Module 2

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Vertical Distances


Leveling is the process of directly or indirectly measuring vertical distances to

determine the elevation of points or their differences in elevation. It is vital and important
aspect of surveying since leveling operations are undertaken to provide necessary data
for engineering design and construction, and the production of topographic map. The
suitability of a site for development can be better determined by using the results
obtained from leveling operations. Through the processes of leveling, buildings, roads,
canals, and other vertical and horizontal structures can be designed and laid out to best
conform to the configuration of the ground.

Definition of Terms:

1. Level Surface – a curved surface which is at any point perpendicular to the direction
of gravity or the plumb line.
2. Level Line – a curved line in a level surface all points of which are normal to the
direction of gravity and equidistant from the center of the earth.
3. Horizontal Surface – a plane that is tangent to the level surface at a perpendicular
point. It is also perpendicular to the plumb line at the same point.
4. Horizontal Line – a straight line in a horizontal plane which is tangent to a level line
at one point. .This line is perpendicular to the direction of gravity at the point of tangency.
5. Vertical Line – a line parallel to the direction of gravity
6. Mean Sea Level (MSL) – an imaginary surface of the sea which is midway between
high and low tides. The most commonly used reference surface for vertical distance
7. Datum – any convenient level surface coincident or parallel with MSL to which
elevations of a particular area are referred. Any surface may be used as a datum when
relative elevations over a limited area need to be established.
8. Elevation - the vertical distance of a point above or below a given reference surface.
The words altitude, height and grade are sometimes used in place of elevation.
9. Difference in Elevation – the vertical distance between the two level surfaces in
which the points lie.


I. DUMPY LEVEL is the most widely used direct leveling instrument. It consists of a
telescope which fixes the direction of the line of sight and which can be rotated through
360 degrees in the horizontal, a bubble tube attached to the telescope, a leveling head
that supports the telescope and permits the bubble in the tube to be centered and a
supporting tripod.
II. WYE LEVEL - supported by two Y-shaped uprights fixed to a horizontal bar and in
turn attached to the vertical spindle about which the instrument rotates. By releasing the
two clamping collars which fit across the tops of the Y's, the telescope can be lifted clear
of the Y-supports. It is simpler to adjust than a dumpy level.

III. BUILDER’S LEVEL – used primarily in the different phases of building construction
where high degree of precision is not a primary requisite. It is used in setting concrete
forms, batter boards and in establishing grades for earthworks.

IV. AUTOMATIC LEVEL. A self-leveling features. Rough leveling using a three-screw

leveling head approximately centers a bull's-eye bubble. As soon as the bull's eye
bubble is centered, the line of sight is automatically leveled and kept leveled. A
pendulum is employed to maintain continuously and automatically the line of sight in a
horizontal position.

V. TILTING LEVEL - mounted on a horizontal tilt axis. the telescope can be lifted a few
degrees up and down around the axis, using a micrometer screw acting against a spring.

VI. GEODETIC LEVEL is another type of tilting level. Most of its metal parts are made of
invar to reduce the effects of temperature.

VII. ENGINEER'S TRANSIT - a telescope and two large protractors, one protractor
mounted in a vertical plane the other in a horizontal plane, fixed to measure the angle of
rotation of the telescope about the horizontal and vertical axes, respectively. Its three
main parts are: the upper plate, lower plate and leveling head. It is sometimes referred to
as the "universal instrument" because of its variety of uses. These include the
measurement of horizontal and vertical angles, approximate distances, differences in
elevation by direct leveling, and direction by the built-in compass box. It is also used for
establishing and extending straight lines. Designed to give readings to the nearest
minute of arc.

VIII. LASER LEVEL. A new innovation introduced to surveying an operation is the use of
lases. A laser system is a separate unit equipped with a portable power supply and
maybe a helium-neon laser or gas laser. They are usually mounted or attached to
conventional surveying instruments such as levels, transit and theodolites.

IX. HAND LEVEL AND CLINOMETERS is a hand-held instrument consisting of a

telescope and level vial. It is used on reconnaissance surveys where extreme accuracy
is unnecessary and in taping to determine if the tape is being held horizontally.

LEVELING ROD is a graduated rod which is used for measuring the vertical distance
between the line of sight through a leveling instrument and the point whose elevation is
either required or known. Some rods are made in one piece and others either hinged or
telescoping, and are made of wood, fiberglass or metal and have graduations in feet and
decimals, or meters and decimals. Also a wide choice of patterns, colors or graduations
are available.
Types of Level
1. Self-Reading Rod - most commonly used type of leveling rod. It can be read directly
by the instrumentman through the telescope by noting the apparent intersection of the
horizontal hair on the rod.
2. Target Rod – it has a sliding target which is set and read by rodman at a position
selected by the instrumentman.
3. Rods Named After Cities and States - leveling rods named after cities or states of
America such as Philadelphia, Detroit, Chicago, and others
4. Rod Ribbons – improvised type of rod whose graduations are marked either on
canvass or metal strips which are attached to a long piece of selected lumber by staples.
5. Precise Rod – a form of rod ribbon which uses a graduated invar strip permanently
fastened to a four-meter long wooden or metal frame.
6. Geodetic Rod – similar to precise rod except that an invar metal strip is used instead
of invar. Invar is an alloy of metal with a very low coefficient of linear expansion.
7. Tape Rod - also known as automatic rod. It is used advantageously when numerous
elevations are to be determined from a single set up of the leveling instrument.
ROD LEVEL – a device used for fast and correct plumbing of a leveling rod.

TARGET – a small device attached to the rod when extremely long sights make direct
reading of the rod difficult or impossible.

TELESCOPE – a surveying instrument, a metal tube containing a system of lenses

which are used to fix the direction of the line of sight and in magnifying the apparent size
of objects in its field of view.
Parts of a Telescope
1. Objective Lens. A compound lens composed of crown and flint glass mounted in the
objective end of the telescope and has its optical axis concentric with the tube axis.

2. Eyepiece – a form of microscope containing either two or four lenses and is used to
enlarge altogether the image and the cross hairs.
3. Cross Hairs – a pair of lines which are perpendicular to each other and used to
define the instrument’s line of sight.
MAGNIFICATION – the ratio of the apparent size of an object viewed through a

LEVEL VIAL – a sealed graduated glass tube containing some amount of liquid and a
small air bubbles.

COINCIDENCE BUBBLE – used on most modern and precise instruments such as

tilting and automatic levels

TRIPOD is a stand that serves as a base to prevent movement of the instrument after it
is set up.


The leveling instrument maybe set up at any suitable desired location. When starting a
leveling operation, the instrumentman should first consider where he intends to position
the instrument. The level is then pulled out from its box by holding the level bar or base
plate and screwed securely onto the tripod head. The instrument should fit snugly and
bear firmly. If loosely fitted the instrument will wobble and be unstable, if too tight due to
excessive pressure, it would be difficult to unscrew the instrument later and may cause
some damages.
A considerate amount of practice in leveling the instrument will be needed by the
beginner. It is only by constant practice that one would really be able to feel and
experience the proper turning of leveling screws to bring the bubble in the level vial to its
center. Most conventional levels are designed with four leveling screws (others are
three). The screws are used to center the bubble in a level tube. which is attached to the
telescope of the instrument.


The leveling rod is held on a point by rodman when a sight is to be taken on it. To obtain
the correct distance from the line of sight to the point on which the rod is placed, it is
extremely important that the rod be held by plumb when the reading is made. The
instrumentman checks the rod by observing through the telescope and noting if it is held
parallel to the vertical cross hair, if the rod is not correctly plumbed the instrumentman
gives out a signal to plumb the rod.


Once the instrument is set up and leveled, the following steps are performed in taking a
rod reading.
1. Position the rod
2. Focus on the rod
3. Read the rod

Sources of Error in Leveling

I. Instrumental Error
1. Instrument out of adjustment
2. Rod not standard length
3. Defective Tripod
II. Personal Errors
1. Bubble not centered
2. Parallax
3. Faulty rod reading
4. Rod not held plumb
5. Incorrect setting of target
6. Unequal backsight and foresight distances
III. Natural Errors
1. Curvature of the earth
2. Atmospheric refraction
3. Temperature variations
4. Wind
5. Settlement of the instrument
6. Faulty turning points

Common Mistakes in Leveling

1. Misreading the rod
2. Incorrect reading
3. Erroneous computations
4. Rod not fully extended
5. Moving turning points
The Two-Peg Test
The line of sight is adjusted to make it parallel to the axis of the level vial. There is
always the possibility that the line of sight of a dumpy level will be inclined either above
or below the horizontal. Such a condition will introduce corresponding errors when
determining differences in elevation.


a = rod reading on A with instrument set up near A

b = rod reading on B with instrument set up near A
c = rod reading on B with instrument set up near B
d = rod reading on B with instrument set up near B

DEa = a – b
DEb = d – c
TDEa = a – (b – e)
TDb = (d – e) – c

( a−b ) +(d−c )
TDE = ½( TDa + TDb) = ½ [a – (b – e) + (d – e) – c] =

if, DEa is not equal to DEb, the correct rod reading at A with the instrument still set up at
B is
( a−b ) +(d−c )
d’ = c + TDE = c +

if d is greater than d’, the line of sight is inclined upward, id is less than d’, it is inclined
downward. It is important to remember that the values of TDE and d’ must always be
solved with due regard to signs. It is advisable to draw a sketch of the set up.
Sample Problem

In the two-peg test of a dumpy level the following observations were taken

Rod Reading Instrument Set Up Near A Instrument Set Up Near B

on point A 1.505 m 0.938 m
on point B 2.054 m 1.449 m


1. Determine the line of sight is in adjustment

2. If the line of sight is not in adjustment, determine the correct rod reading on A with the
instrument still set up near B
3. Determine the error in the line of sight for the net distance AB.
4. Explain how the line of sight of the instrument should be adjusted.


1. DEa = a – b = 1.505 – 2.054 = -0.549 m

DEb = d – c = 0.938 – 1.449 = -0.511 m
since DEa ≠ DEb, the line of sight is not in adjustment

( a−b ) +(d−c ) −0.549+(−0.511)

2. TDE = = = - 0.530 m
2 2
d’ = c + TDE = 1.449 + (-0.530) = 0.919 m

3. e = d – d’ = 0.938 – 0.919 = 0.019 m

4. since d > d’ the line of sight is inclined upward. To adjust the line of sight, loosen
the upper capstan-headed screw and tighten the lower screw until the horizontal
cross hair reads 0.919 m on the rod held at A while the instrument is near B.

a = rod reading of A with instrument set up at M
b = rod reading of B with instrument set up at M
c = rod reading of A with instrument set up at P
d = rod reading of B with instrument set up at P
c’= correct rod reading on A for a horizontal line of sight
d’= correct rod reading on B for a horizontal line of sight
Da = horizontal distance between points A and P
Db = horizontal distance between points B and P
en = error in the reading on the near rod (held at A)
ef = error in the reading on the near rod (held at B)
I = inclination of the line of sight in the net distance
Da = P to A
Db = P to B
TDE = DEm = A – B
DEp = c – d
ef = (I)
(D b −D a)
d’ = d - ef
en = (I)
(D b −D a)
c’ = c - en
When DEm is equal to DEp , the line of sight is parallel to the axis of the level tube and it
can be concluded that the line of sight is horizontal. If not, DEp is called the erroneous or
false difference in elevation, and the inclination of the line of sight from the horizontal is
I = DEm - DEp = (a – b) c (c –d)
To check the computations, the difference in elevation computed from the two corrected
rod readings (c’ and d’) should be equal to the true difference in elevation (a – b)
a – b = c’ – d’


The effects of earth’s curvature and atmospheric refraction are taken into account in
leveling works since the measurements are made in vertical planes and these effects all
lines that occur in the same plane. Due to earth’s curvature, a horizontal line departs
from a level line by 0.0785 m in one kilometer, varying as the square of the length of the
line. This expression for earth’s curvature is based on the mean radius of the earth
which is about 6371 km. In the given figure the vertical distance between the horizontal
line and the level line (or BD) is measure of the earth’s curvature.

Horizontal Line - a straight line tangent to a level surface

Level Surface - a curved surface every element of which is normal to the plumb line

Level Line - a line in a level l surface

h = 0.067 k2 (metric)

h = 0.021 k2 (English)

where: h = curvature and refraction corrections (in meters)

k = distance from the sight to the tangent line (in kilometers)
` 0.0675 = coefficient of refraction

For surveys of ordinary precision, corrections for the combined effects of curvature and
refraction may be omitted. The correction is only necessary in precise leveling work and
where the difference in length of backsight and foresight distances is great.

Sample Problem 1

Determine the combined effects of the earth’s curvature and atmospheric refraction on
sight distances of 60 and 90 kilometers.

60 2
h’60 = 0.0675 k2 = 0.0675 ( ) = 0.000243 m
90 2
h’90 = 0.0675 k2 = 0.0675 ( ) = 0.000547 m
Sample Problem 2

Two points, A and B, are 525.850 meters apart. A level is set up on the line between A
and B and of a distance of 240.500 m from A. If the rod reading on A is 3.455 m and that
and that of B is 2.806 m, determine the difference in elevation between the two points,
taking into account, the effects of curvature and atmospheric refraction.

240.500 2
h’a = 0.0675 k2 = 0.0675 ( ) = 0.003904 say 0.004 m

525.85−240.50 2
h’b = 0.0675 k2 = 0.0675 ( ) = 0.005496 say 0.005 m
a’ = a - h’a = 3.455 – 0.004 = 3.451 m
b’ = b - h’b = 2.896 – 0,005 = 2.801 m
DE = a’ – b’ = 3.451 – 2.801 = 0.65 m

Solve the following problems

1. The two-peg test is used to determine if the line of sight of the telescope is parallel to
the axis of the bubble tube. A tilting level is set up halfway between points A and B and
rod reading on both points are 1.969 and 2.161 m respectively. The level is then set up
1.50 m away from A along the extension of line AB and 53.50 from B. Then rod readings
on A and B were recorded as 1.554 m and 1.728 m, respectively. Determine if the line of
sight is inclined downward or upward and the amount by which the horizontal cross hair
should be moved to adjust the line of sight.

2. An observer standing on shore can just see the top of a lighthouse 16.5 k meters
away. If the eye height of the observer above sea level is 1.735 m, determine the height
of the lighthouse above sea level. Neglect the effect of the waves.

Methods for Measuring Vertical Distances

I. Differential Leveling – process of determining the difference in elevation between two

or more points some distance apart.

Definition of Terms
Bench Mark (BM) – a fixed point of reference whose elevation is either known or
assumed. It may be permanent or temporary. Permanent bench marks are those
established at intervals throughout the country by the Philippine Coast and Geodetic
Survey (PCGS) or the Bureau of lands. They serve as points of reference for levels in a
given locality and their elevations determined the precise leveling methods.
Backsight (BS) - the rod reading on a point of known elevation. It is also called a plus
sight (+S) reading because it generally be added to the known elevation of point A to
determine the elevation of the line of sight.
Foresight (FS) or a minus sight (-S) - A rod reading on a point of unknown elevation. It
is subtracted from the height of instrument to determine the elevation of the point on
which the rod is held.
Height of Instrument (HI) -the elevation of the horizontal line of sight through the level
Running Level - used to determine the elevations of two or more widely separated
points. It involves several cycles or repetitions of the basic differential leveling.
Turning Point (TP) an intermediate reference point somewhere between two points that
the level is not possible to be set up due to either physical obstacles or excessive
HI = Elev. BM + BS
Elev. TP = HI – FS
Sample Problem
Complete the differential level notes shown below and perform the arithmetic check’
BM1 1.256 127.133 m
TP1 1.116 1.886
TP2 1.228 1.527
BM2 1.189 1.146
BM3 1.070 2.017
TP3 1.831 2.656
BM4 2.765


127.133 (Elev. BM1) 125.074 (Elev. BM2)

+ 1.256 (BS on BM1) + 1.189 (BS on BM2)
128.389 (HI1) 126.263 (HI4)
- 1.886 (FS on TP1) - 2.017 (FS on BM3)
126.503 (Elev. TP1) 124.246 (Elev. BM3)
+ 1.116 (BS on TP1) + 1.070 (BS on BM3)
127.619 (HI2) 125.316 (HI5)
- 1.527 (FS on TP2) - 2.656 (FS on TP3)
126.092 (Elev. TP2) 122.660 (Elev. TP3)
+ 1.228 (BS on TP2) + 1.831 (BS on TP3)
127.320 (HI3) 124.491 (HI6)
- 2.246 (FS on BM2) - 2.765 (FS on BM4)
125.074 (Elev. BM2) 121.726 (Elev. BM4)

∑BS =1.256 + 1.116 + 1.228 + 1.189 + 1.070 + 1.831 = +7.690 m

∑FS = 1.886 + 1.527 + 1.146 + 2.017 + 2.656 + 2,765 = -13.097 m

Tabulated Table

BM1 1.256 128.389 127.133 m
TP1 1.116 127.619 1.886 126.503
TP2 1.228 127.320 1.527 126.092
BM2 1.189 126.263 1.146 125.974
BM3 1.070 125.316 2.017 124.246
TP3 1.831 124.491 2.656 122.660
BM4 2.765 121.726

Arithmetic Check

127. 133 m (Elev. BM1)

+ 7.690 m (∑BS)
134.823 m
- 13.097 (∑FS)
121.726 m (checks with elevation of BM4)

II. Double-Rodded Leveling – method of determining differences in elevation between

points by employing two level routes simultaneously. It has an advantage of providing a
continuous check on the process of determining ground elevations while the work is in
progress. It is also useful when running a long line of levels which do not close back on
the initial bench mark.
Sample Problem
Complete the following differential level notes for a double-rodded line from BM1 to BM2.
Show the customary arithmetic check.
BM1 1.964 205.549 m
TP1 H 2.187 1.104
TP1 L 2.629 1.549
TP2 H 1.393 1.794
TP2 L 1.780 2.202
TP3 H 0.317 2.991
TP3 L 0.741 3.415
BM2 2.634
a. Route 1 (High Points) Route 2 (Low Points)
205.549 m (Elev. BM1) 205.549 m (Elev. BM1)
+ 1.964 (BS on BM1) + 1.964 (BS on BM1)
207.514 (HI1 H) 207.513 (HI1 L)
- 1.104 (FS on TP1 H) - 1.549 (FS on TP1 L)
206.409 (Elev. on TP1 H) 205.964 (Elev. TP1 L)
+ 2.187 (BS on TP1 H) + 2.629 (BS on TP1 L)
208.596 (HI2 H) 208.593 (HI2 L)
- 1.794 (FS on TP2 H) - 2.202 (FS on TP2 L)
206.802 (Elev. of TP2 H) 206.391 (Elev. TP2 L)
+ 1.393 (BS on TP2 H) + 1.780 (BS on TP2 L)
208.195 (HI3 H) 208.171 (HI3 L)
- 2.991 (FS on TP3 H) - 3.415 (FS on TP3 L)
205.204 (Elev. TP3 H) 204.756 (Elev. TP3 L)
+ 0.317 (BS on TP3 H) + 0.741 (BS on TP3 L)
205.521 (HI3 H) 205.497 (HI4 L)
- 2.634 (FS on BM2) - 2.634 (FS on BM2)
202.887 m (Elev. BM20 202.853 (Elev. BM2)
b. Mean Elevation of BM2 = ½(202.887 + 202.853) = 202.875 m
c. Determining Backsight and Foresight Sums
∑BS = 1.964+1.964+2.187+2.629+1.393+1.780+0.317+0.741 = 12.975 m
∑FS = -(1.104+1.549+1.794+2.202+2.991+3.415+2.634+2.634 = - 18.323 m
d. Tabulated Data
BM1 1.964 207.513 205.549 m
1.964 207.513
TP1 H 2.187 208.596 1.104 206.409
TP1 L 2.629 208.593 1.549 205.964
TP2 H 1.393 208.195 1.794 206.802
TP2 L 1.780 208.171 2.202 206.391
TP3 H 0.317 205.521 2.991 205.204
TP3 L 0.741 205.497 3.415 204.756
BM2 2.634 202.887
2.634 202.863
∑BS = +12.975 ∑FS = - 18.323
e. Arithmetic Check
1. First Method
Mean Elev. BM2 = ½(202.887 + 202.863) = 202.875 m
DE1 = ½(∑BS + ∑FS) = ½[12.975 + (- 18.323)] = 2.674 m
DE2 = Elev. BM1 - Mean Elev. BM2 = 205.549 - 202.875 = 2.674 m
Since DE1 is equal to DE2 it can be assumed that the arithmetical computation
performed are correct.
2. Second Method
Mean Elev. BM2 = ½(202.887 + 202.863) = 202.875 m
+12.975 m ∑BS
- 18.323 m ∑FS
- 5. 348 m Sum
- 2.674 m Ave of Sum
+ 205.549 m Elev. BM1
202.875 m Sum of Ave. of (Sum and Elev. BM1). Since this value is
equal to the Mean Elev. of BM2, it can be assumed
that the computation is correct
III. Reciprocal Leveling – the process of accurately determining the difference in
elevation between two intervisible points located at a considerable distance apart and
between which points leveling could not be performed in the usual manner. This method
is commonly employed when leveling across a wide river, a deep ravine or across
canyons and gullies where it would be impossible or difficult to maintain a foresight and
backsight of nearly equal lengths.

The procedure of a reciprocal leveling across a body of water. The level is first set up
very close to A at L and a backsight reading, a, is taken on a leveling rod held at A after
which a foresight reading b is taken on the rod held at B. From these readings the
difference in elevation between two points is
DE1 = a - b
The level is then taken across the body of water set up at L 2 near B. From this second
position, readings are again taken on both points and recorded as a’ and b’. A second
difference in elevation is again obtained as follows:
DE2 = a’ – b’
The difference in elevation between A and B as determined by the instrument set up at
L1 and L2 normally will not agree because of instrumental errors and the effects of
curvature and refraction. It would be sufficiently precise to assume that the average of
the two quantities determined is the true difference in elevation between the two points.
DE1 + DE 2 ( a−b ) +(a' =b' )
TDE = =
2 2
If the value of TDE (True Difference in Elevation) is negative, it only tells us that point A
is higher than point B. Correspondingly. point B is higher than point A if the value is
Sample Problem
In leveling across a wide river, reciprocal level readings were taken between two points
A and B as shown in the accompanying tabulation. Determine the following
a. Difference in elevation between the two points
b. Elevation of B if the elevation of A is 951.750 m
Instrument Set-UpSet-Up
Instrument Near ANear B
1.283 1.478
a 1.284
b’ 1.480
1.286 1.476
1.283 1.478
b a’ 0.674
a. Determine mean rod readings and difference in elevation
am = ¼(1.283+1.284+1.286+1.283) = 1.284 m
bm = 1/6(0.675+0.674+0.677+0.674+0.677+0.678) = 0.676 m
a’m = 1/6(2.143+2.140+2.145+2.142+2.143+2.146) = 2.143 m
b’m = ¼(1.478+1.480+1.476+1.478) = 1.478 m
DE1 = (am – bm) = 1.284 – 0.676 = +0.608 m
DE2 = a’m – b’m) = 2.143 – 1.478 = + 0.665 m
TDE ½(DE1 +DE2) = (0.608 + 0.665) = +0.637 m
Instrument Set-Up Near A Instrument Set-Up Near B
1.283 1.478
a 1.284 b’ 1.480
1.286 1.476
1.283 1.478
0.675 2.143
0.674 2.140
0.677 2.145
b 0.674 a’ 2.142
0.677 2.143
0.678 2.146
SUM 5.136 4.055 SUM 12.859 5.912
MEAN 1.284 0.676 MEAN 2.143 1.478
b. Elev. of B = Elev. of A ± TDE
= 951.750 + 0.637
= 952.387 m
The TDE is added to the elevation of A since B is higher than A. In the solution for DE1
and DE2 , a positive value is determined which shows that B is higher than A. If the value
is negative, B would have been lower than A.

Solve the following problems

1. Complete the differential level notes shown below and perform the customary
arithmetic check.

BM 10 2.085 137.450 m
TP1 2.015 0.982
TP2 1.864 1.428
TP3 0.579 1.527
BM 11 0.423 2.423
TP4 1.446 1.807
TP5 1.778 1.725
TP6 2.015 2.339
TP7 2.920 1.005
BM 12 3.186 2.358
TP 8 2.805 0.995
TP 9 0.774 1.206
BM 13 0.603

2. Set up and complete the total notes for a double-rodded line from BM 45 to BM 46. In
the rod readings H refers to stations along the high route and L to stations along the low
route: BS on BM 45 = 2.238, FS on TP1(H) = 0.703, FS on TP1 (L) = 1.252, BS on TP1
(H) = 2.855, BS onTP1 (L) = 3.402, FS on TP2 (H) = 1.173, FS on TP2 (L) = 1.558, BS on
TP2 (H) = = 2.542, BS on TP2 (L) = 2.932, FS on TP3 (H) = 1.339, FS on TP 3 (L) =
1.660, BS on TP3(H) = 2.390, BS on TP3 (L) = 2.711 and FS on BM 46 1.015 meters.
Assume that the elevation of BM 45 is 524.550 m. Perform the customary arithmetic

3. In reciprocal leveling across a deep ravine, the following sets of rod readings were

Instrument near A: BS on A = 1.719 m, Ave. FS on B = 2.578 m

Instrument near B: Average BS on A = 1.335 m, FS on B = 2.176 m

Point A is on one side of the ravine and has a known elevation of 197.428 m. Point B is
on the other side. Determine the elevation of point B
IV. Three-Wire Leveling. A more precise method of differential leveling can ba attained
by this method. It is a method of determining differences in elevation wherein three
horizontal hairs (or threads) are read and recorded rather than a single horizontal hair.
The leveling instrument used should be equipped with stadia hairs in addition to the
regular vertical and horizontal hairs. For BS and FS, all three horizontal hairs are read to
the nearest mm and the average of the three readings is taken as the correct value.

a = upper stadia hair reading
b = lower stadia hair reading
c = horizontal cross-hair reading or rod reading on P
s = stadia intercept or difference between the upper and lower hair reading
m = mean of three hair readings
HD = horizontal distance from the level to the rod held at P
K = stadia interval factor
C = instrument constant
HI = height of the line of sight above datum or mean sea level
Equations used in three-wire leveling
m = 1/3(A + B + C)
HD = Ks + C
Elev. of P = HI – m
For most leveling, K is usually equal to 100 and C is zero.

Sample Problem

Complete the differential level notes shown here and perform the customary check.

Backsight Foresight
STA Hair Mean HI Hair Mean Elev
Rdng Rdng s Rdng Rdng s
1,152 444. 242 m
BM1 0.935
2.784 1.117
TP1 2.240 0.899
2.057 0.682
1.713 1.900
TP2 1.440 1.537
1.166 1.172
2.591 1.450
TP3 2.094 1.177
1.599 0.904
0.913 2.210
TP4 0.730 1.714
0.547 1.218
BM2 1.410

a. Calculating Mean Hair Readings (m)
m1 = 1/3(1.152+0.935+0.718) = 0.935
m2 = 1/3(2.784+2.240+2.057) = 2.420
m3 = 1/3(1.713+1.440+1.166) = 1.440
m4 = 1/3(2.591+2.094+1.599) = 2.095
m5 = 1/3(0.913+0.730+0.547) = 0.730
∑BSm =+7.620
m6 = 1/3(1.117+0.899+0.682) = 0.899
m7 = 1/3(1.900+1.537+1.172) = 1.536
m8 = 1/3(1.450+1.177+0.904) = 1.177
m9 = 1/3(2.210+1.714+1.218) = 1.714
m10= 1/3(1.593+1.410+1.227)= 1.410
∑FSm = -6.736
b. Calculating Stadia Intercept (s)
s1 = 1.152 - 0.718 = 0.434
s2 = 2.784 - 2.057 = 0.727
s3 = 1.713 - 1.166 = 0.547
s4 = 2.591 - 1.599 = 0.992
s5 = 0.913 - 0.547 = 0.366
s6 = 1.117 - 0.682 = 0.435
s7 = 1.900 - 1.172 = 0.728
s8 = 1.450 - 0.904 = 0.546
s9 = 2.210 - 1.218 = 0.992
s10 =1.593 - 1.227 = 0.366
c. Calculating HI’s and Elevations
444.242 (Elev. BM1) 446.602 (HI3)
+ 0.935 (m1) - 1.177 (m8)
445.177 (HI1) 445.425 (Elev. TP3)
- 0.899 (m6) + 2.095 (m4)
444.278 (Ele. TP1) 447.520 (HI4)
+ 2.420 (m2) - 1.714 (m9)
446.698 (HI2) 445.806 (Elev. TP4)
+ 1.536 (m7) + 0.730 (m5)
445.162 (Elev. TP2) 446.536 (HI5)
+ 1.440 (m3) - 1.410 (m10)
446.602 (HI3) 445.126 (Elev. BM2)
d. Arithmetic Check
1st Method DE1 = ∑BSm + ∑FSm = 7.620 – 6.736 = 0.884 m
DE2 = Elev. BM2 - Elev. BM1 – 445.126 – 444.242 = 0.884 m
since DE1 = DE2 arithmetic check is assumed correct
2 Method 444.242 m (Elev. of BM1)
+ 7.620 m (∑BSm)
451.862 m (Sum)
- 6.736 m (∑FSm)
445.126 m (checks with elevation of BM2)

e. Tabulated Data
Backsight Foresight
Hair Mean Hair Mean
Rdng Rdng s Rdng Rdng s
BM1 0.935 0.935 0.434 445.177 444. 242 m
2.784 1.117
TP1 2.240 2.420 0.727 446.698 0.899 0.899 0.435 444.278
2.057 0.682
1.713 1.900
TP2 1.440 1.440 0.547 446.602 1.537 1.536 0.728 445.162
1.166 1.172
2.591 1.450
TP3 2.094 2.095 0.992 447.520 1.177 1.177 0.546 445.425
1.599 0.904
0.913 2.210
TP4 0.730 0.730 0.366 446.536 1.714 1.714 0.992 445.806
0.547 1.218
BM2 1.410 1.410 0.366 445.126
V. Profile Leveling – process of determining differences in elevation along a fixed line
at designated short measured intervals. It is executed to provide data from which vertical
section of the ground surface can be plotted. A profile is necessary for the design and
construction of roads, railroads, canals, culverts, bridge, sewer lines and others.
Definition of Terms
1. Profile – a curved line which graphically portrays the intersection of a vertical plane
with the surface of the earth. It depicts ground elevations of selected critical points along
a surveyed line and the horizontal distances between these points.
2. Stationing – numerical designation given in terms of horizontal distance any point
along a profile line is away from the starting point.
3. Intermediate Foresight – also known as ground rod reading, are taken along the
centerline of the proposed project to provide an accurate representation of the ground
4. Full Stations – points which are established along the profile level route at uniformly
measured distances.
5. Plus Stations – any other intermediate point established along a profile level route
which is not designated as a full station. These points are taken at breaks in the ground
surface slope and at critical points such as the intended location of culverts bridges, and
other structures.
6. Vertical Exaggeration – a process of drawing the vertical scale for a profile much
larger than the horizontal scale in order to accentuate the difference in elevation.
7. Profile Paper – a special heavy grade graphing paper used for plotting profiles.
Plotting Profiles
The plotted profile should give an accurate and useful representation of the existing
ground configurations. It is plotted on a linear scale which shows the correct length of
the surveyed line. The profile is plotted as a curve in which the distance of each station
from the point of beginning is hown on the abscissa and the elevation of each station is
plotted in the ordinate.
Sample Problem
Complete the following set of profile level notes and show the customary arithmetic


BMa 0.95 125.50 m
0 + 00 3.0
0 + 10 2.3
TP1 3.13 0.64
0 + 22 2.7
0 + 30.5 2.8
0 + 34.2 3.1
0 + 39.3 0.5
0 + 42.5 0.8
TP2 2.16 1.28
0 + 45 0.9
0 + 48.6 1.2
9 + 50 1.7
0 + 53.7 2.8
TP3 0.82 2.37
TP4 1.35 3.50
0 + 75 3.0
BMb 1.99

a. Computation of HI’s and Elevation of stations
125.50 + 0.95 = 126.45 (HI1)
126.45 – 3.00 = 123.50 (Elev. Sta. 0 + 00)
126.45 – 2.30 = 124.20 (Elev. Sta. 0 + 10)
126.45 – 0.64 = 125.81 (Elev. TP1)
125.81 + 3.13 = 128.94 (HI2)
128.94 – 2.70 = 126.20 (Elev. Sta. 0 + 22)
128.94 – 2.80 = 126.10 (Elev. Sta. 0 + 30.50)
128.94 – 3.10 = 125.80 (Elev. Sta. 0 + 34.20)
128.94 – 0.50 = 128.40 (Elev. Sta. 0 + 39.30)
128.94 – 0.80 = 128.10 (Elev. Sta. 0 + 42.50)
128.94 – 1.28 = 127.66 (Elev. TP2)
127.66 + 2.16 = 129.82 (HI3)
129.82 – 0.90 = 128.90 (Elev. Sta. 0 + 45)
129.82 – 1.20 = 128.60 (Elev. Sta. 0 + 48.60)
129.82 – 1.70 = 128.10 (Elev. Sta. 0 + 50)
129.82 – 2.80 = 127.00 (Elev. Sta. 0 + 53.70)
129.82 – 2.37 = 127.45 (Elev. TP3)
127.45 + 0.82 = 128.27 (HI4)
128.27 – 3.50 = 124.77 (Elev. TP4)
124.77 + 1.35 = 126.12 (HI5)
126.12 – 3.00 = 123.10 (Elev. Sta. 0 + 75)
126.12 – 1.99 = 124.13 (Elev. BMb)
b. Determining foresight and backsight sums
∑BS = 0.95 + 3.13 + 2.16 + 0.82 + 1.35 = +8.41 m
∑FS = 0.64 + 1.28 + 2.37 + 3.50 + 1.99 = - 9.78 m
c. Arithmetic Check

125.50 m (Elev. BMa)

+ 8.41 m (∑BS)
133.91 m (Sum)
- 9.78 m (∑FS)
124.13 m (Check with elev. of BMb)

d. Tabulated Solution


BMa 0.95 126.45 125.50 m
0 + 00 3.0 123.50
0 + 10 2.3 124.20
TP1 3.13 128.94 0.64 125.81
0 + 22 2.7 126.20
0 + 30.5 2.8 126.10
0 + 34.2 3.1 125.80
0 + 39.3 0.5 128.40
0 + 42.5 0.8 128.10
TP2 2.16 129.82 1.28 127.66
0 + 45 0.9 128.90
0 + 48.6 1.2 128.60
9 + 50 1.7 128.10
0 + 53.7 2.8 127.00
TP3 0.82 128.27 2.37 127.45
TP4 1.35 126.12 3.50 124.77
0 + 75 3.0 123.10
BMb 1.99 124.13

e. Plot of the Profile

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

VI. Rise and Fall Method of Leveling - adapted by the British which is based on the
principle that two consecutive readings from the same instrument gives the difference in
elevation of the two points sighted. In this method the actual height of instrument has no
real significance other than being the line to which vertical distances are conveniently
measured from various points on the ground. The method relies upon the difference in
elevation between successive points such that each point is considered in relation to the
points immediately preceding it and whose computed elevation (or reduced, RL) is either
known or has just been calculated.
Sample Problem
Given the profile level note. Convert the given data to suit the standard format of level
notes used in the rise and fall method Determine the RL of each station and show the
customary arithmetic check.

Rod Reading Difference in Elevation Reduced STA

BS IFS FS Rise Fall Level
1.24 525.28 BM 100
2.35 0 + 00
1.76 0 + 30
2.50 0 + 50
2.73 0 + 90
3.00 1 + 00
2.72 1 + 10
1.93 1 + 60
1.05 1 + 95
0.86 2 + 00
2.06 2.78 TP – 1
0.68 2 + 50
0.98 2 + 70
1.29 3 + 00
2.45 3 + 30
2.67 3 + 65
2.36 BM 101
a. Computing Difference in Elevation
DE1 = (BS on BM 100 – IFS on Sta. 0 + 00)
= 1.24 – 2.35 = -1.11 m (fall)
DE2 = (IFS on BM 100 – IFS on Sta. 0 + 30)
= 2.35 – 1.76 = + 0.59 m (rise)
DE3 = (IFS on Sta. 0 + 30 – IFS on Sta. 0 + 50)
= 1.76 – 2.50 = - 0.74 m (fall)
DE4 = (IFS on Sta. 0 + 50 – IFS on Sta. 0 + 90)
= 2.50 – 2.73 = - 0.23 m (fall)
DE5 = (IFS on Sta. 0 + 90 – IFS on Sta. 1 + 00)
= 2.73 – 3.00 = - 0.27 m (fall)
DE6 = (IFS on Sta. 1 + 00 – IFS on Sta. 1 + 10)
= 3.00 – 2.72 = + 0.28 m (rise)
DE7 = (IFS on Sta. 1 + 10 – IFS on Sta. 1 + 60)
= 2,72 – 1.93 = + 0.79 m (rise)
DE8 = (IFS on Sta. 1 + 60 – IFS on Sta. 1 + 95)
= 1.93 – 1.05 = + 0.88 m (rise)
DE9 = (IFS on Sta. 1 + 95 – IFS on Sta. 2 + 00)
= 1.05 – 0.86 = + 0.19 m (rise)
DE10 = (IFS on Sta. 2 + 00 – FS on Sta. TP1)
= 0.86 – 2.78 = - 1.92 m (fall)
DE11 = (BS on TP1 – IFS on Sta. 2 + 50)
= 2.06 – 0.68 = + 1.38 m (rise)
DE12 = (IFS on Sta. 2 + 50 – IFS on Sta. 2 + 70)
= 0.68 - 0.98 = - 0.30 (fall)
DE13 = (IFS on Sta. 2 + 70 – IFS on Sta. 3 + 00)
- 0.98 – 1.29 = - 0.31 m (fall)
DE14 = (IFS on Sta. 3 + 00 – IFS on Sta. 3 + 30)
= 1.29 – 2.45 = - 1.16 m (fall)
DE15 = (IFS on Sta. 3 + 30 – IFS on Sta. 3 + 65)
= 2.45 – 2.67 = - 0.22 m (fall)
DE16 = (IFS on Sta. 3 + 65 – IFS on BM 101)
= 2.67 – 2.36 = + 0.31 M (rise)
b. Determining Reduced Level

525.28 (RL of BM 100) 525.47 (RL of Sta. 1 + 95)

- 1.11 (DE1) + 0.19 (DE9)
524.17 (RL of Sta. 0 + 00 525.66 (RL of Sta. 2 + 00)
+ 0.59 (DE2) - 1.92 (DE10)
524.76 (RL of Sta. 0 + 30) 423.74 (RL of TP1)
- 0.74 (DE3) + 1.38 (DE11)
524.02 (RL of Sta. 0 +50) 525.12 (RL of Sta. 2 + 50)
- 0.23 (DE4) - 0.30 (DE12)
523.79 (RL of 0 + 90) 524.82 (RL 0f Sta. 2 + 70)
- 0.27 (DE5) - 0.13 (DE13)
523.52 (RL of Sta. 1 + 00) 524.51 (RL of Sta. 3 + 00)
+ 0.28 (DE6) - 1.16 (DE14)
523.80 (RL of Sta. 1 + 10) 523.35 (RL of Sta. 3 + 30)
+ 0.79 (DE7) - 0.22 (DE15)
524.59 (RL of Sta. 1 + 60) 523.13 (RL of Sta. 3 + 65)
+ 0.88 (DE8) + 0.31 (DE16)
525.47 (RL of Sta. 1 + 95) 523.44 (RL of BM 101)
c. Arithmetic Check

1st Method

∑BS = 1.24 + 2.06 = 3.30 ∑FS = -2.78 – 2.36 = - 5.14

∑Rise = 0.59 + 0.28 + 0.79 + 0.88 + 0.19 + 1.38 + 0.31 = + 4.42
∑Fall = 1.11 + 0.74 + 0.23 + 0.27 + 1.92 + 0.30 + 0.31 + 1.16 + 0.22 = -6.26
DE1 = ∑BS + ∑FS = 3.30 – 5.14 = - 1.84
DE2 = ∑Rise + ∑Fall = 4.42 – 6.26 = - 1.84
DE3 = RL of BM 101 – RL of BM 100 = 523.44 – 525.28 = -1.84
since DE1 = DE2 = DE3 arithmetic check is assumed correct

2nd Method

525.28 m (RL of BM 100)

+ 4.42 m (∑Rise)
529.70 m (Sum)
- 6.26 m (∑Fall)
523.44 m (Checks with RL of BM 101)

d. Tabulated Solution

Rod Reading Difference in Elevation Reduced STA

BS IFS FS Rise Fall Level
1.24 525.28 m BM 100
2.35 1.11 524.17 0 + 00
1.76 0.59 524.76 0 + 30
2.50 0.74 524.02 0 + 50
2.73 0.23 523.79 0 + 90
3.00 0.27 523.52 1 + 00
2.72 0.28 523.80 1 + 10
1.93 0.79 524.59 1 + 60
1.05 0.88 525.47 1 + 95
0.86 0.19 525.66 2 + 00
2.06 2.78 1.92 523.74 TP – 1
0.68 1.38 525.12 2 + 50
0.98 0.30 524.82 2 + 70
1.29 0.31 524.51 3 + 00
2.45 1.16 523.35 3 + 30
2.67 0.22 523.13 3 + 65
2.36 0.31 523.44 BM 101

Solve the following problems

1. Complete the following set of profile level notes and show the customary check.


BMa 1.24 234.51 m
TP1 1.11 3.40
1 + 00 4.6
1 + 25 2.8
1 + 50 3.6
1 + 75 2.4
TP2 3.21 2.46
2 + 00 1.2
2 + 25 3.2
2 + 50 2.8
TP3 3.06 2.74
BMb 2.40

2. Using the rise and fall method, complete the level notes and check.


1,73 766.45 m BM 13
2.05 0 + 00
1.88 0 + 35
1.75 0 + 60
2.39 0 + 80
3.25 1 + 00
2.44 1 + 15
1.86 1 + 40
1.09 1 + 90
2.15 2 + 00
1.84 2.63 TP – 1
0.77 2 + 45
1.19 2 + 68
1.08 3 + 00
2.52 3 + 50
2.14 BM 14
VII. Barometric Leveling. Difference in elevation of points is determined by
observations of the prevailing atmospheric pressure. It is based on the principle that the
pressure caused by the weight of the column of air above the observer decreases or
increases as the observer goes higher or lower in elevation. This leveling method is
ideally suited for determining large differences in elevation in rough or mountainous
terrain where extensive areas need to be covered. Better results can be obtained when
the weather is stable and climatic conditions remain constant. It is best to make the
reading in mid-morning or mid-afternoon.
Conditions which affect accuracy of barometric reading:
1. temperature 4. procedure of survey
2. humidity 5. ability and experience of survey party
3. atmospheric pressure 6. horizontal and vertical distances of bet. field stations
Barometers – an instrument for measuring variations in atmospheric pressure.
Types of Barometer:
1. Mercurial Barometer – measures atmospheric pressure by the height of the column
of mercury supported by the atmosphere in the evacuated glass tube.

2. Aneroid Barometer – it functions by using an airtight metal box which responds to

changes in air pressure.

Altimeters – precise aneroid barometers which are designed

specifically for surveying applications.
Altimeter Surveys
1. Single-Base Method
2. Two-Base method
Sample Problem
Given the following data gathered from an altimeter survey: Elevation of the high base,
518 m, elevation of the low base, 122 m, altimeter reading at the high base, 5954 and
altimeter reading at the low base, 2708. If the altimeter at a field station situated between
the high and low base is 4150, determine the elevation of the station.
a. Determining differences in elevation and altimeter readings
DE = Elevhb. – Elevlb = 518 – 122 = 396 m
Difference in reading (high and low base) = 5954 – 2708 = 3246
Difference in reading (high base and station) = 5954 – 4150 = 1804
Difference in reading (low base and station) = 4150 – 2708 = 1442
By ratio and proportion
DE DE(field station∧low )
Diff (high andlow)
= Diff (lo∧station)
DE(field station and low) = (1442) = 176 m
b. Determining elevation of field station
Elev = Elev(low base) + DE(field station and low) = 122 + 176 = 298 m
c. Solution check
Elev.(field station) = Elevhb – Defs = 518 – 220 = 298 (check)
VIII. Trigonometric Leveling or Indirect Leveling is defined as the determination of
difference in elevation from observed vertical angles and either horizontal or inclined
distances. Vertical measurements determined are only approximate unless the observed
angles and the required distances are precisely measured. It is used extensively when
undertaking topographic surveys over rugged or rolling terrain since it provides a rapid
means of determining vertical distances and elevation of points.
Sample Problem
Let A be a point of elevation 130.48 m above datum and let B and C be points of
unknown elevation. By means of an instrument set 1.22 m above B, vertical angles are
observed, that to A being – 14o45’ and that of C being +8 o32’. If the horizontal distance
AB is 547.20 m and the horizontal distance BC is 923.95 m, determine the elevation of B
and C, making due allowance for earth’s curvature and atmospheric refraction.
a. Determining difference in elevation between A and B
Vab = AB tan Ø = 547.20 tan 14o45’ = 144.07 (vert. dist. from hor. line to A)
AB 2 547.20 2
h = 0.00675 ( ) = 0.00675 ( ) = 0.02 m (curvature and refraction)
1000 1000
DEab = Vab – HI – h = 144.07 – 1.22 – 0.02 = 142.83 m (diff. elev. A & B)
b. Determining difference in elevation between B and C
Vbc = BC tan Ɵ = 923.95 tan 8o32’ = 138.63 m (vert. pt. C)
923.95 2
h = 0.00675 ( ) = 0.06 m
DEbc = Vbc + h + HI = 138.63 + 0.06 + 1.22 = 139.91 m
c. Determining elevations of B and C
Elev. B = Elev. A + DEab = 130.48 + 142.83 = 273.31 m
Elev. C = Elev. B + DEbc = 273.31 + 139.91 = 413. 22 m
IX. Stadia Leveling – combines features of direct leveling with those of trigonometric
leveling. It provides reasonable accuracy for preliminary surveys, mapping and rough
where quick measurements are needed. The difference of elevation between points is
computed from observed vertical angles and the three intercepts on a rod held at each
point backsighted or foresighted. (This method of leveling will be discussed in surveying
1X. Cross-Section Leveling. Cross-sections are short profiles taken perpendicular to
the centerline of projects such as highway, railroad, and irrigation canal or sewer line. It
provides the necessary data needed for estimating quantities of earthwork and for other
related purposes.
1. Roadway Cross – Sections
2. Borrow – Pit Sections
Adjustment of Level Circuit
1. Level over One Route – when a line of levels closes back on the bench mark at the
beginning of the survey, the observed elevation of the initial BM will not be equal to its
known or accepted elevation.
2. Levels over Different Routes – when the elevation of a BM is to be established by
running several lines of levels over different routes from a common point of origin, it will
always be certain that different results will be obtained.
Sample Problem (Levels Over one route)
The known elevation of BM is 728.73 meters. A 30.5 km long level circuit is run, closing
back on BM with an. elevation, as determined from the notes, of 728.486 m. The
observed elevations of other bench marks which were established during the run, and
their distances from the initial bench mark are given as follows
STA Dist. from Observed STA Dist. from Observed
BM1 Elevation BM1 Elevation
BM1 0.000 km 728.730 m BM5 21.984 km 739.708 m
BM2 5.245 783.213 m BM6 25.247 702.956 m
BM3 11.271 891.764 m BM1 30.500 728.486 m
BM4 17.718 843.195 m

Determine the following

a. The error of closure

b. Correction to be applied in each observed elevation
c. Adjusted elevation of the BM along the level route


a. Determining error of closure

Ec = Elevobs – Elevknown = 728.486 – 728.730 = - 0.244 m

b. Determining elevation corrections

D = 5.245+11.271+17.718+21.984+25.247= 30.500 m (length of the level route)
Ec −0.244
corr. = - ( )d = - ( )d = + 0.008d
D 30.50
corr2 = 0.008(05.245) = 0.042
corr3 = 0.008(22.271) = 0.090
corr4 = 0.008(17.718) = 0.142
corr5 = 0.008(21.984) = 0.176
corr6 = 0.008(25.247) = 0.202
corr1 = 0.008(30.500) = 0.244

c. Adjusting the observed elevations

Adj. Elev. = Obs. Elev. ± corr.
Adj. Elev.2 = 783.213 + 0.042 = 783.255 m
Adj. Elev.3 = 891.764 + 0.090 = 891.854 m
Adj. Elev.4 = 843.195 + 0.142 = 843.337 m
Adj. Elev.5 = 739.708 + 0.176 = 739.884 m
Adj. Elev.6 = 702.956 + 0.202 = 703.158 m
Adj. Elev.1 = 728.486 + 0.244 = 728.730 m

Sample Problem ( Levels ove different route)

By route X (3 kms long) point B is 111.200 m higher than point A. By route Y (4 kms
long) B is 110.97 m above A and by route Z (6 km long) B is 111.260 m above A.
a. The weighted mean difference
b. The mpv of the difference in elev. bet. A and B
c. The elev. at pt. B if the elev. of A is 2,345.680 m above mean sea level.

a. Weighted mean difference
∑W = Wx + Wy + Wz = 1/Lx+1/Ly+i/Lz = 1/3 + ¼ + 1/6 = 0.75
∑Wfd Diff. = DExWx+ DEyWy+DEzWz
= 111.2(1/3) + 110.97(1/4) + 111.26(1/6) = 83.353 m
b. Most probable value
∑ fd Diff . 83.353
mpv of DE = = = 111.140 m
∑W 0.75
c. Elev. at pont B
ElevB = ElevA + mpv = 2,345.680 + 111.14 = 2,456.820 m

XI. Borrow-Pit Leveling – a method of determining the relative elevations of points in

borrow pit excavations for the purpose of calculating volumes of earthwork. (To be
discussed in the next module)

Inverse Leveling. Use when it is necessary to determine the elevation of a point located
higher than the telescope of the instrument. In such a situation, the rod is held upside
down and its base is placed up at the desired point. The rod is then read and the
distance of the line of sight is recorded in the normal way. A backsight or foresight can
thus be obtained. Note keeping is standard except that the backsight is prefixed negative
sign and a foresight with a positive sign.
Sample Problem

A tall concrete wall is an obstruction along a level route between A and B. To proceed
with the leveling work, an inverse method of leveling is executed at the vicinity of the
obstruction where the reading was taken with the rod held up upside down as shown.
From the observed data portrayed in the figure, determine the elevation at point B.


HI1 = Eleva + BS = 528.25 + 2.05 = 530.30 m

Elevwall = HI1 –(-FS) = 530.30 –(-2.60) = 532.90 m
HI2 = Elevw + (-BS) = 532.90 + (-3.92) = 529.98 m
Elevb – HI2 – FS = 528.98 – 2.68 = 526.30 m

Arithmetic Check

∑BS = 2.05 – 3.92 = - 1.87

∑FS = - 2.60 + 2.68 = 0.08
528.25 m (Elev. of A)
- 1.87 m (∑BS)
526.35 m (sum)
+ 0.08 m (∑FS)
526.30 m (check with elev at B)

Solve the following problems:

1. Two points A & B, are 3,134.59 meters apart. From a third point, C, on the line
between A and B and 1,992.25 m from A. The measured vertical angle to A is 35 o28’
and that to B is -15o14’. Determine the difference in elevation between A and B making
due allowance for the effects of curvatures and atmospheric refraction.

2. A line of inverse levels was run into a shaft for a copper mine. All of the stations in the
accompanying tabulation were located in the shift’s ceiling and reading were taken by
inverting the leveling rod, complete the given level notes and perform the customary
arithmetic check.

BM 66 2.84 104.30 m
TP-1 2.43 1.65
TP-2 2.76 2.48
TP-3 2.19 0.70
BM 67 3.05 0.95
TP-4 1.45 1.66
TP-5 0.96 2.08
BM 68 3.06

3. Given the following data gathered from altimeter survey. Elevation of the high base
818 m, elevation of the low base, 422 m, altimeter reading at the high base, 6579, and
altimeter reading at the low base, 3333. If the altimeter reading at a field station is 4775,
determine its corresponding elevation.

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