Astrological Secrets of The Decans

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Copyright 2014 by Şıfa Avcın

Published by My Spirit Books 2014

e right of Şıfa Avcın to be identi ed as the Author of the Work has been
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First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the

astrologer and owner of My Spirit Radio, Adam Fronteras, who enabled me
to publish this book with his guidance and encouragement. I also give
special thanks to the astrologer Kim Farnell, who without hesitation has
always supported me throughout in writing this book.
I would like to acknowledge with much appreciation the crucial role of
the British Astrological Association in helping me to present my ideas and
knowledge through this book.
I also give special thanks to the solicitor Işın Vahib, my friend, who has
become my voice and my right hand-woman. I would also like to
acknowledge the astrologer R. Hakan Kırkoğlu, whose profound knowledge
in astrology has been a source of light to me.
I am indebted to the astrologer Kim Farley, who has happily shared her
knowledge and encouraged me to pursue my passion in astrology.
My thanks are extended to astrology professors Devrim Dölen and
Devrim Yılmazer, who helped me to broaden my horizons in this eld where
I am realising my dream by publishing my rst book.
I would also like to express my gratitude and special thanks to the
translator of this book, Ahmet Gildir, whose technical support and
suggestions have been very helpful. I am also thankful to Koray Salih Gül for
his valuable contributions to the translation.
Furthermore, I give special thanks to Yeliz Hoşgör for her continued
contributions and support. Finally, I am very grateful and indebted to my
close friends and my family, especially my husband Dilaver Avcın, daughter
Ayşe Avcın and granddaughter Şifa Avcın, whose relentless support,
patience and sacri ce has enabled me to create and complete this book in its
present form.

Decans 1

e signs 3

Aries 5
Taurus 13
Gemini 21
Cancer 29
Leo 37
Virgo 45
Libra 53
Scorpio 63
Sagittarius 73
Capricorn 81
Aquarius 87
Pisces 99

e planets 109

e Sun 111
e Moon 129
Mercury 151
Venus 169
Mars 189
Jupiter 201
Saturn 219
Uranus 243
Neptune 257
Pluto 281

Chart Example: 307

Johannes Kepler

e decans form a very ancient system, which dates back to 3,000 BCE. e
zodiac signs are subdivided into groups of four in accordance with the
elements of earth, air, water and re and the triplicities of cardinal, xed and
While the basis of astrology came from the Sumerians, decans were
formed by the Egyptians who divided months into three ten-day periods,
each comprising one decan.
Decans were crucial to ancient civilisations who used them to nd or
devise treatment methods for illnesses, to make decisions about the dates of
waging a war, and to ascertain the destiny of a newborn baby.
As an example, a person born on 25 March has the Sun at 3 degrees of
Aries and is of the rst decan of Aries. Mars attributes the characteristics of
quick-temperament, aggression venturesome and fearlessness to that person.
e individual would always want to take all, but not give anything. If he
cannot succeed in acquiring what he wants, his fury affects all around him.
e intense energy of Mars in this rst decan gives its members certain
discomforts like headaches, high blood pressure, and discomforts of the
teeth and palate as well as eyes.
Ancient civilisations learned how to treat a number of illnesses by using
plants. For instance, they used anise, raisins, camomile, mint, carnations and
willow leaves to treat headaches. Plane tree leaves, vinegar, carnation, thyme,
rosemary, fennel and salt were used to treat toothache, while for the
treatment of dizziness they used chickpea juice, pear, barley juice, lemon
and rose water. For eye pain, rose, fennel, camomile, and pomegranate were
The signs and the elements


Aries, Leo and Sagittarius constitute the re triplicity.

Positive characteristics: leaders, heroic warriors, possessor of the energy of

creativity and impetuosity.
Negative characteristics: disrespectful, insolent, self-centred and the
possessing qualities of destroying and annihilating.


Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn constitute the earth triplicity.

Positive characteristics: fruitful, practical, skilful, reliable, interested in

material and vocational subjects.
Negative characteristics: self-centred, reckless, cold, stubborn, possessing
energy against obstacles.


Gemini, Libra and Aquarius constitute the air triplicity.

Positive characteristics: witty, intelligent, mentally creative, qualities of

communication and social relations.
Negative characteristics: absent-minded, pensive, cold, indecisive, lying.


Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces constitute the water triplicity.

Positive characteristics: mediumship skills, strong senses and sensitivity.

Negative characteristics: easy to convince, lack of the ability to differentiate
reality, truth from lie and forgery and loss of memory.


Element: Fire
Character: Leader
Ruling planet: Mars
House: First
Skills: Lively, desire to win, fearless
Anatomy: Head and face
Major goals: Being undefeatable and top at everything
General characteristics: Liveliness, dynamism, willingness to be the centre
of attention and fearlessness. People belonging to this sign are quick-
tempered, which is shown by the fact that they can easily be annoyed, and
equally that they very quickly calm down. Childhood naivety is embedded
deep in their hearts. ey make enemies very easily as they say what they
think unhesitatingly and directly, preferring to do so to peoples’ faces rather
than talking behind their back. ey also sometimes upset people for no
reason. Interestingly, they may defend some people for no reason as well.
Since they know who their enemies are, they are always ready to ght
them. ey are instinctively ghters and soldiers with leadership qualities
and incredible self-con dence, for they always wholeheartedly say, “I will
win, I will defeat, I will save, I will become”. ey get what they want. Once
whatever it is has been obtained, whether it is someone’s life or something
which has some kind of material value, it becomes worthless to them due to
the fact that their mission has been accomplished. ey can keep it, destroy
it or just throw it away. ey can’t stand losing their honour, fame or
leadership qualities as these, especially the rst two, are their most precious

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
First decan: 21 March to 30 March

People born in this period feel the energy of Mars more strongly than other
Arians, and this makes them fearless, adventurous and prone to taking risks.
Whatever they have in mind, whether good or bad, they just want to do it
and therefore they don’t let anyone stop them. ey are able to make
decisions very quickly, without stopping to think. ey act on their will
independently, while expecting others around them to depend on them.
ose born between 22 March and 23 March deal with more restrictions,
obstacles and problems in their lives than most. ey can turn these to good
only if they become more patient, tender-hearted and compassionate.

Men born 21 March to 30 March

ese men become managers, administrators, traders, scientists, spiritual

doctors, sportsmen, detectives and dentists, and can achieve high rank in
the military if they develop themselves and improve their skills. Aries men
in this decan who haven’t improved their skills oen take up the professions
of road contractors, mechanics and drivers.
ey consider themselves as hunters with women as their prey, for they
believe that they must possess the one they are attracted to. ese men are
mainly driven by their instinctive sexual potency. When sexually attracted to
women, they nd it easy to approach them. However, if they genuinely love
a woman spiritually, they can’t approach her because they exalt the beloved
to an unreachable position. And so they stick around to be able to always see
If the woman is pretty, feminine, has thick lips and a slim waist, and if
she looks naïve, pure and innocent, no matter what, the Aries man tries to
get her. When his instinctive drive to protect combines with a strong
attraction, his drive to win unveils itself. Once he possesses her, other
women mean nothing to him and so he ignores them.
If Mars indicates disharmony in their chart, they tend to be players and
involved with three women simultaneously, who, surprisingly, know nothing
about one another.
Men belonging to this decan are also interested in car races.

Women born 21 March to 30 March

ese women feel the energy received from Mars more strongly than most.
Aries women possess strong facial outlines, particularly if Mars has a strong
in uence in their chart. ey are born with birthmarks on their faces and
heads. ey retain charm more than beauty. ey suit long hair.
ey do not like simplicity or weakness. ey are protective and
possessive, and yet they tend not to reveal their love explicitly. ey become
beautiful, arrogant, and stubborn and do not like showing mercy. ey can’t
be cheated, although they try their best to cheat others. When someone tries
to cheat them, these women feel pity for them and portray themselves as
victims. ey can’t stand being betrayed in love affairs, and if they are
cheated on they will de nitely seek revenge. Even if they are desperately in
love, they will not refrain from this and they do not reveal how much they
are suffering from having their feelings hurt and longings unful lled. Some
Aries women in this decan tend towards disloyalty.
ey are aware of the fact that red suits them. ey wish to own either a
red or a black sports car. Jealousy coming from pessimistic people around
them gives them a headache. e scent of a carnation brings them luck.

Second decan: 31 March to 10 April

ese people can be recognised by their hair, ears, big eyes, slender and long
noses, thin lips, the clothes they wear and by the way they walk. ey favour
light coloured hair, particularly blond hair.
e sub-ruling planet of this decan is the Sun. ese people are self-
centred and they always make references to their past experiences during a
conversation as well as oen starting sentences with “I”. ey like hands-on
jobs and are interested in cinema, opera, the stage, management and
administration, and if they choose one of these as a career path, they will
most likely become successful.
ose born on 30 March or 31 March are more ambitious and have
better instincts and so achieve success through using their intuition.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Men born 31 March to 10 April

ese men procure their energy from both the Sun and Leo. Some of them
possess the characteristics of self-con dence and self-centredness. ey are
strongly attractive to the opposite sex. ey have tough, merciless and
pitiless relationships with women. ey frequently change lovers, as they try
to keep their lovers as their treasure if the woman is popular. ey are strong
and proud. If born in early April, and if they identify and acquire the skills
shown in their charts, they become very popular.

Women born 31 March to 10 April

Women born between 31 March and 10 April have musical skills. ey like
to test their skills onstage for they are highly skilled in playing a role. ese
Aries women are interested in precious jewellery, money and watches, and
they want to buy the best they can. ey prioritise their goals and art while
considering other things to be less important. Since they have strong
willpower, they win against their rivals and achieve success. eir will to
take over is much stronger than their sense of compassion. ey have a
tendency towards relationships outside marriage.
Third decan: 11 April to 19 April

ese people mainly derive their energy from Jupiter and Sagittarius. ey
are more faithful and sensible than most. ere is an ever-growing faith in
and a love of religion deep inside them. ey are fond of pilgrimages,
foreign countries and different cultures. ey have a good sense of
benevolence as they love helping those who are desperately in need of help,
both spiritually and materially, because they believe in spiritual goodness.
ey choose to marry someone they meet at school and their spouses are
usually foreigners. ey usually occupy important positions such as that of
an academic, publisher, prophet, author or artist.

Men born 11 April to 19 April

Men born during this period are into sports and so are capable of using their
feet artistically. ere are a number of footballers who belong to this decan.
ey are able to undertake two jobs simultaneously. ey hold strong faith
and love living their lives. eir dreams usually come true. ey are also
seriously into spiritual illumination. ey love travelling and cannot stay
somewhere stable for they possess the spirit of nomadic life. ey also
become rich. Until they have found the right one, it is not easy for them to
choose a partner so they frequently change partners. ey do not like saucy
or showy women. e prospective wife should be loyal to them and should
enjoy staying at home.

Women born 11 April to 19 April

ese women are presented with surprising opportunities and chances. ey
usually achieve success in remote countries. If Jupiter aspects the Sun, they
have a tendency towards religion. Moreover, their dreams come true so
dreams become a crucial source of knowledge for them.
ey have a strong religious faith and love of God and live their religion
intensely. ey focus on spiritual illumination. ey have strong feelings of
mercy, pity and benevolence. If Mars makes a difficult aspect to Saturn in
their chart, a lack of faith and disbelief can be seen in their religious life.
ose who receive the positive effects of Mars aspects will have long-lasting
marriages. ey do not want others to poke their nose into their business
and want to live their life in the way that they wish.
20 APRIL - 20 MAY

Element: Earth
Quality: Stable
Ruling planet: Venus
House: Second
Skills: Music, fertility, endurance, patience
Anatomy: roat
Major goal: Wealth

General characteristics: People born between 20 April and 20 May are set
in their ways, are stubborn and slow-moving and love luxury and beauty.
ey are talented in the ne arts, especially in music.
ey aim to be rich so as to be able to live a prosperous life. However, they
are not fortunate enough to inherit wealth. us, some Taurus people do
two jobs at the same time. ey are most likely to earn money from music,
ne arts or property. ey are tight- sted people. Hence they do not like
lending money to any of their friends or people they closely know. What is
more, they refuse to accept that they have money even when they do, which
is why people call them “stingy”. Nevertheless, they aim to guarantee their
future by saving up or by buying property, because they go through many
problems when trying to earn money.
Even though they seem to be calm people, they possess an undisplayed
aggressive instinct. erefore, when they are angry they begin to grumble.
ey love wearing nice clothes and perfumes and also love singing songs
and eating delicious food as they have the taste buds of a true gourmet.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
First decan: 20 April to 29 April

In this decan, the energies of Taurus and Venus are very strong. e potency
of these energies creates the desire to possess both spiritual and material
beauties. e rst decan Taurean’s attention is easily drawn to what is
beautiful and they prefer what is beautiful and glorious over to what is
substantial and essential. ey like the most beautiful people, gems, trees
and food. ey are good-natured with pretty faces and are full of love and
warm people, with artistic gis. ose who are born between April 25 and
April 27 are more inclined to suffer from neck and throat discomforts and
diseases. If there are harsh aspects in their birth charts, they victimise those
close to them.

Men born 20 April to 29 April

ese men are renowned for their eyes. ey are handsome and polite
people who love loving and value affection. ey guard the ones they love,
for they are possessive, yet jealous. ey aim to be wealthy and achieve this
aim at some stage of their lives. Men born between 20 April and 23 April are
most likely to gain prosperity through marriage. ey love pale skinned
women with thick lips and big hips. ese men enjoy beauty and they favour
women who are pretty and emotional
At some stage of their lives, they fall in love with another woman with
whom they conduct a secret love affair, which can result in divorce from
their partner. It’s strongly possible that they marry a widow. eir wives may
have certain phobias such as fear of the dark, of heights or of re and be
jealous and stubborn.
ey may be prone to discomfort on their genitals or eyes and suffer
from headaches. If there are difficult aspects in their chart, these men can
suffer from ear or throat infections. Suffering from mumps in their
childhood may make them infertile, or there may be infertility in their
family. ey are also into the paranormal and supernatural.
Men born 26 April or 27 April are ferocious, merciless and passionate.
ey xedly go for their goals and see nothing but those goals. ey could
unhesitatingly victimise people who are close to them.

Women born 20 April to 29 April

ese women are into music, entertainment, and love singing as well as
loving. ey are oen pretty and like living in houses with gardens, mirrors,
owers and nice fragrances. ere must be silk, velvet, and nice divans in the
house where they live. Rich Taurus women cherish possessing such items,
while Taurean women who cannot afford them dream of having a
prosperous life in order to be able to buy them. ey primarily marry for
money. However, if they think their love is stronger than their desire to have
a prosperous life, they choose to go for love.
ey have a beautiful voice and speak nicely and tunefully. ey enjoy
eating as well as singing whilst cooking, although they do not like the smell
of cooked food. ey are highly inclined to putting on weight for they have
the very good taste of a gourmet. When they become fat, their tummies,
hips and chests sit disproportionately on their tiny legs. e front of their
neck, which pokes out, does not give them a nice look. ey suffer from
discomfort on their genitals and throats.

Second decan: 30 April to 10 May

ose born in the second decan are sub-ruled by Mercury and Virgo, which
grants them substantial energy. ey are commonly people with obsessive
compulsive disorder who are obsessed with cleanliness. ey are heavily into
health issues, and some of them may even have health problems from birth.
ey are successful in oristry, livestock breeding and agriculture. ey
are most likely to work in schools or hospitals. It suits them best to work for
other people. ose who are born either on 4 May or 5 May suffer from
conditions in the abdominal cavity.

Men born 30 April to 10 May

ese men get their energy primarily from Mercury and Virgo. ey never
get fed up with working and so are capable of doing two jobs at the same
time, since they are hard working and meticulous people.
eir education usually remains incomplete due to them losing a family
member unexpectedly when they are young. ey also suffer from the fact
that they can’t get this bad experience out of their heads and therefore they
try their best to provide their children with a better future. eir kids are
mostly smart people who are actively into science.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Pale women suit these Taurus men. ose who are born on 10 May or
12 May are more inclined to violence and thus should avoid enmity. ey
might have discomfort on their necks or in their throats, and may possibly
have permanent scars on their necks.

Women born 30 April to 10 May

ese women primarily receive their energy from Virgo and Mercury. ey
are hardworking and attentive people. ey are signi cantly concerned with
cleanliness and order. ey are skilled in sewing, embroidery, oristry and
cooking. ey should protect their kidneys and abdominal cavity.
ey are cold and distant towards the ones they love. ey do not really
show their love to their children or partners as they are likely to have had a
very bad experience with a female friend which traumatised them in a way
they cannot forget. erefore, they are cold and distant to people around
them. If they do break up with their partners for some reason, they oen
eventually reunite in the future. ey may get upset on their children’s
Second decan Taurus women may be successful in agriculture, cleaning
services and handcras. If they improve their skills, they may also be
successful in nursing, medicine, chemistry, accountancy and teaching.

Third decan: 11 May to 20 May

ese people procure their energy primarily from Saturn and Capricorn.
ey are disciplined, authoritative, determined and tough people. rough
their ambition and patience, they accomplish their goals. Yet, even if they
succeed in getting to the position they have so long aimed towards, they do
not turn out to be spoilt people. ey are distant and cold to everyone. Even
within a crowd they feel lonely.

Men born 11 May to 20 May

ese men obtain their energy primarily from Saturn and Capricorn. ey
know what they are doing. ey mature early as they had an authoritative
father and a difficult childhood, which made them and their family
unhappy. Hence when they grow up, they become strongly attached to their
kids whom they love and protect.
ey protect those they love. Yet they do not manifest their love
towards them for they are distant from them. ey love their partners, but
they might be frigid with their partners, primarily because of the male
ey are tight- sted people who don’t like lending money to anyone.
Nonetheless, if they are asked for help they offer it immediately and happily
without expecting anything in return. ese men should take extra care of
their feet and they may also have problems with their teeth.
Women born 11 May to 20 May

ese women are characterised by arrogance. ey are also distant people.
ey possess a rm look. Yet, they can be close to the ones they love and
make them happy. ey take up and are well aware of their responsibilities.
Owning a house with a garden, looking aer their own children and
cooking make these women happy.
ey marry either at very young age or quite an old age. If they get
married at a young age they may possibly have more marriages during their
life. ey also oen have difficulty falling pregnant.
21 MAY - 20 JUNE

Element: Air
Character: Inconsistent
Ruling planet: Mercury
House: ird
Skills: Quick wit, ability to write well
Anatomy: Shoulders, hands and arms
Major goals: To introduce their ideas to the whole world

General characteristics: Full of wisdom, wit and skill, Geminians obtain

their energy primarily from Mercury. ey are clever and friendly people.
ey not only make those around them happy, they also make themselves
happy through combining their characteristics of intelligence, wit and love.
Having the spirit of a student, they love both learning new things as
well as teaching what they already know. eir souls are younger than of the
age they are supposed to be since they are quick on the uptake. Strangely,
they retain a desire to learn ballet even when they get old.
ey are amongst the rare people who are capable of using their hands,
tongues and wisdom simultaneously. Unfortunately, some Geminians do not
use this unique talent. ey need to learn how to complete what they have
started. However, that’s not a big deal, as learning is crucial thing for them.
eir Libra buddies, if they have any, uncover and reorganise tasks that
Geminians have abandoned and complete them. Geminians and Librans get
on well and they may keep each other company. If an Aquarian joins the
couple, nothing can ruin that relationship.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Geminians aim to have their voices heard by the whole world. ose
born in the third decan of this sign accomplish their goals as they not only
have very strong relationships with the people around them, they also
succeed in becoming teachers, authors, TV presenters, DJs or journalists.
ey love being involved in the media or libraries. ey have strong
handicra skills and enjoy fashion design and needlework.
ey can fall in love with two different people at the same time and
then cannot decide whom they love the most. ey usually take one and
leave the other. eir rst beloved is usually someone from close by. ey
are the most likely group to have a love affair with a neighbour.
ey may tell white lies when they are in trouble. ose who feel the
severe in uences of the sign are most likely to be inclined to thievery,
deception, scams and fraud. ey may have trouble from choosing the
wrong friends choices, being imprisoned because of friends, ghting with
their neighbours and having learning difficulties.

First decan: 21 May to 30 May

Belonging to the rst decan, these Geminians feel Mercury’s energy more
strongly than the others. ey speak fast and have different pronunciations
of certain words, and also use gestures whilst speaking, especially when
talking about their problems.
Le-handed Geminians are usually born in the rst decan. ey
consistently use their le hands for writing when they are children and they
oen grow up to be le-handed.
Men born 21 May to 30 May

ese Geminians accommodate themselves to the environment they live in

and so they can get on well even with the most difficult people. Geminian
men born between 24 May and 26 May should neither make enemies nor be
friends with untrustworthy people, for they may quite possibly be slandered
which may result in their imprisonment.
ey become rich by using their brains. Besides their physical and
mental perception skills, they have a strong and vast store of knowledge. If
they have strong writing skills, they become teachers, scientists, sportsmen
or translator/interpreters. ey also have a strong interest in astronomy.
ose who could not complete their education for some reason usually
become carpenters, tailors, frescoers, marble/tile makers or ironsmiths.
Geminian men born in the rst decan are talented in all handcras. Even if
they do it as a hobby, they sell what they make for supplementary income.

ey are heedless in love affairs. Every time they meet someone, they
think it is the right one, but they are usually wrong. erefore, they
frequently change lovers. Geminian men born between 22 May and 23 May
patiently continue to do what they are doing; they accomplish success
through their own efforts.

Women born 21 May to 30 May

Mercury’s energy is in uential in this decan. ese women are clever, skilful,
so-spoken and friendly. ey also speak quite fast. ey value their
relationships with their friends and neighbours. Unfortunately, their
enemies are found amongst their neighbours or friends. Women born
between 24 May and 26 May should be careful in their friendships and
relationships with their neighbours as they are likely to be slandered, which
may trigger feelings of revenge.
One of the most upsetting things, that they may never forget, could be
the con nement of someone they close (such as in prison) or breaking up
with their beloved. ese women become lucky on behalf of their children.
ey usually suffer from discomfort in their necks, shoulders, hands,
arms and ears. ey should take extra heed of arthritis in particular. ey
should stop cracking their neck. Handcras help them to discharge their
stress in as much the same way as slow music is good for their spiritual

Second decan: 31 May to 9 June

e sub-ruling planet of this decan is Venus, and Libra is also strongly

in uential for these people. ese Geminians usually have smiley faces and
they are so-spoken and companionable people with whom one may enjoy
talking. ey are always ready to help others for they are benevolent and
naïve. Whatever age they are, they value love and affection. ey love being
adored and are irtatious. e in uences of Mercury and Venus grant these
people the skills of using diplomatic language, respectful manners, pacifying
feelings and love.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
ey await luck. Once they have stopped hoping for it, luck comes in a
multitude of ways. e luck might be related to love, money or property.
erefore, it is hard for them to decide which to go for. ey can make
decisions in relation to property opportunities, even though it may be
difficult for them to do so, but they remain indecisive about the
opportunities presented to them in relation to spiritual values. is leads
them to nd themselves handling two relationships simultaneously.
Venus grants indecisiveness, especially when the Moon is in Gemini.
is leads to an incapability to get what they want in love; therefore they
change lovers frequently. Due to the in uence of Mercury, this doesn’t take

Men born 31 May to 9 June

e words that best describe second decan Geminians are affectionate,

respectful, companionable, skilled and well-dressed. ose who are born
between 31 May and 2 June have the desire to learn; the characteristics of
benevolence and generosity are well-developed in them. ey have a passion
for philosophy and religion. ey also value their dreams. Remote countries
and foreign people fascinate them. ose who have difficult aspects in their
charts might be ill-mannered, voluptuous and unbelievers.
Geminians who are born either on 7 June or 8 June love exploring,
discovering, and inventing new places or things. ey put their theoretical
knowledge into practice and share what they know with other people. In this
way, they achieve prosperity and bliss.
If Mars and Uranus make difficult aspects in the charts of those people,
they should beware of accidents such as car and motorbike crashes,
stabbings, gun shots or electric shocks.

Women born 31 May to 9 June

ese women receive their energy from Venus and Libra. ey make their
presence felt through their elegant and courteous manners. ey attract
people’s attention and raise their admiration, which in fact is what these
women are aer. Even if they have a secret liaison with someone, they are
good at covering this up. ey speak nicely and melodiously. Men who fall
in love with these women can never forget them.

ere is nothing that they won’t do for love or affection, for they cannot
live without love. Love is as essential to them as food, water and air. It is, for
them, enough to love and be loved. ey raise their children with love. Even
though divorce is common among Geminians, it is very rare amongst those
who belong to this decan. ey see marriage as their life insurance.
ey are talented in the arts and so they are interested in music, poetry
and theatre. ey can be popular in those elds if they are supported, for
they can’t do much on their own.

Third decan: 10 June to 20 June

ose born in this decan receive their energy mainly from the planets
Uranus and Saturn and the zodiac sign Aquarius. ese people can utter
their thoughts unhesitatingly and fearlessly. ey have modern and
progressive ideas, as well as rational and innovative perception. ey
surprise others by showing their dislike of outdated things and defending
the applicability and practicality of new things. e combination of Mercury
and Uranus makes third decan Geminians inventors and creative people.
If there are negative aspects in their charts, these people may self-
degrade by the way they speak with others. Astronomy attracts their interest
and they are capable of writing books in this speci c area. ey astonish
other people by their unique talents and by what they do.
ey value wisdom and intelligence even in love matters. ey have
love affairs outside marriage. When they want to marry, they usually choose
their prospective partner from amongst their friends. erefore, friendship
is very important for them. eir friends become their lovers and their
lovers their friends.
ey should take care when using electric and gas- lled tools.
Geminians born either on 9 June 9 or 10 June are likely to fall from grace
because of how they talk. ere is also a possibility that they will hurt their
shoulders accidentally. ey should take extra care with their right
shoulders, because they could be at risk of arthritis in the future.
ose who are born on the last days of June have enemies among their
friends and so they can have feelings of hatred and revenge towards them.
ey can avoid possible future danger if they repress those feelings.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Men born 10 June to 20 June

ese men acquire their energy primarily from the sub-ruling planets
Uranus and Saturn as well as from the sign Aquarius. ey are wise and
clever people, and they use those qualities in science and education. ey
possess the spirit of exploration and research. ey love researching history,
and analyse old educational methods against new ones. ey both learn and
teach, and so they end up becoming teachers or authors. If the Sun makes an
appropriate aspect with Uranus, these men may become very successful
astrologers and also write a number of books on this subject. Saturn grants
to fame and popularity to the people belonging to this decan.
If Venus, Uranus, and the Sun make suitable aspects in these men’s
charts, they end up being very musically talented. ey could compose
songs as they love to be creative in their profession.
ese men take advantage of opportunities and can move to the top of
their career very quickly. ey are also likely to become rich from property
dealing. If they have difficult aspects in their charts, they can end up loving
night life, becoming gamblers, and be difficult, quarrelsome, ill-mannered
and distant people.

Women born 10 June to 20 June

ese women are renowned as calm, serious, and distant people who display
cold behaviour. ey may at times become incredibly furious. e energies
of Saturn and Uranus are strongly felt in this decan. e women like a
uniform type of ladies wear. If, in these women’s charts, Uranus and the Sun
make an aspect, they become smart and knowing people who cleverly
discover their own abilities and thereby reach success. eir skills are mostly
demonstrated in the following professions: teaching, writing, astrology,
astronomy and archaeology.
eir logic represses their emotions regarding love. ey tend to choose
people from close by when it comes to love. eir relationships usually start
and end unexpectedly. ere is a high possibility of extra-marital
relationships. Because they may have experienced breakups in their family
when they were a child, and because someone else apart from their mother
looked aer them, they do not have a positive view of marriage.

21 JUNE - 22 JULY

Element: Water
Quality: Leader
Ruling planet: Moon
House: Fourth
Skills: Strong intuition and patience
Anatomy: Chest
Major goals: A happy and dependent family

General characteristics: People born between 21 June and 22 July

primarily receive their energy from the Moon and are maternal,
compassionate and benevolent.
ose who we call the keystones of the community, namely those with
striking leadership qualities, are usually Cancerian. ey are emotional,
sensitive and docile people who value memories and spirituality.
ey like expending effort and spending money on the ones they love.
ey take pleasure in hosting and entertaining visitors. Although they look
easy-going, serious and self-con dent, those close to them know that
Cancerians are sensitive, fragile, and so-hearted.

First decan: 21 June to 30 June

People born between 21 June and 30 June intensely feel the energy of the
Moon. ey have a strong sense of pity and compassion and will help those
in need.
Members of this decan are emotional and value money. ey seek
money in order to buy a home. ey are highly talented in property
management and can end up taking it up as a business. Tourism and
hospitality are also suitable occupations.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Mars, Saturn and Pluto create a negative effect in this decan. Mars
precipitates inner con icts and uncontrollable abrupt outbursts as well as
aggressive impulses. Additionally, it can indicate problems with
miscarriages. Saturn creates a dreary and cold family life, while Pluto grants
to an inability to express feelings easily. ey can even, at some stage of their
lives, withdraw alone into their homes because of a secret.

Men born 21 June to 30 June

ese men are particularly known for their rm patience. ey love their
country of origin and so do not move far away. ey are emotionally bound
to their mothers, partners and sisters and want to live close to their parents
even when they are married. ey become happy when they are home. ey
also like living near natural water sources. ey suffer from tummy aches.

Women born 21 June to 30 June

Strongly in uenced by both Cancer and the Moon, these women are
sensitive as well as emotional. ey are bound to the ones they love with
compassion and affection. ey are very good partners, very good mothers
and very good friends.
ey like cooking and doing housework as their house means the world
to them. ey never like working. However, if they have to work they choose
to work either at home or to do part time jobs. erefore they usually end
up taking up professions at schools, hospitals or restaurants. If Saturn makes
a negative connection to the fourth house, they feel very lonely and unhappy
at home.

Second decan: 1 July to 11 July

e energy received primarily from Scorpio, Pluto and Mars makes these
strong, venturous, brave, fearless and intuitive people.
ey research the mysterious sides of life, thus are interested in the
unknown. ey are very much interested in the supernatural and some of
them even hold supernatural powers. Other people enjoy being with or
around them. ey are capable of reading the inner world of the person they
talk to, and could tell every single secret they hold even without him
noticing this, while not sharing their own secrets with anyone. ey are
tight-lipped, secretive people. Psychologists, detectives, secret agents and
ministers are oen from this decan.

ey should take extra care of their heads, eyes and abdominal cavities
and should beware of blood diseases.

Men born 1 July to 11 July

ese are venturous and bold people. When they really want to do
something, even if it appears difficult or impossible, no matter what
happens, they just do it. ey are renowned for their patience and obstinacy.
ey are vengeful people who have no mercy for error. ey have con icting
inner worlds: on one hand, they wish to annihilate with the effects of
Scorpio, Pluto and Mars, on the other hand, they wish to protect and rescue
in line with the in uences of Cancer and the Moon. ey are like a butcher
who wishes to rescue his victims.
ey possess a very strong charming side in love and know how to
make a woman happy. Nonetheless, one woman isn’t enough for them and
so they tend to cheat on their partners. Yet, they do not regret cheating for
they see it normal. However, if they are cheated on they will take revenge.
eir love is as strong as their hate. e type of woman they choose to go for
is usually sensitive, emotional and quiet, someone who has suffered
misfortune, and they approach these women with a protective instinct and
end up falling in love with them. Second decan Cancerian men have a scar
on their faces, thighs, or chests caused by Mars.

Women born 1 July to 11 July

Scorpio, Mars and Pluto operate very strongly in this decan. Feelings of
shyness, sensitivity and fragility are replaced with courage, ambition,
hostility and revenge in this decan. ese women are masculine and fearless.
ey are the type of people who do their own work without expecting any
help. ey are likely to become wealthy.
Primarily they deal with psychic cases, being mediums, reading the
inner worlds of people and secrets. ey feel as if they are protected by an
invisible power. ey value dreams. eir dreams are usually obscene and
they are shy to share them. While they can easily get others to reveal their
secrets, they do not share their own.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
ere is a high possibility that they will have more than one marriage.
During their marriage they experience a mismatch and have serious
arguments with their partner. If they experience an unexpected jolt from
them, they take revenge. Whatever the weapon is that shoots them from
behind, they retaliate with the same.
One of the main reasons why these women experience miscarriage is
because they have over lubricant inner lips of their erotogenic zones. ey
have more girls than boys.
Women born on 3 July or 4 July have developed religious sides and so
are affectionate and compassionate. ey are strong and emotional. ey go
on pilgrimages and usually realise their aims. Remote countries and
different cultures attract their interest. If there are harsh aspects in their
charts, they may face unexpected danger on their trips. ey may suffer a
damaged reputation. eir favourite colours are red, black and silver.
Third decan: July 12 to July 22

In this decan, the in uence of the sign Aquarius, and the planets Neptune
and Jupiter are strongly felt. Aspects between the Moon and Neptune make
these people daydreamers, sensitive, romantic and easily affected by what is
happening around them. ey are interested in poetry as well as singing.
ey keep their love deep in their hearts where it ourishes. ey have
strong spiritual skills as well as a developed sixth sense. ey also value
If they marry the ones they love their marriage lasts. ey are called by
different names amongst their friends. eir discomforts are as follows: pain
on feet, illnesses due to cold and absent-mindedness.

Men born 12 July to 22 July

ey enjoy things related to water. ey dream of having a house near the
sea and hosting their friends at this house. ey also like having
conversations about religion. ey can accomplish their aims if they
organise everything. ey have strongly developed skills of saving money.
ey like spending the money they have saved on their houses and the
people they are attached to. ey are self-sufficient people.

Women born 12 July to 22 July

ese women predominantly procure their energy from Aquarius, Neptune

and Jupiter.
e in uence of Neptune makes these women daydreamers and they
have a reserved and shy appearance. ey easily believe other people. ey
also are superstitious. Being curvaceous, these women have oval shoulders
and their necks look nice. ey have scars on their necks as well as on their
With the in uences of Jupiter, Cancer and Aquarius they are inclined to
save money. ey also love saving up small change.
e women born in this decan have hidden fears. ey can’t stay alone.
Due to paranoia of being stalked, they keep looking back. Being weak
persons, they can’t protect themselves.
ey are cowards in love affairs, too. ey keep themselves distant from
men so as not to suffer from love. Men are generally in uenced by the
innocence, emotionality, shyness, timidity of the women of this decan. If
they really love those women they marry them. However, they may become
like strangers to each other at home at times. If they divorce for any reason
they may come together again at some point. Women born in this decan
oen love girls.
eir illnesses are due to emotional reasons. ey should take extra
heed of their tummies, right chest and hair loss.

Element: Fire
Quality: Consistent
Ruling planet: Sun
House: Fih
Skills: Planning
Anatomy: Heart
Major goal: Superiority

General characteristics: People born between 23 July and 23 August

belong to the sign Leo and procure their energy primarily from its ruling
planet, the Sun. ey are passionate, energetic, enthusiastic and adventurous
people, full of courage and pride, although they can also be oppressive.
Whether they are right or wrong, Leos think they always know best.
Everyone around them is expected to listen to and believe in them. Leos get
vigorously annoyed with those who stand against them. Hence they may try
to upset, oppress or act in a hostile way towards those people.
Leos possess leadership qualities, therefore they like ruling, not being
ruled. ose qualities deep in their heart are so forceful that they are
mirrored through their eyes to other people. ose around them are
inevitably impressed by Leos’ potent eyes. Such eyes as those go well with
people who have narrow chins and slightly fuzzy hair that they backcomb.
Leos are aware of how attractive they and think there is no other person as
good-looking as them. Yet they do not openly express this thought to others.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Being such capable as well as very organised people, Leos become
successful in whatever career they choose. ere is a large number of
artists/actresses, singers, leaders, administrators and jewellers from this sign.

First decan: 23 July to 2 August

ese people strongly feel the in uences of Leo and the Sun. Due to the
effect of the Sun, they become adventurous, fearless, energetic, skilful, brave
and dependable people who add liveliness to the atmosphere.
ey value love, affection and children very much. ey enjoy art,
music, cinema, theatre and opera.
ey need to carefully protect their le eye, heart and the back of their

Men born 23 July to 2 August

ese men feel the energy of Leo and the Sun. A number of leaders and
kings are from this sign, so Leo is said to be the sign of leaders and kings.
ese men possess the spirit of ghters. Regardless of what they are
ghting for, they always intensely aim to win. Because Leo men tend to
speak like they are giving orders and want the things they want done, they
upset people around them, who therefore end up distancing themselves
from the Leos. is is also the case with love affairs. If a woman really loves a
Leo man and pretends that he is always right (even if she is actually the one
who is right), the man will eventually offer his life to her.
Leo men born between 28 July and 30 July are likely to be promoted in
their careers and achieve high positions. If there are negative aspects in their
charts, they need to be careful of eye diseases and illnesses that cause pus.

Woman born 23 July to 2 August

ese women feel the energy of the Sun and possess masculine
characteristics, so they do what they are required to do themselves. ey like
singing and music. ey make their presence felt by the way they dress, by
their hairstyle and the cars they own. ey like fuzzy hairstyles, and since
they have small narrow foreheads this hairstyle in particular suits them.
Generally, they have a scar or mark right on their foreheads or in the middle
of their eyebrows.

ese women are not in love with the men they go out with, so they
frequently change lovers. ey aim to nd dominant men to be dominated
by them. e man must be cleverer than her and he should know how to
treat her. If she nds the kind of man she wishes for, and if she truly loves
him, she does not leave him for someone else.
First decan Leo women are likely to face eye and heart diseases.

Second decan: 3 August to 12 August

e energy received primarily from Sagittarius and Jupiter is predominant

in this decan. Leos in this decan have inner drive and skills to learn and
teach from birth. ey love sports and are noble and proud people.
ey are attracted to remote places where they achieve success. ey
have a strong faith in religion and value illumination of spirituality. eir
dreams come true. ey are likely to undergo more than one marriage.

Men born 3 August to 12 August

ese men feel the energies of Sagittarius and Jupiter. Second decan Leo
men are passionate people. Regardless of what eld they work in, they
always want to be at the top. ey never wish to be controlled or dominated
by anyone.
ey like remote countries. ey develop skills gained abroad and
cleverly put these into practice, which amazes those around them. ey have
developed trading skills. ey may take up signi cant positions in
international trading, aviation, publishing and academia. ey also prove to
be successful in science, religion, the military, literature and law.
ey usually choose good spouses, whom they meet either on journeys
or when they are abroad. eir spouses are clever people who support and
respect their husbands. Since they have made the right choice, their
marriage is long lasting. ey bring their children up to be well-disciplined.
ey love horse sports and car races.
Harsh aspects in their birth charts make these people sick on their
journeys to remote places and force them to meet people who, to their
disappointment, may swindle them. ese negative aspects also make them
lose money. erefore they need to be careful of their relationships with
people when abroad. ere is also a lack of faith in religion with these

Astrological Secrets of the Decans

Women born 3 August to 12 August

ese women feel the energy of Leo and Jupiter and are intelligent,
determined, knowledgeable, skilful and brave. Sharing their skills and
knowledge, they become sought and wanted people.
ey cleverly spend and invest their money and so invest in their future.
us they become rich. ere usually is a gap between their teeth which
indicates that they will acquire prosperity in the future.
So as to be able to be remembered by people, and be useful even aer
death, they usually bequeath something — either of material or spiritual
value — to others.
If Mars makes a harsh aspect to Jupiter in their birth chart, they come
to embrace masculine characteristics which lead them to gamble. erefore
they extravagantly spend their money to have a good time and can therefore
lose both goods and money.
ey need to take extra care when they are on trips or abroad. ey
may have a hard time with one of their sons.
Third decan: 13 August to 23 August

ese Leos procure their energy primarily from Aries and its ruling planet
ird decan Leos aim for permanent success. Hence, their
achievements are outstanding. ey plan ahead very cleverly and, if they
think they will achieve something considerable, they go for their goals
fearlessly, without giving up. If they don’t get what they wish for, they turn
out to be quick-tempered and furious.
Using their brains and intelligence, they accomplish outstanding
successes. ey are brave and proud people who are never unfair.
If there are any negative aspects in their charts, they put others down by
speaking disrespectfully and speaking as if they are giving orders. ey do
not show respect to the people they live with and so may upset them. ey
lead an extravagant life.

Men born 13 August to 23 August

ese men obtain their energy from Aries and its ruling planet, Mars.
ird decan Leo men are usually heroes, brave, fearless, brave and
determined people. e in uence of the Sun makes them noble, generous
and trustworthy people with strong personalities.
ey want to be with a beautiful woman whom they would like to keep
as their treasure. e woman must be well-known, a gentle lady who is
worthy of this man. ese men want light-skinned women who have thick
lips, big hips and slim bodies. ey do not like disrespectful, untidy,
masculine and self-con dent women. e woman must be romantic, loving,
and sensitive with an artistic spirit. She should assure him that she
ultimately depends on him and that without him she cannot do anything.
Sensitivity as well as beauty attracts this type of man. He then takes the
woman under his protection and loves her.
ese men love red and black sports cars as they are into motor sports.
If Mars makes a harsh aspect with Pluto in their charts, they need to be
careful of car accidents. ere is also a high possibility that they will suffer
from eye diseases.
ose born between 16 August and 18 August are likely to choke from
smoke or struggle from poisoning problems as well as face legal cases. ey
also need to be careful of making wrong choices in regards to women. Leo
men who are born on 22 August or 23 August possess strong leadership

Women born 13 August to 23 August

e energy received primarily from Mars and the Sun is strongly in uential
in this decan.
Mars makes these women possess strongly de ned facial contours. Mars
shows its sign on the face, le side of chest and on the back.
ird decan Leo women are normally serious people. ey do not ask
from help from others and tend to do what they have to do themselves. ey
are as brave and daring as men. ey do not leave any work incomplete.
ese women like strong men, yet they do not easily depend on any
man. ese women will only become dependent on a man if he can
demonstrate how he is superior to her and stronger than her.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
ey do not forgive any mistakes. If their spouse is weak, passive,
disrespectful or irresponsible, these women do not act like a Libran,
Cancerian or Aquarian woman who seems to have forgiven (even though
she has not truly done so). is woman does not see this man as a real man;
hence she becomes an unhappy woman and may want to divorce the man.
Some third decan Leo women conduct extra-marital affairs, yet they do
not feel guilty.
If Venus, Neptune and the Moon make a harmonious aspect with the
Sun, these women have musical skills and if they develop these skills they
become popular. If Saturn makes a harmonious aspect with Venus and the
Moon in their charts, their fame will be continuous and permanent.
Leo women who are born between 16 August and 18 August may get
into trouble because of their love adventures. If their aspects are too harsh,
they may be inclined to drug addiction whereby they may put their own
lives at risk.
ose who are born between 20 August and 23 August are elite women
who have a royal look about them. ey know that many will follow them
because they possess power.


Element: Earth
Character: Inconsistent, wit, activity
Ruling planet: Mercury
House: Sixth
Skills: Perfectionist, organised and clean
Anatomy: Tummy
Major goal: Being a signi cant gure within their

General characteristics: People born between 24 August and September

23 belong to Virgo and procure their energy primarily from Mercury.
Virgoans are fastidious, virtuous, cautious, distant, meticulous, organised,
planned, cautious, distant and hardworking people who place high
importance on hygiene. Being go-getters and ambitious people, they set
their own ways. ey are also capable of undertaking two jobs at the same
Hospitals, schools, agriculture, livestock breeding, alternative medicine,
librarianship, accountancy, farming, geology, mining, and archaeology are
all enticing to these people. If they get a job in any of those elds they will
most likely be successful.
ey intuitively establish close communication with other people and
even with animals. ey have enhanced protective intuition towards animals
and people, especially those who are desperately in need of help.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
First decan: 24 August to 2 September

Mercury is very in uential in this decan. First decan Virgoans are usually
patient, enduring and sturdy people who stand rm against every difficulty
they face. is gains them success. ey possess a practical and scrutinising
wit. ey can do every task, everything they are assigned to, without getting
fed up with working so hard.
ey are spiritually pure, faithful, chaste and compassionate people who
place great signi cance on hygiene and organisation. However, if there is a
harsh aspect in their birth charts, they can become untidy and disorganised.
ey are critical towards those they are related to by marriage. ey poke
their noses into other people’s business and may fall out with close friends
and relatives because of their inconsiderate behaviour. ey are inclined to
manage two relationships at the same time. ere is a high possibility of
them suffering from constipation.

Men born 24 August to 2 September

Men born between 24 August to 2 September mainly feel the energy of

Mercury. First decan Virgo men are fastidious, have their own principles to
abide by, are aware of their responsibilities and never seem to be willing to
seek conciliation by making concessions. ey write about their thoughts
skilfully and are able to impress others by their gestures and by the way they
speak. ey are also big-hearted people.
If there is a harmonious aspect of Mercury with Jupiter in their charts,
they may work in newspapers, TV or radio. ey may become news
presenters, anchors in particular. ey have effective, convincing and
respectful speech skills.
ey are respectful and affectionate towards those they love. However,
although they are loyal to their wives/partners they tend to conduct extra-
marital relationships which they usually experience with women they
already know. ey never wish to ruin their marriage or seek divorce. If
Pluto falls in the seventh house in the charts of men who were on the verge
of divorcing but who have recovered their relationships, these men are likely
to lose their wives or partners. If Mars makes harsh aspects to the seventh
house, there is a possibility of quarrel or argument during the process of
divorce. If they get divorced, only their second child is likely to be affected.

Women born 24 August to 2 September

Mercury is powerful in this decan. ese women are fastidious, tidy and
organised and well-known for their handicra skills. ey are inclined
towards being beauticians, sewing, embroidery and weaving.
eir everyday life is full of restlessness, aggression and hurry. First
decan Virgo women are likely to experience great grief because of women
close to them. ey are also likely to lose one of their close friends or
ey enjoy meeting to converse about religious subjects. e women in
this decan either marry late or never marry, or they may undergo the
divorce process a few times. ey have very good sons, yet they make lots of
enemies. ese women at times fall out until they are almost strangers with
their partners, but they make up later.

Second decan: 3 September to 12 September

e energies of the ruling planet Saturn and the zodiac sign Capricorn are
felt in this decan. e combination of Mercury with Saturn makes these
people authoritative, considerate and conscientious. ey use their wit and
faculty of reason in a disciplined way. ey think before they speak. eir
speech is usually distant, cold and slow.
If there is a harsh aspect in their chart, they learn with great difficultly,
but they never forget what they have learned.
ey tend to frequently make references to old traditions in
conversation. ey take delight in reading books, especially history books
that talk about wars and events that happened centuries ago.
ey value their families and friends whom they love very much. ey
tend not to show their love to anyone in particular for they prefer solitude.
ey value success and awards more than money.
Saturn’s energy is strong in this decan. ose who have suffered from
poverty and had to live a very difficult life, but reached success and
prosperity later in life, are oen from this decan.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Men born 3 September to 12 September

Second decan Virgo men are always aware of the fact that they are from a
poor family background. erefore, they work so hard to survive and make
their own way in the world. ey reach their goals by overcoming
difficulties, basically by struggling. erefore, they value whatever they keep
within their possession.
When someone asks for money from them, they turn them down by
saying they don’t have any even if they do. erefore, they are called stingy,
rude, grumpy, and bad people, and yet they are not for they have been
through so many difficulties and painful experiences in their lives. Even the
course books they had when they were school kids were either lent or
donated to them by someone else. is fact le an unforgettable,
irremovable, irreparable scar on their little hearts, which is the main reason
why they value money and know how to spend it – they are well aware of
who really needs money.
Rich people who have come from a poor family background and so had
to overcome difficulties in life are oen from this decan. e wealthy
members of Virgo’s second decan make unforgettable donations so that their
names are carved into people’s hearts forever. e donations made are
usually to schools or hospitals.

Women born 3 September to 12 September

Virgo and Saturn are in uential in this decan. Most women from this decan
marry late or never marry. If they do marry there is usually a big age
difference between them and their partners. Even if they love their partners,
there is a possibility that they may be cold and distant towards them. ey
may reunite aer a long separation as they want their marriage to survive so
that they can have a family.
ese women may be slandered by their close friends or family. ey
may be shy to talk to for they are scared of being misunderstood.
If Saturn and Mercury make a harmonious aspect with Mars, second
decan Virgoan women become adventurous and fearless people who set
their own ways and who speak as if they are arguing. ey don’t allow
themselves or the others they love to be trampled on. ey also make
absolute and right decisions which they never, ever withdraw.

No matter what, they nish what they have started. When they begin
something, they do not rely on their intuition or feelings, but on their
faculty of reason and principles without needing to consult anyone. ey
mostly become successful. If they fail, they fearlessly, ambitiously and
obstinately try again; hence, they win in the end.
ere is a number of administrators, accountants, health officers,
teachers, secretaries, policemen and soldiers from this decan.
Second decan Virgoans who are born between 11 September and 12
September should be careful as they may suffer damage to their reputation.

Third decan: 13 September to 23 September

ese Virgoans procure their energy from Taurus and Venus. Venus makes
its presence felt through material goods in this decan. Money, prosperity,
beauty, love and luxury come together. ird decan Virgoans aim to possess
all these at once, otherwise they become very upset. erefore, they work
hard to obtain them, which they do eventually.
ird decan Virgoans are usually successful in the stock exchange and
in banking and foreign currency exchange businesses. Furthermore, it is
very pro table for them to buy and sell property or goods – anything to do
with trade.
ey value love; however, they prefer marriage to love for a comfortable
life. ey are skill at talking sweetly, which other people admire. ey are
good-mannered and benevolent people. ey like beauty, songs and art.
ey usually have a nice voice and face. ey should try stage and lm

Men born 13 September to 23 September

ese men procure their energy from Taurus and Venus. ird decan
Virgoan men have pleasant and sweet faces as well as pretty eyes. ey
possess the Venus mark, a dimple, on their faces, elbows or knees.
ey are respectful, caring and loving towards the people around them.
ey make themselves, as well as other people, happy. ey love affection
and pursue both love and affection. With the effects of Virgo and Venus,
they may end up loving two women at the same time.
ey take delight in painting and farming as well as decorating houses.
ey also follow trends in clothing and perfume. Since they have the
enhanced taste of a gourmet, they put on a lot of weight.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Virgoan men born between 15 September and 17 September may
possibly suffer from mental discomfort. ey may also experience
misfortune in their love affairs, which they may regret later in their lives.

Women born 13 September to 23 September

ese women primarily obtain their energy from Taurus and Virgo. ey
possess the Venus mark, a dimple, on their faces or on knees.
ese women are well known for their elegance, nice clothes and
perfume, sweet talk, diplomatic manners, and for their chubbiness. ey
enjoy singing and painting as well as dealing with money in business. Being
outgoing women, they are keen on fashion. ey have an enhanced interest
in music and artistic skills and may keep improving themselves in these
If the Moon makes disharmonious aspects in their chart, third decan
Virgoan women may become untidy and lazy people.
ey suffer from problems of the throat and womb. Intra-uterine cysts
may prevent them being pregnant.
If Venus is in Virgo in their birth chart, they may possibly undergo
divorce. If Venus makes a difficult aspect from Virgo, they come to the verge
of divorce but it doesn’t happen. If however Venus is in Libra, they ignore
marriage problems as their marriage is a shelter as well as a life insurance for
them. If Venus is in Leo, they enjoy a posh and sleek lifestyle. ey value
gold and jewellery. ey have a weakness for expensive watches in
ird decan Virgoan women who are born in the last weeks of
September may possibly lose the ones they love for they tend to criticise and
manipulate others. ey may also weep a lot, suffer damage to their
reputation and become distant from the ones they love due to having had a
love affair with someone. is becomes an unforgettable event throughout
the rest of their lives and is something from which they learn.


Element: Air
Character: Leader
Ruling planet: Venus
House: Seventh
Skills: Artistry, peacefulness, grace, diplomacy
Anatomy: Kidneys
Major goal: To have a luxurious yet consistent lifestyle

General characteristics: Librans, born between 24 September and 23

October, are under the in uence of Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and
ne arts. Being Libra’s planet, Venus gives all of its energy to this sign in
Librans are peacemakers; they are graceful, loving, compassionate, and
understanding people who tend to bring love and peace to the place they are
in, for they are diplomatic people who dislike ghts and ghting but love
e favours that Librans do are oen abused and so they retreat into
their own worlds and grieve once they notice. ey don’t stop helping or
doing favours for others although they expect nothing in return.
ere are a few Librans who are socially isolated and unaccepted if
there are harsh aspects in their birth charts. ere are many Libran artists,
actors, singers, advocates, diplomats, models and beauticians.
Because Venus and Mercury are close to each other, they operate well in
Libra as it is an air sign. us Librans have effective and harmonious, as well
as melodious, voices. ey are also strongly inclined towards manual jobs.
Additionally, they take great pleasure in reading books and they love their
book collection even more than their mirrors. ey are born with a talent
for writing. If they improve this, they can easily become good authors. ey
also have an inborn listening skill. ey gain adulation from the way they
use musical instruments. ey may become famous for their singing if
someone helps them.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
e bad habits that Librans should overcome or quit are as follows:
starting something by thinking or believing that someone is going to help
them, making decisions very quickly and without thinking things through
enough, being in uenced easily, being weak or lazy, cracking their knuckles
and biting their nails.

First decan: 24 September to 3 October

First decan Librans primarily obtain their energy from Venus. Libra is the
sign of balance, justice and beauty. Hence, these people can’t stand injustice.
Venus transmits its most beautiful light and illumination to Libra, the sign
of love. For rst decan Librans, love is as crucial as air and water. Love is
what makes them keep going. When there is something they don’t like about
love, they become very upset and their world turns upside down.
First decan Librans live with love. ey talk so sweetly and nicely that
they in uence everyone. When they love someone, they do so
unconditionally. ey always have the people they love on their minds and
in their hearts. If they are loved by the people they love, in other words, if
their love is reciprocated, their lives become more meaningful.
e dimples, which are the gis from Venus, are obvious on their
cheeks. e dimples are obvious on the elbows or knees of some Librans. No
one can tell their exact age as they look younger than their true age.

Men born 24 September to 3 October

ese men efficiently access the energy of Venus. ey are handsome men
who wear nice clothes and so gain admiration, which they pursue. ey love
watching themselves in the mirror.
If Saturn makes a harmonious aspect with Venus in their chart, they
possess an unforgettably distinctive beauty. ey have handsome faces and
are photogenic. ey have the spirit of an artist as well. However, if Saturn
makes a harsh aspect with Venus, then things change. If there is a harsh
aspect in their chart, they are likely to be cheated on by their partners. Since
they may possibly face legal problems, they should not be involved in any
illegal activities.

Men born in this decan know their enemies. Libran men born between
30 September and 2 October should learn not to trust everyone as they will
experience falsity, fraud, cheating and breaking of promises.

Women born 24 September to 3 October

ese women strongly feel the energy of Venus. Libran women under the
in uence of Venus have smiley faces, nice lips and are good-tempered. ey
have shiny and smooth skin. Regardless of how old they are, they always
look younger; therefore, they like wearing clothes like young people and try
acting like them. ey like to buy from renowned brands, because they like
being the most beautiful and at the forefront of fashion. ey admire
themselves as well being admired by other people. Not only do they love
loving, but also they have lots of lovers with whom they are happy.
Some Libran women see marriage as a shelter. Even if they become
unhappy, they aim to survive their marriage. If Cancer is strong in their
birth charts, they nest in their marriage. If they are betrayed in their
marriage, they do not think of taking revenge even if they are extremely
upset. ey convince other people that betrayal has not happened with
convincing talk. If she comes across a strong man in whom she believes and
trusts, this woman may leave her husband for a new start.
Women born between 30 September and 4 October have a strong
memory and never forget what they have learned. Researching into history,
they bring the forgotten into light and they apply this in the contemporary
world. ey have a skill in learning old science, which they like sharing with
people or teaching to them. To them, success and reputation are more
important than money.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Second decan: 4 October to 13 October

Aquarius, Uranus and Saturn operate strongly in this decan. is

harmonious combination grants innovative wit and the passion of a
researcher. Uranus bestows skills in art, literature, painting and music.
Second decan Librans seem to neglect opportunities given to them or
postpone following them up them to a future date. ose who don’t neglect
or postpone them become popular. ey are into astrology and archaeology.
ose who are born between 10 October and 13 October 13 in particular are
deeply into astrology. ey also become successful in trading and law. If they
are born in the last days of the decan, they ambitiously work hard and
achieve success.

Men born 4 October to 13 October

ese men mainly use the energy of Uranus. Second decan Libran men are
markedly characterised by severity, wit, distance and strength. ey gain the
admiration of others by talking wisely and sensibly. eir conversations are
usually about science and art. Not only they are diplomatic, they are also
tolerant, respectful and patient, and show understanding of things that
happen that are out of their control. ey love making people’s jobs easier
and more practical by helping them. ey are friends, peacemakers,
mediators and negotiators.
ey value being on the same wavelength with the one that they love
more than love itself. For this reason, they believe that they will eventually
embrace love when they get on well with the beloved. ey choose to marry
those they known for a long time.
Because they like science, they try to act wisely. ey are likely to earn a
lot of money by using their mind. Uranus is strong in this decan and, with
the aid of this planet, these men come to embrace skills in invention,
astrology and astronomy. ey create their inventions through their own

Women born 4 October to 13 October

ese women receive their energy primarily from Aquarius and Venus.
ey are known to possess a distinctive beauty as well as superior
intelligence, a free spirit, and unusual loyalty.
Unlike other Librans, they don’t pursue adoration. ey do not expend
effort in trying to look pretty or attractive and they do not become fans of
any artist, actress or singer. ey admire science and scientists as such
people gain as much credit for their achievements as their personality.
ey like marriage, which they consider to be a balancing point. If they
experience something that breaks the balancing point, or something that is
dishonourable, they suddenly end the marriage.
Second decan Librans love inventing things and love science and
education. ey also like playing music more than listening to it. When they
are tired, they prefer to listen to romantic songs to rest their body and soul.
ey also take delight in reading books, usually on science, astrology and
e energies of Saturn, Venus and Uranus grant these people patience,
creativity, grace, independence, realism, a passion for liberty and an unusual
If the Sun and Uranus make an appropriate aspect in their chart, they
become stronger, have enhanced self-con dence and embrace a passion to
come achieve prominence. ey are such knowledgeable and skilful people
that whatever job they take up, they make a success of it.
ey possess a distinctive, unusual and adorable personality. ese
people become their own teachers and train themselves with the aid of
Saturn’s energy. ey are skilled at turning their knowledge into books.
If Venus is in uential and the Moon is in Virgo, they make advances in
alternative medicine and cosmetics. ey have an enhanced skill of making
herbal medicines and herbal cosmetics. ey also possess an inborn talent of
invention by which they amaze those around them. With the energy of
Saturn they achieve long lasting fame. ey even immortalise their names;
women in this position are still remembered even aer death.
Managers, inventors, archaeologists, antique dealers, computer
programmers, history teachers, history researchers and astrologers are seen
in this decan.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Third decan 14 October to 23 October

ird decan Librans access the energy of Libra and Mercury. ey possess a
quick wit and are skilful, chatty and sociable people. eir tongues and
hands work harmoniously together. ey have talent in cras; therefore they
may become hairdressers, managers or journalists and work in TV or radio
or on magazines. ey also have authorship skills.
ose who are born on 16 October or 17 October possess wealth,
honour and fame, which they owe to being fair to everyone, ambitious and
honest. Librans who are born between 18 October and 23 October are able
to make a considerable amount of money from trading or jobs relating to
roads. If there are harsh aspects in their chart, they may be jailed for
deception, fraud or the.

Men born 14 October to 23 October

e energy of Libra and Mercury is felt more strongly in this decan.
Mercury grants third decan Libran men wit, reason, power of language and
skill in literature. ey know that intelligence is beyond physical beauty;
thus, they demonstrate the power of the mind in cras as well as in jobs
which require reasoning. e combination of Venus’s creativity and
Mercury’s cras and practical intelligence allows an artist to emerge. ere is
nothing they cannot do with their hands and minds.
ey possess a power in writing as well. ey get their voices heard in
music, especially in piano playing. ey also have an enhanced sense of
inspiration as well as skill in musical composition. ey can be hairdressers,
and prove successful in the ne arts. ey are also likely to be successful in
ird decan Libran men who have not received education in any
particular eld can be carpenters, tailors, orists and sale assistants. ey
stand a good chance of being great crasmen. ey can also sometimes do
two things at the same time.
ey like to irt and seek adoration. If someone tells them they are
good looking, these men immediately fall in love with them. Even if they are
aware that this is not a genuine compliment, they seem to believe it. Most of
the time, they go in between two women and cannot choose who to go for.
Yet they are not into having relationships with two different women
simultaneously, because they see this as something disgraceful and
disrespectful. However, they may sometimes be trapped in such a dilemma.

ey can’t stand problems related with marriage. ey either split from
their partners or they defend the idea that one of partners should look aer
the children while the other goes out to have fun. Hence they face a situation
they strongly dislike.
If they have a harsh contact from Uranus in their chart, third decan
Libran men conduct a number of extra-marital relationships and have
illegitimate children.
Men in this decan should protect their necks and shoulders as they may
have problems of arthritis or embolism. Some third decan Libran men have
the habit of cracking or popping their neck which they should not do.
Women born 14 October to 23 October

e energy of Libra and Mercury is felt more strongly in this decan. ese
are clever, witty and skilful women. ey talk sweetly, nicely and effectively.
If there is a harsh aspect in their chart, they may acquire the habit of
telling lies and speech problems of being unable to pronounce certain words
properly. Nervy third decan Libran women may have sleeping problems. A
small number of them unconsciously steal due to this.
ey fall in love with someone they have known since their childhood.
Yet they don’t have a long lasting relationship with him, although they
remain friends.
ey value marriage, and they defend the idea of monogamy. If they are
lucky, they have a long lasting marriage and have children as an outcome.
ey may at times have a crush on someone else, but they do not let this
ruin their marriage. Some third decan Libran women are so unfortunate
that they are disrespected or under estimated, even distanced by their
partner. ey try to endure the situation in the hope that their marriage will
survive. When it becomes too much to handle, the woman puts an end to
her marriage. In the meantime, she seeks someone else to spend the rest her
life with. She would immediately go for a reliable man who could protect
and possess her, and she would be happy to have made such an important
decision. She may at times conduct a secret liaison, which she craily covers
up through little white lies. Even she herself turns out to believe her own

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
If at the time of their birth Mars and Pluto are in the twelh house, and
the Moon in the tenth house is weak, some third decan Libran women have
to spend time in hospital due to nervous problems. Although it is
infrequent, women in this decan whose charts indicate it may be imprisoned
because of slander and the caused by female enemies.
Women born between 17 October and 19 October are intuitive and
diligent. ey achieve wealth through marriage or some other means. ey
seek fame and honour. Women born between 19 October and 23 October
owe their luck and intelligence to trading and roads. ese women also have
creativity, wit and inborn talent.
ird decan Libran women possess the potential to become authors,
scientists, musicians, and painters. Harmonious aspects from Uranus, the
Sun and Moon’s indicate that they will become well-known astrologers.
ose who are born in the last days of October acquire fame through their
own skills.


Element: Water
Character: Consistent
Ruling planets: Mars and Pluto
House: Eighth
Skills: Power of intuition
Anatomy: Genitals
Major goals: Wealth and the ability to demystify secrets

General characteristics: Scorpios born between 24 October and 22

November, obtain their energy primarily from Mars and Pluto. ey are
adventurous, good planners, organised and cautious and they act according
to the conditions surrounding them. Words that best describe them include:
femininity, investigation, attention, doubt, detective, secret organisations,
undercover world, vindication and the unknown world.
With the effects of the Sun, Mars and Pluto, they are drawn to the
mysteries of life, which they are very curious about. us they research,
investigate and learn about those mysteries. eir intuition is so strong that
even they themselves are scared of their own intuition. eir intuition is
usually right as is their suspicion. Unlike those of other water signs, they do
not fear or withdraw from mystery. In fact, they take pleasure in mystery.
Scorpios are deeply drawn to the underground, the unseen and the

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Scorpios may accompany and cooperate with invisible powers if
Neptune makes a harmonious aspect with Scorpio. If Saturn is in a negative
position, and Mars and Pluto make difficult aspects, Scorpios discover a skill
in magic. Certain Scorpios may be able to communicate with the unknown
If Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury, as well as the houses in which they fall,
combine harmoniously, the individual acquires strong religious feelings
leading to feelings of compassion as well as a desire to do favours for others.
Feelings of animosity and vengeance are replaced with positive spiritual
feelings. ey get the desire to make long pilgrimages. Once they ful l their
aim, they offer people moral teachings. ey also help people to bring
forgotten spiritual treasures into the light again.
Scorpios are into spiritual education. ey possess a spiritual
appearance as well as personality. erefore they are full of secrets. ey
have a very strong vision that enables them to see the things that others
cannot. Presidents, detectives, clergies, psychologists, policemen, soldiers,
members of secret services and spies are seen in this sign.

First decan: October 24 to 2 November

Scorpios who are born between 24 October and 2 November acquire their
energy mainly from Mars and Pluto. First decan Scorpios have thick
eyebrows and big eyes and possess very deeply meaningful appearances.
Both men and women have side locks of hair. ey are known to be vengeful
and spiteful people. Both their love and hatred are very severe. ey tend to
do everything very attentively as well as doubtfully. ey love sexuality and
the unknown world. When they make decisions, they never turn back. ey
are known to be tight-tongued people who don’t let out any secrets.
In love, they are jealous, possessive and vengeful. e feeling of
vengeance however leads them to betrayal. Yet, they are not forgiving. ey
never forget hostility and sooner or later they take revenge.

Men born 24 October to 2 November

ese men are mainly under the in uence of Mars and Pluto. First decan
Scorpio men have thick eyebrows, big eyes and charming looks that suggest
there is almost nothing that they cannot do. ey speak bitterly; hence, they
hurt people. ey are also known to be tight- sted people who do not like
lending any money to anyone. When someone asks for money they refuse to
accept that they have money even if they do. ey always talk harshly and
furiously. When they are angry, their body temperature goes up and so they
end up having a headache.

ey are hunters in love. ey want to hunt the one they fancy, but once
they have possessed her she does not mean anything to them any longer.
Some rst decan men fancy a close friend, who in turn fancies him. ey
experience scandal and ingratitude at the same time. Yet, there are many
rst decan Scorpio men who are bound to chastity, social rules and good
reputation. In turn, they are respected by the rest of society. ey can read
people’s minds. ey help people around them without expecting anything
in return. ey possess strong spiritual intuition. Supernatural energies and
mysterious events attract them, and some rst decan Scorpio men prove to
be successful in these elds.

Women born 24 October to 2 November

ese Scorpio women are mainly are under the in uence of Mars and Pluto.
ey possess more charm than beauty. ey are attractive, serious,
mysterious and regal. While some of them have thick hair, others have
sparse and thin hair.
ey frequently complain about headaches as well as pain in their eyes.
ey also have frequent problems with their womb. Because they may have a
number of small cysts, they can experience miscarriage. If Neptune is
in uential in their chart, the inner lips of their vulva can to be slippery.
Some rst decan Scorpio women have lots of children. e women who are
under the good in uence of this decan may become psychologists, teachers,
experts on mystery sciences, healers, bio-energy experts, notaries,
politicians and surgeons, and they may also deal with religion. ose
however who cannot improve themselves in any of the above mentioned
elds may become fortune tellers, people who wash the deceased, belly
dancers, spies or guardians.
Women who are born between 24 October and 26 October conduct
research on supernatural science and human psychology. ey also write
books on those subjects and achieve popularity.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Second decan: 3 November to 12 November

Second decan Scorpios feel the energies of Neptune and Jupiter. If the
energy of Jupiter joins with that of Mars, second decan Scorpios embrace
strong religious feelings, and so they may ght for their beliefs. ey love
going on pilgrimages as well as researching religions of remote countries.
ose who feel the effects of Pluto possess hidden precious and unique
talents deep in their spirits. And these are the unknown secrets, which they
unveil and dedicate to all humanity. ey spend money on poor, weak
people who are in need of nancial support. Second decan Scorpios also
inherit wealth. Some also have skills in wizardry.
Some Scorpios, born between 1 November and 3 November suffer
damage to their reputation due to disloyalty and ignominy. ey live apart
from their children because of their own mistakes and anti-social behaviour.
ese situations are seldom seen however.

Men born 3 November to 12 November

ese men access Jupiter and Neptune’s energy. In this decan in particular,
harsh feelings of vengeance, revenge, obstinacy, and severity go more
smoothly and are replaced by feelings of forgiveness, loving and compassion.
ey help the weak, poor, orphans, and people who are in desperate need of
help, because they have an enhanced feeling of mercy and compassion,
which make them possess a spirit full of mercy and secrets. ey value
dreams, which interestingly enough come true.
Yet there are some second decan Scorpios who are self-centred
womanisers, dominant, suspicious and passionate, who do not seem to heed
social rules and boundaries. ey usually tell lies and are involved in fraud.
ey do not seem to work permanently in any job. ey aim to take revenge
even over trivial things.
Second decan Scorpio men should be careful against sea accidents and
car crashes. ey should also be careful whilst eating sh as they may get
food poisoning or the bones may get stuck in their throats.

Women born 3 November to 12 November

ese women access Jupiter and Neptune’s energy. Second decan Scorpio
women have a spiritual appearance. ey have a friendly and a sincere
approach to other people. ey also value illumination of spirit. ey have
an enhanced inner world and feelings and so they possess mediumistic
skills. ey love making journeys as well as visiting different countries.
In love, they are known to be sensitive and emotional women, so they
can’t stand being apart from their beloved. When a man wants to approach a
second decan Scorpio woman, he should do it in an emotional and romantic
way to prove that he will protect her. He will also have to prove that he will
be affectionate and compassionate towards her. If that happens, the woman
will in turn be loyal and compassionate to him.
ere is another type of woman from this decan. If a woman wants to
possess a man, no matter what, she will do it, even if this man is already
taken by another woman who is close to her. However, when the man nds
out this sneaky woman’s real ambition and personality, he will just leave her
without even looking back. As a matter of fact, this type of a woman
experiences more than one love affair. ey do not hold a reputable position
within the society as they are the ones who misuse their own feelings and
they are traitorous, jealous and vengeful women.

Third decan: 13 November to 22 November

ese Scorpios mainly access the energies of Cancer and the Moon. When
Mars’ harshness and the Moon’s fury come together, the coalition of forces
helps people to better protect the ones they love and value. ird decan
Scorpios experience problems with their mothers, sisters, or women in
general. Family problems cause them to suffer from stomach discomfort.
ey should neither lend any money nor entrust anything to anyone;
otherwise, they will face nancial losses. Once they are upset, they seclude
themselves in their own homes. Some however, through emotional
blackmail, in uence the ones they fancy.
Overall, people with enhanced spiritual sides and mystical people are
seen in this decan. Yet, they do not share the secrets deep inside of their
spirits. ey are interested in birth and death, the mystic world and
mysterious events. If there are negative aspects, these people embrace a
tendency to self-sacri ce, lunacy, or they have accidents. ey also become
unhappy in love.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans

Men born 13 November to 22 November

ese men mainly access the energy of Cancer and the Moon. ird decan
Scorpio men value social rules. ey aim to achieve a good reputation and
to be well-respected within their community. ey eventually achieve their
If there are good aspects in their birth chart, they marry wealthy
women. ey derive most of their opportunities from girls and women.
When they are upset or pessimistic, they seclude themselves in their home
as their home is a shelter for them. ey heroically protect the people they
love. ey may experience events that have strongly affected them more
than once. ey are tight- sted people and they consider this meanness to
be a useful precaution. ey are likely to save up money to buy property and
sometime in the future they become landlords. ey voluntarily offer
nancial help to people in need as they have compassionate and
conscientious personalities.
Seas and lakes make them quite happy, because they dream of owning a
house near such places. eir dreams usually come true. However, they
experience deep pain related to their siblings.

Women born 13 November to 22 November

ese women mainly access the energy of Cancer and the Moon. Before the
birth of some third decan Scorpio woman, it’s likely that a close female
relative dies and the newborn baby Scorpio is named aer them.
Although third decan Scorpio women are emotional and faithful, their
senses easily change and so they usually remain indecisive. ey are bound
to the people they love for they believe that they must protect them. ey are
also shy people who are easily heartbroken.
ey love property and money. Luckily, they are likely to inherit from a
woman in their family. Some save up to buy a house. ey become happy
when there is a replace in their house, for they take delight in sitting there
reading books as well as having a glass of wine nearby.

ey are easily overwhelmed by emotional pain. When they split from
their partners, they seclude themselves and think about their ex all the time.
e more they think the more they become sick. e more they become sick
the more they fall in love. us they become melancholic, which can result
in oedema and suffering from loss of hair as well as forgetfulness. Moreover,
the right part of their chest swells and their gestures slow down. ey do not
do any work, but simply sleep. Aer a while, they begin to recover from
their depression. Neptune making a harsh aspect to the Moon causes these
negativities. If there is a good aspect between the Moon and Neptune, they
become successful in stage arts.
Women in this decan should not have abortions as they may lose their
fertility. ey may possibly become mothers at a very young age.
Interestingly, their mother also became a mother at a very young age. ere
is a high possibility of them working at domestic jobs.

Element: Fire
Character: Inconsistent
Ruling planet: Jupiter
House: Ninth
Skills: Reasoning, wit
Anatomy: Femur
Major goals: Maturity, to know, to teach

General characteristics: Sagittarians born between 23 November and 21

December are primarily under the in uence of Jupiter. ey are known to be
optimistic, intelligent, and knowledgeable people with smiley faces.
Possessing a regal stance, as well as being just, they do not trample on
anyone’s rights. Sagittarians are compassionate and self-sacri cing people.
Words that describe them include fortune, chance, religion, trade and
Having enhanced their religious faith, they value spiritualism and
religion. ey love education and aim to research religion, cultures and
trade possibilities into foreign countries.
Some are born with spiritual senses, which give them an immaculate
spiritual appearance. eir spiritual senses can be seen to strengthen as they
grow older. ey also value spiritual illumination.
Some Sagittarians are into travelling, learning whilst travelling, and
teaching. ose who are most affected by the effects of this sign might
publish a book about their experiences and what they learned during their
journeys. Some Sagittarians possess an inborn talent for sports. ey can
achieve popularity if they improve their skills.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
ose who build on their self-development may become clergymen,
philosophers, historians, soothsayers, academics or traders, while those who
cannot develop themselves may end up becoming drivers, mechanics, car
dealers, butchers, cleaners or shepherds, or they may run small businesses.

First decan: 23 November to 2 December

First decan Sagittarians are mainly under the in uence of Jupiter, the impact
of which gives enhanced religious senses as well as feelings of compassion
and mercy. e spiritual and moral feelings they have are used for
enlightening other people. ey welcome people to their houses for religious
purposes. ey offer nancial and moral aid.
First decan Sagittarians’ dreams usually come true. ey value the
illumination of the inner world and so they are respected and loved by the
rest of their community. ere are some rst decan Sagittarians who are into
sports like bodybuilding and car races. e older ones seem to discover the
younger ones’ skills in sports. If the younger ones’ talents are supported,
they will become famous footballers.

Men born 23 November to 2 December

Sagittarian men born 23 November to 2 December have big dreams towards

which they take planned and organised steps. If the Sun and Jupiter make
harmonious aspects in their birth chart, these men are happy, optimistic and
reliable people who accomplish their dreams.
Some rst decan Sagittarian men take trips to other countries for
educational purposes where they meet their future wives. Trade to remote
countries, publication, and teaching profession are for them. ey are
successful in the countries they visit.
ose who are born between 29 November and 2 December should be
careful of dangers, illnesses and losses during their excursions. ey may
also experience more than one marriage due to making the wrong choice of
spouse. If there is a harmonious aspect in their birth chart, they will gain
popularity during the trips they make.

Women born 23 November to 2 December

ese women are strongly under the in uence of Jupiter, which helps them
to have smiley faces. ey aim to carry out two jobs at the same time and
they value their dreams. Foreign countries, foreign languages and foreign
people attract these people in particular. ey tend to make journeys to
foreign countries either for education or for business purposes. ey end up
marrying someone there.
Some Sagittarian women undergo more than one marriage, because
they can’t deal with marital problems. Moreover, they do not let anyone have
power over them. ey should be careful as some people may try to take
away their money or property le for them aer divorce.
ey also need to take extra care of their eyes. ey should not make
promises they can’t keep.

Second decan: 3 December to 12 December

e energy of Mars and Aries is felt more thoroughly in this decan. is
combination makes second decan people livelier and more adventurous.
ey speak harshly and without thinking, with a high-pitched voice.
ey do not like receiving orders but enjoy giving them. ey are
spontaneous, independent and difficult people. eir relationships with
friends, and even their marriage, is problematic. ey ght for their
faith/belief and religion. Furthermore, they are good to other people. When
it comes to helping others, they never hesitate to offer both nancial and
spiritual aid.
ose who have harsh aspects in their birth charts are oen gamblers
and womanisers. ey get into trouble because of telling dirty jokes.

Men born 3 December to 12 December

Second decan Sagittarian men are people who do not fear taking risks or
putting themselves into danger. ey take risks in such a way that they even
sacri ce themselves as they are valiant and fearless. ey are ambitious and
robust people.
Harsh aspects in their birth charts make these men non-believers and
pitiless. ey are also known to be disloyal in love affairs as they keep
changing lovers. Even if they are married, they always think about other
people. ey tend to have relationships with women who are not suitable for
them. Yet, they do not regret this. No one should behave harshly to the
second decan Sagittarian men’s children.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
ey have very good skills in management and writing. ose who are
born either on 3 December or 4 December are keen on sports. In general,
astronomy attracts them.

Women born 3 December to 12 December

Second decan Sagittarian women, born between December 3 and December

12, strongly feel the energy of Mars. e combination of Mars and Aries’
energies make these women livelier and more adventurous people. ey
protect themselves and the people they love.
ey speak harshly and without thinking, with a high-pitched voice.
ey aim to live in a foreign country. ey are also talented people. If they
successfully use their skills, they can achieve the wealth they have always
dreamed of. Some second decan Sagittarian women have unique artistic
ey love sports cars. ey wish to have a big house and a big family
and they like welcoming and hosting guests. ey create their own
happiness. ey should be careful of machines, explosives and during trips
they take.

Third decan: 13 December to 21 December

ird decan Sagittarians strongly feel the energy of the Sun and Leo. ey
possess a proud and regal stance as well as personality. Hence they liven up
the atmosphere. Harmonious aspects between the Sun and Jupiter grant
these people the qualities of happiness, benevolence and con dence. ey
also have artistic skills and this means that they make themselves distinctive
with the clothes they wear and their hairstyles.
ey love gold and jewellery. ey aim to be the most beautiful and
most efficient people within their community. ey choose their friends
from those who are already well-known or who have privileged positions
within their community. ey are proud of their friends, as are their friends
of them. ey are known to value chance and honour, and they never seem
to accept defeat.

Some third decan Sagittarians are quite pious people and they dedicate
themselves to religion. However they are modern religious people. Being
able to get inside people’s heads, they can approach them according to their
psychological make-up. ey even know how to convince people who have
gone astray to distinguish right from wrong.
If there are harsh aspects in their birth charts, Mars prioritises sexuality.
erefore both Sagittarian men and women choose to wear clothes that
make their body contours visible.
ird decan Sagittarians aim to lead their families and relatives. us
they expect everyone to consult them or ask about anything they don’t know
or are unsure of. is is because they want to convince other people that
without them nothing can be done. If the others around third decan
Sagittarians believe and respect them, they win them over.
ird decan Sagittarians need to be careful of sudden strokes and
possible discomfort of their legs and feet.
Men born 13 December to 21 December

ese men mainly access the energy of the Sun and Leo. e Sun and Jupiter
make these men more attentive and picky and grant them the quality of
distinguishing right from wrong. ey can predict the consequences of any
wrong deed and they correctly appraise the opportunities they get.
ey have skills in sports, trade and art. If they choose to go for any of
these, they can easily reach success, popularity and wealth. Some third
decan Sagittarian men have strong and melodious voices. If they build upon
this quality, they can be successful in music, especially in opera. If Jupiter is
strong in their birth charts, they will have an ever growing prosperity.
e wife-to-be should be a person respected by the rest of society. ey
cannot marry anyone they don’t love or feel attracted to. Nevertheless, they
also have secret love affairs. No matter how much they try to disguise their
secret affairs, they are one way or the other discovered.
Usually, their children are well-educated. At some stage of their lives
they become overwhelmed by worry about one of their sons who is
fearlessly into car sports as well as women.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Women born 13 December to 21 December

ird decan Sagittarian women are primarily ruled by the energies of the
Sun and Jupiter. ey gain admiration for their physical appearance as well
as their tuneful voice. ey possess a reverent, knowing, digni ed and
spiritual look. ey have a strong faculty of reason, vast spiritualistic
structure and immaculately pure hearts. ey love helping people in need.
ey open the doors of their houses as well as their hearts to others.
erefore, they are loved and respected by the rest of society. eir religious
feelings are shared with the people around them.
If they realise that their spouse is not suitable for them, they will
divorce. Some bear the situation with their spouses for longer, and by
injecting their own spiritual faith, they regain their spouse’s love.
Some third decan Sagittarian women have a different lifestyle. e love
of liberty in their heart subordinates their own religious feelings. ey like
showing off, and so wish to look the best. Some however are non-believers.
ey have marks on their faces or hips. e way that they speak is
commanding, fearless and bold. ey like speeding whilst driving and
therefore need to be very careful.
ey are not optimistic about the future due to the fact that they have
had disappointing and bad childhood experiences. ey are scared of
marriage. eir weak point, which they keep to themselves, is that they don’t
wish to rely on anyone and they are scared of experiencing pain.
ey get married more than once, but their marriages do not last long.
She is likely to be happier with a visitor from another country or with a man
she has met in a foreign country.
ey should be careful when dealing with legal things. ere might be
overdue things they were required to nish off on time. ey need to give
extra attention to their second children. ey also need to be cautious of
people who may hurt them.
Some third decan Sagittarian women born between 19 December and
21 December may have a lack of morality or display a socially unacceptable


Element: Earth
Character: Leader, disciplined
Ruling planet: Saturn
House: Tenth
Skills: Patience and hard work
Anatomy: Skin, teeth, ears, knees, and bones
Major goal: To be at the top

General characteristics: Capricorns born between 22 December and 20

January are strongly under the in uence of Saturn. ey come to the world
already exhausted. When they are babies, they have an inability to eat
properly and suffer from tooth pains as well as earache. ey are scared of
staying alone at night. One of their most unforgettable memories is of falling
from a tree or being frightened of a dog when they are small. Even when
they grow up they feel lonely.
Capricorns are usually sulky, patient and distant people. However, their
families and close friends know how con dent, patient, tough, and
responsible they are. erefore, they are taken seriously whereby they
become very successful in any position requiring serious and very close
attention. ey always pay attention to their employees’ rights, and never
ever trample on them.
With their inborn qualities of discipline, patience and hard work, and
skills in management, they prove to be successful in politics. ey may
become historians, academics, antique dealers, librarians, miners,
archaeologists and high-ranking soldiers. ey also have skills in banking
and nance. Because they have a strong faith in religion, they may be
successful in that eld as well.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
ere are many good-looking Capricorn men and women and they are
also photogenic people. If Venus and Saturn are operating harmoniously in
their birth charts, Capricorns may become successful in the cinema. ey
need to be cautious of poisoning. ey should also take measurements
against discomfort in the ears and teeth and arthritis and rheumatism.

First decan: 22 December – 31 December

Capricorns born between December 22 and December 31 primarily receive

energy from Saturn. Although not all, rst decan Capricorns come from a
poor family background, those who are born into a poor family and then
accomplish a wealthy life, or achieve a ourishing reputation, are usually
First decan Capricorns do not reveal their suffering, ambition or
frustration to other people and they are viewed as mature and serious. ey
like distancing themselves from people, and even within a crowd they feel
lonely. Regardless of their age, they prefer solitude.
ey never forget their past or bad memories from childhood. ey
suffer tremendously to retain a strong grip on life. ey work terri cally
hard and with patience as well as ambition they accomplish their aims. ey
rmly hold on what they have achieved as they know what it takes and what
it means to them.
Men born 22 December to 31 December

ese Capricorn men strongly receive the energy of Saturn. First decan
Capricorn men are renowned as workaholics. ey never get tired of
working as they believe that whoever works hard gets his due. eir close
friends and family tease them by saying, “You are married to your work”.
is is exactly what they like to hear.
ere is nothing that they cannot do with their disciplined hardworking
philosophy of life as well as with their patience. Once they have set their
mind on something, they do it. ey earn the same amount in two days as
someone else does in one day. ey never obtain anything easily; never
inherit anything either. eir life is full of difficulties. However, this makes
them more hardworking and more ambitious. ey always overcome
difficulties and achieve success. ose who have had to overcome
tremendous difficulties to reach success are usually members of this decan.
Some takes their fathers as role models. eir achievements are the outcome
of their disciplined hard work, as well as their ambition and obstinacy.


Women born 22 December to 31 December

ese women receive the energy of Saturn most strongly. Despite the fact
that rst decan Capricorn women look cold and distant, they are warm and
friendly people. Yet they do not seem to show this to others. ey have
beautiful skin and faces.
First decan women usually have a hard childhood as they had to live in
poverty. erefore, when they grow up they work hard to accomplish their
If Saturn makes a harsh aspect with the Moon in their birth chart, they
have either an early or late marriage. ere is an obvious age difference
between themselves and their spouses. If Venus makes a harmonious aspect
with Saturn, they have a permanent and happy marriage. ey accomplish
prosperity through property if Saturn makes a harmonious aspect with the
eir sweet home life makes these women happy. erefore, they aim to
stay home and rear their own children. Some Capricorn women however
become slaves of their own houses, and help everyone out when not
necessary. If they do not enforce their authority at the beginning, then they
gradually become subdued by others.

Second decan: 1 January to 10 January

ese Capricorns procure their energy primarily from Aries and Venus.
Compared with those of the other Capricorn decans, second decan
Capricorns are more cheerful, lively and friendly. ey love friendship,
luxury, money, affection and art. ey are fond of fashion and stage arts.
Venus creates more nancial effects in this decan. Second decan Capricorns
want anything that has material value and if they do not own it, they try to.
ey sometimes check things without looking at the price tags and just want
them. e things they want usually are valuable and expensive. ey have an
inborn skill for arts. erefore they can be successful in any eld of art,
especially in cinema or theatre arts.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Second decan Capricorns may have discomforts of their throats, ears,
teeth and knees. Suffering from mumps as a child may make the male
members of this decan infertile, and so they may not have children, or will
have them only with great difficulty.

Men born 1 January to 10 January

ese men procure their energy primarily from Venus, which creates the
characteristics of greediness in property and lovers of affection as well as of
Second decan Capricorn men have good taste in eating, and love
drinking at the same time. Some of them are obese for they love pastry and
desserts. is however causes diabetes and weight-related problems. Some
second decan Capricorn men may have goitre problems as well.
ey are lazy, reckless and unenthusiastic people. ey seek the easiest
ways of becoming rich without putting any effort. Because they want a
prosperous life, they can even marry for money. ey want to possess both
money and love at the same time although, most of the time, they prefer
money to love.
If Saturn is so strong in their birth chart, they work tirelessly to become
rich. ey even sometimes undertake two different jobs at the same time.
ey dream of having a house, located outside the city, with a big garden full
of trees and owers. ey also want their houses to have a replace. ey
dream of having romantic nights with their wives sitting on a sheepskin
carpet and watching the ames on the replace. As they watch the ames,
they dream of sipping their drinks with romantic music playing at the
background. erefore, for them to be able to realise their dreams they will
work tirelessly and challenge all difficulties.
ey are aware of how difficult it is to earn money. ey even
sometimes have paranoid thoughts that someone will ask them to lend
money and they become uncomfortable with this thought. ey know the
value of money, so they don’t lend any money to anyone, because they think
that people either may forget to pay them back or will not give their money
back deliberately.

ough seldom, some second decan Capricorn men waste money on
showing off and they spend a lot of money on clothes and aershave to look
handsome and smart. ey also spend a lot of money on women.
Second decan Capricorn men may have relationships with two women
who already know each other, although these women do not know that they
are having a relationship with the same man.
ese men have children either with very small age difference or twins.
ey are likely to marry a widow who has a mark on her face, has problems
with her head and eyes and also has problems with her womb or blood. She
has an enhanced skill of intuition and is drawn into the unknown. e man
should not make her jealous or she will become a very stubborn, spiteful,
spontaneous and out of control woman who intends to take revenge.
ough seldom, some second decan Capricorn men may not be able to
have children or will have children only aer difficulty, due to having had
mumps when young.
Men born between 6 January and 8 January can be successful in
politics. ey should not make promises they can’t keep. ey may suffer
damage to their reputation due to their rudeness.

Women born 1 January to 10 January

ese Capricorn women gain their energy primarily from Venus. To be able
to hold onto life, these women need to have either a good job or a good
husband. In their relationships, they look wary and distant as they think
they will be rejected. Being aware of their potential beauty, they attract the
opposite sex with their beauty, the way that they speak and their good
manners. ey have a melodious voice and speak very con dently. ey love
having picnics, dream of owning a house with a garden and are keen on
family life, songs and cinema.
Second decan Capricorn women are lazy, and expect to own things that
someone else has laboured to produce. ey are too lazy to do housework
and if they have enough money, they employ help. Otherwise, with sweet
talk they get someone close to them to do the things that they are too lazy to
Because they love eating, they consume pastry, desserts, and junk food
a lot at irregular times. ey should take extra care when it comes to dieting,
because being overweight causes fattening of the womb.
When they put on weight, their hips and tummies grow out and become
almost symmetrical with their breasts. ey do not look good like that as
they have thin legs.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Roses and violets are auspicious owers for them. ey love necklaces
and ankle bracelets. Because they love watching themselves in a mirror, they
possess lots of mirrors at home. ey also own lots of landscape paintings.
ey try to have as many owers as possible as they love owers. e
problems of a blocked nose and inability to breathe properly are due to air
and owers.
When they get married, they try not to break their relationships by
challenging all the problems and difficulties. If Venus and Saturn make a
harmonious aspect in their birth chart, they tend to keep their relationship
going with one person. However, if Venus and Saturn make a harsh aspect,
their relationship is endangered and dissolves because of some woman. is
not only disappoints the woman, it also embarrasses her. Even if the man
regrets his misconduct and wants to return to his wife, the second decan
Capricorn woman does not forgive him and she wishes to divorce. Some
second decan Capricorn women become happy with a third person who
comes into their life later.
Although some second decan Capricorn women will divorce, they try
to keep their relationships going with their husbands and repress the pain of
betrayal into the deep part of their hearts. ey never forgive and, more
importantly, they always feel the pain deep inside. Knowing this, some men
may be interested in them and try to approach these women. However, the
woman does not want to cheat on her husband as she nds such an attitude
Women born between 5 January and January 7 have an inborn skill in
stage arts. If they improve their skills they are likely to become successful.
ey are also capable of undertaking two jobs at the same time. If they
exhibit socially unacceptable and rude manners they can suddenly fall from

Third decan: 11 January to 20 January

ese Capricorns strongly receive the energy of Virgo and Mercury. When
the determination of Virgo and realism of Saturn come together, it produces
practical intelligence and feelings of responsibility. ird decan Capricorns
do their jobs meticulously and attentively. ey know what they want, and
when they begin a job they don’t stop paying attention to it until they nish.
erefore they are successful in all they undertake. ere is nothing they
leave incomplete or do not succeed in. Illuminating many people
intellectually, they make sure what they teach is permanent by the way they
speak so skilfully.

ey are respected and gain a good reputation within the community
by becoming academics or clergymen, or by taking up high positions in the
army. ey immortalise their names in the eld of education. ere is a high
possibility of them becoming very successful in medicine. ey also possess
an inborn skill for alternative medicine.

Men born 11 January to 20 January

ese men are predominantly under the in uence of Mercury. A

conjunction of Saturn and Mercury grants these people an immortal, non-
ageing wit. Primarily led by wit, ambition and discipline, third decan
Capricorn men never leave any work incomplete. ey are combative, skilful
and attentive people. Because they had a very difficult past, they never forget
what they have experienced. ey accomplish a reputable position both
within their community and at work.
ere are, however, some third decan Capricorn men with totally
different characteristics. If Mars and Saturn make a harsh aspect to the third
house in their birth chart, they become unmerciful, pitiless, and
disrespectful to their siblings, and they also become very spiteful people in
general. ey have an eye on what their siblings possess and they aim to
seize and take it for their own. ird decan Capricorn men with such
characteristics are people who are involved in fraud and deceit. ese people
should self-preserve by keeping themselves away from traffic and street
ghts. If they take advantage of their free will, they can change their bad
If there are good aspects in their birth charts, these men secure their
existing marriage. ey choose to marry women with nice spiritual worlds
and the wife-to-be must be mature, virtuous and compassionate. ese
people cannot stand sauciness, ill-manners, simplicity or women who act
like men. ese men are distant towards their spouses; however, this does
not mean that they don’t like their wives. Although they do their best for
their wives materially, they do not show very close affection and they
maintain their distance and exhibit coldness.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Members of this decan want their family members to be very close to
them. ey set very rigid house rules. ey want family members ready on
the dinner table when it is dinner time, for example. ey rear their children
with discipline. Furthermore, they may have children when middle-aged,
which makes them very happy. And when they grow up, the last child helps
the parents a lot.

Women born 11 January to 20 January

ese women are strongly under the in uence of Mercury. If Mercury and
Saturn make positive aspects in their birth charts, they are able to talk
effectively and efficiently and teach a lot to other people. ey seem as if
they long for past times when they talk about past experiences and events.
ey speak slowly and with a digni ed, distant, serious and cold manner.
eir audience listens to these people hesitatingly, but respectfully and very
attentively. ey have a very strong rhetoric. If they improve this skill, they
may become a very good teacher.
Some third decan Capricorn women are too shy to talk and prefer to be
behind the scenes. ey cannot protect themselves or the people they love.
Because they can’t use some words correctly, they tend not to speak much.
Some members of this decan have very distinctive skin which is bright
and awless. ey do also have immaculate thoughts, hearts and spirits.
eir approach and manners towards other people are driven by compassion
and respect. ose who know these women well say, “e beauty of your
spirit is mirrored on your face”. Whatever they think usually comes true and
they are capable of interpreting dreams.
Some third decan Capricorn women never marry and they dedicate
themselves to religion as well as to humanity as a whole. Journeys to foreign
countries and pilgrimages make these women happy.
ere are some members of this decan who have just one marriage,
which is strong throughout their lives. Since they have strong will, are
patient and can stand against all odds and challenges, their marriages are
usually very long-lasting. Even if there is bitterness and coldness between
them and their husband, they tend not to break off their relationship. If their
husbands try to divorce them, they will try to rescue the relationship.

Some women in this decan become deeply upset about their children
for some reason. Even though they love children, they cannot show love to
their own. And when they are overwhelmed by hopelessness, all of a sudden
they have another child. is child is very favourable and auspicious to these

Element: Air
Quality: Fixed
Ruling planets: Uranus, Saturn
House: Eleventh
Skills: Superior intelligence
Anatomy: Lower leg, ankles
Major goals: To advance, to discover

General characteristics: Aquarians born between 21 January and 18

February take their energy from Uranus and Saturn. Before Uranus was
discovered, Saturn was considered to be the ruling planet for Aquarians,
although it did not fully describe them. Since the discovery of Uranus, it has
become clear that both planets in uence Aquarians.
Saturn’s disciplined, controlling, authoritarian, and patient qualities are
slowed down by Uranus’s innovative, revolutionary and shocking qualities.
e combination of the Uranus’s and Saturn’s qualities makes Aquarians
People born under the sign of Aquarius are intelligent, hard-working,
and friendly. Historical accounts show that many scientists, musicians,
intellectuals, astrologers and astronomers were Aquarians. Also when
looking at children’s potential for genius, it appears that they are oen born
under the sign of Aquarius. Without Aquarians we may not have been able
to listen to masterpieces of music composed centuries ago. Maybe we would
have been without electricity and we wouldn’t have had any knowledge
about astrology. Although, there are intellectuals and scientists from other
signs, oen either their ascendant is Aquarius or their birth chart is
in uenced by Saturn and/or Uranus. In short, without Aquarians the world
would not have developed to the stage it is at today, because it is the sign of
evolution. Another quality of Aquarians is that they can master any kind of
difficulty. Consequently, Aquarians are very successful people who attract
other people’s attention.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans

First decan: 21 January to 30 January

Aquarians born in the rst decan are under the in uence of Saturn. For that
reason, these Aquarians are domineering, responsible, cautious and serious.
e additional in uence of Uranus adds the quality of bringing out
innovative ideas, creativity, impatience, and a love for freedom. ey are
intelligent, eager, friendly and smart. eir ability of autonomous learning
and self-improvement is another important feature. ey place great
importance on friendship and the sciences. Because of their strong intuition,
these Aquarians know what problems or issues they will face before they
start anything new. ey are adept at astrology and astronomy, which is an
inborn feature, and they astonish people with their inventiveness. e names
of Aquarians born in this decade become immortal due to their intelligence,
patience and scienti c ndings. Not only their physical appearance, but also
their wish to be useful for humanity, distinguishes them from other people.
Aquarians born between 22 January and 24 January, are religious and
compassionate. People born in this decan usually become teachers, writers,
managers, scientists or social workers.

Men born 21 January to 30 January

e in uence of Saturn and Uranus energies can be strongly sensed in this

decan. ese people can be recognised by their serious, respectful, and
sophisticated appearance. ey are hardworking, diligent and skilful. ey
love following technological innovation and they experience many changes
in their lives. Many male Aquarians born in this decan improve themselves.
If Saturn and Uranus are in the same sign as the Sun, the Aquarian man is
able to climb the career ladder.

ey gain deep scienti c knowledge in astrology and astronomy.
Aquarian men are skilled at writing if Mercury is in Aquarius, and they
present their knowledge about astrology and astronomy in written form.
ere are many intelligent people born in this decan.
However, there also have been many people who have been involved
with illegal issues. In love relationships, they like change and they can’t stick
to one person. ey are attracted to affairs while being married. If in their
natal chart Saturn and Venus are in good aspect, Aquarian men are likely to
have long lasting marriages. ey also have platonic relationships at some
point in their lives.

Women born 21 January to 30 January

e in uence of Saturn and Uranus energies can be strongly sensed in this

decan. Women born in this decan can be recognised by their eyes, eyelashes,
hair, style of dress and their cars. When other people talk about these
women they say, “e lady with the beautiful eyes”. ey are faithful friends,
yet they have very few faithful friends. If they have around ten friends, there
are only one or two people whom they value. ey like going out at night
with their friends. ey may meet men while enjoying nightlife, but a
relationship with such a man usually would not be good to the female
Aquarius. In fact, female Aquarians born in this decan face the greatest
disappointment in love relationships when they meet their partner in clubs
or bars. Also, they are jealous, and if their partners do not pay them enough
attention, Aquarian women become suspicious that their partner might be
When suffering from in delity, Aquarian women do not forgive their
partners. Even if it would make them ill or they would die, they would not
go back to their partner. Some types of Aquarian women born in this decan
tend to nd a new partner before they break up with their current one. ey
consider extra-marital relationships as normal and they also bear children
without getting married. Some get married early, but also separate quickly.
While their peers concentrate on school, Aquarian women born in this
decan get married without listening to their parents. ey cannot
understand why their family gets upset with this. When they realise that
they have made a mistake they decide very quickly to get a divorce, which is
shocking for everybody. Aerwards they stay single for a long time, having
only insigni cant love affairs.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
In fact, Aquarian women born in this decan look for a long-term stable
relationship. e partner they are looking for should be responsible and
protective and he should be respected in society. If the Aquarian woman
nds a partner who will lead her, she will decide to get married. She will not
get into a relationship with a man just to have someone in her life. Aquarian
women with such a personality trait have ethical values and obey cultural
rules. ese women are in high positions in their workplace. ey always
stick out with their appearance and lifestyles. ey also place importance on
cultural values. As Aquarian women born in this decan consider awards and
success to be important, they also participate in competitions or educational
programmes to document their achievements. Even though there are many
Aquarian women who place importance on cultural and ethical values, there
are also women who just live at the opposite extreme. ese women do not
care about cultural or ethical values and they live a free life.
When women born in this decan are nervous or absent minded, they
pick (sometimes unconsciously, sometimes consciously) the skin of their
lips. It can also be observed that they take a tu of hair and put it in their
Second decan: 31 January to 9 February

People who were born in this decan are in uenced by Gemini’s and
Mercury’s energies. ey are able to take advantage of opportunities easily
and turn to long term effect due to the combination of Mercury, Saturn and
Uranus. ey are creative and imaginative. ey imagine things that are
unknown or non-existent and then they try to realise their imagination by
patiently experimenting. When they work, they work with discipline and
passion. ey believe that only those who work will win in the end, and thus
they work in an unusual way.
When Aquarians born in this decan take on the responsibility of a job
they have to be successful in what they are doing. As Aquarians work with
their brains, they are very inventive. eir brainpower and ability to
innovate is very impressive to other people. Teaching and writing are inborn
skills of Aquarians born in this decan. ey are interested in astrology and
astronomy and acquire knowledge of these elds. At some point they may
reach the top and publish what they have discovered. When they dedicate
themselves to writing, they do not do it for the sake of money or fame, but
because they respect the art of writing. ese Aquarians are distinctive as
they can simultaneously use their hands, brains and speech. eir ability to
use both right hand and le hand equally well is also a quality of these
Aquarians. ere have been famous physics scholars, mathematicians,
philosophers and musicians born in this decan. Another feature is that
criminals and people who cannot adapt to social norms are usually


Men born 31 January to 9 February

In this decan the energy of Mercury can be strongly sensed. e

combination of Saturn and Uranus with Mercury has a high in uence on
their intelligence and creativity. Accordingly, Aquarians born in this decan
are attentive and curious people. ey are highly intuitive and can sense
what they will face once they start something new. If in their birth chart
Mercury is in Pisces, their skills and abilities will emerge more slowly than
expected. ese Aquarians are excellent in planning, writing song lyrics and
poems and composing music. However, they seem a bit lazy, as they
postpone their duties. From time to time they distance themselves from
their surroundings and dedicate themselves to writing. ey write stories
and poems in order to occupy themselves. eir pens become their best
friends and they express all their emotions in writing. ey also share all
their knowledge with their writing. Although, these Aquarians consider
their writing as a private occupation, at some point in their lives these
writings may lead to great fame and success.

Women born 31 January to 9 February

Women born in this decan have unique skills and an intuitive mind.
Regardless of their age, they always look young. ey look like students and
tend to go for clothes that look like school uniforms as they still possess the
spirit of students and want to look like them. ey are very good at learning
languages and they can easily speak two languages. ey are very skilful in
literature, the arts and science. ey love learning and teaching as they
cannot get enough knowledge and they have the spirit of a student. For this
reason they usually have more than one profession.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Aquarian women born in this decan are very successful in professions
that are based on writing. ey like reading and cras and they enjoy
meeting their friends. If Uranus and the Sun are in a positive combination,
they will be interested in the sciences and astrology. However, one needs to
bear in mind that the intensity of the Sun affects the duration of their
interests. A bad habit that they may get from Gemini is that they get easily
bored as they get excited about the things they do. Yet if Saturn’s in uence is
strong, it makes these Aquarians disciplined and responsible people.
Whatever they start they will bring to an end successfully. ese Aquarian
women nd extra-marital relationships normal and they don’t pay much
attention to social rules. e other type of Aquarian woman is the one who
gets married. ese women chose their spouse from their immediate
surroundings. eir spouses have to be both intellectually and emotionally
pleasing. Once they found their spouse, they stay faithful in their marriage
and have a lifelong happy marriage.

Children born 31 January to 9 February

Although I have not written about the childhood features of other signs, I
have decided to give special importance to Aquarian children born in this
decan. Aquarian children born in this decan behave very differently to their
peers. us they astonish adults to the degree that adults admire those
children. However, people should bear in mind that some Aquarian children
born in this decan are nervous, aggressive, active and (compared to their
peers) more energetic. eir behaviour is usually like that of an adult and
due to their independent personality they are rebellious. e family and
those around Aquarian children are usually shocked because they do not
understand this kind of behaviour. Many parents take their children to
psychologists or doctors in order to bring the rebellious behaviour under
ese Aquarian children are excluded from their peers and questioned
by their family and so believe that their family does not want them. Yet, one
needs to understand that these children do not have a disorder, but they are
more intelligent and mature than other children. If parents are patient and
understanding towards their Aquarian children, the rebellious state will just
be temporary and the foundation for future success will be laid. If Saturn’s
in uence in the natal chart of these Aquarians is high, the above mentioned
features are more easily controllable. ere have been children born in this
decan who are successful, mature for their age, silent, serious and


Third decan: 10 February to 18 February

In this decan, Venus’s energies can be strongly sensed. ese Aquarians can
be recognised by their clothes and unexpected behaviour. ey attract
people like a magnet. On one hand they are very friendly; on the other they
are also reserved. While acting like a child, they may suddenly become very
serious, which is very surprising for the people around them. Yet there are
also Aquarians born in this decan who are serious, disciplined, responsible,
respected, and adapted to social norms. eir lives are based on their family
and their work.
ey do not like it if people waste their time and they avoid those
people. eir slogan is, “Time is money!” ey have a special interest in
watches and have at least ve at home. When they go somewhere they
constantly look at their watch, because time is important to them.
Aquarians born in this decan can also become excellent astrologers or
astronomers, if they study these elds. Aquarians born between 13 February
and 15 February have a strong scienti c mind. eir heart and spirit “eyes”
are wide open, so they are able to discover new scienti c things. Due to
Saturn’s strong in uence, these Aquarians learn autonomously with passion.
ey do their research for the sake of science and they share their ndings
with humanity.

Men born 10 February to 18 February

Libra’s and Venus’s energy can be sensed strongly in this decan. ese people
are humane and instinctively do good deeds. ey stay away from
arguments and ghts and are advocates of peace and peacemakers. eir
compassionate, respectful, and intellectual way of speaking makes this
Aquarian man an exclusive person among his friends. ey get upset over
lost time and their brains, hearts and hands are always busy.
ose Aquarians who develop themselves are usually very well-known
people. ey are also known for their artistic skills, such in cinema, theatre
etc. In their love life, these Aquarians are romantic and shy, acting only if
shown interest. ey would rather wait for luck to come to them than force
their luck. eir shyness comes from a notion of not wanting to be liked.
ey are in favour of marriage. Although they are very modern, they place
importance on social rules and virtues.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Men born in this decan are more lovable and emotional than those
born in the other decans. Even if these Aquarians have an unhappy
marriage, they do everything they can to keep their marriage going.
Meanwhile, they have extra-marital relationships.
If the Moon is in aspect with Uranus in their birth chart, Aquarian men
tend to fall in love easily and separate very quickly. ey oen change
partners, betray and in turn are oen betrayed. If Saturn’s energies are
strong, they are disciplined and authoritative. When their marriages are
founded on the above mentioned principles, their marriages will be long-
lasting even if there are problems. From time to time, these men could have
secret relationships. eir secret lovers are signi cantly older or younger
than them. Yet, they would never destroy their marriage for anyone else.
ey provide fully for their family and take all responsibility for it.

Women born 10 February to 18 February

Venus’s energy can be sensed strongly in this decan. ese women can be
recognised by their kindness, sweet talk, smiling face and adaptability. ey
speak in a so and almost poetic tone. ere are always admirers around
them. ey are a jewel for men. However, these women usually get into
relationships with men who do not appreciate them enough. ey are always
loved and they always love, but as there is no end to their admirers Aquarian
women will always unlucky and unhappy. eir enemies are women, to that
degree that they would catch their best female friends doing harm.
Aquarian women possess inborn qualities that no other women from
other signs have. If Venus is strong in their birth chart, they have an
excellent musical ear and can sing very well. Moreover, they are happy when
performing music. ey can play more than one instrument. ey like
making themselves and others happy. Dressing up is a form of art for them.
Whatever they wear it suits them. Another quality is their interest in
astrology and astronomy. Like Aquarian men, these women can become
very famous if they concentrate on these sciences.

If the Moon is in one of the earth signs (especially Virgo), these women
are interested in alternative medicine. eir passion for perfume is as strong
as their passion for music. ey prefer to create perfumes rather than buy
them. ere are times when these women appear to lead a normal life, but
there are also times when they disappear in order to invent something; it
may be a new musical composition, a new fragrance, a new face cream, etc.
If women with those skills are ambitious they can become renowned
worldwide. Uranus has put all its creativity and power in this decan in order
to create beauty. Also, Uranus’ creativity dies for Venus’s beauty. Saturn
secures this beauty and creativity to be long lasting and immortal.

Element: Water
Character: Inconsistent
Ruling planets: Neptune, Jupiter
House: Twelh
Skills: Superior intuition
Anatomy: Feet
Major goal: To have a happy life

General characteristics: Pisceans born between 19 February and 20 March

predominantly procure their energy from the planets Neptune and Jupiter.
ey are sensitive and compassionate, so-hearted, compassionate and
easily deceived people who value their dreams. e feeling of pity they have
is so enhanced that when they do not nd anyone to feel sorry for they feel
sorry for themselves. ey are not strong enough to ght against a grievous
When Pisceans meet an unfortunate consequence they tend to escape
reality and retreat into solitude due to the fact that Pisceans value love and
affection. ey cannot stand to feel grief.
Because they identify with sad songs and think those sad songs describe
their situations, they weep the moment they start listening to any of them. In
so much the same way, they identify with the characters in romantic movies
and cry as they watch them. ey oen write sad, romantic sentences and
then compose them into a poem.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Pisceans feel sorry for themselves to the degree that this becomes a
pathological issue; they make themselves ill. eir body blisters, they feel
lazy, seem to be lost in their thoughts, become forgetful and they start to
lose their hair. is is what we call “melancholy”. ey are now overwhelmed
by emotional pain. Strangely, they take pleasure in pain. is continues until
their beloved returns or they nd someone else with whom they completely
fall in love and who can make them forget all their past emotional pains.
If Virgo, Mars and the Moon work harmoniously in their birth charts,
the beloveds they have broken up with will return to them.

First decan: 19 February to 29 February

ese Pisceans are predominantly under the in uence of Neptune and

Jupiter. Inside these people is an ever-growing love of God. ey are from
birth talented in spiritual illumination. ey also have mediumship skills.
ey have the feeling that they are living in an unknown world. Unlike other
people, they have their own different world and different friends. Yet, only
they themselves know this.
eir sense of mercy is so enhanced that they try to help people more
than necessary and they put themselves into the position of needing help,
although they still do not stop helping others. is may change only if
Saturn and Mars make a harsh aspect. ey then become stronger and
bolder and gain the strength to stand against certain things.
When they think people are being unjust towards them, they guard
themselves by saying, “No one has the right to do this to me”. ey take
revenge sooner or later as they are neither forgiving nor tolerant. Not only
they are distant, cold, aggressive and self-centred people, but also they refuse
to take orders though they will give them. e way that they talk is insulting
and commanding. Although they have good management skills, they lack
feelings of pity and mercy.
First decan Pisceans should take extra care against the sea and
explosives and whilst eating sh.
Mainly in uenced by Neptune, these people are inclined towards
poetry, music and painting. Because they have enhanced feelings of pity,
they may work at hospitals or charity shops. ey may also become
successful in cinema as they are talented in role playing.

ose who are in uenced by Mars and Saturn can become members of
the military, or a teacher or a manager. ey need to be careful of nervous
breakdowns. ey should also keep themselves away from illegal things and
deeds or they will have to deal with legal problems.

Men born 19 February to 29 February

ese men mainly access their energies from Neptune and Jupiter. ey
become friendly, compassionate and benevolent people if they are granted
the characteristics of the sign Pisces.
ey value illumination of spirit and religion. us they have a religious
stance and looks. ey are multi-skilled people who can read others’ minds.
eir intuition is enhanced to the degree that they can take precautions
before they meet a danger or they see a promised bene t. ey also nd
solutions for those who need help with their problems.
ey use the power of imagination granted by Neptune towards
realising their aims, which they accomplish with the help of the luck granted
by Jupiter. ey hold the faith that their dreams are not futile, but are plans.
First decan Piscean men create their own happiness, success and luck by
which they make both themselves and other people happy. ey are good at
playing a role and at spiritual illumination. erefore, they can be successful
in religion, cinema, poetry, theatre and painting. ey take delight in all
things related to the sea, although they should be careful of the risks of the
sea. Moreover, they are skilled in writing as well as lucky in gambling.
If there are harsh aspects in their birth charts, they become alcoholics
who lead a lavish life. Trusting others easily, they tend to give away all their
money and become careless and absent minded people.
e discomforts they have usually derive from the cold. ey complain
about the cold they get from their feet which result in a windy tummy. ey
also have discomforts on their lungs derived from the cold.
Men born between 20 February and 21 February may suffer from a
chronic illness from the time they were born. Some of them keep very
important secrets. Men born between 22 February and 24 February train
themselves and reach success and knowledge in that way.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Women born 19 February to 29 February

ese women mainly access their energies from Neptune and Jupiter. ey
possess a spiritual look and the love of God dwells in their hearts. ey have
strong intuition and are benevolent people who help everyone and make
things easier for them. ey are interested in mysticism and the other world.
Most of them are clairvoyant mediums. eir world is full of secrets that no
one else knows.
If they are strongly under the in uence of Neptune and Jupiter in their
birth charts, they are skilled at interpreting dreams. Also, their dreams come
true. ey have strong beliefs and think that there is a spiritual existence
which accompanies them all the time. ey oen retreat and dedicate
themselves to religion.
Another type of woman from this decan is one whose love is only
towards the opposite sex, as they are desperately in need of love and
affection. e only expectation they have from love is to be loved and
protected by the one they love. e man interested in the woman must be
passionate about love, loving and showing compassion. He has to make the
woman feel he will protect her and be romantic towards her.
First decan Piscean women have a bad habit of being unable to make
decisions unhesitatingly. ey sometimes cannot choose between two
persons and do not know who to go for. us they have more than one
relationship or marriage.
e important medical problems they may have are as follows:
pathological love of love, forgetfulness, blisters, nervous breakdowns, lung
problems and numbness of certain limbs when older.

Second decan: 1 March to 10 March

Second decan Pisceans gain their energies from Cancer and the Moon.
ese people are well aware of their own charm and skills. Obeying social
rules and regulations, they aim to gain a good reputation within their
community where they will be well-respected. Setting their aims, they work
hard and they nally accomplish their aims and so become popular and
respected. ey are possessive and protective as well as jealous in love. ey
take incredible delight in getting together all the people they love. Second
decan Pisceans are keen on saving up money to invest into property so that
they can guarantee their future.

Men born 1 March to 10 March

ese men are ruled mainly by Cancer and the Moon. ey are possessive
and protective as well as jealous people in love. ey are usually easily
convinced by others and become disloyal towards their partners. eir
disloyal manners, however, do not always lead to a split. All they do is to
make excuses and try to spot imperfections in their wives which they dislike,
because they think the woman they have just met is perfect. Yet, they stay
with their wives but remain distant and cold towards them. As things go on,
the issue of divorce arises. Finally, they realise the mistakes they have been
making and start acting more prudently. ey do not want to break up or
ruin their relationship, as a smooth relationship with a wife means a lot to
them; it offers shelter where they can take refuge when they face difficult
Second decan Piscean men begin to dream of becoming wealthy from a
young age. In their dreams, there is a massive house located near the sea
where there is also a decorative pool with nice shes. ey work hard and
save money to realise their dreams.
ese men are very skilled at appraising the opportunities they are
given. ey aim to be rich people, and they succeed. ey take pleasure in
hosting visitors in their houses as well as in cooking.
Second decan Piscean men possess very strong emotions. ey are very
interested in dreams, the unknown and mysterious events. ey are always
keen on knowing what their relatives did in the past and how they lived, as
they have strong ties with the past. When they experience emotional
breakdowns, they start eating and drinking a lot. erefore they begin to
have discomfort in their tummies.

Women born 1 March to 10 March

Piscean women born between 1 March and 10 March 10 predominantly

receive the energies of Cancer and the Moon. ese women look very quiet,
sad, desperate, naïve and fragile. ey are very kind-hearted, pure and
emotional women. Some of them have strong skills in mediumship. Highly
interested in the unknown and supernatural powers, they train themselves
in those elds.
ey recall many similarities between themselves and their mothers as
they are highly in uenced by their mothers. When they talk they always
refer back to their mothers’ experiences, saying such things as, “Mum would
do this, Mum used to do that…”

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
e women in this decan also like places where there is sea or a river or
lake. ey dream of owning a house near any of those places, where there is
an ornamental pool with shes in. Because they are good at saving up
money, they realise their dreams. ey take pleasure in hosting visitors in
their houses as well as in cooking.
Just like second decan Piscean men, the women of this decan are very
interested in dreams, the unknown and mysterious events. ey are keen on
knowing what their relatives did in the past, how they lived, as they have
strong ties with the past.
Because they are emotional and sensitive people, they always seem to be
passive even against small incidents. erefore, when they experience
emotional breakdowns, they start eating and drinking a lot, which results in
discomfort in their tummies and weight problems. On top of this, they
harshly criticise their close friends or family members which causes coldness
and distancing.

Third decan: 11 March to 20 March

Pisceans born between 11 March and 20 March show the characteristics of

Cancer, Mars and Pluto. ird decan members are always self-con dent
people who know what they want. No one can cheat these people. However,
some third decan Pisceans may consciously and deliberately let some others
cheat them. ey are stubborn, vengeful and spiteful people who do not
forgive mistakes, or tolerate them either. If they are betrayed or cheated by
someone, sooner or later they take revenge as they never forget about the
pain of betrayal even if a long time passes.
e feeling of mercy coming from Neptune, and the feeling of ruin
which comes from Mars, create a very contradictory state of mind in these
people. Even when they meet a person against whom they have been waiting
to take revenge, they are overwhelmed by the contradictory feeling that, on
the one hand, they wish to annihilate that person on the other hand, their
conscience says to them to let him go unharmed. Overall, third decan
Pisceans strongly possess feelings of love, hatred and vengeance.

Men born 11 March to 20 and March

Piscean men born 11 March to 20 March mainly obtain their energies from
Cancer, Pluto and Mars. ey have an enhanced holy feeling of love of God.
ey are tolerant and forgiving. Being interested in the mysteries of life, they
try to gather as much information as they can about those mysteries and
unknown things. ey re-bring the forgotten, hidden, mysterious
information into light. Even though they have their own worlds full of
mystic life, they do not share or talk about this to anyone.
If these people, who are predominantly under the in uence of Neptune,
Pluto and Mars, are somehow affected by Saturn’s energy, they start to use
their mystical characteristics and secret powers towards bad end. ey use
these powers to take revenge and annihilate as they have an enhanced
instinct to annihilate both themselves and others.
ird decan Piscean men who feel the energy of Mars more strongly
tend to have promiscuous relationships with many people. Hence they are
not loyal to women. ey approach women with lust rather than with love.
ey are more interested in women taken by the other men they closely
ey need to take extra care about venereal illnesses and prostate
cancer. ese men have the Mars mark or scar on their thighs, hips or faces.

Women born 11 March to 20 March

ere are some non-believers amongst them. ose whose charts contain
harsh aspects have rude and harsh characteristics. ey turn into stubborn
women who act upon their own principles by ignoring what others say
about them. ey cannot stand marriage problems. If they are cheated on,
they will de nitely punish this unacceptable act.
If the dark side of the Moon is quite strong in this decan, these women
fall in love with the husbands of women they know closely. And also their
feelings are not non-reciprocal; the men feel the same way.
ey show deep interest in secrets and mysteries. ey research how to
enhance their feelings and how to use them. ey are known to be full of
secrets. Yet, they discover other people’s secrets without the other people
knowing this. And they don’t share those secrets with those people.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
ey are sexually attractive women, and they possess more sexual
charm than beauty. ey attract men just like a magnet, which is a hidden
power they have to attract the opposite sex. ey possess a mysterious look.
ey know that red and black suits them, and so they usually wear clothes in
either red or black.
ey usually suffer from headaches, discomfort in the eyes and in the
womb. ey have marks or scars on their faces, hips or thighs. ey may
have an abortion and when they decide to have babies, some of them
cannot. e women predominantly under the in uence of Neptune fall
pregnant a number of times and may suffer miscarriage due to vaginal
problems. ose however, who are under the in uence of Saturn fall
pregnant at the point when they have given up.
ird decan women usually work as mediums, doctors, preachers,
psychologists, surgeons and funeral directors.


e Sun represents life, creativity and power

Art, stage arts, music, athletics, and opera are under the control of the Sun.
Kings, queens, heroes, leaders, artists, actresses, jewellery, governors, and
famous people are strongly under the in uence of the Sun.
Ambition for power, desire to be at the top, desire to be a governor, and
passion for power exist in the people who are primarily affected by the Sun.
ese people aim to be seen and want to be admired. Because they want to
be renowned for what they do, they love attention and to be in the lead.
Where there is art, luminescence, luxury, and showing off, all is under
the in uence of the Sun. e Sun is royal and noble. e noble energies that
the Sun possesses are pride, honour, power, generosity and chivalry. Trust,
creativity and lasting power are the Sun energy’s most distinctive
e Sun is about natural catastrophes as well. For a natural catastrophe
to occur it must be triggered by the Sun.
ere was a solar eclipse on 13 September 2004 followed by the
Sumatra earthquake on Sunday 26 December 2004. As the Sumatra
earthquake happened, the following astrological events occurred:
e Sun was in Capricorn, an earth sign. e Moon was full in its own
sign, Cancer, a water sign,. Uranus, which represents destruction and
unexpected events, was at 3° Pisces where it feels uncomfortable. Uranus
was also making a harsh aspect to Mars and Jupiter. Saturn, which
represents erosions and earthquakes, was in the water sign Cancer, where it
is not comfortable. Pluto, representing holocausts and destructions, was at
22° of Sagittarius, which symbolises expansion and growth.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
e fact that Uranus, which represents abrupt and destructive events,
was in a water sign, Saturn is in the water sign Cancer, which represents
societies, and Neptune, the symbol for the seas, was close to the ascendant is
an indication of earthquakes caused by the sea. In this earthquake, 300,000
people lost their lives.
Solar eclipses not only trigger natural disasters, but can also cause
unexpected catastrophes, drought, res and death of leaders. Intuitively
feeling upcoming solar eclipses, animals become stressed and uncomfortable
before they occur.
Solar eclipses occurring in re signs precipitate wars, res, accidents
and deaths caused by heat. If the solar eclipse happens in Leo, this causes the
death of leaders and rebels. If however it occurs in Sagittarius, it causes the
death of well-known scholars and wise men, the damage of holy places,
infection of cattle and sickness caused by animals.
Solar eclipses occurring in earth signs trigger famine, drought, erosions
and the loss of material values. If solar eclipse happens in Virgo, it causes the
lessening of crops and grains, sickening of sheep and goats and the rebellion
of workers.
A solar eclipse occurring in Gemini, one of the air signs, precipitates a
vendetta resulting in murder. If the eclipse however happens in Aquarius,
which belongs to the same group, it causes blood diseases, young peoples’
violent tendencies and trouble making and malice from friends. Solar
eclipses happening in air signs in general make enemies stronger and cause
injustice to clergymen and slander.
If a solar eclipse occurs in a water sign, it causes injustice to women,
shipwrecks, damages to sh, and sea pollution. If the eclipse occurs in
Scorpio, it triggers rebellion, betrayal, sexually contagious diseases and an
assassination plot aimed at a well-known woman.

The Sun in astronomy

Its diameter is 109 times (1.5 million km) that of the Earth and its volume is
1.3 million and mass 333,000 times that of the Earth, while the Sun’s
intensity is one quarter of that of the Earth’s.

e average weight of the Sun is 1 billion 981 million tonnes. It is
14,500,000 kilometres away from the Earth.
e Sun revolves around itself on average at 70,000 km p/h and it
completes one day every twenty- ve Earth days. Travelling 1 degree in a day,
the Sun changes zodiac sign every month. e Sun’s surface temperature is
5,500°C and its core temperature is 15.6 million°C.

The Sun in mythology

To ancient civilisations, the direction where the Sun rose was highly
signi cant. According to some beliefs, heaven and the life tree were in the
east. erefore, people used to build their houses facing east where the Sun
rose. Windows and doors opened towards the east.
When the Sun lost its light and went dark for a short time during the
day, people believed that this was a bad omen. is is because the Sun was
the symbol of the east and of life at the same time.
Among the many ancient civilisations that worshipped the Sun were the
Chinese, Indians, Tibetans, Mayas and Aztecs. Some even sacri ced people
to the Sun.
For the Sumerians, one of the ancient civilisations, Utu was the Sun
god. He was believed to have gone under the Sun aer it set to determine the
destiny of the dead.
e ancient Turks believed that the Sun was the god of the heavens. It
was also the creator of both visible and invisible creatures. erefore, they
gave newborn babies names which would mean or denote the Sun.
It was the ancient Egyptians who rst made the solar calendar. Mayans,
Aztecs, Incas and the Romans are only the few of the many civilisations who
recognised and adopted a solar calendar. ey were so moved by the Sun
that they used to tell fortunes by interpreting sunspots.
e most famous Sun god in mythology was Apollo. He was also the
god of music, re, poetry and art. He was the one who rst used a musical
instrument — a golden lyre. Due to its strong spiritual power, one could
hear his lyre from miles away. Whoever heard this sound would be
impressed and moved spiritually. He also had a silver arrow and a bow and
could also shoot his arrow to far places.
Prescient and intuitive, Apollo used to prophesy what was going to
happen for he had a very strong skill in foreseeing the future. Being able to
see in the darkness, he could see what others were unable to see. Knowing
the unknown and seeing the unseen, Apollo also granted the ability to be
invisible. He had the innocence and spirit of a child who never told a lie as
well as the power of healing people. He was the one who rst introduced
medicine to humanity.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
It is no coincidence that those who predominantly feel the energy of the
Sun, and who belong to the star sign Leo, possess leadership qualities as well
as strong artistic skills and a sixth sense.

General characteristics of the Sun

e Sun is the ruling planet of Leo in astrology. It is also strongly in uential

in the second decan of Aries and the third decan of Sagittarius.
Being the life-giving planet, the Sun possesses the energies of honour,
creativity, artistic skills and success. e Sun’s energy exists powerfully
where there are palaces, luxurious halls, jewellery shops, theatres and
Planning and organisation, successful management, courage, creativity
and art skills are the qualities that the Sun possesses. It also has a sincere,
lively, bubbly and incessant life energy. With this energy, the Sun grants to
the universe life, and to life it gives vitality.
ose who are primarily affected by the Sun’s energy are popular owing
to their brilliant personalities which are the result of their youthful energies.
ey are also distinctively attractive and luxurious-looking. ose who are
in uenced by the life and spirit giving Sun look regal and noble. ey love it
when they attract someone’s attention or draw someone’s interest. Honest
and protective, they help those who are desperately in need of help. ey
make poor people happy through their generosity.
e ruling planet of Leo, the Sun represents the heart, eyes, back and
waist. It is also the symbol for the attractiveness of young men.

The Sun and its psychological energy

ose who are predominantly under the in uence of the Sun’s energy are
normally con dent, courageous, proud, honourable and honest. Always
aiming to be at the top, they wish to rule not to be ruled, be listened not to
listen to, not to be a viewer but to be viewed, not to take commands but to
give commands, and (foreseeing the future) they want to be appreciated.

Because they place importance on image, they love anything about and
show concern about things regarding image. ey love sleek cars and out ts
and unusual hairstyles which draw attention. ey are highly epicurean,
noble and passionate people. ey make themselves distinctive by their
lifestyles, out ts and by the ways they are different to other people.
ey live life in the way that they wish when they have that power.
However, if they do not possess that power they still pretend to have it and
live in that way. ey aim to be successful and be renowned for their
successes. erefore they begin something with the aim of succeeding and
they never leave anything un nished. Planning and organisation are part of
unique wisdom and intelligence. Being the boss or governing a group of
people or society is not a big deal for them.
e life-giving Sun transfers one of its energies to every planet it
communicates with.
The Sun’s negative psychological energies

ose strongly in uenced by the negative energies of the Sun act childishly,
and are spoilt and unreliable. ese people love, admire and sel shly think
only about themselves.
ey will do anything to show off as they love exaggeration and luxury.
e excessive self-con dence they have leads to the arrogant, presumptuous
and insolent manners they display. ey wish to possess any material or
spiritual value that catches their fancy.
ey become apathetic and gain people’s hatred through their
mannerisms. ey try to draw other people’s attention by creating the image
of an honest person. ey fall from favour by not cleverly acting in
attempting to draw the other’s attention. Due to these negative attributes,
they cause other people to distance themselves from them.

The life energy granted by the Sun

e Sun represents future goals and objectives, fame and the power to
create. Representing life, the Sun realises whatever is planned. It enhances
intuitive leadership qualities and management skills. e Sun always wishes
to be at the top and loves ruling. It is proud of its own heroism, courage,
management skills, protectiveness and invincibleness.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
e life-giving Sun proves to the universe how different it is by its
creative skills as well as its talents in ne arts. e Sun wishes to be famous
for its strong planning skills and superior qualities. It realises this aim
through willpower and creative energy.
Knowing no competitor, the Sun once again proves to the universe that
it is the most superior, the most skilful and the strongest planet. e regal
energies that the Sun possesses are willpower, honour, pride, generosity and
drive to protect. It makes these energies felt in Leo.
e negative energies that the Sun possesses are vanity, arrogance, self-
centredness, authority, harshness, weakness, exaggeration and
destructiveness. To whichever planet it contacts, the Sun transmits one of its
The energy of power the Sun grants to the Moon

e ruling planet of Cancer, the Moon is strongly in uential at the 3rd and
19th degrees of Taurus and in the second decan of Pisces.
e Sun grants life and spirit to the universe while the Moon governs
nature. Hence, it changes nature by its every movement. Possessing a
changeable energy, the Moon can easily be in uenced. e Sun is aware of
the Moon’s passivity, insecurity and needs, and therefore it wishes to inject
its powers to the Moon for it wants the Moon to be powerful. e Sun also
knows that the Moon is emotional, compassionate and fond of the ones it
loves. Insecure, the Moon is shy, sensitive and timid. It cannot venture out
and prove itself; thus, it is unprotected and hopeless.
Disliking weaknesses and impotency, the Sun shares its energies of life,
courage, trust and willpower with the Moon. Empowering itself with the
energies received from the Sun, the Moon embraces self-con dence,
becomes more courageous and protects those it loves.

The energy of willpower the Sun grants to Mercury

e ruling planet of Gemini and Virgo, Mercury is strong in the third

decans of Libra and Capricorn and the second decans of Aquarius and Libra.
Possessing a number of skills, Mercury is clever and talented, able to do
lots of things easily. It is happy when what it does is appreciated. It loves
being acknowledged as well as acknowledging. Clever, swi handed and
dexterous, Mercury learns fast but gets fed up quickly. Because of its
impatience and precipitancy, it leaves a job halfway through which originally
it began ambitiously and enthusiastically. Mercury is impatient and so
cannot show any patience against any negativity. It feels agitated and uneasy
in an uncomfortable atmosphere.

Absentminded at times, Mercury has inconsistent manners. e Sun is
aware of Mercury’s negative sides, its forgetfulness, absentmindedness,
gruffness, and nervousness. e Sun gives strength to Mercury by its
endless, in nite life energy. With the energy of strength received from the
Sun, Mercury learns how to be patient and strong-willed. Mercury does not
leave the Sun, and it becomes its assistant.

The energy of light the Sun grants to Venus

e ruling the planet of Taurus and Libra, Venus is strong in Pisces, in the
second decan of Gemini, the third decans of Aquarius and Virgo and the
second decan of Capricorn.
As well as being beautiful, cute and attractive, Venus is polite,
knowledgeable and full of love. Disliking, hence disapproving of, rudeness,
untidiness, ghting and chaos, Venus supports peace, love and compromise.
It is so, elegant and even tempered. rough its diplomatic manners and
melodious speech, it paci es and helps compromise. It has the power to
calm, ease and stabilise.
Venus is beautiful. It is the owner of love, beauty and ne arts. It is the
strongest feeling of romantic relationships. Venus needs love and to be
loved. It becomes happy when it is fancied, loved, and appreciated. It is well
aware of its beauty and charm. By the bright light of light that the Sun has
granted, Venus’s spiritual beauty arises. Becoming more and more attractive,
it gains renown for its unique beauty.

The energy of honour the Sun grants to Mars

e ruling planet of Aries, Mars is strong in the second decan of Scorpio, the
third decan of Leo and in the second decans of Sagittarius and Cancer.
Mars is an ambitious, determined planet with strong willpower. Due to
being impatient and hasty, it immediately wants to do whatever comes to
mind. e desire to be at the top and govern comes from deep inside.
To able to achieve this aim, it does not hesitate to venture a ght. Despite the
fact that it is so hard for it to reach its material and spiritual aims, it
fearlessly struggles hard and so in the end succeeds. Knowing the potential
of its strength, Mars can be brutal and wild towards the obstacles in its way,
because winning is the whole point.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Fearless Mars is a hero, a strong warrior who knows no enemy.
Impressed by Mars’ bravery, chivalry and warrior spirit, the Sun awards
Mars with the energy of honour and Mars rises to the top. e combination
of these two energies brings success aer hard struggle, the pride of triumph
and the prominence of honour.

The power of healing the Sun grants to Jupiter

e ruling planet of Sagittarius, Jupiter is strong in Pisces, the third decan of

Aries and the second decan of Leo.
Jupiter is full of learning and teaching skills, which are its greatest
aspirations. It researches to be knowledgeable; hence, as it researches it
learns and as it learns it teaches. Developing knowledge and elaborating on
it, Jupiter spreads its knowledge to the universe by the energy of power it has
obtained from the Sun.
Deep inside Jupiter’s spirit, there is a joy, benevolence, generosity and
the energy of spiritual and material faith. To all these, the Sun gives life. e
strong energies which come from Jupiter and nd life in the Sun become a
skill for anticipation towards the future, faith against unfaithfulness, hope
for hopelessness and a cure for illness.
ere is an ever growing spiritual love in Jupiter. It aims to spread this
love to far places. e Sun, which gives life to Jupiter for it to spread its faith
and beliefs, brightens Jupiter’s ways. By providing Jupiter with the energy of
courage, it helps Jupiter continue con dently. As it moves on its way,
Jupiter’s spiritual values increase and come in the form of fortune to the
universe. ese sacred energies are named as wisdom, chance, faith, belief,
trust and protecting the entrusted.
e combination of the energies of the realistic, creative and proud Sun
and Jupiter, which owns the energies of wisdom and fortune, make properly
organised plans and realised desires happen. It also causes growing holy

The life energy the Sun grants to Saturn
e ruling planet of Capricorn as well as the second ruling planet of
Aquarius, Saturn is strong in the third decan of Taurus, the second decans of
Virgo and Libra and the third decan of Gemini.
Saturn is cold, distant and gloomy. Patience, trust, willpower, and
knowledge are Saturn’s positive energies, while coldness, sel shness,
obstacles, fear, and restriction are a few of its negative energies. Each of these
negative energies has a reason behind it. e fact that it is cold and distant is
because it does not trust anyone. Sel shness is the consequence of receiving
no support when desperately in need of help. Its gloominess and
melancholic state is because of the negative energies that solitude,
unhappiness, sadness and hopelessness cause.
e conjunction of these two energies leads to popularity achieved
through hard work and brings the knowledge of the value of wasted time.
e most beautiful and noble energy that uni cation of trust and respect
grants to the universe is grand feelings, ambition and the strength to

The energy of freedom the Sun grants to Uranus

e ruling planet of Aquarius, Uranus is strong in the third decan of Gemini

and the second decan of Libra.
Uranus possesses the energies of freedom, originality, wit and genius.
Unnameable and crazy Uranus, which offers and electric shock, may
surprise with the things it does. e surprises, changes and novelties it
performs are unimaginable and unthought of. Uranus possesses the skills of
exploration and intuition. Using its genius, wisdom and intuition, it creates
the unknown and unusual, which then become its innovative discoveries.
Its spirit, which is full of anarchist, fearless and free energies, rebels and
riots by disapproving authority, injustice and corrupt system. rough its
genius, innovations, and craziness, Uranus introduces itself to the universe.
Having a shock effect, Uranus represents abrupt beginnings and ends.
Possessing a diversity of energies, Uranus easily adapts to the goals that
the Sun sheds a light on for the future. ese two powers together bring
about the power of awareness. ey shed a light on the future with new and
original energies. e conjunction of these energies also spreads out the
power of free life, the energy of strong opportunities, and the energy of
genius to the universe.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans

The energy of willpower the Sun grants to Neptune

e ruling planet of Pisces, Neptune is strong in Sagittarius, the third decan

of Cancer and the second decan of Scorpio.
Neptune’s energy is sensitive as well as kind. Having no strength le to
bear either material or spiritual suffering, Neptune isolates itself from reality
and lives in a world of its own. As it lives in the world of dreams, grief and
romance, it expects and waits for a rescuer. Yet the rescuer may never come.
e Sun knows that Neptune is weak and it needs willpower. erefore
the Sun protects Neptune and supports it. As a result of having received
those energies, Neptune is encouraged to leave the world of dreams.
Compassionate, sensitive, prudent and romantic Neptune now learns to self-
protect as well as learning how to ght against material and spiritual
Being fond of colours, hobbies and arts, Neptune’s natural skills are
poetry, song and dance. Being inspired by its own skills, as well as receiving
life energy from the Sun, Neptune composes the most beautiful poems,
songs and painting. e Sun introduces Neptune’s art to the universe. e
combination of the Sun and Neptune brings about realised dreams,
protective compassion and creative imagination.

The energy of light power the Sun grants to Pluto

e ruling planet of Scorpio, Pluto is strong in the rst decan of Aries, the
second decan of Cancer and the third decan of Pisces.
Pluto is full of the energies of wisdom, willpower, exploration and
intuition. It is the greatest mystery of the universe, the secret of secrets and
the truth of lies. It is a spiritual door opening to the unknown world.
e negative energies that Pluto possesses are spite, hatred, obstinacy,
insensibility, doubt and revenge. Possessing both creative as well as
destructive energies, Pluto does not hesitate to annihilate the old structure
to form a new one.

e life-giving Sun brightens up Pluto’s underworld by sending it a light
energy. Fearless, and not at all capricious, Pluto lightens its world with the
light received from the Sun.
Pluto and the Sun have opposing energies. While Pluto is the king of
the underworld and non-living beings, the Sun is the king of the Earth and
living beings. While the Sun owns the energies of life, Pluto has destructive
energies. Pluto is darkness while the Sun is light. Pluto is death whereas the
Sun is life. e Sun is beginning while Pluto is the end. With its strong light
energy, the Sun uncovers all of Pluto’s secrets.
e powerful effect of these two energies spread out the real energies of
power to the universe. e importance of power masters the universe.

The energy of power the Sun grants to the signs

Aries is manful and honest with the spirit of a warrior. It seeks heroism and
triumph. It aims to win by ghting and in the end wishes to be proud of
what it has succeeded. e Sun grants to Aries the quality of taking pride in
what has triumphed.

Taurus shows importance to materialism, love and art. It wishes to show its
material and spiritual qualities in society. With the energy of life the Sun
grants to, it brightly displays its material and spiritual values.

Gemini is wise, skilful and clever, but does not have the skill to make
decisions. erefore, it cannot protect its spiritual values or its skills and
knowledge. In order to help Gemini reinforce its decision making skill, the
Sun presents it with the energy of willpower. With the energies received
from the Sun, Gemini manages to keep spiritual values within its possession.

Cancer is sensitive, compassionate and protective. It protects its loved ones

with feelings of compassion. Easily affected by negativity, it loses its sense of
self-con dence and thus can no longer protect its loved ones. e Sun
intervenes and grants to Cancer the energy of power whereby it regains the
sense of self-con dence as well as the power to protect.
Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Leo has an unceasing life energy. It is powerful, sturdy and fearless. It has an
enhanced art skill as well as management skills. Its creativity in material and
spiritual matters is strong. e Sun grants to all the power it has to Leo. e
Sun serves as a life force to Leo’s creativity and gives power to its courage
and stage to its art.

Because Virgo gives importance to hygiene, it is fastidious. It is critical and

notices imperfection. Practicality, diligence and industriousness are its most
powerful energies. It is fertile and abundant. Having principles, Virgo knows
its responsibilities. It succeeds at the most difficult things to achieve
perfection. e Sun will reward it for being right and just. e Sun serves as
a life to Virgo’s fertility and gives life to its fruitfulness.

Libra is docile, amiable and a peacemaker. It has enhanced artistic skill. It

presents the most beautiful pieces of art to the universe by improving its art
through its romantic feelings. rough its light, the Sun enlightens Libra’s
strongest characteristics. e Sun gives life to Libra’s strongest

Scorpio is strong, proud and mysterious. Its energies are the feelings of
revenge, hatred, jealousy and negativity. It shows interest in the unknown,
for Scorpio thrives on mystery. It aims to uncover unknown truths by
probing into dark, secret things. With the energy of light, the mysterious
becomes demysti ed and secrets are unveiled.

Sagittarius is a wanderer, philosopher and a teacher. It loves learning and

teaching. It has great aims, one of which is to discover secrets by exploring
them. With the energy of power the Sun grants to, it learns the secrets of the

Capricorn never forgets the fact that it comes from a very difficult life where
it had to struggle a lot and work hard in the past. It reinforces its own
strength with the energy of power and willpower the Sun has granted. It has
a very good reputation for success achieved through difficulty. Superior
willpower is one of Capricorn’s strongest energies. Strong management skills
and success through discipline are the spiritual rewards Capricorn rightfully

Aquarius is original, innovative and realistic. It possesses the energies of
wisdom, intelligence and awareness. Consciously or unconsciously, with no
fear, it ventures any risk for freedom. With the energy of courage procured
from the Sun, Aquarius reinforces its strength and bravely rebels against

Pisces is caring, compassionate, benevolent and sensitive. Its mystical

characteristics are powerful. Having an unsteady personality, it becomes
indecisive. e negative energies Pisces has are weakness, dreaminess,
sensitiveness and self-damaging. Believing in lies while knowing that they
are lies, and living in a dream world by isolating itself from reality, exists in
the nature of Pisces. e Sun strengthens Pisces by granting it the energies of
con dence and power.

Famous Leos

First decan

Murat IV, Ottoman Emperor: conqueror of Baghdad: 26 July 1612

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis: 28 July 1929

Second decan

Barrack Obama, US president: 4 August 1961

Mata Hari: 7 August 1876

Third decan

Princess Anne: 15 August 1950

Bill Clinton: 19 August 1946
Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Leo illnesses

Leos are generally sturdy, healthy and strong people. If they have harsh
negative aspects in their birth charts, they may have heart problems,
problems around the waist, spine or knees and illnesses of the eyes.

Back pain

is is more frequent among rst decan Leos. Before going to bed at night,
the aching part should be massaged with a mixture made from:

Two tablespoons of olive oil

Half a teaspoon of lily oil
One teaspoon of rosewood oil

Alternatively, apply while still warm a mixture of:

Four tablespoons of olive oil

One tablespoon of orange oil
One tablespoon of rosewood oil

Mixed with half a cup of duck or goose fat.

Eye disease

Having a sight problem is frequent amongst people born in the last days of
July. Vitamin A should be consumed more oen. Boiled fennel (while it is
still warm) should be applied to the eyes as a medical dressing. Plenty of
blackberries should be consumed.

For aching eyes mix together:

One tablespoon of powdered camomile

Half a tablespoon of powdered dried broad beans
Boil in one cup of water and apply to the eyes as a dressing.

An apsis on the eyelids is more frequently seen among second and third
decan Leos. One clove of garlic should be pressed and the garlic juice
obtained applied to the apsis.

For itchy eyes, one tablespoon of ground camomile should be boiled with
one cupful of milk and applied while still warm as a compress.

Heart disease

For the treatment of fatty heart (more frequently seen in second decan
Leos), parsley, linden, sweet balm and yarrow should be consumed as tea or

A heart attack occurs due to atherosclerosis, the symptoms of which are

discomfort, an overwhelming sense of anxiety, dizziness, nervousness,
headache and high temperature (this is more frequent in third decan Leos).
To stop the discomfort that causes a heart attack:

Consume yarrow, sage tea, lavender and rosemary.

Drink boiled pear water.
inly cut four tablespoons of parsley boiled in a cup of water and mix
with two tablespoons of wine before consuming.

Aching knees

Mix together and apply to the knees:

Two tablespoons of sesame oil

One teaspoon of thyme oil
One tablespoon of daphnia oil

Spine problems

Mix together:

One tablespoon of walnut oil

One tablespoon of mustard oil
One tablespoon of almond oil

Astrological Secrets of the Decans

One tablespoon of clove oil

Half a teaspoon of turpentine oil (derived from the pine tree)
Half a cup of boiled and ltered chicken fat

Before going to bed at night, apply the mixture to the spine.


For the treatment of lines on the edge of the eyes, hazelnut oil should be
applied before going to bed. For facial lines right on the edge of the lips mix
together and apply before bed:

Two tablespoons of soybean cream

One teaspoon of apricot oil
Half a teaspoon of orange oil

Emotions and instinctive reactions are under the rulership of

the Moon

e Moon is about society, mothers and mothering, women, girls, fertility,

pregnancy and proliferation. Sensibility, deep feelings and loving with
protection are qualities that describe the Moon.
It represents our past and our ancestors. Swamps, seas, ports, thermal
springs, owing waters, and everything to do with water is under the
rulership of the Moon.
e Moon represents the right eye in women and the le eye in men.
e Moon also represents tradesmen, import and export, restaurants, cooks,
taverns, nurses, social affairs, charities, societies of protection and shelter for
battered people.
ose who are predominantly under the in uence of the Moon tend to
use their homes as their office or workplace. Because they like staying at
home most of the time, they enjoy cooking and hosting visitors, friends and
relatives at home. ey like to feel settled. Since they are fortunate and lucky
people, whatever they plant becomes fruitful. ey also tend to save up
money and things and therefore tend to save small change for future use.
ose who are under the in uence of the Moon are also those who abide by
social rules. Hence, they constitute the infrastructure of the society they are
part of.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
e Moon is also about natural disasters; for a natural catastrophe to
occur, the Moon must trigger it. e points where the zodiac’s energy
intensi es are in the xed signs (Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius). e
Moon must be full and the event should occur with the turn of the Moon. 
On Tuesday 22 April 1902, the lunar eclipse in Scorpio affected reptiles
and spiders. Snakes and spiders on Mount Pelée in Martinique Island
attacked towns and cities. By morning, y people and about two hundred
animals had been killed by those snakes and spiders.
Total lunar eclipses cause pestilence, trigger natural disasters and lead
to parasites in agriculture. Lunar eclipses taking place in animal zodiac signs
cause deaths of animals from pestilence, contagious illnesses from animals
transmitted to human beings and harm caused by animals. Total lunar
eclipses taking place in the re signs trigger wars, destruction, accidents,
explosions and contagious illnesses. Lunar eclipses taking place in earth
signs cause illnesses from louses and ticks, erosions, mine pit crashes,
destruction and harm from reptiles. Total lunar eclipses in air signs trigger
strong winds, foggy and dark skies and the loss of important people. Finally,
lunar eclipses in water signs trigger harm caused by water, sea crashes, and
harm plants.

The Moon in astronomy

e distance between the Moon and the Earth is roughly 383-400

kilometres, while the heat difference is more than 200°C. Travelling one
degree in two hours, the Moon forwards twelve degrees in a day. e Moon
stays two days in each zodiac sign. Because it rotates around the Earth while
the Earth is also spinning on its axis, the same side of the Moon is visible for
twenty-seven days. On average, forty-two lunar eclipses take place in
eighteen years.
e Moon absorbs the Sun’s rays and hence looks bright and spreads its
light. ere is no atmosphere or surface uid on the Moon; it is home to
deep valleys, cracks, craters, unevenness and rocks.
The Moon in mythology

Since ancient times, the Moon has been known to have the most mysterious
and intriguing power and, impressed by the Moon, some ancient people and
tribes worshipped it, organising and planning their lives in accordance with
moonrise and moonset. ey also used the Moon as their calendar. e rst
civilisation to use the lunar calendar was that of the Sumerians.
Altay Turks (the ancient Turks) also used the Moon as a calendar. e
Indians, Jews, Muslims and Chinese are a few of the civilisations who used
the lunar calendar. Even today, some civilisations still use the lunar calendar.
In Greek mythology, Artemis represented the Moon. Artemis witnessed
her mother’s labour pains and helped her to give birth. Feeling sorry and sad
for her mother because of the pain she was experiencing, Artemis vowed not
to get married and fall pregnant. Yet she could not keep her vow because she
fell in love with a tall, strong, and handsome hunter named Orion. She
thought about him all the time and dreamt of marrying him. However, there
was someone who did not like this situation — Apollo, her twin brother.
Orion was so huge and strong that Apollo thought he wasn’t good enough
for his twin sister.
However, Apollo could not persuade Artemis to step back, so he
hatched a plot to secretly kill Orion. He saw Orion going into the sea and
secretly watched him until he was out of sight. Apollo then called his sister
to aim an arrow at the mark in the sea. Being a very talented archer, she
aimed, not knowing it was Orion, and shot Orion to death with her own
arrow. Distraught about killing her beloved unknowingly, Artemis disguised
herself behind the very dark clouds. She went to her father Zeus to ask him
to make Orion a star, which Zeus did.
According to an ancient belief, there was a dark power called Lilith that
embodied the dark side of the Moon. Lilith was rst seen in Sumerian
mythology. Her myth is still existent in Eastern countries.
Lilith appears in men’s dreams where she makes love with them. She
also causes pregnant women to miscarry. She frightens newborn babies and
mothers who newly gave birth, sometimes causing them to die. is is why
women who have newly given birth are not le by themselves for forty days.
A pair of scissors or a knife is placed by newborn babies; a piece of thin red
or yellow tulle is used to cover them. Scared of knives, scissors and red and
yellow, Lilith cannot approach and so cannot exercise her bad powers. Al
karısı, is the name given to a terrifying creature who is believed to pester
women who have newly given birth and is the name given to Lilith in
Eastern countries. If a newborn baby dies within forty days, they call it
puerperal fever.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans

General characteristics of the Moon

e Moon is the ruling planet of Cancer and is exalted in the 3rd and 19th
degrees of Taurus. Very strong in Pisces, it is strongest in the second decan.
e Moon rises 35-45 minutes aer the other stars. It sends the rays to
the Earth that it receives from the Sun and causes the ow of tides. e
Moon represents watery places, seas and uids. e cycle of New Moon to
New Moon takes twenty-nine days, twelve hours and forty-four minutes.
e keystones of a community are the people who are under the
in uence of the Moon. As the Moon expands, people become more
powerful and successful. But when it gets smaller, they become tired, feeble
and unhappy. e Moon represents the womb and is connected with
illnesses caused by cold.

The Moon and its psychological energy

ose under the in uence of the Moon are sensitive, vulnerable, emotional,
compassionate and tender-hearted people who can be easily hurt as they
take offence easily. ey help people who are desperately in need, desolate
people and mistreated victims, offering them all support.
ey also place great importance on their ancestors. Curious about their
past and where they originally came from, they research their family tree
and remember the names of their ancestors. ey inherit sentiency, manners
and skills from their ancestors.
ese people are not stable in mood. is is in the main caused by the
Moon’s phases created by the rotation of the Moon around the Earth.
e people who are most affected by the Moon’s phases are Cancerians,
those who are born at the 13th and 14th degrees of Cancer, those whose
ascendant sign is Cancer and those who have the Moon emphasised in their

The Moon’s negative psychological energies

ose who are predominantly under the in uence of the Moon want to
know that they are protected and psychologically supported. is gives them
a sense of con dence. ose who are unprotected lack con dence, which
makes them feel hopeless. inking that they will be misunderstood, they
are unable to easily express their ideas or disclose their true feelings. ey
are scared of mixing with others as they do not trust anyone. Having lost
their self-esteem, those under the in uence of the Moon experience
emotional breakdowns and for no reason become suspicious of the people
they love. Behaving mercilessly and offensively, they try to justify
themselves. eir capriciously making trouble and criticising friends or
relatives leads their friends or relatives to distance themselves.

The eight lunar phases

Lunar phases are created by the changing angles between the earth, the
Moon and the Sun as the Moon orbits the earth. e lunar phase people are
born under affects them.

ese phases are:

New Moon    Waxing crescent

First quarter  Waxing gibbous
Full Moon    Waning gibbous
Last quarter    Waning crescent

People born during the New Moon: ey are psychologically naïve and
childish. Curious about novelty, they are into learning new things all the
time. New beginnings have an important place in their lives. e have the
spirit of leadership; hence they like being at the top or governing. ey
always say, “I’ll do it rst, I’ll be at the top, whatever I want will happen, you
will listen to me.” Yet, they may not complete a mission or a job they have
taken on. Once a task is completed aer difficulty and struggles, it has no
value for them, because what is priceless for these people is the victory, a
trophy through difficulties.
Astrological Secrets of the Decans

The New Moon is at the 12 o’clock position, followed by the waxing crescent
and the rst quarter at the 3 o’clock position. It is then waxing gibbous and
the Full Moon is  at the 6 o’clock position.  It is then waning gibbous with the
last quarter shown at the 9 o’clock position. This is followed by the waxing
crescent after which we return to the New Moon.

People born during the waxing crescent: Being realistic they are always
aer truth. ey know what they want. ey are happy when they deal with
concrete things. ey value the material and hence invest in property so as
to be able to guarantee theirs and family members’ futures. ey also value
restructuring. Moreover, they are entrepreneurs. ey reshape a job they
have taken on and make it more productive and fruitful. ey do not leave a
job incomplete. ey are strong enough to struggle through difficulties. ey
do whatever they wish to do. ey value what they have achieved through
difficulty and struggle.

People born during the rst quarter: ey aim to do what is on their
mind. ey may become angry, tense and hurt when there is something that
stops them. ey put into practice what they think. ey have an enhanced
skill of educating themselves and learning by themselves. ey are ambitious
and combative people. ey always work on self-development. ey have
the passion and ambition of trying and accomplishing deep inside them.
ey become happy with what they succeed in. “Whoever works hard wins”
is their spiritual strength.

People born during the waxing gibbous phase: ey possess the spirit of
a researcher. ey want to be useful to all by improving their knowledge.
ey are cautious. Because they are careful people, they notice all mistakes
and may be critical. ey use and invest the things they have uncovered
through research. ey are intelligent people who can do two things at the
same time. ey confront all difficulties on the way to success. ey aim to
stand out with the things they do and with their hard work. Being successful
and being made leader makes these people happy. Being thought of as an
example is a source of pride for them. ey sometimes boast. ey like
looking different.

People born during the Full Moon: People born during this phase are
affected by feelings of anger and unease. Yet they can also be dominated by
feelings of love, compassion, affection and docility at the same time. On one
hand, they tend to ght; on the other, they pacify. When they cannot control
themselves emotionally, they may make themselves as well as others
unhappy. When they control themselves emotionally, they overcome
difficulties and, being fair, they share knowledge and friendship. ey are
happy with what they have. ey also want others’ desires to come true. In
order for humanity to advance, they help other people and supportively try
to open the gates for them. ey wish to be remembered for their
benevolence. ey wish to be valued. ey like new beginnings. ey tend
to be in uenced by the people they consider important.

People born during the waning gibbous phase: ey feel in need of
being acknowledged, learning and sharing what they know. Remote places,
foreign people and new cultures interest these people. ey do not hesitate
to visit foreign countries or mingle with people they do not know. ey do
this to learn new things and share knowledge and experiences. ey look
like philosophers. ey aim to achieve a good reputation by their knowledge
and experience and actually accomplish their aim. ey have the personality
of spiritualists. ey value spiritual knowledge, psychology and inner

Astrological Secrets of the Decans

People born during the last quarter: Knowing their responsibilities, they
are disciplined and strict people. ey have already set their aims for
succeeding and rising to the top as they wish to be successful and advance
their career. ey aim to stand out by their success. ey advance
con dently,  working hard and patiently. ey are merciless and pitiless of
their rivals and hindrances. ey have enhanced management skills. e
people of this phase aim to impose their ideas, opinions and rules on others.
ey may oppress those who oppose their ideas. “Whoever works hard,
wins” is the slogan that comes from deep inside them.

People born during the waning crescent: Fixated on the past, they are
worried and uneasy about the future. ey cannot give up their habits easily.
ey are compassionate, merciful, sensible and altruistic as they sacri ce or
devote themselves to others. ey almost have no energy to struggle or ght.
ey cannot protect themselves against negative situations or difficulties.
Self-secluding, they distant themselves from the rest of the society and live
in their own world. inking or feeling that they are unwanted or unloved,
they grieve and suffer. ey have to face the events developing out of their
control. Unhappy with all these events, they think they are being sacri ced
for them. If they can overcome all these negativities they may start a new
and happy life. If however, they cannot overcome negativities and accept
defeat by saying, “It’s my fate, I give in,” they are destined to suffer and be
unhappy forever.

The energy of sense granted by the Moon

e energy of the Moon is emotional, sensitive, sentimental and fragile.

Whichever planet it contacts it grants to it one of its emotions. It wants to be
owned, and wants to be sure that it is loved and protected. e energy of the
Moon needs trust as well as emotional quietness. It distances itself from
places where there is no love or respect and where is fear. Whenever it faces
obstacles, difficulties, discomfort and unhappiness, it disappears into a world
of its own.

e energy of the Moon is maternal, feminine, fertile, nutritious and
protective. By all these energies, it tends to protect the ones it loves. It is
feminine, thus it wishes to reproduce, feed and nurture. It is productive and
hence wishes to fertilise and strengthen.
e Moon’s energy is inclined to be receptive. Disclosing its quality of
compassion, it tends to receive more and more. Whatever it has taken, it
shapes, feeds, nurtures and sends back as the energy of life. Sentimental
assurance is what the Moon’s energy needs.

The calming power energy the Moon grants to the Sun

e ruling planet of Leo, strong in the third decan of Sagittarius and the
second decan of Aries, the Sun is constructive, powerful, honourable and
proud. It is full of the energies of con dence, power and courage. Solely
relying on its own power, the Sun tends to be constructive. It aims to
succeed and eventually becomes successful. It is the life, the power it has
accomplished. It boasts with what it has achieved.
e Sun, which grants life energies to the universe, knows which way to
go and is aware of the possible obstacles it may face. It also knows how to
deal with and ght those obstacles as it is a brave, fearless warrior. Being
organised, it knows how to accomplish its aims easily, and it succeeds in
whatever it attempts, since it is full of power energies. And so it becomes
happy and publicises its success to the world. It becomes so proud of its own
success that its pride turns into arrogance. e Moon approaches the Sun
and soens the Sun’s pride and arrogance through its tenderness and
compassion. rough its tenderness and loyalty, the Moon nurtures the
Sun’s skills. It props up the Sun’s creativity. It also advocates what the Sun has
presented to the universe and nourishes it. ese two powers, the Moon and
the Sun, give life to the universe in the form of light.

The energy of memory the Moon grants to Mercury

Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini and Virgo. It is strong in the third
decan of Libra, the second decan of Aquarius, the third decan of Capricorn
and the second decan of Taurus.
Mercury is full of the energies of intelligence, wit, knowledge, skills and
talent. It aims to spread to the universe what it knows and show its skills at
the same time. It renovates, improves and upgrades whatever it knows and
its skills, as it loves improvement. Yet it is absentminded, hurried, impatient,
forgetful and hasty. It forgets about the works it has postponed. Its mental
energies are easily distracted.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
e Moon grants to Mercury strong memory energy, for it is aware of
Mercury’s forgetfulness and absentmindedness. As a result of having
received the strong memory energy from the Moon, Mercury then owns a
strong memory.
With energy of compassion and tenderness, the Moon shapes up,
nourishes, protects and ampli es Mercury’s skills. ese skills are spread to
the universe in the form of the energies of intelligence, wit, opinion, skill,
thought and talent. Wit becomes knowledge; idea turns into faith; skill into
art or talent, thought into education and, nally, intelligence becomes an
instructive resource for education.

The energy of friendship the Moon grants to Venus

Ruling the zodiac signs Taurus and Libra, Venus is strongly in uential in the
third decan of Virgo, the second decan of Capricorn, the third decan of
Aquarius and the second decan of Gemini.
Venus is full of love and affection, with a smiley face and the quality of
being pleasantly spoken. Venus is in love with beauty and hence loves
disclosing its own beauty. It tends to make its beauty distinctive and wants to
be spoilt. ere is life, happiness and love wherever there is Venus’s energy.
Venus’s energy is lled with sensation, love, beauty and art. Combining
its feelings with art allows Venus to compose the best music. It gives spirit to
art and peace to the universe.
Venus’s energy might be lazy, weary, reckless and irresolute at times. It
cannot show its power and hence needs a friend. e Moon’s energy shows
its friendly qualities and helps Venus to be rid of its negative energies. Venus
needs love and compassion. Without these energies, Venus loses its life
energy. erefore, Venus needs its friend, the Moon. Aware of Venus’s needs,
the Moon gives it inner support and grants to it the energies of love,
compassion and loyalty. ese two planets together become fruitful,
bene cial and natural. ey are kind, docile and sensitive when together.
e conjunction of the energies of these two planets spreads the energies of
peace, happiness and love. Love, sweetness, compassion and affection beat
all malignity. ese are the strongest weapons of the two planets.


The energy of compassion the Moon grants to Mars

e ruling planet of Aries, Mars is also strong in the second decan of

Scorpio, the third decan of Leo, and the second decan of Sagittarius. It also
shows its in uence in the second decan of Cancer.
Mars is self-con dent, strong and brave. Whatever it has on its mind, it
wants to do immediately. It does not hesitate to ght for its goals. It ghts
and will continue to ght until it wins. ere is a passion for winning
through combat in Mars’ energy.
Dangers and obstacles are the source of the energy of power to its goals.
Taking action without thinking or putting itself into danger are the negative
energies of Mars. e Moon’s supportive protection and compassion serve as
a shield to Mars’ energy and protect it from danger. e Moon’s supportive
energies give tranquillity and peace to Mars’ energy. e Moon’s energy
nourishes, shapes and appraises Mars’ courage, endurance and bravery and
the Moon gives them all back to Mars.
e energies of these planets cause fury, toughness and soness,
emotional con ict, emotional wishes, compassion and tyranny. Mars’ energy
is generous and just, and reacts against tyranny in the toughest way.

The internal support energy the Moon grants to Jupiter

Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius as well as the second ruling planet
of Pisces. It is also strong in the third decan of Aries and the second decan of
Leo. Being particularly strong in Cancer, it helps amplify the fertility of the
third decan.
Jupiter’s energy is faithful, con dent, protective, grand, amicable, kind
and reputable. Possessing the spirit of discovery, it is full of wise energies. It
aims to present its strong inner skills to the universe. Sending its light to
every corner of the universe, it tries to gather data, which it ampli es,
broadens and sends back as sacred energy.
Jupiter is fair, honourable, favourable and wise. In the deepest part of its
soul, a grand love of God exists. is is the love that is the owner of solitude,
the giver of hope for the hopeless, a secret instructor of knowledge and the
owner of faith.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Jupiter’s energy at times may become distanced from reality and may
become indecisive, restless and unfaithful. It may also become lazy and so
may shut down its sacred spiritual energies. It may be irresponsible and
reckless and also may tell big lies. Losing its faith, it may become harmful
and cause restlessness. Jupiter’s energy, which normally protects and keeps
the entrusted in a safe place, may have begun to harm it.
Being well aware of Jupiter’s propensities, the Moon transfers inner
support to Jupiter to help be rid of its negative energies. e Moon aims to
affect Jupiter with the energies of sensation, compassion and mercy. It injects
Jupiter with the energies of mercy and motherhood.
Regaining its life with all these positive energies received from the
Moon, Jupiter returns to its original state. Combining their energies, these
two planets grant compassion, spiritual protectiveness and true wisdom to
the universe.

The energy of compassion the Moon grants to Saturn

Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn and the second ruling planet of
Aquarius. It is strong in Libra, the third decan of Taurus and the second
decans of Virgo and Gemini.
Saturn is cold, distant, strict, authoritative, disciplined and ambitious.
Constantly living with the past, it learns from its mistakes. Responsible, it
completes any task it undertakes. It is conservative, strong-willed and
patient. Keeping its patience against negativity, it knows how to use its
e only goal of Saturn’s energy is to advance and go to the top. Despite
knowing that it is very difficult, it aims to win. Accomplishing its aim,
Saturn regains self-con dence through its success. Saturn’s strong energies
of patience, willpower, authority and discipline help Saturn to advance.
Struggling and ghting against all obstacles in its way, Saturn advances and
does what it takes to get to the top. It is con dent, reputable, successful and
wise. It aims to share what it knows with the universe and acknowledge
e universe is aware of Saturn’s negative energies of normativism,
mercilessness, lack of compassion, pessimism, coldness and lack of
consideration. e Moon injects Saturn with the energies of mercy, affection
and compassion. Saturn therefore soens its negative energies with the
positive energies procured from the Moon. Hence these two powers grant
the universe knowledge obtained through patience and the senses of
possessiveness, compassionate responsibility and pity.


The energy of harmony the Moon grants to Uranus

e ruling planet of Aquarius, Uranus is strong in the third decan of Gemini

as well as the second decan of Libra. Possessing the energies of rage,
violence, independence and revolution, Uranus knows no peace and hence
is always restless and uncontrollable.
Uranus’ energy is destructive as much as it is constructive. It can
suddenly destroy something it dislikes and replace it with something new. It
unveils the unknown and the unheard, and thus is surprising.
Uranus’ energy exists wherever there is innovation, change, invention,
action, destruction, discovery and a ght for freedom. It has an enhanced
sixth sense and knows what is going to happen in the future.
Uranus dislikes being controlled and is passionate about freedom. It is
untrustworthy and deprived of love and feeling. Timid, sensible and so, the
Moon quietly approaches and snuggles Uranus. No one knows what Uranus
will do, but suddenly it turns to the Moon and accepts its energies of
sensitivity, love, compassion, soness and harmony. ese two powers
present the universe with emotional freedom, violent emotions, need for
freedom, controlled mercy, protective violence and expanding discoveries.

The energy of con dence the Moon grants to Neptune

e ruling planet of Pisces, Neptune is strong in the second decan of

Scorpio. It is also strong in Cancer and fruitful in the third decan.
Neptune is full of the energies of inspiration, mercy, pity, romance,
sensation, naivety, compassion and life. Enriching its life energy with
romance, it takes delight in indulging in romantic emotions. It lives in a
dream world and its dreams, imagination, mysticism, religious feelings and
inspiration are Neptune’s richest energies.
Neptune is the power behind invisible powers. Setting off on spiritual
travels, it unveils the mysteries of secrets. On its expeditions, Neptune meets
religious inspiration and realised dreams. It also meets the artistic skills, love
of music, poetry, song and divine love. Using all these energies, Neptune
composes and presents the most beautiful of poems, the most beautiful of
songs, romantic emotions, a love of art and a sense of pity to the universe.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Neptune sometimes is too feeble to protect itself and so seeks escape
from reality. It has been badly in uenced and feels worn out. It believes in
nice words which it knows are not true. It consciously disregards lies and
frauds. Negative energies hurt Neptune very deeply. Disillusioned, Neptune
is unable to ght against reality, as it is weak, passive and hurt. It needs a
friend for support. e Moon stretches its supportive hand to Neptune and
injects it with the energy of con dence. Having received this energy from
the friendly Moon, Neptune feels more secure. ese two powers present the
universe with the most beautiful fantasies, realised dreams, spiritual
inspirations, painful sensitivity, spiritual energies, spiritual exploration, and
the energies of the unseen, unknown and untouched.

The energy of light the Moon grants to Pluto

e ruling planet of Scorpio, Pluto is particularly strong in the third decan

of Pisces and the second decan of Cancer.
e ruler of the underworld, the owner of the underworld’s resources,
and the king of the dark world who knows the universe, Pluto possesses the
energies of annihilation and creation from nothing. It ruins the established
order and establishes new orders. It causes crises, poverty and destruction. It
is an energy that owns frightening passion.
Not only has it the power to annihilate, it also possesses the power of
creation and the power to heal. Possessing secret and mysterious powers,
Pluto does not use them for good. Whatever Pluto’s energy touches is
annihilated and replaced it with something better. Whatever it values, it
keeps underground.
e Moon’s energy is scared to Pluto. e Moon is aware that Pluto
needs love and compassion and at the same time is deprived of mercy and a
sense of protection. e Moon sends its love and mercy to Pluto in the form
of light. Receiving these emotional energies from the Moon, Pluto faces its
negative energies and obsessions. In uenced by these feelings, Pluto re nes
ese two energies together brighten darkness, ease pains, integrate
desire with love, bring secrets and darkness into the light and scatter the
richness of emotions to the universe.

The energy of feeling the Moon grants to the zodiac signs

e Moon is not at ease in Aries for it is oppressed by Aries’ strong energies.

Aries, which is brave, bold, and fearless of dangers, is taken under control
and protected from dangers by the Moon.

e Moon grants to the patient, hardworking Taurus the energy of

ownership and thereby Taurus rmly and loyally holds onto its material and
spiritual values. e Moon likes sharing its most beautiful energies with
Taurus. It grants to permanent material and spiritual riches to Taurus.

e Moon is well aware of the fact that Gemini is skilful, a know-it-all and
swi handed. It also knows that Gemini cannot complete what it has started
with passion and ambition. is is mainly because Gemini does not have
any patience. erefore the Moon grants to the energy of patience to Gemini
and prevents Gemini’s skills being wasted.

e Moon grants to its most beautiful energies to Cancer as it is the ruling

planet of this sign. Ease, peace, material and spiritual richness, fertility,
compassion, loyalty and the drive to protect are the kindest energies that the
Moon gives to Cancer.

e Moon knows that Leo is successful, sleek, narcissistic and arrogant. e

Moon does not like Leo’s regal commanding and oppressing manners. us,
the Moon injects a feeling of compassion into Leo and soens its arrogance
and oppressive qualities. e energies received, the Moon begins to display
more moderate and friendly manners.

e Moon knows Virgo’s fertility and richness come from the earth. For the
fertility to turn into health and food, the Moon grants to its energy of
strength to Virgo.

e Moon knows how much importance Libra placed on love. It is also

aware of Libra’s skills. erefore it presents the most gorgeous and
permanent love. e Moon gives life to Libra’s skills, feeling to its inner art
and acts as a mirror to its beauty.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
e Moon does not want to approach Scorpio as it receives from it feelings
of unrest and discomfort. e Moon knows of Scorpio’s jealousy,
distrustfulness, scepticism and secrecy. It is aware of how strong and harsh
Scorpio’s love and hatred is. e Moon knows that Scorpio is full of feelings
of vengeance and lacks mercy and compassion. If the Moon approaches
Scorpio, it injects the feeling of compassion by which Scorpio learns to feel
pity and show mercy.

e Moon knows how knowledgeable Sagittarius is and how much it wants

to share what it knows. Sagittarius is full of the drives of learning and
teaching. It aims to spread all it knows far and wide. e Moon grants to its
light to Sagittarius to brighten its way as it seeks to share its knowledge.

e Moon anticipates that it will be hurt by cold, distant, sel sh and

uncon dent Capricorn. In order to rescue Capricorn from all these negative
energies, the Moon slowly approaches it. rough of con dence and
compassion, the Moon makes Capricorn trust it. Capricorn then advances
with con dent steps.

e Moon grants to Aquarius constructive strength energy for it to be able

to achieve its dreams and ideals. Aquarius is clever, progressive and
innovative. rough its intelligence, it aims to accomplish the
unaccomplished. Yet, it is also impatient. us it tends to nish quickly
whatever it has started doing. e Moon gives Aquarius support to keep up
its patience. With this energy received from the Moon, Aquarius gives up
precipitancy and hastiness.

e Moon protects romantic, altruistic, unsel sh, sensitive Pisces, which

cannot protect itself. e loving, caring and compassionate Moon protects
Pisces through its quality of reassurance. e Moon becomes a light to
Pisces’ hidden emotions as well as to its inner world which Pisces is shy to
disclose. Having a weak memory, Pisces is absent-minded and forgetful. e
Moon grants to Pisces with a stronger memory and Pisces stops being
forgetful and absent-minded.

Famous Cancerians

First decan

King Louis XII: 27 June 1462

Second decan
George W Bush, forty-third president of the USA: 6 July 1946
Barbara Cartland, famous British author: 9 July 1901
Giorgio Armani, Italian fashion designer: 11 July 1934

Third decan

Nelson Mandela, South African politician, who served as the president of

South Africa: 18 July 1918
Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia: 20/21 July 356 BCE
Emily Brontë, author of Wuthering Heights: 30 July 1878

Cancerian Illnesses

Cancerians do not have strong bodies. Most of their discomforts and

illnesses are caused by cold, phlegm, stomach upsets and chest infections.
Second decan Cancerians suffer from uterine discomforts. ird decan
Cancerians suffer from discomforts of the feet, stomach upsets and
commonly suffer from oedema. ey also suffer from bone, joint and skin
diseases, received from the opposite sign, Capricorn.

Bone pain

One tablespoonful of mashed garlic

One tablespoonful of powdered anise
One tablespoonful of powdered lavender
One teaspoonful of powdered black pepper
One glass of coconut oil

e ingredients are mixed with warm coconut oil and boiled. e mixture is
applied on the painful areas three times a day whilst warm.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans

One teaspoonful of linden oil

Two black peppercorns
Half a teaspoon of mint
One clove of garlic
One piece of ginger

e ingredients above should be boiled in four glasses of water, strained and

then drunk three times a day.

For sniffles, boil the below in six glasses of water, strain and drink three
times a day.

Two tablespoons of thinly cut thyme

Two tablespoons of dill
Two tablespoons of camomile
One clove of garlic


e problem area should be dressed with a poultice made from boiled

cabbage and stinging nettles.


Camomile oil and mustard oil should be mixed and massaged on the painful


Plenty of hazelnuts to be consumed. Consume anise or mint tea.

Joint pain

e following should be mixed with palm oil and gently heated and then
applied to the painful areas before going to bed. A dressing made of a piece
of woollen material should be applied.

Two tablespoons of palm oil
Two tablespoons of olive oil
Two tablespoons of sesame oil
One dessertspoon of rosewood oil
Five drops of garlic oil
Two drops of ginger oil


e below should be mixed with palm oil and then applied to the problem
areas on the skin twice a day whilst warm.

One coffee cup of palm oil

One teaspoon of sesame oil
One teaspoon of thin wholemeal
One teaspoon of corn starch
ree drops of bergamot oil
ree drops of camomile oil
Two tablespoons of soya oil


Chickpea juice, parsley juice or camomile tea should be consumed.


e below ingredients should be boiled in three glasses of water, strained

and then drunk three times a day.

One teaspoon of yarrow

One teaspoon of black cumin
One dessertspoon of powdered ginger
Two thinly cut dried gs
Uterine discomfort

Anise, elderberry or mint tea should be consumed.

Fennel tea should be consumed. Cherry stems can be boiled and drunk.

Celery should be boiled and drunk before breakfast.


Mercury represents communication

Mercury represents correspondence, trade, shortcuts, schools and daily

events. It is concerned with siblings, relatives and relationships with
neighbours. e media, orators, post offices, letters, telephones, telegraphs,
internet and all communication devices are under the rulership of Mercury.
Fast speaking and writing and ambidexterity are the main features of a
person under the in uence of Mercury. Mercury loves to use its energy to
teach and learn. It wants to gather and spread information. It stresses the
importance of technology and seeks to develop new technology.
Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo. Mercury grants to Gemini the skills
of writing, teaching and learning. It represents success gained through
talent. People under Mercury’s in uence always look younger than their age.
rough the sign of Virgo, Mercury represents medical institutions,
secretaries, publishers, laboratories, agriculturists, animal breeders, farmers
and natural values. Virgo’s Mercury is practical, choosy and neat and always
completes the task it began. e Virgo person is critical, hardworking, cold
and distant. Mercury is connected to natural disasters and diseases.
If Mercury is retrograde, or making a harsh aspect, it leads to problems
with communication and correspondence. When Mercury and Uranus
conjoin or form a negative aspect, it leads to problems with airplanes’
electrical systems that can cause accidents. Mercury is a planet strongly
connected with weather. When Mercury conjoins the Moon in the second
decan of Libra, it leads to severe cold weather and disasters caused by water.
If Mercury makes a harsh aspect from Gemini, it leads to brief storms and
hurricanes. It causes misty and foggy weather when with Saturn. Mercury
forms a harsh angle with animal related signs and leads to diseases and u
caused by lice and mites. When in Taurus, it causes whooping cough and
mumps. When in Aries, small cattle becomes ill and people suffer from
amnesia. When Mercury and Mars conjoin, it leads to heat related diseases,
nerve tissue infection, tumours and stiff muscles. Negative aspects to Venus
cause weakness to the endocrine glands and venous blood vessels.
Contagious and deadly diseases spread from cattle to humans when
Mercury and Mars are approaching conjunction.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
On 31 May 1996, it was announced that bubonic plague was spreading
across the world. at day the Sun was at 9 degrees of Gemini while
Neptune (associated with infectious diseases) was in the eighth house (that
represents the end of life and death).
Taurus was in the twelh house of sadness, endings and losses. Mars,
Mercury and Taurus feel uncomfortable in the twelh house and their being
there indicates the serious discomforts caused by illness.
Pluto was retrograde at 1 degree of Sagittarius in the sixth house of
health. Pluto represents massive deaths and crowds of people. While all
these astrological events were taking place, a worldwide disease caused by
infected cattle (that had been contracted from mites and lice) spread and
nally disease killed 1,852 people.

Mercury in Astronomy
Mercury is the nearest planet to the Sun and its distance from the Sun is
never more than 28 degrees. erefore, it appears immediately before
Sunrise and Sunset. It moves very fast at the speed of 30 miles per second
and completes its rotation around the Sun in 88 days. Each day it moves 1-2
degrees from the zodiac and it stays in a sign for about three and a half
weeks. Except for Pluto, Mercury is the smallest planet and has been known
since antiquity. Its day and night temperature differ hugely. Mercury’s
gravity is very weak and its magnetic eld lacks strength. Its day temperature
is about 430˚C and night temperature -173˚C

Mercury in Mythology

e ancient Turks regarded Mercury as very important, and every

Wednesday before sunrise they would get up and look at Mercury to make a
wish. ey called this planet the “wish star” and also believed it brought luck
and being prosperity.
e ancient Arabs believed that Mercury made one sleepy and they saw
it as the teacher of art and thought that Mercury had ties with the spiritual
world. ey believed that it acted as a conduit between the material and
spiritual world, the underground and earth, and therefore called Mercury
the “divine messenger”. e Arabs named this star Utarit. Ancient Turkish
shamans named Mercury Mergen, which means omnipotence, wisdom and
intelligence. In Roman mythology it is known as Mercurius, the well-spoken
and handsome messenger who never looked older than twenty- ve,
regardless of his true age.
Mercury was referred as Hermes by the ancient Greeks. Hermes was the
son of Zeus and Maia and in Greek mythology he carried a large stick and
was the fastest and most skilled and most cunning of the gods. He was
extremely hasty and swi. As a newborn baby, he stood and when he began
to walk a tortoise appeared. He killed the tortoise and removed its entrails
and used its shell to make a lyre, using the intestines of the cows he had
stolen from Apollo.
Hermes, with his innate handcra skills, made a musical instrument out
of the tortoise’s shell, called a lyre. He enjoyed playing the lyre as the
beautiful sound that the instrument made entertained him. e sound of the
lyre affected all living creatures and they gathered around Hermes. Among
the creatures were beautiful cows. Hermes took a fancy to these cows and
swily and cunningly stole them. However, Apollo was annoyed as he
owned the cows, so he complained to Zeus.
Hermes enthralled Zeus and Apollo with the beautiful melody of his
lyre and Apollo forgot about his complaint and Zeus about the punishment
he had intended. Zeus was so impressed that he offered the player of the
music a winged headband and a pair of winged sandals as gis. Zeus also
assigned Hermes the duties of delivering messages, accompanying the souls
of the dead to the underground and showing the way to go to lost shepherds
and travellers.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
General characteristics of Mercury

Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini and Virgo. It is strong in the second
decans of Libra and Capricorn and the third decan of Aquarius and Taurus.
Mercury relates to communication, telephones, correspondence and
handicras. Fast handwriting, language skills, innate abilities, schools, close
relatives, teachers, students, writers, poets, speakers, interpreters, journalist,
tailors, researchers and solicitors are all under the in uence of this planet.
Communication, shopping and areas of knowledge are ruled by Mercury.

Mercury and its psychological energy

People strongly in uenced by Mercury’s energies are curious, enthusiastic,

talkative and swi, as well as being intelligent, smart and skilful. ey learn
very quickly, but get bored easily. ey are eager and full of desire to learn
and teach. ey are happy in places such as the library, on courses, at
educational centres and conference halls. Additionally, they are happy to
meet friends, to converse and to visit camping and picnic sites; they also
enjoy taking walks in the open air. No matter their age, they appear young,
have a youthful spirit and get along with everyone.
People who are strongly in uenced by Mercury are intelligent, aware of
how to use language smartly and are able to use their hands for other
purposes whilst talking. ey can handle two people at the same time.
People under the in uence of Mercury’s energy are able to use their le
hand as con dently as they do their right. ey are happy to learn and teach,
regardless of their age, as they have a developed instinct towards learning
and teaching. People under Mercury’s powerful energy carry the
characteristics of enjoying books, giving importance to books, gathering
books and hiding and collecting books. Time spend writing is considered
time spend pleasantly. Mercury in uenced people pour their knowledge into
their writing and become writers. Mercury offers the gi of intelligent
energy to each of the signs it contacts.

Mercury’s negative psychological energies

People who take on Mercury’s negative psychological energies tend to be

absent minded, indifferent and aimless. rough being impatient and hasty,
they are unable to engage with anything for a long time. ey become
engaged in an occupation but half nish it due to early boredom. For this
reason, things are le half-completed aer an initial start. ey have weak
concentration. ey have learning difficulties and problems with speech.
When talking, they are unable to use certain words. Because they are so
familiar with lying, they tend to believe their own lies. ey become bad-
tempered for no reason and become frustrated quickly. ey do not trust
anyone and are suspicious and anxious. ey want to act on whatever comes
to mind and become irritable and break hearts when they do not get what
they want.


The energy of intelligence granted by Mercury

Mercury is full of intelligence, practicality, perception, speed and the skills of

learning and teaching. Sharp perception and early learning are in the nature
of Mercury. It wants to act on the spur of the moment and learns very
quickly, but gives up easily. Mercury doesn’t want to tie up its energy
anywhere and so doesn’t focus on a single topic. It is able to multitask, but
struggles to make decisions and is easily bored. When forced to choose
between good and bad, it doesn’t know what to do. It is snappy and answers
back without delay. e youthful energy it has dominates its appearance and
intelligence. It is powerful, youthful and full of intelligence, reason and
It makes these energies strongly felt in the signs it rules — Gemini and
Virgo. It makes its energies felt strongly in the third decan of Libra and
second decan of Aquarius. Mercury enjoys using its energy of knowledge in
the second decan of Capricorn and third decan of Taurus. Mercury is fond
of peace making and being a reconciler. It is loaded with energies of
awareness, communication, ability, talent, intelligence and reason. To each
one of the planets it contacts, it offers its energy as a gi.

The thought energy Mercury grants to the Sun

e ruler of Leo, the Sun, is strong in the second decan of Aries and third
decan of Sagittarius. Mercury grants to the Sun thought energy so that it can
display its creativity. Having received thought energy from Mercury, the Sun
represents itself more strongly. With Mercury’s powerful energies, it
increases its creativity and ambition. It becomes a shining light in art,
competition and performing on the stage. It is happy, proud and certain of
its strength. Both energies produce creativity and ingenuity. is energy of
ingenuity spreads to the universe. By showing its knowledge and creativity,
the Sun aims at honouring itself. It wants to give and create life. It wants to
boast with its creativity, solve problems and spread to the universe
knowledge, talent and constructiveness.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
By joining Mercury’s energy of powerful writing energy with its
planning talent, the Sun plans victory aer battle. Metaphorically speaking,
the Sun becomes a producer, a creator of an opera or play to be staged.
Mercury becomes the language of the artistic pieces created by the Sun. e
negative combination of both energies leads to disrespect and rude dialogue,
intolerance, egoism, stubbornness and merciless criticism. Due to Mercury’s
negative and weak state it becomes smaller and is enslaved by the Sun.
The reliance energy Mercury grants to the Moon

e ruling planet of Cancer, the Moon is strongly effective at the third and
nineteenth degrees of Taurus and in the second decan of Pisces. e energy
of the Moon is emotional, sentimental and sensitive. It is emotional and laid
back. As it is so sensitive, it cannot bear to be hurt and seeks refuge from
pain and hardship. It wants to be reassured that it has emotional support.
e Moon lacks the ability to ght against hardship and pain and needs
reliable power.
e Moon is strengthened when Mercury grants to it energies of
intimacy, reliance and friendship. It warmly embraces its self-con dence.
Mercury is the teacher, and by its giving the Moon learning ability, the
Moon learns how to protect itself against hardship and helplessness. e
Moon is timid, cold and distant. Mercury with its cuteness, intimacy and
childlike innocence approaches the Moon and gives it the energies of
cuteness and amicability. e energy of the Moon shakes off coldness and
timidity aer receiving Mercury’s energies. Mercury’s strong energies of
intelligence and reason energise the Moon’s feelings and make the Moon feel
its emotional support.

The sweet talk energy Mercury grants to Venus

Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus and Libra and is strong in the second
decans of Gemini and Capricorn and third decans of Aquarius and Virgo.
Venus is full of beauty and harmony energies. ese energies are but a few of
Venus’s spiritual beauties deriving from its nature. Inborn language skill,
speech and intelligence are the spiritual merits of Mercury. When Venus’
beauty energy joins with Mercury’s intelligence and language energies, it
brings out skills in diplomacy, grammar and beauty in language. Venus is
full of love, art and harmonious energies. Mercury’s energy, which uses its
intelligence and enjoys movements of beauty, distributes the energy of
equality to every area of art. e merging of these energies brings out the
natural talents of dance, ballet, song, poem, composition and sweet talk.
Venus is not fond of disputes, hostility and war. It sides with peace,
harmony and kindness. Mercury enjoys being the mediator and backs peace.
Mercury grants to Venus its natural energies of peace-making, mediating
and creating opportunities. By receiving Mercury’s friendly energies, Venus
is able to bring about peace, equality and harmony. e merging of these
energies brings out a balanced way of talking, diplomatic ability and
harmony. Small lies, the, relishing pointlessly and tactless talk are the
negative energies of the two forces.

The logic energy Mercury grants to Mars

Mars is the ruling planet of Aries and is strong in the second decans of
Scorpio and Sagittarius and tin he third decan of Leo. Mars is a warrior and
ghter and is impatient and agile. It doesn’t like to wait; it wants to act
immediately on what comes to its mind and acts without thinking.
Regardless of danger, it throws itself on the challenge. It outlines a plan by
intelligently using Mercury’s energies of wit, ability and logic, and learns
how to act rationally. e combination of these energies sets off ingenuity.
e most powerful weapons of these energies is sharp wit, planning ability
and language. Mars just wants, is ambitious, believes itself to be superior,
lacks patience and isn’t fond of waiting. It learns to moderate itself by using
Mercury’s energies of compliance and logic. e combination of these
negative energies sets off the, roguery, combativeness and anxiety.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
The talent energy Mercury grants to Jupiter

Jupiter, which rules Pisces, is also the ruling planet of Sagittarius and is
strong in the second decan of Scorpio and third decans of Aries and Cancer.
e talented energy of Mercury knows how to use its own wit and is sharp
and practical. By connecting to Jupiter’s energies, Mercury admires Jupiter’s
wisdom and skills. It enjoys expanding its knowledge to the universe.
Sentimental and sublime feelings are activated from within its vast soul.
Mercury enables Jupiter to spread the richness of its soul to the universe by
giving him writing skills. Mercury becomes the writing, pencil, paper and
language of Jupiter’s energy. Mercury becomes the messenger and a bridge
between Jupiter and the universe. Having received Mercury’s powerful
energies, Jupiter connects them with its spiritual talents and spreads them
out to the universe. Mercury is full of wit, agility, quickness and able
energies. It knows how to use these energies.
e merging of these forces brings forth intelligence, and useful ideas
are developed. ese ideas inject belief and inspiration in the soul. ey
enhance, increase and strengthen and make knowledge intriguing, attractive
and something worth searching for. e energies of kindness and happiness
are spread to the universe. e soul of the universe nds peace and calm.
e negative energies of these forces are major lies and the, disbelief and
false and exaggerated words.

The energy of youth Mercury grants to Saturn

Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn and also the second ruler of
Aquarius. It is strong in the second decans of Virgo and Libra and the third
decan of Taurus. Saturn is watchful, cautious and disciplined. It achieves its
goals late and with difficulty. Because it is cautious, it progresses slowly but
surely. It is not worried about time that is going to be wasted. erefore, it
doesn’t immediately seize worthy opportunities coming its way and
postpones action to the future. It knows how to overcome obstacles and
challenge hardship. It achieves its goals through struggle and overcoming
Mercury’s energy is opposite to that of Saturn’s. Mercury is impatient
and hasty and hasty decisions are a natural feature of its energies. By giving
these energies to Saturn, it enables Saturn to act faster and achieve its aims
more quickly. Within Saturn’s soul lie the energies of sadness, negativity,
loneliness, maturity and old age. Mercury is full of life, renewing and never-
aging youth energies. Saturn comes to live through Mercury’s youth
energies. e merging of these energies brings out material and spiritual
success, and energy involving disciplined thoughts.

The friendship energy Mercury grants to Uranus

Uranus is the ruling planet of Aquarius and is strong in the second decan of
Libra and third decan of Gemini. Uranus represents shocks, surprises,
alteration, insurgence and novelty. Insurgence is based on sudden
beginnings and sudden endings. It is full of unusual and unfamiliar energies.
It wants to use these energies freely in order to create a difference. It desires
change and innovation. It wants to disrupt the existing order, which it
dislikes, and restore a new one. It presents surprises that are abrupt,
unexpected and sudden with its electrical-like strength. ese surprises are
new innovations, beginnings or sudden endings.
e soul of Uranus is independent and wants to be free. It is hard to
control, but it controls easily. It destroys whatever it dislikes and replaces it
with something new. Everything starts and ends suddenly with Uranus.
Mercury’s energy shows Uranus how to adapt. So that Mercury can spread
innovation, novelty and surprises to the universe, it becomes a bridge to
Uranus. Uranus is named for revolutions, shocks and insurgence. Uranus
likes to boast and be thrilled by the things it does. Mercury’s energy excites
Uranus and makes it forget its fatigue. Mercury is Uranus’s messenger,
interpreter, language and hands and feet. Mercury becomes Uranus’s
language in order to solve the mystery of the stars. ere are similarities
between the two forces, and the merging of them brings out energies of
fearlessness, progress and proper communication. In consequence, intuitive
wisdom strengthens and spreads energies of knowledge, innovation and
intelligence to the universe.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
The creative intelligence energy Mercury grants to Neptune

Neptune is the ruling planet of Pisces and is strong in Sagittarius and in the
second decan of Scorpio and the third decan of Cancer. Neptune is
concerned with the imagination, dreams, romanticism and mysticism.
Neptune represents the waters, oceans, seas, ships and islands. Religion,
inspiration, mystery, medicine and viruses are all under Neptune’s rule.
Neptune’s powerful energies are beauty and ne arts. e silent screams of
Neptune’s souls are love’s tears, pangs of love and intense love. ere are
emotions within Neptune’s soul to voice its love. However, it lacks the
strength to express its love.
As Mercury has the power of language, it articulates Neptune’s feelings.
It becomes a paper, pencil and sentence to explain this love. It becomes a
bridge to unite lovers. Neptune has an inspirational soul. is inspiration
brings out music’s mysterious magic, which adds to the syllables. It becomes
life, a composition. It inspires the poet; words are formed and a poem is
born. Painters become one with a brush and a picture is born. Neptune
imprisons itself within the misty inspiration of its soul. Mercury becomes an
ambassador for Neptune’s feelings and rescues it from the mist through the
energy of friendship. By giving Neptune creative intelligence energy,
Mercury enables Neptune to beautifully spread the richness of its soul to the
universe. Neptune’s energy lacks the ability to make a decision. It tends to
easily be in uenced and fooled. It cannot separate good from bad. As a
result, it is disappointed. From the positive energies of Mercury and
Neptune, dreams come true and strong plans and mental creativity are born.
Art energies, romantic feelings and delicate melodies are spread to the

The language energy Mercury grants to Pluto

Pluto is the ruling planet of Scorpio and is strong in the second decan of
Cancer and third decan of Pisces. Pluto possesses hidden secrets, mystery
and unknown treasures. It is the lord of the underworld which is lled with
mystery and horror. Pluto is the wise one, and its wisdom energy is used for
creating out of nothing and destroying what exists. It has insight into hidden
knowledge and is informed about the material and spiritual richness of the
universe and the world underground. Pluto is paradoxical in nature:
although its existence is a fact, not much is known about it; it is the one that
which sees but is invisible; it is the one that knows but it is unknown to us. It
is the key to the mysteries. It lacks the energies of pity, love and feeling. Love
is an unattainable burning passion for Pluto.
Mercury gives skill to Pluto’s secret abilities. It becomes language and
pencil to Pluto’s invisible strength and secret knowledge. With the power of
intelligence, Mercury connects to Pluto. By putting Pluto to sleep, Mercury
is able to uncover the hidden mystery and knowledge. When the two forces
merge, language and spiritual power and hidden knowledge come to the
surface. e negative energies of these forces are suspicion, doubt, betrayal
and poisonous language. Deadly words bring fear and intimidation.

The intelligence energy Mercury grants to the signs

Mercury grants to Aries the energy of intelligence so that it re-initiates its

mind’s capability.

Mercury grants to Taurus the ability to be agile and enables slow Taurus to
speed its movements.

Mercury grants to the best gi to Gemini; it enables Gemini to display

intelligence and skill.

Mercury grants to Cancer the gi of recollection and retention, as it is afraid

of being unloved and forgotten.

Mercury becomes an assistant to Leo so that it can demonstrate and

announce the success it has achieved through its hard work.

Mercury aids Virgo in spreading its fertility.

Mercury grants to Libra language skills. Libra, by using its beautiful

language, reconciles and becomes the language for politics and a byword for

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Mercury grants to Scorpio the talent of in uential language. Scorpio
combines the language skills it receives from Mercury with its own sharp

Mercury becomes a bridge for Sagittarius to spread its knowledge and

beliefs. Sagittarius is pencil and paper for beliefs originating from its soul.
Mercury grants to the skill of speed and the energy of support for Capricorn
so that it reaches the peak it deserves and achieves its objectives.

Mercury admires Aquarius’ able intelligence and knows how talented

Aquarius is. To enable Aquarius to convert these talents into knowledge and
spread them, Mercury becomes its mentor and shows the way.

Mercury grants to Pisces its feelings, emotions and communication energy

in order so that it can display its invisible talents.

Famous Geminians

First decan

Henry Kissinger, Nobel Peace Prize winner, US Foreign Minister and

diplomat: 27 May 1923
Charles II, King of England, Scotland and Ireland from 1660-1685: 30
January 1649

Second decan

King George III: 11 June 1738

Tom Jones, Welsh singer: 7 June 1940

Third decan

Diana Mitford (Mosley), English writer: 17 June 1910

Nicole Kidman: 20 June 1967
Gemini illnesses

Gemini diseases are respiratory illness, neuropathy and lung conditions and
rheumatism. Gemini rules the arms and shoulders. People from this sign
suffer from colds, pneumonia and liver disease. People developing
pneumonia and liver diseases are mostly from the second decan of Gemini.

Back pain

Drink a glass of water in which celery and chickpeas have been boiled.
Massage with sesame oil.

To kick start the nervous system, consume pomegranates and walnuts.

Liver disease

Consume lots of garlic and take Vitamin C.

Consume pomegranate and barley juices every day.

Mix the following into a paste and eat a teaspoonful each day.

One tablespoon of watermelon seeds

One tablespoon of hibiscus
One tablespoon of linseed
One tablespoon of pumpkin seeds
ree tablespoons of honey


Consume plenty of cabbage juice, sweet pomegranate juice, quince juice,

barley juice, honey and mint tea.
Respiratory conditions

Consume plenty of fennel, camomile, mint and sage teas.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans

Mix the below and wrap in a woollen cloth. Rub on the aching areas,
repeating once it has cooled down.

ree tablespoons of boiled and drained chicken fat

One tablespoon of garlic
ree pinches of black pepper

Shoulder and arm pain

Molasses, raisins and other grape nourishments should be consumed.

One teaspoon of honey mixed with powdered almond and walnuts should
be eaten.

Plenty of ginger tea and food that contain ginger should be consumed.

Famous Virgoans

First decan

Mother Teresa: 27 August 1910

Michael Jackson: 29 August 1958

Second decan

Al Biruni, from Harzem Khiva, Uzbekistan, who wrote 180 books and was
also a researcher, astronomer, geographer, pharmacist, botanist and
mathematician: 4 September 972
Queen Elizabeth I: 7 September 1533

Third decan

David Copper eld: 16 October 1956

Prince Harry: 15 October 1984

Virgo illnesses

e sign of Virgo represents the abdomen and the organs within the
abdomen. e diseases of Virgo are:

Lazy bowels
Stomach ache
Tinnitus (mostly seen in those born in the second decan)
Bowel parasites
Bowel infections
Kidney problems
Fluid in the abdominal cavity
Saggy cheeks


For laziness of the bowels, spinach, hibiscus and okra should be regularly
consumed and milk mixed with whole-wheat can be eaten.

Painful bowels

120g of hazelnuts fried and turned into powder and mixed with 4 teaspoons
of molasses and one teaspoon taken on an empty stomach.

Carob syrup should be taken daily on an empty stomach.

Lettuce, portulaca and okra should be boiled and drunk as a tea aer being

Fluid in the abdominal cavity

e best nourishment is plenty of barley. Barley powder should be mixed

with celery juice and mixture cooked until it becomes a porridge. Eat with
added parsley.

Chickpea, celery and parsley are to be boiled and eaten.

Plenty of camomile is to be consumed.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans

For kidney stones, celery is frequently used. Warm milk should be drunk
daily and watermelon should be consumed.

For kidney failure Fennel, chickpea, anise, almond and cucumber should be
boiled, drained and drunk as a tea.

Okra and honeycomb should be regularly consumed.

To strengthen the kidneys, Jerusalem artichokes should be cooked and


Sixty grammes of pumpkin seeds should be fried, ground, mixed with honey
and eaten.

Stomach ache

Drink ginger, camomile and anise teas.

Mix the following and massage on the painful area:

Two teaspoons of palm oil
Two teaspoons of olive oil
ree drops of cinnamon oil
ree drops of sour orange oil


is is mostly seen in those born in the second decan of Virgo. ree drops
of sesame oil should be put into the ear.


Venus is the planet of love

Venus is the planet of beauty, fortune and ne arts. It also represents female
warriors. Amazons are believed to have come from Mars and Venus.
e ruling planet of Taurus, Venus gives out assets, money and a love of
gardening. Venus is materially oriented in Taurus. Venus in Libra represents
love, marriage, justice and diplomacy.
Venus also means harsh winds and hurricanes; hence it symbolises
material as well as spiritual losses. When Venus approaches the Sun, it starts
tough weather conditions. Harsh aspects from the Moon or a conjunction
with the Moon indicate danger from water or a rise and increase of water in
volume. If Venus and Mercury’s conjunction happens in an air sign, harsh
winds and storms occur.
If Venus is in conjunction with the Sun in Aries or Capricorn, it causes
diseases from animals and other epidemics. If however, it is in conjunction
in Aries or Leo, or if it makes a harsh aspect with them, it causes blood
diseases originating from heat. A harsh aspect causes inner ear pus. If Venus
conjoins Uranus in Aquarius or Gemini, it causes train crashes. If Venus
conjoins Mars in the ninth house or in Sagittarius it triggers weapon
trafficking between the countries.
Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus, which symbolises wealth, money
and materialism. Taurus’ opposite zodiac sign, which represents money, the
stock exchange, insurance companies, shares in stock, losses, ends and
results is Scorpio — the sign of the eighth house. When Pluto, which is
known to destroy the established order, was at 9 degrees of Scorpio and
conjoining Venus on 19 September 1987, the value of the shares in stock
exchanges saw a great loss. New York, Hong Kong, Tokyo and the UK were
the places primarily affected. For instance, in the UK there was a gross loss
of £50m.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Venus and Mars approach each other once every ve years. Once the
conjunction of these two planets occurs it causes the collapse of marriages
and divorce. ere will be an increase in the number of extra-marital
relationships, children born illegitimately, immorality and sexually
contagious diseases.

Venus in astronomy

Venus is the second closest planet to the Sun in our solar system. Venus
orbits the Sun in 225 Earth days while rotating on its own axis in 243 days. It
rotates slowly and clockwise unlike most planets which rotate anti-
clockwise. Venus is never more than 48 degrees above the horizon at Sunset.
Venus can be seen with the naked eye as well as with binoculars or a
telescope. It rises before the Sun and sets aer the Sun — hence it is called
the Morning Star and Evening Star. Sixty- ve per cent of its surface, which
consists of carbon dioxide, is even. e wind speed on Venus is equal to that
of tornadoes on the Earth. Venus lacks a satellite and magnetic eld. e
average temperature of Venus is 500 °C.

Venus in mythology
e name of the goddess of love, Aphrodite, means foam-arisen or born out
of sea foam. Aphrodite was born in an oyster shell among sea foam on the
Paphos shore of Cyprus.
Venus is the rst beauty queen in mythology. She is believed to have
possessed a magnetic attraction through which she would make men fall in
love with her. According to the ancient Romans, Venus was the symbol of
fertility and the guardian of gardeners. She was also responsible for hunting
sports and horses.
e Ottomans called Venus Moon Star or Erte Star as well as other
names such as Yellow Star, Blue Star and Bloody Star. e name Bloody Star
was also used by earlier civilisations. Caravans used to set off on their
journeys by referring to the stars. ey set off when Venus rose, normally a
few hours before the Sun rises. Bandits used to stop these caravans and
slaughter the people on them. Because the bandits assaulted the caravans
when Venus rose, people started calling this star the Bloody Star.
One of the ancient civilisations, that of the Mayans, were terri ed if
Venus began to rise nearly in the morning. inking that Venus’s beams
would bring them eye, ear and throat infections, contagious illnesses and
venereal diseases, they would shut doors and windows very tightly before
morning. e ancient Turks called Venus Tan, meaning darkness-
illuminating and morning-brightening. It was also called Yavruk Star
meaning Light Star.

General characteristics of Venus

In astrology, Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus and Libra. It is also

strongly in uential in Pisces, in the second decan of Gemini and in the third
decan of Aquarius.
e qualities of grace, politeness, beauty and charm are recalled when
one utters the word Venus. Sweet talk, good temper, love and affection are
the outcomes of this planet. It grants to a strong strength of charm to the
opposite sex. Venus is associated with beauty, ne arts, cosmetics,
salespeople, and social and diplomatic affairs. Fashion houses, hairdressing
salons, artists/actresses, models, singers, those who deal with ne arts,
lawyers, diplomats, those dealing with clocks, time and history, are all
potentially under the in uence of Venus. Venus is also about money, the
stock exchange and land.
Venus represents the internal ear, kidneys, throat, hormones, genitals,
blood vessels and myopia. Love, affection and romantic moments are all
controlled by this planet.

Venus and its psychological energy

ose who feel the energy of Venus are respectful, loving, warm and friendly
people with smiley faces. Being polite, kind and respectful, they never wish
to break anyone’s heart. ey speak melodiously and make it clear that they
are friendly by the way they speak. ey love luxury and beauty, hence they
love socialising. ey make themselves distinctive by their physical beauty,
nice clothes and their friendly manners. Venus’s energy does not like
noisiness, ugliness or disrespectful and tough talk. ey immediately leave
places where there is a ght or where there is no comfort or quietness. ey
do not even like sick people.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Venus loves beauty. It loves love for it knows that love is its source of
energy. Venus’s energy nds its way by love and nds life by affection. ose
who are under the in uence of Venus are like withering owers deprived of
water once they are le without love. Love, affection, harmony and
happiness are the qualities that provide life energy to them.
“Life does not exist without love or affection” is the motto from deep
within Venus’s spirit. Love may come all of a sudden. ere may be spiritual
factors that prevent love. What then does this Venus, the planet full of love,
do? It tends to experience its love fully, neglecting dangers, without taking
heed of people who would be upset or frustrated. If these people are in love
and truly attached to their beloved, with the energies they get from Venus
they are able to persuade their beloved to attach them in turn. ey aim to
experience, to feel affection, regardless of what stage in life they are in or
regardless of their age. ey wish to be loved so much that they ignore it if
their loved one doesn’t love them back.
ose who are under the in uence of Venus possess material as well as
spiritual beauty. ey also possess the qualities of politeness, kindness,
attraction and charm from deep within. Sweetness, sweet talk, and smiley
faces are their inner skills, which come out from deep inside their spirit.
Wit, deep feelings and artistic skills are the gis that Venus’s energy has
given to them. Venus presents the energy of love to every sign it touches.

The negative psychology of Venus

ose under the in uence of Venus become in general forgetful, reckless

and lazy people. ey spend most of their time watching romantic movies,
doing nothing but eating. ey are good-tempered, irtatious and quick to
fall in love. Because they do not have the skill of decision-making, they do
not know what to do or how to act. us being weak, they expect help from
other people.
Moreover, they are not careful with money entrusted to them. In the
hope of looking beautiful and wealthy, they generously spend their families’
and relatives’ money on clothes and luxurious things without thinking about
it. ere is no trick they won’t resort to in order to look the most beautiful or
to live a luxurious life. If Venus’s effect is felt too strongly, they can even
exhibit immoral acts.

Because they love eating, they gain a lot of weight. eir love of sweets
and chocolate may cause diabetes in the future. Being forgetful whilst young
is a strong sign that they will suffer from amnesia in their later lives. If
Taurus is strong in their birth chart, the following parts of their bodies are
inclined to gaining weight: the torso above the waist, tummy, stomach, chest,
shoulders and neck areas. If Libra is strong, the excess weight is on their hips
and tummy.
ose who are in uenced by Venus’s negative energies become messy,
scruffy, and dress oddly, perhaps wearing unironed clothes. Although they
may have nice furniture, it is usually untidy and dusty. Because they place so
much signi cance on love, they even believe in insincere love verses even
when they know that those words are not real. ey experience love affairs
with the wrong people.

The love energy granted by Venus

e energy of Venus means love, affection, possessing and loving the
beautiful. Distancing itself from confrontation, Venus prefers quiet, peaceful
and romantic places. e energy of Venus makes one beautiful and happy. It
has an invisible power of magnetic attraction and protects with love
whoever it has affected.
e energy of Venus is feminine. However, it may at times show
masculine courage, because it is a brave warrior. Yet it does not like ghting
and it keeps the spirit of warrior within its love. Venus is for peace and
harmony, for it is warm, friendly and benevolent. It is something wanted,
expected and much missed. e energy of Venus serves as a light to love in
much as the same way as it serves as a song, poem, desire and passion in the
spirit of the beloved. Venus serves as a spirit of portraits and as a theme to
the most beautiful songs. Without Venus, ne arts would be spiritless and
meaningless. Venus is more beautiful than the beautiful. e universe
cannot be without it; similarly, the earth would be lifeless without it.
Venus makes the presence of these energies felt in Taurus and Libra. It
is also strongly felt in the second decans of Capricorn and Gemini and the
third decans of Virgo and Aquarius. Venus not only grants love and affection
and material and nancial wellbeing, but also teaches us how to use these

Astrological Secrets of the Decans

The energy of love Venus grants to the Sun

e Sun is the ruling planet of Leo and is strong in the third decan of
Sagittarius and the second decan of Aries. Venus is full of the skills of love,
affection and arts while the Sun is narcissistic, oppressive, scorching and
severe. e Sun is proud of what it does as well as of its beauty, brightness
and grandeur. It always wants to be at the top and become very popular. It
disregards and ignores the skills that Venus offers it, because it is aware of
the fact that it is stronger and brighter than Venus.
Despite being scared of the Sun, Venus never leaves it. Next to the Sun,
Venus is like a moth ying towards the light. Venus aims to teach courtesy
and politeness to the narcissistic and arrogant Sun. Petri ed of the Sun’s
hubris and might, Venus withdraws. Yet, through its politeness, love, and
respect, Venus succeeds in transferring its skill of arts, grandeur, love and
benevolence without the Sun noticing. Having received these strong
energies from Venus, the Sun begins to show its life-giving and creative side.
It shows material as well as spiritual values in art, grand places and in
luxury. It knows how much it is effective and resplendent, and it is proud of
this. e life-giving energy in conjunction with the energy of love gives the
universe life and love. e Sun’s narcissism, self-centredness and arrogance,
which are the negative sides of the Sun, are taken under control by Venus
through its love and goodwill.

The energy of con dence Venus grants to the Moon

e ruling planet of Cancer, the Moon is powerful in Pisces and at the third
and ninth degrees of Taurus. e Moon aims to protect the ones it lives by
its love and compassion, and also it wants them to be safe. It needs inner
peace for it wants to peacefully live in a quiet environment. It tends to
retreat to its inner world when it faces a reaction. Being shy, it does not ask
anyone for anything. It is weak, desperate and is de nitely in need of help
and support.

rough its soness, warmth, friendliness and benevolence, Venus
supports the Moon to embrace its self-con dence. Receiving these energies
from Venus, the Moon gains self-con dence and begins to protect its
beloved ones. Protecting them, the Moon reaches its inner bliss, which
consequently makes it happy.
e energy of the Moon needs love and affection. When the sensitive
and emotional Moon feels disrespect, it starts grieving and so retreats into
its own dream world. It consoles itself with Venus’s love melodies. By
transferring its love and affection energies to the Moon, Venus helps the
Moon leave its dream world and reach happiness. e Moon means light,
emotions, love and compassion. It is the silver-haired queen of evenings.

The energy Venus grants to Mercury

Mercury is the ruling planet of Virgo and Gemini as well as being dominant
in the third decans of Libra and Capricorn and the second decans of
Aquarius and Taurus. Words nd life through Venus’s energy. It becomes
more powerfully effective through lyrical harmony, and hence composes a
sweet and uent language.
Together with Mercury, Venus serves as notes and lyrics, as well as
composition, to the most beautiful songs. It also serves as words to singers,
and beautiful writings to papers; it serves as a pen to hands. Furthermore, it
serves as a source of inspiration to poets. It serves as a sweet talk to love,
bringing happiness. Elegance, politeness and the energy of balance arise as a
result of the combination of these two energies.
ese two energies spread out the light of power to the whole universe.
Venus injects its art skills into Mercury’s technical and practical skills. In this
way, Mercury creates the best writing, the sweetest talk and the best wit.
Harmony, love and balance, which are the goods of Venus, amalgamate with
Mercury’s energy and bring about diplomatic intermediary energy. e
strength of this energy paci es con ict and distinguishes the just from the
unjust as well as offering the energy of peace, harmony and justice to the
universe. Venus grants to harmony and coherence to Mercury’s tattling and
prattling manners and indecisiveness and Venus takes these negative
energies under control.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
The energy of love Venus grants to Mars

Besides being strongly in uential in the third decan of Leo and the second
decan of Sagittarius, Mars is the ruling planet of Aries and Scorpio. Mars
aims to obtain and possess, thus it achieves in procuring whatever it has
aimed. It is also passionate for beauty.
Within the energy of Mars, the aim to obtain is as intense as the instinct
to hunt. While Mars is the hunter, Venus is the prey. Yet, unaware of being
hunted by its prey, Mars is defeated by Venus’s energy of beauty and love.
Mars therefore craves to obtain and possess. Hence Mars ghts for love and
the more it ghts, the more it craves love, and the more passionate it
becomes. An invincible combatant, Mars paradoxically is defeated by beauty
and love. Power is now subdued by beauty.
Being hit by the bullets of love and beauty, Mars admits defeat and is
subdued by love. Both energies together spread passionate love energy to the
universe. Venus presents the most passionate and the most intense love to
Mars. e feelings of passion, love and sexual attraction are the outcome of
these two energies. Mars is full of intense ferocity and violence, thus it is not
easy to tame or control it. e only power that makes Mars calm is Venus’s
charm, beauty and care. Sexual attraction, charm and strong feelings are the
spiritual values that these two planets offer the universe.

The energy of love Venus grants to Jupiter

e ruling planet of Sagittarius, and the second ruling planet of Pisces,

Jupiter is also strong in the third decans of Cancer and Aries and the second
decan of Leo. Warm and friendly, Venus and Jupiter are full of the energies
of goodwill, fortune, chance and benevolence.
Strong religious faith also lies in Jupiter’s energy. Since Jupiter aims to
spread these intense feelings, Venus supports and helps it by opening up
opportunities to travel to far places. Jupiter aims to share the skills of
wisdom, fortune and its intense faith with the whole universe and it achieves
its aim. Jupiter is the planet of benevolence and fortune. It offers popularity,
job opportunities, education and marriage in remote countries, but Jupiter
does this with the aid of Venus. Jupiter has the weaknesses of laziness,
irresponsibility and breaking of promises.
Its worst negative traits are unmannerliness and greediness. Seeing these
negativities as disgusting, vulgar and tawdry, Venus injects Jupiter with the
energies of politeness and manners.


The energy of friendliness Venus grants to Saturn

e ruling planet of Capricorn as well as the second ruling planet of

Aquarius, Venus is also strong in Libra and in the third decan of Taurus and
the second decans of Virgo and Libra.
Saturn is full of the energies of exhaustion, unhappiness, loneliness and
lack of con dence. Venus is however full of the energies of peace, love and
life, which Saturn lacks in essence. Venus offers these energies to Saturn and
hence Saturn forgets about the negative energies it possesses. Finding life
through Venus’s energy of love, Saturn now knows that it is not all alone.
Saturn’s energy is patient with a strong willpower. Unfearful of impediments
and hardiness, Saturn never achieves anything easily. It struggles and ghts
by itself, all alone. It nds peace through the smoothening and consoling
energy of Venus.
Moreover, Saturn’s energy is hardworking, wise, disciplined and
industrious. rough hard work, it proves it can reach the top without
needing anyone’s support. It never becomes spoiled or snobbish, because it
knows where it has come from and where it is going. us it aims to give the
message of, “Whoever works hard, gains” to the whole world. Venus rewards
Saturn with spiritual as well as material gis.
rough the strong lights of Venus’s energies, Saturn presents what it
knows to the world.

The energy of peace Venus grants to Uranus

e ruling planet of Aquarius, Uranus is also strong in the second decan of

Libra and the third decan of Gemini. e energy of Venus is full of love and
is understanding, polite and blissful. Opposed to Uranus’ insensible, cold,
unfriendly, and reckless energies, Venus, disregarding its own politeness and
thoughtfulness, starts to reveal its combative side. Venus will ght against
Uranus’ recklessness and insensibility. Uranus, which does not like being
de ed, reacts against the energies from Venus.
With abrupt rage and violence, Uranus unveils its anger. However,
unaccustomed to such a challenge, Venus ghts using its beauty and charm
as weapons. Fighting against beauty and charm, Uranus suddenly falls in
love with Venus. Yet, hurt by Uranus’ impolite, disgraceful, reckless and
violent manners, Venus does not respond to Uranus’ love, and leaves it with
a Platonic love. When Venus, which is full of love and affection, come in
conjunction with noncompliant, independent energies, they spread
terrifying love energies to the world. ese love energies defy the established
order and challenge traditional ways. ey are the energies which are not
expected, desired or sought.
Astrological Secrets of the Decans

The energy of happiness Venus grants to Neptune

e ruling planet of Pisces, Neptune is strong in Sagittarius and in the

second decan of Cancer and third decan of Scorpio. Like Venus, Neptune
gives importance to love, romantic feelings, dance, beauty and ne arts. e
combination of these two energies brings about spiritual loyalty, deep
feelings and artistic skills. e energy of Neptune is naïve; hence it believes
in something or someone very quickly and falls in love very quickly.
However, it does not always nd a response to its love. Hopeless, crazed
Neptune is not strong enough to challenge hopeless situations.
Due to emotional pain, it retreats to its own inner world. Weak and
passive, Neptune cannot articulate its thoughts or express itself clearly. It is
so sensitive, emotional and lonely that it does not know what to do. It is
desperately in love for it has deep feelings. Yet it cannot express or show its
love. us its feelings turn to madness. It nds its world in the most
sorrowful songs and emotional poems. It has started to live in this world full
of love and sorrow. rough the energies of love, and passion, Venus
presents Neptune with a reciprocal love. Having taken these energies from
Venus, Neptune begins to live a love story in a state of madness.

The negative love energy Venus grants to Pluto

e ruling planet of Scorpio, Pluto is also strong in the second decan of

Cancer and the third decan of Pisces. Pluto is full of the energies of death,
rebirth and creation. Feelings of desire, violence, intimidation and revenge
all come from deep inside Pluto’s spirit. It has the power of healing
physically as well as spiritually. It annihilates totally whatever has expired or
gone out of fashion and new things are immediately phased in. Never
admitting defeat or betrayal, Pluto always punishes in delity.

Love and affection for Pluto mean passion, desire and the aim to
acquire. Once obtained, it no longer has value to Pluto. Possessing the
energies of love and affection, Venus grants to Pluto immortal love. is love
which is to be triumphed over will be procured not easily, but through
combat. e feelings of love and hate of Pluto are very intense. e
combination of Venus and Pluto’s energies creates immortal love and
passion and grants to them to the universe. e instincts to annihilate and
bury, which are the negative energies of Pluto, play a prominent role in the
death of love. Pluto in general kills, annihilates and buries love.

The love energy Venus grants to the zodiac signs

It grants to love achieved though battle to Aries.

It gives a wealthy and beautiful love to Taurus.

To Gemini it presents two loves.

To Cancer it grants to emotional, grievous and sensitive love.

It gives Leo ambitious love, skill to obtain the beloved and pride of love.

It grants to Virgo a distant and stubborn love.

To Libra it grants to the most beautiful, romantic and mutual love.

To Scorpio it gives the song of “my love’s friend”.

To Sagittarius it grants to the love of God, love in remote and foreign

countries as well as a love of education.

To Capricorn it presents a secret, unrevealed, distant and cold love.

To Aquarius it grants to the love that says the verses of “the best love is to
love you from a distance”, that which is a platonic love.
To Pisces it gives the melancholy in which the subject is much madly in

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Famous people born in Libra

First decan

Julio Iglesias, famous singer: 23 September 1943

Brigitte Bardot, famous French actress: 28 September 1934
Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi, mystic: 30 September 1207

Second decan

Luciano Pavarotti, Italian opera singer: 12 October 1935

Margaret atcher, ex-British prime minister: 13 October 1925

Third decan

Rita Hayworth, actress: 17 October 1918

Tarkan, Turkish pop singer: 17 October 1972
Franz Liszt, music genius and composer: 22 October 1811

Famous people born in Taurus

First decan

Adolf Hitler: 20 September 1889

Queen Elizabeth II: 21 April 1929
Leonardo da Vinci: 23 April 1452

Second decan

Sigmund Freud: 6 May 1856

Tony Blair: 6 May 1953
Salvador Dali: 11 May 1904
Third decan

Omar Khayyam, Persian philosopher, mathematician, astronomer, poet,

calendar expert : 18 May 1048
Zara Philips, oldest granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth II: 15 May 1981

Libra illnesses

Cold feet, tummy ache, liver conditions, diabetes, amnesia, kidney disease,
pancreas illnesses and eye illnesses, which come from the opposite sign


Every rst three days of every month, ten seedless grapes should be eaten.

Mix the below with honey and take on teaspoon of this mixture morning
and night.

One teaspoon granulated black cumin

One teaspoon granulated terenbith
One teaspoon cinnamon
One teaspoon ground pine nuts

Vitamin B6 and B12, folic acid, omega oil acids, Vitamin E, Vitamin C and
soya are very bene cial. Rosemary and ginger teas should be drunk.


Because Librans are susceptible to cold, they suffer from tummy ache and
cold on their livers or feet. In order to maximise the body’s resistance against
cold, they should have soup with plenty of garlic, mint and Vitamin C.
Walnut and ginger should be boiled and this mixture be drunk. For livers
that have caught cold, a mixture of thyme and cinnamon should be boiled
and drunk and sage tea should be drunk.

Corn tassels should be chopped in tiny pieces and boiled in one litre of
water. e liquid should then be drunk.

Boil one glass of eucalyptus leaves in a litre of water and add one teaspoon of
camphor. Inhale the vapour.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
e metabolism of Librans work quite slowly, thus the circulation of their
blood in the body is slow. is affects the feet, which are prevented from
warming up. To accelerate the circulation of blood, drink linden tea and
elderberry tea.


yme and cinnamon are boiled and drunk. Because cabbage, cress, lettuce,
turnip, tomato and aubergine have the effects of reducing the volume of
sugar, they should be consumed as much as possible. 
Grind y grammes of lettuce seed and y grammes of pumpkin seeds and
mix with honey. Swallow one teaspoon of this mixture daily.



Boil together camomile and chick peas and drink.

For sluggish kidneys, soak and boil chickpeas. Add one teaspoon of grated
coconut, hazelnuts and pistachio nuts to 150 ml of boiled chick pea water.
For the rst week drink half a tea cup daily and during the second week
drink half a tea cup every two days.

In order to get the pancreas juice back to normal, plenty of papaya should be
consumed. is fruit can be both cooked and made into a salad.

Tummy ache

To prevent tummy aches, anise, mint, and camomile tea should be drunk. A
glass of cream, one tea spoonful Vicks, one teaspoon of vinegar, and half a
glass olive oil should be mixed together and boiled. Whilst it is warm the
mixture is massaged and gently rubbed over the tummy area, which is then
wrapped with a piece of woollen cloth to keep the area warm.

Taurean illnesses

roat infections, stiff neck, angina, tinnitus, gluttony, womb diseases,

prostate conditions. Taureans have an enhanced sense of gourmet taste,
more so than the other people. ey love food, thus they cannot stop
themselves even if they are full to the brim. ey cannot resist food. ey
tend to eat even when they are not hungry as they are gluttonous and
throaty. is feeling is more overwhelmingly visible in rst decan Taureans.
Taureans are attracted to the opposite star sign, Scorpio. ey even suffer
from some Scorpio illnesses, particularly in the womb, reproductive organs
and prostate diseases.

One bunch of mallow

One tablespoon dried sage tea
½ dessertspoon powdered ginger
ree cloves of mashed garlic

Fallopian tube blockage

One tablespoon stinging nettle seeds

One medium size chopped onion
Two glasses of water
e ingredients should be boiled in two glasses of water and the mixture
drunk as tea once a day for een days.


One tablespoon powdered peanuts

One tablespoon powdered almonds
Two tablespoons sesame oil

e ingredients are mixed together and stirred until it turns into dough.
is mixture is consumed whilst hungry once a day.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans

A glass of boiled chickpea juice should be consumed on a daily basis. Plus

plenty of celery should also be eaten. Moreover, mint, anise or lavender tea
should be frequently consumed .

Stiff neck

Mastic should be melted in warm olive oil. e mixture is applied and

massaged on the stiff neck. en the neck is wrapped with a piece of warm
woollen material.

Throat infections

roat swellings: one tablespoonful honey mixed with warm water, should
be consumed before going to bed at nights and before breakfast in the

To soen the throat:

A bunch of spinach
One tablespoon of mashed peanuts
Two tablespoons of white grapes
One dessertspoon of ginger powder

Firstly, boil the spinach. en, mix the prepared remaining ingredients into
the juice of the boiled spinach. Simmer the mixture. Finally, add one
tablespoon of grape molasses into the mixture, and then consume twice a

e above ingredients should be mixed and boiled in a glass of water and

then strained. e juice should then be consumed twice a day. is is
repeated three times a week until the symptoms improve and health is


is is a common discomfort which is mostly seen on Taureans, Capricorns

and in particular third decan Taureans. In case of ringing or buzzing ear:
one or two drops of warm almond oil are dripped into the ear in the
mornings and before going to bed at night. Repeat three days a week in a
row. If this is a psychological discomfort you will recover from it. However,
if you cannot get a positive result from this treatment aer a month, then
consult your doctor.

Tinnitus and partial deafness

If you have these discomforts at the same time, then apply one drop of warm
peach oil into your ear in the mornings and at nights before going to bed. If
this is a psychological disorder, the symptoms will no longer persist.
Uterine tumour

One pomegranate
One tablespoon honey

e pomegranate is blended, then mixed with honey. e mixture is

consumed whilst warm. Repeat the recipe once a day for one week.
To protect oneself against womb diseases due to cold, plenty of carnation,
lavender and sage tea should be consumed frequently.

Mars is potent and powerful

Mars has strong willpower, and is honest, and courageous. us it loves
ruling and leading. It has the power to annihilate, dry and burn to death. As
well as its well-known impatience, Mars paradoxically possesses a peculiar
strength to resist and endure, which helps it keep up the battle. It is honest,
brave, and full of masculine energies. Because it has such strong willpower, it
challenges and withstands against every sort of pain. Whichever planet it
contacts, it transfers to it its qualities of skills, willpower, quick decision-
making, honesty and bravery. Mars also grants to the skills and energies of
repairing spiritual as well as physical pains.

Mars in astronomy

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun in the solar system and traverses the
whole zodiac in twenty-two months staying forty to forty- ve days in each
sign. Its atmosphere is one hundred times thinner than the Earth’s
atmosphere. Mars’ surface is covered with meteor craters as well as
volcanoes and valleys.
Primarily composed of dust and rock, its surface looks like a desert
where frequent sand storms are observed. Mars’ two main satellites,
discovered by Asaph Hall in 1877) are Phobos (meaning panic/fear) and
Deimos (terror/dread). Mars can be seen with the naked eye. Its average
temperature is -63°C. When looked at with the naked eye, it appears yellow,
orange or reddish.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans

Mars in mythology

Babylonians used to call the planet the scorching Sun in summer, and
referred to contagious plagues as Negal meaning Mars, while the ancient
Greeks called Mars Aries. Mars was the god of war to the ancient Romans. It
is also known as Mangala to Hindus. Mars was known as Merrikh in Turkish
and was known as Sakit to the ancient Turks, which means heroism. e
Persians used to call it Bahram, meaning faith. e Chinese, Japanese,
Koreans and Vietnamese realised that whenever Mars approached the world
there were more res. For this reason, they called it the re star. e Incas
developed a Mars calendar which consisted of 687 days.
e ruling planet of Aries, Mars is strong in the third decan of Leo and
the second decan of Sagittarius.

General characteristics of Mars

Mars rules ghts, wars, crushes, res, volcano eruptions and deaths.
Additionally, Mars represents machines, cars, and sharp and bladed objects,
sex, impatience, abrupt violence and fury.
Mars is brave, courageous and adventurous and has an inner drive to
win. Armies, soldiers, police, leaders are all ruled by Mars. ose who use
knives, scissors and iron, such as surgeons and blacksmiths are under Mars’
in uence. Mars also rules martial sports and car races.
Mars is the ruling planet of Aries as well as being the second ruling
planet of Scorpio. Mars is the ruling planet of Aries and Scorpio, the third
decan of Leo and the second decan of Sagittarius. Mars represents the
adrenal glands as well as blood pressure. Mars also rules the organs on the
head and red blood cells.

Mars and its psychological energy

ose who under the effect of Mars’ energy make themselves distinctive
through their qualities of friendliness and impatience. Con dent, they speak
boldly with high intonation. ey are determined, strong people with
willpower who are difficult to control. ey are self-con dent people who
love controlling as they possess the spirit of leadership. ey always want to
be at the top, and never admit defeat. What they want they take no matter
what. And they do not heed people they may have upset or disappointed.

People who are predominantly under the in uence of Mars’ energy love
harsh and difficult sports. Curious about sharp and bladed things, some of
them have a gun or knife collection at their home. Not only are they are fond
of hunting sports, they also they love races and wrestling. ey like hot and
spicy food.
ey are fearless people who love leading and ruling others. ey have
the strong will to be at the top and possess leadership qualities along with a
desire to embrace invincibility, for they are determined and ambitious
people. ere is nothing they cannot do through sheer determination and
Furthermore, these people never tolerate injustice, brutality or betrayal.
If cheated, they will de nitely take revenge in the same way by cheating.
ey endure brutality patiently knowing that one day they can demand
payback from the instigator, making the punishment t the crime. Never
tolerating injustice, they never hold back from ghting. ey defend both
their own rights and those of the weak. ey are courageous, bold and brave
people, merciful, compassionate and conscientious. ey have a childlike

The negative psychological effects of Mars

ose who have operate under the negative psychological effects of
Mars can be distinguished by their ambitious, aggressive and commanding
manners. No matter what, even if they do it by force, they obtain whatever
they wish to gain. Speaking very harshly and severely, even if it is about
something trivial or unimportant they become outraged and begin to
quibble or argue or even ght. erefore, they intimidate and frighten others
so as to be able to get done whatever they wish to get done.
ings may not always go the way that they want. e argument may
lead to a ght with people who are physically more powerful than them.
Whatever they nd around them they throw, smash and break, as Mars
always wants to overcome and defeat. No matter what, Mars usually wins.
ose who are under the in uence of Mars’ energy are tough, merciless,
pitiless and tough. Mars wishes to obtain, gain and possess, which it does
through physical strength, oppression and by upsetting others. Yet, whatever
gained is now worthless, valuable to Mars. What is more important is the
fact that it has achieved its aim; it has gained, and possessed. e rest means

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
If Mars’ energy has affected these people severely, they bring bad luck to
the places they visit. Uneasy and hot-tempered, they are inclined to ghting.
If they cannot nd anyone to ght, they create an imaginary enemy in their
mind with whom they ght. Mars sel shly and recklessly wants to get what
others possess.

The power of energy granted by Mars

Mars represents wars, res and unexpected events. It is also the trigger for
natural catastrophes. Hence, it prompts them by granting planets all of its
erce and powerful energy.
Its conjunction with Uranus causes volcanic eruptions, accidents and
wars. When it conjoins Pluto, or makes a harsh aspect with it, numerous
deaths are observed. Additionally, when it conjoins Saturn or makes a harsh
aspect with it, it triggers mining accidents and plagues.
When WWII broke out in 1939, Mars, representing wars, was in
opposition to Pluto and also squaring Saturn. At this time, Hitler had
already launched his systematic genocide of the Jews. Also, when the Great
Fire of London occurred on 2 October 1666, the powers which represent
res, ames and explosions, Pluto and Mars, were in square. Jupiter (which
developed, enlarged, intensi ed and scattered the event) was square Pluto
and Mars.
On 17 July 2001 Mount Etna exploded. e eruptive planets Mars and
Pluto (which symbolise res and explosions) conjoined in Sagittarius,
causing things to go badly and the effects to intensify.

The power of energy Mars grants to the Sun

Being the ruling planet of Leo, the Sun is also strong in the second decan of
Aries and the third decan of Sagittarius. Mars provides the Sun with the
skills of revealing its strength, pride, and honour in an honest manner. Mars
boldly injects the Sun with the energy of unveiling the drives to bravely
dominate, possess and command. e qualities of creativity and bringing
into existence that the Sun possesses are triggered by Mars’ constructive
energy. Not only does Mars react against the Sun’s energies of excessive
arrogance and narcissism, it also it grants to the Sun willpower and honesty
against self-centredness and tyranny. e life-giving negative energies of
these two powers cause destruction, collapse and loss of property as well as a
loss of spiritual values, natural disasters and res.


The energy of con dence Mars grants to the Moon

e Moon is the ruling planet of Cancer and is strong at 3 and 19 degrees of

Taurus, and in Pisces.
Mars grants to the Moon the courage to embrace its self-con dence. It
also encourages the Moon to protect its loved ones. e Moon, which
hesitates against and fears responsibility, receives the con dence transferred
from the Mars and so is able to defeat its own state of passivity as well as
shyness. It begins to take responsibility.
With the energy injected by Mars, the Moon starts to protect its loved
ones, because the Moon is now full of maternal emotions and a
compassionate spirit received from Mars. e Moon aims for security, peace
and the strength to beat its own passivity and weaknesses. Mars adds the
energy for self-defence to the Moon. However, if Mars possesses negative
energies, it causes sudden violence and fury, which give the Moon
discomfort, unhappiness, fear and anxiety.

The constructive power Mars grants to Mercury

Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini and Virgo as well as being strong in
the third decans of Libra and Virgo and the second decans of Aquarius and
Capricorn. Mars helps Mercury to con dently use its own skills of speech,
writing, negotiation, learning and teaching. Not only does it encourage
Mercury to use its practical wit and reason, it also it shows Mercury how to
use those skills effectively. Mars intervenes into Mercury’s negative traits of
incessant yapping, gossipy, caprice and getting angry for no reason. Mars
teaches Mercury how to bring these negative traits under control.
Furthermore, with the willpower Mars gives to Mercury, Mercury learns
how to not be anxious or uncomfortable.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Mercury is also known to be forgetful, absent-minded, indecisive and
pessimistic. Mars repairs forgetfulness and absent-mindedness through its
constructive and positive energies, while strongly challenging Mercury’s
indecisiveness and pessimism. It also gives Mercury the skill to make
decisions quickly.
However, if the, one of the negative sides of Mercury and Mars’
qualities of quickness, promptness, and agile movements coming together,
occurs the consequences could be some sort of robbery. On the other hand,
if the positive energies of Mercury, which relate to words and speech, come
together with the negative energies of Mars there may be
miscommunication as well as dirty talk.

The strength of attraction Mars grants to Venus

Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus and Libra; it is also strong in the second
decan of Gemini and the third decan of Aquarius. To Venus’s qualities of
love, beauty, and charm, Mars gives its quality of sexual attraction. It shows
Venus how to seduce through sexual irtation. With the energies received
from Mars, Venus manifests a much more durable and unbreakable
attraction. Mars does not like Venus’s disorganisation, untidiness, hubris,
conceit and frumpishness. erefore, with the wit and willpower that it
presents to Venus, Mars teaches it how to overcome its negative energies.
Mars also injects the power to ght for love, to win and protect it. Venus
is in fond of beauty, and loves beauty and affection. us Mars grants to
Venus the energy to use its beauty con dently. e energies of passion,
stimulation and lust that Mars possesses strengthen Venus and with these
energies Venus spreads out life energy to the universe.

The strength of energy Mars grants to Jupiter

Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius as well as being strong in Pisces, the
third decan of Aries and the second decan of Leo. e energy of Jupiter
makes people likely to venture into business in a foreign country. Yet this
courage comes from Mars. Mars creates business opportunities with
foreigners for Jupiter or encourages them to do business with foreign
businessmen. Mars also grants to Jupiter the strength and durability to
spread its faith and knowledge to afar places. To Jupiter, who is about to lose
faith due to miscalculations and misevaluations, Mars presents the energy of
courage so as to allow it continue its struggle and ght with determination.

Jupiter wishes to teach what it knows. Jupiter is a philosopher and so
aims to gain spiritual values by offering material as well as spiritual
knowledge. Aiming to win spiritual rewards, it desires the willpower to
struggle and patience to overcome impediments and difficulties. However,
Mars cannot give Jupiter patience as it does not have any. By mixing the
energy obtained from Mars with its own power, Jupiter achieves success and
its rewards, making it feel proud of itself. e combination of the negative
sides of these two powers causes unexpected consequences to develop to
lethal dimensions.

The strength of energy Mars grants to Saturn

Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn and the second ruling planet of
Aquarius. It is also in uential in the third decan of Taurus and the second
decan of Virgo. Mars encourages Saturn to overcome difficulties by
providing power to Saturn’s hard work, patience, willpower and durability.
In order for Saturn to preserve its wisdom and discipline, Mars grants to it a
certain power of endurance. By presenting its willpower, Mars helps Saturn
to heal its depression, which is the consequence of its repressed feelings,
disappointment and hidden fears. Mars also grants to the power to Saturn to
ght against solitude.
Saturn tries hard to succeed, to win, but cannot reach what he aims
towards easily, hence he falls, exhausted, feeble and torn. With the
determination that Mars gives, he does not step back from what he aims for.
Eventually, he reaches the top through using the energy Mars granted.
Mars gives Saturn positive energy to overcome its negativities of
stubbornness and coldness. If, however, Saturn denies those energies and
continues, then Mars harshly threatens Saturn. Obstinate Saturn denies
defeat. Never admitting defeat, these two powers consequently cause the
energies of exasperation, fury, annihilation and devastation.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
The energy of power Mars grants to Neptune

e ruling planet of Pisces, Neptune is strong in the third decan of Cancer

and the second decan of Scorpio. Mars transfers to Neptune the courage to
unveil the supremacy behind the invisible power. Mars also presents
Neptune with the constructive energy to write beautiful poems and to
manifest its skills in music and romantic feelings. Mars also helps Neptune
to reveal its healing power.
Neptune’s negative trait is to escape from reality and retreat to its own
world, resulting in self-neglect. Mars gives Neptune the energy of power to
face reality. Mars also presents Neptune with the energy to ght against
weakness. With the energy of self-defence, Neptune learns to self-preserve
itself and not to submit to lies, cheats and oppression. e negative energies
of these two powers, which are in uenced by water and re, causes
shipwrecks, danger from cold and hot water as well as sh deaths due to sea
pollution. It also shows that dreams will not come true or plans will not be

The life energy Mars gives to Pluto

e ruling planet of Scorpio, Pluto is also strong in the second decan of

Cancer and the third decan of Pisces. rough hard work and struggle, Mars
exposes the secrets that Pluto has buried. In order to reiterate, revitalise,
rejuvenate and bring into existence from nothing, Mars gives Pluto the
energy of life. Keeping Pluto’s hidden and buried anger under control, Mars
also prevents its power to eradicate. It also challenges the oppressions and
punishments coming from Pluto. It reacts to the instincts to intimidate and
appal, while giving it constructive energy. In order for Pluto to use its
healing power (which is one of its hidden jewels) it combines its energies
with Mars’ and Mars injects Pluto with curing energy. Having borrowed all
these energies from Mars, Pluto, by using its skill of bringing into existence
from nothing, phases in replacements for whatever has expired. In addition,
Mars encourages Pluto’s physical and spiritual renovating power.
e negative energies of Pluto and Mars are hazardous because they
cause wars, crushes, volcanic eruptions, car crashes, earthquakes and death
in large numbers. e negative operation of power and secrecy causes a
sense of fear towards the unknown and mystic world.

Famous Arians

First decan

Ulugh Beg, the ruler of Samarkand in the Middle Ages, notable for his
works on mathematics, science and astronomy. One of the craters on the
Moon is named aer him: 22 March 1394
Diana Ross, American singer: 22 March 1944
Fatih Sultan Mehmet, Ottoman emperor and conqueror of Istanbul: 30
March 1432

Second decan

Linda Goodman, famous astrologer and numerologist: 9 April 1925

Third decan

Charlie Chaplin: 14 April 1889.

Mimar Sinan, Turkish architect who created more than 350 masterpieces: 15
April 1489
Henry Mancini, American composer and arranger. Grammy Award winner
in 1995, he was nominated for a number of awards: 16 April 1924

Arian Illnesses

Headache, toothache, eye-ache, blood pressure, adrenal gland, and urinary

tract infections.

Adrenal gland

Corn tassels should be boiled and the water drunk three times a day.

Blood pressure

For hypertension salty ayran should be consumed. Parsley tea or salad with
parsley and garlic should be consumed.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans

For painful eyes, boil together camomile, sage and anise are and place a
compress of the mixture on the eyes while still warm.
Weak eyes

One glass of carrot juice as well as plenty of carrots should be consumed

every day. Boiled potato juice should be drunk daily.


Yarrow tea should be drunk three times a day. Mix together granulated
anise, terenbith and senna mixed with honey and whipped till the mixture
looks creamy. One teaspoonful should be taken once a day.


Dry and powdered stinging nettle should be mixed with honey until doughy.
One spoonful of this mixture should be consumed before going to bed. One
glass of warm celery juice should also be consumed.

Palate discomfort

One teaspoonful powdered sage tea, mint, powdered cloves, juice of half a
lemon, and half a spoonful of salt should be boiled in water and used as a
mouthwash three times a day.


ose who are born on the rst days of Aries oen complain about this
problem. yme, yarrow or sage tea should be consumed.


Mix our, powdered cloves and powdered sage with 10ml mustard oil until
it becomes doughy. is substance should be kept on the aching tooth for
ten minutes. is needs to be repeated three times a day.


e planet of chance and fortune

Jupiter is the planet of wealth and happiness. Proliferation, fertilisation,

experience, maturity, benevolence, good-nature, compassion, knowledge,
faith, belief and trust are Jupiter’s strong energies. Love of God, holiness,
love of humanity and big-heartedness are the terms that describe Jupiter.
ere is Jupiter’s energy in holy places, shelters, charities, higher
education, remote roads, tourism, glamour, exaggeration, proliferation,
enlargement, spreading, curiosity, philosophy, belief, justice and law. Jupiter
represents religious functionaries, teachers, researchers, explorers,
philosophers, adventurers, pilgrims, voyagers, judges, mathematicians and
Import, export, remote places, foreign countries, universities,
excursions and sacred places are all under the governance of Jupiter.
Homage to visitors, helping the desperate, charity, having the love of God,
sharing, the desire to learn and teach, valuing inner enlightenment and
interpreting dreams are all sacred energies possessed by people who are
mainly under the in uence of Jupiter.
All sports, gambling games, domestic animals and horses are under
Jupiter’s governance. Jupiter is also the spiritual healer of the universe.
Jupiter, which grants to merit, health, happiness, chance and justice, also has
a role in natural catastrophes. under, lightning and thunderbolts are
under Jupiter’s rule.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
If Jupiter makes a harsh aspect to Saturn, famine occurs. If Jupiter
makes a harsh aspect to Uranus, it causes storms and hurricanes. Jupiter’s
conjunction or harsh aspect with heavy planets such as Pluto triggers
spreading and enlarging of fatal natural catastrophes and unexpected
occurrences. e conjunction or harsh aspect of Jupiter with Neptune causes
disasters in the sea or ooding.
In December 1758, there was a famine caused by a drought which
resulted in massive deaths in Eastern countries. Pluto was in Sagittarius,
making the event more intense and disseminating it, and causing massive
deaths due to its squaring Virgo’s ruling planet Mercury, representing the
earth and fertility. e destructive and drying power of Mars was in
Capricorn, an earth sign. Hundreds of people from the city of Mardin in
Tibet were negatively in uenced by these events and lost their lives due to
Fertility and happiness granting Jupiter can paradoxically cause drought
and disaster. Whether good or bad, Jupiter makes it bigger, spreads it out
and multiplies whatever it comes into contact with.

Jupiter in astronomy

Jupiter is the second biggest planet aer the Sun in the solar system. Not
only it is eleven times bigger than the planet Earth, Jupiter also has sixteen
satellites. It rotates around itself so fast that it completes a rotation in 9 hours
and 50 minutes. It takes twelve years to orbit the Sun, moving forward 0° 14’
a day. at means that it stays in a sign for a year or more. Because there are
shrinkages on the planet’s core, scientists believe that Jupiter is it shrinking
by 1mm a year. e distance between Jupiter and the Earth is 365,600 miles.
e average temperature at cloud top is -121°C.

Jupiter in mythology

Jupiter (also known as Zeus) was the greatest god. e powers that Jupiter
had were to make it rain, to make lightning and to make storms break out.
Jupiter was also capable of healing as well as having the powers of education
and discipline. erefore, those who wished to get more power, increase
their reputation and honour, or become rich made sacri ces to Jupiter. ey
used to bring Jupiter’s favourite ower — clove —
to Jupiter’s temples and festivals were organised for Jupiter. Wines and
grapes were presented to Jupiter and in turn benevolence and help were
expected from him.

Zeus was married to his sister Hera, the goddess of marriage. Yet he was
not faithful to her as he used to cheat on her with nymphs, other goddesses
and mortal women. He had numerous children from the other women he
had affairs with.
Zeus had many characteristics and skills. He used to change his physical
appearance and approached goddesses, nymphs, and mortals in the guise of
a bull, eagle, goat and swan. ere were also sparks coming out of his body.
Mortals used to be scared of him. He also used to destroy his enemies by
using his lightning bolt.
According to ancient Turkish belief, Jupiter was known as the god Bay
Ülgen. Bay Ülgen lived in a golden palace located in a mountain which was
far away from the Sun and Moon. ere he had a golden throne where he sat
and ruled the universe. Stars, rain, thunder, lightning, re, wind, fertility,
science and education were all under his command. e twin headed eagles
in ancient Turkish mythology were the symbol of Bay Ülgen.
Jupiter was also known as the “client” star in Arab mythology. When
Jupiter is in Aries or Sagittarius and is ascending with the Sun, Moon and
Saturn, this is an indication of a sacred event being likely to occur.

General characteristics of Jupiter

Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius as well as the second ruling planet
of Pisces. It is strong in the third decan of Aries and the second decan of
Leo. Since ancient times, Jupiter has been known as the planet of chance,
fortune, reputation and wealth.
Jupiter presents people with the opportunity for higher education,
wealth and reputation abroad. Protecting the poor and welcoming visitors
are the strongest energies that Jupiter possesses. Besides wisdom, generosity
and good manners, protecting the entrusted and sharing knowledge are the
other strong energies that Jupiter has.
Ministers, senators, teachers, footballers, philosophers, wise, and planets
are under the in uence of Jupiter.
Jupiter represents universities, publishing houses, remote places, foreign
countries and cultures, sacred places, religious beliefs, courses, secret
educations, spiritual development, dreams, spiritual tendencies towards
sacred, and the love of God. Jupiter also represents relatives, younger
siblings, good news, inherited property, horses, the number 9 and enhanced
superior spiritual existence.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans

The psychological energy of Jupiter

Jupiter represents chance, fortune, proliferation, the stock exchange,

religion, philosophy and material and spiritual awards. Happiness, joy of
living, success and knowledge are Jupiter’s energies. Jupiter is itself a sort of
energy which beautifully expresses the love of God and inner peace.
ose who are under the effect of Jupiter are usually con dent,
optimistic, benevolent, knowledgeable, noble people with strong
characteristics. ey never corrupt the entrusted. ey always seek to help
people who are desperately in need of help, both spiritually and materially.
Not only they are good-hearted people, they also look very decent and
honest. ey possess a happy and peaceful mind. ey love making others
happy. ey are bubbly, fair, honoured, proud and generous people.
Remote places, higher education, foreign countries and cultures are
under Jupiter’s rulership. Hence, those who are strongly in uenced by
Jupiter’s energy enjoy travelling to afar places, making excursions to foreign
countries, learning about new cultures and making new foreign friends.
ey also enjoy adventures and travelling. Not only do they love learning,
they also love teaching or sharing what they know. ey learn valuable new
things in the countries they visit and share what they have learnt with other
e people who feel Jupiter’s effect strongly are spiritual people who
value inner illumination. ese people dedicate themselves to God and to
the good of humanity. ey reach bliss through meditation, invocation,
religious practice and prayer.
ose who are born between December 26 and 28 have the skills of
knowing more than one language. Because they are fair and just, they can
make very good adjudicators. ey are dedicated to their religion and so
may take long excursions for religious purposes.
ose who are born between November 29 and December 2 may get
into trouble because of doing too many favours for other people. ey have
the skill of healing both spiritually and materially. ey possess strong
botanical skills.

Chance, fortune and proliferation-granting Jupiter presents one of its
energies to each planet it contacts.

Jupiter’s negative psychological energies

Disbelief, gluttony and greediness are Jupiter’s negative energies. ose who
are in uenced by Jupiter’s negative energies usually gain weight as a result of
enjoying excessive food and drink. ey are greedy people and want to have
too much of everything. ey are inclined to tell big lies.
Because they get fed up with everything they frequently change their
jobs and houses. Since they get bored of living somewhere permanently they
frequently change their city or country of residence. ey also frequently
change partners due to being against monogamy.
If they are not cautious they may be swindled and be disappointed in
foreign countries. ey are incautious, unwary, irresponsible, unbelievers,
liars and aimless. ose who are strongly affected by Jupiter’s negative
energies are arrogant and narcissistic people as they think the whole world
revolves around them. ey may get into trouble through people who
exploit their sense of mercy. ey should learn not to trust everyone and
should also know their responsibilities. ey ought to protect the entrusted
and should not promise things they cannot do. ey should know how to
manage with small amounts and forgo greediness.

The energy of chance granted by Jupiter

Chances, happiness and material as well as spiritual wealth are Jupiter’s

strongest energies. With the energy of chance that Jupiter grants to, he
embraces happiness. To know, to learn, to be compassionate, to protect,
benevolence, discretion, faith, con dence and honour are all spiritual
energies that Jupiter gives out to the universe.
Religion, philosophy, thought, education, foreign countries, spiritualism
and sacred places are under Jupiter’s in uence. Jupiter is the spiritual gate to
chance, fortune, philosophy, and religion. e lock of this gate is faith, while
the key to it is knowledge. ose who manage to open this gate reach
material as well as spiritual comfort. Jupiter offers everything in abundance.
Wealth, generosity, fate, the pleasure of living and a sense of humour are of
Jupiter’s strong energies.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Jupiter’s energy is instinctively compassionate, merciful, protective,
knowledgeable, fortunate, and generous. It possesses strong faith which it
enhances and enlightens through religious feelings and knowledge. It
improves its spiritual energies which it gives out to the universe. It instructs
by its education, proliferates by generosity, and pardons mistakes by
tolerance. It is just and fair; hence by its honesty it brings justice. Growing
by its faith and love of God, wise Jupiter presents one of its energies to the
planets it contacts with.
Jupiter also owns negative energies, which are over-con dence,
unnecessary benevolence, laziness, chattering, waiting in vain, vanity,
putting on airs, taking risks, disbelief, love of materialism and wanting
things in excessive amounts.
The energy of support Jupiter grants to the Sun

Being the ruling planet of Leo, the Sun is strong in the third decan of
Sagittarius and the second decan of Aries. Pleasure and love of living,
creative power and spiritual vividness are the Sun’s strong energies. e Sun
aims to dazzle through its existence as well as to reach to enlighten every
edge of the earth.
Wise Jupiter openly displays its goodwill to the Sun and becomes a
guide to it to spread its light to the universe. Jupiter becomes knowledge to
the Sun’s planning skills while being a spiritual support to its creativity. It
increases the Sun’s vivacity by which it helps the Sun display its strong
energies. Jupiter honours the Sun by spreading its superiority and creative
Nobility, pride, honour, glory, creativity, power, willpower and courage
are the noble energies of the Sun. Jupiter protects the Sun with its noble and
sacred energies that come to the universe as life and light energies. e
combination of these two powers constitutes spiritually sacred energies,
realised prophecies and the power of knowledge. Fame, strong artistic skills,
great projects and the greatest opportunities in life are the permanent
fortunes that these two energies have to offer.

The energy of con dence Jupiter grants to the Moon

e ruling planet of Cancer, the Moon is also important in the second decan
of Pisces and the third decan and at the ninth degree of Taurus. e Moon is
compassionate, proliferating, supportive and protective. Hence, the Moon
seeks to protect the ones it loves. Yet is cannot withstand hopeless situations.
Easily in uenced, it cannot protect itself or its beloved.
Jupiter is benevolent and merciful. It aims to provide the Moon with a
sense of con dence by supporting it through its weakness and desperation.
Jupiter also tries to inject the Moon with strength against its weakness to
make sure it regains its power.
Having received the power of con dence and strength from Jupiter, the
Moon overcomes its weakness, desperation and lack of con dence. Firmly
embracing its con dence, the Moon reaches emotional quietness which it
needs and begins to protect its beloved.
From the combination of the Moon and Jupiter’s energies arise spiritual
and material wealth, a sense of durability and pacifying, benevolent,
sensitive and protective feelings. What is more, the powers of healing,
wisdom and tenderness are the energies that these two powers have granted
to the universe.

The energy of willpower Jupiter grants to Mercury

Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini and Virgo. It is also strong in the
third decans of Libra and Capricorn and the second decans of Aquarius and
Taurus. Mercury is amiable, dexterous, clever and logical, and easily gets
along with others.
Mercury learns quickly, but similarly gets bored very quickly. It keeps
going back and forth between determination and indecisiveness. It cannot
make itself listen to its own mind or keep itself under control. Jupiter helps
Mercury to keep itself under control.
Jupiter strengthens Mercury by injecting its energy of willpower to it.
Jupiter is compassionate, benevolent, faithful and trustworthy. It is also
generous and protective. Additionally, it loves researching and learning as
well as sharing what it knows. With the energy of wisdom that it transfers to
Mercury, Jupiter enhances Mercury’s knowledge and skills and speeds its
writing skills.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Mercury’s value, which keeps increasing due to Jupiter’s wisdom, causes
the creation of the strongest and the most bene cial ideas. e most
beautiful spiritual values that Jupiter and Mercury have granted to the
universe are strong and great ideas, practical knowledge and holy knowledge
and the energies of faith and inspiration and realised wishes.

The energy of fertility Jupiter grants to Venus

Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus and Libra and is strong in the third
decans of Aquarius and Virgo and the second decans of Gemini and
Capricorn. Venus is also strong in Pisces. It is especially honoured at 27
degrees of Pisces where it displays its most beautiful features and
Venus possesses the energies of happiness, love, affection, peace,
benevolence, destiny and beauty. Serving as the translator of love, affection
and beauty, Venus is simultaneously the owner of happiness, peace and
tranquillity. Wherever there are songs, poetry and art, there is Venus’s
Venus has a spiritual magnetic eld which is constituted by love,
attraction, charm and light. Whoever steps into this magnetic eld
encounters love, affection, material and spiritual beauty and they cannot
easily get rid of this eld. Not only does Venus love, it also is loved; not only
is it love, but also it is in love; not only is it passion, but also it is passionate.
It is characterised by sweetness, attraction and elegance.
Fertilised by Jupiter’s strong energies, Venus’s values give happiness to
the universe. e combination of these two energies constitutes strong skills,
love, spiritual sense, holy energy and light, spiritual love and divine beauty.

The energy of endurance Jupiter grants to Mars

Mars is the ruling planet of Aries as well as the second ruling planet of
Scorpio. Being strong in the third decan of Leo and the second decan of
Sagittarius, Mars is honoured at 30 degrees of Sagittarius.
Mars possesses the energies of ambition, power, violence, struggle and
bravery. It seeks to be at the top and govern. Unhesitant against and fearless
of dangers or obstacles, Mars is hardworking and combative, and through
his strong willpower powerfully stands up against difficulties and
negativities. Its major goal is victory, which Mars eventually obtains.
However, because it is not always easy to win, Mars may be prevented by a
rival that Mars wishes to take under control.

Mars can ght against most difficulties. It can at times be cruel and
destructive as it may behave inconsiderately. A bold and fearless warrior
Mars will obtain what it aims, whether nicely or cruelly. Mars lacks patience.
Patient and benevolent Jupiter injects Mars with the energy of patience by
which Mars becomes more durable.
e combination of these two energies constitutes the pride of courage,
the power of ambition, protecting the entrusted, strong willpower and faith.
Hence, courage, knowledge, belief, trust, con dence and willpower energies
are given out to the universe.

The energy of chance Jupiter grants to Saturn

Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn and the second ruling planet of
Aquarius. It is especially in uential in the second decans of Virgo and Libra
while it is strong at 12 degrees of Libra. In addition, Saturn is strong in the
third decans of Taurus and Gemini.
Saturn possesses the energies of knowledge, discipline, ambition,
con dence, willpower and logic. Hardworking, self-disciplined and a
warrior, Saturn reaches the top by honesty and willpower.
Wherever there is management, rule, seriousness, security, politics,
structuring and industry, there is Saturn’s energy. Also, wherever there are
farms, mines, dark places, deserts, ditches, ruins, old things, death and fear,
the energy of Saturn is in effect.
Saturn aims to advance and go to the top. In order to reach its aims, it
expends tremendous energy. It never hesitates to ght difficulties and
obstacles on its way. What is more, it becomes more ambitious when it sees
obstacles or difficulties on its way to the goal. Overcoming difficulties,
Saturn reaches its target by its ambition and self-discipline. It possesses
reputation, honour and fame. It is actually Jupiter that provides Saturn with
spiritual and material opportunities.
e combination of these two energies constitutes success and wealth
through struggle and a speedy advance to the top through ambition.
Respect, rules, discipline, knowledge and con dence energies are the
spiritual presents that these two powers give out to the universe.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
The energy of justice Jupiter grants to Uranus
e ruling planet of Aquarius, Uranus is also strong in the third decan of
Gemini and the second decan of Libra.
Uranus is a mental energy as well as an energy of the senses. It possesses
intuition at the level of prophecy. rough its intuitive and sensory skills it
brings up unusual material and spiritual innovations. It is strong,
knowledgeable and innovative. It uses its knowledge to discover the
unknown and the unusual.
Uranus supports change, modernity, technology, the unknown and
freedom. It does not heed rules as it does not like being subjected to them —
or to authority either. It does not like being under someone else’s control.
It can show a violent reaction to an imperfect order, as it disapproves
unfruitful, improperly working orders. Uncontrollable Uranus may become
destructive. ere is no advance warning. It may bring unexpected
innovation as well as catastrophe. For Uranus, which causes shocks,
revolutions, destructions, there should be a fair, just power. Experienced,
just, fair and good-natured Jupiter grants to the energy of justice to Uranus.
With the energy of justice received from Jupiter, Uranus learns how to
be just and fair in all negative situations. e combination of these two
powers constitutes discovery, respected ideas, sudden success, the power of
intelligence, a love of science and the pride of courage.
Spiritual skills, modern knowledge and strong genius energies are what
these two powers present to the universe.

The energy of compassion Jupiter grants to Neptune

e ruling planet of Pisces, Neptune is strong in Sagittarius, in the third

decan of Cancer and in the second decan of Scorpio.
Sensitive and intuitive Neptune has the energies of mercy, mystery and
inspiration. Neptune is the owner of the most beautiful poetry and songs.
Inspiration, material as well as spiritual skills, hobbies, colours, dreams and
glory are all Neptune’s strong energies. Neptune likes creativity, romanticism
and beauty. erefore it covers up imperfection as well as spite and enmity
aimed in its direction. Neptune is a cure to suffering as it loves providing
happiness. It is also the undercover teacher of knowledge. Yet, when it faces
suffering and hopelessness it cannot nd a solution to them on its own as it
is not strong enough to ght them. It is not durable against material or
spiritual pain. Feeling self-pity, Neptune distances itself from the real world
and withdraws to a world of its own. For it to be able to return to reality, it
needs the power of compassion. Merciful, compassionate and benevolent,
Jupiter gladly helps Neptune. By using the energies injected by generous
Jupiter, Neptune returns to the real world.

e combination of these two powers establishes and ensures realised
dreams, strong spiritual love, spiritual beauty, secret teachings, spiritual
cleanliness, great sacri ces, holy energies and skills in art. e energies of
spiritualism, peace, harmony, compassion, right, faith and compassion are
presented by these two great powers to the universe.

The energy of generosity Jupiter grants to Pluto

e ruling planet of Scorpio, Pluto is strong in the third decans of Aries,

Pisces and Sagittarius and the second decan of Cancer.
Pluto possesses the energies of power, fear, violence, passion, pressure,
worry, anguish and fury. Wisdom, magic, conjuration and mystery are
Pluto’s secret energies. Existing, vanishing, beginnings and ends are all
under Pluto’s reign. Pluto’s energy exists in darkness, revenge, death,
destruction, power, violence, intuition and secrets. Pluto’s energy exists also
in new conditions, invisible powers and perfection.
Pluto is the owner of unseen secret treasures. It seeks to hide and
multiply the treasure it has. By granting the energy of proliferation, Jupiter
helps Pluto to multiply and make its treasure greater.
e combination of these two energies causes wealth coming from
earth, major secrets, secret wealth, strong belief, the passions of power,
crime and punishment, and inherited wealth. Knowledge, exploration,
power, passion, courage and inspiration are the spiritual values these two
energies present to the universe.
Astrological Secrets of the Decans
The strong energies Jupiter grants to the zodiac signs

Aries is venturesome, fearless and brave. It does not hesitate to ght against
all difficulties and obstacles on the way to its aim. It actually reaches its aim
and obtains what it wants by ghting through its courage and willpower. It
seeks to be recognised by its power. And it also seeks to be rewarded. It is
Jupiter who will reward Aries for his bravery.

Taurus is patient and con dent with strong willpower. Tirelessly, patiently,
ambitiously, and without getting fed up, it works hard to get what it wants. It
proliferates and reproduces what it has gained. It protects what it has and its
work. With the energy of proliferation received from Jupiter, Taurus
multiplies and reproduces what it has as well as taking delight in it.

Gemini is knowledgeable, talented and intelligent with practical reason and

mastery. Jupiter improves Gemini’s knowledge, strengthens its intelligence,
enhances its language skills and helps it to make its talents reputable.
Gemini may at times become angry, discomforted, absent-minded, forgetful
and worried. Jupiter resolves Gemini’s anger with peace, heals its worries
and offers comfort to its discomforts.

Cancerians are possessive, protective and may sacri ce themselves. ey

have enhanced feelings of compassion and a drive to possess. Lack of
con dence, depression and melancholy are Jupiter’s negative energies.
erefore they need happiness, peace and con dence. e happiness that
Cancerians need will be granted by Jupiter, which possesses the joy of life.
Strengthened by the energies received from Jupiter, Cancer achieves the
con dence it needs.

Leo is powerful, proud and honoured. Creativity, artistic skills and

management skills are Leo’s strong energies. Possessing a strong feeling of
ambition, Leo always seeks to be at the top and rule. It enjoys displaying its
characteristics through glamour. Leo wants to take delight in displaying its
material and spiritual belongings, seeking to be proud of what it has. Yet it is
Jupiter who can make this happen. With the power procured from Jupiter,
Leo strengthens itself and shows off its skills of which it is proud.

Virgo is meticulous, industrious, hardworking and dexterous. It seeks to
reproduce and proliferate. Virgoans are aware that health, happiness and
fertility come from the earth. Jupiter grants to the energy of proliferation to
Virgo in order to maximise the fertility whereby Virgo increases its skill of

Libra is the sign of love, respect, politeness, elegance, balance, harmony,

beauty and benevolence. Not only does it seek to have its skills recognised by
everyone, it also seeks to have them rewarded. Fair Jupiter will reward Libra.
e reward that Jupiter will present to Libra is that of a glamorous, beautiful

Scorpio is the sign of secrets, the unknown, deep feelings, the power of
sensing, superior power and pride. Revenge, suspicion, jealousy, spite and
the urge to devastate are Scorpio’s negative energies. Jupiter, the healer of the
universe, heals Scorpio’s negative energies. Jupiter serves as a key to Scorpio’s
mysterious world, opening a world full of secrecies.

Sagittarius is the sign of new horizons, deep feelings, improvement,

fertility, and material as well as spiritual disciplines. Jupiter is the owner of
both constructive and destructive energies. It grants to both material and
spiritual values to Sagittarius which it rules. e greatest reward that Jupiter
presents to Sagittarius is that of its identity, which clearly displays its
qualities and characteristics.

Capricorn is industrious, ambitious, disciplined and authoritative. With the

qualities of discipline, ambition and patience, Capricorn con dently
accomplishes its objective. However, the power is granted by Jupiter and
with it Capricorn needs to destroy all obstacles in the way to its objective.
Capricorn reaches the top rmly and con dently.
Aquarius is the sign of science, discipline, novelty, astrology, technology,
intelligence and genius. Aquarius is self-con dent, free and creative. Jupiter
maximises Aquarius’ power, proliferates its disciplines, strengthens its
intelligence and improves its ideas. Hopes, desires and friendship nd life in
Jupiter, the symbol of genius.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Pisces is emotional, sensitive and fragile. Compassion, mercy, sacri ce and
tolerance are the most distinctive characteristics of Pisces. Poetry, music,
creativity, dreams, imagination and the power of healing are Pisces’ inner
skills. Pisces’ objective is to have its skills recognised and rewarded. Yet, due
to its weakness, hopelessness and sadness, it cannot help but see the reward
slip away from its hands. It is because it is not strong enough to ght for its
rights. Jupiter gives Pisces what it deserves. And so it rules, guides and
empowers Pisces.

Famous Sagittarians

First decan

Winston Churchill, famous politician, ex-prime minister, journalist and

author: 30 November 1874
Aiko, princess of Japan: 1 December 2001

Second decan

Francisco Franco, Spanish general and statesman: 4 December 1892

Walt Disney: 5 December 1901
Emily Dickinson, American author and poet: 10 December 1830

Third decan

Michel Nostradamus, famous oracle, astrologer and doctor: 14 December

Ludwig Van Beethoven, German classical music composer: 16 December
Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister: 21 December 1804

Sagittarian Illnesses

Sagittarians, ruled by Jupiter, are usually healthy and strong. Illnesses caught
by people in uenced by Jupiter do not last long. Ancient astronomers
considered Jupiter to be the healer of the universe.
ose who are harshly in uenced by Jupiter will sit at a table even if
they are not hungry for they take delight in eating. ey are gluttonous and
eat more than necessary and therefore they gain weight.

Jupiter represents conditions of the spleen, hips, pancreas and femur,
layers of fat beneath the skin, the sense of smell and sciatica. ose who are
harshly in uenced by Jupiter suffer from Jupiter’s illnesses.

Hip pain

100 grams of camomile should be boiled and applied to the painful area or
massage the area with camomile oil.

Rosemary and lavender tea should be consumed.

Two teaspoons of solid jojoba grease

Half a teaspoon of lavender tea
Half a teaspoon of thyme oil

Boil the jojoba grease and then mix with the lavender tea and thyme oil.
Apply to the painful area.

Liver conditions

Mint should be consumed either as tea or in salad.

Boiled squash should be consumed.

Liver distortions

Boiled celery water or boiled squash water should be consumed.

One teaspoon of honey should be consumed whilst hungry.

Raisins should be consumed.

Lazy liver

Plenty of artichokes, garlic and celery to be consumed.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Liver swellings

Boiled potatoes should be consumed.


Two glasses of boiled mallow water should be drunk each a day.

Okra should be consumed.

Drink nettle tea.

Eat artichokes frequently.


One tablespoon of orange oil mixed with one tablespoon of sesame oil
should be massaged on painful areas whilst warm and the areas then dressed
with a piece of warm cloth.

Fennel tea should be consumed.

Celery should be boiled and its boiled water drunk.

Purslane should be consumed.



e planet of discipline

Saturn represents discipline, effort, respect, rules and maturity. It explains to

us the truth of the material world and ascending through effort, and teaches
us how to appreciate wealth earned from nothing. It tells us to forget past
weakness and miseries and enables us to form future goals in a strong,
resolute and disciplined manner.
By introducing difficult conditions, Saturn wants us to make an effort
and become tired. It puts us to the test by paving the way with hardship. If
we adjust to Saturn’s difficult conditions, it empowers us and elevates us to a
high status. On the other hand, if we become spoilt and don’t adjust to
Saturn and appreciate what we hold, Saturn, despite raising us, pushes us to
People who receive Saturn’s power energies are mature, right minded,
serious, distant and reserved. People who are successful through their own
efforts, without support from others, who don’t share their secrets and
worries, display their suffering and misery and who have pride and maturity
and speak with reserve and respect are under Saturn’s strong rule.
As one cannot imagine a building without foundations, similarly one
cannot imagine an order without base either. Metaphorically speaking,
Saturn is the infastracture of indestructible civilisations. Saturn is the
unforgettable, immortal reputation gained aer death.
When Saturn makes harsh aspects to other planets, natural disasters
and unexpected events are unavoidable.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
When Saturn and Uranus are in opposition, plane crashes and
earthquakes occur. Unexpected events and natural disasters increase when
there is a high level of magnetic rays coming from the Sun and Saturn and
Uranus are at a harsh angle.
In 1988 there was the worst drought for sixty years as Saturn and
Uranus came together in Sagittarius. In 1986, when Saturn and Uranus were
fourteen degrees apart in Sagittarius, the Chernobyl disaster occurred.
Saturn and Uranus combined with other planets signify earthquakes and
volcanic explosions that claim many lives. Famine occurs when Saturn and
Jupiter are in opposition. Difficult aspects between Saturn and Neptune
leads to waste polluting the oceans and poisoning of sea products. In the last
one hundred years, Saturn and Pluto have conjoined, opposed and squared
each other three times.
Saturn represents mountains, hills, coal mines, small settlements and
landslides. Uranus represents unexpected violent events and Pluto
represents new conditions, mass deaths and re-birth.
On 21 October 1966 the small mining town of Aberfan suffered a major
disaster. Part of the town was destroyed when a mountain of coal weighing
about half million tons slid down. About a hundred and forty people were
killed, mostly children. At this time, the following astrological factors were
in play:
At this time, Pluto and Saturn were in opposition. Saturn was at 24
degrees of Pisces, a water sign, where it does not feel comfortable. Uranus,
which represents unexpected disasters, was in the earth sign Virgo at 22
degrees, making an opposition to Saturn. Pluto, which represents death, was
in conjunction with Uranus at nineteen degrees of Virgo, also opposing
Saturn. Families that lost their children reached solace with new babies they
had. In this way, Pluto proved its skill of bringing life to an end,
simultaneously causing rebirth.
Saturn plays an important role in regard to weather conditions, illnesses
caused by weather and in natural phenomena. Saturn is the planet that
receives the ercest wind storms. e rings around it are formed by dust, ice
and frozen rock particles. For this reason, Saturn’s constitution re ects erce
winds and coldness and weather conditions which are also the source of
Saturn represents cold and windy conditions; bleak and overcast skies;
fog and mist; ice and snow. When in re signs, Saturn signi es crop failure
with drought and infections caused by dry and cold winds. Saturn is also
behind illness as a result of sewage ooding and rats spreading contagious
and deadly diseases. When in an earth sign, Saturn is associated with
landslides due to ooding; crops and homes being ravaged; children
suffering from severe mumps; joint pains; dogs suffering from rabies and
diseases caused by rats. When in an air sign, Saturn is associated with
extreme cold, overcast and damp weather and tidal effects due to constant
wind. Because of Saturn’s weather conditions, u/cold, aching bones, pain in
the shoulder, lower back, feet and throat and rheumatism occur. When in a
water sign, Saturn is associated with bleak skies and cold and severe weather.
Illnesses associated with Saturn in a water sign include conditions related to
phlegm; bladder problems; lung diseases; infection in the sex organs and
gastric problems.


Saturn in astronomy

Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and it is the second largest planet in
the solar system. Saturn’s interior is composed of a core of iron, nickel and
rock. It has beautiful ring system, which are mainly composed of ice
particles, rock debris and dust. It is the planet which has the most satellites,
and the most famous one is Titan.
Saturn is the planet where winds blow the most. Its distance from the
Sun is 1.43 million miles (9:5AB); temperature 188°C. A a single Saturn day
lasts 10 hours and 40 minutes; a Saturn year is equal to 29.46 earth years.
Each day it moves seven minutes and it stays in each sign for about two and
a half years, completing its trip round the zodiac in twenty-nine and a half

Saturn in mythology

Saturn lived at Mount Olympus with the other gods. Aer ghting with
Jupiter, he was expelled by the gods.
According to mythology, Rome was built by Saturn. Saturn was greatly
loved by the Roman people and taught the Roman people how to cultivate
wheat and make bread and wine.
For Saturn and its people soil, wheat, bread, wine, vine and
pomegranate were very important and holy. Saturn was the god of fertility,
soil, agriculture and stars. Each year the Romans dedicated the period from
22 December to 20 January to Saturn. During this period, the Romans held
festivals in honour of Saturn and distributed wine, grapes, wheat, bread and

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
According to the Altaic Turks, Saturn was Kara Han who lived in the
seventh layer of the sky. Kara Han ruled the skies, all places, all people and
the gods. Kara Han planted a pinus tree. is tree grew and separated into
nine branches. In each branch grew nine boys, and from each boy a nation
was created. Each of these boys had a speci c skill.

Planting trees, ploughing the soil, sowing wheat and agriculture and all
things involving knowledge of husbandry
Building houses digging wells, carpentry and forging which required
management skills
Arithmetic, algebra and geometry involving knowledge of mathematics
Knowledge of astronomy and astrology
Military skills
Discovering metals in the depths of the ground
Administrative skills

In Arab mythology, Saturn is known as Dehr and Zuhal. e Turks called it


General characteristics of Saturn

In astrology Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn and the second ruler of
Aquarius. Before Uranus was discovered, Saturn was the ruling planet of
Aquarius. Saturn is strongly in effect in the second decan of Virgo and the
third decan of Taurus. It is also strong in the second decan of Libra and at its
21st degree. Saturn shows strength in the second decan of Gemini.
Saturn brings to mind authority, discipline, force, coldness, patience
and resolution. Saturn represents the learning principle, secrecy of success,
strength of ght. Lessons from Saturn last life-long and are never forgotten.
Success offered by Saturn is not temporary, it is permanent and endless.

Saturn is known as the star of discipline, it is the hard and merciless
educator. It knows and wants it to be known that success comes from
hardship, discipline and strong will. Saturn doesn’t forgive mistakes, but it
always rewards achievements. “He who works hard, triumphs” is the silent
cream of Saturn’s soul.
Politics, administration, society, judges, architects, engineers, teachers,
mountaineers, archaeologists, coal miners, antiquarians and historians are
under Saturn’s governance.
Saturn represents the deserts, forests, solitary places, coal mines,
cemeteries, gloomy places, historical buildings and wreckage.

Saturn’s psychological energy

Saturn represents effort, hard work, resolve, discipline, knowledge, respect,

duty, responsibility, attention, order, determination and rewards.
Saturn is associated with success through hardship; the ability to
separate right from wrong, eternal fame, unforgettable beauty and the
emotional door opening from past to the present.
People under Saturn’s in uence enter the world tired, exhausted and
miserable. From an early age, they suffer illnesses and poor appetite. ey
live their childhood in misery, anxiety and difficulty. ey barely have any
friends and learn to distrust people from a very early age. ey are always
different; more serious and mature than their peers.
Many Capricorns get used to suffering and melancholy. People who are
strongly in uenced by Saturn are committed to their duties, hold an
occupation and are reliable. ey also carry responsibility for their partners,
providing for their needs and security. ey don’t display their love; they
keep distant and are cold. ey place more importance on their work life
than relationships. eir marriages are long lasting and permanent.
People who are strongly in uenced by Saturn achieve with hardship
what others have achieved with ease. ey become successful and prepare
their future on their own. Eventually, they gain the power and status they
deserve aer hardship and struggle.
Saturnian people are not spoilt by success and status and do not give
importance to showiness. ey are not inspired by accolade or spoilt by
fame. ey know where they came from and where they are going. ey
appreciate those things they have obtained with difficulty.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Saturnian people are proud, mature, disciplined, noble and just. ese
people, who do not want to be praised because of their material and
emotional values, only want to be respected and trusted.

Saturn’s negative psychological energy

People who are in uenced negatively by Capricorn behave in a cold, harsh,

distant and loveless way towards close ones. ey hesitate to show their love.
ey nd it right to withhold their love.
Saturn rules hard and carries the spirit of a dictator by being merciless,
disrespectful, not having feelings and being oppressive. ese people are
stingy. Even if they have money, they will say they don’t. In a similar way to
Scorpios, they will hide their money somewhere. With every issue they are
restrictive. ese people, who are hard as a rock, cold as ice and miserable,
are renowned for their stubbornness. Due to their material and emotional
fears, they lose their self-esteem and condemn themselves to loneliness.
People who are strongly in uenced by Capricorn marry to guarantee
their own security. In their marriage they don’t tend to offer much in way of
happiness to their partners. ey are cold, distant, calculating and
oppressive and lack compassion and love towards their partners. ose who
see marriage as an art, apply themselves to this art with success. e cold,
distant and loveless Capricorn can be sympathetic, likable and
unconsciously loyal if they are taught. Capricorns can have a rm and
sustained marriage if they are convinced that their partners are reliable.
e women of this sign can suffer from frigidity whilst the men may
suffer from impotence as a result of starting sex early and erratically. is
leads them to push the blame onto their wives. In order to look strong to
society, they try to appear as if they have plenty of relationships.

The energy of success granted by Saturn

Will, patience, resolution, discipline and authority are the powerful energies
Saturn provides to the universe as its gis. Saturn teaches by offering lessons
in the facts of life. ose who learn the truth know where it comes from and
they are the ones who best know where they are going.

Saturn is the success achieved through patience, will, discipline and
struggle. It doesn’t show off and become spoilt by the success it has gained
through hardship and struggle. It gives no importance to showiness and isn’t
in uenced by applause.
Saturn respects itself and also wants to be respected. It counts gaining
respect as an achievement. e key to emotional success is Saturn. Its lessons
are harsh and merciless. Whoever conforms to its rules achieves success.
ose who do not are punished with misery, hopelessness, pessimism,
poverty, fatigue, infertility and impotence. Saturn is the harshest judge and
teacher in the universe. For each of the planets it touches, it gives one of its
powerful energies as a gi.

The time energy Saturn grants to the Sun

e Sun is the ruling planet of Leo and strong in the second decan of Aries
and third decan of Sagittarius. e Sun gives life; it is the owner of trust,
courage, identity and basic values. e Sun’s main energies are honour, fame,
pride, power and determination.
e Sun’s negative energies are indecision, arrogance, vanity, egoism and
exaggeration. e Sun wants to avoid negativity. In order to defeat
indecision, it needs patience and discipline. Saturn, which is known as the
teacher of discipline and resolve, protects the Sun. It educates and teaches
discipline. For this reason the Sun gains discipline and learns how to defeat
its negative energies.
e Sun wants to give life and to be the strength of the weak. It shows its
strength through courage, defeats evil with its heroism and proves its
strength to the universe by giving its life-based energy.
e Sun creates out of nothing; it is the one that gives life, the one that
pierces through the darkness as light. With the Sun’s light, life is renewed
every day. e Sun’s energies dim early, despite it having the power to
creating from nothing. Time is what is most essential to the Sun.
e need of time is provided by Saturn, which owns resolve, discipline
and time. Saturn, by giving Sun the energy of time, enables the Sun’s
energies to be permanent.
e uniting of these two energies constitutes the permanent life energies,
respected resolve, discipline to be proud of and success through courage.
Courage, success, discipline, light, warmth, and life energies diffuse to the

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
The courage energy Saturn grants to the Moon

e Moon is the ruling planet of Cancer and is powerful in the third and
nineteenth degree of Taurus. In uential in Pisces, it enhances the
productivity of this sign in its second decan.
e Moon nurtures life; it possesses happiness, birth, deep feelings,
love, compassion, owning, protecting and mystery. e Moon’s main
energies are memory, consideration, peace, support, trust and sympathy.
e Moon’s negative energies are hopelessness, misery, suspicion,
pessimism, variability, being easily in uenced, idleness and disarray. As e
Moon is sensitive and considerate, it wants love, compassion, protection and
to be taken care of. Saturn, by being serious, patient and enduring, wants to
protect the Moon; however it cannot provide the Moon with love and
compassion. is is because Saturn doesn’t know love and compassion.
What Saturn can offer to the Moon is assurance and energies based on the
sense of protection.
Moon is afraid of Saturn’s coldness, pessimism, sternness and lack of
consideration, but admires its possessiveness and responsibility. Saturn
protects the Moon. It gives the Moon the sense of being owned and
e uniting of both forces formulates feelings of ownership, trust
through effort and maturity, love and loyalty with compassion. Energies of
patience, compassion, feeling, resolve, trust and richness diffuse to the

The discipline energy Saturn grants to Mercury

Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini and Virgo and is strong in the third
decans of Libra and Capricorn and the second decans of Taurus and
Mercury is skilful, intelligent and clever and has practical intelligence.
Mercury’s natural skills are ability in the arts, language skill, high
intelligence and power of knowledge. Mercury’s negative energies are
absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, restlessness, anger and discontinuity.
Mercury needs discipline as it gets bored easily. As a holder of
discipline, Saturn wants to educate Mercury with discipline energy.
Alongside Saturn, Mercury is aggressive, restless, capricious, ill-tempered
and impatient. Saturn’s superior patience, strong authority, and effective
discipline in uences Mercury. Having being in uenced by Saturn, Mercury
gives up its arrogance, ill-temper and impatience. rough Saturn’s patient
energy it learns to be patient. It nishes the work it undertakes. Getting
bored and fed-up easily is replaced with patience and gain.

e uniting of both forces formulates achieving success through
discipline, respected intelligence, practical knowledge, reliable ideas,
successful skills, permanent knowledge and mastery through skill. e
energies of effort, labour, caution, skill and cultural energies diffuse to the

The energy of immortal beauty Saturn grants to Venus

Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus and Libra. It is powerful in the third
decan of Virgo and the second decans of Capricorn. It displays its best
romantic values in Virgo. It brings out love, compassion and obsessive love
in the second decan of Pisces. Additionally, it exhibits powerful energy in
Aquarius’s third and Gemini’s second decan.
Venus dislikes environments of ghting, noise, rudeness and ill-temper.
Wherever Venus is there is life; there exists harmony, happiness and
affection. Venus wants love and affection. e saying: “Without love there is
no life; and without life there is no love” is ripped from Venus’s soul, it’s her
silent scream. Love and affection gives Venus equilibrium. Venus’s energy
strengths are beauty and cuteness. Venus possesses peace, love, affection, art,
beauty and tranquillity. Its powerful energies are beauty, attractiveness,
peace, harmony and equilibrium. Its negative energies are idleness, passivity,
weakness, irresolution and frumpishness.
Venus wants beauty to be immortal, to be remembered every moment
and never to be forgotten. Saturn, with its admiration, will provide her the
desire not to be forgotten along with permanent and immortal beauty. As
Venus’ beauty gains value with time, Saturn enables her immortal beauty.
e uniting of both forces formulates permanent beauty, respectful love,
memorable love, protective affection and success achieved through art and
reward through beauty. e energies of affection, respect, love, emotion,
knowledge, resolve, courtesy and ambition diffuse to the universe.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
The patient energy Saturn grants to Mars

Mars is the ruling planet of Aries and second ruling planet of Scorpio. It is
strong in the third decan of Leo and second decan of Sagittarius. Mars rules
war, struggle, heroism and the passion to be victorious. Its main energies are
courage, trustworthiness, effort and will. Mars wants to lead in order to rule,
to be adventurous and get excited and to win with a hard ght. Fearless,
courageous and hard-working Mars acts on the spur of the moment, because
of its impatience and it acts without thinking. Due to its rushing, patience
turns into impatience and resolution into irresolution. It destroys its own
success and fortune.
It needs patience, resolve and discipline. e possessor of patience,
resolve and discipline is Saturn. Saturn, by giving its energy of patience,
enables Mars to be patient. And with its discipline energy it educates Mars.
With the energies Saturn gives, Mars gains patience, discipline and resolve.
As a possessor of supreme energy, Mars overcomes extreme difficulties. e
uniting of both forces formulates power of authority, success achieved
through patience, reward of success, disciplined resolve and the strength of
resolve. e energies of patience, resolve, courage, strength, power,
trustworthiness and effort diffuse to the universe.

The restrictive energy Saturn grants to Jupiter

Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius and the second decans of Pisces,
Aries and Cancer, as well as the third decans of Leo and Scorpio.
Additionally, it is strong in the third degree of Pisces.
Jupiter rules religion, belief, chance, respect, fortune, trust, skill,
prosperity, opportunities, generosity, kindness and justice. Jupiter’s
emotional energies are maturity, wisdom, holiness, fertility, happiness,
spirituality, intelligence and exploration.
Jupiter’s negative energies are excess, boundlessness, showiness,
idleness, irresponsibility, risk and irresolution. Jupiter can be extreme with
its desires and go beyond the limits. It can be vulgar by trying to look showy,
may take risks by acting irresponsible and may waste time by being idle. It
needs strong discipline to limit its negative energies. Powerful Saturn gives
this essential discipline to Jupiter. Having received the strong discipline
energy through Saturn, and by limiting itself, Jupiter succeeds in
overcoming negativity.

e uniting of both forces formulates strong discipline, spirituality
achieved through time, trustable responsibility, eternal knowledge and
spiritual strength. Energies of reliability, trust, fate, fertility, knowledge,
justice and healing diffuse to the universe.

The control energy Saturn grants to Uranus

Uranus is the ruling planet of Aquarius and is strongly in uential in the

third decan of Gemini and the second decan of Libra.
Uranus is the ruler of revolution, evolution, freedom, rebellion,
discovery, modern technology, enlightenment and astrology. Uranus’s
powerful energies are intelligence, genius and sixth sense. Uranus’s negative
energies are stubbornness, ill-temper, contrariness, egoism, impatience,
strangeness, destructiveness and disruptiveness.
Uranus is the power that gathers revolution and evolution. It destroys
the known order and introduces a new one. It violently opposes confusion,
ineptness and injustice. Uranus appears abruptly without advance warning.
It brings along shocks, destruction and disaster. ere has to be power to
control invincible Uranus. Saturn provides this power, control and resolve.
Resolutely powerful Saturn takes Uranus under its control.
e uniting of both forces formulates supreme resolve, controlling
power, unforgettable discoveries, invention through will and tranquillity
aer the revolution. e energies of freedom, intelligence, genius,
exploration, instinct, originality, responsibility and resistance diffuse to the

The power energy Saturn grants to Neptune

Neptune is the ruling planet of Pisces and is strong in the third decan of
Cancer and second decan of Scorpio.
Neptune rules art, music, poetry, song, beauty, colours, romance,
imagination, dreams, love, affection and spirituality. Neptune’s strengths are
of grace, innocence, tenderness, compassion, puri cation and inspiration.
Talent, spirituality and divine power are Neptune’s main energies.
Neptune’s negative energies are deception, distancing from the truth,
not defending your rights and idleness.
Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Neptune will bring out its spiritual energy through inspiration, which it
possesses as a secret spiritual energy. Emerging inspirational skills become a
soul for creativity, music and poetry. Neptune, possessor of beauty and
emotional arts, wants its skills to be rewarded. Just as it’s about to achieve
the deserved gi, it slips away from its grasp.
Neptune is weak, passive, idle and powerless. It lacks the strength to
ght against injustice and evil. e creator of time, Saturn, will provide
Neptune with the strength to ght; to defend its right and gain resolve. It
learns to rise up against injustice and to ght evil. Neptune is able to protect
itself and Saturn offers the gi it deserves.
e uniting of two powerful energies formulates success through
justice, respect through mercy, responsibility from compassion, kindness
defeating evil and reward through justice. Mercy, responsibility, compassion,
love and inspiration diffuse to the universe.

The decision energy power Saturn grants to Pluto

Pluto is the ruling planet of Scorpio. It is also strong in the third decans of
Pisces and Leo, the second decan of Cancer and the rst decan of Aries.
Pluto is the possessor of wisdom, sexuality, secrets, beginnings and
endings, birth, life and death, power, crime and punishment, new conditions
and underground richness. Pluto’s powerful energies are passion,
knowledge, intensity, power, resolve, renewal, transference, metaphysics and
Pluto’s negative energies are fear, vengeance, bearing grudges, anger,
destruction, disruptiveness, annihilation, stubbornness and being
pressurising. It violently opposes betrayal.
Pluto punishes the guilty. It is merciless against the guilty and punishes
them in the most severe way; however it is merciful towards the victim to
whom it feels an instinct to rescue. It is le hovering between good and evil,
unable to decide between life and death. It needs determination in order to
discover the truth. By receiving decision power from Saturn, it does what it
nds right with certainty. It learns how to control its power and differentiate
mercy from revenge.
e uniting of the two powerful energies formulates powers of time,
supreme resolve, discipline through power, secret knowledge, mercy, right
judgement, reliable beginnings and permanent strength. Power, courage,
honour, knowledge and passion diffuse to the universe.

The discipline energies Saturn grants to the zodiac signs

Saturn, the possessor of effort, resolve, trust, discipline, respect, order and
care, offers each one of its powerful energies, as a gi, to each one of the
signs through which it travels.

Aries is pure, daring and fearless. It is so enraged that it is fuelled by a single

spark. Any obstacle on its path to its goal is burned, demolished and
destroyed. Anyone opposing it is burned with the ery anger coming out
from its eyes. It needs a power to ease and restrain its anger. Saturn, the
possessor of control, can provide this. Saturn teaches Aries how to develop
self-control. Having learned control, Aries now is able to control its anger,
keep calmer and defend itself.

Taurus is devoted to beauty, art, luxury, love, affection and materialism. It

can easily squander its material gains on beauty, art, love and affection.
Despite holding patience and resolve, Taurus may not show these qualities
towards beauty, pleasure, love and luxury. It has to be strong and have
resolve. Saturn, the possessor of patience and resolve, will provide for these
needs. Taurus is defended by its own resolute power, which gains strength
having received the power of resolve from Saturn.

Gemini is intimate, smart, skilled and clever. It is willing to gain knowledge

and learn. Gemini’s main richness is how it eagerly gathers knowledge.
Gemini gives importance to time; it has none to waste. Geminians spend all
of their time being curious and in gathering knowledge, however they are
impatient. With what they learn in eagerness, they are unable to conclude
with the same eagerness. ey delay and forget to nish. Gemini needs
discipline, patience and stability. Saturn, the bearer of patience, stability and
discipline, offers its powerful energies to Gemini. With Saturn’s energies of
patience, stability and discipline, Gemini gains strength and is able to
eagerly complete tasks with consistency.

Cancer appears hard on the surface and so on the inside, as it wants to
defend itself. Cancer is the bearer of pure feelings and love. It acts upon the
strength of love and compassion. Once its feelings are injured, Cancer
changes immediately. Having lost its con dence, Cancer is unable to protect
neither itself nor its loved ones. It feels torment and plagues its close ones
through timidity, suspicion and lack of con dence. is torment is created
by its inner world. It condemns itself and its loved ones to suffer in this
torment. It needs a power to rescue itself from this enduring torment.
Saturn, the bearer of power and trust, will provide for these needs. However,
Cancer is afraid of Saturn. Saturn narrows Cancer’s world, and forces limits.
On the other hand, only reliable Saturn can provide con dence to Cancer.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans

Leo is the sign of pride, creativity, life, art and love. Leo’s powerful energies
are associated with sport, art, song and music. Leo wants to shine with its
beautiful energies. It is certain with its power, and believes there is no other
like Leo. It spoils itself by praising its own abilities. It begins to believe in its
own supremacy and invincibility and overestimates its powers. It becomes
an egoist, self-centred, disrespectful and arrogant. Leo needs maturity and
discipline. Saturn can discipline Leo and help it to mature. Lessons given by
Saturn are strict and merciless. By putting effort into things, Saturn teaches
Leo discipline, maturity and respect. rough Saturn’s lessons, Leo succeeds
in becoming mature and able to rescue itself from negative energies.

Virgo is the sign of agriculture, soil, nature, fertility, health and work. Virgo
is the bearer of hard work and earning morally, perfection, innocence,
health, cleanness and purity. It is the strongest communication power with
all living beings. It is the enactor of nature, enables obedience and fertilises
agriculture. Virgo is careful and petulant and wants to be nurtured and be
the nurturer. Virgo needs time to increase its plenitude in order to nurture.
is time is to be given by the guardian of time Saturn. With the passing of
time, the soil becomes fertile.
Libra is the bearer of elegance, balance, peace, harmony, happiness and
tranquillity. Libra losses its balance through disrespect, ugliness, lack of love
and feelings and restlessness. Libra’s just balance compensates for its
ugliness. Libra can easily lose its sensitive balance and then loses its strength
and becomes miserable and restless. It requires a strong will. e holder of
will, Saturn, can provide the required willpower and Libra gains strength
and takes control of its balance.

Scorpio is the bearer of charm, desire, suspicion, sexuality, revenge and
pride. Scorpio’s strong energies are power, passion, mystery, courage and
strength of will. Scorpio’s negative energies are revenge, domineeringness,
destructiveness, treason and slyness. For the purpose of revenge, Scorpio
can become destructive, a betrayer and tyrant. It has to use its powerful will
to get rid of its negative energies. Whilst thinking about revenge and
destruction, Scorpio is unable to use its powerful will. It needs power to
reclaim its will. Saturn, the possessor of will and power, can provide this and
Scorpio learns how to defeat its negative energies.

Sagittarius is the bearer of discovery, philosophy, fertility, long distances,

science and knowledge. Sagittarius’s main energies are belief, mercy, holiness
and reverence. Sagittarius exhausts its main energies extravagantly and these
energies lose their value. Sagittarius needs the power of control to rein in its
limitless behaviour. is power is to be given by Saturn, which restrains and
limits. Aer receiving the powerful energies by Saturn, Sagittarius learns to
use its powers in a limited way without wasting them.

Capricorn follows rules and spreads self-con dence, strength of will, strong
foundations and success aer hardship. Capricorn’s strong energies are
discipline, ambition, self-con dence, resolve and respect. Capricorn is
stubborn and assiduous. In order to achieve its objective, it waits patiently
and tries with faith. It waits for time to pass and in doing so defeats
difficulties and dodges hindrances. At long last aer overcoming hardship,
obstacles and struggle, it achieves the highest rank. Capricorn is given this
power by its powerful and successful ruler, Saturn.

Aquarius is a sign based on being humane, independent, revolutionary,

evolutionary, reforming and a lover of freedom. is sign’s strong energies
are genuineness, genius, intelligence and originality. Aquarius doesn’t stand
back for a moment from ghting for freedom. It does not fear making
enemies and becoming an outcast for the sake of freedom. Aquarius does
not ee from correctness, is always certain of what it knows and does not
fear evil and wants freedom. Even if Aquarius is to be expelled because of its
ideals, it persists and ultimately does what it wants. It needs a power to
control its rebelliousness and halt its disobedience. is power is given by
Saturn. Saturn takes Aquarius’ rebelliousness under control and restrains it,
planting the seeds of Aquarius’s genius, intelligence and truth.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans

Pisces is merciful, compassionate, sympathetic and sensitive. It is a tolerant,

self-sacri cing, agreeable and lovable sign. is sing’s strong energies are
creativity, inspiration, belief, mysticism and dreams. Pisces, by being
sensitive, emotional and sentimental, believes and is deceived very quickly.
As a result, its future plans end up in disappointment. is is because it acts
too speedily while under the in uence of others. Pisces dris away from
truth due to disappointment. It needs a powerful will to pull it back on
track. e holder of will, Saturn, will grant Pisces willpower.

Famous Capricorns

First decan

Selim Gazi III, Ottoman Sultan: 24 December 1761

Isaac Newton, mathematician who made major advances in physics and
optics: 25 December 1642
Helena Rubinstein, known as the cosmetic queen: 25 December 1879

Second decan
Felixe D Borel, mathematician: 7 January 1871
Nicolas Steno, Danish geologist, father of stratigraphy: 11 January 1638

Third decan

Doctor Albert Schweitzer: 14 January 1875

Anne Bronte, English author: 17 January 1820
Capricorn illnesses

e sign of Capricorn represents the skeletal system, particularly elbows,

knees and feet. Capricorn diseases are skin disease, earache, rheumatism,
frigidity in women, impotence in men and other diseases from its opposite
sign, Cancer. Diseases from Cancer are stomach disorders and mucus
related conditions. People belonging to Capricorn suffer from one of these


Earache and tinnitus are frequently experienced by people belonging to the

sign of Capricorn. e reason for these discomforts is nervous breakdown
and depression.

Put two drops of sweet almond oil in the ear once every three days.


Once every four days, morning and evening, put in bitter almond oil drops.

Before going to bed put in two drops of black cumin oil.


Purslane, okra and honeycomb are to be consumed frequently.

Joint pain

e susceptible areas are mainly the hip, wrist and elbow joints.

Two tablespoons of lanolin

One tablespoon of black sesame
One teaspoon of camomile oil
One teaspoon of walnut oil
Half a teaspoon of clove oil
Half a teaspoon of cabbage oil

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Heat the above and before going to bed, massage while still warm around
the painful areas and wrap the areas in warm woollen cloth.


One hundred grammes of lanolin

One tablespoon of balsam
One tablespoon of paste (oil)
One tablespoon of orange oil
One tea spoon of lavender oil

Heat and massage the above around the painful areas. Wrap with a warm
woollen cloth and massage the painful areas with balsam before going to

Sex drive

Lack of sex drive in women

Boil okra and drain. Make ready:

Two tablespoons of chickpeas

Two tablespoons of broad beans
Four tablespoons of honey
Four table spoons of cream
Four table spoons of grape molasses.

Mash all ingredients together and eat for breakfast.

Oleaster, g, date, grape molasses, raisins, and soy bean products should be
consumed in large quantities.

Impotence in men

One dessertspoon of cinnamon

One dessertspoon of ginger
Four teaspoons of raisins
Two hundred grammes of crushed peanuts

Two tablespoons of grated coconut
Ten raisins
Ten dried apricots
Half a teaspoon of pulverised sage tea
ree pieces of clove
ree pieces of spice
One pomegranate
One tablespoon of sesame oil
ree tablespoons of honey

All ingredients are to be well-boiled and eaten aer meals once every two



Boiled honeycomb
Boiled okra
Half a spoon of clove oil
One spoon of milfoil oil

Boil and drain the juice of honeycomb and okra and mix with other
ingredients. Spread this on the affected skin while still warm.
Two tablespoons of still jojoba oil
One teaspoon of milfoil oil
Half a teaspoon of mustard oil

All ingredients are boiled and then applied twice a day applied whilst warm
to the infected skin.


Boil 120 grammes of rice with parsley in 500 millilitres of water. e drained
rice should be replaced with 60 grammes of rice and reboiled without
changing the water.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
For the drained rice water:

One tablespoon of lanolin

One tablespoon of camomile oil
One tablespoon of pumpkin seed oil
One teaspoon of centaury oil

Mix half a teaspoon of lemon oil. Until healed rub onto the spots daily.


Rub rice juice and a mixture of vinegar and lemon on the affected area.

Two tablespoons of sesame oil

Two tablespoons of lemon juice
Two tablespoons of vinegar
Half a teaspoon of garlic oil

All ingredients are boiled. Rub on the itchy areas while still warm.

Consume chard, purslane, okra dish, boiled celery juice and raisins as well as
cloves, aniseed and nettle tea with honey.

Wrinkled and saggy cheeks

People belonging to the sign of Capricorn are beautiful and photogenic. If in

their birth map Saturn and Venus are forming a harsh angle, early age
wrinkling and sagginess occurs, making them look older than they are.

Face mask for wrinkles

One glass of boiled rice juice

Two teaspoons of old yeast
Two teaspoons of our
Half a teaspoon of citric acid

All ingredients are mixed and used as face mask. Leave on the face for
approximately een to twenty minutes and aerwards wash off with warm

Anti-wrinkle cream

One hundred and twenty grammes of soya cream

One tablespoon of camomile oil
Half a tablespoon of lavender oil
One tablespoon of sandalwood oil
Half a teaspoon of orange oil
One tablespoon of apricot oil
Half a teaspoon of mandarin oil

e ingredients are mixed together to make a cream to be used before going

to bed.
Saggy cheeks

One glass of boiled rice water

ree tablespoons of potato juice
ree tablespoons of bean our
One hundred and twenty grammes of fresh yeast
Juice of half a lemon
Half a glass of mashed pineapple

e ingredients are mixed together to make a cream to be used as a face

mask two or three times a week.

e planet of invention

Ancient astrologer priests are believed to have known of Uranus’ existence

despite the fact that it had not yet been discovered. Aquarius was believed to
have possessed the image of water signs. e sign was even associated with
the rain in Mesopotomia and it was thought that Aquarius represented the
seas. In ancient Greek sources, Aquarius possessed the characteristics of
water signs (see Astrology and How to See the Future, Yücel Sügen).
People observed the water level to nd out when ooding might occur;
thus, they came to the conclusion that the intensity of rainfall increased and
the level of water in rivers rose when the Sun travelled through Aquarius
and they categorised Aquarius as a water sign.
Aquarius represents the free mind. e water being poured in its glyph
represents the treasure of thought. Aquarius was later categorised as an air
sign along with Gemini and Libra.
Interestingly, ancient civilisations obtained all this knowledge by
observing the sky with the naked eye. Since then Aquarius has been known
g y y
as the sign of wit, intelligence, discovery and intuition.

The discovery of Uranus

Until 1780, the planet of Aquarius was known to be Saturn. William

Herschel however discovered a new planet with the characteristics of
Mercury and Saturn in 1781. e new planet was named Uranus and it
became the sub-ruling planet of Aquarius.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
e distance between Uranus and the Planet Earth is 2.87 billion km.
e mass of Uranus is about 15 times bigger than that of Earth’s. e
diameter equator of Uranus is 32,000 miles, which is four times bigger than
that of Earth’s. Uranus orbits the Sun once in 84 years. A day on Uranus is
about 18 earth hours. Uranus has 27 known moons, ve of which are major:
Ariel, Miranda, Oberon, Titania and Umbriel. e brightest one is Ariel. e
range in diameter of Uranus’ moons are between 470 km to 1580 km.
Uranus’ atmosphere is formed of hydrogen, methane and helium. Uranus
gets its blue-green colour from methane gas. Only four of the planets out of
nine in the solar system have planet rings. Besides Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
and Jupiter, Uranus has its planet rings as well. e most obvious rings are
those of Saturn’s, whereas Uranus’ rings are dark and are very close to each
other. e surface temperature of Uranus is 59 °C  and the average
temperature on Uranus is 197 °C
Aer the discovery of Uranus, great social changes such as revolutions
occurred and new beginnings were phased in. A step into a new age was
taken with the discovery of Uranus. is has brought stunning discoveries
including the use of electricity, nuclear energy, radio waves, uranium,
polonium and rhodium. e rabies vaccination, antibiotics, and
contraceptives were all invented in this era. Furthermore, public transport,
the invention of automobiles, planes, telephone and digital cameras were
introduced to the world following Uranus’s discovery.

General characteristics of Uranus

Uranus is connected to the characteristics of wit, genius, intuition,
discoveries, rebellion, revolutions and evolution. Uranus is all about new
beginnings and new consequences and also shocks and crises. Uranus is also
responsible for unexpected and unpredictable natural disasters and serious
crashes which may shake the whole world.
For instance, when Uranus makes a harsh aspect with Mercury we hear
about plane crashes which are in the main caused by electric systems. We
may also hear about natural disasters such as earthquakes, cyclones and
hurricanes. When Uranus conjoins with Mars, or makes a harsh aspect with
it, res or volcanic eruptions take place.

Uranus does not reveal beforehand when natural disasters will occur. It
acts unpredictably so that it reminds the world of how disastrous,
annihilating and invincible existence can be and that no one can stand
against it. It challenges by saying, “I am here, I do it, I devastate, I burn, I
change and I account to no-one for this.” As much as Uranus is destructive,
it is paradoxically constructive at the same time. It likes being constructive;
it simply annihilates the old to phase in the new. It does not like chaos, does
not make concessions and does not like being ruled over or controlled,
because it likes liberty, reality and modernity.

The in uence of Uranus

e in uence of Uranus comes through intuitively and triggers the senses,

the sixth sense in particular. Intuitive, inspirational ideas come together with
the invincibly powerful mind, which Uranus uses to create original ideas,
and uses them for humanity’s good. Uranus is the planet of the mind and
therefore strongly rejects emotion.
Uranus rules astrology, astronomy, space and science. Hence,
astrologers, astronomers, physicians, mathematicians, chemists, scientists
and pilots are under the in uence of Uranus. Inventors, scientists, patent
owners and those dealing with the unknown and unheard very strong
Uranian energy. Uranus is the planet of mind and genius; more importantly,
it is about discoveries, intuitions and unique methods.
Ancient civilisations were aware of Uranus’ existence way before its
discovery. e Sumerians described Uranus as a very bright and green star
(see Sumerian Civilisation, Ece Bostanci). ey knew that it was related to
supernatural powers and believed it to be mysterious and magical and so
were frightened of this planet.

The characteristics of Uranus and Saturn

e de ant manner of Uranus downgrades Saturn’s characteristics, which

causes trouble and difficulty. A strong Saturn gradually takes Uranus under
control, reducing its temerity, its socially unacceptable characteristics and its
emotional outburst. While Saturn is bound with tradition and aims to
maintain past lifestyles, Uranus de es Saturn’s authority and aims to take it
under control by saying, “Let me free, I’m independent; I don’t have to
comply with your tradition.”

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Saturn postpones, delays, makes people’s lives harder, creates trouble for
people, limits and disciplines. It makes all these simply to give a lesson. It is
a father and a teacher simultaneously and it says, “If you do not learn from
difficulty, you do not appreciate what you have or obtain”. e lesson from
Saturn is harsh and pitiless. Saturn is the past while Uranus is the future, and
when they are in harmony the past in uences the future. It therefore makes
up its mind and says, “I know where I came from and where I am going” and
continues with con dence.
rough the aid of Uranus, people are brought to new bene cial
discoveries, technological innovations and invention. Saturn turns
developments into something damaging and hence unforgettable.
Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn and both it and Uranus act as
the ruling planets of Aquarius.

The opportunities that Uranus promises

Uranus is the planet of opportunity. It promises opportunities to the planets

it contacts or makes harmonious aspects with. While the Sun offers
creativity, happiness and love of art, Uranus gives the Sun fame and

As the Moon gives the characteristic of con dence and the aim to become
famous within the community, Uranus gives the Moon the opportunity to

While Mercury offers the skills of speech and writing well, linguistics, mind,
practical reasoning, skills of learning and teaching, Uranus helps these skills
and characteristics to be displayed.

Venus promises the power of love and romantic emotions. It may also give
travel and entertainment opportunities; all of these opportunities are made
possible by Uranus. And again, the strength of art, musical skill and artistic
skills Venus promises are all displayed through Uranus.
Mars offers physical energy, inner drive to win, the wish to be on top, skills
in combatting and strong courage. Uranus makes Mars use these

Jupiter may promise long journeys to remote places, higher education
opportunities, job opportunities in foreign countries and luck to win a great
amount of money; nonetheless, it is Uranus which makes all these
opportunities occur.

Saturn may give the luck in government jobs held, fame and success, but
again it’s Uranus that makes all these possible.

Saturn may offer ambition, patience and strength; nevertheless, it is Uranus

that makes these possible.

Neptune can give the strength to sense, dreams, skills in art and strong
senses, but Uranus displays them all.
e secrets that Pluto has hidden deep in itself are all unveiled by Uranus.
And it is Uranus that makes Pluto bring up new rules and conditions.

Uranus wants all opportunities unexpectedly and surprisingly given to be

appraised. Appraisal of opportunities brings success and joy. If however
appraisal of opportunities is postponed, the consequences will not be good
and will result in repentance.

Uranus transits

Uranus is not only associated with wit, intelligence and invention, but also
with natural disasters and unexpected events. If it makes a harsh aspect with
Mercury, it causes plagues, cyclones and hurricanes. e conjunction of
Uranus and Mercury is associated with planes’ electric systems and a
difficult aspect between them causes crashes.
Uranus is also responsible for volcanic eruptions and car crashes as well
as wars. Its harsh aspects or conjunction with Mars causes all of these. Its
conjunction or harsh aspects with Saturn causes landslides and earthquakes,
while its harsh aspects or conjunction with Pluto causes mining accidents
and deaths in mines. Moreover, Uranus’ harsh aspects or conjunction with
Neptune causes oods and tsunamis.
For example, in 1900 in Texas there was a severe hurricane that caused
more than 8,000 deaths. While Uranus was transiting through Sagittarius,
Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn were conjoining Uranus. Both the New Moon
and Mars were at the same position in Capricorn. Neptune in Gemini was
opposing Pluto, (which represents mega deaths) when the hurricane

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Uranus is also about the invention as well as discoveries for the good of
all humanity. e Wright brothers rst ew their petrol operated plane on 17
December 1903. On that day Uranus was transiting through Sagittarius and
also conjoining Mercury and the Sun. e conjunction was in Sagittarius,
which represents journeys to remote places.

Uranus in the zodiac signs

Like Neptune and Pluto, Uranus is a generational planet. When it transits
into signs, it triggers events by combining its energy with that of the sign it is

Uranus transited into Aries on 13 January 1928 and le it in 1935. Uranus
revealed its royal, revolutionary, rebellious nature as well as Aries’
characteristics of being a ghter and having a drive to win. Uranus created a
regal yet rebellious generation, one that was not fearful of taking risks, got
what they believed they deserved, possessed the spirit of leadership and who
always saw the future.
is is the era when labourers started seeking their rights, and social
riots, upheavals and insurrections increased, underground agencies spread
out, crimes increased and anti-social events were ampli ed.
On the other hand, developments in health took place aer Uranus
transited into Aries. Alexander Fleming invented penicillin, the rst
antibiotic medicine. e rst carbonated aspirin, Alka Seltzer, was made. Air
conditioners for domestic use and televisions were manufactured for the
rst time. Hair dyes to use on domestic premises were also produced for the
rst time. Electric sewing machines and lm reels were rst invented in this
period. Also colour lm rst appeared in 1932.

Uranus transited into Taurus on 28 March 1935, staying there until 1941.
Taurus represents earth, materialism, nature, formation and music. is is
the period of the Second World War. e generation born in this period saw
devastation, losses and nancial difficulties. Uranus in Taurus is constructive
as much as it is destructive. Ruined things were replaced by new ones and
the new generation developed industry by devising new methods. More job
opportunities were phased in and trading was developed.


On 7 August 1941 Uranus entered Gemini where it remained until 1949.

Gemini symbolises wit, practicality, harmony, language, trade, media and
communication. Uranus’ transit into a sign that it likes makes it possible for
Mercury to reveal its swiness and skills. Uranus’ practical intelligence made
it possible to invent the rst jet in 1944 as well as washing machines. e
generation born in this period values science and technology. ey love
learning as well as teaching; thus, they introduce new horizons to the eld of
education. ey also value communication.

On 10 July 1949 Uranus entered Cancer where it remained until 1955.

Cancer is associated with family life, senses, devotion, community, mother
and the inner drive to protect. When it comes together with Uranus, Uranus
becomes uncomfortable as it is full of electricity. is is the period when the
family structure began to fall apart and rules of marriage started to lose
value. People began to value a free lifestyle. Women gained courage,
independence, a sense of entrepreneurship and freedom, because Cancer
represents women and community.

Creative Uranus introduced innovations once it transited into Leo in 1956.

Leo characterises leadership, pride, glory and art. Uranus didn’t only grant
this generation with art skills, creativity, and talent, it also gave them the
opportunity to use them fearlessly as well as bravely.
ere was also huge progress in cinema, stage arts and the
entertainment world. People made famous in this period are still popular
today. Computer technology and technology took over from manual labour.
Painkiller tablets and the contraceptive pill were invented in this period.

Uranus transited into Virgo in 1962, which symbolises agriculture, stock

breeding, awareness, environmentalism, and hygiene. Huge progress in
agriculture was made and people started using the new technology.
Virgo is also associated with health and prominent inventions were
realised aer Uranus’ transit into this sign was completed. Vitamin pills and
painkiller tablets started becoming very common as well as the
contraceptive pill. e rst open heart surgery was also conducted in this
era. However, industrial waste also began to pollute the world in this period.
When the push-button telephone was invented in 1963, Uranus which
represents inventions and discoveries, was in conjunction with Mercury.
ose were born in this era are pioneering  in the eld of education.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
e symbol of revolution, rebellion and crucial changes, Uranus entered
Libra in 1969, the sign that represents justice, balance, rules, honesty,
politics and beauty. During this time, leaders embraced the method of
governance that predominantly comes out of honesty and justice.
Uranus representing marriage in Libra has introduced new changes to
the marriage system as well. While divorce increased, extra-marital
relationships increased and a free lifestyle started becoming popular. e
publication of porn magazines and screening of pornographic lms, the
trend of nudism as well as naturist beaches became issues while transiting
Uranus in aspect to Neptune, Venus, Mercury and Mars. In July 1969, when
Apollo 11 reached the Moon, Jupiter and Uranus in Libra were at the point
of conjunction.

In November 1975 Uranus transited into Scorpio which represents

sexuality, secrets, underground organisations, underground world, death,
birth, power, metaphysics and strong intuition. Sexual freedom came into
prominence and in 1981, when AIDS became prominent, transiting Uranus
at Scorpio was in aspect with Pluto and Saturn. Ozone layer depletion, the
destruction of the environment by humanity, technological accidents, crash
of the stock exchange, despotisms and tyranny converge in this period. e
1975 nuclear accident and the Saturn V project (Saturn V burned and
crashed into the Atlantic Ocean while it was 300 km in the air) occurred at
this time. Interestingly, Uranus (which represents blasts, crashes, space and
unexpected accidents) was in Scorpio while Neptune (which embodies the
seas and disappointment) was in Sagittarius (the sign that represents
research, developments and space travel). e planet of re and crashes,
Mars, was in Gemini in opposition to Neptune. Also, personal computers
were invented between 1975 and 1977.

In February 1981 Uranus transited into Sagittarius, the sign associated with
religion, higher education, discovery and research, travel for nancial as well
as spiritual purposes, foreigners, foreign countries and remote places. is
transit in particular embodies the issues of religion as well as education that
were put forward. Not only were new, modern and very different education
systems introduced, but also reforms took place in religion. Religious
con icts broke out in Muslim countries.
ere were also massacres and genocide, for example, the Israeli
genocide attacks in Lebanon. As all those were happening, Uranus was at a
transition point to Sagittarius in 1982. Mars, the symbol of wars, was in
conjunction with Saturn in Libra. While Uranus, Neptune and Jupiter were
conjoining, fake prophets appeared in Islamic countries.
As Mars (which represents cars) in Sagittarius (the symbol for roads
and transportation) conjoined Uranus, mini vans began to be manufactured.

In February 1988 Uranus transited into Capricorn, the sign of history,

structure, earth, career, management, and discipline. In this period, the
Berlin Wall was torn down and the Soviet Union destroyed. Being a Saturn
sign, Capricorn represents destruction, history and strong countries. Uranus
demonstrated its strength to annihilate, innovate and revolutionise aer it
transited into Capricorn in 1988. In 1988 when there was a drought, Uranus
was at the point of conjunction with Saturn.

On 8 June 1995 Uranus entered Aquarius, which represents friendship,

freedom, novelty, technology and science. Huge progress in technology took
place. Communication tools were developed and modernised. Modern
computers started becoming more common in homes. is transit also
brought revolution, evolution and novelty as Aquarius embodies science and
technology. e internet started to quickly spread across the world just as
the number of TV channels increased. Digital kits for domestic use were
invented. People who were born in this period place great value on science
and technology.

On 10 March 2003 Uranus transited into Pisces, the sign associated with
self-sacri ce, feeling of pity, romanticism, poetry, music, cinema, stage arts
and mysticism. Possessing electrical currents, Uranus unveils the intuitive
power of Pisces. In this period, intuitive discoveries and alternative curing
methods arose. An upward trend in drug addiction and plagues was also
observed. e illness named SARS came about. People who were born in
this period value spiritual illumination, stage arts, cinema, creative
professions, and science.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans

Famous Aquarians

First decan

Wolfgang Mozart, genius musician: 27 January 1756

Paul Newman, actor: 26 January 1925

Second decan

James Dean, actor: 8 February 1931

Farah Fawcett, actress: 2 February 1949
Zsa Zsa Gabor, Hungarian-born American lm actress, crowned as Miss
Hungary and Golden Globe: 6 February 1917

Third decan

Kim Novak, American movie star, Golden Globe winner: 13 February 1933
Galileo Galilei, father of modern physics, mathematician and inventor: 15
February 1564

Aquarian illnesses

Muscles, cramps, calves on the legs, back pains, spine, ankle, heart,
circulatory system and rheumatism.

Muscle pain

Apply boiled camomile to the painful area whilst warm.

Apply sesame oil to the painful area.

Plenty of celery and garlic should be consumed to strengthen muscles.

Calf and ankle pain

One teaspoon of sesame, orange and garlic oil should be mixed with 150g of
melted coconut grease and applied to the painful area.


Olive oil, ylang ylang oil and sesame oil should be mixed together and
boiled. e mixture is applied on the painful area, which is then wrapped in
a piece of woollen fabric.

To strengthen the heart

Drink cinnamon and carnation tea.

Spinal and back pain

One teaspoon of sesame oil, garlic oil, mustard oil, olive oil and orange oil
should be mixed with two melted tablespoons of butter. e mixture is
applied on the painful area.


Rheumatism is frequently seen in elderly Aquarians. However, it could be

prevented with botanic oils.

Two hundred and y grammes of chicken or goose oil should be mixed

with one teaspoon of Sun ower oil, glycine oil, mustard oil and juniper oil.
e mixture is then applied on the painful area, which should then be
wrapped in a hot towel for about two hours.

Varicose veins
is is not only genetically inherited but also can be caused by spending too
much time standing up. Cumin oil should be mixed with olive oil and
rubbed on the painful area.

e planet of inspiration

Neptune is the superior version of Venus and helps us to take delight in life.
us, we become more aware of our lives in a profound sense.
Neptune is the secret door to the spiritual world. ose who step through
this door enter the mystic door and take pleasure in the spiritual world.
ose who have attained the secrets of the life reach greater secrets. e
people who have attained this secret carry out spiritual exploration and
isolation from the material world and reach their true selves by surrendering
to the most superior love: divine love.
Neptune is the feeling in us. It is our secret world which we disguise
from everyone. It is the shelter where we hide from our “self ”, our realities,
unhappiness and negativities.
Neptune presents us with charming beauty and it opens the door to the
spiritual world. It helps us reunify with divine love. Neptune exterminates
animalistic senses in us and cleanses the lth inside us. It rescues us from
materialistic desires in our souls and it wipes clean our weaknesses and
fears. With its power of healing, it cleans and puri es the rust of the spiritual
mirror which nds serenity with the help of the inspiration that comes from
divine power, and reaches to the highest rank where it attains God’s love.
Neptune realises dreams and is the inspirational power that nourishes
talent. e initial steps of the plans of the realising dreams, which will
happen through these powers, gradually takes form.
Our dreams and imagination, which are the basis of our aims and plans,
help our skills to manifest.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Neptune is a deceitful and disappointing power and so should not be
neglected. Pain caused by disappointment makes us distance ourselves from
the real world. We try to nd a way out, but fail to do so. us we form a
world made of our pain and suffering. We think we are unloved or unwanted
in this world. We feel victimised against the bitter realities we cannot
challenge or to which we have to submit. If we manage to rescue ourselves
from grief, we attain happiness and other nice gis. We become surprised by
happiness and beauty, nice things aer suffering. us we come to the
conclusion that for happiness we have to make the sacri ce of suffering.
Neptune represents illnesses caused by cold, contagious diseases,
viruses, mental breakdowns, memory losses, rheumatism, liver diseases,
schizophrenia, hormone abnormalities, illnesses that cause weight loss and
diseases of the nails and feet.
e use of narcotics in medicine, drugs, gases, liquids, petrol, poisons
and re neries are all under Neptune’s control. In addition, Neptune also
symbolises seas, oceans, islands, ships, shipwrecks and danger caused by the
Harsh aspects between Neptune and Mercury predicate storms in seas
and absent-mindedness. Difficult aspects between Neptune and Venus or its
conjunction with Venus causes sexually transmitted diseases and
tuberculosis. It also indicates ooding that results in animal deaths and
damage to agricultural produce. Harsh aspects between Neptune and Mars
or its conjunction with Mars predicates accidents and earthquakes in the sea
as well as danger caused by hot water. Similarly, harsh aspects between
Neptune and Jupiter or its conjunction with Jupiter indicate plagues and
their dispersals to wide areas, fake prophets and fake healers. Harsh aspects
between Neptune and Saturn or its conjunction with Saturn causes pollution
of waters and seas; hence, poisoning of living beings. Harsh aspects between
Neptune and Uranus or its conjunction with Uranus predicates sea accidents
caused by storms and electrical system breakdowns due to weather
conditions. Harsh aspects between Neptune and Pluto or its conjunction
with Pluto show the drying of underground water sources or their pollution.
When the Titanic crashed into an iceberg and sank on 14 April 1912 in
the Atlantic Ocean, Neptune, Pluto and Mars were in the same sign.
Neptune represents the seas, oceans, and Sunken ships. Cancer, which is one
of the water signs, symbolises families, society formed by crowds of people,
seas and lakes. When the Titanic hit the iceberg, Neptune was at 21 degrees
of Cancer while Mars (which embodies destructions, accidents, and
uncontrollable powers) was at 5 of degrees Cancer where it was clashing
with and approaching Neptune. e stances of these planets indicate
approaching accidents. Even worse, Pluto (which symbolises
metamorphosis, destruction, extermination and people’s deaths in mass
numbers) was in conjunction with Mars. e ruling planet of Cancer and
the representative of families and crowded communities, the Moon, was
making a square to Mars. As these astrological events were taking place the
believed to be unsinkable Titanic hit the iceberg and sank and more than
1,500 passengers lost their lives. Neptune is a dispenser and a resolver. It
plays a role in the sudden loss of lives. Cancer represents families, family
bonds and communities. e above mentioned accident caused lots of
people’s deaths, hence miserable grief. Two signi cant eclipses took place in
April, 1912. ese eclipses happened in Libra on 1 April and in Aries on 17
April. ere was only 15 days between these eclipses and, as triggers of
catastrophe, they had a role in the tragic Titanic accident.


Neptune in astronomy

Neptune is the eighth planet in the solar system. It was discovered on 23

December 1846 aer long research at the Berlin Observatory. Neptune is
believed to possess eight satellites and is similar to Jupiter in many ways.
Neptune, which cannot be seen with the naked eye, has a misty, foggy,
cloudy atmosphere. It advances by 0 degrees and 2 minutes every day and
thus completes its stay in a zodiac sign in about fourteen years. Neptune
completes its rotation around the Sun in about 165 years. e atmosphere
heat of Neptune is 218°C while the surface heat is 48°C (-225 degrees). e
average heat of Neptune is 200°C.

Neptune in mythology

Neptune is the eldest son of Saturn. Having dethroned Saturn, the siblings
Neptune, Jupiter and Hades organised a contest, which offered three big
prizes: the secrets of the oceans, the secrets of the sky and the secrets of the
underworld. e secrets of the oceans were awarded to Neptune, of the sky
to Jupiter and those of the underworld to Hades. With the skill awarded to
him, Neptune uncovered the secrets of the oceans, seas, lakes and rivers.
erefore, Neptune spends his life underwater.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Neptune had a harpoon with three hooks. Each hook represented a
secret: the rst the secrets of the waves which would shake the whole world,
the second the secrets of thunderbolts, lightning, skies and thunder. e
third hook the secrets of the spirits, the invisible and mines underground.
Neptune looked like an old man with grey hair and beard and a
harpoon in his hand while dolphins swam around him. He was believed to
protect people in need of help and rescue disaster victims. Mermaids were
Neptune’s daughters and were renowned for their beauty, attractiveness,
pretty, long hair and enchanting, melodious voices. Compassionate, merciful
and sensitive mermaids helped those in trouble or danger. Yet sailors used to
see mermaids as a bad omen: as a sign of bad luck.
Mermaids fall in love with humans and because they can’t be with men
they go mad. eir hair falls out, their bodies blister and they have liver
problems. Due to their suffering, they begin to live in a world of their own
formed of dreams, longings and suffering. is myth manifests in women
with strong Neptune.

General characteristics of Neptune

Neptune is the ruling planet of Pisces. It is also strongly in effect in the third
decan of Cancer and reveals its skills in Scorpio’s second decan. Neptune
makes us recall music, poetry, drawing, lm, ne arts and mystical subjects.
Neptune is the owner of the most beautiful feelings, emotional artworks,
inspiration and aesthetics. It is also the power of divine love — a power that
creates uncontrollable exuberance in people and makes them lose
themselves. Neptune is the predictably intuitive inspiration of dreams that
will come true and is also the power of invisible powers and imagination.
e harsh effect of the planet of imagination may cause suffering, distancing
from reality, drug addiction, misfortune, suicide attempts, fraudulence,
cheating and mental illness.

It should not be forgotten that Neptune is a power that tricks, cheats
and disappoints expectations. Neptune cleanses, wears out and puri es, just
like the oceans and waters it represents.
Artists and actresses who sustain their artworks on their feelings,
gments of imagination, people relying on their intuition and dream
interpreters are all under the in uence of Neptune. Neptune represents
artists, actors, singers, poets, painters, sailors, ministers, and people relying
on water to sustain or make their lives.
Furthermore, Neptune represents rivers, oceans, seas, islands, ships,
chemicals, poisons, petrol, gas, mist, liquids, chemicals containing alcohol,
and viruses.

The psychological energy of Neptune

ose who are strongly under Neptune’s in uence are full of love, bound to
those they love, merciful and compassionate. Sensitive to grief and naïve,
these people’s benevolence may be misused or abused.
ey have such an enhanced sense of pain that they may even help their
enemies. ey may even fall into a pitiful situation while they are feeling
sorry for someone else. Oddly enough, whether they like it or not, they even
take pleasure in being in such a position.
When they have worries, they complain about things and pour out their
troubles to those they are close to for consolation. ey want to show how
right they are and how unrightfully they are victimised. ey are never
satis ed with love, interest and compassion as they want all these in their
lives all the time. ese sensitive people tend to believe even in fake love.
Distressed by grief, disillusionment and unhappiness, they distance
themselves from the people who hurt them.
ey retreat into a world of their own aer the pain caused by
disillusion and regret. ey are spiritual people and also draw attention by
their artistic skills.
ose who can make use of their skills get their voices heard in ne
arts, music, cinema, photography, dance and the creative professions. ey
are drawn to religious subjects, health affairs, sentimental novels, chemistry,
healing, beauty affairs and naval professions.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
The negative psychological energy of Neptune

ose who are negatively in uenced by Neptune cannot ght against

obstacles, difficulties or reality; hence, they convince and are convinced
easily. ey are forgetful people, thus they always tend to return home as
soon as they leave thinking they have forgotten something at home.
Moreover, when they have a chat with someone they keep talking about the
same subject over and over again because they keep forgetting what they
have already spoken about.
ey also tend to overvalue people who are not really worth it. ey see
their enemies as their friends and their friends as their enemies. What is
more, they believe in what is wrong or lie. Falling in love with unreliable and
negative people, they suffer. Unluckily, they encounter wrong people at the
right time or right people at the wrong time.
Neptune people are absent-minded, hopeless and restless. Absent-
mindedness is a state of mind caused by their ow of emotions. Emotional
injuries leave deep scars on these people’s hearts. eir hopelessness is the
result of disillusionment caused by the people who they value. Disillusioned
Neptune people cannot battle against hopelessness and unhappiness for they
have lost their self-con dence and faith. eir expectations are
disappointed. eir restlessness is the consequence of mental restlessness
caused by spiritual suffering.
While being on the verge of what they have been dreaming of, their
dreams are disappointed. ey realise that they are getting worse and worse
aer their disappointed expectations. ey seek a way out, but unluckily
they cannot nd one. ey hope for something but are disappointed. Going
through serious depression, these people start living the things they aim for
or dream of in their psychology. Shaping happiness, love, and rest in their
minds they start living them in their inner world.
A miracle is needed for these people who have lost their con dence and
willpower. is miracle is love, affection and happiness. ese people are
inclined to getting physical and mental injuries. e accomplishment that
comes aer suffering, pain and agony will embrace a solace through fame
and happiness.

The spiritual power of energy Neptune grants

e spiritual power of energy, emotionalism, compassion, mercy, love,

mysticism and feelings of pity and creativity are Neptune’s strong energies.
By the inspiration received from Neptune, music, poetry and works of
art are created. Neptune serves as inspiration to poets, gives power to artists
and actors and supplies words to music and harmonious language to lovers.
Neptune is the creator of both visible and invisible arts as well as the soul of
the known and unknown sciences.
Loving with the feeling of pity, nourishing the love, keeping compassion
and mercy together are all the secret feelings of Neptune’s spirit. Neptune is
also the power of the most beautiful feelings and faith, the aesthetics of art,
the soul of deep feelings and the owner of spiritual power of healing.
e healer of spiritualistic and physical injuries, Neptune is the cleanser
of the strongest lth and the owner of divine love. Neptune knows how to
keep and protect this spiritual power. Supernatural powers, occultism,
meditation and aesthetics are under Neptune’s reign. e negative energies
that Neptune has cause addiction, deception and mental illness.
Representing spiritualism, emotionalism, imagination, inspiration and
romanticism, Neptune grants to one of its qualities to each planet it contacts.

The power of inspiration Neptune grants to the Sun

e Sun, being the ruling planet of Leo, is strong in the second decan of
Aries and the third decan of Sagittarius.
e Sun is the power of glossiness, lustre, glory, values, fame and
honour. e Sun seeks to have its creativity recognised, introduces its art to
be famous, raises everyone’s awareness towards its power in essence and
makes them adore it and gains pride from being appreciated and admired.
e owner of power, nobility, arts, and creativity, the Sun lacks
inspiration, which will be granted by Neptune. e combination of art and
inspiration creates the most beautiful spiritual aroma. e conjunction of
these energies forms divine love, the spirit of art and mercy.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Dreams that come true, artistic skills, audio-visual skills, and tolerance
are the qualities that these strong energies grant to the whole universe.
Inspiration, vision, mystery, justice, trust and life energies are awarded to the

The energy of con dence Neptune grants to the Moon

Being the ruling planet of Cancer, the Moon strong in the third decan of
Taurus and at its nineteenth degree. Strong in Pisces, the Moon reaches
maximum effect in its second decan.
Tranquillity, serenity and con dence are essential to the Moon. When
deprived of tranquillity, love and compassion, the Moon loses its con dence
and disguises itself and turns invisible. Hiding behind the mist, the Moon is
shy, unprotected and weak and lacks con dence. Lacking the ability to ght,
the Moon creates a world of suffering and unhappiness for itself. It lives in
this world in a depressed, indecisive, and doubtful state.
Lacking power, con dence, love and tranquillity the Moon intuitively
expects a rescuer. It is Neptune that grants to the qualities of love,
compassion, tranquillity, con dence and serenity to the Moon. Eventually
getting what it needs, the Moon becomes rmly con dent.
e combination of these energies creates the most beautiful creative
feelings, pure love, emotional security and inspiration. It also brings
wisdom, emotional sustenance, strong imagination, mystic inspiration and
realised desires. e energies of compassion, emotions, con dence,
tranquillity and love are presented to the universe.

The energy of imagination Neptune grants to Mercury

e ruling planet of Gemini and Virgo, Neptune is also strongly in effect in

the third decan of Libra and the second decan of Aquarius.
Mercury is the ruler of strong linguistic skills, practical intelligence,
conscious intelligence, establishing connections, mental works and sharing
Reason, talent, curiosity, skills and harmony are Mercury’s strongest
energies. Mercury makes poetry and song by intellectual exploration and
creative words. Yet, Mercury lacks imaginative skills and does not possess
the power of inspiration. It needs Neptune to grant skills of imagination. e
explorations which have found a soul serve as words to poets, light the road
to knowledge and bring intuition to power, inspiration to reason and form a
bridge to cosmic energies.

e combination of these energies results in audio-visual skills,
emotional exploration, vivid imagination, genuine intelligence, logical love,
spiritual communication, mystic wit, cosmic knowledge, enchanting words,
in nite wit and power of telepathy with pure soul and body language.
Knowledge, wit, reason, conscience, mysticism, talent, perception and
intuition energies are presented to the universe.

The friendship energy Neptune grants to Venus

Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus and Libra. Strong in the third decans of
Virgo and Aquarius and the second decans of Capricorn and Gemini, Venus
is honoured in Pisces.
Love, affection, justice, whims, coquetry, peace, tranquillity, harmony
and balance are Venus’s strong energies. Possessing materialistic and
spiritualistic pleasures, Venus is aware that it is fancied, loved and noticed. It
is aware of the value of its beauty and charm. It seeks to raise the awareness
of its material and spiritual values. It also seeks to introduce these values as
widely as possible.
Neptune expands Venus’s boundaries through friendship energies.
Neptune serves as a mirror to Venus’s beauty. With the creative inspiration
energies received from Neptune, Venus’s noble energies soar.
e ruler of beauty, nobility, talent, art and pleasure, Venus creates the
best emotions and feelings with emotional, sensitive and sentimental
Neptune. e combination of these energies creates the qualities of
worshipping love, romantic love, platonic love, melancholy, suffering of love
and divine love. Inspiration, elegance, politeness, nobility, tranquillity,
harmony, love, happiness, mystic and divine energies are spread out to the

The energy of tranquillity Neptune grants to Mars

Mars is the ruling planet of Aries as well as the second ruling planet of
Scorpio. It is particularly strong in the third decan of Leo and the second
decan of Sagittarius.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Violence, fury, ght, struggle and ambitions are the words that describe
Mars. Willpower, passion, courage, durability, honesty and power are Mars’
noble energies. With its massive physical energy, and with its courage which
knows no boundary, and its passion to win, Mars can be destructive. It can
harm itself and others. Mars, with its drive to win desire to retain power,
needs tranquillity, rest and peace. It needs a power that will ease its fury, take
away the anger and soen it up. Neptune will do all this.
e combination of these two energies constitutes appreciation of
courage, serenity of fury, trophy of victory, tranquillity of mercy, spiritual
power and victory of love. Inspiration, power, courage, serenity, mercy,
willpower, passion and ambition energies are granted to the universe.

The energy of mystical power Neptune grants to Jupiter

e ruling planet of Sagittarius, Jupiter is also strong in Pisces, in the second

decan of Leo and in the third decans of Aries. It is also strong in the third
degree of Cancer.
Proliferation, fertility, wealth, wisdom, faith, con dence, and fortune
are Jupiter’s essential values. Helping the poor, homage to guests, skills of
intuition, holy senses, and inner illumination are Jupiter’s noble energies.
Laziness, irresponsibility, lies, risks, exaggeration and vanity are Jupiter’s
negative energies. Neptune has a positive and mystical power to help Jupiter
lter all negative energies and cleanse itself from them.
e combination of these two energies creates basic values, in nite
faith, realised dreams, eternal divine love, mercy, and the in nite power of
healing. Knowledge, fertility, faith, inspiration, health and fortune energies
are presented to the universe.

The energy of sense Neptune grants to Saturn

Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn. However, Saturn was the ruling
planet of Aquarius before Uranus was discovered. Aer Uranus’ discovery,
Saturn became the second ruling planet of Aquarius. Saturn is crucially
effective in the second decan of Virgo and the third decan of Taurus. It is
also signi cantly, in the second decan of Libra, at 21 degrees of Libra and in

Saturn’s powerful energies are authority, discipline, willpower,
endeavour, patience, steadiness and con dence. e characteristics that best
describe Saturn are: the power of resistance against challenges, knowing the
value of the things possessed, knowing the past and taking rm and
con dent steps towards the future, and self-esteem. Distrust, rigidity,
distance, fear, obstacles, prohibition, and disaffection are all Saturn’s negative
Neptune is the divine protector, the power of pure love, the ruler of the
invisible powers and the possessor of universal love. Neptune possesses
spiritual power as well. It is the healer of the universe. By the energy of its
spiritual power, by the energy of Healing Power Neptune rescues Saturn
from its own distrust, fears and distantness.
Saturn doesn’t know love or affection. us it cannot dream of
happiness. Being the spiritual teacher of the universe Neptune teaches
Saturn love, affection, how to have dream of happiness and how to make
these dreams true.
Neptune helps Saturn eliminates negative energies. It abolishes and lis
up Saturn’s boundaries and obstacles. It makes Saturn more beautiful,
rejuvenates it and makes it shine more gloriously.
e conjugation of these two energies forms in nite success, permanent
love, unforgettable beauties, the successful outcome of patience, the reality
of life and indestructible infrastructure. e energies of patience, steadiness,
willpower, endeavour, love, affection, emotion, and power of healing spread
to the universe.

The in nite power energy Neptune grants to Uranus

e ruling planet of Aquarius, Uranus is strong in the third decan of Gemini

and the second decan of Libra. Uranus also likes proving its strength in the
rst decan of Scorpio.
Freedom, originality, reform, awareness, sixth sense, wit, genius and
humanitarian feelings are Uranus’ noble energies.
Revolution, evolution, foresight, tendency to change, originality, sudden
awakening, change, mental skills, longing for freedom and innovations that
launch new eras are the words that describe the energies of Uranus.
Being a planet of opportunity, Uranus seeks to be appraised
immediately. Passionate for freedom, Uranus seeks to prove its power by
going beyond boundaries. It also wants its difference to be noticed, its
innovations to be utilised and it also seeks to pinpoint the fact that all these
are explorations. With the serenity freedom provides, Uranus seeks to step
beyond the boundaries and extend the in nite power of value to the

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Uranus’ desire for in nity will be granted by Neptune and with this
Uranus’ values reach outside the boundaries and scatter into the eternity of
the universe.
e combination of these two energies constitutes eternal freedom,
serenity provided by freedom, intuition that gives inspiration, the power to
love, forbidden love affairs, free relations, universal arts, techniques from
dreams and ndings triggered by inspirations. Freedom, wit, genius,
opportunity, fortune, romanticism, mystic and original energies are let out
into the universe.

The energy of divine love Neptune grants to Pluto

e ruling planet of Scorpio, Pluto is strong in the third decans of Pisces and
Leo and the second decan of Cancer.
Power, passion, desire, ambition, fury, mysticism, knowledge and
intuition are Pluto’s strong energies. Death, rebirth, great change, to bring in
existence, to exterminate and to offer new conditions are Pluto’s principles. It
is Pluto that controls visible and invisible powers, guards the divine secret of
death, the driver of superpowers and that which reforms the old, and uses
them all at the same time.
Violence, fury, passion for power, execution and revenge are Pluto’s
negative energies. Pluto needs something that will ease its violence and fury,
make it forget about revenge and stop the drive to execute. Neptune will
provide Pluto with this energy and Pluto will rid itself of its negative
energies and cleanse itself.
When these two energies come together, they create the power and
revenge of love, secret feelings, disguised feelings, healing energies, harmful
words, the power of feeling and values that bring things into existence from
nothing. ey offer changes and innovations that conditions have phased in
and the power of alchemy to the universe. Love, pride, passion, intuition,
power and strength energies are spread to the universe.

Neptune in the zodiac signs
Like Uranus and Pluto, Neptune is a generational planet. When these planets
move, they bring forth the issues they represent by joining their energies
with those of the signs they are in.
Neptune spends fourteen years in each sign. When Neptune was
discovered in 1814, a striking romantic movement in ne arts started.
Moreover, charities were established. ere was an increase in mystic
subjects, religious and divine senses. What is more, new ndings came up
through inspiration. Narcotics were used in medicine for the rst time.
When Neptune transits through signs, it makes new discoveries
possible in the elds the signs represent. us, Neptune plays a crucial role
in historical events.

Neptune was in Aries between 1861 and 1874 and soened up the
rebellious, stubborn, cruel and wild nature of Aries. e generations that
came into the world when Neptune was in Aries valued religious subjects as
well art subjects.
Aries represents wars, weapons, explosives, crashes and the power of
attack. When Neptune was in Aries, America was struggling with a civil war.
In 1863, while Neptune was transiting through Aries the rst tube was built
in London. In 1871, the automatic gun was invented, and through the help
of Neptune’s creative power dynamite was invented in 1866 by Alfred Nobel.
is invention also led to the establishment of a foundation. Aries, a leading
sign, represents new beginnings and had a major role in the establishment of
the Nobel prizes.

Neptune was in Taurus between the years 1874 and 1875 as well as between
the years 1887 and 1889 and brought about Taurus’ materialistic resources,
artistic skills, its passion for luxury and values. e generation alive when
Neptune was in Taurus valued love, affection, beauty, ne arts, aesthetics,
luxury, renovation, nance and agriculture. Aestheticism was brought into
the arts while art activities were improved. One of the signs that represents
luxury is Taurus. When Neptune transited into Taurus, the rst luxurious
petrol car was made. Karl Benz invented the three wheel petrol vehicles. In
1887, Emile Berliner made the rst gramophone and reshaped it to
luxurious standards.
Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Neptune was in Gemini between 1887 and 1888 and between 1901 and
1902. Neptune gives inspiration to Gemini’s mental skills and those who are
born when Neptune is in Gemini value knowledge, education, teaching and
learning, foreign languages, technical knowledge, novelties, new
experiences, communication and trade. Gemini represents communication,
knowledge, education, cras, media, roads and vehicles. Changes in public
transport were launched in this period.
e Hejaz Railway was launched in 1901. When Neptune entered
Gemini in 1888, George Eastman invented the rst roll of lm. e
creativity that the planet of inspiration granted to the zodiac sign of
intelligence opened new worlds to humanity and offered new facilities.

Neptune was in Cancer between 1901 and 1902 as well as between the years
1914 and 1915. Cancer represents families, family bonds, sacri ce, security,
the drive to protect, family life, compassion, love and nutrition. Neptune
shows compassion, loyalty and sensibility to Cancer’s feelings. Breaking,
discriminating, cheating and misleading are Neptune’s negative energies.
Neptune is also related to sudden deaths and martyrdom. Neptune was in
Cancer when the First World War broke out, which resulted in unexpected
losses of loved ones, unexpected deaths and miserable suffering. ere were
immeasurable material and spiritual losses. Innumerable people were le
homeless; families were escaped into different places all suffering from and
ghting against pain, hunger and poverty.
e generations born during this period knew the value of the peace
that came aer all the misery of poverty, grief and loss. ey tended to keep
strong family bonds, were all strongly bound to the ones they loved as well
as being compassionate towards and protective of them. When Neptune was
in Cancer a number of inventors’ dreams came true. e French inventor
Henry Fabre pioneered the rst aircra that was able to land into and take
off from the sea. In 1911, Ronald Amundsen and his crew were the rst
people to visit the South Arctic.

Neptune was in Leo in 1915 and between  1928 and 1929. Leo represents
entertainment and theme parks, show business, creative things, gold mines
and artistic skills. Neptune has become an inspiration to Leo’s artistic skills
and stretched the boundaries of entertainment and show business.
Innovations were introduced in this period; for instance, the rst sound
lms were made. e Four Horseman of the Apocalypse was screened. In
America, Century Fox Filmmaking Company was founded in 1915. e rst
television was made in 1929.

Neptune combined its creative inspirational power with Leo’s artistic
skills. us, entertainment, represented by Leo, was improved as well as
artistic activities introduced to innovations. In addition, Leo represents
kings and leaders, thus power and authority are emphasized in this period.
Vatican City became a sovereign state in 1929. In the same year, Joseph
Stalin gained more power in the Soviet Union by exiling Leon Trotsky to
Turkey. e rst World Cup championship started in this era. e rst
television and fridge as well as the invention of penicillin all happened when
Neptune transited into Leo. ose born in this generation possessed
leadership spirits, honest personalities  and loved managing and ruling.
ey also valued love, power, luxury, creativity, stage arts, gambling and

Neptune was in Virgo between the years 1928 and 1929 as well as between
the years 1942 and 1943. ose born when Neptune entered Virgo, value
health, natural products, hygiene, practicality, earth and agriculture. Virgo
symbolises hygiene, health, purity, details, worries, help, earth, proliferate
produce, fertility, farming, workers and domestic pets. Neptune may weaken
Virgo’s bene cial, realistic and practical order as well as its means of service.
When Neptune transited into Virgo new discoveries occurred in agriculture
and health. e Swiss chemist Paul Muller discovered DDT while looking
for means by which to kill the insects that harm wheat and barley and carry
e American microbiologist Selman Waksman discovered streptomycin in
1943. Streptomycin is a strong antibiotic that ghts against tuberculosis
which initially destroys livers. ere was a number of signi cant discoveries
in health in this period.
Neptune was in Libra between the years 1942-1943 and between 1956 and
1957. Libra represents love, respect, justice, laws, order, diplomacy, peace,
balance, and harmony, interpersonal and bilateral relations. Right power of
judgement, social life, knowledge and humanitarian approaches all are
related to Libra. People who are born in this period therefore are just and
thus they place value on justice, laws, peace, serenity and love.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Neptune’s transit into the sign of peace and tranquillity, Libra, saw wars
come to an end, peace settled and tranquil life obtained. Neptune’s divine
skills found life in the ne arts which is represented by Libra. e powerful
and fast jet airplane was invented in 1944 and the helicopter was
manufactured the same year. e rst jet American airplane, F-16 Sabre, had
its rst ight in 1948. Atatürk’s foster daughter and the rst Turkish female
pilot Sabiha Gökçen handed her application in to ght in the Korean War in
1951. Colour television was invented in 1953.

In 1957 and between the years 1970 and 1971 Neptune was in Scorpio.
Scorpio is the sign of death, rebirth, and superior power of intuition, strong
skill of decision making, unknown secrets, secret documents, permanent
strength and underground material and spiritual powers. Mysticism,
sexuality, secrets, metaphysics, doubt, passion and renovation are the
characteristics that de ne Scorpio best.
With Neptune’s transit into Scorpio, there was a rise in drug usage, and
there were subsequent serious deaths due to the high level of drug use. is
period is when drug ma as increased drug trafficking. While Neptune was
transiting into Scorpio some people made different sexual and gender
choices. Many different sexually transmitted diseases started spreading very
quickly. ere was an increase in the interest into growth, mysticism and the
unknown. ere were also people who praised supernatural powers and
started seeking cures from healers who were not doctors.
While Neptune, the planet of seas and oceans, was transiting Scorpio at 7
degrees (the sign of mysticism and depth) Challenger, the deepest valley in
the ocean, was discovered. e hippie movement became common, sexuality
was over-emphasised while sexually transmitted diseases spread and interest
in secret sciences increased.
Between 1971 and 1984 Neptune was in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the sign
of fortune, chance, religious subjects, horizons, reaching the top, cosmic
awareness and material as well as spiritual discoveries.
Expanding, spreading, proliferating, hope, trust, knowledge, prophecy,
predicting and tolerance are the words that describe Sagittarius best. People
who were born in this period are capable in spiritual subjects and thus value
inner illumination. ose who have strong spiritual powers tend to use their
material and spiritual knowledge towards benevolence, health and
happiness. ey are genuinely skilful in spiritual elds. ey will improve,
develop and expanding the knowledge they have gained through cosmic
means. ey also do not hesitate to travel to different countries for the sake
of knowledge and to spread their knowledge they patiently tolerate dangers
and obstacles.

Neptune may be misleading in the elds that Sagittarius represents. It
may be critical of religion, faith and ethical values. ere may be
disillusionments in foreign countries visited. ere may also be material and
spiritual losses.
A number of underground things came to light as a result of Neptune’s
transition into Sagittarius; one of them was underground cigarette, alcohol,
drug and weapon trafficking that occurred between 1970 and 1971. is is
also the period when animal rights were emphasised, thus they were taken
under control and protected.
With Neptune’s transition into Sagittarius, which is the sign of airlines
and remote horizons, new discoveries about space were introduced. In 1971,
Apollo 14 returned to earth aer its long and tiring journey to the Moon.
Neptune was in Capricorn between the years 1984 and 1998. Capricorn
is the zodiac sign of rules, organisation, discipline, management, patience,
reason, respect and authority. Patiently waiting for the sake of objectives,
appraising the time, success aer patience, going through to the top by
con dent steps are what describe Capricorn best. ose who are born in this
period value structuring, organisation, discipline, traditions, society and
Brought up in a repressive family environment, these people will bring
up their children in a similar way. Having serious responsibilities, this
generation may appear authoritative and rough to other people. What is
more, Capricorn represents governments, management, structures and
ancient historical buildings.

With Neptune’s transit into Capricorn we observed the collapse of countries

and ancient buildings, drought and material and spiritual losses. In 1990, the
Yugoslavian army went into Kosovo. e country began to collapse and new,
smaller countries began to emerge. In 1987 the London stock exchange
collapsed and lost £50,000,000. e communist regimes based on the works
of Marx and Engels, collapsed. e Maastricht Agreement ECCA was
reshaped into the European Union. In 1988 a number of countries suffered
from drought and produced many economic migrants.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans

Between the years 1998 and 2011 Neptune was in Aquarius, the zodiac sign
of wit, intelligence, science, education, novelty, originality, evolution,
revolution, freedom and awareness. Disobeying rules and authority, going
against tradition, not being in uenced by others, believing in the truth, and
doing what they themselves believe the right thing to do are the terms that
best describe Aquarius.
is generation values friendship, sharing, grouping of people and
science. ey also value technology, novelties and humanitarian approaches.
Being distinctive through their wit, intelligence and technical knowledge,
they prove to be different from previous generations. ere were
inspirational advances in technology during this period. Linguistic, religious
and racial discrimination is no longer as harsh as it used to be. With
Neptune’s transit into Aquarius, the sign of science, the unmanned spaceship
Voyager 1 began its journey between the galaxies. e spaceship Colombia
crushed whilst on its journey back to the earth in 2003. Sadly, seven
astronauts lost their lives.

Neptune transited into Pisces on 23 February 2012 and will stay there until
2025. Pisces is the sign of feeling, emotion, creativity, sacri ce, secrets,
sensitivity, tolerance and inspiration. Liing borders, in uencing easily,
having feelings for someone, power of healing, inspirational skill and
melting down are the qualities that best describe Pisces. ose born in this
period will value equality, social justice, human and animal rights. ey will
also be altruistic people who possess inspiration, strong divine love and are
fond of spiritualism. As a result of Neptune’s transition into Pisces, its
qualities will ourish and strengthen. ere will also be a rise in interest in
the unknown. People will become aware of their own powers and value
spiritualism. ings learnt intuitively will be put into practice as professions.
Dreams, intuition and feelings will come into prominence. e power of
telepathy, emotionalism, conscience and the feeling of mercy will be
Neptune may be misleading and deceptive in the elds that Pisces
represents. Drugs, medicines, poisons and suicides are all related to
Neptune. erefore, there may an increased tendency towards drug
addiction, use of medicines, increase in the numbers of suicides and the use
of poisonous substances may come to prominence. ere may also be fake
prophets, exploitation of hopes and plagiarisers.


Famous Pisceans

First decan

Victor Hugo: 26 February 1802

Elizabeth Taylor: 27 February 1932

Second decan

Alexander Graham Bell: 3 March 1847

Elizabeth Barrett Browning: 6 March 1802

Third decan

Dr Fazıl Küçük: 14 March 1906

Albert Einstein: 14 March 1879
Dr David Livingstone, the discoverer of the Zambezi River and Malawi Lake
in Africa: 19 March 1813

Pisces illnesses

Pisces represents the feet, illnesses caused by cold, viruses, contagious

diseases, psychological breakdowns, loss of memory and oedema. Pisceans
are emotional and sensitive people and their illnesses are consequences of
their emotional sufferings. ey have enhanced telepathic powers.
ose who have strong willpower are capable of communicating with
invisible creatures by their power of their mind. However, Pisceans who are
not strong may be harmed by these powers. ese Pisceans are scared of
being alone and they think they are chased by some people when they are
not in reality. erefore, they start doubting everyone.
When Pisceans suffer a lack of willpower, they should consume plenty
of garlic products. Couch-grass, centaury, sweet bay and Saint John’s wort
are all recommended as spices or tea as well as sage tea consumed before
breakfast. e ebony, rowan, amber, acorn can be used as incense and
pumpkin consumed. Grape molasses should be consumed every morning.
Plenty of water should be consumed, and plenty of baths and fresh air are
needed. Food containing milk and our should be abstained from. Mint,
fennel and anise should not be used and they should abstain from the smells
of basil and lavender. Instead, the scents of rose, jasmine, the Eastern
strawberry tree and pine tree should be used.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans

Absent mindedness

In order to prevent forgetfulness consume raisins, ginger, black cumin and

pistachios. Plenty of Omega 3 and Vitamin C should be consumed. Wheat
and rye bread should be consumed but white bread should be abstained


e area should be washed with a water and vinegar mixture and also
massaged with a lemon and vinegar mixture. Blisters can be dressed with
onion juice and red henna laid on the area where the blisters are.

Cracked heels

Massage the area with castor oil, olive oil and chicken fat every day. e
cracked area should be massaged with starch as well. It can also be treated
with red henna.

Nail infections

Carnation, cinnamon and green tea consumed every morning before

breakfast. Sage or parsley tea should be consumed.

Two tablespoons of starch

Juice of one large radish
Half a teaspoon of rosemary

Half a teaspoon of cedar tree oil
Two drops of carnation oil
Two drops of lemon oil
ree drops of lavender oil

Mix into a so cream and then apply to the area where the pus is.

Itchy feet

Four tablespoons of palm oil

One tablespoon of jojoba oil
One teaspoon of thyme oil
One teaspoon of cress oil
One tablespoon of starch

Mix together and apply to the itchy area. Black tea should not be consumed.
e itchy area should be rubbed with starch.

Rashes between the toes

Wash with vinegar and treat with starch. Mix two tablespoons of starch, the
white of an egg and pine oil and apply.

Rheumatism pains

Massage the feet with ethyl alcohol and vodka.

Four tablespoons of ground broad beans

Eight tablespoons of chicken fat
One dessert spoon of thyme oil
One dessert spoon of carnation oil

Mix together and apply aer massaging with ethyl alcohol and vodka.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans

e area where there is a spur should be massaged with thyme and pine oil.
Yarrow should be boiled and the diseased area dressed with the juice and
massaged with raw potato. Plenty of apples should be consumed. Salt and
red meat should be abstained from.

Pumpkin, lady’s nger, pine nuts, honey and raisins can be consumed in
order to prevent neurosis. Sweet bay, centaury, oak, rowan oil, and olive oil
should be massaged on the body.


Chickpeas, celeries and parsley should be boiled and drunk as teas for three

Boiled daisies should be used in salads with garlic and olive oil and
consumed every day.

Boiled daisy juice should be drunk as tea every morning.

Plenty of pumpkin should be consumed and molasses consumed every

morning. Garlic should be added to meals.


e planet of transformation

Pluto is known as the higher octave of Mars. Pluto encourages us against

different situations and events. It also helps us be aware of our own fate.
What is more, it presents us with different lives for us to be able to forget the
sufferings of those we have lost. Furthermore, it grants us the willpower to
overcome our weaknesses. Putting an end to what is harmful and bad in our
lives, Pluto replaces those things with better or worse ones.
Pluto is a spiritual bridge between life and death. Pluto is a secret: the
secret of all secrets. It is such a massive secret that the secrets of the seen, the
unseen, the known and the unknown powers are all embedded in Pluto.
ose who manage to unlock this lock succeed in embracing secret
education, secret knowledge and willpower.
Pluto is a physical intuition: a hidden force in us. It is a hidden power
that pulls us into the deep, intimidates us, protects us, hides us, heals us and
acknowledges us all. Pluto knows the secrets of the underground; hence it
unveils the secrets of the unknown, invisible and mysterious. Pluto is a
destructive and constructive energy of power that brings existence from
nothing and annihilates utterly if necessary. Pluto opens the door of the
world we do not know. ose who go through this door uncover the secrets
of the world of secrets.
Pluto is an intense source of power. It is the energy of courage, change,
power, passion, wisdom and mystery. Pluto is the planet of change, evolution
and new opportunities. It is also the force of beginnings and ends and turns
metal into jewellery. With the power Pluto grants to us, we reach our
potential power which makes us face the realities we cannot escape, but hide
from and deny.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Pluto represents sexually transmitted diseases, nervous breakdowns of
which the causes and reasons are unknown, epilepsy, womb tumour,
secretions of the sexual organs, anus, bladder, sacrum, prostate, ureter and
sexual organs. Underground sources, graveyards, drains, caves,
underground powers, ma as, magic and bodiless beings are all under Pluto’s
governance. Pluto plays a vivid part in plagues, unexpected natural disasters,
crashes, massacres and wars.
With the aspects it makes with the other planets, Pluto plays a crucial
role in history, in historical cycles, as well as good and bad events. Positive
aspects between Pluto and the Sun led to the discovery of gold mining as
and the rise in value of gold as well as triggering the discoveries of Sunken
and hidden ancient cities. Negative aspects between Pluto and the Sun cause
the decline of underground resources, diseases triggered by hot weather,
physical illnesses and res. Positive aspects between Pluto and Venus
indicate signi cant changes in social values, personal relations and luxurious
life and play a crucial role in diplomacy. e negative aspects of these two
planets indicate sexual diseases, crimes of passion, assassinations of famous
women or diplomats and strong storms.
Positive aspects between Pluto and Mars signpost new beginnings aer
destruction, the military gaining power and victory mainly triggered by
courage. It will also unveil the expected but forgotten heritage. On the other
hand, the negative aspects between these two planets symbolise res caused
by war, destruction, massacre, mass graves, traffic accidents, unexpected
illnesses and material and spiritual losses due to natural catastrophe. Positive
aspects between Pluto and Jupiter represent in nite healing power, the
healing of material and spiritual sicknesses, wealth gained by inheritance,
and the discovery of underground sources/wealth. Negative aspects between
these two planets cause numerous life losses due to famine, the massive
deaths of sheep and cattle because of disease, serious and contagious fatal
diseases, religious wars, murders of religious men and scholars and
Positive aspects between Pluto and Saturn cause the discovery of mines,
making the most of underground sources, empowerment of military forces
and the discovery of ancient tombs. Negative aspects between Pluto and
Saturn indicate contagious fatal diseases from rats and dogs, the drying and
evolution of vegetation, life losses in mines, plagues and poisoning.

Positive aspects between Pluto and Uranus trigger reformation in
religious faith, and cause the unknown and unheard natural sources to come
up abruptly and new ndings in health and revolutionary novelties. e
positive effects of these two powers indicate secret knowledge through
prophecy. Negative aspects cause massive tornadoes, strong thunderbolts,
earthquakes, res and electric accidents. Uncontrollable material and
spiritual losses are the consequences of the negative energies of these two
powers. Negative aspects between Pluto and Uranus also take a crucial part
in nuclear accidents and abrupt fatal illnesses.
Positive aspects between Pluto and Neptune cause the power energies to
be spread between people, cause healing power, tendency to mysterious
subjects and depict secret knowledge coming through inspiration. e
teachings of secrets, the unveiling of spiritual secrets and the valuation of
petrol are all the results of the positive energies of these two planets. Harsh
aspects between Pluto and Neptune cause sea accidents, gradual meltdown
of icecaps, sea pollution, travelling of chunks of mud and pervasion of
contagious illnesses due to over own sewage.
e ancient people were aware of the existence of Pluto. ey believed
that this planet had something to do with leprosy, cholera and plague. With
its conjunction with Jupiter in Aries in 1347, Pluto launched the Black
Death. e plague spread all around the world and caused massive numbers
of deaths. Being a cardinal and re sign, Aries is associated with fatal,
contagious illnesses and plagues caused by animals. Saturn’s transit into
Pisces indicated the fact that the plague came from animals; the rats. Saturn’s
conjunction with the Black Moon signi es death from disease, dispersion of
family members and spiritual losses. e Moon, which represents
community, society and population showed its dark side at this time.
Seventy- ve million people lost their lives due to the plague. Pluto is also
associated with wealth and inheritance. Yet, while inheritance made some
people happy, it made others argue and fall out and serious ghts broke out
and led to death, preventing them from making use of their inheritance.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Pluto in astronomy

Pluto is the ninth planet in the solar system. Existing deep sides of the space,
Pluto is the smallest, slowest, coldest, and the furthest planet in the solar
system. e distance between Pluto and the Sun is 367 million miles.
Cold, icy and dark Pluto looks very distant and mysterious. e planet
is formed of frozen methane, water and rocks. Pluto’s atmosphere is formed
of frozen methane and hydrogen and it has dark yellow spots.
Discovered by American Clyde Tombaugh in 1930, Pluto is half the size
of Mercury and the two-thirds the size of the Moon. It takes 248 years for
Pluto to complete its rotation. It normally stays in a sign for twelve, thirteen,
twenty-four or thirty-two years. While it stays in the sign that it rules
(Scorpio) for twelve or thirteen years it stays in Scorpio’s opposite sign
(Taurus) for thirty-two years.
Pluto moves forwards 1 minute a day. Its size is 1,440 miles while the
temperature is believed to be 230°C. Aer a long controversial debate, Pluto
was no longer categorised as a planet by the International Astronomical
Union on 24 August 2006.

Pluto in mythology

Pluto was the god of dead, underground and underground sources in

mythology. e symbol of Pluto is the double-edged sword: while one edge
represents death the other represents life.
Pluto was believed to have had a three-headed dog, with each of its
heads looking in different directions. One faced east, while the others faced
west and north. e head looking towards the east saw those who had just
been born, the one looking towards the north saw their future and the one
facing the west saw the end of the life.
Pluto is Hades in ancient Greek mythology, the king of the world of the
dead, governor of the underground and the owner of the underground
sources and wealth. When Hades was living in wealth in his underground
palace, he wanted to go up to the world. When he came up to the world, he
encountered a young girl with very long blonde hair and beautiful white
skin who was holding a bouquet of grain ear in her hand. He fell so madly in
love with her that he spent all his time thinking about her and of possessing
her. No matter what, he just wanted to possess her. is girl was Persephone,
the daughter of the goddess of earth, grains and fertility, Demeter.

Knowing that Demeter would be unwilling to give her daughter to him,
Hades worked hard to be strong against difficulties and obstacles and the
started chasing aer Demeter like a shadow. His love developed to the level
of passion. No matter what, her wanted Persephone and was prepared to
destroy all barriers in his way. He even thought of abducting her, but she was
never alone.
Persephone helped her mother sow grain, harvest it and make bread.
Finally, one day Hades secretly abducted Persephone without her mother
realising it for some time.
Persephone temporarily lost her mind due to her fear. When she
regained consciousness it was too late to gure out that she was already in an
unfamiliar place – the underground where Hades rules.
Demeter was so upset at her daughter being kidnapped that there was
no living being she didn’t ask about her daughter. She forgot about
everything else - even her main duties: grain started to dry up and die.
Demeter is the goddess of seasons and agriculture. Searching for her
daughter she forgot about managing the seasons and world went into chaos.
Life was at the verge of destruction.
Zeus was angry with Demeter for forgetting her duties. He promised to
retrieve her daughter if she resumed managing the seasons properly and
managing agriculture.
Zeus knew that Hades loved to play the lyre and so presented a lyre to
him as a gi. Happy with this, Hades agreed to negotiate with Zeus about
Persephone and eventually agreed to return her to her mother to spend
spring and summer. e rest of the year she was to remain underground
with him. When Persephone visits her mother the soil becomes fertile and
gives proli c products, but when she goes underground the soil turns
infertile again.
The general characteristics of Pluto

Pluto is Scorpio’s ruling planet. Pluto also likes showing its characteristics
and strength in Leo and is strong in the second decan of Scorpio and the
third decan of Pisces. It additionally increases its mysterious power at 18
degrees of Pisces and the second decan of Leo. Pluto presents spiritualistic
teachings at 14 and 15 degrees of Scorpio, in the second decan of Cancer.
Moreover, Pluto is in uential at 3 and 4 degrees of Pisces where it
contributes to the skills of writing detective and crime literature as well as
offering secret teaching. Pluto also gives a secret charm and beauty, success
in ne arts, fame and wealth.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Pluto rules secrets, power, passion, transformation, change, charm,
sexuality and violence. In addition, death, rebirth, beginnings and ends,
giving up on the past despite suffering, rebuilding from the relics of the past,
and re ning oneself are characteristics that best describe Pluto. Pluto is
basically a power that unveils secrets, disguises values, re nes the life power
and is the owner of deep desires, of deep feelings and of deep powers.
Pluto represents power, strength, spirits, deaths, psychic events, night’s
darkness, underground secrets, fearlessness, courage, and perfecting,
rejuvenating and new life aer death.
e king of new conditions, Pluto does not pardon betrayal. Pluto loves
loyalty, although is disloyal itself. Because it does not pardon betrayal, it will
shoot its enemy using the same weapon it was shot with.
On one hand, it aims to annihilate. On the other hand, when it gets its
victim Pluto will be indecisive as to whether to kill it or let it live on.
However, because the feeling of revenge weighs more it will annihilate its
victim. Pluto’s love, hatred, and revenge are all harsh. Whatever Pluto says
may hurt and kill.
Pluto represents people working underground, miners, members of
secret associations, archaeologists, ma as, surgeons, butchers, insurers,
police, armed forces, graveyards, magicians, healers, mediums, and funeral
directors and undertakers. Death, rebirth, uncovered secrets, sexuality,
terrorism, underground sources, sexual organs, sacrum and bladder are all
under Pluto’s rule.

The psychological energy of Pluto

ose under the in uence of Pluto are into the unknown, full of secrets and
mysterious people. ey possess attraction more than beauty. On their faces
or thighs they have either a birthmark or a scar which is the sign of Pluto.
ey have a distinctive side lock of their hair. Either they have dense hair or
little hair.
Among those who are signi cantly in uenced by Pluto, there is a
number of people who are into the unknown and secrets. ese people
primarily get their powers from hair, side locks, eyes and eyebrows.

eir birthmarks or scars on their faces serve as invisible third eyes to
the world of the unknown. Birthmarks or scars on their thighs or hips
however serve as tools by which they try to establish connection with dead
people’s souls or try to discover people’s secrets or unveil underground
secrets. Pluto’s signs, birthmarks and scars on face, thighs or hips always
stand out and Pluto’s secrets are disguised in these signs. ese who are
in uenced by Pluto are known by their courage, pride and strong willpower.
Tight- sted, they say they have no money even if they do. ey know
everyone’s secrets, but they do not share those secrets with anyone else.
Vengeful, they betray against betrayal. ey use the same weapon for
payback when they are victimised.
eir affection, love and hatred are severe as well. Hiding their feelings
and affection, they love living their loves in furthest and unknown places.
ey hide their affection and disguise their loves. eir real loves are the
affections they have disguised. More than love, they desire those they love.
Even though they seem to value love won through difficulty and combat,
they do not value the things they have gained by difficulty.
ose who are under Pluto’s in uence are into secrets and the
unknown. ey are also inclined to red or black colours due to Pluto’s strong
effects. ese two colours go so well with these people that they attract the
evil eye and hence suffer from headache or tummy ache. ey love gs and
g trees as they have a secret spiritual attachment to g trees.
If Pluto is in uencing them very strongly, these people like yellow and
black. Seeing these two colours together gives them peace in their souls.
ey love pomegranate trees. ey start whistling from childhood. ey
have a weird feeling towards snakes.
ey have enhanced mediumship skills. By looking at someone’s face,
these people are able to know their pasts and futures. ey like dim and
silent places. e way they talk is soothing and healing and others like
listening to these people. ey have strong rhetorical skills that relax human
minds. ey value the spiritual world rather than the material world. ey
believe in the power of luck and magic. ey look mysterious. rough the
power of intuition and spiritual sight, they prophesy the future. ose who
execute these skills as a profession procure their power from their eyebrows,
hair and eyes.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
eir bodily organs are in touch with their souls. ey have invisible
eyes and ears. ey also possess supreme spiritual powers. ey use these
powers to learn secrets and the unknown. ey possess extreme courage and
power. Making the most of their powers through speech, they make friends
with important people.

The negative psychological energy of Pluto

ose people who are adversely in uenced by Pluto’s negative effects

become vengeful, angry, disrespectful and insolent. Showing no respect to
other people, they see themselves as the centre of the world and thus only
respect and believe themselves. Yet they expect others to show love, respect
and loyalty towards them. ey themselves are disrespectful, disloyal and
unloving. ey keep the passion of power, violence and anger inside them all
the time. Never forgiving adversity and betrayal, they eventually take
revenge once they have been victimised. ey never forgive or pardon.
ey are into magic, invisible powers and secret teachings. ey
communicate with the invisible existences and hence nd out what it going
on in the unknown worlds. If they are badly in uenced by Pluto, they are
tended to misuse their powers towards on their own advantage, which is a
great mistake and a sin.
Moreover, they fall in love with someone close to them. eir attitude is
set on advantaging themselves no matter what, as their feelings are violent,
passionate, wild and full of desire. Love to them means winning a war.
erefore, they struggle and work bravely towards winning. In the end, they
get what they aim for. Yet they neglect the value of what they have achieved.
e most signi cant thing is the fact that they have fought and won: their
trophy and victory.
ey like the smells of basil, mint and fennel and use these smells to
communicate with the invisible powers. e illnesses these people are likely
to be affected by include sexually transmitted diseases, schizophrenia,
epilepsy, psychological illnesses, headaches and eye aches. ey get to the
verge of death three times in their lives and the thirty- h year is a
milestone in their lives.

The energy of power granted by Pluto

Depth, intensity, passion, willpower, power, strength, courage, ambition and

mystery are Pluto’s strong energies while losses, destructions, crisis, cruelty,
vengeance, indignation, violence, revenge, hatred, and the urge to take
revenge are Pluto’s negative energies.
Pluto is the invisible teacher of the unseen and unknown secrets. It
knows the secrets of life and demysti es the secrets of birth and death. Pluto
is also the power of courage as well as the owner of deep feelings. It is the
knower of the unknown and the one who sees the unseen. Pluto is the truth
of transformation, the knower of mines’ secrets. Possessing the healing
power of energy, Pluto is the secret doctrine of secret education. Knowledge,
mystery, faith, courage, power, strength, intuition, and the power of healing
energy are the most beautiful gis that Pluto has granted to the universe.
Pluto is never in uenced and respects no one apart from itself.
Pluto is the key to the secret door of the world of the secrets. ose who
manage to open this door gain wisdom and secret education. ey also gain
willpower and become aware of their own fate, thus they refresh their lives
and are open to new experiences. Pluto faces its mistakes, obsessions and
weaknesses. It becomes aware of itself and its power. Pluto is the strongest
and the most mysterious planet in the universe. Pluto grants one of its
energies to each planet it contacts.

The energy of support Pluto grants to the Sun

e ruling planet of Leo, the Sun is strong in the second decan of Aries and
the third decan of Sagittarius. e Sun possesses an unlimited source of
energy and never-ending life energy.
It forms, enlivens and names art through its creative skills. Enlivened,
the art serves as an opera on the stage, an act in the theatre and a spirit to
the words in music. e Sun has strong planning skills; these could entail
not only a plan for war, but also guarantee honour, pride, creativity and
fundamental values.
Pluto possesses a very strong skill of transformation and creative
strength of spirit. It seeks to bring forward the Sun’s values by supporting
them with its power and soul. Pluto appraises the Sun’s values and skills.
Pluto also presents the Sun’s unseen, unheard and unknown values to its
creative strength and takes back what it has given to the Sun in order to
make it more valuable. Whatever it has taken, Pluto keeps, appraises and
returns to the Sun’s strong light.

Pluto brings about the Sun’s skills and elevates them to the highest rank.
Pluto elevates the Sun’s characteristics, art, and creativity to a level that
cannot easily be reached.
e combination of these two powers creates the power of change,
creative knowledge, hidden values, the mystery of secrets, the power of art
and the value of the light. e energies of honour, pride, life, knowledge,
power, healing and lights are spread out to the universe.

The energy of spiritual power Pluto grants to the Moon

e Moon is the ruling planet of Cancer. It is also strong in the third decan
of Taurus and at 9 degrees of that sign. Being strong in Pisces, the Moon is at
its maximum strength in the second decan.
e Moon is elegant, sensitive and sensible and possesses strong
intuition. A lack of love and of con dence makes the Moon uncomfortable.
It is not strong enough to ght against these discomforts as it has lost the
skill of decision making and willpower. All it needs is con dence,
attachment, compassion and love. It also needs to be decisive, determined,
strong-willed, durable and combative.
Pluto is a combative power that loves ruling. It has the power of change
and renovation. It helps the Moon to become stronger by giving strong
willpower and combative skills. Receiving strength from Pluto, the Moon
becomes t enough to win its battle. However, this energy of power brings
Discomforted, the Moon becomes suspicious, uncon dent, and jealous.
Its compassion, love and emotionalism harm the Moon and it needs inner
support in order to overcome negative energies.
Pluto has the strong spiritual energy that will give inner support to the
Moon. Receiving the energy of spiritual strength, the Moon becomes strong
willed and learns how to face reality. rough overcoming its weaknesses, it
has gained self-con dence. Obtaining spiritual strength, the Moon has
learnt how to protect itself and the ones it loves.
e combination of these two powers creates hidden feelings, the power
of decision making, unknown secrets, the power of transformation,
attachment through loyalty, and power of compassion. Intuition, love,
compassion, power, strength, passion, faith, knowledge and secrets are
spread out to the universe.


The energy of permanent strength Pluto grants to Mercury

Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini and Virgo. It is strong in the third
decans of Libra and Capricorn and the second decans of Aquarius and
Mercury is intelligent, clever and skilful with a practical strength and
ability to get on well with others. Having strong perceptive skills, curiosity,
and dexterity, Mercury immediately aims to put its thoughts into practice. It
is impatient and quick witted. If it doesn’t immediately do what is on its
mind, it becomes restless, aggressive, forgetful and absentminded. When it
faces discomforts or obstacles, it can be quick witted, anxious, a chatterbox
and out of balance.
It seeks to manifest its knowledge and skills, not keep them hidden, and
to make its values permanent, not forgotten. It wants to share its knowledge
with the universe. It seeks to have its superior powers immortalised and
appraised. e energy of powers it needs will be granted by immortal and
mighty Pluto. With the immortal energies of power obtained from Pluto,
Mercury’s values will nd everlasting life. Knowledge embraces value. e
power of wit is immortalised and skills nd life.
e combination of these two energies creates the power of knowledge,
the willpower of mind, the thirst for knowledge, the energy of permanent
power, secret knowledge, and mysterious explorations. e energies of
passion, harmony, reason, consciousness, skill, dexterity, mystery, power and
intuition are spread to the universe.

The energy of everlasting love and beauty Pluto grants to Venus

Venus is the ruling planet of both Taurus and Libra. It is strong in the third
decans of Virgo and Aquarius and the second decans of Capricorn and
Gemini and is honoured in Pisces.
Venus is the planet of love, affection, beauty, elegance, whims and
coquetry. It is the great force of love games, happiness, art, balance and fate.
Diplomacy, justice, social and emotional relations obtain power from the
powerful light of Venus.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Venus’s love is always exposed and unforgettable and its whims and
coquetry can be tolerated. Its happiness provides us with ease and its love
games bedazzle and makes one drunk. Venus wants its love to be
permanent. It wants its secret loves to be hidden while its beauty is made the
most of. e power that it needs will be granted by Pluto, the possessor of
in nity, desires, transformation and evolution. With the energy of in nity
that Pluto grants to Venus, it makes love permanent and beauty everlasting.
e combination of these energies structures secret affairs, secret love,
the value of beauty, the pride of love, passionate loves, and the nobility of
love and hidden feelings. e energies of love, passion, love, power,
knowledge and willpower are spread to the universe.

The energy of undefeatable power Pluto grants to Mars

Mars is Aries’ ruling planet and is the second ruling planet of Scorpio while
being strong in the second decan of Leo and third decan of Sagittarius.
Courage, entrepreneurship, durability, strength and power are Mars’
noble energies. Being the force of charm and sexuality, Mars is not defeated
by danger, death or difficulty. Increasing the passion and durability of Mars,
Pluto triggers its scorching feelings while activating its drive to annihilate.
Pluto makes Mar’s powerful energies permanent. With the energies
procured from Pluto, Mars’ energies embrace an undefeatable power. Its
passions, desires and durability are all maximised. Its erce feelings are
kindled and its drive to annihilate gains strength. With the energy of power
received from Pluto Mars is elevated to the level of being undefeatable. Yet
Mars paradoxically surrenders to beauty and is captivated by charm.
e combination of these powers creates the powers of charm and
seduction, annihilated existences, dangerous affairs, the pride of winning
and immortal victory. e energies of life, existence, wisdom, combat,
power, courage, desire, passion, willpower and healing are all granted to the

The energy of ltering power Pluto grants to Jupiter

Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius as well as the second ruling planet
of Pisces. It is strong in the third decans of Aries and Cancer and the second
decans of Leo and Scorpio. It is also strong at 3 degrees of Cancer.
Jupiter is the planet of good fortune, proliferation, fertility, success,
fame and justice. Con dence, trust, knowledge, faith, philosophy, humour
skills and power of harmony are all Jupiter’s powerful energies.
Jupiter, being the force of fortune, proliferation and spirituality, loves
making others happy. Possessing a degree of holiness, Jupiter seeks to
enhance its faith and share it with others. It also seeks to teach supreme
knowledge and share it as far as possible. It seeks to protect the entrusted
and sail to new horizons to learn the unknown and see the unseen. However,
while it is trying to realise its desires and aims it may be defeated by
obstacles along the way. It may also become irresponsible and too lazy to
overcome difficulties. It may also misuse its goodwill. It needs strong
willpower, decision making skills and the power to rejuvenate. erefore, it
needs to preserve its faith, use its power in a good way and be aware of its
With its ltering power energy, Pluto lters Jupiter from negative
energies. It helps Jupiter to embrace its powers. Pluto grants Jupiter with wit
and willpower to face its mistakes and weaknesses. With the energy received
from Pluto, Jupiter regains the values that it has lost. e combination of
these two powers structures secret knowledge, the value of spirituality,
spiritual rewards, the power of faith, material and spiritual wealth and
hidden treasures. e energies of faith, trust, knowledge, justice, freedom,
chance and joy are spread to the universe.

The energy of changing power Pluto grants to Saturn

Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn as well as the second ruling planet of
Aquarius. Saturn is strong in the second decans of Virgo and Libra, in the
third decan of Taurus and at 21 degrees of Libra. Saturn also likes showing
its power in Gemini’s second decan.
Saturn represents wealth aer poverty, ease aer difficulty and success
aer discipline. e bases of this success are ambition, trouble, combat,
discipline, responsibility and time gained. Fear, prohibition, restriction,
rigidity, pessimism and coldness are Saturn’s negative energies. It needs a
power that will change these negative energies. e power required will be
given by Pluto, which is the force of transformation and change.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Pluto therefore lters Saturn from negativity and makes it face its
weaknesses. us Saturn becomes stronger with the energies received from
Pluto. e combination of these two powers structures the force of ambition,
salvation of patience, the peace of trust, deep knowledge and respect
resulted by discipline. e energies of passion, power, discipline, success,
ambition, con dence and respect are granted to the universe.

The energy of powerful intuition Pluto grants to Uranus

e ruling planet of Aquarius, Uranus is strong in Gemini’s third decan as

well as in the second decan of Libra. It also enjoys showing its power in
Scorpio’s rst decan.
Uranus is the truth of genius, the power of wisdom and the supreme
owner of awareness. It is the powerful truth of education, science and
genius. It stands out by its education and what it knows. It makes others
aware of the fact that it is different due to its creativity and power of
Independence resulting in freedom, the genius of creative power,
discoveries made by genius and the truth of originality are Uranus’ powerful
Being the force of sudden beginnings and abrupt endings, Uranus
possesses scienti c supreme intuition that serves as a name to an invention,
a cause to a discovery and a possibility to new opportunities.
Uranus closes an era and opens a new one. It makes new things. e
power of knowledge, education and novelties that comes from Uranus can
put an end to events and disconnect the links between things. It can stand
against the traditional order and may destroy everything about it. It
annihilate those who oppose it.
Pluto contributes to Uranus’ negativities. Material and spiritual losses
accumulate. Unstoppable and unchallengeable chaos continues. However,
through the power of intuition, Pluto stops Uranus. By using its power for
change, Pluto amends, changes and absorbs Uranus.
e amending power, body language, the power of wisdom, and
mysterious wisdom are the values that result in the combination of these two
powers. e energies of knowledge, intelligence, power, mystery, genius,
opportunity and chance are spread out to the universe.


The energy of willpower Pluto grants to Neptune

Neptune is the ruling planet of Pisces. Being in uential in Cancer Neptune

enjoys displaying its power in the third decan.
e secrets of dreams, spiritual surrender and divine inspiration are
Neptune’s noble energies. Neptune is the secret of the door to inspiration
and of spiritual powers. Imagination, dreams, inspiration and mystery nd
life with Neptune.
Escape from reality, unnecessary sacri ce, and lack of willpower are
Neptune’s negative energies. It needs willpower to empower it so as to be
able to overcome its weaknesses. e willpower it needs will be given to it by
Pluto which has a powerful willpower. With the energy of powerful
willpower Neptune becomes stronger. e combination of these two
energies creates realised imaginations, the power of faith, strong intuition
and spiritual wealth. e energies of emotions, life, living, intuition, secret
and inspiration are all spread to the universe.

Pluto in the zodiac signs

Just like Uranus and Neptune, Pluto is a generational planet. Once Pluto
transits into a zodiac sign, it activates the powers that sign represents. Pluto
is the force of great changes, evolution, death and rebirth. Pressure,
genocide, new beginnings and endings are all associated with Pluto. Pluto
stays in a sign for twelve, twenty-four or thirty-two years.
Between the years 1823 and 1852 Pluto was in Aries. As a planet of
generation, Pluto triggered Aries’ state of courage and combativeness as well
as constructive and deconstructive force.
As Pluto, the symbol of massacre and mass deaths, transited into combative
Aries, Pluto predicated wars and undesired events. is is a period when
wars broke out besides spiritual and material losses. While uncontrollable
power struggles led to hazards, deaths, sufferings and famine, lots of people
lost their lives. Massacres were executed. New cities were built on top of the
ruined ones aer wars. New beginnings came into place. e star of the
change, evolution and new opportunities brought in reforms in religion and
government as monarchies were ruined. is is the period when the famous
chemist Sir Humphrey Davy found sodium chloride.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
ose who were born in the era when Pluto was in Aries were not only
open to novelty, they had to abide by the changes. Injustice, poverty and
suffering were investigated, questioned and critiqued in this period and new
states and countries replaced collapsed ones.

Pluto was in Taurus between 1852 and 1884. As an earth sign, Taurus
represents fertility in the soil, structuring, factories and industry. Taurus is
also associated with money and the stock exchange. Pluto grants Taurus
with the strength of earning money and symbolises renovation,
restructuring and evolution.
When Pluto was in Taurus, it gave English traders great opportunities.
us the trading area stretched out while new factories were being built. As
a result, people found new job opportunities and started earning money.
is is the period when trading was developed, new factories were founded,
and when wagon trains started increasing their activities. Ruled by the
planet of ne arts, Venus, in this zodiac sign the ne arts started developing.
As Pluto transited into Taurus, the rst piano recital took place in Istanbul.
ose who were born in this era signi cantly valued nance, arts and

Pluto was in Gemini between the years 1884 and 1913 and 1914. As a
generational planet, Pluto activated Gemini’s mental works and writing as
well as learning skills. Gemini represents short distances, vehicles, transits,
communication and messaging. Pluto is the force of change, novelty,
mystery and education. As a result of transiting into Gemini in 1884, Pluto
activated the forces the zodiac sign represents. Pluto granted power to
Gemini’s state of indecisiveness and the wit of decisiveness.
Innovations were introduced as well as communication system being
improved in this era. Invented in 1877, the typewriter was modernised in
1884, which led typewriters to occupy a crucial space in world trade. is is
the period when education system was introduced with innovations. Interest
in supernatural events, in the unknown and in the invisible increased. is
is the period when secret teachings, secret knowledge, and unknown
educations were valued.

Pluto was in Cancer between the years 1913 and 1914 and between 1938
and 1939. Cancer represents families, family bonds, communities, women,
security and our past.
As Pluto transited into Cancer, huge wars and crucial chaotic events
broke all around the world. Massive material and spiritual losses occurred
due to the wars. Cities were ruined, burnt down and looted. Historical places
were damaged as well. A massive number of people had to leave their
homelands and innocent people were massacred. is period represents the
years when poverty, great troubles and sufferings were experienced.
Cancer represents community, women and population. With the
transition of Pluto into Cancer, women became empowered. In this period,
women began to take a crucial role in politics and became stronger. e
generation of people who were born in this period challenged difficulties,
found consolation in pain, and were part of a combative and strong
generation. is is the period when signi cant wars occurred and gruesome
sufferings were experienced and when the supreme court of the Soviet
Union ordered the execution of eighteen people’s execution, including that
of Nikolai Bukharin.

Pluto was in Leo between the years 1938-1939 and 1958-1959. Leo is the
sign of creativity, art, management, kings, queens and leaders. Love,
children, delight of life and gold mines are associated with Leo.
WWII broke when Pluto transited into Leo. Although Canada declared
war against Germany, Canada gained more strength aer the war. Wars and
cold wars were declared between countries. Eventually, the United Nations
was founded and people started valuing human rights more.
Pluto is the planet of huge wealth, super powers and underground
treasures. When Pluto transited into Leo, the value of gold began going up
and new gold mines were discovered. People who were born in this period
are brave, proud, into art, highly energetic and like living. ose who are
adversely in uenced by this period are rebellious youngsters who are
oppressive, dictators and aim for leadership.

Pluto stayed in Virgo between the years 1956-1957 and 1971-1972. Virgo
represents health, earth, agriculture, fertility, farming, livestock breeding
and labouring. As a result of transiting into Virgo, Pluto activated all the
powers and forces Virgo represents. New technologies and innovations
improved agriculture and farming. Industrial and technological
developments made people’s lives easier both in social life and in work
places. In this way, humanity made progress. New machines were made that
replaced the human workforce and factories sprung up while farming and
agriculture saw great advances.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Virgo represents health. As Pluto transited into this sign, the
contraceptive pill became available. e discovery brought down the birth
rate all around the world. Antibiotics for tuberculosis treatment were
discovered in this period as well. Great changes and improvements took
place as Pluto transited into Virgo. Furthermore, workers treated unfairly
began to protest and labour activists began to be associated with terrorism.

Pluto transited into Libra and stayed in the sign between the years 1971-
1972 and 1983-1984. Libra is the sign of partnership, marriage, agreements
and diplomacy. Fine arts, politics, law and aesthetics are all associated with
Libra. is is the period when marriages started breaking down and extra-
marital affairs began to increase leading to more illegitimate births. Pluto
brought forward sexuality in Libra, which is the zodiac sign of love. e
feeling of love is herein replaced with desire and attainment and
relationships became based on sex.
Women became stronger and in 1971 in Switzerland women got the
right to vote. Libra is associated with politics, justice and diplomacy while
Pluto is to do with power and assassination. When Pluto transited into
Libra, signi cant assassinations were executed. Indira Gandhi was
assassinated by her armed security guards on 13 October 1984. Merciless
Pluto represents death and assassinations. A number of diplomats,
politicians, governors and ambassadors were assassinated when Pluto was in
Virgo. Open enmities, injustices, disorders and disorientations were all seen
in this period. ose who were born in this period were not bothered with
marriage bonds at all. Abnormal love affairs were seen as normal.
Corruption and indecency were seen as modernity.

Pluto stayed in Scorpio between 1983-1984 and 1995. Scorpio is the zodiac
sign of mystery, power, passion, doubt, vengeance, death and sexuality. Pluto
is the force of destruction, death, evolution, new beginnings and ends. With
its transit Pluto, activated all the powers Scorpio represents.

In this period, radical changes took place following wars of power. Fatal
diseases as a result of sexual preferences began to occur when Pluto was in
Scorpio.. In 1983, fatal Pluto transited into Scorpio, the symbol of sexuality.
Aer its transit into Scorpio, HIV began became pervasive.
e transit of the planet of death into the sign of sexuality led to fatal
sexually transmitted diseases causing many deaths. In 1984 in the
Netherlands abortion became fully legalised. e same year, abortion
became legal in Portugal. In this period, power, ambition and sexuality were
signi cantly underlined and sexuality was liberally experienced. People who
were born in this era are into secret teachings, subjects related to post-death
and sexuality. e generations of this period possess strong willpower. Not
only do they have constructive powers, they also have destructive powers.

Pluto was in Sagittarius between the years 1995 and 2008. Sagittarius is the
sign of fortune, luck, faith, religion, remote places and airlines. As the power
of change and transformation, Pluto grants passion, ambition and
Pluto represents terror, poignancy, destruction and massive deaths.
Pluto’s transit into Sagittarius (the symbol of religion) brought about
violence and oppression. is is the period when oppression began
increasing in religious clashes along with the increasing violence. On 11 July
1995 the Serbian soldiers’ massacre upon the Muslim Bosnians was a tragic
and terrifying event which was violently criticised by the whole world. On
11 September 2001, when Pluto was transiting Sagittarius at 13 degrees, the
well-known 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers took place and 3,000 people lost
their lives. ere was a plane crash on 20 December 1995 when a Boeing 757
from Colombian Airlines crashed and 160 people died. Towards the end of
2008 an economic crisis broke all around the world, which resulted in
decreased tourism.

Pluto transited into Capricorn on 27 November 2008 and will stay there
until 2023-2024. Community, management, summit, great works, states and
authorities are under Capricorn’s governance. Willpower, loyalty, discipline,
respect and order are all Capricorn’s noble energies.
e force of change and transformation, Pluto, introduced great
changes into the powers Capricorn represents. Social life saw great changes
whilst Pluto transited into Capricorn. Traditions and customs were ignored
and the conventional order was shaken. Willpower, loyalty and respect were
replaced with oppression, dictatorship, violence and disloyalty. Positive
changes also took place in social orders and careers and unwanted changes
were phased in. A worldwide economic recession sadly and terrifyingly
in uenced every single state whilst some states were ruined and some newly
came up. Kosovo, under the reign of the United Nations, declared
independence on 17 February 2008.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
ose who are positively in uenced by this period abide by the social
order; work so hard to climb the career ladders as they value career life;
value orders as they are determined, disciplined and ambitions, not only
curious about the future but also are interested in the aerlife. Nonetheless,
those who are negatively in uenced by this period in particular turn out to
embrace a dictator’s soul and become oppressive, cold, unaffectionate and
distant. ose who ignore the social order and act illegally are usually
banished from society.

Pluto will be in Aquarius between 2023-2024 and 2044. Aquarius is the sign
of education, science, inventions and genius. Individual peculiarity,
originality, wit, intelligence, mind and love are Aquarius’ noble energies.
When Pluto transits into Aquarius it will activate the sign’s powers and
noble energies. Not only Pluto will be popular with its constructive forces,
but it will also be well-known for its destructive powers once it has
completed its transit into Aquarius. Darkness will be illuminated; mysteries
will be demysti ed, thus no secret will be hidden any longer. e power of
intelligence and wit will create innovations and present them to all
humanity. is period will be the era of illumination, enlightenment and
revolution. Unusual novelties and inventions will be introduced. Education
and science will be improved; thus, the dream of travelling to the planets will
come true and research into space will be more thorough and frequent. New
planets will be discovered; undiscovered precious mines underground will
be found; and the secrets of the underground as well as the skies will be
unveiled. Not only enlightenment, illuminations, advancements and new
ndings will strike people’s eyes but also it is possible that humanity might
have great suffering in this era. One of the negative effects of this era will be
the abduction of scientists by secret forces and threatening them to misuse
their discoveries, ndings and knowledge towards the destruction of
humanity. is is a period when enemies of signi cant scholars and geniuses
will appear.


Pluto will transit into Pisces between the years 2043-2044 and 2067. Pisces
is the sign of deep feelings, mystery, spirituality and secret knowledge. e
powers of healing, medium, and artistic skills are Pisces’ noble energies.
Once Pluto has transited into Pisces in 2043 it will activate the energies
and forces the sign represents. Pluto is the force of change, transformation
and new beginnings. Its transit into Pisces will uncover Pisces’ secret powers
and secret knowledge. In this period, supernatural powers will be valued
and pinpointed and there will be an increase in the number of healers and
mediums. ere will also be people from this generation who are in uenced
by the unknown and invisible existences, fearful of solitude with powerful
medium skills. Pluto will grant the power to help this generation overcome
its fears. Humanism, mysticism and religious feelings will upsurge while
social changes will be taking place and people will be aware of their own
powers as well as showing more interest in the unknown in this period. is
is the era when the mystery of life will be demysti ed and the secrets of
dreams will be unveiled. Sunken and covered cities and tombs underwater
as well as underground will be brought into the light. Submarines and ships
will see unusual improvements in this period. e adversaries of this period
will upset people all around the world by massive shipwrecks and
earthquakes in the seas.

Famous Scorpios

First decan

Kanuni Sultan Suleyman, Ottoman emperor: 6 November 1494

Genç Osman, sultan: 3 November 1604
Marie Antoniette: 2 November 1753

Second decan

Madam Curie: 7 November 1867

Grace Kelly: 12 November 1929

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Third decan

Indira Ghandi: 19 November 1917

Robert Kennedy: 20 November 1925

Scorpio illnesses
Scorpio people are usually strong people. In astrology, Scorpio represents
the sexual organs and so Scorpio people suffer from genital conditions such
as in the vagina, urethra, uterus, prostate, anus and ovaries.

Anus pain

Plenty of boiled aubergine branches and okra should be consumed. Yarrow,

absinthe and camomile teas should be consumed. For the treatment of an
anal tear, sit in the vapour of boiled daisies

Mental illness

Some people cannot stay home alone as they are paranoid that someone
invisible is watching them. ey claim to know the unknown and unseen.
ey are suspicious people. ey feel that their close friends and family
members are talking behind their back. ey are overwhelmed by extreme
paranoia that they are being chased and thus live with anger and doubt.
ese people should frequently smell the scents of roses and laurel. ey
should also keep roses and eld scabious planted all the time in their houses.
ey should keep away from the smells of basil, lavender, mint and fennel.
Rose oil and eastern strawberry tree oil are good for them. ey should keep
away from dairy products and oury products at night. Moreover, they
should consume plenty of pumpkins.


Two or three cups of nettle tea should be consumed for prostate problems.
Celery leaves and broccoli should be consumed as well. Peanut butter and
pumpkin seeds are also bene cial. Essential vitamins for prostate are
magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper and zinc. us foods that include
these vitamins should be consumed.
Urethra infections

Bearberry and sage tea should be consumed as they are natural antibiotics.
Moreover, grapes, myrtle, celeries, parsley and nettle teas should be

Vaginal infections

For vaginal infections, cherries and parsley should be consumed.

Additionally, cherry twigs boiled and consumed as tea. Hollyhock and nettle
tea should be consumed as well.


Plenty of quince compost, corn tassels, yarrow and parsley should be


Half a dessertspoon grounded cinnamon, half a dessertspoon clove, and half

a dessertspoon anise mixed with 50 grammes of molasses. Every morning a
teaspoonful of this mixture should be consumed for a month.

Eucalyptus leaves should be boiled and used for a steam treatment.

Cervical erosions

Yarrow, anise and sage tea should be consumed.

Womb ache

Mint tea, lavender tea and plenty of summer purslane should be consumed.
27 December 1571
Weil der Stadt, Germany 48N45, 8E52
14:37 LMT

A graduate of the Academy of Astrology, Johannes Kepler was born with

Neptune was retrograde at 23 degrees of Gemini on the ascendant,
describing Kepler’s disappointments, how others could not understand him,
how some people saw him as a fake prophet, and how he is connected to the
subjects of space and astrology.
When he was four years of age, Kepler had very severe smallpox, which
le him with permanent physical weaknesses in his hands and eyes. e
Moon in Gemini indicates lung diseases, illnesses due to cold and weak
bodies. Furthermore, Saturn was in the 6th house, which describes clearly
permanent disorders which are likely to cause disabilities. As the symbol of
motherhood, the Moon’s presence in Gemini and the 12th house signi es a
mother who is inconsistent, restless and who has neurotic disorders. It also
indicates slander against his mother. e 12th house is also about secret

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
e Moon and the Sun do not occupy a strong position in Kepler’s natal
chart. is suggests unhappiness caused by parents. Kepler’s mother was the
daughter of an innkeeper whilst his father was a poor mercenary soldier.
Kepler lost his father when he was a child.
Mercury’s conjunction with Uranus in Capricorn granted Kepler a very
strong wit and skills of learning as well as teaching. Its square  to Mercury
shows his active intelligence as well as the con icts he would  experience due
to his opinions.
Kepler stood out amongst his friends because of his superior intellect
and because he was  more mature than his actual age. He was interested in
the sky: the stars, the Moon and the Sun always attracted his attention. His
mother was aware of his interest, so she showed him comets when he was
e ruling planet of the ascendant, Mercury, is at 5 degrees of
Capricorn and in the 8th house. Mercury is associated with wit, intelligence,
communication and information. Mercury in Capricorn bestows skills in
mathematics, caution, discipline and responsibilities. It also teaches us how
to work under pressure.
Mercury’s conjunction with Uranus signi es a formation of a different
type of intellect. is conjunction also indicates a love of astronomy, the
spirit of research, and a nervous intelligence.
Uranus, Venus, Mercury and the Sun are in conjunction in Capricorn.
is position shows Kepler to be a strong, creative and passionate thinker.
ese astrological positions granted Kepler superior wisdom, deep
intelligence, and a spirited desire for research. He achieved immortality
through his wisdom, by his works, by his books, by his discoveries and by
his contribution to human knowledge. Schools, colleges and universities are
named aer him.
e 7th house is related to marriage, judicial problems and enmity. e
ruling planet of the 7th house, Jupiter, is not only conjunct Pluto but is also
square Neptune. Kepler didn’t have longing lasting happy marriages. (His
rst marriage was to a widow called Barbara Muller.)e severe aspects
Jupiter receives signify losses and hardship. Kepler lost his rst wife and
children because of illness.
In the position of anareta, Mars was at 8 degrees of Libra in the 5th
house. is indicates troubles with children, losses and sadness. Mars is
associated with fevers and long lasting illnesses. (e 5th house represents
children from his rst wife, whilst the 7th house represents children from
the second wife. Mars makes a harsh aspect to Uranus in the 7th house and
to Mercury, which leads to loss of children. e losses were mainly caused
by contagious diseases and fever.

Johannes Kepler
However, Jupiter is in Pisces. is promised Kepler a second
opportunity for marriage. He met a lady who was much younger than him
whom he married. 
Kepler was quite serious, cold and distant towards the opposite sex. For
him, to be able to be with a woman he rst needed to have feelings towards
her. Venus, representing relationships, is in the 8th house and in Capricorn.
Venus in Capricorn causes feelings of distrust in relationships. It also forms
a cold and distant appearance as well as making it hard for one to reveal
their true feelings. Venus makes a harsh aspect to the Moon, the universal
symbol of women and feelings. is combination in men’s charts may cause
disappointments in love, separation or they may have difficulties getting on
well with women due to shyness.
e 7th house also represents explicit enmity, judiciary and legal issues.
e conjunction of Mercury and Uranus in Capricorn, and Jupiter’s position
indicate Kepler’s unresolved and dragging legal cases. Kepler was a great
scientist and genius mathematician. He was potentially inclined to being
misunderstood as well as emotionally hurt due to his ascendant. His
superior skills caused him to acquire a number of enemies.
e Sun is at 15 degrees Capricorn and in conjunction with Venus in
the 8th house. Capricorn is the sign of education, science, authority,
discipline and permanent success. e 8th house is the house of secrets,
change, evolution, psychology, power and passion. is house is also related
to deep research and knowledge. e Sun makes a positive aspect to Saturn,
which is connected to science and research. Saturn in Scorpio gave Kepler a
difficult and exhausting working life. Nonetheless, these difficult situations
inspired and encouraged Kepler , giving him the ambition to succeed. e
Sun and Saturn’s positive aspects granted Kepler the power, willpower,
discipline and ambition he needed to conduct scienti c research. Kepler
knew that success would come through discipline, hard work and willpower.
“I will succeed” is the silent slogan of Kepler’s spirit.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Saturn in Scorpio in the chart grants a researcher spirit and ambition to
succeed. It may help one to possess profound knowledge. Kepler had a very
deep knowledge and researcher spirit. However, his knowledge and superior
skills put him into trouble against the nobles and the legal system. Kepler
was seen as a criminal in science in the eyes of justice.
Fame and popularity are in the 10th house and Jupiter is in Pisces,
which it rules. Pisces is a compassionate, sentient star sign with superior
qualities. Jupiter in Pisces shows people who value spiritual illumination and
who seek to develop and enhance themselves through spiritual illumination.
With Pisces, Jupiter also signi es a collective and secret knowledge.
e ruling planet of the 9th house, Saturn in Scorpio, trines Jupiter
which represents religion. e South Node is also in the 9th house in
Aquarius. Behind astronomy and astrology there is a belief that the God
created the universe according to a particular mathematical plan and a belief
that human beings would be able to understand this plan. Kepler’s scienti c
articles and works were full of mystic and religious arguments (see Bernard
R Goldstein and Peter Barker, eological Foundations of Kepler’s
Astronomy). Kepler valued dreams as well. He knew that the dreams that
came true were all signs sent by God. He therefore believed in mystic events.
e symbol of identity and ego, the Sun, makes a positive aspect to
Jupiter in the 10th house. e encouraging and positive aspect from Venus is
supporting Jupiter. ese planets’ positions show us Kepler’s identity, his
character, who he was, where he came from and where he was going to.
Jupiter’s position in the 10th house is in a lucky and easy ow of energy with
the Sun, which represents nobility in the 8th house. Kepler was nancially as
well as spiritually supported by nobles as they liked him.
Pluto conjoins Jupiter and these planets oppose Neptune. is
astrological position indicates difficulties and disappointments. Kepler was
not only receiving nancial and spiritual support from the nobles but he was
also facing difficulties and obstacles. Some of the nobles were his secret
enemies. ese powerful peoples’ enmity was against Kepler’s science,
knowledge and wisdom. Kepler’s knowledge and wisdom put him in trouble
against the nobles and the law. Moreover, he had problems with justice and
society because of his mother, as she was accused of sorcery. e 10th house
represents the mother and Pluto is in the 10th house and at 21 degrees of
Pisces. Pluto is associated with secret teachings and disembodied entities.
Pisces is also related to senses, emotions and the powers behind invisible
powers. e 12th house is the house of the invisible powers.

Johannes Kepler
e strong skill of smelling, the skill of extraordinary intuition can also
be made out from these planetary positions. Kepler’s mother had a strong
skill of smelling. She was able to smell owers from a far distance. By just
looking at the owers and plants, she could gure out how she would make
the most of them. ere was a spiritual attachment between her and the
plants. She would wake up in the middle of the night and pick owers under
the moonlight. With all the owers and plants she picked she used to make
perfume, syrups and medicines. She was a restless, bad-tempered and sharp-
tongued person. She didn’t get on well with her neighbours. is is shown by
the Moon, which represents the mother, in Gemini (neighbours) and in the
12th house.
Katharina, Kepler’s mother, had a neighbour called Ursula Reinbold,
who for some reason started being hostile towards Katharina. Mercury, the
ruling planet of Gemini is associated with speech, language and neighbours.
Mars and Mercury have a restless ow of energy between them. e
quincunx aspect that these two planets form causes hostility, gossip, slander
and insulting remarks. Ursula accused Katharina of making her perfumes
and medicines by using sorcery. Ursula even concocted false accusations
against Katharina and as a result sued her. Accused of witchcra, Katharina
was imprisoned.
Pluto represents the mother in the 10th house. Pluto also represents
enclosed areas, hidden enemies and secret powers. Katharina’s neighbour,
Ursula Reinbold, was a vicious and merciless woman. Katharina’s interest in
plants and her ambition to make medicines as well as perfumes got her into
trouble. e Moon is restless in Gemini. It wakes one up in the middle of the
night for no reason and sometimes makes people sleepwalk. e fact that
Katharina woke up in the middle of some nights, and picked plants and
owers was used against her at court as evidence, and the she was
subsequently convicted. Katharina’s inconsistent behaviour, her bad-
tempered angry speeches and sarcastic words reinforced this evidence
(Mercury squares Mars in Libra which represents justice and courts).
Mercury and Mars’ harsh aspects signify tension and competition
between neighbours. It also indicates the enemy’s challenge. Katharina’s case
went on and on for years. She was found guilty at the age of seventy-four
and was chained and imprisoned.

Astrological Secrets of the Decans
Pisces is the sign of the 10th house and symbolises the mother. Pluto is
the planet of change, evolution, secret powers, secrets and difficulties. Pisces
is also the last remedy that comes aer lost hope. Jupiter means a just verdict
and relief from problems by the power of justice. ese planetary positions
gave Kepler a last chance for his mother’s rescue. On January 22, 1621 the
New Moon rose in Kepler’s natal chart in the 9th House, which is associated
with justice, law, publications, innovations, and important documents. e
New Moon also means new hopes and new beginnings for the mother.
Furthermore, it in Aquarius, which symbolises friends and new beginnings.
Aquarius is the sign of freedom and falls in the 9th house, which represents
Kepler asked for help from a friend of his on 22 January 1621. He
prepared a new 126 page case le with his lawyer friend, which thoroughly
explained how the accusation of sorcery against his mother was a disgusting
slander. Even though this case le was prepared by the lawyer friend,
Kepler’s ideas and knowledge were efficiently and effectively utilized. By
Kepler’s own existence, through his creative knowledge, and his friend’s legal
support, the case went in favour of Kepler’s mother. It was concluded that
Katharina was not guilty.
Yet the court still did not acquit her. e last defence case was presented
to the court on 22 August 22. e court was considering acquitting
Katharina due to insufficient evidence against her. At that stage, Pluto was in
the 12th house. Pluto represents change, evolution, beginnings, results,
restrictions and prisons. e Moon was in Scorpio where it was not
comfortable. e symbol of restrictions, worries, enclosed areas,
disappointments and the ruling planet of the 12th house, Neptune was at the
point of conjunction with Jupiter. e conjunction of natal Jupiter and Pluto
made a positive aspect to transiting Pluto. Restless Katharina was in fear of
death. While all these astrological events were taking place Katharina was
nally acquitted.
Even though the jury decided to acquit,  they still did not release
Katharina. During this time, Saturn was transiting through Cancer. Cancer
represents the mother while Saturn symbolises time, difficulties and
jurisdiction. Saturn is also a tough judge. e transit of Saturn through
Cancer represents the mother’s anxiety and uneasiness. Transiting Saturn
was making a harsh and compelling aspect to Mars in Libra, which
represents the incomplete part in justice. Disappointing Neptune was taking
a restless aspect to Pluto. Whilst all these astrological events were taking
place, Katharina was suffering from disappointments, difficulties and a never
ending case. On 3 October 1621 the Duke of Württemberk (the authority of
the country’s territory = Saturn and Cancer) asked the court to release
Katharina. On the same date, Saturn trined natal Jupiter. As these
astrological events took place Katharina was released. All this hardship,
trouble and restlessness caused Katharina to have a nervous breakdown and
she died 13 April 1622.

Johannes Kepler
Johannes Kepler predicted Venus’ transits. He was appointed  as
assistant to Tycho Brahe, who was the emperor’s mathematician. Kepler was
renowned for his predictions based on astrology. He contributed a number
of techniques and perspectives to astrology. He published his book e New
Astronomy in 1609.
Kepler was not only an astrologer but also an astronomer. On Kepler’s
tombstone it says “I measured the skies, now the shadows I measure.”
erefore Kepler’s famous quotes serve as guide to human beings in general.
He once said “…use every sense for perceiving, every tongue for declaring
your Creator…” ( He also said “Believing in
astrological effects is solely depending on trial. And the trial is so convincing
that it could only be refuted by those who have not examined astrology.”
Katharina fell pregnant with Kepler on 17 May 1571 and he was born
prematurely on 27 December 1571. He died 15 November 1630.

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