LAS 4 Gen-Physics 2
LAS 4 Gen-Physics 2
LAS 4 Gen-Physics 2
The equation gives the change in potential energy as the charge moves through a
displacement Δx, in a region where the electric field is parallel to the displacement.
In electricity, it is usually more convenient to use the electric potential energy per unit
charge, just called electric potential or voltage.
Guide Questions:
1. Compare the noise created by the object dropped from 20 cm above and the created
after the pie tin repositioned.
2. Compare the noise created by the object dropped from 20 cm above the pie tin and the
object dropped from 100 cm above the pie tin.
3. What is the GPE difference (𝛥U) of the object dropped at two different distances from
the pie tin?
4. What does the sound created by the object in situation number 1 indicate?
Nicholas J. Giordano. 2018. General Physics 2. Manila: REX Book Store Inc
Jerry D. Wilson and Anthony J. Buffa. 2003. PHYSICS 4 th Edition. Philippines: Pearson
Education South Asia PTE. LTD
John D. Cutnell and Kenneth W. Johnson. 2004. Physics 6th Edition. Philippines: Golden
Gate Printers
Giancoli, Douglas. PHYSICS Principles with Applications Sixth Edition. PDF file. September
2, 2020. www.Giancoli.Physics(6th).pdf
“Physics Tutorial: Electric Potential.” The Physics Classroom. Accessed February 5, 2021.
“Topic 10: Electric Potential - Fermilab Education Office.” Accessed February 5, 2021.