Tugas Review Jurnal Bahasa Inggris

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Name : Lukmanul Hakim

Class : DIII Recorder and Health Information B Semester 2

Courses : Medical Record Graphic Design

Title Making Hospital Medical Record Filling Applications

Journal Medical Record
Volume & Pages Vol. 5. Page 8-12
Year 2019
Writer Sustin Farlinda, Rinda Nurul, & Sapitri Adinta Rahmadani
Reviewer Lukmanul Hakim
Date 7 April 2021
Purpose of The main objective of this research is to find out how the Hospital Medical Record
Journal Articles Filling Application is made.
The essence of  This study explains the needs required by filling officers in making information
the Journal systems are name, RM number, date of entry, date of exit, final diagnosis, and
actions if any to facilitate the implementation of retention.
 Items needed in the design of information systems are RM No., Name, Date of
Entry, End Date of Visit (Last visit), Final Diagnosis, Type of Action. Meanwhile,
when testing the information system it is necessary to add access rights.
 Based on the results of interviews and FGDs, they stated that it was difficult for
officers to control the borrowed DRM and needed an information system in
which there was a name, Medical Record number, entry date, date of exit, final
diagnosis, and actions if any to facilitate the implementation of retention.
KEPMENKES 269 of 2008 concerning storage, destruction explains that the time
limit for destruction is carried out.
Research result  The results of this study indicate that it is better if RSIA Srikandi IBI Jember can
replace expedition books with a computerized system so that filling officers can
control borrowed medical record documents and reduce the impact of missfiles.
So that officers who will carry out retention can be easier if the checking is done
computerized. The next researcher is expected to be able to integrate the
existing SIMRS so that the filling of medical record data can automatically
appear when in the filling section.
Conclusions and  It is better if RSIA Srikandi IBI Jember can replace expedition books with a
Suggestions computerized system so that filling officers can control borrowed medical
record documents and reduce the impact of missfiles.
 It is hoped that it can integrate the existing SIMRS so that the filling of medical
record data can automatically appear when in the filling section.

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