Lesson Plan (NAIL CARE)
Lesson Plan (NAIL CARE)
Lesson Plan (NAIL CARE)
I. Objectives
At the end of the meeting, the students will be able to:
1. Identify the different nail care tools.
2. Make a list of the different nail care tools.
3. Appreciate the importance of having a complete set of nail care tools.
III. Procedures
“Before we begin with our discussion, kindly arrange your The students will properly arrange their seats and dispose
chairs properly and check if there are any pieces of trash any pieces of trash they may find.
around you. Please properly dispose it inside the trash can
to maintain classroom cleanliness.”
C. Energizer
“Now class, I noticed that some of you today are looking a The students will participate in the energizer dance.
bit bored or sleepy. That’s why I’d like to invite you all to
stand once again for an energizer dance just to pump up
the good vibes in our classroom. Let’s go!”
The teacher will present a Zumba dance video with easy
“Are you now all energized by doing the dance in the “Yes, we are, Ma’am!”
video, class?”
D. Review
“Now, class I want to ask you, what do you know about “When we think of the words beauty care, we think of
beauty care? Tell me what comes to your mind when you spas, pampering, relaxation, hygiene, manicure and
hear those two words.” pedicure.”
“Why do you think we need to study and apply beauty “To make ourselves presentable, to take care of ourselves
care in class?” and others as well.”
“How do you describe beauty care?” The students will raise their hands to answer and give their
own opinions on how they describe beauty care.
“Do you think that these fingernails on the pictures look “No, we don’t think it’s beautiful enough, Ma’am.”
presentable or beautiful enough?”
“How do you think you can make these plain fingernails “By applying nail polish, Ma’am, and by using it to create
more attractive or appealing?”
nail art.”
“How will you prepare the nails before applying nail “By using cuticle pusher, cuticle softener and sanitizer, and
polish?” a nail brush.”
“And how do you call these tools?”
“They are called tools for cleaning or maintaining nails,
“How will you describe tools?”
“Tools are handheld articles that are used to fulfil a task
which we cannot do with our bare hands alone.”
“Please read the directions for our activity.”
A student will volunteer to read the procedure.
“Directions: Match the pictures in Column A, with the
words in Column B.”
Once the activity is finished, the teacher will analyze the
answers of the students.
“Class, before we can further discuss about today’s lesson, Each group will study and prepare for the questions that
I’m going to divide you into five (5) groups. I want you to the teacher will ask about what they read in pages 9 to 10
get three (3) modules per group and study pages 9 to 11. of the Beauty Care K to 12 Learning Module.
Afterwards, I will be asking you some questions about
what you read. You have 5 minutes to study and prepare.
You may now begin.”
“Okay, class I have here actual objects of nail care tools. I Two representative students from each group will choose
want at least two representatives per group to describe a nail care tool and describe its use.
the tool that they will choose to explain.”
“Give examples of nail care tools.” “Nail buffer, nail file, callous remover, cuticle nail pusher,
cuticle nipper, cuticle scissors, foot file, foot spa basin,
manicure tray, manicure nail brush, mixing bowl, nail
buffer, nail cutter / clipper / trimmer, Orangewood stick,
pedicure nail brush, plastic cotton, pumice stone, supply
tray, and trolley.”
“How does knowing about the different nail care tools help “It helps us to prevent mishandling of tools which may
you in your daily life?” cause accidents or injuries to ourselves or to someone
else. Also, knowing the use and purposes of these tools can
help us build a manicure / pedicure business of our own
which may become a source of income for us.”
“How important are these nail care tools?” “It is very important because without these, it may
prevent us from doing our task effectively and efficiently
since these tools are able to do what our bare hands
“Why is it important to take care of our nails?” “It is important because taking care of our nails is part of
maintaining our personal hygiene. When people see how
we take care of ourselves they will be encouraged to do
the same, which also promotes better hygiene and even
possibly, a healthier body.”
“Excellent! Now, class explain how the different tools in The students will explain the purpose of each nail care
nail care are used.” tools and its usage.
“Explain what nail care tools are.” The students will explain what nail care tools are.
“Alright, class I want you to make a list of the different
tools used in nail care and write it in your notebook.”
“Now, class since you already understand our topic, are “Yes, we are, Ma’am!”
you ready for a short quiz?”
4) cuticle scissors
5) Orangewood stick
“Okay, class please get your assignment notebooks and copy your assignment.”
Assignment: Bring your own complete nail care tools and materials.
Delivery The presentation The presentation The presentation
wasn’t well- was good and the was well-
executed topic was well- executed and the
explained. topic was
explained clearly
Accuracy The students The students The students
needed much asked some help finished the task
help from the from the teacher without any help
teacher from the teacher
Timeliness Students did not Students finished Students finished
finish the task on the task just in the task before
time time the time limit
Group Most group Only some of the All group
Dynamics members did not group members members worked
participate worked together well together