TCG2020 Technical Specification

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u Dimensions 50 Hz TCG 2020. The gas engine.

1050-2000 kW at 1500 min-1 ( 50 Hz )

Genset Length Width Height

TCG 2020 V12 mm 4700 1750 2500
TCG 2020 V16 mm 5700 1750 2500
TCG 2020 V20 mm 6300 1750 2550

u Noise emissions* 50 Hz

Noise frequency band Hz 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000

0031 2036 / 03 / 2003 / VM-V

Engine type TCG 2020 V12
Exhaust noise 119 dB (A) dB (lin) 116 122 121 118 110 110 108 107
Air-borne noise 103 dB (A) dB (lin) 102 95 96 96 97 95 95 97

Engine type TCG 2020 V16

Exhaust noise 120 dB (A) dB (lin) 117 127 119 116 114 113 110 103
Air-borne noise 108 dB (A) dB (lin) 113 90 95 94 97 96 99 107

Order No.
Engine type TCG 2020 V20
These are the characteristics of the TCG 2020:
Exhaust noise 124 dB ( A ) dB ( lin ) 120 129 122 119 118 117 114 108
State-of-the art 12, 16 and 20 cylinder V-engines.
Air-borne noise 107 dB (A) dB (lin) 104 102 97 100 101 101 99 100
Air-fuel turbocharging and two-stage intercooling.
Exhaust noise at 1 m, b45 °, ± 2.5 dB (A)
Air-borne noise at 1 m from the side, ± 1 dB (A ) Single cylinder heads with four-valve technology.

* Values apply to natural gas applications, measured as noise pressure level.

Centrally arranged industrial spark plug with intensive plug seat cooling.
Microprocessor-controlled high-voltage ignition system.
One ignition coil per cylinder.
Electronic control and monitoring of genset operation through TEM.
Exhaust emissions controlled according to combustion chamber temperature.

Your benefits:
u Package of favourable investment and low operating costs.
u Low energy consumption thanks to maximum primary energy utilization.
u Long service intervals and ease of service guarantee additional cost savings.
DEUTZ ENERGY u Efficient energy conversion with outstanding efficiencies.

Carl-Benz-Straße 5 u Intercooling permits maximum power even when using gases with
D-68167 Mannheim
low methane numbers.
Phone: + 49 ( 0 ) 6 21- 3 84- 86 10 u Reliable control and monitoring with high safety standards ensure optimum
Fax: + 49 ( 0 ) 6 21- 3 84- 86 12 combustion and maximum engine protection.
Internet: u All governing, service, control and monitoring functions are easy and
We move your world. eMail: deutzenergy.v@ comfortable to operate.
u Technical data 50 Hz NOX < = 500 mg /m n3
u Technical data 50 Hz NOX < = 500 mg /m n3

Naturalgas applications Minimum methane number MN: 80 Sewage gas application (65 % CH4 /35 % CO2 ) Minimum heating value (LHV) = 5.0 kWh /m n3
dry exhaust manifold Landfill gas application (50 % CH4 /27 % CO2 , rest N2 ) dry exhaust manifold

Engine type TCG 2020 V12 TCG 2020 V16 TCG 2020 V20 Engine type TCG 2020 V12 TCG 2020 V16 TCG 2020 V20
Engine power 2) kW 1 200 1 600 2 000 Engine power 2) kW 1 050 1 400 1 750
Speed min-1 1 500 1 500 1 500 Speed min-1 1 500 1 500 1 500
Mean effective pressure bar 18.1 18.1 18.1 Mean effective pressure bar 15.8 15.8 15.8
Exhaust temperature approx. °C 440 440 430 Exhaust temperature approx. ° C 485 484 475
Exhaust mass flow wet approx. kg /h 6 425 8 575 10 668 Exhaust mass flow wet approx. kg /h 5 643 7 532 9 210
Combustion air mass flow 2) approx. kg /h 6 218 8 300 10 326 Combustion air mass flow 2) approx. kg /h 5 037 6 724 8 208
Combustion air temperature minimum/design °C 20/25 20/25 20/25 Combustion air temperature minimum/design °C 20/25 20/25 20/25
Ventilation air flow 3) approx. kg /h 25 084 33 375 49 013 Ventilation air flow 3) approx. kg /h 22 470 29 411 46 178

Generator Generator
Efficiency % 97.2 97.2 97.1 Efficiency 4) % 97.3 97.5 96.9

Energy balance Energy balance

Electrical power kW 1 166 1 555 1 942 Electrical power 4) kW 1 022 1 365 1 696
Jacket water heat ± 8 % kW 595 795 956 Jacket water heat ± 8 % kW 544 725 878
Intercooler LT heat 5) ± 8 % kW 110 145 179 Intercooler LT heat 5) ± 8 % kW 96 128 167
Exhaust cooled to 120 ° C ± 8 % kW 634 845 1 018 Exhaust cooled to 120 ° C ± 8 % kW 641 855 1 017
Exhaust cooled to 150 ° C ± 8 % kW 575 766 919 Exhaust cooled to 150 ° C ± 8 % kW 588 785 931
Engine radiation heat kW 45 60 104 Engine radiation heat kW 45 60 105
Generator radiation heat kW 34 45 58 Generator radiation heat kW 28 35 54
Fuel consumption 6) + 5 % kW 2 793 3 724 4 619 Fuel consumption 6) + 5 % kW 2 561 3 414 4 229
Specific fuel consumption 6) + 5 % kWh/ kWh 2.33 2.33 2.31 Specific fuel consumption 6) + 5 % kWh/kWh 2.44 2.44 2.42
Electrical efficiency % 41.7 41.8 42.0 Electrical efficiency % 39.9 40.0 40.1
Thermal efficiency % 44.0 44.0 42.7 Thermal efficiency % 46.3 46.3 44.8
Total efficiency % 85.7 85.8 84.7 Total efficiency % 86.2 86.3 84.9

System parameters System parameters

Engine jacket water flow rate min./max. m 3/ h 36/56 50/65 70/85 Engine jacket water flow rate min./max. m 3/ h 36/56 50/65 70/85
Engine KVS-value 7) m 3/ h 44 50 66 Engine KVS-value 7) m 3/ h 44 50 66
Intercooler coolant flow rate m 3/ h 40 40 40 Intercooler coolant flow rate m 3/ h 40 40 40
Intercooler KVS-value 7) m 3/ h 42.9 42.9 72 Intercooler KVS-value 7) m 3/ h 42,9 42.9 72
Engine jacket water volume dm 3 111 151 210 Engine jacket water volume dm3 111 151 210
Intercooler coolant volume dm 3 28 28 52 Intercooler coolant volume dm3 28 28 52
Engine jacket water temperature max.8) °C 80/92 80/92 80/92 Engine jacket water temperature max.8) °C 81/92 81/92 81/92
– with glycol 8) °C (80/92) (80/92) (80/92) – with glycol 8) °C (81/92) (81/92) (81/92)
Intercooler coolant temperature 8) °C 40/– 40/– 40/– Intercooler coolant temperature 8) °C 50/– 50/– 50/–
Exhaust backpressure min./max. mbar 30/50 30/50 30/50 Exhaust backpressure min./max. mbar 30/50 30/50 30/50
Maximum pressure loss infront of air cleaner mbar 5 5 5 Maximum pressure loss infront of air cleaner mbar 5 5 5
Gas flow pressure, fixed between Gas flow pressure, fixed between
(pressure variation +/– 10 %) mbar 20... 100 20... 100 20... 100 (pressure variation +/– 10 %) mbar 20... 100 20... 100 20... 100
Starter battery 24 V, capacity required Ah 286 420 – Starter battery 24 V, capacity required Ah 286 420 –
Air bottle, volume/pressure dm3/ bar – – 2000/30 Air bottle, volume/pressure dm3/ bar – – 2000/30
Dry weight engine kg 4 200 5 800 7 800 Dry weight engine kg 4 200 5 800 7 800
Dry weight genset kg 10 500 13 500 17 580 Dry weight genset kg 10 500 13 500 17 580

Engine type TCG 2020 V12 TCG 2020 V16 TCG 2020 V20 1) Exhaust emissions with oxidizing catalyst: 7) The K VS -value is the parameter for the pressure
NO X < 0.50 g NO 2 /m n3 dry exhaust gas at 5 % O 2 loss in the cooling system (= flowrate for 1 bar
Bore/stroke mm 170/195 170/195 170/195 CO < 0.3 g CO/m n3 dry exhaust gas at 5 % O 2 pressure loss).
Formaldehyde < 0.06 g /m n3 dry exhaust gas at 5 % O 2
Displacement dm 3 53.1 70.8 88.5 8) Inlet /outlet.
2) Engine power ratings and combustion air volume 9) Including pipes and heat exchangers.
Compression ratio 13.5 : 1 13.5 : 1 13.5 : 1 flows acc. to ISO 3046/1. 10 ) At full load.
Mean piston speed m/s 9.8 9.8 9.8 3) Intake air flow at delta T = 15 K including combustion air. Data for special gas and dual gas operation on request.
4) At 50 Hz, U = 0.4 kV, power factor = 1.
Lube oil content 9) dm 3 630 865 1080 The values given in this data sheet are for information
5) At 40 ° C water inlet (50 ° C for biogas). purposes only and not binding.
Lube oil consumption mineral oil 10) + 20 % g /kWh 0.3 0.3 0.3 6) With a tolerance of + 5 %. The information given in the offer is decisive.
u Technical data 50 Hz NOX < = 500 mg /m n3
u Technical data 50 Hz NOX < = 500 mg /m n3

Naturalgas applications Minimum methane number MN: 80 Sewage gas application (65 % CH4 /35 % CO2 ) Minimum heating value (LHV) = 5.0 kWh /m n3
dry exhaust manifold Landfill gas application (50 % CH4 /27 % CO2 , rest N2 ) dry exhaust manifold

Engine type TCG 2020 V12 TCG 2020 V16 TCG 2020 V20 Engine type TCG 2020 V12 TCG 2020 V16 TCG 2020 V20
Engine power 2) kW 1 200 1 600 2 000 Engine power 2) kW 1 050 1 400 1 750
Speed min-1 1 500 1 500 1 500 Speed min-1 1 500 1 500 1 500
Mean effective pressure bar 18.1 18.1 18.1 Mean effective pressure bar 15.8 15.8 15.8
Exhaust temperature approx. °C 440 440 430 Exhaust temperature approx. ° C 485 484 475
Exhaust mass flow wet approx. kg /h 6 425 8 575 10 668 Exhaust mass flow wet approx. kg /h 5 643 7 532 9 210
Combustion air mass flow 2) approx. kg /h 6 218 8 300 10 326 Combustion air mass flow 2) approx. kg /h 5 037 6 724 8 208
Combustion air temperature minimum/design °C 20/25 20/25 20/25 Combustion air temperature minimum/design °C 20/25 20/25 20/25
Ventilation air flow 3) approx. kg /h 25 084 33 375 49 013 Ventilation air flow 3) approx. kg /h 22 470 29 411 46 178

Generator Generator
Efficiency % 97.2 97.2 97.1 Efficiency 4) % 97.3 97.5 96.9

Energy balance Energy balance

Electrical power kW 1 166 1 555 1 942 Electrical power 4) kW 1 022 1 365 1 696
Jacket water heat ± 8 % kW 595 795 956 Jacket water heat ± 8 % kW 544 725 878
Intercooler LT heat 5) ± 8 % kW 110 145 179 Intercooler LT heat 5) ± 8 % kW 96 128 167
Exhaust cooled to 120 ° C ± 8 % kW 634 845 1 018 Exhaust cooled to 120 ° C ± 8 % kW 641 855 1 017
Exhaust cooled to 150 ° C ± 8 % kW 575 766 919 Exhaust cooled to 150 ° C ± 8 % kW 588 785 931
Engine radiation heat kW 45 60 104 Engine radiation heat kW 45 60 105
Generator radiation heat kW 34 45 58 Generator radiation heat kW 28 35 54
Fuel consumption 6) + 5 % kW 2 793 3 724 4 619 Fuel consumption 6) + 5 % kW 2 561 3 414 4 229
Specific fuel consumption 6) + 5 % kWh/ kWh 2.33 2.33 2.31 Specific fuel consumption 6) + 5 % kWh/kWh 2.44 2.44 2.42
Electrical efficiency % 41.7 41.8 42.0 Electrical efficiency % 39.9 40.0 40.1
Thermal efficiency % 44.0 44.0 42.7 Thermal efficiency % 46.3 46.3 44.8
Total efficiency % 85.7 85.8 84.7 Total efficiency % 86.2 86.3 84.9

System parameters System parameters

Engine jacket water flow rate min./max. m 3/ h 36/56 50/65 70/85 Engine jacket water flow rate min./max. m 3/ h 36/56 50/65 70/85
Engine KVS-value 7) m 3/ h 44 50 66 Engine KVS-value 7) m 3/ h 44 50 66
Intercooler coolant flow rate m 3/ h 40 40 40 Intercooler coolant flow rate m 3/ h 40 40 40
Intercooler KVS-value 7) m 3/ h 42.9 42.9 72 Intercooler KVS-value 7) m 3/ h 42,9 42.9 72
Engine jacket water volume dm 3 111 151 210 Engine jacket water volume dm3 111 151 210
Intercooler coolant volume dm 3 28 28 52 Intercooler coolant volume dm3 28 28 52
Engine jacket water temperature max.8) °C 80/92 80/92 80/92 Engine jacket water temperature max.8) °C 81/92 81/92 81/92
– with glycol 8) °C (80/92) (80/92) (80/92) – with glycol 8) °C (81/92) (81/92) (81/92)
Intercooler coolant temperature 8) °C 40/– 40/– 40/– Intercooler coolant temperature 8) °C 50/– 50/– 50/–
Exhaust backpressure min./max. mbar 30/50 30/50 30/50 Exhaust backpressure min./max. mbar 30/50 30/50 30/50
Maximum pressure loss infront of air cleaner mbar 5 5 5 Maximum pressure loss infront of air cleaner mbar 5 5 5
Gas flow pressure, fixed between Gas flow pressure, fixed between
(pressure variation +/– 10 %) mbar 20... 100 20... 100 20... 100 (pressure variation +/– 10 %) mbar 20... 100 20... 100 20... 100
Starter battery 24 V, capacity required Ah 286 420 – Starter battery 24 V, capacity required Ah 286 420 –
Air bottle, volume/pressure dm3/ bar – – 2000/30 Air bottle, volume/pressure dm3/ bar – – 2000/30
Dry weight engine kg 4 200 5 800 7 800 Dry weight engine kg 4 200 5 800 7 800
Dry weight genset kg 10 500 13 500 17 580 Dry weight genset kg 10 500 13 500 17 580

Engine type TCG 2020 V12 TCG 2020 V16 TCG 2020 V20 1) Exhaust emissions with oxidizing catalyst: 7) The K VS -value is the parameter for the pressure
NO X < 0.50 g NO 2 /m n3 dry exhaust gas at 5 % O 2 loss in the cooling system (= flowrate for 1 bar
Bore/stroke mm 170/195 170/195 170/195 CO < 0.3 g CO/m n3 dry exhaust gas at 5 % O 2 pressure loss).
Formaldehyde < 0.06 g /m n3 dry exhaust gas at 5 % O 2
Displacement dm 3 53.1 70.8 88.5 8) Inlet /outlet.
2) Engine power ratings and combustion air volume 9) Including pipes and heat exchangers.
Compression ratio 13.5 : 1 13.5 : 1 13.5 : 1 flows acc. to ISO 3046/1. 10 ) At full load.
Mean piston speed m/s 9.8 9.8 9.8 3) Intake air flow at delta T = 15 K including combustion air. Data for special gas and dual gas operation on request.
4) At 50 Hz, U = 0.4 kV, power factor = 1.
Lube oil content 9) dm 3 630 865 1080 The values given in this data sheet are for information
5) At 40 ° C water inlet (50 ° C for biogas). purposes only and not binding.
Lube oil consumption mineral oil 10) + 20 % g /kWh 0.3 0.3 0.3 6) With a tolerance of + 5 %. The information given in the offer is decisive.
u Dimensions 50 Hz TCG 2020. The gas engine.
1050-2000 kW at 1500 min-1 ( 50 Hz )

Genset Length Width Height

TCG 2020 V12 mm 4700 1750 2500
TCG 2020 V16 mm 5700 1750 2500
TCG 2020 V20 mm 6300 1750 2550

u Noise emissions* 50 Hz

Noise frequency band Hz 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000

0031 2036 / 03 / 2003 / VM-V

Engine type TCG 2020 V12
Exhaust noise 119 dB (A) dB (lin) 116 122 121 118 110 110 108 107
Air-borne noise 103 dB (A) dB (lin) 102 95 96 96 97 95 95 97

Engine type TCG 2020 V16

Exhaust noise 120 dB (A) dB (lin) 117 127 119 116 114 113 110 103
Air-borne noise 108 dB (A) dB (lin) 113 90 95 94 97 96 99 107

Order No.
Engine type TCG 2020 V20
These are the characteristics of the TCG 2020:
Exhaust noise 124 dB ( A ) dB ( lin ) 120 129 122 119 118 117 114 108
State-of-the art 12, 16 and 20 cylinder V-engines.
Air-borne noise 107 dB (A) dB (lin) 104 102 97 100 101 101 99 100
Air-fuel turbocharging and two-stage intercooling.
Exhaust noise at 1 m, b45 °, ± 2.5 dB (A)
Air-borne noise at 1 m from the side, ± 1 dB (A ) Single cylinder heads with four-valve technology.

* Values apply to natural gas applications, measured as noise pressure level.

Centrally arranged industrial spark plug with intensive plug seat cooling.
Microprocessor-controlled high-voltage ignition system.
One ignition coil per cylinder.
Electronic control and monitoring of genset operation through TEM.
Exhaust emissions controlled according to combustion chamber temperature.

Your benefits:
u Package of favourable investment and low operating costs.
u Low energy consumption thanks to maximum primary energy utilization.
u Long service intervals and ease of service guarantee additional cost savings.
DEUTZ ENERGY u Efficient energy conversion with outstanding efficiencies.

Carl-Benz-Straße 5 u Intercooling permits maximum power even when using gases with
D-68167 Mannheim
low methane numbers.
Phone: + 49 ( 0 ) 6 21- 3 84- 86 10 u Reliable control and monitoring with high safety standards ensure optimum
Fax: + 49 ( 0 ) 6 21- 3 84- 86 12 combustion and maximum engine protection.
Internet: u All governing, service, control and monitoring functions are easy and
We move your world. eMail: deutzenergy.v@ comfortable to operate.

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