Hach - Chlorine (Free - Total) Test Kit, Model CN-66, Color Disc, 0.1-3.5 MG - L, 100 Tests

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Hach - Chlorine (Free & Total) Test Kit, Model CN-66, Color Disc, 0.1... http://www.hach.com/hc/search.product.details.invoker/PackagingCod...

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Chlorine (Free & Total) Test Kit, Model CN-66, Color Disc,
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Free & Total Chlorine Test Kit, Model CN-66 with Color Disc Method Low Density,
» Download Resources Quickly and accurately measure free and total chlorine levels in the field or mL, 12/pk
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Many Hach chlorine tests have been accepted by the U.S. EPA for reporting Your
purposes. Verify acceptance with your local regulatory agency. Distributor
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Uses powder DPD reagent that reacts with chlorine more quickly than tablet-form View All
» Technical Training
DPD, giving more accurate results. Powder DPD also has a considerable advantage
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over orthotolidine, a hazardous substance sometimes used as a chlorine test
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TOOLS Chlorine Test Kits are manufactured by Hach to ensure compliance with stringent
» MSDS Download quality control standards. Chlorine (Free &
» Certificate of Analysis Total) Test Kit,
Model CN-70, Color
WHAT'S NEW About chlorine: Disc, 100 tests
US Price: Contact
CORPORATE The most widely used disinfectant for drinking water, chlorine is also important for Your
» Career Opportunities sanitizing swimming pools, cooling towers, other industrial equipment, and in the Distributor
treatment of municipal wastewater. Its measurement and control are vital for both
CONTACT US safety and economic reasons. Free & Total
Chlorine Test
Strips, 0-10 mg/L,
Hach Company 250 tests,
PO Box 389 Individually
Loveland, CO 80539 Wrapped
Method / Range Approx. Number US Price: Contact
Increment Case Style
800-227-4224 Chemistry (mg/L) of Tests Your
(mg/L) Distributor

8.3x2.6x5.75 View All

Color Disc / inches Blue
0-3.5 0.1 50 free + 50 total
DPD Polypropylene
Carrying Case
Parameter/Range/Reagent Information
Chlorine, Hardness,
Iron, and pH Test
Kit, Model
Related Product Information: CN-39WR
Downloads US Price: Contact
Test Kit Manuals, Single-Parameter Distributor

5 in 1 Water
Quality Test Strips,
50 tests
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