Book 1947 - Eva Shaw - Divining The Future Prognostication From Astrology To Zoomancy

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Prognostication from Astrology to Zoomancy


60-Second Shiatzu, Mills and Sanderson Publishers

Your Astrological Guide to Fitness, Mills and Sanderson Publishers

Sheila ciuffs Aerobic Body Contouring, Rodale Press

Ghostwriting: Now to Get into the Business, Paragon House

Writing and Selling Magazine Articles, Paragon House

Trade Secrets, Paragon House

The Secret of Their Success, Leads Club Publishing

Power Plays, Leads Club Publishing

50 Wooden Crafts to Make with Kids, Crown Publishers

Diana's Gift, Gentle Winds Press

What to Do When a Loved One Dies, Dickens Press

Resumes for Women, ARCO







Since time began, people have questioned man's name each would marry. Even today in
what will happen next, why an event is some parts of the United States, a teaspoon that
taking place and why an incident has oc- is suspended by a string and hung directly in
curred. Predictions from the minds and mouths front of a pregnant woman's belly is thought to
of Kabbalistic seers to tea shop card readers have be able to foretell the unborn child's sex.
warned of evil, answered lovers' questions and The compulsion to know the what and why
decided innocence or guilt. of the future is timeless. The renewed fervor
Wanting to know the future and how to pre- perhaps can be attributed to the instantaneous
dict it has been the constant quest of civilization. reporting of the media. We expect to see instantly
Long before recorded history, cave paintings what is happening in China, Russia or Iraq and
show people who lived in the caverns of the in our own city or town, and often we become
Sahara using divining rods to psychically locate anxious when we are unable get the news now.
water. It is documented that the roots of Judaism It is quite understandable, therefore, that we
are anchored with the philosophy of a 13th- want to know what will happen in the coming
century mystic. And while it seems irrational by days and months ahead. It follows, too, that the
contemporary standards, at one time the serious most sophisticated, educated and successful are
business of the future was foretold by tiron- often the first to consult with psychics and those
mancy, prediction by the placement of holes able to predict forthcoming events.
in cheese. More than ever before, men and women are
Divination was as commonplace in the past returning to psychics, mystics, metaphysical
as split-second communication is today. As any therapists and others to help solve some of the
student of history or literature knows, Julius mysteries of life in these turbulent times. They
Caesar was warned of the Ides of March by a come with such questions as "When will I get a
soothsayer. In the Middle Ages, smoke from raise?" and "Will I ever find true love?" They
laurel branches thrown on a fire provided ways also want to know, "Will the tarot reveal the
to determine the cause of action. On Saint Valen- past life relationship between my stepchild and
tine's Day in Regency England, unmarried myself? How will this help strengthen the ties?"
women were known to toss molten lead into icy and "Which crystals can be used to help control
water. The letter formed by the metal was be- unwanted eating?" "When should I return to
lieved to coincide with the first letter of the college?" "What career path should I take?"

The metaphysical sections of bookstores have constantly asking questions. When applied to
experienced a steady increase in the last live prognostication, a querant is one who specifically
years, with books specializing on topics as com- ask for knowledge or advice through the use of
monplace as rune stones and astrology to the a prognostication method or with the help of
meanings of out-of-body experiences and use of a psychic.
elixirs concocted with gemstones. One reference The endings or suffixes on many of the terms
librarian explained that she "hates the new age are -mancy and -scopy Each originally had its
area" of the large metropolitan library where she own meaning and in scientific terms still does. In
works. It's not that she's a disbeliever; she reads metaphysics and throughout history, the suffixes
Sidney Omarr first thing each morning in the have often been misused. They are now almost
Times. It's simply that the metaphysical books interchangeable. Historically the suffix -mancy
she wants to refer to patrons are never on the indicates a form of divination by a definite means
shelves; those in the reference section sometimes or in a particular manner. For instance, in chiro-
"vanish," although patrons are not allowed to mancy or necromancy, one seeks metaphysical
take them Irom the library. knowledge from the hand or from the dead. The
Divining the Future is a source book for pre- suffix comes from the Middle English and Old
diction methods and techniques and the people, French -mancie, derived from the Late Latin
places and events relating to predictions. It does -mantia, which is descended from the Greek
not divine the future. Divining the Future is manteia, meaning divination. Manteia came from
much like the telephone book's Yellow Pages. It the word manteuesthia (meaning to predict) and
is a resource directory of metaphysical informa- from the word mantis, meaning a prophet. The
tion. It provides a means to expand knowledge suffix -scopy means to view, see or observe. For
about the use and usefulness of predictions, from example, ceraunoscopy means prediction by ob-
an academic view rather than a metaphysical servation of lightening patterns during thunder-
opinion. storms. The suffix -scopy comes from the Greek -
Divining the Future contains: skopia and skopein, meaning to look into, to
behold. Many other terms are defined within the
• Concise definitions of the terms and words pages of this book, and general definitions of
used in the realm of predictions terms not defined in the text can often be found
• People and places pertinent to predictions in a comprehensive dictionary.
• Succinct details on concepts, techniques and
On a personal note, the words "thank you"
forms of prediction
hardly express the gratitude I feel to all those
• "Further Reading" with books the reader may
who have helped me during the researching and
find of interest on a specific entry subject
writing of this book. Many have shared, in-
• Cross-referenced information and an index.
spired, and discussed the realm of metaphysics.
As with other encyclopedias, you can read Many have graciously opened their private librar-
the specific entry to answer a question on a ies as I attempted to categorize a millennium of
prognostication method or read through the metaphysical information.
book to add to your knowledge on prediction Special appreciation goes to my husband Joe
technique. and our son Matt for listening, asking questions,
Throughout the text there are certain words and providing an environment in which the
that are used to define the topic. One of those is mystical is possible—and to Zippy, our Welsh
querant. Simply put, a querant is anyone who Terrier and my self-appointed guide to adding
asks a question. It comes from the root word more ftm into my life. Next, to one who is never
query, meaning to ask or to seek. In metaphysics, far from my literary thoughts—Bert Holtje,
a querant who is receiving a psychic reading is literary agent extraordinaire, for seeing the nug-
referred to as the querant. Those who search get of a book idea and encouraging me to write
for inspirational advice and enlightenment are the proposal. To my editor Randy Ladenheim-

viii • PREFACE
Gil for her help and quick response to all my Carlsbad's Mystical Dragon IPs Lena Jorman,
queries, and for polishing my words. To Rather- and to all the incredibly supportive, loving
ine Torres, Msc.D., a special spiritual woman friends—I give a warm hug and a genuine thank
and translator of the Sacred Path Wheel. And to you.



SAMUEL (I240-129I)Kabbalistic mystic. See JONES, CHARLES STANSFELD.
Bom in the Spanish city of Saragossa, Abulafia
represented himself as both Christian and Jew. ADAMS, EVANGELINE (1865-1932)
He fervently beheved that he was the Messiah American astrologer.
long foretold in Scripture. Christians passion- Called the "first American astrologer," Adams is
ately disagreed, and when Abulafia confronted considered to have been the leading astrologer of
Pope Nicholas HI with his news, he was perse- her time. During a visit to New York City,
cuted, hounded and harassed. It was announced she observed that the hotel in which she had a
by the Church that Abulafia would burn in hell reservation was built under "the worst possible
for spreading his blasphemous behef to other cit- combination of planets, with conditions terrify-
izens. ing in their unfriendliness." That night the hotel
Abulafia's approach to the mystical arts was burned to the ground; Adams escaped unhurt.
practical and methodical. Throughout his life, he In 1914, Adams was brought to trial for for-
studied the kabbalah (also known as the Tree tune-telling. As part of the court proceedings,
of Life). Abulafia is said to have taken great pains the judge asked that she read an anonymous
to balance precisely the mental with the spiritual. horoscope. The horoscope was that of the judge's
Abulafia believed in the divine symbolism of son (some records say it was actually the judge's
the Hebrew alphabet (part of the Kabbalah) and horoscope that was read), and the reading was
wrote many books, including The Book of the so accurate in its details that he released her,
Righteous and The Book of Life. dropping all charges. By 1930, Adams was one
of the most popular radio personalities of the
Fnrthpr reading
day with her program on astrology. Her clients
Dairy, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso- are said to have included the rich and famous of
teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press, that era, including Britain's King Edward VII
1992. and Enrico Caruso, the opera singer.
Epstein, Perke. Kabbalah: The Way of the Jewish
At the peak of her fame Adams is reported to
Mystic. Boston: Shambhala, 1988.
have received more than 300,000 letters a year
Ponce, Charles. Kabbalah: An Introduction and Illu-
from people asking for advice and assistance from
mination for the World Today Wheaton, III.; Theo-
sophical Publishing House, 1973. the stars. Her book Astrology for Everyone,
while hard to find today, is still available in used- sailors take warning" indicates that clouds in the
books stores and is a classic in astrology. morning could herald a storm's arrival.
Part of the group of earth-related prediction
methods also known as geomancy, aeromancy is
Further reading
practiced by the answering of questions. After a
Adams, Evangeline. Astrology: Your Place among the question is posed, divination is sought by throw-
Stars. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1930. ing dirt or sand into the wind. The answer is
Astrology for Everyone. 1931. Reprint. New told in the shape of the dust cloud caused by the
York: Permabooks, 1943. flying particles. Aeromancy is also practiced by
Brown, Slater. The Heyday of Spiritualism. New
throwing seeds in the air to foretell the future.
York: Hawthorn, 1970.
In the case of seeds or any other lightweight
Godwin, John. Occult America. New York: Double-
objects, the placement of the fallen material or
day, 1972.
Woolfork, Joanna Marline. The Only Astrology Book seeds reveals the answer to the question.
You 7/ Ever Need. Landham, Mass.: Scarborough, See also austromancy, feng shui and geo-
1992. mancy, prediction methods that utilize shapes
and forecasts discerned from earth patterns.

AEROMANCY May also be referred to as Further reading

NEPHELOMANCY (from the Greek nephele, mean- Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
ing cloud), divination using the formation of pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
clouds and other patterns in the skies and pre- ford Press, 1986.
dicting events by wind direction. Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
Sometimes used in conjunction with ceraunos-
Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your
copy (predictions made from the patterns of
Own Future. London : Quintet Publishing and Ran-
lightning during thunderstorms), aeromancy fo-
dom House, 1992.
cuses on the forms and shapes made by clouds. Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super-
The predictor intuitively interprets the configu- stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
rations to answer questions or predict events. As Rossbach, Sarah. Feng Shui: The Chinese Art of Place-
with many other prediction methods, including ment. New York: ArkanayPenguin, 1991.
tasseography (teacup reading), the symbols in Stewart, R. J. The Elements of Prophecy Dorset,
the sky can be deciphered in many ways. Ancient England: Element Books, 1990.
mantic arts, aeromancy, ceraunoscopy and scio-
mancy (predictions made from the shapes of agrippa, von nettesheim,
shadows) are no longer widely practiced; how- HEINRICH CORNELIUS (1486-1535)
ever, every child has at one time or other looked German mystic, metaphysical scholar, numer-
to the heavens and been amazed by the gliding ologist and astrologer
shapes and stories the sky can tell. Like many of Agrippa was rumored to possess magical powers
the archaic prediction methods, though the actual and is said to have practiced NECROMANCY (divi-
method of divination has been lost, the omens nation by speaking to the spirits of the dead).
continue. The practice of aeromancy can still be He is the author of one of the earliest books on
noted in the child's poem beginning "The North the occult, De Occulta Phiulosophia, a compre-
wind doth blow, and we shall have snow." hensive volume dealing with divine names, natu-
Many people who grew up in New England ral magic and cosmology. He refined the classic
know the saying "See a mackerel sky and in three system of NUMEROLOGY, eliminating the number
days there will be rain." A "mackerel" sky is one nine, because according to Agrippa it is supposed
with small, thin lines of clouds, much like the to be associated exclusively with matters of di-
bones on a fish skeleton. Similarly, "Red skies at vinity.
night, sailors delight. Red skies in the morning, See also gematria.

Further reading proper training anyone can access the informa-
tion. One can recognize experiences documented
Ancient Wisdom and Secrets Sects. Mysteries of the
Unknown. Alexandria, Ya.: Time Life Books, in the Akashic Records if one is attuned to the
1990. Holy Spirit, the universal consciousness, and
Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso- the other side. As every thought vibration is
teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press, sensed and recorded, the impressions can be
1992. delved into if one is familiar with the language
Maven, Max. Max Maven 's Book of Fortunetelling. of the records—that is, able to listen to the advice
New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992. of guides, angels or the information of intui-
AKASHIC RECORDS The records of all The American psychic Edgar Cayce (1877-
experiences encountered in cdl ways throughout 1945) is said to have had the power to examine
every existence and experience, which are incor- the Akashic Records. Sometimes referred to as
porated into records located in the storehouse of the "Sleeping Prophet," because he channeled
spiritucd knowledge. information from the spirit world when in a
The Akashic Records, whose name comes from sleeplike state, Cayce revealed that he referred
the Sanskrit word akasha, meaning primary sub- to the Akashic Records as one might refer to
stance, are considered by many to be ethereal books in the reference section of a library. In an
records that chronicle attitudes, concepts, emo- out-of-body experience, as documented in Edgar
tions and the senses of smell, taste, feel, sight Cayce on Reincarnation by Noel Langley, Cayce
and sound from past lives or previous incarna- described seeing himself leave his body and move
tions. Even the minutest details are recorded. through a lighted path toward the record room.
These records are preserved in the spirit world, Both sides of the pathway were cloudy with
to be recalled or rekindled when needed; thus smoke or fog. Voices called for help or assistance,
the deja vu experience: a feeling of having experi- trying to tempt him from his designated course,
enced an incident before. It is thought that as he maneuvered the path, but he continued to
through study of these records, in this earth move forward to a shaft of light. Arriving at a
plane existence, we will be able to improve our- hill, he climbed the slope to a great temple and
selves using the knowledge of previous experi- entered a room that was like a magnificent li-
ence and build new experiences, which are then brary. Without consulting any other entity, he
also recorded in the Akashic Records. located and read the volume that could unravel
Contemporary mystics sometimes compare concerns for the client regarding past-life experi-
Akashic Records to the hard drive on a personal ences specifically applied to health, marital prob-
computer. In computer terms, even when infor- lems and personal attitudes and questions. Cayce
mation is deleted on the hard drive, it actually interchangeably called the Akashic Records the
remains there forever. It has only been coded "Universal Memory of Nature" and the "Book
that it should not be recalled. Therefore, when of Life."
an incident of any magnitude has been placed in Calling them the "Akashic Chronicle," philos-
the Akashic Records, even if it has been found opher Rudolf Steiner explored the Akashic Rec-
to be useless in the earth plane, it continues to ords. He described the results of that exploration
exist and can be retrieved at another time. with details specifically on the fabled civilizations
The information in the Akashic Records is of Lemuria and Atlantis in his autobiography.
thought to be available to anyone who is moving See also cayce, edgar; karma.
toward perfectness of spirit. Although it takes
sensitivity to be able to delve into the record, Further reading
mystics assert that it is possible. Most psychics Bailey, Alice. A Treatise on White Magic. New York:
conclude that the Akashic Records travel on Luc is, 1951.
waves of light, and they maintain that with the Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-

pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
ford Press, 1986.
Cavendish, Richard, ed. The Encyclopedia of the Un-
explained. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974.
Cayce, Hugh Lynn, ed. The Edgar Cayce Collection.
New York: Bonanza, 1986.
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of
Mystical and Paranormal Experience. San Fran-
cisco: HarperSan Francisco, 1991.
McDermott, Robert, ed. The Essential Steiner. San
Francisco: Harper & Row, 1984.


German mystic and alchemist.
Also known as the "Universal Doctor," Albertus
Magnus claimed to have magical powers, espe-
cially in the realm of alchemy. He is remembered W
for supposedly having had the power to turn base
metal into gold through an alchemical process, an
ability sought long before and after Albertus
Magnus's lifetime.

Further reading
Cosmic Connection. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alex-
andria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso- Alectromancy includes predictions through changes in
teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press, weather patterns.

both foretell the future through cloud patterns

ALECTROMANCY Forecasting the future
in the sky. The rhyme "Starlight, star bright,
through atmospheric or celestial conditions.
first star I see tonight," recited when wishing on
Alectromancy was used in ancient Egyptian a falling star, employs a form of alectromancy.
times. For example, if a comet or other celestial Alectromancy is occasionally referred to as
condition was viewed at the time of a noble astrometcorology. Astrometeorology uses astrol-
person's birth, a psychic was consulted to deter- ogy and alectromancy to forecast future weather
mine if the atmospheric or celestial event was an patterns and national disasters.
omen that foretold of the eventual success or
See also geomancy and other earth-related
failure of the child, the family or the entire mon- prognostication methods.
Alectromancy was also used to predict the Further reading
downfall of an enemy using an eclipse. This
Bletzer, June G., The Donning International Encyclo-
divination method is grouped with others known pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
as GEOMANCY. ford Press, 1986.
Alectromancy also includes predictions Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your
through changes in weather patterns and encom- Own Future. London: Quintet Publishing and Ran-
passes AEROMANCY and NEPHELOMANCY, which dom House, 1992.

crimes can be solved when a beetle is allowed to
ALECTRYOMANCY Divination involv- crawl over the grave of a murder victim. It is
ing the behavior of animals. claimed that the beetle's tracks can tell the mur-
More than 2,400 years ago, the Etruscans prac- derer's name and identity when the tracks are
ticed alectryomancy utilizing a hen or rooster. psychically interpreted.
Poultry, it was theorized, was used because of In Great Britain folklore tells us that a maiden
the cock's habit of crowing as the sun rises each can foretell the direction from which her lover
morning, foretelling the birth of the day. The will arrive if she cups a spotted ladybug in her
Etruscan psychics drew a circle on the ground hands and then watches its course as it flies away.
around which were drawn the 20 letters of the Although alectryomancy is still practiced in
Etruscan alphabet. A kernel of grain (probably various parts of the world, North Americans
corn or wheat) was placed in front of each letter. think of it as luck, rather than a form of pre-
The hen or cock was placed within the circle and dicting the future, when they interpret animal
allowed to eat. As the bird ate the grain, the behavior. In the United States, whether or not a
psychic noted the sequence of letters next to groundhog sees its shadow on February 2 indi-
the kernels to predict the future or answer the cates the number of weeks before winter will
querant's question. end. Other lucky omens include meeting a goat
The ancient Babylonians used a variation of or a flock of sheep (and making a wish when
alectryomancy. By splashing water three times seeing the black sheep in the flock) and seeing a
on a sleeping ox's head, a psychic could divine white horse in a field. Unlucky animal omens
the future through 17 possible reactions and range from hearing a bat squeal as it flies over-
types of response. Each reaction had its own
meaning. For example, if both eyes remained
open, the answer was yes. If only one eye stayed
open, the answer was maybe. The answer was
no—or there was no answer at all—if the eyes
stayed closed. The Hittites, an ancient people of
Asia Minor and Syria who flourished from 1600
B.C. to 1200 A.D., used alectryomancy to divine
the future by studying the movements of an eel
within a tank of water.
Alectryomancy is still used today in many
parts of the world. In the central African tribe
of Zande, answers are discerned by the behavior
of ants. Two long, thin leaves are inserted into
an ant hill. If the ants eat the leaf on the left
first, the answer to the querant's question is yes.
If the leaf on the right is consumed first, the
answer is no.
The Dogon, another African tribe who live in
the western part of the continent, draw a design
on the ground at nightfall and sprinkle nuts
around it. In the morning the seers or tribal
wise men and women return to inspect the paw
patterns left by the jackals who have come during Using alectryomancy, divination involving the behav-
the night to eat the nuts. ior of animals (especially poultry), many civilizations
In Polynesia, some tribal leaders believe that predicted the future.

head to meeting a hare (but only if you are a the querant to foretell a future event or offer the
sailor on your way to your ship). solution to a troubling predicament.
In most urban centers of the world, there are The European custom of baking a silver coin
people who practice a variation of alectryo- into a cake is derived from this archaic mantic
mancy. For a small fee in many cities, including art. The individual who finds the coin will have
New York, Milan and Singapore, a querant asks good luck (immediately or throughout the com-
a question and the fortune merchant's trained ing year, depending on the rules or guidelines
bird picks an answer from the papers located on traditionally followed by the cake-eating party).
a rack or branch, Sometimes those sharing the cake will each make
Alectryomancy is a form of APANTOMANCY. a wish; the wish will come true for the one who
Apantomancy foretells the future through an ac- discovers the coin.
cidental meeting with animals, such as a black CRITOMANCY takes this divination practice fur-
cat crossing one's path or a gull brushing against ther, providing a means of foretelling events by
one's shoulder, which is said to predict death. examining the unusual behavior of the grain, the
See also GEOMANCY; HIPPOMANCY; ornitho- dough or the cakes and cookies themselves.
MANCY. Good luck omens that may have originated
from aleuromancy and are still known today in-
Further reading clude:
Bcthards. Betty. The Dream Book: Symbols for Self-
• Sleeping with wedding cake beneath your pil-
Understanding. 9th printing. Petaluma, Calif,: In-
low will make you dream of your future hus-
ner Light Press, 1992.
band or wife.
Levey, Judith S,, with Agness Greenhall, eds. The
Concise Columbia Encyclopedia. New York: • The future can be divined from the shapes
Avon, 1983. produced by combining the white of an egg
Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling. with glass and then adding water, covering
New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992. and shaking vigorously.
Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your • Dropping an egg and having it break foretells
Own Future. London: Quintet Publishing and Ran- bad luck; if the egg doesn't break, good luck
dom House, 1992. is forthcoming,
• Ragged edges produced when bread is cut
ALEUROMANCY Divination through prognosticate a turn of misfortune for the one
the messages baked inside and then found in who takes a grave chance slicing this divining
cakes or cookies. loaf of bread.
Messages are written on bits of paper, placed in
the cookies or cakes and then offered to the Further readin£
querant. The theory is that the question on the Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
querant's mind will be answered by the forces New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
encouraging him or her to select a specific baked Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your
good. The fortune cookie offered as an after- Own Future. London: Quintet Publishing and Ran-
dinner treat in an American Chinese restaurant dom House, 1992.
is an example of aleuromancy. Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super-
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
Aleuromancy began in ancient China, where
it was a game for the nobility. Essays based on
ALPHITOMANCY Divination that
bits of philosophical tenets were baked into tea
cakes. The Greeks used this method to provide proves gudt or innocence th rough the use of a
answers to the future, wherein predictive phrases loaf of barley bread.
were written on slips of paper and baked into An offshoot of ALEUROMANCY, in alphitomancy
round, hard cakes, A cake was then chosen by a loaf of barley is broken into pieces and shared

by all those who may be connected to or sus- Daniels, Cora Linn, and C. M. Stevans, eds. Encyclo-
pected of a misdeed. Before each participant pedia of Superstitions, Folklore and the Occult Sci-
takes a bite of the bread, he or she repeats, "If 1 ences of the World. Detroit: Gale Research. 1971.
am deceiving you, may this piece of bread choke Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. The Encyclopedia of Ghosts
me." The guilty party will, of course, choke and Spirits. New York: Facts On File, 1992.
Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your
while swallowing.
Own Future. Fondon: Quintet Publishing and Ran-
Further reading dom House, 1992.

Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo- ANSELM DE PARMA (?-J440)Italian

pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit- astrologer, healer and author.
ford Press, 1986.
De Parma was regarded as a powerful sorcerer
AMNIOMANCY Method of predicting the and a gifted astrologer. He is the author of
future happiness, or sadness, of an individual at Astrological Institutions, a classic in the field of
his or her birth according to the caul that some- astrology.
times covers a newborn's head. See also ASTROLOGY; laying on of hands.

Through amniomancy, a psychic interprets the Further reading

caul (the fetal membrane that sometimes remains
Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso-
on an infant's head immediately after birth). If
teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press,
the caul is red, the child will grow strong and
have a happy life. If the caul is lead colored, great
Krippner, Stanley, and Alberto Villoldo. The Realms
misfortune will befall the child. An offshoot of of Healing. 3d ed. Berkeley, Calif: Celestial Arts,
amniomancy is the luck foretold when a baby 1986.
is born with a caul, regardless of the color, prom- Meek, George W., ed. Healers and the Healing Pro-
ising protection against harm, especially cess. Wheaton, III.: Theosophical Publishing
drowning. House, 1977.
Other omens concerning the birth of a child Powers of Healing. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alex-
include that it's unlucky for the mother to antici- andria, Va.: Time Fife Books, 1990.
pate the sex of the unborn infants, and disaster Woolfork, Joanna Mart inc. The Only Astrology Book
You'll Ever Need, Fandham, Mass.: Scarborough.
will result from bringing a pram (baby carriage)
into the house prior to a birth. If a baby cries at
his or her christening, it means that any evil
ANTHROPOMANCY The ancient art
spirits are leaving the baby's body, and a baby
of divination using entrails, the inner organs—
born on a Sunday is the most fortunate of all
specifically the intestines—of human sacrifices.
children. A baby born with an open hand will
be generous later in life. And if one of a pair of The entrails, or viscera, were interpreted by psy-
twins dies, the other will soon perish (as they chics to forecast future events. Practiced by the
share the same soul) or the surviving twin will ancient Babylonians, Sumerians, Japanese,
be twice as smart (or lucky), as he or she receives Greeks and Romans, anthropomancy is an off-
all the strength from the other's soul. It was, at shoot of HEPATOMANCY, divination by studying
one time, a Scottish tradition to induce a sneeze the livers of animals. Some say the ancient Dru-
in a newborn because until a baby had sneezed, ids, the priestly caste of the Celts, practiced
it was more susceptible to evil forces. anthropomancy late in the cult's existence. It is
probably one of the most ancient mantic arts,
Further reading likely more than 5,000 years old. Visceral inter-
pretation was practiced by the Comanche Indi-
Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
ans, the Incas and the Armenians, to name a few.
pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
ford Press, 1986. The practice is said to continue today: The livers

of farm animals are studied by psychics in
Borneo and Burma.
Not involving death yet still considered a ver-
sion of anthropomancy are any of the prediction
methods employing bodily fluids, specifically
blood. In the Middle Ages, an unprovoked nose-
bleed was considered a prophetic sign, foretelling
misfortune or considerable luck, depending on
the circumstance. An example of the widely held
belief of the unfortunate possibilities of a nose-
bleed is referenced in Shakespeare's Merchant
of Venice.
More recently, in the late 1970s, Masahiko
Nomi wrote the Japanese best-seller Good Com-
bination of Blood Types, proposing that personal-
ity traits could be directly related to the blood
type of the individual. This concept is called
blood-typing. While most North Americans
know their astrological sun sign, most Japanese
know their blood type regardless of their belief
in the system.
It is thought that PALMISTRY (divining the
future by looking at the hand) and ANTHROPOSO- Anthroposomancy is divination by interpretation of a
MANCY and PHYSIOGNOMY (divining the future person 'sface and/or body characteristics.
by studying facial features) are variations of an-
See also scapulomancy. typing are sometimes included in this category
of mantic arts.
Further reading Published in the Sung dynasty, Ma-Yee-
Carr-Gomm, Philip. The Elements of the Druid Tradi- Shang-Fa (The Simple Guide to Face-Reading)
tion. Dorset, England: Element Books, 1991. was the first book on the topic of anthroposo-
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of mancy, although the art had been practiced more
Mystical and Paranormal Experience. San Fran- than 3,200 years ago during the Chou dynasty.
cisco: HarperSan Francisco, 1991. The book is still used as the basic source of
"Japanese Success? It's in the Blood." Newsweek, page information on a skill that continues to be prac-
45, April 18, 1985. ticed today in Asia with far more credence than
Mangnall, R. Curtis. "Pisces Out, Type O In." Psy- palmistry. However, Confucius and the military
chology Today, page 88, October 1984. theorist Sun-Tze both criticized and questioned
Robinson, Rita. The Palm: A Guide to Your Hidden the practice. More recently, the Chinese Com-
Potential. Los Angeles: Newcastle, 1988. munist regime attempted to eliminate anthropo-
somancy completely.
ANTHROPOSOMANCY Divination by Aristotle commended the practice, stating that
the interpretation of a person's face and/or body human faces could be interpreted with correla-
characteristics, sometimes referred to as PHYSI- tions drawn between characteristics and features
OGNOMY. of the face. Hippocrates, the "Father of Medi-
Anthroposomancy may also include the reading cine," also believed that there was some certainty
of moles, the lines on the face or the definition to the belief that one's face revealed traces of
of a profile. PALMISTRY, PHRENOLOGY and body- future disease. Face reading continued through-

out history. In the 1500s facial interpretations Those with "oval" faces are blessed with the
proliferated and books on the subject increased. abilities of both the "circle" and the "square."
In 1658 in Paris, Jerome Cardan published Meto- They have a strong ethical sense, fine business
poscopia, a guide to face reading and, specifically, skills and the practical nature necessary to
divining the future by use of the lines on the succeed.
forehead. Calling the practice the metaphysical "Triangle" faces indicate people who quickly
science of metoposcopy, the book had more than grasp a situation, yet they bore easily. They
800 illustrations to substantiate Cardan's thesis. are supposedly analytical and have questioning
In 1775, Johann Levater (sometimes spelled minds, although they can become distracted be-
Lavater), a Swiss minister, devised a distinctly fore completing a project. They tend to be some-
different system of anthroposomancy and pub- what awkward in social situations but are
lished a book on the topic. Dr. Levater interpre- highly ingenious.
ted the shape of the head and facial features of People with faces that resemble a "trapezoid"
European nobility, including Edward, duke of are considered to be bright, creative and intelli-
Kent, the father of Queen Victoria. However, gent but are slow to succeed because they may
not everyone accepted the practice, and at one not be able to follow through on those bright,
time the British Parliament officially condemned creative, intelligent ideas. Often the trapezoid-
this mantic art. faced person does best working alone.
Most psychics (as well as hairdressers, sales- Other aspects of the face are also considered
people, teachers, therapists, physicians and par- in ninso. The forehead's lines can indicate one
ents of teenagers) reveal that they continue to who is honest (with long, unbroken lines) or has
use this ancient mantic art along with other ways a desire for travel (wavy lines). An S-curve marks
to "read" the faces of those with whom they a devious personality; short, abrupt lines show
come in contact. A tired, drawn look betrays an changes forthcoming.
individual who is worried or overtaxed. A glow- In China, a very straight nose signifies a suc-
ing face speaks of good fortune, romance, a cessful marriage, and it is said that Napoleon
promotion or a happy disposition. Eyes that Bonaparte and the duke of Wellington, in the
refuse to focus on another person often indicate tradition of their time, chose army officers on
the telling of lies even though the person's words the basis of certain facial features, specifically the
may appear to be the truth. nose. A turned-up nose speaks of someone who
The Japanese break down anthroposomancy is congenial. A turned-down nose reports that a
into an adaptation called ninso, or person aspect, person may be conservative and fastidious. Nos-
and practice it widely today. Like palmistry, tril size indicates strong character (large) or ideal-
which considers more than the lines on the palm, ism and insecurity (small).
ninso takes into account the shape, contour and Someone with a "weak" chin is often consid-
texture of the face, eyes and hair, as well as ered, even by contemporary standards, to be
the coloring. weak in character. This may have been passed
People with "circle" faces are said to be emo- down from the mantic art of anthroposomancy;
tional, optimistic and social and to have a highly a receding chin reportedly demonstrates a person
defined moral instinct, often possessing finely without strong ethics. A strong chin bespeaks
tuned business skills as well. According to Japa- one who is firm and assertive. A pointed chin
nese face readers, these people may not be self- indicates one who quickly makes decisions, and
starters and often look toward others to help a cleft in the chin marks a person for life as one
them along. who has secrets or devious ambitions.
People with "square" faces tend to be practical The eyes can tell everything, according to
and quick to move on a concept or business idea. anthroposomancy, so much so that the specific
They are said to be stubborn at times but with mantic arts of oculomancy and iridology have
strong leadership abilities. been devoted to them. Not only is color a factor,

but size and shape indicate a person's characteris- event, specifically in marriage. While we cur-
tics and denote his or her fortune in life. Wide- rently discount this omen, we still call the point
set eyes indicate reliability. Glibness is shown in at the hairline a "widow's peak."
bulging eyes, and small eyes symbolize someone In medieval Europe children's hair was left
who is deceptive and calculating. uncut for many years to ensure their strength
Heavy eyebrows announce a person's through childhood. Gypsies advised the lovelorn
strength, along with the ability to be overbear- to snip a lock of the beloved's hair and wear it
ing; thin brows indicate a personality that can be as a ring or in a locket to fuel passion. And in
fussy and detail oriented. Gently curving brows voodoo cults those who want to possess power
provide a key to someone who is balanced and over another's soul are told to get a piece of their
calm. Arched brows show a questioning nature. enemy's hair.
Those who have had the karma to be born with
brows that grow thickly together above the nose Further reading
are said to be most unfortunate indeed.
Bary, William Theodore de, ed. Sources of Chinese
Ears are a favorite feature on which to base Traditions. New York: Columbia University
the practice of anthroposomancy. Large earlobes Press, 1960.
indicate affluence in the future; smaller ones indi- Leland, Charles Godfrey. Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune
cate poverty. Ears that are small toward the top Telling. New York: University Books, 1962.
but with large lobes on the bottom tell of some- Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
one who is bright, with a good memory. Those New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
born without lobes are destined to go through Walker, Barbara G, The Woman's Encyclopedia of
life aimlessly according to face readers, and are Myths and Secrets. New York: Harper Collins,
often wishy-washy in nature. In Japan, ears that 1983.
are set low on the head are a sign of nobility,
perhaps a carryover from a previous lifetime. APANTOMANCY Divination interpreted
The mouth is a barometer of personal nature. by chance encounters with animals. (See also
A curving upward shows a good temperament; ALECTRYOMANCY.)
a downward curve indicates an unhappy disposi- In the United States, when a black cat crosses
tion, A large mouth is considered to show extrav- one's path, it foretells bad luck; in Britain, on
agance and a small one a miserly, persnickety the other hand, such an occurrence is a sign of
nature. good fortune. When a groundhog sees its shadow
Babies born with teeth are often considered on February 2, it still makes headlines in news-
to have strong leadership qualities but a dark, papers and the six o'clock news throughout
overbearing and destructive side to their person- the United States, Omens such as this find their
ality. Julius Caesar, Hannibal and Napoleon Bo- basis in ancient mantic arts, including apanto-
naparte were all born with slightly developed mancy.
teeth. Animals have had a strong influence on a
Hair color, even today, has specific meaning number of cultures, American Indians were often
and can divine a personality trait. Traditionally, named for the first animal a mother saw after
before we were told that blonds had more fun, giving birth. In ancient Europe an accidental
darker hair colors indicated strength and cour- meeting with a squirrel, a white mouse or a
age, Red hair indicated someone with a strong hedgehog indicated good luck. The sighting of a
emotional propensity. Coarse hair showed bold- pig, a bat or a hare told of impending doom. In
ness, thin hair a gentle nature. prehistoric Arabian times, to encounter a camel
Another hair omen once considered to foretell or donkey out of the ordinary circumstances of
the future concerns the hairline of women, A the day—remembering that these animals were
hairline that came to a point in the middle of used as transportation—was considered to be
the forehead was said to indicate an unfortunate supremely propitious.

The ancient Babylonians used apantomancy as truly the dead speaking through those who are
a means of prophesy when a dog happened to sensitive enough to audit the message.
enter a palace. Depending on the canine's coat Almost every civilization honors the dead,
color, important events, ranging from wars to believing in some sort of apparition. Some Chi-
natural disasters, were foretold by the psychics nese believe that ancestral ghosts can be danger-
of the time. And should the dog actually lie down ous, as do a number of the African tribal
on the priest's throne, it was a clear message that cultures. In Christianity, angels, saints, the Vir-
the building would be demolished by fire. gin Mary and Jesus are believed to be examples
Encountering any type of reptile was said to of mystical apparitions allowed by God so that
be a message of trouble, except, of course, for a followers can become closer to the religion.
tortoise or a turtle, which could charm away Psychics often sense an apparition rather than
that unfortunate circumstance. Finding a ladybug see it. There may be a touch, a sound, a presence,
(especially one with seven black spots) almost an animal noise or an unexplained smell that
guaranteed success. And meeting a pig on the accompanies the appearance. Modern psychical
way to one's wedding was to be avoided at all researcher Andrew MacKenzie suggests that the
cost: III fortune in the relationship was foretold. ability to have apparitional experiences is a func-
Yet seeing a dove, a peacock, a robin, a swallow tion of the personality structure. Some people are
or a woodpecker was such good luck that it more apt to have them than others. Apparitional
would probably cancel out that passing pig. experiences, MacKenzie found through experi-
Additionally, chance meetings with animals ments, happened when the reality of the present
were used to predict rain or a change in the was shut out, such as when falling asleep, upon
weather. For example, fish that bite more enthu- waking, when concentrating on a book or when
siastically, swallows flying low to the ground and doing mundane chores.
gophers digging up more than one hole were said Apparitions are also known as astral shells,
to indicate that one should carry an umbrella; shades, confused soul-minds, visionary appear-
rain was sure to come. ances, specters, astral bodies, spirits, world intel-
ligences and ghosts.
Further reading
Further reading
Bardens, Dennis. Psychic Pets. Boca Raton, Fla.:
Globe Communications, 1992. Auerbach, Lloyd. ESP. Hauntings and Poltergeists: A
Green, Marian. The Elements of Natural Magic. Dor- Parapsychologist's Handbook. New York: Warner,
set, England: Element Books, 1989. 1986.
Stewart, R. J. The Elements of Prophecy Dorset, Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. The Encyclopedia of Ghosts
England: Element Books, 1990. and Spirits. New York: Facts On File, 1992.
Jaffe, Aniela. Apparitions: An Archetypal Approach to
Death, Dreams and Ghosts. Irving, Tex.: Spring
APPARITION A mistlike vision seen by Publications, 1979.
psychics or sensed clairvoyantly that foretells fu- MacKenzie, Andrew. Hauntings and Apparitions.
ture events. Sometimes referred to as ghosts or London: Heinemann, 1982.
spirits, apparitions may appear as the likeness of
a living or dead person or an animal. AQUARIUS One of the 12 astrological signs
There is no one theory about apparitions. Some of the zodiac. The symbol is the water bearer.
say that the patterns are produced by the subcon- Those who are born between January 20 and
scious mind without any help from the spirit February 20 are natives of the sign of Aquarius
world. It may also be that apparitions are astral and have specific traits indicative of the time and
or ethereal bodies of spirits manifesting them- date on which they were born. Divination of
selves to divine events, whether forthcoming or events can also be charted through this astrologi-
in the past. Some experts say that apparitions are cal sign.
calculate a personal birth chart based on the
AQVTv position of the Sun, Moon and planets at a dis-
KIV3 tinct time, computer software has replaced most
of this time-consuming work. The correct term
for calculating a birth chart is to "cast" it. In
J5 order to fully comprehend the extent of traits,
potential and attributes, the exact time and place
of birth must be known and interpreted.
See also ASTROLOGICAL SYMBOLS; astrology.

AQUARIUS Further readin:

Cosmic Connections. Mysteries of the Unknown. Al-
Astrologers divine what is in store throughout
exandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
life through the time, date and place in which Goodman, Linda. Linda Goodman's Sun Signs. New
the individual was born as they coordinate the York: Fawcett/Columbine, 1978.
influences with other signs, the planets, the sun, Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your
the moon and other powers. Own Future. London: Quintet Publishing and Ran-
In traditional Western astrology, Aquarius is dom House, 1992.
the 11 th sign of the zodiac. Personality character- Omarr, Sydney. Aquarius. New York: New American
istics typical of those born in the sign of Aquarius Library, 1992.
include having a generous, humanitarian ap- . My World of Astrology New York: Fleet,
proach to life. Aquarians shy away from trouble 1965.
Verlagsanstalt, Datura. Aquarius Astro Analysis. New
but are tolerant and broad minded. These are
York: Grossett 2c Dunlap, 1976.
not the rabble-rousers of the zodiac, and almost
Woolfork, Joanna Marline. The Only Astrology Book
any kind of dissension disturbs them. Both men
You'll Ever Need. Landham, Mass.: Scarborough,
and women born within this sign are said to 1992.
be just and generous, and they consider ethical
practices to be most important. ARCANA The division of major and minor
The sign of the zodiac in which an individual cards in the tarot pack of divining cards.
is born is responsible for only one fragment of
The major arcana includes 22 cards; the minor
the qualities he or she receives at birth. Psychics
arcana has 50. Psychics report that when most
are quick to point out that a general forecast
of the major arcana cards appear during a tarot
based solely on the stellar position of the Sun on
reading, the querant is a seeker of spiritual
the day an individual was born is unlikely to
knowledge. Minor arcana cards often indicate
provide an accurate glimpse of the future.
that less consequential questions are being asked.
Although traditional astrologers use books to
Further reading
Buckland, Raymond. Secrets of Gypsy Fortunetelling.
St Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1988.
Giles, Cynthia The Tarot: History, Mystery and Lore.
New York: Paragon House, 1992.
Secrets of the Alchemists. Mysteries of the Unknown.
Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.

ARIES One of the 12 astrological signs of

the zodiac. The symbol is the ram.

This ancient symbol represents the astrological sign Those who are born between March 21 and April
of Aquarius. 20 are natives of the sign of Aries and have

the qualities he or she receives at birth. Psychics
are quick to point out that a general forecast
based solely on the stellar position of the Sun on
the day an individual was born is unlikely to
provide an accurate glimpse of the future.
Although traditional astrologers use books to
calculate a personal birth chart based on the
position of the Sun, Moon and planets at a dis-
tinct time, computer software has replaced most
of this time-consuming work. The correct term
ARIES for calculating a birth chart is to "cast" it. In
order to fully comprehend the extent of traits,
specific traits indicative of the time and date on potential and attributes, the exact time and place
which they were born. Divination of events can of birth must be known and interpreted.
also be charted through this astrological sign. See also ASTROLOGICAL SYMBOLS; astrology.
Astrologers divine what is in store throughout
Further reading
life through the time, date and place in which
an individual was born as they coordinate the Cosmic Connections. Mysteries of the Unknown. Al-
influences with other signs, the planets, the Sun, exandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
the Moon and other powers. Goodman, Linda. Linda Goodman's Sun Signs. New
In traditional Western astrology, Aries is the York: Fawcett/Columbine, 1978.
first sign of the zodiac. Those born during the Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your
Own Future. London: Quintet Publishing and Ran-
period typically exhibit qualities of determina-
dom House, 1992.
tion and ambition and, like their symbol in the
Omarr, Sydney. Aries. New York: New American
zodiac, tend to ramrod their desires. Aries is a
Library, 1992.
fire sign, and thus the Aries native may exhibit . My World of Astrology New York: Fleet,
an instantaneous temper, but as often he or she 1965.
is fast to forgive and forget. The Aries native is Veriagsanstalt, Datura. Aries Astro Analysis. New
able to make astute determinations in very logical York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1976.
ways, yet sometimes all the decision is based on Woolfork, Joanna Martine. The Only Astrology Book
is intuition. This person is said to be idealistic You'll Ever Need. Landham, Mass.: Scarborough.
and self-reliant, with an intense sense of respon- 1992.
sibility and duty.
The sign of the zodiac in which an individual ARITHMANCY Using letters or numbers
is born is responsible for only one fragment of in a specific combination to divine the future of
a person, an event or a country; another term
As with numerology, letters and numbers are
grouped and formatted to combine in a prear-
ranged pattern, depending on the arithmanic or
numerological method used. The converting of
letters and other numerical sequences was devel-
oped in medieval times; arithmancy and numer-
ology were refined by the German occultist
Cornelius Agrippa during the 14th century.
T Those who accept arithmancy and numerol-
This ancient symbol represents the astrological sign ogy believe that the future is planned, although
of Aries. people are able to make conscious changes and

decisions that affect these preordained plans; the Further reading
numbers foretell the future.
Mind over Matter. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alex-
andria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
Further reading
Lawrence, Shirley Blackwell. Behind Numerology San ASTRAGYROMANCY Divination of the
Bernardino, Calif.: Borgo, 1989. future or the answering of a querant's question
Psychic Powers. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexan- employing objects with sides.
dria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
Ancient practitioners of astragyromancy used
knucklebones, and the root word astragalos is
ARMOMANCY Divination used to predict Greek for vertebra or knucklebone. Records of
the possibility for psychic abilities by inspecting the use of astragyromancy date from 5,000 years
the shoulders of the aspirant. ago, with the tossing of bones to the ground.
The position of the bones, including which side
Unlike anthroposomancy, which is still used to-
came up, revealed what the future held. This
day, other methods of education and information
method was used in Mesopotamia.
have replaced armomancy as a determining factor
for psychic abilities or mediumships. Some be- The use of astragyromancy is mentioned in
lieve that one is specifically born with the ability mythology when Greek goddess of fate Tyche,
to foretell the future and recount the past. Others whom the Orphics called Eurydice, employed
theorize that all people have the aptitude to reach her powers to select sacrificial victims by the
deeply into the metaphysical world and use psy- casting of lots or dice and to predict the future.
chic powers to further their own knowledge. "Bone tossing" is still used today to forecast
Psychic abilities are often considered to be intu- events and disclose life lessons by various cul-
ition. tures throughout the world. In West Africa,
Bantu psychics use a set of 26 bones that are
engraved with special symbols. Zulu psychics
use 18 pieces in their set; numbers are engraved
on 13, and 5 have symbolic messages.
Further reading
The dice that are commonly used for games
Bevan, E. Sibyls and Seers: A Survey of Some Ancient and gambling have a rich tradition that originated
Theories of Revelation and Inspiration. London: in astragyromancy. The slang for dice is "bones,"
George Allen & Unwin, 1982. which is appropriate because carved bones with
Buckland, Raymond. Secrets of Gypsy Fortunetelling. dots, used to predict the future, were the actual
St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1988. origin of dice.
Cheetham, E. The Prophecies of Nostradamus. Lon-
See also CLEROMANCY; sortilege systems.
don: Corgi, 1981.
Psychic Powers. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexan-
Further reading
dria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
Mind over Matter. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alex-
andria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
ASTRAGALOMANCY Divination by Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown.
throwing dice or dominoes, or other objects with Alexandria, Va: Time Life Books, 1990.
sides, to determine the future. Walker, Barbara G. The Woman's Encyclopedia of
This practice is more commonly known as AS- Myths and Secrets. New York: Harper Collins,
TRAGYROMANCY and also by the contemporary 1983.
title of sortilege.
See also DICE; i ching; rune STONES; sorti- ASTRAL BODIES

sleep or function as humans. Love prevails, but
ASTRAL PLANE Plane of existence and there is no physical love, as all inhabitants are
perception paralleling the physical plane, but one genderless.
phase removed from it.
It is said that the astral plane can be accessed Further reading
during normal sleeping hours and typically in- Bletzer, June G., The Donning International Encyclo-
volves out-of-body experiences. During these pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
times the spirit/soul is able to move into other ford Press, 1986.
dimensions, perceiving things yet to happen and Monroe. Robert A. Journeys Out of the Body New
events that have occurred. Thus, the astral plane York: Doubleday, 1971.
and out-of-body experiences can be used to di- Psychic Voyages. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexan-
vine upcoming events or circumstances that fore- dria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
tell the future. Watson, Donald. The Dictionary of Mind and Spirit.
New York: Avon, 1991.
In this mental world of the astral plane, every-
. Far Journeys. Garden City, N.Y.:
thing is made of thoughts rather than atomic Dolphin/Doubleday, 1985.
particles, as with the earth plane. Thus, the psy-
chic, mental or astral "world" is not a three- ASTROLOGICAL SYMBOLS Specific
dimensional realm but rather an area that is all marks or glyphs used as symbols for planets,
around and all encompassing. signs and aspects of the zodiac. They are used in
Carl Jung, the famous psychologist, report- place of words in casting (producing) an astrolog-
edly regularly accessed the astral plane with what ical birth or event chart.
he termed "active imagination" and spoke with
There are 10 planets, 12 signs of the zodiac, and
a spirit named Philemon. Jung explained that
6 aspect symbols. Each of the planets and zodiac
talking with this entity helped him to maintain
signs in its own way designates a specific position
objectivity in the psychic world. Jung was not
on a birth chart. The aspects indicate angles
alone in documenting communication in the as-
between planets. Astrology is an ancient meta-
tral plane. Robert Monroe, in Journeys Out of
physical science once grouped with astronomy.
the Body, described the astral plane, complete
According to those who practice the art, in as-
with a host of "inhabitants," including those
trology celestial bodies exert forces and display
who had the appearance of demons, goblins and
personalities and characteristics that influence
strange, "rubbery" entities, who supposedly pos-
people and events. See astrology.
sessed the ability to make Monroe's life misera-
ble. Some psychics believe that fairies and elves The Planets
also inhabit the astral plane, and humans must The original seven planets viewed by the ancient
pass through the dominion before entering astrologers are used to discern personal charac-
heaven, hell or an afterlife. teristics. They include the Sun, the Moon (al-
The astral plane is also, known in Vedic or though neither is a planet, both were once
metaphysical dialect as the kama world and ka- thought to be). Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter
maloca, which is said to be the second lowest and Saturn. The planets of Uranus, Neptune
plane, a place of emotions, desires and passions. and Pluto, discovered later, do, according to
The earth plane is even lower. In the astral plane, astrologers, influence lives and events but have a
emotions become visible and tangible, as are more subtle effect.
material objects in the earth plane. When clair- The Sun, as a source of life and energy, has
voyantly perceived by psychics, the astral plane the most powerful effect on the individual born
is said to look like Earth, with people, roads, during a specific sign of the zodiac and indicates
means of transportation, schools and buildings; masculine qualities that are balanced with the
however, in this plane people do not need to eat. Moon's more feminine characteristics. Most

Planets Zodiac signs Aspects (see specific astrological signs for more informa-
tion) as it passes through them.
The Moon, a feminine influence in the uni-
verse, represents moods and emotions. It is said
© Sun T Aries to control the characteristics of intuition, love,
affection and spirituality. The Moon is said to
control the rhythms of the natural patterns of
Taurus life; it affects, for example, water and the tides.
D Rflaan
Mercury is considered the messenger of the
zodiac. It controls communication. Those bom
Gemini under Mercury are said to be quick witted, to
communicate well and to be bright and poten-
Square tially volatile. Sometimes it is associated with
Caneet youth because it is the smallest planet and can,
VtftUS at times, be a trickster.
Venus's concern is harmony and unity; it is
Sextile the most feminine of the planets, but astrologers
Man point out that that does not mean strictly female
but rather a love of sensitivity and solidarity.
m Virgo
This is often reflected in individuals bom with
Trine Venus in their sign, who are artistic, elegant,
a peace loving and romantic. They can also have
tendencies toward shyness and passivity.
A Mars rules the active nature of people and
h Ssmrn exemplifies strong passions. Often the individual
Smrpio Inconjunct
with a strong influence of Mars in his or her sign
has a quick temper but just as quickly forgives
(5 Uranus a wrongdoer. Mars also influences fearlessness,
persistence and directness in words and actions.
Jupiter, the largest of the planets, is character-
Vt ized by individuals exhibiting cheerfulness, opti-
Neptune ▼ \iiipric()m
mism, expansion and candid behaviors. It brings
A/V out giving and trusting natures and has a strong
Aquarius drive for success in career and personal en-
E PiUlO deavors.
Saturn is said to be the "old man of the Zo-
diac," carefiil and considerate; responsibility and
K Pisces
capability are characteristics shown from this
planet's control. It is said to have an influence
There are 10 planets, 12 signs of the zodiac and over thriftiness.
6 aspect symbols. Each designates a specific position Uranus, according to some astrologers, signals
on a birth chart. change, newness and originality, and since it
spends seven years in each sign as it passes
through the solar system, Uranus may have great
Americans know their sun sign, whether it is control over individuals. Other astrologers ne-
Capricorn or Cancer. The Sun has the most gate its effect. Uranus is said to produce a will-
dominance over personality; it represents career ingness to learn about metaphysical events and
and power. The Sun aflects the astrological signs concepts.

Neptune is believed to have even less control Pisces (February 20-March 21): Caring and gen-
on a birth chart than Uranus. It is a mystical tle; may be secretive and shy.
planet and indicates characteristics of mysterious
ways, heightened sensitivity and intuition. Be- The Aspects
cause it moves so slowly, Neptune has only been There are six angular relationships of importance
in some of the constellations during this century, in casting a birth chart. These are the aspects.
so astrologers do not know its true influence They detail the relationships between the other
as yet. influences of the zodiac. Some astrologers use
Pluto is truly considered the planet of the more than the following and study their use
unknown. It signifies change and metamorpho- throughout a lifetime. The descriptions below
sis, and since astrologers believe that those with are meant to be a jumping-off point for those
the Pluto influence in their charts need to address who are interested in any phase of metaphysics.
these influences alone, it can signal a time of
Conjunction: This is when the planets of the
great revolution and transmutation.
same sign act in the same way. It is a concen-
tration of energies. It is the strongest aspect
The Signs in astrology.
The following general characteristics are shown Opposition: Said to indicate conflict between op-
in natives of the sun signs: posite signs. It has the latent quality to aid
self-examination. It is often considered unhar-
Aries (March 22-April 20): Industrious, opinion-
ated and sometimes confrontational; enjoys
Trine: The most harmonious aspect; however,
taking command.
an individual with too many trine aspects may
Taurus (April 21-May 21): Tenacious and clever;
lack motivation.
may be stubborn ^nd have a quick temper,
Square: Produces tension between planets and
Gemini (May 22-June 22): Versatile, inconsis-
provides an opportunity for change. It indi-
tent, imaginative and quick witted.
cates challenges,
Cancer (June 23-July 23): Innovative, thrifty,
Sextile: Planets in this combination are a signal
family oriented; may be shy and moody.
for change and restyling, A sextile is thought
Leo (July 24-August 23): Powerful and poised;
to bring out opportunities.
likes to be the star; may be egotistical,
Inconjunct: Indicated when planets have nothing
Virgo (August 24-September 23): Modest and
in common or show a need to reconcile or
practical; tends to be fastidious; may be med-
reorganize traits of the personality and life.
Libra (September 24-October 23): Diplomatic
and outgoing; may be wishy-washy and vac- Further reading
illate, Bosanko, Susan, ed. Predicting Your Future. New
Scorpio (October 24-November 22): Intense and York: Ballantine Books/Diagram Group. Visual In-
secretive; may be overly moody and suspi- formation Limited, 1983.
cious, Cosmic Connection. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alex-
Sagittarius (November 23-December 22): Out- andria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
going and tolerant; may be too outspoken Goodman, Linda. Linda Goodman's Star Signs. New
York: St. Martin's, 1987.
and restless,
. Linda Goodman's Sun Signs. New York:
Capricorn (December 23-January 19): Pragmatic
Fawcett/Columbine, 1978.
and reliable; may be too serious and self-cen- Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your
tered, Own Future. London: Quintet Publishing and Ran-
Aquarius (January 20-February 19): Individual- dom House, 1992.
istic and self-reliant; may be defiant and seek Stewart, R. J. The Elements of Prophecy Dorset,
unorthodox lifestyles. England: Element Books, 1990.

Watson, Lyall. Supemature. Gaiden City, N.Y.: An- was found that more than half of those who
chor Press/Doubleday, 1973. answered the survey had read the astrological
Woodruff. Maurice. Maurice Woodruff Futurecaster: forecast offered in the daily newspaper. There
The Secrets of Foretelling Your Own Future. Cleve- are more than 10,000 astrologers in the United
land, Ohio: World Publishing Company, 1969.
States, and astrologers have been used by both
Woolfork, Joanna Martine. The Only Astrology Book
politicians and celebrities as well as everyday
You'll Ever Need. Landham, Mass.: Scarborough.
people looking for a way to avoid the bumps of
life and foretell the future.
ASTROLOGY Divination using the study Proper understanding of astrology can provide
of the placement of the planets, Moon and stars a key to character and personality to control and
at the time of birth or the time of a particular minimize all that is negative. Claudius Ptolemy,
an astrologer of the second century A.D., said,
"You can take precautions against your own
An astrologer is someone who has been specially temperament just as you can against bad
trained to cast a birth or event chart using the weather," when you know what is in your astro-
ancient science and art of astrology. To have a logical chart. Additionally, the chart imparts un-
complete and correct chart formatted, one must derstanding of the feelings and temptations of
know the exact time, date and place of birth,
others, gives foreknowledge of the dangers to
including whether or not daylight saving time which, by reason of the moment of birth, one
was in effect. Using precise calculations, astrolo- may be predisposed, and makes one aware of
gers can predict future happenings and interpret potential talents and abilities so that time might
the nature or character of the individual or event.
be spent fine-tuning those qualities. Moreover,
Many spend their entire lives studying astrology it enables students of astrology to recognize the
because there are many nuances to be considered, moment when good fortune will strike and pin-
including the psychic's ability to decipher the
points fortunate times in which to balance work,
information provided by the mathematical con- health and love.
figurations required by the chart.
The exact beginning of astrology is a topic on
Unfortunately there are no simple "how to's"
which there is much speculation, and the legends
involved in instructing someone on how to cast
are filled with romance, mystery, contradictions
a birth chart (sometimes called a natal chart).
and quests for ethereal information and power.
Typically, today's astrologer uses computer soft-
For thousands of years, astrology and astronomy
ware in which the information of time, date and
(the mathematical science of charting the planets
place of birth is input; the cost of a computer-
and stars, without psychic interpretation) were
generated chart produced by a company that
actually considered one and the same.
specializes in charts is about $10. Astrologers
As early as 8000 B.C., people looked to the
charge from $40 to thousands of dollars to do a
heavens to understand life and perhaps plot fu-
complete chart with the interpretations. Many
ture events. The Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyp-
books, however, give the manual method, which
tians, Mayans, Incas and other ancient peoples
is too complex to outline here. An ephemeris, a
believed that their fate could be determined from
book giving the positions of the Sun, Moon
the activities taking place on high. All of these
and planets at a particular time, is used in the
groups and many others that have since disap-
calculating process. An ephemeris can be pur-
peared employed astrologers to record and pre-
chased at most metaphysical book stores; how-
dict the positions of the stars and the timing of
ever, a basic class on astrology is probably the
events, looking heavenward to assist in their
best method to leam the most simple techniques
survival and prosperity.
of casting a horoscope.
The oldest astrology "textbook" was written
Almost every American knows his or her as-
around A.D. 150 by the astrologer-astronomer
trological sign. In a Gallup poll taken in 1990, it
Ptolemy, working in Egypt, but unfortunately it

is lost in time. The Greeks were the first to trendy to know one's sun sign, and astrology
construct an ephemeris. The Romans continued has continued to gain in popularity ever since.
the practice of astrology, and it was not until Psychologist Carl G. Jung often consulted
forecasting events by the movements in the sky horoscopes to assist patients, and today meta-
was thought to be profane by the early Christians physical counselors seek to advise of character
that astrology began to recede as the leading factors said to be determined by the stars and
method of prognostication. Saint Augustine and the planets in the hope that current concerns and
others attacked astrology, and the art declined problems can be resolved.
for the next 800 years. In the 13th century, While Western astrology looks to advise, the
astrology slowly revived. It would seem that astrology practiced in the Far East often is seen
true practitioners and astrologers simply went as a way to blueprint coming events and divine
"underground" with their study, as the knowl- future happenings.
edge was not lost. See also Chinese astrology.
In the 17th century, interest increased. It is Further reading
claimed by some (again, contradictions enter the
picture) that Queen Elizabeth I turned to astrolo- Baigent, Campion, and Harvey Baigent. Mundane
ger Dr. John Dee for counsel. And British astrol- Astrology: An Introduction to the Astrological Na-
tions and Groups. London: Aquarian Press, 1984.
oger and psychic William Lilly wrote Astrological
Bosanko, Susan, ed. Predicting Your Future. New
Predictions in 1648, predicting, among other
York: Ballantine Books/Diagram Group. Visual In-
things, "sundry fires and consuming plague" for
formation Limited, 1983.
London, which was charted to occur about 1665.
Cornell, H. L. Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology. St.
He was subsequently imprisoned because it was Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1972.
believed he somehow caused the Great Plague Forrest, Steven. The Changing Sky: The Dynamic
(of 1665, which wiped out a great mass of the New Astrology for Everyone. New York: Bantam,
English and European population) and the fire 1984.
of London in 1666, although he was later exoner- Goodman, Linda. Linda Goodman's Star Signs. New
ated. Francis Moore, author of Vox Stellarum, York: St. Martin's, 1987.
which was published at approximately the same ——Linda Goodman's Sun Signs. New York:
time and later became Old Moore's Almanac, Fawcett/Columbine, 1978.
is still published annually and continues to be Lewis, Grant. Heaven Knows What. St. Paul, Minn.:
Llewellyn, 1962.
consulted by astrologers today. In 1784, Ebe-
Luce, Robert de. The Complete Method of Prediction.
nezer Sibley wrote The Celestial Art of Astrology,
New York: ASI, 1978.
perhaps the most ambitious book on the subject
Stewart, R. J. The Elements of Prophecy Dorset,
up to that point in history. England: Element Books, 1990.
Astrology slowly declined in popularity and Watson, Lyall. Supernature. Garden City, N. Y.: An-
for a time only a few true believers cast horo- chor Press/Doubleday, 1973.
scopes. When Madame Helena Blavatsky started Wilson, James. The Dictionary of Astrology New
the Theosophical Society in 1875, to study the York: Samuel Weiser, 1974.
unexplained laws of nature, including astrology, Woodruff, Maurice. Maurice Woodruff Futurecaster:
The Secrets of Foretelling Your Own Future. Cleve-
this occult art received new interest (see blavat-
land, Ohio: World Publishing Company, 1969.
sky, HELENA P.), with the revival of spiritualism
Woolfork, Joanna Martine. The Only Astrology Book
continuing into the early 1900s. But it was not
You'll Ever Need. 5th printing. Landham, Mass.:
until 1931 that astrology became fashionable Scarborough, 1992.
once more. When Princess Margaret of Great
Britain was born, the London Sunday Express ASTROLOGY, EMOTIONAL A type of
hired an astrologer to chart her birth signs and astrology that specifically deals with the emo-
tell the world about the characteristics of this tional aspects of divination as it involves the
newest royal princess. Suddenly it was chic and study of the placement of the planets, the Moon

and the stars at the time of birth or the occasion Aquarius: Legs and ankles
of a particular event. Pisces: Feet, toes and mucous membranes of the
With emotional astrology, practitioners calculate body
specific periods for undertaking matters such as
See also astrology.
an engagement, a marriage, the conceiving of a
child or the purchasing of property or a house.
Emotional astrology can also be used to calculate ASTROLOGY, MUNDANE Divination
the best date for taking a vacation or trip. using the placement of the planets, the Moon
See also astrology. and the stars to advise on events that have a
large-scale effect on people, such as wars, peace
conferences, pollution, disasters, social trends
ASTROLOGY, HORARY Divination us-
and national political changes.
ing the placement of the planets, the Moon and
the stars to calculate future events, such as earth- This branch of astrology concerns itself with how
quakes and floods. such changes affect the population and various
groups of people, along with the structure of
See also astrology.
the Earth.
See also astrology.
ination using the placement of the planets, the
ASTROLOGY, NATAL Divination using
Moon and the stars to foretell the outcome of an
the placement of the planets, the Moon and the
event whose location, date and time of occur-
stars to predict the future and other events using
rence are known.
the personal astrological or natal chart of the
For example, inceptional astrology might be used querant.
when predicting the outcome of a sporting event,
See also astrology.
a business meeting or a lawsuit.
See also astrology.
tion using the placement of the planets, the
ASTROLOGY, MEDICAL Divination Moon and the stars to predict future events in
using the placement of the planets, the Moon one's life.
and the stars to advise on the health of the
Although many astrologers also use predictive
astrology to foretell things that will happen in
This branch of astrology correlates the signs of the future, most look to astrology simply to
the zodiac and other planetary influences with divine character traits that, in turn, help the
disease and problems with the human body. Each querant respond to their influences.
of the 12 signs influences specific areas of the See also astrology.

Aries: Head and face ASTROMANCY An ancient divination

Taurus: Neck and throat method that involves observing the stars.
Gemini: Arms and shoulders A psychic or seer interprets the messages, an-
Cancer: Breast and stomach swers a querant's questions or forecasts the fu-
Leo: Heart, back and neck area ture by looking at the stars and planets on a
Virgo: Internal organs clear night. As with other astrologically oriented
Libra: Kidneys, lower back and spine area methods, astromancy probably originated more
Scorpio: Reproductive organs than 7,000 years ago, even before the Sumerians
Sagittarius: Hips and large muscles of the body began producing complex astronomical charts.
Capricorn: Knees and skin See ALECTROMANCY; ASTROLOGY.

Further reading lapping colors and colors that are a blend of
other colors. An aura is sometimes compared to
Daniels, Cora Linn, and C. M. Stevans, Ph.D., eds.
Encyclopedia of Superstitions, Folklore and the Oc- a personal rainbow.
cult Sciences of the World, Detroit: Gale Research. One explanation of an aura is that at different
1971. energy frequencies coming from the body, the
Woolfork, Joanna Martine. The Only Astrology Book colors blend and change. An aura is often said to
You'll Ever Need, Landham, Mass.: Scarborough. be bipolar, receiving negative as well as positive
1992. energy, and unable to exist without the entity.
According to psychics, the aura's major function
AUGUR One who can forecast or foretell is to protect the entity from invisible rays of
the future. light, acting as a shield against any harm from
Other names for such individuals include clair- the ethereal world. Auras are said to disappear
voyant, psychic, mystic, oracle, prophet or di- when a person dies, or "passes over."
viner. They may also be referred to as In the early 1990s, it became popular to have
metaphysical counselors. one's aura read; the various colors emanating
In ancient Rome, more than 2,000 years ago, from the aura were said to indicate personality
augurs were specifically royal spiritualists who strengths and weaknesses, health and disease,
divined the future using birds: the route the birds even possible careers and emotional adaptability.
flew, their speed, their species and number, along Additionally, colors in an aura can change by the
with the sounds made in flight or when they minute. For example, if one is in an angry mood,
landed. When Julius Caesar came to power, the aura might be a completely different color
augurs practiced on the government's payroll. than if one is lounging by a lake on a glorious
Intriguingly enough, Roman augurs never di- Sunday afternoon. Since each psychic (and each
rectly watched the birds but sat on a nearby hill, person) sees color in a slightly different manner,
often blindfolded, with assistants who explained there are no absolutes on exactly what each color
to them what was happening. means, and there are often major differences
of opinion.
Further reading Viewing and divining characteristics by the
Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling. use of the aura is not a new concept. Medieval
New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992. saints and mystics distinguished four different
Sinnigen, William G., and Arthur E. R. Boak. A types of aura: the nimbus, the halo, the areola
History of Rome to A.D. 565. 6th ed. New York: and the glory. The first two streamed from the
Macmillan, 1977. head, the areola emanated from the entire body
Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown. and the glory was seen as a combination of the
Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. two. Others believe that there are five divisions:
the health aura, the vital aura, the karmic aura,
AURAS Electromagnetic energy fields com- the aura of character and the aura of spiritual
pletely surrounding all living entities, including nature. One of the first documented experimen-
people, plants, animals and minerals. Also tal investigations on auras was recorded in Ten
known as astral bodies, auras emanate color. Years with Spiritual Mediums by Francis Gerry
Some psychics believe that only they, with their Fairfield, an American researcher, in 1874. He
specifically learned skills or God-given talents, claimed that all organic structures have a special
can see an aura; others maintain that anyone can nerve atmosphere. Though greeted with skepti-
see auras. As with other metaphysical topics, the cism, the same conclusion that there is an aura
viewing of auras is controversial because most surrounding living energies was established by
people claim they cannot see them. Most psy- Dr. Walter J. Kilner, and his findings were pub-
chics agree, however, that an aura can change, lished in The Human Atmosphere in London in
grow and produce various colors. There are over- 1911. Dr. Kilner devised a screen and various

AURAS • 21
lighting apparatuses that allowed the human eye
to see the aura, regardless of the psychic ability
of the observer. Kilner reported that his curiosity
was peaked on this topic when he viewed old
paintings of holy figures which showed them
standing in a surrounding luminous glow long
before Christians invented the halo.
Psychics often see the aura as a chronicle of
past, present and future events, with the vibra-
tions denoting the degree of energy each event
mirrors in the life of the querant. They also
view the aura according to texture, blemishes
and intensity, each indicating a specific trait or
concern. Some believe that the more mentally In ancient China and Tibet, austromancy was prac-
ticed by holding a shell to the ear. The sounds were
alert an individual is, the more intense the aura
interpreted to foretell future events or define an
will be; conversely, if one is more physical than
intellectual, the aura will take on grayish tones. omen.
Auras were photographed through an electro-
graphic system devised by electrician-inventor
was considered an extremely serious method of
Semyon Kirlian in the 1930s.
divination. Today, as with many occult divina-
Some people see a special type of aura around
tion practices, the method has been passed down
the head and body of psychics and mystics.
but has lost its divination meaning. As any child
Referred to as an areola, it is circular or oblong
can attest, one can listen to the "waves" or the
in shape. The oblong areola was especially associ-
sound of the sea crashing to the shore by holding
ated with Jesus Christ.
a shell to the ear.
See also kirlian photography.

Further reading Further reading

Ancient Wisdom and Sects. Mysteries of the Unknown. Lip, Evelyn. Chinese Geomancy New York: Times
Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. Books International, 1979.
Bailey, Alice. A Treatise on White Magic. New York: Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
Lucis, 1951. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
Bowers, Barbara. What Color Is Your Aura? New O'Brien, Joanne, with Kwok Man Ho. The Elements
York: Simon & Schuster, 1989. of Feng Shui. Dorset, England: Element Books,
Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New 1991.
York: University Books, 1966.
Kilner, Walter J. The Aura. New York: Samuel
Weiser, 1973.
Krippner, Stanley, and Daniel Rubin. The Kirlian duced without the control of the conscious self;
Aura. New York: Doubleday, Anchor Press, 1974. unconscious movement attributed to supernatu-
Watson, Lyall. Supcmalure. Garden City, N.Y.: An- ral guidance.
chor, 1973. This system of forecasting the future, or provid-
ing knowledge of events that will affect human-
AUSTROMANCY Divination by listening ity, allows the spirits of the ethereal world to
to the sound of the wind and interpreting the direct the writing of one's hand and arm with
messages. Austromancy is part of the collective pencil and paper.
prediction methods grouped with GEOMANCY. Not to be confused with inspirational writing
In ancient China and Tibet, austromancy was (writing coming from one's own higher energy,
practiced by holding a seashell to the ear and which is often somewhat esoteric and poetic).

automatic writing is a form of communication works of Ruth Montgomery, automatic writing
with the spirit world using the human body as a reached its peak during the late 1800s when the
vehicle to provide written information. efficiency of the method (over the more arduous
Psychics and those who have experienced au- table tipping, where a different number of
tomatic writing describe it in much the same thumps stand for each letter of the alphabet)
way: After feeling sleepy, prickly or tingly, or became evident. Alfred, Lord Tennyson and Wil-
after going into a trance, the psychic allows the liam Butler Yeats were among those who, psy-
spiritual entity to use his or her body as a tool. chics believe, used automatic writing to increase
One of the first documented automatic-writing the poetry of their prose (however, it may have
incidents was described in a book. Spirit Identity, been inspirational writing, in their case, rather
written by the Reverend Stainton Moses in 1872. than automatic writing).
He wrote, "My right arm was seized up and In the early 1900s in England, Frederick Bligh
down with a noise resembling that of a number Bond, director of excavation at Glastonbury Ab-
of factors at work. It was the most tremendous bey, and a colleague, John Allyne, used auto-
exhibition of 'unconscious muscular action' I matic writing, which came in Latin and Middle
ever saw. In vain I tried to stop it. I distinctly English, concerning the architectural design of
felt the grasps, soft and firm, round my arm, the medieval chapel completely hidden beneath
and though perfectly possessed of senses and the abbey. When excavations began years later,
volition, I was powerless to interfere, although the writings proved to be incredibly accurate,
my hand was disabled for some days by the specifically in the detailed accounts of the struc-
bruising it then got. The object we soon found tures and sizes of the building.
was to get up the force." Some metaphysical experts insist that auto-
A number of writers have admitted that they matic writing is the way a discarnate spirit com-
have written in a semitrance state, and attributed municates; opponents believe that the writing
it to automatic writing. Harriet Beecher Stowe, comes from the psychic's own mind. Critics of
author of Uncle Tom's Cabin, said, "I didn't automatic writing warn that the psychic using
write it: It was given to me. It passed before this method of divination may connect with an
me." Parts of the Old Testament were supposedly evil or demonic spirit. Skeptics believe that the
written through automatic writing: "And there only evil inherent in automatic writing is the
came a writing to him from Elijah the prophet possibility of dredging up the unconscious
saying ..." (2 Chron. 21:12). In 1883, a book thoughts of the psychic.
produced by the German Augustinian nun Anna Although those who instruct others in the
Catherine Emmerich, The Lowly Life and Bitter mantic art of automatic writing warn that results
Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Blessed take time and patience, it is possible to achieve
Mother, was accepted by Catholics as divinely the skill. It is said that by meditating or relaxing
written. The remarkable contents of the book with pencil or pen in hand, and opening one's
were said to have come to the nun through thoughts to information from the ethereal world,
visions that directed her hand. writing will begin. Some suggest using a type-
One of the earliest accounts of automatic writ- writer or personal computer to make the process
ing in the United States was a book of inspira- more readable, as often the script is illegible.
tional messages called The Pilgrimage of Thomas Additionally, there have been cases of auto-
Payne and Others to the Seventh Circle, pub- matic painting, automatic speaking and auto-
lished in 1852 by Rev. C. Hammond, and auto- matic piano playing. Rosemary Brown, a
matic writing has continued with writings by mediocre pianist at best, suddenly discovered
Ruth Montgomery and Alice Bailey, among that in a trancelike state she could play beauti-
others. fully. She claimed that composers such as Beetho-
While there has been a recent renewal of inter- ven, Chopin and Liszt were taking her over and
est in this mantic art, especially through the using her hands "like a pair of gloves."

Automatic writing is a facet of the mantic
art of automatism, which encompasses automatic AXINOMANCY Use of an ax to locate
writing, automatic musical ability, automatic lit- that which is hidden.
erature and automatic art ability. Axes were used specifically to find buried trea-
See also ouija boards; table tipping. sure or for finding out where something was
hidden. In axinomancy, the ax is balanced on the
Further reading
wrist, and information is said to come directly
Brown, Rosemary. Immortals at My Elbow. London: from the spirit world to the psychic who is
Bachman & Turner, 1974. performing the rite. Or the ax is balanced on the
Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New wrist of the psychic, and the direction of the
York: University Books, 1966. handle when the tool falls to the ground deter-
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of mines the basis for gauging future events.
Mystical and Paranormal Experience. San Fran- In ancient Greece, the ax may also have been
cisco: HarperSan Francisco, 1991.
heated and studied to foretell the placement of
Montgomery, Ruth. A Search for the Truth. New
an object. In a variation of this method, a piece
York: Bantam, 1968.
Psychic Powers. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexan- of agate or a special stone is balanced on the edge
dria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. of the blade. When the metal blade cooled, the
Search for the Soul. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alex- stone fell to the ground and the direction and
andria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. placement of the stone was analyzed.
Watson, Donald. The Dictionary of Mind and Spirit. See also belomancy; dowsing.
New York: Avon, 1991.
Further reading
AUTOMATISM Writing, drawing, paint-
Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
ing or musical abilities produced without the con-
pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
trol of the conscious mind; unconscious
ford Press, 1986.
movement attributed to supernatural guidance. Mysterious Lands and Peoples. Mysteries of the Un-
See AUTOMATIC WRITING. known. Alexandria, Va. :Time Life Books, 1990.


BAILEY, ALICE (1880-1949) English psy- the future or answers to an individual's questions
chic and author who specialized in automatic are determined by the direction in which the
writing. arrows point; this is the direction the querant
Bailey often produced the books and articles should take.
attributed to her using the divination method of A form of sortilege in which an object is
automatic writing. She also channeled informa- thrown into the air or dropped to the ground
tion from the spirit world. to determine future happenings (see sortilege
Bailey founded the Arcane School to study SYSTEMS), belomancy was common in many
the secret knowledge of the ethereal world and primitive cultures, where it was not unusual to
wrote (using AUTOMATIC WRITING) and published use arrows for hunting game and for sport. His-
a multitude of material from the masters, includ- torians of the mantic arts compare the sport of
ing Koot Hoomi and another entity called "the archery to the use of belomancy, in which one
Tibetan." would take aim on the future rather than on
Her books include A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, a target.
A Treatise on White Magic, Letters on Occult Originally, belomancy was only used to pro-
Meditation and Unfinished Autobiography, pub- vide yes or no answers. For example, if the
lished after her death in 1951. arrows crossed, the answer was no; if they did
not touch, then an affirmative answer was re-
Further reading ceived. Sometimes the arrows were actually
Bailey, Alice. A Treatise on White Magic. New York: marked with the words yes or no, and in that
Lucis, 1951. case, whichever arrow was side up revealed the
Brown, Rosemary. Immortals at My Elbow. London: forecast. In time a third arrow was used which
Bachman & Turner, 1974. was blank. Thus, if yes and no were face down
Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New on the ground, the addition of the third arrow
York: University Books, 1966. indicated that the question could not be an-
swered. The use of the blank arrow was the
BELOMANCY Divination using arrows. beginning of other systems that also included an
In this ancient method of prognostication, which indecisive answer.
originated in Arabia, Greece and/or Chaldea, In Tibet, a two-arrow system, called dahmo,
arrows are thrown in the air. Predictions about was used. In dahmo, a length of white cloth was

TION METHODS In the New Testament,
prophecies were distrusted and the occult out-
lawed. However, the Old Testament is filled
with prophecies and references to diviners,
dream interpreters, magicians, soothsayers and
psychics who played a role in the development
of the Israelite society and religion.
Two well-known practices of the metaphysical
arts were used in ancient Mesopotamia. One of
the most developed of the mantic arts, according
to Bible scholars, was hepatomancy, the art of
predicting the future by studying the color and
shape of the livers of sacrificial animals (also
called hepatoscopy). The Prophet Ezekiel refers
to this practice in 21:21, "For the king of Baby-
lon stood at the parting of the way, at the head

Belomancy began in ancient

Arabia, Greece and/or Chal-
dea. After a question was
posed, arrows were thrown in
the air. Interpretation was done
by the direction and placement
of the fallen arrows.

tied onto the center of one arrow; this was

the affirmative answer. A strip of black cloth
was tied to the other arrow and indicated a
negative response. The arrows were shot or
plunged into a mound of barley. As the barley
fell to the sides, the arrows were allowed to fall.
The final placement of the arrows was interpreted
to divine the future or answer a querant's ques-
Arrows and similar belomantic systems have
been used in what is now Mexico and Korea,
and there are references to belomancy and other
divination tools as used by psychics in the Old
See also biblical prophets and divination

Further reading
Maven, Max, Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling. METHODS
New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992. Jesus Christ was acclaimed as a prophet {Matt. 21:11
Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your and other references throughout the New Testament)
Own Future. London: Quintet Publishing and Ran- and regarded himself as one {Mark 6:4 and else-
dom House, 1992. where ).


of the two ways, to use divination: he made myself known unto him in a vision, 1 will speak
his arrows bright, he consulted with images, with him in a dream."
he looked in the liver." Intricate instructions Not only men of the Bible were prophets: A
regarding how to employ hepatomancy to di- number of women known to have psychic abili-
vine, including the use of clay models, have ties are mentioned. In the Old Testament, Mir-
been discovered by archaeologists. One such iam (Exod. 15:20) and Deborah (Judg. 4:4) were
model was uncovered in a Canaanite temple at prophets. However, some scholars believe these
Hazor in northern Israel and dated at about mentions were made to honor the women, not
1500 B.C. to infer that they actually had prophetic abilities.
In the Old Testament, astrology and prognos- Nevertheless, Huldah (2 Kings 22:12-20) was
tication are found in Isaiah 47:13: "Let now the consulted by the priest at the command of Josiah,
astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognos- king of Judah, in regard to interpreting the Book
ticators, stand up and save thee from these things of Law.
that shall come upon thee." Dream interpretation When Jerusalem was destroyed, prophecy in
is referred to in Daniel 2:2-3: "Then the king the Holy Land ceased, yet a revival has been
commanded to call the magicians, and the astrol- forecast.
ogers, and the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans, for In the New Testament, John the Baptist is
to shew the king his dreams. So they came and called "the prophet of the Most High" (Luke
stood before the king. And the king said unto 1:76); in Matthew 3:4 he is described wearing
them, i have dreamed a dream, and my spirit the clothes of a prophet, a "garment of camel's
was troubled to know the dream." hair, and a leather girdle around his waist." Many
There are numerous passages in the Old Testa- prophets and priests wore breastplates (loose
ment that offer direct references to "dreamers," robes with leather belts) with a pocket that con-
"sorcerers," "enchanters" and "magicians." Bibli- tained a Urim and Thummin, which are said to
cal texts on these topics include Exodus 7:11 (the have been used as a sortilege method, a way of
use of psychics by the Egyptians) and Isaiah casting lots to divine the future or deciding the
47:9-15 (their use by the Babylonians). A special innocence or guilt of an accused.
class of priests in ancient Egypt practiced, and Jesus was acclaimed as a prophet (Matt. 21:11
were specifically trained in the forecasting of and other references throughout the New Testa-
future events, as documented in the Book of ment) and regarded himself as one (Mark 6:4
Genesis. and elsewhere).
Often prophesies were spoken, such as those The use of prophecy and the words of proph-
thought of today as being channeled. It is also ets contributed to the development and evolution
thought that priests and other psychics of the of the Jewish and Christian faiths.
time used a method similar to tasseography See also channel.
(interpreting the dregs of tea leaves or coffee
Lurther reading
grounds, as in teacup reading). This mantic art
was used to divine the future through the pat- Bouqet, A. C. Everyday Life in New Testament
terns formed by oil poured on top of water in a Times. New York: Scribner's, 1954.
bowl or cup, a skill Genesis 44:5 and 15 attrib- Everyday Life in Bible Times. Washington, D.C.:
uted to Joseph. National Georgraphic Society, 1967.
McKenzie, John L. Dictionary of the Bible. Milwau-
Numbers 12:5-6 deals with dream interpreta-
kee: Bruce, 1965.
tion: "And the Lord came down in a pillar of
Miller, Madeleine S., and J. Lane Miller, eds. Harper's
cloud, and stood at the door of the Tent, and Encyclopedia of Bible Life. San Francisco: Harper
called both Aaron and Miriam and they both & Row, 1978.
came forth. Tinney, Merrill C, ed. The Zodervan Pictorial Ency-
"And He said, Hear now my words: if there clopedia of the Bible. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zon-
be a prophet among you, I the Lord will make dervan Publishing House, 1977.


BIBLIOMANCY Divination by using a sa- BIOCORPOREITY Term for the image of
cred book—though not necessarily the Bible—to the body when it has been projected to another
forecast the future or provide answers to a quer- place.
ant's question. See also bilocation.
The term bibliomancy was derived from the
Greek byblos, meaning book or paper, originat- BlLOCATION The psychic method by
ing from the Phoenician city of that name, which which a person appears in two places at once,
specialized in the export of paper products. which sometimes foretells the death of the indi-
With eyes closed, a book is opened at random vidual who sees the "double."
or where fate will direct the querant or psychics. Few recent accounts have been recorded concern-
When they are opened, the eyes are to be directed ing this phenomenon. It is said that in 1774,
to a certain passage; sometimes a finger is run Saint Alphonsus Maria de'Ligouri was seen at
down the page and stopped before the eyes are the bedside of Pope Clement XIV as he was
opened. The paragraph or verse is the correct dying. Actually the saint was locked in a cell in
answer to the question at hand. a prison four days' journey from the terminally
In ancient times both Jews and Christians ill pontiff.
used the Bible for divination purposes. Particu- This ancient procedure is said to have been
larly in the 4th through the 14th centuries, it was practiced by monks, holy people, saints, mystics
used repeatedly by kings, bishops and saints. and psychics. A person, whether in an exact
Saint Augustine, in so many words, recom- image or in a Uggy, ghostly form, materializes
mended taking omens from the Bible for to group or an individual while also appearing in
guidance and in cases of spiritual difficulty or another place at the very same instant. Many
bewilderment. Christian saints and monks were said to have
Today, some groups and religious orders still used the art of bilocation. They include Saint
use a form of bibliomancy for sustenance, advice Anthony of Padua, Saint Ambrose of Milan and
or guidance, soliciting help from the verses or Saint Severus of Ravenna.
prophecies found in holy books. The term used by psychics for the image of
See also rhapsodomancy. the duplicate form is biocorporeity.
Further reading Further reading
Agrippa, Cornelius. The Ladies' Oracle. London: Ferguson, John. An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Mysti-
Hugh Evelyn Publishers, 1966. cism and the Mystery Religions. New York: Scabury
Baring-Gould, Sabine. Curious Myths of the Middle Press, 1976.
Ages. New York: University Books, 1967. Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New
Bevan, E. Sibyls and Seers: A Survey of Some Ancient York: University Books, 1966.
Theories of Revelation and Inspiration. London:
Allen & Unwin, 1982.
Cheetham, E. The Prophecies of Nostradamus. Lon- BLAVATSKY, HELENA P. (1831-1891)
don: Corgi, 1981. Psychic, mystic and one of the founders of the
Hazlitt, W. Carew. Faiths and Folklore of the British Theosophical Society
Isles. 2 vols. New York: Benjamin Blom, 1965. Madame Blavatsky, best known as H.P.B., dem-
Maple, Eric. The Dark World of Witches. Cranbury,
onstrated startling psychic powers and claimed
N.J.: A. S. Barnes & Co., 1964.
personal contact with highly developed masters
Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Su-
living in Tibet and India. Well versed in meta-
perstitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
1992. physical and esoteric lore, H.P.B. is often attrib-
Walker, Barbara G. The Woman's Encyclopedia of uted with bringing Eastern religion, philosophy
Myths and Secrets. New York: Harper Collins, and mythologies to the Western consciousness.
1983. She wrote profusely and eloquently about the

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was born on Au-
gust 12, 1831, at Ekaterinoslav, Ukraine, Russia,
the daughter of Colonel Peter Alexeyevich von
Hahn and novelist Helena Andreyevna (nee de
Fadeyev). In 1849, she married N. V. Blavatsky
and shortly thereafter began more than 20 years
of extensive travel, which brought her into con-
tact with mystical and metaphysical traditions
throughout the world. She was the co-founder,
in 1875, of the Theosophical Society with Col.
Henry Steel Olcott, a lawyer in New York City.
She devoted her inexhaustible literary talents to
its humanitarian and educational purposes until
i her death in London on May 8, 1891.
The Theosophical Society, founded in 1886 in
New York City, continues to distribute informa-
1 tion around the world from its headquarters
5 based in Pasadena, California, as the Theosophi-
cal University Press. The society is based on the
ancient occult teaching of Pythagoras, Plato, the
Neoplatonists and the Gnostics. Many astrolo-
gers, psychics and other students of metaphysics
contribute to and support the society today.
Madame Blavatsky's major works include his
Unveiled, The Secret Doctrine, The Key to The-
osophy and The Voice of the Silence; they are
Known as H.P.B., Madame Blavatsky was one of the
considered classics in the metaphysical world.
founders of the Theosophical Society. Well versed in
Madame Blavatsky used automatic writing to
metaphysical and esoteric lore, she is often attributed
with bringing Eastern religion, philosophy and produce much of her work. While writing his
mythologies to the Western consciousness. Unveiled, she reported, "I sit with my eyes open
and to all appearance see and hear everything
real and actual around me, and yet at the same
information and thoughts channeled to her. Her time I see and hear that which I write. I feel
own bohemian style of life had all the drama, short of breath; I am afraid to make the slightest
excitement, suspense and mystery of a modern movement for fear- the spell might be broken.
thriller. Slowly century after century, image after image,
The granddaughter of a White Russian prin- float out of the distance and pass before me as if
cess, Blavatsky became the first internationally in a magic panorama; and meanwhile, I put them
acclaimed professional psychic. Though she was together- in my mind."
often accused of being an occult con artist, she
drew into her bizarre web George Bernard Shaw Further reading
and William Butler Yeats. A fervent bohemian
Caldwell, Daniel H., ed. The Occult World of Ma-
who traveled the world in search of enlighten-
dame Blavatsky: Reminiscences and Impressions by
ment before the term hippie was ever coined, she Those Who Knew Her. Tucson, Ariz.: Impossible
was an obese shrew with a femme fatale's power- Dream Publications, 1991.
to charm both men and women and attract them Cranston, Sylvia. H.P.B.: The Extraordinary Life and
without question to her cause in order to estab- Influence of Helena Blavatsky Los Angeles: Jeremy
lish the ultimate religious order. P. Tarcher, 1992.

Meade, Marion. Madame Blavatsky: The Woman be- Bletonomancy is a form of GEOMANCY which
hind the Myth. New York: Putnam's, 1980. predicts the future by the use of earth-related
Ryan, Charles J. H. P. Blavatsky and the Theosophical objects or by utilizing things in nature.
Movement. Pasadena, Calif.: Point Loma, 1975. The art of kenG SHUI (which translates as
Woolfork, Joanna Martine. The Only Astrology Book
wind/water) is a form of bletonomancy. For ex-
You'll Ever Need. Landham, Mass.: Scarborough,
ample, in watching and forecasting the future by
studying a river or stream, those who interpret
feng shut may recommend the avoidance of
BLETONOMANCY Divination using the
building a house or dwelling at a river with a
patterns of moving water.
sharp bend. Ignoring or negating this informa-
Psychics used bletonomancy (also known as b!et- tion could lead to disease, a couple could end up
onism) to provide answers to a querant's ques- childless or a spouse might perish, and even
tion or to foretell future events through the study though children might be born into a rich family,
of the currents of streams and rivers, in much they would ultimately become poor. However,
the same way as Nostradamus used a bowl of if the same dwelling was built at a spot where
water to divine the future. the river divided and branched to the northeast,
northwest, southeast or southwest, there would
be great prosperity.

Further reading

V Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-

pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
ford Press, 1986.
Feuchtwang, Stephen. An Anthropological Analysis of
Chinese Geomancy Taipei: Southern Materials
Center, 1974.
O'Brien, Joanne, with Kwok Man Ho. The Elements
of Feng Shui. Dorset, England: Element Books,
Rossbach, Sarah. Feng Shui: The Chinese Art of Place-
i ment. New York: Arkana/Penguin, 1991.

BOTANOMANCY Divination through

plant life; may include the burning of plants
and foretelling of future events through the
ashes or smoke generated from the burning or
smoldering plants or trees.
The ancient Druids, among other cults and reli-
gious groups, paid homage to plants and trees.
Like similar groups, the Druids believed that
trees contained spirits, and they worshiped the
oak, as well as mistletoe. Oak groves are both
traditional and contemporary places for Druids
to gather and teach one another.
The lotus and the mimosa had divine status in
many parts of ancient Asia. The Greeks believed
Psychics used bletonomancy to provide answers to a that roses held luck-producing powers, and the
querant's question or to foretell future events in the Romans thought laurel leaves had abilities of pro-
currents of streams and rivers. tection.

mentioned when the stem comes free is supposed
to be the first letter of her future husband's
According to the ancient Chinese art of feng
shui, it is recommended that those who find
their wealth slipping away should grow a large
plant with round leaves in their sitting room;
pointed-leaf plants are to be avoided in this in-
stance. The larger the plant, the better. Addition-
ally, three coins, wrapped in red paper, are to be
buried in the plant's soil, and all fading or dead
leaves must be removed immediately to make
sure that good luck continues.
Botanomatic variations and methods of divi-
nation are found in a myriad of plants. Cromnio-
mancy is foretelling future events by interpreting
the patterns of onions when sliced in two or by
peeling back the layers, phyllomancy is divina-
BOTANOMANCY tion by studying the patterns and veins on leaves.
Phyllomancy, a form ofbotanomancy, is divination And there is also the Greek method of PHYLLO-
by studying the patterns and veins on leaves. rhodomancy, which is accomplished by placing
a rose petal between the hands, clapping the
Almost every child has taken a dandelion seed hands together and then interpreting the look
cluster, made a wish and blown the seeds off of the petal when the hands are opened (other
the stalk. In medieval times in England, young variations include interpreting the sounds of the
women used this same dandelion pastime in a petal during the clapping).
slightly different way: The number of puffs The Old Testament includes a number of ref-
needed to release the seeds to the wind indi- erences to botanomancy. For example, in the
cated the number of years a woman would Second Book of Samuel (5:23-24), David is given
have to wait to find true love. In colonial holy information regarding the timing of a battle
America, a young woman would carefully peel with the Philistines through the rustling of trees.
an apple, leaving the skin in one long piece. In the southern portions of India and in Sri
With her eyes closed, she would throw the Lanka, the interiors of coconuts are examined
skin over her shoulder; the formation of the and used to forecast birth results; for example, a
apple skin was said to indicate the first letter of rough interior might mean a difficult life,
the first name of the man she would eventually whereas a smooth interior would foretell ease
marry. and wealth. In the Pacific islands, the Trukese
Many metaphysical historians believe that the are said to divine using the knotted vines found
attribution of divine qualities to plants and plant in the forest.
life is derived from plants as symbols of fertility; Should you find a four-leaf clover, pluck it
thus botanomancy is often employed in forecast- from the plant and make a wish, you are practic-
ing events in regard to marriage, conception and ing botanomancy. The first published connection
love. A lovelorn maiden may pull off the petals of a four-leaf clover and good luck was in 1580,
of a daisy and alternate saying, "He loves me; in Euphues and His England. It provided the
he loves me not," with the final petal revealing advice, "For as salfe being is it in the company
the depths of her lover's commitment. Likewise, of a trustie mate, as sleeping in the grass Trifole,
schoolgirls twist the stems on apples, reciting a where there is no serpent so venemous that dare
letter of the alphabet with each twist. The letter venture." Additionally, according to folklore
published in Superstitions of Ireland (c. 1880), tion of the pattern when corn is scorched in a
the finder of a four-leaf clover will have luck in pan over hot flames).
gaming and racing, and witchcraft will have no See also critomancy and geomancy.
power over him or her. However, should the
Further reading
finder show it to anyone or give it away, that
luck will run out. Ancient Wisdom, Ancient Sects. Mysteries of the Un-
Another variation of botanomancy is causi- known. Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
MONANCY; divination occurs when objects such Carr-Gomm, Philip, The Elements of the Druid Tradi-
tion. Dorset, England: Element Books, 1991.
as plants or paper burn and the results are inter-
O'Brien, Joanne, with Kwok Man Ho. The Elements
preted from the ashes. Variants of causimonancy
of Feng Shui. Dorset, England: Element Books,
are libanomancy (divination by the smoke pro- 1991.
duced when incense is burned), DAPHNOMANCY Opie, Toriii, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super-
(divination by the crackle of burning laurel stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
leaves), capnomancy (divination of poppy buds Rossbach, Sarah. Feng Shui: The Chinese Art of Place-
bursting on hot coals) and critomancy (divina- ment. New York: Arkana/Penguin, 1991,


CABALA edly transmuting metal to gold, casting out

See KABBALAH. demons and sharing his psychic gifts. These ap-
plications are said to have led many to call him
the "Divine Cagliostro"; others said he was
merely a charlatan, a trickster and a quack.
D R O DI (1743-1795) Italian psychic who
practiced scrying; an'occultist, medium and Count Cagliostro formulated one of the most
alchemist. comprehensive dream interpretation charts until
that time. The chart correlated dreams with num-
Count Cagliostro, born Guiseppe Balsamo and bers; upon paying a price, the purchaser was
also known as the marquis di Pellegrini, gave guaranteed to win the French lottery.
himself his own title. He traveled throughout In his thirties, Cagliostro became interested in
Europe and the Mediterranean area conducting Freemasonry. It was at this time that he became
alchemical experiments. The child of a poor fam- a medium and a faith healer. A few years later,
ily, Cagliostro quickly turned his talent for pre- he was arrested for stealing a diamond necklace,
cognition into a lucrative fortune-telling career. but the charges, which were false, were dropped.
With his flamboyant personality, he charmed He was arrested again in 1789 for his involvement
princes and paupers alike and enjoyed a high in Freemasonry (Freemasonry was considered
style of living, mostly off others. After marrying heresy by the Holy Office). He was sentenced
a wealthy socialite, Lorenza Feliciani, in Italy, to spend the rest of his days in prison, in the
Cagliostro was a regular attendee at aristocratic Castle of San Feo, near Montefeltro. (Cagli-
events and noble courts throughout Europe. Feli- ostro's wife also perished in prison.) While his-
ciani is reported to have been his partner in tory notes that the count died in prison, it was
numerous occult deceptions and worked with long rumored that he actually mysteriously es-
Cagliostro utilizing various metaphysical arts caped. Count Cagliostro was "sighted" in Rus-
such as crystal gazing, healing by the laying on sia, Europe and America for years after his
of hands, conjuring spirits and even predicting reported death.
winning lottery numbers.
Further, Feliciani and Cagliostro sold a myr- Further reading
iad of magic potions said to lengthen life. At the Carroll, David. The Magic Makers. New York: Arbor
same time, Cagliostro made money by suppos- House, 1974.

Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso-
teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press,
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of
Mystical and Paranormal Experience. San Fran-
cisco: HarperSan Francisco, 1991.
Knight, Stephen. The Brotherhood: The Secret World
of the Freemasons. New York: Stein & Day, 1984.
Magical Arts. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexandria,
Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
This ancient symbol represen ts the astrological sign
GALLOWAY, HUGH G. of Cancer.
sive collection of Egyptian art. They typically
CANCER One of the 12 astrological signs want to decorate the world with love but can
of the zodiac. The symbol is the crab. also be career driven, extremely ambitious and
Those who are bom between June 21 and July genuinely creative; however, with Cancerians,
22 are natives of the sign of Cancer (sometimes all these characteristics combine with a coaxing
referred to as Moon Children) and are supposed gentleness that encourages others to jump in and
to have specific traits indicative of the time and help. They can also be extremely moody and get
date on which they were born. Divination of depressed over imagined slights. They are easy
events can also be charted through this astrologi- to offend and can hold a grudge (real or imagi-
cal sign. nary) for a lifetime. Those born under this sign
Astrologers divine what is in store throughout sometimes pretend that nothing bothers them,
but they can become deeply hurt and moody at
life through the time, date and place in which
an individual was born as they coordinate the times when other signs would shrug off the same
influences with other signs, the planets, the Sun, trouble or person.
the Moon and other powers. Under the influence of the Moon, Cancers are
In traditional Western astrology. Cancer is the drawn to the water and often feel the effects of
fourth sign of the zodiac. Those born during the the gravitational pull of the tides and the Moon.
period typically exhibit qualities that exemplify Cancerians are said to have moon-shaped faces
a gentle nature. Home and family are at the top and, because of their love of home and hearth,
of the list for Cancer natives, whether male or often have weight problems.
female, who love to nurture and care for things The sign of the zodiac in which an individual
and people, children or, for instance, an exten- is born is responsible for only one fragment of
the qualities he or she receives at birth. Psychics
are quick to point out that a general forecast
CANCER based solely on the stellar position of the Sun on
the day an individual was born is unlikely to
provide an accurate glimpse of the future.
While traditional astrologers use books to cal-
culate a personal birth chart based on the position
of the Sun, Moon and planets at a distinct time,
computer software has replaced most of this
time-consuming work. The correct term for cal-
culating a birth chart is to "cast" it. In order to
CANCER fully comprehend the extent of traits, potential

and attributes, the exact time and place of birth The following are interpretations of the three-
must be known and interpreted. candle method:
See also ASTROLOGICAL SYMBOLS; astrology. If one candle burns more brightly than the
others, the omen is good. There will be success
Further reading
ahead and the answer to the question is affir-
Cosmic Connections. Mysteries of the Unknown. Al- mative.
exandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. A candle with an extrabright sparkle at the tip
Goodman, Linda. Linda Goodman's Sun Signs. New of the flame is a very lucky omen.
York: FawcettyColumbine, 1978. If the flames move from side to side, a change
Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your
of circumstances or even a journey is indicated.
Own Future. London: Quintet Publishing and Ran-
If only one flame moves from side to side while
dom House, 1992.
the others are still, a singular endeavor—an unac-
Omarr, Sydney. Cancer. New York: New American
Library, 1992. companied journey or a project one must take
. My World of Astrology New York: Fleet, on alone—is foretold.
1965. If only one candle extinguishes while the oth-
Verlagsanstalt, Datura. Cancer Astro Analysis. New ers continue to burn, an obstacle is approaching;
York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1976. perhaps a sign of danger, this is definitely a
Woolfork, Joanna Marline. The Only Astrology Book warning of caution.
You'll Ever Need Landham, Mass.: Scarborough, If one of the flames spirals and twists, with or
1992. without smoke, there may be difficulties and/or
plots against the querant.
CANDLE PROPHECY Divination by in-
After the singing of "Happy Birthday," what
terpreting visions using the flame of a candle.
celebrant hasn't leaned over, made a secret wish
An ancient prognostication method used, along
and attempted to blow out all the candles? The
with scrying, in Old Testament times, candle
whimsical birthday game is actually a form of
prophecy (more commonly referred to as lampa- candle prophecy that is still very much in prac-
domancy) involves meditating on a burning can- tice today.
dle and interpreting how the flame burns and/or
what is seen in the flame.
To practice candle prophecy, a burning candle,
a quiet, darkened room without any wind cur- Further reading
rents and time for meditation on a specific ques-
Dey, Charmaine. The Magic Candle. Bronx, N.Y.:
tion are necessary. (Some practitioners use three
Original Publications, 1989.
candles.) Turn off all the lights; you may need Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your
to use a flashlight in order to see the matches Own Future. London: Quintet Publishing and Ran-
and light the candle. Light the candle (or all dom House, 1992.
three, using only one match). Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super-
The following are some of the interpretations stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
for one-candle prophecies: Pajeon, Kala, and Ketz Pajeon. The Candle Magic
Workbook. New York: Citadel Press, 1992.
If the candle burns brightly, the answer is yes.
If the candle seems to burn slowly or extin-
CAPNOMa NCY Divination by the pat-
guishes itself, the answer is no, or there will be a
terns of smoke made by burning various objects
negative result of the action under consideration.
and/or sacrifices.
If sparks flicker from the candle, caution
should be taken. Psychics using this mantic art threw or placed
If the candle should suddenly extinguish after laurel leaves, jasmine, poppy seeds or some other
it has been burning brightly, there is grave danger flammable botanical material on hot coals or into
or perhaps disaster ahead. a fire. The future was foretold in the wisps of

the chimney or moves to the ground, a storm is
approaching and/or it is a bad omen for those
who live in the house.
Another name for capnomancy is CAUSi-
MONANCY, and variations of this mantic art are
CRITOMANCY (burning of barleycorn), DAPHNO-
MANCY (divination by the crackle of burning lau-
rel leaves) and sideromancy (divination by
interpreting the twisting and smoldering of pieces
of straw when thrown on a red-hot grate).
See also critomancy.

71 Further reading
Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
/« A't'vv England, a form ofcapnomancy is still
pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
practiced among those who enjoy folklore. In
ford Press, 1986.
capnomancy, weather conditions are forecast by the
Opie, lona, and Moira Taiem. A Dictionary of Super-
behavior of smoke coming from a chimney.
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown.
Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
smoke or, in the case of the seeds, in the way
they crackled, smoldered or burned. Capno-
CAPRICORN One of the 12 astrological
mancy was originally practiced by the Babylo-
nians as they studied the patterns of smoke signs of the zodiac. The symbol is the goat.
generated from burning cedar branches or shav- Those who are born between December 22 and
ings. The Druids had a variation, called dendro- January 19 are natives of the sign of Capricorn
mancy, using the cuttings of the sacred oak and and have specific traits indicative of the time and
mistletoe. The burning of incense for the purpose date on which they were born. Divination of
of divination is called LIBANOMANCY. events can also be charted through this astrologi-
Ancient civilizations that used human sacri- cal sign.
fices to predict the future, including, some be- Astrologers divine what is in store throughout
lieve, the cult of the Druids, employed smoke life through the time, date and place in which
generated from burning humans or animals to an individual was born as they coordinate the
predict the future. If the smoke rose lightly from influences with other signs, the planets, the Sun,
the altar on which the sacrifice was burned, the Moon and other powers.
then moved straight to the clouds, it meant that In traditional Western astrology, Capricorn is
conditions were favorable for whatever was being the 10th sign of the zodiac. Those born during
asked. But if the smoke hung close to the altar the period typically exhibit qualities of patience,
or the ground, it was a sign that plans should be
changed. Smoke that was inhaled from a sacrifi-
cial burning was said to increase good fortune.
In New England, a form of capnomancy is ow
still practiced among old-timers in regard to fore-
casting weather conditions. If the smoke from a
chimney rises straight to the sky, regardless of
the time of day or climatic conditions, then the
weather will be fair- and good for sailors and to)
farmers. However, if the smoke clings to the
roof, filters around the house, pushes back down CAPRICORN

reserve and determination. They are highly ambi- the qualities he or she receives at birth. Psychics
tious, although many people miss that in the are quick to point out that a general forecast
Capricorn personality because they are easygo- solely on the stellar position of the Sun on the
ing. Unlike other signs of the zodiac, Capricorns day an individual was born is unlikely to provide
will use shrewd and ingenious methods to an accurate glimpse of the future.
achieve their goals, and they are quick to see an While traditional astrologers use books to cal-
opportunity and seize it. culate a personal birth chart based on the position
Practical and pragmatic in nature, Capricorns of the Sun, Moon and planets at a distinct time,
are solemn as well. They often have to force computer software has replaced most of this
themselves to have a good time. It is as if they time-consuming work. The correct term for cal-
are born adults with adult responsibilities even culating a birth chart is to "cast" it. In order to
when they are children, and they may feel that fully comprehend the extent of traits, potential
they are the only human beings in the world and attributes, the exact time and place of birth
on whom they can depend. While that is not must be calculated and interpreted.
necessarily true, the Capricorn native does have See also ASTROLOGICAL SYMBOLS; astrology.
the reputation for being a sober, sensible, re-
served individual. Yet beneath that foreboding Further reading
stare is a surprise for many—a dry, keen sense
Cosmic Connections. Mysteries of the Unknown. Al-
of humor that, according to astrologers, has the exandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
knack of erupting when others least expect it. Goodman, Linda. Linda Goodman's Sun Signs. New
When something tickles the Capricorn funny York: FawcettyColumbine, 1978.
bone, it produces peals of laughter that totally Omarr, Sydney. Capricorn. New York: New Ameri-
take over body and soul. can Library, 1992.
Cautious and conservative in friendship, ca- . My World of Astrology New York: Fleet,
reer, love relationships and finance, Capricorn 1965.
Veriagsanstalt, Datura. Capricorn Astro Analysis. New
has a talent for attracting the best in life, including
York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1976.
wealth. This sign may even marry for money and
Woolfork, Joanna Martine. The Only Astrology Book
do quite well in the relationship. With a basic
You'll Ever Need. Landham, Mass.: Scarborough.
concern for security, the Capricorn feathers his or 1992.
her nest with the finer things in life, always
choosing carefully and always with a self-con-
tained "I can handle this myself" attitude.
The sign of the zodiac in which an individual
is born is responsible for only one fragment of
CARTOMANCY Divination using a pack
of cards to predict the future or to respond to a
This form of prognostication may have origi-
nated in ancient Egypt or in India; the exact
beginning of playing cards is obscure, though
some believe that playing cards and cards used
for divination are a variation of the game of
chess. The first report of the use of cards as a
method of prognostication was in Europe around
1300 by gypsies (who were thought to have
originated in ancient Egypt). As the gypsies be-
This ancient symbol represents the astrological sign gan traveling widely, others copied the cards.
of Capricorn. Some metaphysical scholars believe that cards

a him- or herself. Most of the time this card is
i chosen by the querant, although some card read-
i ers select the significator for the querant. The
king or queen of each suit is used for this purpose
when regular playing cards are the tool for the
reading. Some readers feel that if the querant is
an older person, either fair skinned or graying,
the king or queen of diamonds should be used
as the significator. If the querant is a younger
person either fair skinned or with light-colored
hair, the king or queen of hearts is to be used as
the significator. If the querant is older and has
dark hair and/or dark or olive skin, the king or
queen of spades is to be used. And if the querant
is a younger individual with dark hair and/or
dark or olive skin, the king or queen of clubs is
to be used as the significator.
If the querant is asked to place the cards, the
psychic will instruct him or her on how to select
the cards. Typically, querants are asked to pick
CARTOMANCY cards that "speak" to them; that is, they stand
The king or queen of each suit is used as a significator out of the deck as feeling unusual—perhaps a
when playing cards are the psychic tool for a reading. card that will not shuffle smoothly.
The actual placement of the cards is often
accompanied the returning Crusaders as they referred to as the spread. With most spreads,
moved homeward from the Middle East. Al- cards are dealt facedown and turned over by
though the exact root of cards and card prophe- either the reader or the querant.
cies is cloudy, after the 1300s gypsies and other In the Pyramid spread, the cards are placed
psychics were using cards to foretell the future. with seven cards as the foundation of the pyra-
There are a number of popular card layouts, mid, with one less card on each subsequent row,
or spreads. Some of the layouts require all 52 and a final card on top. This is one of the most
cards in a regular pack; others use only 32. In popular card layouts.
the 32-card layout, twos, threes, fours, fives and In the, SEVEN-POINT STAR spread the querant
sixes are discarded. According to psychics who shuffles the cards from a 32-card deck and hands
use playing cards to foretell the future, the choice the deck to the reader. The reader counts out
depends on individual preference and on the the first six cards and places the seventh card
querant. Some people who read cards use differ- facedown, continuing to do this, reshuffling the
ent layouts and different decks depending on the deck as needed, until there are 12 cards placed
querant. Some of the layouts use all the cards; facedown in a circle. The significator is often
others use only a few. While every reader or placed in the middle of this spread with the
psychic doing a card reading uses his or her own face up.
specific talents and rules, most of the time the In a quick one card method, cards are spread
querant shuffles the deck before the cards are out in a fan shape. The querant asks one question
placed on the table. and draws one card. The psychic gives advice
A significator (sometimes known as a client from that one card.
card) is a playing card selected from the deck Other spreads include the Romanai Star, the
before the reading begins. The querant is asked Lucky 13, the Nine Square and the Cross of
to pick the card he or she wants to represent the Year-.

Regardless of the deck or layout, the influ- about A.D. 1200 in Fez, Morocco. He theorized
ences of the suits remain the same. that the cards symbolized the mystery of the uni-
Hearts are the lucky cards of the deck and verse. His concepts and ideas are often thought to
indicate good fortune and success in business, be eccentric by other metaphysical scholars.
career and love. Depending on the placement of
the cards, hearts may signify strong ambitions Further reading
or relationships. Case, Paul Foster. Book of Tokens. Los Angeles:
Clubs are the cards of success, with a strong Builders of Adytum Publishers, 1968.
connection to money, prosperity and ambition. . The Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages.
Depending on the placement, they may also fore- Los Angeles: Builders of Adytum Publishers, 1970.
tell business problems and personal disap- Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso-
pointment. teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press,
Diamonds are indicative of influences outside
Giles, Cynthia. The Tarot: History, Mystery and Lore.
of the personal and other pulls or requirements
New York: Paragon House, 1992.
for the querant's time and energy.
Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown.
Spades indicate a caution signal and may warn Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
of unforeseen difficulties in the querant's life.
Depending on how the cards are read and the CASTING OF LOTS Divination by toss-
placement of the spades, this suit may symbolize ing dice, bones or other articles that have sides
unhappiness in a new love affair or caution before and markings.
entering a new enterprise or career field.
This method of forecasting the future is techni-
Interpretation depends on the method the psy-
cally called astragyromancy and is part of the
chic or card reader uses. Often the psychic uses
practice of sortilege (see sortilege systems), as
other metaphysical talents, such as CLAIRVOY-
with astragyromancy, casting of lots answers the
ANCE or channeled messages, to expound on
querant's questions when he or she tosses an
what is' happening in the querant's life and to
object with sides to a table or the ground. Inter-
answer his or her questions.
pretation is accomplished through the codes in-
See also psychic readings; tarot.
scribed on the objects or by interpreting their
Further reading placement.
See also cleromancy.
Buckland, Raymond. Secrets of Gypsy Fortunetelling.
St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1988. Further reading
Innes, Brian. The Tarot: How to Use and Interpret
Diagram Group. Predicting Your Future. New York:
the Cards. London: Orbis, 1979.
Secrets of the Alchemists. Mysteries of the Unknown. Ballantine, 1983.
Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
Mind over Matter. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alex-
CASE, PAUL FOSTER (1884-1954)
andria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
American tarot reader. Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown.
Case made a comprehensive study ol the tarot Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
and produced an excellent book on metaphysics Walker, Barbara G. The Woman's Encyclopedia of
and the occult. The Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom Myths and Secrets. New York: Harper Collins,
of the Ages and a book on tarot meditations, The 1983.
Book of Tokens, are his best-known works.
Case, who founded the occult center known as CATHERINE OF SIENA (1347-1380)
Builders of the Adytum (BOTA) in Los Angeles Catholic saint and mystic.
(the publisher of his many books), believed that Although she had never been taught to write,
the tarot was designed by a group of scholars Catherine of Siena dictated numerous metaphysi-

cal and inspirational works, including The Dia-
logue of St. Catherine of Siena. It is said that in
1375 she received on her body the stigmata marks
of Christ's wounds from the cross, indicating
she did have a holy bond.

Further reading
Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso-
teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press,
1992. :v
Tinney, Merrill C, ed. The Zondervan Pictorial Ency-
clopedia of the Bible. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zon-
dervan Publishing House, 1977.

CATOPTROMANCY Divination by in-

terpreting patterns or images produced by look-
ing at a light source reflected in a shiny object,
such as a mirror. %
Catoptromancy was used originally as a divina-
tion method, with a glass suspended over a well
to foretell the future or reveal answers to ques-
tions. The early Christians used catoptromancy
by discerning the patterns reflected on the glass
from inside the consecrated water well, much
like reading tea leaves.
Catoptromancy is a form of SCRYING; staring
at a smooth, shiny surface, whether water or a
mirror, meditating on what is seen and then
interpreting the visions to predict the future or Early divination by catoptromancy involved the use
of a glass suspended over a well to foretell the future
interpret events. With catoptromancy the psychic
or reveal answers to questions. Catoptromancy
does not look directly at his or her image; the
evolved to include the use of any specially prepared
mirror is tilted to catch a light source and the mirror.
patterns the light provides. Long before mirrors
as we know them were invented, the Persians
and the Chinese used this method of divining the Hishpat, or the breastplate of judgment, which
future. The Greeks used polished plates made of was worn by the high priest Aaron, brother of
bronze. Hebrew Kabbalists used a system that Moses. Some Bible scholars and historians be-
required seven high-polished mirrors made of a lieve that the breastplate, along with the Urim
range of metals. Depending on the day of the and Thummin, were used in divining, to judge
week and the season, a specific polished metal innocence or guilt by the way light caught on
surface came to be used. the shiny metal and inset of stones.
The Thessalonians and Pythagoras would scry Many alchemists, seers and psychics devel-
by moonlight, and when glass mirrors were de- oped their own rituals and rules for catoptro-
veloped in Venice, Italy, about 1200, they were mancy and scrying. In the 1300s, Theophrastus
quickly selected as the best instrument to forecast Bombastus von Hohenheim, also known as Para-
the future. Catoptromancy was used as a method celsus, developed an intricate scheme for fabri-
of prognostication during biblical times. In the cating just the right mirror. The formula requires
Book of Exodus, there is a mention of Eboshen that all of the metals used be of precise measure-

ment and the mirror made at just the right align- Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown.
ment of the planets. The proper method of Alexandria, Va,: Time Life Books, 1990.
polishing the mirror was also outlined in Paracel-
sus's rules. CAUSIMONANCY Another term for the
Other mirror variations were used by the prognostication form of CAPNOMANCY. divina-
Aztec shamans by polishing obsidian, the natural tion by throwing flammable objects into a fire
glass caused by quickly cooling volcanic lava. or onto hot coals.
Dr. John Dee, who is said to have advised Queen
The future or answer to a querant's question is
Elizabeth I, used a black mirror of obsidian
arrived at from the way the object burns. If it
to consult and help the queen. Dee called the
burns quickly, the answer is yes; if it smolders
instrument a "shew-stone," and it, along with
and burns slowly, the response is unfavorable.
other metaphysical objects and tools, is on dis-
play at the British Museum, Further reading
It is interesting to note that scrying mirrors
Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown.
appear in many paintings of Rembrandt and Leo-
Alexandria, Va,: Time Life Books, 1990,
nardo da Vinci,
To practice catoptromancy, the only require-
CAYCE, EDGAR (1877-1945) American
ments are a mirror, a question and a place for
quiet meditation before questions are asked.
With the mirror placed in front of the querant, One of the best-known psychics, Cayce was
the question is asked (either aloud or silently) and nicknamed the "Sleeping Prophet," because the
the answers are clairvoyantly perceived. Some trancelike states he would enter seemed like sleep
psychics perceive past-life information, see auras until he spoke. While in a trance he could diag-
and are able to speak to the souls of the dead nose illnesses of people all over the world, with-
through this mirror-gazing technique. Students out ever meeting or even seeing them. Cayce
of catoptromancy use the mirror to see visions practiced a form of long-distance healing for
of their spirit guides. Those who are learning more than 43 years, diagnosing and then curing
how to become more clairvoyant sometimes are the person he was thinking about. His diagnosis
encouraged to use mirrors that are painted black and the drugs he prescribed were said to be more
on the back side. This supposedly makes read- than 90% accurate, even though he only had a
ing easier. limited education and no training in medicine.
There is metaphysical interest in mirrors even Cayce is said to have exhibited psychic abili-
today. Breaking a mirror still indicates a period ties from birth. Once he recognized his gift, he
of seven years of bad luck. And there has been was consulted by thousands of people regarding
a resurgence of interest in scrying in mirrors, their health problems. Often he was able to
which are often referred to as magic mirrors. cure those whom doctors had reported to be
See also CRYSTALLOMANCY; DEE, DR. JOHN; in- terminally ill. Transcripts of the healing readings
tuition. are included in Edgar Cayce on Healing.
Cayce believed in the symbolic content of
Further reading dreams and placed great emphasis on the value
of an individual's personal study of his or her
Butler, W. E. How to Develop Clairvoyance. 2d ed. own dreams. More than 600 of his readings on
New York: Samuel Weiser, 1979,
dreams are included in the book Edgar Cayce
Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New
on Dreams.
York: University Books, 1966.
Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling. Edgar Cayce on Diet and Health details
New York: Prenticc-Hall, 1992. Cayce's philosophy that "the body is the temple
Psychics. Mysteries of the Unknown, Alexandria, Va.: of the soul" and it must be cared for properly.
Time Life Books, 1990. The book encompasses his theories on proper

diet and health for a great sense of well-being The spread of the Celtic Cross is complex and
and includes recipes. there are a number of variations. The following
Additionally, during his trance state, Cayce is the simplest spread with four rows of cards,
viewed other beings and changed his strongly all in various positions. One should think of the
Christian philosophy to one accepting of reincar- placement of numbers on a clock while placing
nation. He taught followers about the akashic the cards. The first card is placed in the middle
RECORDS, the ethereal library where all post-life (where the hands of the clock would join). The
information is stored. He founded the Associa- second card is placed directly below the first; the
tion for Research and Enlightenment in Virginia third directly below the second. The fourth card
Beach, Virginia, and wrote and dictated many is placed in the nine o'clock spot and the fifth
books. Edgar Cayce on ESP provides informa- card is placed on the twelve o'clock spot. The
tion about the psychic, along with his hypothesis sixth card is in the three o'clock position. The
on AURAS. AUTOMATIC WRITING and hypnosis, reader or the querant then places the seventh
among a host of other metaphysical topics as card directly to the right of the third card and
pertinent today as when Cayce revealed the in- builds a row up from seven with cards eight,
formation in the early 20th century. nine and ten.
See also iatromancy; laying on of hands. Cards one and two reflect the present situa-
tion, card three the foundation of one's life. Card
Further reading four represents the past, card five the appearance
of one's life. Card six is supposedly the future.
Carter, Mary Ellen. My Years with Edgar Cayce. New
York: Warner, 1974. Card seven is the self. Card eight tells about
Cayce, Edgar. Edgar Cayce on Diet and Health. Vir- others. Card nine discusses one's hopes and
ginia Beach, Va.: ARE Press, 1969. fears. Card ten tells the querant the outcome of
. Edgar Cayce on Dreams. Virginia Beach, Va.: his or her problem or answers a question.
. Edgar Cayce on ESP. Virginia Beach, Va.: TAROT.
ARE Press, 1969.
■. Edgar Cayce on Healing. Virginia Beach, Va.: Further reading
ARE Press, 1969.
Stem, Jess. Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet. New Giles, Cynthia. The Tarot: History Mystery and Lore.
York: Bantam, 1968. New York: Paragon House, 1992.
Woodward. Mary Ann. Edgar Cayce's Story of King, Francis, and Stephen Skinner. Techniques of
Karma: God 's Book of Remembrance. New York: High Magic. Rochester, Vt.: Destiny Books, 1991.
Coward. McCann & Geoghegan, 1971. Thierens, A. E. Astrology and the Tarot. Los Angeles:
Newcastle, 1975.
Waite, Arthur Edward. The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.
CELTIC CROSS A tarot card spread. New York: Samuel Weiser, 1973.
Walker, Barbara G. The Secrets of the Tarot: Origins,
The Celtic Cross is thought to be one of the
History and Symbolism. New York: Harper &
oldest and most powerful of the spreads, or
Row, 1984.
layouts. The origin of this card placement, like
others in tarot and playing-card divination, is
CEPHALOMANCY Divination using the
obscure. However, many believe that it began
with Druid priests as a means to foretell the study of the shape of the human skull as a
future, a segment of their religious beliefs. means to define character and personality traits.
Commonly known as PHRENOLOGY.
The Celtic Cross can be used to interpret a
specific question or for a complete reading of Cephalomancy may also refer to the ancient
the past, present and future influences on the prognostication method of boiling the head of a
querant's life. Some readers place two cards at sheep, goat or donkey and then examining the
every spot on the Celtic Cross spread. skull for information in order to foretell the

future. A variation known as OINOMANCY was
developed in 13th-century Europe, in which an
animal skull was boiled in wine. The future was
interpreted through the study of the remaining
See also haruspicy.

Further reading
Cumont, Franz. Oriental Religions in Roman Pa-
ganism. New York: Dover, 1956.
Opie, Ion a, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super-
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.

CERAUNOSCOPY Divination through

the study of the patterns of lightning during a
Sec also aeromancy.

Further reading
Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Su-
perstitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, -
Rossbach, Sarah. Feng Shui: The Chinese Art of Place- /
ment. New York: Arkana/Penguin, 1991.
Stewart, R. J. The Elements of Prophecy Dorset,
England: Element Books, 1990.

CEROMANCY Divination through inter-

preting the patterns made when molten wax is
Using ceraunoscopy, predictions for future events
poured into water.
were made by deciphering the patterns of lightning
This method of prognostication was probably during thunderstorms.
developed in ancient Rome and continued to be
very popular during the Middle Ages. In the
1700s there was a resurgence in this method's sufficient to provide the message. The candle is
reputation, and in Spain at one time, ceromancy carefully tipped into the dish of water from at
became the divination method of choice, using least eight inches above the plate.
hot scaling wax. Ceromancy was passed on to Interpretation of the congealed wax is similar
other Spanish-speaking countries, and it contin- to that found in tasseography, or psychic transla-
ues to be used today in Mexico, Puerto Rico and tion of the shapes that are formed. For example,
some parts of Haiti, where it is said to be used a wax shape in the form of a heart means love.
in voodoo rituals. A shape in the form of a letter of the alphabet
To practice ceromancy, a red candle is neces- might mean one will hear or speak to a person
sary, along with a shallow dish of water, patience whose name begins with that letter.
and a quiet area in which to meditate on the
results. The candle must be lighted and allowed Further reading
to burn for an hour as the querant contemplates Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
the questions on his or her mind. By this time, pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
the quantity of hot wax around the wick will be ford Press, 1986.

Davis, Wade. The Serpent and the Rainbow. New Further reading
York: Warner, 1985.
Denning, Melita, and Osborne Phillips. Voudou Fire: Avalon, Arthur. Shakti and Shakta. New York: Do-
ver, 1978.
The Living Reality of Mystical Religion. St. Paul,
Gunther, Bernard. Energy, Ecstasy and Your Seven
Minn.: Llewellyn, 1979.
Vital Chakras. North Hollywood, Calif.: News-
castle, 1983.
CHAKRAS The spiritual nerve network of Karagulla, Shafica and Dora van Gelder Kunz. The
the body with energy centers believed necessary Chakras and the Human Energy Fields. Wheaton,
to maintain inner balance. III.: Theosophical Publishing Co., 1989.
Psychics often talk about chakras with regard
to healing. Some psychics provide healing read- CHANNEL A person who is said to be in
ings when a querant asks questions regarding contact with the spirit world and who transmits
health. information through this spiritual contact.
There are seven major chakras of the body
and hundreds of minor ones. Each chakra is A channel may or may not go into a trance to
associated with a specific area of the body and relay information. The channeled information is
radiates a specific color that can be seen by some done through voice channeling, often in the ac-
psychics. The chakras are often thought to look cent or dialect of the spirit said to be channeled,
like petals of a flower or sections of a color through AUTOMATIC WRITING or during PSYCHIC
wheel. Each chakra is said to vibrate at a different READINGS. Channeling may be done involun-
rate; as the spirit moves through each incarnation tarily or may be induced by the use of mind-
and understands his or her life lesson, the crown altering drugs. Typically the personality and/or
chakra grows stronger. Additionally, some psy- speech pattern of the channel changes while the
chics believe that if an individual has a specific outside entity enters his or her body to speak
lesson on which to work in his or her current through the psychic.
life that lesson is often indicated in the intensity The nonhuman spirits may be angels, nature
of vibration or color emanating from that specific spirits, guardian spirits, deities, demons or spirits
chakra. For example, an issue concerning sexual- of the dead. Sometimes the messages are trans-
ity might be manifest in one's scral chakra. mitted from the higher self, soul intelligence, or
With the Sanskrit word in parentheses before from other entities that often have exotic names.
the description, the chakras are: Channeling is the term used to describe the
relaying of information from outside the Earth
The root (muladhara), located at the base of plane. This is not an innovative concept first
the spine. practiced by New Age metaphysicians; through-
The scral (svadhisthana), located near the genitals out history, there has been documentation of
and associated with reproduction and sexu- channeled information. The priests of ancient
ality. Egypt were highly adept channelers, and the
The solar plexus (manipuma), slightly above Greeks, Tibetans, Japanese, Babylonians, Druids
the navel. and Assyrians, along with early Christians, Mus-
The heart (anahata), located between the shoul- lims and Jews all practiced channeling.
der blades and the chest. While channeling fell out of favor during me-
The throat (visuddha), the center of creativity dieval times, its popularity increased with the
and self-expression, located in the throat area. 19th-century interest in spiritualism. Madame
The brow (ajna), located between the eyebrows Helena P. Blavatsky, Alice Bailey and Jane Rob-
and called the third eye. erts were channels, as are contemporary psychics
The crown (sahasrara) swirls just above the head such as JZ Knight.
and reveals the level of one's spiritual con- As with other metaphysical practices, channel-
sciousness. ing is controversial. Some medical professionals

believe it is New Age trickery; others believe One of his most famous predictions, made
that it indicates a severe medical disorder. On after reading King Edward's palm, was that he
the other hand, some Christian groups cite exam- would abdicate the throne to follow his heart.
ples of channeling in the Bible. For example, the Another prediction came through so strongly
book of Revelation was supposedly "channeled" after a reading that Cheiro continued to try to
from an angel to St. John. Metaphysical experts sway a British journalist from making any type
believe channeling is like a long-distance cordless of sea voyage in the spring of 1912. Though he
telephone connection to the spirit world, con- listened to Cheiro, and read his warnings in
veying information to help those on Earth be- letters the palmist wrote to him, W. T. Stead
come better educated about the ethereal world sailed on the Titanic and perished along with
we will return to after death. many others when the ocean liner struck an
See also bailey, alice; blavatsky, Helena iceberg on April 14, 1912.
P.; KNIGHT, JZ; LEONARD, GLADYS OSBORNE. Although Cheiro did not live to see many of
his predictions come true, he did foretell the
Further reading time, date and place of his own death, exactly as
Kautz, William H., and Melanie Branon. Channeling: he had predicted, quietly in his bed.
The Intuitive Connection. San Francisco: Harper Cheiro's works are still the basis for modern
& Row, 1987. palmistry and include Confessions of a Modern
Klimo, John. Channeling: Investigations on Receiving Seer, Cheiro's Guide to the Hand, The Language
Information from Paranormal Sources. Los of the Hand and Cheiro's Book of Numbers,
Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1987. some of which are in print today; others can be
Leonard, Gladys Osborne. My Life in Two Worlds. found at used-books stores.
London: Two Worlds Publishing, 1931. See also GEMS; laying on of HANDS; palm-
Rodegast, Pat, and Judith Stanton, comp. Emmanuel's istry.
Book: A Manual for Living Comfortably in the
Cosmos. New York: Bantam, 1987. Further reading
Stewart, R. J. The Elements of Prophecy Dorset,
Altman, Nathaniel. Palmistry Workbook. New York:
England: Element Books, 1990.
Sterling, 1990.
Benham, William G. Hands. Los Angeles: Newcas-
CHEIRO (1866-1939) Palmist and occultist. tle, 1988.
Cheiro. Cheiro's Book of Numbers. New York: Pren-
Cheiro was the professional or stage name of
tice-Hall, 1988.
"Count" Louis le Warner de Harmon. He is
. The Language of the Hand. New York: Pren-
considered to have been the world's leading tice-Hall, 1987.
palmist. Controversy surrounds his background. Fitzherbert, Andrew. Hand Psychology Garden City,
Cheiro claimed that his father was Greek and his N.Y.: Avery, 1989.
mother Irish; some reports indicate that Cheiro
came from a middle-class family of Irish farmers. CHINESE ASTROLOGY Divination of
Regardless, he is considered the most gifted personal characteristics based on a 12-year ani-
palmists the world has ever known. mal system.
Living in London, Cheiro became known for Still widely practiced in Asia and increasingly in
predicting the future for many well-known and the West, this ancient Chinese system establishes
noble celebrities of his time, including King Ed- that people born during a particular year exhibit
ward VIH of Great Britain (later the duke of similar qualities, and these qualities are deter-
Windsor), King Leopold 11 of Belgium, Czar mined through the influence of a specific animal.
Nicholas II of Russia, Pope Leo XIH, Lord Each animal sign is dominant for one year every
Kitchener and Mark Twain. He read thousands 12 years. It is the Year- of the Rooster as this
of palms a year, his fame spreading throughout book is being written, and the book will be
the world. published in the Year" of the Pig.

Chinese Astrology provides keys to the traits refined social skills, enjoy being with people
of those who are born during the 12 animal signs. and are often the creative and innovative ge-
Psychics divine upcoming incidents and events, niuses behind shrewd business deals. This is
combined with other mantic practices, as they considered to be an extremely lucky sign.
consider an individual's trait. The Dragon (Years: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940,
The true basis for dividing years into 12 differ- 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000), Those born
ent animal signs, and not into monthly segments, during the Year of the Dragon have no trouble
as with Western astrology, has been lost in time. standing up for themselves or any cause, busi-
It is said that one Chinese New Year, Buddha ness or relationship in which they are in-
invited all the animals in the kingdom to come volved. Once they are committed, little sways
to visit. Why only 12 arrived is obscure. In them. They are dependable, sincere and some-
gratitude for their loyalty, Buddha identified time what more ambitious than people born in
in 12-year cycles and gave each year of the cycle other signs.
an animal's name. The Snake (Years: 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953,
Depending on the practitioner of Chinese as- 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001), Those born during
trology, the animal names may vary slightly. the Year of the Snake are individual thinkers
Thus, Chinese astrology is made up of Rats, who often do not share themselves or ideas
Oxen (or Buffalo), Tigers (or Cats), Rabbits with anyone but their loved ones. Somewhat
(or Hares), Dragons, Snakes, Horses, Goats (or like the snake, they quietly ingest information
Sheep), Monkeys, Roosters, Dogs and Pigs. Ad- to use it at a later date. They can be reflective
ditionally, those who closely study and interpret and extremely secretive at times, too.
Chinese astrology have the years broken down The Horse (Years: 1906, 1918, 1942, 1954, 1966,
by specific dates within each year period. 1978, 1990, 2002). Those born during the Year
The following provide a sketch of Chinese as- of the Horse are the attention grabbers of
trology. For a more complete understanding, Chinese astrology. They are naturally charis-
consult the books included at the end of the entry. matic, which is a great help because many
enter the fields of entertainment and politics.
The Rat (Years: 1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, The negative position of the sign is that they
1960, 1972, 1984, 1996). Those born during may have an exaggerated sense of self-impor-
the Year of the Rat are often said to be ambi- tance.
tious and persistent. They seek opportunities The Sheep (Years: 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955,
well before others and are quick to compre- 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003), Those born during
hend their financial importance. The Rat is the Year of the Sheep are deeply caring and
said to make an excellent, determined entre- considerate. They form lasting friendships and
preneur and is happiest when setting his or relationships in which they can grow and blos-
her own routines. som, They move through life with a somewhat
The Ox (Years: 1901, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, timid nature. The Sheep prefers working in a
1973, 1985, 1997), Those born during the Year group and is a true team player.
of the Ox are hardworking and feel best when The Monkey (Years: 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944,
life is lived on a schedule. They tend to be 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004). Those born
loners and individual thinkers who exhibit during the Year of the Monkey possess a de-
strong, patient natures, sometimes with over- lightful nature; playful regardless of their age,
sized egos. They are goal setters and goal they attract the most interesting people and
achievers. careers. They are children at heart and do well
The Rabbit (Years: 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, in areas that require a sense appreciation or
1975, 1987, 1999), Those born during the Year understanding of the old.
of the Rabbit are said to move easily in and The Rooster (Years: 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945,
out of difficult situations. They possess highly 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005), Those born

during the Year of the Rooster are much like Further reading
their animal counterpart: They let the world
Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
know exactly where they are and what they
New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
are doing. They are committed, adventurous Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown.
and outgoing and have a stubborn streak that Alexandria, Va,: Time Life Books, 1990.
sometimes gets in the way of their common
CHRESMONANCY Divination through
The Dog (Years: 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958,
a voice from the ethereal world, transmitted
1970, 1982, 1994, 2006), Those born during through a psychic, providing knowledge or other
the Year of the Dog are much like their animal wisdom.
counterpart—devoted, loving and dependable.
They often exhibit a deep patriotic streak and Chresmonancy was used with absolute assurance
are considered extremely trustworthy. They during Roman times by augurs. Paid by the
can often be found in careers dedicated to government, augurs interpreted omens and pre-
community service and their fellow human dicted the future using various mantic arts,
beings. Those who channel information in this way
The Pig (Years: 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, sometimes report that they fall into a deep trance
1971, 1983, 1995, 2007), Those born during and do not know what is being said; other psy-
the Year of the Pig are unafraid to speak up for chics report that they do hear the words being
what they believe in. Sometimes considered to transmitted but have nothing to do with the
be retiring in nature, in actuality, they choose thoughts or energy behind them. They are a
their friends and commitments with care be- vehicle for another being's voice and/or commu-
cause once they pledge energy, money or their nications, Also referred to as voice trance, the
life, there is no turning back. psychic's neck area is taken over by a spirit and
the vocal chords serve as an amplification system
Further reading * to bring the spirit voice to a level humans can
Alleau, Rene. History of Occult Sciences. London:
Leisure Arts, 1965. Chresmonancy is also known as channeling
Cosmic Connections. Mysteries of the Unknown. Al- (see CHANNEL) and is sometimes referred to as a
exandria, Va,: Time Life Books, 1990. voice trance.
Somerville, Neil, Your Chinese Horoscope. London:
Aquarian Press, 1992. Further reading
Knight, JZ. A State of Mind: My Story New York:
CHIROMANCY Divination and character Warner, 1987.
analysis through studying the nails, lines and Montgomery, Ruth, A Search for Truth. New York:
fingers of a person's hand. Bantam, 1968.
See also CHEIRO; PALMISTRY. . Strangers among Us. New York: Fawcett
Crest, 1979.
CHRESMOMANCY Divination through
the interpretation of the chance encounter with CLAIGUSCIENCE Tasting of a specific
a series of magic sounds, utterances or foreign food by someone who is psychic without actually
words. eating the food. May be used as a way to divine
an upcoming event or incident in the querant's
Popular during the height of the Roman Empire,
chresmomancy included interpreting omens, an-
swering questions and foretelling the future from Claiguscience is often considered to be a divine
the sounds. Less common was omen interpreta- message from the ethereal world that must be
tion from the mutterings of the mentally ill. interpreted by a psychic. Often the food or sub-
See also gelomancy. stance is smelted as well as tasted by the psychic.

Those who practice palm reading support the theory that characteristics and attitudes, among other things, are
reflected in the palm of the hand.

It is also considered symbolic, for example, if to the psychic, as a means to advise the querant
during a psychic reading the psychic tastes some- of cautions or to provide guidance.
thing extremely bitter, it might mean that the
querant is coping with a very traumatic matter Clairaudience can also be associated with other-
or that he or she is bitter about someone or sounds: a rushing stream or wind in the trees that
something in life. can be interpreted as messages for the querant.
Someone with this psychic ability is called Sometimes the sounds are of knocking, bells
a clairgustant. ringing, music playing or voices speaking or sing-
ing in a choir.
Further reading^ Psychics say that the messages come out of
Psychic Powers. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexan- their head and can be heard as clearly as if
dria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. someone was standing next to them talking. Be-
cause those who are able to receive clairaudient
CLAIRAUDIENCE The ability to hear messages must also deal with the world, typically
voices and messages from the dead, only audible these voices and messages are kept under control

unless specifically requested to be received dur-
ing a psychic reading.

Further reading K
Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New
York: University Books, 1966.
Psychics. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexandria, Va.:
Time Life Books, 1990.

CLAIRSENTIENT One who receives in-

formation through the body instead of the
Often clairsentient feelings are interpreted
through the stomach; when one gets a "gut feel-
ing" that something will happen, it could be an
instance of clairsentience.
See also intuition.
During the mid-1800s, there was a revival period of
mysticism in the United States. Psychics who practiced
Further reading
clairvoyance and other prognostication methods trav-
Bro, Harmon. Edgar Cayce on Religion and Psychic eled the country giving seances for groups of people.
Experience. New York: Warner, 1988.
Burns, Litany. Develop Your Psychic Abilities. New Sometimes a trancelike state is necessary to in-
York: Pocket Books, 1987.
duce clairvoyance; for others, the information is
Vaughn, Frances. Awakening Intuition. Garden City,
readily available, as if someone has spoken in the
N.Y.: Anchor/Doubleday, 1979.
psychic's ear. There are a number of variations
of clairvoyance, including an obscure form
CLAIRVOYANCE Psychic ability to be-
known as CLEDONOMANCY: knowing what will
come aware of something or someone without be said in the first few minutes of a conversation
the normal perception of the senses and without and predicting the future by the context of the re-
any outside influences. marks.
Clairvoyance is the umbrella term that designates In the late 1800s Professor Charles Richet
all the ways in which a psychic knows of upcom- began testing people for clairvoyance, and the
ing events or things that have happened in the study continues today using ESP cards. The sub-
past. It is a common psychic ability and includes ject of clairvoyance, as with other metaphysical
everything from hunches to telepathy. Through- topics, is highly controversial. Some scientists
out history, prophets, soothsayers, fortune-tell- consider the entire subject a hoax; others believe
ers, clairvoyants, spiritualists and those who that clairvoyance is simply a sense, like hearing,
consider themselves to be sensitive to other seeing and touching, that some human beings
depths of thinking and knowing use forms of can use more capably than others.
clairvoyance. Clairvoyance is said to have been See also EXTRASENSORY PERCEPTION (ESP); in-
the gift of the soothsayer who tried to warn tuition.
Caesar of the Ides of March, and clairvoyance is
the particular gift of many psychics, including Further reading
Jeane Dixon.
Alleau, Rene. History of Occult Sciences. London:
The use of clairvoyance is ancient and has Leisure Arts, 1965.
guided the nobility as well as the masses. The Butler, W. E. How to Develop Clairvoyance. 2d ed.
Bible documents many clairvoyant prophecies. New York: Samuel Weiser, 1979.

Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of Bones are also used in cleromancy, with a
Mystical and Paranormal Experience. San Fran- history going back more than 3,500 years in
cisco: HarperSan Francisco, 1991. Egypt and 3,000 years in Greece. The casting of
L.eShan, Fawrence. The Medium, the Mystic, and the lots, bone casting and foretelling the future with
Physicist: Toward a General Theory of the Paranor- dice of various shapes and sizes are still practiced
mal. New York: Viking, 1974.
by the Zulu and the West African tribe of the
Bantu. As with other sortilege methods, it is the
CLEDONOMANCY The art ofpre- placement or the inscription on the objects that
dicting, from the first few minutes of a conversa- psychics interpret to answer a querant's question.
tion, what remarks will follow.
Objects used in cleromancy vary as to from
See also clairvoyance. what they are made and the number of sides. For
instance, in chiao-pai, the objects have two sides.
CLEIDOMANCY Divination using the The ancient Egyptians used dice with eight sides;
swinging of a pendulum to foretell the future or in the Middle Ages dice with 12 sides were used.
answer a querant's question. The Romans predicted the future using dice with
See also DOWSING; KELIDOMANCY; pendulum as many as 14 sides. The most commonly used
PREDICTIONS. dice to forecast the future are the six-sided ones
available throughout the United States; sides are
Further reading arranged so that any pair of opposite surfaces
Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New add up to the number seven.
York: University Books, 1966. Foretelling the future using dice has changed
Geller, Uri, and Guy Fyon Playfair. The Getter Effect. little since the days of ancient Egypt. A pair of
New York: Henry Holt, 1986. dice and a 12-inch circle, drawn on a paper or a
Roberts, Kenneth. Henry Gross and His Dowsing cloth, are all that is required. (Traditionally, the
Rod. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1951. circle is drawn with chalk on a piece of cloth,
although some cultures use a stick or knife to
CLEROMANCY Divination using objects draw the circle on bare ground.)
with sides that are thrown on a table, onto a The dice are shaken in a specially designated
cloth with specific divination markings or to the cup. Some say the cup and dice must be held in
ground in order to foretell the future. the left hand of the querant; gypsies insist it is the
Originating more than 5,000 years ago, clero- right hand that must throw the dice. The dice are
mancy is still a common divination method. poured or tossed into the circle. If either die rolls
Many cultures have used a variation of it. The out of the circle, the number appearing on the top
ancient Chinese system is called chiao-pai, and it side doesn't count. If both roll out of the circle,
is still very much in use in Hong Kong, Singa- the toss must be repeated. If this happens twice,
pore and throughout Asia; many American trav- the session should be stopped and resumed at an-
elers have seen practitioners on street corners other time, since this could indicate a bad omen
foretelling the future. Using chiao-pai, two for those involved. If both the dice roll out of the
curved bamboo blocks are thrown to the ground circle, an argument or an estrangement will oc-
as a question is asked. Should both blocks land cur. Additionally, some practitioners of this sys-
with curved sides up, the answer is yes. If the tem say the dice should not be consulted on a
blocks land with flat sides up, the response is Monday or a Wednesday, in hot weather or when
negative. And when the blocks land with one there is a storm brewing. And while throwing of
flat side and one curved side up, the response is dice may seem a somewhat absurd method of pre-
thought to be extremely positive. The blocks dicting the future, those who practice it assert
should be tossed three times in order to achieve that the dice never lie and consultation must be
a comprehensive reading. done in complete silence.

The following are the responses of the two- 12. News will be received that is fortunate.
dice system: 13. There will be a cause of distress and grief.
14. Someone new will help you.
1. The answer to the question is yes (if the
15. Temptation; do not be deterred from your
other die lands outside the circle, it isn't
16. A journey will have favorable results.
2. The answer to the question is no.
17. A change in plans; favorable for business.
3. Extreme care must be taken in handling
18. All good things are coming.
the situation.
4. Think before acting. Along with simple cleromancy systems, there
5. Excellent results; good fortune arriving are more intricate methods, including those that
soon. divide the 12-inch circle into 12 segments. The
6. Very favorable; the outcome is smooth. placement of the die as it falls to one of the
7. Continue as you are for a favorable result. segments provides a more detailed answer to the
8. Be patient; the answer is yes over time. querant's question. In addition to dice, shells,
9. Success in the enterprise. crystals, rocks and coins can also be thrown.
10. There may be disappointment in the situ- Flipping a coin to decide an answer or to see
ation. which sports team will begin play is derived from
11. At this time, it is not possible. the practice of cleromancy.
12. The chance for success is slim. See also astragai.omancy; astragyro-
A three-dice method that was used by the SYSTEMS.
ancient Tibetans developed into a system used in
the United States today to forecast future events Further reading
and answer questions. The practice is similar to
Buckland, Raymond. Secrets of Gypsy Fortunetelling.
the two-dice system, in that if the die falls outside St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1988.
the circle's line, it is not counted. As an added Mind over Matter. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alex-
facet, if two of the dice land and balance on top andria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
of each other, it means that the querant will Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your
either receive a gift or something of great value Own Future. London: Quintet Publishing and Ran-
or be forewarned of problems in a relationship. dom House, 1992.
This omen is interpreted by the psychic. Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown.
The number of dots on the face of the dice Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
Walker, Barbara G. The Woman's Encyclopedia of
that point toward the querant are said to provide
Myths and Secrets. New York: Harper Collins,
the answer to questions or indicate:
1. Problems with family.
2. Rethink your situation. CLIDOMANCY Divination of the guilt or
3. A pleasant surprise. innocence of an accused by the use of a key, a
4. Bad luck is about to begin. holy book—typically a Bible—and the index
5. A wish will be realized. finger of a virgin.
6. Money or something of value will be lost Using clidomancy, the psychic writes a descrip-
or taken. tion of the crime that has been committed onto
7. Distress with a relationship. a key. The key is tied to a Bible or other holy
8. Unjust disapproval. book, and both are hung from the finger of a
9. Love and romance are favorable. virgin. The movement of the key and the book,
10. A birth, of a person, idea or concept. determined by a formula, forecasts the guilt or
11. There will be a separation. innocence of the accused. This ritual was per-

formed, in the Middle Ages, only when the Sun like tea but want a reading, and some psychics
or Moon was in Virgo. choose coffee ground reading as their only
See also bibliomancy. method of prognostication.

Further reading Further reading

Bevan, E. Sibyls and Seers: A Survey of Some Ancient Buckland, Raymond. Secrets of Gypsy Fortune Telling.
Theories of Revelation and Inspiration. London: St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1988,
Allen & Unwin, 1982. Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown.
Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
COFFEE GROUND READING Divina- term used by Dr. Carl Jung to describe memo-
tion by interpreting the dregs of coffee in a cup. ries that are experienced and shared by people.
The collective unconscious is often referred to as
Similar to TASSEOGRAPHY, or teacup reading, cof-
fee ground reading uses the grounds of coffee the universal consciousness and is considered to
beans in the same basic ritual as with tea leaves. be a libiary of thoughts accessible to all people—
As with teacup reading, patterns and formations though usually only realized by psychic and be-
of grounds and their placement indicate what lievers in reincarnation—including images and
will happen in the querant's future and/or the patterns of instinctive behavior. Jung also be-
answer to his or her question. lieved that the collective unconscious was reflec-
Coffee ground reading became popular in cul- tive of archetypal symbols, images passed down
tures that drank strong coffee instead of tea. It from humans' prehuman and animal ancestors.
continues to be preferred by people who do not Some believe that the archetypal images and sym-
bols are the memories of past lives.
See also jung, dr. carl g.

Further reading
Lordham, Frieda. An Introduction to Jung's Psychol-
ogy 3d ed. Harmondsworth, England: Penguin
Books, 1966.
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of
i Mystical and Paranormal Experience. San Fran-
cisco: HarperSan Francisco, 1991.
r. v Jung, Carl G., ed. Man and His Symbols. New York:
Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1988.
COLOROLOGY The study of colors
and/or AURAS.
i / Divination may be made by interpreting the
colors sensed in the mind of the querant or by
7 -3
interpreting the colors in the halolike field sur-
rounding one's body, which psychics call the
aura. The colors are psychically interpreted.
Generally, a red aura shows an outgoing nature,
blue shows a nurturing spirit, yellow indicates
COFFEE GROUND READING one with a strong imagination, green is a people
Divination by interpreting the dregs of coffee in a cup person, violet a creative person, brown tells of a
is known as coffee ground reading. It utilizes tech- dependable individual and black is a rebellious
niques similar to those of tasseography. person.


COLORS Further reading
Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
COLOR TELEPATHY The ability to
ford Press, 1986.
send the thoughts or sensations of a specific color McKenzie, John L. Dictionary of the Bible. Milwau-
from one person to another. kee: Bruce, 1965.
The receiver is said to be able to sense the color Miller, Madeleine S., andJ. Lane Miller, eds. Harper's
without having been directed to the specific word Encyclopedia of Bible Life. San Francisco: Harper
for it through the use of clairvoyance. & Row, 1978.
See also clairvoyance. Tinney, Merrill C, ed. The Zondervan Pictorial Ency-
clopedia of the Bible. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zon-
COOK, FLORENCE (1904-1956) En- dervan Publishing House, 1977.
glish psychic.
CRITOMANCY Divination by observing
Cook was a popular psychic who began to dem-
grain and flour in various ways to predict the
onstrate her talent as a teenager during her
mother's tea parties. Cook is supposed to have
summoned spirits and channeled their voices and A variation of CAUSIMONANCY, critomancy (also
images, including that of Katy King, the daugh- referred to as crithomancy) involved observing
ter of buccaneer Henry Morgan. She was ap- the results of sprinkling various grains and flours
plauded for her abilities in many circles but over sacrificial victims, sprinkling the grains and
denounced by other psychic investigators as a flours in a fire or over hot coals or by watching
charlatan. the dough and cakes as they baked.
See also channel. See also aleuromancy.

Further reading Further reading

Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso- Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism, 1992. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
Spirit Summonings. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alex- Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your
andria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. Own Future. Fondon: Quintet Publishing and Ran-
dom House, 1992.
COSCINOMANCY Divination using a Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown.
sieve and a pair of scissors to determine guilt or Alexandria, Va.: Time Fife Books, 1990.
Practiced in biblical times to ascertain innocence CROISET, GERARD (1909-1980) Dutch
or guilt among a group of people, coscinomancy clairvoyant.
was a complex process. Two people held, by A gifted psychic, Croiset helped police depart-
their thumbnails, a pair of shears or tongs that ments find missing bodies and missing persons
supported a sieve. The group of accused people and helped bring criminals to justice throughout
were placed directly in front of the sieve and Europe and in the United States. He used a form
asked the question "Who is guilty?" The sieve of psychometry, in that he touched an object
would turn, and when the handle pointed at owned by the missing or murdered individual,
someone in the group, he or she was considered "reading" the messages left as hidden vibrations
to be the guilty party. on the objects, which directed him to the person
This divination method was but one of those or body.
used during the time chronicled in the Old Tes- As with many psychics, Croiset's talent is
tament. disputed. However, it was studied for 20 years
See also biblical prophets and divination and found to be authentic by Professor W. H. C.
METHODS; BIBLIOMANCY; SCRYING. Tenhaeff at Utrecht University, the Netherlands,

who was an investigator of paranormal phe- to confirm that Crowley was the new Lord. It
nomena. is of little surprise that Crowley's acknowledg-
ment of this position was not accepted by the
Further reading Christian church; however, that did not stop
Marks, David, and Richard Kammann. The Psychol- him. He had, he believed, been initiated into a
ogy of the Psychic. Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus, new secret organization that only inducted new
1980. members every 2,000 years. The new secret order
Pollack, Jack Harrison. Croiset the Clairvoyant. Gar- was called the Argenteium Astrum, and it
den City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1964. claimed special knowledge of Egyptian magic
Psychic Powers. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexan- and ritual sources. At its height, the new order
dria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. had about 100 members, including some of the
Wilson, Colin. The Psychic Detectives. San Francisco: best-known occultists of the time, among them
Mercury House, 1985. Victor Neuberg, Austin Spare, Pamela Hans-
ford-Johnson and Louis T. Cullings, all famous
CROWLEY, ALEISTER (1875-1947) mediums of the day.
British occultist.
Crowley believed he was the reincarnation of
Crowley's contribution to the study of meta- Eliphas Levi (1810-1875). A sometime magician,
physics is still controversial even though it has Levi is best remembered for determining that
been more than 45 years since his death. He was the 22 cards of the tarot's major arcana have a
either one of the great thinkers and occultists of symbolic relationship with the Kabbalah.
his age or a notorious charlatan. During his Crowley is said to have died with his thoughts
lifetime, he was held in great esteem, but he and theories in conflict, addicted to drugs, in
was called "the wickedest man in the world" by poor health and in poverty.
the media. Crowley's major works include Magick in
As a young man, he developed a lifelong inter- Theory and Practice, The Book of Thoth and
est in the occult, ritual magic, torture and sexual Qabalah of A leister Crowley
degradation. Crowley was initiated as a novate See also spare, Austin osman.
in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a
secret society that studied magic, the occult and Further reading
the Kabbalah, attracting many notable people of Cavendish, Richard, ed. The Encyclopedia of the Un-
the time. When there was dissent over the course explained. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974.
of the society, Crowley moved in a different Giles, Cynthia. The Tarot: History, Mystery and Lore.
direction and became known internationally as a New York: Paragon House, 1992.
leading figure in the occult. Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. The Encyclopedia of Witches
During a trip to Cairo, Egypt, in 1904 with and Witchcraft. New York: Facts On File, 1989.
his wife. Rose, Crowley performed a magical MacKenzie, Norman. Secret Societies. New York:
ritual learned during his days with the Hermetic Holt, Rinchart & Winston, 1967.
Order of the Golden Dawn. Rose channeled Symonds, John, and Kenneth Grant, eds. The Confes-
sions of Aleister Crowley: An Autobiography Lon-
information regarding a statue of Horus, which
don: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979.
was on exhibit at a nearby museum. The exhibit
was number 666. Crowley believed that this
statue was the Great Beast referred to in the CRYSTALLOMANCY An ancient divina-
Book of Revelation and that he had been chosen tion practice of casting lots or sortilege, using
as the Antichrist. small stones or small crystals (see sortilege
Rose Crowley subsequently fell into another
trance, and in it she began channeling a volume Unlike crystalomancy, by which images or mes-
known as The Book of the Law, which was said sages are received by meditating in a crystal ball

or a mirrorlike pool, prognostication occurs here Contemporary psychic Jeane Dixon uses a
depending on the placement of the stones, as crystal ball for forecasting future events; one of
with CASTING OF LOTS. her predictions was that John F, Kennedy would
See also DICE; GEMS. be slain in 1963.
Today, the most popular crystal balls are avail-
Further reading able in metaphysical stores and through catalogs
Markham, Ursula. The Crystal Workbook: A that sell metaphysical tools. The preferred size is
Complete Guide to Working with Crystals. one or two inches in diameter, although some
Northamptonshire, England: Aquarian Press, psychics use crystal balls that are well over 12
1988, inches in diameter. Most crystal balls are round,
. Fortune-Telling by Crystals and Semiprecious though some are egg shaped or conical.
Stones. Northamptonshire, England: Aquarian See also CATOPTROMANCY; lithomancy.
Press, 1987.
Matteson, Barbara J. Mystic Minerals. Seattle: Cosmic Further reading
Resources, 1985.
Walker, Dael. The Crystal Book. Sunol, Calif.: Crystal Encyclopedia of Religion. New York: Macmillan,
Col, 1983. 1987.
King, Frances, and Stephen Skinner, Techniques of
High Magic. Rochester, VL: Destiny, 1991.
MagickalAlmanac. St Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1989.
studying a crystal ball. The Psychics. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexandria,
A form of SCRYING, crystalomancy (sometimes Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
incorrectly grouped with crystallomancy, or cast- Walker, Dael. The Crystal Book. Sunol, Calif.: Crystal
ing of lots) is an ancient practice developed about Col, 1983.
1000 B.C. as a means to foretell the future or
forthcoming events. CRYSTAL PREDICTIONS Divination
As with other applications of scrying, psychics using natural crystal stones.
stare into a crystal ball until a vision appears, Foretelling future events through the use of jew-
specifically to the psychic (the querant typically els and crystals is technically known as LITHO-
cannot see the vision). The vision or message MANCY, a form of scrying. It is considered by
is then interpreted or provided to answer the many to be one of the oldest forms of prognosti-
querant's question. cation.
Meditation should occur before the crystal Natural crystals and gemstones were used for
is consulted. Consultation is usually done in a the purpose of divination by most ancient civili-
darkened room with a light source bouncing off zations, including the Aztecs, the Incas, the Bab-
the crystal ball. Initially, the crystal ball may ylonians and the Egyptians. In addition to their
appear clear, but as the psychic stares at the ball, use in scrying, crystals are still used for medita-
it may become misty or foggy. tion, heightening intuition and in healing rites,
Dr. John Dee, psychic to Queen Elizabeth I including healing chakras.
of England, is said to have used a crystal ball Some astrologers believe that each sign of the
and a blackened mirror for scrying. He warned zodiac is attached to a specific natural crystal;
the queen against a plot by Spanish agents to more commonly, these are known as birthstones.
burn the forests of England. Because ships were The following is a list of natural crystals and the
made of wood at that time, this was of grave astrological sun sign typically associated with
concern, and extra military was assigned to the them:
protection of the forests. Had the forests been
burned, England might have fallen against the Aries: Diamond, ruby, red jasper
Spanish Armada of 1588. Taurus: Sapphire, lapis lazuli

Gemini: Citrine, yellow agate including Dr. R. H. Thouless and Professor
Cancer: Pearl, moonstone C. D. Broad, Cummings was considered to be a
Leo: Tiger's eye, dendritic agate legitimate psychic. She was sometimes referred
Virgo: Green jasper, sardonyx to as the "medium with integrity."
Libra: Sapphire, aquamarine She chronicled her thoughts and the messages
Scorpio: Ruby, opal, red jasper from the spirits in a number of books. Best
Sagittarius: Topaz known are The Scripts of Cleophas. The Road to
Capricorn: Turquoise, smokey quartz Immortality, They Survive, Unseen Adventures
Aquarius: Amethyst and Mind in Life and Death.
Pisces: Moonstone, rose quartz
Further reading
Specific crystals have specific divination or
Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso-
helping qualities. Thus if a person wears or car-
teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press,
ries a certain crystal, he or she will be assisted 1992.
by the crystal's power. For example, to increase Search for the Soul. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alex-
psychic ability, it is suggested that a diamond or andria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
peridot be worn or carried. A bronze or sapphire
crystal will help in channeling. And a Herkimer
CUSP In ASTROLOGY, the cusp is the theoreti-
diamond or fire opal should be worn or carried
cal line where each sign of the zodiac begins
to enhance clairaudience.
and ends.
See also gems.
The word cusp is derived from the Latin word
Further reading cuspis, meaning point. For example, if one is
born when the Sun is in Capricorn, but the birth
Baer, Randall N., and Vick V. Baer. The Crystal
is on the last day of that sign, he or she is
Connection. San Francisco: Harper fli Row, 1986.
said to be born on the cusp and will manifest
Bravo, Brett. Crystal Healing Secrets. New York:
Warner, 1988. characteristics of both Capricorn and Aquarius,
Bryant, Page. Crystals and Their Use. Santa Fe, the next sun sign of the zodiac.
N.Mex.: Sun Publishers, 1984. The cusps can also refer to the beginning and
Daya, Sarai Croshon. Healing with Crystals and Gem- ending points in the houses of the zodiac. There
stones. New York: Samuel Weiser, 1983. are twelve houses, each depicting various areas
Markham, Ursula. The Crystal Workbook: A Com- in the querant's life.
plete Guide to Working with Crystals. Northamp- See also astrological symbols.
tonshire, England: Aquarian Press, 1988.
Further reading
CUMMINGS, GERALDINE (1890- Goodman, Linda. Linda Goodman's Sun Signs. New
1969) Irish medium. York: Fawcett/Columbine, 1978.
Cummings (also known as Geraldine Cummins) Omarr, Sydney. My World of Astrology New York:
Fleet, 1965.
believed she could contact the spirits of those
Woolfork, Joanna Mart inc. The Only Astrology Book
involved in early Christianity, including Philip
You'll Ever Need. Landham, Mass.: Scarborough,
the Evangelist. Although Cummings never stud-
ied or visited the Middle East, she could clearly
define areas there and knew even greater details
CYCLOMANCY Divination using a
of early Christian figures mentioned in the Bible.
wheel or revolving circle to foretell the future.
Tested by a number of metaphysical research
groups, such as the Society for Psychical Re- The practice of cyclomancy may have been the
search in London, and psychical investigators. origin of the roulette wheel as a game of chance.

CYLICOMANCY Divination through the Further reading
use fa cup of water. McKenzie, John L. Dictionary of the Bible. Milwau-
It is said that Old Testament prophet Joseph kee: Bruce, 1965.
used a variation of cylicomancy to foretell the Pajeon, Kala, and Ketz Pajeon. The Candle Magic
future by placing a small amount of oil in a dish Workbook. New York: Citadel Press, 1992.
fdled with water (Gen. 44:5, 15). Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Un-
See also BIBLICAL PROPHETS AND DIVINATION known. Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books,


DACTYLOMANCY Divination using a circle on its top. The answers to questions are
tripodlike tool that moves with the answer to a revealed by the pendulum swinging over or to
querant's question around a board or basin on the letters, spelling at a message. Depending on
which letters of the alphabet are inscribed. the psychic, the pendulum will rotate or swing
An ancient method of divination, dactylomancy forward and backward and to either side. It is
was originally used by the Greek psychics and said that for a pendulum to work, one must be
Dactyls (a sect of Phrygian soothsayers and sor- sensitive to the vibrations found in all living
cerers) around 50 B.C. Our contemporary OUIJA energy fields, nonliving energy fields and energy
boards are a version of dactylomancy. fields outside one's presence.
See also dactyomancy. Dactyomancy is similar to DOWSING in that a
pendulum is used to predict the future and/or
Further reading answer questions. Other systems are less time
consuming and have gained more popularity,
Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Esoteric since dactyomancy takes patience and time for
Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press, 1992. the messages to be spelled out, read and inter-
Witches and Witchcraft. Mysteries of the Unknown.
Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
A variation of dactyomancy, called dactylo-
mancy, is still in use today in OUIJA BOARDS.
DACTYOMANCY Divination using a sus- The updated Ouija board (a trademark of the
pended object, particularly a finger ring, as a manufactured board sometimes sold in toy
pendulum above a round table to foretell the fu- stores) used under the guidance of a dactyo-
ture or answer a querant's question. mancer, medium or someone practicing medi-
With the technique of Dactyomancy, a wedding umship taps into unconscious radiations to divine
ring, a plain gold band or another ring of some the future and answer questions. Instead of a
sentimental or metaphysical importance is sus- pendulum, the Ouija board uses a small-wheeled
pended on a string and used as a pendulum. The device that slides over the board to the letters,
dactyomancer holds the string by his or her index numbers and yes and no responses printed on
finger and thumb over a round table on which is the board. A wine glass or a planchette has also
inscribed the letters of the alphabet, forming a been used as the pointing device.

Further reading
i Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New
York: University Books, 1966.
Geller, Uri, and Guy Lyon Playfair. The Geller Effect.
New York: Henry Holt, 1986,
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of
Mystical and Paranormal Experience. San Fran-
cisco: HarperSan Francisco, 1991.
Ostrander, Sheila, and Lynn Schroeder. Psychic Dis-
coveries behind the Iron Curtain. Englewood
. Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1970.
DAPHNOMANCY Divination using the
smoke of burning branches of the laurel tree to
answer questions and forecast upcoming events.
As in CAPNOMANCY, the smoke and fire were
interpreted by psychics. However, in daphno-
mancy, if the branches and laurel wood crackled,
it was said that the response to the querant's
question was favorable. If the fire was quiet or
the smoke did not rise but hung close to the
& floor or ground, it was considered a negative
omen. This form of daphnomancy is still heeded
DACTYOMANCY, in contemporary New England by those who
Greek professional soldier, historian and prolific believe in the validity of folklore.
writer Ammianus Marcellinus (c. 330-390) describes a
Further reading
table with a slab, engraved with letters of the alpha-
bet, above which a ring was suspended by a thread. Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Esoteric
This is a direct reference to dactyomancy. Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press, 1992.
Johnson, Clifton. What They Say in New England and
Other American Folklore. Boston: Lee & Shepherd,
Dactyomancy has been in documented service
1896. Reprinted ed., Carl A. Withers, ed. New
since about 540 B.C., when Pythagoras used it. York: Columbia University Press, 1963.
According to a historical account of the philoso- Kittredge, George. Witchcraft in Old and New En-
pher's life, his sect held frequent seances or cir- gland. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1929.
cles at which a mystic table, set on wheels, Reprint. New York: Atheneum, 1972.
moved toward signs, which the philosopher and Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown.
his pupil, Philolaus, interpreted for the audience Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
as being revelations from the unseen world.
TertuIIian (c. A.D. 160-230), the Roman D'ARPETIGNY, CASIMIR STANIS-
Christian theologian, also knew about table com- LAUS (1789-?) French palmist and psychic.
munications. Greek professional soldier, histo- D'Arpetigny is said to have had the most beauti-
rian and prolific writer Ammianus Marcellinus ful hands in Europe in his day. As a palmist,
(c. 330-390) described a table with a slab en- mystic and psychic, he developed a theory that
graved with letters of the alphabet above which the thumb was an indicator of ego and genius.
a ring was suspended by a thread. This is a direct He refined palmistry and added his innovative
reference to dactyomancy. thoughts on the way fingers and thumbs revealed
See also AUTOMATIC WRITING; pendulum pre- personal characteristics. His works include La
dictions. Chirognomonie and Le Science de la Main.


Further reading The two zeros were meant to symbolize the
human eyes, while the seven symbolized the sum
King, Francis. Palmistry: Your Fate and Fortune in
Your Hand. New York: Crescent, 1987. of the two eyes, the four other senses and a
Sorell, Walter, The Story of the Human Hand. India- mystical equation of intelligence.
napolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1967.
Further reading
Waite, Arthur Edward. The Occult Sciences. 1881,
Reprint London: K. Paul, Trench, Truhner & Butler, W. E. How to Develop Clairvoyance. 2d ed.
Co., 1923, New York: Samuel Weiser, 1979.
Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New
DAVIS, ANDREW JACKSON (1826- York: University Books, 1966.
1910) American clairvoyant and psychic. Psychics. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexandria, Va,:
Time Life Books, 1990.
Davis became intrigued with metaphysics at an Smith, C, F.John Dee. London: Constable, 1909.
early age and went on to become one of the most
well known (at that time) of the psychic healers.
DEJ A VU The feeling or ability to know
He was often referred to as the "Poughkeepsie
that one has experienced a thought or incident
Seer," channeling information on the health of
before, often in regard to reincarnation.
querents while in a trance, Davis was greatly
affected by the work of Mesmer regarding hyp- Deja vu, from the French words "already seen,"
nosis and the power of the mind, and he became is a common phenomenon. It is the quality of
a leader in the spiritualism movement that oc- knowing that there is a repetition of any of
curred in the United States in the late 1800s, the senses, without a logical explanation. For
example, if one visits a cathedral for the very
The Principles of Nature (published in 1847)
first time, without ever having seen the building
is considered Davis's most important work.
even in photos or drawings, and knows that he or
she has seen the uniquely columned construction
Further reading
before, this is referred to as deja vu. The feelings
Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New or senses experienced in deja vu are often attrib-
York: University Books, 1966. uted to past lives and the occurrences of those
Powers of Healing. Mysteries of the Unknown, Alex- lives imprinted in our akashic record.
andria, Va,: Time Life Books, 1990.
See also karma; reincarnation.

DEE, DR. JOHN (1527-1608) British as- Further reading

trologer, psychic and scryer.
Cavendish, Richard, ed. The Encyclopedia of the Un-
Dee was intrigued by a number of different man- explained. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974,
tic arts and in magic. In order to divine the future Cayee, Hugh Lynn, ed. The Edgar Cayce Collection.
and provide consultation to his noble clients, he New York: Bonanza, 1986.
used catoptromancy, a scrying method. Dee Time and Space. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexan-
calculated an astrological chart for Queen Eliza- dria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
beth I when she came to the throne in 1558. Wolman, Benjamin B., ed. Handbook of Parapsychol-
ogy New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1977.
It is said that Dee positioned a shiny black
mirror or a crystal ball in a light source and
interpreted the patterns of light that reflected off DICE Instruments or tools used to predict
the mirror. Some sources refer to Dee using a the future or answer a querant's question.
black mirror; others state that he used a black The word dice is plural; die is the singular term.
crystal ball, or even a natural crystal, to scry. Correctly known as a form of sortilege (see SOR-
Dee is reported to have used 007 as a code TILEGE SYSTEMS), this divination tool originated
name (the same as fictional spy James Bond). in the casting of bones more than 5,000 years


ago; thus, in today's games of chance, dice are DIVINATION The ability to forecast the
referred to as bones. future by intuitive rather than unscientific or ir-
See also astragalomancy; astragyro- rational means. Interpreting omens is a form of
ching; RUNE STONES. Those who practice a form of divination and
Further reading counsel or advise querants say that one form
of divination should be used and stayed with,
Mind over Matter. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alex- immersing oneself in the method and spiritual
andria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
tradition of that form.
Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown.
Some forms of divination are CLAIRVOYANCE,
Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
Walker, Barbara G. The Woman's Encyclopedia of AUTOMATIC WRITING, channeling and interpre-
Myths and Secrets. New York: Harper Collins, ting omens or events—for example, dream inter-
1983. pretation or translating the movement of an
object, such as with candle prophecies (LAMPA-
DIRECT-VOICE MEDIUM A psychic, domancy), clouds (CERAUNOSCOPY) or tea leaves
or channel, who becomes the vehicle through (TASSEOGRAPHY). Other divination systems in-
which an entity can speak, without using the psy- clude the use of dowsing sticks, pendulums,
chic 's own powers of speech or moving the psy- coins and hexigrams (such as with i CHING) or
chic 's mouth. dice (such as with RUNE STONES).
Typically, the direct-voice medium channels a Some of the oldest divination systems are
dead spirit known to others in the room rather PALMISTRY, GEOMANCY. CLEROMANCY and AERO-
than a guru or wise person of another time or MANCY, which were practiced before recorded
place. Often the medium's voice will take on the history. Some of the newest forms of divination
same tone and accent as the one being channeled; are based on methods practiced in antiquity, such
at other times, it is sensed that the voice is as the use of computer software to read tarot,
coming from someplace close to the psychic but interpret an astrological chart or decode dreams.
not from his or her throat.
Further reading
This form of divination was popular during
the mid-1800s, the height of spiritualism in the Aylesworth, Thomas G. Astrology and Foretelling the
United States. One of the most famous direct- Future. New York: Franklin Watts, 1973.
voice mediums was Leslie Flint. Flint, an English Bethards, Betty. The Dream Book: Symbols for Self-
man, had been accused repeatedly of performing Understanding. Petaluma, Calif.: Inner Light
a ventriloquist's fraud, yet no evidence was ever Press, 1992.
substantiated that Flint was doing anything but Glass, Justine. The Story of Fulfilled Prophecy Lon-
don: Cassell, 1969.
somehow using his body as an antenna, channel-
King, Francis, and Stephen Skinner. Techniques of
ing information, in ghostly words, from de-
High Magic. Rochester, Vt.: Destiny Books, 1991.
ceased spirits.
Locwc, Michael, and Carmen Blacker, eds. Divination
See also channel. and Oracles. London: Allen & Unwin, 1981.
Logan, Jo, and Lindsey Hodson. The Prediction Book
Further reading
of Divination. Dorset, England: Blandford Press,
Brown, Slater. The Heyday of Spiritualism. New 1984.
York: Hawthorn, 1970. Stem, Jess. Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet. New
Godwin, John. Occult America. New York: Double- York: Bantam, 1968.
day, 1972. Stewart, R. J. The Elements of Prophecy Dorset,
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of England: Element, 1990.
Mystical and Paranormal Expenence. San Fran- Woods, R., ed. Understanding Mysticism. New York:
cisco: HarperSan Francisco, 1991. Doubleday, 1980.

DIXON,JEANE (1918- ) American as- provinces of China, Korea and India. As with
trologer, scryer'and psychic. tarot, dice, runes and scrying, dominoes are a
A popular and world-famous contemporary psy- tool for the psychic. Often psychics choose a
chic who has gained media attention for various specific tool to indicate to the querant that a
predictions, Dixon foretold the assassinations of process is going on, while in actuality the psychic
John F, Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and Martin is quietly channeling the information.
Luther King, Jr, She "saw" the 1967 Apollo AS- To answer a question or respond to a querant's
204 disaster in which Virgil I, Grisson, Edward needs for direction, the dominoes are all placed
H. White II and Roger B, Chaffee died in a facedown. A question should be asked and medi-
flash fire that destroyed their spacecraft as it tated upon for a period of time. Three tiles
underwent routine tests at Cape Kennedy. (The are drawn. It is consided bad to consult with
men were to have been the first astronauts in the dominoes more than once a month, because the
Apollo program.) She also predicted Lyndon messages are powerful and will take that long to
Johnson's withdrawal from the presidential race completely understand.
(which most people would not have considered When the tiles are turned over, each combina-
possible) in that same year. Using astrology, a tion has a specific meaning, the numbers corres-
crystal ball, dreams, psychometry and telepathy, ponding to the quantity of dots on the tiles.
as well as intuition, she has read for thousands
of people throughout the years. Six/six is the luckiest of all the combinations.
Dixon believes deeply in her religious faith It means assured success and happiness; the
and upbringing and says that she uses her gift of question or query will have a positive result.
divination only for the good of humankind, Six/five means that a favor or a kindness will
firmly rejecting monetary compensation for her bring one good fortune, but patience may
personal readings. be tested.
Her autobiography, Jean Dixon: My Life and Six/four means that there is an unfavorable as-
Prophecies, discusses her philosophies and gift pect, perhaps a lawsuit or some other litiga-
for foretelling future events. tion forthcoming.
Six/three means the prospect for travel—possibly
Further reading unexpected travel of a positive nature—or a
gift that has to do with travel.
Brian, Denis. Jeane Dixon: The Witnesses. New York: Six/two means good fortune; the future assures
Warner, 1976, betterment of finances and/or health.
Dixon, Jeane, and Rene Noorbergen. Jeane Dixon:
Six/one means that there may be a wedding,
My Life and Prophecies. New York: Morrow, 1969.
a possible joint venture or a union with a
Montgomery, Ruth. A Gift of Prophecy New York:
positive result.
Bantam, 1966.
Six/blank means one should beware of false
DOMINOES Divination by casting the dot- Five!five means there will be a change in financial
ted lots (or counters) known as dominoes and in- standing in a beneficial way.
terpreting the meaning revealed through the Five/four means financial gain.
wooden rectangles. Five/three means a period of serenity and/or the
Although dominoes arc now marketed as a game querant will receive helpful advice or assis-
for children, they are a lesser-known method of tance.
prognostication and a form of cleromancy and Fiveltwo means there will be a birth, perhaps of
sortilege (see sortilege systems). Casting the an idea that will bring about joy.
future using dominoes is said to have been prac- Five/one means there is the possibility of new
ticed in 12-century China, and dominoes are still love, but with it comes a warning that the
widely used as a prognostication tool in some affair may have an unhappy ending.

Five/blank means there may be the necessity to Further reading
comfort a friend regarding a sadness.
Buckland, Raymond. Secrets of Gypsy Fortune Telling.
Four/four means a time of celebration, thanksgiv-
St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1988.
ing and happiness is forthcoming. Hey wood, R. Beyond the Reach of Sense. New York:
Four/three means there will be happiness and Dutton, 1961.
success but possible problems on the domestic Magickal Almanac. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1989.
front or in relationships. Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortune telling.
Four/two means there may be an unhappy change New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
of events or a relationship that goes awry. Pajeon, Kala, and Ketz Pajeon. The Candle Magic
Four/one means there may be challenging finan- Workbook. New York: Citadel Press, 1992.
cial times ahead. Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown.
Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
Four/blank means there may be a setback in a
relationship, along with a temporary disap-
pointment. However, there should be a recon- DOWSER One who employs the prediction
ciliation. method of DOWSING to find objects, minerals,
water supplies and missing persons.
Three/three means there are obstacles forthcom-
ing in love and career, but the outcome is ben- Henry Gross is said to have been one of the
eficial. world's most gifted dowsers; Uri Geller is proba-
Three/two means there will be happy changes, bly the most famous.
including in home and career, especially with
Further reading
Three/one means the answer to the querant's Geller, Uri, and Guy Lyon Playfair. The Geller Effect.
question is no. New York: Henry Holt, 1986.
Three/blank means there may be unanticipated Roberts, Kenneth. Henry Gross and His Dowsing
invitations and requirements that will chal- Rod. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1951.
lenge the querant's ethics and strengths.
Two/two means there will be much to celebrate DOWSING The method used to search for
in all areas, especially in career and personal hidden objects, subterranean springs, sites, pre-
relationships. cious metals, lost treasure and missing people us-
Two/one means the possible loss of something of ing dowsing sticks or rods.
value; however, love, friendship and a career Traditionally, the rods were made of hazelwood;
move will come as a result of the loss. modern dowsers use almost any form of rod
Two/blank means there will be a time of anxiety, from a coat hanger to a Y-shaped stick. This form
then the development of new friendships, of prediction is also known as RADIESTHESIA or
travel and a business enterprise that will be CLE1DOMANCY.
fruitful. Beware of false advice. It is not known when dowsing originated.
One/one means there will be harmony in all Cave paintings in the Sahara, from about 6000
aspects of life, but one should avoid making B.C., have shown a person holding a divining
any snap decisions. rod. Greek and Roman literature refers to RHAB-
One/blank means heed warnings and be espe- DOMANCY (dowsing with rods, arrows or wands),
cially careful. All is not what it seems. although there is speculation as to whether this
Blank/blank means that for a period of time is dowsing in the contemporary sense. Ancient
there will be road blocks, challenges and myths and legends suggest magical rods were
difficulties that must be overcome in order used by Hermes and Aaron; however, these are
to achieve the predictions of the other dom- often considered more like magician's wands
inoes. than the dowser's forked stick or rod. Other
primitive cultures used dowsing rods. According
See also casting of lots. to a Melanesian folk talc, the reason the dowsing

locating rich mineral sources. In 1635, the Baron
and Baroness Beausoleil purportedly located
more than 150 mineral veins through the use of
a dowsing rod. They were also reported to be
the first to document use of a dowsing rod to
locate water, in their book Les Baguettes Divina-
toires and again in 1640, in a book dedicated to
Richelieu, A few years later, the aristocratic cou-
ple was imprisoned for sorcery.
By the late 17th century, dowsing was used as
a psychic investigation tool by French authorities
to locate the criminals involved in an ax murder,
\k and the dowsing rod became a recognized scien-
tific instrument that was used on a regular basis.
Dowsers were in great demand during the gold
rush in early California,
The Divining Rod (1926) by Sir William Bar-
rett documented a number of experiences in the
late 1890s involving the British dowser John
Mullins, Mullins found abundant water on an
estate in Sussex where engineers had previously
been unable to locate water with the somewhat
unsophisticated equipment of the time, Henry
Gross, of Maine, was one of the United States'
best-known dowsers. More recently, U.S. Ma-
DOWSING rines in Vietnam located explosives and land
An 18th-century water diver with dowsing stick. mines using dowsing sticks.
Dowsing is still one of the methods used today
rod tremble is because a ghost has been conjured to locate underground water and minerals,
up and is directing the rod. In African lore, a among other valuables. And dowsing is still
stick was used to name a thief or ferret out sometimes used by metaphysical healers to intu-
hidden booty. itively identify and locate a sick organs or areas
In the Bible (Exod. 17:6), when the Israelites of illness that trouble a querant. This is known
needed water for survival in the desert, Moses as medical dowsing,
was told by God to take his rod and "smite the A dowser normally walks slowly over the ter-
rock and there shall water come out of it." This rain in the area that is being searched. He or she
may be one of the earliest recorded uses of a holds a Y-shaped stick, a pair of bars or a pendu-
dowsing rod, one of many divined prophecies in lum, A few dowsers use no device at all but
the Bible. "know" when the object is close. It is said that
From the Middle Ages, dowsing was used to they rely on sensations in their hands and arms.
pinpoint natural underground rivers and springs. Using rods, a stick or a suspended object,
In the 15th century in the mountains in Ger- dowsers cover the terrain, walking slowly and
many, dowsing was practiced to unearth miner- concentrating on the object that is to be found.
als; later Martin Luther denounced the practice When it is located, the rods cross, the stick
as witchcraft. circles furiously or points straight down or the
In 1556, De Re Metallica, a book on metal- pendulum swings.
lurgy and mining written by George Agricola, Dowsing is possible, it is believed, through
discussed dowsing as an acceptable method of the Strong psychic energy radiated by the object

and picked up by the individual holding the Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New
divining device. Some believe that dowsing is a York: University Books, 1966.
variant of the instinct that pulls homing pigeons Geller, Uri, and Guy Lyon Playfair. The Geller Effect.
back to their starting points and sends domestic New York: Henry Holt, 1986.
pets on treks across the country to their former McKenzie, John L. Dictionary of the Bible. Milwau-
kee: Bruce, 1965.
homes. It is debated whether one must be a
Miller, Madeleine S., and J. Lane Miller, eds. Harper's
psychic to dowse, or whether the skill is available
Encyclopedia of Bible Life. San Francisco: Harper
to all of us who use rods or a stick while concen-
& Row, 1978.
trating on an objective.
Roberts, Kenneth. Henry Gross and His Dowsing
Sometimes a dowser will hold a pendulum or Rod. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, 1951.
indicator over a map. When the indicator moves Thomas, Keith. Religion and the Decline of Magic.
rapidly, the object is said to be located. This is New York: Macmillan, 1971.
often considered a form of AUTOMATIC WRITING,
because a spirit is guiding the indicator. DREAM INTERPRETATIONS Divina-
Some dowsers hold a similar object as they tion by translating visions seen during the rapid
search. Thus, to locate underground water, a eye movement (REM) segment of sleep, the
bottle of water might be held. To pinpoint a vein deepest dream pattern state.
of gold ore, a golden nugget would be carried. According to metaphysical beliefs, during the
Interestingly, a dowser may be unaware of a deepest phases of sleep the astral and mental
flowing subterranean stream nearby if he or she bodies disconnect themselves from the physical
is attempting to locate buried treasure, and vice and ethereal forms. Sleepers are free to move
versa. mentally and consider past lives and intuitive
Those who doubt the ability of a dowser to information that the mind may censor during
predict placement of objects including treasure, waking hours. Psychologists and scientists, while
missing persons, metals, oil and water insist that still guessing why people dream, often like to
the dowsing rod's movement is caused by the compare the brain to a computer that needs
dowser's own involuntary arm muscle action. As time to process all that is experienced during
with other methods of prognostication, dowsing waking hours.
has its detractors, yet it continues to be used
throughout the United States, especially by
American Indians, as a way to cut the expense
of drilling wells for water.
A wire coat hanger can be used to make a
dowsing rod. Cut off the hook and cut the wire
into two sections. Holding the short ends of the
wire rods, the dowser slowly walks around an Nv V %
area concentrating on what he or she desires to
find, including thoughts of how deeply the object
might be buried. For example, in the case of X
* A
underground water, the dowser should concen- \
trate on locating a spring no deeper than a cer- %
tain level.
See also CLAIRVOYANCE; pendulum predic-

Further reading
According to metaphysical beliefs, the astral and men-
Cayce, Hugh Lynn, ed. The Edgar Cayce Collection. tal bodies disconnect themselves from the physical and
New York: Bonanza, 1986. ethereal forms during the deepest phases of sleep.

Dream interpretation is an ancient divination dream interpretation. In The Interpretation of
practice. There are many references to the inter- Dreams, Freud stated that dreams were the dis-
pretation of religious dreams in the Bible, includ- guised fulfillment of the dreamer's infantile sex-
ing Numbers 12:5-6 and Daniel 2:2 and 4:7. In ual needs. Many choose to believe in these
Job 33:12, it is said, "God speaks to man in one theories. Carl G. Jung, one of the great psychol-
way, and in two, though man does not perceive ogists, saw dreaming as a form of spontaneous
it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when and creative expression of the unconscious and
deep sleep falls upon men, while they slumber continued to disagree with Freud's ideas.
in their beds, then He opens the cars of Today, many still are tied to the idea that
men." during the dream state, we are processing infor-
The Bu'ya Sadiga is a spiritual book of the mation sensed during our waking hours. Some
dreams Mohammed had prior to revealing the psychics think of the dream state as playtime for
Koran. The dreams are said to have appeared the mind and pay little heed to what dreams
to Mohammed as "luminous impressions." The foretell. Others support the theory that in our
Uitoto Indians of Colombia believe that the dreams our minds are unburdened and reveal
world was created as a dream. For the Aborigines visions to help, warn and inform.
of Australia, the state of dreaming, or In order to interpret dreams, one must become
dreamtime, is the entire mythical past, the pres- aware of what has occurred during the dream
ent and the future. They believe that anything state. For most, this is the most difficult part
outside of their dreams has no existence in real- of the interpretation because upon waking, the
ity. dream is often forgotten. Those who interpret
Dreaming and dream interpretation was an dreams suggest meditating just before sleep and
essentia] part of the American Indian culture. telling the subconscious mind that the dream will
The Iroquois recognized the dream as the lan- be remembered. They also recommend keeping
guage of the soul. The Maricopa attempted a a pencil and pad next to the bed in order to jot
dream journey to seek instruction in poetry and down the vision upon waking, even if that is in
medicine, although it said that the pathway is the middle of the night.
dangerous and long. Contemporary dream interpreters caution that
The Greeks valued dream interpretation, and there are no "bad" or "good" dreams, and noth-
there were healing temples where one might sleep ing seen or sensed in a dream should be judged.
in order to dream about the proper cure for a Thus, having even the most illicit-seeming dream
specific ailment. The Pythagoreans believed that should not be considered a character flaw.
in sleep the soul is freed from the body, its tomb, Even though there may be other people in-
and, soaring upward, is able to perceive and volved in a dream, dream interpreters suggest
converse with higher beings on other ethereal that the main character, regardless of sex or
planes. This theory is derived from the ancient even species, represents the individual having the
Egyptian and Orphic doctrines where the ba (or dream. For example, if the dream involves a
ka), or spiritual double, left the body during beach crab, it may mean that the dreamer is
the dream state to learn. Plato said that "spirits being instructed to move in an indirect way to
scattered in the ethereal regions come to rest near solve a problem; it might also point out that he
us to imprint on our souls ideas disengaged from or she is crabby.
the senses, and to transmit to us the orders Typically, in a dream, there will be a series of
of God." The Platonic philosophy was passed events or visions. Dream interpreters suggest that
through metaphysical teachings and appeared notes be taken on everything remembered; then,
again during the Renaissance, when psychics through study or meditation, a correlation can
once more adopted it. be found.
Sigmund Freud, the renowned psychoanalyti- The following are some archetypal dream in-
cal theorist, published an exhaustive book on terpretations.

Bathroom or Toilet Dreams: The dreamer may Ullman, M., ed. Dream Telepathy New York: Mac-
not be taking care of the troubles that are millan, 1973.
bothering him or her. For example, there is a
need to get rid of a specific task or burden, DRUIDS Prophetic group of Celtic priests
yet the dreamer holds on to it. who worshiped nature spirits, with their origins
Chase Dreams: The dreamer is trying to avoid dating from more than 4,000 years ago.
or run away from something that is troubling Except for isolated groups, the Druids were
him or her. This is unnecessary anguish, and crushed when the Romans conquered Europe,
the chase dream indicates that the dreamer and the practice of Druidism was outlawed. The
must face the pursuer to overcome the ob- Roman emperor Claudius banned Druidism in
stacle. A.D. 43. The main tenet of the belief system was
Costume Dreams: The dreamer is thinking of or that after death the soul passed into the body of
reliving past lives. a newborn baby. Druid priests (both male and
Flying Dreams: The dreamer is investigating new female) believed that they were descendants of a
thoughts or avenues. If the dreamer feels he supreme being. The Druids were classed in three
or she is going to fall, there is a fear- of failure categories: Druids, Prophets and Bards.
in the search. There is considerable controversy surrounding
Money Dreams: The dreamer will have some the Druids, which means "knowing the oak tree"
changes coming in his or her life. When small in Gaelic. Some believe that they were a blood-
change—pennies, nickels and dimes—are thirsty cult, burning and disemboweling human
seen, the changes will be minor. If there is a sacrifices. Others firmly contradict this notion
large amount of paper money in large denomi- and support the theory that the Druids originated
nations, the changes will be significant. as seers and psychics who lived sacred lives
Sexual Dreams: The dreamer is learning to bal- honoring nature, much like the American In-
ance the male and female intuitive forces in dians before the intervention of European mo-
his or her life or the merger of energies. Typi- rality.
cally, it has little to do with actual sexual inter- The Druids honored the oak tree and the
course. mistletoe plant. However, contrary to popular
thought, they did not build Stonehenge but
Further reading rather used it for planetary observation and per-
haps in divining the future using a form of AS-
Bethards, Betty. The Dream Book: Symbols for Self-
TROLOGY. The Druids also practiced many
Understanding. 9th printing. Petaluma, Calif.: In-
methods of prognostication. They used a form
ner Light Press, 1992.
Buckland, Raymond. Secrets of Gypsy Dream Read- of capnomancy that is called dendromancy,
ing. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1990. whereby branches of the oak tree or segments of
Coxhead, David, and Susan Hiller. Dreams: Visions the mistletoe plant are cut and placed on a fire
of the Night. New York: Thames & Hudson, 1976. or hot coals. Divination occurs when the smoke
Garfield, Patricia, Ph.D. Healing Power of Dreams. generated by the burning plant is interpreted.
New York: Fireside Books, 1991. The Druids are also said to have developed rune
Johnson, Robert A. Inner Work. New York: STONES or rune dice as a tool for predicting
Harper/San Francisco, 1986. the future. The Druids are believed to have
Jung, C. G. Dreams. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Uni- looked for omens in the movement of birds
versity Press, 1974. and in the weather and to have practiced other
May brock, Patricia. Romantic Dreams. New York: GEOMANCY divination methods. They are also
Pocket, 1991.
credited with divining the future through various
Reed, Henry. Dream Solution. San Rafael, Calif.: New
sacrificial methods using human enemies as well
World Library, 1991.
as group members specifically chosen as a reli-
Signed, Karen A. Wisdom of the Heart. New York:
Bantam, 1990. gious honor.

Contrary to popular belief, the Druids did not build Stonehenge. Rather they used it for planetary observation,
celebration of celestial festivals and divining the future with astrology.

Most agree that the Druids were a mysterious Rev. ed. Northamptonshire, England: Aquarian,
group, and their legacy is often based in the 1983.
imagination and in folklore rather than in fact,
since fact was not documented at that time. Ac-
Irish psychic.
cording to traditional behef, Druidism was a
religion practiced by the Celts in pre-Roman Trained as a mathematician and airplane designer,
Gaul (what is now France) and in Britain. There in 1906 Dunne built the first British military
are a number of references to Druids and Dru- aircraft. However, his main focus in life was a
idism in Greek and Roman writings, including thirst for knowledge about spiritualism and the
in accounts by Julius Caesar. metaphysical laws. Preoccupied by dreams,
Contemporary Druids, in small groups or Dunne began recording his own dream states,
groves, are now studying the ancient rites and realizing that they were often predictive of up-
rituals of Druidism in the United States and in coming events.
Britain. They often celebrate the seasonal One of his most famous interpretive dreams
changes and festivals, including eight pagan holi- forecasted and recorded a gigantic volcanic erup-
days, in a traditional way, through the worship tion on Martinque. Only one segment of the
of nature outdoors or in groves of trees. psychic dream was incorrect: He dreamed that
4,000 people would die, while in actuality more
Further reading than 40,000 perished in the disaster.
Carr-Gomm, Philip. The Elements of the Druid Tradi- Dunne believed that time existed on one plane
tion. Dorset, England: Element, 1991. of the universe and the experience of time existed
Chad wick, Nora K. The Druids. London: University on another. Consequently, events could be
of Wales Press, 1966. known before they happened. Though no longer
Goodman, Linda. Linda Goodman's Star Signs. New in print, Dunne's best-known works include An
York: St. Martin's, 1987. Experiment with Time and The Serial Universe.
Nichols, Ross. The Book of Drutdry—HistorySites, See also dream interpretations; laws of
Wisdom. London: Aquarian, 1990. METAPHYSICS.
Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super-
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. Further reading
Piggott, Stuart. The Druids. New York: Praeger, 1986. Coxhead, David, and Susan Hiller. Dreams: Visions
Ruthford, Ward. The Druids: Magicians of the West. of the Night. New York: Thames & Hudson, 1976.


Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso- Ullman, Montague, and Nan Zimmerman. Working
teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press, with Dreams. Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher,
1992. 1979.
Ullman, M., ed. Dream Telepathy New York: Mac- Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown.
millan, 1973. Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.


ECKHART VON HOCHHEIM {1260- EDWARDS, HARRY (1893-1976) British

c. 1328) German psychic and religious mystic. psychic healer.
Also referred to as Meister Eckhart, he was a Edwards was known throughout England for his
Dominican friar in Erfurt, Germany. He took a psychic healing abilities. At one "performance"
strong stance that the immensity and the supreme in Kings Hall, Manchester, a crowd of more than
excellence of the divine light was available to all; 7,000 people watched as he selected people from
however, the believer must give up wealth and the audience, placed on hands and healed various
power to find the divine light, which was his ailments. He was said to be able to best heal
God. arthritis, spinal lesions, paralysis and blindness
Since at that time, the nobility and the wealthy and deafness. He claimed that the guides, or
ruled the church, Eckhart was considered a here- spirits, of Pasteur and other great medical prac-
tic—-one did not have to give up anything, the titioners guided him from the ethereal world
upper class felt, to find God. Rebels against the (see GUIDE).
faith were often thrown into prison or ostra- From his spiritual healing sanctuary in Shere,
cized. While Eckhart's religious commitment Surrey, England, Edwards continued throughout
wasn't questioned, his writing was considered his life to provide his services, including the
heretical. Near the end of his life, Eckhart Von healing of members of British nobility and the
Hochheim once more came into the embrace of royal family of Great Britain.
the Catholic Church. See also laying on of hands.
Further reading
Further reading
Krippner, Stanley, and Alberto Villoldo. The Realms
Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso- of Healing. 3d ed. Berkeley, Calif.: Celestial Arts,
teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press, 1986.
1992. Meek, George W., ed. Healers and the Healing Pro-
Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown. cess. Whcaton, III.: Theosophical Publishing
Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. House, 1977.

Powers of Healing. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alex-
andria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
West, D. J. Eleven Lourdes Miracles. New York:
Helix, 1957.
Worral, A. The Gift of Healing. New York: Harper
& Row, 1965.

EMPYROMANCY Divination by interpre-

ting the smoke generated by burning laurel
This ancient mantic art is known to have been
practiced as early as 550 B.C. by the Greek
prophet, mystic and philosopher Pythagoras
(5827-500? B.C.). Empyromancy was used to
divine the future and answer a querant's ques-
tions, including those on reincarnation and of a
metaphysical nature. A form of empyromancy
known as daphnomancy is still practiced today,
and the observance of omens concerning the
behavior of smoke is still common in rural
New England.

Further reading
Buliinch, Thomas. Myths of Greece and Rome. New
York: Viking/Penguin, 1979.
Johnson, Clifton. What They Says in New England
and Other American Folklore. Boston: Lee &
Shepherd, 1896. Reprinted ed., Carl A. Withers,
ed. New York: Columbia University Press,
Kittredge, George. Witchcraft in Old and New En- Enoptromancy requires a mirror and much patience.
gland. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1929. Divination is accomplished by interpreting patterns or
Reprint. New York: Atheneum, 1972. images produced by a tight source reflected in a shiny
object such as a mirror.

ENOPTROMANCY The ancient divina-

tion method of using a shiny surface placed in the shiny surface, foretelling whether the patient
water to foretell the recovery (or death) of would die or recuperate.
someone. See also hydromancy; scrying.

Enoptromancy is a form of CATOPTROMANCY, Further reading

in which divination occurs through interpreting
Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New
patterns or images produced by looking at a light
York: University, 1966.
source as it is reflected in a shiny object, such as Krippner, Stanley, and Alberto Villoldo. The Realms
a mirror. Using enoptromancy, the psychic or of Heating. 3d ed. Berkeley, Calif.: Celestial Arts,
healer suspends a mirror into water. Only the 1986.
base of the mirror was allowed to touch the Meek, George W., ed. Heaters and the Heating Pro-
water. The psychic would then gaze into the cess. Wheaton, 111.: Theosophical Publishing
mirror, interpreting the vision that appeared on House, 1977.

Powers of Healing. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alex- EXTISPICIOMANCY Ancient divination
andria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. method of forecasting the future by examining
the viscera of animals, more commonly known
the examination of the entrails of animals.
Epatoscomancy is a form of ANTHROPOMANCY. mancy.
the ancient divination method of scrutinizing the
inner organs, specifically the intestines, of human
sacrifices. With epatoscomancy, as with HEPATO-
Perception and/or reception of information
MANCY (the examination of the liver of animals
through a means other than the traditional
that were sacrificed for this purpose), the viscera
were interpreted by psychics to forecast future
events. Practiced by the ancient Babylonians, The passage of thought or the sensing of thought,
Sumerians, Japanese, Greeks and Romans, there emotions or visions from one mind to another,
are more than 700 examples of epatoscomancy even at a distance and without any outside assis-
and hepatomancy in the Mesopotamian royal ar- tance, and the divination of forthcoming events
chives, and while it sounds ghoulish today, it was or circumstances are grouped under the general
a well-established part of formal religion at that category of ESP. It also includes such metaphysi-
time. Additionally, there are a number of biblical cal gifts or talents as telepathy, clairvoyance.
references, including in the Book of Ezekiel, de- channeling, psychometry and psychic ability.
scribing this mantic art as it was used by the king These and other terms indicate an awareness
of Babylon, and a verse in the second book of without the support of information or data. ESP
Kings refers to epatoscomancy being used as a is the traditional term most people recognize for
divination method by King Ahaz of Judah. the "knowing" gift that psychics exhibit.
Epatoscomancy was also practiced by Native Three types of ESP have been recognized by
American tribes, including the Comanche. The those who study this science. They have been
Incas and Aztecs also may have used epatosco- known since the beginning of civilization,
mancy. Today, in some remote parts of the though no specific terms were used to describe
world, this mantic art is still considered a valid them. Clairvoyance is ESP of objects or events.
divination method. In Borneo and Burma, psy- PRECOGNITION is the knowing of events that will
chics continue to view the livers of slaughtered occur in the future. And telepathy is the direct
farm animals when foretelling the future or fore- experience of another person's mental condition
casting the answer to a querant's question. or state of being.
See also DRUIDS. ESP is sometimes referred to as PSl (parapsy-
chological scientific investigation). Psychokinesis
Further reading
(PK) is the ability to affect objects at a distance
Bevan, E. Sibyls and Seers: A Survey of Some Ancient by means other than known physical forces and
Theories of Revelation and Inspiration. London: is typically grouped with other acts of ESP.
Allen & Unwin, 1982. The term extrasensory perception was attached
Cosmic Connections. Mysteries of the Unknown. Al- to this concept by J. B. Rhine, often called the
exandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. "Father of Modern Parapsychology." Rhine told
Luck, G. Arcana Mundi, Magic and the Occult in
friends, when selecting the name for telepathy,
the Greek and Roman Worlds. Wellingborough,
that he wanted to make it sound as normal as
England: Crucible Publishing, 1987.
Miller, Madeleine S., and J. Lane Miller, eds. Harper's possible so that the study would be accepted
Encyclopedia of Bible Life. San Francisco: Harper within the scientific community. Perception was
& Row, 1978. an established psychology term, and Rhine
Stewart, R. J. The Elements of Prophecy Dorset, hoped to place ESP as an offshoot of perception,
England: Element Books, 1990. not something occult and mystical.

Rhine studied ESP throughout his life through Most Americans believe in ESP, and more
carefully documented experiments and produced than 10% of a polled 1,000 people said that
the Zener cards that test ESP ability which are they had had an experience involving ESP. Many
still in use today. Rhine and other researchers of these include a personal experience of pre-
have found that when the subject being tested cognition of dreams. Most common are premoni-
for ESP is told that he or she is doing well tory dreams of personal tragedies; these can also
reading the 25 Zener cards (similar to playing be found in records from antiquity. For example,
cards but with four unique shapes on the "pic- King Coreus (d. about 546 B.C.), the last king
ture" side), the results are often the same as of Lydia, an ancient country in Asia Minor,
with those who do not profess to have ESP. dreamed of the murder of his son, and the dream
Additionally, the fear of failure in ESP tests has came to be reality. Abraham Lincoln claimed
been shown to lower scores in clinical tests. to have had a telepathic dream of his forthcom-
Boredom lowers test scores; caffeine tends to ing death and is supposed to have "seen" him-
increase test scores. Children are more receptive self in a coffin—exactly as he lay some days
and perceptive than adults during testing. later.
Scientists continue to test subjects for ESP; Psychics like to point out that everyone has
however, objective proof that it exists is often psychic and ESP abilities, although some are
impossible to obtain, since perception is highly
subjective. The ever-present interest in ESP has
been recognized throughout history to be an
advantage in espionage and subversive control
and during wartime.
Those who test ESP in the clinical setting say
that their chief criticism is that the experiments
on extrasensory perception are often impossible
to duplicate. Those who support ESP and other
parapsychological studies believe that the rigid
testing required to make metaphysical topics sci-
entific are too restrictive for exploring the un-
The Society of Psychical Research was
founded in England in 1882, and a branch was
opened in the United States in 1884. Both groups
continue to publish papers and information on
ESP, as they continue to investigate the survival
of the personality or soul after death, medi-
umship, hauntings, apparitions, ghosts and
spirits and out-of-body experiences, along with
clairvoyance and telepathy. One of the earli-
est projects of the group was to investigate hyp-
nosis, which was at that time used mainly in
psychic trances and has now become a mainstay
of the medical and psychological community.
Other groups that investigate and test ESP in-
clude the American Society for Psychical Re- It is said that Abraham Lincoln had a prophetic
search, the Parapsychological Association, and dream of his forthcoming death and is supposed to
the American Association for the Advancement have "seen" himself in a coffin—-exactly as he lay
of Science. some days later.

more practiced or aware of the gift than others. Feyer, Dr. Ernest C. The Call of the Soul: A Scientific
There is a working view, among scientists who Explanation of Telepathy and Psychic Phenomena.
delve into the occurrence of ESP, that the ability San Francisco: Auto-Science Institute, 1926.
is available to all; however, individual differences Halbourne, Max. Mental Telepathy and ESP Powers
for the Millions. Los Angeles: Sherbourne Press,
in attitude, habit and interest determine whether
or not ESP and other psychic abilities will be
Hintze, Naomi A., and J. Gaither Pratt. The Psychic
expressed or inhibited. Realm: What Can You Believe? New York: Ran-
Psychics explain that in order to receive ESP dom House, 1975.
messages or visions or to be aware of dreams, Rhine, Louisa E. ESP in Life and Lab. New York:
their minds are often blank. This allows the Collier-Macmillan, 1967.
thoughts to come through to their conscious Richet, Charles. Thirty Years of Psychical Research.
mind. They also say that it takes patience and London: William Collins Publishers, 1923.
meditation to hone this ability. Scott, Cyril. An Outline of Modern Occultism. Lon-
See also CHANNEL; DREAM INTERPRETATION. don: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1950.
Thouless, R. H. Experimental Psychical Research.
New York: Penguin, 1963.
Further reading
Tyrrell, G. N. M. Science and Psychical Phenomena.
Cavendish, Richard, ed. Man, Myth and Magic: An London, 1938. Reprint. New York: University
Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Supernatural. Vol. Books, 1961.
7. New York: Marshal Cavendish Corporation, Ullman, M., ed. Dream Telepathy New York: Mac-
1970. millan, 1973.



FAKIR General term describing anyone Meek, George W., ed. Healers and the Healing Pro-
with psychic or mystic qualities or a member of cess. Wheaton, III.: Theosophical Publishing
the Muslim mendicant (begging) orders, which House, 1977.
is an extension of the Hindu order of India. Mind over Matter. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alex-
andria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
A fakir (from the Arabic word faqir, meaning O'Flaherty, Wendy Doniger. Hindu Myths. Har-
"poor man") is said to be both the traveler on mondsworth, England: Penguin Books, 1975.
life's pathway as well as the follower and the
FATE LINE One of the many lines in the
It is said that even today, some fakirs go
palm of the hand that is said to indicate specific
through life begging and preaching; most, how-
ever, simply live a strict monastic life. Like some
other orthodox orders, these fakirs devote them- The fate line is sometimes referred to as the
selves primarily to meditation and prayer and line of fate by palmists. Because there are many
live the most austere monklike existence. This variations of the fate line, and since palmistry is
severe existence is necessary, according to those complex as well as intriguing, it is recommended
who believe in this sect, in order to fuse the that one refer to a palmist or a book on the
pineal and pituitary glands to produce psychic subject for a complete examination and interpre-
information that is used in healing and in the tation of the hand.
guidance of the fakir's followers. The fate line is found generally from a point
In many parts of the Arab world, the fakir is just above the wrist across the palm vertically to
known to practice prognostication through a place just below where the middle finger is
magic and sorcery. joined to the hand. If there is no fate line, it may
indicate that the individual's life is peaceful and
See also laying on of hands.
quiet. If the line is clear, deep and straight, it
Further reading may be because he or she is especially successful,
but it may also indicate personal challenges. A
Encyclopedia of Religion. New York: Macmillan, 1987.
Krippner, Stanley, and Alberto Villoldo. The Realms wavy line may indicate a tendency to be argu-
of Healing. 3d ed. Berkeley, Calif.: Celestial Arts, mentative, unsystematic and sloppy. Palmists be-
1986. lieve that breaks in the fate line indicate

unplanned changes. If the fate line begins from especially have been featured in rituals of magic.
the heart or the head line, it is a sign that great In ancient Egypt there were cat goddesses.
success may come later in life, typically after the There was an extended period of mourning when
age of 40. a household cat died, and family members shaved
See also cheiro; palmistry. off their eyebrows. It is not known if this custom
was a ritual to honor the deceased cat or if it
Further reading
was performed to nullify a bad omen. The cat
Altman, Nathaniel. Palmistry Workbook. New York: goddesses of Egypt were Bast and Skehmet, asso-
Sterling, 1990. ciated with fertility and sexual prowess. Because
Cheiro. Cheiro's Book of Numbers. New York: Pren- they were held in such high esteem by their
tice-Hall, 1988. owners and in religious circles, cats were often
. The Language of the Hand. New York: Pren- mummified, and Egyptian law forbade the re-
tice-Hall, 1987. moval of cats' graves, as all were thought to be
Robinson, Rita. The Palm: A Guide to Your Hidden sacred. Divination, during this period, occurred
Potential. North Hollywood, Calif.: Newcastle,
by watching cats for specific movements, which
were interpreted by psychics according to their
own evaluation.
FELIDOMANCY Divination through the
observation offelines, including domestic and Cats were revered as sacred by the Incas, and
wild cats. statues were built to cats during pre-Columbian
times in South America. Cats often played a part
If a cat sneezes, it means that it will rain. If a
in religious and occult ceremonies in India, and
cat is on a ship (regardless of what he or she
they were worshiped as deities in parts of China
does), it foretells bad luck. And if a cat crosses
and India.
ones path, particularly a black one, it can mean
Cats and witches have traditionally been
either good fortune (in the British Isles) or a turn
linked; since those who used metaphysical gifts
of bad luck (in the United States). All these
and had psychic powers were often considered
omens are derived from the mantic art of felido-
to be witches, it is not surprising that felines
have this association.
Cats have always held a fascination for people,
The medieval folklore that says a cat has nine
held in high (religious) esteem by some and cast
lives is supposed to have come from the Egyptian
out as evil by others. Thus prognostication by
Ennead, the mythic figure of the Ninefold God-
the actions of cats, as well as other animals, is
dess. The Dark Ages were a superstitious and
only to be expected. Animals of all types play
turbulent time, and it was thought that a witch
an important role in the mantic arts, and cats
could assume a cat's shape nine times in her life.
With its nocturnal habits and prowling instincts,
the cat came to be feared. The Inquisitor Nicho-
.V las Remy said that all cats were bom of the devil
and were four-footed demons. Early Christians
were sometimes known to torture cats and burn
■fy* them along with purported witches.
V The Middle Ages were difficult years for cats,
v-- as well as people. During this period cats became
synonymous with the devil, and this may be
the basis of contemporary omens, such as a cat
crossingone's path. Other intriguing omens that
have survived through time often concern cats.
In the mantic art of felidomancy, divination was prac- Some of the best known are: A black cat kept in
ticed by observing both domestic and wild cats. a sailor's home will ensure that the seafarer will

return safely. A cat at a wedding is considered
to assure a long, happy marriage. In some parts
of France, a strange white cat seen sunning itself
on the doorstep means a hasty marriage for one
of the house's residents. In the Midlands of En-
gland, it was said that bringing a cat as a wedding
gift was a way of sharing prosperity with the
See also alectryomancy; hippomancy; ich-

Further reading
Budge, Sir E, A, Wallis. Egyptian Magic. New York:
Dover, 1971,
. Gods of the Egyptians. 2 vols. New York: FENG SHUI
Dover, 1969. Feng shui is based on the polarities ofyin and yang.
Cavindish, Richard. The Powers of Evil. New York: This is the ancient symbol.
Putnam's, 1975.
Howey, W. Oldfield. The Cat in the Mysteries of
with the environment. Experts say that feng shui
Magic and Religion. New York: Castle, 1956.
is a means of aligning with the Tao (the universal
Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology London: Hamlyn
Publishing Group, 1968. flow of energy surrounding the Earth and within
Necker, Claire. The Natural History of Cats. London: all living things, including trees, water and air),
Thomas Yoseloff,'1970. and producing accord in the world.
Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super- Feng shui masters offered advice for the dead
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. as well as the living, and when placement for a
Walker, Barbara G. The Woman's Encyclopedia of tomb was to be decided, the master was the first
Myths and Secrets. New York: Harper Collins, one called. Traditionally, the masters advised that
1983. the dead be buried on a south-facing slope, above
the town and protected from malign spirits by
FENG SHUI The Chinese principle ofyin mountains to the north.
and yang as applied to the land; a form of While the symbols and philosophies of this
GEOMANCY. prognostication form are far older, the actual
Feng (meaning wind) and shui (meaning water) history offeng shui began more than 3,000 years
are said to form a system of understanding omens ago. It is mentioned in such ancient volumes as
and changing those omens to produce the best The History of the Former Han Dynasty, The
luck. Using the qualities of positive and negative Golden Box of Geomancy and Terrestrial Confor-
of yin and yang, those who practice feng shui mations for Palaces and Houses, none of which
actively shape their environment to produce the have survived, Feng shui is thought to be a com-
best omens possible. The term feng shui refers bination of numerology, geomancy, astrology
to the power of the natural environment, which and other methods used by the Chinese in the
is alive with hidden forces. By studying these placement of objects and buildings. Feng shui
influences and observing the natural patterns of masters are no longer consulted officially on
the land, a feng shui master (or hsien-shen, a title mainland China. However, in many modernized
of respect) can advise on favorable directions for areas, including bustling Hong Kong, Seoul, the
a house, school or building to be erected and Philippines and high-tech areas of Malaysia and
counsel on the forces at work in that area. Addi- Thailand, these geomancers can still be found,
tionally, feng shui is a way of living in harmony not in flowing silk gowns, perhaps, but in suits,

starched shirts and with a feng shui compass See also AEROMANCY; ALECTROMANCY; bleto-
tucked within a smart leather briefcase. NOMANCY; GEDMANCY.
Feng shui is an ancient practice still used today,
balancing an eye for observation as well as a Further readin£
highly tuned psychic ability. It influences per-
Bary, William Theodore de, ed. Sources of Chinese
sonal choices as well as the shape of cities, build-
Traditions. New York: Columbia University
ings and cemeteries. Through the forces oifeng
Press, 1960.
shui, people can achieve the three blessings of Dore, Henry S. J. Chinese Customs. Translated by M.
the universal flow (the Tao), which are health, Kennelly. Singapore: Graham Brash, 1987.
happiness and prosperity. Feuchtwang, Stephen. An Anthropological Analysis of
The two elements oifeng shut, wind and wa- Chinese Geomancy Taipei: Southern Materials
ter, can shape the environment and, according to Center, 1974.
practitioners, affect human fortune and personal O'Brien, Joanne. Chinese Myths and Legends. Lon-
landscapes. Feng shui gets its power from the don: Arrow, 1990.
Ch'i, the life breath of the earth. If the Ch'i is O'Brien, Joanne, with Kwok Man Ho. The Elements
blocked from entering a house, for example, of Feng Shui. Dorset, England: Elements Books,
because there is a tree growing directly in front
Rossbach, Sarah. Feng Shut: The Chinese Art of Place-
of the main entrance, the family may suffer.
ment. New York: Arkana/Penguin, 1991.
However, following the practice of feng shui,
moving the tree may be the best way to avoid
terrible problems. Additionally, by positioning a FINGER TOUCHING Fingers used as
wind chime, placing a mirror to reflect a light transmitters and receivers of psychic knowing
source, putting a specific type of plant in the and energy
dwelling or adding an aquarium to the room, Psychics use their fingers to heal as well as to
feng shui can be changed. Sometimes furniture forecast future events in a querant's life. For
can be moved around, walls can be replaced (or example, when a psychic's fingertips of both
blocked) and doors repositioned. Thus luck can hands touch, it is said that the psychic's brain
be invited, encouraging the return of the Ch'i vibrations are stronger. Often we will see busi-
and the universal flow of energy. ness people with their fingers in the steeple posi-
In the United States we talk about the good tion, elbows down and fingers up, with just
feelings generated by clean air, fresh water and a the tips pointing, an unconscious example of
relaxed environment. Sometimes in the West it finger touching.
is referred to as "earth magic"; sometimes the Various fingers have specific psychic qualities
vibrations of a certain area of the country pulls as transmitters and receivers. The index finger of
people to it. This is the essence of feng shui. the right hand is supposed to be able to take the
Feng shui is traditionally practiced only by a energy from the brain and project it toward
feng shui master or expert. When a house is wherever the psychic is pointing. The index fin-
being built in China, it is quite customary to ger and the thumb are said to be the strength
contract with a master before the plans are for communicating psychic information, after an
drawn. He or she will walk the land or area, object or person has been touched, and the left
read the signs and the landscape (a hill, a natural hand is said to be stronger for the purposes
breeze, the directions where the doors and win- of healing.
dows should be) and then make a recommenda- It has long been known that blind people
tion to the architect. Those who practice feng often can touch objects and "know" the color
shui design their homes, offices, businesses and and the object's use in much the same way a
even camping trips around the custom. psychic can finger an object belonging to another
The study oifeng shui, like astrology or tarot, and sense its history. In metaphysics, the fingers
requires years of instruction and meditation. are used for sightless readings, rsychometry and

faith healing (or LAYING ON OF HANDS). Palmists tions, the most prominent of which is the Spiri-
not only read the palm of the hand to reveal the tual Frontiers Fellowship.
querant's personality traits and prognosticate the
future, they examine the fingers and their spacing Further readin£
and texture, skin, nails and joints. Ford, Arthur, as told to Jerome Ellison. The Life
See also palmistry. beyond Death. New York: Putnam's, 1971.
Ford, Arthur, and Marguerite Harmon Bro. Nothing
Further reading So Strange: The Autobiography of Arthur Ford.
Benham, William G. Hands. Los Angeles: Newcas- New York: Harper & Brothers, 1958.
tle, 1988. Spraggett, Allen. Arthur Ford: The Man Who Talked
Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo- with the Dead. New York: New American Li-
pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit- brary, 1973.
ford Press, 1986.
Fitzherbert, Andrew. Hand Psychology Garden City, FORTUNE, DION (1891-1946) English
N.Y.: Avery, 1989. psychic, ritualist magician and author.
Krippner, Stanley, and Alberto Villoldo. The Realms
Fortune, born Violet Mary Firth, began study-
of Healing. 3d ed. Berkeley, Calif.: Celestial Arts,
ing occultism after suffering a nervous break-
Meek, George W., ed. Healers and the Healing Pro- down at about age 20. Having been raised in
cess. Wheaton, IIL: Theosophical Publishing the strict teachings of the Christian Science faith,
House, 1977. this turn to the occult is said to have been a
Powers of Healing. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alex- bone of contention between her and her family,
andria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. yet from all reports they did not stifle the child
West, D. J. Eleven Lourdes Miracles. New York: who dreamed of Atlantis and believed in past
Helix Press, 1957, lives. Fortune turned to Madame Blavatsky's
Worral, A. The Gift of Heating. New York: Harper Theosophical Society and became a follower of
& Row, 1965. the psychic, mystic and co-founder of the so-
FORD, ARTHUR (1897-197l)American Throughout her life. Fortune belonged to the
psychic. Theosophical Society and the Hermetic Order of
One of the best-known U.S. psychics. Ford ac- the Golden Dawn (considered to be the greatest
quired an international reputation and claimed magical order of all times) and then started the
that he could contact the dead and transmit mes- Fraternity of the Inner Light with her husband,
sages. He used a channel named Fletcher as his Thomas Penry Evans. The fraternity (now called
contact in the spiritual plane. the Society of the Inner Light) is still based in
Ford consulted with Episcopalian clergyman London and is very popular among witches;
Bishop James Pike when Pike's son disappeared however, the society continues to state that For-
and died. Ford located the body and explained tune was not a witch. Fortune explained that
how the death had occurred. Ford also held metaphysics is the key to understanding psychol-
readings and is said to have contacted the spirit ogy and psychology the key to the unknown
of Harry Houdini, claiming that he had broken world of the occult.
the code that Houdini had left to test the proof Fortune was one of the first to write novels on
of life after death. astral travel and magic. The Mystical Qabatah,
Outgoing and personable, Ford was a popular written in 1935, is said to be her greatest work
media figure; however, he was plagued with a and is still considered the finest book on magic
lifelong struggle with alcoholism and drug addic- ever written. Other works include The Secrets
tion. Later in life, he was accused of faking some of Dr. Taverner, The Demon Lover, Glaston-
of his readings and psychic experiences. He was bury: Avalon of the Heart and The Cosmic Doc-
the founder of several metaphysical organiza- trine.

Further reading of fortune-telling, meaning divination and prog-
Fortune, Dion. The Mystical Qabalah. York Beach:
Maine: Samuel Weister, 1935. and CLAIRVOYANCE.
. Psychic Self-Defence. 1930. 6th ed. Reprint.
York Beach, Maine: Samuel Weister, 1957. Further reading
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. The Encyclopedia of Witches
Buckland, Raymond. Secrets of Gypsy Fortune Telling.
and Witchcraft. New York: Facts On File, 1989.
St. Paul, Minn. Llewellyn, 1988.
Richardson. Alan. Priestess: The Life and Magic of
Butler, W. E. How to Develop Clairvoyance. 2d ed.
Dion Fortune. Wellingborough, England: Aquarian New York: Samuel Weiser, 1979.
Press, 1987. Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your
Spiritual Summonings. Mysteries of the Unknown. Own Future. London Quintet Publishing and Ran-
Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. dom House, 1992.
Palmer, Martin; Joanne O'Brien; and Kwok Man Ho.
FORTUNE-TELLING Divination using The Fortune Teller's I Ching. London: Century,
various metaphysical methods to foretell the fu- 1986.
ture or answer a querant's question. Stern, Jess. Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet. New
York: Bantam, 1968.
The attempts of people to know what will hap-
Stewart, R. J. The Elements of Prophecy Dorset,
pen in the future, read others' minds, and contact
England: Element, 1990.
loved ones who have died have been described
in every culture since the beginning of recorded
time. One of the earliest examples are cave paint- FOX, GEORGE (1624-1691) English spiri-
ings on the walls of a natural tunnel in the Sahara tual leader, healer and psychic; founder of the
dating from about 6000 B.C. The figure is using Society of Friends, the Quaker order.
a forked stick (as a divining rod) to discover the Fox was a quiet, religious child, born in Fenny
area where water could be found. Drayton, Leicestershire, to a Puritan family. At
The contemporary perception of fortune-tell- age 19, Fox began receiving psychic information
ing involves gypsies reading palms or tea leaves that he believed was the voice of God instructing
or scrying with a crystal ball. These fortune- him to be directed by Christ alone; that is, it
telling arts are still employed in the United States was not necessary, as was expected at the time,
and throughout the world. Fortune-tellers who that God's voice be directed through the estab-
ply their trade, for a price, use various systems. lished route of a church spokesperson. Interpre-
To many psychics, the term fortune-telling ting the revelations as meaning that people
has a negative connotation; they prefer to say should follow their own inner light, he waited
they are doing a "reading." Those who see for- for a sign. This came, he believed, when after a
tune-telling as a moneymaking scheme without long meditation, he began to quake because he
any metaphysical element point out that anyone was so filled with the spirit. In 1647 he started
can tell fortunes by reading the body language preaching his "inner light" message, formalizing
clues of one's customers. There are some books it into a religious order. He spoke out against
that purport to offer the formula for telling for- the doctrine of Presbyterianism and advocated
tunes and claim that the fortune-teller needs no divine communication with God and Jesus. He
special metaphysical gift. It is often said that was fervently opposed to slavery, war and the
attorneys, hairdressers, salespeople and teachers persecution of any religious groups.
know how to "read" the people they work with Jailed many times throughout his life for
in order to find the most credible approach to crimes against the organized religious groups of
dealing with their clients. the time. Fox nonetheless attracted a large fol-
While at one time interpreting ripples on water lowing. He is credited with many miracles of
or puffs of smoke was the most accepted form healing using only his hands. In 1649, he spoke
of fortune-telling, today the most popular forms out against a minister, and a year later was conse-

quently jailed in Derby, England, on a false claims, to achieve an out-of-body experience one
charge of blasphemy. Going before Justice Ger- must send the body to sleep while keeping the
vase Bennet, in 1650, Fox corrected the judge mind awake. He explained that one must concen-
and said that he should tremble at the word of trate upon an imaginary trapdoor within the
the Lord. Bennet ridiculed Fox and his followers, brain. However, in his books Fox cautioned,
calling them "quakers," because of their agitated "No one with a weak heart should seek practical
movements when speaking out during services, acquaintance with the phenomenon of separation
and the name continues to this day. and very excitable, nervous people would do
Although in ill health. Fox remained steadfast well to leave the subject alone."
in his convictions and spread the word of the Fox dedicated his life to the investigation of
Friends, traveling to North America, establishing prophetic dreams and out-of-body experiences
Quaker groups in the colonies and opening chap- and adopted Madame Blavatsky's philosophies.
ters of his religious order in Germany and Hol- Fox's work has contributed much toward the
land. Later in life, this psychic healer established investigation of out-of-body experiences, and he
Quaker schools and communities and was instru- is considered one of the earliest and best known
mental in passing the Act of Toleration, a mea- to document this metaphysical technique.
sure that granted freedom of worship to all See also blavatsky, Helena p.
Christians except Catholics and Unitarians.
Fox is best known for his Journal (1694) and Further reading^
Gospel Truth (1706), both published after his Fox, Oliver. Astral Projection: A Record of Oiit-of-
death. the-Body Experiences. 1920. Reprint. Secaucus,
See also laying on of hands. N.J.: Citadel Press, 1962.
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of
Further reading^ Mystical and Paranormal Experiences. San Fran-
Babour, Hugh, and J. William Frost. The Quakers. cisco: HarperSan Francisco, 1991.
New York: Greenwood, 1988. Mitchell, Janet Lee. Out-of-Body Experiences: A
Krippner, Stanley, and Alberto Villoldo. The Realms Handbook. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1981.
of Healing. 3d ed. Berkeley, Calif.: Celestial Arts, Monroe, Robert A. Far Journeys. Garden City, N.Y.:
1986. Dolphin/Uoublcday, 1985.
Meek, George W., ed. Healers and the Healing Pro- Psychic Voyages. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexan-
cess. Wheaton, 111.: Theosophical Publishing dria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
House, 1977.
FOX SISTERS American psychic sisters,
FOX, OLIVER (1885-1943) English psy- Kate (1841-1892) and Margarette (1838-1893).
chic, and pioneer in astral projection. The Fox sisters are credited with promoting pub-
Oliver Fox began having prophetic dreams as a lic awareness and acceptance of the concepts of
child, dreams of knowledge and dreams that spiritualism. In 1848, when the sisters were 7
seemed so real that he felt that he had physically and 10, the Fox family moved to a house in
been with a deceased person he had dreamed Arcadia, New York. According to local gossip,
about. In his dreams, he said he could command the Fox family had taken up residence in a place
that he rise off the bed and glide around at known for mysterious happenings. Within days,
the height of 100 feet, although he was always the girls began hearing rapping and tapping, and
somehow called back to his body. they devised a code to use to rap and tap back.
Fox reported in personal accounts in the En- One rap meant "no," two "yes," and three meant
glish Occult Review (1920) and in his book Astral that the spirit who was rapping was uncertain or
Projection (republished in 1962), that he could did not grasp the concept or question.
remain in his dreamlike state and travel to differ- The rapping continued. By asking questions
ent time periods and places. According to Fox's it was understood that they were in contact with

the spirit of a peddlar who had been murdered Regardless of the truth or falsity of their
for financial gain there by the previous owner of claims, the Fox sisters were two of the first and
the house. Fragments of bone and hair, discov- most popular spiritualists in the United States.
ered buried in the basement, supported the girls' They brought the idea of metaphysics into homes
theory of a trapped spirit who wanted to commu- throughout the country.
nicate with the world. Mrs. Fox and the Fox
sisters traveled around the country, giving talks Further reading
and discussing the spirit world during a time of Brandon, Ruth. The Spiritualists. New York: Knopf,
renewed interest in spiritualism, and they became 1983.
extremely popular. Brown, Slater. The Heyday of Spiritualism. New
The Fox family, especially the girls, were ac- York: Hawthorn, 1970.
cused of fraud, although nothing was ever proved Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New
confirming that they had lied about the happen- York: University Books, 1966.
Fox, Oliver, Astral Projection: A Record of Out-of-
ings in the house in Arcadia. However, later in
the-Body Experiences. 1920. Reprint Secaucus,
their lives Kate and Margarette confessed that
N.J.: Citadel Press, 1962.
the rappings were fraudulent, accomplished by
Hintze, Naomi A,, and J. Gaither Pratt, The Psychic
secretly kicking the floor or chair legs. Still later, Realm: What Can You Believe? New York: Ran-
Margarette turned that confession around and dom House, 1975.
stated that they really had communicated with Spiritual Summonings. Mysteries of the Unknown.
spirits. Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.


GARRETT, EILEEN (1893-1970) Irish Parapsychology at the University of Utrecht in

psychic. the Netherlands. Garrett dedicated her time to
One of the best-known psychics of the 20th proceeding with research regarding metaphysical
century, Garrett, unlike some other psychics, investigations and advancements, writing on top-
believed that she connected with spiritual forces ics relating to parapsychology and producing fic-
of the unconscious^ mind during a channeling or tion under the pen name of Jean Lyttle.
a reading, rather than contacting the dead. This
is what sets her philosophy apart. Further reading
Garrett is best known for her work in ESP, Angoff, Allan. Eileen Garrett and the World beyond
including AUTOMATIC WRITING and TELEPATHY. the Senses. New York: Moitow, 1974.
The spirit she channeled was Uvani, an Arab. Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New
Garrett is remembered for her part in the York: University, 1966.
study of psychic research at the British College Garrett, Eileen. Adventures in the Supernormal: A
of Psychic Science in London. Additionally, she Personal Memoir. New York: Garrett Publica-
was subjected to numerous tests at the Johns tions, 1949.
Watson, Donald. The Dictionary of Mind and Spirit.
Hopkins University to test her psychic ability.
New York: Avon, 1991.
Since no trickery was found, these studies con-
cluded that Garrett might indeed have had psy-
chic abilities. She also participated in psychic GASTROMANCY Divination during
research studies with Dr. J. B. Rhine at Duke which a psychic transmits a baritone voice that
University and other leading psychic investiga- is unlike the usual voice of the psychic.
tors, including Dr. Hereweard Carrington, Dr. Because the deep voice used by the psychic or
Alexis Carrel and Dr. Nandor Fodor. Her abili- originating from the channeled spirit seems to be
ties were never disproved. coming from deep within the belly, this form of
In 1951, Garrett worked with a team to estab- channeling was termed gastromancy. Gastro-
lish a meeting place to study ESP and other meta- mancy is also called direct-voice mediumship,
physical teachings, founding the Parapsychology wherein the voice comes from somewhere near
Foundation. Continuing her work in 1953, she the psychic or through the use of the psychic's
organized the first International Congress of own vocal cords, while he or she has no knowl-

edge of what is being said and no control of his this by stroking or concentrating on the object
or her body. but using no physical force. This gift has come
This form of metaphysics was extremely pop- to be known as the "Geller Effect."
ular during the height of spiritualism in the Geller was five years old when he discovered
United States in the late 1800s through the early his mental powers. He touched a funny spark
1900s, a time when seances were extremely popu- from his mother's sewing machine as it was
lar. Madame Blavatsky (1831-1891), best known working and received an electrical shock. After
as H.P.B,, demonstrated startling psychic pow- the incident, he began to be able to read his
ers and claimed personal contact with highly mother's thoughts. Sometime later, he realized
developed masters living in Tibet and India and he could make the hands on his father's watch
channeled these and other spirits. In doing so, race around the dial, and shortly after that, he
as with many other psychics who channel spirits, began bending spoons using his mind alone. In
her voice was altered by the experience. 1969, he became a performer in order to utilize
As with other forms of psychic consultations, his talents and share them with the world.
the querant may ask questions and advice may Geller has been a popular, somewhat flam-
be given. Often, a channel works before an audi- boyant figure. He has displayed his techniques
ence, confering wisdom from the ethereal world for researchers, submitting himself for experi-
or general or specific knowledge offered by the mental tests at the Stanford Research Institute
wise spirit who is being channeled. More re- and demonstrating his power under the supervi-
cently, gastromancy has resurfaced, with chan- sion of leading scholars and scientists including
neled messages coming from well-known Edgar D. Mitchell, Russell Targ, Harold Puthoff
American psychic JZ Knight and her spirit Ram- and Wilbur Franklin, The results were impres-
tha, the Enlightened One. sive. During the testing, Geller correctly identi-
See also blavatsky, Helena p.; clairvoy- fied the number on dice eight out of eight times.
ance; DIRECT-VOICE MEDIUM; KNIGHT, JZ. He was able to correctly identify objects hidden
in metal containers 12 out of 14 times. However,
Further reading
under clinical conditions, he was unable to bend
Butler, W. E. How to Develop Clairvoyance. 2d ed. metal objects using his mental powers. It has
New York: Samuel Weiser, 1979. been suggested that the metal bending was all a
Caldwell, Daniel H., ed. The Occult World of Madam magician's trick, which has led some to denounce
Blavatsky: Reminiscences and I mpressiom by Those completely his psychic gifts.
Who Knew Her. Tucson, Ariz.: Impossible Dream
In the 1970s, after years of living a controver-
Publications, 1991.
sial life, Geller withdrew from the public eye and
Knight, JZ. A State of Mind: My Story New York:
Warner, 1987. turned his attention to consulting, becoming a
Saxon, Kurt. Keeping Score on Our Modern Prophets. noted dowser. His ability to locate oil and pre-
Eureka, Calif.: Allan Formularies, 1974. cious metals is known internationally. Geller is
Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown. able to dowse land and maps using his hands. He
Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. believes that anyone can dowse if they are willing
to concentrate and believe that they have the
GELLER, URI (1946- ) Israeli psychic. ability.
Geller is probably the most widely known psy- Geller's autobiography, My Story, is fascinat-
chic in the world, with an international reputa- ing reading for anyone interested in the power
tion for demonstrating his psychic abilities before of the mind.
the media and large audiences. He came to public
attention through his ability to use his mental Further reading
powers to bend metal objects, such as spoons, Geller, Uri. My Story New York: Praeger, 1975.
forks and keys, and he has fixed broken watches Geller, Uri, and Guy Lyon Playfair. The Geller Effect.
and clocks through this same energy. He does New York: Henry Holt, 1986.

Puharich, Andrija. Uri: A Journal of the Mystery of Gematria is a primitive form of numerology that
Uri Geller. New York: Bantam, 1975. was used as a prognostication method as early as
the eighth century B.C. by King Sargon II of
GELOMANCY Divination through the in- Babylon. Ancient Greeks, Persians, Gnostics and
terpretation of sounds other than those typically early Christians also used gematria, often devel-
spoken, particularly laughter. Also known as oping specific systems to suit their desires and
geloscomancy and geloscopy doctrines. For instance, one system discounted
Gelomancy is derived from the Greek word all vowels, another assigned the number one to
gelao, to laugh, but this method of divination all vowels, and a third gave vowels a number
was not restricted only to laughter. Divination depending on their placement in a given word.
occurred in ancient Greece when the mutterings, Pythagoras, the ancient mystic and mathema-
animal sounds and howling, and utterances of tician, believed that letters and numbers had
those who were considered insane were psychi- mystical possibilities, and he and his followers,
cally interpreted and used to answer a querant's known as Pythagoreans, became intensely inter-
questions regarding the future. ested in numerology. Gematria was also practiced
A variation of gelomancy is ololygmancy, div- by the 13th-century mystics who followed the
ination by specifically interpreting the howls of Kabbalah; they turned Hebrew words and
dogs and wolves, which was practiced by augurs, phrases into a numerical message or prophecy.
psychics of the Roman Empire, chresmomancy, See also kabbalah; numerology.
the psychic interpretation after repeating a series Further reading
of magic words, literary quotes, utterances
and/or foreign words, such as abracadabra or Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso-
hokus pokus, is also sometimes grouped under teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press,
the heading of gelomancy.
Giles, Cynthia. The Tarot: History Mystery and Lore.
Chresmomancy was used with absolute assur-
New York: Paragon House, 1992.
ance during the height of the Roman Empire by Hall, Manly P. The Secret Teachings of All Ages.
augers. These government-sanctioned psychics 1928. Reprint. Los Angeles: Philosophic Research
were the only ones who could interpret and Society, 1977.
predict the result of any contemplated human Hitchcock, Helyn. Helping Yourself with Numerol-
action through the use of divination systems such ogy West Nyack, NY,: Parker, 1972.
as this (see augur). Scholem, Gershom. Kabbalah. New York: New
American Library, 1974.
Further reading Westcott, W. Wynn. Numbers: Their Occult Power
and Mystic Virtues. London: Theosophical Publish-
Krauss, Franklin Bumell. An Interpretation of the ing House, 1974.
Omens, Portents, and Prodigies Recorded by Livy
Tacitus and Suetonius. Philadelphia: University of GEMINI One of the 12 astrological signs of
Pennsylvania Press, 1930.
the zodiac. The symbol is the twins.
Magical Arts. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexandria,
Va.: Time life Books, 1990. Those who are born between May 21 and June
Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling. 20 are natives of the sign of Gemini and have
New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992. specific traits indicative of the time and date on
Sinnigen, William G., and Arthur E, R. Boak. A which they were born. Divination of events can
History of Rome to A.D. 565. 6th ed. New York: also be charted through this astrological sign.
Macmillan, 1977. Astrologers divine what is in store throughout
life through the time, date and place in which
GEM ATRIA Divination through translat- an individual was born as they coordinate the
ing words or sentences of literature and holy influences with other signs, the planets, the Sun,
books, into number values. the Moon and other powers.

The sign of the zodiac in which an individual
is born is responsible for only one fragment of
the qualities he or she receives at birth. Psychics
are quick to point out that a general forecast
solely on the stellar position of the Sun on the
day an individual was born is unlikely to provide
an accurate glimpse of the future.
While traditional astrologers use books to cal-
culate a personal birth chart based on the position
of the Sun, Moon and planets at a distinct time,
GEMINI computer software has replaced most of this
time-consuming work. The correct term for cal-
In traditional Western astrology, Gemini is the culating a birth chart is to "cast" it. In order to
third sign of the zodiac. Those born during the fully comprehend the extent of traits, potential
period typically exhibit qualities of versatility, and attributes, the exact time and place of birth
energy and adaptability. Gemini is an air sign must be calculated and interpreted.
and is quick to move to a new intellectual or See also astrological symbols? astrology.
physical interest and thus may seem to exhibit
nervous energy. These are people who some- Further reading
times find it impossible to sit still or to finish Cosmic Connections. Mysteries of the Unknown. Al-
a project. exandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
Possessing flair and style, the Gemini native Goodman, Linda. Linda Goodman's Sun Signs. New
is a trendsetter, not a follower, Gemini is clever York: Fawcett/Columbine, 1978.
with words and spots trends well before other Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your
Own Future. London: Quintet Publishing and Ran-
signs. He or she is able to communicate well,
dom House, 1992.
with the knack of being able to craft words to
Omarr, Sydney. Gemini. New York: New American
suit any situation. This person is said to have the
Library, 1992.
gift of persuasion and works well in marketing
. My World of Astrology New York: Fleet,
and sales, entrepreneurial pursuits, the law and 1965.
education. Because Gemini moves with the speed Verlagsanstalt, Datura. Gemini Astro Analysis. New
of light, he or she is often accused of being York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1976.
superficial, shallow and thoughtless, but it is a Woolfork, Joanna Martine. The Only Astrology Book
multifaceted interest, intellect and personality You'll Ever Need. Landham, Mass.: Scarborough,
that is really in play here, not a frivolous nature. 1992.

GEMS Divination according to the place-

ment of gemstones when cast as tots or through
the practice of SCRYING.
Precious and semiprecious stones, cut or uncut,
such as diamonds, amethysts, agates and rose
quartz, have always played a role in metaphysics.
Some gems are used for interpreting future events
and are cast on a circle with specific areas deter-
mined to foretell certain things, as one might
toss dice. Others are used in curing illnesses;
amethyst is said to have healing qualities, and
This ancient symbol represents the astrological sign those who believe in the curing power of stones
of Gemini. suggest that the infirm wear or sleep with this

86 • GEMS
gem. Gems can be used to heal patients either To make a gem elixir, a psychic would select
through the use of a pendulum (see below) or as the correct gem, unpolished, uncut, in a crystal
a diagnostic tool. This is referred to as analytical form if possible, and clean. The gem is then
dowsing. They may also be used as a pendulum placed in the sunshine to activate its healing
by circling the stone over specific CHAKRAS for powers. The querant would sit in a quiet place
the relief of illness or for deeper spiritual under- to meditate. After a few moments, the gem is
standing. put in the center of a clear glass bowl; then the
Considered by many to be one of the oldest bowl is filled with distilled water. The bowl
forms of prognostication, foretelling future should be left on a natural surface (such as wood
events through the use of jewels and crystals is or glass), preferably in the sunshine, for about
technically known as lithomancy, a form of two hours. (The bowl can be covered with a
scrying. As with crystal balls, a specific gem is piece of glass to keep the elixir clean.) The elixir
placed in a quiet area, with a light source re- may be stored in a tightly covered glass bottle or
flected off the natural sides or cut facets of the consumed immediately.
stone. Through studying and interpreting the The most commonly used elixirs are:
play of light, the visions seen in the stone or the
messages received telepathically, the psychic is * Amethyst for calming the disposition and re-
able to answer a querant's question, advise on a ducing stress.
specific concern or prognosticate future events. * Bloodstone for improvement of any bone
In the case of casting lots with gems, each stone marrow condition, and the health of testicles,
has a specific meaning and ability to divine. ovaries, cervix and uterus.
* Citrine to reduce and/or remove toxins from
Gems are sometimes used in DOWSING. A
the legs and feet.
stone is suspended on a light cord held between
* Diamond (an extremely powerful elixir) is said
the fingers; after a^period of meditation, ques-
to remove any blockages and pockets of nega-
tions are asked. The suspended gem will swing
tivity, anxiety and insecurity.
back and forth or clockwise for yes; for no, it
* Jade provides a balance in the mind and the
will swing from left to right or counterclockwise.
body to increase wisdom, psychic abilities and
If there is insufficient information to provide an
promote courage.
answer, or if there is no answer at all, the sus-
pended gem will be still. * Onyx helps restore the heart, kidneys and
nerve tissues of the body.
In order to provide the best reading from a
* Rose quartz assists the body in reducing emo-
gem used as a pendulum, one should never swing
tional disruptions and providing a feeling of
it or exert any force. Questions need not be
balance and self-confidence.
spoken aloud.
* Turquoise is called the "master healer." It
Before gems are used for any metaphysical
moves through the body quickly, strengthen-
purpose, psychics recommend cleaning the crys-
ing and regenerating it, while protecting the
tals by scrubbing them with salt and water or by
colors of the aura.
boiling them in water and then rinsing them well.
To energize the crystal or gem, one should leave See also CASTING OF LOTS; CRYSTAL PREDIC-
it outdoors on a night with a full moon. TIONS; SORTILEGE SYSTEMS.
"Gem elixirs" are recommended by psychics
in order to help restore the healthy energy of the Further reading
body and for their curative powers, edgar cayce Baer. Randall N., and Vick V. Baer. The Crystal
often suggested gem drinks. It should be noted Connection. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1986.
that these recommendations and treatments do Bravo, Brett. Crystal Healing Secrets. New York:
not replace medical assistance. For any health Warner, 1988.
concerns, professional medical advice is always . Crystal Love Secrets. New York: Warner,
recommended. 1991.

GEMS • 87
[Cayce, Edgar.] Gems and Stones: Readings of Edgar were interpreted. In Africa today, many groups
Cayce. Virginia Beach, Va.: ARE Press, 1976. still use geomancy. Those of the Yoruba tribe
Mark ham, Ursula. The Crystal Workbook: A Com- place a thin layer of sand in a flat dish and tap
plete Guide to Working with Crystals. Northamp- the sides, causing the sand to move into patterns;
tonshire, England: Aquarian Press, 1988.
these formations are then interpreted. The mem-
. Fortune-Telling by Crystals and Semiprecious
bers of the West African Dogon tribe, which
Stones. Northamptonshire, England: Aquarian
resides about 60 miles south of the Niger River,
Press, 1987.
Matteson, Barbara J. Mystic Minerals. Seattle: Cosmic still rely on geomancy to tell them when to plant
Resources, 1985. and harvest and to foretell the result of critical
Walker, Dael. The Crystal Book. Sunol, Calif.: Crystal decisions. They toss cowrie shells into a straw
Col, 1983. basket and then interpret the placement as a
divination method.
GEOMANCY Divination by interpreting To practice geomancy, one should meditate
the patterns and shapes of objects or events on a specific question and then take a handful of
found in nature. sand or dirt. Small pebbles are sometimes used
The most ancient and basic form of geomancy is too; this prognostication method is called PESSO-
to hold a handful of seeds, pebbles or sand and mancy and is used by the Masai of East Africa.
gently toss them and then divine the future or Some psychics believe that one must use sand
answer a querant's question by interpreting the from a holy place or sand that has been specially
position of the objects as they fall to the ground. cleansed; others believe that dirt or sand from
The results are sometimes read as with tasseog- one's own yard is best. Hold the sand or dirt,
raphy. Geomancy is also applied to earth-related consider the question and then toss the sand to
prognostication methods, including FENG SHUI, the ground. As with teacup reading or the read-
ALECTROMANCY and NEPHELOMANCY. ing of cloud patterns, one should use inborn
In the Middle East in ancient times, geomancy intuitive skills to see images, letters and messages
in the patterns that are made.
was practiced by psychics who examined the
cracks in the dry earth to foretell the future. In See also halomancy.
ancient China, after careful consideration, hand- Further reading
fuls of dirt were tossed and the resulting patterns
Ancient Wisdom and Secret Sects. Mysteries of the
Unknown. Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books,
Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
ford Press, 1986.
Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your
Own Future. London: Quintet Publishing and Ran-
dom House, 1992.
/ Rossbach, Sarah. Feng Shui: The Chinese Art of Place-
ment. New York: Arkana/Penguin, 199E
GIRDLE OF VENUS One ofthe many
lines in the palm ofthe hand that are said to
foretell specific characteristics.
According to palmists, the Girdle of Venus lies
In ancient China, among other cultures, geomancy beneath the fingers and just above the heart line.
was used to foretell the future. After careful consider- Often much fainter and thinner than the other
ation, handfuls of dirt were tossed and the resulting lines of the palm, it indicates a character that
patterns were interpreted. enjoys good living and physical pleasures along

with a sensual disposition. The person with this lieved that people originated in the celestial realm
line is often extremely confident and knows well and could return to this perfect place through
his or her abilities. ethereal knowledge and communication with
Although this line is not often found in the other spirits. The philosophies of gnosis were
palm, those who do have it are friendly and hidden in the cults of the Freemasons, the Rosi-
outgoing, yet they can be overly sensitive to real crucians, the Kabbalists and other freethinkers.
or imagined wrongs. If there is more than one Early in this century and continuing to the
Girdle of Venus in the hand, it indicates a hyper- present, there has been a renewed interest in this
sensitive nature. antiquated theory of creation. Psychiatrist Carl
See also palmistry. G. Jung said he was a "neo-Gnostic," and be-
Further reading lieved Gnosticism embraced psychology. Some
people believe that tarot cards originated with
Airman, Nathaniel. Palmistry Workbook. New York: Gnosticism. Those who read the tarot point out
Sterling, 1990. that symbols of the major arcana have been inter-
Cheiro. Che iro 's Book of Numbers. New York: Pren- preted as a representation of the major principles
tice-Hall, 1988.
of Gnosticism. For instance, the Death card has
. The Language of the Hand. New York: Pren-
nothing to do with dying, but rather with new
tice-Hall, 1987.
perception through spiritual awareness. Thus,
Robinson, Rita. The Palm: A Guide to Your Hidden
the symbols found in the tarot may actually
Potential. North Hollywood, Calif.: Newcastle,
1988. represent the principles of gnosticism.
As religion moves forward into the 21st cen-
G N O SIS The general term for seeking to tury, it may be that the ancient knowledge of
know. gnosis will return as more people blend meta-
Like ESP, gnosis is information perceived with- physics and Christianity. The Madaeans (or
out the use of the five traditional senses. Gnosis Christians of Saint John) are a Gnostic sect,
is said to have begun at the same time as Chris- located in Baghdad, that is still active today.
tianity and blends the metaphysical meaning of See also extrasensory perception (ESP);
God with the ethereal; it is knowing with feeling GEMATRIA; TAROT.
and the sense of God, rather than learning about
the Scriptures or the interpretation of Christian- Further reading
ity from teachers. One who knows and uses the
Ferguson, John. An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Mysti-
power of gnosis is called a Gnostic. cism and the Mystery Religions. New York: Seabuiy
Gnosticism, a religious belief based on gnosis, Press, 1976.
was common during the second century A.D. Hoeller, Stephan A. The Gnostic Jung and the Seven
Those who practiced it believed that through Sermons to the Dead. Wheaton, III.: Theosophical
knowledge rather than faith the soul could be Pubhshing House, 1982.
saved. It is often referred to as a dual philosophy Raymond, l.itzka. How to Read Palms. Garden City,
of religion and metaphysics; however, Christians N.Y.: Pcrma Books, 1950.
reject Gnosticism as a dissident, false religious Rudolph, Kurt. Gnosis: The Nature and History of
Gnosticism. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1987.
order. According to scholars, the basis for Gnos-
Watson, Donald. The Dictionary of Mind and Spirit.
ticism may have actually been the original Chris-
New York: Avon, 1991.
tian approach to life and the afterlife, and the
theories could be found in all major civilizations
of the ancient world, well before the birth of GOODMAN, LINDA (7925- ; Ameri-
Jesus Christ. can astrologer.
Those who practiced this religious belief were Goodman is probably the best-known astrologer
persecuted by the Christian church, especially of contemporary times. She is recognized for her
during the Middle Ages, because Gnostics be- witty writing style on the topic of astrology.

especially the sun signs. Linda Goodman's Sun Grant's novels contained stories of the people
Signs contains descriptions of personality types and places she professed to have met, known
as they reflect sun-sign astrology. Goodman was and traveled with during past lives, including
the first astrologer to have a book on the New existences in ancient Egypt, the Holy Land and
York Times best-seller list, with Linda Good- South America before the Spanish conquest of
man's Sun Signs selling more than 4 million cop- the native peoples. She is best known for her
ies. Her writing and astrological theories are novels Winged Pharaoh, Lord of the Horizon,
known internationally, and much of her success Return to Elysium and her autobiographical
is due to the readability and conversational style works A Lot to Remember, Far Memory and
of her prose. Many Lifetimes.
In addition to being an astrologer and provid-
ing astrological guidance to the rich and famous, Further reading
including many Hollywood celebrities and Denys, Kelsey and Joan Grant. Many Lifetimes. Gar-
Washington politicians, Goodman also founded den City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1967.
a religion called Mannitou. Based on Native Grant, Joan. Far Memory New York: Harper &
American beliefs, it focuses on the teachings of Row, 1956.
Saint Francis of Assisi. Langley, Noel. Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation. New
Goodman's life has not been without tragedy, York: Castle, 1967.
including the disappearance of a former lover and Lenz, Frederick. Lifetimes: True Accounts of Reincar-
the alleged death of her 21-year-old daughter. nation. New York: Fawcett Crest, 1977.
Goodman firmly believes that they both will be
returned to her. GRAPHOLOGY Interpretation of per-
Goodman's other works include Venus Trims sonal characteristics through the study of hand-
at Midnight: Verses about Lions, Rams, Bulls, writing, used by psychics as a key to personality
Twins, Archers and Other Sun Signs and You, Also known as handwriting analysis, this method
said to be the first volume of astrological poetry; is not used to divine the future but to investigate
Linda Goodman's Love Signs: A New Approach personality traits.
to the Human Heart and Linda Goodman's While the study of graphology probably did
Star Signs. not start at the same time, the act of writing
began more than 5,500 years ago with the Sumer-
Further reading ians and the beginnings of the alphabet as we
Goodman, Linda. Linda Goodman's Love Signs: A know it today. A variation of graphology began
New Approach to the Human Heart. New York: about 539 B.C., when the Roman court appointed
Harper & Row, 1978. augurs to review signatures because of their
. Linda Goodman's Star Signs. New York: St. uniqueness and reflection on the character of the
Martin's, 1987. individual who had signed his or her name. It is
Linda Goodman's Sun Signs. New York: said that Aristotle, more than 2,000 years ago,
Fawcett/Columbine, 1978. studied graphology. Julius Caesar's augurs used
it to test the faithfulness of Caesar's officers and
GRANT, JOAN (1907-1990) English au- advisors. Chinese philosopher Jo-Hau is said to
thor and psychic. have studied this mantic art. The first true study
Grant was able to verbalize her experiences in of graphology was done in 1632 by the Italian
previous incarnations and lives and wrote about physician Camille Baldo in his book How to
the experience. She interpreted her dreams as a Know the Nature and Qualities of a Person by
form of prognostication, and through PSYCHOM- Looking at a Letter He Has Written. And the
ETRY (pressing an object to one's forehead) she system of modern graphology is attributed to
was able to see visions of where an object had Abbe Flandrin, a French churchman, who in
originated. 1830 enlarged on Baldo's theories. In 1896, Lud-

wig Lages, a German physician, founded the Roman, Clara. Handwriting, a Key to Personality
Graphological Society; scientists and the govern- New York: Noonday Press, Farrar, Straus & Gir-
ment acknowledged graphology's ability to dis- oux, 1966.
cern specific personal characteristics. Sonnemann, Ulrich, Handwriting Analysis as a Psy-
chodiagnostic Tool. New York: Grune & Stratton,
Whereas the practices of tarot, astrology
and tasseography, for example, have all been
considered nondocumentable by the scientific
community, graphology is a prognostication
Irish magistrate and psychic healer.
method that is well accepted. In 1906, psycholo-
gist Alfred Binet published papers proclaiming Greatrakes believed that his healing powers were
the validity of the uniqueness of writing and a gift from God, and he was widely known as a
the reflection of specific personality types and healer, with a special faculty for curing scrofula,
characteristics. Graphology is currently used reg- a tuberculous of the lymphatic glands, known in
ularly by the U.S. government, psychologists his day as the "King's Evil." He was also known
and personnel managers when hiring employees. for being able to heal palsy, dropsy, epilepsy,
It is also used by forensic investigators to detect ulcers, wounds and bruises, lameness, deafness
forgeries and to establish the authenticity of and partial blindness.
manuscripts. It is considered a logical science Greatrakes was nicknamed the "Stroker" be-
(compared with metaphysical science). cause of his unique ways of working with the
Graphology can detect more than 300 person- infirm. To heal them, he slowly stroked and
ality characteristics including introversion, squeezed the limbs from the trunk to the fingers
egocentricity, imagination, ambition and enthusi- and toes, which he believed pushed the illness
asm. Graphologists—those who specialize in this out. He was known for spiritual healing at large
field—analyze the slant, shape, size, pressure, gatherings. Although a magistrate by profession,
margins and spacing of letters, along with the he was received by King Charles II of England
legibility of the writing. Writing that is clear who gave him permission to practice healing.
indicates a personality that is aboveboard; an The Royal Society (of England) published ac-
illegible writing style indicates a guarded nature. counts of Greatrakes's healing acts in its journal,
The color of the pen or pencil used also indicates Transactions. In 1660, Greatrakes published his
personality traits, as does the flair and extra autobiography, in a very small volume, and called
embellishments of the style. it Val. Greatrakes, Esq. of Waterford in the king-
Graphologists caution that the analysis of dom of Ireland, famous for curing several disease
handwriting indicates personality traits and and distempers by the stroke of his hand only
clues, not hard evidence of characteristics. For Later in life, he abruptly discontinued psychic
instance, large script indicates an outgoing per- healing, saying that his powers had weakened.
sonality; medium script shows a well-balanced See also laying on of hands.
ego; a small script style is said to show a perfec-
Further reading
tionist and rationalist, someone who is analytical.
Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mystiasm and the Eso-
teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press,
Further reading
Green, Jane Nugent, with Ethel Erkkila Tigue. You Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New
and Your Private 1: Graphological Analysis Focused York: University Books, 1966.
on the Personal Pronoun /. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewel- Krippner, Stanley, and Alberto Villoldo. The Realms
lyn, 1975. of Healing. 3d ed. Berkeley, Calif.: Celestial Arts,
Hartford, Huntington. You Are What You Write. New 1986.
York: Macmillan, 1973. Meek, George W., ed. Healers and the Healing Pro-
Leibel, Charlotte P. Change Your Handwriting, cess. Wheaton, 111.: Theosophical Publishing
Change Your Life. New York: Stein & Day, 1972. House, 1977.

The Psychics. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexandria, need, such as in healing or in a time of transfor-
Va.:Time Life Books, 1990. mation.
To connect with one's guide, it is recom-
GUIDE A highly evolved spiritual source of mended that the querant select a quiet spot in
energy that is said to protect and inform, often which to clear his or her mind and meditate.
providing prognostication to those who know One must ask for the guide's presence, and if
how to listen. one "knows" by a feeling that he or she is no
Guides, sometimes known as guardian angels, longer alone, the guide has manifested itself.
are considered benevolent, protective sources of Many psychics communicate with their guides
advice, knowledge, metaphysical information through tools such as the TAROT, the PENDULUM
and love. The term control is used for a spirit PREDICTIONS, meditation on crystals or by talk-
that is channeled from the spiritual plane through ing. Guides can also be channeled through a
to a psychic's mind so he or she can advise psychic through a DIRECT-VOICE MEDIUM or by
a querant. visions, smells, tastes or sounds. Before a read-
The Greeks, among other ancient civiliza- ing, most psychics call forth their guides to
tions, including many Native American tribes, provide a connection with the information avail-
believed that each person has an individual able in the ethereal plane or the AKASHIC RE-
guardian angel, which could also appear in an CORDS.
animal form. Traditionally, American Indians re- Guides are also referred to as archangels, spiri-
gard the guide as a specific class of spirit that, tual guides, guardian angels, joy guides, door-
once acquired through a vision or a dream, con- keepers, doctors, healers, teachers and
tinues to help by providing specific powers, protectors.
abilities—including clairvoyance—and the See also channel.
knowledge of medicine or healing powers. With
the appearance of Christianity, the guardian Further reading^
became a "familiar spirit." A Gallup poll, taken Belhayes, Iris, with Enid. Spirit Guides. San Diego:
in the late 1970s, indicated that well over half ACS, 1985.
of all people in the United States believe in Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
angels. pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
Although there is no hard scientific evidence ford Press, 1986.
Butler, W. E. How to Develop Clairvoyance. 2d ed.
of the existence of guides, psychics insist that
New York: Samuel Weiser, 1979.
everyone has them and they are always ready to
Hirschfelder, Ariene, and Paulette Molin. The Ency-
assist their own people. These manifestations of clopedia of Native American Religions. New York:
intelligence have been said to have lived many Facts On File, 1992.
times on the earth plane and arc more evolved Search for the Soul. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alex-
than human beings. According to psychics, andria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
though a guide is there to assist, it will never Walker, Barbara G. The Woman's Encyclopedia of
interfere in a human's life without a specific Myths and Secrets. New York: Harper Collins,
request or invitation. Publishers, 1983.
The guide can take on any form the psychic
wishes to envision or any part of that vision. As GUPPY, MRS. AGNES (SAMUEL)
an example, if the psychic expects to see the (I860?-I9I7) English psychic.
guide dressed as an Indian fakir, that is how the Guppy's talents were discovered by Dr. Alfred
guide will appear. Russell Wallace, a Welsh naturalist and psychical
Some psychics believe that we all have a num- researcher. Born Agnes Nichol, she was recog-
ber of guides, with one guide overseeing our nized while she was just a child as having the
entire life on this planet. The others, helping ability of a powerful psychic. She could move
guides, are called forth when there is a specific objects without touching them, working best

92 • GUIDE
when alone in a room. As she became more Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New
aware of her gifts, she was able to levitate objects York: University Books, 1966.
and people. Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. The Encydopedia of Ghosts
Guppy's psychic gifts included being able to and Spirits. New York: Facts On File, 1992.
Spirit Summomngs. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alex-
produce the spirits of flowers, gifts and animals
andria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
at seances or readings. Manifestation of her gift
are said to include showers of butterflies, un-
cooled fowl ready for the oven and a white cat; GYPSY 7 Tarot card spread, deriving its
the animals (and other objects, such as jewelry, name because only seven cards are used, far
books and possessions) seen by others are called fewer than the typical layout.
apports. They are grouped under the heading Like the Celtic Cross and other tarot card
apparition. Apports are not said to be trans- spreads, the Gypsy 7 has been used for a quick
ported from the ethereal world but from one read and is a favorite among gypsy readers. In
earth plane position to another in what seems to this method, all tarot cards are utilized and are
be thin air or through solid matter, such as a shuffled by the querant while he or she considers
wall. They are produced by the power of the the question to be asked. A card is drawn by the
psychic's gift. One example of Guppy's ability querant to serve as the significator, the card that
to produce objects "out of thin air" was when represents him or her, and is placed faceup. Then
Princess Marguerite of Naples is said to have seven more cards are drawn from the deck and
wanted a specimen of prickly cactus. Suddenly placed facedown in a line from left to right,
more than 20 cacti dropped onto the table around moving from the significator.
which Guppy and the princess were seated. The first card is said to represent the internal
Guppy was considered one of the most con- spirit. The second reveals forces or energy at
troversial psychics ^during the heightening of work around the querant. The third is an indica-
spiritual awareness in the late 1800s. But no tion of past influences, challenges or occurrences
claims of fraud were ever brought against her, in which the querant has been involved. The
nor did she ever gain financially from her gifts. fourth signifies desires, dreams and goals. The
Guppy could, according to reports of the fifth represents relationships, family and friends.
time, levitate and transport herself to other The sixth indicates forces that are working
places. One such event occurred on June 3, 1871, against the querant. The seventh card in the
in London, at her home in Highbury. Through Gypsy 7 reveals the realization of the querant's
meditation and her own talent, she transported question or what is to come when all the other
herself more than 60 miles to another seance and card forces are combined.
was seen by those in attendance. They said that In order to interpret the cards, many readers
the room was brightly lit when Guppy appeared, and psychics suggest referring to a book specifi-
with all the witnesses' stories matching in the ac- cally for tarot; others suggest using one's own
count. psychic skills and doing an intuitive reading. In
Guppy said she made other psychic flights; an intuitive reading, the psychic looks at the
however, the undocumented ones attributed to pictures on the cards, and those objects or figures
her are considered disputatious. or colors that come into his or her mind first
See also levitation. are discussed.
See also cartomancy.
Further reading
Further reading
Brown, Slater. The Heyday of Spiritualism. New
York: Hawthorn, 1970. Buckland, Raymond. Secrets of Gypsy Fortune Telling.
Chaney, Rev. Robert G. Mediums and the Develop- St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1988.
ment of Mediumship. Freeport, N.Y.: Books for Cavendish, Richard. The Tarot. New York: Put-
Libraries, 1972. nam's, 1967.

GYPSY7 • 93
Giles, Cynthia. The Tarat: History Mystery, and Lore. While dancing in circles has been the custom
New York: Paragon House, 1992. in many civilizations, especially in Greece, and
Innes, Brian. The Tarot: How to Use and Interpret continues to be used throughout the world in
the Cards. London: Orbis, 1979. celebrations and rituals, few people still practice
King, Francis, and Stephen Skinner. Techniques of the divination method of gyromancy. The Tara-
High Magic. Rochester, Vt.: Destiny Books, 1991.
humares Indians in Mexico are one of the few
Thierens, A. E. Astrology and the Tarot. Los Angeles:
groups who beheve in gyromancy. With a specific
Newcastle, 1975.
Waite, Arthur Edward. The Pictorial Key to the Tarot. ritual and to music, those chosen to dance whirl
New York: Samuel Weiser, 1973. and spin until they fall to the ground. The spe-
cific way they collapse produces the divination
GYROMANCY Divination by moving in of future events.
a circle until dizziness occurs.
The future is foretold, or a question is answered, Further reading
by interpreting the placement of the person or
Grant, James. The Mysteries of All Nations. Detroit:
people after they are overcome with dizziness or
Gale Research, 1971.
exhaustion, or through the visions or messages
Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
received from this experience. Divination may
New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
also occur by interpreting the person's mut- Smith, Christine. The Book of Divination. London:
terings after exhaustion sets in. It is thought Rider, 1978.
that the Druids used this form of prognosti- Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown.
cation. Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.


HALL, MANLY P. (1901-1990) Spiritual landed after being poured or gently tossed. Those
teacher and author. who practiced this method used crystals of salt
A prolific writer, Hall produced thousands of that were much larger than the type that comes
books and pamphlets on various metaphysical out of the shaker today; as in PESSOMANCY, the
subjects, such as karma and clairvoyance. He is salt was probably the size of small pebbles, easily
considered by many people throughout the tossed into patterns that became obvious to the
world to be the foremost teacher, lecturer and seers.
leader of the metaphysical movement for the 20th Salt has been used to frighten away evil spirits,
century. Some of his long-selling titles of more counteract bad omens, produce luck, bring
than 200 books include Buddhism and Psycho- money to the house, protect sailors and babies
therapy, From Death to Rebirth and Positive Uses and induce love spells. A substance now consid-
of Psychic Energy ered so mundane as salt has had a rich and
intriguing history. Salt in divination and supersti-
Hall founded the Philosophic Research Soci-
tion has been with us since before the written
ety, headquartered in Los Angeles, and his work
and teachings continue to inform, inspire and word and was used by ancient Egyptians, Arabs
and Christians alike.
motivate students of metaphysics.
In 800 B.C. Homer's Iliad mentions, "Pa-
Further reading troclus scattered the embers and laid the spits
above them , , , after he sprinkled the meat with
Hall, Manly P. The Secret Teachings of All Ages. holy salt , , , to sacrifice to the gods," This was
1928. Reprint Los Angeles: Philosophic Research
part of a ritual conducted to interpret the future.
Society, 1977.
Salt can also protect those we love, as suggested
in the Historical Guide to Scarborough (pub-
HALOMANCY Divination by interpreting lished in England in 1787): "if one needed to
the formation of the crystals when salt is poured appease the angry waves and obtain a propitious
to the ground. breeze favourable to the voyager's safe return,
Salt as a tool for psychics most likely originated he must ask his fair spouse (or other anxious
with the ancient Egyptians, when the substance female friend) to proceed unaccompanied, about
was a prized possession. As with geomancy, 40 paces along the pier. Here a small circular
psychics of the time interpreted how the salt cavity among the stones, receives a saline libation

which is poured into it, while the sacrificer, evolved into the Ordo Templi Orientis, still in
muttering her tenderest wishes, looks toward existence today and located in England and Cali-
that quarter from whence the object of her anxi- fornia, which practices a form of ritual sexual
ety is expected to return." magic. Aleister Crowley and Theodor Reuss
To obtain a reading by the use of halomancy, were also involved in the organization.
one should acquire coarse salt (much like that Hartmann believed that everyone had psychic
used on pretzels) and a square of smooth soil or abilities, a thought considered novel at the time.
a dark cloth on which the salt can fall. Cupping He is best remembered for his works Magic,
a handful, meditate on the question at hand for Black and White and In the Pronaos of the Tem-
as much time as necessary until a clear- under- ple of Wisdom.
standing of the question is in the mind. Then
toss the salt up in the air in a gentle manner. The Further reading
formations are clues to the answers and can be Cavendish, Richard, ed. The Encyclopedia of the Un-
read much like tea leaves or coffee grounds, that explained. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974.
is, seeing actual pictures in the scattered salt Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso-
crystals. If one is reading for another, he or teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press,
she should go through the process of holding, 1992.
meditating and tossing the salt; then the psychic Wilson, Colin. The Occult. New York: Vintage, 1973.
can read the results.
See also tasseography. HARUSPICY Divination through the use
of the cracks that appear in the shoulder blade
Further reading of a roasted sheep.
Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo- Also known as scapulomancy, haruspicy is
pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit- sometimes grouped with HEPATOMANCY (exami-
ford Press, 1986. nation of the livers and internal organs of ani-
Cavendish, Richard. The Visions of Heaven and Hell. mals). Divining the future using bones is one of
New York: Harmony, 1977. the oldest methods of prognostication and has
Hartley, C. Gasquoine. The Truth about Woman. been found in all civilizations.
New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1913.
Haruspicy began with the ancient Chinese
Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super-
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. more than 5,000 years ago and may have origi-
Walker, Barbara G. The Woman's Encyclopedia of nated as a prognostication method using what
Myths and Secrets. New York: Harper Collins, was left over after the sacrifice of an animal
1983. and a ceremonial dinner. With haruspicy, the
shoulder bones were heated in an intense fire
HAMOND, COUNT LOUIS LE until the bones were dry and cracked (most likely
WARNER DE after the sacrifice was burned). Later, haruspicy
See CHEIRO. dictated that the psychics examined the charred
bones without the sacrifice, depending on the
HAND ANALYSIS psychic and the animals that were available, such
See PALMISTRY. as deer, horses, sheep, pigs and oxen. Because it
provides a wide surface, the shoulder blade was
HANDWRITING ANALYSIS the bone of choice.
See GRAPHOLOGY. The practice appears to have been used
throughout the world. The Romans placed the
HARTMANN, FRANZ (1838-1912) Ger- shoulder blade of a sheep in hot coals and then
man-American mystic and psychic. "read" the cracks that appeared. The Druids and
Hartmann was the founder of the Order of the Celts preferred the shoulder blade of a pig. The
Esoteric Rose Croix and the magical group that native peoples residing in Labrador used what


they had the most of: caribou. Haruspicy was Cumont, Franz. Oriental Religions in Roman Pa-
practiced in ancient Japan and was called ganism. New York Dover, 1956.
futomani. Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
It is said that haruspicy is still practiced in New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super-
remote parts of Turkestan today, and a form of
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
haruspicy continues to be used by the shaman of
the Gurung, a farming people in Nepal. The
shaman sacrifices a chicken and through examin- HEAD LINE One of the many lines in the
ing the lungs can foretell the health of the people palm of the hand that are said to foretell specific
and the success or failure of various crops. characteristics.
Even today (Turkestan and Nepal notwith- The head line is located beneath the fingers be-
standing), there is a mystical quality about the tween the heart line and the life line, and its
bones of animals. For instance, at Thanksgiving endings and beginnings are important. The head
in the United States, the furcula bone (or wish- line is said to indicate the intellect, disclosing the
bone) of the turkey is saved and dried; then, direction of potential. This line typically begins
when it is crisp, two people grasp the bone, one on the palm about one inch below where the
on each side, and break it—making a wish. The index finger joins the hand.
wish will come true for the one who ends up A head line that runs less than half the way
with the longest piece. The custom was devel- across the palm shows single mindedness; this is
oped among the Etruscans more than 2,400 years a person who becomes deeply involved in one
ago. They believed that chickens and fowl had area. If the head line runs across the palm and
unique metaphysical powers. Romans believed then moves toward the little fingers, it is consid-
that to gain luck (or change a bad omen) one had ered a sign of intelligence and a logical mind. A
to stroke a chicken bone. head line that dips down to the mount of Luna
Mother Bunch's Golden Fortune-Teller, pub- indicates a personality that is creatively free, so
lished in England around 1840, advises the reader much so that the creativity can run away with
to use care when burning bones. "Burning beef good intentions. A head line that curves down
boanes . . . brings sorrow through poverty; and slightly toward the wrist and then moves back
to cast those of pork or veal into the fire, inflicts up toward the little finger shows someone who
pains in the bones of the person so improvident." has the potential to be financially successful.
However, according to an English folk tale, pres- The head line is sometimes referred to as the
enting a bride with a chicken side bone called a "line of head" by palmists.
"hug-ma-close" on her wedding day will ensure See also palmistry.
that she will be happy with her husband.
In years past, it was a tradition in Scotland to Further reading
hang the shoulder blade (whether it was roasted Altman, Nathaniel. Palmistry Workbook. New York:
is unclear) of a sheep over the front door of a Sterling, 1990.
pregnant woman's house. The sex of the baby Cheiro. Cheiro's Book of Numbers. New York: Pren-
was foretold by the sex of the first person to tice-Hall, 1988.
walk through the door the following day. Sailors . The Language of the Hand. New York: Pren-
in Scotland were reverent of fish bones, too, and tice-Hall, 1987.
in order to preserve their fishing harvests they Robinson, Rita. The Palm: A Guide to Your Hidden
would never, ever, throw fish bones into the fire. Potential. North Hollywood, Calif.: Newcastle,
See also cephalomancy; phrenology.

Further reading HEART LINE One of the many lines in

Budge, Sir E. A. Wallis. Egyptian Magic. New York: the palm of the hand that are said to foretell spe-
Dover, 1971. cific characteristics.

One of the deepest lines of the palm, the heart querant's question or to furnish advice when
line begins at the Mount of Jupiter (on the palm scrutinizing the article.
beneath the index finger) and crosses the palm. In a contemporary form of heiromancy, a
The heart line gives the palmist indications about psychic dedicates a crystal ball (SCRYING) or ta-
the querant's behavior, especially in relationships ROT cards to the higher consciousness or higher
that involve love, particularly how the querant self. The items become sacred, providing advice
expresses and receives love. or answers to a querant.
Basically, if the heart line begins on the mount Heiromancy also includes divination of the
of Jupiter, it suggests that one is looking for Mr. future by observing sacrifices (humans and ani-
or Ms. Right, the perfect soul mate. If the line mals). The word sacrifice (in Latin, sacrificium)
begins between the index and middle fingers, it originally meant "something made holy." Sacri-
indicates that one is willing to accept reality fices were the mainstay of many ancient reli-
(instead of looking for a princess or a knight in gions. The ancient Greeks sacrificed goats,
shining armor). If the line is chained—that is, horses, dogs, cattle and sheep. Prior to the inva-
looks like a chain with two lines continuing to sion of the Spanish, the Aztecs of Mexico offered
cross each other—this may indicate disappoint- human sacrifices to their sun god, which is said
ment in love or reveal a nature that is cautious to have accepted more than 20,000 such sacrifices
when it comes to matters of the heart. A droop- a year. In the early rituals of Hinduism, humans,
ing heart line may indicate trouble relating to the animals and plants were offered during the Vedic
opposite sex. If the line is forked at the begin- period. Ancient Chinese religious ceremonies
ning, it indicates a self-reliant, extroverted na- also included human sacrifices, as well as sacri-
ture, able to meet life and love with an open fices of animals and food, to the gods.
mind. Sacrificial killings were part of the ancient lives
The heart line is sometimes referred to by of Egyptians, Babylonians, Jews and Christians.
palmists as the "line of the heart." Christians consider the cruxifiction of Jesus
See also palmistry. Christ to be a sacrificial death, offered to make
amends for the sins of humanity. Biblical histori-
Further reading ans point out that throughout the Bible, Christ's
death is referred to as a sacrificial offering (1
Altman, Nathaniel. Palmistry Workbook. New York:
Sterling, 1990. Cor. 5:7, Eph. 5:2, Heb. 10:12-13). In the
Cheiro. Cheiro's Book of Numbers. New York: Pren- Old Testament, Leviticus 17:11 talks about the
tice-Hall, 1988. soul being in the blood; thus blood was offered
. The Language of the Hand. New York: Pren- as a sacrifice. (Meat was a commodity that was
tice-Hall, 1987. never wasted needlessly. The slaughtered animal
Robinson, Rita. The Palm: A Guide to Your Hidden was often consumed before or after the cer-
Potential. North Hollywood, Calif.: Newcastle, emony.)
1988. While this sounds grisly and pagan by our
contemporary standards, not all sacrifices were
HEIROMANCY Divination through the human. Salt was sometimes sacrificed, as was
use of sacred articles and by observing sacrifices. corn and other grains. These items received a
Heiromancy, practiced by the ancient Egyptian blessing and became sacred before being burned
seers, used articles that were believed to be sa- in order to reveal knowledge, capnomancy (div-
cred, such as animals, gems and fountains (as ination through smoke), CAUSIMONANCY (divina-
with PEGOMANCY) for divination purposes. It is tion by throwing combustible objects on a fire),
unclear whether it was the reflecting light that CRITOMANCY (burning of barleycorn), DAPHNO-
was deciphered to advise on the future or if the MANCY (divination by the crackle of burning lau-
psychic knew through his prognostic metaphysi- rel leaves) and sideromancy (divination by
cal powers and thus was able to answer the interpreting the twisting and smoldering of pieces

of straw or dried peas when thrown on a red- The Etruscans made models out of bronze, as
hot grate) were also used. did the Roman and Hittite peoples, and they
The Druids, as with many ancient cults, were turned this manric art into a more diverse system
said to have practiced heiromancy by interpreting known as haruspicy, in which other internal
the crackles of sound that were made when sacri- organs were observed to forecast the future.
fices (typically their enemies, or at times specially These models have been found with elaborate
chosen members of the priesthood) were being inscriptions pertaining to and asking for specific
burned at the stake. blessings from the gods and the heavens etched
into the metal. It was the processus pyramidalis,
Further reading the liver's pyramid-shaped projection, that
clearly provided the guidance for those who
Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
practice hepatomancy. If this area was large and
pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
ford Press, 1986. firm, it was a good omen. A small, misshapen
Campbell, Joseph, ed. Myths, Dreams and Religion. processus pyramidalis could foretell disaster.
New York: Button, 1970. The most spectacular example of the use of
Cutnont, Franz. Oriental Religions in Roman Pa- hepatomancy occurred in the time of Julius Cae-
ganism. New York: Dover, 1956. sar, In the second week of March, 44 B.C., Cae-
McKenzie, John L. Dictionary of the Bible. Milwau- sar's psychic, Spurinna Vestricius, performed
kee: Bruce, 1965. hepatomancy with regard to Caesar's continued
Nichols, Ross. The Book ofDruidry—History, Sites, reign. The liver of a sacrificed sacred bull re-
Wisdom. London: Aquarian Press, 1990.
vealed the absence of the processus pyramidalis.
Stewart, R. J. The Elements of Prophecy Dorset,
Vestricius went straight to Caesar with the dire
England: Element, 1990.
news. However, the emperor did not heed the
Auger's advice to "beware of the Ides of March":
HEPATOMANCY Divination through ob- Caesar was stabbed to death on March 15th, just
servance and interpretation of the surfaces and as the liver's omen had foretold.
cavities of animal livers. Variations of hepatomancy are practiced to
Also known as "liver gazing," this was a common this day.
practice of the Etruscans, Hittites and Babylo-
nians. Hepatomancy was performed on the livers Further reading
of sacrificial animals, typically sheep and oxen, Cumont, Franz. Oriental Religions in Roman Pa-
because this organ was thought to be the core of ganism. New York: Dover, 1956.
being, much as we believe the heart is the "feeling Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
organ" of the body. The hepatomancy system New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
evolved into the Sumerian method of looking for Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Su-
omens in livers, with more than 6,000 different perstitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
variations on the size, shape, texture and health 1992.
of the liver in order to foretell the future and as a Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown.
Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
means of understanding other omens. Archaeol-
ogists have uncovered hundreds of clay models
of livers found in the Middle East that were HERMETIC A A controversial series of
used to train the psychics, called augurs, who metaphysical writings and dialogues based on
practiced hepatomancy (see augur). The Hit- the unity of all things.
tites, according to the archaeological discoveries The Hermetica is a collection of writings by an
in the central plateau of what is now Anatolian unknown Christian author that combines Neo-
Turkey, performed hepatomancy on sheep as platonic, Kabbalistic and Christian elements said
well as partridges; clay models of livers of both to be based on ancient Egyptian wisdom. No
these species have been found. one is sure of their origin or if they are fakes;

there has been continuing debate about their and ritualistic magic. Later it became synony-
authenticity since the Renaissance. mous with atypical sexual and ritual practices.
The Hermetica has been translated into many Members of this occultists' society included
languages, including English. The English trans- Aleister Crowley, the poet W. B. Yeats, Arthur-
lations were done by John Everard (1650), J. D. Edward Waite (famous for his tarot cards) and
Chambers (1882) and G.R.S. Mead (1906). The Bram Stoker (author of Dracula), among others.
Hermetica includes 14 sermons by Poimandres See also crowley, aleister; waite. Arthur
(or Pymander, who was called the "shepherd of EDWARD.
men" and "the spiritual leader" of men). It also
includes the "Perfect Sermon of Asklepios," 27 Further reading
excerpts from a collection of the fifth-century Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of
writer Stobaeus, along with a selection of ser- Mystical and Paranormal Experience. San Fran-
mons or teaching messages on the mystery tradi- cisco: HarperSan Francisco, 1991.
tion from the church fathers. These teachings are Harper, George Mills. Ycat's Golden Dawn. Welling-
said to be transcriptions of conversations with borough, England: Aquarian Press, 1974.
the Greek healing gods of Asklepios and Imho- King, Francis. Ritual Magic in England, 1887 to the
tep, along with Isis, Osiris and Thoth. Present Day London: Neville Spear-man, 1970.
The name Hermetica is derived from Hermes
Trismegistus, or "Thrice-greatest Hennes." HIGHER SELF A superintelligence provid-
Hermes Trismegistus is the principal figure in ing knowledge and information, the soul, the
the Hermetic literature and is thought to be a self or "the God within."
combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Those who divine the future often tap into their
Egyptian god of wisdom, Thoth. Hermes Tris- higher self in order to make contact with the
megistus assumes the role of prophet and spiri- ethereal world and other higher selves. Some-
tual leader of the world, the god that will save times referred to as the overself, it is not to be
the world from evil. confused with Freud's version of the superego,
The Hermetica is still part of metaphysical which is a socialized self. The higher self is
teachings. not the conscience, which provides a decision-
making process, but rather the voice that brings
Further reading about creative, intuitive and telepathic thought.
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. The Encyclopedia of Witches It is said to attract us to a higher thinking plane
and Witchcraft. New York: Facts On File, 1989. and a metaphysical awareness of all things, in-
Hall, Manly P. The Secret Teachings of All Ages. cluding the ability to connect with the AKASHIC
1928. Los Angeles: Philosophic Research Society, RECORDS.
1977. In order to connect with the higher self, it is
Watson, Donald. The Dictionary of Mind and Spirit. recommended that the querant choose a quiet
New York: Avon, 1991.
place, meditate in calm and stillness and ask for
guidance to unite the mind with the higher self.
HERMETIC ORDER OF THE The result, over a period of time, will be to bring
GOLDEN DAWN A mystical group dedi- the personality more in line with the soul.
cated to studying ritual magic and the occult. Historically, ancient alchemists, in searching
Founded in 1888 by S. L. MacGregor Mathers, for the philosophers' stone (which could turn
in London, the Hermetic Order of the Golden base metals into gold and then diluted to become
Dawn was dedicated to studying the occult, but the Elixir of Youth), discovered the higher self
it was riddled with fear, intrigue and controversy. and considered it to be an all-knowing ability to
The original premise of the organization was to provide answers to the future and generate the
delve into the history of TAROT and NUMEROL- wisdom of all ages.
OGY, with studies of the Bible, the KABBALAH Sec also karma.


Further readin£
Assagioli, Roberto. Psychosynthesis. Wellingborough,
England: Turnstone Press, 1965, V
Hardy. Jean. A Psychology with a Soul. London: n
Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1987.
Watson, Donald. The Dictionary of Mind and Spirit.
New York: Avon. 1991,

HILTON, WALTER (7-1396) English

mystic and psychic.
A member of a mystical group that functioned ■^1
in the 14th century, Hilton was closely associated
with Julian of Norwich, the medieval English
mystic and theologian. Hippomancy considers the behavior and coat color of
horses to forecast the future. In addition, the pattern
Hilton is best remembered for his work Epistle
of hoof marks and perhaps even the amount of dust
to a Devout Man in a Temporal Estate. This
created by their movement were part of the divina-
treatise offers the principles of spiritual guidance tion process
for the wealthy. Hilton believed that one should
give up wealth to become close to God. It is a
practical guide that considers how one can Early Germanic people are said to have kept
achieve spiritual transformation through medita- special horses in their temples. The horses were
tion, prayer and contemplation. let out of their stalls when the warlords were
considering overtaking another tribe. If the first
Further reading - hoof to cross the sacred threshold was a left
forefoot it was considered a bad omen; plans for
Happold, F. C. Mysticism: A Study and an Anthology
war were put off for another time.
Rev. ed. New York: Penguin, 1970.
Although it might seem strange today, in En-
Molinari, Paul S. J. Julian of Norwich: The Teaching
of a Nth Century English Mystic. New York: gland in the 1500s when a farm horse died, the
Longmans, Green & Co., 1958. farmer hung the hooves in the farmhouse as a
charm against evil. Yet, we consider it extremely
lucky to find a horseshoe, and often it is the
HIPPOMANCY Divination involving the
custom, especially in the American West, to hang
behavior of horses.
a horseshoe in the house or on the wall of a bam
With hippomancy, not only were the behavior to preserve good luck. This is a folk custom
and color of horses considered when forecasting dating from the time of hippomancy, with a
the future, but the pattern of their hoof marks detour taken when horses began to be shod.
and even the amount of dust created by their See also alectryomancy.
movement were part of the divination process.
It is thought that hippomancy originated in the Further reading
time of the Celts, who dominated much of west-
ern and central Europe during the first millen- Hazlitt, W. Carew. Faiths and Folklore of the Brit-
nium B.C. As the Celts moved to the British Isles, ish Isles. 2 vols. New York: Benjamin Blom,
so did their prognostication methods, including
Levey, Judith S., with Agness Greenhall, eds. The
hippomancy. The Celts are believed to have kept
Concise Columbia Encyclopedia. New York:
white horses in consecrated groves, training them Avon, 1983.
to walk only in a certain area of the grove. Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Su-
After the horses passed by, psychics or priests perstitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
interpreted the prints left in the dirt. 1992.

HOME, DANIEL DUNGLAS (1833- touching them. After his death, however, con-
1886) Scottish-American psychic. troversy surrounded Home's ability, and many
Considered one of the most noted psychics be- accused him of performing magician's tricks.
cause of his supposed ability to levitate objects Home was born in Scotland, and his psychic
and his body at will, Home was tested by the gift was apparent as early as four years old, when
psychical researcher Sir William Crookes, who he predicted the death of his cousin. At age nine,
announced in 1871 that he was convinced of he and his family moved to Connecticut. After
Home's genuine gift for moving objects without his mother's death. Home was thought to be
possessed by evil spirits and devils, because he
could move objects using the power of his mind
and seemingly communicate with the dead. His
father hired an exorcist to eradicate the evil from
the boy; however, this assistance failed. It is
curious that Home's powers should be ques-
tioned by his family, since his mother was a
noted clairvoyant who predicted the date of her
own death. Throughout his life. Home main-
tained spiritual contact with his mother, and she
continued to encourage him to use his psychic
powers fully.
Home's psychic abilities included table tip-
-Ti ping, rappings, making ghostly hands appear that
could shake the hands of the seance participants,
guitars that played their own music, moving
objects and spelling out messages from the dead
through the use of a set of alphabet cards. Home
is said to have been able to stretch and shrink
his physical body at will; in order to prove that
1 this was not a magician's stunt, he had the sitters
at his seances hold his hands and feet. At one
event, he was able to stretch his body 11 inches
and then reduce his size to less than five feet tall.
It is said that Home held seances in full day-
light, thus dispelling any hint of trickery, such
as the use of hidden pulleys to move the objects.
He felt most psychics of the time were charla-
tans. swindling money from those who wanted
to contact their deceased loved ones. He is noted
as the most famous "physical medium" (demon-
strating physical feats such as moving furniture
or objects without touching them) of the Victo-
rian era, and he also practiced the psychic art of
channeling spirits through him.
Home traveled internationally, performing his
DANIEL DUNGLAS HOME psychic feats for the nobility, including the Rus-
Daniel Dunglas Home is regarded as one of the most sian czar Alexander II, Napoleon III and Em-
noted psychics because of his ability to levitate his press Eugenie of France and Kaiser Wilhelm I of
body and various objects at will. Germany. Pale, with light-colored hair, and often


weak from debilitating, recurrent bouts of tuber- Fairley, John, and Simon Welfare. Arthur C. Clarke's
culosis, Home was a well-dressed figure, demon- World of Strange Powers. New York: Putnam's,
strating his powers in the most glittering salons 1984.
of Europe. In 1856, after giving a demonstration Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of
Mystical and Paranormal Experience. San Fran-
of his powers to Pope Pius IX, Home converted
cisco: HarperSan Francisco, 1991.
to Catholicism, Later, however, the Catholic
Church began taking a dim view of Home's
unexplainable gift (according to its doctrine) and HOROSCOPE In astrology, a map of
expelled him from the church for practicing the Sun, Moon and planets at the exact moment
"sorcery." of one's birth.
The most incredible demonstration of Home's From the Latin and Greek word horo, meaning
ability to levitate occurred in 1868, at the London "hour," and scope, meaning "watcher," a horo-
home of Lord Adare. In full view of reputable scope can be charted, or cast, for a person, an
witnesses, Home is said to have levitated out of idea, an event or a country. For example, the
a third-floor window, moved through space and United States is said to be a Cancerian country,
reentered through another window. All this was since the final version of the Declaration of Inde-
reportedly accomplished without Home's ever pendence, stating that the original 13 colonies
touching the outside window ledge with any part were forming a separate country, was written on
of his body. July 4, 1776, Some astrologers believe that the
During the resurgence of interest in spiritual- United States exhibits the qualities of the Cancer
ism in the 19th century there were many decep- personality and point out that these are illus-
tions and hoaxes perpetrated by those with and trated by the country's strong commitment to
without psychics gifts. However, Home was helping the underdog through programs like the
never caught cheating or performing any devious Peace Corps and other national volunteer organi-
acts. While he accepted gifts for his services, zations. Thus by casting a horoscope, one can
Home did not charge fees, unlike other psychics better understand the qualities of a country,
of his and other times. Stage magicians, including A birth chart is a horoscope designed specifi-
Houdini, insisted that they could reproduce all cally for the birth of a person and is calculated
the same "tricks" as Home, including his levita- from the placement of the Sun, Moon and planets
tion, but duplications were never achieved, and in the zodiac (the part of the heavens that is
Home is still considered one of the finest psy- studied in a horoscope), at the very moment he
chics of all time. or she took that first breath. The 12 divisions of
Home died of tuberculosis in Europe in 1886. a horoscope that represent different categories or
His two autobiographies, Incidents in My Life areas of life are referred to as houses; the 12
(written in 1862) and Incidents in My Life, 2d Se- divisions of a horoscope that represent the quali-
ries (written in 1872), were published posthu- ties of the constellations are called signs.
mously by his second wife, Julie de Gloumeline. The horoscope is based on mathematical calcu-
She also published other accounts of her hus- lations performed with the help of an ephemeris.
band's life, including I). D. Home: His Life and An ephemeris, available at bookstores and librar-
Mission (1888) and The Gift of D. D. Home ies, is an almanac that lists the positions of the
(1890). Sun, Moon and planets on each day of the year,
See also levitation; psychic. typically running from 1900 to the year 2000.
Casting a horoscope is a complex process, and
Further reading astrologers study for years to be able to cast
Brown, Slater. The Heyday of Spiritualism. New charts. However, there are a number of books
York: Hawthorn, 1970. and systems that allow even beginning students of
Edmonds, I. G. D. D. Home: The Man Who Talked astrology to cast them. While casting an accurate
with Ghosts. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1978. chart is crucial, including knowing the exact time,

date and place of birth, a gifted astrologer does Further reading
more by interpreting other factors in the birth
Baigent, Campion, and Harvey Baigent. Mundane
chart. Computer software programs now offer Astrology: An Introduction to the Astrological Na-
every personal computer user the expertise to cast tions and Groups. London: Aquarian Press, 1984.
horoscopes; however, the ability to interpret the Bosanko, Susan, ed. Predicting Your Future. New
chart still requires human attention. Computer- York: Ballantine Books/Diagram Group. Visual In-
cast charts are available through mail-order ser- formation Limited, 1983.
vices and at many metaphysical bookstores. Forrest, Steven. The Changing Sky: The Dynamic
At one time in history, horoscopes were New Astrology for Everyone. New York: Bantam,
drawn in a square; today they are drawn in a 1984.
circle and are divided into 12 houses. There is Goodman, Linda. Linda Goodman's Sun Signs. New
York: Fawcett Columbine, 1978.
some controversy regarding this division. Some
Luce, Robert de. The Complete Method of Prediction.
astrologers believe there should be only eight
New York: AS1, 1978.
houses; others disagree on the dominions of each
Wilson, James. The Dictionary of Astrology New
house; a few debate the way each should be York: Samuel Weiser, 1974.
divided. The 12 house system is the one most Woolfork, Joanna Martine. The Only Astrology Book
commonly used. Depending on where, the date You'll Ever Need. Landham, Mass.: Scarborough.
when, and the hour when one is born, the plan- 1992.
ets, Sun, Moon and other influences are reflected
in the houses. The 12 houses are: HORSESHOE SPREAD A tarot card
spread that receives its name from the pattern of
• First house rules the self. placing the cards in the shape of a horseshoe in
• Second house rules money and possessions. readings.
■ Third house rules communication.
Like the Celtic Cross, Gypsy 7 and other tarot
• Fourth house rules home life and beginnings.
card spreads, the Horseshoe spread is said to be
• Fifth house rules pleasure, creativity, sex.
excellent for thorough but quick readings. It is
• Sixth house rules service and health.
used to answer specific questions, rather than to
■ Seventh house rules partnership, business, re-
provide an overview of upcoming events in the
querant's life.
■ Eighth house rules death and changes.
In this method all the tarot cards are shuffled
" Ninth house rules mental explorations, self-
by the querant while he or she considers the
question to be asked. Sometimes one card is
• Tenth House rules career and the public view
picked by the querant before the reading. He or
of the individual.
she will look closely at all the cards, and the one
• Eleventh house rules friends, goals, desires.
that "speaks" to the querant (i.e., is especially
• Twelfth house rules the undisclosed side of
intriguing or inviting) should be used as the
the individual, his or her personal sorrows
significator. This is the card that will represent
and destruction.
him or her. It is placed faceup near where the
Each house represents a different, distinct area cards in the Horseshoe pattern are spread on
of a person's life, unique for each person. Addi- the table.
tionally, the astrologer charts in the placement of Seven additional cards are drawn from the
the Sun, Moon and planets and considers other deck and placed facedown in a semicircle, with
influences including the aspects, the opposition the opening of the "horseshoe" facing away from
of major aspects and the transit or passage of the querant. Some readers draw the cards for the
planets through the horoscope. It is said that, querant, whereas others have the querant place
like blood types, finger prints and DNA, each his or her own cards on the table. Working
horoscope is distinctive. from left to right, the first card indicates past
See also astrological symbols. influences; the second presents circumstances


and events; the third shows the prospects for the Apparently other psychics were not so choosy
future; the fourth indicates the best way to utilize and began to practice hydromancy by examining
these prospects; the fifth card tells of relation- a bowl of water. Other variations of hydromancy
ships and the attitudes of others toward the quer- include divination by examining and deciphering
ant; the sixth card states possible obstacles in the according to their own set of metaphysical prin-
way of the outcome of the querant's question; ciples the colors, waves, turbulence of the ocean,
the last card explains how the outcome of the running water in a stream or river and the pattern
question will be resolved. of the current in a brook. Some psychics in
In order to interpret the cards, many readers ancient Egypt preferred using rainwater to fore-
and psychics suggest referring to a book specifi- cast the future or interpret omens. Other weather-
cally for tarot. Others suggest using one's own prediction methods include ALECTROMANCY,
psychic skills and conducting an intuitive read- AEROMANCY and NEPHELOMANCY.
ing. With an intuitive reading, the psychic looks Another variation that was widely used up
at the pictures on the cards, and those objects or until the time that Christianity labeled scrying
figures or colors that first come forward into his and other divination methods witchcraft was to
or her mind are discussed. pour a small amount of oil in a bowl. The future's
See also cartomancy. events could be foretold from the patterns
formed on the water. This is documented in the
Further reading Old Testament (Gen. 44:5, 15), where Joseph
used this type of hydromancy. Nostrodamus
Buckland, Raymond. Secrets of Gypsy Fortunetelling.
(1503-1566) used a bowl of water set upon a
St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1988.
brass tripod when predicting more than 1,000
Cavendish, Richard. The Tarot. New York: Put-
nam's, 1967. future events up to the year 3797, more than half
Giles, Cynthia. The-Tarot: History Mystery and Lore. of which are said to have come true.
New York: Paragon House, 1992. Almost every child has at one time or other
Innes Brian. The Tarot: How to Use and Interpret the "skipped" a rock across water. If the rock skips
Cards. London: Orbis, 1979. three times, a wish will come true. This is actu-
King, Francis, and Stephen Skinner. Techniques ally a variation of the ancient prognostication
of High Magic. Rochester, Vt.: Destiny Books, method of hydromancy, when psychics interpre-
1991. ted the ripples made from drops of water
Thierens, A. E. Astrology and the Tarot. Los Angeles: and/or rain.
Newcastle, 1975.
Waite, Arthur Edward. The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.
New York: Samuel Weiser, 1973.
Further reading
HYDROMANCY Divination by staring at Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
water and interpreting what is seen in it. pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
Hydromancy is a form of SCRYING. A psychic ford Press, 1986.
Cavendish, Richard, ed. The Encyclopedia of the Un-
places a dish of water in an indirect light source
explained. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974.
and looks at the water, with or without a film
Miller, Madeleine S., and J. Lane Miller, eds. Harper's
of oil added to the surface. He or she interprets
Encyclopedia of Bible Life. San Francisco: Harper
the visions seen in the patterns on the surface or & Row, 1978.
through a misty message in the water itself. Roberts, Henry C. The Complete Prophecies of Nos-
Hydromancy was a divination method prac- tradamus. New York: American Book-Stratford
ticed in ancient Greece. At one time it was so Press, 1969.
intertwined with Greek mythology that a Greek
psychic would only accept water supposedly HYLOMANCY
brought by the sea angel Nereus. See PSYCHOMETRY.


IATROMANCY The art of diagnosing ill- and illness of a querant and are often able to
ness psychically tell what specific inclination a querant has to a
Practiced in various forms since early peoples disorder. Palmists look at a querant's life line to
related sickness with physical problems in the point out health challenges.
body and sought help from "doctors" of their See also ASTROLOGY; AURAS; CAYCE, EDGAR;
tribes, iatromancy continues today within vari- clairvoyance; laying on of hands; life
ous tribes of Africa, in Haiti and in the Native LINE; PALMISTRY.
American culture through the use of shamanism, Further reading
Iatromancy, unlike psychic healing, only reveals
what is wrong with the patient, but typically, the Achterberg, Jeanne. Imagery in Healing: Shamanism
and Modern Medicine. Boston: Shambhala, 1985.
psychic who uses iatromancy will also heal the
Bowers, Barbara. What Color Is Your Aura? New
invalid. However, technically, those who prac-
York: Simon & Schuster, 1989.
tice iatromancy do not cure or perform psychic
[Cayce, Edgar.] Edgar Cayce on Healing. Virginia
surgery (surgery performed with the bare hands Beach, Va.: ARC Press, 1969.
in which the body is opened and closed without Cornell, H. L. Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology St
instruments and the patient is healed), Paul, Minn: Llewellyn, 1972.
American psychic Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) Hirschfelder, Arlene, and Paulette Molin. The Ency-
was one of the world's best-known practitioners clopedia of Native American Religions. New York:
of iatromancy. Facts On File, 1992.
Those psychics who read auras can see when Sherman, Harold. "Wonder* Healers of the Philip-
pines. Los Angeles: DeVross, 1967.
someone is ill because of specific color changes
Stern, Jess. Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet. New
apparent only to the psychic; often they can
York: Bantam, 1968.
diagnosis illness, Iatromancy is also practiced by
Weil, Andrew. Health and Healing: Understanding
clairvoyants who are able to psychically see and Conventional and Alternative Medicine. Boston:
know the health of a querant or someone about Houghton Mifllin, 1883.
whom the querant has questions. Possibly this is
done by connecting with the akashic records. I C HIN G Chinese system of divination in
Astrologers who use medical astrology interpret which one tosses or selects objects that supply in-
a birth chart to leam the influences on health formation for questions on business, personal or

psychological concerns, with answers provided patterns. During the Chou dynasty, King Wen
by The Book of Changes. formalized the system. King Wen's son, the duke
I Ching (pronounced rather like e jing) is consid- of Chou, finished the system and produced the
ered to be one of the most ancient and enduring text that is referred to as the Chou-1 (or The
of all methods of divination, originating well Changes of Chou), with a commentary on the
before written time (most likely prior to 2498 symbols. Confucius, the great Chinese philoso-
B.C.) and based on an oral divination system. pher, is said to have remarked that he wished he
The mystical Fu-Hsi, who is said to have pro- could extend his life by 50 years in order to
duced the gifts of civilization and is supposed to devote that entire time to studying the I Ching.
have been the first emperor of China, supposedly The Taoist wise men believed it to hold great
devised the system. knowledge and valued the text.
One of the folklore theories of the mystical It is said that the I Ching gauges the flow of
origin of I Ching explains that while Fu-Hsi was yin and yang energies surrounding the querant
meditating at the side of the Yellow River, a and provides assistance on how to proceed in the
tortoise surfaced and the trigrams (three-line pat- future that is based on positive and negative
terns) that explained the yin and yang of 1 Ching forces.
were inscribed on the tortoise's belly plate. An- According to historians, the I Ching was un-
other legend says that the system was revealed known in Europe until Marco Polo returned
to Fu-Hsi through the mythical winged beast from China, and then it slowly spread through
that was part horse and had the head of a dragon. the continent, although it was already widely
The three-line patterns of the I Ching were said practiced throughout the Far East. James Legge,
to be inscribed on the creature's side. an Englishman, translated the 1 Ching into En-
glish in 1854 and was published as The Yi-King.
I Ching (which is loosely translated as The
Richard Wilhelm translated it into German, and
Book of ChangesY'is composed of 64 three-line
his edition was translated into the English version
patterns, made up of broken and unbroken lines,
that is most familiar today. Wilhelm's I Ching
and the interpretation of the symbols. The un-
included a foreword by psychiatrist Carl Jung.
broken is called yang and signifies a yes answer.
Jung believed that through meditating on the
Yang is active and is considered masculine. The
symbols of the I Ching one could delve into the
broken is called yin and signifies a no answer.
unconscious mind. He believed that the 1 Ching
Yin is traditionally passive and is considered fem-
worked infallibly when one took the time to
meditate and internalize the knowledge.
The original trigram evolved into two sets of
trigrams, which are now hexagrams, or six-line During the 1960s there was a resurgence of
interest in the I Ching, and most Americans have
at least an idea of the Chinese system. Those
who use 1 Ching do so with three coins (typi-
S cally, coins that resemble ancient Chinese cur-
rency) or yarrow sticks. Some practioners use I
Ching cards, much like the ones used for the
tarot. The faces on the I Ching cards are unique
and include the hexagrams; however, these are a
- "■ ^4V*
: ■*/' * r recent invention and not the traditional method
VV5' of casting I Ching. Stones, dice or any two-sided
coin with which the yin and yang symbols can
One of the folklore theories on the beginning of the I
be distinguished can be used.
Ching trigrams explains that while ancient emperor
Fu-Hsi was meditating at the side of the Yellow Each hexagram has a complex meaning that
River, a tortoise surfaced and the trigrams were in- provides more in the line of guidance than a
scribed on the reptile's belly plate. divination of the future. It is recommended that

1 CHING • 107
Wilhelm, Richard, and Gary F. Baynes. The I Ching
(translation). Bollingen series 19. Princeton, N.J.:
Princeton University Press, 1969.

ICHTHYOMANCY Divination by observ-

ing fish in and out of the water and by examin-
ing the internal organs of fish.
Ichthyomancy is a variation of both hepato-
MANCY (divination by observing animal livers),
/ CHING and HARUSPIGY (divination by observing the en-
Any two-sided coin can be tossed when using 1 Ching
trails and bones of animals).
to predict the future.
Practiced by the ancient Greeks and other
civilizations that put stock in omens, including
the querant have a clear, simple question in mind,
early Scandinavian peoples, ichthyomancy did
although he or she does not have to write it
not always require the sacrifice of fish. Psychics
down or speak it aloud in order to receive an
of the time might meditate as they watched fish
answer. Depending on the interpretation of the
within a stream or lake, and then interpret their
toss of coins or drawing of sticks or cards, many
activity as the omen.
variations are possible. What seems like a random
As with other chance meetings of animals,
choice or luck in the toss is said to connect
such as in ALECTRYOMANGY, practiced by the
with the ethereal plane, providing advice and
ancient Etruscans, depending on the kind of fish,
explaining the changes that occur at that moment
the color, the behavior and even the amount
in time.
of fish, the psychic makes a determination on
Although the system is complex and one
everything from the success of a battle to the sex
should refer to a book specifically on this topic,
of a forthcoming noble child. With the early
most practioners of I Ching believe that anyone
tribes in the Scandinavian countries, where much
who is willing to meditate and seriously consider
of life centered around fish and fishing, forms of
the answer to their question can find the guidance
needed in the I Ching and interpret the meaning
in an I Ching manual.
The Book of Changes is believed by some to
be the oldest book in the world. I Ching is used ■ -P ■ " Y'
in the GEOMANCY practice of FENG SHUI.
See also sortilege systems.

Further reading
Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Esoteric
Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press, 1992.
Fox, Judy; Karen Hughes; and John Tampion. An
Illuminated I Ching. New York: Arch, 1984.
Legge, James. The 1 Ching (translation). New York:
Dover, 1963.
Needham, Joseph. Science and Civilisation in China.
London: Cambridge University Press, 1956.
Palmer, Martin; Joanne O'Brien; and Kwok Man Ho.
The Fortune Teller's I Ching. London: Century, Ichthyomancy is an ancient practice whereby fish are
1986. observed both in and out of the water. Future events
Rossbach, Sarah. Feng Shui: The Chinese Art of Place- are forecast by the examination of their internal
ment. New York: Arkana/Penguin, 1991. organs.

ichthyomancy were treated with great reverence. INDIAN MEDICINE BUNDLE Sacred
As with harispicy and divination with sheep and objects believed to have the power to make the
ox bones, fish bones and internal organs were wearer clairvoyant.
often used as divination tools. In Native American culture and among the Navajo
The symbol of the fish has had great signifi- in particular, the Indian medicine bundle (called a
cance since the beginning of time, referred to as "jish") contained specially selected objects chosen
the Great .Mother (a pointed oval sign of the for their spiritual significance and were meant to
yoni goddess). Fish and the womb became syn- conjure up various powers to help the tribe. They
onymous in Greek times, and throughout Greek were carried and cared for in medicine bags, small
mythology, there are references to fertility and skin pouches. It is unclear whether the bundles
fish. Catholic faithfuls inherited the custom of were specific to healing, a means of diagnosis (as
eating fish on Friday from the myth of the fish with IATROMANCY) or were used to psychically
goddess Aphrodite Salacia. The ancient Celts call out game animals for the hunt. It was believed
beheved that fish eating could bring new life to that if the bundle was mistreated, terrible misfor-
a woman's womb. tune would come to the tribe.
The fish symbol considered to be part of The Indian medicine bundles were rarely on
Christian tradition today was once worshiped display and were treated with reverence. They
throughout the Roman Empire and then was held the essence of the spirits and were used in
accepted, revised and adopted by early Chris- ceremonies, along with preventive or curative
tians. The fish' has come to represent Christ; the religious practices.
Greek word for fish is ichthys, which was an The Indian medicine bag also may have held
acronym for Jesus Christ, Son of God. In an- specific articles that the Navajo tribe member
other instance, in Exodus 33:11, the promised had visualized or seen in a dream. The objects
Jewish messiah isr referred to as "Joshua son of were considered to have great power, even, per-
Nun." (Nun means fish in the sacred Hebrew al- haps, protective power, and were held with re-
phabet.) spect. These objects were also kept for medicinal
Omens derived from ichthyomancy are still purposes and to evoke power from the universe
accepted today. In some parts of Ireland, it is and/or native spirits and spirit guides.
considered very bad luck to burn fish bones.
According to an Irish book of folklore published Further reading
in 1885, "Fisher-folks will on no account bum
Bierhorst, John. The Mythology of North America.
the bones of the fish they use as food and the New York: Morrow, 1985.
shells of the mussels employed for bait. Hence Hirschfelder, Arlene, and Paulette Molin. The Ency-
the rhyme, 'Roast me weel, or boil me weel, Bit clopedia of Native American Religions. New York:
dinna bum ma behns, And e'll get plenty 'fish Facts on File, 1992.
Aboot yir fire-stehns.' " Paper, Jordan. Offering Smoke: The Sacred Pipe and
Native American Religion. Moscow: University of
Further reading
Idaho Press, 1988.
Goldberg, B. Z. The Sacred Fire. New York: Univer- Underbill, Ruth M. Red Man's Religion: Beliefs and
sity Books, 1958. Practices of the Indians North of Mexico. Chicago:
Hook, S. H. Middle Eastern Mythology Harmonds- University of Chicago Press, 1965.
worth, England: Penguin, 1963.
Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super- INFLUENCE LINES In PALMISTRY, the
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. major lines of the palm used to foretell coming
Spence, Lewis. The History and Origins of Druidism. events and interpret characteristics of the
New York: Samuel Weiser, 1971.
Walker, Barbara G. The Woman's Encyclopedia of
Myths and Secrets. New York: Harper Collins, The influence lines, also known as major lines
1983. and fundamental lines, consist of the heart, head


and life lines. Minor lines, also called secondary understand that it is even more powerful, since
lines, are said to include the FATE LINE, the line it is not simply knowing but affects the feelings,
of Apollo, and the line of Mercury. Palmists the emotions and the mental abilities. Most
differ in their use of terms when giving readings psychics believe that all babies are born with a
and also debate which lines are the most influ- keen sense of intuition. Slowly, typically by the
ential. end of the teenage years, individuals lose or
The HEART LINE indicates the temperament of quell the ability to connect with this right-brain
the querant and his or her emotional health and function. Left-brain reason and logic replace in-
satisfaction. The shape, depth and strength of tuition in most people by the time they reach
the line are all considered when interpreting an their 20s.
individual's capacity to give and receive love. Often physical sensations are combined with
The HEAD LINE indicates the ability to under- intuition. These are manifested in goose bumps,
stand and reflects the level of reason and cerebral bits of unexplained apprehension, upset stom-
ability; it does not specifically reflect an IQ level. achs or tinglings of the skin. Sometimes there is
According to the palmist, the length of the line a "little voice inside the head" that directs an
indicates the strength of the intellect, and the individual to follow a certain course or play a
longer the better. hunch that seems totally illogical at that instant.
The LIFE LINE indicates the health and vitality These are attributed to clairvoyant messages from
of the querant. Contrary to what most people the higher self, the guidance of spirits or angels
believe, a long life line does not indicate a long or a closeness with God, among other things.
life but may mark physical well-being. Females are often said to have a "woman's
intuition," that is, a more attuned ability to sense
Further reading things and accept information without em-
ploying rigid forms of analysis. Additionally,
Altman, Nathaniel. Palmistry Workbook. New York:
Sterling, 1990. those who begin to rely on intuitive guidance
Buckland, Raymond. Secrets of Gypsy Fortune Telling. discover that the "voices" or "hunches" are cor-
St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1988. rect most of the time, and they begin to trust
Cheiro. Cheiro's Book of Numbers. New York: Pren- this facility more often.
tice-Hall, 1988. Psychiatrist Dr. Carl G. Jung, among others,
. The Language of the Hand. New York: Pren- believed in intuition, and in his book Psychologi-
tice-Hall, 1987. cal Types (1923) he explained that intuition was
Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your not just insight but a creative process that pos-
Own Future. London: Quintet Publishing and Ran- sessed the ability to motivate individuals. Psy-
dom House, 1992.
chics like to explain that anyone can become
Robinson, Rita. The Palm: A Guide to Your Hidden
more intuitive. Through meditation, for exam-
Potential. North Hollywood, Calif.: Newcastle,
ple, it is possible to become attuned to the super-
conscious mind, the all-knowing mind of all
things (sometimes called the soul-mind) and thus
INTUITION The knowing of something can unblock creative, inspired and intuitive
without prior knowledge or the use of reason. powers.
Intuition is a psychic gift accepted by most peo- See also CLAIRVOYANCE; deja VU; extrasen-
ple, sometimes referred to as "gut feeling," "gut sory PERCEPTION (ESP).
instinct," "hunch," "sixth sense" and "luck."
Others see intuition as a blessing from God. Further reading
Intuition often defies what is logical and ra- Burns, Litany. Develop Your Psychic Abilities. New
tional, and intuitive feelings are stronger in some York: Pocket, 1985.
people than others. Most parapsychologists be- Butler, W. E. How to Develop Clairvoyance. 2d ed.
lieve it is a form of ESP yet have come to New York: Samuel Weiser, 1979.

Gawain, Shakti. Living in the Light. San Raphael, Dark blue eyes indicate someone who tends
Calif.: Whatever Publishing, 1986. to be sensitive and enjoys cultural pursuits. He
Popper, Karl Objective Knowledge. Oxford: Oxford or she may also be too sensitive and an elitist,
University, 1971. or snobbish.
Reed, Henry. Edgar Cayce on the Mysteries of the
Fight blue eyes indicate a personality ready to
Mind. New York: Warner, 1989.
commit to a cause, a relationship or a career. He
Rogo, D. Scott. Our Psychic Potentials. Englewood
or she may have trouble expressing emotion,
Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1984.
Vaughan, Frances. Awakening Intuition. Garden City, although be deeply emotional.
N.Y.: Anchor/Doubleday, 1979. Green eyes indicate someone with a keen sense
of the whimsical and a good imagination but has
IRIDOLOGY Observance of the iris of the the ability to be practical, too. The green-eyed
eye to discern personal characteristics or health person may be temperamental and have trouble
aspects of the querant. communicating his or her imaginative ideas.
Hazel eyes indicate a person who has a high
Iridology is a variation of PHYSIOGNOMY, devised
energy level, a quick mind and a balanced per-
by the Swiss poet and theologian Johann Kaspar
sonality. However, he or she may be too stoic
Levater in the late 1700s. It is also the blend of
and/or dogmatic.
a more ancient Chinese mantic art called OCULO-
Brown eyes indicate a person who is faithful
MANCY, the study of the eyes, and it is one
and steady, who enjoys being part of a team
portion of the Five Vital Organs of Chinese face
effort yet can be reserved, too.
reading. Since most people in the Fax- East have
dark eyes, iridology is commonly practiced only Dark brown eyes indicate a person who is
in the West. Various parts of the eye's iris are passionate about life, able to quickly make deci-
said to correspond with specific areas of the body sions, works well under pressure and manages
and are used to diagnose illness. people well. However, he or she may be too
impetuous and rash.
In iridology, the color of the querant's iris is
Gray eyes indicate a person who can confi-
studied. Not a divination method in the sense
dently lead others. He or she has a specific
that it does not foretell future events, it is similar-
purpose and fulfills obligations well; however,
to palmistry. Those who practice this art believe
this individual may hide talent or intelligence to
that each color reflects specific personality traits.
stay a part of the group.
Some iridologists explain that the iris can reveal
Those with two different-colored ins are
physical defects and illnesses, weaknesses in the
thought to be extremely psychic. They use their
body, and indicates how best to cure the querant;
abilities naturally, and those who have yet to
thus iridology can be a form of IATROMANCY
delve into metaphysics are often encouraged to
(psychically diagnosing illness).
study it in order to honor their gifts.
Recent scientific studies have discovered that
See also levater, johann kaspar.
eye color does seem to demonstrate specific
traits. For example, those with dark-colored eyes
have quicker reflexes. People with light-colored Further reading
eyes tend to be more creative and to search for Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
innovative solutions. pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
An iridologist is someone who practices this ford Press, 1986.
form of metaphysics. He or she often categorizes Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
eye color as follows: New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.



Jaquin studied with famous 19th-century palmist
W. G. Behmam, author of one of the most
(1886-1950) Occultist and Kabbalist.
respected palmistry books. Hands. Jaquin, how-
ever, did more than just give readings. He had a Often referred to by his mystical name of Frater
lifelong determination to see palmistry move Achad, Jones was a student of Aleister Crowley
from the realm of gypsies and seances into the and became Growler's "mystical son." Jones be-
field of science, as had been the case with gra- came known and respected through his work
phology. interpreting the KABBALAH with the specific in-
Jaquin theorized that the shape of the fingers, tention of deciphering its connections with tarot
palms and nails and the texture of the skin were and the Tree of Life. Those who debate Jones's
a reflection of the personality traits of the indi- respectability say that the explanations he offered
vidual. According to him, one could detect any are confusing and misconstrue what the ancient
number of deviant personality characteristics in works really mean.
the hands. Jaquin worked with Scotland Yard on Jones is said to have lost his mental acuity after
a number of investigations and is most likely the devoting himself to the occult, when he accepted
only palmist to have consulted with the national the magical grade of Ipsissimus as part of the her-
British police force. metic ORDER OF THE GOLDEN DAWN. At this level
of mystical consciousness, Jones believed that his
Further reading every action held cosmic significance.
Jones also interpreted the numerical keys in
Benham, William G. Hands. Los Angeles: Newcas-
Crowley's Book of the Law. He is best known
tle, 1988.
for his books on QBL, which is the Hebrew
Cheiro. Cheiro's Book of Numbers. New York: Pren-
word for "from mouth to ear." QBL signifies
tice-Hall, 1988.
. The Language of the Hand. New York: Pren- the knowledge of the secret oral tradition of
tice-Hall, 1987. the Kabbalah. Jones's books include The Bride's
Wilson, Colin. The Psychic Detectives. San Francisco: Reception and Anatomy of the Body of God.
Mercury House, 1985. See also crowley, aleister.

Further reading today with astrologers, psychics and other stu-
dents of metaphysics supporting the organi-
Cavendish, Richard, ed. The Encyclopedia of the Un-
explained. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974. zation.
Giles, Cynthia. The Tarot: History, Mystery and Lore. See also blavatsky, Helena p.
New York: Paragon House, 1992.
Gniley, Rosemary Ellen. The Encyclopedia of Witches Further reading
and Witchcraft. New York: Facts On File, 1989. Caldwell, Daniel H. The Occult World of Madame
MacKenzie, Norman. Secret Societies. New York: Blavatsky Tucson, Ariz.: Impossible Dream Publi-
Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1967. cations, 1991.
Symonds, John, and Kenneth Grant, eds. The Confes- Cranston, Sylvia. H.P.B.: The Extraordinary Life and
sions of A leister Crow ley; An Autobiography Fon- Influence of Helena Blavatsky Los Angeles: Jeremy
don: Rontledge & Kegan Paul, 1979. P. Tare her, 1992.
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of
JUDGE, WILLIAM QUAN (1851-1896) Mystical and Paranormal Experience. San Fran-
Irish-American theologist and metaphysical cisco: HarperSan Francisco, 1991.
scientist. Judge, William Q. The Esoteric She: Articles on Ma-
dame Blavatsky's Life, Work and Teachings. Com-
Judge is best remembered for his work as one of piled and edited by Daniel H. Caldwell. San Diego:
the co-founders of the THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, Point Loma, 1991.
along with Madame Helena Blavatsky (known as . Hidden Hints in the Secret Doctrine. Los
H.P.B) and Colonel Henry Steel Olcott (1832- Angeles: Theosophy Company, n.d.
1907), who became the society's first president. Ryan, Charles J. H. P. Blavatsky and the Theosophical
He began publishing The Path in New York City Movement. Pasadena, Calif.: Point Loma, 1975.
in 1893, a monthly magazine on the Theosophi- Spence, Lewis. The Encyclopedia of the Occult. New
cal movement, and continued to do so until his York: Carol, 1984.
death. Judge is the author of The Ocean of
Theosophy, published in the United States in JUNG, DR. CARL G. (1875-1961) Pio-
1893, which some believed to be a consolidated neer in mythic symbolism as it related to human
rendition and a complementary volume of Ma- consciousness; the father of analytical psy-
dame Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine. chology
Judge was trained as an attorney; however, Complicated and complex, Jung's ideas and theo-
his true vocation was metaphysics. He worked ries have shaped our time and provide a basis
closely with H.P.B. and Colonel Olcott. The for modern-day acceptance of metaphysics. Jung
Theosophical Society was founded in New York spent his entire life studying people and human
in 1886 and then moved to London before finally ability. More than analyzing the mind as did
finding a permanent home in India. In 1888, Freud, Jung's one-time mentor, Jung studied the
Judge assisted H.P.B. in establishing her Esoteric collective unconsciousness. Jung theorized that
School, and after her death. Judge became joint through the collective unconsciousness (much
administrator of the school with Dr. Annie Be- like a large library of thoughts that are accessible
sant (1847-1933), a British theosophist and so- to all, referred to by some as the akashic rec-
cial reformer. ords) thoughts can be passed from one individ-
After the deaths of H.P.B., Olcott and Judge, ual to another, from one period of time to
the society's influence diminished. However, another or from a spiritual entity to a human.
sections still thrive with adamant followers. The People who display the powers of clairvoyance
branch that Judge retained continues to distribute and TELEPATHY can supposedly connect with this
information around the world with headquarters library of thought.
based in Pasadena, California, as the Theosophi- Unlike Freud, who believed that all people
cal University Press. The society remains active were driven by sexual forces beyond their con-

JUNG, DR. CARL G. • 113

trol, Jung felt that the spirit was the compelling analytical method reflected the belief that a pa-
power and that dreams were the private messages tient can achieve a state of individuation or
and languages of the spirit; he believed that dead wholeness of self through understanding how
spirits could communicate with the living. This one is a product or part of the universal uncon-
philosophical division was but one that split scious, rather than a product of physical forces.
mentor and pupil. In the years before his death, Jung had a near-
Jung was born in Switzerland; his mother and death experience. He reported that he saw his
both his grandmothers were mediums, as were body floating through the air and got a bird's-
other members of his family. He studied medi- eye view of the Middle East After the experi-
cine and other physical sciences and practiced ence, Jung's attitude changed remarkably and he
medicine in Basel and Paris. Throughout his life, became happy and satisfied.
Jung had metaphysical experiences; for example, In his last years, Jung became increasingly
during one heated conversation with Freud, it immersed in spiritual dimensions. Just before his
is said that he exhibited psychokinetic powers. death in 1961, he had a visionary dream of the
(Psychokinetic powers are energy that comes end of his physical life. The dream included the
from the mind through profound concentration symbol of a tree with roots interlaced with gold,
and give one the ability to change form, position which is the alchemist's symbol of completion.
and structure of an energy field. For example, He died in Zurich, Switzerland, three days later,
this energy could be used to levitate objects.) Jung is known internationally for the way his
After his break with Freud, Jung experienced principles apply to religion, mysticism and even
a long period of self-examination that is often quantum physics and the relationship between
referred to as his psychotic phase. During this psychotherapy and metaphysical beliefs. His
time, he believed he could contact and connect other works include Aion; Man and His Symbols
with the world of the dead. This time period and and Mysterium Coniunctionis.
his metaphysical experiences are detailed in his See also astral plane.
autobiographical account, Memories, Dreams, Further reading
Jung was instrumental in explaining the two Campbell, Joseph, ed. The Portable Jung. New York:
psychological types of introvert and extrovert, Penguin, 1971,
Fodor, Nandor. Between Two Worlds. West Nyack,
and he suggested that humans are the sum of
N.Y,: Parker, 1964,
the emotions, thoughts, feeling, sensation and
Giles, Cynthia. The Tarot: History Mystery and Lore.
intuition and the images of masculine and femi-
New York: Paragon House, 1992.
nine, along with the collective unconsciousness. Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of
These thoughts were included in his Psychologi- Mystical and Paranormal Experience. San Fran-
cal Types (translated 1923). Quests for knowl- cisco: HarperSan Francisco, 1991.
edge on mythology, GNOSIS, Taoism, the I Jung, C. G Aion: Researches into the Phrenomenol-
CHING, the tarot and other mystical systems ogy Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press,
and methods including alchemy and DREAM IN- 1968,
TERPRETATIONS were interwoven throughout . Aspects of the Feminine. Princeton, N. J.: First
Jung's life. Princeton, 1982.
Dreams. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Univer-
Jung was a firm believer in reincarnation and
sity Press, 1974.
felt his own life was not karma but a thirst for
. Memories, Dreams, Reflections. Recorded and
knowledge and a quest to piece together the edited by Anilea Jafife. New York: Random
mythical unknown. He believed that the con- House, 1961.
frontation of death and the selection of a life O'Connor, Peter. Understanding Jung, Understanding
partner were reflections of past experiences, my- Yourself. New York/Mahwah, N.J.: Paulist Press,
thology and the collective unconsciousness. His 1985.

114 • JUNG, DR. CARL G,


KABBALAH The Hebrew system of medi- the teachings of a Spanish philosopher, Ibn Gabi-
eval mysticism, magic and religion. rol, and evolved to encompass all Hebrew mysti-
cal teachings.
The Kabbalah (with alternate spellings of In the 13th century a Spanish religious scholar,
Kabalah, Cabalah, Qabala and others) is said to Moses de Leon of Guadalajara, interpreted the
be a blend of powerful God-inspired magic and Sefer-ha-Zohar or Zohar (known as the Book
mysticism combined with astrology, along with of Splendor or Books of Lights). De Leon
strong influences from the TAROT and NUMEROL- claimed that the actual author was the mythical
OGY. The Kabbalah and the study of Kabbalistic mystic Simeon ben Yoah. That claim has been
teaching are shrouded with mystery and mys- disproved; it is believed that de Leon was the
ticism. real author of this masterpiece of mystical
The word Kabbalah is Hebrew for "that thought. Medieval scholars studied the Hebrew
which is received," implying a secret oral tradi- teachings of the Old Testament hoping to dis-
tion passed from scholarly mentor to novitiate. cover hidden truths and messages concealed
It is said that God taught the Kabbalah to the from the uninitiated. They devised a complex
angels, who in turn taught it to Adam after he system that produced secret information from
and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden. the text, with a relationship between words and
Thus, through the knowledge secretly available numbers, a form of numerology known as GEM-
and placed in Kabbalah, the angels provide all ATRIA.
individuals (beginning with Adam and Eve) with The Kabbalists do not follow a specific teach-
a way to return to God. ing order or religious dogma but believe instead
Some historians believe that the greatest work in unity with family and friends and education.
of the Kabbalah is the Sefer Yetzirah, the Book They do not believe one must separate oneself
of Creation (also called the Book of Foundation), or become a religious scholar in order to be true
thought to have been written in the first century to God. Rather, they recognize that through love
and attributed to a rabbi, Akiba ben Joseph. This of family and community one comes closer to
former shepherd formed a school to study the God. Kabbalists also believe in reincarnation,
Kabbalah and had more than 24,000 followers and the Kabbalah is strongly aligned to the tarot
before his martyrdom by the Romans about A.D. and ASTROLOGY, along with magic and mysti-
138. The Kabbalah was further investigated in cism, as well as gematria.

and hidden messages in the Old Testament, the
Kabbalists believed that they could construct
in magical spaces and conjure powerful invocations.
Kcthci Unlike previous systems of magic, the Kabbalah
incorporated another dimension, that of em-
ploying the power beyond astral influences, in-
nj^ DeCT nczn cluding the strength and spirit of angels,
Biiun Hokhmah.
archangels and God's potency.
The Kabbalah has inspired New Age meta-
physical investigation and many interpretations
of the Tree of Life (the physical format of the
Kabbalah). The Tree of Life is an inverted tree
/"A\\ c // AA and is duplicated in many metaphysical philoso-
( nnjj' »g' ■ n?nj J phies. The Kabbalah's version is drawn to indi-
cate how concepts of the world came into being
and how the soul understood knowledge before
accepting a body. The 10 circles of the Tree of
. im8£n
jTy* Tifndh

"in nxj
Hod Nrliafi
-V w

Yctod *

ni yet

The Tree of Life is a mystical belief based in part on
traditional Judaism. The Tree of Life is said to be the
map so that when one's lessons are understood, one
can return to God.

Kabbalists contend that numbers can have

great hidden power. As in numerology, every
An illustration from Paulas Riccius's 1515 manuscript
letter of a name is assigned a number. The num- "Porta Lucis" ("Gate of Light") symbolizes the sephr
bers are then added and the total is believed to irotic tree, or Tree of Life. The Kabbalah, with alter-
be a reflection on the person's life. For example, native spellings including Qabala, Kabalah and Ca-
one might be found to be a healer, an artist, or balah, is said to be a blend of powerful God-inspired
a teacher. When numbers were assigned to names divination and mysticism.

Life connect to show the flowing force of the The Kahunas were said to have powerful psy-
spirit and the levels of mystical understanding. chic skills and extensive healing powers along
It is a map from which the learned can under- with the ability to recall that which was known
stand their life lesson and thus return to God. in previous lives. Max Freedom Fong, a school-
Eliphas Levi (1810-1875), a sometime magician teacher who spent 14 years in Hawaii, chronicled
and a full-time mystic, was the first to point out much about the Huna religion, devoting his life
that the 22 cards of the tarot's MAJOR ARCANA to deciphering the remnants of the fading order.
appear to have a correlation with the Kabbalistic Through his work and collections and interpreta-
Tree of Life. tion of folklore, it is known that Huna is based
The Kabbalah is based on the doctrines of the on mythology and contains stories of the civiliza-
Hebrew faith. However, strictly speaking it is tions of Femuria and Atlantis.
not part of Jewish religious practices but rather The Huna religion evolved from a point in
a philosophical point of instruction included in which there were three levels of priests. The
the folklore and traditions of the religion. Intuitionists, or Order of Kane, was the highest
See also leon, moses ben shem tov de; order of priesthood. The Intellectuals, or the
LEVI, ELIPHAS. Order of Fong, were thought to be the gods of
medicine, meteorology and agriculture. And the
Further reading
Emotional, which became known as the Order
Fortune, Dion. The Mystical Qabalah. 1935. Reprint. of Ku, was the group associated with fertility,
York Beach, Maine: Samuel Weiser, 1984. rain, war and the unconscious nature of all liv-
Franck, Adolphe. The Kabbalah. New York: Bell, ing things.
1978. According to scholars, Huna, with Kahunas
Giles, Cynthia. The Tarot: History Mystery and Lore. practicing the ait of healing, psychic powers,
New York: Paragpn House, 1992.
prophetic dream interpretation and magic, was
Ponce, Charles. Kabbalah: An Introduction and Illu-
diluted over the centuries. By the time Captain
mination for the World Today Wheaton, III.; Theo-
Cook arrived in the islands, few Kahunas were
sophical Publishing House, 1973.
Schmaker, Wayne. The Occult Sciences in the Renais- able to tie into the psychic powers of their prede-
sance. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of cessors. However, the Order of Huna Interna-
California Press, 1972. tional was once more revived, through Fong's
Scholem, Gershom. Origins of the Kabbalah (transla- work, and reorganized in 1973. Serge King can
tion). Princeton, N.J.: Jewish Publication Society, be thanked for revitalizing the traditional prac-
1987. tices. He wrote about Huna and Kahunas in
his book. Kahuna Healing. One of the new
KAHUNAS Practitioners of the ancient Ha- books on the subject, Huna Awareness: The
waiian Huna religion; the Keepers of the Secret. Wisdom of the Ancient Hawaiians, was written
Considered magical priests somewhat similar- to by a certified Kahuna priest. Dr. Erika S. Nau,
the Native American shamans, the Kahunas be- who holds a teaching certificate from the Una
lieved that each person had three souls (often Research Associates. Dr. Nau and others stress
compared to Freud's theory of self). The three that by using the techniques perfected by the
souls were the low self, located in the solar Kahunas, one can be healed and heal others and
plexus; the middle soul, which was normal con- use dreams as a source of guidance from the
sciousness; and the high self, the all-knowing self higher self.
that could be contacted through telepathy and
clairvoyance. It was also believed that all living Further reading
things could connect mentally through the aka, Hoffman, Enid. Huna: A Beginner's Guide. Glouces-
the pathway of universal knowledge. The energy ter, Mass.: Para Research. 1976.
that carries this knowledge is referred to as Mana King, Serge. Kahuna Healing. Wheaton, III.: Theo-
and is directly tied to the various soul levels. sophical Publishing House, 1983.

KAHUNAS • 1 17
Long, Max Freedom. Recovering Ancient Magic. Lon- that has happened in previous incarnations affects
don: Rider Publishers, 1936. the challenges or accomplishments in the present
. The Secret Science behind Miracles. Santa life. Following the principle of karma, people are
Monica, Calif.: De Vross, 1948. the result of their prior experiences, relationships
Nau, Erika S. Huna Awareness: The Wisdom of the and deeds; their birthplace, appearance, abilities
Ancient Hawaiians. York Beach, Maine: Samuel
and life are a consequence of these foregoing ex-
Weiser, 1990.
KARDEC, ALLAN (J804-t869)French Many believe that karma can be compared to
psychic and spiritualist. lessons one might learn in school. In what may
be considered a negative situation, the lesson is
Allan Kardec was the pseudonym of the French
to grow and overcome the circumstance. Others
psychic Hypolyte Leon Denizard Rivail; he be-
believe that challenging situations or extremely
lieved that both Allan and Kardec were names
good fortune are the result of a past-life (negative
he had had in past lives, and he adopted them as
or positive) experience. Therefore, there is no
his magical name. Kardec strongly supported the
good karma or bad karma but simply the laws
concept of reincarnation, and his written work
of nature and the sum total of all actions. The
reflected the fact that spiritual progress is effected
ancient symbol for karma is the endless knot,
by a series of compulsory reincarnations. This
referring to the fact that the intricacies of karma
was an innovative concept at the time.
are profound and ongoing.
Kardec was so adamant in his convictions that
Karma is the Sanskrit word for "deed." It is
he refused to consider the opinions of others.
the sum of one's accomplishments, successes,
He and his followers ignored advances in meta-
failures and positive and negative experiences, as
physics, and because of his great influence, the
well as familial, regional, national and global
French remained 20 years behind other countries
associations occurring in previous lives. In Bud-
in their investigation of the occult.
dhism and Zen Buddhism, it is the universal law
Kardec is best known for establishing the Pari-
of cause and effect. These philosophies hold that
sian Society for Spiritualistic Studies and was
karma is caused by words, deeds, acts and
the editor of La Revue Spirite. While Kardec's
thoughts and what comes from intent, even if
psychic gifts are often overlooked in England
the intended action is not carried out. In a West-
and the United States, his is almost a household
ern view, karma is a law of causation. Simply
name in France and Brazil.
put, our present actions will shape our future,
Kardec is best known for his books, which
and perhaps future lives. Those who believe in
include The Spirit's Book, The Medium's Book
karma understand that while we may be a prod-
and Spiritualist Initiation.
uct of our past-life experiences, we can also alter
Further reading and shape our present life and become architects
of our present and our future. This is what is
Brown, Slater. The Heyday of Spiritualism. New
commonly referred to as free will. As metaphysi-
York: Hawthorn, 1970.
Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New cal scholars point out, karma can be made to
York: University Books, 1966. sound like fatalism only if there is an absolute
Psychic Voyages. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexan- belief of cause and effect that is rigid. But if
dria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. the effect is dynamic, always shifting, then past
causes and present effects can be changed.
KARMA Actions followed by consequences, According to traditional astrological teaching
according in Hinduism, Buddhism, New Age in India, karma is the progression and journey
thinking, metaphysics and the Theosophy move- of one's soul through his or her various lives. It
ments. is the influence of the acts of previous lives, the
Karma encompasses the sum of all past lives and influences in this present life and the acts or
so is the explanation of reincarnation. Everything actions that have not yet been taken. The Chris-


tian equivalent is the old adage. "As ye shall Roberts, Kenneth. Henry Gross and His Dowsing
sow, so shall ye reap." However, most Christian Rod. Garden City, N.Y,: Doubleday, 1951,
philosophies discount past-life conjecture and the
theory of karma. KELLNER, KARL (7-1935) German
People who have undergone past-life regres- psychic.
sion—that is, been hypnotized in order to re- Kellner is said to have channeled three spirits,
member previous incarnations—often fail two of them Arabs and one a Hindu, who led
scientific and clinical tests. Scientists believe that to his understanding of the occult knowledge of
heredity and environment are the only factors in the ages. Kellner is best remembered for organiz-
personality and physical characteristics and do ing an occult association called the Ordo Templi
not accept the idea that there may be other Orientis (OTO), or order of Oriental Templars,
variations that could be the result of previous in 1912, It was named after the medieval Knights
lives. Templar, who held great, some say magical,
See also akashic records? reincarnation. powers.
Kellner believed that through the sexual yoga
Further reading
he learned in the Middle East he possessed
The Encyclopedia of Eastern Philosophy and Religion. knowledge that could open up all Masonic
Boston: Shambhala, 1989. and Hermetic secrets. Aleister Crowley was
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Tales of Reincarnation. New also a follower of sexual magic. Crowley even-
York: Pocket Books, 1989. tually succeeded Kellner as head of OTO in
Hall, Manly P. Reincarnation: The Cycle of Necessity 1922.
Los Angeles: Philosophical Research Society, 1956. See also crowley, aleister? hermetic or-
Kapleau, Philip. The Wheel of Life and Death: A
Practical and Spiritual Guide. New York: Double-
day, 1989. Further reading
Motoyama, Hiroshi, Ph.D. Karma and Reincarnation.
Translated by Rande Brown Ouchi, New York: Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. The Encyclopedia of Witches
Avon, 1992. and Witchcraft. New York: Facts On File, 1989.
Woodward. Mary Ann. Edgar Cayce's Story of MacKenzie, Norman. Secret Societies. New York:
Karma: God's Book of Remembrance. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1967,
Coward, McCann & Geoghegan/Edgar Cayce Symonds, John, and Kenneth Grant, eds. The Confes-
Foundation, 1971, sions of Aleister Crowley: An Autobiography Lon-
Woolfork, Joanna Martine. The Only Astrology Book don: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979.
You'll Ever Need. Landham, Mass.: Scarborough,
1992. KEPHALONOMANCY Ancient divina-
tion method of pouring lighted carbon on a
KELIDOMANCY Divination using a sus- baked goat's head to determine guilt or inno-
pended object in order to foretell the future cence.
and/or respond to a querant's questions. Used during the time of the Lambards, an ancient
Kelidomancy, as with cleidomancy, is another Germanic people who lived in what is now Hun-
term meaning dowsing and penduluming. Uri gary and Austria (c. A.D, 547), kephalonomancy
Geller practices this mantic art. was routinely practiced to determine the guilt or
See also dowsing? pendulum predictions, innocence of those suspected of crimes.
Using the baked head of a goat (or donkey),
Further reading lighted carbon was poured on the head while the
Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New names and alleged crimes of the accused were
York: University Books, 1966. announced. If crackling was heard when the sus-
Geller, Uri, and Guy Lyon Playfair, The Geller Effect. pect's name was spoken, the accused was guilty.
New York: Henry Holt, 1986. If there was no sound or the sound was interpre-

ted to mean innocence, the accused would go KINGSFORD, ANNA BONUS (1846-
free. 1888) English psychic.
Kephalonomancy is somewhat similar to CAP- Kingsford was a contemporary of Madame Hel-
NOMANCY, in which divination occurs through ena Blavatsky, Macgregor Mathers and other-
interpretation of smoke produced from various mystics of the time. She specifically studied and
flammable objects, and pyromancy, in which practiced dream telepathy and prophetic DREAM
the charred remains of objects are interpreted. INTERPRETATIONS along with a practice she
See also daphnomancy. termed "esoteric Christianity" that derived oc-
cult meaning in Bible teaching.
Further reading
With Edward Maitland, Kingsford co-
Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo- founded and organized the Hermetic Society at
pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit- about the same time that the Hermetic Order of
ford Press, 1986. the Golden Dawn was started. She is best known
Goldberg, B. Z. The Sacred Fire. New York: Univer- for her work on mysticism and a book on the
sity Books, 1958.
subject, published in 1882, called The Perfect
Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super-
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown. Further reading
Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
Brown, Slater. The Heyday of Spiritualism. New
KING, FRANCIS (1904-1970) English psy- York: Hawthorn, 1970.
chic and metaphysical historian. Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso-
teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press,
King is best known for his work recording theo- 1992.
ries of the magical side of metaphysics. As a Ullman, M., ed. Dream Telepathy New York: Mac-
psychic and historical writer. King has produced millan, 1973.
numerous books on the subject of magic, secret
rituals and the occult. They include Ritual Magic KIRLIAN PHOTOGRAPHY The art of
in England, 1887 to the Present Day (1970), photographing the auras of living and inanimate
Sexuality, Magic, and Perversion (1971), and The objects.
Secret Rituals of the O.T.O. (1973). His newest The color vibrations seen in Kirlian photographs
and best book on the subject of ritual magic is are said to coincide with the brilliant colors of
Techniques of High Magic (1991). auras seen by some psychics. Some people see
With Israel Regardie, King revived the HER- Kirlian photography as a substantiation of the
METIC ORDER OF THE GOLDEN DAWN, Originally aura surrounding all things. The camera used in
founded in the late 1800s. Kirlian photography is able to convert nonelec-
trical properties into electrical properties and
Further reading
thus capture images on film. They are technically
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of called electrographic photographs.
Mystical and Paranormal Experience. San Fran- Semyon D. Kirlian is credited with the discov-
cisco: HarperSan Francisco, 1991. ery of the photography that bears his name.
Harper, George Mills. Yeat's Golden Dawn. Welling-
A Russian electrician, part-time inventor and
borough, England: Aquarian Press, 1974.
photographer, he is said to have stumbled on the
King, Francis. Ritual Magic in England, 1887 to
the Present Day London: Neville Spearman, concept while fixing a piece of equipment in
1970. the 1930s. As with many great discoveries and
King, Francis and Stephen Skinner. Techniques inventions, others had previously been working
of High Magic. Rochester, Vt.: Destiny Books, on similar concepts. In 1898 Yakov Narkevich
1991. Yokdo displayed an early form of Kirlian pho-


tography at an exhibition of what he referred to X rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and
as mystical energy coming from various objects. computerized axial tomography (CT) scans.
Along with his wife, Valentina, who was a Those who believe that the possibilities of Kirlian
biologist, Kirlian devised a system to capture on photography as a diagnostic tool have yet to be
film the aura emanating from all things, including realized explain that electrographic photography
plants, people and inanimate objects. The object is far safer than traditional X rays, since the
that is to be photographed is placed on the film, system does not damage the tissues of the body.
which is a negative electrode. Then voltage is They believe that it will become the preferred
passed between two electrodes, and a corona (the examination method of the 21st century.
aura) is produced. This corona is created when See also auras.
the electrons become excited and move about,
and the electromagnetic activity inevitably affects Further reading
the molecules in the photographic chemical. Sci- Becker, Robert O., and Gary Selden. The Body Elec-
entists say that photos of any object taken in this tric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life.
way will have an aura, which does not indicate New York: Quill/Morrow, 1985.
anything metaphysical at all. Bowers, Barbara. What Color Is Your Aura? New
Critics of Kirlian photography add that the York: Simon & Schuster, 1989.
aura energy fields photographed are merely Gerber, Richard. Vibrational Medicine. Santa Fe,
changes in body temperature or the skin's sur- N.Mex,:Bear& Co., 1988.
face chemistry. Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of
Mystical and Paranormal Experience. San Fran-
Those who expound on the validity of Kirlian
cisco: HarperSan Francisco, 1991.
photography explain that the emanations and
Kilner, Walter J. The Aura. New York: Samuel
radiations are photographed by a high-energy Weiser, 1973.
system, with the images captured on film but Krippner, Stanley, and Rubin, Daniel. The Kirlian
not seen by the eye, and are a documentation of Aura. New York: Doubleday, Anchor Press, 1974.
the ethereal or spiritual body. The energy field Ostrander, Sheila, and Lynn Schroeder. Psychic Dis-
(or aura) changes depending on the stress level coveries behind the Iron Curtain. Englewood
and health of the individual, and the colors are Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1970.
usually indigo, blue, aqua, pink and pale yellow. Tomplins, Peter. The Secret Life of Plants. New York:
The energy field extends out from the object or Harper & Row, 1973.
body, and photos have shown that when an
object (such as a plant) is moved, the Kirlian KNIGHT, JZ (1946- ) American psychic
photo shows a change in the colors. If a leaf is and channeler.
removed from the plant, the energy sparks and In the 1980s Knight came to fame in the United
changes color, and the shape of the leaf that is States by supposedly channeling an entity who
no longer there often continues to appear in is more than 35,000 years old, known as Ramtha,
the photograph. the Enlightened One. Part of the excitement re-
Interestingly enough, when two people place gaining Knight's channeling abilities was her ce-
their fingertips on the film, the Kirlian photo- lebrity endorsements, including that of actress
graph shows that the auras push away from each Shirley Maclaine.
other. However, when family members and, es- Knight, who was born Judith Darlene Hamp-
pecially, married couples perform this experi- ton on March 16, 1946, in Dexter, New Mexico,
ment, the auras often merge. got her nickname by condensing the J for Judy
In Russia's Moscow Institute of Normal Phys- and Z for "zebra," because of her love of wearing
iology, Kirlian photography is used as a device black-and-white clothing. She had no specific
to indicate ailments such as cancer and tumors psychic talents as a child or teenager, and it was
and is used to detect these disorders along with not until she had a psychic reading in the 1970s

KNIGHT, JZ • 121
that Knight was told that "the most awesome The Intuitive Connection. San Francisco: Harper
power" was walking with her. However, the & Row, 1987.
power did not speak or make itself known until Klimo, Jon. Channeling: Investigations on Receiving
1977. Ramtha appeared to Knight as a glowing Information from Paranormal Sources. Los
Angeles: Jeremy P. Tardier, 1987.
man while she and one of her sons were playing
Knight, JZ. A State of Mind: My Story New York:
with toy pyramids in the kitchen of their mod-
Warner, 1984.
est home.
Ramtha is extremely egotistical and loves to
chat about himself and his own accomplish- KRAFFT, KARL ERNEST (1900-1945)
ments. When channeling the entity, Knight be- Swiss astrologer and cosmologist.
comes a regal figure of nobility with a deep voice Krafft is known as the astrologer who worked
alteration. Critics have questioned the originality with the Nazi propaganda machine in an attempt
of Ramtha's sermons, saying that his lectures are to undermine the morale of the Allied troops
filled with commonplace thoughts. According to and British citizens. The psychic skills of this
them, Ramtha is simply repeating, albeit in a pro-Fascist Swiss were brought to the attention
somewhat different fashion, the very same con- of the Nazis when he correctly predicted an
cepts and ideals professed by others of spiritual attempt on Hitler's life and was temporarily
insight. jailed for possessing this information. When the
Knight's career as a channeler has been filled Nazis began searching for an expert in the proph-
with spectacular ups and downs. The peaks have ecies of Nostradamus, which were to be interpre-
been dazzling; her reputation was flying high ted to indicate Nazi supremacy and to use
after the publication of Maclaine's book Dancing astrology in psychological warfare, Krafft was
in the Light and the publicity brought about by drummed into service. As a genuine expert on
the book's mention of Knight. JZ became a the great prophet's predictions, Krafft began
media darling after the actress proclaimed that in working in Berlin in January 1940. At the same
a past life she had been Ramtha's brother on time, the Nazis banned all privately published
Atlantis. But her reputation suffered when occult material. Throughout a major portion of
Knight bought an extensive Washington State World War II, Krafft interpreted Nostradamus's
ranch and lavishly decorated the 13,000-square- prophecies only in ways that indicated Nazi
foot ranch house. Her plan was to raise Messiah dominance and the expectation that the Axis
Arabian horses, which were said to be housed in powers would rule the world.
stables with exclusive appointments. With Ram- While others doubted that these prophecies
tha's financial counseling, a number of Knight's were correct, Krafft firmly beheved that Ger-
disciples invested heavily in the ranch, hoping to many's victory over all its enemies had been
make incredible amounts of money. However, predicted in the obscure codes of Nostradamus.
when the investment money was reportedly lost, Hundreds of thousands of pamphlets detailing
misused or mismanaged, many became extremely Krafft's deciphering of the medieval prophet's
dissatisfied and resentful, resulting in a loss of words were distributed throughout Europe and
credibility for Knight. air-dropped over the British Isles.
Knight no longer channels Ramtha to stand- It is believed that many of Germany's attacks
ing-room only crowds, though she continues to were forecast through Krafft's calculations of
channel privately. the planets and their astrological influences. To
defend itself against this astrological battle
Further reading plan, the British Defence Department hired its
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of own astrologer, Louis De Wohl, to interpret
Mystical and Paranormal Experience. San Fran- astrological charts to discover what Hitler would
cisco: HarperSan Francisco, 1991. do. De Wohl was called the British "Secret
Kantz, William H., and Melanie Branon. Channeling: Service" astrologer. The British government qui-


etly reverted to more traditional types of warfare, beater of the Theosophical Society. It was pre-
but only after magazines, printed in German, dicted by Besant (and Madame Blavatsky) that a
were dropped over the German-occupied coun- World Teacher and Lord, termed a bodhisattva,
tries offering bogus astrological predictions to would be found. Besant and Leadbeater knew
counteract any predictions made by the Nazis. that Krishnamurti was the future teacher because
Krafft eventually fell out of favor with the of his remarkable aura. Krishnamurti later denied
Germans. Some say he had the audacity to claim his position as a chosen world leader.
that General Montgomery's astrological chart in- Leadbeater, using clairvoyance and psychic
dicated that he was a better soldier, including skills, tapped into the AKASHIC RECORDS, and
many more favorable aspects than did that of through past-life recollections discovered that
Field Marshal Rommel. Or, another theory indi- Krishnamurti had been a healer and teacher for
cates, Krafft was found guilty of encouraging a number of lifetimes. Leadbeater also said that
Rudolph Hess's defection to the English and his the young Krishnamurti was a follower of Bud-
fleeing of the Third Reich. It was said that Hess dha. In 1910, Krishnamurti was invited by the
deserted because he was "crazed by astrologers." Theosophical Society to enter the Great White
Hundreds of astrologers, clairvoyants, radies- Brotherhood of which Jesus, the Comte de St.
thetics, faith healers and other practitioners who Germain, Serapis and other teachers were a part.
were even remotely connected with metaphysics According to notes in his book, At the Feet of
were arrested by the Gestapo, imprisoned and, the Masters, Krishnamurti explained that being
in some cases, exterminated. Many military his- accepted into the prestigious group was like a
torians believe that the Nazi war machine simply great sunshine to the soul.
had to blame Hess's defection on someone, since A year later, Leadbeater established the Order
it was feared that it would demoralize the armed of the Star of the East, with Krishnamurti as its
forces. Books on metaphysics were burned, oc- leader. After the announcement, plans to build
cult literature was seized and private collections U.S. headquarters moved quickly, and Besant
were destroyed. It became dangerous even to be bought land in Ojai, California. The organiza-
seen looking at metaphysical material. tion and the teaching prophet moved there, es-
Like millions of others, Krafft was imprisoned tablishing the Krishnamurti Foundation.
by the Nazis. The exact time and place is unclear, After the painful and untimely death of his
but it has been reported that in 1945 Krafft died brother, Nityanada, with whom he shared a great
while being transported to (or while held in) the closeness, Krishnamurti lost faith in the masters
prison camp at Buchenwald, Germany. and reincarnation, admonishing his disciples to
throw off the chains of previous teachings, books
Further readinj
and doctrines. Krishnamurti formally broke ties
Cosmic Connections. Mysteries of the Unknown. Al- with the Krishnamurti Foundation in 1930, set-
exandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. ting humankind free of self-proclaimed authori-
Howe, Ellic. Astrology: A Recent History Including ties. He believed that he was simply a yogi
the Untold Story of Its Role in World War II. New master, rejecting the position of supreme guru.
York: Walter, 1967.
Krishnamurti toured extensively throughout the
Astrology and the Third Reich. Wellingbor-
ongh, England: Aquarian Press, 1984. world, spending time lecturing on yogic philoso-
Woolfork, Joanna Martine. The Only Astrology Book phies.
You'll Ever Need. Landham, Mass.: Scarborough, He believed that the individual must proceed
1992. on his or her own pathway to enlightenment,
without the dogma of authorities telling what
KRISHNAMURTI, JIDDU (1895-1986) should be learned. He gently suggested, among
Spiritual teacher and metaphysical leader. other instructions, use of the imagination, con-
Krishnamurti was discovered in India by Dr. centration on creative thought and awareness of
Annie Besant and the Reverend C. W. Lead- past-life experiences as part of the instruction


process to be used to move from this life to Further reading
the next dimension. He taught that one must
Campbell, Bruce F. Ancient Wisdom Revived: A His-
transform a system, not allow a system to trans-
tory of the Theosophical Movement. Berkeley
form the person. Krishnamurti is remembered as and Los Angeles: University of California Press,
a great master and thoughtful human being, and 1980.
his teachings live on in seven schools throughout Eastern Mysteries. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexan-
the world, including one in Ojai, California dria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
called the Krishnamurti Foundation. Jayakar, Pupn\. Krishnamurti's Journal. San Francisco:
Accounts of his teachings are included in Harper & Row, 1982.
Commentaries at Living, The First and Last Ryan, Charles ]. H. P. Blavatsky and the Theosophi-
Freedom, The Impossible Question and The Ur- cal Movement. Pasadena, Calif.: Point Loma,
gency of Change.



LAMPADOMANCY Divination through used by the ancient Egyptians about 1,700 years
the observation of flames from a candle or ago. Specifically, the Egyptians studied the flame
torch. at the wick of the candle for divination and
Sometimes referred to as lampandomancy, 1am- guidance. However, only children were allowed
padomancy is a form of fire divination or PYRO- to make these forecasts.
MANCY, the analysis of the shape of flames to Whereas the Egyptians used one candle, the
foretell the future. It is quite logical that the Greeks took the ancient practices and devised a
interpretation of flames from a candle or a torch variation that required three or four specially
would become a prognostication method, since blessed candles. Three candles were set in a trian-
fire has played an integral role in human evolu- gle shape, and a fourth was placed in the center.
tion; the first stage was the harnessing of flames All the candles were lighted; the three candles
for heat and then for cooking food; subsequently, were used as a way to draw in the spirits, who
flames were incorporated into mystical and ritu- would reveal through the fourth candle that
alistic ceremonies, including religious services. which needed to be known.
Even today, most religious services involve the In practicing lampadomancy, a question must
burning of candles; some, such as in the Catholic be seriously considered and then asked, either
Church, have candles available for lighting when aloud or silently. Then all the candles are lit.
a special prayer is made. Interpretations are based on the fourth or middle
The use of flames to foretell future events and candle's appearance and behavior:
interpret omens is thought to be one of the
earliest methods of divination employed, per- If the candle burns small and bright and the wick
haps, by cave dwellers in prehistoric times, who glows, success will be forthcoming.
studied the patterns of flames in the campfire, as If the candle burns large and bright and the wick
well as the shadows that bounced off the cave glows, there will be exceptional good luck.
walls. It is believed that before written time, If the candle burns dim and looks as though
lampadomancy was used, along with other SCRY- it will go out, there will be disillusionment,
ING methods. Candle prophecies are mentioned perhaps a setback in plans or a relationship.
in the Old Testament of the Bible. If the candle leans to the side or the wick moves
Lampadomancy and variations involving CAN- to the side, a significant change in circum-
DLE PROPHECY, including LYNCHOMANCY, were stances will be experienced by the querant.

that the answer to the question is an absolute
A variation of this method of candle prophecy
long used by psychics requires only one can-
dle, To use this method to its best advantage, all
lights must be extinguished, although a flashlight
may be used to help light the candle, in a room
that is pleasant and inviting. The prophecy, as
with the above, must be made with a serious
determination to understand the future and a
clear and open mind for what is to be revealed.
The following are some of the interpretations
for the one-candle method:

If the candle bums brightly, the answer is yes.

If the candle seems to burn slowly or goes out
by itself, the answer is no, or there will be a
negative result of the action under consider-
If sparks flicker from the candle flame or around
the wick, caution should be taken. This is a
a warning to be careful.
If a brightly burning candle should suddenly
extinguish, there is grave danger, perhaps dis-
aster ahead.

Using one match to light all three candles,

the following are interpretations of the three-
candle method:
Observation of the flames from a candle or torch is If one candle burns more brightly than the oth-
still used as a divination method. ers, the portents are good. The answer to the
question is affirmative.
Should any of the candles have an extrabright
If the candle flickers, there will definitely be a sparkle of color at the tip of the flame, this is
change, perhaps one in finances, career or a very lucky omen.
business. This may be a good omen because If the flames move from side to side, it means a
change brings forth creativity. change or a journey. If only one flame moves
If the candle sparkles, the querant should take from side to side while the others are still, this
special care with his or her health. The spar- means a singular endeavor, an unaccompanied
kling candle indicates a concern about health journey or a project that must be undertaken
and safety. alone.
If the candle twists and burns tall, it is an indica- If only one candle is extinguished while the oth-
tion that there are those who are out to upset ers continue to burn, it means there is an
the querant, to foil plans and place obstacles obstacle approaching, perhaps a sign of dan-
in the road to a relationship or career or ger; this is definitely a warning of caution.
financial success. If one of the flames spirals and twists, with
If the candle flame dies without any outside wind or without smoke, there may be difficulties
source, this is a bad omen. It may also mean and/or plots against the querant.

After singing the "Happy Birthday" song, voking, at the same time, initially, the descrip-
who hasn't leaned over, made a secret wish and tions seem too elementary. However, psychics
attempted to blow out all the candles? It's a encourage understanding of the laws through
traditional way of celebrating a birthday. Just a meditation, by reading and studying the laws
whimsical birthday game? Actually, it is a form and other principles of metaphysics and by mak-
of candle prophecy that, like so many other ing the laws part of one's personal philosophy.
charming customs, is actually a derivative of For example, the Law of Absorption explains
prognosticating the future using the candle as that all matter in the universe, regardless of type
a tool. or vibration, assimilates vibrations from all other
In Tibet today, a form of lampadomancy is matter. The Law of Universal Law explains that
still very much in use. It is called mar-me-tag- principles are absolutely necessary for a universe
pa, and divination is attempted with the use of to exist.
lamps burning butter. The Tibetan form is Some of the laws seem too scientific to be
thought to have originated around A.D. 1300. considered within the realm of metaphysics;
According to tradition, this method must only however, all thoughts, whether occult, New Age
be used on the 8th or 10th day of the month, or or highly scientific, are combined in these univer-
when the moon is in half or full position. Mar- sal laws. For example, the Law of Uncertainty
me-tag-pa specifically prognosticates from the (or the Uncertainty Principle) is attributed to
wick of the flame, and even after the flame is Albert Einstein. The Law of Synchronicity is
extinguished, the wick is scrutinized for consid- attributed to Carl Jung, and the Law of Readi-
eration in the answer to the querant's question. ness may have had its beginnings in the I Ching,
Additionally, a butter lamp that produces a pleas- The following are a few of the Laws of Meta-
ant odor provides the basis for even better luck physics:
or good fortune for'the one posing the question.
See also capnomancy. The Law of Free Will states that every person
has freedom of choice; therefore, not making a
Further reading choice is actually making a choice. Additionally,
free will allows men and women to use this
Dey, Charmaine. The Magic Candle. Bronx, N.Y.:
Original Publications, 1989. present incarnation as a tool to continue learning
Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling. life lessons for their personal evolution.
New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992. The Law of Good tells us that there is only
Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: Flow to Predict Your good in the universe. There is no bad and no
Own Future. London: Quintet Publishing and Ran- evil, only a system of polarity, of opposites and
dom House, 1992. experiences that are converse.
Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super- The Law of Infinite Universes states that
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. each person sees the universe in a different way.
Pajeon, Kala, and Ketz Pajeon. The Candle Magic
There is no right or wrong way to see the uni-
Workbook. New York: Citadel Press, 1992.
verse and universal order but that which is indi-
vidual to each person.
LAWS OF METAPHYSICS The princi- The Law of Karma provides the principles to
ples of psychic and mystical sciences that are be responsible for all actions and acts and is the
known to occur time and again. Also known as sum total of all past and present experiences and
Spiritual Laws. actions, perhaps even intentions. The Law of
The Laws of Metaphysics, functional and philo- Karma explains that experiences, actions and in-
sophical, are the doctrines and canons of esoter- tentions of one lifetime may be carried over into
icism. New Age teaching and philosophies, the next.
occultism, alchemy, psychic gifts and mysticism. The Law of Omnipresence states that the
Although they are complex and thought pro- universe is within every particle of the universe


and it is within and without in the past, present cially the fingertips, and the hands were placed
and future. The universe is always with us. on the specific area of illness. For example, in an
The Law of Personal Return states that ev- internal illness involving the stomach, the hands
erything in the universe is cyclic. The Bible states of the healer would be placed on or close to the
that we should do unto others as we would like abdomen. Typically, hands do make contact with
them to do for us: an example of the Christian the skin, but they can also be held over the
Law of Personal Return. patient; laying on of hands can be practiced at a
The Law of Readiness, in Eastern philoso- distance by imagining that hands are being held
phies, explains that "When the pupil is ready, over the troubled physical area or visualizing a
the Master is ready. When the student is ready, healing circle of light. Sometimes those who are
the Teacher will come." to receive the healing are told to concentrate their
The Law of Uncertainty states that any realis- thoughts on the specific area or to feel the heat
tic description of the universe must describe it in of the healing.
all possible states at the same instant of time; Healing, sometimes immediately and some-
thus a person is unborn, alive and dead at the times over a period of time, is often accompanied
same moment. by a feeling of warmth or relaxation. Some pa-
tients report feeling chilled, a tickling sensation
Further reading or agitation during the experience. Doctors and
Bailey, Alice. A Treatise on White Magic. New York: scientists often believe that this form of healing
Lucis, 1951. is really the power of positive thinking; however,
Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo- cells and tissues that have been examined after
pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit- laying on of hands and mental healing have taken
ford Press, 1986. place reflect a change in cell activity. It would
Cavendish, Richard, ed. The Encyclopedia of the Un- seem that cells are attempting to normalize and
explained. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974. heal themselves,
Cayce, Hugh Lynn, ed. The Edgar Cayce Collection. Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) is said to have ex-
New York: Bonanza, 1986.
hibited psychic abilities since childhood. He was
consulted by thousands of people regarding
LAYING ON OF HANDS A method of health problems, often curing those whom doc-
psychic healing. tors had reported to be terminally ill. Some of
Traditionally considered a way of healing or re- the healing was done in person; often it was done
leasing evil spirits from the querant, laying on of through meditation. Cayce claimed that he could
hands is used in many civilizations and continues review the AKASHIC RECORDS of the person who
to be utilized today in religious and New Age was ill to ascertain whether or not the illness was
groups including the Mormons (Latter-Day the result of a past-life experience or karma.
Saints), Thus, he would be able to explain and specifically
Healing is produced when the hands of the release a block in the patient's evolution and
healer (or psychic) are used to channel and trans- encourage healing. Transcripts of the healing
mit energy from the universe or God source readings are included in the book Edgar Cayce
through his or her body to the person who is to on Healing.
be healed, Other psychics who practice healing have also
In this method, which is sometimes called claimed to be able to heal the illness or infirmity
magnetic healing, psychics or healers concentrate of a previous incarnation of which a remnant is
on the querant's problem (physical or mental) affecting the querant in his or her present life-
and use their hands to accelerate the power of time. For instance, if the querant had a lung
the individual's cells to heal. It was thought disease in a previous life, he or she may now
that the magnetism of the healer's system was have a breathing problem. Often just by knowing
generated through the hands, palms and espe- that this is a disease left over from the past and


that the problem that caused the disease is no figure for his or her followers produces healing
longer valid, the cure is manifest. or health.
Many psychics practice healing; some charge Also see CAYCE, EDGAR; CRYSTAL PREDIC-
fees while others do not. Some use the power TIONS; DAVIS, ANDREW JACKSON; EDWARDS,
of crystals, believing that certain gems vibrate harry; gems.
especially strong healing powers. For example,
the amethyst is considered to be a healing stone; Further reading
it is recommended that those who are ill wear Bravo, Brett. Crystal Love Secrets. New York: War-
and/or meditate with the gem. Other psychics ner. 1991.
who heal do so through herbal or Native Ameri- [Cayce, Edgar-. J Edgar Cayce on Healing. Virginia
can practices. From the beginning of time right Beach, Va.: ARE Press, 1969.
up to today, there also have been charlatans who Krippner, Stanley, and Alberto Villoldo. The Realms
take people's money promising cures but do not of Healing. 3d ed. Berkeley, Ca.: Celestial Arts,
produce. As with all medical concerns and health 1986.
Meek, George W., ed. Healers and the Healing Pro-
issues, it is essential that querants also consult
cess. Wheaton, III.: Theosophical Publishing
with medical professionals.
House, 1977.
Andrew Jackson Davis (1826-1910) is known Powers of Healing. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alex-
as one of the great American psychic healers. andria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
Harry Edwards is the best known of British West, D. J. Eleven Lourdes Miracles. New York:
psychic healers (1893-1976). At a "performance" Helix, 1957.
in Kings Hall, Manchester, Edwards had a crowd Worral, A. The Gift of Healing. New York: Harper
of more than 7,000 people watching as he placed & Row, 1965.
on hands and healed various ailments. He was
said to be able to^best heal arthritis, spinal le- LECONOMANCY Divination by the
sions, paralysis and sometimes blindness and sound or movement made when an object is
deafness. He claimed that the spirits of Pasteur thrown into water; sometimes the water is cov-
and other great medical practitioners guided him ered with a film of oil.
from the ethereal world. This prognostication method is said to have be-
Those who practice laying on of hands often gun with the ancient Assyrians, who answered
are using another method of mental healing, as querants' questions, interpreted omens and fore-
did Cayce during his years of providing healing told the future using leconomancy. However,
readings. Mental healing is said to be a variation they preferred rising a thin layer of yellowish oil
of psychokinesis whereby natural electrical en- (since chickens were also used regularly as a pre-
ergy is transmitted from the brain of the psychic diction tool, the oil may have actually been the fat
(or healer) to the patient. Psychics often see the produced when chicken was cooked). After the
need for healing when viewing the querant's qucrant posed a question, the Assyrian psychics
aura and can sec the change in the color emanat- cast a pebble or gem into the dish and divination
ing from the body after healing has been com- occurred. For example, if the querant (often of
pleted. the nobility) questioned the outcome of a war,
One can use this power to heal oneself or and the pebble dropped to the bottom of the bowl
others; however, if the patient does not believe or dish without separating the pool of oil, it
in the power of the mind to heal, the healing meant that the king would triumph. However, if
will not be effective. Healing can occur through the oil separated into tiny particles, the omen
visualization, meditation, mental telepathy and would have been interpreted to mean that the mo-
affirmations. The healing is often referred to as rale of the king's men would be dissipated and the
a miracle; there are references to laying on of effort foiled.
hands in the Bible and other holy books, where In the Bible, Joseph (Gen. 44:5, 15) used a
the mental authority or charisma of a religious variation of leconomancy, and Nostradamus

(1503-1566) is said to have practiced this method, Shortly thereafter Lee was imprisoned for dis-
too. The seer placed a bowl of water upon a brass turbing the peace, by preaching the gospel ac-
tripod and interpreted the patterns in the water cording to the Shaker doctrine. It was at this
when viewed by an indirect light source. time that Lee had a dream (or vision) that she was
Also spelled lecanomancy, leconomancy is a in fact the "Bride of the Lamb." Since visionary
variation of HYDROMANCY, that is, divination by dreams had changed the lives of many during
staring at water and interpreting what is seen. Old Testament times, it was not unusual for this
The visions seen in the patterns on the surface religious woman to believe she was the chosen
or through a mist or image sometimes offer a one. From that time on, Lee was often referred
message in the water itself. to as "Mother Ann" or "Ann the Word." Her
Sometimes divination occurred, in ancient followers believed that she was the female coun-
Greek and Roman times, through the ripples on terpart of Jesus Christ.
a lake or body of water, after a specific type of In 1774, Lee immigrated to the American col-
stone was tossed by the querant or by the psychic onies, finding religious freedom not available in
or when the wind moved the layer of water. England at the time. Along with a handful of
Ripples made by raindrops and the drops poured British followers, Lee founded a Shaker conclave
from a vessel were also interpreted. When we've in what is now Watervliet, near Albany, New
"skipped" a rock across water, unknowingly per- York. Lee and other Shakers abided by the doc-
haps, we have practiced leconomancy. trine of pacifism and communism and were dedi-
See also catoptromancy; enoptromancy; cated to celibacy and chastity. At the height of
SCRYING. the movement, in about 1860, the number of
flourishing Shaker communities was 18, with
Further reading more than 6,000 members. Since that time, the
Cavendish, Richard, ed. The Encyclopedia of the Un- communities have dwindled, with fewer than 50
explained. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974. members today.
Miller, Madeleine S., and J. Lane Miller, eds. Harper's Shakers, once thought of as original religious
Encyclopedia of Bible Life. San Francisco: Harper thinkers, are now best known as the craftspeople
& Row, 1978. who specialize in designing and building sparse-
Roberts, Henry C. The Complete Prophecies of Nos- looking, smoothly contoured furniture.
tradamus. New York: American Book-Stratford
Press, 1969. Further reading
Bethards, Betty. The Dream Book: Symbols for Self-
LEE, ANN (1736-1784) English religious Understanding. Petal urn a, Calif.: Inner Light
leader and mystic. Press, 1992.
Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso-
Lee, originally from Manchester, England, was
teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press,
instrumental in the formation of the religious
group called the Shakers, formally known as the
Glass, Justine. The Story of Fulfilled Prophecy Lon-
United Society of Believers in Christ's Second don: Cassell, 1969.
Coming, a sect first heard about in 1750 in Loewe, Michael, and Carmen Blacker, eds. Divination
England. It is said that after attending a service and Oracles. London: Allen & Unwin, 1981.
conducted by Jane Wardley (Wardley and her Stem, Jess. Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet. New
husband James were two of the first to practice York: Bantam, 1968.
the religion) and hearing that, according to
Wardley, Christ would return to earth manifest LE NORMAND, MADAME
as a woman, Lee joined Wardley's followers. (1772-1843) French psychic, astrologer and card
Wardley had had a visionary dream telling her reader.
to leave the Friends (Quakers) and help form a Le Normand may be one of the most gifted of
new sect, the Shakers. all card readers, known as "the Sybil of the

130 • LEE, ANN

Faubourg Saint Germain." She was renowned for influences with other signs, the planets, the Sun,
foretelling the futures of such French revolution- the Moon and other powers.
ary figures as Jean Paul Marat and Maximilien In traditional Western astrology, Leo is the
Robespierre. fifth sign of the zodiac and is a fire sign. Those
Because of her psychic gift, Le Normand was born during the period typically exhibit qualities
embraced by the nobility, and she is said to have that exemplify an extroverted nature, are outgo-
read Napoleon's horoscope. After this triumph ing and enjoy being in the spotlight; typically,
and as her reputation spread among the wealthy, most enjoy being alone on center stage.
she moved to Paris, reading cards for affluent According to astrologers, natives of the sign of
Parisians. While traveling, she was caught up in Leo are proud, ambitious, generous and friendly.
a war in Belgium and imprisoned. Whether she They have a strong practical streak in their nature
died in prison or died after losing favor with the that tends to surprise those who see Leo as a
aristocracy of the time is unclear. However, in somewhat arrogant and magnificent individual.
the history of divination, Le Normand is still Of course, the Leo native can have a darker
remembered today for powerful and disquiet- side, too, when twinges of a boastful, ironclad
ingly factual psychic gifts of predicting the determination surface. The Leo may also be (of-
future. ten to an extreme and without knowing it) chal-
lenging, which can provoke others.
Further reading It is said that Leos most likable characteristic
Buckland, Raymond. Secrets of Gypsy Fortune Telling. is vitality. Even if it has been a very long work
St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1988. week, and a very long Friday, one can count on
Giles, Cynthia. The Tarot: History Mystery and Lore. Leo to go dancing or otherwise kick up his or
New York. Paragon House, 1992. her heels . . . even if it's two in the morning
Innes, Brian. The Tarot: How to Use and Interpret when the workday is ended. And when kicking
the Cards. London: Orbis, 1979. those heels, if it just happens that Leo is the star,
so much the better,
LEO One of the 12 astrological signs of the Leos are considered to be excellent managers
zodiac. The symbol is the lion. with an extra measure of creativity and a sprin-
Those who are born between July 23 and August kling of drama. They can get employees moti-
22 are natives of the sign of Leo and have specific vated and brainstorming like no other sign.
traits indicative of the time and date on which Whether it's good or bad, the Leo native knows
they were born. Divination of events can also be no other way than to make a production out of
charted through this astrological sign. everything. Small companies mushroom. Inti-
Astrologers divine what is in store throughout mate parties turn into events. Nest eggs are in-
life through the time, date and place in which vested and produce incredible returns, time and
an individual was born as they coordinate the again, without the tedious planning required by
those born in other signs. That's simply the
Leo way.
The sign of the zodiac in which an individual
is born is responsible for only one fragment of
the qualities he or she receives at birth. Psychics
are quick to point out that a general forecast
solely on the stellar position of the Sun on the
X1 day an individual was born is unlikely to provide
an accurate glimpse of the future.
While traditional astrologers use books to cal-
culate a personal birth chart based on the position
LEO of the Sun, Moon and planets at a distinct time,

LEO • 131
eventually founding his own group, the Astro-
logical Lodge of the Theosophical Society, in
Leo was one of the first to publish a monthly
periodical on the use of the Sun and planets
to prognosticate the future; it was called the
Astrologer's Magazine. In 1914, Leo was ar-
rested, accused of being a fortune-teller, which
was against the law; however, the case against
him was dismissed. Once more in 1917, he was
This ancient symbol represen ts the astrological sign
prosecuted and fined a token sum of 25 pounds.
of Leo.
Renaming his magazine Modern Astrology, he
continued to spread astrology to the world. The
computer software has replaced most of this magazine was extremely popular, as were his
time-consuming work. The correct term for cal- "shilling" horoscopes and inexpensive books on
culating a birth chart is to "cast" it. In order to the subject.
fully comprehend the extent of traits, potential Leo was an ardent and earnest astrologer, with
and attributes, the exact time and place of birth strong leanings toward the serious side of the
must be known and interpreted. occult. He is also known for his many books on
See also ASTROLOGICAL SYMBOLS; astrology. metaphysics. His most famous works include
Astrology for All, How to Judge a Nativity The
Further reading Progressive Horoscope and Esoteric Astrology
Cosmic Connections. Mysteries of the Unknown. Al- These books are considered classics; they are
exandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. often available through used-books stores and
Goodman, Linda. Linda Goodman's Sun Signs. New are used regularly as teaching manuals in astrol-
York: Fawcett/Columbine, 1978. ogy classes.
Morgan, Chris, fortune Telling: How to Predict Your
Own Future. London: Quintet Publishing and Ran- Further reading
dom House, 1992.
Omarr, Sydney. Leo. New York: New American Li- Cosmic Connections. Mysteries of the Unknown. Al-
brary, 1992. exandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
. My World of Astrology New York: Fleet, Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Esoteric
1965. Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press, 1992.
Verlagsanstalt, Datura: Leo Astro Analysis. New York: Meade, Marion. Madame Blavatsky: The Woman be-
Grosset & Dunlap, 1976, hind the Myth. New York: Putnam's, 1980.
Woolfork, Joanna Martine. The Only Astrology Book Ryan, Charles ]. H.P. Blavatsky and the Theosophical
You '11 Ever Need. Landham, Mass.: Scarborough, Movement. Pasadena, Calif.: Point Loma, 1975,
1992. Woolfork, Joanna Martine. The Only Astrology Book
You '11 Ever Need. Landham, Mass.: Scarborough,
LEO, ALAN (1860-1917) British as- 1992
Leo was one of the most influential astrologers LEON, MOSES BEN SHEM TOY DE
of his time and was instrumental in publicizing (1240-1305) Spanish Jewish religious teacher
astrology during the metaphysical revival in the and psychic.
late 1800s. Sometimes referred to as the "father Moses de Leon is best known as a teacher of
of modern astrology," Leo worked to bring the kabbalah, and, depending on the reference
knowledge of astrology to the masses. In 1890, source used, he is thought to be the compiler or
he became a member of Madame Blavatsky's the author of the Zohar, one of the principal
group and joined the theosophical society, works of the Kabbalah.

132 • LEO, ALAN

The 13th-century religious scholar, born in
Guadalajara, Spain, interpreted the Sefer-ha-Zo-
har (known as the Book of Splendor or Books
of Lights). De Leon claimed that the real author-
was the mythical mystic Simeon ben Yoah. That,
however, has subsequently been disproved, be-
cause there is no evidence that Simeon ben Yoah
existed, and it is believed that de Leon is the
actual author of this masterpiece of mystical
Like other medieval scholars involved in reli-
gious investigation, de Leon studied the Hebrew
teachings of the Old Testament hoping to dis-
cover hidden truths and messages concealed from
the uninitiated. He worked on systems that pro-
duced secret information from the text, with a
relationship between the words and numbers, a
form of numerology known as GEMATRIA.
De Leon traveled throughout Europe, espe-
cially in the Spanish peninsula, teaching the
Kabbalah and learning from other mystics. He
wrote more than 20 books, many of which are
now only fragments that can be viewed in mu-
See also tarot.

Further reading
Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso-
teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press,
Schmaker, Wayne. The Occult Sciences in the Renais-
sance. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of
California Press, 1972.
Scholem, Gershom. Origins of the Kabbalah (transla-
tion). Princeton, N.J.: Jewish Publication Society,


(1882-1968) British psychic.
Leonard is remembered as one of the most gifted
of trance mediums and psychics who channel
MOSES BEN SHEM TOV DE LEON entities. Leonard's entity was Leda, an Indian
Moses Ben Shem Tov de Leon is best known as a who supposedly had died circa 1800 but spoke
teacher of the Kabbalah. He is thought by many to through Leonard. It was through the encourage-
be the compiler or author of the Zohar, one of the ment of Leda that Leonard accepted her psychic
principal works of the Kabbalah. gifts and used her clairvoyance to provide clients
with metaphysical information, especially in the
realm of past lives.


Leonard tried to warn the public about the with a square-shaped face is said to have a practi-
advent of an upcoming war, World War I, years cal nature. Someone with closely set eyes is said
ahead of its beginning, among other prognostica- to have a devious or wily character.
tions. Leonard met Sir Oliver Lodge (the scien- Physiognomy had originated as a psychic sci-
tist, psychic researcher, investor and physicist), ence in the early 1500s in France, Austria and
who investigated psychic phenomena, and he Italy. It was condemned by the British Parliament
believed that her powers were genuine. At one as sorcery in 1743; however, the study continued
time, Leonard worked with Lodge to contact the to take hold, Levater published a book in 1775
scientist's son, who had died in combat during on the topic, promoting the concept that specific
the war, head shapes and facial features denoted particular
Leonard was also tested for her abilities by personality characteristics and tendencies. A sup-
Whately Carington, who, like Lodge, found that porter of the Freemasons and a friend of Count
Leonard's channeled entity Feda was not merely Allesandro di Cagliostro, Levater is said to have
a personification of the woman but a separate done physiognomy readings for the aristocracy
"being." My Life in Two Worlds is Leonard's of Britain, France, Germany and Russia. One of
autobiography. Throughout her life, she worked his clients was Queen Victoria's father, Edward,
with the Society of Psychical Research and pro- duke of Kent.
duced great amounts of testimony to substantiate Johann Goethe, the philosopher and a friend
the theory of reincarnation and life after death. of Levater, helped him write a four-volume book
See also channel; reincarnation. on physiognomy called Physiognomical Frag-
ments for the Promotion of the Knowledge and
Further reading Love of Man. Published in 1775-1776, the book
Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New remains one of the best historical works on the
York: University Books, 1966. topic.
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. The Encyclopedia of Witches See also anthroposomancy; iridology.
and Witchcraft. New York: Fads On File, 1989.
Kautz, William H., and Melanie Branon. Channeling: Further reading
The Intuitive Connection. San Francisco: Harper
& Row, 1987. Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
Klimo, John. Channeling: Investigations on Receiving pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
Information from Paranormal Sources. Los ford Press, 1986.
Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1987. Knight, Stephen. The Brotherhood: The Secret World
Leonard, Gladys Osborne. My Life in Two Worlds. of the Freemasons. New York: Stein & Day, 1984.
London: Two Worlds, 1931. Magical Arts. Mysteries of the Unknown, Alexandria,
Psychics. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexandria, Va.: Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
Time Life Books, 1990. Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
Smith, Susy. The Mediumship of Mrs. Leonard. Hyde New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
Park, N.Y,: University Books, 1964.
LEVI, ELIPHAS (1810-1875) Author, ma-
LEVATER, JOHANN KASPAR gician and psychic scholar.
(1741-180!)Swiss psychic and physiognomist. Levi's birth name was Alphonse-Louis Constant,
Levater, whose name is sometimes spelled "La- but he changed it to Eliphas Levi Zahed, later
vater," is remembered as a noted religious figure deleting the final name. He took the identity of
and poet and, in metaphysical circles, for his Eliphas Levi as a "magical name." The son of a
work establishing the science of PHYSIOGNOMY. French shoemaker, Levi was a flamboyant magi-
As palmistry relates personality traits to lines on cian and the author of a number of important
the hand, physiognomy is the study of physical metaphysical volumes, including The Mysteries
features and their relationship to characteristics. of Magic (edited by A, E, Waite) and History
For an extremely simplified example, someone of Magic.


While Levi's books were called "sloppy" by LEVITATION The lifting of an object or
occult scholars of his time, they have since person into the air and holding it there without
become classics in the field of magic. Hermetic visible physical means.
philosophy and the occult. (The world occult
is reported to have been coined by Levi.) How- Levitation is made possible, according to psy-
ever, Levi is best remembered for his insight- chics, through intense concentration and pro-
ful determination that there was a strong sym- found will power, both of which are said to be
bolic connection between the 22 cards of the available to anyone. Though psychics are often
tarot's major arcana and the Kabbalah's Tree of in a trance state when levitation occurs, they
Life, a connection that has been accepted to always seem to be in control. Levitation was
this day. used by psychics and mediums in the spiritual
According to TAROT scholars, Levi saw the resurgence of the late 1800s, and it was said to
tarot not just as an intriguing deck of cards but be a test of metaphysical powers. However, there
as a practical tool through which the spirits could were many who used so-called levitation in com-
be contacted and revelations regarding the past plicated hoaxes and schemes in order to defraud
and future could be made. Levi believed that the public.
through the merging of the Kabbalah and the Scottish-American psychic Daniel Dunglas
tarot, he had finally discovered a powerful source Home (1833-1886) is considered to be one of
of knowledge and magic. This discernment the most noted of all psychics because of his
changed the course of the tarot, and through telepathic powers as well as his incredible ability
his work with divination, he created the basic to levitate objects and his body at will. His
structure of modern ritual magic. greatest feat was to transport himself out of a
So strong was his legacy that it is said that the third-story window and, without touching the
leader of the hermetic order of the golden window ledge, return through another window.
DAWN, Aleister Crowley, believed that in his The fakirs of India, the ninja of Japan and a
previous life, he had actually been Levi. great number of religious figures (including Saint
To Levi, the tarot was the entire world. He Teresa of Avila and Simon Magus), in addition
once told associates that if he was ever impris- to others using psychic skills, are said to have had
oned, regardless of how many years, the only the ability to levitate. Saint Joseph of Cupertino
"book" he would require was a pack of tarot (1603-1663) is said to have flown through the
cards. He zealously believed that they were the air, shrieking as he left the ground. Thirteenth-
key to the ultimate wisdom of the ages. Although century Tibetan yogi Milarepa, considered by
it is often disputed whether or not Levi's later some to be the greatest yogi of all time, is sup-
work helped or hindered students of metaphys- posed to have been able to levitate, in addition
ics, it is agreed that his reputation and the legends to his other psychic skills.
about him have continued to be a fascinating part There are a number of varying theories of
of the history and study of the occult. how levitation operates. One says that levitation
See also crcwley, aleister; kabbalah. works through the power of the psychic's mind
to counteract the forces of gravity; thus, the
Further reading psychic can rise or raise objects and keep them
suspended in the air. Some psychics attribute the
Drury, Nevill. Inner Visions: Explorations in Magical power to levitate objects to their guides and the
Consciousness. London: Routledge 8c Kegan Paul,
way spirits can change the forces of gravity.
Another school of metaphysical thought believes
Giles, Cynthia. The Tarot: History Mystery and Lore.
New York: Paragon House, 1992. that through concentrating on the aura emanating
Symonds, John, and Kenneth Grant, eds. The Confes- from themselves or an object, psychics change
sions of Aleister Crowley: An Autobiography Lon- the vibrational frequency and objects are not
don: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979. pulled toward the earth.

See also clairvoyance; home. Daniel dun-

Further reading
Belhayes, Iris, with Enid. Spirit Guides. San Diego:
ACS, 1985.
Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
ford Press, 1986. LIBRA
Brown, Slater. The Heyday of Spiritualism. New
York: Hawthorn, 1970. LIBRA
Edmonds, I. G. D. D. Home: The Man Who Talked
with Ghosts. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1978.
tion of events can also be charted through this
Ferguson, John. An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Mysti-
cism and the Mystery Religions. New York: Seabuiy astrological sign.
Press, 1976. Astrologers divine what is in store throughout
Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New life through the time, date and place in which
York: University Books, 1966. an individual was born as they coordinate the
Rogo, D. Scott. Our Psychic Potentials. Englewood influences with other signs, the planets, the Sun,
Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hal I, 1984. the Moon and other powers.
In traditional Western astrology. Libra is the
LIBANOMANCY Divination through ob- seventh sign of the zodiac. Those born during the
serving and interpreting the smoke rising from period typically exhibit qualities that exemplify a
incense. charming, diplomatic and artistic nature.
Libanomancy was first used by the ancient Baby- Libra is the sign of balance, and Libras are
lonians. As with SCRYING, the interpretation of happiest when in relationships where everyone
smoke coming from objects is up to the psychic; knows the rules and what is expected of them.
forms quickly vaporize and intuitive ability must Whether that relationship is a romantic one or a
take over. business partnership. Libra has an astrological
Libanomancy and other mantic arts, including gift to make things work, promote peace among
CAPNOMANCY, CRITOMANCY. DAPHNOMANCY and subordinates (and family members) and go to
SIDEROMANCY. are grouped under the main head- almost any extent to inject harmony. Libra is like
ing of BOTANOMANCY, a well-practiced juggler. When all is going right,
the world is perfect; however, one misstep and
Further reading Libra may have to step back to pick up the
Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo- pieces.
pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit- Men and women born during the time the Sun
ford Press, 1986. is in Libra are often charismatic, loving, warm
Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super- hearted and even tempered. Their vitality seems
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. to draw people to them with magnetic power,
Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown. and they thrive in the social arena. Often, how-
Alexandria, Va.: Time life Books, 1990. ever, because their glossy outside is so attractive,
they draw superficial types who do not realize
LIBRA One of the 12 astrological signs of that beneath that beautiful outside is a caring,
the zodiac. The symbol is the scales. sensitive and sometimes tough individual.
Those who are born between September 23 and The Libra native is said to be happiest when
October 22 are said to be natives of the sign of life is running like clockwork. They love works
Libra and have specific traits indicative of the of art and culture and do extremely well in social
time and date on which they were born. Divina- situations (and positions—with their tendency

. My World of Astrology New York: Fleet,
Veriagsanstalt, Datura. Libra Astro Analysis. New
York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1976.
Woolfork, Joanna Marline. The Only Astrology Book
You'll Ever Need. Landham, Mass.: Scar-borough,

LIFE LINE One of the many lines in the

palm of the hand that are said to foretell specific
\> characteristics.
This ancient symbol represen ts the astrological sign The life line is sometimes referred to as the
of Libra. line of life by palmists. Because there are many
variations of the life line, and since palmistry is
to possess highly polished skills of diplomacy). complex as well as intriguing, it is recommended
Sometimes, however, in trying to keep the peace, that one should refer to a palmist or a book
they forget that they must first be true to them- specifically on the subject for a complete exami-
selves and their own personal desires. Ruled by nation and interpretation of the hand.
the planet Venus, Libra may find him- or herself The life line is located in the lower portion of
in a romantic triangle (and enjoying the sparks, the hand, typically running from a point between
too). the index finger and the place where the thumb
The sign of the zodiac in which an individual is connected to the palm. Rather than indicating
is born is only one fragment of the qualities he the length of an individual life in years, the life
or she receives at birth. Psychics are quick to line is a barometer of the quality of that life.
point out that a general forecast solely on the This line suggests the physical condition of the
stellar position of the Sun on the day an individ- person whose palm is being read.
ual was born is unlikely to provide an accurate The length of the line indicates stamina, spunk
glimpse of the future. and vigor, and palmists say that a long life line is
While traditional astrologers use books to cal- one of the indications of an energetic disposition,
culate a personal birth chart book based on the with strong reserves of personal power. A line
position of the Sun, Moon and planets at a dis- that moves downward toward the wrist indicates
tinct time, computer software has replaced most intense internal fortitude. If the line seems to be
of this time-consuming work. The correct term rather straight, without a downward curve, this
for calculating a birth chart is to "cast" it. In is considered a measure of limited stamina. Lines
order to fully comprehend the extent of traits, that break off the life line may indicate that the
potential and attributes, the exact time and place querant will face challenges in the area of health
of birth must be known and interpreted. or an illness followed by a recovery, or they may
See also ASTROLOGICAL SYMBOLS; astrology. be a caution to take extra care with both physical
and mental well-being, giving lifestyle choices
Further reading
additional reflection. A fork at the end of the life
Cosmic Connections. Mysteries of the Unknown. Al- line, near- the wrist, may indicate a journey of a
exandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. long distance that will affect the life of the
Goodman, Linda. Linda Goodman's Sun Signs. New querant.
York: Fawcett/Columbine, 1978.
See also palmistry.
Morgan, Chris, fortune Telling: How to Predict Your
Own Future. London: Quintet Publishing and Ran-
Further reading
dom House, 1992.
Omarr, Sydney. Libra. New York: New American Altman, Nathaniel. Palmistry Workbook. New York:
Library, 1992. Sterling, 1990,


Cheiro. Cheiro's Book of Numbers. New York: Pren- may simply talk to the querant as if they are
tice-Hall, 1988. counselor and client. Again, as with psychic
. The Language of the Hand. New York: Pren- readings, unless the life reading is conducted for
tice-Hall, 1987. exhibition, only the psychic and the querant are
Robinson, Rita. The Palm: A Guide to Your Hidden
privy to the session, although most psychics tape
Potential. North Hollywood, Calif.: Newcastle,
or allow the querant to tape the sitting.
In a life reading focusing on the present, the
psychic will often discuss relationships, career
LIFE READING Divination of future ac-
and money, along with any specific spiritual in-
complishments and reverses and/or interpreta-
formation that the psychic's guides would like to
tion of past-life experiences; may also be used to
provide. Although psychics do not often advise
divine a child's future.
on what the future will hold in a life reading,
The definition of a life reading, like other psychic they sometimes explain that because of past in-
sessions, can vary depending on the specialty of fluences, it is likely that specific things will hap-
the psychic involved. Basically, there are three pen in this life. As an illustration, if someone is
main variants: future occurrences, past-life in- having a conflict with a stepchild or employee or
fluences and the decoding of the scribblings of a there's a knotty problem in the area of career
child to foretell the prospects during his or her choices, the psychic may consider past-life hap-
coming years. In addition, depending on the penings or the current placement of planets in
psychic, there can be variations of the metaphysi- the astrological chart and then check the chart
cal tools used to connect with the spiritual forces for the individual in question before providing
that can reveal what has or will transpire. For recommendations.
example, one psychic may use tarot cards, the
Psychics who are able to connect with the
second may study tea leaves, a third reads the
akashic records, such as Edgar Cayce did,
querant's palm and a fourth meditates on an
often advise querants on the circumstances of
astrological chart or the color vibrations em-
past lives, considering those that are the most
anating from the querant's aura. Some psychics
influential in this current life. The Akashic Rec-
use tools (such as cards, tea leaves or crystals);
ords are thought to be a spiritual register of
others do not. If there is one standard, it is that
experiences encountered in all ways throughout
the psychic is using CLAIRVOYANCE and TE-
every existence and experience and are located in
the storehouse of spiritual knowledge on the
Some psychics are more dramatic, even theat- ethereal plane. By understanding the events that
rical, than others. For instance, a fortune-teller have occurred, most likely in no more than three
at a charity benefit may dress the part, but when to six past lives, regarding personality traits,
meeting corporate clients at the office, he or she talents, psychic gifts and the karma involved, the
wears the "costume" of business—a professional- querant can often untangle an incident that may
looking suit. Typically, a reading lasts between a be impeding progress in this current lifetime.
half hour and an hour, sometimes longer; de-
A variation on life reading practiced by some
pending on the area of the United States and the
psychics uses the scribblings of a very young
reputation of the psychic, the fee varies from $10
child (before the age when he or she can write
to well over $300.
the alphabet). In this form of life reading, a child
In a life reading, as with PSYCHIC READINGS, is given paper and a crayon or pencil, and the
the querant often poses precise questions; the psychic deciphers the scrawls to foretell the pros-
psychic meditates and then advises and consults pects during his or her coming years. The scrawls
on the questions, providing spiritually acquired are said to be a direct connection with the sub-
information. He or she may go into a semi- conscious, because very young children have not
trancelike state, and a spiritual entity may be totally forgotten their life before birth and are
channeled to share information, or the psychic willing to use their intuition.


Those psychics who utilize this variation of his psychic gifts, were the dispute between En-
life readings also may read auras, study the astro- gland's political foes (the Royalists and the Puri-
logical birth chart and psychically connect with tans), the death of Charles I, the Restoration and
past-life experiences in order to understand the the Great Fire of London. Lilly was an adviser of
complete influences on a child. A child's life Oliver Cromwell, the Lord Protector of England
reading through the scribbling method may be (1599-1658), who defeated Charles I in the En-
only a portion of an extensive psychic reading glish Civil War.
that can help parents direct their offspring's tal- Lilly's reputation for reporting on events be-
ents, gifts and challenges. A life reading that fore they took place brought him under govern-
reveals an aptitude for music and dance (perhaps ment scrutiny. When news reached the
seen as a past-life influence, when the spirit was authorities that Lilly had predicted the Great
an accomplished musician or dancer) may per- Fire of London, he was accused of being the
suade parents to give their child piano or ballet perpetrator, or, at the least, a co-conspirator.
lessons. Conversely, with a child whose energy He was brought before Parliament and held on
is exhausting to channel, a life reading may reveal charges of arson, but he was later acquitted.
that he or she had a past-life involvement with Lilly wrote a number of books on astrology;
athletics; once that vigor and strength is directed his most famous is Merlinus Anglicanus, written
into sports or other strenuous activities, the tal- in 1641.
ent can be fully utilized. A life reading with a
child often provides clues to help children and Further reading
their parents live happier lives.
Brau, Jean-Louis; Helen Weaver; and Allan Edmands.
See also karma; past life. Larousse Encyclopedia of Astrology New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1980.
Further reading _ Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso-
Altman, Nathaniel. Palmistry Workbook. New York: teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press,
Sterling, 1990. 1992.
Bailey, Alice. A Treatise on White Magic. New York: Woolfork, Joanna Martine. The Only Astrology Book
Lucis, 1951. You 'II Ever Need: Landham, Mass.: Scarborough,
Bowers, Barbara. What Color Is Your Aura? New 1992.
York: Simon & Schuster, 1989.
Cavendish, Richard, ed. The Encyclopedia of the Un- LINE OF HEALTH One of the many
explained. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974. lines in the palm of the hand that are said to
Cayce, Hugh Lynn, ed. The Edgar Cayce Collection. reveal specific characteristics.
New York: Bonanza, 1986.
Hall, Manly P. Reincarnation: The Cycle of Necessity The line of health is sometimes referred to
Los Angeles: Philosophical Research Society, as hepatica. It runs from where the little finger
1956. joins the hand down through the center of the
Kapleau, Philip. The Wheel of Life and Death: A palm.
Practical and Spiritual Guide. New York: Double- If there is no line, as often is the case, the
day, 1989. absence indicates a strong constitution and excel-
Woolfork, Joanna Marline. The Only Astrology Book lent health. A deep line shows one who may be
You'll Ever Need. Landham, Mass.: Scar-borough, susceptible to illness. A wavy line reveals intesti-
1992. nal problems, perhaps digestion concerns. A line
that seems blurred or ragged may indicate the
LILLY, WILLIAM (1602-168l)British as- need to take extra care not to overextend one's
trologer and psychic. endurance. Should the line of health touch the
Lilly is considered by many to be one of the most life line, it is said to indicate a warning that one
famous astrologers. Among Lilly's predictions, should give a healthy lifestyle a top priority.
which were based on astrological forecasts and See also palmistry.


Further reading This minor line is not found in all palms.
However, its absence does not indicate ill for-
Altman, Nathaniel. Palmistry Workbook. New York:
Sterling, 1990. tune. Those querants whose hands do not have
Cheiro. Cheiro's Book of Numbers. New York: Pren- a line of the Sun are often hard workers who
tice-Hall, 1988. make their own luck. They seek out opportuni-
. The Language of the Hand. New York: Pren- ties, not relying on the good fortune of destiny.
tice-Hall, 1987. Running vertically between the wrist area and
Robinson, Rita. The Palm: A Guide to Your Hidden up toward the ring finger, the line of the Sun is
Potential. North Hollywood, Calif.: Newcastle, said to give clues about the querant's opportuni-
1988. ties in life. Palmists say that the longer the line,
the more chances there will be for lucky breaks,
LINE OF MARS One of the many lines in especially if the line begins near the wrist rings.
the palm of the hand that are said to reveal spe- Should the line begin in the middle of the palm,
cific characteristics. for example, it is said to indicate that luck will
The line of Mars, or Mars line, is considered begin later in life.
a secondary, or minor, line of the hand. The See also palmistry.
secondary lines do not reveal as much about
personal characteristics; they back up the infor- Further reading
mation revealed in other lines. The line of Mars, Altman, Nathaniel. Palmistry Workbook. New York:
for example, may or may not appear in a quer- Sterling, 1990.
ant's hand. When it is found, it indicates an extra Cheiro. Cheiro's Book of Numbers. New York: Pren-
measure of protection of the aspects of the health tice-Hall, 1988.
line. According to palmists, it is especially sig- . The Language of the Hand. New York, Pren-
nificant as a shield should there be a break in the tice-Hall, 1987.
health line. It's appearance is an indication that Robinson, Rita. The Palm: A Guide to Your Hidden
the querant will be able to thwart danger. Potential. North Hollywood, Calif: Newcastle,
The line of Mars is found running parallel to
the line of life between the wrist and the area of
the palm between the index finger and the LINES OF CHILDREN Minor lines in
thumb. the palm of the hand that are said to foretell spe-
See also palmistry. cific details of the future.
Older books on palmistry place great stock in the
Further reading lines of children; contemporary palmists enjoy
Altman, Nathaniel. Palmistry Workbook. New York: pointing out that the lines are not found in as
Sterling, 1990. many palms today as in the past. Since people
Cheiro. Cheiro's Book of Numbers. New York: Pren- have options concerning the conception of chil-
tice-Hall, 1988. dren, the lines of children do not definitely indi-
. The Language of the Hand. New York: Pren- cate the size a querant's family will be.
ticc-Hall. 1987. The lines of children, sometimes called child
Robinson, Rita. The Palm: A Guide to Your Hidden lines, are found directly above the lines of mar-
Potential. North Hollywood, Calif: Newcastle, riage on the little-finger side of the palm. When
found in the palm, they are vertical. Older books
on the subject claimed that strong lines indicated
LINE OF THE SUN One of the many mi- male children and fainter lines female children.
nor lines in the palm of the hand that are said However, the palmists of today say that the
to reveal specific characteristics. strong lines show children who will be born with
The line of the Sun is sometimes referred to as forceful, assertive personalities. The fainter lines
the line of luck or the line of Apollo. indicate artistic, sensitive and generous offspring.


Further reading Robinson, Rita. The Palm: A Guide to Your Hidden
Potential. North Hollywood, Calif.: Newcastle,
Altman, Nathaniel. Palmistry Workbook. New York:
Sterling, 1990.
Cheiro. Cheiro's Book of Numbers. New York: Pren-
tice-Hall, 1988. LITHOMANCY Divination by tossing col-
. The Language of the Hand. New York: Pren- ored stones, particularly crystals or gems, or
tice-Hall, 1987. other objects to foretell the future or interpret
Robinson, Rita. The Palm: A Guide to Your Hidden omens. May also refer to scrying with jewels
Potential. North Hollywood, Calif.: Newcastle, and crystals.
1988. Lithomancy is thought by many to be one of the
most ancient divination methods. It is a form of
LINES OF MARRIAGE Minor lines in either SCRYING or casting OF lots, depending
the palm of the hand that are said to foretell spe- on the method used.
cific details of the future. Using the casting of lots or sortilege method
The lines of marriage are found on the palm of of lithomancy, specific crystals or gems are se-
the hand about one-half inch below where the lected, often by the psychic who will interpret
little finger joins the palm. An absence of lines the reading, but sometimes by the querant. After
does not indicate a life without love or marriage; careful consideration a question is posed, either
conversely, strong, deeply set marriage lines do spoken or unspoken, and the gems are tossed
not mean that one will find Ms. or Mr. Right. onto a circle and divided much like an astrologi-
These lines are an indicator of things that will cal chart, with divisions for emotions and advice.
happen in a querant's life, but free will is always The psychic deciphers the influence of the stone
available to override what destiny has in store. as well as its placement within the circle. Stones
Strongly marked lines of marriage are said to that land beyond the circle arc sometimes consid-
indicate a fulfilling alliance or close relationship. ered, too.
The number of lines was traditionally thought to The scrying form of lithomancy—that is,
indicate the number of marriages, but contempo- studying the gem or crystal and interpreting the
rary palmists now feel that a committed relation- visions or vibrations generated from the stone—
ship of some length often appears in the palm, was practiced well before biblical times. Many
while marriages that are ill-fated do not. prophets and priests wore breastplates with a
Lines of marriage that are broken are indica- pocket that contained an Urim and a Thummin,
tors of challenging intimate relationships, possi- shiny stones which were used as a prediction
bly divorce or separation; long, straight lines method, to divine the future or determine the
foretell lengthy, fortunate intimate alliances. Ad- innocence or guilt of an accused.
ditionally, a line of marriage that begins on the As with crystal balls, a specific gem is placed
palm with a fork shows there will be difficulties at in a quiet area, and a light source is reflected off
the beginning of the relationship: a stormy start. the natural sides or cut facets of the stone.
If two lines of marriage run very close together, Through studying and interpreting the plays of
they may indicate two love relationships in which light, the visions seen in the stone or messages
the querant is involved at the same time. received telepathically, the psychic is able to an-
swer a querant's question, advise on a specific
Further reading concern or prognosticate future events.
See also casting of LOTS; crystal PREDIC-
Altman, Nathaniel. Palmistry Workbook. New York:
Cheiro. Cheiro's Book of Numbers. New York: Pren-
Further reading
tice-Hall, 1988.
. The Language of the Hand. New York: Pren- [Cayce, Edgar.] Gems and Stones: Readings of Edgar
tice-Hall, 1987. Cayce. Virginia Beach, Va.: ARE Press, 1976,

Mark ham, Ursula. The Crystal Workbook: A Com- Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso-
plete Guide to Working with Crystals. Northamp- teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press,
tonshire, England: Aquarian Press, 1988. 1992.
. Fortune-Telling by Crystals and Semiprecious Eastern Mysteries. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexan-
Stones. Northamptonshire, England: Aquarian dria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
Press, 1987. Goodrich, NormaLorre. Medieval Myths. New York:
Matteson, Barbara!. Mystic Minerals. Seattle: Cosmic New American Library, 1977.
Resources, 1985.
Mind over Matter. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alex- LYNCHOMANCY Divination using the
andria, Va.: Time life Books, 1990. wick of a burning candle or lantern to interpret
Tinney, Menill C, ed. The Zondervan Pictorial Ency- an omen or foretell the future.
clopedia of the Bible. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zon-
dervan Publishing House, 1977. Lynchomancy is a variation of PYROMANCY, divi-
Walker, Dael. The Crystal Book. Sunol, Calif.: Crystal nation by burning an object and observing the
Col, 1983. flames, and of lampadomancy, observation of
flames from a candle or torch for prognostica-
LULLY, RAYMOND (12357-1315?) tion purposes.
Spanish mystic and psychic. An antiquated prognostication method,
lynchomancy is thought to have begun about
Lully's early life seems more fitting for the hero
A.D. 200 in Egypt. Some believe it was used
of a romance novel than for a man remembered
along with SCRYING by the prophets mentioned
for his work in metaphysics. Also known as
in the Old Testament. Using a candle, torch
Ramon Lull, Lully was a great favorite in the
or lantern, they prophesied by meditating on a
courts of Europe, dazzling others with his charm
burning candle wick and interpreting the way
and winning the love of countless ladies of the
the wick burned and/or what was seen in the
day. It is said that after an unhappy love affair,
part of the wick closest to the flame.
Lully committed his life to Christ and began to
travel extensively, preaching and attempting to Unlike other methods that used flames and
convert crowds of believers in Mohammed to candles, only children in ancient Egypt were
Christ's teachings. He was often stoned and se- allowed to practice lynchomancy. It was thought
verely beaten, eventually dying of his wounds. that young minds were clearer than those of
Lully is best known as a mystic and alchemist, adults; their direct connection with the gods led
and the legend is that he found the secret of to more valid predictions.
turning base metals into gold at the request of See also CANDLE PROPHECY; CAPNOMANCY;
England's King Edward HI. However, the more LAMPADOMANCY; PYROMANCY.
modern theory is that this story was concocted Further reading
or embellished by alchemist Sir George Ripley
(d. 1490?), who enjoyed stretching a good tale Dey, Charmaine. The Magic Candle. Bronx, N.Y.:
in order to gain publicity and popularize the Original Publications, 1989.
Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your
works of Lully. In fact, there is no record of
Own Future. London: Quintet Publishing and Ran-
Lully ever meeting the king of England or of his
dom House, 1992.
ever visiting the British Isles.
Pajeon, Kala, and Ketz Pajeon. The Candle Magic
Workbook. New York: Citadel Press, 1992.
Further reading
Walker, Barbara G. The Woman's Encyclopedia of
de Camp, L. Sprague. The Ancient Engineers. New Myths and Secrets. New York: Harper Collins,
York: Ballantine, 1960. 1983.



MACHEN, ARTHUR (1863-1947) Welsh Further reading

mystic, occult scholar and author.
Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso-
Best remembered for his beautifully written nov- teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press,
els and short stories, which reflected his personal 1992.
philosophy of the metaphysical, pagan and mys- Nichols, Ross. The Book of Druidry—History, Sites,
tical memories of reincarnation as well as a future Wisdom. London: Aquarian Press, 1990.
world, Machen was also a conservationist. It is
said that he was most comfortable and happiest in
the Welsh countryside, and he spent considerable MACULOMANCY Divination by the
time there. He believed that in the outdoors shape, placement and size of birthmarks on the
he could come closest to his Celtic and Druid human body
incarnations, which was his spiritual quest. It is thought that the study of birthmarks, also
Published in 1900, Hill of Dreams is consid- known as moleomancy, molesophy and moles-
ered to be the most beautiful of Machen's novels. copy, originated with the ancient Chinese. Macu-
Among his best loved short stories are "The lomancy was practiced widely and then passed
Happy Children," "The Great Return" and "A throughout Europe at a very early time. Greek
Fragment of Life." His personal, mystical convic- scientist, teacher and doctor Hippocrates (460?-
tions are outlined in Far Off Things, Things Near 377? B.C), called the "Father of Medicine" and
and Far and The London Adventure (published considered to be the greatest physician of antiq-
between 1915 and 1923). Many of his works are uity, is said to have investigated maculomancy to
still in print and often are available at libraries some length. Hippocrates came to the conclusion
and used-book stores. that birthmarks should be considered in re-
For a short time, Machen belonged to the viewing the total health of his patients. This same
HERMETIC ORDER OF THE GOLDEN DAWN, the belief is held by many physicians and healers to-
London-based magical society headed by various day. The gypsies who traveled throughout Eu-
individuals, including Aleister Crowley. How- rope held great store in the size, color, shape and
ever, Machen withdrew from the group because placement of moles, which they believed foretold
his mystical beliefs did not coincide with the personal fortune or misfortune as well as health.
ritualistic magic that was the society's foun- The meanings of moles and other birthmarks
dation. vary as widely as the psychics who translate their

message. Basically, the darker the mole or mark, should be extremely careful around water, as
the more significance they hold. Birthmarks that there is the possibility of accidents.
are round are considered fortuitous. Those that Nose: When marks appear on the nose, it is
are long or oblong reveal a propensity for pros- thought to indicate a lustful and/or lively person-
perity. Those marks that seem to have angles tell ality; he or she is a successful, goal-oriented
of a personality that has memorable qualities: a individual, open to all friendships. This mark
charismatic smile, a fiery temper. might foretell a brooding nature; this individual
According to those who practice maculo- may also have a tendency to sulk, or to overin-
mancy, the following are locations and meanings dulge with food or alcohol.
of marks found on the human body. To simplify Cheeks: Someone who has a mark on either
the text, all moles, spots, freckles and birthmarks cheek is industrious and kindhearted. If the mark
will be referred to as marks. is on the right cheek, there is a tendency to
be flirtatious; on the left, the mark reveals a
Forehead: A mark in the center of the forehead provocative nature.
indicates an active, enterprising individual with Mouth: A mark near the mouth indicates a
the potential to be rich. He or she will be happy passionate, "life of the party" personality.
and successful in business as well as personal Lips: When a mark appears on or near the
attachments, relationships and marriage. How- lips, one is said to empathize with the underdog,
ever, the aspects are not as promising if the mark to be compassionate and love his or her fellow
is on the left side of the forehead; hard work and humans. The individual should continually mon-
thrift will be the qualities needed to succeed. If itor his or her health; this person may have a
the mark is on the right, the individual can count fragile constitution.
on happiness along with some toil; the mark Chin: A mark on the chin means that the
might foretell of an extremely satisfying marriage individual is generous and thoughtful. He or she
and/or loving partnerships. will flourish regardless of career path.
Eyebrow area: A mark near or on the right Neck: A mark on the neck reveals an argumen-
eyebrow denotes a vivacious personality and a tative nature that may become more extreme
wealth of courage. Those who have marks in this with age. If the mark is in the front, the trait
area can expect to have great wealth, as well as will be tempered with humor; if it is on the back,
fulfillment in love and business. Someone with the trait will be more extreme.
this mark will go through life with a successful Shoulders: A person who has a mark on the
love partnership, forming a lasting bond and right shoulder is said to have a thirst for knowl-
producing healthy, well-adjusted offspring. edge and often will be employed in academia.
A mark on or near the left eyebrow is said With a mark on the left shoulder, a person must
to indicate a quick temper and a cantankerous beware of being too argumentative; yet great
disposition, perhaps with a predisposition to thinkers and successful entrepreneurs are often
compulsiveness and alcohol or other addictions. those who question the hows and whys of life,
Regarding romance and love, this individual may and those with marks on the left shoulder are of-
have disappointments in love and marriage, with ten extremely successful in the world of business.
children or career. Anns: Marks on the upper left arm indicate a
Eyes: A mark very near either eye is said to suspicious, sometimes anxious personality.
indicate someone who is confident and serious. Marks on the upper right arm indicate one who
He or she can see through the superficial to the will be able to accomplish a great deal.
heart of a person's motive. On either arm and in any position, a mark is
Ears: Marks on either ear imply that one is indicative of one who may face many challenges
destined for great wealth. But if the mark is on in life but will overcome them in order to achieve
the lower portion of the lobe, the individual lasting and meaningful success.

Armpits: In the left armpit, a mark may indi- Nipples: Marks on the nipples of women indi-
cate that success is delayed but achievable. In the cate they will have many children. On men,
right armpit, one will deeply experience both the marks show they may spend too much time
highs and lows of life. chasing women, ignoring long-term loving rela-
Elbows: Marks on the elbows show a person tionships.
who has great talent but with a tendency to Rib cage: On the right side of the rib cage, a
be ambivalent. mark reveals a heartless, cold personality. On the
Wrists: When there is a mark on the wrist, left side, a mark is indicative of an irascible
the individual has strong creative talents; this nature.
is someone who might be an inventor or an Stomach: Marks on the stomach are thought
entrepreneur, with all the skills needed to turn to indicate a self-indulgent person who considers
ideas into million-dollar enterprises. him- or herself to be above the common person.
Hands: Marks on the hands tell of a person Such an individual may be able to convince oth-
who understands that true affluence and personal ers of anything. He or she may accumulate great
achievement do not always mean wealth. Yet this wealth but little happiness.
person is far from complacent. He or she will Navel: This is a very fortuitous sign, A mark
continue to work hard, often in helping others on the navel means that one has a nurturing
to achieve their goals. personality; perhaps he or she will have many
Fingers: Marks on the fingers are thought to children or "birth" wonderful business or artistic
indicate a shifty nature; here is someone who concepts. This is a mark of success and genuine
always thinks the grass is greener in someone satisfaction in all undertakings.
else's field, business or life. He or she probably Groin: A mark in this area is said to indicate
wants a half acre of that, too. a delicate disposition, perhaps someone who is
Back: The marks on the back below the shoul- easily hurt. On the right side, this person will
der blades indicate many obstacles and setbacks have untold riches but disappointments in later
in life. Above the shoulder blades, the marks life. On the left side, this person may experience
indicate that the obstacles will be surmounted the disappointments without the wealth.
quickly. Genitals: A mark on the genitals is said to
Buttocks: With their tendency toward laziness, indicate an unselfish nature. This person will
those with marks on the buttocks may be des- have a long-term love relationship and will not
tined to be poor. This poverty may be in an want for anything. Someone with a mark in this
emotional, physical or spiritual sense, as well. area may become the parent of a genius.
Chest: Marks on the right side of the chest Hips: When there is a mark on either hip, the
indicate a tendency to be slothful and somewhat individual is contented, loving and responsible.
lacking in discipline. On the left side of the chest, Here is a faithful lover and friend, a hardworking
marks indicate an enthusiastic, active personality, partner, a good provider.
Marks anywhere on the chest also indicate an Thighs: On the right thigh, a mark indicates
extremely amorous nature. someone who is able to achieve all he or she
Breast: When a mark is on the right breast, it attempts. On the left thigh, a mark indicates
shows a tendency toward excesses in food or challenges and the inability to commit whole-
drink; this person may become overly passion- heartedly to a loving relationship.
ate. Along with this comes a warning: Beware Knees: When there is a mark on the right
of false friendships and partnerships. On the left knee, it indicates a caring disposition and an even
breast, a mark denotes one who is thrifty, helpful temper; this is a hardworking individual. A mark
and caring. He or she may be a thoughtful, on the left knee is a sign of affluence.
passionate lover and should have success in all Legs: A mark on either leg is a sign that
areas of life. motivation must come from within; the individ-

ual should depend on him- or herself more than beautifully crafted, appearing to be works of art
on others. This is also a sign of a tendency rather than tools of prognostication. Antique ta-
toward capriciousness or of a liberal nature. rot cards are sometimes worth considerable sums.
Ankles: Any mark on either ankle indicates Psychics report that when most of the major
strength of character, although the individual arcana cards appear during a tarot reading, the
may be quiet and seem far- too gentle. In women, querant is a seeker of spiritual knowledge; a
a mark is a great sign of courage. In men, it may preponderance of minor arcana cards often indi-
mean a streak of reticence that may be seen cate that less consequential questions are being
as cowardice. asked.
Feet: On the upper foot, a mark is a sign of
The Cards
dishonesty or of one who entertains dishonest
thoughts. Marks on the feet are said to indicate The Fool Some readers believe that this card
disappointment. A mark on the instep indicates represents the querant, as in the broadest sense
a belligerent nature; this person strongly believes we are all fools and at times need to under-
he or she is right. On the heel, a mark tells stand the children we are at heart. We can be
of an aggressive personality. Marks on the toes tricked and misled and sometimes must be
indicate that one may marry someone very rich guided. Generally, this is a complex card that
but become disappointed with the absence of indicates things that the querant should be
love in the relationship. aware of or avoid. The Fool is said to reflect
See also anthroposomancy. agitation and may indicate chaos of mind,
personality or emotion. If the Fool card ap-
Further reading pears, it may mean that one will face a per-
Bary, William Theodore de, ed. Sources of Chinese sonal problem. The Fool also signifies
Traditions. New York: Columbia University someone (or something) who is lighthearted,
Press, 1960. pleasurable and warm, sometimes with little
Buckland, Raymond. Secrets of Gypsy Fortune Telling. discipline or restraint.
St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1988. If the card is reversed (i.e., appears upside
Leland, Charles Godfrey. Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune
down in a spread), it may indicate an inability
Telling. New York: University Books, 1962.
to make a sound decision, or a wrong choice
Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
or excessive chaos. When a reversed Fool ap-
New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super- pears in a querant's spread, it may be that he
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. or she needs to concentrate less on having
Walker, Barbara G. The Woman's Encyclopedia of fun and develop a more serious side in order
Myths and Secrets. New York: Harper Collins, to grow.
1983. The Magician The Magician is said to reflect
Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown. artistic and innovative endeavors or opportu-
Alexandria, Va.: Time life Books, 1990. nities. The card indicates power, skill and
secrets. When it appears in a tarot spread, the
MAJOR ARCANA Division of the most Magician may signify that the querant should
important cards in the tarot pack of divining finish what he or she has started, avoid fooling
cards. him- or herself and concentrate on the creative
The major arcana, which is sometimes referred to ability to proceed. If the card is reversed, it
as the greater trumps, includes 22 cards, typically may indicate the misuse of power or force, an
numbered from 1 to 21—the Fool is often num- inability to complete work and/or bungling in
bered with a 0 or else is unnumbered. The minor personal or professional circumstances.
arcana has 56 cards. The High Priestess This card denotes great
Some contemporary, more artistically de- knowledge, shrewdness and perception. It is
signed packs are not numbered. They can be the symbol of intuition, mystery and psychic



The Fool Typically, the Fool is unnumbered or is in- The Magician The Magician is a card said to re-
scribed with a 0. Some readers believe that this card flect artistic and innovative endeavors. It indicates
is the querant, as in the broadest sense, we are all power, skill and secrets. When it appears in a tarot
foots and at times need to understand the children we spread, the Magician may signify that the querant
are at heart. We can be tricked and misled and some- should finish what he or she has started, avoid fooling
times must be guided. Generally, this is a complex him- or herself and concentrate on one's creative abil-
card and indicates things of which the querant should ity to proceed. If the card is reversed, it may indicate
be aware or avoid. The Fool is said to reflect agita- the misuse of power or force, the inability to complete
tion and may indicate chaos of mind, personality or work or bungling of personal or professional circum-
emotion. If it is in regard to the answer to the quer- stances.
ant's question, there may be some upheaval that must
be faced. The Fool also signifies someone (or some- talents. It may signal that there is something
thing) who is lighthearted, pleasurable and warm, hidden, something secret that is to be revealed.
sometimes with little discipline or restraint. This card may indicate that there is great se-
If the card is reversed, it may indicate the lack of renity in the situation or with the querant.
ability to make a Sound decision, a wrong choice or The High Priestess can also signify that the
excessive chaos. When a reversed Fool is in a quer- querant is hiding from or avoiding emotional
ant's spread, it may be considered that he or she relationships. Reversed, this card is said to
needs to concentrate less on having fun and balance a
designate shallowness, ignorance or the choice
more serious side in order to grow.
to be ignorant and reflects poor judgment.
The Empress This is the traditional "female"
card and reflects the ideals of home and health.
When the Empress appears in a tarot spread,


it may signal marriage, children, fertility, evo-
lution, creativity and nurturance of creative
projects. For example, if the querant is a man
asking about a specific work program, the
Empress's position in the spread can reveal
that he must nurture his work and/or seek
out creative solutions rather than intellectual
avenues in order to gain success.
Should the card be reversed, it may indicate
inaction, problems in the areas of home and


VL i

9 9


The Empress This is the traditional "female" card

and reflects thoughts about conservative roles. When
the Empress appears in a tarot spread, it may signal
marriage, children, fertility, evolution, creativity and
nurturing others or creative projects. For example,
if the querant is a man asking about a specific work
program, the Empress'sposition in the spread can
r-i reveal that he must nurture his work and/or seek out
creative solutions rather than intellectual avenues
m in order to gain success.
If the card is reversed, it may indicate inaction,
HIGH PRIESTESS problems in the areas of home and children and the
squandering of creative and original energies.
The High Priestess This card denotes great knowl-
edge, shrewdness and perception. It is the symbol of
intuition, mystery and psychic talents. It may signal
children or the squandering of creative and
that there is something hidden, something secret that
original energies.
is to be revealed. This card may show that there is
great serenity in the situation or with the querant. The Emperor The traditional "male" card, the
The High Priestess can also express that the querant Emperor signifies success, power, control and
is hiding from or avoiding emotional relationships. fatherhood. These qualities are exhibited, of
Reversed, this card is said to designate shal- course, in women, too. The Emperor card
low ness, ignorance or the choice to be ignorant, and it indicates a desire for strength and intelligence
reflects poorjudgment. over emotion and love. If this card is reversed


to the querant's question has to do with an
emotional decision, though not necessarily
one relating to romantic issues. Often there is
a conflict between emotion and intelligence,
love and lust, earthly pursuits and spiritual
desires. The card shows a quality of harmony
and goodness.
When the card appears in a reversed posi-
1 iv tion, the message is of hindrance. This stop-
page may be the disintegration of a previously
55 held opinion, philosophy or relationship. It
may also draw the querant's attention to the
need for reevaluation.

*i 1 ul

1 I c

lilt JiiLlii!

The Emperor The traditional "male" card, the Em-

peror signifies success, power, control and fatherhood.
r ■ i
These qualities are exhibited, of course, in women, s
too. The Emperor card indicates a desire to have
strength and intelligence over emotion and love. \
If this card is reversed in a spread, it is said to
indicate a lack of power, dominance, strength or

in a spread, it indicates a lack of power, domi-

nance, strength or maturity.
The Hierophant or High Priest A spiritual card;
this tarot symbol speaks of power and the THE HIEROPHANT
power of rituals. The card indicates a kind,
benevolent leader, but there is also a message The Hierophant or High Priest A spiritual card,
this tarot symbol tells of power and the power of ritu-
that there is an unwillingness to change and/or
als, indicating a kind, benevolent leader. However,
an extremely conservative nature.
there is also a message of a lack of willingness to
The reversed card indicates a zest for the change andlor the possession of an extremely conserva-
unconventional that is shaded with the ten- tive nature.
dency to be naive and easily swayed. A reversal of the card indicates a zest for the un-
The Lovers When the Lovers appear in a tarot conventional shaded with the tendency to be naive
card reading, it is an indication that the answer and easily swayed.


she should accept a promotion. In the course
of the conversation, it is brought out that she
will have to move her family to another state
and is concerned about the job and the move.
When the reader considers other cards in a
■* spread, it becomes evident that the move will
be beneficial.
When the card is in the reverse position,
the Chariot shows the tendency for defeat,
failure or catastrophe. Thus, if a reversed
Chariot appeared in the above example, it
might indicate that the physician would do
best to stay in her present location and not
accept the new job.


The Lovers When the Lovers appear in a tarot card

reading, it is an indication that the answer to the
querant's question has to do with an emotional deci-
sion (not necessarily one relating to romantic issues). FrTi
Often there is conflict between emotion and intelli-
gence, love and lust, earthly pursuits and spiritual
desires. The card shows a quality of harmony and
When the card appears in a reversed position, the
message is that there may be some hindrance. This
stoppage may be the disintegration of a previously
held opinion, philosophy or relationship. It may also
draw the querant's attention to the need for reeval- f

The Chariot This card speaks of change, move-
ment and transfiguration. It denotes some
The Chariot This card indicates change, move-
chaos but also that troubles will be overcome, ment and transfiguration. It denotes some chaos but
and success is the final outcome. Often the also asserts that troubles will be overcome and success
Chariot indicates a journey. As an example, will be the final outcome.
let's say this card appears in the spread of a When the card is in the reverse position, it indi-
doctor who is asking for counsel on whether cates a tendency for defeat, failure, and catastrophe.
Justice As the name implies, Justice indi-
cates balance, truth and equality. Temptation,
while it might exist, will not entice the quer-
In the reversed position. Justice shows a
proclivity for the abuse of power, discrimina-
tion and intolerance.
The Hermit This is the card that reveals wis-
dom, knowledge, spirituality and awareness
of the universal message. It may also indicate
a need to seek these lessons alone, perhaps
even deserting previously held thoughts and
The reversed position indicates a naive, im-


The Hermit This is the card that tells of wisdom,

knowledge, spirituality and awareness of the univer-
sal message. It may indicate a need to seek these les-
sons alone, perhaps even by deserting previously held
Si thoughts and ideas.
* The reversed position tells of a naive, immature
outlook on life and of a personality that acts before

mature outlook on life, a personality that acts

v, before thinking.
'a 10 The Wheel of Fortune An auspicious card, the
Wheel of Fortune shows that there will be
unexpected or abrupt prosperity. Prosperity,
however, does not always mean money; it
JTLST1CE can also signify a wealth of friends, love,
opportunities and experiences. The meaning
Justice As the name implies, Justice indicates bal-
of the Wheel of Fortune is, of course, depen-
ance, truth and equality. Temptation, while it might
exist, will not tempt the querant. dent on the other cards in the spread. It may
In the reversed position, Jutice shows a proclivity also suggest a transmutation, intellectually,
for the abuse of power, discrimination and intol- emotionally and/or spiritually,
erance. When the Wheel of Fortune appears in the


He or she may be easily swayed to negative
thoughts and allows (real or imagined) barriers
ill to inhibit progress.
The Hanged Man While this card looks deadly,
tarot card readers claim that it simply means
that a change is imminent. As with the Death
card, all changes make action in one direction
stop (sometimes for a while); then another
energy guides us on a different course. The
Hanged Man is fortuitous because it indicates
a rebirth, a renewal of effort and great im-
provement coming to the querant.
O 6

< v-


The Wheel of Fortune An auspicious card, the

Wheel of Fortune predicts unexpected or abrupt pros-
perity. Besides money, prosperity can mean a wealth
of friends, love, opportunities and experiences. The
meaning of the Wheel of Fortune is, of course, depen-
dent on the other cards in the spread. It may also tell
of an intellectual, emotional and/or spiritual transmu-
When the Wheel of Fortune appears in the reversed
position, there is a message to hold back until there is
more information.

reversed position, the message is to hold back

until there is more information and to inter- STRENGTH.
rupt a current course of behavior.
Strength A strong, favorable card in any read- Strength A strong, favorable card in any reading,
ing, the Strength card indicates that through the Strength card tells that through courage and con-
viction, good will triumph over evil; love will win.
courage and conviction, good will triumph
There is also the message that one should acknowl-
over evil; love will win. It also conveys the
edge and count on physical ability. The Strength card
message that one should acknowledge and de- says that through fortitude, all is possible.
pend on physical ability. The Strength card In the reverse position, Strength shows that the
says that through fortitude, all is possible. querant has frequent losses of hope. He or she may
In the reverse position. Strength signifies be easily swayed to negative thoughts and allows real
that the querant has frequent losses of hope. or imagined barriers to inhibit progress.


When the card appears in the reversed posi-
tion, there is an absence of effort, a need to
find the "easy way out," rather than persevere,
and perhaps a refusal to do what is necessary
to accomplish goals.
Death This card shows unexpected changes,
often abrupt, often exciting and definitely dif-
ferent. Though the illustration on the card
looks foreboding, it is a good card. It tells the



Death This card shows unexpected changes, often

abrupt, often exciting and definitely different. Al-
though the illustration on the card looks foreboding,
it is a good card. It tells the querant that there is to
be progress made. It explains new beginnings and
% S transformations. For example, if a querant has asked
if he or she should sell a house and buy a smaller resi-
dence, the appearance of this card is probably saying
3* yes.
However, in this same example, should the card
THE HANGED MAN. be reversed, it would indicate that the querant needs
to stay in that house for some time to come. In the
The Hanged Man Though this card looks deadly, reverse, Death indicates that this is not a time for
tarot card readers claim that it simply means that a change, perhaps not a time to take on new ventures.
change is imminent. As with the Death card, all
changes make action in one direction stop (sometimes querant that there is to be progress made. It
for a white); then another energy guides us on a dif- explains new beginnings and transformations.
ferent course. The Hanged Man is fortuitous because
For example, if a querant has asked if he or
it indicates a rebirth, a renewal of effort and great im-
she should sell a house and buy a smaller
provement coming to the querant.
residence, the appearance of this card is proba-
When the card appears in the reversed position, it
tells there is an absence of effort, a need to find the bly saying yes.
"easy way out," rather than through perseverance, However, in this same example, should the
and perhaps a refusal to do what is necessary to ac- card be reversed, it would indicate that the
complish goals. querant needs to stay in that house for some


time to come. In the reverse. Death indicates rounding the querant. Should he or she choose
that this is not a time for change, perhaps not not to alter present circumstances, there may
a time to take on new ventures. be failure. This is a warning. Those who read
Temperance One of the most fortunate cards of tarot cards explain that the Devil's warning is
the tarot. Temperance tells of the joy of pa- much like a yellow traffic signal—there will be
tience and frugality. In a spread, its message a change forthcoming. The card also indicates
is to learn of spiritual ideas and seek harmony
through action and love.
In the reversed position. Temperance
shows lack of harmony, lack of balance, con-
flicts and negative emotions. WM
The Devil Even this ominous-looking card
provides a worthy message to a querant, since
the Devil reveals influences of evil sur-




The Devil Even this ominous-looking card provides

a worthy message to a querant, since the Devil re-
veals influences of evil surrounding the querant.
* Should he or she choose not to alter present circum-
stances, there may be failure. This is a warning.
Those who read tarot cards explain that the Devil's
warning is much like the yellow traffic signal—there
T Ct •will be a change forthcoming. The card also indicates
sexual temptation, lorinstance, if the querant is con-
Temperance One of the most fortuitous cards of the sidering having an affair and this card appears m an
tarot, Temperance tells of the joy of patience andfru- influential position, the likelihood of a happy future is
gality. In a spread, its message is to learn of spiritual small, regardless of the current indications.
ideas and seek harmony through action and love. When the Devil appears in the reversed position,
In the reversed position, Temperance shows lack of this tells of a release from past burdens, illumination,
harmony, lack of balance, conflicts and negative emo- an opportunity for freedom. Thus, it is a fortuitous
tions. card.


sexual temptation. For instance, if the querant lost forever, yet through change there is time
is considering having an affair and this card to rebuild, to reestablish and to become even
appears in an influential position, the likeli- stronger through the experience.
hood of a happy future is small, regardless of In the reversed position, the Tower means
the current indications. there will be a continuation of life as it is now.
The Devil in the reversed position indicates This can indicate boredom, an imprisonment
a release from past burdens, illumination and or a need to have life stay the same.
an opportunity for freedom. Thus, it is a The Star If one is looking for bright and beauti-
fortuitous card. ful opportunities, when the Star appears in a
The Tower Change is the message of the Tower
card; it signifies sudden disruption, unex-
pected alteration. What was hoped for may be

Jt S2 4



The Star If one is looking for bright and beautiful

L opportunities, when the Star appears in a tarotcard
THE TOWER spread, there is a strong possibility that these goals
will be manifest. The card indicates true success
The Tower Change is the message of the Tower through hard work and perseverance, new opportuni-
card; it signifies sudden disruption, unexpected alter- ties, new creative ways to channel knowledge. When
ation. What was hoped for may be lost forever, yet this card appears in a reading, it might indicate that
through change there is time to rebuild, to reestablish it is a good time to embark on a new business or
and to become even stronger through the experience. change careers and that strife will end.
In the reversed position, the Tower means there When the card is in the reversed position, there is
will be a continuation of life as it is now. This can in- the possibility of disappointment, little chance for suc-
dicate boredom, an imprisonment or a need to have cess in the current position or place and a possible
life stay the same. setback.


tarot card spread, there is a strong possibility
that these goals will be manifest. The card
indicates true success through hard work and
perseverance, new opportunities, creative
ways to channel knowledge. When this card
appears in a reading, it might indicate that it
is a good time to embark on a new business
or change careers and that strife will end.
When the card is in the reversed position, SJ u
there is the possibility of disappointment, little El
Si --4
chance for success in the current position or >)
place and a possible setback. U
The Moon The message of this card is to be
cautious of being deceived, particularly in-
volving trickery. It may be telling the querant
to beware of disloyal or false friends. All is
not what it seems.
When the card appears in the reverse posi-
tion, the querant is to be advised that prob-
lems or concerns are insignificant, although it tern?
might seem the opposite at that time. Mistakes
* -0 cl:
or subterfuge will be overcome. The querant
need not be afraid. -f
The Sun The theme of the Sun card is enlight- jf. 1 - V
enment, revelation, knowingness beyond ex-
pectation. There is also the news that success THE MOON.
is forthcoming, there is love here, perhaps The Moon The message of this card is to be cau-
happiness in marriage or satisfaction and de- tious of being deceived, particularly involving trick-
light in the little events of life. ery. It may be telling the querant to beware of dis-
The Sun in the reverse position, however, loyal or false friends. All is not what it seems.
may foretell disillusionment, failure, shattered When the card appears in the reverse position, the
alliances and relationships. Readers tell quer- querant is to be advised that problems or concerns are
ants to keep in mind that even when the Sun insignificant, although it might seem the opposite at
that time. Mistakes or subterfuge will be overcome.
appears upside down, it does not absolutely
The querant need not be afraid.
mean a romance will be ended. It is a warning
that should events continue without change, a there may be a holdup of some sort, perhaps
breakup may occur. a period of indecision. Again, here is a warn-
Judgment This card represents the culmination ing that one must review in order to move
of spiritual growth. It indicates that the flow- forward.
ering of knowledge has taken place and that The World The focus of The World is change.
the querant is close to understanding the One must look to change in order to succeed;
meaning of his or her life, or perhaps the by doing so success will be possible. The
meaning of the question at hand. Yet it comes World shows the continuing cycle of life, of
with a warning: One must review past experi- death and rebirth in the physical sense as well
ences and conduct in order to continue to as emotionally and spiritually. Most readers
move ahead. believe that this is one of the most fortuitous
When the card is reversed, it indicates that of all cards.


Appearing in the reversed position, The
World indicates the possibility for failure or Further reading
the inability to complete projects or follow Buckland, Raymond. Secrets of Gypsy Fortune Telling.
through with opportunities. Yet as with all St. Paul, Minn.; Llewellyn, 1988.
cards, this may be just the counsel the querant Giles, Cynthia. The Tarot: History Mystery and Lore.
needs in order to reverse trends and previous New York; Paragon House, 1992.
actions. Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your
Own Future. London: Quintet Publishingand Ran-
See also ARCANA; CARTOMANCY; TAROT. dom House, 1992.





1 V . £

■SjE 323

The Sun The theme of the Sun card is enlighten- Judgment This card represents the culmination of
ment, revelation, and knowingness beyond expecta- spiritual growth. It indicates that the flowering of
tion. There is also the news that success is forthcom- knowledge has taken place and that the querant is
ing; there is love here, perhaps happiness in marriage close to understanding the meaning of his or her life
or satisfaction and delight in the little events of life. or perhaps the meaning of the question at hand. Yet
The Sun in the reverse position, however, may it conies with a warning: One must review past expe-
foretell disillusionment, failure, shattered alliances riences and conduct in order to continue to move
and relationships. Readers tell querants to keep in ahead.
mind that even when the Sun appears upside down, it When the card is reversed, it indicates that there
does not absolutely mean a romance will be ended. It may be a delay of some sort, perhaps a period of inde-
is a warning that should events continue without cision. Again, here is a warning that one must review
change, a breakup may occur. in order to move forward.


j For instance, in chiromancy or necromancy, one
seeks metaphysical knowledge from the hand or
from the dead.
The suffix comes from the Middle English and
^■v Old French mancie, derived in turn from the
Late Latin -mantia, which is descended from
the Greek manteia, meaning divination. Manteia
came from the word manteuesthia, meaning to
predict, and from mantis, meaning a prophet.

1 MANNING, MATTHEW (1956- ) Brit-

r ish psychic.
One of the most reclusive but important psychics
of contemporary times, Manning lives in En-
gland and attempts to stay out of the public eye.
=B Manning, who prefers the term mentalist to
psychic, is able to write and draw automatically.
His paintings, according to art experts, often are
C in a strikingly accurate style, very close to that
of Leonardo da Vinci, Beatrix Potter and Henri
Matisse, to name a few. He communicates with
their spirits telepathically. He can move objects
f' and transports them around rooms, making them
appear and disappear at will. He can bend metal
THE WORLD. with the same ability as Uri Geller, and he has
correctly predicted the future.
The World The focus of The World is change. One
must look to change in order to succeed; by doing so Like many psychics, Manning realized his
success will be possible. The World shows the continu- gifts at an early age but was plagued by visits
ing cycle of life, of death and rebirth in the physical from ghosts and poltergeists. During his school
sense as well as emotionally and spiritually. Most read- years, strange happenings continued; once he
ers believe that this is one of the most fortuitous of began trying to communicate with the spirits,
all cards. the ghostly activities stopped He believes he has
Appearing in the reversed position, The World indi- communicated with a number of great people
cates the possibility for failure, the inability to com- from the past, including Bertrand Russell, the
plete projects or follow through with opportunities.
British Nobel laureate, mathematician and phi-
Yet as with all cards, this may be just the counsel the
losopher who died in 1970.
querant needs in order to reverse trends and previous
actions. Manning's books describe his initiation into
the metaphysical realm. The Link, written in
1974, describes how he learned of his gifts at age
Secrets of the Alchemists. Mysteries of the Unknown. 11. In the Mind of Millions, written in 1977,
Alexandria, Va.; Time Life Books, 1990. describes the startling events he has predicted,
Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown. including a plane crash at Kennedy International
Alexandria, Va.; Time Life Books, 1990. Airport and a subway accident in London's un-
-MANCY In divination, a suffix meaning to As with many who possess psychic gifts, he
obtain knowledge from something or in a partic- has been accused of fraud and trickery and, as a
ular manner. result, Manning prefers to live in seclusion.


Further reading In about 2000 B.C. in ancient China, the I
Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New Ching was used by the nobility as well as the
York: University Books, 1966. common person to help forecast future events
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and open a window of understanding on situa-
and Spirits. New York: Facts On File, 1992, tions currently troubling the querant. Some be-
Harper's Encyclopedia of Mystical and Para- lieve that all mantic arts were derived from the 1
normal Experience. San Francisco: HarperSan Fran- Ching's Book of Changes, which says, "Symbols
cisco, 1991. come into existence in precedence of substance."
Manning, Matthew. The Link. New York: Ballan- During Old Testament times, determining the
tine, 1974, future and interpreting events through the use
of mantic objects was accepted. Most people
believed that the universe guided people through
MANTIC ART To ask a question either si- signs and symbols. For example, it is thought
lently or verbally and to immediately use a sys- that priests and other psychics of the time used
tem in a manner that reveals the hidden a method similar to TASSEOGRAPHY. the tech-
answer. nique of divining the future that also used the
The mantic arts date from well before recorded patterns formed by oil poured on top of water
time. There is reference to their use as far back in a bowl or cup. This skill was attributed to
as the Ice Age. Cave dwellers attempted to use Joseph (Gen. 44:5, 15). Many prophets and
available objects to foretell the future, settle dis- priests wore breastplates with a pocket that con-
putes, reveal hidden answers, solve problems or tained shiny stones said to have been used as a
explain events. Through myths and legends, we sortilege method (see sortilege systems). With
know that natural objects such as bones, sand, the spread of Christianity, the use of objects to
fire, rocks and clouds were all employed as prog- foretell upcoming events or explain situations
nostic methods by the earliest psychics. was considered dangerous and was outlawed in
Mantic arts refer specifically to the use of inert most of Europe.
or nonhuman objects. Other forms of prognosti- Most mantic arts are technically known by
cation use telepathic qualities without the use of their Greek or historical root word name, ending
tools. The popularity of the mantic arts has with -mancy For instance, sciomancy (predicting
waxed and waned throughout the centuries. At the future through interpreting shadows) comes
times those who practiced prediction methods from the Greek word skia, which means shadow.
hid their gifts for fear- of being put to death, as Halomancy (predicting the future by casting salt
did Nostradamus. During other periods those and then interpreting the patterns formed) origi-
with psychic gifts have been lavished with wealth nated from the Greek word hals, for salt.
and riches. Mediums and psychics often became As with every "rule," the definition of mantic
popular in the courts, ballrooms and parlors of arts has exceptions; there are mantic arts that do
the world, including during the resurgence of employ human points of focus as tools. As an
spiritualism that occurred in the late 1800s. illustration, cheriomancy is divination and char-
There have been entire centuries when mantic acter analysis by studying the nails, lines and
arts have been suppressed and those who prac- fingers of a person's hand. And ANTHROPO-
ticed them persecuted. This has not been con- mancy, an offshoot of hepatomancy practiced
fined to the so-called Dark Ages. During Hitler's by the ancient Babylonians, Sumerians, Japanese,
Third Reich psychics were hunted down, ar- Greeks and Romans, utilizes the entrails, the
rested and jailed, and many were put to death. inner organs (specifically the intestines) of hu-
Metaphysical books and other occult material, man sacrifices.
even those found in private libraries and museum See also biblical prophets and divination
collections, were destroyed regardless of their METHODS; DIVINATION; I CHING; MANTIC OB-


Further reading Burning of objects or sacrifices: Anthropomancy,
capnomancy, causimonancy, pyromancy.
Buckland, Raymond. Doors to Other Worlds. St. Paul,
Minn.: Llewellyn, 1993. Cakes: Critomancy.
King, Francis, and Stephen Skinner. Techniques of Candles: Lapadomancy, lynchomancy, zoan-
High Magic. Rochester, Vt.: Destiny Books, 1991. thropy.
Loewe, Michael, and Carmen Blacker, eds. Divination Cards: Cartomancy, tarot.
and Oracles. London: Allen & Unwin, 1981. Casting of lots: Astragyromancy, sortilege.
Logan, Jo, and Lindsey Hodson. The Prediction Book Cats: Felidomancy.
of Divination. Dorset, England: Blandford Press, Chance words and/or remarks overheard in a
1984. crowd: Cledonomancy, transatuaumancy.
Miller, Madeleine S., and J. Lane Miller, eds. Harper's Circles that revolve: Cyclomancy.
Encyclopedia of Bible Life. San Francisco: Harper
Circle trance: Aspidomancy.
& Row, 1978.
Clouds: Aeromancy, nephelomancy.
Wilhelm, Richard, and Gary F. Baynes. The I Ching
Communication with the dead: Necromancy, ni-
(translation). Bollingen series 19, Princeton, N.J.:
Princeton University Press, 1969. gromancy.
Woods, R., ed. Understanding Mysticism. New York: Cookies and cakes: Aleuromancy.
Doubleday, 1980. Crystal ball and crystal gazing: Crystalomancy,
MANTIC OBJECTS Articles used as a Dice: Astragalomancy, astragyromancy, casting
point of focus in a divination process. of lots, runes, sortilege.
Disease diagnosis: latromancy.
The following articles, objects, animals and items
Dizziness from circling: Gyromancy.
have been and/or are currently used to predict
Dowsing: Rhabdomancy.
the future or to interpret omens and events:
Dreams: Oneiromancy.
Animals and animal behaviors: Alectryomancy, Earth-based or earth-related and naturally found
apantomancy, felidomancy, hippomancy, my- objects: Alectromancy, feng shui, geomancy,
omancy, ophimancy, ornithomancy, therio- halomancy, nephelomancy, tasseography, pes-
mancy, zoomancy. somancy.
Animals and chance encounters: Apantomancy. Eggs: Oomancy.
Animal innards and livers: epatoscomancy, extis- Entrails: Anthropomancy, epatoscomancy, extis-
piciomancy, hapatromancy, hepatomancy. piciomancy, hepatomancy, hapatromancy.
Arrows: Belomancy. Excrement: Scatomancy.
Ashes: Tephramancy. Eyes: Anthroposomancy, iridology, oculomancy.
Atmospheric conditions: Aeromancy, alectro- Facial features: Anthroposomancy.
mancy, nephelomancy, selenomancy. Feces: Copromancy, scatomancy.
Attire, dress: Stolisomancy. Fig leaves: Sycomancy.
Ax: Axinomancy. Fingernails: Onychomancy.
Baby caul: Amniomancy. Fire: Causimonancy, pyromancy.
Barley bread: Alphitomancy. Fire gazing: Pyromancy.
Barley flour: Critomancy. Fish: Ichthyomancy.
Beans, bones, other small objects: Cleromancy. Flames and smoke: Capnomancy, pyromancy,
Bible passages: Bibliomancy. spodomancy.
Birds: Ornithomancy. Flora: Botanomancy, geomancy.
Bones: Astragyromancy, cephalomancy, harus- Forehead: Anthroposomancy, metopomancy.
picy, kephalonomancy, onomancy, scapulo- Gems and precious stones: Lithomancy.
mancy. Goats: Kephalonomancy.
Books and verses: Stichomancy. Grain, tossed: Geomancy, sortilege.
Burned branches: Botanomancy. Hands: Cheiromancy, chiromancy, palmistry.


Horses and horses hooves: Hippomancy. Soles of the feet: Podomancy.
Human shoulders: Armomancy. Stars: Astrology, astromancy.
Incense: Empyromancy, libanomancy. Straws: Sideromancy.
Inspirational musings: Theomancy. Swiss cheese: Tiromancy.
Keys: Clidomancy. Tea leaves and coffee grounds: Tasseomancy,
Laughter and laughing: Gelomancy, gelosco- tasseography.
mancy, geloscopy. Trance: Aspidomancy, chresmonancy.
Laurel branches and leaves: Daphnomancy. Urine: Uromancy.
Lines on the hands: Cheiromancy, chiromancy, Voice-altered trance: Gastromancy.
palmistry. Water: Cylicomancy, hydromancy.
Mediumship and psychic abilities: Clairvoyance, Water currents: Bletonomancy.
psychomancy. Water fountains or geysers: Pegomancy.
Melted lead: Molybdomancy. Wax: Ceromancy.
Mirror gazing: Enoptromancy, scrying. Wells: Captromancy.
Moles: Maculomancy, moleomancy. Wind: Austromancy.
Moon phases: Selonomancy. Wine: Oinomancy.
Names: Numerology, onomancy, onomamancy, Wood: Xylomancy.
onomatomancy. Words: Transatuaumancy.
Naturally occurring or thrown patterns: Geo-
mancy. Further reading
Numbers: Arithmancy, gematria, numerology. Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
Oil: Leconomancy. pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
Olive oil: Onimancy. foid Press, 1986.
Onions: Cromniomancy. Logan, Jo, and Lindsey Hodson. The Prediction Book
Ouija board: Dactylomancy. of Divination. Dorset, England: Blandford Press,
Patterns of natural objects: Geomancy. 1984.
Pearls: Margaritomancy. Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
Pebbles: Pessomancy, psephomancy. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super-
Pendulum: Cleidomancy, dactyomancy, kelido-
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
mancy, pallomancy.
Poetry and verses: Rhapsodomancy.
Poppy and other flower seeds: Capnomancy. MARGARITOMANCY Divination of
Poultry: Alectryomancy. guilt or innocence using pearls.
Priests' breastplates: Urimancy. In this ancient prognostication method, after a
Psychometry: Hylomancy. crime has been committed, those who are suspect
Rats: Myomancy. arc gathered around a fire A pearl is placed in a
Rose petals and leaves: Phyllorhodomancy. vessel or vase and set near the blaze. The local
Sacred names: Theomancy. magistrate slowly speaks the names of all the
Sacred objects, books and/or things: Heiro- accused. When the name of the guilty party is
mancy, psychometry. spoken, the pearl is supposed to bounce around
Salt: Halomancy. in the container, shooting upward. It should
Seeds: Capnomancy. then change directions and shoot straight down,
Shadows: Sciomancy. hitting or piercing the bottom of the container.
Sieves: Coscinomancy. Thus, the accused's guilt is proven without a
Skulls: Cephalomancy, phrenology. doubt.
Smoke: Capnomancy, empyromancy, libano- Pearls have long been held to have a mystical
mancy, pyromancy, tephramancy. quality. The ancients believed that pearls should
Snakes: Ophimancy. only be worn in the moonlight, because sunlight

would destroy their luster. Until the last 200 explains ceremonial magic, the use of witchcraft
years, brides avoided wearing pearls at their wed- and necromancy, along with ways to contact
dings because they were thought to signify tears nature spirits.
of sorrow. In the countryside of Ireland, there A serious scholar of occult topics, Mathers
are still people who believe pearls are unlucky. accepted a top position with the Hermetic Order
One Irish superstition says that should a couple and began asserting that he alone had received
desire to remain childless, all they had to do was inspiration and material from the Secret Chiefs
sleep with a pearl beneath their pillows or mat- (the highest-ranking spiritual leaders in the uni-
tress. verse). He believed that those in the order should
follow him without question.
Further reading^ Later, after moving to Paris with his wife,
Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo- Moina Mathers, the academic occultist began to
pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit- insist that the members of the Hermetic Order
ford Press, 1986. support and finance his life as he continued to
de Lys, Claudia. The Giant Book of Superstitions. study occult material. His demands were not
Secaucus, N.J.: Citadel Press, 1979. readily accepted by the other members, and dis-
Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super- agreement ensued.
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. Mathers died in 1918 from complications of
Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown. the Spanish flu. His wife continued to claim that
Alexandria, Va.: Time life Books, 1990.
he had had a transcendental encounter with the
Secret Chiefs that no human could survive. Mrs.
MATHERS, SAMUEL LIDDEL Mathers asserted that this encounter was the real
MACGREGOR (1854-1918) English mys- cause of her husband's death.
tic and occultist. Other members of the Hermetic Order of the
Mathers was a leading organizer and supporter Golden Dawn, which was basically an occultist's
of the Hermetic Order of the Dawn. With the society, included Aleister Crowley, the poet
London-based mystical group, Mathers trans- W. B. Yeats, Arthur Edward Waite (famous for
lated and channeled ancient rites and rituals that his philosophy and study of tarot cards, includ-
were adapted and practiced by the members. ing the Rider-Waite deck) and author Bram
Attributed to Mathers are the English transla- Stoker (Dracula).
tions of many medieval magical works, including See also CROWLEY. ALEISTER; HERMETIC OR-
Knorr Von Rosenroth's Kabbalah Denudata DER OF THE GOLDEN DAWN; WAITE. ARTHUR
(The Kabbalah Unveiled) and Solomon Tris- EDWARD.
mosin's alchemical treatise known as Splendor
Solis. Other works include the translation of Further reading
various medieval books on magic, spells, rituals, Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of
incantations and hexes. These volumes are called Mystical and Paranormal Experience. San Fran-
grimoires and are believed to have been the work cisco: HarperSan Francisco, 1991.
of Kabbalistic mystics of the Middle Ages. The Harper, George Mills. Ycat's Golden Dawn. Welling-
best known of the grimoires that were translated borough, England: Aquarian Press, 1974.
by Mathers are The Sacred Matic of Abra-melin King, Francis. Ritual Magic in England, 1887 to the
and The Grimoire of Armadel. He was also the Present Day London: Neville Speannan, 1970.
translator of The Key of Solomon, which was
published as two books: The Greater Key of MEDITATION A state of higher aware-
Solomon and The Lesser Key The former con- ness, typically achieved through a quiet period
tains magical instructions, prayers and descrip- of concentration.
tions of the forces for each of the planets as Most people who practice meditation have no
they relate to the tarot and astrology. The latter specific goals other than to achieve a state of
awareness that is otherwise not available while See also CAYCE. EDGAK; CHANNEL; PSYCHIC;
living in this world. and specific prognostication methods, including
Meditation is often thought of as clearing CANDLE PROPHECY.
one's mind of mundane thoughts to concentrate
on religious, metaphysical or spiritual topics. Further reading
Meditation has been called concentrated mental
Cayce, Hugh Lynn, ed. The Edgar Cayce Collection.
activity. Some use it simply to relax. Actually, it New York: Bonanza, 1986.
is all those things. The end result is often a Da Liu. T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Meditation. New York:
desire to focus in order to release other concepts, Schocken, 1986.
energies and abilities that are hidden in another Goleman, Daniel. The Meditative Mind: The Varieties
portion of the mind. of Meditative Experience. Los Angeles: Jeremy P.
One need not travel to Tibet and live with Tare her. 1988.
monks to meditate. Techniques vary. There are Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of
no rules, guidelines or standards. Those who Mystical and Paranormal Experience. San Lran-
cisco: HarperSan Lrancisco, 1991.
practice meditation suggest that one should be
comfortable and in a quiet area and not be disap-
pointed if the first number of attempts to medi- MEDIUM One who translates spiritual in-
tate are interrupted with everyday thoughts, formation from the ethereal realm to others on
worries and ideas. this Earth plane.
During meditation, some people center their Typically, a medium (the term is somewhat old-
thoughts on one topic, word, idea. Some stare fashioned) will call forth a spiritual entity during
at or focus on an object such as a crystal, mirror a seance. The querant or members of the audi-
or candle flame or an element of nature such as ence ask the medium questions that are then
a flower, a tree or even the Moon. Others clear transmitted by him or her to the entity for an-
their minds of every thought, purposely trying swers.
to achieve a totally blank mind. Still others try Sometimes the answers or revelations come
to separate everyday thoughts in order to focus through automatic writing, pendulums, table tip-
on one problem or concept in order to evaluate ping or other manifestations. Sometimes the me-
and review all the impressions and theories con- dium will release control of his or her body and
nected with it. And there are some people who the entity will talk through this person, often
do "active meditation "—that is, reciting positive with a complete change in the sound of the
affirmations (declarations of what they want or medium's voice. This is known as channeling.
desire to achieve) while walking, running, resting Nonhuman entities who speak to or through
or even falling asleep. This, too, is considered a psychic or to an individual may be angels,
meditation. nature spirits, guardian spirits, deities, demons
People meditate to relax, to allow clairvoyant or spirits of the dead. Sometimes the messages
thoughts to be channeled into their minds and are transmitted from the higher self or from other
to heighten their awareness of past lives and their spirits who may not have been human in a past
life lessons. Clairvoyants such as Edgar Cayce life; they often have exotic names.
have reported that they use a form of meditation The information is said to have come from
in order to allow images and thoughts to come outside the Earth plane. This is not an innova-
through to them in a channeling experience. tive concept first practiced by New Age meta-
They often refer to this as relaxed awareness. physicians. Throughout history, there has been
Those who practice yoga meditate in various documentation of channeled information. Medi-
yoga positions in order to achieve a stronger umship was said to be a highly developed art
balance of mind and body. T'ai chi and other among the priests of ancient Egypt. The Greeks,
martial arts experts combine meditation and Tibetans, Japanese, Babylonians, Druids and As-
mind exercises along with exercises for the body. syrians, along with early Christians, Muslims

MEDIUM • 163
and Jews, all took part in the translation of
information from another realm. Madame Hel-
ena P. Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Eilene Garrett
and JZ Knight are known for their ability to
connect with the spiritual world and dispense
information from it. The medium is also some-
times referred to as the control.
See also AUGUR; bailey, alice; blavatsky.

Further reading
Kautz, William H., and Melanie Branon. Channeling:
The Intuitive Connection. San Francisco: Harper
& Row, 1987.
Klimo, John. Channeling: Investigations on Receiving
Information from Paranormal Sources. Los
Angeles: Jeremy P. Tare her, 1987. MESMER
Leonard. Gladys Osborne. My Life in Two Worlds. Friedrich Anton Mesmer was the first to recognize the
London: Two Worlds, 1931. basics and potential of hypnotism.
Rodegast, Pat, and Judith Stanton, comps. Emman-
uel's Book: A Manual for Living Comfortably in even the mind's concentrated thought patterns
the Cosmos. New York: Bantam, 1987.
that hypnotized the subject. Mesmer came upon
Stewart, R. J. The Elements of Prophecy Dorset,
the use of hypnosis while studying for the priest-
England: Element Books, 1990.
hood. With a gift and curiosity for mathematics
and science, he became obsessed with the then
MESMER, FRIEDRICH ANTON current theory that all things were controlled by
(1733-1815) German scholar, astrologer, healer a life force. This magnetic force was thought to
and doctor best known as the developer of thera- be fluid and flowing, and was somehow attracted
peutic hypnosis. to the human nervous system. This wasn't really
Also referred to as Franz Mesmer, he was the a new concept even at that time; practitioners of
first to recognize the basics of hypnotism and I Ching, feng shui and other Eastern methods of
investigate the healthful effects of the power of prognostication have believed for thousands of
the mind. The term mesmerize, that is, to en- years, and continue to believe today, in this same
chant, was coined when people believed that a ideology. In Chinese, this magnetic force is called
hypnotist put a spell on the subjects; hypnotists chi (or Ch'i) and is considered to be the lifeblood
have also been known as mesmerists. Both words of the earth, present in all living things, including
are derived from Mesmer's name and reputation. plants, minerals and animals.
Some considered him a flamboyant showman During Mesmer's study of the basics of the
without real psychic powers, an accusation that magnetic flow of life, he came upon the theories
was most likely justified; during his years in of J. B. van Helmont, a 16th-century scientist.
Paris, he liked to dress in long, colorful, flowing Van Helmont believed that if one could control
robes and carried a wand. However, he was one the magnetic flow, one could shape thoughts and
of the first to realize the potential of what he have power over others. Basing his studies on
coined the theory of animal magnetism. this concept, Mesmer continued to study magne-
Mesmer believed for a time that waves of an tism, gaining recognition from Father Maximilian
unseen magnetic force were generated by the Hehl, a Jesuit priest and court astrologer to
hypnotist's eyes, hands, motions and perhaps Empress Maria Theresa. Mesmer adopted much


of Hehl's philosophy that the planets held a brought difficulties to Mesmer. He fled France
magnetic power over humans. That power, he for the small town of Karlsruhe, Austria. But
postulated, could be transferred to magnets once settled there, he was accused of being a
placed on the body to bring it into balance (and French spy. After serving time in prison, Mesmer
thus cure ills or reshape diseased organs). returned to his birthplace near Lake Constance,
Because of his popularity as a healer and doc- Germany, where he lived until his death at age
tor, the public began to seek out Mesmer, paying 81.
well for his treatments. He set up a very fashion- Mesmer is best remembered today as being
able clinic in Paris when he realized that he could one of the first to understand the healing power
cure patients without the help of magnets placed of the mind through the therapeutic possibilities
on the body. It was, of course, the power of of hypnosis.
suggestion under hypnosis that brought about
the cure, rather than the power of the magnets.
Further reading
But Mesmer believed that the life force coming
from his own body transferred healing energies Cuddon, Eric. The Meaning and Practice of Hypnosis.
to his patients. New York: Citadel Press, 1965.
Mesmer's Paris clinic was unlike any hospital Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso-
known in his time. The music, paintings, flowers teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press,
and general air of relaxation were similar to what
Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New
one might find at an expensive health resort or
York: University Books, 1966.
spa today. The patients were sometimes grouped Powers of Healing. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alex-
in a room for mass healings while Mesmer and his andria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
associates treated them by stroking their bodies, Seligmann, Kurt. The History of Magic and the Occult.
waving magnetic wands and making suggestions. New York: Pantheon Books, 1948.
There were many reported cures. Mesmer had a
falling out with Father Hehl but continued to be
popular with the public, becoming the darling of METAPHYSICS The study of that which
Paris society. is accepted as real without visible evidence of its
Regard for Mesmer weakened when Louis existence.
XVI, who had been a strong defender and advo- Metaphysics is an entire philosophy claiming that
cate of the doctor, hesitantly agreed to have the all things (which inhabit or take up space on the
hypnotist's theories secretly and then publically earth) originate from one source. It is the study
investigated. The committees found no basis to of cosmic consciousness, the basis of energy and
substantiate the existence of animal magnetism, intelligence. It is the doctrine, investigation and
and Mesmer was expelled from the French medi- analysis of truth and reality; it is the study of
cal academy. Though he no longer treated the existence and the search for knowledge. A stu-
nobility of the time, Mesmer's reputation for dent of metaphysics might contemplate present,
healing was still celebrated by the masses, and past and future lives in order to understand a life
he continued to practice in France. Somewhat lesson or to answer specific questions regarding
later, Mesmer's reputation was further under- behavior. He or she may delve into the use of
mined after a physician, who had come to Mes- various prediction tools, such as I Ching, tarot
mer to be treated for a nonexistent medical and palmistry. Some experts believe metaphysics
problem and was pronounced cured of it, ac- encompasses God, consciousness, cosmic origins
cused Mesmer of swindling him and his other and all that is truth to answer the question. What
patients. He was publically and professionally is life? One who studies metaphysics may do so
ridiculed. with a slant toward conventional religion,
As with many who had formerly hobnobbed whether that is Buddhism, Christianity or Ju-
with the aristocracy, the French Revolution daism.

Metaphysics is a somewhat new term and en-
compasses all that was formerly referred to as
occult, magical, religious or mystic. Today, we
often hear- the term New Age, indicating a study
or interest in mystical knowledge or knowledge 6
that cannot be proven by facts or figures. People *4
have been studying metaphysics since the first
cave dwellers read palms, studied light on crys-
tals and deciphered natural and unexplained oc-
currences. *
See also laws of metaphysics.

Further reading
Bailey, Alice. A Treatise on White Magic. New York:
Lucis, 1951.
Besant, Annie. The Ancient Wisdom. London: Theo- %
sophical Publishing House, 1905.
Ferguson, John. An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Mysti-
cism and the Mystery Religions. New York: Seabury
Press, 1976.
Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New
York: University Books, 1966.
Hall, Manly P. The Secret Teachings of All Ages.
1928. Reprint. Los Angeles: Philosophic Research
Society, 1977.
Sheldrake, Rupert. A New Science of Life. London:
Blond & Briggs, 1981.

METOPOMANCY Division and character

analysis by studying the lines on a person's METOPOMANCY
forehead. In 1658, Jerome Cardan published Metoposcopia, a
guide to face reading and divining the future by use
As with palmistry, metopomancy may have been
of lines on the forehead.
one of the earliest forms of foretelling specific
character traits and aspects of the future. It was
first practiced in China, along with other meth- Aristotle commended the practice of metapo-
ods of Chinese face reading, and is still popular mancy. He believed that there was a distinct
today in many Asian cultures. relationship between human characteristics and
Published in the Sung dynasty, Ma-Yee- features of the face. Hippocrates, the "Father of
Shang-Fa {The Simple Guide to Face Reading) Medicine," also believed that there was some
was the first book on the topic. It discusses the certainty to the belief that one's face revealed
significance of all of the facial features. Reading traits of future disease.
foreheads as well as total faces was practiced In the 16th century, facial interpretations pro-
during the Chou dynasty, more than 3,200 years liferated and books on the subject increased. In
ago. (The book is still used as the basic source 1658, in Paris, Jerome Cardan published Meto-
of information on a skill that continues to be poscopia, a guide to face reading and specifically
practiced in Asia and is held with far more cre- the divination of the future by studying the lines
dence than palmistry.) on the forehead. His comprehensive volume con-

tained more than 800 illustrations to substantiate Further reading
his thesis.
Bary, William Theodore de, ed. Sources of Chinese
According to Cardan, the forehead can be
Traditions. New York: Columbia University
divided into seven distinct positions between the Press, 1960.
brow and the hairline. These were given plane- Leland, Charles Godfrey. Gypsy Sorcery and fortune
tary names: the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Telling. New York: University Books, 1962.
Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book offortunetelling.
To read the forehead one must consider the New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
length, depth and prominence of the lines. The Walker, Barbara G. The Woman's Encyclopedia of
following are the basic principles of meto- Myths and Secrets. New York: Harper Collins,
poscopy: 1983.
No matter where on the forehead they appear,
long, unbroken horizontal lines are said to indi- MILAREPAJETSUN (1052-1135) Ti-
cate a straightforward personality, an honest man betan mystic and scholar.
or woman, a good partner. Three long and Milarepa was considered to be one of the leading
widely spaced lines crossing the forehead hori- Tibetan mystics of all time. He is a Tibetan
zontally indicate a psychic and/or spiritual national hero, referred to as the "Fully Enlight-
nature. ened One" by his followers in other Asian coun-
X lines or wrinkles denote a shifty personality; tries. In his early life he practiced black magic;
here is someone who doesn't necessarily mean he was transformed into a religious mystic after
what he or she says. These lines often show a meeting a lama named Marpa. From that point
dishonest bent. on, he became a hermit, meditating in the moun-
Short vertical lines, according to Cardan and tains of Tibet. Considered by many to have been
other face readers, tell of abrupt changes. They the greatest yogi of all time, he is supposed to
may indicate a personality type that changes have been in contact with the Supreme Oneness,
opinions, perhaps even a wishy-washy person ruler and absolute spiritual leader.
who cannot make up his or her own mind.
Short diagonal lines indicate the ability to Further reading
overcome obstacles. However, if one of these Bromage, Bernard. Tibetan Yoga. 1952. Wellingbor-
lines touches the left eyebrow, that indicates fu- ough, England: Aquarian Press, 1979.
ture challenges and, perhaps, misfortune. Fvans-Wentz, W. Y. Tibet's Great Yogi, Milarepa: A
Wavy lines reveal a person who loves to travel, Biography from the Tibetan. 2d ed. London: Ox-
to learn and to move about, physically, mentally ford University Press, 1951.
or emotionally. Worthington, Vivian. A History of Yoga. London:
Slight curves in the main lines of the forehead Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982.
tell of a balanced personality, an easygoing na-
ture, this person can go with the flow. However, MING (OR OTHER "FORTUNE")
if the curve turns sharply and angles back, this STICKS Divination through the random selec-
is a sign of instability. tion of a numbered stick.
One horizontal S-curve is considered an indi- Practiced in ancient China and often used today,
cation of someone with a Machiavellian person- ming sticks are numbered. The number corres-
ality. ponds with a listing of the answers for questions
Three horizontal S-curves that move across that are printed in an answer book. Here in
the forehead in a slight arch indicate a loving and the United States, ming sticks are often sold in
generous nature. Asian stores.
See also ANTHROPOSOMANCY; PALMISTRY; To prognosticate the future, one considers the
PHRENOLOGY. question at hand and asks it silently or aloud.


Then one shakes the long cylinder containing the appointed if the first few sessions with a mirror
sticks. The cylinder is shaken so that only one reveal nothing. They claim that patience should
stick falls forward or out. The number is read be rewarded.
and then interpreted by the saying or "fortune" See also hydromancy; scrying.
in the book. This practice is sometimes done
daily, as one might read a sun sign horoscope in Further reading
the newspaper.
Butler, W. E. How to Develop Clairvoyance. 2d ed.
New York: Samuel Weiser, 1979.
Further readings Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New
Hey wood, R. Beyond the Reach of Sense. New York: York: University Books, 1966.
Button, 1961. Krippner, Stanley, and Alberto Villoldo. The Realms
MagickalAlmanac. St Phul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1989. of Healing. 3d ed. Berkeley, Calif.: Celestial Arts,
Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling. 1986.
New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your MOLEOMANCY Divination by the
Own Future. London: Quintet Publishing and Ran-
shape, placement and size of moles on the hu-
dom House, 1992.
man body
Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown,
Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. Also known as molescopy.
See also maculomancy.
MIRROR PROPHECY Divination using
a mirror to foretell the future or interpret omens MOLYBDOMANCY Divination by inter-
and events. pretation of the hisses and patterns made by
As with many older prognostication practices, dropping molten lead into water.
mirror prophecy (called enoptromancy) has A popular prognostication method, molybdo-
had a resurgence in popularity. One can some- mancy was most likely practiced first by the
times buy "magic mirrors" or books discussing ancient Greeks, with the interpretation done by
how to use a mirror to foretell the future. government-paid augurs (psychics). Just as the
In ancient times, a shiny surface was placed patterns of tea leaves are read in tasseography,
in water to predict an indiyidual's recovery (or the formation of the molten lead poured into
death). Enoptromancy is a form of catoptro- water, and allowed to cool, revealed guilt or
mancy, in which divination occurs by interpre- innocence and translated omens. The practice
ting patterns or images produced by looking at remained in fashion for centuries.
a light source reflected in a shiny object, such as According to the book Discoverie of Witch-
a mirror. The psychic or healer suspended a craft (1584), molybdomancy was still in use at
mirror into water with only the base of the that time. At this point it was utilized to discover
mirror touching it. He or she would then gaze whether someone was bewitched. The book ad-
into the mirror, interpreting the vision that was vises, "To learne how to know whether a sicke
revealed on the shiny surface. man be betwitched or no . . . You must hold
The more contemporary method of mirror motlen lead over the sicke bodie, and powre it
prophecy is to place a specially cleansed or into a porrenger full of water; and then if there
blessed mirror in an indirect light source and to appeare upon the lead, anie image, you may then
stare at the mirror while in a meditative state. knowne the partie is bewitched,"
After some practice, one should be able to under- During the early 19th-century Regency period
stand the solution to problems, receive answers in England, young girls dropped molten lead into
from the guides and/or learn the wisdom of the cold water on Valentine's Day. The formation of
ethereal world. Those who practice this divina- the cooled metal was interpreted as specific let-
tion method suggest that one should not be dis- ters of the alphabet; supposedly, a girl would


marry a man whose first name began with the tendencies. A large mount (about the size of a
letter the lead resembled. quarter) indicates a self-indulgent personality,
A variation of this practice was long reputed and a small one (the size of a dime) indicates a
to be a variation of romantic divination systems. dull, unperceptive nature.
An account published in the English book Ever- See also palmistry.
lasting Fortune-Teller (1839) directed, "On Mid-
summer eve, take a small lump of lead . , , put Further reading
it in your left stocking on going to bed, and
Altman, Nathaniel. Palmistry Workbook. New York:
place it under your pillow, the next day . . .
Sterling, 1990.
take a pail of water, and , , , pour in your lead
Benham, William G. Hands. Los Angeles: Newcas-
boiling hot. As soon as it is cold, take it out, tle, 1988.
and you will find emblems of his trade. If a ship, Cheiro. Cheiro's Book of Numbers. New York: Pren-
he is a sailor, if a book, he is a parson , , . and tice-Hall, 1988.
so on." By the early 20th century, a further . The Language of the Hand. New York: Pren-
modification was popular: Folk-Lore of Wales (c. tice-HaU, 1987.
1909) instructed, "If a spinster on Christmas Eve Fitzherbert, Andrew. Hand Psychology Garden City,
pours melted lead into cold water, it will turn N.Y,: Avery, 1989.
into the shape of the tools her future husband Robinson, Rita The Palm: A Guide To Your Hidden
will use. A doctor will be represented by a lancet, Potential. North Hollywood, Calif.: Newcastle,
and so on,"
See also CEROMANCY; tasseography
MOUNT OF JUPITER The muscled pad
Further reading on the palm beneath the index finger, which is
used to predict character.
Alleau, Rene. History of Occult Sciences. London:
Leisure Arts, 1965. The mount of Jupiter, which can be found on
Denning, Melita, and Osborne Phillips. Voudou Fire: both hands, is located slightly below the place
The Living Reality of Mystical Religion. St Paul, where the index finger joins the hand. In palm-
Minn.: Llewellyn, 1979. istry, each significant mount of the hand is indi-
Hazlitt, W. Carew. Faiths and Folklore of the British cated by a specific name along with the
Isles. 2 vols. New York: Benjamin Blom, 1965. astrological sign of a planet.
Depending on the size and location, the
MOUNT OF APOLLO The muscled pad mount of Jupiter is said to indicate one's temper-
on the palm beneath the ring finger, which is ament and nature.
used to predict character. If the mount is of normal size, one is consid-
The mount of Apollo, also referred to as the ered to be good tempered, determined, able to
mount of the Sun, can be found on both palms, accept and work through any endeavor and pos-
slightly below the place where the ring finger sess an above-average ability to succeed.
joins the hand. In palmistry, each significant If the mount of Jupiter is small, flat or under-
mount of the hand is indicated by a specific developed, it is said to indicate one who is
name, along with the astrological sign of a planet. thoughtless, egocentric and lacking in confi-
Depending on the size and location, the dence.
mount of Apollo is said to indicate one's disposi- When the mount of Jupiter is large, puffy
tion and outlook on life. and prominent, it supposedly indicates a self-
A normal-size mount (about the size of a centered person who is highly motivated. This
nickel) is said to indicate a personality that is individual may have the proverbial "one-track
bright and vivacious. This individual possesses a mind" and be a classic workaholic.
happy disposition, often with an innate ability Should the mount of Jupiter be connected to
to grasp opportunities, along with strong creative the mount of Saturn, this individual is probably


somewhat of a loner, happy working apart from Benham, William G. Hands. Los Angeles: Newcas-
others. He or she may not do well in a team or tle, 1988.
partnership effort. Cheiro. Cheiro's Book of Numbers. New York: Pren-
See also palmistry. tice-Hall, 1988.
. The Language of the Hand. New York: Pren-
tice-Hall, 1987.
Further reading
Fitzherbert, Andrew. Hand Psychology Garden City,
Altman, Nathaniel, Palmistry Workbook. New York: N.Y,: Avery, 1989,
Sterling, 1990. Robinson, Rita, The Palm: A Guide To Your Hidden
Benham, William G. Hands. Los Angeles: Newcas- Potential. North Hollywood, Calif.: Newcastle,
tle, 1988. 1988.
Cheiro. Cheiro's Book of Numbers. New York: Pren-
tice-Hall, 1988. MOUNT OF MERCURY The muscled
. The Language of the Hand. New York: Pren- pad on the palm slightly below the little finger,
tice-HaU, 1987. which is used to predict character.
Fitzherbert, Andrew. Hand Psychology Garden City,
N.Y,: Avery, 1989. The mount of Mercury, which can be found on
Robinson, Rita. The Palm: A Guide To Your Hidden both hands, is located below the little finger on
Potential. North Hollywood, Calif.: Newcastle, the outside portion of the palm. In palmistry,
1988. each significant mount of the hand is indicated
by a specific name along with the astrological
sign of a planet.
A normal-size mount of Mercury is indicative
cled pad on the palm half way between the
mount of Jupiter and the mount of Venus, of a clear-thinking individual, someone who can
quickly explore and resolve problems. He or she
which is used to predict character.
is supposed to be hardworking and thrifty and
The mount of lower Mars, which can be found enjoys working and being with others. This indi-
on both hands, is located below the index finger
vidual is a good team player.
before the thumb connects to the palm. In palm-
When the mount of Mercury is large and
istry, each significant mount of the hand is indi-
puffy, the individual is said to have a keen sense
cated by a specific name along with the
of humor without a hint of sarcasm. He or she
astrological sign of a planet.
thrives on amusement and is often the life of
A normal size mount of lower Mars is indica-
the party.
tive of one who is physically brave, with a persis-
When the mount of Mercury is extremely
tent streak.
large, it is said to reveal a person who could
A flat, small mount of lower Mars is supposed
sell anything to anyone. It may also indicate a
to reveal a person who lacks courage, is often
tendency to avoid revealing all the details of any
fearful of physical pain and thus avoids bodily
transaction involving money or property. Thus
challenges like athletics.
he or she may gain an unsavory reputation in
A very large mount of lower Mars tells of an
argumentative person who might be so strong
Should this mount be marked by short,
willed, he or she is unable to concede even when
straight lines, it may indicate a healing nature;
obviously in error. This may also be the individ-
perhaps the individual has a soothing personality
ual who is willing to take physical chances, the
or, in the very real sense of healing, is someone
daredevil or the sports hero.
who is in a healing profession.
See also palmistry.
See also palmistry.
Further reading Further reading
Altman, Nathaniel. Palmistry Workbook. New York: Altman, Nathaniel. Palmistry Workbook. New York:
Sterling, 1990. Sterling, 1990.


Benham, William G. Hands. Los Angeles: Newcas- Benham, William G. Hands. Los Angeles: Newcas-
tle, 1988. tle, 1988.
Cheiro. Cheiro's Book of Numbers. New York: Pren- Cheiro. Cheiro's Book of Numbers. New York: Pren-
tice-Hall, 1988. tice-Hall, 1988.
. The Language of the Hand. New York: Pren- . The Language of the Hand. New York: Pren-
tice-Hall, 1987. tice-Hall, 1987.
Fitzherbert, Andrew. Hand Psychology Garden City, Fitzherbert, Andrew. Hand Psychology Garden City,
N.Y.: Aveiy, 1989. N.Y.: Aveiy, 1989.
Robinson, Rita. The Palm: A Guide To Your Hidden Robinson, Rita. The Palm: A Guide To Your Hidden
Potential. North Hollywood, Calif.: Newcastle, Potential. North Hollywood Calif.: Newcastle,
1988. 1988.

MOUNT OF SATURN The muscled pad

on the palm slightly below the middle finger, MOUNT OF THE MOON The muscled
which is used to predict character. pad on the little finger side of the palm, which is
used to predict character.
The mount of Saturn, which can be found on
both hands, is located below the middle finger. The mount of the Moon, which can be found on
In palmistry, each significant mount of the hand both hands, is located below the little finger,
is indicated by a specific name along with the next to the wrist. Each significant mount of the
astrological sign of a planet. hand is indicated by a specific name along with
A normal-size mount of Saturn, speaks of an the astrological sign of a planet.
introspective personality. This person is most When the mount of the Moon is of normal
likely involved in some academic pursuit or size, it indicates a nature that is creative, roman-
would prefer to be. He or she is thrifty and is tic, joyful and sensitive, often with psychic abili-
able to make sound decisions after a short period ties. Some palmists believe a normal-size mount
of contemplation. of the Moon tells of someone who has a deep
A small or flat mount of Saturn is said to be love for the sea or ocean travel or is involved in
indicative of one who favors the middle of the an occupation that involves the ocean.
road and is content without high personal or A very prominent mount of the Moon indi-
professional aspirations. cates an individual who may be hard, coarse,
A mount of Saturn that is large and puffy is introspective and uncaring with his or her fel-
supposed to show one who tends toward pessi- low humans.
mism and is often melancholy for no apparent When the mount of the Moon appears high
reason. on the palm and is well developed, the person
If the mount of Saturn is close to the mount often has powerful creative tendencies that can-
of Jupiter (the muscled area beneath the index not and should not be ignored. This individual
finger), the individual is thought to be quiet but may be involved in creative fields where imagina-
with strong ideas and goals, tion rules.
Should the mount of Saturn lean toward the A well-developed but soft mount of the Moon
mount of Apollo (the muscled area beneath the is said to show someone who may be inconsistent
ring finger), this may indicate an intense love of and flighty. It is indicative of the dreamer.
beautiful things, artistic appreciation, and cre- When the mount reaches out toward the
ativity, although possibly without the talent to mount of Venus, one may have a passionate,
produce. lustful nature, not only in love and sex but
See also palmistry. toward life on a whole.
A mount of the Moon that is close to the
Further reading wrist lines is believed to reveal a person with
Altman, Nathaniel. Palmistry Workbook. New York: psychic gifts.
Sterhng. 1990. Sec also palmistry.


Further reading Fitzherbert, Andrew. Hand Psychology Garden City,
N.Y.: Avery, 1989.
Altman, Nathaniel. Palmistry Workbook. New York: Robinson, Rita. The Palm: A Guide To Your Hidden
Sterling, 1990.
Potential. North Hollywood, Calif.: Newcastle,
Benhani, William G. Hands. Los Angeles: Newcas- 1988.
tle, 1988.
Cheiro. Cheiro's Book of Numbers. New York: Pren-
tice-Hall, 1988.
MOUNT OF VENUS The muscled pad
. The Language of the Hand. New York: Pren-
tice-Hall, 1987. on the palm where the thumb connects to the
Fitzherbert, Andrew. Hand Psychology Garden City, hand, which is used to predict character.
N.Y.: Avery, 1989. The mount of Venus, which can be found on
Robinson, Rita. The Palm: A Guide To Your Hidden both hands, is located below the thumb and
Potential. North Hollywood, Calif.: Newcastle, index finger, close to the wrist. Each significant
1988. mount of the hand is indicated by a specific name
along with the astrological sign of a planet.
MOUNT OF UPPER MARS The mus- A mount of Venus that is wide, firm and puffy
cled pad on the palm about half way between indicates a warm nature. This is an individual
the mount of Mercury and the mount of the who joyfully embraces life, his or her family,
Moon, which is used to predict character. children and, often, humanity. The compassion-
ate disposition of this individual tends to lead
The mount of upper Mars, which can be found
him or her into public service, the healing arts
on both hands, is located below the little finger
or creative fields where one can take an idea and
before the final mount of the palm. In palmistry,
nurture it to fruition.
each significant mount of the hand is indicated
by a specific name along with the astrological A mount of Venus that is extremely large is
sign of a planet. said to indicate a person with remarkable energy,
A normal-size mount is supposed to indicate vitality and enthusiasm.
a strong moral disposition and a courageous per- A firm mount of Venus indicates a highly
sonality. developed libido. One that is soft and pliable
A small, somewhat flat mount of upper Mars indicates an individual who may be overly agi-
reveals a person who often thinks only of him- tated and possibly capricious.
or herself, perhaps even a cowardly way of per- When the mount of Venus falls closer to the
ceiving life and humanity. lower portion of the palm, palmists say this
An overly large mount of upper Mars is said reveals a tendency to use artistic skills and an
to be indicative of one who may be a sharp- ability to focus, concentrate and work toward
tongued cynic. This might be the pessimist who completing projects and accomplishing goals.
seems always to be walking around with a dark See also palmistry.
cloud over his or her head.
See also palmistry. Further reading
Altman, Nathaniel. Palmistry Workbook. New York:
Further reading
Sterling, 1990.
Altman, Nathaniel. Palmistry Workbook. New York: Benhani, William G. Hands. Los Angeles: Newcas-
Sterling, 1990. tle, 1988.
Benhani, William G. Hands. Los Angeles: Newcas- Cheiro. Cheiro's Book of Numbers. New York: Pren-
tle, 1988. tice-Hall. 1988.
Cheiro. Cheiro's Book of Numbers. New York: Pren- . The Language of the Hand. New York: Pren-
tice-Hall, 1988. tice-Hall, 1987.
. The Language of the Hand. New York: Pren- Fitzherbert, Andrew. Hand Psychology Garden City,
tice-Hall, 1987. N.Y.: Avery, 1989.


Robinson, Rita. The Palm: A Guide To Your Hidden
Potential. North Hollywood, Calif.: Newcastle,

MURPHY, BRIDEY Virginia Tig he, who

claimed in 1952 to have been a woman named
Bridey Murphy in a previous life.
Tighe was a housewife from Chicago who, dur-
ing a hypnotic session involving past-life regres-
sion, began saying that she had been an Irish wS
woman who had lived in the area of Belfast from
1789 to 1864. Bridey Murphy is also referred to w
as Bridget Murphy.
Chronicled in the book The Search for Bridey
Murphy,Tighe.'s, story was serialized by a leading
Chicago newspaper and supposedly validated the
authenticity of reincarnation. Tighe told the
story of her life as Bridey Murphy while under
hypnosis. She reported, in great detail, situations
from her 19th-century world, including her rela-
tionship with her husband. The facts, dates and
situations related were verified, but it was later
discovered that the entire episode had been fabri- Among other man tic arts that studied animal behav-
cated in order to Sell newspapers. Tighe was ior, some ancient psychics used myomancy, whereby
involved in the hoax, and the case of Bridey the future was divined by the observation of rodents.
Murphy was dismissed as a fraud.

Further reading Egypt, his soldiers awoke one morning to dis-

Bernstein, Morey. The Search of Bridey Murphy New cover that their bows and quivers had been nib-
York: Doubleday, 1965. bled by rats. Believing this to be an inauspicious
Cavendish, Richard, ed. The Encyclopedia of the Un- omen, they fled and were slain retreating from
explained. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974. the battlefields.
Cayce, Hugh Lynn, ed. The Edgar Cayce Collection. In 319 B.C., Theophrastus said that one should
New York: Bonanza, 1986. always discuss the situation with an "expounder
Lenz, Frederick. Lifetimes: True Accounts of Reincar- of sacred law" when a mouse or rat has nibbled
nation. New York: Fawcett Crest, 1977. any article. And should the wise man say that
the visit of this rodent reveals a warning, one
MYOMANCY Divination by observing the should "expiate the omen by a sacrifice."
behavior of rats or mice. In A.D. 77, Pliny explained, "By gnawing the
This form of prognostication had its origin in silver shields at Lanuvium, mice had prognosti-
ancient Assyria, Egypt and Rome. According to cated the Marsian war; and the death of our
the practice, when the cries or sounds of mice general, Carbo, at Clusim, by gnawing the
or rats were heard, great evil was thought to latches with which he fastened his shoes."
be present. According to the 1793 Every Lady's Fortune
There is immense traditional superstition re- Teller, "To dream you are attacked by rats shows
garding rats and mice—none of it too savory. that somebody will endeavour to injure you.
According to legend, when Assyrian king Sen- Mice are pretty much of the same nature, but
nacherib (705?-681 B.C.) and his armies stormed not in so high a degree."

Further reading Mystics are often involved with psychic or
faith healings, elucidating omens, dispensing reli-
Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
gious advice and performing miraculous feats
pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
ford Press, 1986. indicating their almost supernatural abilities.
de Lys, Claudia. The Giant Book of Superstitions. It is believed that mystics strive to be as one
Secaucus, N.J.: Citadel Press, 1979. with their God or their higher self. As they move
Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super- toward this goal, they become less centered in
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. this world, less materialistic. Like Jetsun Mil-
Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown. arepa, the Tibetan mystic and scholar (1052-
Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. 1135), some mystics choose to seclude them-
selves and become hermits or study with recluses
MYSTIC One who professes to know and who are delving into their specific area of meta-
be capable of delivering metaphysical knowledge physics.
in a new or innovative way Most mystics believe in and have a desire to
Mystics have been known since the beginning of move on to a higher order. They espouse peace,
time. The word mystical comes from the root joy and serenity and encourage harmony with
word mystico, which is Greek for "hidden wis- the natural world and union with their God.
dom." The Old and New Testaments are filled They often live to change people's attitudes to
with accounts of stories, warnings and knowl- one of acceptance of the LAWS OF metaphysics.
edge dispensed and shared by mystics. Saint Paul Most contemporary teachers and scholars do
is considered to be the greatest of Christian mys- not call themselves mystics but rather counselors,
tics. Many of the most revered of Christian mys- psychics and channelers.
tics have been women, including Saint See also CLAIRVOYANCE; KAHUNAS; psychics.
Hildegard, Saint Catherine of Siena and Saint
Theresa of Avila.
Further reading
However, mysticism is not the sole province
of Christianity. Abraham ben Samuel Abulafia Encyclopedia of Religion. New York: Macmillan, 1987.
(1240-1291) was a Kabbalistic mystic. Jiddu Fortune, Dion. The Mystical Qabalah. York Beach,
Krishnamurti (1895-1986) was a mystic as well Maine: Samuel Weiser, 1935.
Krippner, Stanley, and Alberto Villoldo. The Realms
as a spiritual teacher, yogi and metaphysical
of Healing. 3d ed. Berkeley, Calif.: Celestial Arts,
leader who followed, for most of his life, the
teachings of the Theosophical Society. And Ma-
Mind over Matter. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alex-
dame Blavatsky (1831-1891) herself was consid- andria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
ered to be a mystic by many, yet she lived in the Walker, Barbara G. The Woman's Encyclopedia of
materialistic world of New York and London for Myths and Secrets. New York: Harper Collins,
a good part of her life. Every civilization seems 1983.
to have had its own mystics, who were able to
impose order and translate knowledge from the
unseen world. MYTHOLOGY Study and interpretation
Some people refer to mystics as gurus; in the of myths, the cultural phenomena that are sym-
Arab world they are known as fakirs. Some call bolic of and often describe and explain the ori-
them psychics, learned people or prophets. In gins of the cosmos.
ancient Rome, for example, mystics of the time Mythology combines folklore, fairy tales and
were called augurs and were officially sanctioned Greek tales of Zeus and Apollo, among others,
and paid by Caesar's government. During one along with the deeds of mystics, faith healers and
portion of Hitler's reign of terror, mystics were psychics. Greek philosophers Plato and Aris-
hunted down, imprisoned and sometimes put totle, among others, used mythology as a basis
to death. for their debates and arguments and as a proper

174 • MYSTIC
method of truly knowing reality. They beheved Further reading
that myths hold the wisdom of the culture.
Campbell, Joseph. The Masks of God: Creative My-
Often prognostication methods are based on thology New York: Viking, 1970.
strong mythological origins. For example, tarot The Mythic Image. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
cards are inscribed with Kabbalistic symbols University Press, 1974.
from the Tree of Life, which had its start in Guthrie, W. K. C. The Greeks and Their Gods. Bos-
ancient mythology and mystic philosophies. As- ton: Beacon Press, 1955.
trology includes mythology-based attributes of Jung, C. G., and C. Kerenyi. Essays on a Science of
the Greek gods. For example, if Jupiter is influ- Mythology New York: Doubleday, 1964.
ential in an astrological chart, one may have Patai, Raphael. Myth and Modern Man. Englewood
the personality traits of generosity and social Cliffs, N.J,: Prentice-Hall, 1972.
dexterity along with conceit and wastefulness. Silberer, Herbert. Hidden Symbolism of Alchemy and
the Occult Arts. New York: Dover, 1971.


NATAL HOROSCOPE A chart usedfor

sell the charts is about $10. Personal astrologers
divination purposes, indicating the placement of
charge from $40 to thousands of dollars to do
the planets, Moon and stars at the time of birth
a comprehensive horoscope or chart, including
or a particular event.
interpretations. Many books supply the manual
An astrologer who has been specially trained to method of calculating a natal horoscope.
cast a birth or event chart uses ancient and mod- An emphemeris, which can be purchased at
ern tables and psychic ability to format a natal most metaphysical book stores, is an almanac
horoscope. This is sometimes called a birth chart. that gives the positions of the Sun, Moon and
To format a complete and correct chart, one planets for every day of the year and is necessary
must know the exact time, date and place of to the calculating process. However, a basic class
birth, including whether daylight saving time was on astrology is probably the best method to
in effect. Using precise calculations, astrologers learn most easily the techniques of casting a
can predict future happenings and interpret the natal horoscope.
nature or character of an individual or event.
Many psychics spend their entire lives studying Further reading
astrology because there are so many nuances to Baigent, Campion, and Harvey Baigent. Mundane
consider, including his or her ability to decipher Astrology: An Introduction to the Astrological Na-
the information provided by the mathematical tions and Groups. London: Aquarian Press, 1984.
configurations that are required for the chart. Bosanko, Susan, ed. Predicting Your Future. New
Unfortunately, there are no simple "how to" York: Ballantine Books/Diagram Group. Visual In-
formulas that can teach someone to format a formation Limited, 1983.
natal horoscope. In the past, an astrologer would Forrest, Steven. The Changing Sky: The Dynamic
need many tables and lists to calculate the spe- New Astrology for Everyone. New York: Bantam,
cifics required in a natal horoscope. Today's as-
Goodman, Linda. Linda Goodman's Sun Signs. New
trologer uses a computer software program into
York: Fawcett/Columbine, 1978.
which a time, date and place of birth are input.
Wilson, James. The Dictionary of Astrology New
A complete personal chart is calculated and York: Samuel Weiser, 1974.
printed in minutes, rather than the hours it used Woolfork, Joanna Martine. The Only Astrology Book
to take. The cost of a computer-generated chart You'll Ever Need. Landham, Mass.: Scarborough.
produced by a company that is in business to 1992.

NECROMANCY Divination by beck- A variation of the more commonly known prac-
oning and contacting the spirits of the dead to in- tice of aeromancy, nephelomancy (from the
terpret omens and forecast future events. Greek nephele, meaning cloud) focuses on the
The term necromancy comes from the Greek forms and shapes made by clouds. (Aeromancy
nekos and manteia, which means corpse sooth- is a broader category encompassing all weather
saying. Necromancy was widely practiced by the and wind conditions.) Using nephelomancy, the
early Greeks and was mentioned in the Old psychic intuitively interprets cloud configura-
Testament. For example, the Witch of Endor tions to answer questions or predict events. As
summons the spirit of Samuel in order to answer with many other prediction methods that use
Saul's questions. Eliphas Levi, the author, magi- patterns and require the translation of the pat-
cian and psychic scholar (1810-1875), used nec- terns by a psychic, including tasseography (tea-
romancy to summon the spirit of ApoIIonius of cup reading), the symbols in the sky can be
Tyana, the Greek philosopher and psychic. Levi interpreted in many ways.
is said to have done this by calling forth the Nephelomancy was practiced by the ancient
spirits of Hermes, Asklepios and Osiris. The Greeks; it is no longer a popular method of
procedure for rousing these long-dead souls was prognostication.
recorded in Levi's Dogme et Rituel de la Haute See also aeromancy; tasseography.
Magic, also known as The Mysteries of Magic
and The Histories of Magic: "Three times and Further reading^
with closed eyes I invoked ApoIIonius. When I Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
again looked forth there was a man in front of pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
me, wrapped from head to foot in a species ford Press, 1986.
of shroud ... he was lean, melancholy and Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
beardless." The figure disappeared as the occultist New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
wielded a ritualistic sword; however, it later re- Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super-
turned: "The apparition did not speak to me, stitions. Oxford; Oxford University Press, 1992,
but it seemed that the questions I had designed Stewart, R. J. The Elements of Prophecy Dorset,
England; Element Books, 1990.
to ask, answered themselves in my mind."
The term necromancy has another accepted
definition; referring to the field of black magic
(1828-1891) American psychic who practiced AU-
and witchcraft, in which it is used to call forth
the dead for ritualistic practices or to raise the
dead or conjure up voodoo or curses against During what is now referred to as the "heyday
another. of spiritualism" in the United States, the mid- to
late 1800s and early 1900s, many people called
See also levi, eliphas.
themselves psychics and mediums. Although it
Further reading is impossible to know how many of them actu-
ally were able to impart knowledge and use their
Dmry, Nevill. Inner Visions: Explorations in Magical
psychic skills, there were a great many who were
Consciousness. London: Routledge fic Kegan Paul,
known to be frauds. Dr. Newbrough, however,
a dentist from the New York area (some sources
Ferguson, John. An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Mysti-
cism and the Mystery Religions. New York; Seabury say Boston), seems to have been a true psychic
Press, 1976. and expert in the art of automatic writing.
Giles, Cynthia. The Tarot: History Mystery and Lore. Using a typewriter while sitting in a darkened
New York; Paragon House, 1992. room. Dr. Newbrough produced OAHSPE, also
known as the Kosman Bible. It is the words of
NEPHELOMANCY Divination using the Jehovah and his angel ambassadors as told to the
patterns seen in cloud formations. doctor. Published anonymously in New York in


1882, the bible consists of more than 900 pages NIGROMANCY An ancient method of
providing details of spiritual rules of Earth dur- communicating with the dead to interpret omens
ing various periods of time. It criticizes and and provide information on future events.
condemns various traditional religious doctrines, Whereas necromancy summons the dead to speak
calling the Bible's saints false deities. with the psychic, when a psychic uses nigro-
It is said that Dr. Newbrough originally in- mancy, he or she walks around a grave in order
tended to keep his role in the publication of the to contact the deceased. In a variation, a grave
bible a secret; however, a unsigned letter to the will be opened to allow a psychic to communi-
Boston magazine the Banner of Light revealed cate with the one who has died.
that the doctor had been the vehicle through The term nigromancy is sometimes misused to
whom the back had been written. According to indicate black magic.
the report in the magazine, Newbrough said, See also CLAIRVOYANCE; NECROMANCY;
"One morning 1 accidentally (seemed accidental PSYCHIC.
to me) looked out of the window and beheld the
line of light that rested on my hands extending Further reading
heavenward like a telegraph wire toward the sky.
Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso-
Over my head were three pairs of hands, fully teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press,
materialized; behind me stood another angel with 1992.
her hands on my shoulders. My looking did not Psychic Voyages. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexan-
disturb the scene, my hands kept right on print- dria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
ing [typing] , , , printing. For fifty weeks this Watson, Donald. The Dictionary of Mind and Spirit.
continued, every morning, half hour or so before New York: Avon, 1991.
sunrise, and then it ceased and I was told to read . Far Journeys. Garden City, N, Y,:
and publish the book OAHSPE. The peculiar Dolphin/Doubleday, 1985.
drawings in OAHSPE were made with pencil in
the same way," NOSTRADAMUS (1503-1566) French
Newbrough claimed that with his eyes closed physician and prophet.
he could "read" any page from any book or Nostradamus is the magical name of Michel de
newspaper and lift and levitate enormous weights Nostre Dame, the author of the best-known
of even so much as a ton with little effort. He book on future-casting and predictions, The
could also recall his own astral travels. Centuries, which was written in 1555. Written
See also levitation. in archaic French and Latin, Italian, Portuguese
and Spanish, the predictions were often couched
Further reading in rhythm and were heavily symbolic (for exam-
Brown, Rosemary. Immortals at My Elbow. London: ple, a tree might mean the Kabbalah, or it might
Bachman & Turner, 1974. mean just a tree), their meaning disguised in
Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New anagrams. They were jumbled out of sequence
York: University Books, 1966. of forthcoming events in order to camouflage
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of their meaning to the masses. It is said that he
Mystical and Paranormal Experience. San Fran- wrote the book in this fashion because of his
cisco: HarperSan Francisco, 1991. fear of ruthless and intense persecution from
Montgomery, Ruth. A Search for the Truth. New Christian leaders of his time. The book is still in
York: Bantam, 1968.
print and referred to today.
Psychic Powers. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexan-
dria, Va,: Time Life Books, 1990. Many believe Nostradamus was the greatest
Search for the Soul. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alex- clairvoyant and psychic of all time. It is said that
andria, Va,: Time Life Books, 1990. he correctly predicted the Napoleonic Wars, the
Watson, Donald. The Dictionary of Mind and Spirit. rise of the Third Reich, the history of British
New York: Avon, 1991. rule from Elizabeth I to Elizabeth II, including

there will be a golden 1,000-year period of love
and enlightenment. He made more than 1,000
predictions that covered well past the year A.D.
Nostradamus was a gifted clairvoyant who
often practiced scrying. While some books say
he used a shiny surface, such as a mirror, others
assert that he scryed into a cup of water. Still
other sources claim Nostradamus used a crystal
ball for his predictions. Obviously, it is unclear
as to the method he used, or if he, in fact, used
many methods of prognostication.
Nostradamus's critics declare that the inter-
pretation of his tangled prose is far too loose to
be verified and considered valuable or reliable.
Conversely, some metaphysical scholars insist
that so far more than half of his predictions
have come to pass; there have been many books
claiming to validate his predictions.
From a well-educated and wealthy family in
the St, Remy de Provence area of France, Nostra-
damus was born a Jew; his family later converted
to Catholicism. He had many psychic visions as
Xi a child and adolescent that were attributed to a
divine gift. A scholar of Hebrew, Latin, Greek,
mathematics, medicine, astronomy, the Kabbalah
Nostradamus is the magical name of Michel de
Nostre Dame, author of the most well known book and astrology, Nostradamus studied medicine at
on future-casting and predictions, The Centuries (writ- Montpellier University in France, where he
ten in 1555). earned a degree and obtained a license to practice.
He began his climb to notoriety as a doctor and
a healer during an outbreak of plague in southern
the abdication of Edward VIII, and the American France, His healing methods were unspeakably
Revolution, as well as the American Civil War unconventional for the lime—he refused to bleed
and the assassination of Presidents Lincoln and patients who were dying of the plague and in-
Kennedy. It is interesting to note that during stead formulated his own healing cures. So many
World War II, both the Allied and the Axis of his patients recovered that his fame spread
powers used interpretations of Nostradamus's throughout France. Beginning around 1534,
predictions to declare that each would overthrow Nostradamus married, fathered two children and
the other. met Julius Cesar Scalinger, This friendship with
According to his followers, Nostradamus is Scalinger, an astrologer and well-known philoso-
said to have correctly foretold the advent of air pher of the day, had a strong impact on Nostra-
travel, atom and nuclear bombs, manned space damus. He began to study metaphysics in earnest
travel and rockets and submarines. He also pre- and embarked upon what would become his
dicted great calamity and worldwide destruction lifelong work—predicting future events.
that, according to his modern interpreters, will When his entire family perished in another
arrive sometime between 1994 and July 1999. outbreak of the plague, Nostradamus's life fell
Supposedly, the planet will be in chaos, with a apart and he began to travel throughout Europe,
global war that will last 25 years, after which studying astrology, philosophy and metaphysical

subjects. It is unclear whether he continued to Stewart, R. J. The Elements of Prophecy Dorset,
have clairvoyant visions or if he predicted the England: Element Books, 1990.
death of his wife and children. About 1550, he
married a rich widow and fathered six more NUMEROLOGY A divination system that
children, settling in the area of Salon en Craux uses the assignment of a number value to the let-
de Provence in France, and he began recording ters of the alphabet.
his visions. According to those who study and give readings
His fame grew, and in 1555, when The Centu- in numerology, called numerologists, each single
ries was published, it caught the attention of the digit number (1-9) has a specific cosmic vibration
French nobility. Nostradamus became the court rate. This rate can foretell details about a person's
astrologer of Catherine de Medicis, the queen of future, karma and characteristics. It can foretell
France. She invited him to cast the horoscopes details of places and events. Believed by many
of her sons and when one of them, Charles IX, metaphysical scholars to be one of the most
ascended the French throne, Nostradamus also ancient forms of divination, numerology may
became the court physician. have begun with the early Babylonians. It was
It is said that Nostradamus would retreat to widely used in ancient Egypt and continues as a
his study and stare at a bowl of water placed on present-day prognostication method.
a brass tripod. He would touch a magic wand to Most civilizations have found a correlation
the tripod, dip it in the water and then touch between the mystic significance of a number and
his robe. After this procedure, the clairvoyant a letter of their alphabet. The relevance is closely
visions would begin. The information was often connected in the Kabbalah, the Hebrew system
conveyed in short, disjointed fragments by a of medieval mysticism, magic and religion, based
voice. Nostradamus believed the words were on the importance of the 12 letters of the Hebrew
coming from the "Divine Presence" that "sits alphabet and a blend of astrology, numerology,
close" to the shoulders of humanity. mysticism and magic. Every major arcana card
Many students of metaphysics spend years, in the tarot has a number that affects the message
even a lifetime, studying the words of Nostra- given in a reading.
damus. Even though there have been many variations
See also ASTROLOGY; CLAIRVOYANCE; cylico- throughout the years in the way numerology is
MANCY; DIVINATION; SCRYING. used to predict personality, interpret omens and
forecast the future, it most reflects the work of
Further reading Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythago-
Cheetham, E. The Prophecies of Nostradamus. Lon- ras (582?-500? B.C.). Known to any student of
don: Corgi, 1981. geometry, Pythagoras believed that numbers re-
Cosmic Connections. Mysteries of the Unknown. Al- flected the ultimate principles of order and har-
exandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. mony in the universe. Since everything could
Fodor, Nandor. Encydopedia of Psychic Science. New be explained and expressed through numbers,
York: University Books, 1966. Pythagoras theorized that they were the key to
Fontbrune, Jean-Charles de. Nostradamus: Count- understanding anything unknown.
down to Apocalypse. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Also known as numeromancy and aritho-
Winston, 1980. mancy, numerology uses only the prime num-
McCann, Lee. Nostradamus: The Man Who Saw
bers. The system assigns a number to each letter;
through Time. New York: Farrar, Straus & Gi-
two-digit numbers are reduced to one digit by
roux, 1984.
Psychic Powers. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexan- adding them together. The system continues un-
dria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. til one digit is found that is reflective of the
Roberts, Henry C. The Complete Prophecies of Nos- personality, potential and future potential of the
tradamus. New York: American Book-Stratford querant. Some numerologists call this the "rul-
Press, 1969. ing number."

Various numbers and letters can be used for a numerologist might recommend that she begin
analysis and prediction purposes. Personality, writing, keeping a journal or studying art. Be-
potential and future of an individual can be calcu- cause 7 is highly spiritual ruling number, it
lated using birth name, married name and/or would not be unusual for Rose to be a psychic,
nicknames, and it can also be determined through a leader in a religious group or a student of
the use of the numbers in birthdates. One can philosophy. She probably has a gentle, encourag-
predict the outcome of an event through the use ing nature that makes her a favorite among
of that day's date. Some numerologists assign Mends and associates.
numbers to specific career names, such as "doc- Using the more contemporary method of nu-
tor" or "teacher." They compare the numerology merology (which includes the number 9), the
meaning with the querant's name and birth following numbers are assigned to letters:
number to ascertain whether the person will be
successftil and/or find satisfaction in this pro- The number 1: A, J, S.
fession. The number 2: B, K, T.
In order to find one's ruling number, some- The number 3: C, F, U.
times called the "primary number," an individual The number 4: D, M, V.
would write out the letters of the birth name, or The number 5: E, N, W.
the name most commonly used (often two analy- The number 6: F, O, X.
ses will be done when those names are different). The number 7: G, P, Y.
Then he or she would review the chart below to The number 8: H, Q, Z.
find which numbers are assigned to the names. The number 9: I, R.
There are a few different numerological systems
Using the more modern procedure John Ely's
that can be used to find the ruling number,
name would look like this when a numerologist
including the Kabbalist system that was adopted
analyzed it:
by Cornelius Agrippa (1486-1535), which
dropped the number 9 because it was considered JOHN BUY
divine and unattainable for humans. The more
modern system includes the number 9. These 1+6+8 + 5 = 20 = 2 + 0 = 22 + 3 +7=12 =1+2 = 3
two systems are charted below.
Using the Kabbalist system, attach a number With the ruling number of 5, John Ely has a
to each letter of the querant's name. personality that is quick witted. He's ftm to be
with, draws people to him and enjoys being the
The number 1: A, I, Q, J, Y.
center of attention. He strives for success and can
The number 2: B, K, R.
make decisions quickly. A numerologist might
The number 3: C, G, L, S.
recommend that John study law—he would have
The number 4: D, M, T.
an excellent courtroom style. Those with a ruling
The number 5: E, H, N.
number of 5 make Mends easily, so John would
The number 6. U, V, W, X.
do well in sales or any business in which he can
The number 7; O, Z.
interact with the public.
The number 8: F, P.
The following are the ways in which numerol-
For example, Rose Smith's name would look ogists generally interpret the meaning of the
like this when a numerologist analyzed it: numbers. Numerologists often recommend
studying the tarot card that equates to the ruling
number, wearing the colors for each number and
2+7+3+5=17=l+7"8 3+4+1+4+5=17=1+7-8
understanding the influence of the planet that
8 + 8- 16= I +6 = 7
exerts power over this individual in order to
The number 7 as a ruling number indicates discover full potential. The numbers have the
the strong creative qualities of Rose Smith, and same meanings in both systems.

The Number 1 The Number 4
This ruling number indicates innate leadership This ruling number indicates a person who is
abilities; these are take-charge people who effort- earth oriented, balanced and practical. This is the
lessly accept responsibility. This is the number feet-on-the-ground individual who knows where
of success, and those with the ruling number 1 he or she is going and enjoys the trip getting
are almost guaranteed to attain it. Every number there. These people often are the methodical
comes with a caution, including the number 1. folks who are accused of being dull, when it's
If this drive for power, leadership and success is just that they have their minds set to get the
earned too far, the querant can become a stern job (often an incredibly important and world-
taskmaster, always wanting things his or her shaking one) done. Leave it to a 4, and it's
"right" way. If this is the querant's ruling num- sure to be finished. They tend to be loners, are
ber, he or she should be advised to use power rebellious and often have trouble making friends;
carefully and with love. The number 1 equals the thus they can feel isolated and may be lonely.
Magician in the tarot; Is are ruled by the Sun, The number 4 equals the Emperor in the tarot;
and their colors are brown and yellow. the ruling planet is Uranus, and the colors are
blue and gray.
The Number 2
The Number 5
This ruling number indicates great intuitive pow-
This ruling number indicates a personality that
ers; 2s are gentle, helpful and empathetic. They
is outgoing, fun and funny. These are quick-
tend to be wonderful partners and friends, giving
witted, lively, pleasure-seekers. They crave ex-
the shirt off their back if necessary. They can
citement and often have quick tempers to go
be supremely and naturally artistic and creative,
along with their quick sense of humor. The num-
instantly visualizing concepts obscure to others.
ber 5 personality may also have a tendency to-
Conversely, 2s may be too wishy-washy, unable
ward being highly excitable, with an abhorrence
to make and/or stick with a decision. A 2 may
for any routine and mundane work. They love
have concerns about self-image and can become
excitement, the more intense the better, and will
adept at weaving white lies to cover up insecurity.
make some if a situation, relationship or job
The number 2 equals the High Priestess in the
seems too humdrum. Thus 5s may need to tem-
tarot; 2s are ruled by the Moon, and their colors
per these characteristics in order to achieve their
are jade, green, cream and white.
objectives. The number 5 equals the Hierophant
in the tarot; the ruling planet is Mercury, and
The Number 3 the colors are all of the lighter tones, such as
Like the number 2, the number 3 as a ruling
pale gray and blue.
number is highly creative. Unlike 2s, though, 3s
will settle for nothing less than success in their The Number 6
creative encounters, whether that means winning This ruling number indicates a balanced (some-
a top prize at the quilting or crafts show or times considered perfect) personality type, since,
making millions on an advertising campaign. as numerologists like to say, it is the sum of 1, 2
They are talented, vivacious, lovable and ex- and 3. This personality has a love for harmony
tremely disciplined. With this mixture of disci- and order and family life; 6s are reliable, trust-
pline, a drive for success and creativity, some 3s worthy individuals. They are true romantics and
become intolerant of others who lack their met- extremely sensual, with an expansive love of
tle, and thus must put some boundaries on their beauty. They are typically the most attractive
desire to control. The number 3 equals the Em- people, yet they are far from self-centered. Con-
press in the tarot; 3s are ruled by Jupiter, and versely, they can be bullheaded, and when fight-
their colors are mauve, violet and all the pinks ing for family (or the family of humanity), they
and purples. will war to the end. The number 6 equals the

Lovers in the tarot; the ruling planet is Venus, may be argumentative, and because they move
and the colors are all shades and tones of pink so quickly and with so much determination, they
and blue. tend to have accidents. They must slow their
innate pace, double-check the route they plan to
The Number 7 take and only then charge full speed ahead. The
This ruling number indicates a personality with number 9 equals the Hermit in the tarot; the
strong metaphysical gifts or the desire to learn ruling planet is Mars, and the colors are shades
about the unknown. He or she tends to see the of red and garnet.
world through spiritual or philosophical glasses. It is interesting to note that numerologists
Often 7s are the psychics, the geniuses, the intu- recommend finding and analyzing other numbers
itive businesspeople and possess creative and in- in a person's life in order to compile a complete
tuitive powers in the arts, especially writing and profile of abilities, tendencies and potential.
painting. They love people and may have a great Therefore, they suggest finding the numerologi-
influence over others. Since 7s are so highly cal significance of a date-of-birth number, one's
intuitive, they sometimes feel lost among others city or location and one's profession or busi-
who are less psychic and become shy and with- ness name.
drawn, The number 7 equals the Chariot in the
Numerologist refer to numbers over 9 as "sec-
tarot; the ruling planet is Neptune, and the colors ondary numbers." All two-digit numbers have
are green, moss and silver. significance. They can be reduced by adding the
numbers together, and these two-digit number
The Number 8
sometimes contain special messages. For exam-
This ruling number indicates individuals who
ple, for one who is born on the 17th of the
are destined for worldly success. Numerologists
month, the number equals the Sun in the Tarot
explain that 8 is a strange, mysterious number;
and indicates a most fortunate birth time.
8s seem to double 'the possibility for rebellion
As with astrology and other metaphysical sci-
found in 4s. Number 8 people have incredible
ences, some people spend their entire lives de-
determination and willpower, but 8s are some-
voted to the study of a topic this size.
times accused of being cold and callous, though
See also AGRIPPA; von nettesheim, heinrich
they do feel deeply about others. This contradic-
tion often confuses loved ones and associates,
TAROT. 10.
and 8s are considered the most misunderstood
people. Because of their rebellious nature, 8s Further reading
need to throttle their sometimes critical nature,
and with age many mellow. The number 8 equals Hall, Manly P. The Secret Teachings of All Ages.
1928. Reprint Los Angeles: Philosophical Research
Strength in the tarot; the ruling planet is Saturn,
Society, 1977.
and the colors are dark tones, including sapphire
Hitchcock, Helyn. Helping Yourself with Numerol-
and black. ogy West Nyack, N.Y.: Parker, 1972.
Lawrence, Shirley Blackwell. Behind Numerology San
The Number 9 Bernardino, Calif.: Borgo, 1989.
Found only in the modern guide to numerology, Stewart, R. J. The Elements of Prophecy Dorset,
this ruling number indicates strong, self-reliant, England: Element Books, 1990.
determined fighters. They may have to struggle Woolfork, Joanna Martine. The Only Astrology Book
to achieve what they want, but 9s will do it. You'll Ever Need. Landham, Mass.: Scarborough,
They have an incredible reserve of energy. They 1992.


OCCULTISM The synthesis of science, mys- suggests that it accepts all of the proven theories
ticism, philosophy, psychology and religion. Used of science and religions and rejects untenable
to indicate that which is of a spiritual, hidden, dogmas and superstitions. Therefore, astrology
mystical, traditional or secret nature. and graphology would be included, but voodoo
From the Latin occulere, meaning "to hide," oc- excluded.
cultism has acquired an unsavory reputation for Scott sums up the opinion of many in the
superstition, black magic, deviant sexual rituals, occult fields: "The goal of practical occultism is
devil worship and voodoo. Most psychics and an expansion of consciousness with its essential
metaphysical scholars and historians like to point concomitant, unconditional happiness."
out that occult teachings were once a valued part See also laws OF METAPHYSICS; metaphysics.
of all religions, as in the hidden meaning in the
Hebrew alphabet. Some also like to explain that
this negativity seems to have stemmed from con- Further reading
temporary religious beliefs that anything even
Buckland, Raymond. Doors to Other Worlds. St. Paul,
vaguely unexplainable is objectionable and un- Minn.: Llewellyn, 1993.
clean. Thus, anyone and anything implicated Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso-
with the unexplainable may be dangerous. The teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press,
word occult now generally includes magic, spiri- 1992.
tualism, mysticism and theosophy. Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New
As noted above, occultism is a term formerly York: University Books, 1966.
used in place of our modern-day metaphysical Hall, Manly P. The Secret Teachings of All Ages.
words, sometimes referred to as "New Age." 1928. Reprint. Los Angeles: Philosophic Research
Many people use the term New Age without Society, 1977.
Scott, Cyril. An Outline of Modem Occultism. 1935.
thinking twice; however, they wouldn't use oc-
Reprint. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul,
cult, which in fact has the same meaning. Ac-
cording to Cyril Scott, author of the classic book Sheldrake, Rupert. A New Science of Life. London:
An Outline of Modem Occultism, written in Blond & Briggs, 1981.
1935, occultism is "the synthesis of science, mys- Wilson, Colin. Beyond the Occult. London: Bantam,
ticism, philosophy, psychology and religion." He 1988.

OCULOMANCY Observance of the eye have the ability to turn into various animal forms
to discern the health aspects of the querant. in order to assist people or provide information
A part of the ancient Chinese mantic art known in the form of omens.
as Chinese face reading, oculomancy is a varia- In mythology, Odin is considered the All-
tion of iridology and physiognomy, which was Father who lives in Valhalla, a resting place for
devised by the Swiss poet and theologian Johann fallen heroes. He is said to continue to travel
Kaspar Levater in the late 1700s. Oculomancy among the elderly and the champions of the
concerns itself strictly with the health of the oppressed as a one-eyed old man.
querant, whereas iridology and physiognomy are
Further reading
broader, more contemporary mantic arts in
which physical as well as emotional health are Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
interpreted. For example, a grayish color to the pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
eye might mean a vitamin deficiency; a tiny mark ford Press, 1986.
near the edge might mean heart trouble. Earth Energies. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexan-
dria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
See also IATROMANCY; IRIDOLOGY; levater, Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New
JOHANN KASPAR; PHYSIOGNOMY. York: University Books, 1966.
Further reading Walker, Barbara G. The Women's Encyclopedia of
Myths and Secrets. New York: Harper Collins,
Achterberg, Jeanne. Imagery in Healing: Shamanism 1983.
and Modern Medicine. Boston: Shambhala, 1985.
Bowers, Barbara. What Color Is Your Aura? New OINOMANCY Divination and omen inter-
York: Simon 8c Schuster, 1989.
pretation through studying and evaluating the
[Cayce, Edgar.) Edgar Cayce on Healing. Virginia
color, consistency and taste of wine.
Beach, Va.: ARE Press, 1969.
Hirschfelder, Arlene, and Paulette Molin. The Ency- Sometimes referred to as oenomancy, oinomancy
clopedia of Native American Religions. New York: was practiced by the ancient Romans. Not only
Facts On File, 1992.
Shennan, Harold. "Wonder" Healers of the Philip-
pines. Los Angeles: DeVross, 1967.
Stern, Jess. Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet. New
York: Bantam, 1968.
Weil, Andrew. Health and Healing: Understanding
Conventional and Alternative Medicine. Boston:
Houghton Mifflin, 1983. k

ODIN Supreme spiritual guide who commu- /

nicates with those in need of inspiration. Also
known less commonly as Od or Odyle.
In mythology (German and Scandinavian), Odin
is the god of war, poetry, knowledge, wisdom
and the dead. In metaphysical contexts, Odin is
said to be a one-eyed ethereal world guide who
works as a medium. He provides knowledge and
guidance through astral projection and visions.
Odin is considered an ethereal world intelli- In 13th-century Europe, red wmewas used as the liq-
gence with great powers. It is said that he helps uid in which to boil the skull of a cow, sheep or ox.
develop psychic powers in human beings and The future was interpreted by the cracks in the skull
assists in understanding physical death. Specifi- bones, easily defined by the saturation of the red
cally Icelandic mythology, Odin is known to ■wine.

was the color and taste of wine scrutinized, but Cranston, Sylvia. H.P.B. The Extraordinary Life and
the tiny bits of sediment left in the bottom of an Influence of Helena Blavatsky Los Angeles: Jeremy
empty wine cup were read as well. Oinomancy P. Tarcher, 1992.
was believed to have been practiced much as tea-
leaf reading (tasseography) is today.
OMARR, SYDNEY (1926- ) American
A variation of oinomancy is cephalomancy. In
this variant, the head of a sheep, goat or donkey
was placed in boiling liquid, after which the skull Omarr was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
was examined for information in order to foretell and is best known as one of the most widely
the future. It is said that in 13th-century Europe, read astrologers. Omarr is the only American
red wine was the preferred liquid for oinomancy. ever given full-time duty in the U.S. Army as an
An animal skull was boiled in wine instead of astrologer. He has been well known and re-
water, and the future was interpreted through spected in his field since World War 11.
the remaining bones. Omarr's daily astrological predictions, by sun
This ancient mantic art is no longer practiced sign, are carried in a syndicated column read by
today. countless Americans in well over 300 national
See also CEPHALOMANCY; HARUSPICY; phre- newspapers. He has also appeared on numerous
nology. radio and television programs and has been called
the most "knowledgeable astrologer since Evan-
Further reading geline Adams."
Cumont, Franz. Oriental Religions in Roman Pa- His forecasts of a fourth term for Franklin D.
ganism. New York: Dover, 1956. Roosevelt, the final days and events of World
Opie, lona, and MoiraTatem. A Dictionary of Super- War II, the assassination of President John F.
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. Kennedy, Richard Nixon's undoing and the asso-
ciated circumstances of Watergate and many
OLCOTT, COLONEL HENRY STEEL other recorded and documented predictions have
(1832-1907) American theosophist. made him the most legendary astrologer of con-
Along with Madame Helena Blavatsky and Wil- temporary times.
liam Q. Judge, Olcott co-founded the Theosoph-
ical Society. When the organization moved its Further reading
headquarters to India, Olcott became intensely
interested in Buddhism and Hinduism. The ten- Omarr, Sydney. Astrological Guide for 1994. New
York: New American Library, 1994.
ets of these religions strongly influenced the-
. Astrological Revelations about You. New
York: New American Library, 1969.
Olcott was well-educated and an author of a . Astrology: Off the Top. New York: American
number of books on the occult (many of which Federation of Astrologers, 1975.
are still in print). These books include People . Cooking with Astrology New York: New
from the Other World (1875), Theosophy Reli- American Library, 1969.
gion and Occult Languages (1885), A Buddhist . Henry Miller: His World of Urania. London:
Catechism (1881) and a three-volume Old Diary Villiers Publications, 1960.
Leaves (1895-1904). He was a member of the
Royal Asiatic Society and the Bengal Academy
of Music. OMEN INTERPRETER One who trans-
See also theosophical society. lates and clarifies omens.
Used in many civilizations since the beginning
Further reading
of time, omen interpreters are psychics who are
Caldwell, Daniel H. The Occult World of Madame able to psychically translate the meaning of an
Blavatsky Tucson, Ariz.: Impossible Dream, 1991. event or activity. They are typically hired by the


querant to decode the meaning of changes in the ered to be a lucky charm (alas, not for the rabbit),
earth, weather or other acts of nature. as are the rattlers of a rattlesnake.
See also clairvoyant; psychic. Often, one culture will believe that a specific
omen means terrible misfortune, while another
will strongly assert the opposite. A rainbow is
Further reading
considered a good omen in some cultures (the
Butler, W. E. How to Develop Clairvoyance. 26 ed. end of a storm and clearing weather) and a bad
New York: Samuel Weiser, 1979. omen in others. In England in the 1600s, a rain-
Kautz, William H., and Melanie Branon. Channeling: bow over the top of one's house was considered
The Intuitive Connection. San Francisco: Harper dreadful luck because it predicted the death of
& Row, 1987. one of the inhabitants.
Klimo, John. Channeling: Investigations on Receiving
Folklore regarding prognostication is intri-
Information from Paranormal Sources. Los
guing. The following are some fascinating
Angeles: Jeremy P. Tardier, 1987.
Psychics. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexandria, Va.: omens.
Time Life Books, 1990. Spiders are either considered a sign of good
Seligmann, Kurt. The History of Magic and the Occult. luck or an indication that something bad is about
New York: Pantheon, 1948. to happen. Thus, a spider in the morning is
Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown. excellent, but a spider in one's bedroom in the
Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. afternoon may spell disaster.
Finding a horseshoe is an excellent omen.
However, if the horseshoe is found with its
OMENS Unusual activities, occurrences or points down, the luck will disappear.
events used to prognosticate the future. If one's nose tickles, it means either love is
Omens are typically nonhuman in origin and are forthcoming or one will kiss a fool.
thought to be impossible according to the normal
laws of cause and effect. Omens are believed to
be signs of opportunities to be taken, dangers to
be avoided or impending news of an emotional
change for oneself or others.
Omens can be spontaneous; a comet crossing
the sky the day a baby is born might mean that
he or she will achieve great success. Or the omen
may be brought about through various divination
methods such as seeing a message of prosperity
in tea leaves during a tasseography session. Peo-
ple have been seeing events and occurrences as
omens and seeking out the answer to the why,
when, where and how of life since the first cave A
dweller set out an offering to provide good luck
for the hunt.
Good omens are thought to be encouraged
through the acquisition of lucky tools, spells,
stones, tokens, coins or charms. Some people
believe that if one sets out to find a good-luck
charm or seeks a fortunate omen, bad luck will OMENS
be the result. As with all superstitions and folk According to those who believe in omens, the discov-
beliefs, the discovery of luck is most likely with ery of a spider in the bedroom in the afternoon may
the one who believes. A rabbit's foot is consid- spell disaster.

OMENS • 187
A ringing in the ear means that one is being Cumont, Franz. Oriental Religions in Roman Pa-
gossiped or talked about, typically in an unkind ganism. New York: Dover, 1956.
manner. Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super-
If a baby cries at a baptism, he or she is stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
possessed by evil spirits; the sacred water and Showers, Paul, fortune Telling. Philadelphia: New
Home Library, Blankiston Company, 1942.
ceremony are making the spirits leave the in-
fant's body.
ONE CARD READING In tarot, a card
To have a photo fall is a sure indication that
something dreadful will happen to the person in selected from the deck to give a quick yes or no
the picture. answer to a q tier ant's question.
Should a stone fall from a ring, beware of In this reading, the tarot cards are placed face
future tragedy. down. They are then cut by the querant, who
Weather plays an important role in omens. A selects one card at random from the top of the
red sky in the morning is a warning to sailors of cut. Sometimes the entire deck is spread out on
an upcoming storm, as in the New England a table in a fan shape and the querant draws a
rhyme "Red sky in the mornin', sailors take card from the deck.
warnin'. Red sky at night, sailors delight." This is a favorite reading for many who ask
Meeting the same person twice in one day is for spiritual guidance on a daily basis. Other
a most fortunate omen. spreads, such as the Twenty-one Tarot Card
It's lucky to pick up a penny, pencil, pin or Spread, arc said to be excellent for a more thor-
button from the street. However, one's luck will ough reading.
turn if the object is subsequently thrown down. See also tarot,
An open umbrella in the house will bring bad
luck. However, simply carrying an umbrella may Further reading
keep the rain away. Buckland, Raymond. Secrets of Gypsy Fortune Telling.
If one drops a spoon, a young person will St Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1988.
visit. If one drops a fork, a woman will visit. If Giles, Cynthia. The Tarot: History Mystery and Lore.
one drops a knife, a man will visit. Depending New York: Paragon House, 1992.
on the direction of the handle of the silverware, Secrets of the Alchemists. Mysteries of the Unknown.
one can determine from which direction the visi- Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
tor will come. For example, if a fork handle Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown.
Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
points north, a woman from the northern part
of the city, county or country will arrive.
Seeing a white horse, a white butterfly or a ONEIROMANCY Divination by interpre-
white bird is always a sign of good fortune. ting visions experienced during the deepest state
Seeing a black sheep is a lucky omen, too. of sleep.
Sleeping with wedding cake under the pillow Oneiromancy, practiced by the ancient Hebrews,
is said to produce dreams of one's next lover. is another term for dream interpretation and is
Whistling in the theater is considered terrible better known by this phrase today. Many psy-
luck, as is speaking the last line of a play at chics, psychologists and scientists encourage cli-
anytime during rehearsal. ents and patients to recall their dreams in order
Should a baby be born with his or her hands to help clarify specific questions in their lives.
open, the child will have wealth or a generous According to those who practice metaphysical
life ahead. beliefs, during the deepest phases of sleep the
astral and mental bodies disconnect themselves
Further reading from the physical and ethereal forms. We are
Bosanko, Susan, ed. Predicting Your Future. New free to move and consider past lives and intuitive
York: Ballantine Books/Diagram Group. Visual In- information that our minds may censor during
formation Limited, 1983. waking hours. Dream time may also fill a physi-


cal need. Psychologists and scientists, while still water. The future can be foretold from the pat-
only guessing why people dream, often like to terns on the water after one has meditated on the
compare the brain to a computer that needs question at hand. This prediction method was
time to process all that is experienced during often used during Old Testament times (Gen.
waking hours. 44:5, 15). Nostradamus (1503-1566) is supposed
See also dream interpretations; jung, dr. to have used a bowl of water set upon a brass
CARL G. tripod when predicting more than 1,000 future
events, more than half of which are said to have
Further reading come true.
Bethards, Betty. The Dream Book: Symbols for Self- See also biblical prophets and divination
Understanding. Petaluma, Calif.: Inner Light METHODS; HYDROMANCY; NOSTRADAMUS;
Press, 1983. SCRYING.
Buckland, Raymond. Secrets of Gypsy Dream Read-
ing. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1990. Further reading
Coxhead, David, and Susan Killer. Dreams: Visions Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
of the Night. New York: Thames & Hudson, 1976. pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
Garfield, Patricia. Healing Power of Dreams. New ford Press, 1986.
York: Fireside Books, 1991. Cavendish, Richard, ed. The Encyclopedia of the Un-
Jung, C. G. Dreams. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Uni- explained. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974.
versity Press, 1974. Miller, Madeleine S., and J. Lane Miller, eds. Harper's
Maybrock, Patricia. Romantic Dreams. New York: Encyclopedia of Bible Life. San Francisco: Harper
Pocket Books, 1991. & Row, 1978.
Reed, Henry. Dream Solution. San Rafael, Calif.: New Roberts, Henry C. The Complete Prophecies of Nos-
World Library, 1991. tradamus. New York: American Book-Stratford
Signed, Karen A. Wisdom of the Heart. New York: Press, 1969.
Bantam, 1990.
Ullman, M., ed. Dream Telepathy New York: Mac- ONOMAMANCY
millan, 1973. See ONOMANCY.

ONIMANCY Divination using olive oil. ONOMANCY Divination by the meaning

Onimancy, like many other prognostication of a person's name.
methods, was used widely until the Middle Ages, Sometimes called onomamancy or onomato-
when it came to be considered witchcraft. There mancy, onomancy is a variation of numerology.
are two variations of the ancient mantic art, This mantic art was used in ancient Greece to
which was first practiced by the Romans, but predict personality, interpret omens and forecast
neither is routinely practiced today. the future. In the use of onomancy, particular
Using one method, the querant mixes a small attention is paid to the number of vowels of a
amount of olive oil and tallow in the palm of the name, and there is special emphasis on the total
hand. He or she considers the pressing question number of letters in the name.
and poses it, out loud or silently. Then a special Onomancy reflects the work of Greek mathe-
coin or token (special because of some metaphys- matician and philosopher Pythagoras (582?-500?
ical significance) is dropped on the palm. The B.C.). Pythagoras, known to any student of ge-
direction in which it moves when dropped indi- ometry, believed that numbers reflected the ulti-
cates the answer to the question. For example, if mate principles of order and harmony in the
the token moves to the north, the answer is yes; universe. Since everything could be explained
to the south, the answer is no. Easterly and and expressed through numbers, Pythagoras the-
westerly directions indicate indecision or the orized that they were the key to understanding
need for the querant to ask again at another time. all that is unknown.
In another variation of oniomancy, one pours Onomancy is based on the concept that a
a small amount of oil in a bowl half filled with person's name reflects and influences his or her

personality and character. For some who practice palmistry and the other shrouded in the mystery
this mantic art, it is the flow of energy and the of ancient Arabia. In the archaic method, a psy-
sound of the name that has more influence than chic scryed or stared into a child's thumbnail
conversion through a mathematical system. Ad- in order to foretell the future and/or questions
ditionally, names have meanings, and these regarding the child. The method, with a varia-
meanings transfer to the person who carries the tion, is still practiced today in Brazil, where a
name. Whether or not we agree with the concept, psychic coats the querant's thumbnail with a
names such as Ernestine, Augustus, Clarence and mixture of specially anointed soot and oil. The
Bertha all have different connotations than names coating is left to dry slightly; then the coating
such as Kathy, Matt, Jennifer and David. Some provides a reflective surface from which to scry.
names promote a feeling of power: John, Wil- The modern variation of onychomancy is typ-
liam, Katherine and Elizabeth are examples. ically considered part of palmistry, the divination
Conversely, names such as Sissy, Shorty, Lefty of personality traits, potential and characteristics
and Red all reveal something personal about the discerned by studying the hands. A palmist or
individual. an onychomanist divides fingernails into spe-
Because one's name is so important to person- cific groups.
ality, some psychics believe that before being Long fingernails are believed to indicate talent,
bom into the earth plane, spirits select their own artistic gifts and abilities in the arts. The individ-
names. Many superstitions surround names and ual with long fingernails is supposed to have a
words. For example, in Ireland in the late 1500s, serene disposition.
it was considered extremely unlucky to name a Short fingernails are an indication of one who
child after his or her living parent—a sure sign is vivacious and highly energetic, who has a
that a parent would die an untimely death. Nam- tendency toward self-righteousness or being
ing a child after a religious figure, however, is overly critical. This individual may also be curi-
often considered (even today) to provide a special ous and scientifically minded.
blessing for the youngster. Very short fingernails are considered to be
See also numerology. indicative of one who is easily annoyed, who
frets, who is a true worrywart and who also
Further reading possesses a temper with a short fuse.
Hall, Manly P. The Secret Teachings of All Ages. 1928. Broad, wide fingernails are indicative of an
Reprint. Los Angeles: Philosophical Research Soci- individual who is highly opinionated, strong in
ety, 1977. his or her beliefs, and often finds it a challenge
Hitchcock, Helyn. Helping Yourself with Numerol- to see the other sides of issues.
ogy West Nyack, N.Y,: Parker, 1972. Fingernails that taper outward are believed to
Lawrence, Shirley BlackwelL Behind Numerology San indicate people who are easily swayed by others'
Bernardino, Calif.: Borgo, 1989. thoughts and opinions. They are the impression-
Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super- able folks who often have trouble making firm
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
Stewart, R, J. The Elements of Prophecy Dorset,
Fingernails that are wedge shaped are indica-
England: Element Books, 1990.
tive of one who is sensitive; the more wedge
shaped, the more sensitive.
Fingernails with vertical ridges are supposed
to tell of one who is easily agitated; this individ-
ual is often angry and has an abundance of ner-
ONYCHOMANCY Divination by the vous energy.
study of the fingernails. Fingernails with horizontal ridges indicate an
There are two distinctly different methods of injury to the fingernail area or perhaps an illness
onychomancy, one as contemporary as modern in the body.

White spots on the nail, according to palmists, and nephelomancy) or the ripples in a stream
reveal someone who is about to have incredible (bletonomancy).
luck—the more white spots the better. As with other scrying methods, to discern the
Pale pink nails are believed to tell of a warm patterns and interpret the meanings of the egg
heart and a loving nature. whites takes time. One should not be frustrated
Whitish nails speak of a person who has a if at first only the liquids seem to be evident,
tendency to being closed minded and selfish. because through concentration shapes will be
A reddish blush to the fingernails supposedly visible.
indicates a strong temper or an outspoken A variation of oomancy is leconomancy; here,
nature. yellow oil is placed in water and the resulting
A bluish blush tells of one who is unhealthy patterns are read. Since leconomancy is related
or is suffering from an illness. to the biochemical term lecithin (meaning egg
See also palmistry; scrying. yolk), it may have originally required the yolk
of an egg. The prognostication method was prac-
Further reading ticed by the ancient Assyrians, who conceived
Altman, Nathaniel. Palmistry Workbook. New York: an extensive system of interpretations for the oil
Sterling, 1990. or yolk water. Again, the patterns were probably
Benham, William G. Hands. Los Angeles: Newcas- read much like tea-leaf reading or oomancy.
tle, 1988. See also GEOMANCY; MOLYBDOMANCY; tasse-
Cheiro. Cheiro's Book of Numbers. New York: Pren- ography.
tice-Hall, 1988.
. The Language of the Hand. New York: Pren-
Further reading
tice-Hall, 1987.
Diagram Group. Predjcting Your Future. New York: Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
Ballantine, 1983. pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
Fitzherbert, Andrew. Hand Psychology Garden City, ford Press, 1986.
N.Y.: Avery, 1989. Feuchtwang, Stephen, An Anthropological Analysis of
Chinese Geomancy Taipei: Southern Materials
Center, 1974.
OOMANCY Divination through the inter-
Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super-
pretation of the pattern made when egg white
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
is mixed with water. Wine is also used in
Also referred to as ooscopy (from the Greek OPHIMANCY Divination by observing
oion, meaning egg) and ovomancy (from the the behavior of snakes.
Latin ovum, also meaning egg), oomancy was A variation of alectryomancy and apantomancy,
performed in ancient times with a freshly laid ophimancy derives its name from the Greek
egg. Although oomancy is no longer regularly word ophis, meaning serpent. Practiced by many
practiced, to foretell the future using this early civilizations, ophimancy was used to inter-
method, one needs only a newly laid egg, a pret omens. For example, a coiled snake might
needle and a bowl of water. While concentrating mean to wait and be patient. A snake ready to
on what one wants the universe to explain or strike might mean to proceed immediately with
predict, the eggshell is pierced with the needle. the topic on the querant's mind.
The egg is held over the bowl of water. When Ophimancy may once have been the prognos-
oomancy was practiced in ancient Rome, only tication method of choice because in the ancient
three drops of egg white were used. The patterns world people believed that, unlike other animals,
of the egg white were then interpreted in much snakes never died. Supposedly, they were re-
the same way as one would read tea leaves (in newed and reborn into another life (as a snake)
tasseography), patterns of clouds (aeromancy and held great power. The evidence of this was

holy or inspirational place. The augur would
sit blindfolded (or with closed eyes), and the
apprentice would describe the flight of the birds
passing overhead. It is unclear why the augur
couldn't look himself.

Further reading
Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
Sinnigen, William G., and Arthur E. R. Boak. A
History of Rome to A.D. 565. 6th ed. New York:
Macmillan, 1977.
Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown.
Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.

Ophimancy is divination by observing the behavior OUIJA BOARDS Trade-markecflroducts

of snakes.
sold as toys but actually used in a form of
the shedding of the snake's skin. Snakes are
The Ouija board, used under the guidance of
mentioned often in the Old and New Testa-
a psychic, dactyomancer, medium or someone
ments, including in Psalms 74:14 and 89:10 and
practicing mediumship, taps into unconscious
Genesis 2:15, which referred to the serpent in
radiations to divine the future and answer ques-
Eden. Snakes were considered God-like creatures
tions. Instead of the pendulum used in other
or purveyors of information and enlightenment.
dowsing methods, the Ouija board employs a
Further reading small wheeled device, called a planchette, that
slides over the board to the letters, numbers and
Bardens, Dennis. Psychic Pets. Boca Raton, Fla.: yes and no printed on the surface. On the lower
Globe Communications, 1992.
Green, Marian. The Elements of Natural Magic. Dor-
set, England: Element Books, 1989.
Malvem, Marjorie. Venus in Sackcloth. Carbondale: A-
Southern Illinois University Press, 1975.
Miller, Madeleine S., and J. Lane Miller, eds. Harper's
Encyclopedia of Bible Life. San Francisco: Harper
£ -=L-
& Row, 1978.
ORNITHOMANCY Divination by the
observance of flying birds or through birds'
Since birds could fly, it must have seemed to
many early peoples that they had God-like abili-
ties. Birds became a part of many ancient reli- h
gions. The dove remains the bird of peace, having
special significance in Christianity.
Practiced in ancient Greece and Rome, orni-
thomancy was a prognostication method of con-
siderable importance. Often an augur and his or
her apprentice would undertake to interpret an Ornithomancy is the mantic art of predicting the
omen or foretell the future by traveling to a future by observing the behavior of birds.

portion of the board are the words "good bye," speaking for him or her. This is much the way a
indicating that the spiritual session is over. The translator works.
board measures 12 by 18 inches. Sometimes malicious spirits make themselves
Some believe that when the Ouija board is in known through the Ouija board, playing spiri-
the hands of those who are not truly interested tual tricks on the querant. For example, in a
in the occult or who believe that the session is session the querant might ask the name of
held strictly for fun, evil spirits can be conjured the spirit moving the planchette. The answer
up and there may be danger. might be the devil. Psychics say that if one docs
The Ouija board was first produced by Balti- connect with a malicious spirit and chooses not
more cabinetmaker William Flud in 1892. It be- to talk with it, one should tell the spirit to go
came immensely popular at that time, when a away. The querant can then ask for a benign
spiritual revival had many people believing that spiritual entity to enter the room and direct
one could call back the spirits of dead relatives the planchette.
and friends through mediums and psychic se- This type of divination has been in service
ances. The rights to the original Ouija board since about 540 B.C., when Pythagoras used it.
were later sold to Parker Brothers. The toy man- According to a historical account of the philoso-
ufacturer continues to sell more than 2 million pher's life, his sect held frequent seances or cir-
boards a year. cles. Pythagoras and his followers used a mystical
The Ouija is often guided by a single person, table that moved on wheels around the floor.
but as many as six people can place their fingers The philosopher and his pupil, Philolaus, inter-
on the planchette as it spells out the answers preted to the audience revelations from the un-
to questions. Those who use this method of seen world.
prognostication report that it takes some time Tertullian, the Roman Christian theologian (c.
for the spirits to cgnnect with the querants and A.D. 160-230) also knew about table communica-
that the more often one does it, the easier it be- tions with the unseen world. Greek professional
comes. soldier, historian and prolific writer Ammianus
Critics of this system believe that the plan- Marcellinus (c. 330-390) describes a table with a
chette is guided by the querant's subconscious. slab engraved with letters of the alphabet above
Those who regularly use the Ouija board state which a ring was held suspended by a thread.
that it is guided by a spiritual entity who wants This is a direct reference to dactyomancy, the
to impart knowledge or foretell the future to the precursor of the Ouija board. Additionally, other
querant. They say that one can use the board to similar devices were used to predict the future
produce messages in the same manner as auto- and interpret omens in ancient China and in the
matic writing. Mongol empires.
During a Ouija board session, the querant (or
querants) usually asks out loud if any spirits are
Further reading
in the room. If there is a spiritual connection,
the planchette will move to "yes" immediately. Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New
Sometimes, it takes a few minutes of concentra- York: University Books, 1966.
tion to connect with a spiritual entity. The next Geller, Uri, and Guy Lyon Playfair. The Gel lev Effect.
question posed is often, "What is your name?" New York: Henry Holt, 1986.
The entity will sometimes give a name. The name Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of
Mystical and Paranormal Experience. San Fran-
may even be someone whom the querant knows
cisco: HarperSan Francisco, 1991.
who has died. This doesn't necessarily mean that
Ostrander, Sheila, and Lynn Schroeder. Psychic Dis-
the deceased is speaking through the Ouija board coveries behind the Iron Curtain. Englewood
and planchette, although it might. It typically Cliffs, N.J.: Premicc-Flail, 1970.
means that the spirit drawn to the session has Showers, Paul. Fortune Telling. Philadelphia: New
made a connection with the deceased and is Home Library, Blankiston Company, 1942.

OUT-OF-BODY EXPERIENCES duce a new reality. He claimed that he spoke
To spiritually leave one's physical body for a with a spirit named Philemon and that talking
metaphysical experience. with this entity helped him to maintain objectiv-
ity in the psychic world. Jung was not alone in
Out-of-body experiences (sometimes referred to documenting communication concerning out-of-
as OBE) occur typically during the dream state, body experiences and the astral plane. Robert
but one does not have to be asleep to have an Monroe, in Journeys out of the Body, describes
OBE. It sometimes happens during meditation. the astral plane as populated by a host of spiritual
During an out-of-body experience, the dreamer entities. These "inhabitants" include those who
will often explain that he or she felt the physical have strange appearances such as demons, gob-
body flying or floating. Looking at the lins and bizarre "rubbery" entities, who suppos-
spirit/soul body in the air, the dreamer says that edly possessed the ability to make Monroe's life
it resembles the physical body. Sometimes he miserable. Other psychics say that magical spirits
or she will look down at the physical body as like fairies and elves also inhabit the astral plane,
it reclines. and many psychics believe that humans must pass
Great distances can be traveled, and many through the dominion before entering heaven or
times psychics report that they have traveled high hell or an afterhfe.
above the earth and looked down at minute See also jung, dr. carl g.
details of life such as ants or bugs in a field
during an OBE. Further reading
It is thought that when one is "flying," it is Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
done through the astral plane. Typically in out- pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
of-body experiences the spirit/soul is able to ford Press, 1986.
move into other dimensions. He or she can per- Campbell, Joseph, ed. The Portable Jung. New York:
ceive events that have yet to occur. Thus, the Penguin, 1971.
astral plane and out-of-body experiences can be Fodor, Nandor. Between Two Worlds. West Nyack,
used to divine upcoming events or circumstances N.Y.: Parker, 1964.
that foretell the future. A psychic may enter the Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of
state of deep meditation, have an out-of-body Mystical and Paranormal Experience. San Fran-
cisco: HarperSan Francisco, 1991.
experience and then return with information on
Monroe, Robert A. Journeys out of the Body New
forthcoming events in response to a querant's
York: Doubleday, 1971.
question. Psychic Voyages. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexan-
Carl Jung, the famous psychologist, report- dria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
edly and regularly accessed the astral plane dur- Watson, Donald. The Dictionary of Mind and Spirit.
ing out-of-body experiences, with what he New York: Avon, 1991.
termed "active imagination," which is a point Far Journeys. Garden City, N.Y.:
where reality and imagination combine to pro- Dolphin/Doubleday, 1985.



PALMIST In palmistry, one who interprets Bums, Litany. Develop Your Psychic Abilities. 1985.
the lines of the hand in order to divine an indi- Reprint. New York: Pocket Books, 1987.
vidual's future or analyze his or her character Cheiro. Cheiro's Book of Numbers. New York: Pren-
traits. tice-Hall, 1988.
. The Language of the Hand. New York: Pren-
More than simply studying the lines of the hand,
tice-Hall, 1987.
the palmist examines the muscled areas, called Fitzherbert, Andrew. Hand Psychology Garden City,
"mounts," the rings around the wrists and other N.Y.: Avery, 1989.
marks on the palms such as diamond shapes, Vaughn, Frances. Awakening Intuition. Garden City,
circles or stars. A palmist also takes into account N.Y.: Anchor/Doubleday, 1979.
the size and shape of the hands, the palms, the
fingers and the fingernails, along with the color
and texture of the skin. PALMISTRY Divination by studying the
shape and size of the hand, along with analysis
Most palmists use the palm as a basis for a
of the lines, mounts, skin color and finger
psychic reading and often rely on their intuitive
skills in other areas, such as clairvoyance, to
provide additional information. One can learn to Considered to be one of most ancient forms of
become a palmist by studying material regarding prognostication, palmistry continues to have a
the hand In ancient China and India, podomists strong following today. It is, also, less com-
studied the soles of the feet in the same way that monly, known as cheiromancy. During a palm
palmists studied the hand, using the mantic art reading, a PALMIST (one who reads palms) studies
of podomancy. the shape and texture of the querant's skin, palm
CHEIRO (1866-1939), whose birth name was shape and size, hand flexibility, shape and flexi-
Louis le Warner de Hamond, is considered to bility of fingers, the shape of the nails and the
have been the world's leading palmist. lines on the palm's surface and the muscle areas
See also palmistry; podomancy. known as mounts. Most palmists report that the
left hand (or less prominent hand) indicates the
potential and the right shows what has actually
Further reading occurred in a person's character development. At
Altman, Nathaniel. Palmistry Workbook. New York: first glance, it might look like the right palm is
Sterling, 1990. a mirror image of the left; however, scrutinizing

as witchcraft, and those who practiced them,
including palmistry, were killed, persecuted or
went into hiding.
During the mid-1800s palmistry, like many
other spiritual techniques, saw a revival, British
23 palmist Cheiro (1866-1939) is probably the best
known of all palmists, and his books are still
widely used today.
In palmistry, all portions of the hand, includ-
ing the length between joints and areas on the
wrist, are considered when analyzing character
and consulting about the future.

Reading the lines of the palm is a man tic art taken
seriously by some but considered trivial by others.
the palms will reveal a number of differences.
Sometimes lines are deeper on one hand than the
other; sometimes there are lines on one palm that
do not appear at all on the other hand.
Palmistry may have begun as humanity devel-
oped and began looking inward for a purpose to
the rigors of daily life. It is believed to have been
redefined by the Chinese around 1100 B.C., along —
with the art of face reading (physiognomy). e r:
There are mentions of the use of palmistry in
the Bible. In Isaiah 49:16, it is written, "Behold,
I have graven thee on the palms of thy hands thy
walls are continually before me." And in Job PALMISTRY
27:7, "He sealeth up the hand of every man; that i Mount of Jupiter II Heart Line
all men may know his work," In Proverbs 3:16, 2 Girdle of Venus 12 Mount of Mercury
3 Mount of Lower Mars 13 Head Line
the Bible says, "Length of days in her right hand,
4 Life Line 14 Child Lines
and in her left hand riches and honor," Palmistry
5 Line of Mars 15 Marriage Lines
continued to be a popular prognostication
6 Mount of Venus 16 Hepatica
method throughout the Middle Ages, especially 7 Via Lasciva 17 Mount of Upper Mars
so as traveling gypsies moved from the East and 8 Rascettes 18 Line of Fate
India to Europe and the British Isles, In the 15th 9 Mount of Saturn 19 Line of the Sun
century, many mystical arts were condemned 10 Mount of Apollo 20 Mount of the Moon

The following is a brief list of the important The mount of jupiter is located on both
lines and mounts of the palm. However, there is hands and is slightly below where the index
much more to the topic. Palmistry is complex as finger joins the hand.
well as intriguing, with countless variations in The MOUNT OF lower MARS is located on the
fingers, hands and palms. muscled pad on the palm halfway between the
The LIFE LINE is located in the lower portion mount of Jupiter and the mount of Venus.
of the hand, typically running from a point be- The MOUNT OF UPPER MARS is found in the
tween the index finger and the point where the muscled area on the palm about halfway between
thumb is connected to the palm. the mount of Mercury and the mount of the
The HEAD LINE is located beneath the fingers Moon.
between the heart line and the life line; the head The MOUNT OF MERCURY is located on the
line's endings and beginnings are important. palm slightly below the little finger.
The heart line is one of the deepest lines of The MOUNT OF SATURN is located on the palm
the palm. It begins at the mount of Jupiter (on slightly below the middle finger.
the palm beneath the index finger) and crosses The MOUNT OF THE MOON is located on both
the palm. hands and is in the area below the little finger,
The FATE LINE runs from a point just above next to the wrist.
the wrist across the palm vertically to a place The mount of venus is located on both
just below where the middle finger is joined to hands, in the area of the palm below the thumb
the hand. and index finger, close to the wrist.
The LINE OF THE SUN, also known as line of
Further reading
Apollo or line of fate, runs vertically between
the wrist area and up toward the ring finger. Altman, Nathaniel. Palmistry Workbook. New York:
The girdle of venus lies beneath the fingers Sterling, 1990.
and just above the heart line. Asano, Michael. Hands: The Complete Book of Palm-
The LINE OF MARS is found running parallel istry New York: Japan Publications, 1985.
to the life line between the wrist and the area of Buckland, Raymond. Buckland's Complete Book of
Witchcraft. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1986.
the palm between the index finger and the
Cheiro. Cheiro's Book of Numbers. New York: Pren-
tice-Hall, 1988.
The LINE OF HEALTH runs from where the . The Language of the Hand. New York: Pren-
little finger joins the palm down through the tice-Hall, 1987.
center of the palm. MacKenzie. Palmistry for Women. New York: War-
The LINES OF MARRIAGE are found on the side ner, 1973.
of the palm of the hand about one-half inch Robinson, Rita. The Palm: A Guide to Your Hidden
below where the little finger joins the palm. Potential. North Hollywood, Calif.: Newcastle,
The LINES OF CHILDREN are found directly 1988.
above the lines of marriage on the little-finger
side of the palm. When found in the palm, they PAST LIFE Existence in a previous incar-
are vertical. nation.
The VIA LASCIVA isn't found in all hands, but Those who believe in reincarnation say that when
when present, it is located slightly above the one experiences a physical death, one is reborn
wrist toward the fingers. in a new physical body in order to learn a new
The rascettf.s, also known as bracelets, are lesson in life. This is considered to be spiritual
found circling the palm side of the wrist. evolution. Karma is the result of moral actions
The mount of apollo is located on both in previous lives. Thus, what has happened in
palms, slightly below where the ring finger joins previous incarnations affects what is to be chal-
the hand. lenged or accomplished in the present life.


Although considered Taoist and Buddhist tion using water, pegomancy was a popular divi-
concepts, past lives and reincarnation have been nation method practiced in ancient Greece. It is
espoused by many great philosophers and psy- no longer practiced today, nor are the details of
chics, including Pythagoras, Plato, Plotinus, the method now known. It is believed that the
Emerson, Blavatsky and Cayce. Contemporary psychic watched the droplets and ripples in the
metaphysical thinkers also embrace the belief fountain, although some psychics preferred to
in past lives. Internationally known physician, use raindrops or rainwater. It is thought that the
scientist and psychic the Reverend Hiroshi psychic used the water's patterns as a basis for
Motoyama, Ph.D., provides one of the most visions through scrying.
notable books on the topic—Karma and Reincar- Other variations of hydromancy include divi-
nation. nation by examining and deciphering the colors,
Some physics practice past-life regression with waves or turbulence of the ocean, running water-
the use of hypnosis, during which a subject is in a stream or river or the pattern of the current
said to be regressed beyond the point of their in a brook.
birth through various lives in order to provide
information concerning a current problem or
Further reading
situation. This controversial technique suppos-
edly gives information on specific crises in previ- Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
ous incarnations that is not available during pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
waking hours. ford Press, 1986.
Cavendish, Richard, ed. The Encyclopedia of the Un-
See also cayce, edgar; reincarnation.
explained. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974.
Miller, Madeleine S., and J. Lane Miller, eds. Harper's
Further reading
Encyclopedia of Bible Life. San Francisco: Harper
Binder, Bettye B. Past Lives Regression Guidebook. & Row, 1978.
Culver City, Calif.: Reincarnation Books, 1985. Roberts, Henry C. The Complete Prophecies of Nos-
Brennan, J. H. The Reincarnation Workbook. New tradamus. New York: American Book-Stratford
York: Sterling, 1990. Press, 1969.
Goldberg, Bruce. Past Lives, Future Lives. New York:
Ballantine, 1982.
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Tales of Reincarnation. New PENDULUM PREDICTIONS Divina-
York: Pocket Books, 1989. tion using an object suspended from a string in
Hall, Manly P. Reincarnation: The Cycle of Necessity order to interpret omens and/or foretell the
Los Angeles: Philosophical Research Society, 1956. future.
Kapleau, Philip. The Wheel of Life and Death: A
Practical and Spiritual Guide. New York: Double- Regardless of the object suspended, it typically
day, 1989. has a special significance to the psychic. Some
Motoyama, Hiroshi. Karma and Reincarnation. use coins, ancient relics, crystals or gems. In
Translated by Rande Brown Ouchi. New York: ancient times, the object was strung on a gold-
Avon, 1992. covered thread or a special golden chain.
Woodward. Mary Ann. Edgar Cayce's Story of Making predictions using a pendulum is a
Karma: God's Book of Remembrance. New York: variation of dowsing, in which a stick or other-
Coward. McCann & Gcoghcgan/Edgar Cayce suspended object is used to locate people, infor-
Foundation, 1971.
mation and articles. The exact date of the first
use of a pendulum to predict the future and
PEGOMANCY Divination by interpreting contact the ethereal world is unknown; however,
the images created when water is run from a cave paintings found in the Sahara, from about
fountain. 6000 B.C., depict a person holding a divining
Pegomancy is a variant of hydromancy. Like rod. Greek and Roman literature refers to rhab-
hydromancy, which encompasses all prognostica- domancy (dowsing with rods, arrows or wands).

Ancient myths and legends suggest magical rods Geller, Uri, and Guy Lyon Playfair. The Geller Effect.
and suspended objects used by Hermes and New York: Henry Holt, 1986.
Aaron; however, these are often thought of as Roberts, Kenneth. Henry Gross and His Dowsing
magician's wands rather than as pendulums or Rod. Gai'den City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1951.
the dowser's forked stick or rod. Thomas, Keith. Religion and the Decline of Magic.
New York: Macmillan, 1971.
Pendulums are still widely used in the location
of hidden objects (and at times missing people
and bodies) and to uncover natural resources PESSOMANCY Divination through the
such as water and minerals. When searching for use of pebbles.
an object or person, the psychic generally walks In pessomancy, the formation of the pebbles is
around the area in question. Some psychics stay deciphered when they are poured to the ground.
in their offices and spiritually connect with the This is a variation of halomancy, in which salt is
help of guides or one's higher self. They study a used as the divination medium. Pessomancy was
map of the area, allowing the pendulum to direct most likely practiced, along with halomancy, by
the search party by moving the pendulum slowly the ancient Egyptians; it was more widely used
over the map. by the ancient Greeks. The Greeks selected spe-
For those who are seeking a particular object, cific stones or pebbles for pessomancy, often
a representative of the object (a crystal, key, a shaking the pebbles up in a basket or bowl that
significant rock or some other article) is sus- held some significance or was considered to be
pended from a chain, thread or cord. The psychic blessed.
covers the terrain either by walking or holding After the querant asked a question, or once
the pendulum over a map while concentrating on confusion regarding an omen was discussed, the
what is to be located. When the object or thing pebbles were shaken and then tossed out on
is located, the pendulum swings. Others consult the temple floor or on the ground. As with
with the pendulum'for personal guidance of a tasseography, patterns could be seen in the way
spiritual nature. in which small stones landed—at least in the eye
For a psychic consultation, one would hold and mind of the psychic.
the pendulum while sitting quietly and meditat- There is a variation of pessomancy still prac-
ing on the topic at hand. The querant poses a ticed today by the Masai of East Africa. They
question, and the direction in which the pendu- cast stones from a buffalo horn to foretell the
lum swings provides the answer. Although the future of crops and the prosperity of their tribe.
"correct" direction of the swinging pendulum Those who practice a variation of this mantic
may differ from one psychic to another, gener- an today do so with semiprecious and precious
ally when the pendulum swings in circles to the stones. This is a mantic art that in a contempo-
right, the answer is affirmative. Circles to the rary sense often combines both pessomancy and
left mean no. However, another theory is that scrying or even casting of lots.
movements to the north and south mean yes; See also casting of i.ots; crystalomancy;
east and west movements mean no. GEMS; LITHOMANCY; SCRYING.
Those who practice this prognostication
method suggest that it takes practice and patience Further reading
to use a pendulum, but with time guidance from
[Cayce, Edgar.] Gems and Stones: Readings of Edgar
the higher self or guides will come.
Cayce. Virginia Beach, Va.: ARE Press, 1976.
Markham, Ursula. The Crystal Workbook: A Com-
sia; rhabdomancy. plete Guide to Working with Crystals. Northamp-
tonshire, England: Aquarian Press, 1988.
Further reading
. Fortune-Telling by Crystals and Semiprecious
Butler, W. E. How to Develop Clairvoyance. 2d ed. Stones. Northamptonshire, England: Aquarian
New York: Samuel Weiser, 1979. Press, 1987.


Matteson, Barbara J. Mystic Minerals. Seattle: Cosmic American Phrenology Journal began publication
Resources, 1985. in 1839 by Orson Fowler and his siblings Lo-
renzo and Charlotte. Published monthly, it had
more than 50,000 subscribers. In 1842, the Mu-
PHRENOLOGY Divination of physical, seum of Phrenology was established in New
mental and spiritual characteristics through the York City, displaying wax heads of famous
interpretation of bumps on the head. people.
Credit for the use of phrenology as a prognosti- In 1896, Nelson Sizer and Dr. H. S. Drayton
cation method is given to Dr. Franz Joseph Gall published Heads and Faces and How to Study
(1756-1828), a Viennese physician. Along with Them: A Manual of Phrenology and Physiog-
a colleague. Dr. J. G. Spurzheim, he authored nomy for the People, which encouraged business
a definitive volume on phrenology called The owners to practice this art. They said, "This
Physiognomical System, which included charts. knowledge will enable employers to meet the
Dr. Gall theorized that one's talents and attri- requirements of peculiar people whom they may
butes were associated with specific parts of the be required to please." Sizer and Drayton's
brain that could be felt through a raised area on analysis included ways to discover if prospective
the scalp. This area is commonly known as a employees were lazy, criminals, immoral or
bump and is officially referred to as a "faculty." moral. Want-ads in the classified section of the
Thus, if the head was examined, one could newspaper at this time often informed job appli-
determine the strong points and weaknesses of cants that they would have to submit to a manda-
an individual by the faculty. Dr. Gall's book was tory phrenology exam before being considered
a systematic plan, with head areas outlined, to for a position.
identify various characteristics. For example, a As with other fads, phrenology lost favor
bump on the top of the head in line with the top as the public began considering other theories,
of the ear was said to mean that one had high including those of Dr. Sigmund Freud. Phrenol-
self-esteem. ogy, a variation of physiognomy, divination of
Dr. Spurzheim continued the work of his the future and analysis of one's character by
associate and brought phrenology to the British studying the face, is practiced infrequently today,
Isles and America. By the early 1800s, its popu- although current phrenologists explain that there
larity had grown, and it was supported by many is a strong relationship between head bumps and
notable people of the time. Horace Mann, Clara personal attributes.
Barton (who founded the American Red Cross), To "read" a head, phrenologists suggest first
Mark Twain, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Walt Whit- reviewing the size and shape of the skull. A
man and Edgar Allan Poe, among others, be- round head is supposed to be indicative of a
lieved in this prognostication method. It also had strong, self-assured personality. A square head
its adversaries, including former president John tells of a stable individual. A wide head is said
Quincy Adams, who, although retired from pub- to show one who is vivacious and extroverted,
lic life, was extremely outspoken against the whereas the reverse is believed of one with a
method. At one time there were more than 50 narrow skull. The "egg head," a slang term for
phrenology organizations in the United States one who is intellectual or academic, is oblong
espousing Spurzheim's theory. When he died, his and looks much like an egg.
autopsy was held open to the public at Harvard To determine the placement of the faculties, a
University, so that people could view the lobes phrenologist runs his or her hands over the quer-
of the great man's brain. ant's head. People can, of course, do a phrenol-
George Combe accepted the phrenology ogy analysis on themselves. Notice should be
"torch" and continued to advocate its accuracy. taken of the placement of the bumps, size and
Combe examined such notable heads as Daniel firmness. Phrenologists say that both hemi-
Webster and President Martin Van Buren. The spheres of the brain should be taken into consid-

eration, but most likely they coincide in the 14, Approbativeness: Concern regarding oth-
placement and size of the faculties. ers' opinions.
The following are the faculties, often still re- 15, Self-esteem: Confidence, craves leadership,
ferred to by antiquated terms, that help one read 16, Firmness: Persistence, staying power,
the personality map of the head. The numbers 17, Conscientiousness: Moral integrity,
indicated in the illustration coincide with the 18, Hopefulness: High degree of enthusiasm
number preceding the description. and optimism,
19, Spirituality: Strong powers of intuition, re-
1. Amativeness: Sexuality.
ligious leanings,
2. Conjugality: Faithfulness, faithful love.
20, Vernation: Respect for traditional rules
3. Philoprogenitivcness: Strong parental love,
and rites.
love of family.
21, Benevolence: Empathy,
Adhesiveness: Gift for friendship and form-
22, Constructiveness: Mechanical aptitude.
ing strong bonds with others.
23, Ideally: Artistic leanings and wisdom,
5. Inhabitiveness: Love of home and country.
24, Sublimity: Cultured tastes.
6. Continuity: Powerful abilities of concen-
25, Imitativeness: Talents for acting, drama.
26, Mirthfulness: Joyful sense of humor,
7. Vitativeness: Vivaciousness, love of living,
27, Casualty: Ability to clearly think through
situations, powers of deduction,
8. Combativeness: Strong inner fortitude, cou-
28, Comparison: Ability to analyze.
rageous nature.
29, Humanity: Keen judge of humanity,
9. Execution: Ability to persist,
30, Agreeableness: Dexterity with words,
10. Alimentiveness: A love and appreciation for 31, Eventuality: Strong memory.
food, drink.
32, Time: Ability with music, powerful sense
11. Acquisitiveness: Talent with money, ability
of rhythm,
to accumulate it.
33, Tune: Musical talent or leanings.
12. Secretiveness: Confidential nature.
34, Language: Communication skills, especially
13. Cautiousness: Prudent and discreet person-
in foreign languages.
35, individuality: Questioning mind and able
to discern the truth in situations.
3b, Form: Strong sense of artistic design,
37, Size: Ability to understand and measure ob-
3S. Weight: Ability to understand proportion,
ii 39. Chromaticity: Ability to understand and
use color,
^3 40, Order: Organizational talents,
41. Calculation: Ability and gift for numbers,
42, Locality: Love and appreciation of travel.

A faculty that is large and firm indicates a

strong attribute in this character area, A nonexis-
tent or small, soft area indicates the opposite.
Phrenologists explain that learning to perform a
phrenology examination accurately takes time
PHRENOLOGY and patience and often requires the assistance of
The numbers indicated in the illustration coincide a phrenology master, should a student be serious
with the numbers preceding the description. about learning this art.

Further reading
Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
ford Press, 1986.
Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso-
teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press,
Magical Arts. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexandria,
Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.

PHYLLOMANCY Divination by studying

the shape, patterns, veins and color of leaves.
A variation of botanomaney, phyllomaney was PHYLLORHODOMANCY
practiced by many groups, including the ancient Rose leaves and petals were used by ancient Greeks
Greeks and the Druids. It was used as a method to calculate the success of various causes.
of foretelling the future and interpreting omens.
It is interesting to note that scientists and
environmentalists now study the shapes and pat- Further reading
terns of leaves to ascertain the health of soil and
Christopher, Thomas. In Search of Lost Roses. New
environmental conditions in an area. Some even
York: Avon, 1989.
believe that, as in folklore, one can anticipate the
Cumont, Franz. Oriental Religions in Roman Pa-
intensity of an upcoming season by studying the ganism. New York: Dover, 1956.
behavior, color and health of leaves. Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
Further reading
Ancient Wisdom, Ancient Sects. Mysteries of the Un-
known. Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. PHYSIOGNOMY Divination of the fu-
Carr-Gomm, Philip. The Elements of the Druid Tradi- ture and analysis of one's character by studying
tion. Dorset, England: Element Books, 1991. the face.
Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling. Also know as anthroposomancy, physiognomy
New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
may include the reading of moles, lines on the
face and the definition of a profile. Chinese face
PHYLLORHODOMANCY Divination reading, palmistry, phrenology and body-typing
by slapping a rose petal between the hands. are sometimes included in this category.
This ancient Greek method most likely used Published in the Sung dynasty, Ma-Yee-
Rosa gallica, commonly known today as autumn Shang-Fa {The Simple Guide to Face Reading)
damask. Using phyllorhodomancy, the psychic was the first book on the topic of physiognomy,
would select a rose petal with a concave form. although it had been practiced during the Chou
After meditation and/or asking a question out dynasty, more than 3,200 years before. The book
loud, the querant would take the petal and place is still used as the basic source of information
it in the palm of the right hand and then firmly on a skill that continues to be practiced today in
slap his or her hands together. A burst petal Asia and is given far more credence than palm-
meant that the answer was yes. If the petal did istry.
not burst, the answer was no. See also anthroposomancy; levater, jo-
Phyllorhodomancy is a variation of BOTANO- HANN KASPAR; MACULOMANCY; PALMISTRY;

Further reading but she insisted that she was in contact with their
Bray, Theodore de, ed. Sources of Chinese Traditions. departed relatives.
New York: Columbia University Press, 1960. At one time. Piper was hounded by private
Leland, Charles Godfrey. Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune detectives who were trying to discover where she
Telling. New York: University Books, 1962. obtained the information she gave in her read-
Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling. ings. They never discovered any fraud. The En-
New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992. glish Society for Psychical Research and the
Walker, Barbara G. The Woman's Encyclopedia of American branch of the organization found that
Myths and Secrets. New York: Harper Collins, her psychic skills were truly genuine. They cred-
1983. ited her gifts to telepathy.
Piper channeled a spirit known as Dr. Phinuit
PIPER, LEONORE E, {1859-1950} Amer- until 1892, then one called George Pellew, nick-
ican psychic. named GP. Later, she began channeling other
Piper is considered to be one of the most talented spirits and doing a greater amount of auto-
of contemporary American psychics. She was a matic WRITING.
healer and began giving readings when she was See also CHANNEL; CLAIRVOYANCE.
in her early 20s.
In one trance, Piper wrote a complex message
Further reading
for one of the clients sitting in the seance. The
client was a judge from the Boston area, and the Kautz, William H,, and Melanie Branon. Channeling:
message was supposedly from the magistrate's The Intuitive Connection. San Francisco: Harper
deceased son. The judge was astonished at the & Row, 1987.
accuracy and seeming validity of the message, Klimo, John. Channeling: Investigations on Receiving
which cited little known facts about his child. Information from Paranormal Sources. Los
Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1987.
After this point, Piper channeled a succession of
Leonard, Gladys Osborne. My Life in Two Worlds.
spiritual guides. Rather than working with
London: Two Worlds, 1931.
other mediums, Piper began giving readings on Piper, Aha L. The Life and Work of Mrs. Piper.
her own. In a session, she would enter a trance London: Ke^in Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co.,
with teeth grinding and physical spasms, as if 1929.
she was in intense pain. When the spiritual en- Stewart, R. J. The Elements of Prophecy Dorset,
ergy took over her body and mind, her persona England: Element Books, 1990.
and voice would change dramatically.
Although there were many so-called psychics
at this time who were exposed as frauds, Piper's PISCES One of the 12 astrological signs of
abilities were never disproved, nor was it ever the zodiac. The symbol is the fish.
proved that she was involved in a hoax of any Those who are born between February 20 and
type. Most people were in awe of her ability to March 20 are natives of the sign of Pisces and
go into a trance and give detailed accounts of are supposed to have specific traits indicative of
dead friends and relatives, but her critics included the time and date on which they were born.
American psychical researcher Richard Hodgson Divination of events can also be charted through
(secretary to the American branch of the Society this astrological sign.
for Psychical Research). During hundreds of Astrologers divine what is in store throughout
readings, many with people unknown to Piper, life through the time, date and place in which
her information was always found to be accurate. an individual was born as they coordinate the
The method by which she derived her informa- influences with other signs, the planets, the Sun,
tion could never be explained by anyone who the Moon and other powers.
did not believe in psychic abilities. Critics In traditional Western astrology, Pisces is the
thought she read the thoughts of the strangers, 12th sign of the zodiac. Those born during the

PISCES • 203
also have a strong materialistic side. Pisces natives
also worry about the future, both personal and
global, and seek spiritual answers.
The sign of the zodiac in which an individual
is born is responsible for only one fragment of
zs the qualities he or she receives at birth. Psychics
are quick to point out that a general forecast
m solely on the stellar position of the Sun on the
day an individual was born is unlikely to provide
an accurate glimpse of the future.
While traditional astrologers use books to cal-
culate a personal birth chart based on the position
period typically exhibit qualities that exemplify of the Sun, Moon and planets at a distinct time,
a patient, humanistic and sensitive nature. computer software has replaced most of this
Pisces natives are considered to be one of the time-consuming work. The correct term for cal-
gentler types of the zodiac. They are emotional culating a birth chart is to "cast" it. In order to
and imaginative, with a strong intuitive sense. fully comprehend the extent of traits, potential
They are wonderfully romantic and adapt well and attributes, the exact time and place of birth
to almost any situation. These are team players must be known and interpreted.
who can also work alone. They like support but See also ASTROLOGICAL SYMBOLS; astrology.
often from a distance. They are loyal and should
be able to attain high academic honors and pro- Further reading
vide the basis for great achievements.
Cosmic Connections. Mysteries of the Unknown. Al-
The Pisces man or woman, while being able
exandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
to adapt even to hardship, is believed to be quite
Goodman, Linda. Linda Goodman's Sun Signs. New
impressionable. He or she may seem too easily York: Fawcett/Columbine, 1978.
swayed by the opinions of others, especially so Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your
when communicating with strong-willed types Own Future. London: Quintet Publishing and Ran-
like Scorpio and Taurus natives. However, the dom House, 1992.
Pisces man or woman knows that listening with Omarr, Sydney. My World of Astrology New York:
the heart is the only way he or she can live. Fleet, 1965.
This description may make Pisces natives . Pisces. New York: New American Library,
sound too abstract and illusive, but on the con- 1992.
trary, they are practical and hardworking. They Veriagsanstalt, Datura. Pisces Astro Analysis. New
York: Grosser & Dunlap, 1976.
Woolfork, Joanna Marline. The Only Astrology Book
You'll Ever Need. Landham, Mass.: Scarborough,

PODOMANCY Analyzing character or

prognosticating the future through the study of
the lines on the feet.
No longer practiced, podomancy was used in
ancient China and India much as palmistry is
used today. Podomancy, like palmistry, is a varia-
tion of PHYSIOGNOMY, divination by studying
This ancient symbol represents the astrological sign the human body.
of Pisces. See also palmistry.

Further reading more powerful since it is not only knowledge; it
affects feelings, emotions and mental abilities.
Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992. Most psychics believe that all babies are born
Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown. with a keen sense of their own intuitive powers.
Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. Slowly, typically by the end of the teenage years,
children lose or quell the ability to connect with
this right-brain function. Left-brain functions of
PRANA Sanskrit for "life force."
reason and logic replace intuition in most people
The prana is often considered the spirit of life by the time they reach their 20s. Psychics explain
within each person, along with the principle of that the more we use our ability, the stronger
all life. It can be the God of all, the sum total of it becomes.
the laws of the universe or the force of life- Often physical sensations are combined with
producing fluids within the human body. precognition. These are the goose bumps, the
Many religions and civilizations believe in a bits of unexplained apprehension, the upset
life force. The Chinese call it ch'i; ancient Egyp- stomach or the tingling of the skin. Sometimes
tians called it sa. The Iroquois refer to it as there's a "little voice inside the head" that directs
orenda. And the Polynesians call it tnana. an individual to follow another course or to play
The Taoists believe, as do other groups, that a hunch that seems totally illogical at that instant.
any imbalance or negativity can damage the life These are attributed to clairvoyant messages from
force and bring about sickness, disease and, ulti- the higher self, guidance from spirits or angels
mately, death. or a closeness with God, among other things.
See also laws of metaphysics. Females are often said to have a "woman's
intuition"—that is, a more attuned ability to
Further reading ,
sense things and accept information without us-
Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso- ing rigid forms of analysis. Additionally, those
teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press, who begin to rely on intuitive guidance discover
1992. that the "voices" or "hunches" are correct most
Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New of the time, and so they begin to trust this
York: University Books, 1966. faculty more.
Mather, George A., and Larry A. Nichols. Dictionary
Psychiatrist Carl G. Jung, among others, be-
of Cults, Sects, Religions and the Occult. Grand
lieved in precognition. In his Psychological Types
Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan Pubhshing House, 1993.
(1923), he explained that it was not just an insight
but a creative process that possessed the ability to
PRECOGNITION Divination through the motivate individuals. In the metaphysical world,
interpretation of an internal feeling. psychics like to explain that anyone can use the
Precognition stems from the same source as intu- gift of precognition. Through meditation, they
ition. It is the knowledge of an event or situation believe one can become attuned to the supercon-
before that event or situation transpires, without scious mind, the all-knowing mind of all things
the use of reason. (sometimes called the soul-mind) and thus un-
Precognition is considered a psychic gift. It is block creative, inspired and intuitive powers.
sometimes referred to as a "gut feeling," a See also clairvoyance; deja vu; extrasen-
"hunch" or a "sixth sense." Some interpret it as SORY PERCEPTION (ESP); INTUITION.
part of being close to God and understanding
and using his blessings. Further reading
As with intuition, precognition defies analy- Bums, Litany. Develop Your Psychic Abilities. New
sis. It is often illogical and irrational. Most para- York: Pocket Books, 1985.
psychologists believe it is a form of ESP, yet Butler, W. E. How to Develop Clairvoyance. 2d ed.
they have come to understand that it is even New York: Samuel Weiser, 1979.

Gawain, Shakti. Living in the Light. San Raphael, methods, including I Ching and pyromancy, also
Calif.: Whatever Publishing, 1986. continue to be employed today.
Popper, Karl. Objective Knowledge. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1971. Further reading
Rogo, D. Scott. Our Psychic Potentials. Englewood
Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1984. Ay les worth, Thomas G. Astrology and Foretelling the
Vaughan, Frances. Awakening Intuition. Garden City, Future. New York: Franklin Watts, 1973.
N.Y.: Anchor/Doubleday, 1979. Bernards, Betty. The Dream Book: Symbols for Self-
Understanding. 9th ed. Petaluma, Calif.: Inner
Light Press, 1992.
PREDICTIONS Psychically obtained infor- Glass, Justine. The Story of Fulfilled Prophecy Lon-
mation prognosticating the future. don: Cassell, 1969.
When we think of predictions, we often consider King, Francis, and Stephen Skinner. Techniques of
only foretelling information about things in one's High Magic. Rochester, Vt.: Destiny Books, 1991.
personal future and of a personal nature. A quer- Loewe, Michael, and Cannen Blacker, eds. Divination
and Oracles. London: Allen fie Unwin, 1981.
ant may ask a psychic to predict: Will I find true
Logan, Jo, and Lindsey Hodson. The Prediction Book
love? When will I get a promotion? When will I
of Divination. Dorset, England: Blandford Press,
be able to buy a house? Predictions can also be 1984.
global, as seen in the predictions of astrologers Stern, Jess. Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet. New
Jeane Dixon and Sydney Omarr, for example, York: Bantam, 1968.
who foretell changes in government, assassina- Stewart, R. J. The Elements of Prophecy Dorset,
tions and even tragic accidents and natural di- England: Element Books, 1990.
sasters. Woods, R., ed. Understanding Mysticism. New York:
Predictions often come without notice or Doubled ay, 1980.
when a psychic is given information by his or
her guides or the higher self. Sometimes predic- PREMONITION A forewarning regarding
tions come through clairvoyance and automatic a future event.
writing, sometimes through the assistance of
According to psychics, the use of premonition,
mantic objects and tools, such as tea leaves and
also known as intuition and precognition, is
tarot cards. At other times, as with Edgar Cayce,
available to all. It is a gift all babies are born
the psychic goes into a trancelike state. Predic-
with, and only through deprogramming do we
tions can also come through when informa-
lose the ability to foretell future events and situa-
tion is channeled from a spirit in the ethereal
tions using this "sixth sense."
See also extrasensory perception (ESP).
The early Egyptians believed that they could
contact and be guided by the gods through their
Further reading
dreams and regularly used this method of prog-
nostication. Dream predictions and interpreta- Burns, Litany. Develop Your Psychic Abilities. New
tion are mentioned in the Bible in many places, York: Pocket Books. 1985.
including Numbers 12:5-6 and Daniel 2:2 and Gawain, Shakti. Living in the Light. San Raphael,
Calif.: Whatever Publishing, 1986.
4:7. Greek psychics used arrows and rods as
Reed, Henry. Edgar Cayce on the Mysteries of the
dowsing instruments. In ancient Rome, augurs
Mind. New York: Warner, 1989.
were court-appointed psychics who helped the
empire in prognosticating the future using such
methods as scrying, casting of lots, iatromancy PSEPHOMANCY Divination by selecting
and rhabdomancy. at random small stones from a pile.
Contemporary predictions are often made Details of this ancient, perhaps pre-Egyptian,
through the use of palmistry, tarot card readings, mantic art are lost in time. However, it may have
astrological forecasts and aura readings; ancient been used as one draws specific cards from a

deck to foretell the future, with certain stones Tyrrell, G. N. M. Science and Psychical Phenomena.
having specific significance. London, 1938. Reprint New York: University
Books, 1961,
Further reading
PSYCHIC One who has the ability to sense
Ancient Wisdom and Secrets Sects. Mysteries of the something without prior knowledge or the use
Unknown. Alexandria, Va.: Time Fife Books, of reason.
A psychic is said to be able to translate spiritual
Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit- information from the ethereal realm to others on
ford Press, 1986. this earth plane. He or she may ask for assistance
or contact a spiritual entity during a seance. The
querant or members of the audience will ask the
PSI The 23d letter of the Greek alphabet, se- psychic questions, which he or she then transmits
lected at random to represent the Xfactor, an to the universe or the entity for answers.
unknown quantity that cannot be explained. Sometimes the answers or revelations come
Psychic researcher J. B, Rhine was the first to through automatic writing, pendulums, table tip-
refer to psychic phenomena as PSI. He called it a ping or other manifestations. Sometimes the psy-
"general term to identify a person's extra sensory chic releases his or her body and the entity
motor communication with the environment." talks through him or her, often with a complete
Often people who possess and use psychic change in the sound of the medium's voice.
abilities are referred to as having PSI skills. PSI The nonhuman entities may be angels, nature
includes telepathy, precognition, ESP, clairvoy- spirits, guardian spirits, deities, demons or spirits
ance and other abilities that cannot be explained of the dead. Sometimes the messages are trans-
by known scientific laws. mitted from the higher self or from other entities
See also clairvoyance; extrasensory per- that often have exotic names (exotic names are
CEPTION (ESP); INTUITION; RHINE, JOSEPH often considered mystical).
BANKS, M.D. One of the world's most famous psychics, but
relatively unknown in the United States, was the
Further reading Russian, Wolf Messing (1899-1972), In Mess-
ing's autobiography, published in the official So-
Cavendish, Richard, ed. Man, Myth and Magic: An viet press (and never officially denied), Soviet
Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Supernatural. Vol. 7.
leader Joseph Stalin acted as a psychical re-
New York: Marshal Cavendish Corporation, 1970.
searcher and put Messing's powers to the test.
Feyer, Dr. Ernest C. The Call of the Soul: A Scientific
Explanation of Telepathy and Psychic Phenomena. According to the reports, through his mental
San Francisco: Auto-Science Institute, 1926. power to control other people's minds and direct
Halbourne, Max. Mental Telepathy and ESP Powers their actions, Messing (under Stalin's request)
for the Millions. Los Angeles: Sherbournc Press, persuaded a bank clerk that a blank piece of
1967. paper was a check for 100,000 rubles. The clerk
Hintze, Naomi A,, and J. Gaither Pratt. The Psychic then walked through the high-security area lead-
Realm: What Can You Believe? New York: Ran- ing to the dictator's offices, right past the secret
dom House, 1975. police. Messing had also controlled the police
Rhine, Louisa E, ESP in Life and Lab. New York: officers' minds, making them believe that the
Collier-Macmillan, 1967. clerk was actually the head of security, Lavrenty
Richet, Charles. Thirty Years of Psychical Research.
Beria. Messing was never allowed to travel to the
London: William Collins Publishers, 1923.
West, but he continued to thrill and baffle Rus-
Scott, Cyril. An Outline of Modern Occultism. Lon-
don: Routledge fit Kegan Paul, 1950. sian audiences with his clairvoyant powers. He
Thouless, R. H. Experimental Psychical Research. explained that others' thoughts provided colorful
New York: Penguin, 1963. images; he saw pictures rather than words.

Some people who have the ability to use their color changes in the halo that surrounds the
psychic skills say that when they first recognized body. Psychic healing is sometimes practiced by
this power, it scared them tremendously. It is clairvoyants who are able to psychically see and
said that the father of the great psychic Daniel know about the health of a querant or someone
Dunglas Home (1833-1886) was so distressed by about whom the querant has questions. Astrolo-
young Daniel's visions and behavior that he hired gers who use medical astrology interpret a birth
an exorcist to rid the teenager of the devils chart to learn the influences on health and illness
within. regarding a querant. From the birth chart, they
A psychic is sometimes called a medium, a are often able to tell what specific inclination a
sensitive or a control. The term spiritualist is querant has to develop a particular disorder. For
rarely used today, although it was popular at example, if one is born in Taurus, he or she has
one time. a tendency for disorders of the throat. Fibra
See also augur; bailey, alice; blavatsky, tends to experience lower-back disorders. Palm-
HELENA P.; CHANNEL; HOME, DANIEL DUNGLAS; ists look at a querant's life line to point out
INTUITION; KNIGHT, JZ; PSYCHIC READINGS. health challenges. Faith healers refer to psychic
healing as "laying on of hands." Those who
Further reading practice voodoo also perform psychic healing.
Jones, Lloyd K. Development of Mediumship. Chi-
cago: Lormar, 1919.
Kardec, Allan. The Book of Mediums. York Beach,
Maine: Samuel Weiser, 1970. ISTRY.
Klimo, John. Channeling: Investigations on Receiving
Further reading
Information from Paranormal Sources. Los
Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1987. Achterberg, Jeanne. Imagery in Healing: Shamanism
Lungin, Tatiana. Wolf Messing: The True Story of and Modern Medicine. Boston: Shambhala, 1985.
Russia's Greatest Psychic. New York: Paragon Bowers, Barbara. What Color Is Your Aura? New
House, 1989. York: Simon 8i Schuster, 1989.
Rodegast, Pat, and Judith Stanton, comps. Emman- [Cayce, Edgar-.] Edgar Cayce on Healing. Virginia
uel's Book: A Manual for Living Comfortably in Beach, Va.: ARE Press, 1969.
the Cosmos. New York: Bantam, 1987. Cornell, H. F. Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology St.
Zolar. Zolar's Book of the Spirits. New York: Prentice- Paul, Minn.: Flewellyn, 1972.
Hall, 1987. Hirschfelder, Arlene, and Paulette Molin. The Ency-
clopedia of Native American Religions. New York:
Facts On File, 1992.
PSYCHIC HEALER One who is able to
Shennan, Harold. "Wonder" Healers of the Philip-
heal the sick using unorthodox methods and
pines. Eos Angeles: DeVross, 1967.
therapies that employ psychic principles. Stern, Jess. Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet. New
Psychic healing continues to be frowned upon York: Bantam, 1968.
by the medical establishment. Yet most doctors Weil, Andrew. Health and Healing: Understanding
agree that the belief in any medicine can often Conventional and Alternative Medicine. Boston:
cure the patient, even when that medicine is a Houghton Mifflin, 1983.
placebo. Often alternative cures have been found
to work as well as those produced by high-tech PSYCHIC READINGS Information
medical firms. given by a psychic to a querant regarding that
American psychic Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) person's past, present and/or future, and/or as
is one of the contemporary world's best-known an answer to the questions on a querant's mind.
practitioners of psychic healing. Psychic reading is an umbrella phrase for all
Those psychics who read auras are said to be information provided in an intuitive, clairvoyant
able to see when someone is ill because of specific or telepathic way. Often psychics use various


mantic objects and tools, such as palmistry or cal chart makes the spiritual work that the psy-
tarot cards, to provide information. There is chic does tangible. The information he or she
usually a charge for the reading, which can last dispenses becomes visible and, in a sense, touch-
from 15 minutes to an entire day. able to the uninitiated.
Those who provide psychic readings recom- Before a psychic reading, a querant should
mend that a querant use his or her best consumer find out the cost. Most psychics charge by the
skills when seeking a counselor or adviser. Con- hour, as do other service people, but some also
sulting with someone who advertises psychic ser- have half-hour rates. Metaphysical teaching cen-
vices at a fair or carnival may not provide quality ters and bookstores dealing in the occult some-
or even truthful information. There are even times have "psychic fairs" where various psychics
psychics who provide readings at local shopping come together on a specific day and provide
malls. Additionally, as with all consulting ser- short readings for a lesser fee. This is a good
vices, reputable psychics say that there are some time to meet a number of psychics and to deter-
in the field who prey on a querant's vulnerability. mine which individual a querant is most comfort-
Many people consult psychics when other ave- able with. It's also a good time to sample
nues of assistance seem to be exhausted or during various methods.
a time of life-altering crisis, such as the death Fees range from $15.00 an hour to the hun-
of a loved one. Thus, unscrupulous psychics dreds, depending on the experience and reputa-
continue to string along the unsuspecting and tion of the psychic and the length of the reading.
naive querant, coaxing him or her into a number Some psychics do not charge for their services.
of sessions to solve a particular problem, to While it might seem to be an awkward question,
discover troubling information about a past life it is essential that one know the fee for the
or to contact a dead loved one. This is done, of reading before the session begins. Many psychics
course, for money. take checks, charge cards and cash, but one must
Reputable psychics encourage the public to ask before the session starts. Fees are usually
contact them through referrals and by attending expected after the session.
a group session. One can often contact a psychic The information provided during a psychic
from a referral at a metaphysical bookstore or reading is often quite personal. Psychics report
teaching center. Taking a beginner's class in a that most people ask about two things: Money
specific psychic skill or mantic an is often a good and love are continually on clients' minds. When
way to get to know a psychic before contacting dealing with these sensitive areas, it's necessary
him or her for a reading. to have a good rapport with a psychic. If one
As with any other personal service, it is ac- feels awkward for any reason, the reading will
ceptable to talk with the psychic before a session. not be as successful.
This can be done in person just before the session The sessions should be held in private. When
begins or over the telephone. The psychic will a psychic visits a party and every partygoer takes
talk about his or her specialty (cards, astrology, a turn, the individual readings may not be as
crystals, etc.), along with the method used, but reliable as when the meeting is on a one-to-
will most likely not provide personal information one basis. Psychics often audiotape the session;
without charging for the session. Some psychics however, there's no guarantee that this will be
provide information during a telephone session; done. Some clients bring their own tape recorder
others will do it through the mail. or take notes during the session. Since one some-
The psychic who uses dominoes, I Ching or times misses fragments of conversation while
tasseography should not be discounted; typically, concentrating on the next question, a tape pro-
the psychic is also employing telepathy and clair- vides more insight because it can be listened to
voyance for the reading. Most people, explain over again.
psychics, prefer a psychic who utilizes predictive According to psychics, if at any time during
tools or articles. Cards, tea leaves or an astrologi- a session the client doesn't like what he or she is


being told or the approach being taken, the ses- it is not a game. A reputable psychic should be
sion should stop. In addition, if the information sensitive to the querant's problems and thoughts,
being provided doesn't feel correct intuitively, be nonjudgmental and always have a positive
the session should be stopped by the querant. outlook on the situation. Most psychics would
One can say, "That's not at all like me," or, never reveal an imminent personal tragedy. If the
"That's not true." Psychics do have "off" days, psychic sees or is given a spiritual warning, he
and there are unscrupulous people who pretend or she will normally phrase it with helpful infor-
they have psychic abilities to take money from mation. Thus, instead of saying, "You'll lose
innocent people. your job and get really angry," one might hear,
Sometimes querants go to a psychic expecting "You'll be changing jobs shortly and find new
the man or woman to provide information with- challenges." Just because a psychic tells a querant
out the querant saying anything, as if to test the something, it doesn't guarantee that this situation
psychic's skills. This can work well, and there will occur. Human beings function with free will
are psychics who prefer to get a querant's atten- and, once information is made available, can
tion by providing some little-known fact. How- make personal choices as to the best direction to
ever, in most cases, it is best to provide the take. For instance, if it seems as if a person is
psychic with the essential information and to be about to lose his or her job, it might be advisable
truthful in your quest. One might say, "I've been to begin looking for a better job before this
very unhappy in my job and in my career for situation occurs. Thus he or she will not be fired.
quite some time. Could you tell me about this Was the psychic information correct? Since the
concern?" This ought to be done, rather than information provided a new course of action,
saying, "I'm unhappy." one cannot be sure.
It is always a good idea to come into a session See also CLAIRVOYANCE; DEJA VU; extrasen-
prepared with questions. It is perfectly accept- sory PERCEPTION (ESP); INTUITION.
able to have the questions written on a piece of
paper. With a tarot card reading, for example, Further reading
after the traditional spread and reading of the
Burns, Litany. Develop Your Psychic Abilities. New
cards, some psychics ask that a querant concen- York: Pocket Books, 1985.
trate on a specific question, then select a card Butler, W. E. How to Develop Clain'oyance. 2d ed.
from the deck. This can offer a final bit of New York: Samuel Weiser, 1979.
information that can be most helpful. Nelson, Robert. Secret Methods of Private Readers!
Some querants become addicted to readings Columbus, Ohio: Nelson. 1964.
and travel from one psychic to another. Since Northgate, Ivy. Medtumship Made Easy London:
many people consult with psychics during diffi- Psychic Press, 1986.
cult periods in life, it is logical that one could Popper, Karl. Objective Knowledge. Oxford: Oxford
become dependent on the advice offered. Typi- University Press, 1971.
Vaughan, Frances. Awakening Intuition. Garden City,
cally, professional psychics recommend that one
N.Y.: Anchor/Doubleday, 1979.
have a reading not more than once every six
months; some say not more than once a year.
Often a psychic will recommend that the quer- PSYCHIC SURGERY A healing tech-
ant study a metaphysical field or read metaphys- nique practiced in the Philippines and Brazil in
ical books for more information rather than which the psychic surgeon uses no instruments
consulting too often. Unlike ancient methods but claims to make incisions in the body
of prognostication, today's psychic usually ad- Psychic surgeons are alleged to operate on the
vises on how to come to one's own decision, body, whereas psychic healers perform healing
rather than telling the querant what decision acts that do not require incisions; nor do they
to make. require that the individual be in the same room
A psychic reading is not fortune-telling, and as the healer.


There is much controversy surrounding the Meek, George W., ed. Healers and the Healing Pro-
practice of psychic surgery. Those who support cess. Wheaton, III.: Theosophical Publishing
it say that God opens the body without the use House, 1977.
of surgical instruments. Sometimes "surgery" is Powers of Healing. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alex-
performed with scissors, knives, forks and andria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
tweezers. The practioner locates the diseased or
affected organ and removes the ailing portion. PSYCHOMETRY Prognostication through
Then the surgeon miraculously heals the incision. the use of objects or articles belonging to some-
People travel from all parts of the world to one who is not present and who is unknown to
the known psychic surgeons, and many such the psychic.
surgeons practice their arts in hotel rooms or People, places and events are perceived through
lobbies, with the patient bookings for the healing clairvoyance, telepathy and recognition. The
arranged through international travel agencies. term psychometry was coined by psychical re-
One of the most famous psychic surgeons was searcher D. J. R. Buchanan about 1840. A psy-
Jose Pedro de Freitas (1935?-1971). A Brazilian, chic who practices this skill is referred to as a
de Fretias claimed to have been the reincarnation psychometrist. The objects used are often
of a famous German doctor who was killed dur- jewelry but may also be articles of clothing or
ing World War I. Edivaldo Silva, also a native of other things of a personal nature. The more often
Brazil, uses his bare hands to perform the opera- the object has been in use, the more information
tions. will be available. Jewelry or other metal objects
There are many who criticize psychic surgery, are supposed to be the best conductors of in-
including the American judge Daniel H. Hans- formation for those who practice psychometry.
corn. In 1974, Judge Hanscom completed a In the case of antique jewelry, or something
lengthy, in-depth investigation into the validity that has been owned by many people, conflict-
of the practice. It was discovered that most "sur- ing information is often received. When an
geons" practiced some trickery to indicate that object has been touched by many people, a num-
the surgery had been performed. It was found ber of stories will be available to the psychome-
that they actually used concealed sacks of blood trist.
and animal or vegetable matter covered with According to psychometry, whenever one
blood to indicate the organ or diseased area that touches an object, vibrations of that encounter
had been removed. During the "surgery" the become attached to it. When someone wears a
patient often claims to feel his or her organs ring for instance, the ring comes to acquire a
being manipulated, but when the "surgery" is psychic connection to the wearer, even when it
finished there is no mark from the incision. is not on his or her finger.
It is interesting to note that although psychic Psychometry is very much in practice today.
surgery continues to be attacked and berated Psychics who use other divination methods often
by the press and the medical establishment, it work with psychometry, too. In practice, an
continues to be performed. Why does it work article or object is presented to the psychic. He
when such procedures are said to be successful? or she handles it, often going into a trance during
As with other placebo cures, it may be an exam- which information is received from the spiritual
ple of the power of positive thinking and the realm. The psychic will sometimes touch the
will of a spirit to survive that has made the object to his or her forehead, chest or another
healing possible. area of the body. The information may come
through the palms of the psychic's hands or be
Further reading seen as a vision or a voice, heard only by the
Krippner, Stanley, and Alberto Villoldo. The Realms psychic. Police have been known to employ psy-
of Healing. 3d ed. Berkeley, Calif.: Celestial Arts, chics who practice psychometry to find missing
1986. persons and murder victims.

See also clairvoyance; extrasensory per- of combustible materials and articles on the fire,
CEPTION (ESP); GELLER, URI; INTUITION. from laurel branches and leaves (daphnomancy)
and incense (empyromancy, libanomancy) to sac-
Further reading rifices, such as those rituals practiced by some
groups of Druids. As early as 550 B.C., the Greek
Butler, W. E. How to Develop Psychometry London:
Aquarian Press, 1971. prophet, mystic and philosopher Pythagoras
Popper, KarL Objective Knowledge. Oxford: Oxford (5 82?-500? B.C.) is said to have used pyromancy
University Press, 1971. as a means to answer questions. In Roman times,
Rogo, D. Scott. Our Psychic Potentials. Englewood pyromancy was used to divine the future and
Cliffs, NJ,: Prentice-HaU, 1984. answer a querant's questions, specifically those
Wolman, Benjamin B., ed. Handbook of Parapsychol- about reincarnation.
ogy New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1977. In pyromancy, the intensity of the flames,
as well as the shape and form they took, was
PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC considered when divining the future or interpre-
CHIROMANCY Psychic character analysis ting omens. Today, many people practice a form
made by studying the nails, lines and fingers of of pyromancy using candles. The wick, as well
the hands. as the behavior of the flames of burning candles,
Psychotherapeutic chiromancy is said to analyze is studied for advice and guidance.
the past life or hidden causes of a querant's There are many variations of pyromancy, in-
current actions or life plan. cluding pyroscopy, in which divination is accom-
See also palmistry. plished by studying the shape of the flames, as
opposed to staring at the flames and observing
Further reading visions within the fire or the smoke generated.
Altman, Nathaniel. Palmistry Workbook. New York:
Sterling, 1990.

Further reading
PYROMANCY Divination by analyzing
the flames of a combustible object. Dey, Charmaine. The Magic Candle. Bronx, N.Y,:
Original Publications, 1989.
An ancient practice, pyromancy is sometimes Kittredge, George. Witchcraft in Old and New En-
referred to as lampadomancy, or pyroscopy. gland. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1929.
When considering primitive cultures, it is quite Reprint. New York: Atheneum, 1972.
logical that the interpretation of flames from a Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
candle, a torch or a campfire would become a New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
prognostication method, since fire has played an Nichols, Ross. The Book of Drmdry—History, Sites,
integral role in human evolution. Flames and Wisdom. London: Aquarian Press, 1990.
fire were used in rites and rituals long before Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super-
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
recorded time.
Pajeon, Kala, and Ketz Pajeon. The Candle Magic
The use of flames to foretell future events and
Workbook. New York: Citadel Press, 1992.
interpret omens is thought to be one of the first
methods used. A form of scrying, pyromancy
may have begun with prehistoric psychics study- PYTHAGORAS (5827-500? B.C.) Greek
ing the patterns of the flames in a fire or perhaps mathematician, philosopher and numerologist.
the shadows of a fire as the movements made Pythagoras, known to any student of geometry,
phantom forms against cave walls. believed that numbers reflected the ultimate prin-
Depending on the ancient civilization, some- ciples of order and harmony in the universe.
times only firewood was used during the divina- Most remember him as the creator of the Pytha-
tion process. Other groups threw a wide variety gorean theorem: The sum of the two sides of a


time, including the mortality of the soul and
reincarnation (which was then referred to as
transmigration). He believed that after physical
death one could return as an animal or a human,
depending on the lesson to be learned.
Pythagoras believed that everything could
be explained and expressed through numbers.
He theorized that numbers were the key to
understanding all that is unknown. Although
he was not the first to conceptualize numerology
(that goes back to ancient Babylon), he was the
Y most influential. He and his followers believed
that each number, from one to nine, had its
own psychic or spiritual significance. Accord-
ing to legend, he was the first to call himself a
philosopher and believed in a contemplative
Pythagoras's theories have persuaded mystical
thinkers and students of metaphysics throughout
the centuries, including Socrates, Plato, Euclid
and Aristotle.
Pythagoras and his followers believed that each num-
ber from one to nine had its own psychic or spiritual
significance. ' Further reading
Dacier, Andre. The Life of Pythagoras. York Beach,
right triangle squared equals the hypotenuse Maine: Samuel Weiser, 1981,
Gorman, Peter. Pythagoras: A Life. Boston:
Routledge Si Kegan Paul, 1978.
Pythagoras was born in Samos, Greece, and
Hall, Manly P. The Secret Teachings of All Ages. 1928.
traveled widely, including trips to Egypt and
Reprint. Los Angeles: Philosophical Research Soci-
perhaps other areas in Africa and into India. ety, 1977.
Later in life, he took up residence in Croton, in Hitchcock, Helyn. Helping Yourself with Numerol-
southern Italy, establishing a religious school and ogy West Nyack, N.Y,: Parker, 1972.
brotherhood. He believed in and taught a num- Rutherford, Ward. Pythagoras: Lover of Wisdom.
ber of mystical principles unheard of at that York Beach, Maine: Samud Weiser, 1984.


QABALA would have employed other predictive methods

See KABBALAH. in order to obtain information or interpret an
omen, including bibliomancy, felidomancy and
QUERANT One who asks. tnomancy.
Typically, an individual who is receiving a psy- See also mantic objects.
chic reading is referred to as the querant. From
the word query, it means to ask or to seek. Further reading
Those who search for inspirational advice and
enlightenment are constantly asking questions. Buckland, Raymond. Secrets of Gypsy Fortune Telling.
St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1988.
When applied to prognostication, a querant is
Butler, W. E. How to Develop Clairvoyance. 2d ed.
one who specifically asks for knowledge or ad-
New York: Samuel Weiser, 1979.
vice through the use of a prognostication method Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your
or with the help of a psychic. Various tools Own Future. London: Quintet Publishing and Ran-
may be used, including an astrological reading, dom House, 1992.
counsel from the I Ching or a palmistry or tarot Stewart, R. J. The Elements of Prophecy Dorset,
card consultation. In ancient times, a querant England: Element Books, 1990.


RADIESTHESIA Divination using the vi- Further reading

brations from an object, article or site to locate
Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New
that object, article or site. York: University Books, 1966.
A variation of DOWSING, radiesthesia is used in Geller, Uri, and Guy Lyon Playfair. The Geller Effect.
much the same way. As with dowsing, one holds New York: Henry Holt, 1986.
an instrument, concentrating on whatever is to Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of
be found. When one is close to the object, the Mystical and Paranormal Experience. San Fran-
vibrations or radiations move the instrument. A cisco: HarperSan Francisco, 1991.
Krippner, Stanley, and Alberto Villoldo. The Realms
technique called radionics, used as a system of
of Healing. 3d ed. Berkeley, Calif.: Celestial Arts,
alternative medicine but uncommonly used to-
day, employed a psychic holding his or her hands
Meek, George W., ed. Healers and the Healing Pro-
above the patient and interpreting the vibrations cess. Wheaton, III.: Theosophical Publishing
coming from the body. House, 1977.
George De La Warr (1904-1969), an En- Ostrander, Sheila, and Lynn Schroeder. Psychic Dis-
glishman and practitioner of radiesthesia, be- coveries behind the Iron Curtain. Englewood
lieved that one could locate diseased organs and Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1970,
the sites of illnesses using this method. His men-
tor, Dr. Albert Abrams, developed a "black box"
for this purpose. This piece of electronic equip- RAJNEESH, BHAGWAN SHREK
ment was said to be able to pick up vibrations (1931-1990) Indian teacher and mystic.
transmitted from the diseased portion of the Rajneesh controlled and headed large metaphysi-
body. cal teaching centers in India and Oregon with
De La Warr continued Abrams's work. It is more than 250,000 followers worldwide at one
said that he found more than 4,000 dysfunctions time. The movement connected with the Indian
that could be located through this method. Al- mystic was called Rajneeshism.
though De La Warr is remembered for being Because he taught that one need not be con-
sincere in his quest to help the infirm, his tech- fined by traditional moral codes, he was nick-
niques using radiesthesia are now termed quasi- named the "sex guru" by the media. In the 1960s
medical at best. his praise of permissiveness led many to embrace

his theories of free sex and the dismantling of Further reading
the fibers of the family unit and his denunciation
Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso-
of the pope. Mother Teresa and other religious teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press,
figures. But some metaphysical scholars claim 1992.
that behind the gossip, Rajneesh's works are as Eastern Mysteries. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexan-
important as Krishnamurti's. dria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
Rajneesh was a scholar and speaker on many Mather, George A., and Larry A. Nichols. Dictionary
religious practices including Zen, Taoism and of Cults, Sects, Religions and the Occult. Grand
Tibetan Buddhism, Christianity and many an- Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan Publishing House, 1993.
cient philosophies. Some believe that he was the
most important thinker of the 20th century. Oth- RASCETTES One of the many lines of the
ers believe he was a power-hungry pseudo- hand considered in PALMISTRY.
prophet, more deceitful than the politicians and Also known as bracelets, these lines can be found
public figures he attacked. circling the palm side of the wrist. Strongly
Some books list Rajneesh as the teacher's last marked rascettes indicate a peaceful life filled
name; others list this mystic under his first name: with wealth and happiness. Chained lines are an
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. He is best remembered indicator of challenging times early on and then
for his books, including The Book of Secrets, joy later in life.
The Empty Boat, The Hidden Harmony and
Meditation and the Art of Ecstasy, which con- Further reading
tinue to be popular today.
Altman, Nathaniel. Palmistry Workbook. New York:
Sterling, 1990.
Further reading Asano, Michael. Hands: The Complete Book of Palm-
istry New York: Japan Publications, 1985.
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. Words like Fire. San Fran-
Buckland, Raymond. Buckland's Complete Book of
cisco: Harper & Row, 1976.
Witchcraft. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1986.
Gorgon, James S. The Golden Guru. Lexington,
Cheiro. Cheiro's Book of Numbers. New York: Pren-
Mass.: Stephen Green Press, 1987.
tice-Hall, 1988.
Mather, George A., and Larry A. Nichols. Dictionary
. The Language of the Hand. New York: Pren-
of Cults, Sects, Religions and the Occult. Grand
tice-Hall, 1987.
Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan Publishing House, 1993.

REGRESSION Delving into the uncon-

RAMAKRISHNA, PARAMAHAMSA scious mind to learn about experiences in a per-
(1836-1886) Indian mystic and Hindu guru. son's past lives.
Ramakrishna was born in Bengal. As a child, he A querant may request regression in order to
often fell into trances and foretold future events, understand and release an experience that is trou-
At 20, he became a chief priest in a temple blesome in this lifetime. For example, if one has
dedicated to the goddess Kali, whose worship a fear- of cats, a regression session might reveal
continued throughout his lifetime. The Swami that in a past life while living in India, he or
Vivekananda, who spread Ramakrishna's words she was attacked and killed by a Bengal tiger.
and thoughts, was one of his most influential fol- Knowing the significance of cats, he or she no
lowers. longer needs to be afraid, since it is highly un-
"Many paths lead to the same God" is one of likely that the fear- needs to be continued into a
the lessons Ramakrishna taught. Like other great present life. The karmic lesson is understood.
thinkers, he believed that religion was best served Many people hold the belief that our brain
in experience and not in repeating a prescribed does not retain these past-life experiences but
dogma. that they are stored in the AKASHIC RECORDS.


Motoyama, Hiroshi. Karma and Reincarnation.
Translated by Rande Brown Ouchi. New York:
Avon, 1992.
Stem. Jess. Immortality: Startling Evidence for Hu-
man Survival of Physical Death. Virginia Beach,
Va.: Donning, 1976.

REINCARNATION The theory that one

has lived previously in various forms, and that
REGRESSION one's identity survives through physical death.
If one has a fear of cats, a regression session might People from all nationalities, religious beliefs and
reveal that in a past life, he or she was attacked and cultures accept reincarnation as part of the life-
killed by a Bengal tiger while living in India. and-death cycle. Practically all religious move-
ments with a basis in Hinduism teach a form of
this concept. It is acknowledged that at physical
Regression was a popular fad during the 1980s
death, the soul does not enter into a final state
and early 1990s. Qucrants sought to explain all
but is reborn into another body, and the cycle
their current problems through knowledge of
continues. Although for many Americans the
past-life experiences.
thought of reincarnation is new or "New Age,"
During a regression session, often performed this is not true. The ancient Sicilian Greekphilos-
under hypnosis, a querant sometimes sees him- opher Empedocles (490P-430 B.C.) explained that
or herself as a bystander observing the events of he had had previous lives: "I have already been
previous lives. In other instances, he or she will a boy and a girl, a bush, a bird, and a dumb sea
feel the effects of the trauma as if it were happen- fish." Pythagoras, Plato and Aristotle, among
ing once more. Many metaphysical followers others, believed in reincarnation. Psychic and
believe that caution should be taken in regression healer Edgar Cayce said, "You have inherited
sessions, as they may prove to be too traumatic most from yourself, not from your family."
for the querant.
The Druids also believed in reincarnation,
Some psychics believe that if one can regress
which is sometimes referred to as transmigration
and experience what has occurred in a past life,
or metempsychosis. A few theological scholars
one should be able to progress and see what
believe there are references to reincarnation in
the future holds. However, progression sessions
the Bible, though this is disputed. For example,
have yet to catch the interest of many people
in Matthew 10, Christ distinctly marks John the
involved in metaphysical philosophies.
Baptist as Elijah reborn. And in John 9:1-3 there
See also AKASHIC RECORDS; KARMA: past LIFE; are questions about a blind man asking if this
blindness has been caused by his own sin (in a
previous life). Some psychics point out another
Further reading
area that concerns reincarnation and the Bible.
Binder, Bettye B. Past Lives Regression Guidebook. In Revelation 13:10 there is the statement "He
Culver City, Calif.: Reincarnation Books, 1985. that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity:
Cayce, Hugh I.ynn, ed. The Edgar Cayce Collection. he that killeth with the sword must be killed
New York: Bonanza, 1986.
with the sword." While there are those who
Cerminara, Gina. Many Lives, Many Loves. Marina
would contradict that this is the ancient theory
Del Rey, Calif.: DeVross, 1963.
Goldberg, Bruce. Past Lives, Future Lives. New York: of an "eye for an eye," others believe that it
Ballantine, 1982. clearly suggests the valid point of karma and
Hall, Manly P. Reincarnation: The Cycle of Necessity reincarnation. This is also the Hindu and Bud-
Los Angeles: Philosophical Research Society, 1956. dhist system of cosmic balance.


Those who accept the concept of reincarnation Further reading
believe that the spiritual essence of the soul,
Binder, Bettye B. Past Lives Regression Guidebook.
sometimes referred to as the soul-mind, lives Culver City, Calif.: Reincarnation Books, 1985.
many years between incarnations. It takes many Brennan, J. H. The Reincarnation Workbook. New
lives to learn and understand all the experiences York: Sterling, 1990.
of life to make the soul mind perfect. Thus, Woodward. Mary Ann. Edgar Cayce's Story of
the soul-mind, according to psychic scholars, Karma: God's Book of Remembrance. New York:
assumes a number of personalities both male and Coward, McCann & Geoghegan/Edgar Cayce
female, in various cultures, social positions and Foundation, 1971.
geographical areas. Many books teach those in-
terested in reincarnation how to tap into past- RHABDOMANCY Divination for water
life memories. This may also be done through or precious gems and metals using rods or
past-life regression and with the help of hyp- wands.
nosis. The word comes from the Greek rhabdos, mean-
See also AKASHIC RECORDS; biblical proph- ing rod or wands. This method was used in
ETS AND DIVINATION METHODS; KARMA; PAST ancient Greece to locate springs, areas where
LIFE; REGRESSION. water and precious metals might be found.
Rhabdomancy is a less common term for
dowsing. It is also known as radiesthesia and
Further reading cleidomancy. As with other forms of dowsing,
Binder, Bettye B. Past Lives Regression Guidebook. the origin of this art is unknown. However, it is
Culver City, Calif.: Reincarnation Books, 1985. interesting to note that there are paintings in
Brennan, J. H. The Reincarnation Workbook. New caves hidden in the Sahara, thought to have been
York: Sterling, 1990. created about 6000 B.C., that show a person
The Encyclopedia of Eastern Philosophy and Religion. holding a divining rod. Greek and Roman litera-
Boston: Shambhala, 1989. ture refers to the practice, too, specifically by the
Hall, Manly P. Reincarnation: The Cycle of Necessity name of rhabdomancy, but there is speculation as
Los Angeles: Philosophical Research Society, 1956. to whether this is dowsing in the contemporary
Kapleau, Philip. The Wheel of Life and Death: A sense. Ancient myths and legends suggest that
Practical and Spiritual Guide. New York: Double-
magical rods were used by Hermes and Aaron;
day, 1989.
however, these are often considered something
Motoyama, Hiroshi. Karma and Reincarnation.
Translated by Rande Brown Ouchi. New York: like magician's wands rather than the dowser's
Avon, 1992. forked stick or rod.
Woodward. Mary Ann. Edgar Cayce's Story of See also dowsing.
Karma: God's Book of Remembrance. New York:
Further reading
Coward, McCann & Geoghegan/Edgar Cayce
Foundation, 1971. Cayce, Hugh Lynn, ed. The Edgar Cayce Collection.
New York: Bonanza, 1986.
Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New
RETROCOGNITION Discovering York: University Books, 1966.
knowledge of past events and past-lives through Geller, Uri, and Guy Lyon Playfair. The Geller Effect.
New York: Henry Holt, 1986.
psychic means.
Roberts, Kenneth. Henry Gross and His Dowsing
Retrocognition is the opposite of precognition, Rod. Garden City. N.Y.: Doubleday, 1951.
knowing by psychic means about events that
will happen in the future. The details received RHAPSODOMANCY The use of litera-
through retrocognition can be either of a per- ture or a sacred book to forecast the future or
sonal or more general nature. provide answers to a querant's question.

This is a variation of bibliomancy, used by the Rhine studied ESP throughout his life,
ancient Romans and Greeks and also at other through carefully documented experiments. He
times throughout history. Some psychics spe- co-produced five of the shapes on the Zener
cifically refer to rhapsodomancy as a method of cards to test ESP ability that are still in use today.
divination to be performed only with works of The 25 Zener cards are similar to playing cards
poetry. Others believe that books of metaphysi- but with five unique shapes on the "picture"
cal wisdom, the translated works of Nostrada- side. Rhine and other researchers have found that
mus, the I Ching or any volume by Edgar Cayce when the subject being tested for ESP is told that
will suffice. he or she is doing well, the result is often the
With the querant or psychic's eyes closed, a same as for those who do not profess to have
book is opened at random or wherever fate or a ESP. Additionally, the fear of failure in ESP tests
spiritual force intercedes. Either a finger is run has been shown to lower scores in tests in clinical
down the page and stopped before the eyes are surroundings. Boredom causes test scores to
opened or, when the eyes are opened, they are drop; caffeine tends to increase test scores. Chil-
directed to a certain passage (a psychic force tells dren are more receptive and perceptive than
the psychic where to look). The paragraph or adults in testing.
verse is the one that answers the question at Rhine co-founded the Parapsychology Labo-
hand. ratory at Duke University with colleague Dr.
See also bibliomancy. William McDougall. Throughout his life, Rhine
studied clairvoyance, telepathy and precognition
Further reading among other psychic skills. He is best remem-
bered for his books on ESP and the psychic
Baring-Gould, Sabine. Curious Myths of the Middle
disciplines, including Extra-Sensory Perception
Ages. New York: University Books, l%7.
(1935), The Reach of the Mind {1947) and Para-
Bevan, E. Sibyls and Seers: A Survey of Some Ancient
Theories of Revelation and Inspiration. London: psychology Frontier Science of the Mind (1957).
Allen & Unwin, 1982.
Cheetham, E. The Prophecies of Nostradamus. Lon- Further reading
don: Corgi, 1981.
Cavendish, Richard, ed. Man, Myth and Magic: An
Fox, Judy; Karen Hughes; and John Tampion. An
Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Supernatural. Vol. 7.
Illuminated 1 Ching. New York: Arch, 1984.
New York: Marshal Cavendish Corporation, 1970.
Hazlitt, W. Carcw. Faiths and Folklore of the British
Halbourne, Max. Mental Telepathy and ESP Powers
Isles. 2 vols. New York: Benjamin Blom, 1965.
for the Millions. Los Angeles: Sherbourne Press,
Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super-
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
Rhine, Louisa E. ESP in Life and Lab. New York:
Collier-Macmillan, 1967.
RHINE, JOSEPH BANKS, M.D. Richet, Charles. Thirty Years of Psychical Research.
(1895-1980)American scientist, called the "fa- London: William Collins, 1923.
ther of modem parapsychology" Thouless, R. H. Experimental Psychical Research.
New York: Penguin, 1963.
The term extrasensory perception (ESP) was
Tyrrell, G. N. M. Science and Psychical Phenomena.
coined by Rhine. He told friends that when
London, 1938. Reprint. New York: University
selecting the name for telepathy, he wanted to
Books, 1961.
make it sound as normal as possible so that
the study would be accepted in the scientific
community. Perception was an established psy- ROSICRUCIANS International order de-
chology term, and Rhine hoped ESP would be voted to the pursuit of esoteric wisdom.
considered an offshoot of a branch of perception, There are two groups both commonly known as
not something occult or mystical. the Rosicrucians in the United States, and their

teachings continue to be controversial. They are normally done through a mail-order correspon-
the Rosicrucian Fellowship (headquartered in dence course called Mandamus. The courses are
Oceanside, California) and the Ancient Mystical secret, each introducing more Rosicrucian theol-
Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC) with a main ogy, and novitiates are warned never to reveal
office in San Jose, California. Both groups be- the contents of the doctrine or discuss the secret
lieve that they are the oldest secret society in the rituals and ceremonies. Bible scholars explain
Western world. According to the Rosicrucian that though Rosicrucian leaders claim that the
literature, the groups began in ancient Egypt order is not a religion, in fact the prayers, teach-
and the mystical schools of the Greeks. The ings, altars and affirmations all point to a reli-
AMORC states that Egyptian pharaoh Thutmose gious group. Officially the AMORC denies that
III established various mystery schools and may it is a spiritualist group, yet in its teachings
have been the first Rosicrucian. The society has it encourages members to contact their dearly
remained in existence through year's of deliberate departed and the spirits of the Rosicrucian
secrecy and persecution, including a period of masters.
108 year's between the time when Benjamin Both groups have a wide international appeal
Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were members through the use of exhaustive advertising. The
and 1909 when Dr. H. Spencer Lewis rejuve- ads tell consumers that through the course work
nated the organization. This period was called one can "develop . . . psychic power of at-
the "outer silence" and was a self-proclaimed traction."
time of covert activity by the group. Christian scholars believe that the esoteric cer-
The Rosicrucians believe and teach theories of emonies of the Rosicrucians lead followers into
Egyptian Hermetism, Gnosticism, Kabbalism, secret rites and rituals that have a demonic basis,
and other mystical practices. Although AMORC including possession and spirit conjuration. They
groups prefer to overlook the connection, many explain that the Rosicrucian initiation ritual has
of the ritualistic practices have been borrowed novitiates affinn "So mote it be," pointing out
from those originally embraced by Aleister that this is a standard oral oath of witchcraft
Crowley and the Ordo Templi Orient!s and the cults.
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Many historical figures have claimed to be
Some occult historians believe that the order members of the organization, including Francis
actually began in Germany after the publication Bacon, Isaac Newton, Gottfried Leibniz, Benja-
of two pamphlets, the Fama Fratemitatis and the min Franklin and Claude Debussy. It would
Confessio Rosae Crucis (dated about 1615 and seem, from the variety of notable people who
translated about 1652, they are The Fame and have been members that the movement appeals
The Confessions of the Fraternity of the Rosy to the intellect.
Cross). This material offers the account of a The symbol of the order is a rose and a cross,
fabled journey to the Far East by Christian Ro- or "Rosy Cross." Rosicrucians assert that Chris-
senkreuz. It is claimed that the order is based on tians chose the cross as an "arbitrary symbol,"
Rosenkreuz's teachings acquired on that journey. whereas the order chose the cross to symbolize
Some Rosicrucians, especially those associated the body of man, and the rose to symbolize
with AMORC, believe that Rosenkreuz was "man's soul unfolding and evolving."
merely a symbolic figure, perhaps a composite See also HERMETIC ORDER OF THE GOLDEN
of many leaders in the group. DAWN; LAM'S OF METAPHYSICS; SAINT GERMAIN,
Modern Rosicrucian beliefs are a blending of COMTF. DE.
religious tenets, paranormal and psychic interests
and alchemy. The group members attempt astral Further reading
projection, develop psychic skills including mind Ahlstrom, Sydney. A Religious History of the Ameri-
control, study dowsing and conduct chemical can People. Garden City, N.Y.: Image Books,
experiments. Training to become a member is 1975.

Larson. Bob. Larson's New Book of Cults. Wheaton, Order's first chancellor, manufactured and sold
Ul.:TyndaIe House, 1989. runic bronze rings to soldiers in World War I to
Matthews, Caitlin, and John Matthews. The Western protect them in battle. During another period of
Way London: Arkana, 1986. rune mania, Siegfried Adolf Krunner developed
Schmidt, Alvin J. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of
rune exercises, which were similar to the move-
American Institutions. London: Greenwood
ments one might find in yoga exercises, said to
Press, 1980.
reflect the symbols on the stones. There has been
a resurgence in interest in rune stones in the last
RUNE STONES Divination tool used to 10 years.
predict the future or answer a querant's Those who practice prognostication through
question. the use of runes believe that the etching or in-
Rune stones, or more commonly simply runes, scription of the symbols brings forth knowledge
derive their name from the German word raunen, from the spirits.
a secret or mystery. These stones, each marked Most sets of runes contain 25 stones or dice.
with a mystical symbol, are used in the practice A few of the sets have only 22 stones, but some
of casting OF lots, much the way dice are contain 26 and others 40. There are some newer
used to foretell the future, or they are selected sets currently on the market that have from five
randomly from the group of stones that are pre- to nine stones and are advertised as "Love
sented with symbols facedown. Runes," believed to answer questions of the
Runes were in use in Europe long before re- heart. In the traditional sets, all the dice or stones
corded history. Runic symbols were carved into are marked with historical symbols (with symbol
caves by the tribes that settled in northern Italy in and spelling variations), except one, which is
the Neolithic period (c. 8000 B.C.-2000 B.C.). blank. The symbols have been derived from the
Rock carvings by Swedish tribes date from 1300 pictographic language of early Nordic peoples
B.C. The use of runes was spread throughout the that may have been the first written alphabet
Germanic and Nordic peoples, and they were in in Europe.
regular use as a prognostic tool by A.D. 100. To divine the future using runes, it is not
One legend has it that ODIN, the Scandinavian, necessary to buy an expensive set. (Most sets
Viking and Germanic spiritual guide who com- start at about $20 and run into the hundreds of
municates with those in need of inspiration, hung dollars, depending on the types of stones on
in torturous pain in the World Tree for nine days which the letters are carved.) A set of runes can
and nights. (The World Tree is said to connect be made by selecting small stones with flat sides,
the upper and lower worlds and to provide all such as those found at the beach or at a river's
knowledge. It is comparable to the Tree of Life edge, and marking them with the proper symbols
in the Kabbalah.) This sacrifice, along with that or letters.
of one of Odin's eyes, was said to be worth the Some who use the runes use layouts similar
price—knowledge of the runes. Another tale says to the tarot spreads; others have devised their
that the knowledge of the runes was closely own specific methods. There are four common
guarded by the masters, who may have been the methods for reading runes. All begin by placing
Druids and other Celtic tribes. The last lived in all the stones facedown, with the letters toward
Iceland in the 17th century. the table or a cloth. The stones are then shuffled
In the 1900s, European mystics and occultists or moved around. Stones are read exactly as they
became increasingly interested in these tools. are drawn, as there is a change in the message if
Germanic groups, including the secret chiefs ol the stone is drawn upside down.
the Germanen Order, a runic society established In the first method, 13 stones are selected and
in 1912, believed that the runes indicated Teu- placed in a circle, like a clock face, starting in
tonic and racial superiority of this German the nine o'clock position. The 13th stone drawn
group. Herman Pohl Magdeburg, the Germanen is placed in the center.


Each position on this "clock" of stones has much like one reads the astrological forecast in
a meaning. the newspaper.
The following are the contemporary and most
1. Personality, character
routinely accepted meanings to the symbols
2. Prosperity, material concerns
found on the runes. The key words come imme-
3. Family
diately after the name, with the message of the
4. Home
rune following. Sometimes the spelling of the
5. Self-expression
rune letters varies. For example, in some refer-
6. Health, stamina, the care of the world
ence manuals Gyfu is spelled Gifu and Pearth is
7. Love, marriage, relationship
spelled Peord. Although the spellings and some-
8. Heritage
times the pictographs differ slightly, the mean-
9. Education
ings are the same. The "R" next to the
10. Career, rank
description indicates that the rune was selected
11. Pleasure, companions in the reverse position.
12. Intuition, psychic knowledge
13. The questioner
Feoh (Property, wealth, fulfillment, personal
Using a second method, three stones are se- growth. R loss.) This is the rune of fulfillment.
lected. The first represents the past, the second Success in love, business and personal achieve-
indicates the present and the third is the future. ments can be obtained. The rune provides the
All the symbols are then combined to provide a promise of satisfaction and fruition in endeavors.
complete message regarding the querant's The querant must not simply accept these riches
question. but reflect on the cycle of profit and loss.
A third method is called the Three Lifetimes One must understand that true wealth often has
spread. Stones are selected and placed in a dia- little to do with possessions and money. This
mond shape, with one stone in the center. The rune also instructs the querant to share his or
first stone selected is placed in the right point of her wealth and the wisdom that wealth may
the diamond. It reflects the birth and childhood bring.
conditions of the querant. The second is placed In the reversed position, the rune advises the
in the center of the diamond and deals with the querant to look within for the reason that this
present conditions. The third, set at the left point loss has happened. It instructs to look for ways
of the diamond, predicts possibilities for the to personally nourish the body and soul.
future. The fourth stone is placed at the point Ur (Strength, stamina, masculinity. R weak-
closest to the querant and reveals past incarna- ness.) This rune speaks of termination, endings,
tions. The fifth stone is placed at the top point of finalization and, ultimately, new beginnings. It
the diamond and tells about future incarnations. is a time of growth and change, although some
A fourth method of predicting the future uses change is disquieting, and self-change is often
only one stone. Here the querant asks for counsel the hardest to understand. The stone tells the
or an answer to a question. He or she selects one querant to prepare for a period of transformation
rune from the bag of runes or takes one from because this rune provides an opportunity for
the shuffled pile. Again all symbols are face- evolution and new strength.
down. The stone is then read to provide In the reversed position, it says that the quer-
guidance. ant is refusing to accept the change that is immi-
The stones in all methods should be selected nent. It is a warning that the minor failures
by the querant. He or she may want to concen- and disappointment, unless contemplated, will
trate on the question for which answers are being become more frequent. It calls for serious
sought. It is advisable not to read the runes more thought concerning the relationship one has
than once a week, and many psychics advise not with oneself.
more than once every six months. However, Thorn (Protection. R jealousy, incorrect deci-
some people choose to read one rune a day, sions.) This rune brings a message of protection.


r h t- l»

fe K X ^

H H. I


Y t M M

h * H*

There is still much knowledge to be sought and to the querant of the possibility for new relation-
work to be accomplished. This may be in a ships and an awareness of light and happiness
personal way, with a relationship or with a ca- in life.
reer. The Thorn is a symbol of protection while In the reversed position, it tells the querant to
the journey continues. It tells of strength and expect a period of darkness, a lack of insight and
understanding. Sometimes strength is found in a change or the death of a partnership or a goal.
adversity; sometimes understanding is discovered This rune in the reversed position brings a won-
in deprivation. derful message: Be aware and ready for a change;
In the reversed position, this rune advises with change there are always new opportunities.
that one must be careful as a growth process is Gyfu (Gift, opportunities, openings.) This is
about to begin. The rune says that wonderful the rune of partnership; however, there is a
lessons can be learned in a difficult period. The warning that one should not become too in-
querant should not make any hasty decisions volved in the union and neglect oneself. This
when this rune is drawn. This is not the time to union may be personal, business related or a new
allow temptation to overrule thoughtful consid- partnership with one's metaphysical understand-
eration. ing. The union will require work; nothing is free.
Os (Mastery. R problems with those in There is no reverse to this rune.
charge.) The querant will receive messages or a Wyn (Joy, love, luck, happiness. R unstable
gift of great worth. The gift can also be a warn- emotions, depression, self-doubt.) This rune tells
ing, telling that an event or situation must be the querant to rejoice. The time of disorder and
avoided. This rune brings the message to explore trouble are nearly at the end, and the message is
one's spirituals roots and study the foundations that love, luck, joy and happiness are forthcom-
of the universe. ing. This rune explains that the time of trouble
In the reverse position, this rune says that a has been important in the querant's evolution
breakdown in communication is actually a mes- because strength, insight and patience are now a
sage to become alert and consider alternative part of his or her being.
pathways. This rune cautions one to become The reverse of this rune tells that one should
aware and careful, while being more creative in expect a time of slowing, a time to contemplate
all dealings. before action and a time to deliberate.
Rad (Movement, change, transformations. R Hagal (Sudden changes, good and bad. R
problems with changes.) This is the rune of detainment, disaster.) This is the rune of freedom
change, journeys, motion and a time to recognize and liberation, all through sudden change. A
the consequences of a change. Sometimes that querant who draws this rune is asking for advice
journey must be undertaken alone, and a journey on moving forward or receiving a message that
does not always speak of physical travel but may that movement is imminent.
be a spiritual trip. The rune tells the querant to This is the rune of disruption and only has
consider inner worth, to ask for guidance and one position. Even in disruption, one must con-
be patient, to keep a watchful eye on excess. sider the lessons at hand. Each creates his or her
Obstacles will dissolve. own challenges and opportunities, and with each
In the reversed position, the rune says to pay change comes growth. This rune says that the
close attention to relationships. This may be a universe is demanding that the querant experi-
time of argument and disorder. The rune says to ence growth.
use humor to defuse anger in oneself and others. Nyd (Needs, continuance of self. R tension,
Ken (Warmth, love, clarity. R lack of direc- stress, anxiety.) This rune tells the querant to
tion, love.) This rune presents enormous possi- understand the ramifications of need; need is a
bilities for renewed clarity in one's life. It tells great lesson in life. Drawing this rune indicates
of moving from the darkness (of frustration, that one is ready to understand that hard times,
anger, loneliness) into joy and reunion, h speaks frustrations and setbacks are actually great teach-


ers in life. These are the master forces to allow Sygel (Forces of life, healing, success, overin-
one to become strong. dulgence of success, fame.) This is the rune for
In the reversed position, this rune brings a wholeness. The querant has reached a goal of
message of initiation. After collapse, there is a fulfillment and personal understanding in his or
time to rebuild. The lesson learned from destruc- her quest. The message is to become comfortable
tion is to strengthen the foundation of self. The with self and embrace oneself for the lessons
message also tells to contain anger and impulses. learned.
Take time to appreciate an even disposition and This rune also speaks of caution. While the
modesty. feeling is "I've made it," success is too soon
Is (Obstacles, stagnation, delays, fear, hope- forgotten if one isn't successful in a spiritual
lessness.) This is the rune of obstacles, a time to sense. This is not the time to retreat, however,
reflect on these holdups and look toward the but perhaps learn to let go, to heal old wounds,
stagnation as a lesson in patience. Patience is the and honor the forces of the universe.
key, for drawing this rune indicates that there Peorth (Mystical knowledge. R fear of the
is a period of gestation that the querant must unknown.) The message of this rune to the quer-
experience. After the birth (of a new idea, philos- ant is that he or she will begin a quest for
ophy, understanding), there will be growth. knowledge of the self and the universe. It will at
As with other runes, this stone has no reversed times be difficult, but the rune comes as a power-
position. Thus the rune tells the querant not ful talisman saying that the querant has the abili-
simply to rely on others or rely on hope but to ties to succeed. There may be some sacrifice, a
take action and take control. Honor the isolation giving away of possessions, but a cleansing will
and fear, move with the feelings and then move be accomplished too. There will be surprises
forward into the light of renewal and rebirth. ahead, and yet through all, one will feel satisfied,
Ger (Completion of a sequence, renewal.) joyful and awakened.
This rune tells the querant that there will be In the reversed position, this rune tells to
good news ahead. It is a time for celebration and expect an end to the old ways. Its message is to
renewal. However, this joy will only come after focus on the journey, not the journey's end. See
a period of rest and patience. By drawing this the choices in every new avenue taken; consider
rune, the querant knows the benefits of diligence them wisely for each has possibilities.
and he or she must continue with persistence, Eolhs (Artistic talents or aptitude, pleasure.
ever knowing that the outcome will be joyful. R fear or absence of these.) This rune tells the
Do not try to push or pull for finality. It will querant to control his or her emotions, accept
come. Look within to study the changes. Honor creativity and pleasure and follow through with
the path that has been stony at times and see the analytical actions. New opportunities and chal-
progress made. lenges are forthcoming. The rune counsels to
Eoh (Flexibility, cunning, shrewdness, retrac- guard against inappropriate behavior. The rune
tion.) In times of self-examination or personal is the symbol of the spiritual warrior, and there
tests, this rune often appears in a spread. It tells may be a contradiction in one's feelings as one
the querant to accept the obstacle, to become approaches each new challenge.
more flexible and cunning. It is a time for creativ- In the reversed position, this rune tells the
ity and invention. The message is to organize querant to be gentle and careful. There may be
one's personal and professional business. Move a fear- or even the absence of fear with change.
on from clutter into clarity. It is a time of pa- Care should be given to personal health and the
tience and work. health ol relationships.
This rune examines the balance when new Tir (Potency, bravery, romance. R loss of
changes have been accepted. It assures the quer- these.) This rune tells the querant the universe
ant that even in periods of inconvenience and will provide, money is on its way, lunding will
hardship, he or she will survive and prosper. be accomplished. The rune cautions that with


money comes responsibility and new challenges. clearly see relationships, changes and personal
There is romance in the making too, perhaps the theories for what they are, not what we wish
long-awaited love the querant has been waiting they would be. This is a powerful rune and tells
to meet. the querant that now is also the period to assert
In the reversed position, this rune warns that his or her power, especially in a business or
hasty actions or thoughtless acts will impede creative project. Be modest but wise, and share
progress. Examining motives, actions and the that knowledge with others.
results of actions is the only way to avoid a In the reversed position, the rune tells the
breakdown in effectiveness. Find the answer to querant not to allow others to decide the future.
all questions within. It is a time to look within and examine one's
Beorc (Fertility, abundance, continuance, be- own motives. This rune acknowledges that there
ginnings. R delay, sickness, barrenness.) This is a blockage of progress, but it says to reflect
is the rune of abundance, good omens, new and perhaps take another direction to accomplish
beginnings. The rune celebrates success, a blos- the same goal.
soming and ripening of ideas and concepts. It Lagu (Intuition, clairvoyance, change, fertil-
calls for gentle, loving actions, not power or ity. R fear, avoidance.) This is the rune of intu-
strength. There may be a small amount of oppo- ition, mystical knowing, change in philosophy
sition, but through love, it will disappear and and creativity. It is a powerful rune, and one
the querant can move ahead. The rune tells the who draws this stone should be aware that a time
querant to be patient, modest, loving and under- to learn about the unseen has arrived. There is
standing. no fear in this rune, however, for the universe
In the reversed position, the rune advises that cares for each spirit, and the journey will be
this period of frustration and dismay are a lesson. blessed and exciting.
With this time of delay, consider carefully the In the reversed position, it tells the querant to
options at hand, look toward illness as a time to examine what he or she is avoiding. Often we
reflect on wholeness and honor barrenness for avoid what we must learn; often we fear the
helping to present windows of opportunity. unknown. This rune tells the querant to honor
Eow (Travel, animals, theories. R problems the unknown and learn from fear.
with these.) This is the rune of transition, move- Ing (Fertility, solution, rebirth. R illness, con-
ment, shifts in position and residence. It tells the straint.) This rune tells the querant that the solu-
querant that now is the time to move, to change tion to a problem, the end of a challenge and the
attitudes, residences, jobs, philosophies. Travel joy of knowledge are at hand. It is a time of
and animals are involved in the message of this creativity and rebirth of self, a time to look
rune, perhaps only with a deepening appreciation within and be joyful of what one can share.
of nature. When this rune appears in a spread, it In the reversed position, this rune explains
means one should examine his or her motives, that the querant may be entering a period of
reflect on ethics and prepare to move forward limitation. It is a time to examine the meaning
with a pure heart. of existence, of work, of relationships. There
When this rune is drawn in the reversed posi- may be a period of illness. Fook at these impedi-
tion, it tells the querant to take heed. Movement ments as lessons. Map a direction to walk toward
is blocked, and perhaps that is a positive message success, health and happiness.
to examine what one is getting into before action Daeg (Clarity, success, realization of quali-
happens. Sometimes doing nothing is actually ties.) This rune marks a major success in the
the best course of action, but this is only realized querant's life. It is a gift from the universe to tell
through examination and analysis. the querant that he or she is traveling on the
Man (Authority, professionals. R problems right pathway. There will be continued clarity of
with these.) This rune tells the querant to accept purpose and the feeling that everything is right.
the clarity he or she is experiencing. It is time to This may be a transition period too, when clarity


brings disappointment, but the rune says that amplification of the messages found on adjacent
one must move ahead if one is to succeed. runes. For example, if there is a blank rune next
This rune also tells that after a period of to the rune Ethel, it may mean that one will
darkness, physically, mentally or spiritually, light receive an abundant gift or be overwhelmed with
is forthcoming. A major achievement is about to assistance. Depending on the circumstances and
be realized. The rune tells the querant to con- the other runes, this may or may not be a time
tinue to be thoughtful, humble and loving. Suc- to celebrate.
cess often turns quickly to disappointment, The blank rune also tells the querant that he
unless one is successful on one's spiritual or she is in charge of destiny. Study the other
journey. runes and move forward with a focus on spiri-
Ethel (Gifts, assistance. R problems with tual knowledge.
these areas.) This the rune of gifts, help, aid and
acknowledgment. Drawing this rune tells the
querant that he or she will be given something
of great value. Often knowledge is of greater
value than money. In difficult times, this rune
Further reading
tells the querant that aid and love will be arriving.
In the reversed position, this rune says that Blum, Ralph. The Book of Runes. New York: St.
one should consider his or her movement care- Martin's, 1982.
fully. Do not be selfish; consider relationships Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
and the relationship to humankind before mov-
Tyson, Donald. Rune Magic. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewel-
ing forward. There may be a problem with
lyn, 1989.
money, or someone may offer help but then Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown.
back away. See this a lesson to become more Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
self-reliant. Walker, Barbara G. The Woman's Encyclopedia of
The Blank Rune (Fate, hidden messages or Myths and Secrets. New York: Harper Collins,
agendas.) The message of the blank rune is an 1983.



SACRED PATH WHEEL Method for in- The Sacred Path Wheel is a guide for spiritual
terpreting one's life lesson. growth and knowledge. It combines the arts and
philosophies of Native American teachings, soul-
The Sacred Path Wheel system was channeled mind connection, archetypal numerology,
and formulated through exhaustive study of an- Kabbalah, astrology, colorology, angelology,
cient metaphysics by Katherine Torres, Msc.D., symbology, herbology and other mystical
Ph.D., a leading tarot card reader and psychic. schools, including the tarot. These are organized
It is one of the newest prognostication and occult and blended in a circular chart, divided into 12
methods to assist in better knowing oneself. parts or spokes of the wheel. Each spoke is
While it is very up to date, it combines ancient believed to represent an alignment with the
beliefs including those of the Kabbalah, tarot and whole self. It is through study and meditation
Tibetan numerology. that psychics can relate the life lesson informa-
Dr. Torres explains that the information on tion that combines these aits to assist on the
the Sacred Path Wheel was provided to her from journey on this earth plane.
the spirit world, as a gift from the guardian According to Torres, the wheel represents the
angels. elements of power that walk with each individual
The life lesson is the reason why, according as he or she aligns the soul. When these elements
to metaphysical scholars and those who believe are in balance, one becomes aware of inner power
in reincarnation and karma, we have incarnated and begins to walk in love, strength, integrity
into this specific physical plane. For example, and creativity.
one life lesson may be to balance. This can be The Secret Path Wheel reveals that the soul is
accomplished through the harmony of family, connected to the elements of the universe (fire,
work and love of self. Thus, if one is not follow- water, air and earth) that arc manifest in the
ing this life lesson of balance, he or she would forms of guardians, animals, plants and minerals.
feel out of control in areas of family, work and These elements provide individuals with the en-
self. To look at this in another way, if one is to ergies of intuition, instinct, growth and stability
learn patience as a life lesson, he or she might in order to pursue their journey in the physical
incarnate as a strong-willed Scorpio. If one is world.
to learn forgiveness, one might incarnate as a See also ASTROLOGY; CHANNEL; KARMA;
disabled individual. TAKOT.

Further reading
Hirschfelder, Arlene, and Paulette Molin. The Ency-
clopedia of Native American Religions. New York:
Facts On File, 1992.
Paper, Jordan. Offering Smoke: The Sacred Pipe and
Native American Religion. Moscow: University of
Idaho Press, 1988.
Torres, Katherine. The Sacred Path Wheel, Carlsbad.
Calif.: Two Feathers Soaring Lightly, 1991.
Underbill, Ruth M. Red Man's Religion: Beliefs and This ancient symbol represen ts the astrological sign
Practices of the Indians North of Mexico. Chicago: of Sagittarius.
University of Chicago Press, 1965.

hungry for knowledge. They also are filled with

wanderlust—it is excitement that keeps them go-
SAGITTARIUS One of the 12 astrological
ing, whether it's a trip to Paris, France, or Paris,
signs of the zodiac. The symbol is the archer.
Texas. They don't just love travel, they lust after
Those who are born between November 22 and it. Planning a challenging adventure gets their
December 21 are natives of the sign of Sagittarius blood pumping with pleasure and passion.
and have specific traits indicative of the time and Where there's fun, you'll usually find a Sagitta-
date on which they were born. Divination of rius native leading the laughter.
events can also be charted through this astrologi- Sagittarius natives are considered to be the
cal sign. most likable people of all. They are honest to a
Astrologers divine what is in store throughout fault, and if you're looking for a candid opinion,
life through the time, date and place in which come to this man or woman. However, be
the individual was born as they coordinate the warned: What you'll get is forthright, straight
influences with other signs, the planets, the Sun, talk. If you want a more compassionate or gentle
the Moon and other powers. opinion, ask someone born under another sun
In traditional Western astrology, Sagittarius is sign. This attribute can get Sagittarius natives in
the ninth sign of the zodiac. Those born during hot water ;their feet can get stuck in their mouths
the period typically exhibit qualities that exem- through their zeal to be honest. Those who ap-
plify a fun-loving, enthusiastic nature. preciate honesty know that Sagittarius expects
Those born during this period are said to be frankness right back.
perfect friends, always ready to join into any Their sense of humor is renowned. They can
activity. They are team players and are vivacious tell a story that will have an audience in tears
and adventurous. They love new ideas, concepts, from laughter or melancholy, and they need to
clothes and material possessions and air always be in the spotlight. This showmanship sometimes
makes them too independent. They don't want
to be tied down or roped into anything. Thus,
romantic relationships have to have a great deal
of breathing room to keep Sagittarius happy
and satisfied.
TAG While traditional astrologers use books to cal-
TAF culate a personal birth chart based on the position
of the Sun, Moon and planets at a distinct time,
computer software has replaced most of this
time-consuming work. The correct term for cal-
culating a birth chart is to "cast" it . In order to
SAGITTARIUS fully comprehend the extent of traits, potential

and attributes, the exact time and place of birth MacKenzie, Norman. Secret Societies. New York:
must be known and interpreted. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1967.
See also ASTROLOGICAL SYMBOLS; astrology. Matthews, Caitlin, and John Matthews. The Western
Way London: Arkana, 1986.
Further reading Secrets of the Alchemists. Mysteries of the Unknown.
Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
Cosmic Connections. Mysteries of the Unknown. Al-
exandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
Goodman, Linda. Linda Goodman's Sun Signs. New
York: Fawcett/Columbinc, 1978. SCAPULOMANCY Divination by inter-
Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your preting the cracks in the shoulder bone of an ani-
Own Future. London: Quintet Publishing and Ran- mal, typically a sheep.
dom House, 1992.
Scapulomancy is believed to have been the most
Omarr, Sydney. My World of Astrology New York:
Fleet, 1965. widely used prognostication method of ancient
. Sagittarius. New York: New American Li- times. The practice involved roasting a shoulder
brary, 1992. bone from an animal, often a sacrificial animal.
Verlagsanstalt, Datura. Sagittarius Astro Analysis. When the bone was completely dry, the cracks,
New York: Grossett & Dunlap, 1976. caused by the heat of the roasting process, were
Woolfork, Joanna Martine. The Only Astrology Book deciphered by a psychic.
You'll Ever Need. Landham, Mass.: Scarborough, The Chinese began using scapulomancy more
1992. than 5,000 years ago, perhaps beginning when
the charred remains of sacrificial animals were
SAINT GERMAIN, COMTE DE inspected to ensure that they would meet with
{1710-1780) Rosicrucian master. the approval of the gods. The Romans also used
Saint Germain was a charismatic religious and the practice, as did the Druids, who are said to
occult leader and extremely well-educated for his have preferred to use the shoulder blade of a pig.
time. He claimed to be immortal. Among his The bones of other animals have been used in
other claims was that he was the son of Prince similar divination processes. For example, the
Rakoszy of Transylvania. He became a favorite native tribes in Labrador are Said to have used
at many European courts. He took on such caribou, and in Japan, around 2,000 years ago, a
glamorous titles as Marquis de Montferrat, Che- deer's shoulder bone was prescribed for the
valier Schoening and Comte Bel lama rre. He de- process.
lighted aristocrats with stories that he had A variation of scapulomancy is CEPHALO-
received Moses' magical wand and that he had MANCY, which requires a methodical boiling of
obtained his wealth by turning base metals into the head of a sheep, goat or donkey. In 13th-
gold (a process known as the philosophers' stone century Europe, a variation known as OINO-
and accomplished through various rituals of al- MANCY was developed, in which an animal skull
chemy). was boiled in wine rather than water.
Metaphysical historians point out that while See also mantic objects.
Saint Germain's claims may have been extrava-
gant, he was one of the most influential occult
writers of his time. He is best remembered for Further reading
his book The Most Holy Trinosophia.
Bary, William Theodore de, ed. Sources of Chinese
See also rosicrucians. Traditions. New York: Columbia University
Press, 1960.
Further reading
Carr-Gomm, Philip. The Elements of the Druid Tradi-
Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso- tion. Dorset, England: Element Books, 1991.
teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press, Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
1992. New York: Prentice-Flail, 1992.


SCATOMANCY Divination by interpre- Mind over Matter. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alex-
ting the patterns in one's own feces. andria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
Richet, Charles. Thirty Years of Psychical Research.
Also known as copromancy, from the Greek
London: William Collins Publishers, 1923.
word kopros, meaning feces, scatomancy is no
Thouless, R. H. Experimental Psychical Research.
longer practiced and the premise is lost in time. New York: Penguin, 1963.
Some believe that feces were "read" as one would
interpret tea leaves in tasseography or smoke
SCIOMANCY Divination by the size and
in capnomancy.
shape of a shadow.
A modification of scatomancy is uromancy,
In sciomancy, most likely used by early tribal
once practiced by the ancient Greeks, in which
peoples, and continuing with the Persians and
one would gaze into urine to see visions or divine
Greeks, shadows were interpreted by tribal lead-
the future. This is actually a variation of scrying.
ers and psychics. In ancient Greece the shadows
See also scrying; tasseography.
used were those of corpses. Exactly how the
Further reading future was determined with a shadow has now
been lost in time.
Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
It is interesting to note that there is still con-
pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
ford Press, 1986. siderable superstition regarding shadows. In a
Logan, Jo, and Lindsey Hodson. The Prediction Book book called Yorkshire Customs (c. 1898), older
of Divination. Dorset, England: Blandford Press, folks are recommended to look around a room
1984. before going to bed. If there is a shadowless head
Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling. thrown on the wall from the light of the fire, it
New York: Prentice-Hal I, 1992. means that the one who has cast the shadow will
Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super- die before the new year. It is still a Hebrew
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. custom that the absence of a shadow altogether
or a headless shadow on the night of Rosh Ha-
SCHNEIDER BROTHERS Willy {1903- shanah (Jewish New Year) is an omen of ill luck.
1971) and Rudi (1908-1957), Austrian me- It is said to foretell death in the course of the
diums. coming year-.
While other psychics have been criticized as
fakes, the Schneider brothers are considered to Lurther reading
have been genuine. They succeeded in testing Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
positive through rigorous trials by the British pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
Society for Psychical Research in London and ford Press, 1986.
were carefully investigated by a number of psy- Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
chical researchers, including Harry Price and New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
Baron Schrenck-Notzing. Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super-
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
In addition to proving their psychic gifts in
the research lab, the Schneider brothers are best
remembered for being capable of producing an -SCOPY To view, see or obser\>e.
invisible substance that was said to be able to This suffix added to a term indicates that one
absorb infrared rays and set off camera flash- uses the method to view, see or observe. This is
bulbs. a common addition to many mantic arts. In
ceraunoscopy, for example, predictions were
Further reading made by observing the patterns of lightning dur-
Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso- ing thunderstorms.
teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press, The suffix -scopy is from the Greek -skopia
1992. and skopein, meaning to look into, to behold.

-SCOPY • 231
SCORPIO One of the 12 astrological signs
of the zodiac. The symbol is the scorpion.
Those who are born between October 23 and
November 22 are natives of the sign of Scorpio
and have specific traits indicative of the time and
date on which they were born. Divination of
events can also be charted through this astrologi-
cal sign.
Astrologers divine what is in store throughout
life through the time, date and place in which
the individual was born as they coordinate the
This ancient symbol represents the astrological sign
influences with other signs, the planets, the Sun,
of Scorpio.
the Moon and other powers.
In traditional Western astrology, Scorpio is
the eighth sign of the zodiac. Those born during
the period typically exhibit qualities that exem- and emotional sign, but the scorpion is, nonethe-
plify a passionate, persistent, imaginative nature. less. Those emotions are hidden sometimes, ap-
A native of this sign is quickwitted, highly pearing to produce a person who is jealous or
confident and bold. These are people who have shifty, but deep within the Scorpio mind is a
no problem with self-esteem; they exude it. touchy-feely individual who wants to give and
Those who know little about astrology like to receive love. Misunderstood? Scorpio reveals
typecast Scorpio as the sexual giant of the zodiac. him- or herself when the time is right . . . right
However, though Scorpio is the ultimate pas- for Scorpio, that is.
sionate individual, that passion is sometimes While traditional astrologers use books to cal-
channeled into humanistic causes, into the arts, culate a personal birth chart based on the position
into business and government. Scorpios have an of the Sun, Moon and planets at a distinct time,
intense passion for life that others may envy. computer software has replaced most of this
Scorpio, as with other signs, has two sides. time-consuming work. The correct term for cal-
He or she may be so hotheaded, so unyielding, culating a birth chart is to "cast" it. In order to
so recalcitrant that friends, family and co-work- fully comprehend the extent of traits, potential
ers shake their heads in dismay. However, put and attributes, the exact time and place of birth
this same dynamic energy into a task and it is must be known and interpreted.
completed in a blaze of glory for all involved. See also ASTROLOGICAL SYMBOLS; astrology.
Yes, Scorpio will be the leader, but he or she
Further reading
leads well, and shares the spotlight, too.
Scorpio is not often thought of as a sensitive Cosmic Connections. Mysteries of the Unknown. Al-
exandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
Goodman, Linda. Linda Goodman's Sun Signs. New
York: Fawcett/Columbine, 1978.
rCOKPIW Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your
Own Future. London: Quintet Publishing and Ran-
dom House, 1992.
Omarr, Sydney. My World of Astrology New York:
Fleet, 1965.
. Scorpio. New York: New American Library,
Veriagsanstalt, Datura. Scorpio Astro Analysis. New
York: Grossett & Dunlap, 1976.
SCORPIO Woolfork, Joanna Marline. The Only Astrology Book

You'll Ever Need. Landham, Mass.: Scarborough. Dr. John Dee, adviser to Queen Elizabeth 1
1992. of England, used a scrying method to assist her
majesty. Some believe it was a black mirror of
SCRYING Divination by meditation with, obsidian. Others say Dee also used a crystal ball.
staring at or interpreting the play of light on a Dee called the instrument a "shew-stone," and,
shiny object or surface. along with other metaphysical objects and tools,
Also, but less commonly, spelled skrying, this his is housed in the British Museum. Scrying
mantic art may be one of the oldest forms of mirrors appear in many paintings of Rembrandt's
divination. This ancient practice was developed and Leonardo da Vinci's. Nostradamus, the great
about or before 1000 B.C. as a means of foretell- psychic, is said to have used a bowl of water
ing the future or forthcoming events. placed on a brass tripod.
With all applications of scrying, psychics stare To practice scrying without the assistance of
into a shiny surface, sometimes a crystal ball, a professional psychic, one needs only a mirror,
sometimes a natural crystal or even a surface a crystal, a bowl of water or any other shiny
such as a bowl of water on which a film of oil surface. After a period of quiet meditation, ques-
has been poured. It is the psychic who translates tions are asked (either out loud or silently) with
the vision that appears. Typically, the querant the shiny surface stationed in front of the quer-
cannot see the vision. The vision or message is ant. The answers are clairvoyantly perceived.
then translated to answer the querant's question. Some psychics perceive past-life information, see
Meditation should occur before the shiny ob- auras and are able to speak to the souls of the
ject is studied. Consultation is usually done in a deceased through this gazing technique. Students
darkened room with a light source bouncing off of scrying may use the surface to see visions of
the surface. Initially, the surface may appear clear their spirit guides or as a medium through which
and flat or simply reflect the available light, but their spirit guides speak to them. Those who
as the psychic stares at the ball, it may become are learning how to become more clairvoyant
misty or foggy. sometimes are encouraged to use mirrors for
In ancient times polished surfaces were used practice in connecting with the spirit realm,
to foretell the future. This practice is called ca- particularly mirrors painted black on the raised
toptromancy. In catoptromancy, the psychic side.
does not look directly at his or her image; the See also CATOPTROMANCY; ENOPTROMANCY;
mirror is tilted to catch a light source and the HYDROMANCY; LECONOMANCY.
patterns the light provides. Long before mirrors
as we know them were invented, the Persians or Further reading
perhaps the Chinese used this method of divining Butler, W. E. How to Develop Clairvoyance. 2d ed.
the future. The Greeks used polished plates made New York: Samuel Weiser, 1979.
of bronze. Hebrew Kabbalists used a system that Dixon, Jeane, and Rene Noorbergen. Jeane Dixon:
required seven highly polished mirrors made of My Life and Prophecies. New York: Moitow, 1969.
a range of metals. More so, depending on the Encyclopedia of Religion. New York: Macmillian,
day of the week and the season, a specific pol- 1987,
ished metal surface was used. Fonibrune, Jean-Charles de. Nostradamus: Count-
down to Apocalypse. New York: Holt, Rinehart &
The Thessalonians and Pythagorans scryed by
Winston, 1980.
moonlight. Some Bible scholars suggest that Jo-
King, Frances, and Stephen Skinner. Techniques of
seph was using scrying to interpret the pharaoh's
High Magic. Rochester, Vt.: Destiny Books, 1991.
dreams with the silver cup fdled with liquid MagickalAlmanac. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1989,
referred to in Genesis 44:15. When glass mirrors Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown.
were developed in Venice, Italy, about 1200, they Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
were quickly selected as the best instrument to Walker, Dael. The Crystal Book. Sunol, Calif.: Crystal
forecast the future. Col, 1983.

SEANCE A serious meeting of individuals During the mid-1800s to the early 1900s, spiri-
interested in psychic occurrences at which a psy- tualism and the study of metaphysics were begin-
chic calls forth spiritual energies. ning to blossom. It was also a period plagued
with frauds and schemes involving parapsychol-
Seances typically involve from 3 to 10 partici- ogy. Often those who had recently lost a family
pants. Usually, the psychic who is leading the member paid handsomely to talk with the dearly
seance will proceed into a trance or a conscious departed. The "spiritualist" or "psychic" tricked
level where he or she is able to communicate the innocent out of money, bilking the unsus-
with a spirit, guardian angel or other entity. pecting with a host of deceptions. As the process
The psychic may communicate silently with this of holding seances evolved, the practice of hold-
spiritual entity or use his or her body as a channel ing hands became popular in order to keep the
for information. In the case of channeled infor- psychic from performing any sleight-of-hand
mation, often the psychic does not remember mischief. The psychic might also have his or hex-
what has occurred while the body has been taken hands and legs tied to the chair to avoid the
over by an entity. possibility of a hoax.
In some seances, participants will sit in a circle Today, the word seance has been replaced
and hold hands, although this is not necessary. with phrases such as spiritual gathering, spiritual
Most psychics who are involved in seances insist evening, circle of friends and other terminology
that those in attendance must take the same chair- indicating that a spiritual experience will be
week after week. forthcoming.
There is often a prayer given or a period of See also CHANNEL; CLAIRVOYANCE; GUIDE;
meditation before the meeting begins and some- PSYCHIC.
times another such period at the end of the
session. Typically, no one can leave the room Further reading
during the seance because that would disrupt the Brown, Slater. The Heyday of Spiritualism. New
spiritual communication. York: Hawthorn, 1970.
Sometimes there is a religious lesson or knowl- Fielding, Everard. Sitting with Eusapia Palladino. New
edge that comes forth from the ethereal world to York: University Books, 1963.
those in attendance, but this is not always the Hall, Manley P. Solving Psychic Problems. Los
case. Meetings usually last from one to three Angeles: Philosophical Research, 1956.
hours and are held on a regular basis in a place Leonard, John C. The Higher Spiritualism. Washing-
where those in attendance feel comfortable. Psy- ton, D.C.: Philosophical Book Co., 1927.
chics point out that there must be harmony be- Shennan, Harold. You Can Communicate with the
Unseen World. New York: Fawcett, 1974.
tween those who are sitters (participants) at the
seance. Some sitters are thought to be used much
like batteries; their energy is used by the spirits SECOND SIGHT Psychic abilities.
called forth to the seance. Second sight is an old-fashioned term for receiv-
Psychics and sitters often report feeling the ing knowledge without the use of reason. Second
touch of an entity against their arms or cheeks. sight refers to the fact that those with psychic
For many this proves that the spirits are present gifts can see visions or "know" information that
in the room with the participants. These are will occur in the future or has happened in the
called seance hands. Seance lights are small, past without the use of their eyes. It is the same
glowing circles of light that have been known to as the psychic gifts of clairvoyance, telepathy
visit seances occurring in a darkened room. These and ESP, among others.
are said to be entities who wish to attend the Those famous for this gift include Madame
seance. Some of them are the guides or guardians Blavatsky, Edgar Caycc and JZ Knight.
of those in attendance; others may be disincar- See also CLAIRVOYANCE; extra sensory per-
nate spirits. ception (ESP); TELEPATHY.

234 • ShANCF
Further reading Other celestial occurrences have historically
been used as predictive tools. The Roman histo-
Buckland, Raymond. Doors to Other Worlds. St. Paul,
Minn.: Llewellyn, 1993. rian Cornelius Tacitus (A.D. 55?—117?) wrote
Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New that "a comet blazed—a phenomenon which,
York: University Books, 1966. according to the persuasion of the vulgar [plebe-
Psychics. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexandria, Va.: ian], portended change of kingdoms." He was
Time Life Books, 1990. not alone. In A.D. 727, Bede wrote in De Natura
Rerurn that comets are "long-haired stars with
flames, appearing suddenly, and presaging a
SELENOMANCY Divination by studying change in sovereignty, or plague, or war, or
celestial conditions, especially the phases of the winds, or floods."
Moon. The heavens were constantly watched for
Selenomancy is a variation of alectromancy, fore- signs, and during ancient Roman times, govern-
casting the future through atmospheric or celes- ment-sponsored augurs interpreted any unique
tial conditions. Used in ancient Egypt, this or controversial occurrence. In 1583, Henry
mantic art might be employed by a psychic to Howard wrote in Poyson of Supposed Prophecies
foretell what the future might hold for a noble that the appearance of a comet streaking across
person at his or her birth. It was also used to the night sky so upset Elizabeth 1 of England
prognosticate the downfall of an enemy after an that she believed her empire was about to be
eclipse of the Moon. overthrown. He wrote, "With a courage aunsw-
In Pliny's Natural History (c. A.D. 77), he erable to the greatnesse of her [Queen Elizabeth]
stated that the Moon was the all-important force state, shee caused the windowe to be sette open,
in life; thus it made sense that psychics would and cast out thys word lacta est alia. The dyce
use it to prognosticate the future. Pliny said, are throwne, affirming that her stedfast hope
"This it is that replenishes the earth; when she . . . was too firmly planted to the prouidence
approaches it, she fills all bodies, while when of God, to be affrighted with those beams."
she recedes, she empties them. For this cause
it is that shell-fish grow with her increase, Further reading
also that the blood of man is increased or di- Cavendish, Richard, ed. The Encyclopedia of the Un-
minished in proportion to the quantity of her explained. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974.
light." Daniels, Cora Linn, and Prof. C. M. Stevans, eds.
At one time (about A.D. 1050) it was believed Encyclopedia of Superstitions, Folklore and the Oc-
that if a male child was born on the first day of cult Sciences of the World. Detroit: Gale Research,
the new moon, he would be wealthy and live a 1971.
long life. Yet by 1878 (according to Thomas Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super-
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
Hardy's Return of the Native), "No moon, no
man" was a popular saying. It meant that a boy
born during the new moon would never amount SENSITIVE One who is psychic and has
to much. the ability to know things without prior knowl-
edge or the use of reason.
According to a folktale from Scotland (c.
1795), no couple should marry unless there was See also augur; bailey, auce; blavatsky, Hel-
a growing moon if they wanted to prosper and ENA P.; CHANNEL; HOME, DANIEL DUNG1.AS;
be happy f0r all their days. It was, conversely, INTUITION; KNIGHT, JZ; PSYCHIC; PSYCHIC
thought to be very unlucky to marry during a READINGS.
waning moon. Additionally, it was unlucky to
point at the Moon: According to Household Further reading
Tales (1895), if one pointed at the Moon, one Jones, Lloyd K. Development of Mcdiumship. Chi-
would not go to heaven. cago: Lormar, 1919.

Kardec, Allan. The Book of Mediums. York Beach, The first card is said to represent Monday, the
Maine: Samuel Weiser, 1970. second Tuesday, the third Wednesday, and so on.
Klimo, John. Channeling: Investigations on Receiving For example, if one draws the Moon as the first
Information from Paranormal Sources. Los card, this might indicate that he or she will have
Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1987.
a dreamy, mystical and perhaps indecisive week
Lungin, Tatiana. Wolf Messing: The True Story of
ahead. However, if the Death card is in the first
Russia's Greatest Psychic. New York: Paragon
position, it indicates a major change is about to
House, 1989.
Rodegast, Pat, and Judith Stanton, comps. Emman- occur. (Psychic readers point out that the Death
uel's Book: A Manual for Living Comfortably in card does not specifically indicate the physical
the Cosmos. New York: Bantam, 1987. end of life but rather the end of a phase or
Zolar. Zolar's Book of the Spirits. New York: Prentice- philosophy or the end of a relationship.)
Hall, 1987. In order to interpret the cards, many readers
and psychics suggest referring to a book specifi-
cally for tarot; others suggest using one's own
SEVEN-POINT STAR In tarot, one of psychic skills and doing an intuitive reading. In
the card layouts or spreads used to divine the an intuitive reading, the psychic looks at the
future. pictures on the cards and those objects or figures
Typically, the Seven-Point Star can be used or colors that come into his or her mind first
weekly (unlike other spreads that are best used are discussed.
once or twice a year). Each card is said to foretell See also CARTOMANCY; major ARCANA; suit
the events or influences that will occur on specific OF CUPS; SUIT OF PENTACLES; SUIT OF SWORDS;
days of the forthcoming week. SUIT OF wands; tarot.
To use this spread, the cards are shuffled by
the querant. He or she is asked to select a sig- Further reading
nificator, a card that has some attraction to the
Buckland, Raymond. Secrets of Gypsy Fortune Telling.
querant or seems to reflect him or her. The
St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1988.
shuffling process and selection of the signifi- Cavendish, Richard. The Tarot. New York: Put-
cator is done while the querant considers what nam's, 1967.
information is to be revealed or a specific Giles, Cynthia. The Tarot: History Mystery and Lore.
question. New York: Paragon House, 1992.
The significator is placed faceup in the center Innes, Brian. The Tarot: How to Use and Interpret
of the table. Then the querant draws seven cards the Cards. London: Orbis, 1979.
from the deck and places them in a circle around King, Francis, and Stephen Skinner. Techniques of
the significator. They can be selected as the first High Magic. Rochester, Vt.: Destiny Books, 1991.
seven cards from the top of the deck or any cards Thiercns, A. E. Astrology and the Tarot. Los Angeles:
Newcastle, 1975.
that seem to attract the querant in any way. They
Waite, Arthur Edward. The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.
are placed in a circle facedown.
New York: Samuel Weiser, 1973.
The first card is placed in the lower left-hand
area of the circle, or in the "7 o'clock" position,
if one thinks of the circle as the face of a clock. SHAMAN One who is able to share psychic
The second card is in the "8 o'clock" position, gifts, especially in tribal groups.
the third at "10," the fourth at "12," the fifth at The shaman is a natural-born psychic and highly
"1," the sixth at "4" and the seventh at "5." respected among his or her group. The term
(Some tarot card readers prefer to draw the cards shaman may also mean psychic, medium, mystic,
for the querant. As with all prognostication prac- magician, sensitive or clairvoyant. He or she may
tices, there are unlimited variations to each man- take on the shape, form and appearance of other
tic art.) The cards are turned over one at a time animals, such as a bird, tiger, or fish. This indi-
as they are interpreted. vidual is typically able to diagnose illness and


often is able to heal the sick through the use of her abilities to continue the theological underpin-
psychic cleansing and herbal cures. nings of the group. In the various Asian cultures,
In most cultures the role of the shaman is a shaman is a respected religious leader who acts
usually filled by a male, with females assigned as a teacher and guide for his or her flock and
other duties. However, there are a number of students. In the Navajo culture, the shaman is a
groups that have women shamans. In the Igorot tribal leader, extremely respected and believed to
tribe of the Luzon mountains in the Philippines, be able to search for the cause and cure illness.
female shamans are called uniteras, intermediaries In the Algonquin culture, the shaman is more of
between this world and the next. a herbalist and healer than a religious leader.
The shaman considers the mind, body and See also kahunas.
spirit to be one. Unlike modern physicians, he
or she may not try to prolong life but to protect Further reading
the soul or spirit of the individual.
The shaman is characteristically clairvoyant, Achterberg, Jeanne. Imagery in Healing: Shamanism
and Modem Medicine. Boston: Shambhala, 1985.
and interpretation of dreams is an essential aspect
Bierhorst, John. The Mythology of North America.
of his or her work. The shaman may have the
New York: Morrow, 1985.
ability to levitate objects, bring forth and channel Hahfax, Joan. Shaman: The Wounded Healer. New
spiritual entities, interpret omens and prognosti- York: Crossroads Press, 1982.
cate the future through observance of natural Hirschfelder, Arlene, and Paulette Molin. The Ency-
occurrences. A shaman may use water, smoke, clopedia of Native American Religions. New York:
fire or found objects to foretell the future or Facts On File, 1992.
instruct students. The shaman may be called King, Serge. Kahuna Healing. Wheaton, III.: Theo-
upon to protect a community or individual from sophical Publishing House, 1983.
evil spirits or natural disaster. Long, Max Freedom. Recovering Ancient Magic. Lon-
The role of the shaman may have begun more don: Rider Publishers, 1936.
Paper, Jordan. Offering Smoke: The Sacred Pipe and
than 20,000 years ago in prehistoric times. He
Native American Religion. Moscow: University of
or she may have been the first storyteller, healer
Idaho Press, 1988.
and mystic. Some believe that the Old Testament Underbill, Ruth M. Red Man's Religion: Beliefs and
prophets can be regarded as shamans. During the Practices of the Indians North of Mexico. Chicago:
Middle Ages in Europe, the role of the shaman University of Chicago Press, 1965.
may have fragmented into other functions, from
magicians and astrologers to poets and priests.
The shaman of that period may also have become SHIPTON, MOTHER (1488?~l540?) En-
an alchemist, searching for the philosophers' glish psychic.
stone (the mystical method by which base metal Stories of Mother Shipton's prophecies and psy-
may be turned into gold). chic powers have been handed down through the
Even though most Americans think of the centuries, but it is unclear whether or not she
shaman as the psychic counselor, guardian, herb- was an actual person. Stories have continued
alist and prognosticator of Native American to circulate about her predictions of horseless
tribes, the role of the shaman is universal, found, carriages (cars), accidents that will defile the
in one form or another, in most cultures, and it world (pollution and nuclear accidents), thoughts
continues to be important today. The shaman is flying around the world (telephone, radio, satel-
said to act as a "middleman" between earth and lite transmissions, etc.) and the end of the world.
the gods or spirits. He or she may use music, The final event, according to legend, was to
rituals and sleight-of-hand tricks and often falls happen in 1881.
into a trance during a ceremony. A contemporary of Nostradamus, if she actu-
In Siberia the shaman is considered the reli- ally existed, Mother Shipton is often said to have
gious leader, a holy individual who uses his or been one of England's most intuitive seers.


Further reading Additionally, "sittings" may refer to PSYCHIC
Cosmic Connections. Mysteries of the Unknown. Al-
exandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. Further reading
Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown.
Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. Buckland, Raymond. Doors to Other Worlds. St. Paul,
Minn.: Llewellyn, 1993.
SIDEROMANCY Divination by the inter- Burns, Litany. Develop Your Psychic Abilities. New
pretation of the twisting and smoldering of York: Pocket Books, 1985.
Butler, W. E. How to Develop Clairvoyance. 2d ed.
pieces of straw placed on a red-hot surface.
New York: Samuel Weiser, 1979.
This divination practice was used in ancient
Rome. The twirling, "dancing" motions of the SKINNER, STEPHEN (1948- )
sticks of straw were interpreted to foretell the Australian psychic.
future or interpret omens. Crushed beans and
Skinner, who now lives in London, is considered
peas were also used.
to be a modern authority on medieval rituals,
Variations of sideromancy are capnomancy
magic and geomancy. In 1972, he founded Askin
(patterns of smoke made by burning various
Publishers, which reprints contemporary ver-
objects and/or sacrifices, sometimes known as
sions of classic metaphysical literature, including
causimonancy), critomancy (burning of barley-
works by Dr. John Dee, Cornelius Agrippa
corn), daphnomancy (divination by the crackle
and others.
of burning laurel leaves), libanomancy (divina-
Skinner's Techniques of High Magic (1971) is
tion through incense smoke) and pyromancy (an-
considered to be the best contemporary book on
alyzing the flames of a combustible object).
the topic of modern magic. His other books
include The Search for Abraxas {\972)The Ora-
cle of Geomancy (1977) and The Living Earth
Further reading Manual of Feng-Shui (1982). He has also inter-
preted, and Askin has republished, books by
Dey, Charmaine. The Magic Candle. Bronx, N.Y.: Aleister Crowley and the Hermetic Order of the
Original Publications, 1989.
Golden Dawn.
Kittredge, George. Witchcraft in Old and New En-
gland. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1929. Further reading
Reprint. New York: Atheneum, 1972.
Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling. Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso-
New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992. teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press,
Nichols, Ross. The Book of Drutdry—History, Sites, 1992.
Wisdom. London: Aquarian Press. 1990. King, Francis and Stephen Skinner. Techniques of
Opie, lona, and MoiraTatem. A Dictionary of Super- High Magic. Rochester, Vi.: Destiny Books, 1991.
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
SITTER One who is a participant at a RESEARCH First organization to study
SEANCE. metaphysics seriously
A sitter has been compared to a lightning rod or Founded in 1882 in Cambridge, England, the
a battery, in that the universe needs something Society for Psychical Research (SPR) was
to attract and hold energy so that the psychic founded in order to investigate paranormal expe-
can release it. Sometimes sitters are members of riences and unexplained phenomena through a
a group that meet regularly at a specific time. rigorous system of laboratory tests. It was also
They have been referred to as part of a psychic started to explore the processes used by psychics.
development circle, often realizing their own More than 100 years since its conception, the
psychic gifts as they assist others. SPR's aims are still much the same: to study

the same lines, it too has studied and continues
to explore all facets of the paranormal. Like the
British organization, ASPR maintains a highly
respected library, said to be one of the best in
the world on topics pertaining to metaphysics.

Further reading
Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New
York: University Books, 1966.
Gauld, Alan. The Founders of Psychical Research. Lon-
don: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1968.
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of
Mystical and Paranormal Experience. San Fran-
cisco: HarperSan Francisco, 1991.
Haynes, Renee. The Society for Psychical Research,
1882-1982: A History London: Macdonald &
Co., 1982.


SORTILEGE SYSTEMS Any prognostica-

tion methods that employ objects with sides that
are cast or drawn.
Sortilege systems originated more than 5,000
years ago, when the first pebbles or animal bones
m were tossed and a tribal shaman began to inter-
pret how they fell. All forms of sortilege take
place when an object is thrown into the air,
dropped to the ground or selected from a bag or
box, as with ming sticks, rune stones, tarot cards
and other divination with playing cards and dice
Like the Society for Psychical Research in England,
the American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR) are considered by some to be sortilege systems
was founded to investigate paranormal activity— because of the random selection. Sortilege sys-
including levitation, as illustrated here. tems are utilized to determine future happenings
or interpret omens, and they cross all geographi-
cal and cultural lines.
the unexplained functions of the mind including The use of bones for sortilege can be traced
clairvoyance, ghostly visitations and apparitions, back over 3,500 years ago to ancient Egypt and
levitation, hypnotism and telepathy. Headquar- to Greece more than 3,000 years ago. The system
tered in London, the SPR's members have in- of casting of lots to foretell the future is still
cluded the archbishop of Canterbury, E. W. based on the placement or the inscription on the
Benson, Prime Ministers William Ewart Glad- objects, which psychics then interpret to answer
stone and Arthur Balfour, William Crookes, Sir a querant's question.
Oliver Lodge and Sir William Barrett, among According to psychics, the fact that sortilege
others. systems can predict the future is attributed to a
In 1884, the American Society for Psychical metaphysical concept called the readiness wave,
Research (ASPR) was founded. Organized along the esoteric belief that there is a portion of the


brain in the frontal cortex that emits a signal into a variation of the Hebrew term for "diviner" can
the surrounding area of the thinker. These signals be translated to "witch."
relate to thought and experience, before the ac- In 785, the Catholic Church prohibited the
tual occurrence of the thought or experience use of "sorcery systems" to settle disputes. How-
itself. ever, consulting with diviners, like the village
Many systems, such as dominoes, are still wise man or woman, was not banned. During
common divination methods today, whereas the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, those who
those that employed animals bones have been used sortilege systems and other methods of
adapted. Thus, people today prognosticate with prognostication were punished by fines, humilia-
dice rather than knucklebones. However, dice of tion, torture and/or loss of property. Those who
various shapes and sizes are still used by the Zulu were accused and found guilty of practicing
and the West African tribe of the Bantu. Sortilege witchcraft were put to death. Therefore, runes
has been and continues to be one of the most and other sortilege systems became taboo, and
popular divination methods used to foretell fu- their use was regarded with extreme disfavor
ture events and obtain spiritual guidance. Al- among religious groups. The prejudice against
though the systems appear quick and easy to students of metaphysics, including gypsies, con-
learn, interpreting and understanding the numer- tinued into this century. The Nazis declared
ous nuances of a given system can take years. those who prognosticated the future to be "sub-
Many people spend their lives studying rune humans," along with Jews, Slavs and other "non-
stones, tarot cards and ming sticks yet continue Aryans." More than 400,000 gypsies, psychics
to state that they are still students of a particular and occultists were killed in the German concen-
system. For a complete course on a specific sorti- tration camps.
lege system, it is recommended that one take a Despite the occasional censure of sortilege and
class on the topic or locate a book to provide as prognostication systems, employment of the
much information as possible. methods has never been eradicated. People con-
Objects used in sortilege systems vary in terms tinue to want to know what the future holds,
of the material from which they are made and why specific occurrences have transpired and if
the number of sides they have; at the minimum their course of action is valid.
they have two, as with coins. In the Chinese Along with simple sortilege systems, there
method of chiao-pai, the objects have two sides. are more intricate methods, including those that
The ancient Egyptians used dice with eight sides; divide a 12-inch circle into 12 segments onto
in medieval times, dice with 12 sides were used. which objects are tossed. The placement of the
It is said that the Romans predicted the future object as it lands in one of the segments provides
using dice with as many as 14 sides. The most a more detailed answer to the querant's question.
commonly used dice to forecast the future are Other items that can be thrown in addition to
six-sided dice available throughout the United dice and cards, are shells, stones, crystals, rocks,
States; sides are arranged so that any pair of coins and pieces of bark. The divination of flip-
opposite surfaces add up to the number seven. ping a coin to determine an answer or to see
As with other prognostication methods, sorti- which sports teams will go first is actually sor-
lege systems have sometimes been considered tilege.
demonic tools. Because rune stones, for example, See also ASTRAGYROMANCY; BELOMANCY; CAR-
were inscribed with mystical symbols (the runic TOMANCY; CASTING OF LOTS; CLEROMANCY;
alphabet), early Christians believed that the runes DICE; DOMINOES; GEMS; 1 CHING; MANTIC OB-
were the work of the devil. They believed that JECTS; ming sticks; rune stones; tarot.
witches could cause death or cast an evil spell
through the casting of the runes. There are sev- Further reading
eral references to the use of sortilege systems in Blum, Ralph. The Book of Runes. New York: St.
the Old Testament. Some historians explain that Martin's. 1982.


Boulding, Elise. The Underside of History Boulder, in other schools of thought, it is believed that
Colo.: Westview Press, 1976. the soul does not die but is reincarnated into
Buckland, Ray. Secrets of Gypsy Fortune Telling. St other beings in order to learn various lessons.
Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1988.
Some cultural beliefs include healing the soul
Pox, Judy; Karen Hughes; and John Tampion. An
through ritual practices, often with the assistance
Illuminated 1 Ching. New York: Arch, 1984.
of a shaman. In out-of-body experiences, it is
Hey wood, R. Beyond the Reach of Sense. New York;
button, 1961. the soul that travels to see and experience other
Magickal Almanac. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1989. dimensions. Edgar Cayce's "travels" to read the
Markham, Ursula. The Crystal Workbook: A Com- AKASHIC RECORDS were done through this soul
plete Guide to Working with Crystals. Northamp- tourney.
tonshire, England: Aquarian Press, 1988. See also cayce, edgar; reincarnation.
Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992. Further reading
Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your
Own Future. London: Quintet Publishing and Ran- Brenann, J. H. The Reincarnation Workbook. New
dom House, 1992. York: Sterling, 1990.
Pajeon, Kala, and Ketz Pajeon. The Candle Magic The Encyclopedia of Eastern Philosophy and Religion.
Workbook. New York: Citadel Press, 1992. Boston: Shambhala, 1989.
Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown. Kapleau, Philip, The Wheel of Life and Death: A
Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. Practical and Spiritual Guide. New York: Double-
Walker, Barbara G. The Woman's Encyclopedia of day, 1989.
Myths and Secrets. New York: Harper Collins, Motoyama, Hiroshi, Karma and Reincarnation.
1983. Translated by Rande Brown Ouchi. New York:
Avon, 1992.'
Woodward, Mary Ann. Edgar Cayce's Story of
SOUL The essence of ethereal intelligence. Karma: God's Book of Remembrance. New York:
Coward, McCann & GeogheganJEdgar Cayce
The soul is believed to possess the knowledge of
Foundation, 1971.
the entity. The soul gives instructions to the
entity in order to enable it function. It is consid-
ered to be the energy of all substances, and all SPARE, AUSTIN OSMAN (1886-1956)
substances have a soul. It is the principle of life, English artist and psychic.
and it is life. At age 16, while a student at the Royal College
Plato believed that the soul was made up of of Art in England, Spare was introduced to mys-
four substances: reason, understanding, faith and ticism. He became intensely interested and in-
perfection. Carl Jung said that the soul had four trigued by Egyptian mythology and witchcraft
faculties: thinking, sensation, feeling and intu- and was a follower of Aleister Crowley, known
ition. Eliphas Levi theorized that the soul is and for his association with ritualistic magic.
has no ending; it is a thought of God, and A believer in reincarnation. Spare believed
the soul holds all the attributes of God. Albert that our past lives may be accessed through a
Einstein believed that the human soul is an elec- trance state. In a trance. Spare channeled a sym-
tromagnetic force that holds together the proto- bolic language, sigils. (Sigils are symbols that
plasmic energy in the body prior to death. This represent specific supernatural entities. In the
substance is then duplicated in a life after death. Middle Ages they were often used to represent
In Western religious traditions, the soul is an and summon spirits, angels and guardians and in
immaterial element that is combined with the magical rituals.) He used the sigils in his artwork
human form of blood, tissue and skin to make and to help understand lessons from his past
up the human body. It is conceived of inner, lives.
vital and spiritual essences and governs the body Spare is considered to be one of Britain's finest
as well as the mind. In the Hindu religion and illustrators and is remembered for his Book of


Pleasure (1913; reissued 1975). Spare's work has of conversing with the spirits who exist in the
been compared to Aubrey Beardsley's paintings; nonphysical plane. This communication can be
however, he is less known in the United States. on a personal level, often through meditation, or
Sec also CROWLEY, ALEISTER; hermetic or- with the assistance of a psychic. The information
der OF THE GOLDEN UA\CN. is then channeled through the psychic or by any
variations of clairvoyance or automatic writing.
Further reading The word spiritualist is an outdated name for
Cavendish, Richard, ed. The Encyclopedia of the Un- a psychic, although it is sometimes still used.
explained. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974. See also augur; bailey, alice; blavatsky,
King, Francis. Ritual Magic in England, 1887 to the HELENA P.; CHANNEL: HOME, DANIEL DUNGLAS;
Present Day London: Neville Speannan, 1970. INTUITION; KNIGHT, JZ; PSYCHIC; PSYCHIC
MacKenzie, Norman. Secret Societies. New York: READINGS.
Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1967.
Symonds, John, and Kenneth Grant, eds. The Confes-
sions of A leister Crowley: An Autobiography Lon- Further reading
don: Routledge &. Kegan Paul, 1979. Barbancll, Maurice. This Is Spiritualism. London: Jen-
kins, 1959.
SPIRIT General term meaning an imperish- Bludson, Norman. A Popular Dictionary of Spiritual-
able life force. ism. London: Arco, 1961.
The spirit is the "divine spark" that is within Jones, Lloyd K. Development of Mediumshtp. Chi-
everyone and is said to be housed in the soul. It cago: Lormar, 1919.
Kardec, Allan. The Book of Mediums. York Beach,
is said to connect the mental body to the physical
Maine: Samuel Weiser, 1970.
body while being in touch with ethereal energy.
Klimo, John. Channeling: Investigations on Receiving
Those who believe in metaphysics explain that Information from Paranormal Sources. Los
the spirit is connected to the God force. Angeles: Jeremy P. Tardier, 1987.
When asking for guidance from the spiritual Lungin, Tatiana. Wolf Messing: The True Story of
world, one may be seeking advice from God, Russia's Greatest Psychic. New York: Paragon
guardian angels, spiritual guides or other entities. House, 1989.
These, too, arc referred to as spirits. Rodegast, Pat, and Judith Stanton, comps. Emman-
uel's Book: A Manual for Living Comfortably m
Further reading the Cosmos. New York: Bantam, 1987.
Belhayes, Iris, with Enid. Spirit Guides. San Diego: Zolar. Zolar's Book of the Spirits. New York: Prentice-
ACS, 1985. Hall, 1987.
Bletzer, June G., The Donning International Encyclo-
pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
SPIRITUALITY In metaphysics, the poten-
ford Press. 1986.
tial within each person to grow more mentally
Miller, Madeleine S., and J. Lane Miller, eds. Harper's
Encyclopedia of Bible Life. San Francisco; Harper aware.
& Row, 1978. The word spirituality docs not reflect a specific
Watson, Donald. The Dictionary of Mind and Spirit. religious belief. Rather, it emcompasses an accep-
New York: Avon, 1991. tance of a higher form of intelligence, the Laws
of Metaphysics, and a belief in the concept of a
SPIRITUAL GUIDE universe. It is the desire to understand, learn and
See GUIDE. ultimately accept these laws and assimilate them
into one's daily life.
SPIRITUALISM The belief that spirits of Although most who believe in the spirituality
the dead can communicate with the living. of the universe also believe in reincarnation,
Spiritualism is the belief that there is life after guides and the use of predictive methods, this is
physical death and that there is the possibility not mandatory. One is allowed to seek his or

24 2 • SPIRIT
her own spirituality at the rate and intensity Pajeon, Kala, and Ketz Pajeon. The Candle Magic
necessary for personal illumination. Workbook. New York: Citadel Press, 1992.
specific tools and mantle arts used to connect SPOTOMANCY Divination through the
with guides. casting of spot cards and sortes to foretell the
Further reading
Spotomancy is technically a variation of sortilege
Belhayes, Iris, with Enid. Spirit Guides. San Diego: (see SORTILEGE SYSTEMS). In this method, prac-
ACS, 1985. ticed in ancient Egypt, the psychic uses a set of
Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
spot cards, which bear symbols representing the
pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
possibilities of future events. Sortes (from the
ford Press, 1986.
Buckland, Raymond. Doors to Other Worlds. St Paul, Latin serere, meaning to string) are a string of
Minn.: Llewellyn, 1993. disks on which there are inscriptions delineating
Butler, W. E. How to Develop Clairvoyance. 2d ed. the conditions (often extremely trying) that a
New York: Samuel Weiser, 1979. person (or place) must experience and ways that
Hirschfelder, Arlene, and Paulette Molin. The Ency- the experiences can be made less difficult. They
clopedia of Native American Religions. New York; are made by psychics. After the spot cards are
Facts On File, 1992. cast and interpreted, the psychic refers to sortes
King, Francis, and Stephen Skinner. Techniques of and intuitively selects those that will assist in
High Magic. Rochester, Vt.: Destiny Books, 1991. the reading.
Spotomancy is sometimes incorrectly used to
SPODOMANCY Divination by fire. refer to sortilege in general.
Spodomancy is practiced by placing a message
on a paper, setting it afire and examining and Further reading
interpreting the smoke or flames that are con-
Heywood, R. Beyond the Reach of Sense. New York;
suming the paper.
Button, 1961.
When spodomancy was used in ancient Magickal Almanac. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1989.
Greece, it was the ashes of the combustible mate- Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your
rial that were interpreted, much in the same way Own Future. London: Quintet Publishing and Ran-
tea leaves are "read." Spodomancy continues to dom House, 1992.
have a following even today. This interesting Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown.
prediction method is a variation of tephramancy Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
and is grouped under the umbrella term pyro-
mancy, with other fire and smoke prediction STEINER, RUDOLPH (1861-1925) Ger-
methods. man clairvoyant, researcher and Theosophist.
Steincr was a scholar whose work is still studied
and discussed at Steiner Schools throughout the
Further reading world. He was a prolific writer, and his many
books, including Occult Science, Christianity of
Kittredge, George. Witchcraft in Old and New En- Mystical Fact and The Knowledge of Higher
gland. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1929, Worlds and Its Attainment, are still respected.
Reprint. New York: Atheneum, 1972.
A member of Madame Helena P. Blavatsky's
Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992. Theosophical Society, he became disillusioned
Nichols, Ross. The Book of Druidry—History,Sites, with the way the group was building a religion
Wisdom. London: Aquarian Press, 1990. based on the opinions of Krishnamurti (the soci-
Opie, lona, and Moira Tatcm. A Dictionary of Super- ety believed Krishnamurti to be the next
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. messiah). In 1913 Steiner formed the Anthropo-


sophical Society, based near Basel, Switzerland. Shakespeare and Nostradamus have been used
There he founded the Goetheaplum School for in stichomancy.
esoteric research. Steiner's organization is now Though stichomancy is no longer commonly
called the General Anthroposophical Society (or- practiced, contemporary psychics often remark
ganized in 1923). It has branches throughout the that it is amazing that the method works so well.
world but is most active in Europe. Even today, those who seek guidance from the I
A gifted clairvoyant and researcher, Steiner Ching spiritual book sometimes use this method
studied Atlantis and Lemuria and other meta- to locate a passage that will assist or bring com-
physical myths. He claimed to be able to access fort during a time of trouble.
the AKASHIC RECORDS, thus learning and writing A variation is RHAPSODOMANCY, divination
about the true evolution of knowledge and hu- using the same method but with poetic verse.
manity. He was a member of the Ordo Templi
Orientis and the Order of the Illuminati. Further reading
Steiner is considered a "futurist" by many, Baring-Gould, Sabine. Curious Myths of the Middle
and his ideas of chemical-free agriculture, educa- Ages. New York: University Books, 1967.
tion that encompasses the spirit as well as the Bevan, E. Sibyls and Seers: A Survey of Some Ancient
mind and eurythmy (moving the body to music Theories of Revelation and Inspiration. London:
to express language) are now considered part of Allen & Unwin, 1982.
many visionary ideas. Cheetham, E. The Prophecies of Nostradamus. Lon-
don: Corgi, 1981.
Further reading Hazlitt, W. Carew. Faiths and Folklore of the British
Isles. 2 vols. New York: Benjamin Blom, 1965.
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of Maple, Eric. The Dark World of Witches. Cranbury,
Mystical and Paranormal Experience. San Fran- N.J.: A. S. Barnes & Co., 1964.
cisco: HarperSan Francisco, 1991.
McDermoti, Robert A., ed. The Essential Steiner. San
Francisco: Harper & Row, 1984. STOLISOMANCY Divination according
Shepherd, A. P. Rudolf Steiner: Scientists of the Invisi- to the way a person dresses.
ble. 1954. Reprint. Rochester, Vt.: Inner Traditions Stolisomancy concerns the significance of the
International, 1983. way in which one dons clothing. For example,
one might put on one sock and then a shoe on
STICHOMANCY Divination through the the same foot before repeating the practice on
reading of random selections of passages or the other foot. Such behavior might mean that
verses from books. the individual is methodical and thorough. The
Stichomancy is sometimes grouped with BIBLIO- person who puts on a shirt, then socks, then a
mancy; however, bibliomancy uses only a holy watch, and only then slips into his or her shoes
book. Sortes sanctorium is a variation of sticho- might be considered a creative thinker. Those
mancy that specifically employs a Bible. who practiced this prognostication technique in
Stichomancj., practiced in ancient Greece and the Middle Ages were very curious about mis-
Rome, required the querant to ask a question; takes in dressing, that is, not tying a shoe or
then a book was opened at random. The querant tucking in a shirt. Each mistake was said to
(or sometimes the psychic) read the first verse indicate a specific thing, although the significance
on which the eye fell. A variation was to close of each has been lost in time.
one's eyes and run a finger down a page of According to Scottish folklore, if one inadver-
literature. When the finger stopped, the verse tently puts on his or her shirt inside out, it means
was read. This was supposed to give advice or trouble ahead or a turn of bad luck. The same
answer the querant's question as directed by fate holds true with caps and jackets. However, in
or the spiritual guides. Works by Homer, Virgil, the 1800s in England, people thought just the

opposite. Sailors and fishermen, along with their King of Cups: An articulate, intelligent, perhaps
wives and lovers, encouraged one another to worldly male.
wear clothing inside out to bid success for the
voyage and a fair wind. Wearing the clothing of Sec also CARTOMANCY; major arcana.
the dead has always been considered chancy. For
Further reading
instance, during World Wax- 1 it was believed that
it was unlucky to wear a dead man's boots; the Bosanko, Susan, ed. Predicting Your Future. New
new wearer might be the next to die. York: Ballantine Books/Diagram Group. Visual In-
formation Limited, 1983.
Further reading Buckland, Raymond. Secrets of Gypsy Fortune Telling.
St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1988.
Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo- Giles, Cymhia. The Tarot: History, Mystery and Lore.
pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit- New York: Paragon House, 1992.
ford Press, 1986. Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown.
Ha/lin, W. Carew. Faiths and Folklore of the British Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
Isles. 2 vols. New York: Benjamin Blom, 1965.
Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super- SUIT OF PENTACLES In TAROT. one of
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
the four groups of cards, which also include the
SUIT OF CUPS In TAROT, one of the four OF WANDS.
groups of cards, which also include the SUIT OF
The Suit of Pentacles is said to reflect the element
of earth and exhibits expressions of money,
work, material possessions and success. Each of
The Suit of Cups is.said to reflect the element of the 14 cards in this suit features a different illus-
water and also creative enterprises and emotional tration.
matters. It is said that the Cups flow with love. The cards are interpreted as follows:
Each of the 14 cards in this suit features a differ-
ent illustration. Ace of Pentacles: Material possessions and
The cards are interpreted as follows: wealth.
Two of Pentacles: Interruption in the search for
Ace of Cups: Fertility, love and plenty. wealth.
Two of Cups: Love, relationships, loving connec- Three of Pentacles: Achievement in one's pro-
tions. fession.
Three of Cups: Joy from love, gratification. Four of Pentacles: Reaching the height of success.
Four of Cups: Emotional pleasure, delight. Five of Pentacles: Ruin, collapse.
Five of Cups: Pleasure turned to sadness, recon- Six of Pentacles: Security and balance.
sideration. Seven of Pentacles: Progress, with a warning to
Six of Cups: Past pleasure and joy remembered, be observant.
memories. Eight of Pentacles: Rewards, celebrations,
Seven of Cups: Ambitions, dreams, faith. success.
Eight of Cups: Disillusionment, rebirth. Nine of Pentacles: Achievement, goals reached.
Nine of Cups: Peace and completion. Ten of Pentacles: Wealth.
Ten of Cups: Peace and contentment. Knave of Pentacles: A logical, thoughtful youth.
Knave of Cups: A helpful adolescent. Knight of Pentacles: An upstanding young male.
Knight of Cups: A youth with joyful feelings, Queen of Pentacles: A sensible, affluent, benefi-
a lover. cent female.
Queen of Cups: A loving, fair-haired, creative King of Pentacles: A practical, logical, success-
female. ful male.


See also cartomancy; major arcana. Further reading

Further reading Bosanko, Susan, ed. Predicting Your Future. New

York: Ballantine Books/Diagram Group. Visual In-
Bosanko, Susan, ed. Predicting Your Future. New formation Limited, 1983.
York: Ballantine Books/Diagram Group. Visual In- Buckland, Raymond. Secrets of Gypsy Fortune Telling.
formation Limited, 1983. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1988.
Buckland, Raymond. Secrets of Gypsy Fortune Telling. Giles, Cynthia. The Tarot: History, Mystery and Lore.
St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1988. New York: Paragon House, 1992.
Giles, Cynthia. The Tarot: History Mystery and Lore. Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown.
New York: Paragon House, 1992. Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown.
Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. SUIT OF WANDS In TAROT one of the
four groups of cards, which also include the SUIT
four groups of cards, which also include the SUIT OF SWORDS.
The Suit of Wands is said to reflect the element
of fire. It expresses the essence of the growth
The Suit of Swords is said to reflect the element of ethereal spirit, self-improvement, creativity,
of air. It expresses logical choices, the search for energy, impression and intensity. Each of the 14
truth and the need for sound decisions and deci- cards in this suit features a different illustration.
sive actions. It also has to do with struggles and The cards are interpreted as follows:
challenges. Each of the 14 cards in this suit
features a different illustration. Ace of Wands: New, fresh starts.
The cards are interpreted as follows: Two of Wands: Well-earned success.
Three of Wands: Benefit from challenges.
Ace of Swords: Success, achievement of objec- Four of Wands: Success, approval.
tives. Five of Wands: Challenges, setbacks, reversals,
Two of Swords: Good luck, excellent fortune. the quality to overcome these.
Three of Swords: Obstacles are removed. Six of Wands: Encouraging information.
Four of Swords: Calmness, a break from chal- Seven of Wands: Dilemma or crisis, but hope-
lenges. fulness.
Five of Swords: Struggle, possible setback and Eight of Wands: Progress, confidence.
disappointment. Nine of Wands: Resistance, be steadfast.
Six of Swords: Travel, beneficial news, chal- Ten of Wands: Obstacles, challenges, strife.
lenges overcome. Knave of Wands: A dark, funny youth.
Seven of Swords: The need to be cautious and Knight of Wands: A dark, energetic male. May
courageous. mean travel or an expedition or a change in
Eight of Swords: Patience. residence.
Nine of Swords: In disaster, stay strong, unwa- Queen of Wands: A dominant, practical female.
vering. King of Wands: A powerful, self-assured male.
Ten of Swords: The situation will brighten soon.
Knave of Swords: A clever, witty youth. See also cartomancy; major arcana.
Knight of Swords: A strong, dark young male.
Further reading
Queen of Swords: A clever, dark woman, per-
haps a widow. Bosanko, Susan, ed. Predicting Your Future. New
King of Swords: A dark, imposing, masterful York: Ballantine Books/Diagram Group. Visual In-
male. formation Limited, 1983.
Buckland, Raymond. Secrets of Gypsy Fortune Telling.
Sec also CARTOMANCY; major arcana. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1988.


Giles, Cynthia. The Tarot: History, Mystery and Lore. Further reading
New York: Paragon House, 1992.
Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown. Bary, William Theodore de, ed. Sources of Chinese
Alexandria, Va.:Time Life Books, 1990. Tradition. New York: Columbia University Press,
Cumont, Franz. Oriental Religions in Roman Pa-
SUN SIGN In astrology, the astrological ganism. New York: Dover, 1956.
sign through which the Sun was moving at a spe- Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super-
cific period of time or at the time of birth. sititions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
The sun signs are Aries, the Ram; Taurus, the
Bull; Gemini, the Twins; Cancer, the Crab; Leo, SYNASTRY In astrology, a technique of
the Lion; Virgo, the Virgin; Libra, the Scales; comparing horoscopes.
Scorpio, the Scorpion; Sagittarius, the Archer; This method is used to match the result of two
Capricorn, the Goat; Aquarius, the Waterbearer; or more horoscopes from individuals to see the
and Pisces, the Fish. compatibility of their personalities. If the indi-
See also ASTROLOGICAL SYMBOLS; HORO- viduals are found to be compatible, they are
SCOPE; ZODIAC. considered to have the possibility of a good
relationship. For example, one might have his or
Further reading her horoscope compared with that of a future
business partner to ascertain the probability of a
Forrest, Steven. The Changing Sky: The Dynamic
New Astrology for Everyone. New York: Bantam, sound working relationship.
1984. According to astrologers, synastry is also em-
Goodman, Linda. Linda Goodman's Star Signs. New ployed to compare political running mates and
York: St. Martin's, 1987. the destiny of trade and relations between coun-
. Linda Goodman's Sun Signs. New York: tries and in international affairs, as well as affairs
Fawcett/Columbine, 1978. of the heart.
Luce, Robert de. The Complete Method of Prediction.
New York: ASI, 1978. Further reading
Wilson, James. The Dictionary of Astrology New
Adams, Evangeline. Astrology: Your Place among the
York: Samuel Weiser, 1974.
Stars. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1930.
Woolfork, Joanna Marline. The Only Astrology Book
. Astrology for Everyone. 1931. Reprint. New
You'll Ever Need. Landham, Mass.: Scarborough,
York: Pemiabooks, 1943.
Woolfork, Joanna Mart inc. The Only Astrology Book
You'll Ever Need. Landham, Mass.: Scarborough,
SYCOMANCY Divination by the rate at 1992.
which fig leaves dry
Practiced in ancient China and through Roman SYNCHRONICITY Term created by Dr.
times, sycomancy is a variation of other natural Cart G. Jung (1875-1961) in 1930 to denote
divination methods, often grouped with BOTAN- two separate and dissimilar events that occur at
OMANCY and GEOMANCY. the very same instant and are, in fact, related.
Using sycomancy, one considers the question It is said that Jung was fascinated by the correla-
at hand, either silently or aloud. A fig leaf is tion of patterns and divination systems of I
then selected (right from the tree or from a CHING as compared with astrology and numerol-
receptacle holding many leaves). The question is ogy. In later years, he used the term to discuss
written on the leaf, which is placed in the sun Tao.
to dry. If the leaf begins to shrivel and dry Jung theorized that in synchronicity there is
immediately, the answer is no. If the leaf contin- a blending together of incidents that cannot be
ues to look fresh for a number of hours, the explained rationally but is significant and mean-
answer is positive. ingful.

For example, he reported an incident that con- Fodor, Nandor. Between Two Worlds. West Nyack,
cerned the wife of one of his patients. After the N.Y.: Parker, 1964.
death of the woman's mother and grandmother, Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of
a flock of birds gathered directly outside the Mystical and Paranormal Experience. San Fran-
cisco: HarperSan Francisco, 1991.
window of the death chamber. Jung said that
Jung, C. G. Aion: Researches into the PhrenomenoT
there was a connection between the birds' ap-
ogy Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press,
pearance and the souls of the dead women or
between the birds as messengers of the gods as . Aspects of the Feminine. Princeton, N.J.: First
noted in various myths. Princeton, 1982.
Jung credited the work of Albert Einstein as . Dreams. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Univer-
the inspiration of his work in synchronicity. Jung sity Press, 1974.
first used the word synchronicity at a memorial . Memories, Dreams, Reflections. Recorded and
address for Richard Wilhelm, who had translated edited by Anilea Jaffe. New York: Random
the I Ching into German. House, 1961.
O'Connor, Peter. Understanding Jung, Understanding
Further reading Yourself. New York/Mahwah, N.J.: Paulist Press,
Campbell, Joseph, ed. The Portable Jung. New York:
Penguin, 1971.


TABLES OF FATE Various sortilege meth- Showers, Paul. Fortune Telling for Fun and Popularity
ods, used as parlor games, to divine the future. Philadelphia: New Home Library, 1942.
Also known as magic tables, these are variations
of casting or placing objects, which are then TABLE TIPPING A technique used to com-
interpreted to answer a querant's question or municate with spirits, by which a table would
explain an omen. The tables of fate often include be tipped, turned or lifted.
diagrams on which objects, such as cards, dice In this method, communication was received
or other articles, are tossed or placed in a specific through a sitter who recites the alphabet, noting
pattern. The tables come with a listing of the at which letter the table moves. It was also used
meanings for each placement. to prove that spiritual entities were actually vis-
The tables of fate, considered merely party iting a group.
games in the early part of the 20th century, have During a seance, participants place the palms
a basis in actual prognostication methods. For of their hands on a table. The "proof" that a
example, one of the tables, called the Tree of spiritual entity has come into the room is that the
Life, has its foundation in the Kabbalah. Another table (or other objects) moves. The movement is
is a variation of a tarot card spread. often just a quiver, or there may be rapping
The tables of fate, while interesting, have lost sounds made on the table. In the mid- to late
favor with those who consider metaphysics more 1800s, when spiritual interest was in its heyday,
than a game. Thus they are rarely used today. the field was riddled with fake psychics. Unfor-
See also MANTIC OBJECTS; sortilege systems. tunately, table tipping was a favorite ploy used
by unscrupulous individuals to indicate that the
spirit of a dearly departed relative was present.
Further reading A phony psychic would arrange for the move-
ment of the table by corporeal means, charging
Buckland, Raymond. Secrets of Gypsy Fortune Telling.
for his or her services in enabling the grieving
St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1988.
relative to communicate with the spirit.
Butler, W. E. How to Develop Clairvoyance. 2d ed.
New York: Samuel Weiser, 1979. There are a number of theories of how levita-
Inncs, Brian. The Tarot: How to Use and Interpret tion or movement of the table operates. One
the Cards. London: Orbis, 1979. says that it works through the power of the

psychic's mind to counteract the forces of grav- that the gypsies traveled through Europe in the
ity. Some psychics attribute the power to levitate Middle Ages, using a very fundamental set of
objects to their guides and explain that the spirits tarot cards. The cards were also regularly used
can change the forces of gravity. Another school for playing cards.
of metaphysical thought asserts that through The son of a French shoemaker, Eliphas Levi
concentrating on the aura emanating from them- was a flamboyant magician and the author of
selves or an object, psychics change the vibra- a number of important metaphysical volumes
tional frequency of objects so they are not pulled including The Mysteries of Magic (edited by
toward the earth. A. E. Waite) and History of Magic. He is consid-
See also home, daniei.donglas;levitation. ered by many to have produced the most im-
portant writings on the tarot of all time. Levi
Further reading^
is best remembered for his insightful deter-
Belhayes, Iris, with Enid. Spirit Guides. San Diego: mination, controversial at that time, that there
ACS, 1985. was a strong symbolic connection between the
Brown, Slater. The Heyday of Spiritualism. New 22 cards of the tarot's major arcana and the
York: Hawthorn, 1970. Kabbalah's Tree of Life that has continued to
Edmonds, I. G. D. D. Home: The Man Who Talked the present.
with Ghosts. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1978.
According to tarot scholars, Levi saw the tarot
Ferguson, John. An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Mysti-
cism and the Mystery Religions. New York: Scabury not just as intriguing wisdom used by the gypsies
Press, 1976. to foretell the future or a bewitching deck of
Fodor, Nandor. Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. New cards. Rather, he believed them to be a practical
York; University Books, 1966. tool through which the spirits could be contacted
Rogo, D. Scott. Our Psychic Potentials. Englewood and revelations regarding the past and future
Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1984. could be made. Levi believed that through the
merging of the Kabbalah and the tarot, he had
TAROT Seventy-eight specialty marked finally discovered a powerful source of knowl-
cards used in divination. edge and magic. This discernment changed the
It is believed that use of the tarot began more course of the history of the tarot.
than 6,000 years ago in ancient Egypt. Some In 1889, The Tarot of the Bohemians, written
historians believe that tarot received its name by Dr. Gerard Encausse, the first book devoted
from the archaic Book of Thoth (the Egyptian entirely to the tarot, was published. Also known
god of knowledge). The Egyptian words for as Papus, Encausse was a leading figure in the
Book of Thoth are believed to be Tar Ro, or French occult spiritualist movement from the
"royal pathway," although in Hindustani the mid-1880s through 1900.
word tarn means cards. Papus was a devotee and follower of Levi, and
Regardless of its beginnings, the tarot seems while his book did not introduce new philoso-
to have been hidden by the mystic masters for phy, it elaborated and refined the ideas that by
more than 3,000 years. One story explains that that time had become almost mainstream in their
the tarot resurfaced to be read and interpreted acceptance. Rather than producing a how-to
by the Rom, a nomadic tribe of Persia and Egypt. book, Papus discussed the magical principles of
The Rom traveled widely and are better known the tarot and his belief that the tarot encompassed
as gypsies. (Gypsies is a slightly garbled term for occult science. Tarot historians says that Papus's
those coming from Egypt.) Whether this is a work is lavishly romantic but provided the first
colorful but bogus anecdote or the truth may documentation of Levi's revolutionary meta-
never be clear. Some dispute the theory of the physical concepts.
gypsy tribes. They insist that the cards originated Other than astrology, the tarot is the most
in China, or Germany, or Spain. It is known universally known divination system. Since each

250 * TAROT
card has a deeply significant and symbolic mean- tarot deck (early 19th century), the Epinal tarot
ing, many students of the tarot and metaphysical deck (early 19th century), the Oswald Wirth
scholars dedicate their entire lives to the study tarot deck (late 19th century), Papus tarot deck
and comprehension of the cards. Thus, should (late 19th century) and Knapp-Hall tarot (early
one desire to know more about the tarot, it is 20th century).
advised to take a class from a knowledgeable There are Merlin decks, pop-art decks, medi-
tarot reader, review some of the books men- cine cards and even Wonderland tarot, which
tioned below and obtain a deck of tarot cards for features Alice's adventurers underground with
self-education. suits of Flamingos, Peppermills, Hats and
Today, there arc hundreds of different tarot Oysters.
card decks and books on the subject available to The tarot is divided into two groups of cards.
the consumer. The most thorough book is the The major arcana, consisting of 22 cards, in-
Encyclopedia of Tarot by Stuart Kaplan, owner of cludes the Fool, the Magician, the High Priestess,
U.S. Games Systems, Inc. It includes a thorough the Empress, the Emperor, the Hierophant or
study of tarot history and illustrates more than High Priest, the Fovers, the Chariot, Justice, the
3,200 different cards, from 250 various tarot Hermit, the Wheel of Fortune, Strength, The
decks. The most popular is the Rider-Waite deck Hanged Man, Temperance, the Devil, the Tower,
(sometimes called the Rider tarot), also manufac- the Star, the Moon, the Sun, Judgment and The
tured by U.S. Games, Inc. There are decks with World, ■j.j
more modern likenesses, illustrations reflecting The minor arcana has four suits: The suit
children, crystals, flowers, cats and people in OF CUPS, the SUIT OF PFNTACT FS. the SUIT OF
medieval attire. These are often available at stores swords and the suit of wands. The minor ar-
that sell metaphysical materials and through cana can be compared to a pack of playing cards;
mail-order catalogs featuring metaphysical the major arcana is said to reflect archetypal
products. qualities. These cards have traditionally been re-
The Aquarian tarot is almost identical to the garded as possessing symbolic meditative con-
Rider-Waite deck. The Thoth tarot deck includes cepts that are directly tied to the Kabbalistic Tree
swirling backgrounds and impressionistic im- of Fife.
ages, often referred to as haunting recollections To use the tarot, a reader employs a specific
of another plane. The illustrations of Tarot Mars- system, often in a ritualistic manner, to select
eilles have a slightly grotesque appearance; this the cards. Sometimes the querant is asked to
is the oldest of the popular decks. The Classic select cards for the reading. The way the cards arc
deck features an iconographic style. selected and placed on a table to be interpreted is
Esoteric decks are said to produce special oc- called a spread. Some of the spreads arc the gypsy
cult experiences. Whether that is true or not 7 (said to be a favorite among gypsy readers),
depends on the psychic and the querant. These the HORSESHOE SPREAD, the SEVEN-POINT STAR
decks include the Royal Fez Moroccan tarot the TWENTY-ONE TAROT CARD SPREAD and the
deck. The Golden Dawn tarot, Gareth Knight One-Card Reading. In the One-Card, a card is
tarot deck, the Magickal Tarot, and the Masonic selected randomly from the deck. As with other
tarot deck (not connected to the Freemason orga- sortilege methods, it is believed that the universe
nization). has directed the querant to the information on
Other variations include historical decks such the card in response to the question that he or
as the Visconti-Sforza Tarocchi deck (mid-15th she posed.
century), Tarot de Paris (early 17th century), I Tarot card teachers instruct their students to
Tarocchi del Mantegna (mid-15th century), the interpret the cards through the traditional meth-
Tarot Vieville deck (mid-17th century), Vanden- ods, such as those included in various spreads,
borre Bacchus tarot (late 18th century), Etteilla and to decipher them intuitively. They suggest

TAROT • 251
that for beginning students, a learning deck in Woudhuysen, Jan. Tarot Therapy: A Guide to the
which the meanings and key words are inscribed Subconscious. Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher,
on the cards is the most effectual. Any deck can 1979.
become a learning deck if the meaning and/or a
key word is written on the card. TASSEOGRAPHY Divination of the fu-
Tarot teachers tell students to record (either ture or answering a querant's questions through
in writing or on tape) the results of their read- a ritual practice of telepathically reading tea
ings, to make a tarot notebook regarding the leaves.
experiences with readings and even to create a More commonly known as tea-leaf reading or
personalized deck of cards. To become more in teacup reading, the practice is sometimes referred
touch with the mystical meaning of the tarot, to as tasseomancy. Tasseography began with the
teachers instruct their students and clients to ancient Chinese, who watched for omens from
select a tarot figure and have this figure spiritu- the residue, patterns and shapes left after drink-
ally accompany them throughout the day or ing tea. The art of teacup reading is supposed
week. This activity, they believe, helps give per- to have been spread by nomadic gypsies, who
sonality and dimension to the figure on the card. foretold the future for the price of a coin; eventu-
They also suggest meditating on the images that ally, teacup reading was practiced throughout
appear on the cards, holding the image as long Europe. Teacup reading—in fact, reading the
as possible in order to make a clear spiritual con- residue of any liquid, from coffee to wine—was
nection. extremely popular during the 1800s. In some
See also arcana; cartomancy; levi, societies molten lead was poured into water, with
ELIPHAS. the results interpreted in much the same way.
This practice is called molybdomancy. When
Further reading^ melted wax is used, the technique is called cero-
Buckland, Raymond. Secrets of Gypsy Fortune Telling. mancy, and it is still used today by some voodoo
St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1988. priests to predict the future or interpret omens.
Carlson, Laura E. The Tarot Unveiled: The Method Historically, a psychic often has a special cup
to Its Magic. Stamford, Conn.: U.S. Games Sys- that he or she uses only for readings. It is usually
tems, 1988. plain inside, because a pattern would conflict
Cavendish, Richard. The Tarot. New York: Cresent, with the interpretation of the leaves in a reading.
Crowley, Aleister. The Book of Thoth. Stamford,
Conn.: U.S. Games Systems, 1977.
D'Agostino, Joseph. The Tarot, the Royal Path to
Wisdom. York Beach, Maine: Samuel Weiser,
Giles, Cynthia. The Tarot: History, Mystery and Lore.
New York: Paragon House, 1992.
Golowin, Sergius. The World of the Tarot: The Secret
Teachings of the 78 Cards of the Gypsies. York
Beach, Maine: Samuel Weiser, 1988.
Laurence, Theodor. The Sexual Key to the Tarot. New
York: New American Library, 1973.
Nichols, Sallie. Jung and Tarot: An Archetypical Jour-
ney York Beach, Maine: Samuel Weiser, 1980. i
Torres, Katherine. Tarot: A Pathway to the Spirit TEACUP READING
Within. Carlsbad, Calif.: Earth People Medicine Tea leaves are read by the tasseographer, or tea-leaf
Publishers, 1994. reader. The reading includes size, placement and sym-
Waite, Arthur Edward. The Pictorial Key to the Tarot. bols formed by the loose tea that dings to the sides
York Beach, Maine: Samuel Weiser, 1973. and bottom of the cup.

Today, some companies sell, and some psychics
use, specially detailed teacups with the signs of
the zodiac imprinted inside the cup. This cup
not only gives reading from the tea leaves but
also provides messages based on one's astrologi-
cal sign.
It is best to use loose tea for a reading. As
with all prediction methods, the exact nature of
the ritual for reading tea leaves is in the hands of
the individual psychic; typically, readers choose
not to use the tiny leaves found in commercially
prepared tea bags. Often the querant will select
the tea he or she favors, from jasmine to Earl
Grey, thus making the reading more personal.
The tasseographer, a teacup reader or psychic
specializing in teacup reading, will ask the quer-
ant to spoon a measure of tea into a heated pot ii^t .jf
or directly into a china cup. The querant may be
asked to stir the dried tea before selecting the
leaves to be placed in the cup or pot. This can TASSEOGRAPHY
be compared to shuffling cards before a tarot Various shapes seen in tea leaves indicate special
card reading. meanings. Others are exactly as they appear. For ex-
Sometimes a special spoon is used to give the ample, the appearance of an airplane and a heart in
reading a feeling of ritual magic. Teacup readers the cup could indicate a journey to a place one longs
say this will ensure that true information will to visit.
appear to the teacup reader. And most psychics
cleanse the cup first (washing with soap and hot
water and often rinsing cup, saucer and spoon but the pattern of leaves on the napkin add
with cold water before the next reading). Boiling significance to the entire cup, too. This detail is
water is poured over the tea as the querant stirs not usually provided to the querant. The leaves
the pot or cup, concentrating on the information in the cup combine with those found in the
that is desired or a specific question to be an- saucer for a complete reading.
swered. Reading the cup clockwise, the handle repre-
A small teapot is swirled, and tea is poured sents the day of the teacup reading and the cup
into a cup. The cup should have a wide brim, is divided into a year's time, with the side directly
and no design inside, and the saucer should be across from the handle indicating six months into
wide as well. When the tea is cool, the querant the future. The leaves near the brim of the cup
sips the liquid, focusing on his or her question. have more importance than those near the bot-
The querant leaves enough tea in the cup so that tom, although some readers state that the oppo-
the leaves can be swirled around the edge of the site is true. Some psychics believe that the leaf
cup (about one tablespoon of liquid). patterns on the bottom of the cup spell tragedy;
Holding the cup with the left hand, the quer- others regard this area with the same interest as
ant swirls the leaves three times clockwise and leaves near- the cup's brim. Often leaf symbols
then flips the cup quickly facedown onto a nap- facing counterclockwise mean the significance of
kin, which has been placed in the saucer. Some the shape is departing, and those facing clockwise
teacup readers ask that the querant count to mean the querant is moving toward this occur-
seven before turning the cup rightside up. Not rence. Teacup reading should be accomplished
only are the leaf patterns read by the psychic. with the entire cup and saucer.

The design and shapes formed by the leaves, Apple: Prosperity in business.
including the size, placement and repetition of Apron: A new friend, perhaps someone with
the symbols, are read by the tasseographer or domestic skills or who loves to cook.
psychic. Various shapes indicate special mean- Arc: Great happiness.
ings, but some are exactly as they appear. For Arm: Upward, begging. Forward, to receive as-
example, if a reader sees an airplane and a heart, sistance. Downward, needing help or discour-
this may indicate that the querant will journey agement.
to a place to which he or she has been longing Arrow: News will be received shortly, perhaps a
to go. letter or an important message.
It is important to note that, as with other Ax: There is a threat, possible trouble, one may
prognostication methods, it is up to the reader be in jeopardy.
to use all his or her intuitive powers to decipher Baby: A series of small worries or interruptions.
the code of the leaves. And most psychics agree, May be the creation of new ideas or a creative
as with any metaphysical skill, that the more one business venture.
reads the leaves, the better one becomes at it. Bag: Acquisition, attainment, to acquire some-
Thus, it is not unusual to see only vague shapes thing one has been working toward.
during a first reading. Banana: News from another country.
Coffee grounds can be read using the Same Barn: Great abundance in material goods.
symbols and shapes mentioned below, as can Basket: Empty, money worries. Half full, con-
other patterns from sand to clouds. This is called tinued concerns, but depression is short-lived.
COFFEE GROUND READING or, less commonly, Full, abundance or receiving a present or gift
coffeeography. (may be a gift of knowledge).
The following are some of the symbols and Bat: Danger, dangerous news.
interpretations used by those who read tea leaves: Bed: A sensible, quiet agreement. A message that
it is time to rest.
Ace of Spades: Pointing up, an argument that Bee: A busy time ahead. Great success through
will be short-lived. Pointing down, a difficult hard work.
problem will ease. Lying across the bottom of Beehive: Requested meeting.
the cup, a danger is diminishing. Bell: Unexpected announcement, marriage or en-
Acorn: Become busy, create, accomplish. There gagement or smooth progress. Great news.
will be success in a chosen field. Bible: Spiritual guidance, may not be in the
Airplane: Traveling great distances without risk. traditional religious sense.
If the plane is broken, an accident or danger. Bird: Always indicative of good news. Perched,
Alligator: News after a long wait. waiting for word, in a letter or over the tele-
Anchor: A hanging anchor, displeasure or an phone. Flying, word is on the way. In a nest,
unsuitable situation. An anchor lying on its security is realized. In a cage, conflicts or the
side, achieving one's aspirations or dreams feeling of being trapped. May be a trapped
will be accomplished shortly. If near the top idea or philosophy.
of the cup, success in business or romance Bird Types: A crow, a perplexing person. A dove,
is indicated. a sign of love, a loving individual. A duck,
Angel: Guardian angel or guide. A blessing is gossip, a false rumor. A hen, a chatty individ-
coming. ual. An owl, a learned friend. A parrot, a
Ant: A hardworking person, one with persis- conversationalist, a show-off with no secrets.
tence, or a message to work industriously to A penguin, one who is neat, well groomed,
obtain something. but may be somewhat self-centered. A turkey,
Anvil: Hard work ahead. one who is egocentric. A vulture, indicative of
Ape: A mimic, a copy cat, or trying to fit into a a corrupt individual, perhaps denoting serious
mode that is impossible. business relationships.

Book: A message to seek more knowledge or Clown: Happiness, or someone pretending to
information regarding a specific question. be happy.
Bottle: Fascination, allurement. Cobweb: Something is guarded or secured. May
Box: A present, gift, a possession. be a message that what was lost is safe and
Bracelet: A charmed circle, a joyful union, per- secure.
haps a wedding. Coffee Mug: Too much idle chatter.
Branch: Addition to family or to business. Coin: Abundance, prosperity, money worries
Bread: A message to avoid wasting time or will end.
energy. Column: Success in all endeavors.
Bride: A new start, may mean a marriage. Compass: A change in professional direction, a
Bridge: If unbroken, the problem at hand is change in residence.
being solved or will be solved shortly. If col- Cow: A change in career, increased abundance.
lapsed or broken, it may not be possible to Cross: Problems will be surmounted. A sacrifice
overcome this problem; seek a variation or may be demanded in the future, but the out-
different route. come will be positive.
Broom: A new home. Cup: One may find fault with another.
Bull: One who is stubborn, or a stubborn Dagger: Impetuousness, some danger ahead,
problem. others are plotting.
Butterfly: Innocent pleasures. Daisy: Great love, a new love interest.
Cabbage: Jealousy, envy from a business associ- Dandelion: Project may be shattered.
ate or false friend. Beware. Deer: A shy person, beautiful soul, friends will
Cage: A proposition, perhaps business or mar- be supportive.
riage. Desk: News will be received shortly regarding
Cake: A celebration, often one that has been business projects.
long awaited. Diamond: A message to reach for perfection.
Camel: Useful news is forthcoming, may be slow Dice: A loss, a change, a gamble that may not be
to be understood. worth one's while or may have adverse effects.
Candle: A light in the pathway of the future. Dish: An invitation.
Casket: A change in one's situation, perhaps Dog: A faithful friend.
a death. Doll: Time for fun, looking for a mate.
Cat: Take care with one who seems like a friend. Dollar Sign: Money.
Dishonesty may be in store. Cat with a Donkey: Wait for a better time.
mouse, people playing emotional games or Dots: Money coming to the querant during the
being untruthful with one's feelings. time indicated by the placement in the cup.
Chair: Filled, a new person entering one's life Many dots indicate considerable money.
during the time period indicated by the place- Dove: Peace, forgiveness.
ment in the cup. Empty, a person of impor- Dragon: Self-deception.
tance will leave during the time indicated by Drinking Glass: Clear thoughts. A time for hon-
the placement in the cup. esty and openness in all dealings.
Child: A fresh, innovative beginning or idea. Drum: Meddling, chatter.
Chimney: Prosperity. Ear: Excellent news.
Circle: Empty, good news about business, a wish Earring: Caution, a loss of some type, business
come true. Full of dots, success in one's cho- or personal.
sen field. Half filled with dots, a wish come Easel: Creativity in an art field.
true, objective is reached. Eggs: Unbroken, success is assured, make plans
Claw: A hidden enemy. for the future. Broken, plans for work or
Clock: Message to act now. career may have to be revised, a setback.
Clover: Luck. Elephant: Loyalty, a good friend.

Envelope: News through the mail. Garden: A joyful occasion, a party, a celebration.
Eye: Strong psychic powers, a message to study Gate: Problems will be overcome shortly. Pro-
metaphysics. ceed with confidence. All will be well.
Eyeglasses: Study the situation thoroughly, look Ghost: Someone who is trusted is unworthy of
closer at details, analyze the proposition. that respect. A friend may take unfair advan-
Face: Looking forward, stop dreaming and make tage of a situation or friendship.
plans. Looking backward, reflecting too much Giant: One with great power.
on the past or past accomplishments. Looking Girl: Increased prosperity, happiness, a new be-
outward, a good balance. ginning.
Fairy: Light, joyful thoughts. Time to relax and Globe: Travel in the future.
play. Goat: A stubborn person.
Fan: A flirtation, a feeling of satisfaction. Gorilla: Someone with low self-esteem will try
Feather: Someone who is insincere. to say an opinion.
Fence: Restrictions or limitations. Success may Guitar: Love, song, celebration.
be found by overcoming obstacles. Gun: A warning. One must take responsibility
Fern: Old-fashioned ideas or ceremony. for personal actions. There may be a hidden
Finger: A warning. Listen to what others arc agenda or something concealed.
saying. Pay attention to the way the finger Halo: Heavenly-angelic presence or visitor
points regarding the placement in the cup. Hammer: A complainer, a person who whines.
Fish: Gains in possessions, material growth, spir- Hand: Assistance. Do not be too stubborn to
itual progress. A wonderful symbol, for- ask for help.
tunate. Hanging Body: Delay.
Fishing Pole: Time to inquire. Ask questions. Hat: A change in career, a promotion.
Fist: Persistence pay's off. Heart: Caring, love, passion.
Flag: Stay fast. Do not lose integrity. Heavenly Bodies (planets, Sun, Moon, stars):
Flowers: A series of compliments, praise, hon- Good luck in all aspects. A very fortunate
ors, tributes. sign.
Fly: Illness, a warning to take care of one's health Helmet: Sign of protection.
or change health habits. Hills: Spiritual growth, personal awareness.
Foot: Walk away from the past. Walk into a Hive: Satisfaction, a joyful home, good friends.
new experience. Holster: The danger has passed.
Forest: A message to understand the entire situa- Hook: One who is eager for knowledge, educa-
tion. One's concepts may be too congested to tion. A time to share one's gifts.
see all the possibilities. Horn: Self-appreciation; success.
Fork: Receive aid and help gracefully. A forked Horse: A male friend, a true friend.
line, a decision that must be made. Horseshoe: A good-luck symbol, regardless of
Frog: Someone who jumps to conclusions. A position. The larger in the cup, the more for-
warning to move carefully to a decision; do tunate.
not move too quickly. House: Home.
Fruit: Any fruit signifies that one's hopes and Hurdles: Obstacles.
objects will be fruitful. Iceberg: Message not to hide behind a cold exte-
Frying Pan: Someone may be untruthful; there rior. Allow the personality to come through.
may be trouble. Initials: Initials of people with whom one will
Funeral {People carrying a coffin): A lesson to come in contact or with whom one has rela-
learn; change. tionships.
Gallows: A warning, proceed with caution, Insect: Pesky problems that will be conquered.
especially in business. There may be trouble Iris: A spiritual message. There are still lessons
ahead. to be learned and challenges ahead.

Iron: Problems will be resolved, "ironed out," or for another indication on this symbol. A
be patient. letter indicates receiving news. May be elec-
Ivy: A garden, garden of love. tronic mail or a computer message.
Jar: Strength. Lighthouse: "Stormy seas" ahead, or a good
Jaw: A long discussion. friend is available in times of trouble.
Jester: One who seems silly, a clown, a hidden Lily: Stability, lasting love.
agenda. Lines: Journey. Wavy lines indicate uncertainty
Jug: Good health, may indicate a party or fes- about a trip, perhaps disappointment.
tival. Lion: One with a hot temper, a fiery rela-
Kangaroo: Movement, a trip. tionship.
Keg: Time to store supplies, store energy. Lizard: A mistake.
Kerchief: News will be received from another Lock: Obstacles, a riddle to be solved.
country or from one whose native language is Log: A spectacular gift.
not English. Lollipop: Fun, happiness, light-hearted person.
Kettle: A forthcoming meeting in a relaxed atmo- Mail: See Letter, above.
sphere. Mail Box: Another is awaiting communication.
Key: Success. Doors will be opened. Man: A visitor, not necessarily a male.
King: A strong-willed individual who wants Mask: A secret is hidden from view, or a message
control. not to tell secrets.
Kite: Celebrate self-esteem, aim goals high. Match: Time for action.
Knapsack: Save for the future. Medal: An honor bestowed.
Knife: Fear-. A warning, something will be "cut" Mermaid: Flirtation. Time for a flirtation or
apart, a friendship, a love relationship. fun.
Knitting Needle(s): Time to create or exert Money: Including the dollar sign ($), indicative
more strength. of money coming to the querant. If there are
Knot: An argument. a number of money signs or the sign is large,
Knots in a Row: A series of disagreements. it means an abundance of money.
Lace: Old-fashioned ideas or philosophies. A Monkey: One who likes to make mischief.
formal meeting or relationship. Moon: Change in life, change in situation.
Ladder: Pathway toward success. Promotional Mountain: A major demand, but one that will
opportunity. be possible.
Ladle: News will be delivered, abundance. Mouse: Theft of object or idea.
Lamb: A gentle, thoughtful individual. Mushroom: A time to grow.
Lamp: A way to be lead from the "dark," Musical Instruments: Piano, creativity. Guitar,
guidance. love. Trumpet, an announcement of exciting
Lantern: The pathway to a new beginning will news. Clarinet, a group player. Violin, do not
be possible. A fortunate spiritual journey. be mislead, prepare for the future.
Lasso: Marital bliss, happiness in a love rela- Musical Note: Compatibility, harmony, fortu-
tionship. nate relationship.
Leaf: A fortunate sign. Good health, both men- Nail: Be careful. Watch over belongings and pos-
tal and physical. sessions.
Lemon: Person with a sour disposition. Necklace: A group is in much admiration.
Letter: Initial of a person with whom one will Needle: With thread, objective or dream will
come in contact or with whom one has rela- be realized. Without thread, a major decision
tionships. Look at other symbols in the leaves is forthcoming.
to indicate the correlation. Nest: A place or need for security.
Letter (mail): Look for an initial in the cup to Net: A warning, be careful of traps.
ascertain from whom the letter will be received Nose: Acceptance of accomplishments.

Numbers: Read as numbers. See other symbols Ring: Look forward to a special time. There will
in the leaves to interpret their meaning. They be a change for the better.
may be months of the year, days of a month, Road: New changes coming quickly.
time of the day or the number of days one Rock: Fear, concerns, problems, yet they will be
must wait for a specific incident to occur. resolved without undue stress.
Oar: A small worry, but success and achieve- Rope: That which one has been awaiting will
ment shortly. arrive.
Ostrich: Travel. Rose: Popularity,
Owl: A symbols of the greatest knowledge. A Rug: Traveling,
fortunate, spiritual sign. Ruler: Keep to timetables, watch deadlines.
Ox: One who is strong-willed but gentle in his Safe: One who is self-reliant, or a message that
or her heart. one will be self-reliant for the rest of one's life.
Oyster: Love, an engagement. Saw: An obstacle that must be overcome in order
Palm Tree: A journey to a tropical place. Many to continue.
surprises on the journey of life. Scales: If balanced, one is leading a balanced life.
Pan: A desire for acceptance. If unbalanced, a decision must be made.
Pancake: Small amount of money coming. Scissors: Disappointment, failure, perhaps a
Paper: Important papers will need consideration. quarrel.
Path: A journey, perhaps through spiritual Shark: Loss of material wealth.
awareness and within the realm of the spiri- Ship: A journey, a sea voyage.
tual world. Shoe: Time to increase productivity.
Pear: Improvement in money matters. Have Skates: You're on your own.
faith. Snake: Coiled, treachery and betrayal. Uncoiled,
Pen: An analytical job opening. knowledge, power, spiritual reasoning,
Person: Another has a message, or an important success.
stranger will enter one's life. Square: Message to guard against being locked
Piano: Creativity in music. into antiquated thinking. Do not become too
Pig: Greed and selfish behavior or someone with comfortable in a situation.
these characteristics. Spoon: Series of events.
Pipe: A relationship will be mended. Star: Fortunate sign. Excellent outcome of proj-
Pot: One in need of help. If full, one in need of ects, One will receive public credit for a job
significant help. well done.
Purse: Matters relating to money. Stick: Abundance of money.
Pretzel: Complex situation. Storm: Difficult times, calm forthcoming.
Pyramid: A solid foundation to success. Sword: A minor mishap. This is a warning mes-
Question Mark: Look to the other symbols in sage of possible stress or anxiety in the family
the cup. May indicate an inquisitive individual or workplace.
or a child who is questioning morals. Table: A very social message, good friends, good
Quill: Return to simpler philosophies or life- food, much to be thankful for.
style. Tall Building(s): Achievement realized, but
Rabbit: Fun-loving friend. through work. The more buildings seen in the
Racket: A perfect love match. leaf, the more acclaim one will receive when
Radio: Important news. the work is complete.
Rainbow: The worst is over, happiness from Teapot: Warm, loving friends.
now on. Tear Drop: Disappointment.
Rake: Give a decision thought. Telephone: Important message forthcoming.
Ram: A leader, leadership qualities. Throne: Authority, may mean authority is in
Rat: One who is dishonest, unfaithful, devious. question.

Tiger: One who is unable to cope, or may seem Woman: Happiness, love, friendship. Not neces-
to be unable to cope with a situation. sarily a female.
Toilet: Physical problem. Worms: Scandal.
Train: Wishes will come true. Wreath: Disappointment possible, a time for re-
Trees: A new start, then success. Wishes and flection and grief. When conclusions are
dreams will come true—and shortly. A pine reached, a time for celebration.
tree, great success. An oak, strength. A palm, Xylophone: Musical event.
a tropical journey or relaxation of a troubled Yoke: One who is tied to his or her work or in
situation. a relationship that needs a change.
Triangle: Success, excitement, personal reward. Zebra: A move, from one city to another, one
If there is a symbol within the triangle, indica- home to another, one relationship to another.
tive of a hidden meaning.
This is merely a sampling of the symbols and
Turtle: A message not to take shortcuts. Slow,
interpretions of tasseography. Psychics recom-
thorough work will ultimately lead to success.
mend honing one's skills in the art by further
Typewriter/Computer: Creative ability.
study. Since many psychics spend their entire
UFO: See beyond the ordinary.
lives learning to interpret and read the leaves in
Umbrella: A fortunate sign. A symbol of pro-
a teacup, among other metaphysical skills, it is
recommended that one review the books listed
Urn: May indicate the loss of a friend or animal,
below and others on this topic. One may also
or a change in a personal relationship.
wish to have a personal tea-leaf reading and
Valley: Stay calm, good fortune is ahead.
study the mantic art by attending a class on
Vase: One has an unknown admirer who is
the subject.
greatly attracted.
See also AEROMANCY; GEOMANCY; lyncho-
Violets: One with aquiet nature. May mean one
has a tender, emotional side that is concealed.
Vise: Hold on. Further reading
Volcano: A situation is about to erupt, or one
Bary, William Theodore de, ed. Sources of Chinese
with an unsettled emotional personality.
Traditions. New York: Columbia University
Wagon: There arc hard times head, but a great
Press, 1960.
deal of work. A message to adopt a pioneer Buckland, Raymond. Secrets of Gypsy Fortune Telling.
spirit, accept a challenge, make plans for the St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1988.
future. Leland, Charles Godfrey. Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune
Wall: Misunderstanding. Telling. New York: University Books, 1962.
Waterfall: A fortunate sign, abundance. Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
Web: Be cautious with advice from a friend, it New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
is erroneous. McCrite, Harriet Mercedes. Tea Leaf Reading Sym-
Whale: Too much is being made from too little. bols. Carlsbad, Calif: McCrite, 1991.
Concern is unjustified.
Wheel: Regardless of the situation or challenges, TAURUS One of the 12 astrological signs of
life continues. the zodiac. The symbol is the bull.
Wig: Something hidden. Those who are born between April 20 and May
Window: Spiritual sign. There are many new 20 are natives of the sign of Taurus and have
spiritual experiences if one looks for them. specific traits indicative of the time and date on
Wineglass: Celebration. which they were born. Divination of events can
Wishbone: Unbroken, success and what has been also be charted through this astrological sign.
wished for will be realized. Broken or with Astrologers divine what is in store throughout
missing pieces, not all is granted in life. life by the time, date and place in which the
Witch: Strange happening. individual was born as they coordinate the influ-

TAURUS • 259
gorgeous, sleek and brightly colored sports car
■< will probably be ultra fuel-efficient and have won
honors for reliability.
, r
It is said that living with a Taurus isn't one of
the easiest things in life. Taurus can be a tyrant,
although he or she often hides this part of the
personality, and the tantrum is over almost as
quickly as it begins. More so, Taurus can some-
TU\vpy>; times be a skinflint, secretive and suspicious.
TAURUS And there's a self-indulgent quality about Tan-
ruses, too. However, their sensual, loving and
humorous nature often outshines the more diffi-
ences with other signs, the planets, the Sun, the cult qualities of the sign.
Moon and other powers. The Taurus man or woman always keeps peo-
In traditional Western astrology, Taurus is the ple guessing. Is this a cold-hearted stone of a
second sign of the zodiac. Those born during the person, or a fun-loving, sensual delight? Living,
period typically exhibit qualities that exemplify knowing, loving and/or working with a Taurus
an affectionate nature. They are stable, stubborn, is always a surprise.
quiet, patient and intensely practical. While traditional astrologers use books to cal-
Taurus is said to be the sign of money, and culate a personal birth chart based on the position
collecting and keeping money is often at the of the Sun, Moon and planets at a distinct time,
forefront of a native's efforts. Money is ex- computer software has replaced most of this
tremely important to Taurus. It's not that he or time-consuming work. The correct term for cal-
she flaunts it, but what it means: a comfortable culating a birth chart is to "cast" it. In order to
home, a few investments, a rosy retirement. fully comprehend the extent of traits, potential
Home and family are important to Taurus, and and attributes, the exact time and place of birth
he or she wants everything running like clock- must be known and interpreted.
work—all the time. In today's world that is See also astrological symbols; astrology.
not always possible, and chaos of daily living
sometimes puts Taurus on edge. Further reading
Ruled by Venus, Taurus loves beauty and Cosmic Connections. Mysteries of the Unknown. Al-
luxury—beautiful homes, cars, romantic part- exandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
ners. Yet he or she is inordinately realistic and Goodman, Linda. Linda Goodman's Sun Signs. New
understands that often beauty, especially the su- York: Fawcett/Columbine, 1978.
perficial kind, does not last. Thus, his or her Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your
Own Future. London: Quintet Publishing and Ran-
dom House, 1992.
Omarr, Sydney. My World of Astrology. New York:
Fleet, 1965.
. Taurus. New York: New American Library,
Verlagsanstalt, Datura. Taurus Astro Analysis. New
York: Grossett & Dunlap, 1976.
Woolfork, Joanna Martine. The Only Astrology Book
You'll Ever Need. Landham, Mass.: Scarborough,

This ancient symbol represents the astrological sign TEACUP READING

of Taurus. See TASSEOGRAPHY.


TELEPATHY The direct experience of an- Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of
other person's mental condition or state of be- Mystical and Paranormal Experience. San Fran-
ing; ability to perceive and receive information cisco: HarperSan Francisco, 1991.
through a means other than the traditional Halbourne, Max. Mental Telepathy and ESP Powers
senses. for the Millions. Eos Angeles: Sherbourne Press,
Some metaphysical writers refer to telepathy as Hintze, Naomi A., and J. Gaither Pratt. The Psychic
"mind-to-mind" communication. Most people Realm: What Can You Believe? New York: Ran-
have, at one time or another, thought of a friend, dom House, 1975.
only to have that friend suddenly call. Or you Thouless, R. H. Experimental Psychical Research.
might have had the experience of knowing ex- New York: Penguin, 1963.
actly what someone will say before he or she has Tyrrell, G. N. M. Science and Psychical Phenomena.
spoken. These are examples of telepathy. Fondon, 1938. Reprint. New York: University
Books, 1961.
PERCEPTION (ESP), telepathy is another term indi-
TEPHRAMANCY Divination from the
cating awareness without the support of informa-
ashes of a combustible object. ANTHROPOMANCY,
tion or data. These are the thoughts or the
a variation, deals with the ashes of a human or
knowingness of thought, emotions or visions
animal sacrifice.
from one mind to another mind, even at a dis-
tance. It is the divination of forthcoming events Tephramancy is quite often grouped under the
or circumstances without any outside assistance. larger heading of PYROMANCY, divination by ana-
Telepathy is often placed under the general cate- lyzing the flames of a combustible object. This
gory of ESP. ancient practice is also sometimes referred to as
The word telepathy was coined in 1882 by lapadomancy, lampandomancy and pyroscopy.
Frederic W. H. Myers, a British psychical re- In tephramancy, after one meditates on the
searcher and founder of the Society for Psychical question at hand, he or she asks the universe for
Research. It originated from the Greek term tele, assistance, writes a question on a piece of paper
meaning distant, and pathe, meaning to feel from and then sets it on fire. Divination comes
afar. According to Myers, this word best ex- through examining and analyzing the ashes or
pressed the curious and unexplainable happening through "reading" the patterns and ash forma-
of thought transference. tions as one would read tea leaves.
Most civilizations have folklore and recorded Historically, the ashes of sacrificial victims and
incidents regarding telepathic communication, animals, as well as specific types of trees, have
including Native American tribes. It is often been used in this method. It is believed that the
pointed out by scientists that while telepathic ancient Druids, who have been said to have
occurrences are recorded, they have not been burned enemies in order to practice a form of
proved in labs and there is still no hard scientific divination, may have also used tephramancy.
evidence to prove their existence. Still, most peo- In some places in the rural United States and
ple believe in some form of telepathy and may England today, ashes are consulted to predict the
have had personal experience with it. future. For example, an ash that resembles a bird
See also rhine, Joseph banks, m.d. might mean good news; an ash that looks like a
heart might mean true love.
Further reading Other variations of fire, smoke and ash divina-
tion include divination by CAPNOMANCY (pat-
Cavendish, Richard, ed. Man, Myth and Magic: An
Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Supernatural. Vol. 7. terns of smoke made by burning various objects
New York: Marshal Cavendish Corporation, 1970. and/or sacrifices), CAUSIMONANCY (throwing
Feyer, Dr. Ernest C. The Call of the Soul: A Scientific flammable objects into a fire or onto hot coals),
Explanation of Telepathy and Psychic Phenomena. CRITOMANCY (burning of barleycorn), DAPHNO-
San Francisco: Auto-Science Institute, 1926. MANCY (divination by the crackle of burning lau-

rel leaves), libanomancy (divination through Scholem, Gershom. Origins of the Kabbalah (transla-
incense smoke) and SIDEROMANCY (divination by tion). Princeton, N.J.: Jewish Publication Society,
interpreting the twisting and smoldering of pieces 1987.
of straw when thrown on a red-hot grate).
See also mantic objects. THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY Metaphysi-
cal organization founded by Madame Helena P.
Further reading Blavatsky and Henry Steel Olcott in New York
Dey, Charmaine. The Magic Candle. Bronx, N.Y.: City
Original Publications, 1989. Founded in 1875, the society was based on a
Kittredge, George. Witchcraft in Old and New En- number of ancient teachings including those of
gland. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1929. Pythagoras, Plato, the Gnostics and the Neopla-
Reprint. New York: Atheneum, 1972.
tonists. The society had three main goals: (1) to
Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
support the unity of humankind without distinc-
New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
tion of race, color, religion or social position;
Nichols, Ross. The Book of Druidry—History, Sites,
Wisdom. London: Aquarian Press, 1990. (2) to study the ancient religions to compare and
Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super- then select ethics for the universal understanding
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. of religion; (3) to study and promote the study
Pajeon, Kala, and Ketz Pajeon. The Candle Magic of psychic powers so that all people could de-
Workbook. New York: Citadel Press, 1992. velop their psychic abilities.
Madame Blavatsky was directed to form the
THEOMANCY Ancient Hebrew belief of organization in 1875 by a spiritual master known
divination by studying the mysteries of the uni- as Master Morya. Blavatsky left her home in
verse. England to travel to the United States to investi-
It was believed that by studying the mysteries gate psychic disturbances on a farm in Ver-
of the universe, or divine majesty, and through mont, having been alerted about them through
seeking the sacred names in the universe, one an article in the New York Graphic written by
could have power over angels and guides, Henry Steel Olcott. Blavatsky and Olcott be-
demons and other deities. It was through this came colleagues and friends and continued to
power that one could control nature and work research the occult.
miracles. Theomancy is no longer considered a On March 9, 1875, Olcott had received a
viable prognostication method. The exact details letter written in gold ink on green paper that was
of how it was performed, perhaps through ritual- signed "Tuitit Bey, Grand Master of the mystical
istic magic, have been lost in time. Brotherhood of Luxor." Olcott was instructed
See also kabbalah; leon, moses ben shem to study the occult with Blavatsky; over the
tov de; levi, eliphas. following three or four months, he continued to
receive letters directing his metaphysical edu-
Further reading
Fortune, Dion. The Mystical Qabalah. 1935. Reprint. The group's name was suggested by Charles
York Beach, Maine: Samuel, Weiser, 1984. Sotheran, then an editor of the American Bibliop-
Franck, Adolphe. The Kabbalah. New York: Bell, ohst. It comes from the Greek theos, meaning "a
J978. god," and sophos for "wise," or divine wisdom.
Giles, Cynthia. The Tarot: History Mystery and Lore.
It has been used to describe various esoteric
New York: Paragon House, 1992.
and mystical systems adopted by Blavatsky and
Ponce, Charles. Kabbalah: An Introduction and Illu-
mination for the World Today Wheaton, 111.: Theo- Olcott to represent the goals of the society.
sophical Publishing House, 1973. In September of that year, Olcott and Blavat-
Schmaker, Wayne. The Occult Sciences in the Renais- sky formed the Theosophical Society. Blavatsky
sance. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of was a very popular psychic and a celebrity. Dur-
California Press, 1972. ing the first two years, the society drew in many

people who were curious about the charismatic Mather, George A., and Larry A. Nichols. Dictionary
H.P.B. After only two years, public interest in of Cults, Sects, Religions and the Occult. Grand
the society waned. It wasn't until Blavatsky and Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan Publishing House, 1993.
Olcott went to India, where Blavatsky was psy- Ryan, Charles J. H. P. Blavatsky and the Theosophical
Movement. Pasadena, Calif.: Point Loma, 1975.
chically directed to contact spiritual guides, that
Woolfork, Joanna Martine. The Only Astrology Book
the organization once more became popular.
You'll Ever Need. Landham, Mass.: Scarborough.
However, Blavatsky's credibility came under
scrutiny, and she and others in the Theosophical
Society were accused of defrauding the public;
the claim was that their messages from the Indian THERIOMANCY Divination by studying
master had been staged. Though fraud was never the behavior of animals.
proved, the charges did undermine the plausibil- Theriomancy is a less common name for alectry-
ity of all involved. omancy (divination by observing animals in the
Krishnamurti, a Indian whom those in the wild as well as domesticated creatures) and apan-
Theosophical Society believed to be the next tomancy (divination by chance encounters with
messiah, was considered to be the incarnation of animals).
Lord Maitreya, the long awaited Buddha. He In various times and cultures every animal has
brought thousands into the society by convincing probably been used in a prognostication method.
them that he was the next Buddha, and continued More than 2,400 years ago, the Etruscans prac-
to be a leader in the organization after he estab- ticed theriomancy by utilizing a hen or rooster.
lished a U.S. headquarters in Ojai, California, Babylonians used beasts of burden. By splashing
near Los Angeles. However, Krishnamurti be- water three times on a sleeping ox's head, a
came disenchanted with the direction of the psychic was said to be able to divine, through
movement, since he' believed that there wasn't the animal's 17 possible reactions and types of
just one way to spiritual knowledge but many. responses, the answers to the question at hand.
He left the organization in 1930. The Hittites of Asia Minor and Syria used alec-
Many notable people have studied with the tryomancy in studying the movements of an eel
Theosophical Society, including Thomas Alva within a tank of water.
Edison, William Butler Yeats, Rudolph Steiner Forms of observing animals in order to foretell
and Mahatma Gandhi. the future are still used today. In the central
Today there are more than 40,000 members African tribe of Zande, questions are answered
of the society worldwide, with approximately through the movement of ants. In Polynesia
6,000 in the United States. The Theosophical crimes are traditionally solved when a beetle is
Society of America is headquartered in Wheaton, allowed to crawl over the grave of the murder
Illinois; the United Lodge of Theosophists is victim. Supposedly the beetles' tracks reveal the
located in Los Angeles; the Theosophical Society murderer's name and/or identity. One can have
is in Covina, California, and the International one's future told by a fortune merchant's trained
Group of Theosophists is also located in the Los bird in cities throughout the world. The querant
Angeles area. asks a pertinent question and releases his or her
See also blavatsky, Helena p.; krishna- thoughts to the universe, and the bird picks an
murti; OLCOTT, COLONEL HENRY STEEL; answer from the papers hanging from a rack or
STEINER, RUDOLPH. branch. The paper is said to reveal what the
universe wants the querant to know. Of course,
Further reading there is a price tag attached to this practice; that's
how the vendor makes money.
Caldwell, Daniel H., ed. The Occult World of Ma-
dame Blavatsky: Reminiscences and/mpressions by There are a number of other mantic arts that
Those Who Knew Her. Tucson, Ariz.: Impossible involve observing animals. It is interesting that
Dream Publications, 1991. even today, some people believe that by observ-

ing the behavior of dogs, for example, one can Further reading
predict earthquakes. Some scientists think that
Cavendish, Richard, ed. The Encyclopedia of the Un-
when migratory birds leave their summer habi- explained. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974.
tats early, this indicates a harsh winter ahead. Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso-
Theriomancy is still practiced in various parts teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press,
of the world. From black cats and white horses 1992.
to bats and doves, much superstition and "luck" Jones, Lloyd K. Development of Mediumship. Chi-
is told from the behavior of animals. In the cago: Lormar, 1919.
United States, whether or not a groundhog sees Kardec, Allan. The Book of Mediums. York Beach,
its shadow on February 2 indicates how many Maine: Samuel Weiser, 1970.
weeks of winter remain. The result of that fa- Magical Arts. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexandria,
mous four-footed prognosticator's vision is Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
broadcast throughout the country. Other lucky
omens concerning animal encounters include
TIROMANCY Divination by examining
meeting a goat or a flock of sheep (and mak-
and interpreting the holes or mold on or in
ing a wish when seeing the black sheep in the
flock) and seeing a white horse in a field.
Also sometimes referred to as tyromancy, it is no
Unlucky animal omens range from hearing a bat
longer practiced today though it was a popular
squeal as it flies overhead to meeting a hare
mantic art throughout medieval times. Because
(but only if you are a sailor on your way to
there were no food preservatives, the cheese of
your ship).
the Middle Ages probably bore very little resem-
See also ALECTRYOMANCY; APANTOMANCY; fe- blance to that which we buy at the supermarket
LIDOMANCY; HIPPOMANCY; MYOMANCY; OPHI- today. In addition to the usual spoilage, cheese
MANCY; ORNITHOMANCY; ZOOMANCY. was also blended specifically to accumulate mold
spores, as with blue cheese; early cheese makers
Further reading also processed the cheese less, and it naturally
came with more holes.
Bardens, Dennis. Psychic Pets. Boca Raton, Fla.:
Globe Communications, 1992. The exact nature of the divination process has
Green, Marian. The Elements of Natural Magic. Dor- been lost in time, but most likely the mold or
set, England: F.lcmem Books, 1989. holes were "read" much like one reads tea leaves
Logan, Jo, and Lindsey Hodson. The Prediction Book or coffee grounds. For example, if after posing a
of Divination. Dorset, England: Blandford Press, question to the universe, one saw a heart shape
1984. in the cheese, it might mean love. If one saw a
Stewart, R. J. The Elements of Prophecy Dorset, letter, it might have indicated that news was on
England: Element Books, 1990.
the way. The image of a baby often indicated an
unexpected change or a series of interruptions.
THIRD EYE The sixth of the seven chakras An egg, or perhaps a basket of eggs, might reveal
in Kundalini yoga. prosperity beyond one's hopes and dreams.
See also geomancy; tasseography.
The third eye was a term coined by mystical
author Lobsang Rampa (the pseudonym of
writer Cyril Henry Hoskin) in a best-selling Further reading
book called The Third Eye.
Ancient Wisdom and Secrets Sects. Mysteries of the
Lobsang Rampa states that the third eye is Unknown. Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books,
located slightly above the eyebrows and in the 1990.
center of one's forehead. It is thought by many Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
psychics and those who study paranormal phe- pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
nomena to be the center of psychic powers. ford Press, 1986.

2 64 • THIRD EYE
Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your McDermott, Robert, ed. The Essential Steiner. San
Own future. London; Quintet Publishing and Ran- Francisco; Harper 6i Row, 1984.
dom House, 1992.
Rossbach, Sarah. Feng Shut: The Chinese Art of Place- TRANSATUAUMANCY Divination
ment. New York; Arkana/Penguin, 1991.
through chance remarks overhead in a crowd.
Showers, Paul, fortune Telling for fun and Popularity
Philadelphia; New Home Library, 1942. In this method, which was practiced along with
many other ancient prognostication methods
during Egyptian and early Roman times, the
TRANCE Altered state of consciousness.
remarks are interpreted to reveal something other
In metaphysics, a psychic may go into a trance than their original meaning or to give guidance
in order to channel information from a spirit concerning a question. For example, if one over-
who is a master. He or she may enter a trance heard a worker say, "The well is going dry," a
to find and provide information said to be stored psychic of the time might have interpreted it to
in the AKASHIC RECORDS. mean the government's treasury was running
It is believed that in a trance, one's powers of low, a theft of the king's wealth had occurred or
concentration are greatly increased and subcon- the queen could no longer bear children.
scious memories can come to the forefront. A variation of transatuaumancy is cledono-
Sometimes during a trance another entity takes mancy, the art of knowing what will be said
over the psychic's body and speaks through his in the first few minutes of a conversation and
or her voice. JZ Knight's Ramtha is an example predicting the future by the context of the re-
of a spirit who has been channeled by a psychic marks. Both of these arts are considered to be
during a trance. Psychics sometimes do not recall part of CLAIRVOYANCE.
what has happened when they are in a trance;
however, it is not ne'cessary to be in a trance to Further reading
use one's psychic powers. A psychic may or may
Alleau, Rene. History of Occult Sciences. London;
not go into a trance during PSYCHIC READINGS.
Leisure Arts, 1965.
The American psychic Edgar Cayce (1877- Butler, W. E. How to Develop Clairvoyance. 2d ed.
1945) is said to have had the power to examine New York; Samuel Weiser, 1979.
the Akashic Records while in a trance. Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of
See also CAYCE. EDGAR; CHANNEL; CLAIRVOY- Mystical and Paranormal Experience. San Fran-
ANCE; GARRETT, MLKNE; KNIGHT, JZ. cisco; HarperSan Francisco, 1991.
LeShan, Lawrence. The Medium, the Mystic, and the
Further reading Physicist: Toward a General Theory of the Paranor-
mal. New York; Viking, 1974.
Angoff. Allan. Eileen Garrett and the World beyond
the Senses. New York; Morrow, 1974.
Bailey, Alice. A Treatise on White Magic. New York: TWENTY-ONE TAROT CARD
Lucis, 1951. SPREAD In tarot, a card spread that receives
Bletzer, June G. The Dunning International Encyclo- US name through the use of 21 cards.
pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit- The Twenty-One tarot card spread is said to be
ford Press, 1986. excellent for a thorough reading. According to
Cavendish, Richard, ed. The Encyclopedia of the Un- tarot card readers, this spread is especially valu-
explained. New York; McGraw-Hill, 1974. able in providing a long-term, in-depth view of
Cayce, Hugh Lynn, ed. The Edgar Cayce Collection.
an individual's life. It is used to answer questions
New York; Bonanza Books, 1986.
and provide advice on present situations; do-
Klimo, Jon. Channeling; Investigations on Receiving
Information from Paranormal Sources. Los mestic fronts; one's hopes, ambitions and antic-
Angeles; Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1987. ipations; future and unexpected events, the
Knight, JZ. A State of Mind: My Story New York: immediate future as well as what will happen in
Warner, 1984. the long-term. Other spreads, such as the Gypsy


and the Seven-Point Star, provide a quick view The third vertical row of three (cards 3, 10,
of the querant's future or answer a few questions. 1 7) are indications of what is happening regard-
For this method, all tarot cards are utilized. ing hopes and dreams.
They are shuffled by the querant while he or she The fourth vertical row of three (cards 4, 11,
considers the questions to be asked. Sometimes 18) are reflections on one's expectations and am-
one card is picked by the querant before the bitions.
reading. He or she will look closely at all the The fifth vertical row of three (cards 5, 12,
cards, and the one that "speaks" to the querant 19) tells of unforeseen incidents, chance events,
(i.e., seems especially intriguing or inviting) things that will affect the querant.
should be used as the significator. This is the The sixth vertical row of three (cards 6, 13,
card that is believed to represent the querant. It 20) tells the querant what is currently taking
is placed faceup near where the cards are spread place in his or her life. These occurrences may
on the table, often to the right of the spread. be things of which the querant is unaware or
After the cards are shuffled and meditation they may be happening to verify that he or she
has occurred, the querant (or the reader, de- is on the right pathway.
pending on the preference or situation) begins to The seventh vertical row of three (cards 7, 14,
deal the cards. All cards arc dealt facedown and 21) reflects the future and what it may hold.
are not turned over until the reading begins. See also ARCANA; CARTOMANCY; levi, eli-
The first card is placed in the top right corner PHAS; TAROT.
of the table, the second to the left of the first;
this placement continues through the first seven Further reading
cards. The eighth card is placed directly beneath Buckland, Raymond. Secrets of Gypsy fortune Telling.
the first card, closer to the querant, and another St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1988.
row is formed. The third row begins with the Giles, Cynthia. The Tarot: History Mystery and Lore.
15th card, which is placed in a vertical row with New York: Paragon House, 1992.
the first and eighth card. Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your
Reading the cards from the right to the left: Own Future. London: Quintet Publishing and Ran-
dom House, 1992.
The first vertical row of three (cards 1,8, 15) Secrets of the Alchemists. Mysteries of the Unknown.
are said to indicate one's present situation. Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
The second vertical row of three (cards 2, 9, Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown.
16) are said to indicate one's relationships. Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.



UNDERBILL, EVELYN (1875-1941) sions of A leister Crow ley: An Autobiography Lon-

English mystic, poet and novelist. don: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979.
Wilson, Colin. The Occult. New York: Vintage, 1973.
From an Anglican upbringing, Underhill is said
to have had a profoundly religious transforma-
UNIVERSAL LAWS The principles of psy-
tion in her late 20s that led her into the teachings
chic and mystical sciences that are known to oc-
of the Catholic Church. She taught philosophy
cur time and again. Also known as spiritual
and religion at Manchester College and at Ox-
ford, England, and held an honorary doctorate
of divinity from Aberdeen University. The laws, which are functional as well as philo-
Underbill's total fascination with religion and sophical, are the doctrines and canons of esoter-
the Laws of the Universe led her to join the icism. They are the basis of New Age teaching
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. She is and philosophies, occultism, alchemy, psychic
best remembered for her metaphysical work gifts and mysticism. Although they are complex
Mysticism, first published in 1911, which ex- and thought provoking, at the same time, at least
plained her views of the roles of religion, philos- at first, the descriptions seem too elementary.
ophy, and the occult, including ceremonial For example, Abram's Law states that all forms
magic. The book was readily accepted by psy- of matter possess a quality that puts them in
chics and philosophers of the time. touch with each other's signal. The Law of Ca-
See also hermetic order of the golden tastrophe states that a severe turning point, that
DAWN; LAWS OF METAPHYSICS. takes place abruptly, happens to everything in its
season. Psychics encourage understanding the
Further reading laws through meditation, by reading and study-
ing the laws and other principles of metaphysics,
Cavendish, Richard, ed The Encyclopedia of the Un- and by making the laws part of one's personal
explained. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974. philosophy.
Drury, Nevill. Dictionary of Mysticism and the Eso-
See also laws of metaphysics.
teric Traditions. Dorset, England: Prism Press,
Further reading
MacKenzie. Norman. Secret Societies. New York:
Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1967. Bailey, Alice. A Treatise on White Magic. New York:
Symonds, John, and Kenneth Grant, cds. The Confes- Lucis, 1951.

Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo- Sec also biblical prophets and divination
pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit- METHODS; CASTING OF LOTS; SORTILEGE SYSTEMS.
ford Press, 1986.
Cavendish, Richard, ed. The Encyclopedia of the Un-
Further reading
explained. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974.
Cayce, Hugh Lynn, ed. The Edgar Cayce Collection. Bouqet, A. C. Everyday Life in New Testament
New York: Bonanza, 1986. Times. New York: Scribner's, 1954.
Mather, George A., and Larry A. Nichols. Dictionary
of Cults, Sects, Religions and the Occult. Grand
URIMANCY Divination of yes and no an-
Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan Publishing House, 1993.
swers through the use of lots to be cast, which Miller, Madeleine S., and J. Lane Miller, eds. Harper's
were kept in a priest's breastplate. Encyclopedia of Bible Life. San Francisco: Harper
A prognostication method often utilized in an- & Row, 1978.
cient Israel, urimancy was most likely practiced Tinney, Menill C, ed. The Zodervan Pictorial Ency-
by prophets and priests. At that time, wise peo- clopedia of the Bible. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zoder-
ple of the ancient tribes wore breastplates with a van Publishing House, 1977.
Walker, Barbara G. The Woman's Encyclopedia of
pocket that contained a Urim and Thummim
Myths and Secrets. New York: Harper Collins,
(sometimes called Thummin). The Urim and
Thummim were sacred articles, possibly
knucklebones, flat disks or early forms of dice.
Some biblical historians explain that the dice UROMANCY Divination using urine.
were the oracular knucklebones said to have been Urine was used by the ancient Greeks and Ro-
invented by Hermes. They were known to have mans in place of water in order to scry the future.
been used as a sortilege method. (Sortilege is the Uromancy is no longer in practice today.
technical term for casting of lots.) Additionally, Pliny the Elder (A.D. 23?-79),
In 1 Samuel 28:6, the Kings of Israel are said the Roman naturalist and author of Historia nat-
to govern their acts by the prophecies of the uralist, wrote about the power of urine to reverse
Urim and Thummim. Under Levitical law, high a bad omen. Within this 37-book collection,
priests earned the objects in their "breastplates he reported, "Among the counter-charms are
of judgement," required apparel when entering reckoned, the practice of spitting into the urine
the tabernacle. The spirits of the holy place could the moment it is voided." In Discoverie of Witch-
enter the Urim and Thummim to direct the craft (c. 1584), the Scottish were instructed that
priests in their prophecies (Exod. 28:30). Other to "unbewitch the bewitched . . . you must
biblical references include Numbers 27:21 and 1 spet into the pissepot where you have made
Samuel 28:6. water."
In Mormonism, the Urim and Thummim are Copromancy (foretelling the future from fa-
two disks that arc said to have assisted Joseph ces) was also practiced by the ancient Greeks,
Smith. He used them, according to church re- although details of the process have been lost
cords, when decoding the language inscribed on in time.
the golden tablets that are the basis for teaching
the dogma of the Latter-Day Saints. According Further reading
to Smith's account, the disks were attached to
something that appeared to be "silvery bows" Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encyclo-
pedic Psychic Dictionary West Chester, Pa.: Whit-
slightly resembling a pair of eyeglasses. Looking
ford Press, 1986.
through these articles. Smith was able to translate
Cumont, Franz. Oriental Religions in Roman Pa-
the strange lettering on the plates, which then
ganism. New York: Dover, 1956.
became the Book of Mormon. Maven, Max. Max Maven's Book of Fortunetelling.
Additionally, urimancy was a way to divine New York: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
the future or to decide the innocence or guilt of Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super-
an accused. stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.


VERNE, JULES (1818-1905French au- Verne studied law in Paris, yet writing and
thor and mystic. the theater had a greater attraction for him. He
Verne is considered to be the "Father of Science successfully produced his first play under the
Fiction," and his works are classics. Psychics like patronage of Alexandre Dumas in 1850. Many
to point out that he did as well in the role of of his works achieved popular acclaim during
diviner of the future as many others who have his lifetime. This genius of science fiction and
taken more credit. In his books, Verne wrote prognostication even authored a series of ro-
about manned space travel years before it became mance novels. During his prolific 40-plus-year
reality. It is said that the details of the Apollo career, Verne wrote an average of one or more
moon exploration program could have been out- books a year.
lined from his books From the Earth to the Moon
(1865) and Round the Moon (1870). Verne's Further reading
spaceship, the Columbiad, takes off from Florida Glass, Justine. They Foresaw the Future. New York:
with a three-man crew and splashes down in the Putnam's, 1969.
Pacific Ocean. Verne's "trip" took 97 hours; Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time: The Unexplained.
Apollo 11 s flight time into space was 97 hours Vol. 6. Westport, Conn.: H. S. Stuttman and Orbis
39 minutes. Another "coincidence" is that both Publishing, 1992.
spacecrafts suffered life-threatening loss of oxy- Visions and Prophecies. Mysteries of the Unknown.
gen in flight. Additionally, Verne's description of Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
the submarine the Nautilus predates submarine
technology by a quarter of a century. Even non- VIA LASCIVA In PALMISTRY, one of the
metaphysical authorities remark that his novels less influential lines of the hand.
were "remarkably prophetic." Not found on all hands, the via lasciva is located
Verne was not alone in prognosticating future slightly above the wrist toward the fingers. If it
scientific events. A number of other famous sci- is straight, it is believed to indicate a personality
entists recorded their predictions; included on that tires of details and bores easily. A long,
this list arc Leonardo da Vinci and Sir" Francis straight, deep via lasciva is believed to reflect a
Bacon. Both foretold space travel long before the person who has strong powers of persuasion. A
National Aeronautics and Space Administration curved line may indicate someone who has little
was created in 1958. self-confidence; a line that curves, beginning at

the mount of Venus, is believed to reveal self- tables or ways of speaking to the universe
indulgent qualities. Should the line branch, palm- through "oracles" were considered parlor games,
ists explain that the individual has the ability to yet like the Ouija board, psychics warn that one
make (and perhaps spend) a great deal of money. should take the information seriously. Posing
serious questions in a thoughtful manner may
Further reading provide the information desired.
Altaian, Nathaniel. Palmistry Workbook. New York: See also OUIJA BOARDS; SORTILEGE SYSTEMS;
Sterling, 1990. TABLES OF FATE.
Cheiro. Cheiro's Book of Numbers. New York: Pren-
tice-Hall, 1988. Further reading
. The Language of the Hand. New York: Pren- Agrippa, Cornelius. The Ladies' Oracle. London:
tice-Hall, 1987. Hugh Evelyn, 1962.
Robinson, Rita. The Palm: A Guide to Your Hidden Buckland, Raymond. Secrets of Gypsy For tune telling.
Potential. North Hollywood, Calif.: Newcastle, St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn, 1988.
1988. Palmer, Martin; Joanne O'Brien; and Kwok Man Ho.
The fortune Teller's 1 Ching. London: Century,
VIA MYSTICA Latin term for "mystical 1986.
way" or "mysticalpath." Walker, Barbara G. The Woman's Encyclopedia of
Myths and Secrets. New York: Harper Collins,
The ancient Greek philosophy the via mystica is
the pathway back to the gods, heaven, nirvana
or the Universe if one follows the laws of meta-
VIRGO One of the 12 astrological signs of
the zodiac. The symbol is the virgin.
See also laws of metaphysics.
Those who are born between August 23 and
Further reading September 22 are natives of the sign of Virgo and
have specific traits indicative of the time and date
Bevan, E. Sibyls and Seers: A Survey of Some Ancient
on which they were born. Divination of events
Theories of Revelation and Inspiration. London:
Allen 8c Unwin, 1982. can also be charted through this astrological sign.
Epstein, Perle. Kabbalah: The Way of the Jewish Mys- Astrologers divine what is in store throughout
tic. Boston: Shambhala, 1988. life through the time, date and place in which
the individual was born as they coordinate the
VICTORIAN LADY'S ORACLES Divi- influences against other signs, the planets, the
nation system created and popularized during Sun, the Moon and other powers.
Victorian times. In traditional Western astrology, Virgo is the
sixth sign of the zodiac. Those born during the
The Victorian Lady's Oracle is a board designed
period typically exhibit qualities that exemplify
with symbols. With eyes closed, the querant asks
a question, touches the board and waits for the
universe to reveal the answer. The same types of
divination systems are used in dominoes, dice
and cards. Sometimes this type of prognostica-
tion is referred to as "magic tables" or "tables
of fate."
There are a number of other systems that use
a similar technique in order to foretell the future, y
and some psychics even practice the I Ching in
the same manner: concentrating on a question,
closing the eyes and allowing the finger to fall
onto the 64 three-line patterns. These magical VIRGO


While traditional astrologers use books to cal-
culate a personal birth chart based on the position
of the Sun, Moon and planets at a distinct time,
computer software has replaced most of this
time-consuming work. The correct term for cal-
culating a birth chart is to "cast" it. In order to
fully comprehend the extent of traits, potential
and attributes, the exact time and place of birth
must be known and interpreted.
See also ASTROLOGICAL SYMBOLS; astrology.
This ancient symbol represents the astrological sign Further reading
of Virgo.
Cosmic Connections. Mysteries of the Unknown. Al-
exandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990.
Goodman, Linda. Linda Goodman's Sun Signs. New
a somewhat reserved and discriminating nature. York: Fawcett/Columbine, 1978.
The native of this sign is industrious, the hard Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your
worker of the zodiac, but he or she is also ever Own Future. London: Quintet Publishing and Ran-
dom House, 1992.
curious. The Virgo individual needs to know
Omarr, Sydney. My World of Astrology New York:
how and why something works and often makes
Fleet, 1965.
an outstanding engineer. It is said that Virgo's
. Virgo. New York: New American Library,
most likable trait is that of conscientiousness. 1992.
Virgo always wants everything in perfect order Veriagsanstalt, Datura. Virgo Astro Analysis. New
and seems to have the unfailing energy to achieve York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1976.
this goal. Unless there are other strong aspects Woolfork, Joanna Mart inc. The Only Astrology Book
in his or her chart, the Virgo simply does not You '11 Ever Need. Landham, Mass.: Scarborough.
know how to wait until tomorrow to finish a 1992.
project. Do it now is the Virgo's motto. Finding
a way to keep everything neat and orderly at the VISION A state of consciousness in which
same time he or she is living in the real world one can see images and prognosticate future
has been the undoing of many Virgo partnerships events or interpret omens.
and marriages. Most CLAIRVOYANCE, the psychic ability to be-
Virgo tends to be highly health-conscious and come aware of something or someone without
very concerned about his or her body. However, any outside influences and without the normal
this sometimes tends to mean worry instead of perception of the senses, uses visions to relay
purposeful activity. Virgos tend to be the hypo- information and thought. A vision is like seeing
chondriacs of the universe. As with their health a picture without the use of outside influences.
and other areas of life and love, nothing is ever It may be a person, place, scene, article or even
simple. According to astrologers, Virgo has two a continuing series of events and may be seen
questions for every answer and often worries with or without the eyes being closed. Sometimes
over nothing. past lives are viewed. Visions usually occur dur-
The sign of the zodiac in which an individual ing a changed state of consciousness such as
is bom is responsible for only one fragment of meditation or a dreamlike state.
the qualities he or she receives. Psychics are Throughout history, prophets, soothsayers,
quick to point out that a general forecast solely fortune-tellers, clairvoyants, spiritualists and
on the stellar position of the Sun on the day an those who consider themselves to be sensitive
individual was born is unlikely to provide an to other depths of thinking and knowing have
accurate glimpse of the future. experienced visions in order to provide informa-

VISION • 271
tion to the masses as well as to querants. Clair- practice the religion are centered in Haiti, but
voyance is the umbrella term to cover all the there are more than 50 million followers world-
ways in which a psychic knows of coming events wide. Voodoo was originally practiced in part
or things that have happened in the past. The of the ancient African nation of Dahomey, and
soothsayer who tried to warn Caesar of the Ides variations of the voodoo services were brought
of March is said to have had a vision of the to the New World and the United States by
ruler's impending death. Those who use crystal slaves. The belief merges the principles of Roman
balls, such as Jeane Dixon and Dr. John Dee, Catholicism, tribal principles and West African
typically see visions. Nostradamus is said to have doctrine, combining a pantheon of deities and
seen visions while scrying in a bowl of water various other mystical beliefs.
coated with a film of oil. According to historians, one of the most im-
The Bible contains a number of references portant concepts of voodoo is divination. During
to visions and their interpretation. In Numbers the voodoo ceremony the hungan (religious
12:5-6, it is said, "And the Lord came down in leader, sometimes called a houngan) conjures up
a pillar of cloud, and stood at the door of the good luck, interprets situations, talks and brings
Tent, and called both Aaron and Miriam and forth benevolent spirits to help the initiated.
they both came forth." In this case the Lord was According to practices, the hungan uses wangas
a vision. (magical charms), and to an outsider the cere-
See also biblical prophets and divination mony may seem more like sorcery or a theatrical
METHODS; CLAIRVOYANCE; DEE, DR. JOHN; performance with singing, shouting and gestures
LIVES. The hungan can also bring on evil and produce
bad luck through the use of paquet, which is said
Further reading to be able to induce death in an unlucky individ-
ual or one who is considered evil. The paquet is
Bevan, E. Sibyls and Seers: A Survey of Some Ancient
an abstract article, made of rags; this is the origin
Theories of Revelation and Inspiration. London:
Allen 6c Unwin, 1982. of the voodoo doll. Voodoo priests continue
Butler, W. E. How to Develop Clairvoyance. 2d ed. to use many ancient prognostication methods,
New York: Samuel Weiser, 1979. including ceromancy.
[Cayce, Edgar.] Edgar Cayce on Dreams. Virginia See also ceromancy; tasseography.
Beach, Va.: ARE Press, 1968.
McKenzie, John L. Dictionary of the Bible. Milwau- Further reading
kee: Bruce, 1965. Denning, Melita, and Osborne Phillips. Voudou Fire:
Psychics. Mysteries of the Unknown. Alexandria, Va.: The Living Reality of Mystical Religion. St. Paul,
Time Life Books, 1990. Minn.: Llewellyn, 1979.
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper's Encyclopedia of
VOODOO A cultlike religion that employs Mystical and Paranormal Experience. San Fran-
divination as part of its practices. cisco: HarperSan Francisco, 1991.
Mather, George A., and Farry A. Nichols. Dictionary
Voodoo (also known as vaudoux, vodun and of Cults, Sects, Religions and the Occult. Grand
vodoun) is an ancient practice that is shrouded Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan Publishing House, 1993.
with mystery, some of it generated by Holly- Rigaud, Milo. Secrets of Voodoo. San Francisco: City
wood moviemakers. The majority of those who Fights Books, 1969.

272 • VOODOO

WAITE, ARTHUR EDWARD decks, the Rider-Waite deck (also known as the
(1857-1942) American-British mystic, historian, Rider Pack, since it was purchased by the Rider
author and tarot card reader. Company). It is very much in use today, available
at most metaphysical shops.
Bom in Brooklyn,^ New York, Waite moved to In addition to the tarot card deck, Waite is
England with his mother at an early age. He best remembered for several books on magic,
began his lifelong study of metaphysics while mystical beliefs and the occult. They include
still in school. It is said that he was greatly Devil Worship in France: The Book of Ceremo-
influenced by the teachings of Madame Helena nial Magic, The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross:
P. Blavatsky and Eliphas Levi. In his 20s, Waite The Real History of the Rosicrucians, The Holy
joined the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Kabbalah, The Holy Grail and The Secret Tradi-
Although he came from a strict Roman Catholic tion of Freemasonry Many believe that his most
family, Waite grew up asking questions. He came important work is Azoth, a volume on mysti-
to believe that all religions were downplaying cism. His still-popular A Pictorial Key to the
their traditional mystical qualities. Tarot continues to influence readers and the pub-
Waite studied all the metaphysical arts, includ- lic today.
ing tarot, in a practical manner rather than in a
Further reading
theoretical way. (The practical method answers a
querant's questions on everyday living rather Giles, Cynthia. The Tarot: History Mystery and Lore.
than answering only questions of a universal New York: Paragon House, 1992.
nature). He espoused the theory that through MacKenzie, Norman. Secret Societies. New York:
the study of the tarot and the images found Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1967.
in the cards, one could walk the pathway of Waite, Authur Edward. Brotherhood of the Rosy
knowledge and transformation. He also worked Cross. New Hyde Park, N.Y.: University Books,
toward having the general public as well as those
. The Holy Grail: The Galahad Quest in the
who were involved in mysticism see the tarot as
Arthurian Literature. New Hyde Park, N.Y.: Uni-
a symbolic tool, in all its beauty and power. versity Books, 1961.
In 1910, along with American artist and oc- -i The Holy Kabbalah: A Study of the Secret
cultist Pamela Coleman-Smith, Waite created the Tradition hi Israel. New York: Carol Publishing
best-selling and best known of all tarot card Group, 1969.

. The New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry Com- MacKenzie, Norman. Secret Societies. New York:
bined edition. New York: Weathervane, 1970. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1967.
—. A Pictorial Key to the Tarot. New York: Carol Symonds, John, and Kenneth Grant, eds. The Confes-
Publishing Group, 1979. sions of Aleister Crow ley: An Autobiography Lon-
don: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979.


British psychic.
(1848-1925) English psychic, author and Free-
mason. Woodruff is most famous for his prediction of
the election of John F. Kennedy, even before
Westcott took a series of Masonic writings and,
Kennedy was considering entering the presiden-
along with MacGregor Mathers, developed a
tial campaign.
group of magical rituals and rites. These were
It is said that Woodruffs clairvoyance is so
the basis of the ceremonies practiced by the
reliable that when visiting the United States for
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Westcott
the first time, he was asked by the press to
and Mathers became leaders of the highest grade
provide the name of the winning horse in the
in the secret society.
Kentucky Derby. Woodruff knew nothing of
Westcott is also remembered for his metaphys-
horse racing; however, he kept smelling a heavy
ical books on the Kabbalah, including An Intro-
scent, even though there were no flowers or
duction to the Qabalah (written in 1910) and his
floral arrangements in the vicinity or women
translation of Sep her Yetzirah (in 1911). He also
wearing perfume. Yet the fragrance lingered.
translated the works of Eliphas Levi (such as The
Woodruff is quoted as saying, "Rose Bowl will
Magical Rituals of the Sanctum Regnum, a book
be the winner," and, in fact. Rose Bowl won.
of ceremonial magic). He was the editor for
Woodruff was an amusing and witty writer;
the occult monographs known as Collectanea
his books are often available at used-books
Hermetica, published by the Theosophical Pub-
stores. Maurice Woodruff Futurecaster: The Se-
lishing House in London about 1890.
crets of Foretelling Your Own Future is entertain-
ing and enlightening.
Further reading
Bums, Litany, Develop Your Psychic Abilities. 1985.
Further reading
Reprint. New York: Pocket Books, 1987.
Ancient Wisdom and Sects. Mysteries of the Unknown. Vaughn, Frances. Awakening Intuition. Garden City,
Alexandria, Va.: Time Life Books, 1990. N.Y.: Anchor/Doubleday, 1979.
Cranston, Sylvia. The Extraordinary Life and Woodruff, Maurice. Maurice Woodruff Futurecaster:
Influence of Helena Blavatsky Los Angeles: Jeremy The Secrets of Foretelling Your Own Future. Cleve-
P. Tarcher, 1992. land, Ohio: World, 1969.



XYLOMANCY Divination using the ar- method apparently used flat sticks and required
rangement of dry sticks. that the bark on one side of the stick be removed.
It is believed that xylomancy was originally used From 3 to 10 sticks were tossed in the air. If the
more than 5,000 years ago by Hebrew psychics sticks with sides not having bark fell facing up,
as a divination method to foretell the future and the answer was yes, or a sign that the querant
interpret omens. should move forward. If the sticks fell the bark
Some ancient volumes say specific sticks or side up, reverse was indicated; the answer was
dried logs were used in xylomancy; a question no, or the querant should not proceed.
was asked, and the twigs were tossed in the air. Xylomancy may very well be an adaptation of
Psychics deciphered the placement of the twigs I Ching. Some I Ching practitioners use yarrow
in response to the question at hand. Another sticks, which are thrown to the floor in order to
divine the future. 1 Ching began well before
written time (most likely prior to 2498 B.C.).
Another variation of xylomancy requires that
sticks or dried logs be placed in a fire. The way
the fire burns the logs is what is interpreted by
& the psychic. Other mantic arts use fire to foretell
the future including capnomancy (divination by
the patterns of smoke made by burning various
objects and/or sacrifices), critomancy (burning
of barleycorn), daphnomancy (divination by the
crackle of burning laurel leaves), libanomancy
(divination through incense smoke), pyromancy
(divination achieved by staring into a burning
fire) and sideromancy (divination by interpreting
the twisting and smoldering of pieces of straw
when thrown on red-hot grate; crushed dried
i£SC peas were also used in sideromancy).
XYLOMANCY See also I ching; sortilege systems; and
Xylomancy may be an adaptation of the I Ching. other related mantic arts mentioned above.

Further reading Logan, Jo, and Lindsey Hodson. The Prediction Book
of Divination. Dorset, England; Blandford Press,
Bletzer, June G. The Donning International Encvclo- frTOV
ped u Psychic DictionW/st Chester, Whit-
Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictiorfrjry Su-
ford Press. 1986.
perstitions. Oxford; Oxford University Press,
King, Francis, and Stephen Skinner. Techniques of 1992 .
nigh Magic. Rochester, Vt.;.Destiny Books,,, 1991.
Visions And Prophecies. Ivlysteries of the Unknown.
Loewe, Michaef, and Carmen Blacker, eds. Divination
Alexandria, Va.: Time Life fioots, 1990.
and Oracles. London; Allen & Unwin, 1981.

ZENER CARDS Cards developed to test Thouless, R. H. Experimental Psychical Research.
the powers of ESP. New York: Penguin, 1963.
The cards were created by Dr. J. B. Rhine and
psychologist Dr. Karl Zener, when they were ZOANTHROPY Divination by observing
beginning their scientific research in the paranor- and interpreting the flames of three lighted can-
mal or metaphysical fields. The cards, which are dles placed in a triangular position.
still in use today, include five shapes: a star, a
circle, three wavy lines, a square and a cross.
A pack of Zener cards has 25 cards, five of
each shape.
To test for ESP, the cards are shuffled. Cards
are then held up to the subject with the shape
facing the test administrator. The percentage of
right answers as to the shape on the card is
compared with a chance score. A score of five
or more correct answers in each run (a test of all
25 cards) is said to indicate that the subject has
psychic or ESP skills.

Further reading
Halboume, Max. Mental Telepathy and ESP Powers
for the Millions. Los Angeles: Sherbourne Press,
Rhine, Louisa E. ESP in Life and Lab. New York: ZENER CARDS
Collicr-Macmillan, 1967. Still popular today, Zener cards, as these shapes are
Richct, Charles. Thirty Years of Psychical Research. known, were developed when Rhine and Zener
London: William Collins, 1923. began scientific research in the metaphysical fields.

Sometimes referred to as candle prophecies, 1am- The astrological signs relate to the 12 constel-
pandomancy, and lampadomancy, zoanthropy is lations, or groups of stars, of the same name that
a form of fire divination or pyromancy, the anal- are within the narrow band of the zodiac. The
ysis of the shape of flames to foretell the future. constellations are of differing sizes; the zodiac
It is quite logical that the interpretation of flames divisions are of equal sizes of 30 degrees. They
from a candle or a touch would become a prog- form a complete circle of 360 degrees. Since
nostication method, since fire has played such an ancient astrologers saw these constellations in
integral part in human evolution. specific forms, the zodiac got its name from the
The Egyptians are said to have used zoan- Greek word zodiakos, which means the circle
thropy about 1,700 years ago with only one of animals.
candle. The ancient Greeks took the ancient The center of the zodiac's band is marked by
practice and devised a variation that required the path of the Sun around the earth. The Sun,
three (sometimes four) specially blessed candles. Moon, and all planets except Pluto are within
With three candles set in a triangle shape, all the circle of the zodiac.
wicks were lighted. The shape, height, appear- Astrologers point out that while the shapes
ance and movement of the flames were interpre- seen in the heavens are imaginary, the actual
ted to foretell the future. constellations are very real. Each sign of the
Although this and other candle divination zodiac has a fable and legend mixed with a good
methods are ancient, many still use them today. deal of Greek mythology, since much of the early
To practice zoanthropy, a question must be seri- astrological discoveries were made by the
ously considered by the querant and then asked, Greeks.
either aloud or silently. It is best done in a quiet The stars were grouped in patterns as early
room, without any breeze that might change the as 3000 B.C. by Mesopotamian observers. They
message of the candle flames. Then all the candles believed that the constellations represented vari-
are lighted. Interpretations are based on the can- ous objects or animals such as the raven, serpent
dles' appearances and behavior. and goat. They charted and observed the heavens
See also CANDLE PROPHECY; CAPNOMANCY; and their influence, especially on crops and sea-
LYNCHOMANCY; PYROMANCY. sons. The actual history of the zodiacal symbols
is unknown, although they first appeared in
Greek manuscripts.
Further reading
The philosophy of the zodiac and the symbol-
Dey, Charmaine. The Magic Candle. Bronx, N.Y.: ism of the signs reached Egypt during the Greek
Original Publications, 1989. dominations (third century B.C.). About this
Morgan, Chris. Fortune Telling: How to Predict Your same time, there was a rapid blending of astro-
Own Future. London: Quintet Pubhshing and Ran-
logical doctrines throughout Babylon, Greece
dom House, 1992.
and Egypt. The doctrines incorporated a system
Opie, lona, and Moira Tatem. A Dictionary of Super-
of theories about the powers of the celestial
stitions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
Pajeon, Kala, and Ketz Pajeon. The Candle Magic bodies and their association with people, places,
Workbook. New York: Citadel Press, 1992. events and omens. The concepts spread to Rome,
then on to Byzantium and India, and returned
adding new spiritual insight.
ZODIAC In astrology, the division of the See also ASTROLOGICAL SYMBOLS; ASTROL-
sky into 12 signs. OGY; HOROSCOPE,
The zodiac is a narrow band of the heavens that
circles the Earth. It is divided into 12 signs: Further reading
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Li- Forrest, Steven. The Changing Sky: The Dynamic
bra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius New Astrology for Everyone. New York: Bantam,
and Pisces. 1984.

278 • ZODIAC
Goodman, Linda. Linda Goodman's Star Signs. New
York; St. Martin's, 1987.
. Linda Goodman's Sun Signs. New York:
Fawcect/Columbine, 1978.
Luce, Robert de. The Complete Method of Prediction.
New York; ASI, 1978.
Wilson, James. The Dictionary of Astrology New
% York; Samuel Weiser, 1974.
Woolfork, Joanna Marline. The Only Astrology Book
m You'll Ever Need. Landham, Mass.; Scarborough,

ZOOMANCY Divination by observing the

behavior of animals.
Zoomancy is a less common name for alectryo-
mancy, divination by observing animals in the
% wild as well as domesticated creatures, and apan-
tomancy, divination interpreted by chance en-
counters with animals.

Further reading
Bardens, Dennis. Psychic Pets. Boca Raton, Ha.:
Globe Communications, 1992.
Green, Marian. The Elements of Natural Magic. Dor-
set, England; Element Books, 1989.
Logan, Jo, and Lindsey Hodson. The Prediction Book
" of Divination. Dorset, England; Blandford Press,
Divination by studying the behavior of animals is Stewart, R. J. The Elements of Prophecy Dorset,
called zoomancy. England: Element Books, 1990.


Boldface page numbers indicate main essays. Italic page numbers indicate illustrations.

A Ambrose of Milan, Saint apparition 11 Assyrians

Aborigines 66 bilocation 28 apples astrology 18
Abrams, Albert American Indians see Native botanomancy 31 channel 44
radiesthesia 215 Americans tasseography 254
leconomancy 129
Abulafla, Abraham Ben Samuel I American Society for Psychical apports
Guppy, Mrs. Agnes (Samuel) myomancy 173
mystic 174 Research (ASPR) 239
amethysts 93 oomancy 191
Ace of Spades 254
Achad, Prater see Jones, Charles crystal predictions 56 aprons 254 astragalomancy 14
Stansfeld gems 86. 87 aquamarines astragyromancy 14
acorns 254 amniomancy 7 crystal predictions 56 astral bodies see also auras
Adams, Evangeline 1-2 analytical psychology Aquarius 11-12,12 oneiromancy 188
Adams, John QuinCy 200 Jung, Carl G. 113 astrological symbols 17 astral plane 15, 194
aeromancy 2 anchors 254 astrology, medical 20 astrologers
Africa see also specific tribal angels 254 see also guide crystal predictions 56 Adams, Evangeline 1-2
groups (e.g., Zulus) animal magnetism Arabia Agrippa, Von Netteshcim,
dowsing 64 Mesmer, Friedrich Anton belomancy 25
Heinrich Cornelius 2-3,
gcomancy 88 164,165 halomancy 95
onychomancy 190 13, 181
iatromancy 106 animals see alto Chinese
pessomancy 199 arcana 12 Anselm De Parma 7
astrology; theriomancy; arcs 254 Dee, John see Dee, John
agate z oomancy
crystal predictions 56 areola Dixon, Jeane see Dixon,
alectryomancy 5 auras 21,22 Jeane
gems 86
Agricola, George anthropomancy 8 Aries 12-13,13 Goodman, Linda 89-90
dowsing 64 apantomancy 10-11 astrological symbols 17 Krafft, Karl Ernest 122-123
Agrippa, Von Netteshcim, cephalomancy 43 astrology, medical 20
epatoscomancy 72 crystal predictions 55 L« Nofmand, Madame 130-131
Heinrich Cornelius 2-3
arithmancy 13 hepatomancy 99 Aristotle Leo, Alan 132
numerology 181 hicromancy 98 anthroposomancy 8 Lilly, William 19, 139
airplanes 254 ankles graphology 90 Mesmer, Friedrich Anton
Akashic Records 3-4, 138 astrology, medical 20 metopomancy 166 164-165
Akiba ben Joseph 115 maculomancy 146 mythology 174 Omarr, Sydney 186, 206
Albertus Magnus 4 Anselm De Parma 7 reincarnation 217 astrological symbols 15-18,16
alchemy Anthony of Padua, Saint arithmancy 13-14 see also nu- astrology 18-19 sec also astrolo-
Albertus Magnus 4 merology gers; Chinese astrology; horo-
bilocation 28 Armenians
Cagliostro, AUesandro di 33- anthropomancy 7-8 see also scope; iatromancy; specific signs
34 anthropomancy 7 (e.g., Capricorn); zodiac
higher self 100 epatoscomancy armomancy 14
anthroposomancy 8, 8-10 see astrology, emotional 19-20
Levater, Johann Kaspar 134 armpits astrology, horary 20
alectromancy 4, 4 see also aero- n/so phy siognom y maculomancy 145
ants astrology, inceptional 2C
mancy; nephelomancy arms (part of body) astrology, medical 20
alectryomancy 5, 5-6 alectryomancy 5 astrology, medical 20
tasseography 254 astrology, mundane 20
aleuromancy 6 maculomancy 144 astrology, natal 20
Alexander II, Czar (Russia) 102 theriomancy 263 tasseography 254
anvils 254 astrology, predictive 20
Algonquin Indians Army, U.S.
apantomancy 10-11 see also astromancy 20-21
shaman 237 Omarr, Sydney 186
alectryomancy astromelcorology
alligators 254 arrows
Allync, John 23 apes 254 alectromancy 4
belomancy 25-26
alphitomancy 6-7 Apollo, mount of see mount of tasseography 254 Atlantis
Alphon.sus Maria de'Ligouri, Apollo ashes 32 see also tephramancv Akashic Records 3
Saint Apollo disaster (1967) aspects (astrology) Kahunas 117
bilocation 28 Dixon, Jcane 62 astrological symbols 17 Steiner, Rudolph 244

atmospheric conditions see aero- Balfour, Arthur reincarnation 217 epatoscomancy 72
mancy; alectromancy; clouds; Society for Psychical Re- scrying 233 botanomancy 30-32
weather search 239 tasseography 254 bottles 255
augurs 21 bananas 254 vision 272 boxes 255
chresmonancy 47 Bantus{African tribal group) Biblical prophets and divination bracelets 255
Augustine, Saint astragyromancy 14 methods 26, 26-27 branches 255
astrology 19 cleromancy 50 bibliomancy 28 Brazil
bibliomancy 28 sortilege systems 240 bicorporeity 28 Kardec, Allan 118
auras 21-22 baptism bilocation 28 onychomancy 190
colorology 52 omens 188 Binet, Alfred psychic surgery 210
Kirlian photography 120-121 Bar, William 64 graphology 91 bread
Australia barley birds see also ornithomancy aleuromancy 6
dream interpretations 66 alphitomancy 6-7 alectryomancy 6 tasseography 255
Skinner, Stephen 238 belomancy 26 augur 21 breastplates
austromancy 22, 22 barns 254 Druids 67
Barren, William utimancy 268
automatic wi lting 22-24,29 tasseography 254
Society for Psychical Re- breasts
axes theriomancy 263, 264
search 239 birth chart (natal chart) astrology, medical 20
axinomancy 24 maculomancy 145
tasseography 254 Barton, Clara astrology 18
phrenology 200 astrology, medical 20 brides 255
axinomancy 24 bridges 255
Aztecs baskets 254 birthdays
bathroom dreams 67 lampadomancy 127 Britain set Great Bri tain
catoptromancy 41 Broad, C- D.
crystal predictions 55 bats birthmarks see maculomancy
alectryomancy 5 births tones Cummings, Geraldine 56
epiioscomoncy 72 brooms 255
hicromancy 98 apantomancy 10 crystal predictions 55-56
tasseography 254 black brown
theriomancy 264 colorology 52 colorology 52
B Beausoleil, Baron and Baroness numerology 183 iridology 111
babies 64 omens 188 numerology 182
amniomancy 7 Bede, Saint Blank Rune 227 Brown, Rosemary 23
omens 188 sclenomancy 235 Blavatsky, Helena P. 28-30,29 Buchanan, D.J.R.
tasseography 254 beds 254 astrology 19 psychometry 211
Babylonians beehives 254, 256 Judge, William Quan 113 Buddhism
alectryomancy 5 bees 254 Krishnamurti, Jiddu 123 Chinese astrology 46
anthropomancy 7 beetles Leo, Alan 132 karma 118
apantomancy 10-11 alectryomancy 5 medium 164 past fife 198
astrology 18 theriomancy 263 mystic 174 reincarnation 217
Biblical prophets and divina- bells 254 past life 198 Builders of the Adytum
tion methods 27 belomancy 25-26,26 Theosophical Society 262, Case, Paul Foster 39
capnomancy 36 Benham, W. G. 263 buildings 258
channel 44 Jaquin, Noel 112 bletonomancy 30, .10 bulls 255
crystal predictions 55 Benson, E W. blood Burma
Society for Psychical Re- anthropomancy 8 anthropomancy 8
epatoscomancy 72 search 239 bloodstones 87 epatoscomancy 72
gematria 85 Bcorc (rune) 226 blood-typing
hepitomancy 99 burning
Besant, Annie anthropomancy 8
hicromancy 98 Judge, William Quan 113 blue capnomancy 35-36
libanomancy 136 Krishnamurti, Jiddu 123 colorology 52 daphnomancy 59
numerology 180 Bible see also Biblical prophets iridology 111 butterflies
thcriomancy 263 and divination methods; New numerology 182, 183 omens 188
zodiac 278 Testament; Old Testament body characteristics tee an- tasseography 255
back (part of body) bibliomancy 28 throposomancy buttocks 145
astrology, medical 20 catoptromancy 40 Bond. Frederick Bligh 23
maculomancy 145 channel 45 bones see also fish bones
Bacon, Francis clairvoyance 49 astragyromancy 14 c
Rosicrucians 220 clidomancy SI casting of lots 39 Cabala set Kabbalah
Verne, Jules 269 dowsing 64 cleromancy 50 cabbages 255
bags 254 dream interpretations 66 dice 60-61 Caesar, Julius
Bailey, Alice 25 epatoscomancy 72 sortilege systems 239 anthroposomancy 10
automatic writing 23 hicromancy 98 Book of Changes see I Ching augur 21
channel 44 laying on ol hands 129 books 255 see also bibliomancy; clairvoyance 49
medium 164 leconomancy 129 rhapsodomancy; stichomancy Druids 68
Baldo, Camille palmistry 1% Borneo graphology 90
graphology 90 predictions 206 anthropomancy 8 hepatomancy 99

281 • INDEX
cages 255 tasseography 255 chickens citrine
Cagliostro, AlleMndro di 33-34 cattle alectryomancy 5 crystal predictions 56
Levater, Johann Kaspar 134 hleromancy 98 harusplcy 97 gems 87
cakes caul (fetal membrane) leconomancy 129 clalgusclence 47-48
aleuromancy 6 amniomancy 7 childbirth dairaudience 48-49
tasseography 255 causimonancy 32,41 see also amniomancy 7 crystal predictions 56
California 64 capnomancy botanomancy 31 dairsentienl 49
Calloway, Hugh G. irrFox,Oli- cave paintings harusplcy 97 clairvoyance 49, 49-50
ver dowsing 63 children Croiset, Gerard 53-54
camels fortune-telling 80 life reading 138-139 Davis, Andrew Jackson 60,
apantomancy 10 pendulum predictions 198 lynchomancy 142 129
tasseography 255 Cayce, Edgar 41-42 tasseography 255 Indian medicine bundle 109
Cancer 34-35 Akashlc Records 3 children, lines of see lines of chil- Stelner, Rudolph 3,243-244,
astrological symbols 17,34 gems 87 dren 263
astrology, medical 20 iatromancy 106 chimneys 255 clarinets 257
crystal predictions 56 laying on of hands 128,129 chin Claudius (Roman emperor)
horoscope 103 meditation 163 anthroposomancy 9 Druids 67
candle prophecy 35 past life 198 maculomancy 144 claws 255
candles seea/so zoanthropy predictions 206 China see a/so Chinese astrol- cledonomancy 50
ceromancy 43 psychic healer 208 ogy; feng shul cleidomancy 50-51
lampadomancy 125-127 reincarnation 217 aleuromancy 6 Clement XIV, Pope
lynchomancy 142 soul 241 anthroposomancy 8, 9 bllocatlon 28
tasseography 255 trance 265 apparition 11 clldomancy 51-52
capnomancy 32, 35-36i J6 ste Cedar austromancy 22 dock) 255
a/socritomancy; daphno- capnomancy 36 catoptromancy 40 clothing seestolisomancy
mancy; Mbanomancy; sldero- Celtic Cross (tarot) 42 cleromancy 50 clouds seeaeromancy; alectro-
mancy Celts dominoes 62 mancy; nephelomancy
Capricorn 36, 36-37, J7 harusplcy 96 clover
felidomancy 76
astrological symbols 17 hippomancy 101 geomancy 88, 88 botanomancy 31-32
astrology, medical 20 Ichthyomancy 109 graphology 90 tasseography 255
crystal predictions 56 cephalomancy 42-43 see also clowns 255
harusplcy 96
Cardan, Jerome olnomancy; phrenology clubs (card suit)
anthroposomancy 9 ceraunoscopy 43,43 hleromancy 98
I Ching 1C6, 107 cartomancy 39
metopomancy 166-167 ceromancy 43-44 cobwebs 255
card readers Chaffee, Roger B. Irldology 111 coconuts 31
Le Normand, Madame 130- Dlxon,Jeane 62 mantle art 159 coffee ground reading 52, J2
131 chairs 255 metopomancy 166 coffee mugs 255
cards see cartomancy; spoto- chakras 44 mlng sticks 167 coins
mancy;tarot Chaldeans oculomancy 185 aleuromancy 6
caribou belomancy 25 palmistry 1 % cleromancy 51
harusplcy 97 Chambers, J. D. physiognomy 202 I Ching 107
scapulomancy 230 Hermetica 100 podomancy 204 tasseography 255
Caringten, MC'hately channel 44-45 prana 205 Coleman-Smlth, Pamela 273
Leonard, Gladys Osborne crystal predictions 56 scapulomancy 230 collective unconscious 52
134 gastromancy 84 sortilege systems 240 Jung, Carl G. 113
Carrol, Alexis medium 163 sycomancy 247 Colombia 66
Garrett, Eileen 83 channclers see Knight, JZ tasseography 252 colorology 52
Carrlngton,Hereweard Chariot (tarot card) /JO Chinese astrology 45-47 colors j«auras; colorology; ir-
Garrett. Eileen 83 major arcana 150 chiromancy 47 see a/so psycho- ldology; Klrllan photography
cartomancy 37-39,33 numerology 183 therapeuticchiromancy color telepathy 53
Case. Paul Foster 39 Charles II. King (England) chresmomancy 47 columns 255
caskets 255 Greatrakes, Valentine 91 chresmonancy 47 Comanche Indians
casting of lots 39 Charles IX, King (France) Christians, early anthropomancy 7
gems 87 Nostradamus 180 catoptromancy 40 epatoscomancy 72
Catherine de Medicis, Queen chase dreams 67 channeling 44 Combe, George 200
(France) cheeks 144 felidomancy 76 compasses 255
Nostradamus 180 cheese seetiromancy gematria 85 computers
Catherine of Siena, Saint 39-40 Chelro (Louis le Warner de Har- Ichthyomancy 109 Akashlc Records 3
mystic 174 mon) 45, 1% rune stones 240 Aquarius 12
catoptromancy 40,40-41 see chest (region of the body) 145 Christmas Eve mythology 176
a/soenoptromancy Ch'i molybdomancy 169 tasseography 259
cats see a/so felidomancy feng shul 78 circles Confucius
alectryomancy 6 chlao-pal cyclomancy 56 anthroposomancy 8
apantomancy 10 cleromancy 50 tasseography 255 1 Ching 107

INDEX* 282
conjunction (astrology) 17 daisies 255 vision 272 easels 255
Cook, Florence 53 dandelions dizziness 94 Eckhart Von Hochheim fMeister
cookies botanomancy 31 Dogon(West African tribal Eckhart) 70
aleuromancy 6 tasseography 255 group) Edison, Thomas Alva
copromancy see scatomancy daphnomancy 32, 59 alectryomancy 5 Theosophlcal Society 263
Coreus, King (Lydia) 73 D'arpetigny, Casimlr Stanislaus geomancy 88 Edward (Duke of Kent)
corn 32 59-60 dogs anthroposomancy 9
coscinomancy 53 da Vlncl. Leonardo apantomancy 11 Levater, Johann Kaspar 134
cosmology catoptromancy 41 Chinese astrology 47 Edwards, Harry 70-71
Krafft, Karl Ernest 122-123 scrying 233 gelomancy 85 laying on of hands 129
costume dreams 67 Verne,Jules 269 hleromancy 98 Edward VIM, King (Great Brit-
cows 255 Davis, Andrew Jackson 60 tasseography 255 ain)
crabs 34 laying on of hands 129 therlomancy 264 Chelro 45
cream 182 dead, spirits of the see necro- dollar signs 255 eels
crimes mancy; nlgromancy; seance; dolls 255 alectryomancy 5
clidomancy 51-52 spiritualism dominoes 62-63 therlomancy 263
kephalonomancy 119-120 Death (tarot card) 1 S3, 153-154 donkeys eggs see a/so oomancy
critomancy 32, 53 Debussy, Claude 220 apantomancy 10 aleuromancy 6
Croiset,Gerard 53-54 Dee, John 60 tasseography 255
cephalomancy 42
cromnlomancy 31 astrology 19 tasseography 255 Egyptians
Cromwell, Oliver catoptromancy 41 dots 255 astrology 18
Lilly, William 139 crystalomancy 55 doves Biblical prophets and divina-
Crookes, William scrying 233 tion methods 27
apantomancy 11
Home, Daniel Dunglas 102 vision 272 cartomancy 37
deer tasseography 254, 255
Society for Psychical Re- dowser 63 seea'/o Geller, Url channel 44
search 239 haruspicy % cleromancy 50
dowsing 63-65
crosses 255 scapulomancy 230 crystal predictions 55
tasseography 255 gems 64, 87
Crowley, Alelster 54 dragons felldomancy 76
Hartmann, Franz 96 de Freltas, Jose Pedro halomancy 95
psychic surgery 211 Chinese astrology 46
Hermetic Order of the tasseography 255 hleromancy 98
Golden Dawn 100 ^ de Gloumclinc, Julie
Drayton, H.S. 200 hydromancy ICS
Jones, Charles Stansfeld 112 Home, Daniel Dunglas 103
dream Interpretations 6$, 65-67 lampadomancy I2S
Kellner, Karl 119 deja vu 3, 60
De La Warr, George see also Biblical prophets and lynchomancy 142
Levi, Eliphas 135 divination methods; onciro- myomancy 173
Rosicrucians 220 radlesthesla 215
de Leon, Moses 115 mancy numerology 180
Spare, Austin Osman 241 drinking glass 255 pessomancy 199
Crowley, Rose 54 dendrorruncy
capnomancy 36 Druids 67-68,69 prana 205
crows 254 anthropomancy 7 predictions 206
Crusaders 38 desks 255
Devil (tarot card) /JV, 154-155 botanomancy 30 sclenomincy 235
crystal lomancy 54-55 sortilege systems 239, 240
crystalomancy 55 De Wohl, Louis capnomancy 36
Krafft, Karl Ernest 122 channel 44 tarot 250
crystal predictions 55-56 see
diamonds gyromancy 94 transatuaumancy 265
a/sollthomancy zoanthropy 278
crystals seecleromancy; crystal predictions 55 haruspicy 96
gems 86,87 hleromancy 99 zodiac 278
tasseography 255 phyllomancy 202 Einstein, Albert 127
crystal predictions; lithomancy
Cullings, Louis T. 54 diamonds (card suit) pyromancy 212 soul 241
Cummlngs, Geraldine 56 cartomancy 39 reincarnation 217 synchronlcity 248
cups 255 dice 6C-4I scapulomancy 230 elbows 145
astragyromancy 14 tephramancy 261 elephants 255
Cups, Suit of see Suit of Cups
cusp 56 casting of lots 39 drums 255 elixirs 87
cyclomancy 56 cleromancy 50 ducks 254 Elizabeth L Queen (England)
cylicomancy 57 rune stones 221 Dunne, John William 68-69 astrology 19
sortilege systems 240 catoptromancy 41
tasseography 255 crystalomancy 55
D direct- voice medium 61 £ Dec, John 60
dactylomancy 58 dirt earrings 255 scrying 233
dactyomancy 58-59, 59 gcomancv 88 cars sclcnommcv 235
Daeg(rune) 226-227 dishes 255 anthroposomancy 10 Emerson, Ralph Waldo
daggers 255 divination 61 maculomancy 144 past life 198
dahmo (Tibetan divination sys- Dixon.Jeane 62 omens 188 phrenology 200
tem) 25-26 clairvoyance 49 tasseography 255 Emmerich, Anna Catherine 23
Dahomey crystalomancy 55 earthquakes Empedocles
voodoo 272 predictions 206 therlomancy 264 reincarnation 2I7

283 • INDEX
Emperor (tarot card) ! 48-149, fans 256 forests 256 gistrorruncy 83-84 set also di-
149, 182 fate line 75-76 forks rect-voice medium
Empress (tarot card) 147-148, palmistry 197 omens 188 gates 256
148, 182 feathers 256 tasseography 256 Geller, Uri 84-85
empyromancy 71 feces see scatomancy Fortune, Dion 79-80 dowser 63
Encausse, Gerard see Papus Feda (channeled entity) fortune cookies kelidomancy 119
England see Great Britain Leonard, Gladys Osborne aleuromancy 6 gelomancy 85
enoptromancy 71, 71-72 133,134 gematria 85
fortune-telling 80 Gemini 85-86,66
entrails feet fountains
anthropomancy 7-8 astrology, medical 20 astrological symbols 17
hieromancy 98 astrology, medical 20
epatoscomancy 72 maculomancy 146 pegomancy 198 crystal predictions 56
envelopes 256 tasseography 256 Fowler. Orson 200 gems 86-88
Eoh (rune) 22S Feliciani, Lorenza 33 Fox, George 80-81 hieromancy 98
Eolhs (rune) 225 felidomancy 76. 76-77 Fox, Oliver 81 lithomancy 141
Eow (rune) 226 fences 256 Fox Sisters 81-82 rhabdomancy 218
epatoscomancy 72 feng shui 77, 77-78 France genitals
ephemeris bletonomancy 30
astrology 18 D'irpetigny, Casimir chakras 44
botanomancy 31 Stanislaus 59-60 maculomancy 145
horoscope 103 Feoh (rune) 222
Ethel (rune) 227 dowsing 64 geomancy 88, 88 see also aero-
ferns 256 mancy; alectromancy
Etruscans fetal membrane Druids 68
felidomancy 77 Ger(rune) 225
alectryomancy 5 amniomancy 7 Germany
haruspicy 97 fig leaves see sycomancy Kardec, Allan 118
Agrippa see Agrippa
hepatomancy 99 fingernails see onychomancy Le Normand, Madame DO— Albertus Magnus 4
theriomancy 263 fingers 131 dowsing 64
Eugenie. Empress (France) 102 clidomancy 51 Levi. Eliphas see Levi, Eckhart Von Hochheim 70
Evans, Thomas Penry maculomancy 145 Fliphas Krafft. Karl Ernest 122-123
Fortune, Dion 79 tasseography 256 Nostradamus see Nostrada- Mesmer, Friedrich Anton
Everardjehn finger touching 78-79 mus 164, 164-165
Hermetica 100 fire see pyromancy Verne, Jules 269 Steiner, Rudolph see Steiner,
excrement see scatomancy fish tetalso ichthyomancy Francis of Assist', Saint Rudolph
exlispiciomincy see epatosco- apantomancy 11 Goodman, Linda 90 ghosts 256 see also apparition
mancy tasseography 256 Franklin, Benjamin 220 giants 256
extrasensory perception (ESP) fish bones Franklin, Wilbur Girdle of Venus 88-89,796
72-74 haruspicy 97 Geller, Uri 84 palmistry 197
Garrett, Eileen 83 ichthyomancy 109 girls 256
Fraternity of the Inner Light
Rhine, Joseph Banks 219 fishing poles 256 Gladstone, William Ewart
Fortune, Dion 79 Society for Psychical Re-
Zener cards 277 fists 256 Freemasons search 239
eyebrows flags 256 gnosis 89 Glastonbury Abbey (England) 23
anthroposomancy 10 (lames see also pyromancy; zoan-
chakras 44 thropy Westcott, William Wynn 274 globes 256
maculomancy 144 lampadomancy 125-127 Free Will. Law of 127 glory aura 21
eyeglasses 256 spodomancy 243 Freud, Sigmund gnosis 89
eyes see also oculomancy Flandrin, Abbe dream interpretations 66 Gnostics
Jung, CirlG. 114 gematria 85
anthroposomancy 9-10 graphology 90
iridology 111 flies 256 phrenology 200 gnosis 89
Flint, Leslie frogs 256 goats
maculomancy 144 alectryomancy 5
tasseography 256 direct-voice medium 61 fruit 256
fi ving pans 256 Capricorn 36
Ezekiel (Old Testament prophet) flour cephalomancy 42
26-27 critomancy 53 Fu-Hsi 107
funerals 256 hieromancy 98
flowers 256 kephalonomancy 119-120
Flud, William 193 tasseography 256
F flying dreams 67 theriomancy 264
face Fodor, Nandor G Goethe,Johann
anthroposomancy 8-10 Garrett, Eileen 83 Gall, Franz Joseph 200 Levater,Johann Kaspar 134
astrology, medical 20 food gallows 256 Good, Law of 127
tasseography 256 claiguscience 47-48 Gandhi, Mahatma Goodman, Linda 89-90
Fairfield, Francis Gerry Fool (tarot card) 147 Theosophical Society 263 gophers
auras 21 major arcana 146 gardens 256 apantomancy 11
fairies 256 Ford, Arthur 79 gimei (color) 183 gorillas 256
fakir 75 forehead see also metopomancy Garrett Eileen 83 grain
levitation 135 maculomancy 144 medium 164 critomancy 53

INDEX • 284
Grant, Joan 90 botanomancy 30,31 gut instinct see intuition; prccog- healers see a/fo psychic healer
graphology 90-91 catoptromancy 40 nition Fox, George 80-81
erjy channel 44 Gyfu (rune) 224 Mesmer, Friedrich Anton
iridology 111 cleromancy 50 gypsies 164. 164-165
numerology 182 dactylomancy 58 cartomancy 37, 38 health see also astrology, medical
Great Britain see also Scotland; dowsing 63 cleromancy 50 enoptromancy 71
Wales dream interpretations 66 tarot 250 iatromancy 106
alectryomancy 5 Gypsy 7 (tarot) 93-94 oculomancy 185
epatoscomancy 72
apantomancy 10 gyromancy 94 health, line of see line of health
automatic writing 23 gelomancy 85
gematria 85 (hcpatica)
Bailey, Alice see Bailey, Alice hearing
botanomancy 31 guide 92 H
hieromancy 98 clairaudience 48
Cook, Florence 53 Hagal (rune) 224 heart
Crowley, Aleister see hydromancy 105 hair astrology, medical 20
Crowley, Aleister ichthyomancy 108, 109 anthroposomancy 10 chakras 44
crystalomancy 55 lampadomancy 125 Haiti tasseography 256
Dee, John see Dee,John leconomancy 130 ceromancy 43 heart line 97-98, /9fi
Druids 68 molybdomancy 168 iatromancy 106 influence lines 110
Edwards, Harry see Ed- mythology 175 voodoo 272 palmistry 197
wards, Harry necromancy 177 Hall, Manly P. 95 hearts (card suit)
felidomancy 76, 77 nephelomancy 177 halomancy 95-%
Fortune, Dion 79-80 cartomancy 39
onomancy 189 halos hedgehogs
Fox, George 80-81 ornithomancy 192 auras 21
Fox, Oliver 81 apantomancy 10
pendulum predictions 198 tasseography 256 Hehl, Maximilian 164-165
Grant, Joan 9C hammers 256
pessomancy 199 helmets 256
Guppy, Mrs. Agnes (Samuel) Hammond, C. 23
92-93 phyllomancy 202 hens
phyllorhodomancy 202 Hamond, Louis le Warner de see tasseography 254
haruspicy 97 Cheiro
Hilton. Walter 101 predictions 206 theriomancy 263
rhabdomancy 218 hand analysis see palmistry hepatica see line of health
hippomancy 101 hands see also laying on of
Jaquin, Noel 112 •- sciomancy 231 hepatomancy 99
sortilege systems 239 hands; palmistry; psychothera- Biblical prophets and divina-
King, Francis 120 peutic chiromancy
Kingsford, Anna Bonus 120 spodomancy 243 tion methods 26,27
finger touching 78-79 Hermetica (writings) 99-100
Lee, Ann 130 stichomancy 244 maculomancy 145
Leo, Alan 132 uromancy 268 Hermetic Order of the Golden
tasseography 256 Dawn 100
Leonard, Gladys Osborne zoanthropy 278
133-134 handwriting analysis see graphol- Crowley, Aleister 54
zodiac 278 ogy
Lilly, William ire Lilly, Wil- Fortune, Dion 79
green Hanged Man (tarot card) 152-
liam King, Francis 120
colorology 52 153, / S3 Machen, Arthur 143
Manning, Matthew 158-159 iridology 111
Mathers, Samuel Liddel hanging bodies 256 Mathers,Samuel Liddel
numerology 182,183 Hannibal Macgregor 162
Macgregor see Mather), Grissom, Virgil t.
Samuel Liddel Macgregor anthroposomancy 10 Westcott, William Wynn 274
Dixon,Jeane 62 Hanscom, Daniel H. Hermetic Society
molybdomancy 168-169
groin 145 psychic surgery 211 Kingsford, Anna Bonus 120
omens 187
Shipton, Mother 237-238 Gross, Henry 63,64 Hansford-Johnson, Pamela Hermii (tarot card) 151,/SI, 183
Spare, Austin Osman see groundhogs Crowley, Aleister 54 Hess, Rudolph
Spare, Austin Osman alectryomancy 5 Hardy, Thomas Krafft, Karl Ernest 123
scolisomancy 244-245 apantomancy 10 iclenomancy 235 hexagrams 107
tcphramancy 261 theriomancy 264 hares hieromancy 98-99 set titto
Underhill, Evelyn 267 guardian angels see guide apantomancy 10 causimonancy
Westcott, William Wynn 274 guide 92 theriomancy 264 Hieropham (tarot card) 149,149,
Woodruff, Maurice 274 Odin L85 Hartmann, Franz 96 182
Great Fire of London guitars 256, 257 haruspicy 96-97 higher self 100-101
Lilly, William 139 gulls hats 256 High Priestess (tarot card) 146-
Great Plague (1665) 19 alectryomancy 6 Hawaii 117-118 147, US. 182
Greatrakes, Valentine 91-92 guns 256 hazclwood Hildegard,Saint
Greeks Guppy, Mrs. Agnes (Samud) 92- dowsing 63 mystic 174
aleuromancy 6 93 head see a/so phrenology hills 256
anthropomancy 7 gurus astrology, medical 20 Hilton, Walter 101
astragyromancy 14 Rajneesh, Bhagwan Slirce chakras 44 Hinduism
astrology 19 215-216 heid line 97,1% hieromancy 98
axinomancy 24 Ramakrishna, Paramahamsa influence lines 110 reincarnation 217
belomancy 25 216 palmistry 197 soul 241

285 • N D E X
Hippocrates Huna (religion) 117-118 margaritomancy 162 Judge, William Quan 113
anthroposomancy 8 hunch see intuition; precognition onomancy 190 Judgment (tarot card) 156,117
maculomancy 143 hurdles 256 iridology 111 jugs 257
metopomancy 166 hydromancy 105 irises (flowers) 256 Julian of Norwich
hippomancy 101,101 hylomancy see psychometry iron 257 Hilton, Walter 101
hypnosis Iroquois Indians Jung, Carl G. 113-114
hips Mesmer, Friedrich Anton dream interpretations 66 astral plane 15
astrology, medical 20 164 prana 205
maculomancy 145 astrology 19
regression 217 Is(nine) 225 collective unconscious 52
Hitler, Adolf Israel, ancient 27 dream interpretations 66
Krafflt, Karl Ernest 122 Israel, modern
I gnosis 89
Hittites Geller, Uri 84-85 I Ching 107
alectryomancy 5 iatromancy 106 Italy
Ibn Gibirol 115 intuition 110
hepatomancy 99 Anselm De Parma 7 Laws of Metaphysics 127
icebergs 256 Cagliostro, Allesandro di 33—
theriomancy 263 Iceland out-of-body experiences 194
Hodgson, Richard 34
Odin 185 precognition 205
Piper, Leonore E. 203 I Ching 106-108.107. 108 Levater, Johann Kaspar soul 241
Holland see Netherlands Laws of Metaphysics 127 134 synchronicity 247-248
holsters 256 ichthyomancy 108. 108-109 catoptromancy 40 Jupiter (planet)
Home, Daniel Dunglas 102, 1C2- Igorot (Philippine tribal group) ivy 257 astrological symbols 15
103 shaman 237 numerology 182
levitation 135 Incis Jupiter, mount of see mount of
psychic 208 anthropomancy 7 Jupiter
Homer (Greek poet) astrology 18 jackals 5
jade 87, 182 Justice (tarot card) 151, 71/
halomancy 95 crystil predictions 55
epatoscomancy 72 Japan
Hong Kong
felidomancy 76 anthropomancy 7 K
cleromancy 50 anthroposomancy 9, 10
feng shui 77 incense Kabbalah 115-117,116
libanomancy 136 channel 44 Abulafla, Abraham Ben Sam-
hooks 256 epatoscomancy 72
inconjunct (astrology) 17 uel 1
horns 256 index finger 78 haruspicy 97
horoscope 103-104 catoptromancy 40
India levitation 135 gematria 85
horses see abo hippomancy botanomancy 31 scapulomancy 230
Chinese astrology 46 gnosis 89
cartomancy 37 Jaquin, Noel 112
haruspicy % jars 257 Jones, Charles Stansfeld 112
dominoes 62 Leon, Moses Ben Shem Tov
hieromancy 98 felidomancy 76 jasmine
capnomancy 35 De 132-133
omens 188 karma 118 Lcvi, Eliphas 135
tasseography 256 Krishnamurti, Jiddu see jasper
Krishnamurti, Jiddu crystal predictions 55, 56 numerology 180, 181
theriomancy 264 kahunas 117-118
levitation 135 jaws 257
horseshoes Jefferson, Thomas 220 kangaroos 257
podomancy 204 Kaplan, Sruin 251
hippomancy 101 jesters 257
Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shree Kardec, Allan 118
omens 187 215-216 Jesus
tasseography 256 auras 22 karma 118-119
Ramakrishna, Paramahamsa Karma, Law of 127
Horseshoe spread (tarot) 101— 216 Biblical prophets and divina-
105 tion methods 26, 27 kegs 257
Indian medicine bundle 109
Hoskin, Cyril Henry see hieromancy 98 kelidomancy 119
infants see babies Kellner, Karl 119
Rampa, Lobsang influence lines 109-110 see also ichthyomancy 109 Ken (rune) 224
Houdini, Harry fate line; head line; heart line; jewelry see also gems
Kennedy, John F.
Ford, Arthur 79 life line psychometry 211
Home, Daniel Dunglas 103 Ing(rune) 226 Jews and Judaism see also crystalomancy 55
houses 256 initials 256 Kabbalah; Old Testament Dixon, Jeane 62
houses (astrology) insects 256 hieromancy 98 Woodruff, Maurice 274
horoscope 104 intestines Leon, Moses Ben Shem Tov Kennedy, Robert
Howard, Henry anthropomancy 7 De 132-133, 133 Dixon, Jeane 62
epatoscomancy 72 sciomancy 231 kephalonomancy 119-120
selenomancy 235
intuition 110-111 Jo-Hau (Chinesephilosopher) kerchiefs 257
human sacrifices
Ireland graphology 90 kettles 257
anthropomancy 7 Johnson, Lyndon keys
Cummings, Geraldine 56
capnomancy 36 Dunne, John William 68-69 Dixon,Jeane 62 clidomancy 51
Druids 67 Garrett, Eileen 83 Jones, Charles Sunsfcld 112-113 tasseography 257
epatoscomancy 72 Greatrakes, Valentine 91-92 Joseph of Cupertino, Saint kidneys
hieromancy 98 ichthyomancy 109 levitation 135 astrology, medical 20

INDEX ♦ 286
Kilner, Walter J. 21-22 lapis lazuli palmistry 197 Magdeburg, Herman Pohl 221
King, Francis I2C crystal predictions 55 life reading 138-139 Magician (tarot card) 146,747,
King, Katy lassos 257 lighthouses 257 182
Cook, Florence 53 laughter lightning magicians see Fortune, Dion;
King, Serge gelomancy 85 ceraunoscopy 43 Levi, Eliphas
Kahunas 117 laurel Miles 257 magic tables ire tables of fate
King Jr., Martin Luther botanomancy 30,32 Lilly, William 19,139 mall boxes 257
Dixon, Jeane 62 capnomancy 35 Maltland, Edward
Lincoln, Abraham 73, 73
kings 257 daphnomancy 59 Kingsford, Anna Bonus 120
empyromancy 71 line of fate 796
Kingsford, Anna Bonus 120 major arcana 146-158
Laws of Metaphysics 127-128 line of health (hepatica) 139-140,
King Wen 107 Malaysia
Kirlian, Semyon D. laying on of hands 128-129 796
palmistry 197 feng shul 77
auras 22 lead seemolybdomancy Man (rune) 226
Kirlian photography 120-121 Leadbeater, C.W. line of Mars 140, 796
palmistry 197 -mancy (suffix) 158
Kirlian photography 120-121 Krishnamurti, Jiddu 123 Mann, Horace 200
Kitchener, Lord leaves see a/so phyllomancy line of the Sun 140, 7 96
palmistry 197 Manning, Matthew 158-159
Cheiro 45 botanomancy 31 Mannltou (religion)
kites 257 tasseography 257 lines of children 140-141, 796
leconomancy 129-130 palmistry 197 Goodman, Linda 90
knapsacks 257
oomancy 191 lines of marriage 141 mantle art 159-160
Lee, Ann 130 mantle objects 160-161
astrology, medical 20 palmistry 197
Legge, James 107 Marat, Jean Paul
maculomancy 145 lions
Knight, JZ 121-122 Le Normand, Madame 131
Leo 131
channel 44 astrology, medical 20 Marcelllnus, Ammlanus
maculomancy 145-146 usteography 257 dactyomancy 59
gastromancy 84 lips 144
medium 164 Leibniz, Gottfried 220 Oulja boards 193
lemons 257 lithomancy 87, 141-142
trance 265 Margaret, Princess (Great Brit-
Lemuria liver tee also hepatomancy ain) 19
knitting needles 257 anthropomancy 8
Akashic Records 3 margaritomancy 161-162
Kahunas 117 epatoscomancy 72 Marguerite, Princess (Naples)
omens 188 Steiner, Rudolph 244 lizards 257 Guppy, Mrs. Agnes (Samuel)
tasseography 257 Le Normand, Madame I}0-1}1 locks 257 93
knots 257 Leo 17,131,131-132,7J2 Lodge, Oliver Marlcopa Indians 66
knucklebones astrology, medical 20
astragyromancy 14 Leonard, Gladys Osborne marriage 31
crystal predictions 56 134 marriage lines 796
Korea Leo XIII, Pope
belomancy 26 Society for Psychical Re- Mars (planet)
Cheiro 45 search 239
dominoes 62 Leo, Alan 132 astrological symbols 15,16
feng shui 77 Leon, Moses Ben Shem Tov De logs 257 numerology 183
Krafft, Karl Ernest 122-12} 132-133,/JJ lollipops 257 Mars, line of see line of Mars
Krishnamurti, Jiddu 123-124 Leonard, Gladys Osborne 133- Long, Max Freedom Mars, mount of lower see mount
mystic 174 134 Kahunas 117 of lower Mars
Theosophical Society 263 Leopold II, King (Belgium) lots, casting of see casting of lots Mars, mount of upper see mount
Krunner, Siegfried Adolf 221 Cheiro 45 lotus of upper Mars
letters (alphabet/mail) 257 botanomancy 30 Martinique
Levater, Johann Kaspar 134 Louis XVI, King (France) Dunne, John William 68
L anthroposomancy 9 Mesmer, Frledrlch Anton Masai (East African tribal group)
Labrador (Canada) iridology III 165 geomancy 88
haruspicy 96 oculomancy 185 Lovers (tarot card) 149, 710, 183 pessomancy 199
scapulomancy 230 Levi, Eliphas 134-135 Lully, Raymond 142
lace 257 masks 257
Crowley, Aleister 54 Luther, Martin 64 matches 257
ladders 257 Kabbalah 117 lynchomancy 142
ladles 257 Mathers, Molna 162
necromancy 177 Mathers, Samuel Llddel
ladybugs soul 241
alectryomancy 5 Macgregor 162
tarot 250 M
apantomancy 11 Hermetic Order of the
Westcott, William Wynn 274
Lages, Ludwig Machen, Arthur 143 Golden Dawn 100
levltabon 135-136
graphology 91 Lewis, H. Spencer 220 MacKenzle, Andrew Westcon, William Wynn 274
Lagu(rune) 226 Mbanomancy 32,136 apparition 11 mauve 182
lambs 257 Libra 17, 136. 136-137,/J7 Madaine, Shirley Mayans 18
lampadomancy 125-127,126 astrology, medical 20 Knight, JZ 121,122 McDougall, William
lamps and lanterns crystal predictions 56 maculomancy 143-146 Rhine, Joseph Banks 219
lynchomancy 142 lifeline 137-138, 796 Madaeans (Gnostic sect) Mead, G.R.S.
tasseography 257 Influence lines 110 gnosls 89 Hermetlca 100

287 • INDEX
medals 257 capnomancy 36 Mullins,John 64 shiman 237
meditation 162-163 Druids 67 Murphy, Bridey 173 Nan, Erika S.
medium 163-1M see aho Mitchell, Edgar D. muscles Kahunas 1 17
Cagliostro, Allesandrodi; Geller, Uri 84 astrology, medical 20 Navajo Indians
Cummings, Genldinc; direct- Mohammed (prophet of Islam) mushrooms 257 Indian medicine bundle 109
voice medium 66 musical instruments 257 shaman 237
Melanesia 63-64 musical notes 257 navels 145
Mercury (planet) moleomancy 168
moles (birthmark) see a/so Myers, Frederic W. H. Nazis
astrological symbols 15,16 telepathy 261 Kraffl, Karl Ernest 122, 123
numerology 182 mvomancy I7J, 173-174 sortilege systems 240
Mercury, mount of tee mount of maculomancy 143-144 mystics 174
molybdomancy 168-169 near- death experiences 114
Mercury Abulafia, Abraham Ben Sam- neck
mermaids 257 money 257 uel I
money dreams 67 astrology, medical 20
Mesmer, Friedrich Anton 164, Agrippa, Von Nettesheim, maculomancy 144
164-165 monkeys Heinrich Cornelius 2-3,
Chinese astrology 46 necklaces 257
Mesopoumians 13, 181 necromancy 177
astragyromancy 14 tasseography 257 Albertus Magnus 4 needles 257
Biblical prophets and divina- Monroe, Robert Blavatsky, Helena P. see Nepal
tion methods 26 astral plane 15 Blavatsky, Helena P. harusplcy 97
zodiac 278 out-of-body experiences 194 Catherine of Sicm, Saint 39- nephelomancy 177 see also aero-
Messing, Wolf Montgomery, Ruth 23 40, 174 mancy
psychic 207 Moon Eckhart Von Hochheim Neptune (planet)
metaphysics 165-166 jer aho astrological symbols 15,16 (Mcister Eckhart) 70 astrological symbols 15,17
1 .aws of Metaphysics Cancer 34 Hartmann, Franz 96 numerology 183
metopomancy 766, 166-167 Hilton, Walter 101 nests 257
numerology 182
Mexico Lee, Ann 130 Netherlands
belomancy 26 selcnomincy 235 Lully, Raymond 142
tasseography 256, 257 Crotset, Gerard 53-54
oeromancy 43 Machen, Arthur 143
Moon (tarot card) 756 nets 257
gyromancy 94 Mathers, Samuel Liddel Neubcrg, Victor
hierdmancy 98 major arcana 156 Macgregor 100, 162,274
Moon, mount of the see mount Crowley, Alelster 54
mice see also myomancy Milarepa, Jetsun 135, 167, New Age
apantomancy 10 of the Moon 174
Moon Children 34 Kabbalah 116
tasseography 257 Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shree
moonstones laylngon of hands 128
Middle Ages 215-216
crvslil predictions 56 metaphysics 166
anthropomancy 8 Ramakrishna, Paramaham ta occultism 184
anthroposomancy 10 Moore.Francis 19 216
botanomancy 31 Newbrough, John Ballou 177-
Mormons (Latter-Day Saints) Underbill, Evelyn 267 178
ccromancy 43 laying on of hands 128 Verne, Jules 269
cleromancy 50 New England
uniruncy 268 Waite, Arthur Edward IOC, aeromancy 2
didomancy 52 Moses, Stainton 23 273-274
dowsing 64 capnomancy 36
moss (color) 183 mythology 174-175
felidomancy 76 daphnomancy 59
Motoyama, Hiroshi omens 188
gnosis 89 past life 198
onimancy 189 N New Testament
mountains 257 ophlmancy 192
palmistry 196 nails 257
shaman 237 mouncof Apollo 169,796,197 names, personal seeonomancy Newton, Isaac 220
sortilege systems 240 mountof Jupiter 169-17C,/96, Napoleon Bonaparte Nicholas 11, Czar (Russia)
stolisomancy 244 197 anthroposomancy 9, 10 Chelro 45
tarot 250 mount of lower Mars 170,756, Le Normand, Madame 131 Nicholas III, Pope
tiromancy 264 197 Napoleon III (France) Abulafia, Abraham Ben Sam-
Milarepa, Jetsun 167 mount of Mercury 170-171,796, Home, Daniel Dunglas 102 uel 1
levitation 135 197 natal horoscope 176 see also mgromancy 178
mystic 174 mountofSaturn 171,/9A 197 birth chart nimbus
mimosa 30 mount of the Moon 171-172, Native Americans set also spe- auras 21
ming (or other "fortune") sticks 196, 197 cific irtbat groups (e.g., Com- ni nja
167-168 mount of upper Mars 172, 196, anche) levitation 135
mirror prophecy 168 see a/so en- 197 apantomancy 10 nipples 145
optromancy mount of Venus 172-173,/96, dowsing 65 Nomi, Masahlko
mirrors 197 dream Interpretations 66 anthropomancy 8
catoptromancy 40-4 I mouth epatoscomancy 72 noses
enoptromancy 71,77 anthroposomancy 10 Goodman, Linda 90 anthroposomancy 9
serving 233 maculomancy 144 guide 92 maculomancy 144
mistletoe mucous membranes iatromancy 106 omens 187
botanomancy 30 astrology, medical 20 Indian medicine bundle 109 tasseography 257

INDEX * 288
Nostradamus 178-180, 179 lampadomancy 125 D'arpetigny, Casimir phrenology 20^202, 207
hydromancy 105 lynchomancy 142 Stanislaus 59-60 phyllomancy 31, J I. 202
K riffi, Karl Ernest 122 mantic art 159 Jaquin, Noel 112 phyllorhodomancy 31, 202, 202
leconomancy 129-130 necromancy 177 palm trees 258 physiognomy 202-203 see also
mantle art 159 onimancy 189 pancakes 258 anthroposomancy; Levater,
oni mancy 189 ophimancy 192 pans 258 Johann Kaspar
scrying 233 sortilege systems 240 paper 258 see also spodomancy pianos 257,258
vision 272 ololygnuncy Papus (Gerard Encausse) Pigs
numbers gelomancy 85 tarot 250 apantomancy 10, 11
cleromancy 51 Omarr, Sydney 186 Paracelsus 40-41 Chinese astrology 47
dominoes 62-63 predictions 206 Parapsychology Loundation haruspicy 96
gematria 85 omen interpreter 186-187 Garrett, Eileen 83 tasseography 258
tasseography 258 omens 187, 187-188 Parapsychology Laboratory Pike, James
numerology 115,116,180-183 aleuromancy 6 (Duke University)
see also Agrippa; Pythagoras Lord, Arthur 79
amniomancy 7 Rhine, Joseph Banks 219 pink (color) 182, 183
Nyd (rune) 224-225 candle prophecy 35 parrots 254 Piper, Leonore E. 203
felidomancy 76 partridges pipes 258
o feng shui 77 hepatomancy 99 Pisces 203-2C4, 204
oak trees hepatomancy 99 past life 197-198 see also reces- astrological symbols 17
botanomancy 30 Omnipresence, Law of 127-128 sion; reincarnation astrology, medical 20
capnomancy 36 one card reading 188 paths 258 crystal predictions 56
Druids 67 oneirommcy 188-189 Paul. Saint Pius IX, Pope
oars 258 onimancy 189 mystic 174 Home, Daniel Dunglas 103
obsidian onions 31 peacocks planchciics
catoptromancy ll onomancy 189-190 apantomancy 11 Ouija boards 192,193
occultism 184 onychomancy 190-191 pearls see also margaritomancy planets
Cagliostro, Allesandro di 33- onyx 87 crystal predictions 56
oomancy 191 astromancy 20
34,134 pears 258
opal tasseography 256
Cheiro (Louis le Warner de pebbles see pessomancy
Harmon) 45,196 crystal predictions 56 plants see botanomancy
pegomancy 198
ophimancy 191-192, 192 Plato
Crowley, Aleister see -• pendulums
Crowley, Aleister opposition (astrology) 17 deidomancy 50 dream interpretations 66
Jones, Charles Stansfeld 112- Ordo Templi Orientis mythology 174
dactyomancy 58-59
113 Hartmann, Lranz 96 dowsing 64, 65 past life 198
Machen, Arthur 143 Kellner, Karl 119 reincarnation 217
gems 87
Mathers, Samuel Liddel ornithomancy 192,792 predictions 198-199 soul 241
Macgregor 100,162, 274 Os (rune) 224 penguins 254 Pliny the Elder
oculomancy 185 ostriches 258 pens 258 myomancy 173
Odin (spiritual guide) 185 Ouija boards 192-193 Pentacles, Suit of see SuitofPen- selenomancy 235
rune stones 221 dactyomancy 58 tacles uro mancy 268
oil out-of-body experiences 194 Peorth (rune) 225 Plotinus
Biblical prophets and divina- Akashic Records 3 peridot past life 198
tion methods 27 astral plane 15 crystal predictions 56 Pluto (planet)
cylicomancy 57 Lox, Oliver 81 Persians astrological symbols 15, 17
hydromancy 105 owls 254, 258 catoptromancy 40 podomancy 204-205
leconomancy 129 oxen gematria 85 palmist 195
oinomancy I8S, 185-186 alectryomancy 5 Poe, Edgar Allan 200
Olcott, Henry Steel 186 sciomancy 231
Chinese astrology 46 Personal Return, Law of 128 poetry
Blavatsky, Helena P. 29 haruspicy % pessomancy 199-2CC rhapsodomancy 219
Judge, William Quan 113 hepatomancy 99
Theosophical Society 262, Philippines polls
tasseography 258 feng shui 77 astrology 18
263 theriomancy 263
Old Testament see also Biblical psychic surgery 210 extrasensory perception
Oysters 258 (ESP) 73
prophets and divination meth- shaman 237
ods Philolaus guide 92
automatic writing 23 P dactyomancy 59 Polo, Marco 107
belomancy 26 palmistry 48, 195-197,196 see Ouija boards 193 Polynesia
botanomancy 31 also palmists; specific lines (e.g., Philosophic Research Society alectryomancy 5
candle prophecy 35 life line); specific mounts (e.g., Hall, Manly P. 95 prana 205
cescinomincy 53 mount of Apollo) photographs theriomancy 263
cylicomancy 57 palmists 195 Kirlian photography see poppies
hydromancy 105 Cheiro (Louis le Warner de Kirlian photography botanomancy 32
Kabbalah 115, 116 Harmon) 45, 196 omens 188 capnomancy 35

289 • INDEX
pots 258 Levater, Johann Kaspar 9, radios 258 tasseography 258
"PoughkeepsieSeer" see Davis, 134, 185 rainbows Ripley, George
Andrew J ackson Levi, Eliphas tee Levi, omens 187 Lully, Raymond 142
prana 2C5 Eliphas tasseography 258 ripples
precognition 2C5-206 Lilly. William 19,139 Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shree 215- leconomancy 130
predictions 206 Lully, Raymond 142 216 rivers
premonition 2C6 Manning, Matthew 158-159 rakes 258 bletonomancy 30
pretzels 258 Newbrough, John Ballon Ramakrishna, Paramahamsa 216 roads 258
Price, Harry 177-178 Rampa, Lobsang (Cyril Henry Roberts, Jane
Schneider brothers 231 Piper, Leonore E. 203 Hoskin) channel 44
prophecy Shipton, Mother 237-238 third eye 264 Robespierre, Maximil ien
Biblical prophets and divina- Skinner, Stephen 238 rams Le Normand, Madame 131
tion methods 27 Sparc, Austin Osman 54, Aries 12 robins
psephomancy 206-207 241-242 tasseography 258 apantomancy 11
PSI 207 Westcott, William Wynn 274 Ramtha (channeled entity) rocks
psychic healers 208 Woodruff, Maurice 274 Knight,JZ 121, 122 cleromancy 51
Edwards, Harry 70-71.129 psychic surgery 210-211 rascettes 796, 216 tasseography 258
Greatrakes, Valentine 91-92 psychometry 211-212 palmistry 197 rodents see myomaney
psychic readings 208-210 psychotherapeutic chiromancy rals 46,258 seealso myomaney rods
psychics 207-208 212 rattlesnakes dowsing 63
Bailey . Alice 23,25,44, 164 Ptolemy,Claudius 18 omens 187 rhabdomancy 218
Biavatsky, Helena P. see Puerto Rico Readiness, Law of 128 Romans
Blavatsky, Helena P. ceromancy 43 readiness wave anthropomancy 7
Cagliostro, Allesandrodi 33- purple 182 sortilege systems 239 astrology 19
34,134 purses 258 red augur 21
Cayce, Edgar see Cayce, Puthoff, Harold colorology 52 botanomancy 30
Edgar Geller. Uri 84 numerology 183 ceromancy 43
Cook, Florence 53 pyramids 258 Regardie, Israel chresmonancy 47
D'arpetigny, Casimir Pyramid spread King, Francis 120 cleromancy 5C
Stanislaus 59-60 cartomancy 38 regression 216-217,2/7 dowsing 63
Davis, Andrew Jackson 60, pyromancy 212 reincarnation 217-218 epatoscomancy 72
129 Pythagoras 212-213. 21J deja vu 60 gelomancy 85
Dec, John see Dee, John catoptromancy 40 karma 118-119 graphology 90
Dixon, Jeane see Dixon, dactyomancy 59 laying on of hands 12^ haruspicy 96,97
Jeane empyromancy 71 Rembrandt van Rijn hepatomancy 99
Dunne, John William 68-69 gematria 85 catoptromancy 41 ichthyomancy 109
Eckhart Von Hochheim numerology 180 scrying 233 leconomancy 130
onomancy 189 Remy, Nicholas myomaney 173
{Meister Eckhart) 70
Ford, Arthur 79 Ouija boards 193 felidomancy 76 mystic 174
past life 198 Renaissance oinomancy 185
Fortune, Dion 79-80
Fox, George 80-81 dream interpretations 66 onimancy 189
pyromancy 212
reincarnation 217 sortilege systems 240 oomancy 191
Fox, Oliver 81
scrying 233 reptiles ornithomancy 192
Fox Sisters 81-82 pendulum predictions 198
apantomancy 11
Garrett, Eileen 83 retrocognition 218 predictions 206
Geller, Uri 63, 84-85,119 Reuss.Theodor pyromancy 212
Grant, Joan 90 Q Hartmann, Franz 96 rhabdomancy 218
Guppy, Mrs. Agnes (Samuel) Qabala see Kabbalah rhabdomancy 218 scapulomancy 230
92-93 Quakers 80-81 rhapsodomancy 218-219
quartz see rose quartz; smokey sideromancy 238
Hartmann, Franz 96 Rhine, Joseph Banks 219 sortilege systems 240
Hilton, Walter 101 quartz
extrasensory perception stichomancy 244
Home, Daniel Dunglas 702, querant 214
question marks 258 (ESP) 72-73 sycomancy 247
1C2-103, 135,208 Garrett, Eileen 83 transatuaumancy 265
Kardec, Allan 118 quills 258
PSI 207 uromancv 268
KeUner, Karl 119 Zener cards 277 roosters
Kingsford, Anna Bonus 120 R rib cage 145 Chinese astrology 46-47
Knight, JZ 44. 84, 121-122. rabbits 46, 258 Richet, Charles theriomancy 263
164, 265 rabbit's foot clairvoyance 49 ropes 258
Le Normand, Madame 130- omens 187 Rider-Waite deck Rosenroth, Knorr Von
131 rackets 258 tarot 251 Mathers.Samuel Liddel
Leon, Moses Ben Shem Tov Rad (rune) 224 Waite, Arthur Edward 273 Macgregor 162
De 132-133,/JJ radiesthesia 215 rings (jewelry) rose quartz
Leonard, Gladys Osborne radionics dactyomancy 58-59 crystal predictions 56
133-134 radiesthesia 215 omens 188 gems 86,87

INDEX • 290
roses see a/so phyllorhodomancy ■scopy (suffix) 231 Siberia spades (card suit)
botanomancy 30 Scorpio 232, 232-233 shaman 237 cartomancy 39
tasseography 258 astrological symbols 17 Slbley, Ebenezer 19 Spain
RoshHashanah (Jewish New astrology, medical 20 slderomancy 238
Year) ceromancy 43
crystal predictions 56 sieves
sciomancy 2} I Scotland coscinomancy 53 Lully, Raymond 142
Rosicrucians 219-221 amniomancy 7 Silva, Edlvaldo Spare, Austin Osman 241-242
gnosis 89 harusplcy 97 psychic surgery 2ll spiders
roulette sclcnomancy 235 silver (color) 183 omens 187, 187
cyclomancy 56 stollsomancy 244 silver coins spine
Royal Society ol England uromancy 268 aleuromancy 6 astrology, medical 20
Greatrakes, Valentine 91 Scotland Yard Simon Magus spirit 242 see a/so apparition
rubles Jaquln, Noel 112 levitatlon 135 spiritual guide see guide
crystal predictions 55, 56 Scott, Cyril 184 Singapore spiritualism 242
rugs 258 scrofula cleromancy 50 Davis, Andrew Jackson 60
rulers (measurement) 258 Greatrakes, Valentine 91 sitter 238
rune stones 221-227, 223 Fox sisters 81
scrying 233 seealso Dee,John; sixth sense seelntultlon; precog-
Druids 67 gastromancy 84
Dixon.Jeane nitlon
Russell, Bertrand seance 234 see a/so table tipping Slzer, Nelson 200 Kardec, Allan 118
Manning, Matthew 158 second sight 234-235 skates 258 spirituality 242-243
seeds fee aeromancy; capno- skin spodomancy 243
mancy astrology, medical 20 spoons
Sacred Path Wheel 228-229 selenomancy 235 Skinner, Stephen 238 omens 188
sacrifices see hleromancy; human Sennacherib (Assy rian king) skulls 42-43 tasseography 258
sacrifices myomancy 173 sky spotomancy 243
safes 258 sensitive 235-236 aeromancy 2 Spurlnna Vestricius seeVes-
Sagittarius 229, 229-230 Seven-point Star (tarot) 236 sleep see dream Interpretations triclus, Spurlnna
astrological symbols 17 cartomancy 38 "Sleeping Prophet* seeCayce, Spurzhelm,J. G.
astrology, medical 20 Severus of Ravenna, Saint Edgar phrenology 200
crystal predictions 56 bllocatlon 28 Smith, Joseph square (astrology)
Sahara sextlle (astrology) 17 unmancy 268
astrological symbols 17
dowsing 63 sexual dreams 67 smoke
shadows see sciomancy capnomancy 35-36 squares 258
fortune-telling 80 squirrels
pendulum predictions 198 Shakers daphnomancy 59
Lee, Ann 130 Druids 67 apantomancy 10
Saint Germain, Comtede 230
salt 95-% Shakespeare, William empyromancy 71 Sri Lanka 31
sand anthropomancy 8 llbanomancy 136 Stalin, Joseph
geomancy 88 shaman 236-237 spodomancy 243 psychic 207
sapphire (color) 183 sharks 258 smokey quartz Star (tarot card) US, 155-156
sapphires Shaw, George Bernard 29 crystal predictions 56 stars
crystal predictions 55, 56 sheep snakes seea/soophimancy astromancy 20
sardonyx alectryomancy 5 Chinese astrology 46 tasseography 256,258
crystal predictions 56 cephalomancy 42 tasseography 258 Stead, W.T.
Saturn (planet) Chinese astrology 46 sneezes Chelro 45
astrological symbols 15, 16 harusplcy 96-97 amniomancy 7
hepatomancy 99 Stelner, Rudolph 243-244
numerology 183 Society for Psychical Research
Saturn, mount of see mount of hleromancy 98 238-239, 239 Akashic Records 3
Saturn omens 188 Cummings, Geraldlne 56 Theosophical Society 263
saws 258 scapulomancy 230 extrasensory perception stlchomancy 244
scales 258 theriomancy 264 (ESP) 73 sticks 258 see also xylomancy
Scalinger, Julius Cesar 179 shells Society of the Inner Light Stobacus
Scandinavia austromancy 22 Fortune, Dion 79 Hermetlca 100
Ichthyomancy 108 cleromancy 51 solar plexus Stoker, Bram
scapulomancy 230 geomancy 88 chakras 44 Hermetic Order of the
scatomancy 231 ships 258 sortilege systems 239-24! Golden Dawn 100
Schneider brothers (Willy and Shipton, Mother 237-238 Sothcran, Charles stollsomancy 244-245
Rudl) 231 shoes 258 Theosophical Society 262 stomach
Schrenck-Notring, Baron shoulder blades see harusplcy; soul 241 astrology, medical 20
Schneider brothers 231 scapulomancy soul-mind
sciomancy 231 shoulders reincarnation 2I8 clairsemicni 49
scissors armomancy 14 sounds maculomancy 145
coscinomancy 53 astrology, medical 20 clalraudlence 48 Stonehenge
tasseography 258 maculomancy 144 gelomancy 85 Druids 67,6*

291 • INDEX
stones see lithomancy; psepho- card spreads set Celtic Three Lifetimes spread Twain, Mark
mancy; rune stones Cross; Gypsy 7; Horse- rune stones 222 Cheiro 45
storms 258 shoe spread; Seven-Point throat phrenology 200
Stowe, Harriet Beecher 23 Star; Twenty-One tarot astrology, medical 20 Twenty-One tarot card spread
straw see sideromancy card spread chakras 44 265-266
streams Case, Paul Foster 39 thrones 258 twins
bletonomancy 30 gnosis 89 thumbs amniomancy 7
Strength (tarot card) 152, 7 52, Kabbalah 117 D'arpetigny, Casimir typewriters 259
183 Levi, Eliphas 135 Stanislaus 59
Suit of Cups 245 major arcana see major arc- linger touching 78
Suit of Pentacles 245-246 ana thunderstorms u
Suit of Swords 246 one card reading see one ceraunoscopy 43 UFOs 259
Suit of Wands 246 card reading Tibet Uitoto Indians 66
Sumerians Waite, Arthur Edward 100, austromancy 22 umbrellas
anthropomancy 7 273-274 belomancy 25-26
tasseography 252, 252-259, 25J omens 188
epatoscomancy 72 channel 44
taste, sense of 47-48 tasseography 259
hepatomancy 99 cleromancy 51
Taurus 259-260, 260 Uncertainty, Law of 128
Sun lampadomancy 127
astrological symbols 17 Milarepa, Jetsun 135,167, Underbill, Evelyn 267
astrological symbols 15, 16 United States see also New
numerology 182 astrology, medical 20 174
crystal predictions 55 tigers 259 England; specific topics
tasseography 256 Adams, Evangeline 1-2
Sun (tarot card) 156,157 teacup reading see tasseography tiger's eye
teapots 258 crystal predictions 56 Case, Paul Foster 39
Sun, line of the see line of the Sun Cayce, Edgar see Cayce,
teardrops 258 Tighe, Virginia
sun sign 247 teeth Edgar
Murphy, Bridey 173
Goodman, Linda 90 Davis, Andrew Jackson 60,
anthroposomancy 10 Tir(rune) 225-226
Sun-Tze telepathy 261 tiromancy 264-265 129
anthroposomancy 8 telephones 258 toes Dixon, Jeane 49,55,62,206,
swallows Temperance (tarot card) 154,134 astrology, medical 20 111
apantomancy 11 Tcnhaeff, W. H. C. toilet dreams 67 Ford, Arthur 79
Switzerland Croiset, Gerard 53-54 toilets 259 Fox Sisters 81-82
Kraffl, Karl Ernest 122-123 Tennyson, Alfred, Lord 23 topaz Goodman, Linda 89-90
Levater, Johann Kaspar 134 tephramancy 261-262 crystal predictions 56 Hall, Manly P. 95
anthroposomancy 9 Teresa of Avila torches 125 Hartmann, Franz 96
levitation 135 Torres, Katherine Home, Daniel Dunglas 1C2,
oculomancy 185 Tertullian
swords 258 Sacred Path Wheel 228 102,102-103,135.208
Swords, Suit of see Suit of dactyomancy 59 tortoises Judge, William Quan 113
Swords Ouija boards 193 apantomancy 11 Knight, JZ 44, 84,121-122,
Thailand I Ching 107, 707 164,265
sycomancy 247
Sy gel (rune) 225 feng shui 77 Tower (tarot card) 155, 755 Newbrough, John Ballon
synaslry 247 theaters trains 259 177-178
synchronicity 247-248 omens 188 trance 265 Olcott, Henry Steel 29, 113,
theomancy 262 cransatuaumincy 265
Theophrastus 186, 262,263
Tree of Life
myomancy 173 Kabbalah 116, 116-117 Omarr, Sydney 186,206
T Piper, Leonore E. 203
tables 258 Theosophical Society 262-263 Levi, Eliphas 135
astrology 19 trees 259 Rhine, Joseph Banks 72-73,
tables o( fate 249 83, 207,219,277
Blavatsky, Helena P. 29 triangles 259
table tipping 249-250 Waite, Arthur Ed ward 100,
Fortune, Dion 79 trigrams 107
Tacitus, Cornelius Judge, William Quan 113 273-274
trine (astrology) 17
selenomancy 235 Leo, Alan 132 T rismosin, Solomon universal laws 267-268
Tao/Taoism Olcott, Henry Steel 186 Ur(tune) 222
Mathers,Samuel Liddel
feng shui 77,78 Steiner, Rudolph 243 Macgregor 162 Uranus (planet)
IChing 107 Theresa of Avila, Saint Truk Islands 31 astrological symbols 15,16
pastlife 198 mystic 174 trumpets 257 numerology 182
prana 205 theriomancy 263-264 Turkestan urimancy 268
Tarahumares Indians Thessalonians haruspicy 97 urine see uromancy
gyromancy 94 catoptromancy 40 turkeys 254 urns 259
Targ, Russell scrying 233 turquoise uromancy 268
Geller, Uri 84 thighs 145 crystal predictions 56
tarot 250-252 third eye 264 gems 87
arcana see arcana Thorn (tune) 222, 224 turtles V
cards see specific cards (e.g., Thouless, R. H. apantomancy 11 Valentine's Day
Hanged Man) Cummings, Geraldine 56 tasseography 259 molybdomancy 168-169

INDEX « 292
valleys 259 vultures 254 while Blavatsky, Helena P. 29
Van Buren, Martin 200 numerology 182 Hermetic Order of the
van Helmont, J. B. omens 188 Golden Dawn 100
Mesmer, Frledrlch Anton White II, Edward H. Theosophical Society 263
164 wagons 259 Dixon, Jeane 62 yellow
Walte, Arthur Edward 273-274
vases 259 Whitman, Wilt 200 colorology 52
Hermetic Order of the
Venus (planet) wicks see lynchomancy numerology 182
Golden Dawn 100
astrological symbols IS, widow's peak yin (Chinese concept) 107 see
16 Machen, Arthur 143 anthroposomancy 10 also feng shui
wigs 259 Yokdo, Yakov Narkevich
Libra 137 Wallace. Alfred Russell Wilhelm I, Kiiser (Germany) 102 Kirlian photography 120
numerology 183 Guppy, Mrs Agnes (Samuel) Wilhelm, Richard yokes 259
Taurus 26C 92 I Ching 107 Yoruba (African tribal
walls 259 synchronlclty 248 group)
Venus, mount of see mount of wands
Venus wind gcomincy 88
rhabdomancy 218
Verne, Juies 269 Wands, Suit of see Suit of aeromancy 2
Vestrlclus, Spurlnna Wands austromancy 22
hepatomancy 99 feng shui 78
Wardley, Jane Zande (Central African tribal
via lasclva 796, 269-270 Lee, Ann 130 windows 259
wine see oinomancy group)
palmistry 197 water see a/so hydromancy; alectryomancy 5
wineglasses 259
via mystlca 270 pegomancy theriomancy 263
wishbones 259
Victorian Lady's Oracles 270 bletonomancy 30 witches zebras 259
violet (color) cyiicomancy 57 Zen Buddhism
feng shul 78 felidomancy 76
colorology 52 karma 118
leconomancy 129-130 Fortune, Dion 79 Zener, Karl 277
numerology 182 waterfalls 259 tasseography 259 Zener cards 73,219,277,277
violets 259 wax 43-44 wolves zoanthropy 277-278
violins 257 weather 4 gelomancy 85 zodiac 278-279 see also cusp;
virgins rrrclidomincy; Virgo apantomancy 11 woodpeckers specific ugn (e.g., Aquarius)
Virgo 270, 270-271,271 capnomancy 36 apantomancy 11 zoomancy 279,279
astrological symbols 17 Druids 67 Woodruff, Maurice 274 Zulus (South African tribal
astrology, medical 20 omens 188 words group)
webs 259 mantic objects 161 astragyromancy 14
crystal predictions 56 World (tarot card) 156-157, US
Webster. Daniel 200 cleromancy 50
viscera weddings worms 259 sortilege systems 240
anthropomancy 7-8 wreaths 259
aleuromancy 6
vises 259 apantomancy II wrists 145
vision felldomancy 77 Wyn (rune) 224
Vlvekananda, Swaml haruspicy 97
Ramakrlshna, Paramahamsa omens 188 X
216 Wellington, Duke of 9 xylomancy 275, 275-276
voices Wcstcott, William Wynn 274 xylophones 259
chresmonancy 47 whales 259
clairaudience 48 Wheel of Fortune (tarot card)
151-152,132 Y
gastromancy 83-84 wheels yang (Chinese concept) 107 see
volcanos 259 cyclomancy 56 also feng shui
voodoo 272 tasseography 259 yarrow sticks 107
anthroposomancy 10 whistling Yeats, William Butler
ceromancy 43 omens 188 automatic writing 23

293 • INDEX



As the most complete A-to-Z encyclopedia on all the techniques,

methods and people involved in the prediction of the future, also

known as prognostication, Divining the Future \s highly informative

as well as endlessly fascinating. Did you know that:

Augurs, or those who Forecast the future, were put on the govern-

ment payroll by Julius Caesar. Roman augurs predicted the future by observing birds in flight, with-

out actually watching them. The augurs sat on a nearby hill, often blindfolded, and relied on assis-

tants who described the birds' flight to them.

Contrary to popular belief, the Druids did not build Stonehenge, though they did use it for planetary

observation and perhaps astrology. By burning branches of the oak tree or segments of the mistletoe

plant, the Druids predicted the future in a method that has come to be known as dendromancy.

Pearls have long been held in high esteem, in part because of their mystical qualities. The ancients

believed that pearls should only be worn by the light of the moon, because sunlight would destroy

their luster. Pearls worn by brides are a recent phenomenon. Until 200 years ago, they were never

worn at weddings because they were thought to signify tears of sorrow.

A common prognostication technique in 13th-century Europe was to

boil the head of a sheep, goat or donkey in red wine, after which the

skull was examined for clues to the future.

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