March 13, 2011 Bulletin

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270 Years of Service


In the Name of Christ
I believe in God the Father Almighty,
Maker of heaven and earth:
Sowing, GROWing, and Serving
And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord;
1741 - 2011
Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,
born of the virgin Mary,
Suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, dead, and buried;
He descended into hell;
The third day he rose again from the dead;
He ascended into heaven,
and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Ghost;
the holy catholic church;
the communion of saints;
the forgiveness of sins;
the resurrection of the body;
and the life everlasting. Amen.


Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;
Marion Williams 1966
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without
end. Amen. Amen.
Pittsgrove Presbyterian Church
DOXOLOGY Daretown, New Jersey
(856) 358-1104
Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures
here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host:
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. Rev. Dr. Julia Pizzuto-Pomaco, Pastor
Dominic Mercado, Director of Music
Margaret A. Powers, Organist
Jill Stout, Secretary

“Father, I Adore You” (Hymn #143)

ORGAN PRELUDE “Lenten Prayer” Broughton CHORAL ANTHEM “Lenten Meditation”



*CALL TO WORSHIP SECOND LESSON Luke 17:11-37 (p. 80-81)

Leader: We do not live by bread alone, but by every word that
comes from the mouth of God. SERMON “A Happy and Thankful Heart”
People: We come to find the Living Word.
Leader: We come seeking Holy Wisdom. *HYMN #359G “Give Thanks”
All: We come to worship the Eternal God!
*HYMN #287G “Lift High the Cross”
Loving God, you beckon us to take refuge in you, trusting you to OFFERTORY “Day by Day” Ahnfelt
preserve us from trouble. Instead we hide from you, not wanting
you to see our ingratitude and our guilt-the sinfulness that drives us *DOXOLOGY
to choose trouble over you. In your presence we confess how we
fall for lies that prey upon our insecurities. We seek things that *PRAYER OF DEDICATION
make us feel strong, which encourage us to depend on ourselves
and not on you. How we wander from your ways and disregard *HYMN #94G “Shout to the Lord”
your love. Forgive us, Lord and bend us to your will. Surround us
with the abundance of your grace and the free gift of your *BENEDICTION
righteousness, so that we may be hidden in you. Amen.
ORGAN POSTLUDE “Grand Toccata” Peterson
(back cover of bulletin) SERVICE NOTES:
(*) indicates when to stand
*GLORIA PATRI (back cover of bulletin) (G) refers to our green hymnal “Worship & Rejoice”
The Missions of the Month for March are Sharon & Glen Proverbs 18:24 (NRSV) says that “a true friend sticks closer
Geraghty and Compassion International. than one’s nearest kin.” We appreciate your presence today
Sharon & Glenn Geraghty are striving to bring God’s work to and encourage you to welcome one another now.
the inner city. They work with young people and families
who are their neighbors by meeting people’s physical, The elder for the month is Dana Barrett.
emotional and spiritual needs. As of June 1st they will be The deacon for the month is Dot Floyd.
moving to Chester, PA to continue their work with World The trustee for the month is Margery Eachus.
Impact. Please keep them and their children, Morgan and The greeters are Mark & Diane Skinner.
Micah, in your prayers as they continue their ministry in The lay leader is Jennifer Gardner.
Watts and begin to plan to transition to Chester.
Mission Statement:
Compassion International is the other ministry of the In the Name of Christ: Sowing, GROWing, and Serving.
month. Compassion Sunday is April 3rd. When you sponsor a
child you plant a seed of hope in the heart of an Vision Statement: We are GROWing,
impoverished boy or girl in a developing country. Growing in Faith,
Sponsorship provides educational, social and health benefits Reaching others for Christ,
through a local church in the community where the child Offering opportunities for mission,
lives. The child will be involved in Christian teaching and Worshipping the Lord with our whole hearts.
learn that Jesus deeply loves him or her. Please keep these If you are visiting with us today we warmly welcome you
ministries in your prayers. and hope you have received a welcome packet. Please
Join us for a prayer time every Sunday morning in the feel free to contact Pastor Julia with any questions or
youth lounge before church at 9:20am. pastoral needs. Pastor Julia can be reached at 358-1104
or [email protected]. You can contact Jill Stout, our
Finance Update secretary/treasurer, in the office or at [email protected].
As of February 28 the benevolence and tithes totals are:
PRAISE BAND PRACTICE – Tuesday @ 7:30 pm
Benevolence $ 3,153.44 CHOIR PRACTICE – Wednesday @ 7:30 pm
Tithes $19,605.00
If at any time, anyone would like additional information Trustees meet Monday at 7 pm, all others @ 7:30 pm
please do not hesitate to contact Ed Forsman. Let us thank Deacons will meet in the upstairs lounge
the Lord for his blessings and continue to be faithful in our Session will meet in the youth lounge
giving of time and talents. Trustees will meet in the social hall
Crock Pot Creations and Talent Show is tonight beginning Prayer Requests: Mary Radcliffe, Debbie Covey (Oak
at 5 pm. We are going to be voting for the best crock pot Gandy’s daughter), Judi Walker, Jack Barrett, Billy Cundey
creations…soups, desserts, chicken, lasagna, or whatever you Jr. (friend of Chris Baum), Paul Headley, Juele Pizzuto
bring! You can still bring a crock pot filled with good food (Pastor Julia’s mom), Ron Rudenolff and Joanne Riddell
even if you decide not to enter it into the contest. We will (friends of Dee & George Leptien), Sharon & Michael Hughes
have tastings of all the offerings. There will also be a talent (friend of Kitty Lamb), Jean Johnston (Patrick Sheehan’s
show beginning at 6pm and a silent auction between 5-6pm. grandmother), Bruce and Teresa Monell, Carl Whestel
We are looking forward to a great night of food, fun and (friend of Andrea Wood), Sarah Transue (student of Elaine
laughter! What a wonderful opportunity to come to support Myers), Brian Denny (friend of Jeanine Tindall), Peggy
our youth and their summer mission trip to New York State. Kroeplin (Donna Stroud’s mother), Brad Davis, Bill Williams,
A donation ($5 or more per person is suggested) will be Eric Robertson (friend of Andrea Wood), Clarence Robinson,
collected at the door. Please plan to attend! Friends, Christopher Robinson, Carol Barnhart (Cora Layton’s
Neighbors and Relatives are all invited to attend! daughter), Jean Williams, John Baitinger (Marion Dwyer’s
brother) and Joyce Miller (Dallas Skinner’s sister).
The Home Group will not meet tonight due to the Crock Pot
Creations and Talent Show. We will resume next Sunday Our deepest sympathies go out to the Griffith family on the
evening, March 20th from 6-7:30 at Pastor Julia’s home. loss of Gayle’s father.

The next Ladies Bible Study will be held tomorrow, March Sign up now for the fall retreat. Why not get ready for
14th at 10 am in the upstairs lounge. We are studying the beach weather by planning to attend our annual Fall Retreat
Book of Philippians and are in the 2nd chapter. Bring a this coming October 14th – 16th at the Grand Hotel in Cape
friend! May? This year’s theme is “I can hear YOU clearly now…
learning to read the Bible and hearing the Lord speaking to
The next Ladies Luncheon will be held tomorrow, March 14th us in our everyday lives”. There will be four retreat
12 noon at the Creekside Inn (formerly Rushes) in sessions, a Saturday night dinner and game show, daily
Woodstown. For more information or to RSVP contact Helen morning prayer at the beach and a Sunday worship service.
Sickler (769-2066) Sign up now through Easter and pay a $50 deposit per adult,
$20 per child. Total cost is $160 per person, based on a
There was a misprint in the newsletter. The double occupancy. Sign up today with Jennett and Bill
Mother/Daughter Banquet will be held on Saturday, May Stanley. A good and challenging time is always enjoyed! All
14th. Details will follow. are welcome!
Save the Date-Crop Walk in Pedricktown-April 10th Cemetery News: The Trustees have approved the following
On April 10th, 2011 at 2pm, members of our Church will be increase related to the purchase of gravesites. The
walking in this year's CROP Walk at the First Baptist Church purchase price will increase from $200 to $300 after May 1,
of Pedricktown. We will be raising funds to help as 2011. Lots may be purchased for $200 between now and
"Communities Respond to Overcome Poverty." This is a May 1st. In addition, four (4) corner stones are also required
great cause and 25% of the funds raised remain local to help to mark the gravesite. This service is provided at cost for
the hungry in our area. I encourage everyone to join us as $50.00 each for a total of $200.00. If interested in making
we walk 1.8 miles on a Sunday afternoon in the spring. It will a purchase contact Dallas Skinner.
be an opportunity to join with other local Christians and
share in a time of fellowship while supporting an excellent All Christmas decorations will be removed from the
cause. If you are not able to walk, please find someone that cemetery on March 26th. Thank you.
is and help them by being a sponsor. I look forward to “The Net” is low on supplies. The children are
seeing you at the CROP Walk! encouraged through “the net” by earning fish for bringing
their Bible to Sunday School, learning verses, bringing
Continuing in our Study of Luke offering, etc. The children use their fish to purchase
Why not take some time this week to read chapter 18 in items from “the net”. The Net needs donations of toys,
preparation for next week’s sermon? Be sure to bring Pastor books, treats, art supplies, etc. Thank you in advance!
Julia your comments, thoughts and questions.
We received a very nice thank you note from St. Theresa’s.
“Please accept this letter of recognition and appreciation of
Attention all Compassion International Sponsors
the many contributions that have come to the Good
Compassion Sunday is April 3rd. This year Ken & Donna will
Shephard Dining Room and our clients at St. Theresa’s
be collecting pictures of your sponsor children. They are
through your leadership…Then again on Monday you brought
putting together a world map and would like to show how the
food, plastic bags, paper towels and people young and mature
church reaches around the world with missions by sponsoring
to help clean, serve food and anything else asked of
children. Please give your pictures to either Ken or Donna at
them…May God bless you and your ministry with the youth of
your earliest convenience.
our area. We, our staff, and the people we serve truly
appreciate it.”
Discovery Club will continue to meet on the last Tuesday
of the month from 6:30-7:30 pm (March 29th). There
Thank you to Mary Johnson who played the organ for us
will be an opportunity for adults to meet in the social hall
today prior to worship service. It is great to have her
for prayer and fellowship during this time.
with us!
Youth Group now meets on Sunday evenings from 6-7 pm, Holy Week Worship Opportunities
but this week we will be helping with Crock Pot Creations.
April 17th, Palm Sunday we will sing the traditional “Palm
Creation 2011 ---A Christian “Woodstock”- Music Festival Branches”. Please bring any spring coats you have that are
….is an awesome Christian camping and retreat experience! gently used and we will donate them to the ministry at St.
This several day event occurs at the end of June each year. Theresa’s church in Bridgeton. We will have an in-gathering
This year it is being held in Mount Union, PA from June 29th of the coats and instead of laying down our palms at Jesus’
– July 2nd. It is an opportunity to come and hear Christian feet we will bring in our coats!
speakers and Contemporary Christian artists sing and
present the gospel and challenging messages to crowds of On Palm Sunday there will be an Easter Egg hunt for the
thousands. Youth and Church groups come in from all over children, which will follow worship. It will be held in the
the area! In the words of our youth it is truly a life ballfield depending upon the weather. Please start bringing
changing experience! Adults, youth and even children are in your plastic filled eggs now…there is a basket in the
invited. However, families with children under 12 will need narthex to collect them. Small candies, pennies, stickers or
to travel together. Please let Dana Barrett or Pastor Julia the like would be great fillers. Everyone is welcome to
know if you would like to attend. attend.

Upcoming Lenten Opportunities April 21st, Maundy Thursday –Tenebrae Service and
Invite a Friend Sunday runs every Sunday through Easter Communion via intinction: Beginning at 6:30 with covered
and of course onward! During this Lenten Season instead of dish meal, followed by worship at 7:30pm.
giving something up why not try doing something different
like praying faithfully for a friend who does not know Christ April 22nd, Good Friday Community Service at the United
or who has a great need. Plan on inviting them to worship Methodist Church of Elmer, 12-3pm.
some time during the Lenten season. Many people consider
Easter an important Sunday to attend church. They are April 24th, Easter Sunrise Service with Aldine United
already beginning to think about coming to church so why not Methodist Church, 6 am, location to be announced. Easter
prompt them to come a little sooner! We would love to host Breakfast will be at Aldine Church.
your neighbors, relatives and friends in worship. Please
make sure you introduce them to others in the church and Easter Morning Worship Service Let us praise the Lord as
see Pastor Julia for a visitor packet. we celebrate his ressurection! Hallelujah the grave could
not keep our Lord down! We serve a risen Savior. Every
The flowers this morning are presented in loving memory of Sunday is a “little Easter” so let us rejoice each Sunday that
Nina Hansen & Charlotte Prickitt by Kitty, Rick & family. we are loved, forgiven and set free by Jesus’ power!

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