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Storage Tank Design - 2

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ISSN 2319-8885


Design of Circular Water Tank by using STAAD Pro Software

PG Scholar, Dept of Civil Engineering, Vidya Vikas Institute of Technology, Chevella, Hyderabad, TS, India.
Assistant Professor, Dept of Civil Engineering, Vidya Vikas Institute of Technology, Chevella, Hyderabad, TS, India.

Abstract: Storage reservoirs in terms of overhead tanks are used to store and distribute the water to the consumers. As the water
supply may not have been planned to newly established colonies. An attempt is made to plan the water distribution system and
design an Overhead Circular Tank to meet the required demand of ever increasing urban population. Branched distribution
systems are found in a large number of situations, including rural irrigation and reclaimed water distribution. Much research has
been developed around optimizing pipeline design by assuming a predetermined geographical layout of the distribution system.
In this project, a method is developed for determining an optimal layout for a branched distribution system by giving only the
spatial distribution of potential customers with their respective demands. In this project the main emphasis shall be on: Planning
the layout of the water distribution system, Arriving at the optimum diameter of the pipe line considering all the losses Fixing
suitable dimensions of Over Head Tank to meet the calculated demand (Process Calculations) Structural design of Over Head
Circular Water Tank.

Keywords: Over Head Tank, Branched Distribution System, Structural Design, Staad Pro.

I. INTRODUCTION A. Water Quantity Estimation

All tanks are designed as crack free structures to eliminate The quantity of water required for municipal uses for which
any leakage. Water or raw petroleum retaining slab and the water supply scheme has to be designed requires
walls can be of reinforced concrete with adequate cover to following data:
the reinforcement. Water and petroleum and react with 1. Water consumption rate (Per Capita Demand in litres
concrete and, therefore, no special treatment to the surface is per day per head)
required. Industrial wastes can also be collected and 2. Population to be served.
processed in concrete tanks with few exceptions. The Quantity= Per Capita Demand x Population
petroleum product such as petrol, diesel oil, etc. are likely to
leak through the concrete walls, therefore such tanks need B. Water Distribution
special membranes to prevent leakage. Reservoir is a Water distribution systems convey water drawn from the
common term applied to liquid storage structure and it can water source or treatment facility, to the point where it is
be below or above the ground level. Reservoirs below the delivered to the users. These systems deal with water
ground level are normally built to store large quantities of demand that varies considerably in the course of a day.
water whereas those of overhead type are built for direct Water consumption is highest during the hours that water is
distribution by gravity flow and are usually of smaller used for personal hygiene and cleaning, and when food
capacity. preparation and clothes washing are done. Water use is
II. SOURCES OF WATER SUPPLY lowest during the night. Generally, the distribution system of
The various sources of water can be classified into two a small community water supply is designed to cater for the
categories: domestic and other household water requirements. Stock
Surface sources, such as watering and garden plot irrigation water may also be
1. Ponds and lakes; provided. Service reservoirs accumulate and store water
2. Streams and rivers; during the night so that it can be supplied during the daytime
3. Storage reservoirs; and hours of high water demand.
4. Oceans, generally not used for water supplies, at Objectives:
present. 1. To make a study about the analysis and design of water
Sub-surface sources or underground sources, such as tanks.
1. Springs; 2. To make a study about the guidelines for the design of
2. Infiltration wells; and liquid retaining structure according to IS Code.
3. Wells and Tube-wells. 3. To know about the design philosophy for the safe and
economical design of water tank.

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4. To develop programs for the design of water tank of layout of a distribution network given an initial pressure
flexible base and rigid base and the underground tank to distribution. The other program determines the least cost
avoid the tedious calculations. component design given an initial pipe layout.
5. In the end, the programs are validated with the results of
manual calculation given in .Concrete Structure book. D. Design Requirement of Concrete (I.S.I)
In water retaining structure a dense impermeable concrete
III. LITERATURE REVIEW is required therefore, proportion of fine and course
Water distribution systems consist of pipeline networks and aggregates to cement should be such as to give high quality
associated components, most of which is underground and concrete. Concrete mix weaker than M20 is not used. The
exposed to soil corrosion and mechanical stress from the minimum quantity of cement in the concrete mix shall be not
surrounding soil, surface traffic, and internal water pressure less than 30kN/m3. The design of the concrete mix shall be
(Ahammed and Melchers 1997). Pipe failure in water such that the resultant concrete is sufficiently impervious.
distribution systems disrupts the water supply to consumers Efficient compaction preferably by vibration is essential.
and reduces the reliability of the system. It is found that The permeability of the thoroughly compacted concrete is
about 35% to 60% of the supplied volume is wasted due to dependent on water cement ratio. Increase in water cement
pipe leakages (Babovic et al 2002).Therefore, inspection, ratio increases permeability, while concrete with low water
control and planned maintenance and rehabilitation cement ratio is difficult to compact. Other causes of leakage
programs are necessary to properly operate existing water in concrete are defects such as segregation and honey
distribution systems (Saegrov et al 1999). combing. All joints should be made water-tight as these are
potential sources of leakage.
A. Design Of Water Distribusion System
A water distribution network must be designed so that it E. Details of Design of Water Tank
can supply the desired quantity of water to the consumers at A water tank is a container for storing water. The need for
sufficient pressure. The design involves specifying the sizes a water tank is as old as civilization, storage of water for use
of different elements of the distribution network and in many applications, drinking water, irrigation agriculture,
checking the adequacy of this network (Mays 2000). fire suppression, agricultural farming, both for plants and
Significant effort has been placed in developing approaches livestock, chemical manufacturing, food preparation as well
to solve for optimal designs of water distribution systems. as many other uses. Water tank parameters include the
general design of tank, and choice of construction materials,
B. Pipe Characteristics linings. Various materials are used for making a water tank:
A large body of literature exists on the optimization of the plastics (polyethylene, polypropylene), fiberglass, concrete,
pipe network design, reporting the application of classical and stone, steel (welded or bolted, carbon, or stainless).
optimization methods (including linear programming,
dynamic programming and nonlinear programming). These F. Population Forecasting Methods
methods have been used, sometimes at the cost of Design of water supply and sanitation scheme is based on
considerable simplifications of the optimization models. One the projected population of a particular city, estimated for
of the earliest optimization approaches, the linear the design period. Any underestimated value will make
programming gradient method was proposed by Alperovits system inadequate for the purpose intended; similarly
and Shamir (1977). Other authors followed this innovative overestimated value will make it costly. Changes in the
course and introduced alternative derivations from the linear population of the city over the years occur, and the system
programming-based gradient expressions (Quindry et al should be designed taking into account of the population at
1981, Fujiwaraet al 1987, Lansey and Mays 1989, Kessler the end of the design period
and Shamir 1989, Fujiwara andKhang 1990). These
approaches lead to solutions in which pipes have one or two 1. Arithmetical Increase Method: This method is suitable
fixed diameter segments. For practical implementation this for large and old city with considerable development. If it is
type of solution is unrealistic. used for small, average or comparatively new cities, it will
give lower population estimate than actual value. In this
C. Network Layout method the average increase in population per decade is
The joint problem of layout and component design of water calculated from the past census reports. This increase is
distribution networks is addressed by Rowel and Barnes added to the present population to find out the population of
(1982). A two-level hierarchically integrated system of the next decade. Hence, i.e., rate of change of
models is developed for the layout of both single and population with respect to time is constant. Therefore,
multiple source water distribution systems. B Have and Lam Population after nth decade will be Where,
(1983) proposed a Dynamic Programming approach to Pn is the population after ‘n’ decades and ‘P’ is present
obtain a less costly distribution layout. An integrated model population.
for the least cost layout and design of water distribution
networks is developed by Goulter and Morgan (1985). The 2.Geometrical Increase Method: This method gives higher
model consists of two linked linear programming values and hence should be applied for a new industrial town
formulations. One linear program determines the least cost
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research
Volume.06, IssueNo.29, September-2017, Pages: 5642-5650
Design of Circular Water Tank by using STAAD Pro Software
at the beginning of development for only few decades. The 1. Assigning the material: As after creating the beams and
population at the end of nth decade ‘Pn’ can be estimated as: columns we will assign material to them as we require. Our
design is concrete design hence we have assigned the
concrete material to the beams and columns.
Where, IG = geometric mean (%)
P = Present population
N = no. of decades.

3. Incremental Increase Method: The incremental increase

is determined for each decade from the past population and
the average value is added to the present population along
with the average rate of increase.
Hence, population after nth decade is

Where, Pn = Population after nth decade

X = Average increase
Y = Incremental increase

4. Logistic Curve Method: This method is used when the Fig3. Assigning concrete material to multi story building.
growth rate of population due to births, deaths and
migrations takes place under normal situation and it is not 2. Specifying Supports: The supports are first created (as
subjected to any extraordinary changes like epidemic, war, we created fixed supports) and then these are assigned to all
earth quake or any natural disaster, etc., and the population the lowermost nodes of structure where we are going to
follows the growth curve characteristics of living things design the foundation.
within limited space and economic opportunity

Fig 1. Logistic curve for population growth Fig 4. The model with the fixed supports.


STAAD PRO A. Concrete Design Beam Design ( Beam No 32)

Table 1. design load

Fig2.The model of structure with all the beams and

International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research
Volume.06, IssueNo.29, September-2017, Pages: 5642-5650
3. Deflection along Z Direction

B. Deflection
1. Global Deflections
Table2. Deflection along X Direction

C. Local Deflections
1. Deflection along X Direction

2. Deflection along Y Direction

2. Deflection of beam in Y direction

International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research

Volume.06, IssueNo.29, September-2017, Pages: 5642-5650
Design of Circular Water Tank by using STAAD Pro Software

3. Deflection of beam in Z direction

7. Bending Y Axis

8. Shear In Z Axis

4. Shear bending

D. Column Design (Column No 44)

1. Design Load

5. Bending in z axis

2. Design Parameter

6. Shear in y axis

International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research

Volume.06, IssueNo.29, September-2017, Pages: 5642-5650

3. Deflection of beam in Z direction

E. Deflection Global Deflection

1. Deflection of beam in X direction


2. Deflection of beam in Y direction

2. Deflection of beam in Y direction

International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research
Volume.06, IssueNo.29, September-2017, Pages: 5642-5650
Design of Circular Water Tank by using STAAD Pro Software
4. Shear Bending

5. Bending in z axis

3. Deflection of beam in Z direction

6. Shear in y axis

International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research

Volume.06, IssueNo.29, September-2017, Pages: 5642-5650
7. Bending Y Axis 11. Support Reactions

8. Shear In Z Axis



9. Bending Y Axis

10. Shear In Z Axis

International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research

Volume.06, IssueNo.29, September-2017, Pages: 5642-5650
Design of Circular Water Tank by using STAAD Pro Software
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VI. CONCLUSION [10] Kianoush, M. R. and Chen, J. Z. (2006). Effect of
From this study the following conclusions can be made Vertical Acceleration on Response of Concrete Rectangular
Storage of water in the form of tanks for drinking and Liquid Storage Tanks, Engineering Structures 28, 704-715.
washing purposes, swimming pools for exercise and [11] Kianoush, M. R., Mirzabozorg, H. and Ghaemian, M.
enjoyment, and sewage sedimentation tanks are gaining (2006). Dynamic Analysis of Rectangular Liquid Containers
increasing importance in the present day life. For small in Three-Dimension Space, Canadian Journal of Civil
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capacities we provide circular water tanks. Design of water [12] Kim, J. K., Koh, H. M. and Kwahk, I. J. (1996).
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underground water tank involves lots of mathematical Containers, Journal of Engineering Mechanics 122:9, 807-
formulae and calculation. It is also time consuming. Hence 817.
program gives a solution to the above problems. There is a
little difference between the design values of program to that
of manual calculation. The program gives the least value for
the design. Hence designer should not provide less than the
values we get from the program. In case of theoretical
calculation designer initially add some extra values to the
obtained values to be in safer side.

[1] American Concrete Institute, ACI 350.3. (2006) Seismic
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[3] Chen, J. Z. and Kianoush, M. R. (2009). Generalized
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[4] Chen, J.Z. and Kianoush, M. R.(2005). Seismic Response
of Concrete Rectangular Tanks for Liquid Containing
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research
Volume.06, IssueNo.29, September-2017, Pages: 5642-5650

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