percez des trous pour les goupilles de doit se rBaliser au moyen d'un bquipement et d'un outil-
positionnement. lage appropribs pour ne pas endommager les paliers.

Orifices de vidange Ne tapez jamais sur un demi-accouplement ou une pou-

En cas de disposition de montage nonstandard, vbrifiez lie avec un marteau lors du montage ou du dbmontage
si les orifices de vidange sont bien orientbs vers le bas. et n'exercer jamais une pression levier contre le corps
Les moteurs livrbs avec des bouchons en plastique pour du moteur.
orifices de vidange sont en position ouverte iors de la
livraison. kquilibmge
Fermez bien I'ensemble des orifices en prb- Le rotor du moteur est bquilibrb dynamiquement.
sence d'une ambiance trbs pousslbreuse.
En version standard. I'bquilibrage a Btb fait au moyen
d'une demi-clavette.

September 2005
-3 Maintenance et lubrification Dimension Quantitb 3600 3000 1800 1500 1000 500-900
i Chassis Graisse (q) tr/mintrlmintrlmintr/min trlmin trlmin
V&ffications de maintenance courante Roulements a billes
verifiez le moteur B intervalles rbguliers. lntervalles de graissage en heures de service
gardez ie moteur propre, la circulation de I'air doit 112,132 15 4200 4800 7000 7800 10000 10500
&re libre. 160,180 20 3200 4200 6000 7000 9000 10000
contrelez I'btat des joints d'btanchbitb de I'arbre (par 200.225 25 1800 3100 5500 6500 8500 9000
ex. joint en V), remplacez-les si besoin. 250,280 35 800 2000 50006000 8000 8500
Vbrifiez les raccordements et les boulons de montage 315 50 800 2000 46005500 7500 8000
et d'assemblage. 355 60 - 1000 40005000 7000 8000
ContrBlez I'btat des paliers afin de dbceler tout b ~ i t 400 81 - 25003000 5000 6000
anormal, mesurez le niveau de vibration, la tempbra- Roulements a billes
ture des paliers, inspectez I'huile dbcompo3e et le lntervalles de graissage en heures de service
monitorage SPM des paliers. 200.225 25 900 1500 43005000 6500 7000

"En cas de changement queiconque, dbmontez ie

moteur, vbrifiez les pieces et remplacez-les si nbces-

Lubrification Les valeurs contenues dans le tableau ci-dessus s'ap-

Moteurs baui&s de ~ a l i e r saraissbs B vie pliquent B des moteurs horizontaux.
Les moteurs avec dimension de c h h i s jusqu3A 160
,' ') sont normalement dotbs de paliers graissbs B vie de
type 2RS.
Les intervalles de lubrification seront divisbs par deux
pour des moteurs verticaux.
Les types de paliers sont dbcrits dans les catalogues Les quantitbs de graisse spbcifibes dans le tableau ci-
produits correspondants. dessus correspondent B des apports de graisse neuve
rbalisbs dans les intervalles mentionnbs.
Les moteurs dotbs de paliers de type 2RS peuvent 6tre
graissbs B nouveau en ouvrant le moteur, puis en net- Les valeurs du tableau sont basbes sur une tempbrature
toyant les paliers ainsi que les logements de paliers afin de paliers de 80'C. Les valeurs devront &re divisbes par
de les remplir de graisse neuve B une hauteur d'environ deux pour chaque augmentation de 15 K de la ternpbra-
50 B 70%. ture des paliers.

lntervalles moyens pour lubrification: Si la temperature des paliers maximale est de 70°C,les
Toutes les 20.000 - 40.000 heures d'exploitation pour les valeurs du tableau peuvent &re multiplibes par deux.
moteurs > 4 p6les.
Toutes les 10.000 -20.000 heures d'exploitation pour les AlTENTION!
moteurs 2 et 214 pBles. Ne dboassez iamais la temobrature maximale d'exoloita-
tion dh la graisse et des paiiers.
Des intervalles plus rapprochbs sont :n&cessaires pour
des dimensions de chissis supbrieures. Une exploitation demandant des vitesses de rotation
plus blevbes, par exemple dans le cas d'applications
Moteurs baui&s de araisseurs avec convertisseurs de frbquence, ou une vitesse rbduite
Laissez le moteur en rotation pour effectuer la lubrifi- avec une charge blevbe, nkessitera des intervalles de
) cation. lubrification plus rapprochbs. Dans ce cas, n'hbitez pas
A contacter Svend Hlayer AIS.
Ouvrez momentanbment les bouchons des orifices de
sortie de graisse pour une lubrification pbriodique ou En regle gbnbraie, un doublement de la vitesse impli-
laissez-les ouverts pour une lubrification automatique. quera une rhduction d'envimn 40% des intervalles de
Au cas olr le moteur possbde une plaque comportant lubrification contenus dam le tableau prbcbdent.
des informations pour la lubrification, suivez celles-ci.
Sinon, utilisez le tableau des valeurs ci-dessous. Vbrifiez toujours si les paliers employbs sont adaptbs
pour des vitesses d'exploitation blevbes.

Pour la lubrification, utilisez uniquement des graisses
spbciales pour mulernents B billes possbdant les pro-
pribtbs suivantes:
graisse de qualitb supbrieure B base de llthium ou de
lithium complexe.
viscositb de I'huile de base comprise entre 140 cSt
B 40°C.
consistance (bchelle NLGI) 2 ou 3
temobratures d'exdoitation de -30% A 120% en

Lestypesde graisses ayant les propribtbs bnoncbes sont

September 2005
, proposbs par les principaux fabricants de lubrifiants.
Toutefois si la fabrication d'une huile btait rnodifibe et
que la compatibiiitb en est incertaine pour votre type
d'appiication, effectuez plusieurs lubrifications B inter-
valles rapprochbs afin de pouvoir bvacuer la graisse

Les paliers rotatifs soumis B de fortes charges et I ou

tournant B basses vitesses exigent des graisses de qua-
lit6 EP (Extrhe Pression).

Si les inte~allesde lubrification sont rapprochbs en rai-

son d'une temperature de paliers de BO'C ou supbrieure,
utilisez un type de graisse pour haute tempbrature
pennettant des tempbratures de paliers supbrieures
d'environ 15 K.

Si la temperature ambiante reste infbrieure B -25%

n'hbsitez pas B consulter Svend Hnyer AIS afin d'obtenir
des renseignements concernant I'utilisation des graisses
pour basses tempbratures.

De nombreuses graisses reprbsentent des risques d'
initation de la peau et d'inflammation au niveau des
yeux. Nous vous prions de bien vouloir respecter
impbrativement les prbcautions d'utilisation prbcisbes
par le fabricant.

Pikes de rechange
Pour toute commande de pieces de rechange, n'oubliez
pas de mentionner la designation complbte du type de
moteur ainsi que les indications concernant le pmduit
figurant sur la plaque signaibtique. Au cas oh le moteur
possede un numbro de sbrie, celui-ci devra bgalement
Btre fourni.

September 2005
,? lnstmcciones del motor Los devanados normalmente deben devanarse de
nuevo, si son mojados por agua de mar.
Declaracidn de conformidad
Arranque directo o por estrellaltriangulo
La Declaraci6n de conformidad segun la Directiva de La caja de bornes de 10s motores de una sola velocidad
baja tensi6n 73/23/CEE modificada por la Directiva normalmente contiene 6 bornes devanados y por lo
93/68 GEE se extiende por separado para algunos menos un borne de tierra.
La conexi6n a tierra debe ser efectuada de conformidad
La Declaraci6n de conformidad tambien debe cumplir con las prescripciones locales, antes de conectar el
ios requisitos de una Declaraci6n de incorporaci6n motor a la tensi6n de alimentaci6n.
s e g h la Directiva de MAquinas 891392lCEE.
La tensi6n y la conexi611se desprenden de la placa de
Validez marca.

Las instrucciones valen por 10s siguientes motores elec- Arranque directo
tricos de Svend Hsyer A/S que esthn en servicio: Se pueden aplicar conexiones de devanado Y o A, por
ejemplo 690 W, 400 V A, donde Y indica la conexi6n a
Motor de aluminio MS 56-132 690 V y A la conexi6n a 400 V.
Motor fundido Y2E2 80-400
Arranque por estrella/triAngulo VIA)
(Puede requerirse mAs informaciones para ciertos tipos La tensi6n de alimentaci6n debe ser igual a la tensi6n
de motores en consecuencia de su aplicaci6n especial de la marca del motor en la conexi6n A. Quitar todas las
y/o su C O ~ S ~ N C C ~ ~ ~ ) . conexiones de la hilera de bornes.

Actwaci6n del motor Los motores especiales o 10s motores de dos veioci-
dades deben cumplir ias instmcciones en la caja de
Traspaso bornes.
lnmediatamentedespubs de la recepci6n, el motor debe
ser examinado por daiios exteriores. Si estA daiiado, el Bornes y direccidn de mtacidn
transportista debe ser informado enseguida. La direcci6n de rotaci6n es en el sentido de las agujas
del reioj, cuando se observa la superficie dei eje al
Todas las informaciones de las placas de marca deben extremo del piii6n del motor, y cuando la secuencia de
ser controladas, especialmente la conexi6n de tensi6n y fases de llnea L1, L2 y L3 estA conectada a 10s bornes,
devanado (estrella o tridngulo). mostrados en el piano adjuntado.

De vueltas al eje con la mano para controlar si gira sin La direcci6n y la rotaci6n se alternan cambiando las dos
impedimentos. llneas de conexi6n a la red.

Contml de la resistencia del aislamiento Si el motor cuenta con un ventilador de una via, es nece-
La resistencia del aislamiento debe ser medida antes sario controiar si la direcci6n de rotaci6n es la que indica
de la puesta a en marcha y en caso de sospecha de la flecha del motor.
humedad en el devanado.
La resistencia medida a 25" C debe superar el valor de
) referencia, es decir: Ambiente de operacidn
El motor ha sido calculado para aplicaci6n en ambientes
Los llmites de la temperatura de ambiente normal son
donde U = tensi6n en voltios y P = efecto desprendido -25" C a +40° C.
en kW Altura maxima encima del nivel del mar: 1000 m.

Medidas de seguridad
El motor debe ser instalado y manejado por personal
caiificado que conoce 10s requisitos de seguridad cor-

El valor de referencia de la resistencia del aislamiento Los equipos de seguridad necesarios para la prevenci6n
se reduce a la mitad por cada subida de 20' C de la de accidentes en-el lugar de montaje y d e operaci6n
temperatura de ambiente. Si el valor de referencia de deben ser ~rocuradosde conformidad con las ~ r e s c r i ~ -
la resistencia no se alcanza, el devanado es demasiado ciones nohalmente vigentes en el pals respective.
humedo y debe ser secado en un horno. La temperatura
del horno debe ser 90' C durante 12 a 16 horas y luego ADVERTENClA
105' C durante 6 a 8 horas. Los pequeiios motores, cuya alimentaci6n de corriente
es conectada directamente mediante conmutadores
Si el motor cuenta con tomiilos de drenaje, deben ser termosensibles, pueden arrancar automAticamente.
\ removidos durante el calentamiento.
, i

Importante Si las entradas de cables no se usan, deben cenarse.
No se permite subir al motor
La casa del motor puede estar muy caliente, incluso Ademhs del devanado principal y el borne a tiena, la
durante la marcha normal caja de bornes tambibn puede contener conexiones
Ciertas aplicaciones especiales del motor requieren para tennistores, elementos de calefacci6n para usar
instmcciones especiales (por ejemplo la aplicaci6n de con el motor parado, conmutadores bimethlicos o sen-
un conmutador de frecuencias) sores de resistencia PT 100.

Cuando el motor esth parado, la tensi6n a 10s elementos
Consewac/611 de calefacci6n o al calentamiento direct0 del devanado,
Todos 10s motores deben guardarse dentro bajo condi- puede ser conectada en la caja de bornes.
ciones secas y libres de vibraciones y polvo.
Una mano de anticormsivo debe aplicarse a las super- El condensador de 10s motores monofhsicos puede
ficies de 10s motores sin proteger (extremes del eje y seguir siendo conductor de corriente a trav4s be 10s
bridas del eje). Se recomienda girar el eje manualmente bornes de 10s motores, aunque el motor est4 parado.
a intervalos regulares para impedir el desplazamiento
de grasa. Montaje y desmontaje

Es preferibie que est4n activados 10s elementos de lmportante

calefaccidn, si 10s hay, para la prevencidn de agua de Este trabajo debe ser efectuado por personal califi-
condensacidn. cad0 mediante herramientas aptas y m4todos de trabajo
Asiento Hay aue tener cuidado especial con 10s cojinetes. Los
El comprador tiene la plena responsabilidad del estable- cojhetes deben quitarse con extractores y montarse por
cimiento del asiento. calentamiento o aplicaci6n de henamientas especiales.

Los asientos de metal deben pintarse para evitar la Montaje de semiacoplamientos y poleas de transmisi6n
cormsi6n. Los semiacopiamientos y las poleas de transmisibn
deben montarse mediante equips y herramientas
El asiento debe ser derecho y suficientemente dlido aptas, que no darien 10s cojinetes.
para resistir las fuerzas de cortocircuito, en su caso. El
asiento debe ser consttuido de tal manera que se impi- Nunca debe montar 10s semiacoplamientos y las poleas
dan las vibraciones causadas por resonancia. de transmisidn golpehndolas a su sitio o quitimdolas
con una palanca para elevar oprimida contra el cuerpo
Espdrragos de asiento del motor.
Los espirragos de asiento se empernan a 10s pies del
motor, y un espaciador de 1-2 mm se coloca entre el Equilibrio
esphrrago y el pie.
El rotor del motor estA dinhmicamente equilibrado.
Coloque el motor a nivei tomando las medidas nece-
sarias. De serie, el equilibrado se efectria mediante una
media ranura.
Apiique cement0 a 10s espArragos, contmle el nivel de
burbuja y perfore agujems para la colocaci6n de 10s Mantenimiento y engrase
Contmi ordinario
Orificios de drenaje Controle el motor a intervalos regulares
Si la designacidn de montaje desvla de la norma, es Mantenga el motor limpio y cuide de que haya libre
necesario contmlar aue 10s orificios de drenaie son de flujo de aire de ventilaci6n
aniba para abajo. ~n ambientes muy polvomsos todos Controle el estado de 10s retenes del eje (por ejemplo
10s orificios de drenaje deben estar cerrados. del anillo VJ y cambiblos si resulta necesan'o
Controle el estado de las conexiones y de 10s pernos
Montaje de montaje y de ensambladura
Es imperativo evitar problemas con cojinetes, vibracio- Paracontmlarel estado deloscojinetes,escuchesi hay
nes y pmlongaciones de ejes quebradas, en su caso. ~ i d o extraordinarios,
s mide las vibraciones y la tempe-
ratura del cojinete, o controle la grasa iubricante usada
Conexi6n o ios cojinetes SPM "Cuando 10s estados se
La constmcci6n normal del motor es con entradas modifican, el motor debe desmontarse y sus com-
de cables en ambos lados y con caja de bornes en la ponentes controlarse. Cambiar sl es necesario."
parte superior. Unos motores se adquieren con caias de
bornes montados en la parte superior, que pueden ser
giradas 4 x 90, y otms con cajas de bornes montadas
en el lado.
September 2005
Si la temperatura maxima del cojinete es 70"C, 10s valo-
res de la tabla pueden ser duplicados.
Motores con coiinetes enarasados de Dor vida
Normalmente, 10s motores con casas de dimensiones ADVERTENCIA
hasta 160 van dotados de cojinetes engrasados de por La temperatura mhima de servicio para grasa lubri-
vida del tip0 2RS. Los tipos de cojinetes se describen en cante y cojinetes no debe ser excedida.
10s catdlogos de productos respectivos.
Los intervalos de lubricaci6n cortos se requieren en 10s
Para reengrasar 10s motores con cojinetes ZRS, abrir el casos de servicio a velocidades altas, por ejemplo en
motor, limpiar ios cojinetes y las cajas de 10s cojinetes, conexi6n con la aplicacibn del conmutador de frecu-
y luego proveerios de nueva grasa hasta un nivei de encias, o a velocidades bajas con cargas grandes. En
aprox. 50-70%. tales casos debe contactar a Svend Hayer AIS para mds
lntervalos de lubricacibn instructivos:
20.000 - 40.000 horas de servicio oara motores de >4
~~ ~ ~ La dupiicaci6n de la velocidad normalmente significa
polos. que 10s intervalos de lubricaci6n deben ser reducidos a
10.000 - 20.000horas de servicio para motores de 2-y aprox. 40% de 10s valores, indicados en la tabla arriba
214 poios. mencionada.
Los intervalos mds cortos rigen para las casas de
motores grandes. TambiBn es necesario controiar, si 10s cojinetes son
aptos para la marcha a velocidad alta.
Motores con boauillas enarasadoras
El motor debe ser engrasado, mientras que estB en Lubricante
\" marcha. Para la lubricaci6n se debe aplicar grasa especial para
cojinetes de bolas con las siguientes caracteristicas:
Si el motor cuenta con tornillo de drenaje, Bste debe ser Grasa de litio o grasa de complejo de litio de una
quitado provisionalmente durante el engrase y perma- buena calidad
nentemente para el engrase automitico. Viscosidad del aceite cmdo 100-140cST a 40' C
Consistencia NLGl grado 2 o 3
Si el motor cuenta con placa de instmcci6n de engrase, Ambito de temperatura -30"C - +12O0C, continua
ios valores de esta deben seguirse, Si no, se siguen 10s
valores abajo indicados. La grasa con las caracteristicas correctas se consigue
con todos 10s fabricantes grandes de lubricantes.
Casadel Grasa, 3600 3000 1800 1500 1000 500-900
motor, cantidad Urpm. mm rpm rpm mm rpm En caso de cambio a otra marca de grasa y la conslgui-
dimensibn ente inseguridad de la compatibilidad, hay que aplicar
Coiinetes de bolas grasa mds veces a intervalos mds cortos para cambiar
lnt~walosde lubricaci6n segim la cantidad de horas de la grasa vieja.
112.132 15 4200 4800 7000 7800 10000 10500 En caso de cojinetes fuertemente cargados ylo de rota-
160.180 20 3200 4200 60007000 9000 10000 ci6n lenta, se debe aplicar grasa EP.
200,225 25 1800 3100 5500 6500 8500 9000
250,280 35 800 2000 5000 6000 8000 8500 En caso de intervalos de lubricaci6n cortos en consecu-
315 50 800 2000 4600 5500 7500 8000 encia de una temperatura del cojinete de 80' C o mds,
355 60 - 1000 4000 5000 7000 8000 se debe aplicar una grasa para altas temperaturas, que
400 81 . - 25003000 5000 6000 norinalmente pennite unas temperaturas del cojinete de
Cojinetes de mdarnientos aprox. 15 K mhs.
lntewalos de lubricaci6n s e g h la cantidad de horas de Si la temperatura del ambiente es debajo de -25"C se
sewicio debe contactar a Svend Hayer AIS para mds informa-
200.225 25 900 1500 43005000 6500 7000 ciones sobre la posibilidad de una grasa para bajas
250.280 35 400 1000 3300 4500 6300 6800 temperaturas.

Muchas grasas pueden causar irritaci6n de la piel e
inflamaci6n del ojo.
La tabla ha sido elaborada para 10s motores montados Por esto se deben seguir todas las prescripciones de
horizontalmente. seguridad del fabricante.
Los intervalos de lubricaci6n de 10s motores verticales
son la mitad de 10s valores arriba indicados. Piezas de repuesto
El pedido de piezas de repuesto debe mencionar todas
La cantidad de grasa indicada en la tabla debe ser apli- las deslgnaciones y c6digos de productos, que indica la
cada, si pequerias cantidades de grasa lubricante fresca placa de marca. Si el motor cuenta con un nrimero de
se cambian a 10s intervalos arriba indicados. serie, debe incluirlo tambi6n.
Los valores de la tabla se basan en una temperatura
del cojinete de 80" C. Los valores deben ser reducidos
a la mitad por cada subida de 15 K de la temperatura
i.,I del cojinete.

September 2005
, lmportante
il motore non deve essere utilizzato per funzionamento
situata sulla sommith del motore, con ingress0 cavi su
entrambi i lati.
ad impulsi Alcuni motori possono essere forniti, in alternativa, con
la temperaturn della carcassa del motore pub essere la scatola morsetti montata sulla sommith dei motore
estremamente caida durante il funzionamento orientabile 4(90 oppure con la scatola morsetti montata
alcune applicazioni speciali richiedono istruzioni spe- lateralmente.
ciali (per es. alimentazione a mezzo inverter)
La disponibilita di queste versioni alternative B illustrata
Gestione sul catalog0 di prodotto.

lmmagaainaggio Gli ingressi cavi non utilizzati devono essere chiusi.

Tutti i motori devono essere immagazzinati in luogo
coperto, asciutto, privo di vibrazioni e di polvere. Oltre ai terminaii dell'awolgimento e di terra, la scatola
morsetti pub contenere le connessioni per termistori.
Le superki non protette del motore (estremith Talbero e scaldiglie, bimetalli o termoresistenze PT100.
flange) devono essere trattate con vernice di protezione
anticorrosiva. AWERTENZ4
Si raccomanda di ruotare a mano periodicamente Durante le fermate, ail'interno della scatola morsetti
ralbero per prevenire migrazioni di iubrificante. pub essere presente tensione utilizzata per aiimentare
le scaldiglie o direttamente rawolgimento per tenerlo
Le scaldiglie anticondensa, se esistenti, devono essere in temperatura.
preferibilmente tenute sotto tensione.
" \ Gli schemi di collegamento per circuiti ausiliari si trovano
Le caratteristiche di condensatori elettrolitici, se montati airinterno del coperchio della scatola morsetti.
su motori monofase, devono essere ripristinate dopo
periodi di immagazzinaggio superiori a 1-2 anni. Pe AWERTENZA
maggiori dettagli contattare Svend Hwer A/S. I1 condensatore in motori monofase pub rimanere cari-
cat0 tenendo in tensione i morsetti, anche quando il
lnstallazione motore B ormai fernlo.

Fondazione Assemblaggio e smontaggio

Cacquirente ha piena responsabilitA per la preparazione
delle fondazioni. lmportante
Assemblaggio e smontaggio devono essere effettuati da
Le fondazioni metaliiche devono essere verniciate per personale qualificato, utiliuando strumenti e metodi di
evitare la corrosione. lavoro adatti.

Le fondazioni devono essere in piano e sufficientemente Cuscinetti

rigide per sopportare eventuali sollecitazioni da corto I cuscinetti abbisognano di cure speciali. Devono essere
clrcuito. Devono essere dimensionate in modo da evitare smontati con ruso di estrattori e montati a caldo o con
rinsorgenza di vibrazioni dovute a risonanza. ruso di strumenti adatti.

Bulloni di fondazione Montaggio di semigiunti e pulegge

lnserire i bulioni di fondazione nei piedi del motore e col- Semigiunti e pulegge devono essere montati solo con
,a locare uno spessore di 1-2 mm. tra il bullone ed ii piede. rutilizzo di strumenti adatti, che non danneggino i
Allineare il motore con ruso di strumenti adatti.
Non usare mai un martello per montare un semigiunto
Fareunagettatadicalcestruao, controllarerallineamento o una puleggia e non usare mai una leva infulcratacontro
e praticare i fori necessari per le spine di centraggio. il corpo del motore per rimuoverli.

Fori di scarico condensa Bilanciatura

Controllare che i fori di scarico condensa siano aperti e
rivolti verso il basso se rinstallazione B diversa da quella II rotore del motore B bilanciato dinamicamente.
I motori con fori richiudibili con tappi in plastica sono Nei motori standard, la bilanciatura B effettuata con
consegnati con i tappi in posizione aperta. mezza chiavetta.
In ambienti molto polverosi tutti i fori di scarico con- Manutenzione e lubrificazione
densa devono essere tenuti chiusi.
lspezione generale
Allineamento ispezionare il motore a intervalli regolari
Un corretto allineamento 6 ,nd spensabile per prevenire mantenere il motore pulito e assicurare buona ven-
auasti ai c~scinetti,vibrazioni e Dossibili rotture delle tilazione
controllare le condizioni di anelli di tenuta suiralbero
(es. V-ring) e sostituirll, se necessario
Collegamento controllare le condizioni delle connessioni e dei bulloni
i ) I motori in versione standard hanno la scatola morsetti di fissaggio e fondazione
September 2005
controllare le condizioni dei cuscinetti, prestando a condizione che vengano aggiunte piccole quantith di
attenzione ad eventuali rumori anomali, alle vibra- grasso nuovo ad intervalli regolari, come indicato sopra.
zioni, alla temperatura, analiuando il grasso I valori in tabella si riferiscono ad una temperatura dei
consumato ed effettuando monitoraggi con rileva- cuscinetti di 80%. Tali valori devono essere dimezzati
tori SPM, dove esistenti. ogni 15K di aumento della temperatura dei cuscinetti.
"Quando si rilevino condizioni anomaie, smontare il
motore, controllame le parti ed effettuare ie sostitu- Se la temperatura massima dei cuscinetti 6 di 70% i
zioni necessarie." valori in tabella possono essere raddoppiati.

Lubrificazione AWERTENZA:
Motori con cuscinetti ad inarassaaaio oermanente. La temperatura massima di esercizio del grasso e dei
I motori fino aila grandezza 160 sono normalmente cuscinetti non deve essere superata.
forniti con coscinetti ad ingrassaggio pennanente del
tip0 2RS. II funzionamento a velocita superiori, per esempio nel
I tipi di cuscinetti montati sono specificati nei rispettivi caso di alimentazione tramite inverter, o a velocia
cataloghi di prodotto. inferiori, per carichi pesanti, necessitano di intervalli di
lubrificazione rawicinati. In tali casi, consultare Svend
I motori equipaggiati con cuscinetti tip0 2RS pos- Hayer AIS.
sono essere re~nfissati smontando 11 motore, pulenoo I
cuscinett ed I lor0 alloqq~amentl
e riernpendo con nLovo Indicativamente, un raddoppio della velocith richiede
grasso peril 50-70%. una riduzione degli intervalli di lubrificazione di circa il
40% dei valori riportati in tabella.
lndicazioni degli intervalli di lubrificazionesono:
20.000 - 40.000 ore di servizio per motori a 4 poli e oltre. Inoltre, si deve sempre verificare che i cuscinetti siano
10.000- 20.000 ore di servizio per motori a 2 poli e 214 adatti alla mtazione ad alte velocita.
I tempi pib brevi si riferiscono ai motori delle grandezze Lubrificanti
maggiori. Per il reingrassaggio, utilizzare solo lubrificanti specifici
per cuscinetti a sfere, con le seguenti proprieth:
Motori forniti con inarassatori grasso con base al litio di buona quaiita o compost0
Procedere alla lubrifiwione del motore quando B in a base di litio
funzione. viscosit& delrolio di base 100 - 140 cST a 40%
consistenza NLGl grado 2 o 3
Nel caso sia previsto un tappo sullo scarico grasso, gamma di temperature -30°C +120°C,continuativa.
rimuoverlo ternporaneamente durante la lubrificazione
manuale o definitivamente se si utilizzano dispositivi Lubrificanti con le corrette proprieta sono disponibili
automatici. presso i maggiori produttori.

Se il motore 6 previsto di targhetta riportante le istruzioni Se si cambia la marca del lubrificante e la compatibilita
per la lubrificazione, seguire i valori 'indicati, altrimenti non 6 certa, lubrificare inizialmente i cuscinetti diverse
attenersi ai seguenti valori voite ad intervalli molto brevi, con lo scopo di liberarli dai
residui del precedente lubrificante.
grandezzaquantii 3600 3000 I800 1500 1000 500-900
motore di grasso rtmin rtmin rtmin rtmin rlmin rtmin Per cuscinetti a carico elevato elo a rotazione lenta, si
devono usare lubrificanti EP.

lntewalli di lubrificazione in ore di esercizio Nel caso di intervalli di lubrificazione molto breve perch6
112.132 15 4200 4800 7000 7800 10000 10500 la temoeratura dei cuscinetti B di 80°C o suoeriore. usare
160,180 20 3200 4200 6000 7000 9000 10000 lubrificanti per alte temperature, i quali 'normaimente
200,225 25 1800 3100 5500 6500 8500 9000 permettono una temperatura dei cuscinetti piO aita di
250,280 35 800 2000 5000 6000 8000 8500 circa 15K.
315 50 800 2000 4600 5500 7500 8000
355 60 - 1000 4000 5000 7000 8000 Se la temperatura ambiente B inferiore a -25'C, con-
400 81 - 2500 3000 5000 6000 sultare Svend Hayer AIS per verificare la possibilitA di
Cuscinetti a rulli
lntervalli di lubriiicazione in ore di esercizio
utilizzare arasso oer basse temoerature.

200.225 25 900 1500 4300 5000 6500 7000 AWERTENZA:

Molti tipi di lubrificanti possono causare imtazioni alla
pelle o infiammazioni agli occhi.
Seguire le nonne di sicurezza specificate dal pmduttore.

Parti di ricambio
La tabelia si riferisce ai motori montati oriaontalmente. Nelrordinare parti di ricambio per un motore, indicare il
Gli intervalli di lubrificazione per motori montati vertical- tip0 dl motore con codice di prodotto come siampig-
mente sono la met& dei valori in tabella. liato sulla targhetta del motore stesso. Se sulla targhetta
compare anche un numero di matricola del molore, B
Le quantita di grass0 indicate nella tabella sono valide necessario comunlcare anche quest'ultirno.
September 2005
Onop~oes~are~ueconporu~neHun M B O ~ R ~ ~
YMeHbUIaeTCR B ABa pa3a K a ~ b l h
pa3 np!4
noeblueHuu TeMnepaTypbl o~pyxaloqehcpeabl
Ha 20°C. Ecnu onopHoro wareHun
TO O ~ M O T Kc ~n u w ~ orcblpena
o~ u ee
H ~ O ~ X O A M MnPOCyWYl
O Tb B nWM. Te~nepa~ypa
new AonxHa nomepxusarbcu Ha yposHe 90°C
s n e ~ r p o ~ e u r a ~ npou3ao~c~sa
enu~ Svend Hayer 105°C B Tevetiue 6-8vacos.
NS,HaxoAnquMcu B 3~cnnya~aquu: E C ~ABUraTenb
U C H ~ ~ CnvlBHblMvl
X ~ H ~PO~K~MM,
ux H ~ O ~ X O A U MyO~ a n u no
~ bHavana Harpeea.

f l p u ~ o inycn
i unu nycn repe3 coedunenue
O C K O ~ O C T H ~mura~eneh
IX uMeeT
TepMunan aase~ne~uu.

npue~na npu nocmasne
nop,nexuT OCMOTPY Ha npemeT BHewtiux
n0Bpe~eHtIh.Ecnu nospeyoetlufl uMeDTcu,
H W e W T He3aMep,nMTenbHo OnOBeCTMTb 06
TOM nepe~o3vu~a.
n p r r ~ o inycn
Bce csefleHun Ha nacnop~~oh ~a6nur~e npbI npRMOM IlyCKe MOXeT npblMeHRTbCR
H ~ O ~ X O A U MnpOBepMTb,
u~@op~aun omnoaKntoreHuu HanpmeHuu u Hanp.. 690 V Y (ssewoh). 400V A
O ~ M O T O K(nop~cnmve~ue aeeaon unu (T~~)To~~HLIKOM).
nycn r e p a coedunenuu
~ ~ w ~ o ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ . ? o J I ~ H I I K o M
Hanpnxe~uenuraHuu Aonwo PaBHfiTbCR
H O M M H ~ ~ ~ H O~MaYn p ~ x e ~AsuraTenu
uto npu
Konmponb conpomuenenurr wonnuuu COeAUHeHUU 06M0TOK B TpeyrOnbHllK (A).
C o n p o ~ u ~ n e ~ u e u ~ o cneAyer3aMepurb
poeeoAass~cnnya~auulou n p u n o ~ o 3 p e ~ u u ~ aWleMMHMKa.
nonaaclue snaru B O ~ M O T K UpBuraTenn.

September 2005
K n e ~ ~ubnanpasnenue
r spawenun 06pauenue c n s u r a r e n e M
H a n p a B n e H H e s p a q e H u u sana-no'lacosoh Xpanenue
crpenlte, ecnw C M o T p e T b H a @ n a ~ esana u y Bce a n e K T p o A s u r a r e n f l Aonxtlbl xpatinrbcu B
OKOH'laHHR nPHBOAHOrO B m a . H n p v l C P O M , CBO~OAHOMOT nblJlH H MeXaHU'leCKHX
nOflKnlo'leHUU ~ H H ~ A H@aaosoR o ~ WCTOTbl L1, st6pauuA n o M e q e H u u .
L2, L3 K T e p M U H a n a M , yKa3aHHblM H a
~ P M B O A M M OUnnloCTpaUUH.
HBMeHRloT, MeHUU MeCTaMH 2 CeTeBblX K ~ ~ ~ J - I R .

mu ucnapenm K o H a e H c a T a ,
HarpeBa~enH ecnn
TaKOBble HMeloTCR, PeKOMeHAyeTCR A e p X a T b BO

Mepbr ~ ~ ~ ~ o c ~ o ~ o J K H o c I ~ u
~ a TaloKe a K c n n y a T a u n u
A B l l r a T e n R fl01TKHbl nPOH3BOAHTbCR
~ s a n n @ n q w p o s a n ~n eb p~w~H a n o M ,
~ p e 6 0 B a H H R ~Hl lHOPMaMH ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ C H O C T U .

Kpenem cpynda~enma
B B H H T H T ~K p e n e X H b l e BHHTbl B OTBePCTHU
3 n e M e H T 1-2 MM.

06pamume snuManue
H~AO~~CT U M OH a K o p n y c e
Kopnyc M o x e T paaorpeaarbcu no
o r e w B~ICOKMXT e M n e p a T y p name
H e K 0 ~ 0 p b l eHeCTaHAapTHble
n p u M e H e H m f l B H r a ~ e n e h ~pe6yloi
0~06blxyKa3aHHA H HHCTPYI~HA
(~anp.,n p w M e H e H u e
n p e o 6 p a 3 0 a a ~ e nr ~a c ~ o ~ b ~ )

September 2005
.'TI ~odcoedunenue
B craHflapTHoM ucnonHeHuu AeuraTenb uMeer
BXOAbl ~a6eneAC o6eux CTOPOH, KJleMMHaR
~opo6~ p a 3 ~ e q e csepxy.
~a Aeurarenu
nOCTaBnRloTCR Tame C WleMMHblMbl ~ O K C ~ M U
BepxHero pacnonoxeHun, pa3eoparusae~bl~u
Ha 90" B rewpex HanpameHuux, u c
WleMMHblMH K O P O ~ K ~ M60~080r0
Hea~eAcrsosa~~ B XbO~Ae~ I~a6eneAcnenyeT Texnnrec~uiiyxon n C M ~ J K ~
38KpblTb. npu 06blW40~OCMOmpe
~ ~ H T ~PBuraTenu
KpOMe TepMUHanOB nepEJWIH0A O ~ M O T K UM perynRpHo
383eMneHHU, WleMMHaFl K O P O ~ KMOXeT
~ Tame nop.qepxueaR~erucrory neurarenn,
wnepxaTb noamemweHun TepMucropos. 06ecnerweaAre He3aTpynHeHHOe
HarpeeaTenbHblx ~ ~ M ~ H m T Ou cnyaee
OCTaHOBKH ABMraTenR, T ~ ~ M O ~ M M ~ T ~ M U
nepemlorareneii unu ~ ~ M ~ H T O B
conpoTusnenuu PT 100.
~ ~ C K ~ I X Boanyxa
K o H T ~ o ~ MCO~CT~OU
y n n o ~ ~ e ~sana
u A (~anp.,munuioro
Konbua ~ o n n e ~ ~ oup npu
H ~ O ~ X O ~ M M O CnpObf3SORllTe
K o H T ~ o ~COCTOsl u ~ ~HUe
~ ?
coenu~e~uA n
M O H T ~ M ~ I X / W ~ ~ ~ W ~HO~ ~~T~O~B~ ~ H ~ I X
K O H A ~ H CB~OT~OH~O @ ~ ~ HABYl
~ I rX
aTenRX MOXeT ~e06blllHblxWVMOB. H3MeDRR
H W U T b C H I l O n TOKOM MeWy KJleMMaMH
neurwenu, naxe npu ocraiiose peuraTenn.

nposepueMblx no3uuuR nsuraTenb
noffnexm pa360p~et4 nce ero y3nt.1
U KOMnOHeHTbl - npOBepKe. npvl
H ~ O ~ X O ~ ~ M MnpOU3BOAHTe
fl~d~lintfunu C~asna
C nonluvlnHwKaMu cnenyeT npoflsnmb
O C O ~ ~ H HBHUMaHtle
CbeMHHKaMU, a MOHTMpOBaTb C HarpeBaHlneM
nnu c npt4MeHenueM cneuuanbHoro

Monmam nanyhfy@m u pehfennbrx wnueoe

M O H Tnony~y$JT
BblnOnHRTbCR C YICflOnb308aHMeM
npucnow6ne~uR,KOTOpble He MOrV HaHeCTU
nospeWeHun nonwunHuKaM.
PeKoMeHflyeMble MHTepBanbl CMa3KM:
20000 - 40000 r a m s 3~cnnya~auuu
ffnu 4-
xnonlocHblx neurareneA

September 2005
TereHue nepsoro nyclta.
Ecnu AsuraTenb uMeeT musnyn, npo6~y,ee
BblHHMalOT Ha BpeMU CMa3KYI BpeMeHHO, a nptl

Tun C 3600 3000 1800 15W 10W 5W

M 061 06J o6J 06. 06.1 -
3 06. npu 6onee B~ICOKUX3 ~ a r e ~ u Cu KxO P O C T ~ ~
spaqenuu, HanpnMep npu npuMeHeHuux B C B R ~ M
C llpe06pa3013aH~e~ 'IaCTOTbl, H e 0 6 ~ 0 f l ~ ~ b l
6onee KOPOTKMe MHTepBaJlbl CM83KM. TOXe
OTHOCVlTCU W K Cn'fiaUM 6onee HM3KvlX C K O ~ O C T ~ ~
npu 6onblueh ~arpy3~e. B TaKnx cnyiaux
3anpaluLIBah~eH e 0 6 ~ 0 f l ~ ~AaHHble
ble y Svend
Heyer NS.

npvl WBOe 6onblueh CKOpOCTvl MHTepBaJlbl

CMa3KYI 06bl'lHo YKOpa'lHBatOT A0 OK. 40% OT
a ~ a r e ~ wnpueepeHHblx
i, sbwe B ~a6nuue.

' m u c M a w npuMeHutoT cneuuanbnyn,
luapuKonoflluunHuK0B w
KarecTea, saryqennau nuTuesblMu
MbInaMM, HnYl Ha OCHOBe nHTYleBOr0
B U ~ K O Tuxenor0
CT~ Tonnusa 100-140
cST npu 40%
K O H C U C T ~ H ~ M U /NLGI,
Knacc 2 unu 3
3 o ~ pa6orux
a TeMnepaTyp OT -30°C
A0 +12O0C, HenpepblBHO no BCeMy

September 2005
B cnyrae nepexoaa Ha Apyrylo Mapv CMa3KU u
~03H#KaloU@hnptl3TOM HeYBepeHHOCTYl B
uHrepsanaMu, r r o n o 3 ~ o n ~06uTbcfl
u~ ~ I o ~ H o ~
C M ~ ~ K I IB arperare.

Ecnu TeMnepaTypa O K ~ ~ B I O L Lc Vp e
~w~ Huxe -
25"C,sanpawvlsah~ey Svend Heyer A 6
) AOnOnHHTenbHylo ~ ~ H @ o ~ M ~ 0L np!-WOP,HblX
T M ~ ~ x H U ~ K O TK~
C H~
C T~
~ H~
T H~
O ~T ~ ~ H O ~

3anacnbre vacmu
npu 3a~a3e3anac~blxqacreh yKa3blBahTe
nOnHOCTblo BCe 0603HareHtln I4 KOAbI,
npuseAeHHble Ha n a c n o p ~ ~ ~
o ha 6 n u r ~Ecnu
ABuraTenlo IlpUAaH 3aBoflcKoh ~ e p u f i ~ bHOMep,
ywxure ero.

September 2005
0UTL.lndd 33
motorin~~~kUoner-A5-10 26/10/05 11:25:44
,- 7 lnstrukcja uiytkowania Rozruch bezposredni b q d i przez przetqcznik YlA
Skrzynka zaciskowa silnik6w standardowych
Deklaracja zgodnofci jednobiegowych zazwyczaj zawiera 6 zaciskow i co
Deklaracja zgodnosci dotyczqca Dyrektymy Niskiego najmniej jeden zacisk uziemienia.
Napigcia 73123lEEC (zmiana 93168lEEC) jest
wydawana oddzieinie z poszczegblnymi silnikami. Uziemienie powinno by6 przeprowadzone zgodnie z
iokalnymi przepisami przed podlqczeniem maszyny do
Dekiaracja zgodnoSci musi takie wypelnit iqdania zasilania.
Dyrektywy 891392lEEC dotyczqca ujednolicenia praw
pahstw Wspbinoty dotyczqcych maszyn. Zarbwno napigcie jak i spodb pdqczenia sq podane na
tabliczce znamionowej.

Rozruch bezpofredni
lnstrukcja ma zastosowanie do nastgpujqcych typbw Stosowane sq pdqczenia uzwojeh w Y lub w A.690 W
silnikbw elektrycznych firmy Svend Hoyer NS, w 400VA, gdzie Y oznacza poiqczenie przy 690V i
przypadku pracy silnika: poiqczenie w A przy 400V.

Silniki z obudowa aluminiowa MS 56 - 132 Rozruch przez przetqcznik YIA

Silniki z obudowa ieliwnq Y2E2 80-400 Napigcie zasilania musi by6 rbwne napigciu
znamionowemu maszyny przy po4qczeniu w A. Naleiy
(Dla niektbrych typbw silnika, ze wzglgdu na specjalne usunqC wszelkie elementy pdqczeniowe z tabliczki
zastosowanie illub konstrukcje moie by6 potrzebna zaciskowej.
' dodatkowa informacja).
W przypadku silnikbw dwubiegowych, jednofazowych i
Rozruch maszyn specjainych podlqczenie musi by6 zgodne ze
Odbi6r dostawy schematem pdqczeh znajdujqcym sig w skrzynce
Natychmiast po otrzymaniu przesylki naleiy sprawdzit, zaciskowej.
czy nie nastapily uszkodzenia zewngtrzne silnika, a jeSli
tak to niezwtocznie nalej o tym powiadomiC spedyiora. Zaciski i kiemnek obrotu
Kierunek obrotbw jest zgodny z ~ c h e mwskazbwek
Naleiy sprawdziC rbwniet wszystkie dane na tabliczce zegara patrzqc na kohc4wke watka od strony napgdowej
znamionowej, a szczegblnie napigcie i sposbb kiedy przewody kabla zasilajqcego L1, L2, L3 s q
pdqczenia (gwiazda lub trbjkqt). podlqczone do zaciskbw zgodnie z przylqczonym
Naleiy ecznie p o k r ~ i C walkiem silnika w celu
sprawdzenia swobodnego obracania sig. Aby zmieniC kierunek obrotbw naleiy zarnienik
potqczenia dowolnych dwbch przewodbw kabla
Sprawdzenie opornoSci izolacji zasilajqcego.
Naleiy pomierzyC opomoSC izolacji przed roz~chem,a
takie gdy zachodzi podejrzenie o zawilgocenie JeSli silnik wyposaiony jest w wentylator o jednym
uzwojenia. kierunku obmtbw to naleiy sie upewniC, i e bgdzie on
prawwal zgodnie z kierunkiem wyznaczonym strzalkq
Opbr, mierzony w temperaturze 2SC powinien na silniku.
przekraczah wartost odniesienia:
1 Ri (MC2)2(20-U) 1 (1000 + 2P),
Gdzie U = napigcie w voitach a P = oddany efeM w kW
W a ~ n kpracy
Silniki s q przeznaczone do pracy w napgdach
OSTRZE~ENIE przemyslowych. Normalny zakres temperatury otoczenia
Uzwojenie powinno zostaC roztadowane natychmiast po -
wynosi -25'C +40'C i maksymalnej wysokoSci 1000 m
dokonaniu pomiaru w celu uniknigcia ryzyka poraienia nad poziomem morza.
WartoSC odniesienia opomoSci izolacji zmniejsza sig o Maszyna powinna by6 zainstalowana i uiytkowana
pdowg przy wzroScie temperatury otoczenia o kaide przez wykwalifikowany personel zaznajomiony z
20'C. Jeteli wartofC odniesienia nie zostala osiagnigta odpowiednimi wymogami bezpieczehstwa.
oznacza to, t e uzwojeniejest zawilgowne i musi zostaC
wysuszone w piecu. Temperatura pieca powinna Na miejscu pracy powinien znajdowaC sig sprzgt
wynosiC 90'C na okres 12-16 godz., a daiej 10SC na niezbgdny do zapobiegania wypadkom przy montowaniu
okres 6-8 godz. i pracy silnika, zgodnie z obowiqzujqcymi lokalnymi
Jeteli silnik jest wyposaiony w zaSlepki otwor4w
drenaiowych, muszq by6 usunigte na okres suszenia. OSTRZE~ENIE
Male silniki uruchamiane bezpoirednio przez sensory
Uzwojenie zamoczone w wodzie morskiej zwykle musi termiczne mogqzastartowaCautomatycznie.
zostaC przezwojone.
i 1
34 September 2005
Waine punkty Oprbcz zaciskbw uzwojenia glbwnego i uziernienia w
skrzynkach zaciskowych znajdujq sig rowniei
Nie wolno stawa6 na silniku
Obudowa silnika moie by6 goqca podczas podlqczenia termistorow, grzatek postojowych,

. zwyklej pracy
Maszyny specjalnego zastosowania mogq
wyrnaga6 specjalnych instrukcji (np. do
rozlqcznikbw birnetalowych lub eiernentbw oporowych

wspflpracy z pmemiennikiem czgstotliwo8ci). OSTRZE~ENIE

Grzatki lub bezpohrednie ogrzewanie uzwojenia mogq
Obsluga by6 pod napigciem wewnqtrz skrzynki zaciskowej w
Silniki powinny bye przechowywane w pornieszweniach czasie postoju silnika.
suchych, wolnych od wibracji i zapylenia.
Niezabezpieczone powierzchnie nieobrobione (kohc6wki Kondensator w silnikach jednofazowych moie
walka i tarcze) powinny by6 pokryte powlokq podtrzymywat ladunek pojawiajqcy sig wzdlut zaciskbw
antykorozyjnq. Okresowo zaleca sig rgwnie obracaC silnika nawet podczas postoju silnika.
walkiem w celu zapobiegnigcia przemieszczeniusmaru.
Montai i demontai
Grzalki antykondensacyjne, o iie s zamontowane Waine
powinny by6 zasilane. Te dwie czynnokci muszq by6 wykonane przez
wykwalifikowany personel stosujqcy odpowiednie
lnstalacja narzgdzia i metody pracy.
( ) Nabywca odnosi calkowitq odpowiedzialnoSC za toiyska
Naleiy zwracaC szczeg6lnq uwagg na loiyska. Przy
przygotowanie podtoia.
dernonta2u uiywat Sciqgaczy, a przy zakladaniu
Podloie metalowe powinno bye pornalowane w celu podgrzewac je lub stosowab specjalnych narzgdzi do
uniknigcia korozji. tego celu.

Podloie powinno byc rbwne i wystarczajqw mocne by Montowanie pbtsprzegiel i kbt pasowych
wytrzymaC si$ zwarcia. W celu uniknigcia drgah CzynnoSci te przeprowadzak przy ulyciu specjalnego
spowodowanych rezonansem podloie powinno mieC wyposaienia i narzgdzi, aby nie uszkodziC loiysk.
odpowiednie rozmiary.
Nigdy nie nalely uiywaC do tego celu mlotka bqdi
S ~ b podtoia
y dhigni opartej o kadlub silnika.
Naleiy p r z y k ~ c i tpodloie do lap silnika umieszczajqc
1-2 mm podkladkg pomigdzy S ~ b a mai lapami. Wywaianie
Wirnik silnika jest dynamicznie wywa2ony.
WySrodkowab silnik uiywajqc odpowiednich Srodkbw,
Jako standard wywaianie przepmwadzane jest przy
Podloie powinno by6 rbwne i wystarczajqw mocne by uiuciu p64wpustu.
wytrzyrna6 silg zwarcia. W celu uniknigcia drgah
spowodowanych rezonansem podloie powinno mieC Konserwacja ismarowanie
odpowiednie mzmiary.
Oglgdziny og6lne
Sprawdzaj maszyng w regulamych odstgpach
) Otwory drenowe
Zawsze naleiy sig upewniC, i e otwory drenaiowe sq
skierowane do ddu. W Smdowisku o wyjqtkowo duiym
. czasu
Utrzymaj maszyng czystq i zapewnij swobodnq
zapyleniu zaSlepki powinny by6 zamknigte. Sprawdi stan uszczelnienia walka (np. V-ringu)

Osiowanie silnika . i w razie potrzeby wymienib je

Sprawdi stan pdqczeh i zamontowania
Prawidlowe wyosiowanie silnika jest niezbgdne w celu
uniknigcia uszkodzeh loiysk, wibracji i ewentualnych
pgknie6 kohcbwki walka.
. maszyny oraz Smb montatowych
Sprawdt stan loiysk nasluchujqc
nienaturalnych odglosbw, mierzqc drgania i
temperature, badajqc z u m smar lub
Podtqczenie monitorowanie SPM
Standardowa konstmkcja przewiduje skrzynkg W przypadku zmiany stanu maszyny, naleiy j q
zaciskowq u gbry oraz wejScia kablowe moiliwe obydw rozmontowaC, sprawdzi6 i w razie potrzeby
stron. wymieniC czgSci.
Niektbre silniki s q wyposa2one w skrzynki zaciskowe Silniki z toivskami nasmarowanvmi na c a b okres
umieszwone na gbrze i obracalne 4x90', bqdi w
skrzynki umieszczone z boku. Silniki do wlk mech. 160 s q wyposatone w loiysko ze
stalym dosmamwaniem typu 2RS. Typy loiysk s q
Nieuiywane wejkcia kablowe muszqzostae zamknigte. wyspecyfikowane w odpowiednich kataiogach

September 2005 35
-. i Silniki z loiyskami typu 2RS trzeba smarowat ponownie OSTWE~ENIE
najpierw otwierajqc silnik, nastgpnie wyczyscit loiyska i Nie wolno przekraczat maksymalnej ternperatuty pracy
nasmarowat je nowym srnarem do poziomu na okdo 50 ~oiyski smaru.
Praca przy wyiszych predkosciach, np. z
Wzorzec okresu przesmarowania przemiennikiem czgstotliwoSci lub niiszych przy duiych
20.000 - 40.000 godzin pracy IoQsk dla > 4 obciqieniach wymaga skrbcenia przerw migdzy
biegunowych silnikbw smarowaniem. W takich przypadkach naleiy
10.000 - 20.000 godzin pracy loiysk dla 2 i 214 skonsuitowaC sig z firmqsvend Hoyer NS.
biegunowych silnikbw
Zwyczajowo, podwojenie prgdkoSci wymaga skrbcenia
Krbtsze okresy czasu odnoszq sig do silnikbw wigkszej przerw migdzy smarowaniami okdo 40 % wartoSci
wielkoSci rnechanicznej. podanych powyiej.

Silniki wvuosaione w smarowniuki Naleiy rdwniei sprawdzit czy zamontowane loiyska

Naleiy smarowat silnik podczas jej b.egu. Na e i y silnik nadajqsig do pracy przy duiych predkoSciach.
smarowat przy pierwszym uruchomieniu.
Zatyczki muszq by6 usuwane okresowo przy Do przesmamwah naleiy stosowat tylko specjalny smar
. . smarowaniu.
JeSli silnik jest wyposaiony w tabliczkg informacyjnq o
do loiysk kulkowych z nastgpujqcymi wlaSciwoSciami:
~ ~~~

~ o b r e j jakoSci smar z kompleksowym

mydtem litowym
smarowaniu naleiy przestrzegab zadanych wartoSci, w LepkoSC bazowa smaru 100-140 cST przy
lnnym przypadku naleiy stosowat poniisze dane. 40'C
Smam rpm
l gram I
3600 3000 I800 1500 1000

I rpm
. Konsystencja stopnia NLGl 2 lub 3
Zakres stalej temperatuty -30'C + 120'C

Smar o odpowiednich wlaSciwoSciach jest dostgpny u

totrjka kulkowe wszystkich producentbw smarbw.
Podlegajq przesmamwaniu po nastgpujqmj ilo5ci godzin pracy
'I2-l5 4200 4800 7000 7800 10000 Jeieli marka smaru ulega zmianie i jego kompatybiInoS6
132 jest niepewna, naleiy pnesmamwat ponownie kilka
I6O, 2o 3200 4200 6000 ' 7000 gOOO razy w krbtszym okresie przesmamwah aby wymienit
1BU stary m a r .
200. 25 1800 3100 5500 6500 8500 9000
225 Wysoko obcisone lub wolno wirujqce loiyska
250. 35 800 2000 5000 6000 8000 8500 wymagajqsmaru ~ p .
315 50 800 2000 4600 5500 7500 8000 Przy krdtkich okresach przesmarowah spowodowanych
355 60 - 1000 4000 5000 7000 8000 temperaturqloiysk ok. 80% albo wyiej. trzeba uiywat
400 81 - 2500 3000 5000 smaru przystosowanego do wysokiej temperatury, M6ry
totyska waleczkowa normalnie dopuszcza ok. 15 K W s z a temperatup
Podlegaiq przesmamwaniu PO nastgpujqcej ilo5ci aodzin pracy loiysk.
\ 200. 25 900 1500 4300 5000 6500 7000
1 225 Jeieli temperatura otoczenia wynosi poniiej - 25'C
250. 35 400 1000 3300 4500 6300 6800 naleiy skonsultowaC sig z firmq Svend Hoyer N S w
280 sprawie odpowiedniego smaru do niskiej ternperatury.

Wiele smar4w mote spowodowat podra2nienia sk6ry
lub zapalenia spojbwek.
Tabeia obowi*zuje dla silnikbw pracujqcych poziomo. Naleiy przestrzegak wszystkich Srodkbw ostroinoSci
wyspecyfikowanych przez producentbw.
Okres smarowania silnikbw pracujqcych pionowo
wynoszq pobwg powytszych wartohi. C y S c i zamienne
Zamawiajqc c z e i zamienne naleiy podaC pelne
IloSci smaru podane w tabeli powinno sig u2ywaC jeieli oznaczenie typu i kod wyrobu z tabliczki znarnionowej.
male iloSci Swietego smaru zostanq wymienione w JeSli na maszynie wybity jest fabryczny numer seryjny
podane powytej tabeli okresbw przesmarowah. naleiy go rdwniei podat.

WartoSci w tabeli sqwyliczone na temperatune loiyska

ok 80'C. WartoSci te powinny bye zmniejszane do
pdowy na ka2dy przyrost temperatuty loiysk na 15 K.

Jeieli maksymalna temperatura loiysk wynosi 70'C,

motna podwoiC powytej podane dane w tabeli.
36 September 2005
Connection diagram
Cxe~a coean~enni
Schemat polaczen

September 2005 37
, Personal Notes:

September 2005
' Personal Notes:

Generelt Important notice

Der taaes forbehold for twkfeil oa vi forbeholder os ret ti1 Texts and data of this catalogue are not binding and we
uden iarsel at rendre tekst og data. reserve the right to change them without previ&s notice.
For vderliaere tekniske informationer kontakt venliast
vor& sal&.afdeling.
For anv further technical informat~onPlease do not hesi-
tate ticontact us.

September 2005
Chains Gears Motors . I

Main office:
Svend Hwer N S
Over Hadstenvej 42 . DK 8370 Hadsten
Tel. (+45) 86 98 21 11 . Fax (+45) 86 98 17 79
E-mail: [email protected] http://www.svendhoyer.dk

Svend Hwer AB
Malrnovagen 18. S-331 42 Varnarno

) Tel. (t46) 37 04 77 13 . Fax (+46) 37 01 00 46

E-mail: [email protected] http://www.svendhoyer.se

Svend Hwer AS
1 ~N-3256 Lawik
Tel. (+47) 33 18 00 11 Faks: (t47) 33 18 00 13
e-rnail: [email protected] . http://www.svendhoyer.no

Svend Hoyer N S
Over Hadstenvej 42 DK 8370 Hadsten
Tlf. 0800 1890415. Fax (+45) 87 61 21 19
i., 1
E-mail: [email protected]. http://www.svendhoyer.de
Mac Cooling Water Preheating Set

Cooling Water Preheating Set

Document: 04-71-FB-033
BETRIEBSANLEITUNG VersionIDate: 01 vom 2001-03-08
, 7 Page: 1 of: 23 KA

Water Preheating Unit
Type KVE

Bhnliches Bild / Similar picture

0 ELWA Elektrowarme Mijnchen A.Hilpoltsteiner GmbH & Co KG
(,, 1 Landsberger Str. 367-369 P.O.Box 210466 Tel: +49-89-546779-0
80687 MLlnchen 80674 MOnchen Fax: +49-89-546779-10
E-mail: [email protected]
Document: 04-71-FB-033

VersionIDate: 01 vom 2001-03-08
Page: 2 of: 23 KA

lnhaltsverzeichnis I Contents
1 SicherheitshinweiseI Notes on safety............................................................................................. 4
1.1 Allgemeines I General ............................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Kennzeichnung von Hinweisen 1 Icons highlighting annotations ........................................ 4
1.3 Personalqualifikation I Qualifications of personnel ................................................................. 4
1.4 Gefahren I Dangers ................................................................................................................ 5
1.5 SicherheitsbewusstesArbeiten I Safe working practices ....................................................... 5
1.6 Sicherheitshinweisefur den BetreiberlBediener I Safety instructions for the operator...........5
1.7 Sicherheitshinweisefur Wartung-. lnspektions und Montagearbeiten I Safety instructions for
maintenance. inspection and installation.............................................................................................5
1.8 UnzulBssige Verwendung I Non-designated use....................................................................6
1.9 Normen und Vorschriften I Standards and regulations .......................................................... 6
2 Allgemein I General.........................................................................................................................
. . 7
2.1 Beschreibung I Descnptron..................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Hauptbestandteile I Main components ...................................................................................8
2.2.1 Dmckbehalter I Pressure vessel (1) ................................................................................... 8
2.2.2 Heizbatterie I Heating battery (2) ..................................................................................... 8
2.2.3 Pumpe I Pump (3) ..............................................................................................................9
2.2.4 Schaltschrankl Switch cabinet (4) ................................................................................... 10
2.2.5 Rilckschlagklappe I Non-retum flap (5) ........................................................................... 10
2.2.6 Sicherheitsventil (optional) I Safety valve (optionalJ (6) ................................................... 11
2.2.7 Ternperaturregler I Temperature controller ...................................................................... 12
2.2.8 Sicherheits-ternperatur-begrenzer I Safety temperature IimiterATHF-70 ....................... 12
3 Montage I Installation .................................................................................................................... 13
Rohrleitungen I Prprng system .............................................................................................. 13
3.2 Elektrischer Anschlu13 I Electrical connection....................................................................... 14
3.3 Drehrichtung der Pumpe. . .I Pump (direction of rotation)........................................................ 14
lnbetriebnahme I Commrss~onmg .................................................................................................. 14
Wartung Service und Reparatur I Maintenance, service and repair ............................................ 15
Erhitzer I Heater.................................................................................................................... 15
5.1.1 Ausbau-Einbau des Heizeinsatzes I Removing heating insert ......................................... 16
5.1.2 Aus- und Einbau der Heizelemente I Removing heating elements .................................. 16
5.2 Schaltschrank I Switch cabinet ............................................................................................. 17
Pumpe I Pump ................................................................................................................................... 17
5.3.1 Service I Service .............................................................................................................. 17
5.3.2 Pumpenwelle justieren I Shaff adjustment ....................................................................... 18
6 St6mngsubersicht I Troubleshooting ............................................................................................ 19
6.1 Erhiherl Heater.................................................................................................................... 19
6.2 Schaltschrank I Switch cabinet ............................................................................................. 19
6.3 Pumpe I Pump ...................................................................................................................... 19
7 Technische Daten I Technical data ............................................................................................... 21
8 Ersaizteile I Spare parts ................................................................................................................ 22
8.1 Ersaizteilliste I Spare parts list.............................................................................................. 22
8.2 Ersameilbevorratung I Stock of spare parts ......................................................................... 23

. O ELWA Elektrowarme Miinchen A.Hilpoltsteiner GmbH & CO KG
(.. . Landsberger Str . 367-369 P.O.Box 210466 Tel: +49-89-546779-0
80687 MOnchen 80674 Munchen Fax: +49-89-546779-10
E-mail: [email protected]
Document: 04-71-FB-033

VersionIDate: 01 vom 2001-03-08
Page: 3 of: 23 KA

Anhann I Appendix
Anhang I Appendix I: HerstellererklarungIManufacturer Declaration
Anhang IAppendix 2: Konformitatserkliirung IDeclaration of Conformity
Anhang IAppendix 3: MaRzeichnungIDimension drawing
Anhang IAppendix 4: Verdrahtungschema Heizbatlerie IWiring diagram of heafing battery
Anhang 1Appendix 5: Schaltplan Schaltschrank IWiring diagram of switch cabinet

@ ELWA Elektrowiirme Miinchen A.Hilpoltsteiner GmbH & Co KG
Landsberger Str. 367-369 P.O.Box 210466 Tel: +49-89-546779-0
80687 Munchen 80674 MOnchen Fax: +49-89-546779-10
E-mail: [email protected]
Document: 04-71-FB-033

VersionIDate: 01 vom 2001 -03-08
Page: 4 of: 23 KA



Diese Montage- und Betriebsanleitung enthalt These installation and operating instructions
g~ndlegende Hinweise, die bei Installation, contain basic information which must be fob
Betrieb und Wartung zu beachten sind. Sie ist lowed during installation, operation and mainte-
daher unbedingt vor Montage und lnbetrieb- nance. Consequently, it is essential that the
nahme vom Monteur sowie dem zustandigen fitter reads these instructions before installing
FachpersonallBetreiber zu lesen. the unit and that the technical staff responsi-
Diese Montage- und Betriebsanleitung bezieht bleAhe owner reads them before the unit is
sich auf elektrisch beheizte Wasse~orwarmag- taken into operation.
gregate. These installation and operating instructions
Es sind nicht nur die unter diesem Abschnitt deal with electrically heated water preheating
,,SicherheitshinweiseUaufgefuhrten, allgemeinen units.
Sicherheitshinweise zu beachten, sondern auch As well as the general safety instructions con-
die unter den anderen Abschnitten angefiihrten tained in the "Notes on safety" section, also
, speziellen Sicherheitshinweise. comply with the specific safety notes given in
Fur Schaden die durch Nichtbeachtung dieser the other sections.
Betriebsanleitung entstanden sind kann keine We cannot accept any liability for damage due
Gewahrleistung ubernommen werden. to failure to adhere to these operating instruc-



b e i - ~ i c h t b e a c h t u nGefahrdungen
~ fiir Per- complied with, may endanger the safety of
sonen hervorrufen konnen, sind mit dem personnel, are specifically identified with the
allgemeinen Gefahrensymbol ,,Sicherheits- general hazard symbol as defined i n DIN
zeichen nach DIN 4844-W9" besonders ge- 4844-W9.

P Direkt am Modul oder Gerat angebrachte Hin-

weise wie z.B. Typenschild, Zulauf, Ablauf, usw.
Information such as the model plate, inlet, out-
let, etc. applied directly to the module or unit
miissen unbedingt beachtet und in voll lesba- must be followed in all cases and must be kept
rem Zustand gehalten werden. in a fully legible condition.


Das Personal fiir Bedienung, Wartung, Inspek- The personnel involved in operating, maintain-
tion und Montage mul3 die entsprechende Qua- ing, inspecting andinstalling the unit must be
lifikation fur diese Arbeiten aufweisen. suitably qualified for this work. The owner of the
Verantwortungsbereich, Zustandigkeit und die unit must precisely define the areas of respon-
Uberwachung des Personals miissen durch den sibility and monitoring duties of the personnel.
Betreiber genau geregelt sein.

0 E L W A Elektrowarme M i j n c h e n A.Hilpoltsteiner GmbH & Co KG
(,. . Landsberger Str. 367-369 P.O.Box 21 0466 Tel: +49-89-546779-0
80687 Munchen 80674 Munchen Fax: +49-89-546779-10
E-mail: [email protected]

Die Nichtbeachtung dieser Betriebsanleitung mit Failure to adhere to these operating instructions
ihren Sicherheitshinweisen kann sowohl eine and the safety notes they contain may not only
Gefahrdung fur Personen als auch fur die Um- endanger the safety ofpersonnel but also cause
welt und die Anlage zur Folge haben. Dies kann damage to the environment and the machine.
zum Verlust jeglicher Schadensersakanspru- This will render any claims for damages invalid.
che fuhren.
Im einzelnen kann die Nichtbeachtung folgende Specifically, failure to adhere to these instruc-
Gefiihrdungen nach sich ziehen: tions can entail the following dangers:

- das Versagen wichtiger Teile der Anlage - Failure of important parts of the machine
- das Auslaufen umweltgefahrdender Stoffe - Leakage of environmentally harmful sub-
- Tod oder schwere Korperverletrung durch stances
elektrische bzw. mechanische Einwirkungen - Severe or fatal physical injury due to electri-
cal or mechanical energy


Die in dieser Montage- und Betriebsanleitung The following must be adhered to: safety notes
aufgefiihrten Sicherheitshinweise, die beste- contained in these installation and operating
henden nationalen Vorschriften zur Unfallver- instructions; national regulations in place gov-
hutung sowie eventuelle interne Arbeits-, Be- erning accident prevention; any in-house, works
triebs- und Sicherheitsvorschriften des Betrei- and safety instructions issued by the owner.
bers, sind zu beachten.


Beim Betrieb elektrischer Warmegertite konnen Certain parts of these electrical preheating units
bestimmte Teile dieser GeMe unter gefahrli- may be live (carrying dangerous voltage levels)
chen Spannungen stehen und die Obemiiche . and the surface may be at a high temperature
hohe Temperaturen erreichen. Eine Gefiihrdung during operation. Appropriate precautions must
ist durch dementsprechende Vorkehmngen be taken to preclude any dangers. To this end,
~auszuschliessen.Hierzu sind wie in Abschnitt as stated in the SAFEW ~ R I U N G P R A C ~ Csection,
SICHERHEITSBEWUSSTE~ ARBEmN angefuhrt die the relevant accident prevention regulations and
einschliigigen UnfallverhutungsvorschrifIen und directives issued by the local power utilw must
die Vorschriften der ortlichen Energieversor- be adhered to.
gungsunternehmen zu beachten.


Der Betreiber hat dafur zu sorgen, dass alle The owner must ensure that all maintenance,
Wartungs- Inspektions- und Montagearbeiten inspection and installation work is performed by
von autorisiertem und qualifiziertem Fachperso- authorised and qualified technical personnel.
nal ausgefuhrt werden, das sich durch einge- These personnel must have read the installation
hendes Studium der Montage- und Betriebsan- and operating instructions in order to acquire
leitung ausreichend informiert hat. the requisite knowledge.
GmndsBklich sind Arbeiten am Geriit oder Mo- Never work on the unit or the module unless:
dul nur zulassig wenn:

@ E L W A Elektrowarrne M i i n c h e n A.Hilpoltsteiner GmbH & Co KG
i ) Landsberger Str. 367-369 P.O.Box 210466 Tel: +49-89-546779-0
80687 Munchen 80674 Munchen Fax: +49-89-546779-10
E-mail: [email protected]
Document: 04-71-FB-033
BETRIEBSANLEITUNG VersionlDate: 01 vom 2001-03-08

- die Stromzufuhr unterbrochen ist - The electrical power supply is switched off
- alle Medium Zu- und Ablaufe abgesperrt - All fluid inlets and outlets are sealed
sind - The system has been depressurised
- das System dmcklos gemacht ist

Unmittelbar nach Abschluss der Arbeiten mus- All safety and protection equipment must be
sen alle Sicherheits- und Schutzeinrichtungen returned to its correct position and restored to a
wieder in ihre ordnungsgemBsse Position ge- functional condition immediately after work has
bracht bzw. in Funktion gesekt werden. finished.
Fur die Wiederinbetriebnahme sind die im Ab- Refer to the points listed in the COMMISSIONINQ
schnitt I N B ~ E B N A H M E aufgefuhrten Punkte zu section when taking the unit back into operation.

Die Betriebssicherheit des gelieferten Gerats The operational safety of the unit or module is
oder Moduls ist nur bei bestimmungsgemasser only guaranteed provided it is operated in ac-
Veiwendung entsprechend Abschnitt cordance with the designate use as defined in
BESCHREIBUNG der Betriebsanleitung gewBhr- the DESCRIPTION section of these operating
leistet. Die in den technischen Daten angege- instructions. The limit values given in the techni-
benen Grenzwerte durfen auf keinen Fall uber- cal data must under no circumstances be ex-
schritten werden. ceeded.

Anstelle der in dieser Anleitung genannten, in When using the unit outside the area of validity
Europa gultigen lndustrienorrnen und Bestim- of the industrial standards and directives listed
mungen (z.B. in Europa DIN,VDI,VDE) milssen in this manual (e.g. in Europe: DIN, VDI, VDE),
bei einer Veiwendung auaerhalb deren Gel- the equivalent and pertinent directives in force
tungsbereiches die im Anwenderland gilltigen in the area of use must be observed.
einschlagigen Vorschriften beachtet werden.

0 ELWA Elektrowarme Munchen A.Hilpoltsteiner GmbH & Co KG
Landsberger Str. 367-369 P.O.Box 210466 Tel: +49-89-546779-0
80687 Munchen 80674 Munchen Fax: +49-89-546779-10
E-mail: [email protected]
Document: 04-71-FB-033

VersionIDate: 01 vom 2001-03-08
Page: 7 of: 23 KA


Das Aggregat ist ausgelegt um wBssriae Medi- The unit is designed to heat up aaueous media
en mit Hilfe von elektrischer Energie zu erwar- by means of electrical energy and to maintain
men und mittels eines Reglers auf der ge- the required temperature by means of a regu-
wilnschten Temperatur zu halten. Eine einge- lator. A built-in pump forces the medium through
baute Pumpe drijckt das Medium durch den the continuous-flow heating battery, while a
Durchlauferhitzer, dabei verhindert eine Ruck- non-return flap on the unit's outlet prevents the
schlagklappe am Auslauf des Aggregats die medium flowing through opposite to the pump-
Durchstromung entgegen der Forderrichtung. ing direction. The pump and the heating battery
Die Pumpe und der Erhitzer sind elektrisch so are wired up electrically so the heating battery
verschaltet, daR ein Betrieb des Erhiiers ohne cannot be operated without the pump. A safety
Pumpe verhindert wird. Ein Sicherheitstempe- temperature limiterpmtects the heating battefy
raturbegrenzer schukt den Erhitzer vor thermi- against thermal overload.
scher Uberbelastung.

'b Wtissriae Medien:

- KUhlwasser
Aaueous media:
- Cooling water
- Heizungswasser mit einer Qualitat gem. - Heating water
VDI 2035 - Drinking water
- Trinkwasser - Fluid, not aggressive and not explosive
- Dunflilssige, nicht-aggressive und nicht- media without mineral oil, stable or long fi-
explosive mineralljlfreie Medien ohne feste bre
oder langfasrige Bestandteile

Sollte das Gedt f i l r andere als hier angegebene If the unit is designed for media other than those
Medien ausgelegt sein, so ist dies im, listed here, then this is recorded in the

Der Erhitzer datf nur betrieben werden, Do not operate the heating battery at tem-
wenn die Betriebstemperatur die Siedetem- peratures above the boiling temperature of
peratur des durchstromenden Mediums bei the medium under atmospheric pressure1
Atmospharendruck nicht iibersteigt I

NL~TUCINM- @ ELWA Elektrowiirme Munchen A.Hilpoltsteiner GmbH & Co KG
Landsberger Str. 367-369 P.O.Box 210466 Tel: +49-89-546779-0
80687 Munchen 80674 Munchen Fax: +49-89-546779-10
E-mail: [email protected]
Document: 04-71-FB-033
BETRIEBSANLEITUNG VersionIDate: 01 vom 2001-03-08



' b Dmckbehalter mit Ein- und Austritlsflansch,
EntleeranschluR,StandfuBe sowie Muffe fur das
Pressure vessel with inlet and outlet flange,
drainage connection, legs and sleeve for the
Sicherheitsventil. safety valve.
StandardmaRig ist der Druckbehalter aus Stahl- As standard, the pressure vessel is manufac-
blech gefertigt, das mediumseitig Schutzlackiert tured from sheet steel which has a protective
ist. Edelstahl als BehBltermaterial ist auf Anfra- coating on the side exposed to the medium.
ge mtiglich, die ist im TECHNISCHE DATEN ver- Optionally, high-grade steel is available as a
merkt. material for the vessel. If used, this is indicated
Aul3en ist der Dmckbehalter mit einem lackier- in the TECHNICAL DATA.
ten oder veninkten lsoliermantel versehen, der Externally, the pressure vessel is equipped with
den WBrmeverlust reduziert. MaBe sind dem a painted or galvanised insulating jacket in order
Anhang 1 zu entnehmen. to reduce heat losses. Refer to Appendix 1 for

2.2.2 H E I Z B A ~ E R/I HEATING

Der Heizeinsatz ist je nach Gesamtleistung des The heating unit is equipped with a suitable
GerBts mit einer der Leistung entsprechenden number of tubular heating elements depending
Anzahl an Rohrheizktirpern bestuckt. Diese sind on the overall power of the unit. These are
durch Gewindenippel in einen Heimansch ein- screwed into a heating flange by means of
geschraubt und in der Anschlusszarge zu Lei- threaded nipples. They are connected to output
) stungstufen verschaltet. stages in the connection frame.

0 ELWA Elektrowarme Miinchen A.Hilpoltsteiner GmbH & Co KG
(< , ,j Landsberger Str. 367-369 P.O.BOX 210466 Tel: +49-89-546779-0
80687 Munchen 80674 Munchen Fax: +49-89-546779-10
E-mail: [email protected]

VersionIDate: 01 vom 2001-03-08
9 of: 23 KA

2.2.3 PUMPE 1 PUMP(3)

Bei er Pumpe handelt es sich um eine einstufi- The pump is a single-stage centrifugal pump
ge Kreiselpumpe mit obeffltichengek~hlten with a surface-cooled asynchronous motor. It is
Asynchronmotor in Inline-Bauweise mit gegen- installed inline with connection flanges on oppo-
ilberliegenden Anschlul3flanschen gleicher site ends having the same nominal width.
Nennweite. The pump shaff is sealed against the housing
Die Pumpenwelle ist zum Gehtiuse mit einer by means of a stressed slipring seal. It is con-
nicht-entlasteten Gleitringdichtung abgedichtet nected to the motor via a rigid coupling. The
und mit dem Motor Ljber eine starre Kupplung pump head unit (motor, bell housing and impel-
verbunden. Der Pumpenkopf (Motor, Laterne ler) can be removed for sefvice purposes with-
und Laufrad) lassen sich ohne Ausbau der out removing the pump.
Pumpe fur Servicearbeiten demontieren.

NLUMTUCIEUM- O ELWA Elektrowarme Miinchen A.Hilpoltsteiner GmbH 8. Co KG
Landsberger Str. 367-369 P.O.Box 21 0466 Tel: +49-89-546779-0
80687 Munchen 80674 Munchen Fax: +49-89-546779-10
E-mail: [email protected]
Document: 04-71-FB-033
BETRIEBSANLEITUNG VersionIDate: 01 vom 2001-03-08
Page: 10 of: 23 KA


Der Schaltschrank enthdlt sowohl die Absiche- The switch cabinet contains the circuit breakers
rung der Heizelemente und der Pumpe durch forprotecting the heating elements and the
automatische Sicherungen, als auch deren pump as well as the controlgear for the break-
Ansteue~ng. ers.
Durch einen Hauptschalter kann das komplette The entire module can be switched on and off
Modul EINIAUS-geschaltet werden. Die Steuer- using a master switch. The control voltage is
spannung wird durch einen Transformator auf converted to 230 V by a transformer. Indicator
230V konvertiert. Meldelampen zeigen die Be- lamps signal the operating states.
triebszusthde an. Refer to the wiring diagram in Appendix 3 for
Die genaue Funktionsweise ist dem Schaltplan details of the functions.
im Anhang 3 zu entnehmen.


Um einen Mediumstrom gegen die Laufrichtung A non-return flap is installed in the outlet of the
der Pumpe zu verhindern ist im Auslauf des water preheating module in order to prevent
W a ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ l d einer m Riickschlagklappe
m ~ d ~ l ~ medium from flowing in the opposite direction to
eingebaut. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Ein- the pump operation. It is a clamp-type f ~ i n g
klemmarmatur mit elastischer Dichtung. with a flexible seal.

~ ~ u o m r r x r ~ ~O
. ELWA Elektrowarme Munchen A.Hilpoltsteiner GmbH & Co KG
Landsberger Str. 367-369 P.O.Box 210466 Tel: +49-89-546779-0
80687 Miinchen 80674 Munchen Fax: +49-89-546779-10
E-mail: [email protected]
Document: 04-71-FB-033
BETRIEBSANLEITUNG VersionIDate: 01 vom 2001-03-08


Das Sicherheitsventil kann zus8klich bestellt The safety valve is available as an option and
und am Wasse~orwarmaggregat angebaut can be fitted on the water preheating unit. Oth-
werden. Andemfalls kann fur den nachtragli- erwise, it can be retrofitted by means of the
chen Anbau die am Gerat vorhandene An- connection sleeve provided on the unit.
schluRmuffe verwendet werden.

Jeder fiir sich absperrbare Behalter oder Any sealable container or any sealable con-
jede fur sich absperrbare Behaltergruppe tainer group must be fitted with a spring-
muB mit einem federbelasteten, nicht ab- loaded, non-sealable safety valve which
sperrbaren Sicherheitsventil versehen wer- closes reliably after blowing off.
den, das nach dem Abblasen wieder zuver-
Iassig schlie0t.
Sicherheitsventil Typ MSV-W, federbelastet Safety valve type MSV-W, spring-loaded

Oberteil und lnnenteil Top and inner parts

aus Messing made of brass
Durch Linksdrehung Tum the knurled nut to
der Randelmutter ist vent valve
das Ventil anluftbar Seal is resistant
Die Membrane ist bis against ageing up to
140'C hitze und alte- 140 'C operating tern-
mngsbestandig perature
Die Feder ist korrosi- Corrosion-free spring

AnschluRgr6Re Eingang: Inlet size:

G%" G %"
(ad derZeichnung:links) (In dmwfng: pbUng leR)

Vergr6Rerter Austrilt: Outlet (large socket):

G 1" G 1"

NL~TEMEW- ELWA Elektrowarme Munchen A.Hilpoltsteiner GmbH & Co KG
Landsberger Str. 367-369 P.O.Box 210466 Tel: +49-89-546779-0
80687 MUnchen 80674 MUnchen Fax: +49-89-546779-10
E-mail: [email protected]
Document: 04-71-FB-033
BETRlEBSANLElTUNG VersionlDate: 01 vom 2001-03-08

Als Standardausstattung ist im Wasservorwar- An electromechanical controller ATHF-2 is in-
maggragat ein elektrornechanischer Regler stalled in the water preheating unit as standard
ATHF-2 eingebaut. Dieser schaltet bei Errei- equipment. This trips when the set temperature
chen der eingestellten Temperatur. Nach absin- is reached. The thermostat switches back to its
ken der Temperatur um den Betrag der Schalt- initial position when the temperature drops by
differenz schaltet der Thermostat wieder in sei- more than the hysteresis value. The setpoint
ne Ausgangsstellung. Der Sollwert ist am Reg- temperature can be set on the controller using a
ler durch einen Schraubendreher einstellbar. screwdriver. It is located either in the switch
Dieser befindet sich entweder im Schaltschrank cabinet or in the connection compartment for
oder im AnschluRraum des Erhitzers.(siehe the heating battery (look for label "regulator
Aufkleber ,,ReglerlBegrenzer ... innen") Der limiter inside'?. The temperature range is shown
Temperaturbereich entspricht der Skala unter on the scale below the adjusting knob.
dern Einstellknopf.
Bild Regler
Sonderausstattuno: S~ecialeauiament:
- Elektronischer 2-Punktregler mit Tempera- - Electronic 2-point controller with tempera-
r 3 turanzeige (1)
- Elektronischer Mehrstufenregler mit Soll-
ture display (1)
- Electronic multi-stage controler with set-
und lstwertanzeige (2) point and actual value display

I Z .,M
I ?
m 0 9 9

Betriebsanleitungen irn Anhang. See Appendix for operating instructions.


Der Sicherheits-Temperatur-Begrenzer schaltet ATHF-70 trips if the pre-set temperature is
bei Erreichen der eingestellten Temperatur, reached. The thermostat does not switch back
behalt jedoch den Schalkustand auch bei Ab- to its normal position if the temperature falls
sinken der Ternperatur unter den eingestellten back below the pre-set value. To reset the
Grenzwert bei. Die Betriebsbereitschafi des thermal safety cut-out, press the red button in
Geriites wird durch Betatigung des Wiederein- the switching cabinet or the terminal box located
schaltknopfes im Schaltschrank oder AnschluR- on the head of the heater (look for label "regu-
raum des Erhitzers wiederhergestellt.(siehe lator limiter inside'?. The temperature setting
Aufkleber .Regler/Begrenzer ... innen") Eine can be adjusted by turning the knob above the
BeschBdigung des MeRsystems ( Filhler und scale. This scale represents the maximum set-
Kapillare) bewirki sofort den ausgeltisten ting range.
Schalkustand (Selbstilberwachung). Der Aus-
IBsewert ist am Regler einstellbar. Der Tempe-
raturbereich entspricht der Skala unter dem

0 E L W A Elektrowarme M u n c h e n A.Hilpoltsteiner G m b H & Co K G
Landsberger Str. 367-369 P.O.Box 21 0466 Tel: +49-89-546779-0
80687 Munchen 80674 Milnchen Fax: +49-89-546779-10
E-mail: [email protected]
Document: 04-71-FB-033
VersionIDate: 01 vom 2001-03-08
Page: 13 of: 23

Das Wasser-VorwBrme-Aggregat muR durch The water preheating set must be installed by
einen sachkundigen Facharbeiter, entspre- qualified personnel according to our operating
chend unserer Betriebsanleitung und unter Be- manual and by observing the pertinent regula-
achtung der einschlagigen Bestimmungen und tions.
Vorschriflen montiert werden. The operating manual should be read carefully
Vor Beginn der Montagearbeiten und vor der and thoroughly before beginning the installation
ersten lnbetriebnahme ist die Betriebsanleitung work and before the initial start-up. All damages
in allen Teilen grundlich zu lesen. Alle SchBden, occurring because this instruction had not been
die durch Nichtbeachtung dieser Anweisung duly noted will not be covered by the works
entstehen, fallen nicht unter die Werksgarantie. guarantee.

Die fur die Montage notigen Abmessungen, Refer to the drawing in Appendix 1 for the di-
sowie Anschluamasse sind in der Zeichnung mensions and connection sizes required for
Anhang 1 zu entnehmen. installation.

Das Modul ist verspannungsfrei auf ebenem Install the module on a flat, level base and
\ -) Untergrund zu montierenl ensure that no connections are under


Alle Rohrleitungen milssen sauber gereinigt Make sure the piping system is clean and no
(spulen) und spannungsfrei montiert werden. connections are under stress. Ensure sufficient
Bei der Montage ist genugend Freiraum fijr space for repair and maintenance work (e.g.
Reparatur- und Wartungsarbeiten (2.B. Heiz- heater removal).
korperausbau) vorzusehen. Tighten flange connections to the appropriate
Beim Verschrauben der Flanschverbindungen toque.
ist das passende Drehmoment zu berijcksichti- The inlet and outlet are identified by a blue and
gen. red sticker with a direction arrow. Never mix
Zulauf und Ablauf sind durch einen blauen und them up.
roten Aufkleber mit Richtungspfeil gekenn-
zeichnet und durfen keinesfalls vertauscht wer-
Verspannungen oder Verunreinigungen der Stress on the pipe connections or dirt i n the
Rohrleitungen konnen zu Schaden am Mo- pipes can lead t o damage to the module1
4 dul fiihrenl

0 ELWA ElektrowBrme Munchen A.Hilpoltsteiner GmbH & Co KG
Landsberger Str. 367-369 P.O.Box 21 0466 Tel: +49-89-546779-0
80687 Munchen 80674 Munchen Fax: +49-89-546779-10
E-mail: [email protected]
Document: 04-71-FB-033

VenionIDate: 01 vom 2001-03-08
Page: 14 of: 23 KA



Die Betriebsspannung und die Nebfrequenz The operating voltage and the mains frequency
mussen mit den Angaben auf dem Hersteller- must accord to the data on the manufacturer's
schild ubereinstimmen. Das Zuleitungskabel ist plate. The incoming supply cable must be sized
entsprechend dem GesarntanschluRwert zu and fused in accordance with the total con-
bemessen und abzusichern. Je nach Netzsy- nected load.
stem ist vor dem AnschluR der elektrischen Before connecting the unit to the power supply,
Zuleitung das Gerat an der gekennzeichneten the equipment must be earthed at the marked
Erdungsklemmme unter Beachtung der jeweili- earthing terminal paying regard to the appropri-
gen Vorschriften zu erden. ate regulations.
Grundsaklich sind die Vorschriften des Netzbe-
treibers zu beriicksichtigen.


Durch die Drehrichtung der Welle wird die Fbr- The direction of rotation of the shaR determines

:3 derrichtung der Pumpe bestimmt, d.h. sie muR

mit den Pfeilen auf der Haube der Pumpe ver-
glichen werden. Stimmt die Drehrichtung nicht
the pumping direction of the pump, i.e. check it
against the arrows on the pump hood. Swap
over two phases to correct the direction of rota-
mit den Pfeilen uberein, so muR durch Vertau- tion if the direction of rotation does not corre-
schen von 2 Phasen die richtige Drehrichtung spond to the arrows.
hergestellt werden.

Falsche Drehrichtung kann zu Schaden an The wrong direction of rotation can lead to
der Pumpe fiihrenl damage t o the pump!

Fur die lnbetriebnahrne des Wasse~onv3r- Note the following points concerning taking the
maggregats sind folgende Schritle zu beachten: water preheating unit into operation:
- Anlage mit Medium befljllen und entluften - Fill unit with water and bleed it
- Regler auf gewunschten Sollwert einstellen, - Adjost the controller to the required set-
iedoch nicht hoher als Betriebstem~.max. point, but not above "Operating Temp.
- Der Begrenzer ist auf einen Wert 20 "C - The limiter has to be adjosted to a setpoint
.I ilber dem Regler-Sollwert einzustellen.
20 ' C above the contmller setpoint.
- Hauptschalter einschalten Pumpe lauft Turn on main switch a pump in operation
- Wenn Stufenschaltern vorhanden Heizlei- - If selector switches are fitted, use them to
stung mittels dieser(l = ein,0 = aus) vor- select the heating power (I = on, 0 = off).

ELWA Elektrowarrne Miinchen A.Hilpoltsteiner GmbH & Co KG
Landsberger Str. 367-369 P.O.Box 210466 Tel: +49-89-546779-0
80687 Munchen 80674 Munchen Fax: +49-89-546779-10
E-mail: [email protected]
Document: 04-71-FB-033

VersionIDate: 01 vorn 2001-03-08
Page: 15 of: 23 KA


Vor Arbeiten am Gerat: Before working on the unit:
Zu- und Ablauf absperren, Stromzufuhr un- Shut off the inlet and outlet, switch off the
terbrechen und gegen Wiedereinschalten electrical power supply and take measures
sichernl to prevent i t from being switched back on1


Je nach Betriebsart und Beschaffenheit des Depending on the type of operation and on the
Mediums muR der Erhitzer in kurzeren oder degree of contamination of the fluid the heater
langeren lntervallen griindlich gereinigt werden. has to be thoroughly cleaned in longer or
Schlamrn, der sich irn unteren Bereich des Be- shorter intervals. Sludge deposited in the bot-
halters abgesekt hat, kann in der Regel rnit tom region of the pressure vessel can be
geeigneter Reinigungsflussigkeit uber Zulauf washed out with suitable liquids via drain socket
und Entleermuffe ausgespult werden. Feste and feed pipes. Solid deposits in the pressure
Ablagerungen im Behalter und zwischen den vessel and between heating pockets or heating
: Heiztaschen bzw. Heizktirpern konnen nur nach
Ausbau des Heizeinsatzes entfernt werden. Urn
elements can only be removed after disassem-
bling the heating insert In order to avoid dam-
SchBden an den Rohrflachen zu vermeiden, age to the tube surfaces they should not be
sollte die Reinigung nicht rnechanisch, sondern cleaned mechanically but with suitable solvents
rnittels geeigneter Losungsrnittel bekannter of well-known manufacturers.
Hersteller vorgenornrnen werden.

Reinigungs- oder Lijsungsrnittel nur auf der Do not spill liquid cleaner or solvents o n the
Druckbehalterseite des Heidlansches an- heating flange surface.

0 ELWA Elektrowarrne Munchen A.Hilpoltsteiner GmbH & Co KG
Landsberger Str. 367-369 P.O.Box 210466 Tel: +49-89-546779-0
80687 Munchen 80674 Munchen Fax: +49-89-546779-10
E-mail: [email protected]
Document: 04-71-FB-033

VersionIDate: 01 vom 2001-03-08
Page: 16 of: 23 KA


Stromzufuhr unterbrechen, Zu- und Ablauf ab- Turn off power, shut off inlet and outlet and
sperren, Behalter entleeren, Zargendeckel ab- drain pressure vessel. Remove top of terminal
nehmen, elektrische Anschlusse am Klemm- box, disconnect wiring from terminal strip, with-
steg losen, Zuleitungen aus den Kabeleinfuh- draw cables through the cable glands, unlock
rungen nehmen, Arretierungen losen und Fuhler and remove sensors of controllers and thermal
von Regler b m . Begrenzer aus den Tauchroh- cut-outs from immersion tubes (make sure not
ren ziehen (auf Kapillare achten nicht knicken to damage the capillaries), then pull off terminal
!), anschlieaend Zarge abziehen. Flanschbefe- box. Remove flange mounting bolts, liR heating
stigungsschrauben losen und herausdrehen, insert by means of the provided forcing bolts
Heiz-einsak mittels Druckschrauben (werkseitig and withdraw it from the vessel.
vorgesehen) abheben und aus dem Behalter
ziehen. Behalter und Heizeinsaiz sind nun gut Pressure vessel and heating insert are now
zuganglich und konnen ebenso wie die easily accessible and can be cleaned incl. the
FlanschdichfflBchen gereinigt werden. Uber- sealing surfaces of the flange. Check the heat-
prufen Sic Heizkorper, Regler, Begrenzer, An- ing elements, the temperature controller, the
schluaklemmen und die gesamte Verdrahtung thermal safety cut-out, the terminals and the
auf Funktion. Defekte Teile sind zu erneuem. entire wiring. Faulty parts must be exchanged,
Die Vorgehensweise fur den Ausbau eines Hei- For exchange instructions heating elements see
zelements folgt. following chapter.
Zusammenbau und Wiederinbetriebnahme Reassemble the heater in reverse order, using
erfolgen in umgekehrter Reihenfolge Ver- new flange gaskets
wendung einer neuen Flanschdichtung


- Heizkorperverbindungen entfemen. - Remove heating element connections.
- Sechskantmutter losen - Undonuts
- Heizkorper nach unten herausziehen. - Remove heating element.

Wiedereinbau in umgekehrter Reihenfolge unter Reassemble unit in reverse order using new
Verwendung neuer Dichtungen gaskets.

Belm Einbau mit GabelschlUssel gegenhalten urn ein Verfor-

men des Heizkdrpers zu verhindern.
For fitting hold with spanner to prevent a deformation of the

ow1a OOC
( 0ELWA Elektrowiirme Miinchen A.Hilpoltsteiner GmbH & Co KG I
Landsberger Str. 367-369 P.O.Box 210466 Tel: +49-89-546779-0
80687 Munchen 80674 Munchen Fax: +49-89-546779-10
I E-mail: [email protected] (
Document: 04-71-FB-033
BETRIEBSANLEITUNG VersionlDate: 01 vom 2001-03-08
Page: 17 of: 23 KA

Die Schaltanlage bedarf keiner besonderen The control cabinet does not need special
Wartung und Pflege. maintenance.


Eine detaillierte Betriebsanleitung des Pum- More detailed instructions by the pump
penherstellers liegen am Gerat vor !I manufacturer are available i n the control box
of the unit
Die Pumpe und der Motor sind wartungsfrei. Pump and motor do not require maintenance. If
Wird die Pumpe f i j r IBngere Zeit entleert, sollten the pump is drained for a longer period of inac-
einige Tropfen Silikonol auf die Welle zwischen tivity, apply a few drops of silicone oil to the
Laterne und Kupplung gesprim werden. Da- shafl between the motor bell housing and the
durch wird ein Verkleben der Dichtungsflachen coupling to prevent the seals from sticking to-
verhindert. gether.


Bei eventueller Ser~iceanforde~ng bei Grund- If Grundfos is requested to service the pump,
fos mu& unbedingt vor dem Versand der Pum- Grundfos must be contacted supplying details
pe mit Gmndfos Kontakt aufgenommen werden. about the pumped liquid and other operation
Informationen ilber Fordermedium usw. miissen details before the pump is returned for service.
vorliegen, da Grundfos sonst die Annahme der Possible costs of returning the pump are paid
Pumpe vefweigem kann. Eventuelle Versand- by the customer.
kosten gehen zu Lasten des Absenders.

ELWA Elektrowarme Munchen A.Hilpoltsteiner GmbH & Co KG
Landsberger Str. 367-369 P.O.Box 210466 Tel: +49-89-546779-0
80687 Munchen 80674 Munchen Fax: +49-89-546779-10
E-mail: [email protected] I
Document: 04-71-FB-033
BETRIEBSANLEITUNG Version/Date: 01 vom 2001-03-08
3 Page: 18 of: 23 KA


Wurde der Motor wBhrend der Montage oder If the motor has been removed during installa-
bei einer Reparatur der Pumpe entfernt, mu13 tion or repair of the pump, the pump shaff must
die Pumpenwelle nach der Montage wie folgt be adjusted after the pump is reassembled.
justiert werden. Dabei ist darauf zu achten, daR Ensure that the shaff pin is correctly fMed in the
der Zvlinderstift korrekt in der Pumpenwelle Dump shaft.
monti& ist.

Kupplungsschuh mit einem Schraubenzieher Remove the coupling covers using a

entlernen screwdriver
lnnensechskantschrauben in die Kupplung Fit the hexagon head bolts in the coupling.
einsetzen Do not tighten.
Kupplung bzw. Pumpenwelle mit einem Schrau-
benzieher in Richtung Motor heben, so da!3 die Liff coupling and the pump shaff as far as
possible towards the motor using a screw-
Pumpenwelle die Motonvelle beruhrt @ driver until the pump shaff touches the mo-
lnnensechskantschrauben in der Kupplung mit
tor shaft. @
) -
5 Nm (0.5 kpm) anziehen a
Pnlfen, ob der Abstand zwischen den Kupp-
Tighten the bolts to approximately 5 Nm

lungshalflen a ~ beiden
f Seiten gleich ist.
lnnensechskantschrauben in der Kupplung
(0.5 kpm) a
Check the coupling parts on both sides for
paanveise entsprechend folgender Werte an- equal clearance.
ziehen: M6x.0: 13Nm (1.3kpm)/ M6x25 -31 Nm . Tighten the bolts (one side at a time) to the
(3,lkpm) a torque stated below: M6x20: l3Nm (l.3kpm) /
- Kupplungsschue montieren M8x25 -3lNm (3.lkpm) 0
Fit the coupling covers

Fur Doppelpumpen kann ein Blindflansch ge- Twinhead pumps: If one pump requires serv-
liefert werden, um die zweite Pumpe wehrend ice, a blind flange can be supplied to keep the
einer Reparatur zu betreiben other pump running

N L ~ T U C ~ K V E -
deoIs doc
0 ELWA E l e k t r o w a r m e M i i n c h e n A.Hilpoltsteiner GmbH & Co KG
\. Landsberger Str. 367-369 P.O.Box 21 0466 Tel: *49-89-546779-0
80687 Milnchen 80674 Munchen Fax: +49-89-546779-10
E-mail: [email protected]
Document: 04-71-FB-033
VersionIDate: 01 vom 2001-03-08
Page: 19 of: 23 KA


6.1 1 HEATER
Erhitzer kornmt nicht auf Soll-Tern~eratur Heater does not reach setooint t e r n ~ e r a -
Sicherung einer oder mehrerer Heizstufen - Fuse blown in one or more heating ale-
ausgelost ments
Steuersichemng ausgelost - Control fuse blown
Regler zu niedrig eingestellt - Controller set too low
Regler defekt - Controller defective
Heizkorper defekt - Heating element defective
DurchfluR unterbrochen - Throughflow blocked
Begrenzer ausgelost - Limiter has tripped
Keine Stromzufuhr - No electrical power supply
Erhitzer verschrnum - Heater dirty


Storunaslam~eleuchtet Fault larno liahts
- Sicherheitstern~eraturbeorenzerhat aus- - Safetv temaeralure limiter has triaaed
gelost - ~oto;prot&tion switch on the pornp has
Motorschutzschalter der Pumpe hat ausge- tripped


Motor laufi nicht Motor does not run when started
- Keine Stromzufuhr am Motor - Supply failure
- Sicherung durchgebrannt oder Sicherungs- - Fuse blown or automatic circuit breaker
automat ausgelljst tripped
- Motorschutz hat ausgelljst - Motor protection tripped
- Schiitz defekt - Contactor fault
- Steuersicherung durchgebrannt oder Siche- - Control fuse blown or automatic circuit
rungsautomat ausgelljst breaker tripped
- Motor defeM - Motor fault
Motorschutz lost beim Einschalten aus Motor orotection cuts out when
ourno is started
- Sicherung durchgebrannt oder Sicherungs- - Fuse blown or automatic circuit breaker
automat hat ausgelljst tripped
- Motorschuhschalter defeM - Motor protection fault
- Kabelverbindung lose oder defeM - Cable connection loose or faulty
- Motonvicklung defekt - Motor winding defective
- Pumpe mechanisch blockie~i - Pump mechanically blocked
- MotorschutzschaMer falsch eingestellt - Overload setting too low
Motorschutz lost aeleaentlich aus Motor protection cuts out occasion all^
- Motorschutzschalter falsch eingesteflt - Overload seffing too low
- Netzspannungsschwankungen - Supply voltage periodically too high or low
- Differenzdruck iiber Pumpe zu gering - Differential pressure across pump too low

10 ELWA Elektrow&rne Mijnchen A.Hilpoltsteiner GmbH & Co KG I
Landsberger Str. 367-369 P.O.Box 210466 Tel: +49-89-546779-0
80687 MOnchen 80674 Munchen Fax: +49-89-546779-10
~~~ ~ ~

E-mail: [email protected]
Document: 04-71-FB-033
BETRIEBSANLEITUNG VersionIDate: 01 vom 2001-03-08
Motorschutz ok, aber Pumpe Iauft nicht Motor protection ok, but Dump does not run
- Keine Stromzufuhr am Motor - Check voltage supply
- Sicherung durchgebrannt oder Sicherungs- - Fuse blown or automatic circuit breaker
automat hat ausgelcSst tripped
- Schlltz defekt - Contactor fault

Pumpleistunq schwankt Pump caioacitv not constant

- Saugleitung zu eng - Pump inlet pressure too low
- ~augleitung/~umpe verschmutzl - Suction pipe /pump partly blocked
- Pumpe saugt Luft - Air in suction line

Pumpe Iauft, keine Forderleistunq Purnr, is runninq but does not deliver
- Saugleitung/Pumpe verstopft - Suction pipe/pump blocked
~~ ~

- Rllckschlagventil blockiert Non-return flap blocked in closed position

- Saugleitung undicht - Leakage in suction line
- Loft in Saugleitung~Pumpe - Air in suction line
- Motor falsche Drehrichtung - Motor rotates in wrong direction

I) Pumpe dreht nach Abschalten rijckwarts

- Saugleitung undicht
Pumo turns in reverse when switched off
- Leakage in suction line
- Ri~ckschlagventildefekt/blockiert - Non-retum flap blocked/faulty

Undichtiqleit an der Wellendichtunq Leakaseonshaftseal

- Falsche HcShenstellung der Pumpewelle - Incorrect pump shaft position
Wellendichtung defeki - Shaft seal defective

Gerausche Noise
- Kavitation - Pump is cavitating
- Falsche Hohenstellung der Pumpenwelle - Incorrect pump shaft position
- Frerndkorper in der Purnpe - Blocking parts in pump

0 E L W A Elektrowarme Mijnchen A.Hilpoltsteiner G m b H & Co KG
Landsberger Str. 367-369 P.O.Box 210466 Tel: +49-89-546779-0
80687 Munchen 80674 Munchen Fax: +49-89-546779-10
E-mail: [email protected]
Document: 04-71-FB-033
BETRIEBSANLEITUNG VersionIDate: 01 vom 2001-03-08

Typ Wasservorwkirrnaggregat I Type: Water preheating unit 1 KVE
AnschluRleistung I Connectedload -
17,5 108 kW
Mijgliche Betriebsspannungen I Availible operating voltages 1380-690V 50160Hz
Betriebsdruck (max.) I Operatingpressure (max.) 1 10 bar
Betriebstemperatur (max.) I Operating temp. (max.) 195 'C
Medium 1 Medium I wBssrige Medien
I 1 Aqueous media
Pumpe 1 Pump 1 11-13m3/h/4,7-11; bar
Schutzklasse I Protective standard IIP54

Die gerkitespeziefischen Daten konnen dem Typenschild oder den angehkingten Zeichnungen ent-
nommen werden.
for project-specific data please refer to manufacturers plate at module or attached drawings.

0 ELWA Elektrowarrne Miinchen A.Hilpoltsteiner GmbH & Co KG
Landsberger Str. 367-369 P.O.Box 210466 Tel: +49-89-546779-0
80687 Miinchen 80674 Milnchen Fax: +49-89-546779-10
E-mail: [email protected]
Document: 04-71-FB-033
BETRIEBSANLEITUNG VersionIDate: 01 vom 2001-03-08
Page: 22 of: 23 KA




I Fabr.-Hersteller-Nr. ISerial No.: .....................................

Diese Seite kopieren, die Seriennummer des Gerats eintragen, gewiinschten Ersatzteile
markieren und an die u.a. FAX-Nummer senden.
Ordering spare parts:
Copy this sheet, enter serial No, mark spare parts and send to FAX number (see below).
1 . Elektrodurchlauferhitzer Electric flow heater Sled
Heizbatterie komplett verdrahtet Heating insert completely wired
Heizkorper einzeln Heating element single
Heizflanschdichtung Flange gasket
Anschlu0klemmsteg komplett Terminal strip, complete
Anschlu0klemme einzeln Single terminal
Erdungsklemme einzeln Single earth terminal
Kabeleinfiihrunaen w
Cable oland
" -

Anschlu0flansch-Dlchtung I Coupling flange gasket

@ ELWA Elektrowarme Mihchen A.Hilpoltsteiner GmbH & Co KG
Landsberger Str. 367-369 P.O.Box 210466 Tel: +49-89-546779-0
80687 Miinchen 80674 Milnchen Fax: +49-89-546779-10
E-mail: [email protected]
Document: 04-71-FB-033
VersionIDate: 01 vom 2001-03-08
Page: 23 of: 23 KA

3. Purnpe Pump sf&


Pumpe komplett mit Motor I Pump incl. motor

Motor einzeln I Motor only
Dichtunassatz I Gasket service kit I

4. Riickschlagklappe Non-return flap ow~ M


Riickschlagklappe I Non-return flap

Gegenflansche I Counter flange
5. Sonderausstattung Special equipment w

1 Sicherheitsventil I Safety valve

Thermometer 1 Thermometer I
Manometer I Manometer


Wir empfehlen folgende Mindestreserve an We suggest to stock a minimum of spare parts
Ersatzteilen je Erhiher zu bevorraten: for each heater:
- 1 Heimanschdichtung - 1 pee. flange gasket
- 1 Temperaturregler - 1pee. temp. controller (no. 5)
- ca 113 der Gesamtanzahl Heizkorper - about 1/3 of the heating elements
- Dichtungssatz fur Pumpe - Pump gasket service kit

O ELWA Elektrowarrne Mljnchen A.Hilpoltsteiner GmbH & Co KG
Landsberger Str. 367-369 P.O.Box 210466 Tel: +49-89-546779-0
80687 MOnchen 80674 Munchen Fax: +49-89-546779-10
E-mail: [email protected]
Dokument: Konform-o-PED
HERSTELLERERK~RUNG Version: 03 12007-0615
,' 1 -
without PED Page: II I Thanner

im Sinne der EG-Maschinenrichtlinie in accordance with EU Machinery Directive

98137lEG 98/37/EU
Hiermit erklaren wir, da& es sich bei dieser Lieferung We hereby declare that this delivery (see below
urn die nachfolgend bezeichnete, jedoch following details) is to be handled as incomplete
unvollstandige Maschine handelt, und da& ihre equipment and is not allowed to be put into use
lnbetriebnahme solange untersagt ist, bis festgestellt until the equipment has been declared to conform
wurde, dal3 die Maschine den Bestimmungen der with rules of the appropriate EU Machinery
EG-Maschinenrichtlinie entspricht und da& bei unten Directive and that the products with pressure
genannten Geraten mit D~ckbehalterndie Richtlinie vessel listed below not according to EU-Directive
uber Dmckgerate ( 971231EG) nicht zutreffend ist: Pressure Equipment ( 97/23/EG).
Konformitats-Bewertungsverfahren + Conformity Assessment Procedures
.) 'gute lngenieurpraxis" 'sound engineering practice'
Angewandte harmonisierte EN IS0 12100-11-2 Harmonised and national E N IS0 12100-11-2
und nationale Normen. DIN E N 12828. standam's aDDIied, in ~articular: DIN E N 12828,
insbesondere: DIN 4753 AD 2000
EN 287-1; E N 288
Produkt: TYP: Product: Type:

:b Elektro -
Elektro - Heizbatterien
4600,4700, KDE, 400,
Electric Flow Heater

Electric Heating Battery

4600,47OO,KDE, 400,
Viskositats - N M - 2 IEVMd
Viscosity Transmitter EVM-2 IN M - 3
Aggregate I Module W E , KVES. KVD, KVT, Sets / Moduls W E , KVES, KVD.
Heizkorper lose Rillenflach. Mikanit, .N" Heating element single flat tube, mikanit. "N"
Raumheizgerate 7500.7600. room heating moduls 7500,7600
Sondergerate Special Moduls
Hiermit erklaren wir, da& das oben genannte We hereby declare that the products fulfils the
ProduMe mit den Anforderungen folgender Normen requirements of the following standards and
und Richtlinien regulations of the directive
EG-Niederspannungsrichtlinie DIN EN 60204-1 EU Low -Voltage Equipment DIN E N 60204-1
(731231EWG): DIN EN 60335 Directive (73/23/EU) DIN E N 60335
DIN EN 60519 DIN E N 60519
DIN 31000 DIN 31000
DIN 57727 DIN 57727
DIN VDE 0100 DIN VDE 0100
- - . ..-... ....- DIN E N 50081-2 EU-Directive
- - - .. ...... DIN EN 50081-2
Elektromagnetische DIN E N 61000-6.2 Electromagnetic Compatibility DIN EN 61000-6-2
Vertraglichkeit (891336lEWG)
mit 93131lEWG:
E,"i;$O(89/336/EU) and 93/31/EU E,","&$O
ENV 50141 ENV 50141
iibereinstimmt und damit den Bestimmungen and therefore corresponds to the regulations of the
entspricht. directive.
Munchen, 2007-06-15

~eschaftsfuhrenderlnhaber ( oder Vertretung )

Managing director and company owner ( or representativ )

ELWA @ ELWA Elektrowarme Munchen A.Hilpoltsteiner GmbH 8 Co KG

Landsberger Str. 367-369 P.O.Box 21 0466 Tel: +49-89-546779-0
(, ) 80687 Munchen 80674 Munchen Fax: +49-89-546779-10
E-Mail: [email protected]
nln 900nn
cperatlcg preswre
mu. 10 bar


ml.Betrlebstenperatur: mu. 95'C I

Harpes Hacoc

Zut reffendes & r a n t

a c c o r d l ~verslm mrker

1 ELEKTRO-W#RME E lekt ro-Durchlauferhl tzer Type 4606 WR

1-80687 Mlhchen
NINMN Electrlc flow heater Type 4606 WR
1997 Datum Name
mdsberger St ra8e 367-369 Qez. 14.5. wet2 Zg.Nr. El4 - 10 455
'el: (089) 546779-0 Fax:-10 hflstab 0 : 0 (Fok 1 ) IEIlott 1/1
:lh e l m slcheren Kmtakt zu gertnrlelstm.
Is1 der l4gtMYhld nll &rrdUlren rn wrsehenl
I Almys tise ferrules lo ovold tdd nnlnct I

3lPU440-460V K I M FUFf
50 Hz HATlffi RIP
18 kW 0,55 kW
$ fa
Engine Adjusting Valve

Engine Adjusting Valve

,? Electrically Operated
Control Valves
MOV 81 -
Electrical Motor Drive MOV-S-81
Technical Data
Single-seat valve in straight-way f o r m Overall length: according to DIN 3300
~ h e n s i o nsheet EK-413 Flanges: PN 10 DIN 2532
PN 16 DIN 2533
Seat valve in straigth-way f o r m PN 25 DIN 2544
w i t h noise attenuating cone PN 40 DIN 2545
Type MOV-S-81
Dimension sheet EK-413 Operating pressures:according to DIN 2401
Three-way valve
Type MOV-3-81 D:fferential in accorddance with tables
Dimension sheet EK-414 pressures: EK413 and EK-414

Positionina ratio: 1:50

;3 construction
Positioning - normal
Straight-way valves up to DN 200 with shrunk seats, beginning speed: 25mmlmin; 50mmlmin possible
with DN 250 with screwed seats
cone characteristics linearorequi-percentagedifferent Kv values Strokes: DN 15-50 25mm
are possibleat equal nominalwidth DN 65- 100 35mm
DN 125-175 50 mm
three-way valves with screwed-in double-seat bushes with linear DN 200 58 mm
characteristicsofflowand disk cones
DN 250-350 65 mm
insertedstuffing-box flanges
Installingposition: vertical to horizontal
cast housing
driven by spurgearing with linearactuator Electricaldata: according tables .electrical Drive Data"
4 drive sizes, havingdifferent positioningforces are available
Additional Equipment
E-motorsfor 50 or60 HzACand three-phasevoltages
Softsealin the cone
drives with emergency manual operation and mechanical conewith multi-holesleeve
ribbed stuffing-box
drive covered with steel cover spindlesealingby bellowsw. No. 1.4571

The motor valves are used as electrically operated continuous
Materials control elements (control valves) and as on-off controller for the
control of gaseous and liquid agents. The control is established
Valve housing: PN10116 GG20 by means of two-point or three-point controllers as a function of
PN25140 GS-C-25 temperature, pressure, quantity etc. or manually with push-
othermaterials, such asspecial steel cast, button orswitch.
chromium-nickel steel, gun metal, bronze.
etc. and hard rubber lining on request
Valve seats: W. No. 1.4401
Constructionand Operation
for three-way valves DN 65-200 -Straight-way valves in single-seat construction
W. No. 1.4410 or bronze G Sn Bz 10 Dimension sheet EK413
other materials on request with cooling ribassembiy or bellowssealing, respectively.
Dimension sheet EK-425
Valve conel: W. No. 1.4401
for straight-way valves DN 125-350 - Three-wayvalves.
and three-way valves DN 250-350 Dimension sheet EK-414
W. No. 1.4410 or bronze G Sn Bz 10 with cooling ribassembly or bellowssealing, respectively.
other materials on request Dimension sheet EK-419
Valve spindle: W.-Nr. 1.44Ol or bronze AlBz 10Ni
other materials on request - 4 different drives (1.2 kN: 4.5 kN; 12 kN; 24 kN) are optionally
available to meet theoperational requirements.
(. ) Stuffing-box PTFE, silkyam (reinforced)
packing: orpure graphite The switchingaff at the end position is established for
straightway valves in the closing position torquedependent,
Housing: steel casting GS-C-25 and in
the opening position travel dependent, with an additional limit Electrical and technical drive data
switch, being toque dependent, wired in parallel, for three-way
valves in both end positions, torque dependent. Data for The motors are designed for intermittent
regulating dutyS4acc. toVDE 530 with a relative
, In addition, a further free travel dependent limit switch with operation: dutycycleof30%.
switch-over contact is provided. swicling frequencymax.600/h
The valve position is indicated by a pointer at the drive spindle minimum pulseduration: 250 ms
and a scaleatthe housins. minimum pulse pause: 40ms

For the analog remote transmission of the valve position, the Electrical atthetermina viacablesorewings
installation of2 potentiometers is possible. wring: accordingto DIN 69280

In addition, a further travel dependent limit switch can be Powersupply: normally

installed. The built-in electro motor (a) drives the linear actuator 230 V-50or. 60 Hz. single-phase-AC.
via a spur gear. in the last gear (b) ofthe geartrain, a bushing with or
internal thread is shrunk in, which runs in ball bearings. In this 380 V-50or. 60 Hz three-phasecurrent
thread runs the upper part of the push-rod (d), provided against othersupply voltageson request
torsion by a key and groove. Typeof protection: DIN 40050. IP65
When the gear is driven, the push-rod and the valve spindle Allowable ambienttemperature:-20 to+6OSC
performs a push/pullmotion, depending on direction of rotation.
Limitswitch: torquedependent switches max. 230V
On power failure, the final control element can manually be ohmicloadmax.1 OA
actuated. inductiveloadmax.5A
The gear ist dustproof separated from the electrical components traveldependent switchesmax.23OV
in an aluminium pressure housing. Terminals, motor, limit switch ohmicloadmax.5~
and potentiometers are easily accessible by removing of the inductiveloadmax.3A
. steelcover electric bulbmax. 1A
Potentiometer: max. 50V. 100 mA

Motor data

Drive 4,5 kN
Power output 10 16 12 19
Rotational speed motor 1350 700 1620 240

Positioning time mmlmin 25 50 25 50 30 60

Voltage Volt
single-phasethree-phase three-phase
Drive 12 kN 400 V 50 Hz 440 V 60 Hz
230 V 50 Hz
without brake Rated current mA 320 700 210 290 220 265
Power consumption Watt 60 130 75 120 80 138
Power output Watt 22 72 28 63 28 85
Rotational speed motor Ulmin 1300 2750 1300 2750 1600 3300

Positioning time mmlmin 25 50 25 50 30 60

Voltage Volt
three-phase three-phase
Antrieb 24 kN 400 V 50 Hz 440 V 60 Hz
230 V 50 Hz
) without brake
I Rated current
Power consumption
Power output
Rotational m e e d motor
ni,/, 113
;: L I L I bz2 I
Connection Diagrams Tne pipes have thouro~ghlylo oe c.eaned prior to assemo.ing,
'n oroer to prevent a later damage to theseats ano cones.
212 way valve RTA-264
312 way valve RTA-265 The installation of a dirt tr,ap in front of each control valve is
strongly recommended.
I ) Three-phase 212 way valve
current: linear actuator 1.2 + 4.5 kN RTA-26413 On mounting of straight-way and angle valves pay attention to
linear actuator I 2 + 24 kN RTA-26414 thedirectionof arrow on the valve housing.

312 way valve Mix and partitioningvalves are provided with the figures 1,2 and
linear actuator 1.2 + 4.5 kN RTA-26513 3 on their connectina flanges. Obselve the correct installation in
linear actuator 12 + 24 kN RTA-26514 accordance with b i p i n i diagram1 is always the joint
connection, whereas to 2 and 3 the incoming or leaving part
Installation streams areconnected.
"These actuator valves shall be mounted with the drive towards The wirina and connectina of the electrical circuitw has to be
the top. Foranyotherpositionask beforeordering." performedin accordance with the regulationsfortheinsta latlon
of power plants and with the respective wiring diagrams.

Start-up and
Adjustment instructions
\ ) For start-up of the valve place the drive by means of the hand
wheel (e) in the middle of the positioningtravel, switch on power
and give shortACpulsesto thedrive; watch whetherthe push rod
(d) moves into the correct direction. Otherwise, exchange the

Drive 1.2 kN and 4.5 kN I

Operate manually only with the motoratstandstill.

For this purpose press the bolt (f) mounted below at the drive
housing with the hexagonal head into the housing until thespring
lever (h) engages into the notch of the bolt. Hereby rotate the
handwheel (e)a little bit. On rotating ofthe handwheel ciockwise.
the push spindle is extended robing ccw draws the spindle in.
O n pressing of spring lever (h) in the direction of the valve sham
the bolt jumps out on its own and the drive is switched back to

Drive 12 kN and 24 kN
Changeoverto hand-operating:
- - - lever into direction -1- fat the time turn
Push hand disenaaaina
hand wheel slightly if necessary), then swivel hand disengaging
lever above the hexagon screw into direction-2-.
Now hand operatingposition is locked.
Changeoverto motordrive:

Swivel hand disengaging lever into direction 3 -and release. All
further engaging proceedings will occur automatically with
starting upofthemotor.
Figure travel dependent switch and message devices

With the end position reached with extended ~ u s h spindle, the

two slotted levers (1) are parallel. A'ter loosentng of the nut tne
carner bolt (7) can be moved into tne slot of tne 1eve.a lowing the
stroke of the drive to be adiusted bv means of the auxiliarv scale.
After this bang done, reyfasten ihe bolt. In this positibn, the
potentlometers (5) (in case there are any) have to be in the end
position.They can beadjusted by rotatingtheslider.
After that move the drive bv the reouired travel for 212 valves or
the possibletravel for312-wayvalves in the opposite oirenion the
potentiometerwill then turn into theother end position.
For the adjustment of the travel dependent limit switch "S 3" for
thelimiting ofthetravel in the Dosition oDen. the knurled head nut
(4) has tdbe loosened. ~ d j u sthe
t cad washer (4) to make the
switch shut off. The second built-in travel de~endentswitch "S4"
and another possible"S 5" may freely be adjusted inbehveen the
two end positions. Re-fasten the knurled head nut after the
switches being adjusted.
The switches provided for the end positioning are factory
adjusted. The torques of the load dependent switches are fixed
and can not bechanged.

1 Slotted levers; the lower one is marked for the set travel
2 Travel-dependent switches
3 Knurled nut
4 Cam disks
5 Potentiometer for position indication
6 Scale for setting the travel
7 Connection boli

Valve assembly Drive

Refasten the screws and flange connectionsat the housing after Grease the drive at normal operating conoitions every three
start-up of the hsta lation as the sealings are settling a bit at the years, at h'gher loads after appmx 200 000doub.e strokes with
beoinnino. The maintenance of the stuffino-box is also imoortant. "Fett KlIlberStmctorisP00"ora similarorease.
In &se 2 leakage, the stuffing-box glani has to be fastened at
once. If this is no longer -
- .possible, the stuffina-box has to be re-
Take care to use the right material, dependins on the agent, the
temperatureetc. ~ e e ~ l partof
h e the spindle b&ng in m&ct with
the stuffing-box always clean and grease at regular intervalswith
a suitablegrease. If the sealing suifaces at theseat and the cone
are damaged by dirt or foreign particles, no longer giving a tight
seat, they can be ground with a fine emery paste. With valves
having PTFE inserts in thecone, the lattercan easily be replaced.

msb- nlmalonandorr~eshn.caa a n m l o r a ~ l l c a r a nn m d . mmonpsnd by 1-n

em p m n lo w boat monedpa may ma LW a p p w hr. my ss hm*l *lmou
OD gallon. a m wm mlomnsa lo any prmomo nphb of m m pmos The eduu, dm= not
t s a s p d ~ m m a m n ~ a r a d m 4 h h U ) ~ M~0m0d0m , b y , o ~ ~ e I wweeardlouldf
a~lsosoylor Vle Intended pmcm~meandpurpcms ~\pplsawmm useof wr omduds and
mow PWUCB mandmd~mdoy yo2 on mo bad, of o ~ teshnuadviu r lot om i c s m em
O O ~ ~ ~ O J ~ D B O I L~S ~ ) ~ f ~ ~ m t ~ ~ ~ yD. l e bm00 ma
. r ~mlpcns t ~ m ,

AusgabdEDITION 06102
( 1
Pleiger Maschinenbau Postfach3263 4 +49 1 (0) 2324 398-0
GmbH 8 Co KG D-58423 Witten Fax +49 I (0) 2324 398380
4,5 kN (PL) Sliding Gear 4.5 W (PL)
milliste spare Part List

Teil-Nr. Stock ~ ~ ~ ~ iDescription~ h ~ ~

Part-No. Number

1 1 Gehause casing
2 1 Flansch ~anw
4 1 hsglelchschelbe shim plate
5 1 Skherungsring, v e M locking ring
7 1 Abtriebswelle, kpl. driven shaft,compl.
11 1 Rad Ill,kpl. wheel Ill.compl.
13 1 Lagerbuchse bearing bush
14 1 Rad k kpl. wheel 11, compl.

,) 16 1 Dlstanaohr spacer tube
_, 17 1 Rad I.W. wheel I, ~ m p l . --
18 1 D i r spacer tube
21 1 Disterurohr spacer tube
22 1 D~cldeder Sprhrg
23 1 HOlse sleeve
24 1 Druddeder spring
25 1 Dichbkg sealing disc
26 1 Scheibe disc
27 1 SchmMlr lubricating felt
28 1 Scheibe disc
29 1 Lkkel cwer
31 1 Schabtmge, kpl. gear ral. m p l . I

33 1 Schaltertrave~e switch plate

34 4 Dlstafumhr spamr tube
35 1 Mh~ngsschnwk, guide screw

> 36
Montegebkh. lcpl. ohne Schalter
mounting plate without swltch
switch lever, compl. -
38 3 Dktemmhr spacer tube
39 1 Motorritrel motor pinion
40 1 Haube hood
41 1 Haubenboloen hood ban
42 1 Zahnrad Bear
43 1 Welle shaft
44 1 StHt pkr
45 1 MotorAansch motor flange
47 1 homclaanee, W. coupllng rod, compl.
49 1 fllzschelbe fen disc
50 2 ScMtbW switch plate
51 1 Di&uu&elbe spacer disc
52 1 Bezeichnungeschlld marking plate
56 1 Dichtscheibe seallng disc
57 1 Schubstange, kpl. rcd, compl.
'.J 1 Ferrlt-Magnet ferrit -net ,
64 1 Fenit-m~net fenit magnet
Auagaba: 10.83 Edttlon: 10.83
BWzahl: 1 bOppBlbWt Number d sheets. 1Double sheet
Schubantrieb 4,5 kN (PL) Sliding Gear 4.5 kN (PL)

Teil-Nr. Stiick Bezeichnung Description

Part-No. Number
67 1 Buchse bush
&3 1 Hakeblech fastening plate
69 1 Bezeichnungsschild (fOr WE) marking plate
75 1 Druckblech thrust lever
80 1 Buchse bush
81 1 Hebel lever
82 1 Feder spring
83 1 Gewindebuchse threaded bush
1 ' 1
Sechskantmutter, flach
hex. nut, flat
101 1 AnschluLkscheibe connecting disc
103 1 Dichtring sealing dim
105 1 Abstreihing wiper washer
107 1 Kondensator (Mr Motor 220V Ws, 1350min-l) capacitor (for motor 220V ACc.. 1350min4)
107 1 Kondensator (Mr Motor 220V Ws. 2700min4) capacitor (for motor 220V ACc, 2700min-')
108 1 Klemmleiste. 12-polig terminal rail. 12 pole
109 1 Motor. 220V 50Hz. 1350min-' motor 220V 50 Hz 1350min4
(Mr Ste~lgeschwindi~keit 25mmlmin) (for positioning speed 25 mmlmin)
109 1 Motor. 220V 50Hz. 2700min" motor 220 V 50 Hz 2700 min-I
(fOr Stellgeschwindiikeit 5Ommlmin) (for positioning speed 50mmlmin)
110 1 Dichtscheibe sealing disc
111 1: Wing wing I

112 2 Mikroschaiter mit Zusatzbetatiger (DE) micro switch

114 1 Schait- und Meldeeinrichtung, kpL switching device, wmpl.
ohne Schaiter, ohne Poti without switch and pot.

>1x1~ 1
Klemmle'kte. 3901ig (Mr WE)
cylindrical screw
terminal rail, 3 pole
122 2 Rillenkugelhger ball bearing
124 1 Mikroschaner mit Zusatzbetet~er(WE) switching device with additional operating device
127 1 Hutmutter cap nut
132 4 Tellerfeder spring disc
138 4 JSK-Schraube JSK-screw

200 1 Handrad, kpl. hand wheel, compl.

207 1 Sechskantmutter, seibstsichernd hex. nut, self loddng
262 1 BeMtigungsstange operating rod

Bei Ersatzteilbestellungb i i e angeben: When orderlng spare parts. please state:

Stilckzah I. Bezeichnung und Tei!-Nr. des Ersatzteiles. Number. description and part-no. of spare parts.

P A * * N N
moeo $8
Dreiwege-Motorventil - Three-Way-Motor-Valve
- ErsataeilliSte STV 80-F (PL) STV 80-S (PL)
' spare Part List STV 100-F (PL) STV 100-S (PL)
STV 125-F (PLI STV 125-S (PL)
STV 150-F (PL) STV 150-s i ~ ~ j
STV 175-F (PL) S N 175-5 (PL)
STV 200-F (PL) STV 200-S (PL)

TeiCNr. Bezeichnung Description Bemerkungen

Part-No. Remarks
1 Ventllgehause valve casing
3 Ventilnitz vaive seat
3 Sitzbilchse cone collet
4 Kegel cone
5 Ventilspindel vaive spindle
6 Stopfbuchsenflansch stuffing box fhnge
7 Gehausefiansch casing flange nicht beilnotforSN 8OISN 100
8 Ring ., ring
9 Stopfbilchse stuffing box
';> 10
\~ Stopfbuchsbrille stuffing box gland
11 Stander column
12 Kupplung coupling
13 Schraubenbolzen screw bolt
14 Zeiier pointer
15 Skala scale
16 Typenschild name plate
19 Dichtung sealing
20 Packungsrlng packing ring
21 Sechskantschraube hex.-screw
22 Sechskantschraube hex.-screw nicht beihotfor STVBO/SN 100
23 Stiffschraube
24 Sechskantschraube hex-screw
25 Wellenmutter nut
26 Sechskantmutter hex.-nut
27 Sechskanlmutter hex.-nut
28 Sechskantmutter hex.-nut
29 Sechskantrnutter hexnut
30 Sechskantrnutter hex.-nut
32 Spanntii claping sleeve
33 Kerbnagel notched pin
34 Einfilhrung cable screwed connection
35 Schubantrieb sliding gear

Bei Ersatztellbestellung bme angeben: When ordering spare parts, please state:
Stilckrahl, Bezeichnung und Teil-Nr. des Ersatzteils Number. description and part-no. of spare part
und and
Bezeichnung und NenngrOBe des Ventils. type and size of the valve.
IBeispiel: 1 Stopfbilchse Teil9 Mr [For exampk: 1 stuffing box part-no. 9 for
Dreiwege-Motorventil STV 175-S (PL).] three-way-motorvalve S N 175-5 (PL).]
(~. 1
Ausgabe: 10.83 Blatt: 1 Ediion: 10.83 Sheet: 1
Blattzahl: 1 Number af sheets: 1
SrV 80-S (PL)
snr 100-s (PL)
ir'j125-F (PL) SN 125-S (PL)
S N 150-F (PL) SW 150-S (PL)
SW 175-F (PL) m 175-S (PL)
SW 200-F (PL) snr 200-S (PL)
- -
Mac Plate Heat Exchanger LT (GEA)
Flow diagram & drawings

Plate Heat Exchanger LT - -

Flow diagram & drawings
--.\ Flow Diagram
i Plate Heat Exchanger
Customer: Caterpillar Motoren GmbH & Co. KG
Location: Kiel - Friedrichsort
Order-No.: 2031201 131
Item-No.: 10
Customer Item: 1=273011482 1 HT-Kijhler
Serial-No.: 120110837 + 10838
PHE: NT100T V, 32PI., TITAN, 0.6, NBR, CDL-10, S235-JR+N
Date: 3010812007

Design Pressure Min (prilsec): 0,OO 0,00 barg

1 Design Pressure Max (prilsec): 5,OO 5,00 barg
Design Temperature Min (prilsec): 0,OO 0,OO "C
Design Temperature Max (prilsec): 100,OO 100,OO "C
Test Pressure (prilsec): 7,50 7,50 barg

Plates: 32 NTl OOT V, Titanium, 0,60 mm, NBR
Gasket: glueless
Internal flow: Primary: 1 x 15 Secondary: 1 x 16
Temperature 55,OO m3/h HT-Fresh Water from 90,OO "C to 68,lO "C
program: 120,OO m3/hSea Water from 37,50 "C to 47,40 "C

Order-No.: 2031201131. Flow diagram: S 120110837 Page 1

Order-No.: 2031201131. Flow diagram: S 120110837 Page 2
Anschluss I F - 4F
orn& IF - 4F
Gummi-Formtefl DN 100 PN 16 DIN 2633
- ~ ~ ~ m m r s a n m
-Y 1:2
- -
Plate Heat Exchanger LT (GEA)
Flow diagram & drawings

Heat Exchanger

Flow diagram drawings

Flow Diagram
Plate Heat Exchanger
Customer: Caterpillar Motoren GmbH & Co. KG
Location: Kiel - Friedrichsort
Order-No.: 2O312OlI3l
Item-No.: 30
Customer Item: 1=273011487 1 NT-Kijhler
Serial-No.: 120110839 + lo840
PHE: NT100T HV, 51 PI., TITAN, 0.6, NBR, CDL-10, S235-JR+N
Date: 3010812007

Design Pressure Min (prilsec): 0,OO 0,00 barg

') Design Pressure Max (prilsec): 5,OO 5,00 barg
Design Temperature Min (prilsec): 0,OO 0,OO "C
Design Temperature Max (prilsec): 60,OO 60,OO "C
Test Pressure (prilsec): 7,50 7,50 barg

Plates: 51 NT100T HV, Titanium, 0,60 mm, NBR
Gasket: glueless
Internal flow: Primaly: 1 x 25 Secondary: 1 x 25
Temperature 65,OO m31h LT-Fresh Water from 47,90 "C to 38,OO "C
program: 120,OO m31h Sea Water from 32,OO "C to 37,50 "C
Plate Distribution: HI V: 4318

Order-No.: 2031201131. Flow diagram: S 120110839 Page 1

Order-No.: 2031201131, Flow diagram: S 120110839 Page 2 i
GurnmCFormtaU DN 100 PN 16 DIN 2501
r v k h d ON !m PN 18 DIN 2501
Plate Heat Exchangers -Water- (GEA) C5.
MaK Description

Plate Heat Exchangers -Water-

GEA Ecoflex
Process Equipment
Table of contents
. . .

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
PHE safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1 Generalsafety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2 Incorrect operating conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5. .
2.3 Permitted PHE operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.
2.4 Residual dangers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Operating instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.1 Operating instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.1 User notes ..................
Drawings and figures ........
Operator of the PHE .........
PHE setter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.2 Safety notes in the text . . . . . . .

Manager's obligations .......................................................

. .
Functional description ....................................................... 12

Intended purpose .............................................................


Overview and description of the PHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

7.1 Basicstructure ................................................................
7.2 Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
7.3 Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
7.4 HE plates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
7.4.1 Chevron pattern ........................................................
7.4.2 Free Flow design .......................................................
7.4.3 Plate evaporator design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 ..
7.5 HEplategaskets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Delivery. transport. and installation of the PHE .......................... 24
8.1 Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
8.2 SettingupthelyingP HE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25. . .
8.3 Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
8.3.1 Suspended with shackles at the fixed plate
and with sling attachment at the carrying beam29
8.3.2 Suspended at transport eyes ............................................. 30
8.3.3 Suspended with sling attachment at the tightening bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30

1 .
Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a
Table of contents

8.4 InstdationofthePHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
8.4.1 Space requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
8.4.2 Pipe assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

9 Operation. start.up. and shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

9.1 Start-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
9.2 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 .
9.3 ShutdownofthePHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 ...
9.3.1 Short-term shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
9.3.2 Long-term shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

10 Maintenance and repair ......................................................

10.1 Preparatoryprecautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
10.2 Opening the PHE and removing the HE plates ....................................42
10.2.1 Opening a PHE with a CD frame .........................................
10.2.2 Opening a PHE with B frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
10.3 Mounting the HE plates and closing the PHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
10.4 CleaningthePHE .............................................................
10.4.1 Cleaning the HE plates of the closed PHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
CIPprocess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Backflushing .......................................................... 50
10.4.2 Cleaning the HE plates of an open PHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Manually cleaning the HE plates ......................................... 51
Chemically cleaning the HE plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
) 10.5 RepladngHEgaskets ..........................................................
10.6 Repladngportrings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
10.7 Maintaining the PHE frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
11 Troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
11.1 Impaired PHE performance .................................................... 55
11.2 PHEleakages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
12 Technical terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58

.2 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 20



1 Preface
With GEA Ecoflex, you use the technical know how of one of the worldwide lead-
ing manufacturers of plate heat exchangers (PHE).
We would like to make the handling of the PHE as safe and simple as possible. For
this reason, these comprehensive operating instructions serve as your personal ad-
viser who explains everythmg understandably and dearly: structure, function, in-
stallation, operation, maintenance, troubleshooting, transport and repair.
We especially devote ourselves to the subject of safety, so that all possible dangers
or damages can be avoided from the start. For that reason alone, all employees
who deal with the PHI? should be able to reach for these important operating in-
structions at all times.
In the clear table of contents, you will quickly find what you are looking for. If not,
look in the index with page references. In the same way all technical terms are in-
formatively explained. After all, no questions should remain open, and in the case
they do, your GEA Ecoflex agent or the central service department is glad to assist
you further.
Operating instructions for special applications supplement these general operating
With this in mind, we wish you a problem-free operation with GEA Ecoflex plate
heat exchangers.
GEA Ecoflex GmbH
D-31157 Sarstedt
Phone: +49/5066/601-333
Fax: +49/5066/601-104
Internet: http:/ /www.gea-ecoflex.com
e-mail: [email protected]

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

3 -
* PHE safety
-3 --

2 PHE safety
2.1 General safety
This chapter advises you on general precautions for the proper handling of the
PHE and which dangers the user can encounter.
If the PHE is employed improperly or not according to the intended purpose, or if
the safety notes are not adhered to, dangers to persons and property can arise.


Read this chapter attentively. It contains important information and obligations. It

concerns your health and the trouble-free operation of the PHE.

The operator is responsible for the safe operation of the PHE.
The following points must be adhered to:
Always adhere to the general, national, and operational safety regulations, for
example, wearing protective glasses, close-fitting protective clothing, and
safety shoes.
rn Always adhere to the safety notes in the individual chapters of these operating
The PHE may only be operated in perfect condition. Each change on the PHE
must be immediately reported to the nearest available responsible superior.
rn Before beginning work with the PHE, operators must familiarize themselves
with the possible dangers.
rn Before each start of the PHE, ensure that all parts of the PHE are in perfect con-
dition and function correctly.

- 4 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

PHE safety

2.2 Incorrect operating conditions

Operation of the PHE is not permitted, whenever:
rn substantial faults or damages are present,
rn the maintenance is not regularly performed,
the operating conditions (e. g. inner pressure, temperature, media, external in-
fluences) are exceeded.


GEA Ecoflex accepts no liability for damages caused by incorrect operating condi-

2.3 Permitted PHE operators

For operating the PHE each operator must:
be appropriately trained for the task to be performed,
be familiar with the work safety and accident prevention regulations,
rn be instructed in the handling of the PHE and
rn have read and understood these operating instructions.
Persons who are responsible for the set-up, assembly, start-up, maintenance or dis-
assembly of the PHE must have command of the necessary knowledge.

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

5 -
PHE safety

2.4 Residual dangers

Residual dangers can never be fully excluded. You can only prevent these dangers
through appropriate behaviour. -

Heat exchanger (HE) Plates:

The thin HE plates are sharp edged.
When handling HE plates, always
wear suitable protective gloves.
Outside of the PHE
On the edges, threads, or similar
parts, there is a danger of injury.Al-
ways wear suitable protective gloves
when handling the outside of the
Hazardous flow-through media
Hazardous flow-through media
present dangers of chemical bums,
burning, or poisoning. Always wear
suitable protective clothing when
working on the PHE with hazardous
flow-through media.

Opening the PHE:

Before opening the PHE, ensure that
it is unpressurised and empty. When
opening the PHE, always ensure that
the HE plates do not unintendedly
loosen from the frame and tip over,
see chapter 10.2, page 42.
Also ensure that the pressure plate is
secured against unintended slippage
(e. g. on ships).

- 6 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

G % PHE safety

Transporting the PHE:

Before transporting the PHE, always
ensure that the hoisting gear are of
sufficient dimensions and securely
Never step underneath suspended

7 -
Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision Za
- ci%A
Operating instructions

~. ----

3 Operating instructions
3.1 Operating instructions
These operating instructions are the inshuctions of the manufacturer for the PHE
managers and for all persons who are responsible for the set-up, operation, main-
tenance and repair of the PHE.
These operating instructions are generally applicable to all bolted/gasketted (not
welded) PHEs manufactured and supplied by GEA Ecoflex.

3.1. I User notes

9 Drawings and figures
The drawings in these operating instructions are exemplary. For reasons of clarity,
some drawings have been greatly simplified. The actual details depend on the in-
dividually delivered PHE. You find diagrams and dimensions of the delivered
PHE in the supplied technical documentation.

Operator of the PHE

The operator of the PHE is the person who the PHE manager entitles to operate the

PHE setter
These operating instructions contain no details about special tools that are needed
for the setting up and operating the PHE.

- 8 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2.3

* Operating instructions

3.1.2 Safety notes in t h e text

In these operating instructions, the following symbols are used in order to draw
your attention to dangers in handling the PHE or give you information about han-
dling the PHE:

This symbol means danger to life and health of persons.
The following text explains the type of danger and its effects and gives instructions
for averting the danger. Not adhering to the instructions can have health effects up
to and including death.

This symbol means danger to the PHE or its parts and the surroundings.
The following text explains the type of danger and its effects and gives instructions
for averting the danger. Not adhering to the instructions can cause substantial
damages to the PHE.


This symbol appears above paragraphs that give you useful or important notes for
the correct handling of the PHE. This information helps you to avoid problems and
makes it easier to handle the PHE.

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision Za

9 -
*G --
Manager's obligations

4 Manager's obligations

Danger of injury!
In the case of hazardous media (acids or similar media), high pressures and high/
low temperatures in the PHE, there is a danger of injury during maintenance or
leakages. In this case, you absolutely must have a splash protector. This splash
protector may only be removed when the PHE reaches room pressure and room
temperature, or is empty.

As manager of the PHE, you must ensure that each operator who is responsible for
the set-up, operation, maintenance or repair of the PHE has read and understood,
from beginning to end, the parts of the operating instructions important for the
The PHE is built according to state-of-the-art technology and is reliable in service.
Nevertheless, dangers from the PHE or damages to the PHE can arise if you do not
adhere to the following instructions:
These operating instructions must always be accessible to the operators en-
trusted to work on the PHE.
Only operators who are instructed in the handling of the PHE and the basic
work safety and accident prevention regulations may work on the PHE. For
safety reasons, it is forbidden for other persons to be in the area of the PHE.
You must venfy the safety-conscious work of the operator in regular intervals.
As manager you must ensure that:
the PHE remains in functional order,
no premature wear of certain PHE components due to unfavourable sm-
rounding conditions occurs.
Unfavourable surrounding conditions are for example, for

the surrounding air

rn effects of W radiation (eg. sunlight)
rn extreme surrounding temperatures

metallic components: I aggressive gases and/or aggressive aerosols in
the surrounding air
rn humidity

- 10 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

-3 -.
Manager's obligations

rn all maintenance/inspections are carried out in regular intemals.

rn no changes, additions, or reconstructions to the PHE are carried out without
approval of the PHE manufacturer. A change can lead to the loss of the op-
erating approval.
all - even not here explicitly mentioned - laws and regulations valid for the
PHE as well as the valid accident prevention regulations are adhered to.

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

11 -
Functional description

5 Functional description
A series of contoured plates with transfer ports forms a pack of flow channels in
the PHE.The heat exchange media flow through these flow channels in alternate
Usually a single-pass PHE is employed. In this single-pass PHE, all of the feed and
discharge pipes are connected to the fixed plate, that is, on one side.

- 12 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

c%a ~. .... . ~ Functional description

Close temperature differences between the media may demand multi-pass PHE. In
these multi-pass PHEs, the connection pipes are then attached to the fixed plate
and to the pressure plate, that is, on both sides.

13 -
Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision Za
Intended purpose

Intended purpose
This PHE has been specially designed and manufactured for your specified operat-
ing conditions concerning pressure, temperature, flow rates, and type and compo-
sition of the flow-through media.
If a change in the specified operating conditions becomes necessary, GEA Ecoflex
must be consulted. The PHE may only be operated under new operating condi-
tions after GEA Ecoflex has examined, approved, and altered the PHE documenta-
tion, if necessary.
Usage according to the rules includes:
rn adhering to the valid national and international laws, decrees, regulations, di.
rectives and other rules for the installation site .
following all safety notes of these operating instructions.
rn adhering to regular inspection and maintenance work,


GEA Ecoflex accepts no liability for damages caused by deviations from the speci-
fied operating conditions for the PHE.

- 14 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

* Overview and descrivtion of the PHE

7 Overview and description of the PHE

7.1 Basic structure
The following figure represents the basic structure of a plate heat exchanger. The
actual design depends on the application.

.~ . ~

No. Component
, , .. ' . ~ ...
~ . . . .. ..

Canying beam 4 I support column

Pipe connections 15 1 Pressure plate I
Fixed plate 1 6 1 HE Plate I
7 Guiding bar
8 I Gasket
19 1 Tightening bolt I

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

15 -
-' G5E-A
- Overview and description of the PHE
--- - .-

The plate pack consists of contoured

HE plates (1) and the corresponding
gaskets (2) of varying number and ar-

7.2 Identification
Each GEA Ecoflex PHE is provided with a name plate. It is attached to the outside
of the PHE's fixed plate. Here you find details about:
rn plate heat exchanger type
rn serial no.
rn admissible working pressure [ba g]
rn admissible working temperature [" C1
rn test pressure [bar g]
rn volume [L]
rn net weight, year of construction
rn compression dimensions:
"a max." / "a min." [mm]
rn additional details [project specific]

- 16 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision Za


Overview and description of the PHE

Examples for the name plate design in conformity with the European Directive on
Pressure Equipment 97/23/EC.

No. Component
I1 I PHE without CE index number I
12 1 PHE with CE index number I
Each PHE is supplied with a dimension sheet or, alternatively, an assembly draw-
ing, and a flow diagram.
The dimension sheet or the assembly drawing shows the external dimensions as
well as details of the type, size and position of the pipe connections.
The flow diagram shows the HE plate arrangement and the type, the HE plate ma-
terial, the plate thickness as well as the sealing material and the part numbers.

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision Za

17 -
-- G 3 Overview and description of the PHE

7.3 Frames
GEA Ecoflex PHE are available in different application specific frame designs.
There are two basic designs, B and CD. The design B is especially employed for
longer plate packs.

Special stainless steel designs with intermediate elements for separating the indi-
vidual compartments are employed for the foodstuff and pharmaceutical indus-
The frames made of structural steel are given a weather-protective coating. The
tightening bolts and nuts are made of high-strength steel alloys and in some cases
The pipe connections can be attached to the fixed plate, to the presswe plate and
possibly to intermediate elements.

- 18 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

G 5 --
Overview and description of the PHE

The pipe connections on the fixed and pressure plate are positioned as follows:
rn From an outside position looking
onto the fixed plate, the connec-
tions 1F-4F are numbered consec-
utively anticlockwise.

From an outside position looking

onto the pressure plate, the con-
nections 1L-4L are numbered con-
secutively clockwise.

In order to fulfiU customer specific requirements, different connection types are


19 -
Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision Za
I --)
*G Overview and description
~ .-
of the PHE

As an alternative, the designs B and

CD can be cladded with stainless steel
and equipped with tightening bolts
made of stainless steel. They then
have the additional letter C (for clad-
ded) and frame designation BC and
To some extent, these frames are
equipped with height-adjustable
threaded feet. In this case, the feet are
not anchored to the ground. Thrust
plates lie beneath the threaded feet.
These thrust plates are not part of the
:) standard equipment.

7.4 HE plates


The selection of the HE plate material is determined by customer-specific operat-

ing conditions (among others pressure, temperature, media, operating mode). In a
few special applications, the media used typically erodes the material of the HE
plates. This can lead to a malfunction of the HE plates and to a mixing of the me-

The HE plates and gaskets are essential components of the PHE. GEA Ecoflex dis-
tinguishes between three product groups.
7.4.1 Chevron pattern
The HE plates of the series VARITHERM (VT), NT and LASER welded cassettes
(LWC) belong to this product group.
These HE plates have horizontal and vertical profiles, which are used individually
or combined. They are used for clean media with a low viscosity and also for high
working pressures.
The gaskets of this product group can be fixed with adhesive. Additionally, many
plate types allow adhesive-free fixing (Loch, EcoLoc).

- 20 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

. --
Overview and description of the PHE

7.4.2 Free Flow design

The HE plates of the series FA (free flow) and the N40 plate belong to this group.
The special feature of this product group is the unrestricted broad flow cross sec-
tion between the HE plates. Highly viscose media or media containing solids re-
quire the use of this product group.
The gaskets of this product group are fixed with adhesive. The plate type N40 al-
lows adhesive-free fixing (Loch).

7.4.3 Plate evaporator design

The HE plates of the series CT (Concitherm) form this product group.
Liquids are concentrated by evaporation using these plates ("evaporator").
The gaskets are fixed with adhesive. The plate type CT187 allows adhesive-free fix-
ing (Loch). The plate type CT193 consists of LASER welded cassettes.

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

21 -
Overview and description of the PHE

7.5 HE plate gaskets

Damages to persons and property !
The use of inadmissible pressures, temperatures and media can lead to an immedi-
ate failure of the gaskets and a grave endangerment of persons and the surround-
ings. Therefore, never exceed the admissible operating parameters.

The gaskets are wearing parts and sensitive to chemical, thermal and mechanical
damages. The selection of the gasket material and its properties is determined by
customer-specific operating conditions (pressure, temperature, media). Inadmissi-
ble use can lead to a reduction of the service life. Elastomer gaskets are always sub-
ject to the ageing process (eg. embrittlement).
There are two basic groups of gaskets:
Gaskets made of elastomers, available in different materials and design types
(e. g. Z-eye gaskets and 4eye start and/or end gaskets). The gaskets can, in
principle, be fixed with adhesive, also often without adhesive (Loch, EcoLoc).
Gaskets made of mineral fibres ("hard gaskets"). They are principally fixed with
adhesive. Unlike gaskets made of elastomers, these gaskets made of mineral fi-
bres cannot compensate for large temperature differences (e. g. start-up and
shutdown). Therefore, leakages may occur during these operating phases.

- 22 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

All gaskets are designed to enable separating both media from each other at the
transfer ports by means of a double-gasket guidance system. In the event of any
leakage in this area, the leakage chamber formed in this way has the task of out-
wardly discharging the liquid via gaps in the sealing webs (leakage grooves) so
that any leakage immediately becomes apparent.

The materials of the gaskets are clearly marked by coded colours

The storage of the gaskets must be done properly.
Never exceed the admissible parameters.

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision Za

23 -
Deliverv, transport, and installation of the PHE

Delivery, transport, and installation of

the PHE


Damages to persons and property!

Improper and careless handling of the PHE can lead to danger to persons and
property. The PHE may never be Wed underneath the plate pack, at the connec-
tions or at the tightening bolts.

- 24 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

Gfi Delivery, transport, and installation of the PHE.

8.1 Delivery
The fully assembled PHE is packed and delivered either lying on its side or up-
right, depending on the frame type.
If it is delivered lying on its side, the PHE is anchored by the back of the fixed plate
to solid planks. A forklift truck can pick the PHE up from beneath the planks and
transport it.
The PHE that is packed upright and to be transported upright is top heavy. To be
secured for transport, it is screwed to solid planks and must be unloaded and
transported in suspension, according to chapter 8.3 on page 29. In no case may the
device be lifted under the HE plate pack because this inevitably leads to a damag-
ing of the plate pack.
In the BC frame, the height-adjustable transport feet replace the ball feet. You find
the ball feet in an enclosed package with the PHE.
PHE parts are packed on pallets as well as in suitable cartons on pallets. Upon re-
quest, we will use special air freight, container and wood packages. You, as the
customer, are responsible for the disposal of the PHE packing material.


If, in spite of the careful packaging, you should observe damage at delivery, you
must make a note of the extent and type of the damage on the consignment note
and obtain a receipt from the deliverer. Please report any possible damages to us

8.2 Setting up the lying PHE

Danger to life!

There is always a danger that the PHE will tip over while righting it. Always en-
sure that:
the hoisting gear are of sufficient dimensions,
rn the hoisting gear cannot come loose or slide off,
rn no swing movements to the side result when lifting the PHE,
the floor at the installation site is sufficiently large, level and able to support the

Plale Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

25 -
-\ G 5
-. --
Delivery, transport, and installation of the PHE

Damage to the PHE!

The connecting pieces can bend or
crack. Attach the hoisting gear
(slings) only as in the following.
When attaching the hoisting gear
(slings), make sure that they are
firmly seated.
Never use a chain or a steel rope, but
only slings.

Proceed as follows to set up the lying PHE:

1. Remove all of the fastening smews
and elements from the rm and r

- 26 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

I "i
G3i Delivery, transport, and installation of the PHE

2. Attach a sling to the upper tight-

ening nut on each side of the PHE.
4 Do not use a steel rope or

If the tightening nuts are not

accessible for attaching the
slings, slightly tip the PHE
with an additional sling (al-
ways attach the slings between
2 tightening nuts).
Then attach the slings around
the top tightening nuts.

3. Lift the PHE slowly from the pal-

let over its centre of gravity.

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision Za

27 -
GiEA Delivery,
transport, and installation
of the PHE

4. Slowly lower the PHE onto the

edge of the fixed plate or the feet
of the PHE.Align the PHE and
bring it to its final position at the
installation site.

5. Remove the slings and other aids.

Then anchor the PHE to the

The PHE has been set up.

- 28 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision Za

c&A Delivery, transport, and installation of the PHE

8.3 Transport

Danger to life! Damage to the PHE!
Before transporting the PHE always ensure that:
the hoisting gear are of sufficient dimensions,
the hoisting gear cannot come loose or slide off,
no swing movements to the side result when lifting the PHE,
the operating personnel keep a sufficiently large safety distance,
the floor at the installation site is sufficiently large, level and able to support the
The suspended transport always starts out from an upright position of the PHE.

8.3.1 Suspended with shackles at the fixed plate

and with sling attachment at the carrying beam
Proceed as follows:
1. Attach two suitable shackles in
both holes intended for that pur-
pose on the upper side of the fixed
2. Attach a sufficiently long sling to
the carrying beam directly behind
the pressure plate and to both
+ Do not use steel ropes or
3. Slowly lift the PHE.

The PHE can now be trans-

ported away.

29 -
Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision Za
7 c?i-H'l Delivery, transport, and installation of the PHE

8.3.2 Suspended at transport eyes

Proceed as follows:
1. Attach the hoisting gear to both
transport eyes on the top side of
the carrying beam.
2. Slowly lift the PHE.

a The PHE can now be

ported away.

8.3.3 Suspended with sling attachment at the tightening bolt

Use this transport method only when the above-described fastening possibilities
are not available.
Proceed as follows:
1. Attach a sling around the top
tightening bolts on each side of
the PHE.
CS DO not use steel ropes or
2. Slowly tilt the PHE until it reaches
a hanging position.

a ThePHEcannowbe
ported away.

- 30 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

c.5- Deliverv, transport, and installation of the PHE

8.4 Installation of the PHE

Danger to life!
There is always a danger that the PHE will tip over during installation. Always en-
sure that:

rn the hoisting gear are of sufficient dimensions,

the hoisting gear cannot come loose or slide off,
the operating personnel keep a sufficiently large safety distance,
m the floor at the installation site is sufficiently large, level and able to support the

In case of outdoor installation. take rec cautions against freezing the flow-through
media in the PHE, if necessary.

8.4.1 Space requirements

Provide enough space around the
PHE. This facilitates access to the
PHE and necessary service tasks (e. g.
replacing individual plates, com-
pressing the plate pack).
The values for the necessary space
given in the adjacent figure are guide
values and are recommended by
GEA Ecoflex. They provide sufficient
space for accessing the PHE.

31 -
Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a
) c.5
-- -
Delivery, transport, and installation of the PHE

8.4.2 Pipe assembly

The PHEs from GEA Ecoflex are provided with different connection types accord-
ing to the purpose. Pay attention to the following points during pipe assembly:

Damages to the pipe connections and to the PHE!
Make sure that no forces, moments, or vibrations that are too high are transferred
via the pipes onto the connections of the PHE. By request, you can obtain an over-
view of the admissible forces and moments for the PHE.


In order to avoid clogging problems during commissioning GEA Ecoflex strongly

recommends to use filters or bypasses for the first flushing of the overall pipe sys-

8.5 PHE disposal

As a customer, you are responsible for the disposal of the PHE packing materials.
By request, GEA Ecoflex takes on disposal of the PHE. For the cost of labour, the
PHE is disassembled, transported away and professionally disposed.


If the PHE or its parts are contaminated, GEA Ecoflex cannot take on the disposal.
In this case, disposal of the PHE is the manager's obligation.

- 32 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

* Operation, start-up, and shutdown

9 Operation, start-up, and shutdown

Danger of injury!
Hazardous flow-through media (corrosive, poisonous, flammable, explosive etc.)
present dangers of chemical bums and buming. M o m yourself beforehand which
flow-through media are used and make sure that a protective covering is on hand.

Environmental damages! Damage to the PHE!
8 When ecologically harmful flow-through media flow out, serious environmen-
tal damages are possible. Make sure that it is possible to empty the product and
that a drip tray for the entire PHE filling voluke is on hand.
If the PHE is further compressed
below "amin.", the plates warp.
Make sure that the plate pack is
compressed to the necessary com-
pression dimension
"a min,"< Ma" < max,",

Damages to the PHE!
8 Quick switching operations (e. g. from valves in the pipes connected to the
PHE) or operation-related events (e. g. spontaneous evaporations, condensa-
tion surges) can lead to high-pressure surges. Avoid high-pressure surges
through the flow-through media in order to avoid damaging the PHE.
8 The PHE may only be tightened in its unpressurised state because otherwise it
may fall below the compression dimension "a min." (see the explanation for
"a min." in chapter 12 on page 58).

33 -
Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision ?a
Operation, start-up, and shutdown

9.1 Start-up
Before start-up, visually inspect the PHE and make sure that:
the PHE is not operated with inadmissible flow-through media, pressures and
all pipe connections are firmly connected to the PHE.
all necessary PHE components are completely installed.
rn the plate pack is not compressed below compression dimension "a rnin." (see
name plate or flow diagram in chapter 7.2 on page 16). The HE plates could be
permanently damaged.
when restarting, no residues of previous processes (e. g. cleaning agents) are
present in the PHE.
all air is removed from the PHE.
pressure surges are avoided. The proper operation of the PHE could be endan-
gered. Flow-through media could escape.

If all of these conditions are fulfilled, you can start operating the PHE.


If faults occur during start-up of the PHE, see chapter 11, page 55.

In order to avoid clogging problems during commissioning GEA Ecoflex strongly

recommends to use filters or bypasses for the first flushing of the overall pipe sys-

- 34 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

, -
* ~~
Operation, start-up, and shutdown

9.2 Operation


Danger of injury! Damages to the PHE!

If the PHE is in operation when working on the PHE, there is a danger of injury or
a danger that the PHE will be damaged. Always shutdown the PHE first, before
you start maintaining or repairing it.

Visually inspect the PHE regularly during operation and make sure that:
the PHE is not operated with inadmissible flow-through media, pressures and
rn the minimum and maximum parameters given on the name plate are not ex-
ceeded. If the parameters are exceeded, the operating approval dissolves and
GEA Ecoflex accepts no liability for resulting damages.
rn pressure surges are avoided. The proper operation of the PHE could be endan-
gered. Flow-through media could escape.


If faults occur during operation of the PHE, see chapter 11, page 55.

35 -
Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a
C%H ~. Operation, start-up, and shutdown

9.3 Shutdown of the PHE

9.3.1 Short-term shutdown

Escape of environmentally hazardous flow-through media possible!

Flow-through media can be dangerous and environmentally hazardous. Make sure
that no flow-through media can escape during the shutdown period. In case of
outdoor installation, take precautions (e. g. emptying, heating) against freezing the
flow-through media in the PHE.
9.3.2 Long-term shutdown

Premature componen t wear!
The components of the PHE can wear out prematurely due to unfavourable sur-
rounding conditions or due to flow-through media remaining in the PHE. If the
PHE is shutdown for a longer time period, the PHE must be depressurised and
completely emptied. Additionally, we recommend a basic cleaning and an appro-
priate storage until setting the PHE into operation again.


You can obtain detailed information about storage conditions from your
GEA Ecoflex service department (see back cover).

- 36 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

-. *G .. ... --
Maintenance and repair

10 Maintenance and repair

10.1 Preparatory precautions
Before starting work, check the supplied documentation to see with which frame
type the PHE was delivered.


Danger of injury!
There is a danger of injury during maintenance and repair work on the PHE. For
this reason, always adhere to the following points:
rn Always wear suitable protective clothing.
rn If a pressurised or filled PHE is opened, the flow-through media can escape un-
controllably. This is a danger of injury for the operator and bystanders.
rn Before beginning maintenance or repair work, ensure that the PHE is empty
and has reached room pressure.
rn When using hot or very cold flow-through media there is a danger of burning,
or respectively, freezing. Before beginning maintenance or repair work, always
ensure that the PHE has reached room temperature.
rn Hazardous flow-through media (corrosive, poisonous, flammable, explosive
etc.) present 9acute danger of injury for the operator and bystanders. Make
sure that the regulations for flow-through media are followed during all work.
rn Ensure that the pressure plate is secured against unintended slippage (e. g. on

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

37 -
Maintenance and repair
~ --.
- --

rn The HE plates of the PHE can tip

out sideways and severely injure
persons. Always ensure when sus-
pending the HE plates and when
closing the PHE that the H E plates
do not unintentionally detach
from the frame and tip over.
For this reason, at least two per-
sons must work on a PHE with
CD frame.
The safe procedure for opening
and closing a PHE is described in
sections 10.2. and 10.3. below.

Danger of falling over during stacking!
The HE plates can fall over during unchecked stacking. Injuries and damaged HE
plates are the result. Never stack the plates higher than:
60 HE plates for Varitherm/NT
30 cassettes for LWC
rn 30 HE plates for Free Flow/Concitherm/Safetythenn
rn Before opening the PHE you must carry out a few work steps. If necessary, re-
move the connected pipes.
In general, you should proceed as follows:
Clean the guiding rail (for better
plate mobility).

- 38 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision Za

G ~ I Maintenance and repair

rn Clean the threads of the tighten-

ing bolts (to remove the contami-
nation and prevent a fretting of
the nuts).

rn Apply a thin film of oil to the

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

39 -
Maintenance and repair

To ensure that the plates are reas-

sembled in the right order, we ad-
vise painting a diagonal line
across the side of the plate pack.

Be sure to note the current "a" di-



When r e m o v a- the HE plates, document the order with the help of the flow dia-
The PHE frames are usually
equipped with four tightening
bolts. In PHEs with more than
four tightening bolts, as a rule
four longer tightening bolts are
used. These only pretension the
HE plate pack (so-called preten-
sioning bolts).

- 40 Plate Heat Fxchanger I Revision 2a

Maintenance and repair

The HE plates are mounted in different ways in the frame, depending on the frame
design of the PHE.
In CD frames, the HE plates rest on the bottom guiding bar and are guided by the
rn In the CD frame, the plates are
guided by a top and a bottom
guiding bar.

In the B frames, the HE plates are suspended at the top carrying beam with a spe-
cial rail. The plates are hooked into the recess of the guiding rail and are guided by
the bottom guiding bar.

Top carrying beam without a

guiding rail. VT NT

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision Za

41 -
Maintenance and revair

10.2 Opening the PHE and removing the HE plates


Before loosening/opening the PHE pay attention to the safety notes in

chapter 10.1, page 37 "Preparatory precautions".

10.2.1 Opening a PHE with a CD frame

CD frames need to be equipped with
a locking element (e.g., a pipe clamp).
Ensure that the HE plates can always
be set up as described as step 3 below.
Attach the locking element accord-
The following HE types do not re-
quire locking elements:

The drawings below show a CDL frame (with a support column). The handling
desaibed also applies to CDS frames (without a support column).
The CDS frames feature an extra retaining lock at the end of the upper guiding bar.
This retaining lock limits the path along which the pressure plate can be moved.

- 42 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

-- -
and repair

Open the PHE as follows:

1. Release the nuts of the ti@ltening bolts on the pressure plate.
+ Release the tightening bolts
evenly in small steps on alter-
nate sides (1-2-3-4) and diago-
nally (1-2 and 3 4 , in order to
prevent overloading individ-
ual tightening bolts and tilting
the pressure plate.
+ Proceed similarly in the case of
frames with more than 4 tight-
ening bolts.

2. Remove the nuts without remov-

ing the tightening bolts. Push the
pressure plate right up to the lock-
ing element.

3. Move the HE plates. The HE

plates must afterwards safely lean
against the fixed plate.

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision Za

43 -
- G 3
-. Maintenance and repair -

4. Now remove the tightening bolts.

To secure the unit, two tightening
bolts should be left in on either
side of the frame.
5. Mark the position of the locking
element. Then move the locking
element right up to the support

6. Move up the pressure plate to the

support column. The second oper-
ator ensures that the plate pack
does not slip. You can now take
out the HE plates.

The procedure is the same for CD frames without a locking element (VT04, VT 10,
VT 20).
a The PHE with a CD frame is open.


The best position of the locking element depends on the size and number of HE
plates. Please contact y o u GEA Ecoflex service department (see back cover) if you
have any questions on this point.

- 44 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

Maintenance and repair

10.2.2 Opening a PHE with B frame

1. Release the nuts of the tightening bolts on the pressure plate.
Proceed as described as step 1 "Opening a CD frame", chapter 10.2.1, page
2. Remove the nuts.
3. Remove all tightening bolts.

The PHE with a B frame is open.

Remove the HE plates as follows:

1. Move the pressure plate right up
to the support column.
e You now have access to the in-
dividual HE plates.

2. For removal, swing the HE plate

out to the side and take it out of
the guiding rail of the carrying
.) In the case of some Varitherm
carrying beams, swinging is
only possible to one side.

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

45 -
Maintenance and revair

10.3 Mounting the HE plates and closing the PHE


Before mounting and closing the PHE, pay attention to the safety notes in
chapter 10.1, page 37 "Preparatoryprecautions".

Damage to the HE plates!

Going below the compression dimen-
sion "a min" generally leads to dam-
age to the HE plates and possibly to a
m a h c t i o n of the PHE. Ensure that
the plate pack is only compressed to
the necessary dimension
"a-," < "a" < "a max,",


When all the HE plates are correctly installed, the outside of the plate pack must
show a continuous honeycomb pattern.
You can also check that the plates are in the right order by means of the diagonal
line on the outside of the plaie pack, which youpainted before opening the P*.

- 46 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

s m

Maintenance and revair

Proceed as follows:
1. Make sure that the gaskets and HE plates are free of foreign matter or contami-
* If necessary, clean them with running water and a soft brush.
2. Check that the gaskets fit correctly in the grooves of the HE plates,
3. Clean the sealing faces of the frame gaskets.

the HE guiding rail at the carrying

beam and apply a thin layer of oil
to it.
5. Clean the threads of the tighten-
ing bolts as well as the tightening
nuts and apply a thin layer of
grease to these.

6. Mount all the HE plates into the PHE frame in the correct order according
- to
the flow diagram.
In the case of a CD frame, the following actions are required:
e Before installing the HE plates, I
screw in two tightening bolts
to serve as securing elements.
* Every HE plate you put in
should safely lean against the
h e d plate.
e Have another operator hold
and secure the plate pack.

47 -
Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a
Maintenance and repair

4 Push the pressure plate against

the plate pack and put in the
remaining tightening bolts.
Q Attach the locking element at
the correct position.

7. Determine the required compression dimension ("a" dimension).

4 The required compression dimension "a" is
rn in the case of a complete replacement of the gaskets: the "a m a " printed on
the name plate.
rn provided that the HE plates are only cleaned and no gaskets are replaced:
the compression dimension written down before opening the PHE.
rn in case of a change in the number of HE plates: the new "a ma"-dimension,
which matches the details on the supplied flow diagram and the supplied
modification plate at the name plate.
8. Tighten the tightening bolts according to the procedure described in
chapter 10.2, page 42 "Opening the PHE and removing the HE plates" on alter-
nate sides and diagonally to the necessary compression dimension "a".
9. Carry out a leak test before restarting the PHE.


The procedure for the occurrence of leakages is described in chapter 11on page 55.

- 48 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2.9

-~ ~
Maintenance and repair

10.4 Cleaning t h e PHE

10.4.1 Cleaning the HE plates of the closed PHE

Deposits on the HE plates
rn impair the heat transfer between the flow-through media,
rn increase the pressure loss,
m can cause or accelerate HE plate corrosion.
The particular PHE application determines
H the necessity,
H the typeand
H the frequency of a PHE cleaning.

CIP process

Danger to persons and environment!

The use of aggressive cleaning agents presents poisoning, chemical bums, and
burning dangers. Make sure that:
before the CIF process, you have been instructed in the use and have a good
command of all work steps.
rn during work with aggressive cleaning agents you always wear suitable protec-
tive clothing.
rn the cleaning agent you use is completely removed from the PHE after cleaning.
With CJl' ("Cleaning in Place"), a cleaning agent flows through the PHE instead of
the flow-through media. Contaminants are removed by the cleaning solution's dis-
solving capacity, supported by the mechanical action of the turbulence.

Damage to the PHE!
The improper use of CJl' can damage the PHE. Pay attention to the notes on cherni-
cal cleaning of the HE plates in chapter 10.4.2, page 51 "Cleaning the HE plates of
an open PHEW.

49 -
Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a
Maintenance and revair

This process is used if the flow-through media contain coarse particles of contarni-
nation and thus block the inlet channels. By briefly reversing the direction of flow,
the particles of contamination are removed from the PHE.

The direction of flow is reversed by

using a suitable pipe configuration
with the appropriate valves. If there is
a risk of the released particles of con-
tamination causing damage to the
PHX, preference should be given to
manual cleaning of the HE plates.

- 50 Plate Heat Fxchanger I Revision 2a

5 0 '4

Maintenance and repair

10.4.2 Cleaning the HE plates of an open PHE

Manually cleaning the HE plates


At every cleaning, ensure that no particles can settle on or under the gaskets
because this leads to leakages.
rn Hard cleaning tools (e. g. brushes with metal bristles) can damage the metallic
surfaces of the HE plates and the surfaces of the gaskets. Damaged metal sur-
faces can lead to corrosion of the HE plates. Damaged gasket surfaces can lead
to leakages of the PHE when restarting it.
Never use hard cleaning tools.
rn Ensure that the stream of the high-pressure jet always directs face-on at the
gaskets in order to avoid loose& them.
In order to manually clean the HE plates, proceed as follows:
1. For coarse contamination, use a
high-pressure cleaner jet to loosen
the particles.

51 -
Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision Za
Maintenance and repair

2. Wash each plate from both sides

with flowing, warm water and a
soft brush.

The HE plates have been

manually cleaned.

Chemically cleaning the HE plates

chemical cleaning processes can attack the gaskets materials and create leaks. Al-
ways use cleaning agents that do not attack the gaskets materials. Choose a suita-
ble temperature and do not let the cleaning agent take effect on the materials for an
unnecessarily long time.


Always follow the safety instructions and recommendations of the cleaning

agent manufacturer. Only use chloride-free or low-chloride water with a low
hardness value for the cleaning liquid.
Chloiides in the medium reduce the corrosion resistance of chrome-nickel
steels and chrome-nickel-molybdenum steels (including Hastelloy, Incoloy and
Inconel). The intensity of the effect of the chlorides depends on the tempera-
ture, concentration and pH of the medium.
rn Stubborn contamination, such as coatings on the plate surface, which are not
released by the above-described processes, can be loosened by soaking in an
open chemical bath.

- 52 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

Maintenance and repair

m Choose a cleaning agent suitable for the type of contamination and for the
properties of the HE plates and sealing materials.
+ You must obtain confirmation from the cleaning agent manufacturer that
the cleaning agents employed will not attack the HE plates or gasket mate-
rials. Clean the HE plates according to the cleaning agent manufacturer's in-
rn Before reassembling the cleaned HE plates, always rinse them with suKicient
clean water. Remove foreign matter on the gaskets with a soft brush.

10.5 Replacing HE gaskets

You can find the fixing type of the gasket in the PHE technical documentation. The
gaskets can be either fixed with adhesive into the gasket grooves or pressed into
the grooves without adhesive.
We recommend that you always replace all gaskets at the same time. Use only
original GEA Ecoflex gaskets.


You can obtain detailed information about replacing gaskets from your
GEA Ecoflex senrice department (see back cover)

10.6 Replacing port rings

The type of port ring between the HE plate pack and the frame components de-
pends on the frame type.


You can obtain detailed information about replacing port rings from your
GEA Ecoflex service department (see back cover)

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

53 -
.-) G.3 Maintenance and repair ~

10.7 Maintaining the PHE frame


Loss of operating approval!

You must consult your GEA Ecoflex senrice department (see back cover) before
changing or replacing PHE frame components. Always use original PHE compo-
nents from GEA Ecoflex because otherwise loss of the operating approval for the
PHE follows.

Regularly carry out simple maintenance work, for example:

external cleaning,
greasing and
touch up varnish damage on the PHE frame.


You can obtain detailed information about maintenance of the PHE frame from
your GEA Ecoflex senrice deparwent (see back cover).

- 54 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a


11 Troubleshooting


On principle, you should reach an agreement with your GEA Ecoflex senrice de-
partment (see back cover) before repairing faults, in order to avoid improperly per-
formed work on the PHE and its consequences.

In the following you will find a few typical faults that can occur during operation
of a PHE.

11.1 Impaired PHE performance

.Fault. ' . . ' ' .. . ,Cau& :- . : . . . , '
'Remedy ~. . . . .

insuffiaent heat deposits on the HE plates clean the HE plates

flow paths, media etc. changed have GEA Ecoflex examine the
from the design design of the PHE with the
new operating data
too high-pressure flow impeded by blodtage of clean the HE plates
loss the flow channels of the dis-
flow impeded by incorrect in- check the installation order by
stallation of the HE plates means of the flow diagram
flow paths, media etc. changed have GEA Ecoflex examine the
from the design design of the PHE with the
new operating data

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a

55 -
', G
* ~. .~
~ ~

11.2 PHE leakages

:a& I cause Remedy
iealing fault be- false compression dimension check the correct compression
ween the HE plates of the PHE dimension by means of the
data on the name plate
too high working pressures check the working pressures
by means of the data on the
name plate
too high/too low working tem- check the working tempera-
peratures tures by means of the data on
the name plate
gaskets fitted incorrectly open the PHE and correct the
gaskets' position
gaskets are dirty open the PHE and clean the

gaskets are defective open the PHE and replace the
;ealing faultbe- gaskets or port rings fitted in- open the PHE, comct the posi-
ween HE plates correctly tion of the gaskets or port rings
open the PHE, clean the gas-
nediate elements kets or port rings
gaskets or port rings are defec- open the PHE, replace the gas-
kets or port rings
wiling fault be- too high loads at the pipe con- reduce connection loads to the
ween pipe connec- admissible parameters
ion and frame plate
loosen the pipe connection and
correct the position of the seal
loosen the pipe connection and
clean the seal ring
seal ring is defective loosen the pipe joint and re-
place the seal ring
flange connection is not suffi- check the seal ring and connec-
ciently tightened tion and tighten any loose bolts
lamage to the HE rover-tightened plate packs replace defective HE plates
dates- I (compiession dimension less
corrosion of the HE plate check the design of the PHE
material concerning flow-through me-
dia, consult GEA Ecoflex

- 56 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision ?a


Fault I cause I Remedy

damage to the start incorrect earthing during replace defective HE plates
or end HE plate welding of speaal connections
to the open connecting pipes of
the PHE frame

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 20

57 -
Technical terms

12 Technical terms
Term Meaning
B frame An especially stable frame design, which also allows a
high number of HE plates.
backflushing A cleaning process in which the direction of flow is
regularly reversed. Reversing the direction of flow
flushes the particles of contamination from the PHE.
carrying beam The top component placed between the fixed plate and
support column upon which the HE plates and the
pressure plate are suspended.
In CD frames the carrying beam guides the HE plates.
CD frame A compact PHE frame design ompa pact design). The
number of HE plates that can be stacked is lower in a
CD frame than in the corresponding B frame.
CIP process (Cleaningin A cleaning process in which the flow channels of the
Place) closed PHE are flushed with spe&c cleaning solu-
collector channel The flow channel which is created by the total passage
openings of the HE plates.
compression dimension Dimension referring to the depressurised (!) PHE.
"a" dimension ("a m a . " / lighten the H E plate pack placed between the frame
plates to this dimension. Going below the "a min" di-
"a min")
mension can damage the HE plate pack. The tighten-
ing units adjust the compression dimension.
connection (pipe) The pipe connections intended for the fixed plate and,
if appficable, the pressure plate. The pipe cokections
have Werent designs according to each application
(industrial design, rubber insertpiece, m e d liner,
flange connection etc.).
connection comer (pipe) Component of the intermediate element in the HE
plate pack. With this intermediate element, multi-stage
designs of a PHE are realised. The connection comers
allow the connection of additional pipes/media (espe-
cially for food applications).

distributor channel see "collector channel"

EcoLoc A fixing system without adhesive for gaskets of the
NT series.
fixed plate The basic component of the PHE frame. The fixed
plate is an unmovable frame plate. Normally, the pipes
are connected to thiscomponent.

- 58 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2a


Technical terms

Term Meaning
flow-throughmedia The term for the media that are responsible for the
heat transfer in the PHE.
frame plates The fixed plate and the pressure plate of the PHE
gasket of the HE plates An elemental component for sealing the flow channels
from each other and between the HE plates and the
surroundings or leakage chamber. There are gaskets
that are fixed to the HE plates with adhesive or with-
out adhesive (Loch, EcoLoc).
guiding bar Component that guides the HE plates and the pressure
plate at the bottom.
In CD frames the HE plates rest on the bottom guiding
HE plate pack The collective term for all of the HE plates located be-
tween the frame plates, including the gaskets.
HE plates The short form for the term Heat Exchanger plates. An
elemental component that keeps the flow-throughme-
dia separated from each other and bansfers the heat.
intermediate element A component placed within the HE plate pack. The in-
termediate element has pipe connections along the
sides for multi-stage PHE designs.
intermediate plate A component placed within the HE plate pack. The in-
termediate plate has no pipe connections and is used
for special multi-pass PHE designs.
A fixing system without adhesive for some elastomer
metal liner A liner of the frame plates in the area of the pipe con-
nections. The material used depends on the applica-
tion (stainless steel, titanium, etc.).
multi-pass PHE A special design of the PHE with internal deflection of
the flow-through media. The construction of multi-
pass PHE always demands pipe connections to the
pressure plate.
multi-stage PHE A speaal design of the PHE with more than two flow-
through media (use of intermediate elements). With
this PHE design, complex heat transfer tasks are com-
bined in one PHE (heating and cooling, e.g. in the food
stuff industry).
name plate A label attached to the fixed plate of the PHE frame for
identification with the basic data of the PHE (stand-
ardly applied as a gummed label).

Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision 2.9

59 -
Technical terms

Term Meaning
PHE The short form of the term Plate Heat Exchanger.
pressure plate A movable frame plate suspended at the carrying
beam of the PHE frame. This frame plate compresses
the HE plate pack.
The pressure plate can have pipe connections.
rubber insert piece A liner of the frame plates (elastomer) in the area of
the pipe connections. It seals off the pipe connection
and the HE plate pack.
single-pass PHE The standard design of a PHE with two flow-through
media. Normally, the connections are placed on the
fixed plate.
splash protector A safety device attached to the HE plate pack.
GEA Ecoflex generally recommends attaching a splash
protector when using hazardous media.
support column A fixed component of a PHE frame to which the carry-
ing beam and the guiding bar are fixed.
suspending (the pressure Suspending the pressure plate at the carrying beam
plate) (normally with a movable roller). The suspension
makes it possible to move the pressure plate on the
carrying beam.
tightening unit The frame component for compressing the HE plate
packs. It consists of tightening bolts, tightening nu6
and washers.

- 60 Plate Heat Exchanger I Revision h
GEA Ecoflex
For more than 75 years, GEA Ecoflex has been developing customer-
oriented and cost-optimised plate heat exchanger solutions for the
following fields of application:

w HVAC w pulplpaper ,

. .. . Your mntact:
.. . . . ,.

Process Equlprnent
A company of mg technologies-group
Karl-Schiller-Str.1-3, D-31157 Sarstedt
Phone:+49/5066/601-0. Fax:+49/5066/601-104
www.geaacoflex.com.email: infoegea-ecofIex.com
Starting Air Receiver

Starting Air Receiver

Anschluss Pos. 3
Connection Pos. 3
Qmedhlelne nrng. 3 Alle Ventilmasse in geoeffneter Stellung
Dimensions of valves in opened position
Cpe o'gkeozijn'l' b rnqiozqrnD nrnghuhh
2 Manometer 2 Pressure gauge
1 Austritt Tyfonventil, optional 1 Outlet won valve, optional
Anschluss Pos. 10 OAustritt Anlassluftventil 0 Outlet starting-air valve
Connection Pos. 10 8 Tyfonventil DN 16, optional 8 Tyfon valve DN 16, optional
Prnedhlelne nmg. 10 7 Entwoesserung stehenc 7 Drainage vertical
6 Entwaesserung liegend 6 Drainage horizontal
5 Freier Anschluss G 1/2' 5 Free connection G 1/2'
4 Sicherheitsventil G 1/2" 4 Safety valve G 1/2'
Anschluss Pos. 6.7 3 Eintritt Fuellventil 3 Inlet filling valve
Connection Pos. 6,7 2 Fuellventil DN 1 8 2 Filling valve DN 1 8
Prnedhlelne nmg. 1 Anlassluftventil DN 50 1 Starting valve DN 5 0

3 2 , 8 2,

I I I aturnlNarne
lkarb.l:o.o3.oil~1~~~~ Luftbehaelter, Schiff
I I I 1Gepr.l Air receiver, ship
1 500 1 30 bar
Oil Mist Detector

Oil Mist Detector

Operating Instructions
Article No.: 10024
Edition: 04 U


D - 66440 Blieskastel 1 Saar . lndustriering 14 . Germany I SW

tt 49 (0)6842 508 - 0 . Telex 44 685
Tel. -Fax ++ 49 (0) 6842 508 - 260
It is recommended to read this instruction manual
before commencing the repair, assembly or
commissioning of the oil mist detector system!

CAUTION: The manufacturer's warranty will become

void if these instructions are not followed!

Unless notified to the contrary, these operating

instructions are applicable for:

VN 115187- EMC
VN 116187- EMC
VN 215 I 8 7 EMC
VN 115187
VN 116 I 8 7
VN 2 15 I87

In case of an oil mist alarm, the oil mist

detector (OMD) must be in condition to react
within the next few seconds and shut down
the engine, in order to minimise immediate or
consequential damages!

The corresponding relay contacts are instantly

connected to trigger the alarm safety system!

A Safety Signs
in general

A Safety Signs

A C'mos
lc ~-) Inhalt,

. .
Product Descr~pt~on......................................................................

2. Installation .................... .

3. Commissioning .....

4. Performance Test / Maintenance

5. Failures and Corrective Action ...........................................................


7. Spare Parts ................................................................................

8. Service Facility Addresses ...............................................................

9. Brochures, Leaflets, etc. .....................................................

General Information ..................................................................... 0

Notes ......................... .

Options ....................
Product Description

Oil mist detectors of the VISATRON series protect large diesel engines of all
operation classes against serious damages originating from crankdrive bearing or
piston component overheating.

Functional Description
The atmosphere of the crankcase compartments is continuously drawn out by
means of headers and directed through an optical opacity measuring track. In this
measuring track the opacity (turbidity) of the drawn crankcase atmosphere is
determined by means of infrared light.

Main Structural Components ( see Fig. 1.O1 11 to 1.O1 / 3 )

1. Base plate with air jet pump for generating the required negative
pressure ( 1 ) and main connector plug ( 5 )
2. Measuring head with electronic module, display window ( 2 )
and inspection cover ( 3 )
3. Connection for headers ( 4 ) or individual pipes ( 6 )

Connection for headers designed as:

VN 115 187, VN 115 187 EMC ( see Fig. 1.01 / 1 )
Connecting box for connecting two header pipes
(This type of oil mist detector may show an oil mist alarm, without identifying
the individual compartment of damaged engine side )
VN 116187, VN 116187- EMC (see Fig. 1.01 1 2 )
Valve box for connecting two header pipes
(This type of oil mist detector may show an oil mist alarm, identifying in the
valve box window whether a damage has occurred in compartments located
either to the left side or the right side of the detector )
VN 215 187, VN 215 187 EMC ( see Fig. 1.01 I 3 )
Valve box for connecting up to ten individual pipes
(This type of oil mist detector may show an oil mist alarm, identifying in the
valve box window in which individual compartment the damage has occurred )

VN 115187- EMC VN116187- EMC VN 215 187- EMC

VN115187 VN 116187 VN 215 187
>'3 Technical Data

Operating voltage: 24 V DC +/- 25%, with reverse battery protection

Electrical Data

Power consumption: Maximum 3 A

compatibility: Wiring failures:
50 Hz to 10 kHz, 3 V eff. 110 kHz to 50 MHz, 1 V eff.
Electromagnetic fields:
30 kHz to 200 MHz, field strength 10 V / m,
Damped oscillation:
1 MHz,l kV, 400 pulses per second,
High- energy pulses:
0.5 joule, 5 kV, Ri = 500

Electromagnetic fields:
30 kHz to 1 GHz with 10 V/m, Acc. to IEC 801 - 3
VN l l 5 / 8 7 - EMC ( ambient class 3,10 V / m, 30kHz - 16Hz )
VN l l 6 / 8 7 - EMC Fast transients ( burst ):
VN215/87- EMC Acc. to IEC 801 - 4, ( ambient class 3 )
In addition: Electrostatic discharge:
ACC.to IEC 801 - 2

Load to relay outputs: Maximum 60 V AC IDC, 2 A AC IDC, 60 W, 125 VA

Sensitivity: 1st row: switch position, 2nd and 3rd row: required
opacity for triggering an alarm

Alarm level: (%of opacity)


Alarmlevel:(%ofopacity) -= ii '-
pzrsi ,L. s.-.-4 ...
< ; '"%-= --"
ofVNll6/87-EMC <&&>
andVN 116187 12,4 27.8
and VN 215 I 8 7 z35.z, ...
,< ~? Technical Data

pressure measured: At least 60 mm, maximum 80 mm W.G.
in Measuring Unit
Pneumatic Data

Driving air for air jet pump: 0.3to 0.5bar

Air consumption: Dependent on the number of

suction points, however, max. 1 normal msl h

Protection: IP 44

Admissible operating
' -1 temperature range: 0 C bis +70° C

Admissible oil mist

temperaturerange: Maximum +70 @
Ambient Condnions
Admissible storage and
transport temperature range: - 25 C bis +80 @

Humidity: Maximum 90% relative humidity

Vibration: Maximum acceleration 6 g

.I Dimensions: ( see drawings 1 .04 1 l , 1 .04 / 2,1 .051 1 )


Pipe connections for Data

suction system: VN115187, VN 115187- EMCand
Header ( two pieces, 0 22 x 2 ( i.d. 18 mm )
maximum length: 9 m, R 112" and R 314"
VN 215187, VN 215187- EMC
Individual pipes (maximum 10 pieces ),
014 x 2 ( i.d. 10mm ) maximum length: 9 m
."', Dimensions

VN l l 5 / 8 7 - EMC
VN 115/87

VN 116/87- EMC
VN 116/87
VN215/87- EMC


4 threads or holes for screws MB

VN 115 / 8 7 EMC

VN l l 6 / 8 7 - EMC

VN 215 / 8 7 EMC

VN l l 5 / 8 7

VN l l 6 / 8 7



It is important to emphasize cleanliness during the assembly work!

Clean pipelines and fastening parts before assembly.
Lay pipes in a stress- free manner!

Installation position of the device:

Locate the oil mist detector in a vertical position!
Make sure not to install the device within the airflow of blowers or air deflectors.

- -
Suction pipes VN 115 187 EMC and V N 116 187 EMC ( see Fig. 2.1 / 1 )
7,' 1 Material: Seamless steel pipes,
header ( 1 ) 22 x 2 mm ( i.d. 18mm ), ma%. length: 9 m
suction pipes ( 2 ) 10 x 2 mm ( i.d. not less than 6mm )

Pipe Laying: Ascending to the device, Ascending

ascending gradient 2% to 4%. without sagging, avoid oil collection
Gradlent 2%to 4%!
( see Fig. 2.01 l 1 )

Consider toavold 011

collection when laying
the headers! 011must
always drain back to

VN 115/ 87- EMC

VN 116/87- EMC
VN l l 5 / 8 7
VN l l 6 / 8 7
Headers above suction points for:

pipe end- siphon

Lay headers In
ascending direction
to the detector!

Headers below suction points:

plpe end- siphon

Lay headers in
asccending direction
to the detector!


@ 2 x 2 mm ( i.d. 18mm )
Header pipe ~ 2 mm

@ 0 x 2 mm
Compartment suction pipes to header ~ 1 mm

( i.d. not less than 6mm )

@) Pipe end- siphon 100 mm with oil return back to the engine,
or 200 mm with oil discharge outside the engine
- -
VN 215 / 87 EMC

Lay suction pipes in

L Suctlon funnel
descending manner1

Suction pipes VN 215 187 EMC, V N 215 187

Material: Seamless steel pipes, 14 mm x 2 mrn ( i.d. IOmm )

Pipe Laying: Ascending to the device, ascending gradient 2 -'4%

( see Fig. 2. 03 / 1 )

Siphon blocks

Plpes can be
mounted horizontally

Avold sagglng or
011 collection
Sunlon funnel
Suction funnel in the crankcase compartment

The suction funnels have to be fitted in such a way that flooding by splashing
bearing oil or returning Piston cooling oil is avoided ( see Fig. 2. 04 / 1 ).
Caution: Make sure funnels are not interferingwith
rotating or moving parts of the engine.

Sense of
engine rotatlon

Suction funnel Suction funnel Suction funnel

for siphons and for sipons and only for
engine wall connection engine wall connection engine wall connection

Suction funnel with

oil discharge labvrinlh -
Push in
suction funnel pipe
firmly to the stop
during assembly1

Oil relurn
Engine wall

Straighl engine wall connection Engine wall connection LL -type

Observe mountlng

Englne wall connection L - type

,' 1 Installation of siphon blocks

cutting ring


Tlghtenlng toque: 30 Nm
Suction piping of VN 215 I 8 7 - EMC
Connecting flange,
Valve box

left right

5 cylinders

5 cylinders

6 cylinders

7 cylinders

Connectlon numbers
@ t o valve box

Closed by
draln plug
Connectlon for Unused pipe connection bores In flangeare to be plugged
0 suction plpe
with the supplied vlton plugs.
1 )12.95
Suction piping of VN 215 187 EMC

Connecting flange,
Valve box

7 cylinders

8 cylinders

9 cylinders

9 cyllnders

Connection numbers
@ to valve box

closed by
drah plug
Connection for
Unused plpe connection bores in flangeare to be plugged 0 suction pipe
wlth the supplled vlton plugs.
'-7 Air supply

No back pressure
and no oil collection
is allowed in
exhaustair pipe!

@ Discharge funnel
@ Draft air connection set
Parts are not included @ Exhaust air connection
in the scope of supply, Pressure regulator unit consisting of:
but they can be @ Throttle block
purchased as an option! @ Pressure connection 2 - 12 bar
@ Pressure regulator

If parts are not included in the scope of supply they can be purchased as an option!
To avoid backpressure, lay exhaust pipes without any reducers (DN 22).
Avoid sagging and oil collection in pipes ( See drawing 2. 08 11 )

Electrical connection ( see Fig. 2. 09 11 )

Connection: 24 V DC
min. 18 V
max. 30 V
Power consumption: 3A
Protection: 4 A with semi time- lag

When power is supplied by batteries, charging voltages of more than 30 V

might occur. These voltages are not permitted. Device will go into failure mode.
Voltage limiters must be installed1 ( See Fig. 2. 09 1 2 )
Terminal Plan

Oil mist detector Ship system 1

-P Alarm system
2 A with semi timelag 4 A with semi time-lag

Ready relay 011mlsl d e m o r In opretlon

Contaot load
Device In operation: green READY LED on.
mnlacls 4 and 5 dosed.
mntacts 3 and 5 open
Cunenl: Device laully: green READY LED off.
maximum 2 A mntacls 3 and 5 dosed
maximum 60 W 1125 VA contacts 4 end 5 open

011mlst alarm tor alarm system

Alarm relay
011mist dam: green READY LED on.
red ALARM LED on.
wire break contacts 7 and 8 closed
(Inta!rupted drcvn contacts 6and 8 o n
monltonng) NOoil mi51dam: mnlacts 6 and 8 d%sed
contacts 7 and 8 open

a 2 llw shielded:
Analog display. M No. 150 066
Ri 400

Reratved tor the manvlacturer,

dQ not U1111581

Alarm relay
, 011mlst alarm tor salW system
Oil mist alarm: green READY LED on.
red ALARM LED on
contacts 15 and 16 closed
wire h a k inspection mnmcrj 14 and 16 open
NOoil misl alarm: contacts 14 and 16 dosed
contacts 15 and 16 open


Power supply connection for battery supply


Adjust suction pressure

The suction pressure must be calibrated by adjusting the pressure regulator when
the engine is at a standstill. Make sure ventilation of the engine room is in operation
( pressure difference in room ). An increase or decrease of the pressure
in the crankcase compartment during operation and its effect on the flow velocity
of the oil mist in the suction pipes, is largely compensated by the internal restriction
integrated in the device. (e.g., +25 mm W. G.in the crankcase compartment against
the atmosphere account for an increase of the oil mist flow velocity in the suction
pipes of approx. 8%; +50 mm W.G.of approx. 14%, a negligible figure).
This is important because precipitation of minute oil droplets of the oil mist
increases with a too high flow rate, thus reducing the sensitivity of the device.

Pressure regulator unlt

1. Connect U-tube pressure gauge at inspection cover. ( See Fig. 3.01 I 1 )

( Pressure gauge is included in the service box, available as an option )
2. Loosen nut (1) and turn setscrew (2) in clockwise direction gently up to the stop.
3. Open safety cover ( 3 ) at the throttle ( 5 ) and manually turn setscrew ( 4 )
in clockwise direction gently up to the stop. Adjust 60 mm W. G.!

4. Switch on compressed air supply with inlet pressure ( range 2 to 12 bar ).

The pressure gauge should now read zero pressure. After adjustment,
5. Turn setscrew ( 4 ) in counterclockwise direction until the U- tube remove 0- tube
pressure gauge indicates a negative pressure of 80 mm W. G. pressure gauge
6. Close safety cover. and screw In the
7. Turn setscrew ( 2 ) in counterclockwise direction until the negative pressure previously removed
is only 60 mm W. G. Plug
8. Tighten counternut ( 1 ).
Exhaust air connection

Filling of siphons

Slide pump filling

pipe up to the stopl

1. Remove plug ( 1 ) and seal ring ( 2 ).

2. Introduce filling pump ( 3 ) against the stop.
3. Secure filling pump with fitting and slightly tighten union nut.
4. Pump 10 to 12 times with fast strokes.
5. After the filling process has been completed, remove pump and tighten
plug ( 1 ) and seal ring ( 2 ).
6. Measure negative pressure in the last siphon.

Apply power supply

Switch on power supply after checking the wiring.
Device Owration

Control and display elements

After the preparation work has been carried out ( commissioning ) the device sets
itself to normal operation in approx. 30 seconds, after the power supply has been
switched on. This phase is indicated by a blinking LED No. 1.

The device only needs to be controlled, if:

- an oil mist alarm is recognized

- a malfunction of the oil mist detector is recognised
-the oil mist detector has to be maintained.

k' > The present state of the device is indicated in the display window:

Visatron Display Window

Left side: LED No. (=error code) Right side: opacity in %

(flashlight) (steady burning light)
Alarm LED
0 l4
Opacity display
( Opacity )
Test LED
0 7

Readv LED

Alarm level switch

Alarm Level
Display and function during normal operation:

The basic state ( oil mist opacity below alarm level ) is marked by
( see Fig. 3. 03 11 ):

- green READY LED is on

- the percentage of change in oil mist opacity with regard to basic opacity is
shown on the opacity display
- TEST LED is off
- ALARM LED is off
- READY relay switched on
- ALARM relay switched off
- RESET button showing no function
- all valves in the valve box are opened, visible by the symbols displayed in the
inspection windows of the valve box
(onlyVN 116187- EMC,VN 116187andVN215187-EMC,VN215187)

only Opacity increase beyond search run level

V N l l 6 / 8 7 - EMC The search run level is fixed to 10 %of the adjusted alarm level. Valves in the

VN 116/87 valve box are activated according to a defined algorithm in order to find the

V N 215 /87 EMC corresponding engine side or compartment showing an increasing opacity

VN215/87 ( search run ). The search run can be interrupted by pressing the RESET button.

Further opacity increase beyond alarm level marked by:

- blinking red ALARM LED
- READY relay is switched on
- ALARM relay is switched on
- 3 red symbols in the inspection window of the valve box showing the
engine side on which the damage has occurred
(only VN 116187-EMC,VN 116187)
- a red symbol in the inspection window of the valve box showing the
compartment in which there is the highest opacity.
(only VN 2151 87- EMC, VN 2151 8 7 )

Alarm condition reset to basic state

- By pressing the RESET button
- If there is a device failure, e. g. breakdown of driving air supply
( READY LED is off )
.'-) Display and function i n case of a failure
A failure is shown by:
- green READY LED switched off
- the LED assigned to the failure is blinking in the opacity display
- TEST LED switched off
- ALARM LED switched off
- READY relay switched off
- ALARM relay switched off
- RESET button toggling from fault indication to opacity display and vice versa

Oil mist opacity exceeds alarm level

- TEST LED is additionally switched on
- READY LED remains switched off
- ALARM LED remains switched off!

Assignment of blinking LEDs on the opacity display showin device failure:

LED No. Cause of failure

14 Negative pressure in the measuring compartment too low
13 lnfrared filter dirty
12 Not assigned
11 Ambient temperature < = 0 C
10 Ambient temperature > = 70 C
9 Electronics temperature c = 0 C
8 Electronics temperature > = 75 C
7 Reset button defective
6 Not assigned
5 Switch for adjusting sensitivity defective
4 lnfrared light track defective
3 Flow control defective
2 Electronic module defective
1 Blinking for about 30 seconds afler the oil mist detector
has been switched on (warm-up phase )

To eliminate malfunctions see chapter "Failures"l


Meaning of switch positions:

only permined by 1 = Highest sensitivity

consultation wlth the 4 = Factory-set sensitivity

manufacturer1 10 = Lowest sensitivity

To change sensitivity
(this must be done by authorized personnel only1 ):

- Pull out plug with RESET button

Touch electronic - Unscrew measuring head casing
module only at - Remove electronic module (see Fig. 5.0612)
exterlor edges - Adjust new sensitivity at ALARM LEVEL switch by means of a screwdriver
of printed circuit - Reinsert electronic module
boardl - Screw on measuring head casing
- Reconnect plug with RESET button
I Function of relay outputs

Function of READY relay

( corresponding to the state READY LED ) (see Fig. 2.09/1)
- The relay is switched on when the oil mist detector is in operation

Function of ALARM relay

- The relay is switched on when the opacity exceeds the adjusted alarm level.

- Wire break monitoring by the alarm system is made possible by wire break
resistors installed between contacts 7 and 8 as well as between 14 and 16
( 33 klh factory-preset ).

- To replace the line break resistors the electronic module must be removed.
The resistors are located near the relay on the lowest printed electronic board
(R222, R 223).

In case of an oil mist alarm, the oil mist detector (OMD) must be i n condition
to react within the next few seconds and shut down the engine,
i n order to minimise immediate or consequential damages
Performance Test

The engine is uncontrolled during this performance test!

A performance test of the device without an alarm being indicated externally

can be carried out as follows:
- Open the cover of the measuring head casing
- Wait until the READY LED is switched off ( after about 10 seconds ) and LED14

Search Run only: is blinking ( negative pressure in the measuring compartment too low )

VN l l 6 / 8 7 - E M C
- Darken the measuring track with filter glass or another object

' VNl16/87
- Search run ( as described in 3. 04 ) is started

- - TEST LED lights up when alarm level is reached

VN 2 l 5 / 8 7 EMC
- Alarm reset by pressing the RESET button
- By pressing the RESET button once again the display switches over
from fault indication to opacity display
- Close cover again
- Device is again ready for operation after about 15 seconds
( READY LED is switched on )

Take care that the cover of the measuring head casing is definitely closed
after the performance test has been carried out in order to ensure that the
engine is controlled again!
When painting works are carried out near the device,
the draft air supply to the device has to be turned off,
in order to prevent the scavenging air filters from clogging.

Shut Down

- Stop driving air supply

- Do not switch off the power supply

in closed rooms

T min -25 C Avoid

T maw +80 C condensation1
Maximum air humidity 85%
4. 01
.<--) Performance Test 1 Maintenance

Performance test
(To be preformed before the engine is started):

- Pull out the main supply plug,

green READY LED will go off
- Re- install main supply plug,
LED No. 1 is blinking for about 30 seconds, then:
the green READY LED and LED No. 1 light up.
Device is ready for operation
- Open inspection cover at the measuring head.
After about 15 seconds the green READY LED and
LED No. 1 turn off simultaneously.
:B LED No. 14 is blinking
( meaning: negative pressure in the measuring compartment is too low )
- Close inspection cover at the measuring head again.
LED No. 1 is blinking for about 15 seconds.
The green READY LED subsequently switches on.
Device is ready for operation.

Performance test with test vapour, e. g. vapour distillate from the service box
( t o be performed only when engine is not running )

- Open crankcase - cover of a compartment in order to access

a suction pipe or sampling funnel.
- Fill the plastic bag ( found in the service box )with vapour

.) - Affix the plastic bag to suction pipe or sampling funnel.

- Allow the oil mist detector to draw in the distillate vapour for
a minimum of 20 seconds.
- It depends on the vapour density and suction time ( at least 20 seconds )

1. whether an oil mist alarm is triggered, or

2. whether an oil mist alarm is triggered, and a search run is started, or during Search Run only:
the search run only one half or the engine or the VN l l 6 / 8 7 - EMC
affected compartment is indicated. VN116/87
( If the amount of vapour is insufficient or the suction time is too short, a wrong and
compartment may be indicated in the display window of the valve box. ) V N 2 1 5 / 8 7 - EMC
'7 Maintenance work to be carried out regularly. In case of non-compliance, the
i ,

manufacturer's liability expires. Maintenance work has t o be documented.

Monthly: Check the negative pressure in the measuring head

( range 60 - 80 mm H20 )

Rough filter slde Quarterly: Replace the sintered bronze filter in the measuring head.

outwards! Attention: Filters cannot be cleaned.

( see Fig. 5. 03 I1 )

Use cotton sticks only, Clean the two fresh air bores in the measuring head

othenvlse the glasses ( see Fig. 5. 03 12 )

' m a y be damagd! Clean the infrared filter glasses in the measuring head
( see Fig. 5.04 1 1 )

Every 6 months: ( only with siphon block assembly system,

optional for all OMD device types )

In order to do so:
Remove header pipes from the connecting box,
( V N 115187-EMC,VN 115187)orfromthevalveboxof
VN 116 187 - EMC, VN 116 187, or individual pipes from
valve box of VN 215 187 - EMC, VN 215 187
(to ensure that the device is not contaminated during the
cleaning operation). Remove siphon block plug, blow-clean the
siphons with compressed air (max. 7 bar), mount the header or
the individual suction pipes and siphon block plug,
tighten accordingly.
Subsequently fill the siphon blocks with lubricating oil
( see Fig. 3. 02 I1 )
Annually: Replace the sintered bronze filter in the pressure reducer
(see Fig. 4. 03 / 1 )

In order to do so:
Turn off control air supply, remove plug ( 1 ) with 0- ring ( 2 ),
detach sintered bronze filter (3). insert new filter, install and
tighten plug ( 1 ) with O-ring ( 2 ) and turn on the air supply.

Failures and corrective action

A malfunction in the operation of the oil mist detector has occurred if:

- the green READY LED is off

- an LED assigned to the failure mode is blinking in the opacity display

A pending oil mist alarm is reset

No display in the inspection window, all LEDs off.

Possible cause: Remedy:

Breakdown of power supply Check power supply

or voltage too low by: pulling off the main supply plug.
Between terminals 1 and 2 in the socket
on the base plate, check if 18V to 30V
is available.
Push on main plug and lock into place.
Make sure that the power supply does not
break down under the load of the
oil mist detector. ( voltage not below 18V )

Fuse in the measuring head Replace fuse in the measuring head

defective ( see Fig.5. 06 1 1 ) ( 2 A, semi time lag )
by: pulling off the main supply plug.
Detach measuring head ( 8 screws )
Replace fuse by a new one.
Mount measuring head into position.
Push on main supply plug
and lock into place.

Should there still be no indication Replace the electronic module

( see Fig. 6. 02 / 1 )
.. ... . ~ .. ~

LED No. 14 is blinking - negative pressure in,the measuring head loo low.

Possible causes: Remedy:

Open inspection cover Close inspeclion cover

Filter or water separator in the Clean accordingly, empty if necessary

air supply pipe clogged or filled

Pressure reducer misadjusted Readjust ( see chapter 3. 01 )

by vibration

Pressure restrictor rnisadjusted Readjust ( see chapter 3. 01 )

by vibration ..

Sintered bronze filter in Me Replace brmze filler

pressure reducer clogged (seeFig.5.0311 )
by: Turn on the control air supply
Release plug ( 1 ),

DO not clean fllters, remove 0- ring ( 2 ).

but alweys mpt&ce detach filter ( 3 ).

by new -1 insert new filler ( 3 ).

mount 0-ring ( 2 ),
install and tighten plug ( 1 ),
Turn on air supply.

Sintered bronze filters in the Replace sinlered bronze filters

measuring head clogged (seeFig.5.0311 )
by: opening ihe inspection cover.
Remove circlips.
Mount new fiilers ( always on both sides,
rough side outwards),
insert circlips.
close cover.
5. 03
Possible causes: Remedy:

Fresh air bores for Clean both bores ( see Fig.5. 03 / 2 )

flow control clogged by: opening the inspection cover.
Press cleaning pin contained in the
service box into the left or right fresh air
bore, respectively,
The bores can be seen from the side
of the scavenging air chamber.
Close inspection cover.

Leakage at the device Check all pipes and seals

3 by: checking flexible expansion bellows
(accessible after the measuring head
has been derlached )
Replace damaged seals or
expansion bellows.

Exhaust air pipe malfunction Eliminate blockage of the exhaust air pipe,
the air must flow without restriction.
LED No. 13 is blinking - infrared filter clogged -

Possible causes: Remedy: ( see Fig. 5.04 1 1 )

Infrared filter clogged Clean infrared filter
by: opening the inspection cover.
Soak cotton stick (plastic only!) with alcohol.
Clean infrared filter with
cotton stick several times.
Rub infrared filter dry by means of
cotton stick. Make sure no fluff remains on
the infrared filter
Close inspection cover again.

If failure continues: Replace electronic module

( see Fig. 6. 02 1 1 )

LED No. 11 is blinking - ambient temperature below 0 C

Possible causes: Remedy:

Engine compartment ventilator Change blowing direction of ventilator,
blows cold air onto the device. away from oil mist detector.

LED No. 10 is blinking - ambient temperature above 70 C

Possible causes: Remedy:

Source of heat radiates Protect device against sources of heat
on the device. radiation, ensure an improved fresh air
.-) Failure
LED No. 9 is blinking - electronic temperature below O i C

Possible causes: Remedy:

Engine room ventilator blows Change blowing direction of the ventilator to
cold air onto the device. ensure that cold air it is not directed to the oil
mist detector
LED No. 8 is blinking - electronic temperature above 70i C

Possible causes: Remedy:

Source of heat radiates Protect device against sources of heat
on the device. radiation, improve fresh air circulation.

LED No. 7 is blinking - RESET button defective

Possible causes: Remedy:

Blocked RESET button Eliminate blocking

LED No. 5 is blinking - OMD sensitivity switch defective

Possible causes: Remedy:

Switch defective Replace electronic module
(see Fig. 6. 021 1 )

1 Failure
LED No. 4 is blinking - infrared light track defective

Possible causes: Remedy:

Infrared filter clogged Clean infrared filter (see failure LED No. 13 )

If failure continues Replace electronic module ( see Fig. 6. 02 I 1 )

LEDs No. 3 and 2 are blinking

Possible causes: Remedy:

Electronic module defective Replace electronic module ( see Fig. 6. 02 11 )
Replace fuse
in the measuring

Replace electronic module Imeasuring head

If these factory pre- settings (resistors) are replaced by those with other values,
it must be ensured that a spare electronic module or the one in a
replacement measuring head is also modified accordingly!
Modifications have to be printed on the protecting cover plate on the rear side of the
measuring head casing, in the fields provided for this purpose.
( see Fig. 6. 01 1 1 )

Examine Module o r
spare when received
from shipment.
If you return the
electronic module,
ensure that the
completed form
6why do y o u declare
this unit faulty6
is included!

l the electronlc module

Is replaced, take care
that the same wire break
resistors are usedand
that the Alarm Level
switch is set o n the

The wire break resistors are located on the first visible printed circuit board,
Observe locks1
which is under the protecting cover plate, near the relays (R 222 and R 223)!
The resistors are designed as plug- in resistors and can be replaced
without soldering!
You find the ALARM LEVEL switch on the front display plate of the
electronic module ( see Fig. 3. 03 l 1 ).
Procedure: ( see Fig. 6. 02 / 1 )

- Pull off the main supply plug

- Dismantle the measuring head ( 8 screws )
If the electronic module is replaced or needs to be modified:
- Remove protecting cover plate ( 3 screws )
- Remove the 3 hexagon distance bolts
- Remove defective electronic module from the casing, first pulling off the
lateral flat cable plug from the socket in the casing.
- Mount new electronic module in reverse order
- Install protecting cover plate, fasten 3 screws
- Fasten measuring head, tighten 8 screws moderately.
- Push on main supply plug and lock it into place

: Detach electronlc
- Carry out performance test ( see chapter 4.01 )


Examlne Module o r
spare when recaived
from shipment.
If you mtum the
electronlc module,
ensure that the
completed form
"Why d o you declare
this unit faulty"
is included!

@ Dismantle cover plate by removing 3 screws

@ Loosen 3 hexagonal screws of module

0 Extract module

The electronic module is equipped with components which are sensitive
against electrostatic discharges. A replacement must be carried out by
skilled personnel onlyl Do not touch infrared lenses or circuitry1 Utilise
grounding strap on your wrist.
Leaks or failure of the valve box of VN 115 187 EMC, VN 115 187

Remedy: ( see Fig. 6.03 I 1 )

Disconnect header pipes on the left and right side of connecting box ( 1 ),
push pipes aside to get free access.
Loosen the two screws ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) of the connecting box
Detach the connecting box and remove the gasket On prlnciple, use new
Check if bores 1, 2 and 3 are free from dirt, blow them free with connecting box gasgetl
compressed air
Clean the base plate cavity from oil.

Assembly in reverse order, utilising new gasket.

VN l l S / 8 7 - EMC
VN 115/87

Leaks or failure of the valve box of VN 116 187 EMC, VN 116 187
Remedy: ( see Fig. 6.04 1 1 )
Dismantle the pipe connecting blocks with the headers on the
right and left side
Push away the header pipes for free access to the valve box
Unscrew the valve control cable plug and loosen the four screws On prlnclple, use new
( 3 ), ( 4 ), (5 ) und ( 6 ) of the valve box. valve box seals!
Detach valve box and remove seal
Check if bores 1, 2 and 3 are free from dirt, blow them free
with compressed air.
Clean the base plate cavity from oil.

Assembly in reverse order, utilising new seals and gasket

66440 Blieska6tel.
I .
Tel :lo64821508-0, Fax [ O m 1 506-260

2.) Condition of Reset Button:

Button mechanically damaged: No response when button is pressed
3.) Valve box working properly (if present) Yes 0 No
4.) Condition of cables of device, OK ? Yes NO
5.) Condition of plugs , OK ? Yes No
6.) No LED is illuminated at all Yes 0 No
Check power supply at terminals I(+) and 2(-) with volt-meter
Minimum is 18 V =
Maximum is 30 V = value: C]nv
7.) Problems with performance:
Emergency shut downs caused by Oil mist high concentration alarms without obvious reasons.
Device is giving oil mist alarm occasionally 0,
or permanently
--During: Engine start 0 Warm up 0
increasing load 0 decreasing load
shut down 0 ..
various condition
Engine crankcase checked yes 0 NO
If Yes damages found yes 0 NO
water leakage found yes 0 NO
condensed water found Yes No
Suction pipes and pipe connection box Ivalve box of device checked
Yes 0 NO
If Yes: lots of oil found yes No [7
condensed water found Yes 0 No
Open control cover and check inside
lots of oil found yes No
condensed water found Yes 0 No
Check suction pressure with U-Tube Manometer (see previous page)
Measured value: 000 mm WC ( normal: 60-80 mm Water column)
Position of Alarm level Switch S1 (At display )
Your additional Comments:

Yours truly,

Schaller Automation
Please turn page
VN l l 6 / 8 7 - EMC
VN l l 6 / 8 7

Leak or failure of the valve box of V N 215 187 EMC, V N 215 187
Remedy: ( see Fig.. 6. 04 1 2 )
Release the pipe connecting blocks ( 1 ) und ( 2 )
on the right and on the left side.
Push away blocks with with individual suction pipes for free access
to the valve box.

On principle, use new Unscrew valve control cable plug and loosen screws (3), (4), (5) und (6)

valve box seals and of the valve box

gasket! Detach valve box and remove seal

Check if bores 1,2 and 3 are free from dirt, blow them free with
compressed air.
Clean the base plate cavity from oil.

Assembly in reverse order, on principle, use new valve box seals and gasket.

VN Z l 5 / 87 EMC
,' 1 False alarm in the case of fire with smoke development i n the engine room

In case of a fire with smoke development in the engine room, a false alarm cannot
be prevented since smoke may pass into the measuring track through the sintered
bronze filters in the measuring head. This condition induces an opacity which can
trigger an oil mist alarm.

Remedy:lnstall optional pressurised air scavenging system, available from the

manufacturer ( Press RESET button to reset the alarm )

Further possible failures

Sudden false alarms in very warm or cold climatic areas can be triggered by

': 3 humidity ( in the crankcase ) falling below the dew point:

water droplets passing the measuring track or dew on the filter glasses may trigger
a false alarm.

Remedy:Check negative pressure and calibrate to 60 mm W. G., if required.

Ventilation air fans, if any, blowing towards the device and
Danger of burns
its suction pipes.
Tmax= 120°C
Change blowing direction ( install deflectors ) of the ventilator to ensure
that cold air it is not directed to the oil mist detector or suction pipes.
Check VISATRON heating system. (The heating element is located in
the base plate and is hooked up with the connector plug
to the 24 V power supply!)
Furthermore, a measuring head heating system is available as an option
(see chapter "Options"!).
0 0 10.01
*j Informations g6n6rales



Description des erreurs

Induetrlelle Automatlonetechnlk KG

Whv do vou declare this unit faultv 7

Please fill out this form sheet when replacing electronic card, measuring head or complete OMD
and add the issued sheet to the unit when shipping it to SCHALLER Automation or Repesentative.
Thanks in advance I
You can send this information sheet also by Fax or mail in case the VISATRON oil mist detector is

You have on hand:

Manual, A h No 10024
.., .- .
, - Service BOX,Art. NO. 10055

Telex :


Yes No
Art. No. 10055 0 I

If Yes mark with a cross which LED on the LED chain (red LED'Sfrom 1to 14) is blinkina:
Please insert data to enable identification:
Oil Mist Detector Type: VN 115 187 ,
VN I16 187 , VN 215 187
Serial No. : ( At label of measuring head ) example: 1I S 1 1111

nnu'Oo00n(2 numbers, 1 alphabetical letter, dash(-), 5 numbers)

Oil Mist Detector is installed at :
Main Engine Aux. Engine
Engine manufacturer:
Engine type:

1.1) In case No 14 is blinkinx

LED Yo I4 b blhklb Replace Sintered bronze filter
1 Clean fresh air bored on both sides)
0 water column)
Check I adjust suction piessure ( 6 ~ 8 mm

Adjut dr pnswn

CLM both h s h sk boms

Malfunction still present Yes NO

-- -
1.2 In case LED No. 13 is blinkina:
Clean the infrared filter glasses on both sides with cotton sticks and alcohol or detergent.
LED Na 13 Is bllnldng
3. Malfunction still present Yes 17 No
Above described procedures performed
Yes NO
If "no", due to the lack of :
spares 0, tools 0, time
Please turn page

List of Options for VN 87

As an option, the following device extensions can be supplied for

the oil mist detectors of series 87:

Item Descrlptlon Article No.

Protecting cover
Pressure control unit with input throttle
Typhoon filter
Measuring head heating system
Pressurised air scavenging
Analog opacity indicator
Siphon block assembly systems

Description of the individual items

ltem 1, Protecting cover

The protecting cover can easily be mounted on the four provided threads on the
base plate of the VN device. It serves to protect the device against mechanical
damage and contamination.

ltem 2, Pressure regulator unit

The pressure reducer unit consists of a pressure reducer and a throttle block.
Both parts are mounted together on a frame which is fastened by 3 screws, M8.

The pressure reducer device is especially designed to supply the dratt air to the
VISATRON ( VN ) device. The throttle block ensures that the negative pressure
in the VN is limited and does not surpass 25% above of the calibrated negative
pressure, should a failure occur in the pressure reducer ( e. g. rupture of the
diaphragm, etc. ).
In addition, the throttle block is equipped with a filter to retain impurities
from the plant air supply.
ltem 3, Typhoon filter
The typhoon filter serves as a pre- filter for supplying fresh air to the scavenging
air chambers of the VN device.
The typhoon filter is laterally affixed to the protecting cover of the VN device.
The filter outlet and is joined to the air inlet at the inspection cover of the VN device
by means of a flexible hose.
The typhoon filter considerably increases the service life of the fresh air filter
(sinter bronze ), in particular, if the power plant is operated under contaminated
ambient air conditions, such as dusty air, or if the plant is operated in regions
where the air humidity is high. The typhoon filter is furnished with a filter cartridge
which can be cleaned with compressed air ( blowing from inside outwards )
or, if required, be replaced with by unscrewing the top cover.

The typhoon filter consists of:

- a complete filter
- a special inspection cover for the measuring head

- a connecting hose

ltem 4, Measuring head heating system

A standard heating element is installed in all the VN 87 series, in the base plate.
This heating unit might not be sufficient to cover all cases (cases of extreme
humidity in the crankcase, higher water content in the lubricating oil or lower than
normal ambient temperatures ).
The measuring head heating system serves to warm up the top of the measuring
head and the crankcase gas flowing through the VN device, in order to avoid
condensation of water, especially in climatic zones with high humidity or low
temperatures. Condensation of water may trigger a false high oil mist alarm when
small droplets of water are detected by the optical measuring track and shut down
the engine.
The measuring head heating system can be mounted on top of the measuring
head and replaces the heating system in the base plate. The power supply is
connected in the same way as the heating system of the base plate by means of a
plug under the main Harting plug on the base plate.
ltem 5, Pressurised air scavenging
By means of driving air scavenging it is possible to provide filtered air to the
scavenging air chambers independent of the ambient air.
This option is recommendedto prevent false alarms with consequential
engine shut downs due to a fire with smoke development in the engine room.
The smoke may reach the VN device, entering through the fresh air slots in the
inspection cover, passing through the fresh air filters ( sinter bronze filters ) to the
optical measuring track, triggering a high oil mist alarm. The pressurised air
scavening receives the air through the nozzle of the draft pump which is connected
with a hose to the special inspection cover on the measuring head. The air flow is
metered by special jets located in the nozzle and inspection cover.

ltem 6, Analogue opacity indicator

The analogue square shaped opacity indicator may be utilised for all VN 87 devices.
Its dimensions are 96 x 96 mm and it is appropriate for the installation into
switchboards or panels. The analogue opacity indicator is connected to the
terminals 9 (+) and 10 (-) of the VN 87 device. The relative distance to the adjusted
alarm level is indicated on a scale from 0 to 1, meaning 0% to 100% beeing away
from the alarm level.
Example: If the measured opacity has reached a value corresponding to 50%
of the adjusted alarm level, the analogue opacity indicator will display the value 0.5.

ltem 7, Siphon block assembly systems

Siphon blocks are devices which enable to drain the accumulated oil, from the oil
mist suction pipes, directly back to the engine crankcase. The siphon blocks allow
a horizontal suction pipe installation, from compartment to compartment.

Conventional suction pipe systems, without siphon blocks, require to be installed

with a gradient of 2% to 4% ascending to the VN device, in order to drain the
precipitated oil back to the engine.
It is imperative to drain the oil to the crankcase and avoid potential clogging.

Special engine-oriented assembly systems in modular design are available for

VISATRON Oil Mist Detectors for a large number of two- and four- stroke engine
types of various manufacturers.
Flange Coupling RATO-

Flange Coupling RATO -

VULKAN RAT0 - DS Couplings -

Customer: Caterpillar Motoren, Kiel

Cornrn.-No.: 310700532,700533,700534

Dimension Group: A3315A

Series: 2200

Drawing No.: 1A3310AOlI

Partslist No.: lA3315A011

VULKAN Kupplungs- und Getriebebau

B. Hackforth GmbH 8 Co. KG
Postfach 200462,44634 Herne IGermany
Heerstrasse 66,44653 Heme IGermany
Tel. ++49-23251922-0
Fax ++49-2325/71110
E-Mail: [email protected]
''-! . Documentation Contents:

Technical data RAT0 - DS - A331 5A

Assembly drawing lA3310AOll

Partslist lA3315AOll

Delivery condition AA3310AO11

Installation and Operating Instruction E&B RAT0 DS-A21 10~A391O~BR2200

11 Criteria for the inspection of


Surface Protection COATING Fretax MB 588

Technical Data for RATO-DS Coupling
Size A3315 Drawing-No.: IA3310AOll

Rubber qual. 5
T KN kNm 40
T~ max.1 kNm 44,5
K max.2 kNm 180
A Tmax kNm 53,5
T ~ w kNm 12

c rdyn kN/mm 5
nominal 21 0,OO

warm 147,OO
nominal 1,13
re1 . Damping Y
warm 0,79

The guide lines in the RAT0 -DS catalogue

DS-ETD-5 have to be considered
Monlagekontrollmao. Das Montage-
konsollma6 is! um anlagenbedingle
Warrnedshnungm ru horrigieren.
Alignmsnt-control. The allgnmsnl-
50nt101 dimension must b s corrected
by tho thermal expansion rpscillc
lor t h r~e s p e c l i ~ esystem.

Tightening torque
POS. 6 3 505.0*'10 Nm
POS. 7 = 6 7 5 . 0 A ' 5 0 Nm
POS. 6 = 675.0 " 'loNm
POS. 10 = 675.0 " '.' Nm

Schraubsn bzw. Mutlern

m i l Motorendl eingerelrt.
Bolt. and nuts installed with
Iubrlcating Oil.

nach Zsichnung:
Delivery condilion
according to drawing:
AA33 t0AO t l

par!lis! no:
tA33tZAOt t

, %

DaU: 14.05.2007
Pag.: I
P r i n U d by: BIIBRU~ISTER

Auslieferungszustand der hochelastischen RATO Kupplung

Delivery condition of the highly flexible RATO coupling
Condition de livraison d'accouplernent du haut elasticite RATO

Alle Schraubverbindungen
sind vormontiert !
All bolting items are
pre-assembled only !
Tousles connections des
boulons sont seulement
pre-assembles !

"t""-l RATO-DS A3310A

I d
Einbau- bzw. Ausbausituation RATO-DS Element Position 1
Mounting resp. dismounting situation RATO-DS element item 1
Situation de montage resp. dernontage d'elernent RATO-DS position 1
Posicion de montaje y desmontaje del elemento elastico RATO-DS Pos.1
Montaggio e smontaggio dell'elemento RATO-DS posizione 1

Olmendon group
Groupe d e dlmenrlon
Grupo da dimensloner
G ~ Y P P dimenslonaie
D rnm mm
A21 DOA 25 121
A23DOA 22 138

Acoplarniento altamente elastico R A T O - D S

Bild 1 Bild 2
Figure Figure 2

Figura Figura 2
Operating Instruction

E&B A2110A A3910A - series 2200


VULKAN Kupplungs- und Getriebebau

B. Hackforth GmbH & Co. KG
PO Box 200462,44634 Herne IGermany
Heerstrahe 66,44653 Heme IGermany
Phone: ++49-23251922-0
Fax: ++49-2325/71110
E-Mail: [email protected]

. General safety instructions ...............................................................................................................


1.1 Symbol for industrial safety........................................................................................................ 3

1.2 Attention remark ........................................................................................................................


1.3 Safety regulations ......................................................................................................................


. . .......................................................................................................................................
Generalhes 3

Installationof the coupling ................................................................................................................


3.1 Delivery condition of the highly-flexible RATO-DS coupling .....................................................4

3.2 Procedure before the installation of the highly-flexible RATO-DS coupling ..............................4

3.3 Assembly of the highly-flexible RATO-DS coupling...................................................................5

Alignment of the highly-flexible RATO-DS coupling ......................................................................... 5

. . .
................................................................................................................................. 5

i Maintenance ..................................................................................................................................... 6

6.1 Operating performance considering the mechanical properties of the Elastomer material ...... 6

6.2 Operating performace considering the chemical properties of the Elastomer material ............ 6

' Replacement of the RATO-DS element ........................................................................................... 6

7.1 Disassembly of the RATO-DS element ..................................................................................... 7

7.2 Assembly of the RATO-DS element .......................................................................................... 7

3 Service and spare parts.................................................................................................................... 7

Title Installation and Operating Inshuction Subject I I RATO-DS Standard Execution

Respon- Authoring Checked and released Document: MPIOA B W ~ We.doe .
sibilib' 25.1 1.2003 25.11.2003 Version: 001
TB 10 Wolfgang Sprung JUrgen Keslermann Page: 217
I. General safety instructions

1.1 Symbol for industrial safety

rhis symbol is added to all passages in this documentation concerning industrial safety and including
3risk to people's life and limb. Please follow these instructions and handle with the utmost caution in
hese situations. Hand over all industrial safety instructions to other users as well.

1.2 Attention remark

i Attention! I
This "Attention!" remark is added to passages in this documentation which should be specially noted
n order to stick to the guidelines, regulations, instructions and correct flow of work and to prevent any
damages or destruction of the coupling.

1.3 Safety regulations

A coupling shield has to be provided, according to the accident prevention regulations.

According to EN 292, part I,,Safety of Machines", a shield against mechanical movements of ma-
chine parts (protection against accidental contact) is permissible, if a ,,usage according t o the re-
gulations" is guaranteed during all working conditions. At the same time a good ventilation of the
coupling has to be ensured (use of perforated plates).
If the possibility of exceeding the permissible speed of the coupling, n,h, cannot be excluded com-
pletely, e. g. in case of an incident or because of a failure of the over-speed-trip in the system, the
coupling shield has to be so designed that possible coupling fragments cannot escape t o the
surrounding environment.
For coupling applications in fast ships (Dynamically Supported Crafl), the safety regulations of publi-
cation A373 of IMO (International Maritime Organisation) are valid. Dependant on the construction,
these machine arrangements contain components with a high rotating energy. When the coupling
runs outside of a casing, an external protecting device has to be provided t o keep off possible
coupling fragments i n any case.

2 Generalities
The highly-flexible VULKAN-RATO-DS coupling is a rubber coupling, flexible in all directions. Its es-
sential parts are the flexible part and the connecting parts.
All connecting elements of the coupling are arranged without clearance.
The coupling must be protected against permanent influence of oil and against the radiation of heat.
Oil mist and oil splashes are not detrimental. The flexible part is fit for use at ambient temperatures
comprised between -50" (C) to +80° (C). The ventilation holes guarantee good heat dissipation
properties of the RATO-DS coupling. The free-of-play torque transmission in the coupling and the
large sectional rubber area of the flexible element provide good noise attenuation.
Basically, the connection surfaces and the fmed bores as well as the finish bores of the RATO-DS
coupling are protected by Tectyl. Before installation of the highly-flexible RATO-DS coupling, these
surfaces have to be cleaned with conventional solvents.

I I Resoon- I Authorine I Checked and released I Document: I eaa -..., .

...,:[email protected]
Pay attention to wear protective clothes (gloves, safety glasses etc.) while working
with solvents.

When the cleaned surfaces are completely dry, they must be greased slightly.
I n behalf of the classification societies we herewith aive the followins instruction:
The torsional vibration behaviour of the driving system has to be checked and approved by the clas-
;ifcation society. The expected and satisfactory behaviour is guaranteed only, provided that all com-
Ionents comply to the values, the torsional vibration calculation is based upon. With respect to the
:oupling, this means to exactly keep to the dynamic stiffness and damping according to the nominal
ralues including tolerances.
n case of a replacement of the elements, only original VULKAN elements with coordinated technical
jata approved by the classification societies must be used!
To guarantee faultless function and optimum usage of the highly-flexible RATO-DS coupling, certain
nstallation instructions have to be observed.

~ttention!l Basically, each bolt connection participating in the transmission of the

torque must be tightenend with a torque spanner.
The individual tightening torques are given in the corresponding execution drawing of the coupling.
n case of a flexible mounted system, please coordinate the alignment with the manufacturers of en-
gine, coupling and gearbox.
Uhen using 10.9 bolts, hardened washers should be provided.

3 Installation of the coupling

During transportation, please pay attention to a sufficient canying force of the lifting
devices. Only use approved transportation elements.
Thoroughly fix the transportation elements to the attaching devices.

While lifting the flexible elements, take care not to damage the flexible ele-
ments and the add-on pieces.

3.1 Delivery condition of the highly-flexible RATO-DS coupling

The highly-flexible RATO-DS coupling is delivered as shown on drawing No. AA...

3.2 Procedure before the installation of the highly-flexible RATO-DS coupling

Before the installation of the highly-flexible RATO-DS coupling, the following procedure is to be carried
Remove the hexagon bolts (item 7) and washers (item 15) and separate the hub (item 3) from the
angle ring (item 4). Then establish the installation situation according to drawing E l 1000E.
If the fasteners (items 6, 12, 18) were delivered with the coupling, they have to be removed as well.

- ~

I I Respon- Authoring I Checked and released I I

Document: ElozE2
i'iv 25.1 1.2003 1 25.1 1.2003 I Version: 1001
3.3 Assembly of the highly-flexible RATO-DS coupling
:or the assembly, the individual RATO-DS elements are to be hung into a suitable lifting device.

Install the hub (item 3) onto the shafl of the unit to be driven,

Erect and align the machines according to the installation dimension of the highly-flexible
RATO-DS coupling (please refer to paragraph 4).

Arrange the element (item I ) and angle ring (item 4) in the system.

Attach the element (item I ) with fastening elements (items 6, 12) to the engine flywheel.

Pull the angle ring (item 4) in direction of the hub (item 3) with the hexagon bolts (item 8).

Insert and tighten the fasteners (items 7, 15).

Tighten the hexagon bolts (items 6, 7, 8, 10) with a torque spanner. The corresponding
tightening torques are given on drawing No. 1A...

So the coupling is installed,

Alignment of the highly-flexible RATO-DS coupling

The permissible maximum misalignment values in enclosed catalogue data sheet serve as an
indication for the alignment of the RATO-DS coupling, whereas for an exact alignment a value below
20 % of the permissible misalignments is to be aimed for.
The more exactly both units are aligned towards each other, the more reserves are given for the
highly-flexible RATO-DG coupling to compensate radial, axial and angular displacements during ope-

5 Commissioning

Press "EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN in case of danger.

Do not tough any rotating parts.
Equip the coupling with a sufficient protection device against contact.

Make sure that the coupling is protected against contact with oil, solvents and
other chemicals.

Afler completion of the assembly, the drive system is ready for operation as far as the coupling is
concerned. We would like to point out that before commissioning you have to make sure that all
assembling auxiliaries have been removed from the coupling.
A coupling shield has to be provided, according to the accident prevention regulations. If there are no
other objections having priority, these shields have to be made of perforated plates or expanded metal
to ensure a good ventilation of the coupling as well. Please refer to safety regulation paragraph 1.3.

Title I
Installation and Operating Instruction Subject I RATO-DS Standard Execution
Respon- Authoring Checked and released Document: eas-MTmns-N'loA~
M910A B R I ~ W E.~OO
sibility 25.l1.2003 25.1 1.2003 Version: 001
TB 10 Wolfgang Sprung Jiirgen Kestemann Page: 517
6 Maintenance

Stop the system for maintenance work.

Safely protect the system against unintentional starting resp. rotation.

Function and service life of highly-flexible couplings are decisively determined by construction and
design, but also by the elastomer material selected and its resistance against environmental influ-

6.1 Operating performance considering the mechanical properties of the Elastomer


Basically, the highly-flexible RATO-DS coupling does not require maintenance. In many cases, however.
the highly-flexible RATO-DS coupling is an indicator for malfunctions in the system.
We recommend a check of the highly-flexible part in case of exceptional incidents, e. g. propeller
ground contact, short circuit, disturbance of synchronization, governor hunting or emergency cut-off.
Criteria for this purpose are given in document SIR-CRIT-llla up to 91la:

Specification of limit values for the permissible permanent set depending on the size.
Evaluation of surface cracks caused by ageing and their treatment including addlional measures
according to document SIR-COAT-1R - 712.

In addition to a check of the flexible part it is recommended to carry out an alignment control within the
scope of the engine inspection intervals.
Standard values are given in document SIR-A-112 up to 512.

6.2 Operating performace considering the chemical properties of the Elastomer


Caoutchouc (NR) is mainly used as elastic material in highly-flexible Elastomer couplings. Because of
its excellent dynamic properties (stablility Ielasticity), actually there is no equivalent alternative material
available. Caoutchouc (NR) belongs to the DlEN caoutchoucs, however, it is subject to various
environmental influences, known under the collective noun ,,ageing".
The immediate surrounding of the highly-flexible coupling in the system should be ventilated well in
order to prevent high ambient temperatures. To prevent early ageing, however, it should be ensured
that no ,,airflow will occur directly onto the rubber surface (especially waste air from generators).
An air swirl occurs closely above the coupling's rubber surface which is desired because of its cooling
effect on the one hand, and on the other hand, however, continuously providing fresh air ( 0 ~ )To
. pro-
tect the Elastomer material of the VULKAN couplings against these environmental influences, they are
equipped with the most progressive ageing protecting agents available for the rubber industry. Ageing
protecting agents which are chemically dispersed in the material's matrix, however, use up when ful-
filling their purpose.

7 Replacement of the RATO-DS element

The elements of VULKAN RATO-DS couplings can be removed and installed without the driving or
driven machine having to be displaced.

1 Title I Installation and Operating Instruction ISubject I RATO-DS Standard Execution

~- - -~ -~
I I Respon- I Authoring- I Checked and released I Document: I %???.% NllOA-

Sibi'iv 1 25.1 1.2003


1 ULKI\N I TB 10 1 Wolfgang Sprung

1 25.1 1.2003
I Jilrgen Kestermann
I Version: 1001
Page: 1617
'.I Disassembly of the RATO-DS element

Ve would like to explain the replacement of the RATO-DS element in detail as follows:

t Remove fastening elements (items 7, 15 and 10. 11).

t Establish the disassembly situation with the hexagon bolts (item 8) (please refer to drawing No.
El 1000E).
Hang the flexible element (item I ) with angle ring (item 4) into a suitable lifting device.
1 Remove fasteners (items 6, 12).
Remove the flexible element (item I ) with angle ring (item 4) out of the system and deposit it.

Make sure not to damage any other machine parts during the
disassembly of the flexible element.

I Remove fasteners (items 8, 1 1 ).

Separate flexible element (item I ) and angle ring (item 4) from each other.
Clean all reusable coupling parts and the connection surfaces.

So the RATO-DS element is disassembled.

=lease note: When ordering spares for the RATO-DS element, please give us the following
information with respect to the highly-flexible RATO-DS coupling:

order no.
drawing no.
partslist no.

7.2 Assembly of the RATO-DS element

3efore starting the assembly, a new alignment control should be carried out at the driving system.
The assembly of the RATO-DS element (item 1) has to be carried out as described in paragraph 7.1,
however, in the reversed order.
4fter completion of the assembly, the drive system is ready for operation, as far as the coupling is con-

B Service and spare parts

Contact address:
VULKAN Service dept.
HeerstraRe 66
D-44653 HERNE
Phone: +49 (0)2325 922 179
FAX: +49 (0)2325 71 110
Mobile: +49 (0)1782922179

Title Installation and Operating Instruction I Subject I RATO-DS Standard Execution

Respon- Authoring Checked and released Document: eBB-mT"Ds-N""-
rU910A BUIW edos
sibility 25.11.2003 25.1 1.2003 Version: 001
TB 10 Wolfgang Sprung Jilrgen Kestermann Page: 717
Criteria for the inspection of
VULKAN-RAT0 DSlDG couplings

The outer surface of a rotating coupling is continuously in contact with the surrounding air. This
ensures a good ventilation of the coupling but also gives rise to permanent contact with oxygen,
ozone and especially aggressive exhaust gases. This, in combination with the temperature, humidity
and UV-radiation, causes irreversible changes in the material structure at the rubber surface. This
unavoidable process is generally known as AGEING.

Due to the fact that AGEING is a combination of various influences it is impossible to simulate under
laboratory conditions. VULKAN has therefore examined RATO elements, with a long operational
) life, to investigate the influence of AGEING on the operational-safety of the coupling.
The results of these investigations can be summarised as follows.

Due to the constructional design of the elements, and the different types and values of stresses, the
elements will, after a certain period of service, show indications of having undergone operational
service. The most frequent symptoms are:

1. permanent set


Figur 1 Figur 2

The control of the permanent set of a RATO DSlDG element is made by the measurement of "s" at
the rubber outer diameter of the element (picture 1).

I f the permanent set ,,s" exceeds the criteria in the following table, the flexible parts must be
replaced; otherwise the flexible parts are suitable for further service provided there are not other
indications of a damage.

i :
Criteria for inspection DSIDG-CRIT-1
permissible permanent set

RATO - DS - elements

Rubber quality
BaugroRe X=Z X= I X=5 X=6 X=7
Size s [mml s [mml s [mml s [mml s [mml

RATO - DG - elements


(, ,>
Criteria for inspection DSIDG-CRIT-2
2. surface cracks

,,AGEING gives rise to a hardening of the surface rubber. Due to the reduced elasticity at the outer
surface, cracks can be formed when the elements are deformed during service. Cracks with a depth
LESS than the permissible value are acceptable.

According to our experience, for a RATO-DSIDG flexible part cracks with a depth up to 5 % of the
axial rubber thickness are to be considered acceptable in case that they occur all-round on the
whole surface.

The cracks should be ground out as soon as possible. This procedure, usually used for steel cast
) components, can also be used for rubber elements.

permissible crack depth of a RATO-DSIDG coupling

values of the schedule:

valid for cracks mainly in one surface; in case of cracks on both surfaces the values have to be halved.

I .
Criteria for inspection DSIDG-CRIT-3
permissible remaining permanent set of the RATO-DS elements

size x =Z

21 1x 55

23 58

25 63

37 67

29 74
" 1 31 79

33 85

34 91

RATO-DG elements

size x= I

211x 25

23 28

25 29

. ,

Criteria for inspection DSIDG-CRIT-4

2.1 A guidance for VULKAN-RATO-DSIDG couplings:

Cracks should be ground out as soon as possible. This can be done by a VULKAN
service engineer, or the operator can, by using the instructions for ,,grindingu,do the

When a crack is noticed, the depth and length must be marked in order to monitor it.

It is important to check if the installation is operating 1 or has operated abnormally.

In many cases the coupling acts as an indicator of installation malfunctions. When no

system malfunction can be determined, the coupling has to be checked at shorter

When the cracks formed are due to an overloading of the coupling and this is not
corrected, the crack will continue to grow.

An ,,unique event" can damage the coupling. This, however, does not infer, that when
the installation operates ,,normally" that the damage situation will not get worse.

If the crack depth exceeds the permissible, we recommend to replace the relevant
row as soon as possible.

2.2 Interval for checking RATO couplings:

When, after checking a RATO coupling, surface cracks have been found which have
a depth LESS than the maximum value given in the table, a ,,2ndmeasurement" of the
crack dimension should be made at an interval of about 3 months in order to check
crack growth.

Assuming that the coupling itself is subjected to permissible load levels, the crack can
be defined as being the result of AGEING, when the crack dimensions do not
significantly change in the interval between the tests. Subsequent checks every 6
months can be made.

After a system "unique-occurrence",cracks can appear in couplings that normally

operate within their permissible limits. The reason for the malfunction must be
investigated and repaired. A check should be carried out after 3 months or in case of
a new system malfunction.

If the crack depth exceeds the permissible, we recommend to replace the relevant
element as soon as possible.

Criteria for inspection DSIDG-CRIT-5

2.3 Working instruction ,,grinding1'

The working instruction .,grinding" is one component of the criteria for the inspection of RATO-
DSlDG couplings. The rework of the cracks in the rubber of the elements can be done with a
suitable belt grinder.

These belt grinders are available in specialist shops as electric and pneumatic belt grinders,
The abrasive belts are available in three different coarseness (fine, medium, rough).

When grinding you should take care that the temperature is not too high at the final end of the
grinding procedure and the material rubber not hardened.

The moulding of the cracks should be, if possible, very accurately rounded and should n o t
s h o w sharp corners.
During and after the grinding it is not allowed to use French chalk or similar substances
to smooth the surface. A subsequent treatment with the system COATING 113 requires
clean, fat-free and oil-free surfaces.

Subsequently the machined surface as well as the surface of the flexible elements has
to be treated with COATING 113.
Advice concerning this treatment is given in document 711.

Enclosed you will find photos about tools.

Photo 1: Grinding tools

The rework of the cracks can be done with a suitable belt grinder. The abrasive belts are
available in three different coarseness (fine, medium, rough).
I )

Criteria for inspection DS/DG-CRIT-6

Surface Protection
COATING Fretax MB 588

In case of repair work, the machined surfaces as well as the surface of the flexible elements
have to be coated with COATING Fretax MB 588, a protective coating consisting of a liquid
elastomer. This elastomer offers a high protection against environmental influences, espe-
cially against the influence of atmospheric oxygen which causes an "ageing" of the surface-
near areas of the coupling elements.
Basically, the system COATING Fretax MB 588 consists of one component.

:1 RATO-S couplings are coated on the outer surface including the radius passings to the front
surfaces per segment. It is not required to disassemble the segments.
Regarding RATO-R couplings, the complete outer rubber surface is coated.
With respect to RATO-DS couplings, it is required to disassemble the element in order to
treat all element surfaces.

Processing instructions for the application of

COATING Fretax MB 588
For the treatment of surfaces of highly-flexible elements which have been ground crack-free
within the scope of inspections according to the ,,criteria for inspection".

1.) The surfaces of highly-flexible elements should be ground with a belt grinder on the
complete surface in order to optimally prepare them for the priming coat.
This special surface treatment guarantees an optimum cleaning and removes possi-
ble existing microcracks at the same time.
,I la.) If the surfaces are in good condition, sufficient cleaning can be reached by careful
brushing (brass brush).

2.) The surfaces are properly cleaned from grinding dust by blowing-off with com-
pressed air. In order to keep the surfaces dry and free from grease, the compressed
air must be almost free from oil and condensates.

3.) The first priming coat is made with COATING Fretax MB 588. The drying time is
approx. 30 minutes. The coat is dried if it is not tacky when touched by hand.

4.) The second priming coat is made with COATING Fretax ME 588 as well. The pro-
cedure is the same as described under 3.).

All coatings are to be applied thinly, but totally covering.

The waiting time until recommissioning of the coupling should be at least one hour after
having applied the last coating.

Oberflachenschutz COATING Fretax MB 588 SIRIDS-COAT-1I7
Herne, den 31.07.2006
COATING FRETAX MB 588 can be used for approx. 8 weeks provided that it has been
stored in a sealed tin.

The safety regulations according to the following safety data sheet (911155lEWG) are to be

I ) Oberflhhenschutz COATING Fretax ME 588 SIRIDS-COAT-2R

Herne, den 31.07.2006
Safety data sheet (931112lEG)
COATING Fretax MB 588-2
Valid from: 31.07.06
subst. version from: NEW
current date: 31.07.2006



Coating Fretax MB 588

Freudenberg Forschungsdienste KG
D - 69465 WeinheimIBergstraOe
Emergency telephone code:


Mixture of the following listed dangerous substances with harmless admixtures.

Neoprene caoutchouc dissolved in xylene.
MAC value: 440 mg/m3, 100 mll m3
R - phrases: 10, 20/21,22, 38, 52/53
Xylene Xn CAS: 1330-20-7
50-100% EINECS: 215-535-7
Neoprene WRT Xi
Decandisiure-bis(2-ethylhexy1)esterXn CAS: 122-62-3
< 2,5 % EINECS: 204-558-8
zinc oxide N CAS: 1314-13-2
< 2,5 % EINECS: 215-222-5


R10: Flammable. Attention: Can form an explosive mixture with air.

R20121: Harmful by inhalation and in contact with skin.
R38: Irritating to skin.
R52153: Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects
in the aquatic environment.

'~ ) Oberflachenschutz COATING Fretax MB 588 SIRIDS-COAT-3l7

Herne, den 31.07.2006

Symptoms of toxication can occur after many hours, therefore medical observation
for at least 48 hours after an accident is required.
Remove soiled or soaken clothing immediately.
Supply fresh air. If required, provide artificial respiration. Keep patient warm.
Consult doctor if symptoms persist. In case of unconsciousness place patient stably
in side position for transportation.
Consult a doctor immediately.
Immediately wash with water and soap and rinse thoroughly.
Rinse opened eye for several minutes under running water. Then consult a doctor.



COP, sand, extinguishing powder. Do not use water.
Danger of formation of toxic gases when heating or in case of fire.
Use self-contained breathing apparatus.
Cool endangered container with waterjet.


Wear protective equipment. Keep away unprotected persons.
Inform the responsible authorities in case of seepage in waters or in the sewage
system. Do not allow to enter the sewage system, surface waters or groundwater.
Take up and dispose with absorbant material (e. g. sand, general-purpose binder,
diatomite). Ensure adequate ventilation. Do not flush with water or aqueous clean-
sing agents.

Oberfl&henschutz COATING Fretax MB 588 SIRIDS-COAT-4i7

(. ,I Herne, den 31.07.2006

Use only in well-ventilated areas. Avoid formation of aerosol.
Keep away from ignition sources - do not smoke.
Protect against electrostatic charges.
Keep the container tightly closed, store coolly, protect against frost, heat and direct
Storage category: 3A


Xylene CAS: 1330-20-7

EINECS: 215-535-7
MAC value: 440 mglm3, 100 mll m3
Hazard symbol: Xn R-phrases: 10, 20121, 38, 52/53

Do not eat, drink, smoke during work.

Wash hands thoroughly with water and soap before breaks and after work.
Remove soiled or soaken clothing immediately.
Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
Do not inhale gases, vapours and aerosoles.
In case of brief exposure or low pollution use respiratory filter device. In case of in-
tensive or longer exposure use self-contained respiratory protective device.

Solvent-resistant gloves. Recommended material of gloves: Fluorocarbon rubber

(Viton). Recommended material thickness: >0.4 mm.

Oberflbhenschutz COATING Fretax MB 588 SIRIDS-COAT-517

1, ) Herne, den 31.07.2006
safety glasses
protective clothing


Like aromataic solvents
30 "C
Product is not selfigniting.
Product is not explosive, however, formation of explosive airlvapour mixtures is pos-
1,I l7,O
Insoluble in water.


No decomposition if used according to specification.
No dangerous reaction known.
No dangerous decomposition products known.



1330-20-7 Xylene
Oral LD 50 (rat): 4300 mgkg.
Dermal LD 50 (rabbit): 2000 mglkg.
1314-13-2 zinc oxide:
Oral LD 50 (rnus): 7950 mglkg.


Irritant to skin and mucous membranes.

OberflChenschutz COATING Fretax MB 588 SIRIDS-COAT-GI7

',. 1 Herne, den 31.07.2006
Irritating effect.

No sensitizing effects known.


Harmful to health.


Harmful to fish.
Water hazard class 2 (German regulation): hazardous for water.
Do not allow product to reach ground water, water course or sewage system.
Danger to drinking water if even small quantities leak into the ground.
Harmful to aquatic organisms.


Recommendation: Must not be disposed together with household garbage. Do not
allow product to reach sewage system. Disposal according to the official regulations.
Recommendation: Disposal according to the official regulations.


LAND TRANSPORT ADRIRID and GGVS/GGVE (cross-borderlinland):

ADWRID - GGVSIE-class: 3 (F1) Flammable liquids
Danger code (Kemler): 30
UN-Number: 1307
Packaging group: Ill
Hazard label: 3
Description of goods: 1307 XYLENE, mixture


IMDGIGGVSea-Class: 3
UN number: 1307
Label: 3
Packaging group: Ill
EMS number: F-E, S-E
Marine pollutant: No
Trade name: XYLENES, mixture


ICAOIIATA-class: 3
UNIID number: 1307
Packaging group: Ill
Trade name: XYLENES, mixture

Oberfliichenschutz COATING Fretax MB 588 SIRIDS-COAT-7i7

(. . ~? . Herne, den 31.07.2006



The product has been classified and marked in accordance with EU Directives ( Or-
dinance on Hazardous Materials),


Xn: harmful



R10: Flammable
R20121: Harmful by inhalation and in contact with skin.
R38: Irritating to skin.
R52153: Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects
in the aquatic environment.

S7: Keep container tightly closed.
S23: Do not inhale vapourlaerosol.
S25: Avoid contact with eyes.
536137: Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves.
S43: In case of fire use sand, carbon dioxide or powdered extinguishing
agent. Never use water.
S61: Avoid release to environment. Refer to special instructionslsafety da-
ta sheets.



This information is based on our present knowledge. However, this shall not constitute
a guarantee for any specific product features and shall not establish a legally
- . valid con-
trictual relationship.

RELEVANT R-phrases:
R10: Flammable.
R20121: Harmful by inhalation and in contact with skin.
R22: Harmful if swallowed.
R36138: Irritating to eyes and skin.
R52153: Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause adverse effects in the
aquatic environment.


Vulkan Kupplungs- und Getriebebau B. Hackforth GmbH & Co. KG, Herne

I i OberflChenschutz COATING Fretax MB 588 SIWDS-COAT-81'7

,. Herne, den 31.07.2006
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