BV Faultfinding Manual

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Philips Healthcare

Issued by : GXR Best Reference No. : XRD-Best 305
Publication No. : 4522 981 62981 Date : November 2008

Information for :
FSE X-ray Surgery Surgery Specialist

BV family R.2.X. Faultfinding Guide

This newsletter applies to the BV Family R.2.X. systems.

The main purpose of this document is to address the newly released FCO’s published in 2008. These FCO’s
are focusing on solutions for a number of error codes (Error, 206, 327, 343, 393 and other messages which
can be found in the system logfile) and image quality problems like pixilated images and lines across the
image. These problems are mainly release 2.X system based. The workflow explained in this document could
greatly reduce the problems in the field related to error codes listed in this document and the image quality

NOTE: This document will not address problems related to the generator, battery (ESU), DFI and collimator.

This document mainly focuses on faultfinding on the imaging chain.

Further we give some references to 5 FCO’s that have been published recently
• FCO71800024 (Upgr. Stand-Mvs cable for BV-Family R2 systems)
• FCO71800026 (Modification of extended rotation brake)
• FCO71800027 (R2.x Upgr. to BV-Family SW R2.2.6.)
• FCO71800029 (R2.3 Upgr. to BV-Family SW R2.3.3.)
• FCO71800030 (C-Arc cable replacement for BV-Pulsera R2 systems (USA only, GSSI will follow)
FCO71800031 will be published shortly, this is the C-arc cable replacement for the BV-Endura (USA only)

The system faults in a BV Family release 2 system can be distinguished into 3 categories:
1. Errors indicated by error messages on the system.
2. Distorted images.
3. Other system faults (not described in the standard BV Family R2 service manuals).

Some system error messages reported on the C-Arm stand (SUCO) are explained in chapter 2.
When the system (C-arm stand) generates no error messages, and when distorted images are observed refer
to chapter 3.

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(c) 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.

APPLIES TO: .....................................................................................................................................................1

SUMMARY .........................................................................................................................................................1

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Abbreviations & terms..............................................................................................................................3
1.2 Overview of released FCO’s....................................................................................................................3
1.3 Schematic overview of the system ..........................................................................................................4
1.4 How to find and handle error messages..................................................................................................6
1.5 Error messages on the C-arc stand display ............................................................................................6

2 ERROR RELATED FCO’S......................................................................................................................7

2.1 Error 050 ..................................................................................................................................................8
2.2 Error 393 ................................................................................................................................................10
2.3 Error 206 ................................................................................................................................................14
2.4 Error 326/327.........................................................................................................................................15
2.5 Error 343 ................................................................................................................................................16
2.6 Guarding messages...............................................................................................................................17
2.7 Corrupt system logfile ............................................................................................................................18

3 IQ COMPLAINTS ..................................................................................................................................19
3.1 Camera Test pattern..............................................................................................................................20
3.2 Stand MVS cable failure ........................................................................................................................22
3.3 C-arc cable failure..................................................................................................................................23
3.4 Auto Contrast Brightness artefacts........................................................................................................27
3.5 Movement ..............................................................................................................................................29
3.6 Movement distortion in subtracted images ............................................................................................29
3.7 “Dirty Noise” ...........................................................................................................................................29
3.8 Digital Exposure.....................................................................................................................................30

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(c) 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.


Abbreviations/terms Description
ACB Automatic Contrast Brightness
Burndy plug SA-X1 connector
CAMLINK Camera link (between XTV-7 or IDS and Timing Control Board SHA3)
DFI Digital Fluoroscopy Imaging
FCO Field Change Order
GBE GigaBitEthernet
GBE link GigaBitEthernet link (= IDS link)
MVS Mobile Viewing Station
SUCO SUrgery CO-ordinator
SCPU Stand Controller and Power Unit
IDS Image Detection Subsystem
IDS7 Image Intensifier with digital XTV-7 camera
IDS link Image Detection Subsystem link
TCB Timing Control Board (SHA3)
UI User Interface
Unrel Unreliable IDS link
Table 1


The following FCO’s haven been published, some will be superseded:
FCO Type Problems Æ solutions
FCO71800017 Service Recom. Pixel faults, error 206 Æ C-arc cable modification.
USA only
FCO71800018 Service Recom. XGC pulse board error M326/327 Æ Change SHA-4 board
FCO71800019 Action for Perf. Error M393 / IDSlink errors Æ Improve the connections.
Superseded by FCO 71800024
FCO71800020 Service Recom. USB connections not working Æ Change USBBOB
FCO71800021 Action for Perf. Error M343 Æ Reprogram the mains voltage.
USA only
FCO71800022 Mandatory C-arc stand shutdown Æ Software Upgrade to 2.2.4.
Superseded by FCO71800027
Table 2

The following FCO’s haven been published recently (august 2008):

FCO Type Problems Æ solutions
FCO71800024 Mandatory Error M393 / IDSlink errors Æ Improve connections :
This FCO supersedes FCO71800019
FCO71800026 Mandatory Adjustment of the Extended rotation brake
FCO71800027 Action for Perf. IQ Æ Software Upgrade to 2.2.6. (rel 2.1 & 2.2)
This FCO supersedes FCO71800022
FCO71800029 Action for Perf. IQ Æ SW Upgrade to 2.3.3 for SCPU (rel. 2.3) systems
FCO71800030 Action for Perf. Pixel faults, error 206 Æ new designed C-arc cable for Pulsera R2
Table 3
The following FCO will be issued within short terms (januari 2008):

FCO Type Problems Æ solutions

FCO71800031 Action for Perf. Pixel faults, error 206 Æ new designed C-arc cable for Endura R2
Table 4

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(c) 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.

1.3.1 Signal routing with TCB-2 version

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1.3.2 Signal routing with TCB-3 version

1.3.3 Signal routing in SCPU systems

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Error messages can appear on the display of the C-arc stand or on the left monitor of the mobile viewing
station. Messages generated by the SUCO or SCPU processor will appear on the User Interface (UI) of the C-
arc stand. Messages generated by the DFI processor will appear at the bottom of the left screen of the Mobile
Viewing Station (MVS). This guideline focuses on the error messages which appear on the UI of the C-arc
stand. These system faults are related to a problem in the C-arc stand.

Please refer to the Service Manual Corrective Maintenance (SMCM) when a DFI error occurs.


Error messages on the C-arc stand display are generated by the SUCO or SCPU processor.
To identify an error:
1. Press <INFO> on the C-arc stand. A list of errors appears that occurred around the same point in
time. The first error in the list is probably the cause of the other errors.
2. Connect Service PC to the Service Ethernet port of the MVS.
3. Restart the system on the MVS.
4. In the setup panel of the MVS: select Enable service.
5. Startup BV-Scope on the Service PC.
6. Enter the Service IP-address from the system in BV-Scope.
7. In BV-Scope select: Faultfind > Logging > Logfile Complete System.

8. Save the logfile with the Serial number of the system and with the extension txt. (e.g. FK259.txt). To
do so, press the SAVE button in BV-Scope and change “logging.txt” to systemserialnumber.txt as
described above.
9. Open the logfile with Notepad.
10. Start the search function. Press <CTRL>+<F>
11. Fill in the parameters from table 5 (below) into the search window, press Find Next, exit the search
window by pressing <esc> and press F3 (next).
12. When one or more error(s) is/are found refer to the relevant FCO’s to solve the problem.

NOTE: when following this sequence it’s easier to search for errors in the logfile.

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(c) 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
The following table (table 5) shows the relation between an error code, applicable FCO that is associated with
this error code and the possible cause of this error.

Error code & (Possible) cause Refer to FCO Problem explanation

No communication between DFI and
Error 050 n.a. Chapter 2.1
Doselink problem. IDS link connection
Error 393 FCO71800024 Chapter 2.2
problem between SUCO and DFI
Camera link problem (C-arc cable),
Error 206 FCO71800030, Chapter 2.3
IDS-7 or bad IDS Interface Board
Incorrect functioning ADC circuit on
Error 327 FCO71800018 Chapter 2.4
the XGC-board
Error 343 Mains voltage too low FCO71800021 Chapter 2.5
Unreliable IDS IDS link connection problem between
FCO71800024 Chapter 2.2
link SUCO and DFI
• Interrupted Stand-MVS
guarding • Problem with SHA 1 board FCO71800022 Chapter 2.6
• Software handling when using the
remote control.
Wrong writing of pointer corrupts
logfile, solved in 2.2.6. software.
Corrupt logfile FCO71800027 -
This problem is not present in 2.3
Table 5

Error 0 in the logfile does not mean a real error occurred in the system, but a message from the system. The
error can be caused by the key switch (X-ray disabled) or after fluoroscopy longer then 5 minutes.
For faultfinding Error 0 can be ignored.

Error 371 refers to a malfunction of the oil pump of the monoblock(xray tank). When this error pops up
occasionally, it is caused by mis-communcation between the units. In these cases also this error can be

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2.1 ERROR 050
Error 50 is displayed when there is no communication between the DFI and the SUCO. In most cases this is
in combination with another, fatal error. So, always check with the information button or the logging for other
error messages.

2.1.1 Normal start up

In a normal start up you can find a sequence of the following lines:

0xf8c5108 (tPPPFramework_C_1): PPP connection between subsystems established

This line indicates the DFI/MVS has noticed there is a stand connected to the MVS and starts to communicate
with the MIDAS.
08-05-14 21:04:36 S INI Connect_subsystems(): DFI <-> STAND connection established.
Connection between DFI and MIDAS is starting
08-05-14 21:04:38 M INI Synchronising Databases...
The DFI sends out to MIDAS information
08-05-14 21:04:39 M INI Done synchronising Databases...
The MIDAS replies, start up has passed the connection state

2.1.2 error 50 in combination with another error Logging example

07-10-31 10:32:15 W<XGI Error 326
The self test of the RA generator board SHA4 has
failed. The X-ray function is disabled. See
error message 325
07-10-31 10:32:15 N<XGI XGIMAC: Unexpected event "WRITE_KV" in state STATE_INIT
07-10-31 10:32:15 S<INI All suco tasks started
07-10-31 10:32:15 S SYS System startup ERROR: not all SHAL packages ready
07-10-31 10:32:15 S SYS GUI software compatibility level=4
07-10-31 10:32:15 S SYS DFI software compatibility level=4
07-10-31 10:32:15 S SYS System startup ERROR: a fatal error occurred
07-10-31 10:32:15 W SYS Error 50
A system startup problem occurred. Switch the system
off and on. If the problem persists, check if
the Mobile Viewing Station and the Stand are
correctly connected. Check the Stand-Mobile
Viewing Station cable. Solution
Check the system for other errors and first solve these. Most likely afterwards the system will operate without
these errors.

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2.1.3 No Boot up.
When first line is missing none of the other will follow. i.e. The DFI has not detected any present stand.
When the system does not start normally and remains in the black screen with the hourglass, the application
has not started. Logging example

08-04-25 08:55:29 S INIT Initialising software modules

08-04-25 08:55:31 M SYS Fluoro timer task started
08-04-25 08:55:31 S SYS BIST of SRV_pack passed
08-04-25 08:55:31 S SRV Successfully registered WWS symbols as windmarks
0xf8c5108 (tPPPFramework_C_1): PPP connection between subsystems established
08-04-25 08:55:36 S INI Connect_subsystems(): DFI <-> STAND connection established.
08-04-25 08:55:36 S INI Using shal: /scsi0/bins/shal
08-04-25 08:59:10 S INIT Network hook initialized for interface emac, firewall is enabled
08-04-25 08:59:10 S INIT > > > > INIT_Main: Starting application < < < <
08-04-25 08:59:10 S INIT R2.2.4
08-04-25 08:59:10 S INIT 23-July-2007
08-04-25 08:59:10 S INIT

Note the time gap between 08-04-25 08:55:36 and 08-04-25 08:59:10. Over here the customer has waited for
3.5 minutes before giving a restart to the system. During this time the system logfile did not record any action. Solution
For this issue perform FCO71800027. Install software rel 2.2.6 (SUCO systems), this bug is already solved in
all 2.3 SCPU releases.

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(c) 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
2.2 ERROR 393
When error 393 occurs the doselink signal form DFI to Midas is interrupted. This can occur in different ways.
All have different causes.

2.2.1 Error 393 in combination with message “unreliable IDS Link detected”.
This is caused by an incorrect stand-MVS cable and / or the interconnection between SA-X1 pin S and T and
the SHA 3 board. Logging example

Example of error 393 in combination with the message “unreliable IDS Link detected”. Note the error message
is directly followed by the message.

07-01-31 08:53:47 M SYS Xray mode continuous fluoro

07-01-31 08:53:47 M USR START FLUORO RUN
07-01-31 08:53:47 M USR MEASURE AREA
07-01-31 08:53:47 M USR CHANGE IRIS SETTINGS
07-01-31 08:53:47 M USR MEASURE AREA
07-01-31 08:53:47 M USR MEASURE AREA
07-01-31 08:53:47 W IP intErrParamValidate
07-01-31 08:53:47 M LIVE Image received at 123823
07-01-31 08:53:48 M SYS rec ABORT XRAY from XGI_pack
07-01-31 08:53:48 W<XGI Error 393
Check cabling between SUCO Midas board (SHA1) and DFI.
07-01-31 08:53:48 M USR STOP FLUORO RUN
07-01-31 08:53:48 W IP Unreliable IDS link detected, 22 frames, 6662 bit err/frame, 146568 total bit errors
07-01-31 08:53:49 W LIVE DICOM suspend: DCM server has completed without cancel!
07-01-31 08:54:05 M SYS USR kv reg manual Solution
Replace the Stand-MVS cable and the interconnection between SA X1 (pin S and T) and the SHA3 board as
mentioned in FCO 718 00 024.

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(c) 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
2.2.2 Error 393 during examination
It is possible the error 393 occurs during examinations, and directly after this it is possible to perform
fluoroscopy again without error. This also indicates the stand-MVS cable or the interconnection between SA
X1 pin S and T towards the SHA3 board is unreliable.
Error 393 can be caused by 2 situations:
• Bad IDS-link (stand-trolley cable and problems in the wired-bracket.
• Timing issues causes M393 at first fluoro after startup. Logging example

06-12-06 10:36:49 M SYS Xray mode continuous fluoro
06-12-06 10:36:49 M USR START FLUORO RUN
06-12-06 10:36:49 M DCM Wait for association is aborted
06-12-06 10:36:49 M LIVE Image received at 75694
06-12-06 10:36:51 M SYS USR switch off at 75845
06-12-06 10:36:51 M SYS actual kV setting = 45 kV
06-12-06 10:36:51 M USR STOP FLUORO RUN
06-12-06 10:36:53 M SYS USR switch on LEFT at 76068
06-12-06 10:36:53 M SYS Xray mode continuous fluoro
06-12-06 10:36:53 M USR START FLUORO RUN
06-12-06 10:36:53 M DCM Wait for association is aborted
06-12-06 10:36:53 M LIVE Image received at 76118
06-12-06 10:37:05 M SYS rec ABORT XRAY from XGI_pack
06-12-06 10:37:05 W<XGI Error 393
Check cabling between SUCO Midas board (SHA1) and DFI.
06-12-06 10:37:05 M USR STOP FLUORO RUN
06-12-06 10:37:05 W<TVI CxaPsWait4Ack : Timeout
06-12-06 10:37:06 W IP intErrAtrFrameLost
06-12-06 10:37:06 W IP Exclusion levels timing error
06-12-06 10:37:06 W<TVI CxaPsWait4Ack : Timeout
06-12-06 10:37:06 W IP intErrAtrFrameLost
06-12-06 10:37:06 W IP Exclusion levels timing error
06-12-06 10:37:06 W IP intErrAtrFrameLost
06-12-06 10:37:06 W<TVI CxaPsWait4Ack : Timeout
06-12-06 10:37:10 M SYS USR switch on LEFT at 77811
06-12-06 10:37:10 W SYS SYSDRC_prepare_system: flushed xray actual message xact_seqno 31
06-12-06 10:37:10 W SYS SYSDRC_prepare_system: flushed xray actual message xact_seqno 32
06-12-06 10:37:10 W SYS SYSDRC_prepare_system: flushed xray actual message xact_seqno 33
06-12-06 10:37:10 W SYS SYSDRC_prepare_system: flushed xray actual message xact_seqno 34
06-12-06 10:37:10 M SYS Xray mode continuous fluoro
06-12-06 10:37:10 M USR START FLUORO RUN
06-12-06 10:37:10 M DCM Wait for association is aborted
06-12-06 10:37:11 M LIVE Image received at 77858
06-12-06 10:37:16 M SYS USR switch off at 78354
06-12-06 10:37:16 M SYS actual kV setting = 45 kV
06-12-06 10:37:16 M USR STOP FLUORO RUN Solution
Replace the Stand-MVS cable and the interconnection between SA X1 (pin S and T) and the SHA3 board as
mentioned in FCO 718 00 024.

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2.2.3 Error 393 at first time fluoro after system start up.
When the error 393 occurs when the first time fluoroscopy is used after start up of the system most likely the
communication between the camera and the DFI has not proper set up (note the last lines, indicating no
image has been received at the DFI). Logging example

Example of an error 393 at the first time fluoroscopy directly after start up.

08-09-22 11:10:58 M SYS Xray mode continuous fluoro

08-09-22 11:10:58 M USR START FLUORO RUN
08-09-22 11:10:58 M DCM Wait for association is aborted
08-09-22 11:10:58 M USR MEASURE AREA
08-09-22 11:10:58 M USR CHANGE IRIS SETTINGS
08-09-22 11:10:58 M USR MEASURE AREA
08-09-22 11:10:58 M USR MEASURE AREA
08-09-22 11:10:58 M SYS rec ABORT XRAY from XGI_pack
08-09-22 11:10:58 W<XGI Error 393
Check cabling between SUCO Midas board (SHA1)and DFI.
08-09-22 11:10:58 M USR STOP FLUORO RUN
08-09-22 11:11:06 M SYS USR switch on LEFT at 142750
08-09-22 11:11:06 W SYS SYSDRC_prepare_system: flushed xray actual message xact_seqno 1
08-09-22 11:11:06 W SYS SYSDRC_prepare_system: flushed xray actual message xact_seqno 2
08-09-22 11:11:06 W SYS SYSDRC_prepare_system: flushed xray actual message xact_seqno 3
08-09-22 11:11:06 W SYS SYSDRC_prepare_system: flushed xray actual message xact_seqno 4 Solution
Check the Knova tip regarding this issue. It will be updated on a regular basis. Look in Knova for the
searchstring “error 393 at first fluoro”. A definitive solution is still under investigation by PMG Best.

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(c) 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
2.2.4 Error 393 at start up on a rel 2.3.1. system
In the systems with a SCPU the logging text has been changed. The new, more detailed error information
shows 4 steps to determine the cause of error. Logging example

08-08-28 08:33:15 M SYS Xray mode continuous fluoro

08-08-28 08:33:15 M USR START FLUORO RUN
08-08-28 08:33:15 M USR CHANGE IRIS SETTINGS
08-08-28 08:33:15 M USR MEASURE AREA
08-08-28 08:33:15 M USR MEASURE AREA
08-08-28 08:33:15 M SYS rec ABORT XRAY from XGI_pack
08-08-28 08:33:15 W<XGI Error 393
Automatic dose adjustment failed. Perform the
following steps to solve this problem.
Step (1): Check if this error is combined with the
log message [Warning IDS Link......]. If Yes, check
the connections and cable between C-arm stand and MVS.
If No go to step 2.
Step (2): Switch the system to manual kV and start
radiation. When an image is displayed at the MVS check the
dose link between the SCPU (SCC) and DFI (connections and
cable between C-arm stand and MVS, DFI connection WD:X8).
When NO image is displayed go to step 3.
Step (3) Check the IDS-Link LED at the DFI. When this
LED is not active check the connections between the SCPU
(X10) and DFI (WD:X10). When the LED is active and still
no image go to step 4.
Step (4): Check IDS LED at SCPU and if this
LED blinks during X-ray (kV=manual), check, measure
(connection and short cuts) of the Stand connector plate
and cable between C-arm stand and MVS.
Change the connector plate and/or cable when defect.
08-08-28 08:33:16 M USR STOP FLUORO RUN
08-08-28 08:33:16 W LIVE DICOM suspend: DCM server has completed without cancel!
08-08-28 08:33:25 M SYS USR switch on LEFT at 9108
08-08-28 08:33:25 W SYS SYSDRC_prepare_system: flushed xray actual message xact_seqno 1
08-08-28 08:33:25 W SYS SYSDRC_prepare_system: flushed xray actual message xact_seqno 2
08-08-28 08:33:25 W SYS SYSDRC_prepare_system: flushed xray actual message xact_seqno 3
08-08-28 08:33:25 W SYS SYSDRC_prepare_system: flushed xray actual message xact_seqno 4
08-08-28 08:33:25 W SYS SYSDRC_prepare_system: flushed xray actual message xact_seqno 5 Solution

See step 1 till 4 as described in the log file above for faultfinding on this issue in the R2.3 systems.

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(c) 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
2.3 ERROR 206
This error is caused by a malfunction of the connection between the camera (IDS or XTV-7) and the SUCO
(rel 2.2 system) or he SCPU (for the rel 2.3. systems).

2.3.1 Error 206 at start up

When the fault occurs at start up, one of the electronic components (XTV-7, Camera Interface board or the
SHA-3) is suspected. Logging example

06-08-09 11:42:52 M<GUI GUI initialisation timer task started

06-08-09 11:42:52 M<GUI Smooth progress bar task started
06-08-09 11:42:52 S<RSI RSI bist succesfully completed
06-08-09 11:42:52 S<KEY KEY bist succesfully completed
06-08-09 11:42:52 N<PMI CAMLINK test failure, Camera link not OK!
06-08-09 11:42:52 W<PMI Error 206
No camlink OK signal detected between IDS and
Timing Control Board. Check IDS subsystem and cabling.
06-08-09 11:42:52 S<MISC MISC bist succesfully completed
06-08-09 11:42:52 S<GUI GUI bist succesfully completed
06-08-09 11:42:52 S<PMI PMI bist failed
06-08-09 11:42:52 S<XGI XGC Selftest passed Solution
Check camera, Camera Interface board and interconnections. In case all this is correct replace the c-arc
cable. Additional information can be found in FCO71800017. Before replacing the C-arc cable use the pre-
check FCO C-arc cable replacement document, listed on Incenter at FCO71800030 (452298162991) to check
the C-arc cable for its status.

2.3.2 Error 206 during examination

When the error occurs during examinations the c-arc cable is suspected. Logging example

Note in the last line with the message “error 206 resolved”
06-08-09 14:31:25 W IP intErrAtrFrameLost
06-08-09 14:31:27 M SYS rec ABORT XRAY from PMI_pack
06-08-09 14:31:27 N<PMI CAMLINK not OK triggers an emergency stop of the Timing Control Board !
06-08-09 14:31:27 F<PMI Performing emergency stop Timing Control Board !
06-08-09 14:31:27 W<PMI Error 206
06-08-09 14:31:27 M SYS rec ABORT XRAY from SYS_pack
06-08-09 14:31:27 M SYS rec BLOCK XRAY, PMI block cnt: 1, block cnt sum: 1
No camlink OK signal detected between IDS and
Timing Control Board. Check IDS subsystem and cabling.
06-08-09 14:31:46 W IP Exclusion levels timing error
06-08-09 14:31:46 W IP intErrAtrFrameLost
06-08-09 14:31:47 W<PMI Error 206 resolved Solution
Use the pre-check FCO C-arc cable replacement document, listed on Incenter at FCO71800030
(452298162991) to check the C-arc cable for its status. If necessary replace the c-arc cable.

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(c) 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
2.4 ERROR 326/327

Error M327 shows up after startup. Error M326 becomes visible by activating the info button. Both errors can
also be found in the error log file. A restart usually fixes the problem. The problem only occurs during the
startup phase of the system. It will not occur during normal operation.
The root cause of the problem is an incorrect initialization of an ADC circuit on XGC Pulse board. Logging example error 326 at start up

08-05-07 10:02:12 N<XGI BIST failure, ALARM active, check ALARM status of:
Filament | Generator | Tank Thermal Switch | Backup Timer |
Battery Charger
08-05-07 10:02:13 F<XGI XGC Selftest failed
08-05-07 10:02:13 W<XGI Error 326
The self test of the RA Generator Control Board SHA4
has failed. The X-ray function is disabled.
Check the cabling between the Generator Control Board
and the SE unit. Replace the Generator Control Board.
08-05-07 10:02:13 N<XGI XGIMAC: Unexpected event "WRITE_KV" in state STATE_INIT
08-05-07 10:02:13 S<PMI Timing Control Board : HW version 0001, CPLD version 0004
08-05-07 10:02:13 M<GUI GUI initialisation timer task started Logging example error 327

07-04-05 08:20:31 S<INI BV300 User Interface detected
07-04-05 08:20:31 S<DISP DISP bist succesfully completed
07-04-05 08:20:31 S<XGI X-Ray RA Generator Board : HW version 7
07-04-05 08:20:31 S<CLI Collimator Control Board: HW version 1
07-04-05 08:20:31 W<XGI Error 327
There was a ADC conversion failure on the
Generator Control Board.
Replace the Generator Control Board SHA4.
07-04-05 08:20:31 F<XGI block_xray: XGIRADRV, ADC error ! Solution
Replace the SHA4 generator control board according FCO 718 00 018

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2.5 ERROR 343
For systems which are programmed on 120 Volt the system can generate error 343 when the mains voltage
of the hospital is too low or drops too much for a short period. Logging example

07-12-18 14:07:59 M SYS Xray mode continuous fluoro
07-12-18 14:07:59 M USR START FLUORO RUN
07-12-18 14:07:59 M USR MEASURE AREA
07-12-18 14:07:59 N<XGI XGIMAC: ERROR event "ALARM_INT" in state STATE_PREPARING
07-12-18 14:07:59 M SYS rec ABORT XRAY from SYS_pack
07-12-18 14:07:59 M SYS rec BLOCK XRAY, XGI block cnt: 1, block cnt sum: 1
07-12-18 14:07:59 M USR STOP FLUORO RUN
07-12-18 14:07:59 M SYS rec ABORT XRAY from XGI_pack
07-12-18 14:07:59 F<XGI Alarm interrupt: xgen status = 43
07-12-18 14:07:59 W<XGI Error 343
Generator alarm active status is active.
The generator will be reset within a few seconds.
If problem persists, check that the HF
generator's fan is rotating. Check error LEDs
on generator unit. Follow the fault finding
procedure given in the HF Generator service
07-12-18 14:08:00 W LIVE DICOM suspend: DCM server has completed without cancel!
07-12-18 14:08:10 M SYS rec UNBLOCK XRAY, XGI block cnt: 0, block cnt sum: 0
07-12-18 14:08:10 W<XGI Error 343 resolved Solution
Perform the procedure mentioned in FCO 71800021.

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Most of the time the logging “no msg received within …..” is caused, by a normal shut-down action, by
switching off the system at either the User Interface of the Stand or the MVS.

2.6.1 Normal shutdown logging

There are differences in logging for those two types of switching off the system. Logging example shutdown from the stand:

07-03-12 15:50:32 W IP IdsLnkStatus changed from LINK_PRESENT to NO_LINK
07-03-12 15:50:34 W INI Warning: no msg received within GUARDING_WARNING time
07-03-12 15:50:36 W INI Warning: no msg received within GUARDING time
07-03-12 15:50:36 F CCO System error, Connection with remote subsystem lost Logging example shutdown from the MVS(delayed):

07-03-15 15:32:09 M USR USR_AC_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN
07-03-15 15:32:09 W IP IdsLnkStatus changed from LINK_PRESENT to NO_LINK
07-03-15 15:32:11 W INI Warning: no msg received within GUARDING_WARNING time
07-03-15 15:32:13 W INI Warning: no msg received within GUARDING time
07-03-15 15:32:13 F CCO System error, Connection with remote subsystem lost

2.6.2 Connection lost by a fault

In case the shutdown was not performed in a controlled way (as described above) the line
”W IP IdsLnkStatus changed from LINK_PRESENT to NO_LINK” is missing before the line “W INI Warning:
no msg received within GUARDING_WARNING time”
in the logging. Logging example

07-04-11 16:54:30 M USR PARK & PROTECT
07-04-11 16:54:30 M DB Stored [1] new image(s) on disk
07-04-11 16:54:32 W INI Warning: no msg received within GUARDING_WARNING time
07-04-11 16:54:34 W INI Warning: no msg received within GUARDING time
07-04-11 16:54:34 F CCO System error, Connection with remote subsystem lost

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2.6.3 Update information for C-arc stand reboot (FCO71800022)
When using the remote control it’s possible that the C-arc stand is going to reboot.
In this case the logfile of the system will show the following information: Logging example in case of C-arc stand reboot when using the remote control:

07-06-15 11:23:01 M USR STOP FLUORO RUN

07-06-15 11:23:01 M DB Stored [17] new image(s) on disk
07-06-15 11:23:01 M DB Deleted [4] image(s) from disk
07-06-15 11:23:03 M UPIDR rc5RegVal->rc5KeyToggle is 1
07-06-15 11:23:03 M UPIDR keep image command code sent to USR
07-06-15 11:23:03 M USR PROTECT / RELEASE
07-06-15 11:23:05 W INI Warning: no msg received within GUARDING_WARNING time
07-06-15 11:23:07 M UPIDR rc5RegVal->rc5KeyToggle is 0
07-06-15 11:23:07 M UPIDR park image command code sent to USR
07-06-15 11:23:07 M USR PARK & PROTECT
07-06-15 11:23:07 W INI Warning: no msg received within GUARDING time
07-06-15 11:23:07 F CCO System error, Connection with remote subsystem lost
07-06-15 11:23:07 S CCO System executes COLD restart
Performing system controller restart type 2...
07-06-15 11:23:07 M USR STOP FLUORO RUN
07-06-15 11:23:07 M INI Disconnect_subsystems(): close the PPP connection.
07-06-15 11:23:07 W SYS SUCO not available for use Solution
This problem will be solved by installing software release 2.2.4. (Refer to mandatory FCO 71800022),
superseded by software release 2.2.6 (refer to action for performance proactive FCO 71800027). Software
2.2.6. is not compatible with the 3DRX system, use 2.2.4. on these systems.


In rel 2.2.4 systems it is possible the logging does not function correctly. Logging example

Click here to proceed to end of logging
[System ID Header]
System type : BV Pulsera-12"
System serial number : FK00996
SW Release : R2.2.4
There was an error during ....
Click here to proceed to start of logging Solution
This problem will be solved by installing software release 2.2.6 (refer to FCO’s 718 00 027 (SuCo) and
718 00 029 (SCPU)). With the installation of the SW rel 2.2.6 (SCUO) or SW rel 2.3.3 (SCPU) the system log
file will be reset automatically.

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This chapter describes which steps to take when a customer complains about Image Quality (IQ) being
unsatisfactorily without a clear technical cause. Additionally no error message is displayed on the system. In
such a case you can check if the IQ issue can be recognized as a failure caused by one of the following
known cases:
• Stand MVS cable failure
• C-arc cable failure
• Auto Contrast Brightness artefacts
• Movement
• Incorrect use of Digital Exposure

If the cause of the IQ problem can be explained by one of the above specified situations, the cause and
solution can be will be clarified within this document.
If the cause of the IQ problems does not meet the one of the above specified examples, this document
describes some further checks and test which may lead to a solution. In case no clear failure cause can be
isolated or doubts remain, you’re advised to contact your Tier 2 helpdesk

The images in this document are best viewed as a digital document, IQ problems are difficult to see on black
and white prints.

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Using the test pattern of the camera, one can check if the entire digital imaging path from the camera to the
DFI is working OK.
• When the test pattern is activated and the image shown on the monitor looks fine, the Image Quality
problem is caused by something else then the digital data communication path.
• When the test pattern is activated and the image on the monitor is distorted (see images below), the
digital data communication path is causing problems.

Activating of the test pattern is done in the following way:

1. Select in BV-Scope: Install > Performance Test > Fault finding/Investigation
2. Select the following settings in the Fault finding/Investigation panel as shown below:
- Noise/Movement level: off
- Edge enhancement: off
- Contrast : 0
- Brightness: 0
- White compression: off
- Vignette correction: off
- Camera test pattern: on
- Click on the apply button.
3. Press the X-ray button. Watch the camera test image on the live monitor.

No X-ray will be generated during this test.

4. Check for image disturbance caused by play on the stand-trolley plug and cable but leave it connected to
the system.
5. Bend and move the cabling of the IDS-link connection inside the C-arc stand.
(For systems with a TCB-2 this is the connection between SHA3-X4 and the wired bracket SAX-1. In
case of a TCB-3D this is a round connector on SHA3-X5)
6. Check if the gray values are distorted on the camera test image during this action. (see examples of the
camera test image below)
7. If necessary replace the wired bracket SAX-1 or TCB2/TCB3 adapter cable and stand-trolley cable
(FCO71800024) if one or more of these items are suspected to be defect or worn.

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Camera test pattern OK Camera test pattern NOT OK

A correct test pattern shown on the monitor should have the following characteristics:
• 16 grey levels visible in the upper and lower bar.
• In the middle a transition (in 32 steps) from black to white is visible.

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An IQ problem caused by a bad stand MVS cable link can be characterized by:
• Stripes in the image (horizontal, vertical or diagonal)
• Bars of different brightness in the image, also known as “the louvre effect”.

Additionally one can check the system log-file on the appearance of “unreliable IDS link” and/or “error M393”.

3.2.1 Solution:
Perform Mandatory FCO 718 00 024.

3.2.2 Example images

Image with stripes in image due to Stand-MVS Image with bars of different brightnesses in image
cable failure (the so called “louvre effect”)

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A fault caused by a bad C-arc cable (camera link) can be characterized by:
• Black pixel disturbance in a limited range of the grey level spectrum.
• Some areas of the image are not distorted at all, others are affected.

Image with pixel disturbance (this case in the grey level on the edge of the object)

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3.3.1 Typical pixel failure examples.

Clear example of the pixilation issue.

Note that besides pixelated areas, areas with Example of an extremity with pixilation edging on the
correct grey-levels and sharp details are visible. edges of the clinical part.

Large pixelated area, with clear grey level problems. Another example of an extremity with pixilation.
Note the pixilation on the left edge of the II as well.

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3.3.2 Solution:

First step is to check the connection of the small blue ribbon cable (flex cable) from camera to the interface
board. This cable can be found in the II. Make sure that the cable is well connected on both ends.

Second step to be taken is to check which c-arc cable type is installed:

o From 2006 we introduced the Surgery BV Family 2 systems (Pulsera and Endura) with the original C-arc
cable. This cable turned out to be not very reliable.
o Since mid October 2007 we introduced an improved C-arc cable. The basic C-arc cable did not change
but by performing a modification the C-arc cable becomes reliable again. In such an improved C-arc
cable, on both sides of the CameraLink subcable:
9 The outer transparent- and black foil is stripped / removed.
9 The analog screen / braid of the outer cable must be able to make a good connection to the metal
connector housing.
9 All remaining black foil on the 9 outer twisted-pair wires is removed,
9 All 9 screens / braids of the twisted-pair wires (the additional two twisted-pair wires in the center are
not critical) and the 9 drain wires are connected to each other and connected to the 4 digital ground
pins (pin 1, 13, 14 and 26) of the connector (by means of a metal ty-wrap or different)
9 There is no electric connection between analog and digital ground.

For more detailed information on the recognition of the C-arc cables and the various versions see the
following document that is published with FCO71800030 available on Incenter.

Pre-check FCO’s C-arc cable replacement 452298162991.

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3.3.3 Correct modified cables:

Shielding of twisted pairs connected to each Shielding of twisted pairs connected to each other by
other by means of a soldered wire means of a metal tie-wrap

NOTE: when mounting the connector housing make sure that the analog ground contacts the connector
(white arrow) while the digital ground is isolated with isolation tape or equivalent (grey tape in the picture) to
ensure that there is no connection between the digital and the analog ground.

If the original c-arc cable is installed, repair the cable as described above and in FCO 71800017 or replace the
cable by the latest spare part version.

From November 2008 onwards an new designed c-arc cable will be offered in an FCO:
FCO 718 00 030 for BV Pulsera rel 2.2 (SUCO systems)
FCO 718 00 031 for BV Endura rel 2.2 (SUCO systems, currently to be released in Jan 2009)

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This effect is caused by the fact the original image contains low contrast and the ACB function is activated.
The resulting image is characterized by:
• “Flat” image / limited grey levels in full image.
• Noise will be more visible.
• Effects visible over full image.

The ACB function will “over-stretch” the limited grey-level range, resulting in an image which appears to be

3.4.1 Solution:
Application instruction to customer with respect to correct use of kV /mA stabilization.

3.4.2 Simulation
The pixilation effect can be simulated by lowering the kV in manual mode. Below an example of such
simulation is shown:

Automatic stabilization at 60 kV. This image is Same situation but now in hand mode at 55 kV.
made at 56 kV. Note there are ACB artifact visible in the image
(Note there are no ACB artifacts visible) everywhere.

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3.4.3 Examples

Image with ACB issue, note that the effect is Example of an image with ACB distortion while still
visible over the whole image. having a quite large contrast in the image.

Example of a spine with ACB artefacts. Example of an almost empty II showing ACB

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This distortion can be divided in two categories:


characterized by:
• “Pepper and salt” noise
• Bright and dark object
edges (enhanced)

3.6.1 Solution:
Application instruction to customer with respect to subtraction procedures.


characterized by:
• Noisy edges caused by
movement of the organs
(limited area of the full
image) of extremities.
• In the picture the dirty
noise is visible in the
organ (bowel), highlighted
with a circle.

3.7.1 Solution:
improved exam setting as supported in rel 2.2.6. or rel 2.3.3.

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Poor image quality caused by incorrect usage of Digital exposure is characterized by:
• Poor or almost no contrast
• Relative dark image

Image where the scout fluoroscopy time was too short Image with correct scout fluoroscopy

Image with digital exposure without using scout fluoro,

made at 40 KV. Check with logging and date/time stamp.

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3.8.1 Check logfile for digital exposure issues:
Check the system logfile for the date/time stamp of the bad image to verify if scout fluoro is performed adequately
prior before using Digital Exposure mode. The kV value should correspond to the region of interest. Logging example when used Digital Exposure correct

08-09-14 11:47:14 M SYS Xray mode continuous fluoro
08-09-14 11:47:14 M USR START FLUORO RUN
08-09-14 11:47:14 M DCM Wait for association is aborted
08-09-14 11:47:15 M LIVE Image received at 1162075
08-09-14 11:47:15 M SYS USR switch off at 1162077
08-09-14 11:47:15 M SYS actual kV setting = 63 kV
08-09-14 11:47:15 M USR STOP FLUORO RUN
08-09-14 11:48:00 M SYS USR switch on RIGHT at 1166547
08-09-14 11:48:00 M USR APF CT [9] sub [0], High dose [1] Run3D [0]
08-09-14 11:48:00 M USR CHANGE STORE RATE Rate [0] RateUi [0] TimeLeft [0] Ratio [0]
08-09-14 11:48:00 M USR STORE LIH ON
08-09-14 11:48:00 M SYS Xray mode digital exposure
08-09-14 11:48:00 M USR START FLUORO RUN
08-09-14 11:48:00 M DCM Wait for association is aborted
08-09-14 11:48:00 M USR MEASURE AREA
08-09-14 11:48:01 M SYS rec ABORT XRAY from SYS_pack
08-09-14 11:48:01 M USR STOP FLUORO RUN

As you can see first there’s a run on continuous fluoroscopy which sets the actual kV value. After this the
digital exposure is activated. Logging example when used Digital Exposure incorrect

……….from system startup no x-ray or fluoro was yet performed……, no kV_set
08-09-04 10:57:23 M USR APF CT [9] sub [0], High dose [1] Run3D [0]
08-09-04 10:57:23 M USR CHANGE STORE RATE Rate [0] RateUi [0] TimeLeft [0] Ratio [0]
08-09-04 10:57:23 M USR STORE LIH ON
08-09-04 10:57:23 M SYS Xray mode digital exposure
08-09-04 10:57:23 M USR MEASURE AREA
08-09-04 10:57:23 M USR START FLUORO RUN
08-09-04 10:57:24 M USR MEASURE AREA
08-09-04 10:57:24 M USR MEASURE AREA
08-09-04 10:57:25 M LIVE Image received at 6454
08-09-04 10:57:25 M USR STOP FLUORO RUN
08-09-04 10:57:25 M SYS rec ABORT XRAY from SYS_pack
08-09-04 10:57:25 M SYS rec BLOCK XRAY, XGI block cnt: 1, block cnt sum: 1
08-09-04 10:57:25 M DB Stored [1] new image(s) on disk

This results in almost blank grey images as shown in the 3rd digital exposure example. Solution:
Application instructions to customer to perform LDF scout prior to using digital exposure to set the correct KV

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This document and the information contained in it is strictly reserved for current Philips Healthcare (“Philips”) personnel, Philips licensed representatives and Philips customers who have
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Philips provides this DOCUMENT without warranty of any kind, implied or expressed, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
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