Planmeca Romexis: Technical Manual

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The document discusses the installation, configuration, components and requirements of the Planmeca Romexis dental imaging software.

The main components include the server components, client components, Planmeca Imaging Package, Cephalometric Analysis module, 3D Ortho Studio module and PlanCAD Easy for intraoral scanners.

The system requirements include minimum hardware specifications for the server and workstations as well as software requirements like supported operating systems and .NET Framework versions.

Planmeca Romexis ®


technical manual

Table of contents

1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 System requirements........................................................................................................................1
1.2 Data security requirements...............................................................................................................4
1.2.1 Securing image data............................................................................................................ 5
1.2.2 Decommissioning................................................................................................................. 5
2 INSTALLATION ON WINDOWS.................................................................................................................6
2.1 Planmeca Romexis software components....................................................................................... 6
2.1.1 Server Components............................................................................................................. 6
2.1.2 Client Components...............................................................................................................6
2.1.3 Planmeca Imaging Package.................................................................................................7
2.1.4 Cephalometric Analysis module........................................................................................... 7
2.1.5 3D Ortho Studio module.......................................................................................................8
2.1.6 PlanCAD Easy for intraoral scanners (PlanScan and PlanCAD)......................................... 8
2.2 Requirements................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.1 System requirements........................................................................................................... 8
2.2.2 Network requirements.......................................................................................................... 8
2.2.3 Requirements for user account............................................................................................ 9
2.2.4 Requirement for Microsoft .NET Framework versions for MS SQL 2012 Express...............9
2.3 Installing Planmeca Romexis on Windows.......................................................................................9
2.3.1 Planmeca Romexis license................................................................................................ 17
2.4 Activating Planmeca Romexis license............................................................................................21
2.4.1 Automatic online activation.................................................................................................21
2.4.2 Manual activation............................................................................................................... 22
2.5 Upgrading Planmeca Romexis....................................................................................................... 23
2.6 Planmeca Romexis silent installation............................................................................................. 25
2.7 Uninstalling Planmeca Romexis software...................................................................................... 26
2.8 Troubleshooting..............................................................................................................................26
2.8.1 Broken font in Korean language Romexis on Windows 10................................................ 26
2.8.2 Romexis client connection to Romexis server on Apple OS X fails................................... 26
3 POST-INSTALLATION ON WINDOWS....................................................................................................27
3.1 DIDAPI configuration...................................................................................................................... 27
3.2 TWAIN interface configuration........................................................................................................27
3.2.1 TWAIN Settings..................................................................................................................27
3.2.2 TWAIN image preprocessing............................................................................................. 30
3.2.3 TWAIN auto recovery......................................................................................................... 30
3.2.4 Removing TWAIN source configuration............................................................................. 30
3.3 PMBridge interface configuration................................................................................................... 31
3.3.1 Windows registry additions.................................................................................................31
3.3.2 Users.................................................................................................................................. 32
3.3.3 Enabling PMBridge connection in Planmeca Romexis...................................................... 32
3.4 DICOM interface configuration....................................................................................................... 33
3.5 Installing Planmeca Romexis implant library.................................................................................. 33
3.5.1 Installation.......................................................................................................................... 33
3.5.2 Manual installation..............................................................................................................36
3.6 Database operations...................................................................................................................... 36

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis

Table of contents

3.6.1 Installing MS SQL Server Management Studio..................................................................37

3.6.2 Setting up MS SQL Server 2012 Express backup............................................................. 37
3.6.3 Transferring and merging databases................................................................................. 41
3.6.4 Exporting source database.................................................................................................41
3.6.5 Importing data to target database...................................................................................... 43
3.7 Configuration.................................................................................................................................. 45
4 INSTALLATION AND POST-INSTALLATION ON APPLE OS X............................................................. 46
4.1 Requirements................................................................................................................................. 46
4.1.1 System requirements......................................................................................................... 46
4.1.2 User requirements..............................................................................................................46
4.1.3 Known issues..................................................................................................................... 47
4.1.4 Device support................................................................................................................... 47
4.2 Installing / upgrading Planmeca Romexis on Apple OS X..............................................................47
4.3 Activating Planmeca Romexis license............................................................................................52
4.4 Configuring Planmeca Romexis client............................................................................................52
4.5 Configuring Planmeca Romexis server.......................................................................................... 54
4.6 Planmeca DIDAPI configuration..................................................................................................... 54
4.7 Starting Planmeca Romexis server service....................................................................................55
4.8 Setting up Planmeca Romexis backup...........................................................................................55
4.9 Planmeca Romexis log files........................................................................................................... 56
4.10 Database operations...................................................................................................................... 56
4.10.1 Squirrel SQL Database client............................................................................................. 56
4.10.2 Transferring/merging databases........................................................................................ 57
4.10.3 Exporting files from one database to another.....................................................................57
4.10.4 Importing database from one location to the other.............................................................59
4.11 Installing Planmeca Romexis Implant Library.................................................................................61
4.11.1 Installation.......................................................................................................................... 61
4.11.2 Uninstallation......................................................................................................................62
4.12 Setting Planmeca Romexis client to start at login.......................................................................... 62
4.13 Configuring intraoral camera support............................................................................................. 62
4.14 Configuration.................................................................................................................................. 63
4.15 Troubleshooting..............................................................................................................................63
4.15.1 Romexis client connection to Romexis server on Apple OS X fails................................... 63
5 CONFIGURATION....................................................................................................................................64
5.1 Configuration tool........................................................................................................................... 64
5.2 Starting configuration tool...............................................................................................................64
5.3 Changing password........................................................................................................................64
5.4 General settings............................................................................................................................. 65
5.4.1 Resources.......................................................................................................................... 65
5.4.2 Imaging...............................................................................................................................72
5.4.3 Display................................................................................................................................80
5.4.4 Dental record......................................................................................................................81
5.4.5 Print.................................................................................................................................... 82
5.4.6 Cloud.................................................................................................................................. 83
5.4.7 DDX dental......................................................................................................................... 84
5.5 Clinic Management.........................................................................................................................85
5.5.1 PlanLink & Diagnostics.......................................................................................................86
5.5.2 Unit Connections................................................................................................................ 88
5.5.3 Floor names....................................................................................................................... 89
5.5.4 Integrated communication.................................................................................................. 90
5.6 Image and data management.........................................................................................................90
5.6.1 Data folders........................................................................................................................ 91
5.6.2 Trash.................................................................................................................................. 92

Planmeca Romexis Technical manual

Table of contents

5.6.3 Long Term Archive............................................................................................................. 92

5.7 Romexis server and unit connection configuration.........................................................................93
5.7.1 Before you start Romexis server and unit connection configuration.................................. 93
5.7.2 Configuring Planmeca Romexis server settings.................................................................93
5.7.3 Configuring Planmeca Romexis unit connections.............................................................. 95
5.7.4 Configuring intraoral camera............................................................................................ 124
5.7.5 Configuring Planmeca PlanScan scanner........................................................................125
5.7.6 Configuring dental unit touchpad functionality..................................................................126
5.8 Clinic Management configuration................................................................................................. 127
5.8.1 Before you start Clinic Management configuration...........................................................127
5.8.2 Configuring Clinic Management general settings.............................................................128
5.8.3 Creating floor plans.......................................................................................................... 130
5.8.4 Adding units to Clinic Management layout....................................................................... 131
5.8.5 Configuring service contact details sending from Romexis to dental units...................... 132
5.8.6 Creating device groups.................................................................................................... 133
5.8.7 Updating unit Guides content........................................................................................... 133
5.8.8 Maintenance Scheduling and Demands...........................................................................135
5.8.9 Configuring Planmeca Sovereign Classic user settings storing....................................... 136
5.8.10 Configuring automatic login to Planmeca Sovereign Classic with Romexis client login...136
5.8.11 Configuring Planmeca Compact i dental unit manual user settings storing and transfer. 137
5.8.12 Configuring Planmeca Compact i dental unit automatic user settings storing and
transfer............................................................................................................................... 137
5.8.13 Configuring of sending device alert e-mails..................................................................... 138
5.8.14 Virtual Clinic..................................................................................................................... 138
5.8.15 Logs..................................................................................................................................139
5.9 Start-up.........................................................................................................................................140
5.9.1 Client parameters............................................................................................................. 140
5.9.2 Romexis Service.............................................................................................................. 141
5.10 Server parameters........................................................................................................................142
5.10.1 Server...............................................................................................................................143
5.10.2 Database.......................................................................................................................... 145
5.10.3 External communication................................................................................................... 147
6 ADMINISTRATION................................................................................................................................. 149
6.1 Admin module...............................................................................................................................149
6.2 Resource...................................................................................................................................... 149
6.2.1 Groups..............................................................................................................................149
6.2.2 Users................................................................................................................................ 151
6.3 Patient Merge............................................................................................................................... 155
6.3.1 Patient Search..................................................................................................................155
6.3.2 Patient Merge................................................................................................................... 155
6.4 Device Alerts................................................................................................................................ 156
6.4.1 Configure Device Alerts....................................................................................................157
6.4.2 Configure Usage Data Alerts............................................................................................158
6.5 Dental record................................................................................................................................ 159
6.5.1 Materials...........................................................................................................................159
6.6 Imaging.........................................................................................................................................160
6.6.1 Templates.........................................................................................................................160
6.6.2 DICOM Configuration....................................................................................................... 163
6.7 Local settings................................................................................................................................173
6.7.1 Enabling Planmeca ProModel order.................................................................................173
6.7.2 Set as global defaults button............................................................................................ 174
6.7.3 3D.....................................................................................................................................174
6.7.4 Reconstruction Server......................................................................................................174
6.7.5 2D.....................................................................................................................................174

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis

Table of contents

6.7.6 Licensed Features............................................................................................................176

6.7.7 External Applications........................................................................................................176
6.7.8 Dental Unit........................................................................................................................178
6.7.9 Practice management software interface (PMBRIDGE).................................................. 179
6.7.10 CD-Recording Device.......................................................................................................179
6.7.11 DICOM............................................................................................................................. 179
6.7.12 Send/Receive Images...................................................................................................... 180
6.8 External applications quick launch setup......................................................................................180
6.8.1 Dolphin imaging quick launch set up................................................................................180
6.8.2 Setting up BlueSkyPlan launcher..................................................................................... 182

Appendix A: Planmeca Romexis language abbreviations................................................................................ 185

Appendix B: Planmeca Romexis implant library............................................................................................... 186
Appendix C: Configuring Planmeca Romexis user's manual............................................................................187
Appendix D: X-ray device Ethernet configuration in terminal server environment............................................188
Appendix E: Planmeca Romexis client startup parameters.............................................................................. 189
Appendix F: Specification of USB connected RFID readers.............................................................................191

Planmeca Romexis Technical manual

Table of contents

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis

Table of contents

The manufacturer, assembler and importer are responsible for the safety, reliability and
performance of the unit only if:
- installation, calibration, modification and repairs are carried out by qualified
authorised personnel
- electrical installations are carried out according to the appropriate requirements such
as IEC 60364
- equipment is used according to the operating instructions.
Planmeca pursues a policy of continual product development. Although every effort is
made to produce up-to-date product documentation this publication should not be
regarded as an infallible guide to current specifications. We reserve the right to make
changes without prior notice.
Publication number 10037884 Revision 14
Released 22 December 2017

Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


This manual describes how to install, setup, configure and administer the
Planmeca RomexisTM imaging software.

This manual is valid for Planmeca Romexis software version 5.0.R or later.

1.1 System requirements

The following tables list the system requirements for installing the Planmeca
Romexis software on both Windows and Apple OS X operating systems.
System requirements are impacted by the scope of the installation
environment as well as the number and activity level of users. The following
requirements apply to an environment with 1-5 Romexis client users.

The following system requirements are recommendations. Not meeting them
may lead to degraded performance.

If dozens of dental units are connected under the same Planmeca Romexis
server it is recommended to double the server resources.

Check the latest up-to-date system recommendations from the following

2D imaging system requirements

Planmeca Romexis client Planmeca Romexis server
Processor Intel Core i3 or better Intel Core i3 or better
Graphics card Any (integrated or dedicated) Any
Hard disk 80 GB 2 x 500 GB (RAID1 mirroring)
Operating system • Windows 7 Pro SP1 (64 bit) • Windows 2008 Server (64
• Windows 8.1 Pro (64 bit)
• Windows 2012 Server (64
• Windows 10 Pro (64 bit)
• Apple OS X (Intel)*
• Windows 2016 Server (64
• Windows 7 Pro SP1 (64 bit)
• Windows 8.1 Pro (64 bit)
• Windows 10 Pro (64 bit)
• Apple OS X (Intel)
* Planmeca Romexis Cephalometric Analysis module is not supported on
Apple OS X.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 1


3D imaging system requirements

Planmeca Romexis client Planmeca Romexis
Processor Intel Core i5 Desktop or better (Core i7 Desktop Intel Core i3 or better
RAM * 3D viewing workstation 3D acquisition 8 GB
ProMax 3D s: 8 GB ProMax 3D s: 8 GB
ProMax 3D Classic: 8 ProMax 3D Classic: 8
ProMax 3D Plus: 8 GB ProMax 3D Plus: 16
ProMax 3D Mid: 8 GB ProMax 3D Mid: 16 GB
ProMax 3D Max: 8 GB ProMax 3D Max: 16
Graphics card NVIDIA or AMD (dedicated GPU) ** Any
Hard disk 120 GB 2 x 1 TB (RAID1
Operating system • Windows 7 Pro SP1 (64 bit) • Windows 2008
• Server (64 bit)
Windows 8.1 Pro (64 bit)
• Windows 2012
• Windows 10 Pro (64 bit)
Server (64 bit)
• Apple OS X (Intel) ***
• Windows 2016
Server (64 bit)
• Windows 7 Pro
SP1 (64 bit)
• Windows 8.1 Pro
(64 bit)
• Windows 10 Pro
(64 bit)
• Apple OS X (Intel)
* 16 GB RAM recommended for workstations using the Implant Guide, 4D
Jaw Motion and / or Superimpose features.
** Nvidia GeForce GTX550 or better recommended for Planmeca Romexis
3D Ortho Studio.
*** Planmeca Romexis Cephalometric Analysis module and Planmeca
Romexis 3D Ortho Studio module are not supported on Apple OS X.

CAD/CAM system requirements

Planmeca Romexis client Planmeca Romexis server
Processor Planmeca Emerald: Intel Core Intel Core i3 or better
i7 7th gen. or better
Planmeca PlanScan: Intel Core
i7 4th gen. or better
RAM 16 GB 8 GB

2 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


CAD/CAM system requirements

Planmeca Romexis client Planmeca Romexis server
Graphics card General: Any
• Full HD display (1920x1080
• NVIDIA drivers (newest
Planmeca Emerald:
• NVIDIA GTX series 1070 or
• Quadro series P4000 or
Planmeca PlanScan:
• NVIDIA GTX 965 or better
Scanner connection Planmeca Emerald: USB 3 -
Planmeca PlanScan:
Thunderbolt 2nd gen. or
Firewire 800
Hard disk For standalone versions 500 2 x 1 TB (RAID1 mirroring)
GB hard disk or bigger is recommended
Operating system Planmeca Emerald: • Windows 2008 Server (64
• Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
• Windows 2012 Server (64
Planmeca PlanScan:
• Windows 8.1 Pro (64 bit)
• Windows 2016 Server (64
• Windows 10 Pro (64 bit) bit)
• Windows Vista Pro (64 bit)
• Windows 7 Pro (64 bit)
• Windows 8 Pro & 8.1 Pro
(64 bit)
• Windows 10 Pro (64 bit)
• Apple OS X (Intel)

Common minimum requirements

Planmeca Romexis client Planmeca Romexis server
Monitor Full HD 1920 x 1080 1280 x 1024
Backup medium None required DAT or equivalent

Planmeca claims no
responsibility for end user

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 3


Common minimum requirements

Planmeca Romexis client Planmeca Romexis server
Database None • MS SQL 2012 Server
Express (included)
• MS SQL 2005 Server
• MS SQL 2008 Server
• MS SQL 2012 Server
• MS SQL 2016 Server/
Server Express
• Oracle 10g2
• Firebird (Apple OS X)
Java Platform, Standard Edition Windows: Java SE Runtime Windows: Java SE Runtime
Environment 8 (JRE) (Included Environment 8 (JRE) (Included
in installation) in installation)
Apple OS X: Java SE Runtime Apple OS X: Java SE Runtime
Environment 8 (JRE) * Environment 8 (JRE) (Included
(Included in installation) in installation)
* With new installations on Apple OS X Sierra, to use the intraoral camera
with 32 bit drivers you need to manually install an older version of the
IntraCam application. The installation package can be found in tools/
Additionally, install legacy Java 6 runtime for Apple OS X from installation
media prior to installation. The installer can be found in tools/java/

1.2 Data security requirements

Good computer and network security must be followed in any environment
where Planmeca Romexis is installed and used. Planmeca recommends
installation of industry standard firewall and virus protection on both client
and servers.
All operating systems, as well as firewall and virus protection software,
should be kept up to date. All security patches should be installed. For more
information, see the technical documentation for the relevant software.
The following users are created by the setup software and their passwords
must be changed after installation:
• Database admin user
• Database user romexis
• Planmeca Romexis default user sysadm
• Planmeca Romexis integration user pmbridge

To prevent unauthorised access to patient data, set appropriate user
permissions and use the operating system automatic timed workstation lock

Installed minimal services:

• MSSQL Server Browser (port:1434 with dynamic ports)
• Romexis server Java RMI (port:1099 with dynamic ports)

4 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


• Romexis file server (port:8081)

Installed optional services:
• Romexis Clinic Management device listener (port:6812)
• Romexis iRomexis listener (port:8083)

All default ports can be changed. The optional services can be turned off
using the Romexis Configuration application.

1.2.1 Securing image data

Planmeca Romexis uses a database system for storing patient data and
image metadata. Image data is stored into the file system as individual files.
Both the database and the image data in the file systems must be backed up
and stored securely.

Planmeca claims no responsibility for the end users’ data security or for any
malfunction in the computer system that may lead to loss of data.

Image data can be secured by backing up the folder C:/romexis_images

folder on Windows or /Applications/Plameca/Romexis/database/
Romexis_images on MacOS.

The locations mentioned above are default locations. Locations may have
been changed.

Secure the patient database using backup tools of the respective database
engine. It is recommended to regularly verify the integrity of backed up files.

The storage and backup media containing database and image should be
appropriately encrypted either on the device or the file level, to protect them
from unauthorised access during storage or in case of theft.
If backing up database with file copy, shut down the service for the
respective database engine before proceeding. Microsoft SQL and Oracle
also support Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) applications for backing
up a live database.

1.2.2 Decommissioning
The patient information database and actual patient images are stored in
different locations. Depending on the setup used they can also be on
different server computers. The database location is dependent on which
database system is in use.
To remove the images, delete the Romexis_images folder.
To remove patient data, delete the database. For more information, see the
technical documentation for the relevant database system.
It is also recommended to properly erase data before disposing of a hard
drive that has been used for storing images or patient data. For more
information, refer to your local legislation.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 5


This chapter includes instructions on how to install, upgrade and uninstall
Planmeca Romexis software on Windows operating system (OS). In
addition, other installation related instructions are available in this chapter.
The installation includes the following main components:
• Planmeca Romexis software
• MS SQL Server Express data management system software:
• 2012
• 2016 (Windows 10 systems only)
• Necessary Java components
In addition, depending on the system setup, several optional components
can be selected to be installed.

2.1 Planmeca Romexis software components

The Planmeca Romexis software consists of several components. The
components can be selected in the beginning of the installation procedure.
Before starting the actual installation, study and plan carefully which of the
components are needed in the current case. The following section describes
the components.

It is recommended to take a backup of the current Planmeca Romexis
database before performing the upgrade.

2.1.1 Server Components

• Server Program
Planmeca Romexis program for the server installation.
• MS SQL Server 2012 Express (2016 for Windows 10 systems) The
default data management system installed.
If another data management system is required, some configuration is
necessary to enable integration.
• Romexis Database
Planmeca Romexis database MS SQL instance
• Apache Tomcat server for mRomexis
Apache Tomcat server software for mRomexis.

The Romexis Webstart server files can be installed separately from the
Planmeca Romexis software USB flash drive. Installer is located under Win
\Tools\Webstart folder.

2.1.2 Client Components

• Client Program
Planmeca Romexis program for the client.

6 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


Required for integration with most of the German practice management

• Dental unit serial communication
Required if Planmeca Compact i v1 and/or Planmeca Compact i Classic
v1 are connected with Clinic Management.

2.1.3 Planmeca Imaging Package

The following installations also require Planmeca Imaging Package to be
installed and run:
Planmeca X-ray device driver is required on image capturing
workstations. In addition, the DIDAPI component includes subfeatures:
• DIDAPI and device drivers
DIDAPI interface and device drivers for Planmeca X-ray units.
• DIDAPI UI Support for Integrators
DIDAPI user interface for integrating other DIDAPI users.
• TWAIN Source Capture Planmeca TWAIN interface.
• ProSensor USB Driver ProSensor USB driver.
• Device Tool
Required for ProMax X-ray unit calibrations.
• ProScanner
Required on ProScanner workstations.
If you install Planmeca Romexis from the software USB stick provided by
Planmeca, Romexis installer finds the Planmeca Imaging Package and lets
you choose from its installation options.
If you download and install the Romexis installation kit from Planmeca
Dealer Support, it does not include Planmeca Imaging Package and the
following notification displays:

For more information on downloading and installing the package, see the
Planmeca Imaging System Updater manual (publication number 30004935).

Planmeca Imaging Package also includes Planmeca ProSensor and
ProScanner drivers.

2.1.4 Cephalometric Analysis module

Planmeca Romexis Cephalometric Analysis module.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 7


2.1.5 3D Ortho Studio module

Planmeca Romexis 3D Ortho Studio module.

2.1.6 PlanCAD Easy for intraoral scanners (PlanScan and PlanCAD)

Includes DesignCenter and DesignCenter ToothLibrary for Planmeca
Emerald and PlanScan intraoral scanners. This option is visible only on
Windows 8 and later operating system versions.

2.2 Requirements
Before you start the actual software upgrade or installation, check carefully
all the preconditions, pre-settings and recommendations listed in this
section, and make all necessary changes to the target system.
If the requirements described in this chapter are not met, the installation fails
or software does not start or function properly after upgrade or installation.

Planmeca Romexis Cephalometric Analysis module is supported on
Windows operating systems only.

Planmeca Romexis 3D Ortho Studio is supported on 64-bit Windows
operating systems only.

Planmeca PlanCAD Easy for intraoral scanners is supported on Windows 8
and Windows 10 operating systems only.

Consult your local dealer for detailed information on device support for
different platforms.

2.2.1 System requirements

Check that the system requirements, listed in section "System requirements"
on page 1, are met.

2.2.2 Network requirements

The following network related requirements are set:
• The server client communication is based on Java RMI over TCP/IP,
thus support for TCP/IP protocol is required
• Network bandwidth requirements are dominated by digital imaging
• Viewing digital 2D image requires a transfer of roughly 5 MB of data
over network
• Viewing 3D volume requires a transfer of 250-650 MB of data over
• Planmeca recommends that for 3D capture and viewing, a gigabit
Ethernet connection should be used
• If a firewall is in use, Java RMI protocol requires Planmeca Romexis to
have full access to all ports between the defined range:

8 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


• For more information on defining ports, see section "Server" on page

• If a range of ports is not defined, the default setting is ports above
and including port 1024

2.2.3 Requirements for user account

The following requirements are set for the user account used during the
upgrade and installation:
• Required user account during the installation is Administrator
• The user account which starts the Planmeca Romexis Service on a 64-
bit operating system must have a valid password set (not null)

2.2.4 Requirement for Microsoft .NET Framework versions for MS SQL 2012 Express
During Planmeca Romexis installation, the MS SQL Server 2012 Express is
installed if it is not already present, or if it is not selected because another
database system is going to be used.

On Windows 10 and Windows server 2016 operating systems, MS SQL
Server 2016 is installed if selected.

The MS SQL Server 2012 Express requires Microsoft .NET Framework

versions 3.5 and 4.0.
Before starting Planmeca Romexis installation, check that the required
Microsoft .NET Framework versions are installed to the target computer.
You can check the existing Microsoft .NET Framework installations, from
Windows registry keys (type "regedit" in Windows Terminal). The following
lines indicates the installed Microsoft .NET Framework version:
Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5 (MS.NET 3.5)
Framework Setup\NDP\v4 (MS.NET 4.0)
If the needed versions of Microsoft .NET Framework are not installed, install
them from the Planmeca Romexis for Windows installation media. The
installation setup files are available in folders:
• MSSQL\dotNet3.5_SP1
• MSSQL\dotNet4.0

2.3 Installing Planmeca Romexis on Windows

The following procedure instructs how to make a new installation of
Planmeca Romexis software.

Before starting the installation, check that all requirements are met and
needed planning is made, as described in section "System requirements" on
page 1.

1. Insert Planmeca Romexis software USB flash drive and start installation
by double- clicking the setup program:

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 9


The InstallShield Wizard window appears. Click Next to start the


2. The License Agreement screen appears. Read the license and select I
accept the terms of the license agreement option and click Next to

10 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


3. Select either Standard or Custom installation.

• Select Standard installation to install the following components:

Server Components:
Romexis Server Program
MS SQL Server Express
Romexis Database
Client Components:
Romexis Client Program
Device Tool
• In all other cases, select the Custom installation and continue these
instructions from Step 5.
For more information on Planmeca Romexis components, see section
"Planmeca Romexis software components" on page 6.
When selected, click Next.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 11


4. Select installation folder.

When selected, click Next.

5. Select the components to be installed.

12 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


For more information on Planmeca Romexis components, see section

"Planmeca Romexis software components" on page 6.
When selected, click Next.
6. Select DIDAPI features (only if DIDAPI was selected).

For more information on DIDAPI features, see section "Planmeca

Romexis software components" on page 6.
When selected, click Next.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 13


7. Set the Planmeca Romexis server IP address.

Set the IP address as follows:

• server installation: localhost
• client installation: <IP address of the Romexis server>
• server & client installation: localhost
When set, click Next.
8. Select the language for software and click Next.

You can change the language later in the Configuration tool.

14 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


9. Select the Planmeca Romexis default country.

10. Check the installation summary.

Browse through the summary and verify that you have selected all
wanted components.
Click Back if you want to change some selections. When the correct
components are selected, click Next.
The installation starts. Depending on the component selections, several
different installation progress windows will appear on the screen.
In here, only those that need some action are described. Otherwise, click
Next, Install or Finish buttons when appropriate.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 15


11. Register Promax X-ray unit Reconstruction PC (only if Device Tool


If you are installing Planmeca Romexis for a new Promax X-ray unit, the
Reconstruction PC needs to be registered in the manufacturer’s web
Registering requires Internet access. If not available, register the Reco
PC later.
If Internet access is available, by selecting Go to Dell ownership transfer
website option, the web browser is opened for registering.
If registering is done later, do not select the option but just click Next.
12. Start Planmeca Romexis server service, click Start Service, if required
(only in server installation).

16 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


13. Click Finish to complete the installation.

14. Restart Windows. Select Yes and click OK.

Wait until Windows restarts.

2.3.1 Planmeca Romexis license

If Planmeca Romexis client does not detect an installed license, a dialog
offers a 30 day trial period. To continue using Planmeca Romexis without a
license, click the Continue Trial button.
To install the license, perform the following steps during Planmeca Romexis
client start- up.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 17


1. Click the Install license button in the dialog.

2. Browse to and select the license file.

The license is separately provided when purchasing Planmeca Romexis.

3. Click Open.
4. Click OK.

To install the license for server installation only, perform the following steps.

18 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


1. To start the License Installer, click Windows Start --> Programs -->
Planmeca --> Install Romexis License.

2. The License Installer requires the location of the license file which is
separately provided when purchasing Planmeca Romexis. Select the
folder in which the license file (romexis.lic) can be found, and
choose Next.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 19


3. Start installing the licence. Click Install.

4. Restart the Planmeca Romexis Service, click the Stop Service button
and wait a while, and then click the Start Service button.

5. After the licence is installed, click Finish.

20 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


Once the license is installed, you must activate it. For more information, see
section "Activating Planmeca Romexis license" on page 21.

2.4 Activating Planmeca Romexis license

The functions in the Planmeca Romexis application are controlled by license
and user rights. In order to use the application the license must be activated.

2.4.1 Automatic online activation

A dialogue requesting activation pops up when Planmeca Romexis Client is
started after a new Planmeca Romexis server installation or update. A
period of 30 days is given to activate the Planmeca Romexis license. The
dialogue appears until activation is completed.
When connected to the Internet, activate the license by filling in user name
and email address.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 21


2.4.2 Manual activation

When there is no fixed Internet connection available the license can be
manually activated using a mobile, for example. If manual activation is
selected the following dialogue appears. Follow the instructions in the

Use the end customer details, not the dealer’s.

If transferring the license from one Planmeca Romexis server installation to

another it must be first released from the current workstation.

22 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


To release the license select License management from the File menu.

2.5 Upgrading Planmeca Romexis

The following procedure instructs how to upgrade an existing Planmeca
Romexis software.

Before starting the upgrade, check that all requirements are met and needed
planning is made, as described in section "System requirements" on page 1.

If upgrading an old 32-bit Planmeca Romexis installation to a 64-bit version,
it is recommended to uninstall the old Romexis installation and start with a
fresh 64-bit installation of Planmeca Romexis.

It is recommended to take a backup of the current Planmeca Romexis
database before performing the upgrade.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 23


1. Insert Planmeca Romexis software USB flash drive and start installation
by double- clicking the setup program:
The installation window appears. Click Next to start the installation.

2. Select the Modify Installation option and click Next.

3. Install Wizard displays an update confirmation prompt. Click Yes to

4. From the Component Selection window that appears, select the same
component that you have installed in a fresh server/client/standalone
installation. Additionally, you can also select new features.
If you are updating a server installation, remember to select Romexis
Database from the Server Components. This applies only to MS SQL

24 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


Server databases. In case of Oracle or Solid database, deselect the

options MS SQL Server and Planmeca Romexis Database from Server
Components and run the database update scripts manually.

Make sure to select all of the Planmeca Romexis components that are
installed on the target computer. If you deselect a component that is
already installed it will be removed from the computer.

2.6 Planmeca Romexis silent installation

Identical Planmeca Romexis software installations can be performed to
several workstations using the silent installation option. Carry out the
following steps for silent installation.
1. Start windows command prompt with administrator privileges.
2. To record your installation, run the Planmeca Romexis setup executable
from installation media with the following command (enter the whole
command to the same line):
E:\Romexis\setup.exe /r
Replace <PATH_TO_RECORD> with a file path name you wish to save
the result record file.
If the f1 parameter is not set, the record file will be saved by default to
folder and with filename:
3. Perform the installation following the installation dialogs normally. Follow
the installation instructions given earlier in this manual.
4. After successful installation, copy the romexis_installation.iss
record file to another workstation or a portable drive.
5. To perform the installation with the exact same configurations on another
workstation, enter the following command via command prompt with
administrator privileges (enter the whole command to the same line):
E:\Romexis\setup.exe /s /SMS
Replace the <PATH_TO_RECORD_FILE> with the path you saved the
record file.
The installation starts silently. You can monitor when the installation is
finished with Windows Task Manager. If any InstallShield processes are
running, the installation is still running.

Make sure that all the workstations on which you are installing Planmeca
Romexis meet the requirements set in the beginning of this manual (e.g.
required .NET frameworks etc.).

Additional dialogs may appear if the previous Planmeca Romexis
installations in the workstation differ from the workstation the recording was
made. Dialogs may also appear if device drivers, e.g. for ProSensor or
ProScanner are included in to the installation.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 25


2.7 Uninstalling Planmeca Romexis software

The uninstall of Planmeca Romexis removes Planmeca Romexis server and
client applications and related shortcuts and folders. External components
that are installed during the installation, such as MS SQL Server etc., are not
removed. The Planmeca Romexis Database and image files are also left

It is recommended that you uninstall Planmeca Romexis only if Planmeca
Romexis is no longer used on the respective computer.

The uninstall can be started from Windows Control Panel --> Programs and
Features, by selecting Planmeca Romexis components from the Currently
Installed Programs list, and clicking Remove.
Depending on the Romexis installation type/options, remove the following
components (if existing):
• Design Center
• Design Center Tooth Library
• Device Tool
• Didapikit
• Planmeca VDDS Interface
• Romexis
• Romexis 3D Ortho Studio
• Romexis Cephalometric Analysis Module

2.8 Troubleshooting
After installation, start Planmeca Romexis and test that the installation has
In the following, possible problems are described and instructions to correct
the problem are given.

2.8.1 Broken font in Korean language Romexis on Windows 10

When installing Planmeca Romexis with Korean language option on
Windows 10 operating system, texts/font in Romexis might be corrupted, that
is, displayed e.g. with boxes or questions marks.
If this is the case, set the region and language setting on Windows as
1. Go to Settings -> Time & language -> Region & language.
2. Select Add a language.
3. Select the language from the list, then choose which region's version you
want to use. Your download will begin immediately.
4. After installation, test that the font in Romexis shows correctly.

2.8.2 Romexis client connection to Romexis server on Apple OS X fails

If Romexis client (Windows or Apple OS X) does not connect to the Romexis
server on Apple OS X, check that the external IP address of the Romexis
server is configured to the parameter SERVER_RMI_HOSTNAME of the file in the folder sconfig.

26 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


In this chapter, instructions how to set up and configure different Planmeca
Romexis system components, features and interfaces (such as DIDAPI,
TWAIN interface, PMBRIDGE interface, DICOM interface, Clinic
Management etc.) after installing the Planmeca Romexis software on
Windows operating system (OS).

3.1 DIDAPI configuration

For more information on DIDAPI configuration, see the Configuration
instructions with Planmeca Didapi configuration tool manual (publication
number 30008096).

3.2 TWAIN interface configuration

TWAIN is a cross-platform interface for acquiring images captured by
scanners, digital cameras or frame grabbers. The manufacturer of the
TWAIN device must provide a Source Manager and TWAIN Data source for
your device to work with Planmeca Romexis.
Planmeca Romexis supports the current TWAIN_32 standard. Refer to your
device manufacturer’s documentation for information on the availability of
TWAIN_32 source interfaces.

TWAIN Capture is only supported only on Windows operating systems.

3.2.1 TWAIN Settings

The settings for the used TWAIN sources must be defined in TWAIN Setup.
If several TWAIN sources are used, the TWAIN Setup must be performed
once for each source.
1. Click the Select TWAIN Source button.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 27


2. Select the correct device from the drop-down menu. Twain Launch Settings

• Show Twain Launcher button in toolbar -option
A separate button can be assigned to the TWAIN source by selecting
Show Twain Launcher button in toolbar.
If the check box is not selected, the TWAIN source will use the TWAIN
Capture button.
• Text, Tooltip and Icon
Enter the name and tooltip text of the button in the Text and Tooltip fields
By clicking the Select icon button, you can select the icon for the Twain
launcher button.

28 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


Wait for TWAIN driver Close

Specifies whether a Close command is expected from the TWAIN driver to
signal the end of scanning session. If disabled, only single scan is expected
to be received. When enabled, multiple scans can be made in one session
which are all returned in one batch when the scanning dialogue is closed. If
the scanner software is capable of scanning multiple images in one session
this setting should be enabled.

Prefer Memory Transfer

Enables Memory Transfer instead of Native Transfer mode. Refer to your
scanner documentation for more information on supported and/or preferred
mode. For scanning colour images this option should be enabled.

Show TWAIN Launch Dialog

If this option is selected, a dialogue is shown when the scanner software has
been launched via TWAIN. On some lower end systems showing the
dialogue can take some time during which it may be useful to notify the user
of the process. Some virus scanning software is also known to slow down
the TWAIN launch.

Show Import Dialog

Specify whether the Planmeca Romexis image import dialogue should be
shown for each imported image. The image import dialogue allows to
choose image modality, specify tooth numbers, and crop or reorient the
image. If disabled each scan is imported with default settings and modality is
defined by the Default Image Type setting below.

Use Study Selection

This option enables the imaging with Romexis Twain client straigth to a
study. If this option is selected, the TWAIN imaging is started with study
selection window (see example below).

Default Image Type

Specifies the default modality for scanned images.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 29


Default Orientation
Specifies the default orientation for scanned images. Default TWAIN Auto Import Settings

In some cases you need to configure TWAIN Auto Import Settings to enable
automatic import of images as part of the TWAIN capture. Generally this is
not required and you can safely ignore these settings.

3.2.2 TWAIN image preprocessing

TWAIN scans can be preprocessed using respective auto enhancement
settings in Planmeca Romexis configuration application, see more in section
"Panoramic" on page 73.

3.2.3 TWAIN auto recovery

If the scanned images cannot be correctly imported to Planmeca Romexis
due to technical or user error during the process, Planmeca Romexis will try
to recover the images in the beginning of the next scanning session. If
scanned images are available in the temporary folder (usually %temp% on
Windows computers) Planmeca Romexis will match the images with the
patient for which they were originally scanned to and ask the user how to
• If the patient currently open is the same as the patient to whom the
images were acquired the following prompt will be shown and Planmeca
Romexis will proceed with importing the images to the patient.

• If a different patient is open Planmeca Romexis informs the user of

unprocessed TWAIN scans and indicates to which patient ID the scans
belong to. You can continue working normally with the current patient.
Once the correct patient has been opened after and all images have
been successfully imported to the patient the prompt will stop appearing.

3.2.4 Removing TWAIN source configuration

1. Click the TWAIN Setup button.
2. Select the source from the drop-down menu (see the image in section
"TWAIN Settings" on page 27.
3. Click the Remove settings button to erase the settings for the selected
TWAIN source.

30 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


If a separate button has been assigned to the source, Romexis Client must
be restarted for the change to take effect.

3.3 PMBridge interface configuration

To support other software companies and their developers to integrate their
software, Planmeca has created Practice Management (PMBridge) interface
standards and libraries.
PMBridge interface provides a simple way of data transfer between
Planmeca Romexis and practice management software of another company.
Pmbridge functions as a "bridge" and passes necessary patient information
to Planmeca Romexis imaging software and images from Planmeca
Romexis to the third party software.
For integrators who do not need image transition from Planmeca Romexis to
practice management software a lighter solution called DxStart is also
The PMBridge configuration file PmBridge.ini is located in the Romexis
installation path \Planmeca\Romexis\pmbridge\Program.

For troubleshooting cases: A PMBridge log file is saved in the
%programdata%/Planmeca/Romexis/pmbridge folder. In normal mode,
patient information is not visible in the log file. Enable debug mode in the
PmBridge.ini file by adding DEBUG_LOG=1. This displays patient
information in the log for troubleshooting purposes only.

1. User 2. Practice management 3. Patient & practice database

4. PmBridge (data transfer) 5. Imaging software Romexis 6. Database (images)

3.3.1 Windows registry additions

The following path is added as following Windows registry entities' values:

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 31


C:\Program Files\Planmeca\Romexis\pmbridge
32-bit and 64-bit Windows:
\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Dimaxis.exe (Value Name: Path)
32-bit and 64-bit Windows:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Planmeca\Romexis (Value Name:
64-bit Windows:
\Windows\CurrentV ersion\App Paths\Dimaxis.exe (Value Name:
64-bit Windows:
(Value Name: pmbridge)

According to PMBridge SDK instructions, practice management software has
to add the folder 'Program' to the path obtained from registry. That is why the
complete path is not found from the registry.

PMBridge installation updates the Dimaxis.exe registry key to point to
Romexis PMBridge folder. This disables PMBridge use with Dimaxis. If
PMBridge is still desired to be used with Dimaxis, the respective registry key
should be changed to point to Dimaxis PMBridge folder.

3.3.2 Users
PMBridge user group permissions can be altered to PMBridge user needs in
Planmeca Romexis Admin Module. For more information see section "Admin
module" on page 149.
The Romexis installer creates a user group PMBridge Users and a user
PMBridge to Planmeca Romexis database. When starting Planmeca
Romexis via PMBridge, the respected user is automatically selected
(Romexis.bat file's parameters uid (user id) and pwd (password) found
from the PMBridge installation folder).

3.3.3 Enabling PMBridge connection in Planmeca Romexis

1. Start Romexis and click the Admin button.
2. Click the Local Settings tab.

32 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


3. Check that thePMBRIDGE Enabled option is enabled in section Practice

Management Software Interface (PMBRIDGE). The default port number
is 1501.

3.4 DICOM interface configuration

The DICOM interface can be configured in the Planmeca Romexis Admin
module. For more information, see section "DICOM Configuration" on page

3.5 Installing Planmeca Romexis implant library

This section describes the installation of Planmeca Romexis Implant Library
on Windows.
For a list of Planmeca Romexis Implant Library contents, see "Planmeca
Romexis implant library" on page 186.

Software requirements
• Planmeca Romexis Server version 3.8.3.R or newer

3.5.1 Installation
1. Insert Planmeca Romexis Implant Library USB flash drive.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 33


2. The following window opens. Click Next.

3. In the License Agreement window, select I accept the terms of the

license agreement and click Next.

34 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


4. Select the implant libraries to be installed by checking appropriate boxes

and click Next.

5. Check the boxes next to the databases to which you want to install the
new Implant Library.

The list of databases may vary depending on your setup.

If you are running a SOLID or ORACLE database, or your database
does not appear on the list, leave all selections unticked. SQL scripts for
manual database update install to your hard drive. Update the database
manually as instructed in section "Manual installation" on page 36.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 35


6. Select the database server and connection method.

Make sure you have selected ROMEXIS Database Server.

If you selected Microsoft SQL Server Database, give proper parameters

for SQL Server connection (login ID and password).
Click Next.
7. After the installation, verify that the realistic implants can be seen in the
Romexis software. To check the list of implants open the Planmeca
Romexis 3D Module and click on the Implant tab, then select Implant

3.5.2 Manual installation

1. After installing the Implant Library, browse to Planmeca Romexis
installation folder (C:\Program Files\Planmeca\Romexis by
2. Scripts for manual installation are located in folder corresponding each
supported sql database type:
sql (solid)
3. Run the batch file all_implants.bat under the sql.<database>
\implants folder matching your setup.
4. After the installation, verify that the realistic implants can be seen in
Planmeca Romexis software. To check the list of implants open the
Planmeca Romexis 3D Module and click on the Implant tab, then select
Implant Library.

3.6 Database operations

36 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


3.6.1 Installing MS SQL Server Management Studio

The SQL Server Management Studio, a graphical tool for managing SQL
Server, is provided on the Planmeca Romexis delivery and can be
separately installed if needed.

To install SQL Server Management Studio

1. Insert Planmeca Romexis software USB flash drive.
2. Browse to the folder:
\Tools\SQL Server Management Studio
3. Start the installation program:
4. Follow the instructions.

3.6.2 Setting up MS SQL Server 2012 Express backup

The following sections describe how to set up backups for Planmeca
Romexis MS SQL Express by means of a scheduled execution of a Stored
Procedure using a batch file and Windows Scheduled Tasks service. For
backups on other database engines refer to their respective documentation. Configuration
When the Romexis installer deploys MS SQL Server onto the server
computer, it also creates a Stored Procedure in the Romexis instance that
provides a facility to make backups from the Romexis database, and
transaction logs. To call the Stored Procedure a set of two SQL scripts and a
batch file is provided on the Planmeca Romexis installation media in the
\Tools\backup\ folder.
1. Copy the contents of the folder to an appropriate location such as:
C:\Program Files\Planmeca\Romexis\backup\
2. Modify the following file as instructed in the inline comments:
romexis_db_backup.sql (to configure database backup settings)
The following settings are provided in the file and should be adjusted to
fit the local backup needs. “1” denotes true while “0” denotes false:

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 37


• @backupfldr = ’c:\romexis_images’
Folder to write backup to, a subfolder 'romexis_db' is automatically
created and used. This must be changed to point to a safe location
that is available for tape backup.
• @reportfldr = 'c:\romexis_cache’
As above but defines location for writing reports of the backup
• @checkattrib = 1
Defines if new backups should have their archive bit set. The Stored
Procedure will automatically delete backups older than defined by
dbretainunit UNLESS the files have their archive bit set to true. If this
is left at “1”, the old backups should have their archive bit set to false
when they are backed up to another media to prevent the file system
from being filled with backups.
• @dbretainunit = 'months'
Defines the period for which the backups should be preserved before
automatic deletion. Can be: minutes | hours | days | weeks | months |
• @dbretainval = 2
Specifies how many dbretain units to keep old backups.
• @rptretainunit = 'copies'
Defines the period for which to retain reports for. Can be: minutes |
hours | days | weeks | months | copies.
• @rptretainval = 30
Specifies how many rptretainunits to keep reports.
• @report = 1
Flag to indicate whether to generate reports or not. Setting up scheduled backup

Remember to test the backup functionality after creating the task.

Use the Windows Scheduled Tasks service to setup a daily backup event as
1. Open Control Panel.
2. Open Administrative Tools.
3. Browse and open Task Scheduler.

38 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


4. Click Create Basic Task....

5. Proceed with the Scheduled Task Wizard and choose Browse to select
the program. Browse to run_romexis_backups.bat that you have
copied to an appropriate location. (e.g. C:\Program Files
On Windows 7, additionally add the path to the backup script folder to
the field Start in (optional).

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 39


6. On Windows 7 after creation of the task, go to Task properties and check

the Run with highest privileges option.

7. Select the appropriate operating system in the Configure for drop-down

8. From the Perform this task options select Daily.

9. Specify a convenient Start time to run the backups, such as after

midnight when there is no other activity.
10. Click Next and specify a user and password to run the backups under.
This is preferably a local backup account that has limited permissions. It
should also be a persistent account since if the account is removed the
backups will stop working.
11. Check the configuration and click Finish.
12. Double-click on the Task you just created to double check the

40 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


13. Right-click on the Task and choose Run to test the functionality of your
setup. Example screens are presented below.

3.6.3 Transferring and merging databases

The Planmeca Romexis Database tool can be used for transferring or
merging database from one location to another. For example, in case the
client wants to change from one operating system to another, or merge two
different databases.
If the database is moved to a new location with the same database
management system as previously used, there is no need to use Database
tool. In such case there are other ways to move the database and images to
the new location.

The source and destination databases need to be updated to the same
Planmeca Romexis software version.

It is highly recommended to backup the original database(s) before using the
Database tool.

If the Implant Library has been installed to either of the databases (source or
target) install the newest Implant Library to the target database after merging
the source database into an existing database.

3.6.4 Exporting source database

1. Ensure that the Planmeca Romexis Service is NOT running.

Before shutting down Planmeca Romexis Service, it is recommended to
shut down other processes and executable files not needed to ensure
the database tool has sufficient amount of free memory.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 41


2. Go to the Planmeca Romexis installation media, /tools/

database_tool/ folder.
3. Start Romexis Service for Database tool by launching the following
4. Start the Database tool for export, launch the following script:
The Database tool checks if all the image paths are the same, and
displays prompt popups.

Press OK.

If the paths are not the same, the Database tool raises a warning.

The Database tool export window opens.

1. Choose the media/folder where to export the database files to the

Export database tables to a folder field.
2. Optionally, select the media/folder where to save the log file in Log
file path field. If left empty no log file is created.
5. Start export by clicking Export files button.
When export is completed the following message appears:
Tables were serialised to file X.
6. Close the Database tool.
7. Copy the output folder containing the *.serial files to the media that
will be used to move the database to another system (if the folder is not
there already).

42 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


8. Copy the Romexis image file folders into the same folder with the
*.serial files:

The database transfer tool renames imported duplicate usernames and
device names.

A statistics window is shown at the end of a merge/import and an export.
This page shows the amount of exported or imported lines in each table.
Also renamed duplicate user names and duplicate device names are listed.

3.6.5 Importing data to target database

Before importing the data, make a new Planmeca Romexis installation under
the same version that was in use when exporting the data.

If merging two databases together, start from the step 5 below.
1. Ensure that the Planmeca Romexis Service is NOT running.
2. Attach the source database export media to the target system.
3. Go to the Planmeca Romexis installation media, /tools/
database_tool/ folder.
4. If transferring, i.e. not merging databases, remove all lines from each
table in the target database and reset the tables’ indexing to zero by
running the following script.

Do not run the script if merging two databases together! The script will
empty the target database.


This script can be run only once. If it is ran twice the database indexes
get corrupted and have to be re-installed.
5. Start Romexis server for Database tool by launching the following script:

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 43


6. Start the Database tool for import, launch the following script:

1. Choose the location of serialised (*.serial) files in the Import

tables from folder to database field.
2. Choose the parent location for the romexis_images and
romexis_cache in the local system.
This field is predefined if the path is found from the local Romexis
3. Choose the parent location for the romexis_images and
romexis_cache in the original system.
This field is predefined when the location of the files to be imported is
4. Select the Merge duplicate patients (Person table) option to enable
patient merging.
Patient merging is done using external ID of the patient. Inactivated
patient images will also be taken into account.
Important: Only use the Merge duplicate patients (Person table)
option if you are certain the merged databases do not contain
identical external_id data for different patients. If two databases
use the patients’ unique social security numbers as external_id,
for example, the function should be safe to use.
5. Optionally, select the media/folder where to save the log file in Log
file path field. The log file path is predefined according to the Import
tables from folder to database field. If left empty no log file is created.
7. Start the import by clicking the Import files button.

This may take from few minutes to few hours depending on the size of
the imported database.

44 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


When the serialisation is completed the following message appears:

Files were de-serialized to database
8. Open Romexis client and verify that the database has been successfully
moved to the new computer.
9. If the implant library has been installed to either of the databases (source
or target) install the newest Implant Library to the target database after
merging the source database into an existing database, see section
"Installing Planmeca Romexis implant library" on page 33.

As an alternative to the Merge duplicate patients (Person table) option, use
the Romexis patient merge module after the database merge procedure. For
more information, see section "Patient Merge" on page 155.

3.7 Configuration
For more information on Romexis server and unit connection configuration,
see section "Romexis server and unit connection configuration" on page
For more information on Clinic management configuration, see section
"Clinic Management configuration" on page 127.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 45



This chapter includes instructions on how to install, upgrade and uninstall
Planmeca Romexis software on Apple OS X operating system. In addition,
the chapter contains instructions how to set up and configure different
Planmeca Romexis system components on Apple OS X.

4.1 Requirements

4.1.1 System requirements

Check that the system requirements, listed in section "System requirements"
on page 1, are met.

4.1.2 User requirements

The required user account type during installation is Administrator. Change if
needed, according to the following steps.

Changing user account type to Administrator

1. Start System Preferences from the Dock and open the Accounts section
from the bottom of the window.
2. Click on the lock in the lower left corner of the Accounts window to make
changes, and give password if asked.

3. From the My Account list select the user to use the Planmeca Romexis
software and tick the Allow user to administer this computer box.
4. Click the Click the lock to prevent further changes icon in the lower left
corner of the window to prevent any future changes without

46 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


4.1.3 Known issues

Some MacBook Pro graphic cards might experience problems with Romexis
3D X-Ray Rendering. In such situation Romexis Surface Rendering should
be used, see more information from the Romexis User’s manual.

4.1.4 Device support

The following components are NOT currently supported on Apple OS X:
• Dental unit serial communication
• Dimax Tool
• Quick Launch
• Web Start
• Dx Export / Dx Loader

4.2 Installing / upgrading Planmeca Romexis on Apple OS X

Planmeca Romexis installation package for MacOS does not install any
software from the Imaging Release package, for example, Planmeca
Didapikit or Planmeca Device Tool. To install or update imaging software,
see the instructions in Calibration instructions with Planmeca Device Tool
(publication number 10031558) and Updating instructions with Planmeca
Imaging System Updater (publication number 30004935).

Java for OS X installation is required for IntraCam component to function
properly. You can find Java for OS X installer in Planmeca Romexis
installation media, folder /Tools/Java.

1. Insert Planmeca Romexis software USB flash drive.

2. Find the Romexis installation package for OS X from the /OS X folder on
the USB flash drive.
3. Double-click on the installation package Planmeca Romexis.pkg to start
the installation.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 47


4. In the following window, click Continue to proceed to License dialog.

5. Read the Software License Agreement carefully through and Print or

Save it for later use if needed. Click Continue.

6. Click Agree to continue (or Disagree to cancel) the installation.

48 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


7. Select Romexis language.

The Country selection is not interrogated when upgrading the Planmeca
Romexis software version.

8. Select the Romexis components to be installed, see the options listed

below the figure.

• Planmeca Romexis stand-alone installation (inc. server and client):

• Romexis Server
• Romexis Database
• Romexis Client
• Apache Tomcat server for mRomexis (optional)
• Planmeca Romexis server installation:

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 49


• Romexis Server
• Romexis Database
• Apache Tomcat server for mRomexis (optional)
• Planmeca Romexis client installation:
• Romexis Client
• Apache Tomcat server for mRomexis (optional)
When selected, click Continue.
9. Click Install.

10. Type the Name and the Password and click Install Software.
Administrator authentication is needed to start the installation.

50 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


11. After successful installation the following window appears. Click Close to
close the dialogue.

Planmeca Romexis license

If Planmeca Romexis does not detect an installed license, a dialog offers a
30 day trial period. To continue using Planmeca Romexis without a license,
press the Continue Trial button.
1. To install the license, during Planmeca Romexis start-up, click the Install
license button in the dialog.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 51


2. Browse to and select the license file.

The license is separately provided when purchasing Planmeca Romexis.

3. Click Open.
4. Click OK.

Once the license is installed, you must activate it. For more information, see
section "Activating Planmeca Romexis license" on page 52.

4.3 Activating Planmeca Romexis license

The functions in the Planmeca Romexis application are controlled by license
and user rights. In order to use the application the license must be activated.
See instructions in section "Activating Planmeca Romexis license" on page

4.4 Configuring Planmeca Romexis client

After installing Planmeca Romexis software as a client, check and modify
few settings in the client installation.
1. Browse to the folder:

52 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


2. Click on the file at the same time pressing down the CTRL
button (alternatively you can click the right mouse button), and select
Show Package Contents.

3. The application packet contents will be displayed in Finder as folder

4. Browse to the folder Contents/MacOS,.
5. Open the Romexis file for editing.

The file might open with different program depending on the installed
applications in the computer.
6. Edit the following settings in the file:
• Change the host parameter value to localhost or to the Romexis
server IP address. For example:
• Check and modify (if necessary) the -Xmx parameter according to
the computer’s system memory. Check from the table below for the
suggested -Xmx amounts.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 53


Setup Recommended client Minimum installed memory

-Xmx setting
Planmeca ProSensor -xmx800m 3 GB
2D image capturing -xmx1200m 4 GB
Planmeca ProMax 3D & 3D s -xmx2500m 8 GB
Planmeca ProMax 3D Mid & -xmx8000m Acquisition Workstation: 16GB
Max, HD Modes -xmx6000m Viewing Workstation: 8GB
7. After completing the modifications, save the changes (File Menu -->
Save) and Exit.
8. Start Planmeca Romexis by double-clicking the application

4.5 Configuring Planmeca Romexis server

After installing Planmeca Romexis software as a server, check and modify a
few settings in the client installation.
1. The Planmeca Romexis server installation defaults to single client
standalone system (RMI Server Host: If networked clients are
required, configure the RMI Server Host in Romexis Config to match the
Romexis server machine IP address.
For more information, see section "Server" on page 143.
2. To change the amount of memory allocated to the Romexis server
application, edit the parameter -Xmx in the file /Applications/
Planmeca/Romexis/server/ Romexis/

4.6 Planmeca DIDAPI configuration

For more information on DIDAPI configuration, see the Configuration
instructions with Planmeca Didapi configuration tool manual (publication
number 30008096).

54 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


4.7 Starting Planmeca Romexis server service

1. Browse to the folder /Applications/Planmeca/.

2. Start Romexis Server Service by double-clicking on the file Start


Starting Romexis server requires Administrator user account. For more
information, see section "User requirements" on page 46.
3. Type your name and password and click OK.

Romexis Server is started as a service, which means that it is started

automatically at every boot. The server can be stopped by double-clicking
the file Stop Romexis

4.8 Setting up Planmeca Romexis backup

To backup database file and image files, organize a backup of the following
folder and its sub-folders at the Romexis Server computer:
Shut down the Romexis server service before copying database files or
initiating MacOsTime Machine backup, to prevent possible database
corruption. The Firebird database does not support Volume Shadow Copy
To make a full backup of Romexis imaging software, organize a backup of
the following folder and its sub-folders of the Romexis Server computer:
To backup DIDAPI configurations, make a backup of the following folder:

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 55



If the image folders' locations have been changed manually from Romexis
Configuration, backup the new folders and their subfolders in addition to the
default ones.

4.9 Planmeca Romexis log files

Planmeca Romexis outputs information into the following log files:
• RomexisClient.log
• RomexisAdmin.log
• RomexisServer_yyyymmdd_hhmmss.log
• Didapi.log
• DeviceTool.log
Romexis log files are located in the following folder:
The log files can be easily monitored with the help of the Console
The log files appear in the Console application:
Log List --> Files --> /Library/Logs --> Planmeca

4.10 Database operations

4.10.1 Squirrel SQL Database client

The Squirrel SQL Database client can be used to run queries to Romexis
database. Installation
The installation packet is located in the Planmeca Romexis installation
media, in
/tools/database/Squirrel SQL Client/ folder with the jdbc driver
file jaybird-full-2.1.6.jar for the database.
1. Install the software by double-clicking on the installation package.
2. During the installation, select the Optional Plugin for Firebird. Configuration
1. Copy the jdbc driver for Firebird from the Planmeca Romexis
installation media to the computer, e.g. to the folder:
2. Launch the Squirrel by double clicking on the SQuirreLSQL application
packet in the folder:
3. In the Drivers tab, double-click the Firebird Jaybird on the driver list.
4. Set Example URL to:

56 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


Romexis/ database/romexis.fdb
5. Go to Extra Class Path.
6. Select Add, browse and select the jdbc driver file you just saved and
click Choose.
7. In the Class Name field, enter:
8. Go to the Aliases tab and select Create New Alias.
9. Add a name for the connection, e.g. Romexis Database.
10. Select the Firebird Jaybird driver from the driver list.
11. Set sysdba as the user and pwr0mex! as the password.
12. Connect to the database.

4.10.2 Transferring/merging databases

The Database tool is used to transfer the database from one location to
another for example in case the client wants to change from one operating
system to another or merge two different databases together.
If the database is moved to a new location with the same database
management system as previously used, there is no need to use Database
Tool. In such case there are other ways to move the database and images to
the new location.
Patient merging is done using external ID of the patient. Also inactivated
patients’ images will be taken into account.

When merging databases together, identical patients in different databases
are not merged together by database tool.

The source and destination databases need to be updated to same Romexis
software version.

It is highly recommended to backup the original database(s) before using the
Database tool.

If realistic implants, crowns or STL imports have been added to the source
database's images, the folder /Planmeca/Romexis/geometries and all its
subfolders have to be copied to the target server computer.

4.10.3 Exporting files from one database to another

A statistics window is shown in the end of a merge/import and an export.
This page shows the amount of exported or imported lines in each table.
Also renamed duplicate user names and duplicate device names are listed.

Before starting shut down Romexis server.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 57


It is recommended to shut down other processes and executable files not
needed to ensure the database tool has sufficient amount of free memory.

1. Go to the Planmeca Romexis installation media, folder:

2. Start Romexis Service for Database tool by launching the following
Start the Database tool for export, launch the following script:
The Database tool checks if all the image paths are the same, and
displays prompt popups.

Press OK.

If the paths are not the same, the Database tool raises a warning.

The Database tool export window opens.

1. Choose the media/folder where to export the database files to the

Export database tables to a folder field.
2. Optionally, select the media/folder where to save the log file in Log
file path field. If left empty no log file is created.
3. Start export by clicking Export files button.

58 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


When export is completed the following message appears:

Tables were serialised to file X.
4. Close the Database Tool.
5. Copy the output folder containing the *.serial files to the media that
will be used to move the database to another system (if the folder is not
there already).
6. Copy the Romexis image file folders into the same folder with the
*.serial files:

4.10.4 Importing database from one location to the other

An Admin user account is required.

The database transfer tool renames imported duplicate usernames and
device names.

If merging two databases together start from Step 4 below.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 59


Moving an old database to a new computer with empty database

Make a new Planmeca Romexis installation under the same version that
was in use when exporting the data.

Before starting make sure Romexis server is NOT running.

Do not run the script if merging two databases together! The script will empty
the target database.

1. Go to the Planmeca Romexis installation media, /tools/

database_tool/ folder.
2. Remove all lines from each table in the target database and reset the
tables’ indexing to zero by running the following script by double-clicking
3. Enter admin user password.

This script can be run only once. If it is run twice the database indexes
get corrupted and have to be re-installed.
4. Stop Romexis Service.
5. Start Romexis server for Database tool by launching the following script:
6. Start the Database tool for import, launch the following script:

1. Choose the location of serialized (*.serial) files in the Import

tables from folder to database field.

60 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


2. Choose the parent location for the romexis_images and

romexis_cache in the local system.
This field is predefined if the path is found from the local Romexis
3. Choose the parent location for the romexis_images and
romexis_cache in the original system.
This field is predefined when the location of the files to be imported is
4. Select Merge duplicate patients (Person table) option to enable
patient merging. Patient merging is done using external ID of the
patient. Inactivated patient images will also be taken into account.
5. Optionally, select the media/folder where to save the log file in Log
file path field. The log file path is predefined according to the Import
tables from folder to database field. If left empty no log file is created.
7. Start the import by clicking the Import files button.

This may take between a few minutes and a few hours depending on the
size of the imported database.

When the serialisation is completed the following message appears:

Files were de-serialized to database
8. Close the Database Tool.
9. Open Romexis client and verify that the database has been successfully
moved to the new computer.

As an alternative to the Merge duplicate patients (Person table) option, use
the Romexis patient merge module after the database merge procedure. For
more information, see section "Patient Merge" on page 155.

Merging source database into an existing database

Go through the steps from Step 5 to Step 9 in the previous procedure.
If the implant library has been installed to either of the databases (source or
target) install the newest Implant Library to the target database after merging
the source database into an existing database.

4.11 Installing Planmeca Romexis Implant Library

This section describes the installation of Planmeca Romexis Implant Library
on Apple OS X.
For more information on Planmeca Romexis Implant Library, see "Planmeca
Romexis implant library" on page 186.

4.11.1 Installation
1. Insert Planmeca Romexis Implant Library USB flash drive.
2. Open Finder from the Dock and browse to the Romexis Implant Library
on the left toolbar.
3. Double-click on the installation package Planmeca Romexis Implant
Library.pkg to start the installation.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 61


4. Proceed through the installation steps and give the Administrator

password when requested.

4.11.2 Uninstallation
In order to uninstall Planmeca Romexis Implant Library implants, double-
click on the application file (.app) Uninstall Planmeca Romexis Implant
Library, which is located in the installation root folder next to the .pkg.

4.12 Setting Planmeca Romexis client to start at login

To set Planmeca Romexis Client to start every time someone logs into the
computer, follow the steps below.
1. Create a shortcut to Romexis application into the Dock by dragging the application icon from the folder /Applications/
Planmeca to the Dock.

2. Place the mouse cursor on top of the Romexis shortcut icon in the Dock.
3. Press and (hold down) the right mouse button. From the appearing
Options menu select Open at Login.

4.13 Configuring intraoral camera support

In order to use the intraoral camera on Apple OS X operating system, a
video grabber which supports Quick Time and a driver for that video grabber
is needed. Known to work video grabber is Terratec G1, which includes
drivers for both Apple OS X and Windows. Know to work driver is
VideoGlide. Install drivers and select Terratec G1 in Romexis intraoral
camera window.
In order to control the intraoral camera with foot pedal Planmeca Sovereign,
Planmeca Sovereign Classic and Planmeca Compact i V2 dental units need
to be connected to the Planmeca Romexis server using a local Ethernet
network. For more information on configuring intraoral camera for foot pedal
use, see section "Configuring intraoral camera" on page 124.

62 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


Configuring intraoral camera for foot pedal use in Planmeca

Compact i V1 dental unit
In order to control intraoral camera with foot pedal a USB-to-Serial adapter is
needed to connect the serial cable to Apple OS X. Known to work USB to
RS-232 adapter with Apple OS X drivers is TrendNet TU-S9.
1. Via Compact i control panel set Compact i service mode 210 to value 0
2. In Romexis Admin Module enable Intracam Serial Connection
(CamComm) and disable Dental unit serial communication.
3. Configure the mounted usb-to-serial adapter to Com Port of Intracam
Serial Connection: /dev/tty.usbserial.

4. To check that the usb-to-serial adapter is properly attached, go to

Terminal application and type ls /dev. The tty.usbserial device
should be found on the list that displays.
5. When all cables are connected and settings configured, restart Romexis
client. The intraoral camera can now be controlled with foot pedal.

4.14 Configuration
For more information on Romexis server and unit connection configuration,
see section "Romexis server and unit connection configuration" on page
For more information on Clinic management configuration, see section
"Clinic Management configuration" on page 127.

4.15 Troubleshooting

4.15.1 Romexis client connection to Romexis server on Apple OS X fails

If Romexis client (Windows or Apple OS X) does not connect to the Romexis
server on Apple OS X, check that the external IP address of the Romexis
server is configured to the parameter RMI Server Host in Romexis Config’s
Server tab.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 63


The following sections provide instructions on how to configure the
properties and settings of the Planmeca Romexis application.

5.1 Configuration tool

The Planmeca Romexis Configuration tool is a password-protected facility
for adjusting various system-wide Planmeca Romexis settings.
The tool is accessible only for users with administrator rights. The access is
defined by user group permissions.
To display an interactive help explaining the options in each window, click
the Show Help button.
To restore the default settings, click the Set to defaults button.

5.2 Starting configuration tool

1. Start Romexis configuration tool.
• In Windows Start menu, click All Programs --> Planmeca -->
Romexis Configuration.
• Browse to the C:/Program files/Planmeca/Romexis/admin
folder, and double-click the RomexisConfig file.
2. Log into the Planmeca Romexis Configuration application by entering
your user name and password in the respective fields and click OK.

The default username and password are:

Username: sysadm
Password: promax

5.3 Changing password

1. Click the Change password button.

64 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


2. In the following window enter the current password and the new
password in the corresponding fields.

3. Click OK.

5.4 General settings

5.4.1 Resources General

Client Instance
• Show Instance name in Client’s title bar
By checking / unchecking this option you can define whether the
instance name that is defined in the Instance Name field (see below) is
shown in the Planmeca Romexis title bar.
• Show Username name in Client’s title bar
By checking / unchecking this option you can define whether the
username that is defined in the Instance Name field is shown in the
Planmeca Romexis title bar.
• Allow more than one client instance on one workstation
With this options selected multiple Planmeca Romexis Clients can be
started on the same computer.
• Synchronize Ceph Module Analysis Types between server and clients
With this option Planmeca Romexis Cephalometric Analysis types are
synchronised between server and clients.
• Instance name
Enter the instance name (for example clinic name) into the Planmeca
Romexis title bar. All Planmeca Romexis Clients that are connected to
the same server have the same Instance name.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 65


Name formatting
The Name Formatting selection affects the formatting of name display on the
• Don’t format
The names are displayed as they were entered into the database.
• Capitalize first letter
The first letter of each name is capitalised and the rest remain in lower
• Capitalize all
Capitalises all letters in a name.
Name Formatting affects the processing of searches for names so that when
Don't Format is used, searches are case sensitive, while Capitalize First
Letter / Capitalize ALL make searches case insensitive.

Name display order

In Name Display Order you can decide which name, family name or first
name, is displayed first in Planmeca Romexis.

66 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


Patient identification
Patient Identification defines which Patient ID is used to refer to patients.
The same ID is also used in patient search. Planmeca Romexis can
maintain three different Patient IDs at a time.
• Custom ID
Refers to an ID typed into Planmeca Romexis at patient creation, or an
ID generated by e.g. Axium.
• Other ID
Refers to an ID imported from another software, where this usually
administrative ID has been assigned to patients manually (may e.g. refer
to a patient’s old paper file).
• Autonumber
Instructs Planmeca Romexis to automatically assign a Patient ID to the
created patient and to use this unique identifier. This is viable only in
cases where Planmeca Romexis is used as the master patient
management software.

Patient ID Sorting
The following options are available when patient list is sorted by the Patient
ID column:
• Insertion order
Sorting in the order the patients were entered into the database.
• Alphabetical
Alphabetical sorting: 001, 1111, 22, aaa, aab, aba
• Numerical
Numerical sorting ignoring leading zeros: 001, 22, 1111, aaa, aab
• Prefix alphabetically
Sorting first by leading alphabets and then numerically: A22, A1111, B01

• Access reason is required
If this option is enabled the reason for accessing the patient is required
when opening patient. This request can be set optional in the Planmeca
Romexis Configuration application.
• Give warning for selecting all patients
Warns the user when all patients are searched at the same time from the
database in the Patient module.
• Export files using patient name
Specifies the patient’s name to be used as the default filenmae for
exports. The suggested filename can still be changed. When disabled
the filename field shows empty by default.
• Auto Find Patients
Enabled by default. When disabled, no patients are shown in the search
list until a patient search is performed.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 67


Patient List Name Formatting

• Use Global Formatting Setting Above
This option uses the settings defined in the fields above.
• First Name and Last Name Initial
This option displays the entire first name and only the first letter of the
last name of the patient in the search results.
• Initials Only
This option displays only the patient’s initials in the search results. Security

The Login and Approval settings affect the information requested from users
when logging into Planmeca Romexis or when granting approvals. This
allows for the facilities to adjust the security measures in Planmeca Romexis
according to their local policies.

Login Username and Password

• User name and Password are required

When logging in to Planmeca Romexis both user name and password
are required.
• Username required
Only user name is required when logging in.
• Username is not required
Username and password are not required when logging in.
• Login only with Swipe Card
When additionally selecting this option, the user can log in only with a
swipe card.

68 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


Approval Username and Password

• Username and Password are required

When granting approvals e.g. for image acquisition requests, Planmeca
Romexis asks for both username and password.
• User name required
Only user name is required.
• Approval only with Swipe Card
When selected the approval can only be made with swipe card.


• Maximum password age (days) (0 = never expires)

Set the value as days, or set to 0 for password that never expires.
• Minimum password length
Sets the required minimum length for the password.
• Maximum number of wrong password
Set the number of allowed wrong entries, or by setting to 0 (default)
wrong entries are not calculated).
• At least one digit required
At minimum one number is required in the password. This setting is
disabled by default.
• At least one special char required
At least one non-alphanumeric character (e.g. @,#,!,%,&,?) required in
the password. This setting is disabled by default.

Swipe Card Userid

When swiping the card, the card produces an output text string that contains
the user ID and password.
• Track No in Swipe Card
Indicates the row in the text output from which the password string is
read. Assume e.g. the following typical Swipe Card output:
: %testusera6yz8cat?
The User ID test user is located on the first track (0), starting from the
second column
(1) and ending in the eight column (7).
• Start Column in Swipe Card
Indicates the column in the text output where the password string starts.
• End Column in Swipe Card
Indicates the column in the text output where the password string ends.

Swipe Card Password

See the description of the Swipe Card Userid above.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 69


Active Directory

Planmeca Romexis can be configured to use Active Directory for user

authentication and permission management. Each Planmeca Romexis user
group must be mapped to an Active Directory group in the Admin module.
• Use AD Authentication
Authentication of Planmeca Romexis users against Active Directory.
• Use SSL Encryption
Require SSL encryption during authentication.
• New Domain
Type the Dns domain you want to add to the list here, and press Add.
The domain is listed in the Dns Domain field below.
• Dns Domain
List of domains added. The Server Address field below corresponds to
the selected domain. To remove a domain, remove the text in this box
and press Enter.
This will also remove the Server Addresses linked to the domain.
• New Server
Type the server address you want to add to the list here, and press Add.
The server is listed in the Server Address field below.
• Server Address
List of server addresses added to the selected domain. To remove a
server, remove the text in this box and press Enter.
• Test SSO Auth
Tests the configuration against the Active Directory server.

Additional configuration of the Windows client environments may be required
to enable Single Sign On authentication.

70 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


Tooth identification system

This option refers to the two-digit FDI World Dental Notation.
Universal Numbering System adopted by the American Dental

Regional settings

These settings specify default values and available settings in the Patient
• Country
Defines the default country for demographics.
• Language
Defines the default language for demographics.
• Show state & state prompt
Enables showing an input field for patients home state or similar, and a
freely configurable prompt text.
• Show pin & prompt
Enables showing an input field for patients personal identification
number or similar, and a freely configurable prompt text.
• ProModel price list

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 71


Specify the HTTP address location of the regional ProModel price list.

5.4.2 Imaging General

Client instance
• Images decoded/decompressed on server
In Planmeca Romexis version 3.0.R and later this setting is disabled by
default and 2D images are transferred in compressed format from server
to client where the image is decompressed before viewing.
• Allow delayed image writes
If enabled, the saving of image from Romexis client to the file server is
performed in the background. Delayed image writes improve workflow
for slow networks when client and server are in different locations. The
user cannot close the Planmeca Romexis client as long as the transfer is
in progress.
Also affects image import. Option is disabled by default.
• Use Dicom JPEGLosslessV1 Compression
By checking/unchecking this option you can define whether the DICOM
images are stored in lossless compression format in the Romexis image
data folder.

72 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


In the Panoramic tab you can make adjustments to the image quality
settings of panoramic images.
Resolution, Bits Per Pixel and Image Format define how the images are
stored in the database after the image has been taken.
Autoenhancements settings affect the display of new exposures in
Planmeca Romexis.


See the pixel sizes for Normal, Enhanced and High resolution in your
Planmeca X-ray unit’s user’s manual.

The size of the image is much larger and the handling of the image slower
when the pixel size is smaller.

The resolution selected in the Planmeca Romexis Configuration panoramic
settings depends on which Planmeca X-ray unit and sensor type is in use.
Other Planmeca Romexis Configuration settings (BitsPerPixel,
ImageFormat, Gamma, Sharpening, Median) are the same as the settings
for other 2D images acquired with Dimax sensor.

Bits per pixel

This field defines whether the images are captured as 8 bit or 16 bit. The
best dynamic contrast range is reached by using 16 bit per pixel, but the
images will be twice the size of 8 bit images.

Image format

The format in which the images are stored in the database. The options are

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 73


• JPEG quality
The JPEG Quality can be set to Low, Medium, High or Maximum.

Auto enhancements

The Auto Enhancements group includes settings that affect the visualization
of the images in Planmeca Romexis. They do not affect the original images
in the database.
• Use normal preprocessing
Auto enhancement are automatically performed on all new images If the
automatic adjustments are not satisfactory, it can be undone by clicking
the Undo button in the Imaging module, and the adjustments can be
done manually using the Adjust Levels.
• Gamma Correction
Adjusts the gamma curve of the image. By adjusting the gamma value,
the image can be made to look more like a conventional X-ray image.
• Sharpen
The image can be sharpened with a specific filter and strength (Low,
Medium or High).
• Despecle
A specific filter can be used to remove noise from the image by selecting
• Use custom preprocessing
For more information see section "Auto enhancements" on page 0 .

Bitewing auto enhancements

The Bitewing Auto Enhancements group includes dedicated settings that

affect exposures taken with the bitewing programs available in selected
Planmeca X-ray units. They will not affect exposures taken with intraoral
sensors. The same values as for the Auto Enhancements for panoramic
images above apply.

Save autofocus images

Save Autofocus images as normal exposures among other X-ray images in

Planmeca Romexis.
Save auto Focus Images is available only with Dimax sensor, as Autofocus
is not available with SmartPan.

74 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual

5 CONFIGURATION Cephalometric

In the Cephalometric tab you can adjust cephalometric image quality

The Resolution and Image Format settings define how the images are stored
in the database.
Autoenhancements settings affect the visualization of the images in
Planmeca Romexis.


See the pixel sizes for Normal, Enhanced and High resolution in your
Planmeca X-ray unit’s user’s manual.

The size of the image is much larger and the handling of the image is slower
when the resolution of the image is higher.

Image format

The format in which the images are stored in the database. The options are
JPEG Quality: The JPEG Quality can be set to be Low, Medium, High or

Auto enhancements

The Auto Enhancements group includes settings that affect the visualization
of the images in Planmeca Romexis. They do not affect the original images
in the database.
• Use normal preprocessing
When a new image is captured, the Adjust Levels operation is
automatically performed to the image with the Auto Enhancement group
settings. If the automatic adjustment is not satisfactory, it can be undone
by clicking the Undo button in the Imaging module, and the adjustments
can be done manually using Adjust Levels function.
• Gamma correction
Adjusts the gamma curve of the image. By adjusting the gamma value,
the image can be made to look more like a conventional x-ray image.
• Sharpen

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 75


The image can be sharpened with a specific filter and strength (Low,
Medium or High).
• Despecle
A specific filter can be used to remove noise from the image by selecting
• Use custom preprocessing
For more information see the Use custom preprocessing subsection in
section "Auto enhancements" on page 0 . Intraoral

In the Intraoral tab you can make adjustments to the image quality settings
for the intraoral images.
The Resolution, Bits Per Pixel and Image Format settings define how the
images are stored in the database.


See the pixel sizes for Normal, and High resolution in your Planmeca X-ray
unit’s user’s manual.

The size of the image is much larger and the handling of the image is slower
when the resolution is higher.

Bits per pixel

In the Bits Per Pixel group you can select whether the images are stored as
8 bit or 16 bit images. The best dynamic contrast range is reached by using
16 bit per pixel, but the images will be twice the size of 8 bit images.

Image format

The format in which the images are stored in the database. The options are
• JPEG Quality
The JPEG Quality can be set to be Low, Medium, High or Maximum.

76 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


Auto enhancements

The Auto Enhancements group includes settings that affect the visualization
of the images in Planmeca Romexis. They do not affect the original images
in the database.
• Use normal preprocessing
When a new image is captured, the Adjust Levels operation is
automatically performed to the image with the Auto Enhancement group
settings. If the automatic adjustment is not satisfactory, it can be undone
by clicking the Undo button in the Imaging module and the adjustments
can be done manually in Planmeca Romexis through the Adjust Levels
• Gamma correction
Adjusts the gamma curve of the image. By adjusting the gamma value,
the image can be made to look more like a conventional x-ray image.
• Sharpen
The image can be sharpened with a specific filter and strength (Low,
Medium or High).
• Despecle
A specific filter can be used to remove noise from the image by selecting
• Use custom preprocessing

For more information on image processing and archiving see the
Planmeca Romexis user’s manual (publication number 10014593).

Custom Preprocessing in Planmeca Romexis allows defining default

preprocessing settings for all new exposures. The preprocessing settings
to be used are specified per image type in Imaging module.

All preprocessing adjustments are set and modified in Imaging module
whereas the current settings can be viewed in Configuration application.

Defining custom preprocessing settings

1. Take an exposure or open a 2D image in Planmeca Romexis.
2. Use the image specific toolbar to adjust levels or sharpen the image until
acceptable image quality is achieved.
3. Check that the correct enhancements are listed in the Image Operations
field. Note that applying the same enhancement several times on the
image will slow down opening of images. so it is better to try to minimize
the number of enhancements if possible.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 77


4. From the File menu select Capture --> Save Image Enhancements as
Default Enhancements to set the current settings in the Image
Operations list as default enhancements for the current image type.

5. Check the preprocessing list and enable option Use Custom

Preprocessing in Planmeca Romexis Configuration for the image type. ProScanner

In the ProScanner tab you can make adjustments to the image quality
settings for Planmeca Proscanner images.
The Resolution, Bits Per Pixel and Image Format settings define how the
images are stored in the database.
For detailed description of the settings, see section "Intraoral" on page 76.

78 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


In the CBCT tab you can make adjustments to the image quality settings for
the CBCT images.
Default Settings and Auto Enhancements affect the visualisation of the
CBCT images when they are opened in Planmeca Romexis.

Default settings

• Default artefact removal

Sets the default Artefact removal level that is selected in the 3D
Exposure dialogue. The default setting can be overridden by the user per
• Bit depth
Specifies the bit depth at which 3D exposures are stored in Planmeca
Romexis image database. The default value is 12bit. When 15bit is used
3D volumes can be exported optionally in 12 or 15 bit depth. 15bit setting
should be used only in cases where 15bit exports to other systems are a
• Window
Defines the amount of grey shades in the image. The window range is 0
- 4095 shades of gray and it is typically set to 2000.
• Level
Defines the midpoint for the shades of gray (0 - 4095). If level is set to
2000 and window is 2000, the shades of gray that are in use include
values from 1000 to 3000.

Auto enhancements

• Gamma correction
Defines the default gamma value for the Auto Enhancement.
• Auto levels min pct (%)
Defines the percentage of cumulative shades of gray that is left out of
the contrast range from the lower end of the contrast range.
• Auto levels max pct (%)
Defines the percentage of the cumulative shades of gray that is left out
of the contrast range from the upper end of the histogram.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 79


5.4.3 Display Background colors

• Background for x-rays
Defines the background colour for the taking of X-rays.
• Background for photos
Defines the background colour for the image explorer. Fonts
• Default GUI font and default GUI font size
Define the default font for the graphical user interface.
• Image annotation font size
Defines the font size for the image annotations.
• Image measurement font size
Defines the font size for the measurements made on the images. General settings

Use system file dialogue.

80 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


5.4.4 Dental record Image acquisition request

• Approval expiry / days
Sets the image acquisition request approval expiration time in days (1
day = 24 hours).
• Approval expiry / hours
Sets the same time in hours. Clinical menus

• Show menu numbers
Shows Clinical Menu numbers.
• Show menu guidance Shows menu guidance.
• Show tooltips
Enables tool tips in the clinical menus. Odontogram
• Show tooltips
Enables tool tips in the Odontogram.
• Show large perio boxes
Enables large perio boxes in the Odontogram. Case History

• Create casehx note for approvals
Creates a case history note of every approval.
• Warn about unapproved notes
If Warn About Unapproved Notes is selected, Planmeca Romexis warns
about unapproved notes.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 81

5 CONFIGURATION Student Evaluation

• Show student grade evaluation
Enables the Grade Evaluation when approving case notes.
• Show student free evaluation
The Free Evaluation field is presented.
• Grade scale
The Grade Scale can be selected manually, for example (A, B, C,...) or,
alternatively, (10, 9, 8,...) by setting the grade scale from the best to the

5.4.5 Print Updating print logo files

• Client logo
Shown in the top left corner of the printed paper.
• Romexis logo
Shown in the top right corner of the printed paper. By default it is the
Planmeca Romexis logo.
• Footer logo
Shown in the bottom left corner of the printed paper. The image which
will replace a logo must be in Portable Network Graphics file format
(.png). The height of all logos is limited to 1.0 inches.
By clicking the Browse button the user can browse for desired image and by
clicking the Update button the image is updated to Planmeca Romexis
database. Show logos in printouts

The logos showing in printouts can be selected here.

82 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


5.4.6 Cloud Servers
Configure the Cloud server as follows:
• Cloud Server Address:
• Port: 443
In cases where Planmeca Romexis Client workstation is behind a firewall
that blocks outgoing connections, a firewall proxy server IP and port
should be configured as follows:
• Client Proxy Address: IP of the proxy server that proxies HTTPS
• Proxy Port: Port of the proxy server that proxies HTTPS connections Settings
• Use Cloud Id Prefix for Incoming Patients
If selected, the sender’s prefix (pmcn_) is added to Cloud patients IDs
when imported to Romexis.
• Require login for each Cloud sending
If selected, Cloud credentials are requested each time the Cloud sending
dialogue is opened.
• Download cloud cases in background (on Server)
If selected, cloud cases are downloaded automatically from cloud to

See also section "Cloud (user account setup)" on page 153.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 83


5.4.7 DDX dental DDX Site

• Server address
The host address of DDX Dental cloud service provider. The default
address is:
• Client proxy address
Internet proxy address used in the practice, if any.
• Proxy port
Port of the proxy address if proxy address is used. Register Romexis application

• Client(s) using app name
The application name the practice uses when communicating with DDX
cloud server. Security keys will be registered for the application using
this name.
• DDX Account Name
The DDX Dental account name used. This account name is used if not
defined for each user separately.
• App public key
The security public key registered for App Name. The keys are created
and shown in the web browser when registering the application using the
(Re-)Register button. Both keys must be manually copy-pasted from the
web browser display.
• App private key Security private key. Test of DDX Link

• Test Get practice info button
If the practice is registered as a DDX client and the application is
successfully registered, the practice info is successfully found and shown. If
the test is passed, the registration and settings are correctly executed.
• Test Get accounts info button
Gets and shows all labs registered for this practice.

84 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual

5 CONFIGURATION Laboratory Role Registration for Importing Case(s)

• Add New Lab Name (return)
To add new laboratory name, write the name to the field and press
• Edit Lab Client Name
To select and/or edit the laboratory client name.
• Lab Public Key
The security public key registered for Lab Name. The keys are created
and shown in the web browser when registering the application using the
(Re-)Register button.
• Lab Private Key Security private key.
• Save & Test Lab Keys
Click Validate Lab Keys to save and test the lab keys.

See also section "DDX (user account setup)" on page 154.

5.5 Clinic Management

For the most common settings for the Clinic management module, see
section "Clinic Management configuration" on page 127.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 85


5.5.1 PlanLink & Diagnostics Clinic Overview and Log Refresh-rate

Sets the refresh rate for the clinic status overview and log screens. The high
refresh rate may be useful for troubleshooting.
By enabling Show large icons setting, the unit icons in the clinic layout are in
bigger format. E.g. if there are only few units and the floor plan figures are
spacious, this can be enabled. PlanLink – Compact Unit Lock

Specifies whether the dental unit should be locked when PlanLink proxy
service is not available to collect diagnostic information. If locking is enabled,
the dental unit will be inoperable when the connected PC running PlanLink
proxy is shut down or otherwise connection cannot be established between
the PC and the dental unit. When connection is re-established the dental unit
will again become operable after a power cycle. Save Diagnostic Events to Database

Specifies whether the diagnostic events and messages collected from the
dental unit should be save into the database. The default setting is

86 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual

5 CONFIGURATION Export Ergodata-files

• Export to Zip
Use this function to export all recorded diagnostic data (ergodata) from
dental units to a zip file for troubleshooting purposes. Dental Unit User Settings

• Send Service Modes
Enable this setting to include dental unit service mode settings when
dental unit settings are stored to database and restored back to dental
units. In normal operation this should be left disabled but can be useful
at dental unit installations if numerous new dental units must be
configured identically. E-mail notification server (SMTP)

Planmeca Romexis server can be configured to send alert e-mails when
specific diagnostic events take place in dental units. Romexis sends the e-
mails to the SMTP server configured with these settings. The device alerts
triggering the e-mails are configured in the Romexis Admin module.
Note that Romexis server software does not include the SMTP server but the
service must externally be available.
• SMTP server host name Defines the SMTP Server host
• SMTP server port
Defines the SMTP server port.
• User Name and Password
Credentials used for connecting to the SMTP server. Only required with
encrypted SMTP servers.
• Sender Address
Defines a custom sender address. Encryption
Choose from the following encryption method options:
• No Encryption
Encryption methods negotiated with SMTP server.
Both SSL and TLS encryptions are required.

The encryption method used must be supported by the e-mail server used. E-mail notification settings

• Notification period (mins)
Defines the delay in minutes after which an error is considered to be
important enough to be reported in an e-mail. If an error is negated by
itself or fixed by a user within this time limit, then no error will be
reported. The error will still be shown in the dental unit event log.
• Don't e-mail for same error in (mins)

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 87


Defines the time limit during which a persistent error will not be
reported again.

5.5.2 Unit Connections

Configure only Planmeca Compact i Touch/Classic v1 connections with
Ethernet box, see sections "Configuring Planmeca Compact i Touch v1
connection" on page 104 and "Configuring Planmeca Compact i Classic v1
connection" on page 111. Other unit connections are shown in the Unit
connections tab. Unit connections tab

Configured unit connections

Lists configured unit connections.

88 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual

5 CONFIGURATION Planmeca Compact Ethernet adapter service tab

Lists the Compact i dental units connected to the Clinic management. Use
Search, Add, Update and Remove buttons to modify the list.

Romexis Server Settings

Mark Enable Communication Service selection to enable the communication
to the unit.
Because of performance issues, enable the Enable Log (Troubleshooting
only) setting only for troubleshooting purposes.
Define port number for the service control port in the Service Control Port
Set Max Heap Size (MB) to 0 to automatically calculate used memory based
on device count. Heap size change should be approximately 24 MB per

5.5.3 Floor names

Lists the defined floor names in the clinic management layout. Use Update
and Clear buttons to modify the list.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 89


5.5.4 Integrated communication

DTS server
Fill out the Server Host Name, User Name and Password fields according to
the Representational state transfer (REST) web service data provided.
Uncheck the Enabled check box to temporarily disable the DTS service
without having to clear the data.

Romexis Insights
To enable Romexis Insights, enable AMQPS traffic from the Romexis server
to cloud portal. Port 5671 is used for AMQPS protocol over TCP/UDP.
It is also possible to select AMQPS HTTPS (port 443).
After enabling communication, start Romexis Insights by pressing the Start
Service button or by restarting the Romexis server.

5.6 Image and data management

90 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


5.6.1 Data folders

Romexis data folders

The Planmeca Romexis Data Folders settings sheet allows re-configuration
of the Planmeca Romexis image and ergodata (dental unit diagnostic data)
storage paths can be re-configured and all existing data can be relocated to
a new folder.
• Set path
Use the Set Path button to specify a new root folder for Planmeca
Romexis Data folders. Eg. if the root folder is specified as
R:\romexis_data\ then Planmeca Romexis_images, romexis_cache and
romexis_ergodata folders will be automatically created under it. After the
Planmeca Romexis Server service is restarted all new images will be
stored to the new location.
• Move data
To move all existing data files to a new location and update all database
references to point to the moved files click the Move Data button
It is possible to change the path to point to a new location and have new
files stored there while keeping existing files in the old location.

Planmeca Romexis Server service must be restarted after changing the root
path or moving images for the changes to activate the modifications.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 91


5.6.2 Trash

Reactivate and empty trash

To search for inactivated patients, images and devices select the suitable
alternative from the drop-down menu.
To reactivate patients, images or devices select the appropriate alternative
from the list and click the Reactivate button. The selected items are restored
to Planmeca Romexis.
To permanently delete patients, images, attachments or devices from the
Planmeca Romexis database click the Empty Trash button.

5.6.3 Long Term Archive

Long Term Archive (LTA) allows old images to be moved to a more

permanent storage based on their age. Long Term Archive is not a backup
system but appropriate backups should be maintained in addition to LTA

92 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


Create long term archive

These settings specify which images are to be placed in the Long Term
Archive (LTA), where the archived files should be placed and whether a
maximum size for a single archive should be enforced eg. 650 MB for CD.
Archives will be created as subfolders named “ARCHIVE_1”, “ARCHIVE_2”
etc. under the Archive path. If archive size exceeds the set maximum limit,
then any remaining images will be spanned into the next archive. Every
archived image is accompanied by an image information text file that will
allow manually linking the images back to correct patients in a disaster
scenario, or to manually locate single images inside the archive.
Archived images will have an archive thumbnail shown in Planmeca
Romexis client in place of the actual image thumbnail. When the thumbnail
is double clicked the user is presented with an option to browse to the
correct archive with the Archive path provided as default.
Archive Images button will start the process of moving images from
Planmeca Romexis images folder to the Archive path. Summary and
progress information for the process is shown in the area below.

5.7 Romexis server and unit connection configuration

5.7.1 Before you start Romexis server and unit connection configuration
Before setting up and configuring the network for Planmeca Romexis server/
client(s), plan carefully the following issues:
• Plan for IP addresses and port numbers used in the network.
• Take care that there are no software firewall settings in the Planmeca
Romexis server or client computers, and no hardware firewalls in the
network, blocking the ports used for device communication.

If several Planmeca Romexis instances are installed to the same PC, be
extra careful with port numbers given to the different server/services running
in the PC - each of them must have an unique port number.

5.7.2 Configuring Planmeca Romexis server settings

1. Start Romexis Configuration tool, in Windows Start menu, click All
Programs --> Planmeca --> Romexis Configuration.
The Romexis Configuration login screen appears.

2. To login, enter:
Username: sysadm
Password: promax

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 93


The Romexis Configuration screen appears.

3. From the directory tree on the left side, under Server Parameters, click
Server. Related parameters appears to the right panel.

4. Check and/or set the values for the following parameters, listed in the
table below.

Parameter Description
RMI - Server/Client Communication
RMI Server Host Defines the Romexis server IP address or DNS name.
RMI Server Port Defines the port for Romexis server-client-communication.
Default value is normally ok. Change only in some special
cases, e.g. there are more than one instance of Romexis
installed to the same PC.
File Server (Class Server)
File server enabled File server provides several files for the Romexis clients,
including dental unit quick guide, maintenance and
infection control instructions and dental unit control panel.
Enable this setting (by default this is disabled).
File server port This is the port the server listens to.
Default value is normally ok. Change only in some special
cases, e.g. there are more than one instance of Romexis
installed to the same PC.
Unit Communication (PlanLink)

94 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


Parameter Description
Enable communication Enables the Romexis server to accept the unit connection
requests from Planmeca units. If disabled all unit
connections are disabled.
This must be enabled (by default this is disabled).
Communication port Defines the port number in the Romexis server which is
used by the Planmeca units for connecting to the server.
Default value is normally ok. Change only in some special
cases, e.g. there are more than one instance of Romexis
installed to the same PC.
Enable unit time sync If enabled, the time in the dental units connected to the
Clinic Management is synchronised by the Romexis
By default enabled, keep enabled.
Unit Monitoring / Controlling
Port range begin Sets the smallest port number included to the range of unit
monitoring. Default value is 6000.
Port range end Sets the biggest port number included to the range of unit
monitoring. Default value is 6700.
For example, with default values, unit monitoring port
number range is 6000 - 6700.
Usually the default values are sufficient, only if there is a
huge number of units to be connected to the Clinic
Management, the range must be extended.
For the rest of the parameters in the panel, leave the default values.
5. Click OK to save the changes and exit Romexis Configuration tool.
6. Restart the Romexis server to activate changes:
1. In Windows Start menu, click All Programs --> Planmeca --> Start
Romexis Service.

2. Click Stop Service and Start Service buttons.

3. Click OK button to acknowledge the restart and click Done button.

5.7.3 Configuring Planmeca Romexis unit connections

In the following sections, instructions for configuring and enabling the
connection between Planmeca Romexis and different dental, X-ray and
milling unit. Select appropriate section and follow the instructions given for
the unit/model to be connected.
You can test your configuration with the Planmeca Romexis Clinic
Management Virtual Clinic tool. For more information, see section "Virtual
Clinic" on page 138.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 95

5 CONFIGURATION Configuring Planmeca Sovereign connection

Physical LAN connection

It is assumed that during the Sovereign dental unit installation, the Ethernet
cable from the dental unit is connected and routed to the local area network.

1. Ethernet cable 2. LAN 3. Romexis server

Configuring dental unit

The Planmeca Service Tool (PST) is used for configuring Sovereign dental
unit Clinic Management settings. In this manual, only a short description of
using the PST is given, for detailed information on using the PST, see
section PLANMECA SERVICE TOOL in Planmeca Sovereign Technical

96 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


1. Remove the necessary cuspidor covers and connect the computer to the
dental unit ACCU PCB as shown on the figure below.

1. Ethernet cable
2. Start PST. When the PST is started the user needs to input a pin code.
The pin code is 1701.
3. In the appearing window, click Unit Config. tab. Username and password
dialogue opens.
4. Enter username and password:
User name: pmsovereign
Password: sovereignpm
The Sovereign service mode interface opens.

5. Click Unit options.

The menu for unit options screen opens.

Window appearance and contents depend on the software version.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 97


6. Modify the values under Network configuration: title (in the right bottom
corner) as described below:
• IP address
Defines dental unit own IP address. Set (if not yet modified during
the installation) according to the IP network plan.
• Netmask
Defines subnet mask. Set if needed.
• Gateway
Defines default gateway. Set if needed.
• PMU Server
Defines the Romexis server IP address. Set according to the IP
network plan.
• Hostname

98 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


Defines the dental unit name, visible in the Clinic Management. Set
according to the device naming plan.
7. Click Save SW options button.
8. Exit the PST.
9. Reboot the dental unit. Configuring Planmeca Sovereign Classic connection

Physical LAN connection

It is assumed that during the Sovereign Classic dental unit installation, the
Ethernet cable from the dental unit is connected and routed to the local area

1. Ethernet cable 2. LAN 3. Romexis server

Configuring dental unit

Carefully follow the order of the steps below - it is important to configure the
dental unit’s network settings (steps 1 - 4) before enabling the Romexis
connection (step 5).
1. Touch the Program and About this unit buttons.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 99


The following information is displayed in the About this unit window (the
figure below is an example only).

2. Touch Network settings arrow (>) to open the network settings menu.

In the menu, you can scroll the list either from the list itself, from the
scroll bar to the right, or by using the Up and Down buttons. Press the
Edit or Arrow button next to the setting to edit the value.
When modifying these settings, you will be prompted to enter the PIN-
code 1701.
3. Edit the following settings in the Network settings menu.
• Romexis connection
Enable Romexis connection, toggle the arrow button and select
Romexis and local users option.
• Name

100 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


The name of the dental unit shown in the Romexis. The unit name
must be unique and it has to be changed before connecting the unit
to the Romexis.
• IP address
The dental unit’s IP address. The IP address must be unique.
• Network mask
Subnet mask. The default is
• Gateway
Default gateway. The default is
• Romexis server IP address
IP address of the Romexis server, as defined in Romexis
Configuration tool (Server Parameters --> Server --> RMI Server
Host setting).
• Romexis server port
Romexis communication port number, as defined in Romexis
Configuration tool (Server Parameters --> Server --> Communication
port setting).
The default is 6812. Change the this setting only if you have
changed the default port 6812 to some other port in Romexis
configuration (in section "Configuring Planmeca Romexis server
settings" on page 93.
When the connection to Planmeca Romexis is enabled and the
connection is on, the Romexis symbol on the touch panel is visible.
When the connection is disabled or off, or if the dental unit
configuration does not include the Planmeca Romexis Clinic
Management module, the symbol is grey.
4. Press OK button to save the changes and reboot the dental unit.
When the connection to Planmeca Romexis is enabled and the connection is
on, the Romexis symbol on the touch panel is visible. When the connection
is disabled or off, or if the dental unit configuration does not include the
Planmeca Romexis Clinic Management module, the symbol is grey. Configuring Planmeca Compact i Touch v2 connection

These instructions are valid only for Planmeca Compact i Touch v2 dental
unit. If you connect Planmeca Compact i Touch v1, see instructions given in
section "Configuring Planmeca Compact i Touch v1 connection" on page

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 101


Physical LAN connection

An example installation of the system is shown on the figure below.

1. Ethernet interface 2. Ethernet cable

3. LAN 4. Romexis server
1. Open the cuspidor door and remove the electronics control box cover.
2. Connect the Ethernet cable to the connector located on the right upper
corner of the Main PCB.

3. Route the Ethernet cable from the cuspidor to local area network (LAN).

Configuring dental unit

Carefully follow the order of the steps below - it is important to configure the
dental unit’s network settings (steps 1 - 4) before enabling the Romexis
connection (step 5).

102 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


1. Touch the Program and About this unit button.

The following information is displayed in the About this unit window (the
figure below is an example only).

2. Touch Network settings arrow (>) to open the network settings menu.

In the menu, you can scroll the list either from the list itself, from the
scroll bar to the right, or by using the Up and Down buttons. Press the
Edit or Arrow button next to the setting to edit the value.
When modifying these settings, you will be prompted to enter the PIN-
code 1701.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 103


3. Edit the following settings in the Network settings menu:

• Romexis connection
Enable Romexis connection, toggle the arrow button and select
Romexis and local users option.
• Name
The name of the dental unit shown in the Romexis. The unit name
must be unique and it has to be changed before connecting the unit
to the Romexis.
• IP address
The dental unit’s IP address. The IP address must be unique.
• Network mask
Subnet mask. The default is
• Gateway
Default gateway. The default is
• Romexis server IP address
IP address of the Romexis server, as defined in Romexis
Configuration tool (Server Parameters --> Server --> RMI Server
Host setting).
• Romexis server port
Romexis communication port number, as defined in Romexis
Configuration tool (Server Parameters --> Server --> Communication
port setting).
The default is 6812. Change the this setting only if you have
changed the default port 6812 to some other port in Romexis
configuration (in section "Configuring Planmeca Romexis server
settings" on page 93).
4. Press OK to save the changes and reboot the dental unit.
When the connection to Planmeca Romexis is enabled and the connection is
on, the Romexis symbol on the touch panel is visible. When the connection
is disabled or off, or if the dental unit configuration does not include the
Planmeca Romexis Clinic Management module, the symbol is grey. Configuring Planmeca Compact i Touch v1 connection

These instruction are valid only for Planmeca Compact i Touch v1 dental
unit, if you connect Planmeca Compact i Touch v2, see instructions given in
section "Configuring Planmeca Compact i Touch v2 connection" on page

104 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


Configuring LAN and dental unit settings

Planmeca Compact Touch v1 requires Ethernet adapter to be connected to

the local area network. An example installation of the system is shown on
the figure below.

1. Planet output 2. Ethernet adapter 3. Ethernet cable

4. LAN 5. Romexis server
1. Open the cuspidor door and remove the electronics control box cover.
2. Connect the Planet cable to the connector located on the left upper
corner of the Main PCB and connect the other end of the Planet cable to
the adapter box (white arrows in the figure below).
3. Attach the Ethernet adapter box to the cuspidor support plate (black
arrow in the figure below).

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 105


4. Connect Ethernet cable to the adapter box (grey arrow in the figure

5. Connect the other end of Ethernet cable (connected in the previous step)
to a PC which is configured to a 10.0.0.x subnet.
The dental unit default IP address is This must be changed to
the clients IP network configuration.
6. Go to the dental unit’s control panel and change the dental unit’s service
mode 210 to value 1, follow the steps below:
1. Touch the Program and then Service mode buttons.
2. Enter PIN code (1701), and touch OK button.
3. Move to the service mode 210 using the up and down arrow buttons.
4. Touch SET button until the yellow indicator light turns on (1 or 5
seconds, depending on the service mode).
5. Set the value to 1 using the minus (-) and/or the plus (+) buttons.
6. Touch the SET button until the indicator light turns off.
7. To store and activate the new setting and exit the service mode,
touch Program button.
7. Open a web browser in the computer connected to the Ethernet cable
(step 5) and enter to the address field.
8. To login, enter:
Username: admin
Password: PASS
Ethernet adapter web configuration page appears.
9. Select Network --> Configuration.
10. Enter dental unit’s IP address and netmask to the IP address field.
The IP address and netmask are entered to the IP address field in
11. Click Submit button.

106 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


12. Restart the dental unit.

13. Connect the PC to the dental unit equipped with new IP address to verify
the connection.
Make the connection as described earlier, but note that you must
configure the PC to the same subnet than you configured the dental unit.
14. If the connection works, connect the Ethernet cable from the cuspidor
(Ethernet adapter) to local area network (LAN).
Carry out the steps above for all Planmeca Compact i Touch v1 dental units
to be added to the Clinic Management.

Adding Planmeca Compact i Touch to Romexis software

Before starting, it is recommended to create a list of all Planmeca Compact i

Touch v1 dental units to be added to the Clinic Management. The list should
contain the name and IP addresses of each dental unit.
1. Start Romexis Configuration, in Windows Start menu, click All Programs
--> Planmeca --> Romexis Configuration. To login, enter:
Username: sysadm
Password: promax
2. From the directory tree on the left side, under Clinic Management, click
Unit Connections and select Planmeca Compact Ethernet adapter
service tab.
3. Click Add button.
4. Enter the required information to the window that displays.

The name, IP address and Romexis server port must be unique.

• The dental unit IP must be same as entered when the Ethernet

adapter was configured in section "Configuring LAN and dental unit
settings" on page 0 , Step 10.
• The Romexis server port can be any port that is not used.

5. Configure all Compact i Touch v1 dental units in the same way.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 107


6. From the directory tree on the left side, under Clinic Management, click
Unit Connections and select Planmeca Compact Ethernet adapter
service tab.
7. Under Romexis Server Settings, mark Enable Communication Service
selection, and click the Start Service button.

Do NOT enable the Enable Log (Troubleshooting only) setting.

You can edit the Max Heap Size (MB) field if required by the installation.
Leave the default value of 0 to use the auto-adjusted heap size.
8. From the directory tree on the left side, under Server Parameters, click
Server, and under Unit Communication (PlanLink), mark Enable
communication selection.

9. Restart the Romexis server to activate changes:

1. From the directory tree on the left side, under Start-up, click Romexis
2. Click first Stop Service and then Start Service.

After restart, the Planlink proxy process is started, which enables the
communication between Romexis and Planmeca Compact i Touch v1v1
dental units. Configuring Planmeca Compact i Classic v2 connection

108 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


Physical LAN connection

An example installation of the system is shown on the figure below.

1. Ethernet interface 2. Ethernet cable

3. LAN 4. Romexis server
1. Open the cuspidor door and remove the electronics control box cover.
2. Connect the Ethernet cable to the connector located on the right upper
corner of the Main PCB.

Configuring dental unit

1. Connect the other end of Ethernet cable (connected in the previous step)
to a PC which is configured to a 10.0.0.x subnet.
The dental unit default IP address is This must be changed to
the clients IP network configuration.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 109


2. Open a web browser in the computer connected to the Ethernet cable

(step 1 on page
123) and enter to the address field.
A PIN code dialogue appears.
3. Enter the PIN code 1701 and click Login button.
The unit configuration interface opens to the browser, an example figure

4. Modify the values under Change settings: title as described below:

• Unit name
Defines the dental unit name, visible in the Clinic Management. Set
according to the device naming plan. The name must be unique.
• Inet addr.
Defines dental unit own IP address. Set (if not yet modified during
the installation) according to the IP network plan. The IP address
must be unique.
• Mask
Defines subnet mask. The default value is

110 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


• Gateway
Defines default gateway. The default value is
• Romexis addr.
IP address of the Romexis server, as defined in the Romexis
Configuration tool (Server Parameters --> Server --> RMI Server
Host setting).
• Romexis port
Romexis communication port number, as defined in Romexis
Configuration tool (Server Parameters --> Server --> Communication
port setting).
The default is 6812. Change the this setting only if you have
changed the default port 6812 to some other port in Romexis
configuration (in section "Configuring Planmeca Romexis server
settings" on page 93).
• Mode (SM210)
Set this to value 1 or 2.
5. Click Save button.
6. Exit the browser.
7. Reboot the dental unit.
8. Route the Ethernet cable from the cuspidor to local area network (LAN). Configuring Planmeca Compact i Classic v1 connection

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 111


Configuring LAN and dental unit settings

Planmeca Compact i Classic v1 requires Ethernet adapter to be connected

to the local area network. An example installation of the system is shown in
the figure below.

1. Planet output 2. Ethernet adapter 3. Ethernet cable

4. LAN 5. Romexis server
1. Open the cuspidor door and remove the electronics control box cover.
2. Connect the Planet cable to the connector located on the left upper
corner of the Main PCB and connect the other end of the Planet cable to
the adapter box (white arrows in the figure below).
3. Attach the Ethernet adapter box to the cuspidor support plate (black
arrow in the figure below).

112 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


4. Connect Ethernet cable to the adapter box (grey arrow in the figure

5. Connect the other end of Ethernet cable (connected in the previous step)
to a PC which is configured to a 10.0.0.x subnet.
The dental unit default IP address is This must be changed to
the clients IP network configuration.
6. Go to the dental unit’s control panel and change the dental unit’s service
mode 210 to value 1, follow the steps below:
1. Enter service mode:
- Press the program key and hold it down.
- Press the operating light key until you hear a beep (approx. 2
- Still holding the operating light key, press the bowl rinse/glass fill
key until you hear a beep (approx. 2 seconds).
- Release both keys (program key & bowl rinse/glass fill key).
The display briefly shows “SEr” when service mode is entered.
2. Navigate to the service mode number 210:
To move to the required service mode, use the chair up and down
keys (“C” or “D”) on the control panel.
3. Enter the SET-mode by pressing and holding the “S”-key until the
yellow indicator light turns on (1 or 5 seconds, depending on the
service mode).
4. Set the value to 1.
Decrease the value of the setting with the “A”-key, or increase it with
the “B”-key.
5. Exit the SET-mode by briefly pressing the S-key (the indicator light
turns off).
6. Exit the service mode, briefly press the program key.
7. Open a web browser in the computer connected to the Ethernet cable
(Step 5) and enter to the address field.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 113


8. To login, enter:
Username: admin
Password: PASS
The Ethernet adapter web configuration page appears.
9. Select Network --> Configuration.
10. Enter the dental unit’s IP address and netmask to the IP address field.
The IP address and netmask are entered to the IP address field in
11. Click the Submit button.
12. Restart the dental unit.
13. Connect the PC to the dental unit equipped with new IP address to verify
the connection.
Make the connection as described earlier, but note that you must
configure the PC to the same subnet than you configured the dental unit.
14. If the connection works, connect the Ethernet cable from the cuspidor
(Ethernet adapter) to local area network (LAN).
Carry out the steps above for all Planmeca Compact i v1 dental units to be
added to the Clinic Management.

Adding Planmeca Compact i Classic v1 to Romexis software

Before starting, it is recommended to create a list of all Planmeca Compact i

Classic v1 dental units to be added to the Clinic Management. The list
should contain the name and IP addresses of each dental unit.
1. Start Romexis Configuration, in Windows Start menu, click All Programs
--> Planmeca --> Romexis Configuration. To login, enter:
Username: sysadm
Password: promax
2. From the directory tree on the left side, under Clinic Management, click
Unit Connections and select Planmeca Compact Ethernet adapter
service tab.
3. Click Add button.

114 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


4. Enter the required information in the window that displays.

The name, IP address and Romexis server port must be unique.

• The dental unit IP must be same as entered when the Ethernet

adapter was configured in "Configuring LAN and dental unit settings"
on page 0 , Step 10.
• The Romexis server port can be any port that is not used.

5. Configure all Compact i Touch v1 dental units in the same way.

6. From the directory tree on the left side, under Clinic Management, click
Unit Connections and select Planmeca Compact Ethernet adapter
service tab.
7. Under Romexis Server Settings, mark Enable Communication Service

Do NOT enable the Enable Log (Troubleshooting only) setting.
8. Restart the Romexis server to activate changes:
1. From the directory tree on the left side, under Start-up, click Romexis
2. Click first Stop Service and then Start Service.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 115


9. From the directory tree on the left side, under Server Parameters, click
Server, and under Unit Communication (PlanLink), mark Enable
communication selection.

10. Restart the Romexis server to activate changes:

1. From the directory tree on the left side, under Start-up, click Romexis
2. Click first Stop Service and then Start Service.

After restart, the Planlink proxy process is started, which enables the
communication between Romexis and Planmeca Compact i Classic v1
dental units. Configuring Planmeca ProSensor connection

Planmeca ProSensor HD Clinic Management support is only available for
the Ethernet box setup, not for the USB version.

Planmeca ProSensor HD Clinic Management support is only available for
Planmeca ProSensor software version 2.5.8. and above.

116 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


Physical LAN connection

An example installation of the system is shown on the figure below.

1. Romexis server 2. LAN

The adapter box is necessary to the system installation. The Planmeca
ProSensor will not function if you connect the Ethernet cable directly from
the Romexis server through the local area network (LAN) to the Planmeca
ProSensor unit.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 117


Configuring intraoral sensor unit

1. Go to

The IP address is by default.
2. Select Network Configuration.

3. In the Clinic Management section, fill in the following information:

• Device Name: Enter the box name that appears in the Planmeca
Romexis Clinic Management system
• CM-IPAddress: Enter the IP address of the Planmeca Romexis
• CM port: Enter the Planmeca Romexis Clinic management port
4. Click the Send box.
A yellow LED switches to flashing green state, then the box restarts.
For more information on the Planmeca ProSensor Ethernet interface setup,
see the Planmeca ProSensor HD installation and configuration manual
(publication number 10037905). Configuring Planmeca ProMax X-ray unit connection

Physical LAN connection

It is assumed that the ProMax X-ray unit and reconstruction PC are installed
and connected to the Romexis PC, according to the instructions given in the
Planmeca ProMax X-ray unit’s installation manual.

118 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


Configuring X-ray unit

1. Go to the ProMax X-ray unit and switch on the unit.

2. In the control panel, touch the service spanner at the top left corner of
the main view to open the settings menu and select 1600 Clinic

3. Set the following values to the appearing parameters:

• Romexis Server IP
IP address of the Romexis server, as defined in the Romexis
Configuration tool (Server Parameters --> Server --> RMI Server
Host setting).
• Romexis Port
Romexis communication port number, as defined in Romexis
Configuration tool (Server Parameters --> Server --> Communication
port setting).
The default is 6812. Change the this setting only if you have
changed the default port 6812 to some other port in Romexis
configuration (in section "Configuring Planmeca Romexis server
settings" on page 93).
• Device Number
Enter an unique number for the X-ray unit.
• PlanLink Communication
Set the switch to ON position.
4. Save the changes, touch the green check mark button.
5. Reboot the X-ray unit. Configuring Planmeca ProOne X-ray unit connection

Physical LAN connection

It is assumed that the ProOne X-ray unit is installed and connected to the
Romexis PC, according to the instructions given in the Planmeca ProOne X-
ray unit’s installation manual.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 119


Configuring X-ray unit

1. Go to the ProOne X-ray unit and switch on the unit.

2. In the control panel, touch the service spanner at the top right corner of
the main view to open the User settings menu.

3. Select Clinic Management.

4. Set the following values to the appearing parameters:

• PlanLink Communication
Set the switch to On to enable the Clinic Management
• Romexis Server IP

120 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


IP address of the Romexis server, as defined in the Romexis

Configuration tool (Server Parameters --> Server --> RMI Server
Host setting).
• Romexis Server Port
Romexis communication port number, as defined in Romexis
Configuration tool (Server Parameters --> Server --> Communication
port setting).
The default is 6812. Change the this setting only if you have
changed the default port 6812 to some other port in Romexis
configuration (in section "Configuring Planmeca Romexis server
settings" on page 93).
• Device Number
Enter an unique number for the X-ray unit.
5. Save the changes, touch the green check mark button.
6. Reboot the X-ray unit. Configuring Planmeca PlanMill 40 S milling unit connection

Physical LAN connection

It is assumed that the Planmeca PlanMill 40 S milling unit is installed

according to the installation manual (publication number 30003240).
The Romexis server should have network connection with the PlanMill 40 S
units, for example, as shown in the following figure.

1. Planmeca PlanMill 40 S 2. Router

3. LAN 4. Romexis server

The Planmeca PlanMill 40 S uses a static IP addresses for all system
components. Check all IP addresses within the network to avoid conflicts in
the network.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 121


Configuring PlanMill 40 S milling units

Check the Planmeca service configuration settings in the PlanMill 40 S and

modify if necessary, follow the steps below.
1. Set up a connection between Planmeca Romexis and the Planmeca
PlanMill 40 S.
For more information on setting up the connection, see the installation
manual (publication number 30003240).
2. In the Planmeca PlanMill 40 S user interface, browse to folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Planmeca\Planmeca PlanMill 40
S Clinic Management Service\
3. Open the ClinicMgmtService.exe.config file.
4. In the file, check and edit if necessary, the Romexis server network
settings in the following lines:
<add key="RomexisServerAddress" value=""/>
Edit the value in the line above to contain the Romexis server IP
address, as defined in the Romexis Configuration tool (Server
Parameters --> Server --> RMI Server Host setting).
<add key="RomexisServerPort" value="6812"/>
Edit the value in the line above to contain the Romexis communication
port number, as defined in Romexis Configuration tool (Server
Parameters --> Server --> Communication port setting).
<add key="DevicePublicAddress" value=""/>
Edit the value in the line above to contain the PlanMill 40 S’s own IP
<add key="DevicePublicPort" value="6811"/>
Edit the value in the line above to contain the PlanMill 40 S’s own port
5. Save the file.
6. Restart the PlanMill 40 S if any changes to the file were made. Configuring Planmeca PlanMill 40 milling unit connection

Physical LAN connection

It is assumed that the PlanMill 40 milling unit and job server are installed
according to the Planmeca Chairside CAD/CAM solution, Installation manual
(publication number 10036851).

122 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


The Romexis server should have network connection with the PlanMill 40
units, for example as shown in the following figure.

1. Planmeca PlanMill 40 2. Job server 3. Router

4. LAN 5. Romexis server

The Planmeca Chairside CAD/CAM solution uses a static IP addresses for
all system components. Check all IP addresses within the network to avoid
conflicts in the network.

Configuring PlanMill 40 milling units

The PlanMill 40 milling unit and job server software versions must be or newer. If not, upgrade the softwares, refer to the Planmeca
PlanMill 40, Upgrade instructions (publication number 10037512).
Check the Planmeca service configuration settings in the PlanMill 40 job
server and modify if necessary, follow the steps below.
1. Set up a remote connection to the PlanMill 40 job server.
For more information on creating remote connection to the PlanMill 40
job server, refer to the Planmeca PlanMill 40, Upgrade instructions
(publication number 10037512).
2. Browse to folder:
C:\Program Files\E4D\Mill-Romexis Interface
3. Open the PlanmecaService.exe.config file.
4. In the file, check and edit if necessary, the Romexis server and job
server network settings in the following lines:
<add key="DeviceNamesIPs"
value="milla=;millb=" />
Edit the value in the line above to contain PlanMill 40 device names and
IP addresses.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 123


The Mill name displays in Romexis Clinic management and the IP
address must match the IP address of the PlanMill 40 device. Every Mill
must have a unique name, which you can freely assign as long as the
name does not use spaces and special characters.
<add key="RomexisServerAddress" value=""/>
Edit the value in the line above to contain the Romexis server IP
address, as defined in the Romexis Configuration tool (Server
Parameters --> Server --> RMI Server Host setting).
<add key="RomexisServerPort" value="6812"/>
Edit the value in the line above to contain the Romexis communication
port number, as defined in Romexis Configuration tool (Server
Parameters --> Server --> Communication port setting).
<add key="DevicePublicAddress" value=""/>
Edit the value in the line above to contain the PlanMill 40 job server’s
own IP address.
<add key="DevicePublicPort" value="6811"/>
Edit the value in the line above to contain the PlanMill 40 job server’s
own port number.
5. Save the file.
6. Restart the PlanMill 40 job server, if any changes to the file were made.
7. Close the remote connection.

5.7.4 Configuring intraoral camera

Carry out these steps for the dental units equipped with intraoral camera.

124 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


1. Install the intraoral camera plus connect the cables, see the intraoral
documentation and the figure below.

1. Romexis server 2. LAN 3. Intraoral USB cable

4. Display cable 5. Romexis client
2. Configure the Romexis server settings (if not yet done), see section
"Configuring Planmeca Romexis server settings" on page 93.
3. Configure the dental unit network connection and settings and enable
the Romexis connection with the dental unit (if not yet done), see
section"Configuring Planmeca Romexis unit connections" on page 95.
4. Start the dental unit’s Romexis client PC.
5. Start Romexis, in Windows Start menu, click All Programs --> Planmeca
--> Romexis.
6. Click Admin button.
7. Click Local Settings tab.
8. Enable Connect to Dental Unit at Startup setting under the Dental Unit /
Paired unit title and select the dental unit in question from drop-down

9. To activate changes, restart the Romexis client and the dental unit.

5.7.5 Configuring Planmeca PlanScan scanner

Carry out these steps for the dental units equipped with Planmeca PlanScan

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 125


1. Install the Planmeca PlanScan scanner plus connect the cables, see the
Planmeca PlanScan documentation and the figure below.

1. Romexis server 2. LAN 3. PlanScan FireWire cable

4. Display cable 5. Romexis client
2. Configure the Romexis server settings (if not yet done), see section
"Configuring Planmeca Romexis server settings" on page 93.
3. Configure the dental unit network connection and settings and enable
the Romexis connection with the dental unit (if not yet done), see section
"Configuring Planmeca Romexis unit connections" on page 95.
4. Start the dental unit’s Romexis client PC.
5. Start Romexis, in Windows Start menu, click All Programs --> Planmeca
--> Romexis.
6. Click Admin button.
7. Click Local Settings tab.
8. Enable Connect to dental unit at Startup setting under the Dental Unit /
Paired unit title and select the dental unit in question from drop-down

9. Check that Port Number under the PlanScan Control is not in any other
10. To activate changes, restart the Romexis client and the dental unit.

5.7.6 Configuring dental unit touchpad functionality

Carry out these steps to enable the remote touchpad functionality in the
dental unit.

126 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


1. Configure the Romexis server settings (if not yet done), see section
"Configuring Planmeca Romexis server settings" on page 93.
2. Configure the dental unit network connection and settings and enable
the Romexis connection with the dental unit (if not yet done), see section
"Configuring Planmeca Romexis unit connections" on page 95.
3. Start the dental unit’s Romexis client PC.
4. Start Romexis, in Windows Start menu, click All Programs --> Planmeca
--> Romexis.
5. Click Admin button.
6. Click Local Settings tab.
7. Enable Connect to Dental Unit at Startup setting under the Dental Unit /
Paired unit title and select the dental unit in question from drop-down

8. Enable the Enable remote control setting under the Dental Unit / Paired
unit / Remote TouchPad and Keyboard control title.

9. Check that Port Number is not in any other use.

10. To activate changes, restart the Romexis client and the dental unit.

5.8 Clinic Management configuration

The following section describes how to set up the Planmeca Romexis Clinic
Management system.
You can test your configuration with the Planmeca Romexis Clinic
Management Virtual Clinic tool. For more information, see section "Virtual
Clinic" on page 138.

5.8.1 Before you start Clinic Management configuration

Before setting up and configuring the Clinic Management configuration,
carefully plan the following issues:
• Plan for naming the devices connected to the Clinic Management, i.e.
the names given for the dental units, the client PCs connected to the
dental units, the X-ray devices, etc.
• Plan for clinic layout including floor plan picture files, naming rooms/
working areas, etc.
• When planning, keep in mind possible new devices added later to the
Clinic Management system
• Get acquainted with Clinic Management and its functions, see Planmeca
Romexis User’s manual (publication number 10014593)

To use the Clinic Management module of the Planmeca Romexis software,
the license used with the Planmeca Romexis installation must include the
license for using the Clinic Management module.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 127


When restarting the Planmeca Romexis service or units connected to it, it
takes a while before the units are again visible in the Clinic Management

5.8.2 Configuring Clinic Management general settings

1. Start Romexis Configuration tool. In the Windows Start menu, click All
Programs --> Planmeca --> Romexis Configuration.
The Romexis Configuration login screen appears.

2. To login, enter:
Username: sysadm
Password: promax
The Romexis Configuration screen appears.
3. From the directory tree on the left side, under Clinic Management, click
PlanLink & Diagnostics. Related parameters appears to the right panel.

4. Check and/or set the values for the following parameters, listed in the
table below.

128 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


Parameter/setting Description
Clinic overview and Log Refresh-rate
Show large icons By enabling this setting, the unit icons in the clinic layout
are in bigger format. By default this is diasabled.
E.g. if there are only few units and the floor plan figures are
spacious, this can be enabled.
Note, you can change this setting later when adding units to
the clinic layout, if it seems that bigger icons are more
Dental Unit User Settings
Send Service Modes By enabling this setting, it is possible to modify dental unit
service mode settings remotely from Romexis server.
In normal operation this should be left disabled but can be
useful at dental unit installations if numerous new dental
units must be configured identically.

If enabled temporarily for installing purposes, remember to
disable this setting after completing the installations.
E-mail Notifications
Romexis server can be configured to send alert e-mails when specific diagnostic events take place
in dental units. Romexis sends the e-mails to the SMTP server configured with these settings. The
device alerts triggering the e-mails are configured in the Romexis Admin module.
Note that Romexis server software does not include the SMTP server but the service must
externally be available.
If e-mail notifications is not taken into use, leave these parameters as defaults.
SMTP Server Host Name Defines the SMTP server host.
SMTP Server Port Defines the SMTP server port.
Notification period (mins) Defines the delay in minutes after which an error is
considered to be important enough to be reported in an e-
mail. If an error is negated by itself or fixed by a user within
this time limit, then no error will be reported. The error will
still be shown in the dental unit event log.
Don't e-mail for same error in (mins) Defines the time limit in minutes during which a persistent
error will not be reported again.
For the rest of the parameters in the panel, leave the default values.
5. From the directory tree on the left side, under Image & Data
Management, click Data Folders. The Romexis Data Folders settings
sheet allows re-configuration of the Romexis image, cache and ergodata
(dental unit diagnostic data) storage paths.
For more information on data folders, see section "Data folders" on page
For more information on the needed disk space, see section "System
requirements" on page 1.
6. To change the data folder location, follow the steps below:
1. Click Set Path button.
2. Browse or enter the new storage path.
3. Click Yes to confirm to create new storage folders.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 129


If the given path is valid, the romexis_images, romexis_cache

andromexis_ergodata folders are automatically created under it.
After Romexis server restart, the all-new Romexis image, cache and
ergodata are stored to the new location.
7. Click OK to save the changes and exit Romexis Configuration tool.
8. Restart the Romexis server to activate changes:
1. In the Windows Start menu, click All Programs --> Planmeca -->
Start Romexis Service.

2. Click Stop Service and Start Service buttons.

3. Click OK button to acknowledge the restart and click Done button.

5.8.3 Creating floor plans

Follow the steps below to create a floor plan. Carry out these steps in the
Romexis server.
1. Create a PNG format graphic file from the floor plan of the Clinic
Management area.
For multi-floor, multi-clinic or other complex layouts you can create
multiple floor plans. Up to nine custom floor plans can be specified for
the clinic view.
Each floor plan graphic must be in PNG format, with a recommended
maximum size of 1100 x 800 pixels. Name the files floorplan1.png,
floorplan2.png, up to floorplan9.png, depending on how many
floors/areas are needed.
As an example, the figure below is the default floor plan file included in
the Romexis installation package.

130 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


2. Create another smaller image from each floor plan image to be shown in
the Clinic floor plan list as a thumbnail image, an example given below.

Each floor plan thumbnail graphic must be in PNG format and

approximately 300 x 180 pixels in size. Name the files
floorplanthumbnail1.png, floorplanthumbnail2.png, up to
floorplanthumbnail9.png, depending on for how many floors/areas
are defined.
3. Save the floor plan files and thumbnail graphic files to the Romexis
installation path, in the folder
/Romexis/sconfig, replacing any previous floorplan*.png files.
4. To names or rename floor plans, start Romexis Configuration (in the
Windows Start menu, click All Programs --> Planmeca --> Romexis
5. To login, enter username and password (username: sysadm and
password: promax).
6. From the directory tree on the left side, under Clinic Management, click
Floor names.
7. Select the floorplanX from the list and click Update, enter name for the
floor plan and click OK.
8. After naming the floor plans, click OK to save the changes and exit
Romexis Configuration tool.
9. Restart the Romexis server to activate changes:
1. In the Windows Start menu, click All Programs --> Planmeca -->
Start Romexis Service.

2. Click Stop Service and Start Service buttons.

3. Click OK button to acknowledge the restart and click Done button.

5.8.4 Adding units to Clinic Management layout

Follow the steps below in the Romexis server to add units to the Clinic
Management layout.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 131


All units to be added to the Clinic Management, must be connected,
configured and switched on, as decribed in section "Configuring Planmeca
Romexis unit connections" on page 95.

1. Start Romexis, in Windows Start menu, click All Programs --> Planmeca
--> Romexis.
2. Click Clinic button and maximize the Clinic view.
3. From the Clinic menu bar, click the Configure Layout button.

A list of operatories, chairside PCs, dental units, X-ray units, PlanMill 40

units etc. are shown in the panel at the bottom of the Clinic monitoring
tab view.
A PC or a dental unit becomes available in the list once it has connected
to the server. If a PC or a dental unit is not on the list, verify that a
connection can be established and that the dental unit has been
connected to the Romexis server.
4. Select an operatory (you can choose between vertical or horizontal
5. Drag and drop it into the layout.
6. Enter the name of the operatory (the operatories can be named e.g. to
match the names of the actual operatories in the clinic) and click OK.
The operatory appears in the layout.
7. Add a corresponding unit pair into the layout by drag drop it to the layout.
8. In the same way add all other units to the layout.
9. Close the Romexis, click File -> Exit.
On the next Romexis startup all added units are visible in the clinic layout, in
Romexis server as well as in any Romexis client installation.

5.8.5 Configuring service contact details sending from Romexis to dental units
Carry out these steps to enable the sending service contact details from
Romexis to dental units.

To use this feature, the license used with the Planmeca Romexis installation,
must include the license for using the Clinic Management module.

1. Configure the Romexis server settings (if not yet done), see section
"Configuring Planmeca Romexis server settings" on page 93.
2. Configure the dental unit network connection and settings and enable
the Romexis connection with the dental unit (if not yet done), see section
"Configuring Planmeca Romexis unit connections" on page 95.
3. Start the dental unit’s Romexis client PC.
4. Start Romexis, in Windows Start menu, click All Programs --> Planmeca
--> Romexis.

132 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


5. Click Clinic button and maximise the Clinic view.

6. Create a device group containing the dental units to which the service
contact details are sent. For more information, see section "Creating
device groups" on page 133.
7. Update (or create if not yet existing) a Romexis user whose contact
information is to be sent to the dental units.
• In the Clinic tab, enable the Share user contact details to a device
group option and select the created device group from the drop down
• Among the mandatory fields, fill in the First Name, Last Name, Work
Phone and Work Email fields for the user (those are the information
sent and visible in the dental unit).
• For more detailed information how to add/update a user data, see
section "Adding/updating user" on page 151
8. To activate changes, restart the Romexis client and the dental unit.

5.8.6 Creating device groups

1. From the Clinic menu bar, click the Configure Groups button.

2. Click New Group button, enter name for the group and click OK button.
3. Select units to be added to the group from the Units list and click Add to
selected group button.
4. When all units are selected, click OK button twice.

5.8.7 Updating unit Guides content

Always after upgrading the dental unit software, the dental unit quick guides,
maintenance and infection control instructions and the dental unit control
panel (GUI) should be updated in the Romexis server for the Clinic
Follow the steps below to update the dental unit data in the Romexis server.
1. Insert the USB flash drive including the Planmeca dental unit software
update to the the Romexis server computer USB port.
2. Open the USB flash drive folder.
3. Run the romexisGUI_update.bat script (located in the root folder of the
USB flash drive) as an admin user.
In the following, few tips on how to run the script as an admin user,
depending on the operating system, are given:
Windows 7:
1. Click Windows Start menu.
2. In the Search programs and files field type ‘command prompt’.
3. Right-click the Command prompt line and select Run as

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 133


4. The security question “Do you want to allow the following program to
make changes to this computer?” appears. Select Yes.
Windows XP/Vista:
1. From Windows Start menu select Run.
2. Type cmd in the Open field.
3. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation,
type the password or provide confirmation.
4. Go to the USB flash drive and find the correct drive letter in Windows
5. To run the update script, change to the USB flash drive root folder.
If e.g. the USB flash drive uses disk letter J, enter the following
C:\> J:
6. Check with dir -command that romexisGUI_update.bat exists in
the USB flash drive.
7. Enter the following command in the command prompt.
J:\> romexisGUI_update.bat
Wait until the script has copied all files to the Clinic Management
8. Exit the command prompt, enter the following command.
J:\> exit
9. Start Romexis, in Windows Start menu, click All Programs --> Planmeca
--> Romexis.
10. Click Clinic icon and check from the Monitoring and Guides tabs that the
instructions and Touch panel have been successfully updated. The
dental unit type is selected from the drop-down menu.

134 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


5.8.8 Maintenance Scheduling and Demands

Planmeca Clinic Management’s Maintenance Scheduling feature is available
for use with the Planmeca Sovereign Classic and
Planmeca Clinic Management’s Maintenance Demands feature is available
for use with the Planmeca Sovereign Classic Schedules
The maintenance Scheduling feature allows you to plan regular upkeep and
cleaning operations for the devices in your clinic.
Before you can use the feature, you must create a device group for the
dental units that require regular scheduled upkeep. For more information on
the device group setup, see section "Creating device groups" on page 133.
From the Clinic menu bar, click the Maintenance Scheduling button.
Once the group is selected, pick the maintenance schedule from the drop-
down options. You can add new scheduled upkeep operations, with the time
of day and duration of each operation.
You can select from the following operations for the device group:
• Short instrument flushing
• Long instrument flushing
• Suction cleaning
• Waterline cleaning
You can also set the device into low power (standby) mode for a set period.
For more information, see the Planmeca Romexis user’s manual (publication
number 10014593).

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 135


The schedule controls and assists in the automation of different procedures
and is intended for use by dental clinic technicians. For more detailed
technical service and parts replacement operations, see the unit's technical
manual. Demands
The maintenance Demands feature enables you to set selected groups of
Planmeca Sovereign Classic units with a designated number of suction
cleaning and instrument flushing procedures per day.
If the set demands are not met, Planmeca Romexis displays a notification
and/or prohibits the further use of water and suction. You can select these
options by checking and unchecking the boxes in the Action area.
If selected, the notifications are visible in the Planmeca Romexis Clinic
Management floorplan view, as well as the Planmeca Sovereign Classic
user interface.

5.8.9 Configuring Planmeca Sovereign Classic user settings storing

Carry out these steps to enable user settings storage to Planmeca Romexis
with Planmeca Sovereign Classic dental units.
1. Configure the Romexis server settings (if not yet done), see section
"Configuring Planmeca Romexis server settings" on page 93.
2. Configure the dental unit network connection and settings and enable
the Romexis connection with the dental unit (if not yet done), see section
"Configuring Planmeca Sovereign Classic connection" on page 99.
3. To activate changes, restart the Romexis client and the dental unit.

The user setting are stored to the C:\Program Files\Planmeca
\Romexis\server\resources\settings\user folder.

The user in the dental unit must be connected to the Romexis user, for more
information, see dental unit’s technical manual.

5.8.10 Configuring automatic login to Planmeca Sovereign Classic with Romexis client
Carry out these steps to enable the automatic login to the Planmeca
Sovereign Classic when the user is logged in to the Romexis client.
1. Configure the Romexis server settings (if not yet done), see section
"Configuring Planmeca Romexis server settings" on page 93.
2. Configure the dental unit network connection and settings and enable
the Romexis connection with the dental unit (if not yet done), see section
"Configuring Planmeca Sovereign Classic connection" on page 99.
3. Start the dental unit’s Romexis client PC.
4. Start Romexis, in Windows Start menu, click All Programs --> Planmeca
--> Romexis.
5. Click the Admin button.
6. Click the Local Settings tab.

136 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


7. Enable Connect to Dental Unit at Startup setting under the Dental Unit /
Paired unit title and select the dental unit in question from drop-down

8. To activate changes, restart the Romexis client and the dental unit.

5.8.11 Configuring Planmeca Compact i dental unit manual user settings storing and
Carry out these steps to enable the manual user setting storing and transfer
to Planmeca Romexis with Planmeca Compact i dental units.

To use this feature, the license used with the Planmeca Romexis installation,
must include the license for using the Clinic Management module.

1. Configure the Romexis server settings (if not yet done), see section
"Configuring Planmeca Romexis server settings" on page 93.
2. Configure the dental unit network connection and settings and enable
the Romexis connection with the dental unit (if not yet done), see the
appropriate section:
• "Configuring Planmeca Compact i Touch v2 connection" on page
• "Configuring Planmeca Compact i Touch v1 connection" on page
• "Configuring Planmeca Compact i Classic v2 connection" on page
• "Configuring Planmeca Compact i Classic v1 connection" on page
3. To activate changes, restart the Romexis client and the dental unit.

5.8.12 Configuring Planmeca Compact i dental unit automatic user settings storing and
Carry out these steps to enable the automatic user setting storing and
transfer to Planmeca Romexis with Planmeca Compact i dental units.
The user settings are transferred to the unit when the user logs in to
Planmeca Romexis.

To use this feature, the license used with the Planmeca Romexis installation,
must include the license for using the Clinic Management module.

1. Configure the Romexis server settings (if not yet done), see section
"Configuring Planmeca Romexis server settings" on page 93.
2. Configure the dental unit network connection and settings and enable
the Romexis connection with the dental unit (if not yet done), see the
appropriate section:
• "Configuring Planmeca Compact i Touch v2 connection" on page

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 137


• "Configuring Planmeca Compact i Touch v1 connection" on page

• "Configuring Planmeca Compact i Classic v2 connection" on page
• "Configuring Planmeca Compact i Classic v1 connection" on page
3. Start the dental unit’s Romexis client PC.
4. Start Romexis, in Windows Start menu, click All Programs --> Planmeca
--> Romexis.
5. Click Admin button.
6. Click Local Settings tab.
7. Enable Connect to Dental Unit at Startup setting under the Dental Unit /
Paired unit title and select the dental unit in question from drop-down

8. To activate changes, restart the Romexis client and the dental unit.

5.8.13 Configuring of sending device alert e-mails

The following section describes how to enable the sending of device alert e-

To use this feature, the license used with the Planmeca Romexis installation,
must include the license for using the Clinic Management module.

1. Configure the Romexis server settings (if not yet done), see section
"Configuring Planmeca Romexis server settings" on page 93.
2. Configure the dental unit network connection and settings and enable
the Romexis connection with the dental unit (if not yet done), see section
"Configuring Planmeca Romexis unit connections" on page 95.
3. Update the Romexis users’ data for those users to which the device
alerts are to sent.
• In the Clinic tab, enable the Listens device alerts / Add user to list
• For more detailed information how to add/update a user data, see
section "Adding/updating user" on page 151
4. Configure the device alerts for the user, see section "Configure Device
Alerts" on page 157.
5. To activate changes, restart the Romexis client and the dental unit.

5.8.14 Virtual Clinic

The Planmeca Romexis Clinic Management Virtual Clinic allows you to
perform demos and test simulations of your clinic setup without requiring the
physical devices to be connected to the system, or for the devices to run.

138 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


To open Planmeca Romexis Clinic Management Virtual Clinic, select Virtual

clinic from the File menu.

For more information on the Virtual Clinic feature, see the Planmeca
Romexis Clinic Management Virtual Clinic quick guide (publication number

5.8.15 Logs
You can filter the logs according to, for example, the device name and
address, the event type or the date, in order to narrow your search for
specific logs. You can also select other options from a pop-up list by right-
clicking in the Logs window. Any column can be used for sorting.

The Description and Solution fields provide more information about an event.
For more information on the logging feature, see the Planmeca Romexis
user’s manual (publication number 10014593).

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 139


5.9 Start-up

Start-up tabs are available only on Romexis server on Windows.

5.9.1 Client parameters

This tab can be used to configure only the Client that is installed on this
current workstation. Connection to Planmeca Romexis server

• Server address and server port
Define the Planmeca Romexis Server address into which Planmeca
Romexis Client connects to. Host address can be either IP or DNS
• User ID and password
Optional login information for the Client. Java VM parameters

• JVM path
Set the Java Virtual Machine to be used by Planmeca Romexis client.
• Stack size
Defines the amount of stack memory in use. This parameter is optional,
and needs to be configured only if certain TWAIN devices are used.
• Max heap size
Defines the maximum amount of memory which Planmeca Romexis
Client has in use.
• 3D rendering

140 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


Defines the rendering method for 3D images. User Interface

• Language
Defines the language file used with Planmeca Romexis Client.
• Main window size x and main window size y
These parameters can be used to force the Client's main window to a
certain size.
• Default monitor
• Set defaults
To restore the default settings click this button.

5.9.2 Romexis Service

Planmeca Romexis Service is a Windows program that starts Planmeca
Romexis Server every time Windows is started. In this tab all settings for the
Planmeca Romexis Service can be configured.

Changes to these parameters take effect only after you restart Planmeca
Romexis Service. Romexis Service

• Windows service name
Defines the name of the Planmeca Romexis Service in the Windows
Services list.
• Executable name
Name of the wrapper executable to be used as Planmeca Romexis

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 141


• Startup delay (min)

Defines the Planmeca Romexis Service Startup Delay in minutes. Java VM parameters

These parameters affect the way Planmeca Romexis Server is launched.
• JVM path
Defines the path to the Java Virtual Machine in use.
• Classpath
Defines the files that the Virtual Machine uses.
• Main class
Defines the Main Class inside Planmeca RomexisServer.jar.
• Optional app args
Allows passing optional configuration parameters to Planmeca Romexis
Server, normally specified in
• Optional JVM args
Allows passing optional configuration parameters to Planmeca Romexis
Server’s Java Virtual Machine. Normally specified in RomexisService.ini.
• Max heap size
Defines the maximum amount of memory which Planmeca Romexis
Server has in use.
• Aggressive/multi-core garbage collection
When activated the garbage collection can be enhanced. Service control

• Start service
Starts the Planmeca Romexis service.
• Stop service Stops the service.
• Remove service
Stops the Service and removes it from the Windows Services list.
• Show log
Opens the Planmeca Romexis Service Log.
• Set defaults
To restore default settings click this button.

5.10 Server parameters

142 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


5.10.1 Server RMI - Server/Client Communication

• RMI Server Host
Planmeca Romexis server IP or DNS name is configured here.
• RMI Server Port
Defines the port for Planmeca Romexis server-client-communication.
• Port range begin, Port range end
You can define a port range for RMI communication between Romexis
Client and Server. If port range is defined as Port range begin = 0 and
Port range end = 0 (the default), random free ports will be used. It is
recommended to use a range covering as much ports as possible for
better performance. Mobile Server

• iRomexis Server Enabled
Enables communication with Planmeca iRomexis clients and allows
configuration of the port where incoming Planmeca iRomexis client
communications are listened to (default=8083). This setting is enabled is
by default in new installations.
• mRomexis Server Enabled
Enables communication with Planmeca mRomexis clients and allows
configuration of the port where incoming Planmeca mRomexis client
communications are listened to (default=8093). This setting is enabled is
by default in new installations.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 143


Also configure your firewall to allow access the following executable:
C:\Program Files\Planmeca\Romexis\server
• Max concurrent xray sessions
Defines the limit of how many mRomexis applications can
simultaneously acquire x- ray images.
Default value is 0. Planmeca mRomexis uses Romexis server for
capturing images. When this value is 1 or more, Planmeca Romexis
client collects DIDAPI configuration settings and calibration files from
client computers and sends them to the server. Server Log Clinic Management

Control Module

• Start Module loads and starts the Clinic management module

• Stop Module stops and unloads the Clinic management module from the
running Romexis Server
Can be restarted by pressing Start Module.


Shows the current version of the running Planmeca Romexis Clinic

Management instance.

Unit Communication (PlanLink)

• Enable communication
Enables the Romexis server to accept the unit connection requests from
Planmeca units. If disabled all unit connections are disabled.
• Communication port
Defines the port number in the Romexis server which is used by the
Planmeca units for connecting to the server.
• Enable unit time sync
If enabled, the time in the dental units connected to the Clinic
Management is synchronised by the Romexis server.
• Save log only if patient is selected Saves the log only if patient is
• Enable debugging log
When enabled, starts the logging of the diagnostic communication.

Unit Monitoring / Controlling

• Port range begin
Sets the smallest port number included to the range of unit monitoring.
• Port range end
Sets the biggest port number included to the range of unit monitoring.

144 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


File Server (Class Server)

• File server enabled

File server provides several files for the Romexis clients, including dental
unit quick guides, maintenance and infection control instructions and
dental unit control panel.
In addition, if this option is selected, the Romexis server provides the
latest Romexis connection classes to Romexis connection proxies which
communicate with the dental units. This is needed only in special cases,
e.g. valid for Planmeca Compact i Chairside PC connections.
• File server port
This is the port the server listens to.

VNC Server (Unit control panel)

Defines the VNC server port. Set Defaults button

Click the Set Defaults button to restore default settings.

5.10.2 Database Database Connection

The Database Connection field displays a list of alternative databases for
use with Planmeca Romexis.
• Solid
• Oracle
• SQL server (jTDS)
• Firebird

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 145


• SQL Server (MS)

• HSQLDB (embedded) Database details

The database options above, when selected, display the following fields:
• JDBC connect URL
Planmeca Romexis uses JDBC driver to connect to the database. If you
use a different database than the one provided in the Planmeca Romexis
installation, you must acquire JDBC driver for the alternative database.
JDBC Connect URL is the connection string which JDBC driver uses to
locate the data source. An example URL can be seen beside the
database names, but because it is defined by the provider of the driver, it
can differ from the example URL. In such case contact the provider of
the JDBC driver.
• User ID and password
The login information to enter the Planmeca Romexis Database.
• Test connection
To test the database connection, click this button.
• Set defaults
To restore default settings, click this button.
The SQL Server (MS) option, when selected, displays the following fields in
addition to JDBC connect URL, User ID / password and the buttons listed
• Use SSL encryption (check box)
Enable SSL encryption for communication between Romexis server and
database. This option is enabled by default on new installations.
• Trust Server Certificate (check box)
Encryption uses a self-signed certificate generated by SQL Server by
default. If you plan to use a third party certificate you should export the
certificate into a trustStore and deselect this option.
The following options are also available if the SQL Server (MS) option is
selected, but are disabled if the Trust Server Certificate option check box
(above) is checked:
• Path to the certificate trustStore
Determines the path to the trustStore where the server authentication
certificate is imported.
• TrustStore password Password to trustStore.
• Host name in certificate
Type the hostname that is defined in your certificate. This is used to
validate the certificate.
The Complete URL shows you the URL that is used when Romexis
connects to the database.

146 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


5.10.3 External communication Datagate - external patient management system

Planmeca Romexis can connect to an external patient management system
through data gate. Data gate is a connection to the database from which
Planmeca Romexis polls for new external information.
• Active from
Defines the starting hour of the day for the automatic data gate polling.
• Active to
Defines the last hour of the day until which the data gate polling is on.
• Poll Interval (min)
Defines the time interval between consecutive queries into the database. DICOM
Planmeca Romexis can be configured to use auto storage to automatically
send DICOM images to external PACS image database after acquisition.
Planmeca Romexis polls for new DICOM images according to the Poll
Interval from the Planmeca Romexis database.
• DICOM polling enabled
Defines whether polling and automatic storage are performed.
• Active from

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 147


Defines the starting hour of the day for automatic DICOM polling.
• Active to
Defines the last hour of the day until when the DICOM polling is on.
• Poll interval
Defines the time interval between consecutive queries into image
• Set defaults
To restore default settings click this button.

148 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


In this chapter, instructions how to administer the Planmeca Romexis

6.1 Admin module

The Admin module is a tool for administering tasks of Planmeca Romexis
application. The Admin module is divided into the following tab sheets:
1. Resource
2. Patient Merge
3. Device Alerts
4. Dental Record
5. Imaging
6. Local Settings

6.2 Resource
Under the Resource tab you can create user groups and define user names,
passwords and clinic names.

6.2.1 Groups
The existing groups are listed in the Groups tab.

Use the Add button to add a new user group, see section "Adding/updating
group" on page 149.
Use the Update button to modify permissions of an existing group, see
section "Adding/updating group" on page 149.
Use the Inactivate button to inactivate the user group. Adding/updating group

Follow the instructions below to add a new group or to update of an exiting
group’s settings. Note that some of the settings cannot be changed when
updating a group settings (e.g. group name).
1. To add a new user group, click the Add button at the bottom of the

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 149


2. In the opening dialogue enter the name and description for the new

3. Optionally, click the Browse AD Groups button to map a Planmeca

Romexis group to an Active Directory user group.
4. Define the permissions for the group by selecting the permission(s) and
clicking the using the Add / Remove buttons.

5. Select the Toolbars tab.

In the Toolbars tab the tools visible for each user group can selected.
1. Select the toolbar contents to be edited from the Select Toolbar to
Edit menu.
2. Move items between the Visible and Hidden fields by clicking the
Add > and < Remove buttons.
6. Click OK.

150 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


6.2.2 Users
The existing users are listed in the Users tab.

Use the Add button to add a new user, see section "Adding/updating user"
on page 151.
Use the Update button to modify information of an existing user, see section
"Adding/updating user" on page 151.
Use the Inactivate button to inactivate the user.
Use the Refresh button to refresh the tab view. Adding/updating user

Follow the instructions below to add a new user or to update of an exiting
user’s data. Note that some of the settings cannot be changed when
updating a user settings (e.g. username).

If you are using the Planmeca PlanIDTM system, make sure that you have
created a user group for PlanID Users. Set the group to include all of the
Clinic Management permissions. For more information on group creation,
see section "Adding/updating group" on page 149.

1. Click the Add button to create a new user, or select an existing user from
the list and click the Update button to modify existing user’s data.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 151


2. In the dialogue that displays, fill in or select the necessary information.

3. Fill in the information in the User, Personal and Contact tabs.

4. If Planmeca Romexis Cloud service is used, configure the settings in
Cloud tab, see section "Cloud (user account setup)" on page 153.
5. If DDX Dental cloud service is used, configure the settings in DDX tab,
see section "DDX (user account setup)" on page 154.
6. Select the Clinic tab and fill in the necessary fields.

• Listens device alerts / Add user to list

Enable this option for those users to which the device alerts are to be

152 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


• Planmeca PlanID / RFID button / Allow reassign from dental unit

Shows the RFID tag assigned for the user.
The RFID button allows the user to assign the RFID tag by using a
separate RFID reader connected to the computer USB port. Clicking
the button opens the following window:

The Allow reassign from dental unit option allows the user to
reassign the existing RFID tag for a new user. For more information,
see the PlanID quick guide (publication number 30005120).

If you want to display a user image on the unit’s user interface and
the Romexis clinic management floorplan, add the image to the user
information in the Photo tab.

The assigning of Romexis user to RFID tag can be performed using
a compatible dental unit or in Romex directly, with a USB connected
RFID Reader. The latter approach is recommended if there is a large
number of users. For more information, see "Specification of USB
connected RFID readers" on page 191.
• Device maintenance / Share user contact details to a device group
Select this option to enable the sending service contact details from
Romexis to dental units dental units and select the created device
group from the drop down menu.
7. When finished, click OK. Cloud (user account setup)

To start using the Planmeca Romexis Cloud service for sending and
receiving cases you will need a user account. The user account identifies
each user globally when sending and receiving cases. It is also used to
establish a secure private-public key encryption for all data transferred
through the Cloud. An additional fee based service subscription may be
required to use certain features such as sending new cases.
1. If not yet active, click Admin icon in Romexis, and select Resource and
Users tabs. and either create new user or update an existing user’s data.
2. Select the Cloud tab.

3. To create an account click the Web link for Account Creation button.
4. Enter your account ID and password in the respective fields.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 153


5. When successfully logged into the cloud for the first time, your private
keys will be created in the Planmeca Romexis database.
To access the cloud from another computer you need to move your
private key to that computer using the Export Keys and Import Keys
buttons before logging into the cloud.
If for some reason you have lost access to the private keys click the
Generate new Keys button. A new private key will be generated in the
Planmeca Romexis database.

Generating new keys will invalidate all previously received cases as the
private key information required to decrypt them no longer exists.

To prevent any unauthorised person from accessing your cases in the
cloud make sure to protect the private key after it has been exported.

For more information on how to configure the Planmeca Romexis Cloud
application see section "Cloud" on page 83.
6. Click OK button or continue new user creation. DDX (user account setup)

To start using the DDX Dental cloud service you will need a user account.
The user account identifies each user globally when sending and receiving
cases. It is also used to establish a secure private-public key encryption for
all data transferred through the Cloud.
1. If not yet active, click Admin icon in Romexis, and select Resource and
Users tabs. and either create new user or update an existing user’s data.
2. Select the DDX tab.

3. Fill in the fields:

• DDX Account Name
• App Public Key
• App Private Key
4. Configure the DDX Dental cloud service provider settings, see
instructions in section "DDX dental" on page 84.
5. Click OK button or continue new user creation.

154 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


6.3 Patient Merge

The Patient Merge tab consists of two search panels in the upper half of the
screen and a search result panel in the lower half.

6.3.1 Patient Search

Search for matching patients in the following ways:
• Search for patients with matching attributes in the left side search panel
Select from a list of attributes including, for example, surname and date
of birth. Patient Merge groups together the patients with matching
attributes and displays them in the result panel.
Groups are distinguished based on the background colour of the result
• Search for patients with specific attributes in the right side search panel
Use the wildcard character '*' in search fields, excluding date of birth and
gender fields.
The panel contains 2 columns of search fields so that 2 individual
searches can be performed at the same time.

You cannot combine search results from the matching attributes and specific
attributes search methods.

After a successful search, select patients for merging by selecting the

relevant patient checkboxes.

6.3.2 Patient Merge

The target patient must also be selected - this marks the patient that other
patients are merged into. When using "search by matching attributes" mode
you can select / deselect the whole group with double click. In this case the
user that was modified last will be the target for merging.
Merging process is irreversible and can be reverted only by restoring
database backup. Patient Merge merges the following patient information:

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 155


• Patient info: For example, name and date of birth are set according to
target patient
• Address: If target already has assigned address, this is used; otherwise,
the most recently modified address is assigned to merged patient
• Person Attributes: Patient, provider, user, physician etc. are merged to
target person
• User information: All user entries point to target patient after merging

The patient in question can be a Romexis user.
• Images and studies: All images and studies are merged to target person
• Dental Session info: All entries are merged for target person
• Assignments: All entries are merged for target person
• Medical History: All entries are merged for target person
• Treatment plans: All entries are merged for target person

Persons other than the target are set as inactive according to other Admin

6.4 Device Alerts

The Device Alerts tab allows configuration of error forwarding to user e-mails
(Device Alerts).

156 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


6.4.1 Configure Device Alerts

Configuring device alerts

1. From the left panel, select the user to which the device alerts is to be

In order to see the user in the list, the Listens device alerts / Add user to
list option in the user data Clinic tab must be enabled, as well as the
Work Email must be defined as the alerts are sent to that address. See
more in section "Adding/updating user" on page 151.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 157


2. Click the Configure button and select the specific error and help events
to be forwarded to a selected user’s e-mail.

3. When ready, click the OK button.

6.4.2 Configure Usage Data Alerts

Configuring usage data alerts

1. Click the New button to create a new usage data alert.
2. Enter Name and Message, and select Type for the alert.

158 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


3. Configure triggers that allow custom events on:

• Unit component mileage limits (hours) for preventive maintenance.
• Unit instrument activation frequency to track inappropriate use.
4. When ready, click Save Settings button.
• To modify an existing alert definition, select the alert from the left panel
and change the settings and click the Save Settings button.
• Use the Remove button to remove an existing alert definition.

6.5 Dental record

6.5.1 Materials
In the Materials tab you can add, edit or delete materials in different material
groups. Adding new material into a material group

1. Select the group to which you want to add a material by clicking it with
the left mouse button.
2. Click the New button.
3. Fill in the necessary information and click OK. Editing material in a material group

1. Select the group which you want to edit by clicking it with the left mouse
2. Click the Edit button.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 159


3. Fill in the necessary information and click OK. Deleting material from material group

1. Select the material to delete from a group by clicking it with the left
mouse button.

2. Click the Delete button.


In the following window select Yes.

6.6 Imaging

6.6.1 Templates
Templates are used for capturing multiple images to a certain predefined
A template can contain intraoral, panoramic and cephalometric X-ray images
and photos. The print layout and the alignment for the images in it can also
be defined in the template.
The list of existing image templates is shown in the Templates tab. To
prevent using a certain template for new studies click Inactivate.

160 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


Inactivation does not affect the existing studies based on the template. Creating a new template

1. To create a new template click New.
2. In the window that displays, enter a name for the new template and click

3. Click the Layout button.

4. Define the layout for the template.

5. In the following window, double-click the image slot you want to modify.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 161


6. Select the image type, sensor orientation, horizontal and vertical

alignment of the images in the study, exposure order, send order and
tooth numbers.

The alignment X and Y are also used to position images into a print
layout. Appropriate alignment allows printing images in larger scale with
less white space in between.
7. After you have defined all necessary information for all the slots click OK.
The template is saved into the database. It can now be used in Imaging
module and in radiology approval process in the Clinic module. Editing an existing template

1. Select the template from the list and click Update.
2. To define a new layout or a template click the Layout button.
3. Select predefined layouts or customise the number of images per row or
per column. The last option allows you to create complex templates such
as FMX 20.

162 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


4. In the following window, double-click the image slot you want to modify.

5. Select the image type, sensor orientation, horizontal and vertical

alignment of the images in the study, exposure order, send order and
tooth numbers.

The alignment X and Y are also used to position images into a print
layout. Appropriate alignment allows printing images in larger scale with
less white space in between.
6. After you have defined all necessary information for all the slots click OK.
The template is saved into the database. It can now be used in Imaging
module and in radiology approval process in the Clinic module.

6.6.2 DICOM Configuration

In order to configure DICOM destinations the following information is needed
from the local network administrator:
• Network configuration information for Planmeca Romexis workstation
• Port numbers for DICOM configurations
• IP addresses of DICOM services

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 163


• AE titles, Port numbers and IP addresses for the needed DICOM

• Storage server
• Printer
• Worklist
• Modality Performed Procedure Step (MPPS)
• Query / Retrieve
• AE title for workstation (default AE_title is ROMEXIS_1) and Planmeca
Romexis server SCU and SCP are needed for some of the services.

If there are several Planmeca Romexis workstations in the network
configured under local settings the workstations should have unique AE
titles, for example ROMEXIS_2, ROMEXIS_3 etc, unless the Communicate
through server option is enabled. For more information see section "DICOM
Storage Setup" on page 166.

In the DICOM tab all the default destination applications are defined. By
clicking the Select button the Default AE window opens.

164 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


To add a new Application Entity (AE) click the Add button and define the AE
title, host name and port number in the opening window.

In addition to AE Title, Host Name and Port Number parameters, the

Transfer Syntax to be used can be set to No Restriction (automatically
negotiated) or limited to a certain Transfer Syntax for increased compatibility.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 165


In the Storage Setup window that displays, the DICOM Storage Settings can
be changed or checked. Communicate through server

Route all DICOM communication from Planmeca Romexis clients to DICOM
services via Planmeca Romexis Server. The SCU AE Title will be used
instead of Client AE Title. General
• Reuse association for Singleframe CT images:
Specifies whether a single storage association is reused for all frames in
a Singleframe CT images. If disabled a new association will be opened
for each frame.
• Supports Enhanced (Multiframe) CT images:
3D volumes will be sent to DICOM Storage in multiframe format. See
your DICOM Storage server documentation for more information.
• Send Images with rotation and mirroring applied:
The image is sent to DICOM storage rotated or mirrored if rotation or
mirroring is applied to it.
• Send Images with processing applied:
All image enhancements made in Planmeca Romexis are merged into
the image sent to DICOM storage.
• Send Images with annotations applied:
Annotations added in Planmeca Romexis are merged into the images
sent to DICOM storage.
• Send grayscale images with LUT:
The Lookup Table (LUT) is included with images sent to DICOM
Storage. In Planmeca Romexis the following applies to LUT values:

166 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


• If a gamma correction value unequal to 1.00 is set in Planmeca Romexis

Configuration --> Imaging --> Panoramic --> Auto-enhancements -->
Gamma, only that value will be used as LUT. If the value equal to 1.00 is
set in the first Adjust Levels operation gamma and min/max values will
be used as LUT.
• In general only the first adjustment in the Adjust Levels will be used as
LUT whereas the next adjustments will be ignored. SOP Class

The Force SOP Classes option allows forcing of a specific SOP Class to be
used for each image category in Planmeca Romexis. By default Planmeca
Romexis selects the correct SOP Class for each image. Forcing of SOP
Class is usually not required but may be useful in some cases to maximize
compatibility with different PACS systems. The first class item in each drop
down list is the default value. Modality
The Force Modalities option allows forcing of specific modality to be used for
each image category. By default Planmeca Romexis selects the best
suitable modality for each image. Forcing of modality is usually not required
but may be useful e.g. to maximize compatibility with different PACS
systems (for example if the system doesn’t support PX dental modality). Storage Commitment

• Storage Commitment Enabled:
Storage commitments will be shown in Image properties once received.
• Use separate commitment threads:

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 167


Threads Storage Commitment into maximum 10 parallel processes

improving Storage throughput in cases where PACS Storage
Commitment processing time is long.
• Two association mode for commitment:
When two association mode is enabled, a dedicated association socket
will be opened for establishing Storage Commitment. Otherwise the
original Storage association socket is reused to establish Storage

Two association mode for commitment cannot be used with server
• Listening port for commitment:
Specify port where Planmeca Romexis server listens to Storage
Commitments when Two Association mode is used
• Timeout for commitment(s):
Specify Planmeca Romexis Server timeout for receiving Storage
Commitment whenTwo Association mode is used

168 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


The DICOM Printer settings can be checked and changed in the opening
DICOM Printer Setup window.

Under Film Box the following settings can be made:

• Orientation: Default / Portrait / Landscape
Default: The printer automatically select the page orientation while
Portrait or Landscape forces the selected orientation.
• Film Size: Several choices
This setting allows forcing the printer to use a certain film size.
• Magnification Type: Default, Replicate, Bilinear, Cubic, None
Default will use the default magnification type of the printer while the
others can be used to overrule.
• Smoothing Type: Please see your DICOM printer manual for more
information on this setting.
• Magnification Factor: The multiplier to magnify prints.
Set this to a value larger than 0 to scale images up or down. 0.5 will yield
50% size, 1 yields 100% while 1.5 yields 150% scaling. Leave empty to
let the printer fit the image on the film.
• Header Text Height: Text height for text in header.
Values between 20-50 are usually good. Leaving this empty will cause
no header to be printed. Please note that if a magnification is applied in
printing the text sizes will also be scaled accordingly.
• Footer Text Height: Text height for text in footer.
Values between 20-50 are usually good. Leaving this empty will cause
no footer to be printed.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 169


• Annotation Text Height: Text height for annotation.

Values between 20-50 are usually good. Leaving this empty will cause
no annotations to be printed. DICOM worklist setup

• Communicate through server:
Enable this option to route all DICOM communication from Planmeca
Romexis clients to DICOM services via Planmeca Romexis Server. If
enabled Planmeca Romexis server SCU AE Title will be used instead of
Planmeca Romexis Client AE Title.

• Enable Select and update closes matching patient automatically to have
Planmeca Romexis select and update closes matching patient
automatically when a patient is opened from DICOM Worklist and a
patient with similar information already exists in Planmeca Romexis
database. Normally Planmeca Romexis will ask the user to make a
selection between updating or creating a new patient.
• The Default Modality setting specifies the default value for the modality
in the DICOM Worklist screen in the Patient module. DICOM Modality performed procedure step (MPPS)

DICOM MPPS SCU service is used together with DICOM Modality Worklist
SCU service. If Planmeca Romexis MPPS service is configured, the ID,
status and dates of studies as well as patient name will be sent to PACS
when starting the exposure. Dates and compete list of images including X-
ray parameters will be sent to the HIS/RIS server after closing exposure
To connect to HIS/RIS MPPS the provider service Default MPPS AE should
be enabled.

170 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


For sending messages select Default MPPS AE and tick the box Allow
sending messages in Modality Performed Procedure field. DICOM Query / Retrieve Setup

• Use Planmeca Romexis Serve AE title
Use Planmeca Romexis Server SCU title in Query mode as calling AE
title instead of using Planmeca Romexis Client AE title.
• Allow only for current patient
Limits DICOM Query Retrieve queries to the currently selected patient
• Automatic for PMBRIDGE patient
Automatically execute Query / Retrieve for current patient when new
patient is selected using PMBRIDGE.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 171


• Delete retrieved images after n days

Auto delete images requested and received from DICOM Q/R after n
days. DICOM Storage Settings

The following options require that DICOM polling has been enabled in
Planmeca Romexis Configuration application. For more information see
section "External communication" on page 147.
• Store new Images automatically
Specify whether newly captured images should be automatically
processed by the server side automatic DICOM Storage. Please note
that if the server side automatic DICOM Storage is disabled, this setting
will have no effect. Even if this setting is enabled, automatic storage can
be canceled per image in the image properties dialogue.
• Retry storage for failed commitment
Enable this feature to retry Dicom Storage for image when its
commitment fails.
• Delete image with successful commitment after X number of days
Automatically delete images that are stored with a successful storage
commitment, or are requested and received from DICOM Q/R after a
certain number of days. DICOM Query / Retrieve Settings

• Listening port
Port number where DICOM Query / Retrieve results should be expected.
Default is port 104. DICOM default specific character set

To support patient names and information in different languages and
character sets, this setting allows a specific character set to be defined for
saving DICOM files. Set this option according to your local requirements to
allow any DICOM compatible application to correctly read and display
patient information as you have entered it.

172 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


6.7 Local settings

6.7.1 Enabling Planmeca ProModel order

1. Select Admin from the toolbar.
2. Click the Local Settings tab.
3. Click the Show ProModel Order button.
4. Click Save.
5. Restart your Planmeca Romexis software. The order button no longer
appears on the top toolbar.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 173


6.7.2 Set as global defaults button

To specify the settings made on the current workstation as global default
values on all new workstations that log in to the same Planmeca Romexis
server click the Set as Global Defaults button. The settings of those
workstations that have already logged into Planmeca Romexis server at
some point are not affected. Only the settings modified by the user are
affected. This feature is especially useful for settings such as 3D Module
Enabled or DIDAPI Enabled for example.

6.7.3 3D 3D Module Enabled on This Workstation

This setting enables the organisation to allow/deny access to the 3D module
per workstation. 3D Rendering Enabled

Enabling this function generates 3D rendered view in 3D module but
consumes more memory. This function should be disabled in image
capturing workstations. 3D Rendering Quality

This settings affects to the quality of the 3D rendered view (but not 2D
slices) by changing the size of which the 3D rendering is made.
Depending on the amount of CPU and display size, test and select optimal
value for the setting. The more quality is set, the more CPU is required for
smooth screen updates.
• Low - Max. size 256 x 256, lowest quality, recommended for low end
• Normal - Max. size 512 x 512, average quality.
• High - Max. size 768 x 768, high quality.
• Very High - Max. size 1024 x 1024, recommended only for high end
systems. Use Low Quality Preview

When enabled previews of 2D and 3D views are shown in low quality when
the views are manipulated.

6.7.4 Reconstruction Server

The 3D reconstruction PC’s Host Name and Port Number is defined here.

6.7.5 2D

174 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual

6 ADMINISTRATION Image Capture (DIDAPI) Enabled

This setting requires Planmeca DIDAPI to be installed. ProScanner Capture Enabled

This setting enables captures with Planmeca ProScanner. Image Reprocessing Enabled

This setting enables Reprocessing of exposures in certain modalities.
Reprocessing allows easy exploration of different DIDAPI pre-processing
settings and is therefore well suited for identifying optimal settings during
initial configuration of a X-ray device. A single exposure can be processed
multiple times with different DIDAPI Configuration values applied and
returned to Planmeca Romexis each time as if it was a new exposure.
Starting from Planmeca Romexis 2.0.R only panoramic exposures
(excluding tomographies and sinus mode) can be reprocessed.

• dimax3: pan, bw, sinus

• dimax4: all
• proceph (didapi 5.0.0)

Only TIFF images can be reprocessed. Please set Image Type to TIFF in
Planmeca Romexis Configuration application before using Image
Reprocessing, see section "Imaging" on page 72.

When Image Reprocessing is enabled and panoramic exposure is started,

the above dialogue is shown. The following choices are available:
• ReProcess Latest Image: Returns the most recent real exposure as a
new image with current DIDAPI configuration applied.
• Choose Image to ReProcess: Select an existing image in Planmeca
Romexis for Reprocessing, apply current DIDAPI configuration on it, and
return the result as a new image.
• Launch DIDAPI Config: Launches DIDAPI Configuration tool for
changing DIDAPI preprocessing settings.
• Turn ReProcessing OFF: Turns OFF the Image Reprocessing Enabled
setting in Admin / Local Settings.
Reprocessing is usually used as follows:
1. Check DIDAPI Configuration that preprocessing settings are enabled.
2. Expose an image of a patient or a test target.
3. Enable Image Reprocessing in Admin / Local Settings
4. Evaluate image and use DIDAPI Configuration to adjust preprocessing to
better match customer's preferences.
5. Start new exposure and choose Reprocess Latest Image. The original
image is returned with new preprocessing settings and verify image
quality. Repeat steps 4. and 5. until desired image quality is achieved.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 175


6. Turn Reprocessing off. Rejecting Exposures is allowed

Allows user to cancel exposures during the exposure time. Export All Default Folder

The default export folder is used when the option Export all images is
selected in the image browser of the Imaging module.
Export all images option can be selected in the Image Browser when
selecting the Image list browsing mode.
For more information see Planmeca Romexis User’s manual (publication
number 10014593). Intra Cam Image Import Enabled (applied immediately)

Checking/unchecking this option determines whether the videos saved in the
shared folder are immediately retrieved and automatically saved as
attachments to the currently open patient when intraoral camera is closed.
After closing the camera, the captured intraoral video and potentially other
videos saved in the shared folder are added as attachments to the patient
and removed from the shared folder.
The supported video formats are mp4, avi, and mpg. Import Intra Cam Folder

The Import Intra Cam Folder is the default shared folder where intraoral
camera videos are saved and from where the videos are retrieved and
saved as attachments to the patient.

6.7.6 Licensed Features Enable Radiological Findings Module

This option enables or disables the Radiological Findings mode in Planmeca
Romexis. The option is disabled by default.

6.7.7 External Applications 2D Imaging Application, 3D Imaging Application

Some 3rd party applications can be launched directly from Imaging and 3D
modules with the Launch Ext. App. button. Image and patient information is
transferred to this software simultaneously.

To define the path for the external application, click the Select button.

176 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


1. Browse to the Simplant-exe file.
2. Type the name of the Simplant and type -sf ”%0” in the Command Line

The launch feature requires that the receiving software is capable of
receiving file and patient information via command line. Please see the 3rd
party documentation for correct parameters.

For more information see section "External applications quick launch setup"
on page 180. 3D Binning
The 3D Binning option specifies pre-scaling performed on 3D images before
opened in the launched application. The operation is called binning and it
combines two or more adjacent voxels into one, reducing the resolution of
the resulting image. Binning does not affect the geometry or dimensions of
the image.
The valid settings are:
• Original resolution with no image processing. This is the default value if
left blank.
• Apply binning so that the volume shrinks to half of the original, so that for
example a 0.16mm resolution results in 0.32mm resolution.
• Apply binning so that the volume shrinks to one third of the original, so
that 0.16mm resolution results in 0.48mm resolution.
A recommended output to use in 3rd party implant planning software is
0.32mm or 0.48mm voxel size. When exposing in High resolution or
Standard modes (0.16mm,) use binning value 1 or 2 (resulting in 0.32mm or
0.48mm), and with the Low dose mode (0.32mm) use binning value 1 or
blank (resulting in 0.32mm). CAD/CAM
The following options are available for CAD/CAM settings:
• Show 3M True Definition Import

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 177


• Export Premium data

• Export 3Shape data Show 3D Quick Launch Presets

The pre-defined 3D Quick Launch preset can be selected for the following

The toolbar logo can be defined for each software and the launch command
can be customised when necessary using the 3D Imaging Application

Only one software can be selected for Quick Launch at a time.

6.7.8 Dental Unit Paired unit

Connect to Dental Unit at Startup

Defines if the dental unit connection is made during the Romexis startup.

Select Dental Unit

Select the dental unit from the drop-down menu.

PlanScan Control
• Port number
Defines the port number.

Remote TouchPad and Keyboard control

• Enable remote control
Enables the Remote TouchPad and Keyboard control option.
• Port number
Defines the port number. Intra Cam Serial Connection (CamComm)

Enable this setting to enable intraoral video camera activation and foot pedal
automation in Planmeca Romexis using standard Serial Connection. The
Comm port needs to be specified correctly and is in most cases COM1.
Please note that this requires the use of Planmeca Compact unit.

178 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


6.7.9 Practice management software interface (PMBRIDGE) PMBRIDGE Enabled

Enables the Practice Management (PMBridge) interface. Enable Dynamic socket ports (Citrix)

Define a port range to be used dynamically for PMBridge connections.
Especially useful for virtual desktop environments.

Requires PmBridge.ini file configuration. Set DYNAMIC_PORT value to 1
and UNIQUE_PORTS value to 0.

This option is not suitable when using DxStart, VDDS or similar integration
between 3rd party software and PMBridge. Dynamic socket port use
requires 3rd party software to bind directly to PMBridge and not close
PMBridge connection for the opened Romexis client session. Port Number

Defines the port number for this client. If dynamic port numbers are used,
the starting port number is set here. The port number should match the
configuration in PmBridge.ini. Max Port

Defines the maximum port number to be used dynamically when the Enable
Dynamic socket ports (Citrix) option is enabled. Burn Patient Info on Image

Enables attaching the patient information directly on the image. Enable Patient ID Update

Enable the patient ID update. Enable only if required by 3rd party software.
When Patient ID Update is enabled, Planmeca Romexis updates the
information of the currently active patient and not the patient defined by the
provided ID.

6.7.10 CD-Recording Device Device Bus

Specify device bus where the CD recording device is located. Modify this
setting only if the AUTOMATIC setting doesn’t work. Log CD-burn

Write a log of the CD-writing process for troubleshooting purposes.

6.7.11 DICOM
These settings define workstation specific DICOM identifiers:
• AE Title for this workstation

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 179


• Station Name
• Institution Name
• Institution Department Name

6.7.12 Send/Receive Images Show Send To iPhone Button

Enables Send to iPhone button to be visible in the Romexis. Show DDX Cloud Service Button

Enables DDX Export button to be visible in the Romexis. Show Planmeca Online Service Features

Enables Planmeca Online Service features to be visible in the Romexis.

6.8 External applications quick launch setup

6.8.1 Dolphin imaging quick launch set up

1. Go to Admin module and click the Local Settings tab.

2. In the 3D Imaging Application field, click Select.

180 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


3. Select the PRESET-DOLPHIN option and click Edit.

The selected application displays in the 3D Imaging Application field.

1. Select from the following options:

• Option 1: Quick launch with CBCT only

• Option 2: Quick launch with CBCT and ProFace image

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 181


• Option 3: Quick launch with CBCT, ProFace image and upper/lower

intraoral scan STL files

6.8.2 Setting up BlueSkyPlan launcher

These instructions are valid for Planmeca Romexis 3.7.0 and newer.

1. Click the Admin module icon and select the Local Settings tab.

2. Next to the 3D imaging application field, click Select.

If there is no BlueSkyPlan preset defined it is not visible on the list.

3. To add BlueSkyPlan to the list click Add.

4. Set the path to the BlueSky Plan executable by clicking the button next
to the Path field.

182 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual


5. Select the appropriate path and click Open.

6. When the application has been selected the file path and the name of
the selected application are shown in the respective fields.

7. Click the Add Item button.

Select %O (Output Filename) (if not already selected) and %S (List of
Output Files).

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 183


9. Check the options Export Volume in Multiple Format and Include IO-
Scan fitted to Volume and click OK.

10. Make sure the new BlueSkyPlan is selected and click OK again.

BlueSkyPlan should now be selected for the 3D external application.

11. To launch Blue Sky with or without a fitted STL file, open the 3D volume
and click the Launch Ext. App button from the top tool bar.

184 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual

Appendix A: Planmeca Romexis language abbreviations

Appendix A: Planmeca Romexis language

Abbreviation Language Abbreviation Language
cn Simplified Chinese lt Lithuanian
cs Czech nl Dutch
da Danish no Norwegian
de German pl Polish
en English pt Portuguese
el Greek ro Romanian
es Spanish ru Russian
et Estonian sk Slovak
fi Finnish sr Serbian
fr French sv Swedish
hu Hungarian zh Traditional Chinese
jp Japanese tr Turkish
ko Korean uk Ukranian

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 185

Appendix B: Planmeca Romexis implant library

Appendix B: Planmeca Romexis implant library

The Planmeca Romexis Implant Library currently contains implant data from
over 60 manufacturers.

The Planmeca Romexis Implant Library installer Read Me file contains the
most up-to-date list of the implant manufacturers.

186 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual

Appendix C: Configuring Planmeca Romexis user's manual

Appendix C: Configuring Planmeca Romexis user's

The Planmeca Romexis user’s manual can be configured to be used with
Planmeca Romexis.

This option is available only with Planmeca Romexis installed on Windows
operating system.

The Romexis installer detects Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader

installations and configures Romexis to open the Planmeca Romexis user’s
manual (PDF format) with the relevant software.
1. To configure the PDF reader manually after the installation of the
Romexis, open the file /Planmeca/Romexis/sconfig/
manual_config.xml file for editing.
2. Make sure the key application default-path contains the path to the
executable file of Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader.
3. Check the following line for the language in use:
<locale language="en" doc-file="Romexis_um.pdf"/>
Make sure that the line contains the name of the user’s manual to be
used with the relevant language, and that is found in the /manuals folder
of the Romexis folder structure.

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 187

Appendix D: X-ray device Ethernet configuration in terminal server environment

Appendix D: X-ray device Ethernet configuration in

terminal server environment
To configure a separate device for each Terminal Server client workstation
follow the instructions below.
X-ray device ethernet configurations are made in the ethernet configuration
files, located in the C:\Program Files\Planmeca\Didapi folder. The
file names are:
• ProSensorEthernetConfig.txt
• PromaxEthernetConfig.txt
• ProOneEthernetConfig.txt

In older installations DIDAPI files are located in the Dimaxis folder

Edit the Ethernet configuration file of the respective X-ray device in order to
map X-ray devices to Terminal Server client workstations.
As a terminal server client workstation name one can use either
COMPUTERNAME or CLIENTNAME of the client workstation.
Computername and/or clientname can be seen in Windows command line:
Windows Start Menu --> Run --> Type in "cmd" --> In the command line, type
in "set".
X-ray devices are mapped with their IP addresses.
For example, a Terminal Server environment with three ProSensors (ip-
addesses:,, and three Terminal
Server clients (clientnames: xpprosensor1, xpprosensor2, xpprosensor3)
would be mapped to each other the following way in the
ProSensorEthernetConfig.txt file.
xpprosensor1= xpprosensor2=

Each terminal server client must have access to the DIDAPI folder and a
working network connection to the X-ray devices.

188 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual

Appendix E: Planmeca Romexis client startup parameters

Appendix E: Planmeca Romexis client startup

Romexis client is started with specific startup parameters. On Microsoft
Windows operating system, most of the parameters are defined in the
Planmeca Romexis Configuration tool. See section "Client parameters" on
page 140 for information on configuring Planmeca Romexis client
parameters using Planmeca Romexis Configuration tool.
For the parameters not available in the Planmeca Romexis Configuration
tool, you need to edit the in the Romexis.bat file located in Planmeca
Romexis client installation folder, by default C:\Program Files
\Planmeca\Romexis\client folder.
You can access the file by right clicking on the Planmeca Romexis desktop
icon and select Edit. Note that modifying the Romexis.bat file requires
administrator rights.
In the folowing table, the parameters are listed and described.
For information on how to edit startup parameters on Apple OS X operating
system, follow the instruction in section "Configuring Planmeca Romexis
client" on page 52.

The installation of the Planmeca Romexis update may overwrite your own
changes to the Romexis.bat file. It is recommended to take a backup of
the Romexis.bat file containing your edits.

Parameter Description
-Xmx= Amount of memory allocated for Java process, e.g.:
See Romexis technical bulletin for recommended values.
xsize= Specify a fixed size for Romexis window when opened,
xsize=1920 ysize=1080
host= Romexis server IP address, e.g: host=
port= Port used for Java RMI connection to Romexis server, e.g.:
language= Language for Romexis interface, e.g.: language=en
monitor= If multiple monitors used, you can define to which monitor
Romexis will first open at, e.g.:
uid= Username defined for login.
pwd= Password defined for login.
-nofades Turns off some fade effects and animations in user
interface to conserve bandwidth and CPU for example with
Remote Desktop Connection and Citrix.
This parameter is not editable in Romexis Configuration

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 189

Appendix E: Planmeca Romexis client startup parameters

Parameter Description
-no3d Disables 3D rendering. Can be used to start software when
usable GPU is not available.
This parameter is not editable in Romexis Configuration
-windowed Does not open Romexis Client in full screen mode on
MacOS by default at startup.
This parameter is not editable in Romexis Configuration
-version Show Romexis version on command line.
-nosurface Disable surface rendering (ProFace tab).
This parameter is not editable in Romexis Configuration
/PMBRIDGE Only used with PmBridge. Starts as minimized and listens
to PmBridge calls. Added as last parameter.
This parameter is not editable in Romexis Configuration
/PMBRIDGE_MAXIMIZED Only used with PmBridge. Starts normally (not minimised)
and listens to PmBridge calls. Added as last parameter.
This parameter is not editable in Romexis Configuration

190 Planmeca Romexis Technical manual

Appendix F: Specification of USB connected RFID readers

Appendix F: Specification of USB connected RFID

Working principle
USB RFID Reader is used with Planmeca Romexis. The USB RFID Reader
acts like a HID device, displaying the NFC card's ID number in an active
document field when the RFID card is read.
The following picture shows example output from a reader.

Reader specifications
• USB keyboard emulator device
• Works on Windows (Windows 7 or newer) or Mac (OS X or newer)
operating systems in conjunction with Romexis installation
• Reader must support standard ISO/IEC 14443 and all Mifare cards The
PlanID card type is Mifare Classic EV1 4k, 7 byte UID.
• Displays ID number LSB first in hexadecimal format (no spaces or
special control characters between ID characters); reader must append
CR (carriage return)

Technical manual Planmeca Romexis 191

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tel. +358 20 7795 500 | fax +358 20 7795 555 | [email protected] |

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