Module 4-Socialization Module 5 - Social Institutions Social Science 2

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A.Y 2020-2021

Social Science 2

Submitted by:

Alain B. Fortes


Submitted to:

Merlita B. Santiago


Lesson 1: Meaning, Importance and Agents of Socialization


1. Identify the status of your parents or guardian. Write down

their/his/her roles in your community or barangay.
My mother is an elementary teacher, she teaches young
children in grade school, she teaches them values, right
conduct, and manners. She also helps in community by
volunteering in outreach programs and other public
service matters. My father is self employed. He also
volunteers in community se
2. Interview your parents/ guardians. Ask them how they
socialized or mingled with their neighbors when they were
still young.
- When my parents were still young, they socialize to our
neighbors by visiting their house and play and talk with
them. They also socialize in the community events like
“baraylehan” during our town festival, where they meet
and mingle with other people from the different barangays
here in Irosin. They send letters to their friends from
faraway places like Manila to keep in touch with them.

Module 4, Lesson 1.


1. Discuss how the various agents of socialization help you become a

functioning member of the community. Based on your experiences, list
down some of the advantages and disadvantages of socialization.
- The different agents of socialization helped me in identifying
my role in the community and prepared me to participate in a
social group by teaching me the norms and expectations of the
society. These agents molded my individual self and helped me
also in indentifying myself. There are always advantages and
disadvantages of socialization, based on my experiences, the
advantages and disadvantages are:


- Socializing can help you make friends

- Explore different culture of different people
- Can expand your perspectives in life
- Help you in succeeding in your work
- Can help you fill the emptiness in you
- Makes life easier


- Socialization takes time.

- People around you may not be trusted
- Socialization can distract you in achieving your goals in
- Socialization can make you dependent to others
- Socialization can be costly.

2. Do you consider Facebook and Twitter as agents of socialization? If

yes, write down the benefits and the negative consequences of using
these social networks. Discuss your views.
- Yes because these Medias are one of the ways to communicate
and catch up with the society. Social media can connect as to
many people in just a click and we can communicate and mingle
with them even without going outside or taking to them
personally, and it is very wide in range because it is in the
internet where everyone can access as long as they have
internet connection. The disadvantage of social media have a
long list, but for me the major disadvantage of this is
socializing in social media puts you at risk in getting
scammed by people you have socialized with.
Module 4, Lesson 2


1. What were your favorite TV Programs? Focus on the role of

male and female.
- My favorite TV Program is Ang Probinsyano, the main
character Cardo Dalisay a police officer who protects his
country from enemies and from those who harms his family
and friends.
2. How were males and female portrayed?
- In this show, males are portrayed as protectors from the
enemies and the female also have this role but they are
also the support of the main character, they provide care
for the men.
3. What expectation seemed to be attached to you because of
- The role of being the protector and the main provider of
my family.


1. Do these early socialization experiences continue to affect

you today? Why? Explain.
- My experiences in socialization have somehow affect me
today because of the influences from the people around
me, but I always stand in my own ground and still manage
to do my own thing and learn from my own because of the
independence that I gained.
2. Are you comfortable with role orientation you have
developed? Discuss.

`- I am comfortable with the role I have developed, but I have

also learned that I can do more with my role, I can also do the
roles of the others and be flexible with myself in order to adapt
in the environment that I have. It doesn’t mean I have only one
role I have to stick to because that’s what society’s standard is
but I have learned that I can become versatile with other roles,
it makes me more complete as person and in this way I can develop
myself better and help others with my roles.

Lesson 1


1.In your own words, how do you define family?

- Family for me is the foundation of my life,
because they are the ones who build me and the
reason why I am standing in my ground. Family is
where my comfort is because it is where I can
find my needs and everything that I want. A
family doesn’t necessarily needs to compose of a
father, mother, and children, I can find my
family in other people even if we are not blood
related, family can be friends and my love ones,
because they make me whole and where I feel
comfort and love.
2.As a member of your family, what specific vital
function does your family perform in your locality?
- Since my family has member who is a teacher, for
me the specific function of my family is to
educate the people in the community, specifically
the children in order for them to grow up
educated and to bring this education with them as
they grow old.

How do you describe your “dream” family? Write your


A family consist is a group of people who are blood

related, and composes of a father, a mother, and
children. A family also is where you can find comfort,
love, fulfillment of your needs, and who will help you
push through for your future. This definition of family
is great and very ideal, but this definition doesn’t
really apply to all people. Some families don’t have a
father or a mother, and some don’t have children. Some
family has both fathers and both mothers. These kinds
are still considered as family because a family only
requires love and care for each other. A family has
bond to each member even if they are not blood related.
As long as each member cares for each other, and love,
you can consider them as your family.

All of us want something in a family; each of us

has this own type of dream family. All the things that
we want are in this dream family that we envision. For
me my dream family consists of family members who are
very open to each other, constantly cares for each
other, love each other, has a good communication to
each other, and most importantly a family who has
respect accepts the decisions of the children.
Communication with my parents and other members of the
family is what I really want in my dream family,
because I don’t really communicate well with them about
my problems because I am scared that I might get
Module 5, Lesson 2


Make a short discussion on how your family survived

up to the present.

My family survived through working for a living. My

parents and grandparents worked hard always in order
for us to have a complete meal everyday and provide us
our needs, and in order for us to build a house. We
survived also because of our new renovated home, it
kept us dry and safe from calamities compared to our
old house. Because of technology also, we were able to
keep informed about the happenings in around us and it
keeps us in touch to each other. The people around us,
our friends, and neighbors are also a big help in
surviving, because they help us get through things and
still expect nothing in return.
Module 5, Lesson 2


Make a reflection paper describing the sustainable

development of your family.

My family’s development has many reasons, our family

developed sustainably mainly because of our parent’s hard work
and passion. They work hard every day in order for us to have
food to eat three times a day, and to send us siblings to school.
We developed also because of the education they have passed on
us, we use this in order to achieve the dreams and goals we have
in our life. Our strong family relationship is also a great
factor in developing our family, the strong partnership of our
parents became our family’s foundation in building our family.
Good relationship with our neighbors also helped in developing
our family, it also helped them developing their family.

The environment contributed a lot in the development of our

family, because the changes in the environment greatly impact our
daily living, it changes many things like the work of our family,
the way we interact with others and many more. The pandemic
greatly affects the development of our family because of the
implemented protocols that we need to follow, but it doesn’t stop
us from building our family’s future because opportunities
around. My mother cooks made to order food other than making
modules and teaching elementary pupils and my father is a
freelancer where he takes every job opportunities here in our
town, through this we can have money for our everyday living and
survive every day, while me and my sisters go to school and study
in order for us to have more job opportunities and have the job
and career that we want.

Module 5, Lesson 3

1. What is your religion in the house? Does it affect the

relationship of each family member?
- All of us are Catholics in our home. The beliefs we have
as Catholics greatly affect our daily lives in our home.
With one religion in our home, we can understand more
each other and we also respect other family’s religion
2. In your barangay, what can you beliefs can you observe from
the people? List down some of the beliefs.
- In our barangay, we always celebrate our patron saint’s
day which is in the month of May where people gather in
their homes to celebrate, we prepare simple food for our
visitors and participate in our barangay’s program.
During our barangay’s patron saint’s day, people join the
procession of the image of our saint around the barangay
and people pray the rosary and sing religious songs. A
mass is also held in our barangay church and a baptismal
ceremony after the mass is also held. During Christmas we
also celebrate the birth of Jesus where people mostly
start to decorate their houses with Christmas themed
decorations in the month of December and also in the
couple of days of January. During April we give honor and
remember the passion of Jesus Christ when he was
crucified in the cross.
Module 5, Lesson 3


Write down a reflection paper on how you are going to

promote your religion.

We all have different beliefs in our lives and different

perspectives. We live in these beliefs every day and use it as we
interact with other people and as we deal with the world. The
same goes with religion, people have different religions, and
this depends where they were born to. Some people were born as
Catholics, Christians, Muslim’s and many more. In our country
most of the Filipinos are Catholics because of the influence of
the Spaniards 300 years ago and our ancestors have passed this to
generation to generation.

As a person of today’s generation, we can promote our

religion to the next generation and to other non- catholics by
spreading the word of God and by just simply applying to myself
the teachings that I have learned from the church, by living the
word of God in every day of my life, and in that way I can
promote my own religion and influence others to come and be one
of us.
Module 5, Lesson 4


1. How politics can be address in your community?

- In our community, we assign leaders who are in charge in
the organization, peace, and for the good of our
2. How is the government administered by your barangay?
- This is through voting of the rightful leaders of our
community. The citizens vote who they think deserve to
sit and be in charge of our barangay, the barangay
captain and the barangay kagawads,


Describe how President Duterte runs the government in the


For me the administration of President Duterte has many

flaws. The attention to Duterte and his brutal drug war is warranted,
much less attention has been paid to his administration’s broader
policy agenda, its approach to politics and governance, and its
broader impact on democratic institutions and norms. As a candidate,
Duterte promised that he would produce real and rapid improvements in
the lives of Filipinos, particularly by aggressively addressing crime
and corruption. Two and a half years into his presidency, it is both
warranted and possible to assess what has and has not changed under
Duterte. The picture is a mixed one, with elements of change,
continuity, and regression.

The Duterte government’s track record regarding human rights and

democracy is undoubtedly disturbing. It has run roughshod over human
rights, its political opponents, and the country’s democratic
institutions. The combination of the Philippines’ powerful presidency
and the malleability of most of its political institutions is
resulting in significant democratic backsliding. But to focus only on
Duterte fails to appreciate two other important elements: the extent
to which this degradation has happened through nominally legal means,
and the limited pushback to date by groups and institutions opposed to
strongman rule. This working paper takes an in-depth look at the
complex dynamics contributing to democratic backsliding in the

The Duterte administration’s assault on human rights and democracy

also raises the question of what the U.S. government and America’s
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) can and should do to defend
democracy in America’s former colony. The analysis concludes with a
discussion of America’s extremely limited support for human rights and
democracy in the Philippines since Duterte became president and offers
suggestions for a more robust response.
Module 5, Lesson 5


What is the importance of education to you? Explain.

- Proper education is important for me because it helps

quality learning through the life among people. Through
education, we can achieve knowledge, values, skills,
beliefs and moral habits. I value education also because
it improves me to become a better person and it is the
key to become successful in the future. Everyone needs
education in order to improve knowledge, way of living
and social and economic status of life. For me, in order
to live a meaningful and peaceful life, we need to be


1. How did your family or guardian support your education?

- My family supports my education mainly through paying my
tuition fee and by giving me my monthly allowance, in
that way I was able to go to college and finish a degree.
They also provide my other needs for learning like the
school supplies and for the school requirements and
2. What is your dream after you finished your baccalaureate
- After I finish this degree, I will work hard to work as a
seaman. It was my dream to work overseas and with this
degree, and the education that I will obtain after
college, I can apply what I have learned to the job that
I want.

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