Storage Tank Design - 2
Storage Tank Design - 2
Storage Tank Design - 2
Abstract: Storage reservoirs in terms of overhead tanks are used to store and distribute the water to the consumers. As the water
supply may not have been planned to newly established colonies. An attempt is made to plan the water distribution system and
design an Overhead Circular Tank to meet the required demand of ever increasing urban population. Branched distribution
systems are found in a large number of situations, including rural irrigation and reclaimed water distribution. Much research has
been developed around optimizing pipeline design by assuming a predetermined geographical layout of the distribution system.
In this project, a method is developed for determining an optimal layout for a branched distribution system by giving only the
spatial distribution of potential customers with their respective demands. In this project the main emphasis shall be on: Planning
the layout of the water distribution system, Arriving at the optimum diameter of the pipe line considering all the losses Fixing
suitable dimensions of Over Head Tank to meet the calculated demand (Process Calculations) Structural design of Over Head
Circular Water Tank.
Keywords: Over Head Tank, Branched Distribution System, Structural Design, Staad Pro.
4. Logistic Curve Method: This method is used when the Fig3. Assigning concrete material to multi story building.
growth rate of population due to births, deaths and
migrations takes place under normal situation and it is not 2. Specifying Supports: The supports are first created (as
subjected to any extraordinary changes like epidemic, war, we created fixed supports) and then these are assigned to all
earth quake or any natural disaster, etc., and the population the lowermost nodes of structure where we are going to
follows the growth curve characteristics of living things design the foundation.
within limited space and economic opportunity
Fig 1. Logistic curve for population growth Fig 4. The model with the fixed supports.
B. Deflection
1. Global Deflections
Table2. Deflection along X Direction
C. Local Deflections
1. Deflection along X Direction
7. Bending Y Axis
8. Shear In Z Axis
4. Shear bending
5. Bending in z axis
2. Design Parameter
6. Shear in y axis
5. Bending in z axis
8. Shear In Z Axis
9. Bending Y Axis
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International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research
Volume.06, IssueNo.29, September-2017, Pages: 5642-5650