MODULE 1 Recreational

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Recreational activities are those hobbies or any outdoor/indoor activities that perform for the purpose
of exercise, pleasure, including practice with less vigorous movement but offer relaxation, fun, and
group cooperation in an educational situation like in a classroom. The students can able to perform the
activity with confidence and precise in the execution of movements and skills.


At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. Define the term Recreation and Leisure time

2. State the objectives, characteristics and importance of recreation in one’s daily life.

Topic 1.1: Difference of Leisure Time and Recreation

Recreation is an activity of leisure, leisure being the discretionary time. These are the activities done for
enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure and are considered to be fun. Leisure has often been defined as a
quality of experience or as free time. Free time is time spent away from business, work, job hunting,
domestic, chores, and education, as well as necessary activities such as eating and sleeping. Thus,
recreation occurs during leisure.

Topic 1.2: Characteristics of Recreational Activities

1. Voluntarily: your own free will to do, it cannot be ordered, imposed, or force.
2. It is extremely wide and varied.
3. It is an activity, it is some sort of action as distinguished from rest.
4. It has no single form, it offers a variety of choices with endless possibilities.
5. It is flexible, it can be organized or unorganized and it can enjoyed in a group or alone.
6. It involves an individual’s attitude, motive, and incentive.
7. It is necessary in order for an individual to have balanced growth.
8. It may occur or not occur, a specific activity may be recreation for an individual at one at a time,
…but not at another time.
9. Recreation and work are not the same thing, although an individual may be very happy in his
job, it is not possible for that individuals’ work to be his recreation.
Topic 1.3: Factors Affecting Recreational Activities

There are some factors which might affect recreational activities. It may be an external or internal

For external factors:

1. Physical Environment- the design, quality, and setting of a space, such as a school or classroom,
can be critical to the success of recreational activity. Size, comfort-fresh air, temperature, light,
acoustics can also affect this. For example, if a room is too crowded, stress level arise.
2. Status of Students- some of the physical conditions by which a student can get affected are
malnutrition, fatigue, bodily weakness, and bad health. Inadequate supply of nutrients to the
body, tiredness are great obstructors in doing the activities.

For internal factors:

1. Interest- this is the quality that arouses a feeling. it encourages a student to move over tasks
2. Attention- this means consideration. It is focusing of consciousness upon one object or an idea.


Activity 1.1: Name some activities which can be consider as leisure time and recreation. Give 5
examples for each and explain.

Activity 1.2: What other characteristic of recreational activities can you enumerate and describe?
Give at least 5.

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