Iterative Learning Control (ILC) : Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström

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Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström

Department of Automatic Control LTH,

Lund University

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)


ILC - the main idea

Time Domain ILC approaches
Stability Analysis
Example: The Milk Race
Frequency Domain ILC
Example: Marine Vibrator


Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

ILC and Repetitive Control

Picture from the master thesis project by Domenico Scalamogna, 2000-2001

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

ILC and Repetitive Control

Suitable when: Repetitive task + Repetetive disturbances

Use knowledge from previous iteration to improve next iteration

CD-disc radial control + eccentricity
Industrial robot laser cutting + backlash and friction
Signal transmitter + amplifier nonlinearities

Different versions (time-interval [0, T ], n= iteration index):

Repetitive control xn+1 (0) = xn (T )
ILC xn (0) = x0 , where x0 is the same for all n

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

About time scales


ym ILC (batch)

Controller parameters Adjustment Adaptation

uref uc
+ Controller Plant
feedback (fast)

NOTE: ILC works on whole signal sequences and modifies uref after
’off-line’ calculations.

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)


Consider the system

y(t) = T u(t)
e(t) = r(t) − y(t)
unew (t) = u(t) + L(q)e(t)

If T is linear and there are no disturbances then L = T −1 gives

enew (t) ≡ 0
Is it a good strategy? Why/why not?

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

ILC update law

Process at iteration k :

yk (t) = Tr (q)r(t) + Tu (q)uk (t)

ek (t) = r(t) − yk (t)

A common update law for ILC is

uk (t) = Q(q)[uk−1 (t) + L(q)ek−1 (t)]

where Q and L are linear filters (need not to be causal!).

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

G(s) = (s+1)(s2 +2ζ0 ω0 s+ω02 )
, sample rate h = 0.1.

Step Response

1.4 0





0.6 -25




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -45
Time (seconds) -2
10 10
0 1


Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

L(q) = kq n with k = 1 and n = 6.
Q = 2nd order zero-phase low pass filter (filtfilt) with bandwidth
wf = 20

Singular Values
yd 10


Singular Values (dB)


0.6 -20



-2 -1 0 1 2
10 10 10 10 10
-0.2 Frequency (rad/s)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Left: After 10 iterations, Right: Gain of (I − LTu ) and Q(I − LTu )

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

g = 1/(s+1)*w0^2/(s^2+2*w0*z0*s+w0^2);
gd = c2d(g,h);
u1 = (t>4.5);
yr = max(0,min(1,-5:h:5))’;
delta = 6; k=1;
wf=20; lp = wf/(s+wf); lpd = c2d(lp,h);
for iter = 1:itermax-1
y(:,iter+1) = lsim(gd,u(:,iter+1),t);
e(:,iter+1) = yr - y(:,iter+1);
sigma(1-k*z^delta*gd); hold on

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

Error Analysis

With G := Q(I − LTu ), H := QL and r̃ = (I − Tr )r we have

uk = Guk−1 + H r̃

If G is contraction then the iteration converges and

e∞ = (I − Tu (I − G)−1 H)r̃

If Tu is right invertible one can prove that

e∞ = Tu (I − G)−1 (I − Q)Tu−1 r̃

Q = I gives e∞ = 0. But smaller Q gives better robustness.

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

Main Convergence Result

Theorem (Norrlöf, 1999)

Given a SISO LTI system and ILC algorithm

yk (t) = Tr (q)r(t) + Tu (q)uk (t)

uk (t) = Q(q)[uk−1 (t) + L(q)ek−1 (t)]

convergence will be achieved if

| 1 − L(eiωts ) · Tu (eiωts ) |<| Q−1 (eiωts ) |

for all ω ∈ [−π, π] where ts is the sampling time.

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

What if
|1 − L(jω)T (jω)| > |Q−1 (jω)|
for some frequencies?

|Q(1 − LT )|

Can do some iterations, enough to reduce the worst parts. (Low

frequency errors will decay rapidly, some others will grow ...)
Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)
Generalized Convergence Result

Theorem (Ardakani, Khong, Bernhardsson, 2015)

Given a SISO LTI system and ILC algorithm

yk (t) = Tr (q)r(t) + Tu (q)uk (t)

uk (t) = Q(q)[uk−1 (t) + L(q)ek−1 (t)]

convergence on finite time intervals [0, T ] will for any T be achieved if

there is r > 0 so

| 1 − L(reiωts ) · Tu (reiωts ) |<| Q−1 (reiωts ) |

for all ω ∈ [−π, π] where ts is the sampling time.

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

Causal and anti-causal filters
L and Q are allowed to be non-causal !
Causal representation (stable if |a| < 1):

y(t + 1) = ay(t) + u(t)

u y
y(t) = u(t − 1) − au(t − 2) . . .

Anti-causal representation (stable if |a| > 1):

1 1
y(t) = y(t + 1) − u(t)
a a

u y
y(t) = − a1 u(t) − 1
a2 u(t + 1) . . .

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

Causal and anti-causal filters

A general transfer function can be split into two parts

H(q) = H+ (q) + H− (q)

| {z } | {z }
causal anti−causal

To implement Q(q) one often uses a noncausal zero-phase low pass

B(q) B(q −1 )
The command filtfilt gives a filter of the form A(q) A(q −1 )

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

ILC Design

ILC design approaches

Heuristic design
Model Based design
Optimization Based design

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

Heuristic design

Heuristic design procedure [MN]:

1 Choose the Q filter as a low pass with cut-off frequency such that
the band-width of the learning algorithm is sufficient.
2 Let L(q) = κ · q δ .Choose κ and δ such that the stability criterion
above is fulfilled. Often it suffices to choose δ as the time delay
and κ : 0 < κ ≤ 1 to get a stable ILC system.

Why it works: With a well tuned controller Tu ≈ 1 up to the cut-off


Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

Model based ILC design

Model based design procedure:

1 Build a model of the relations between the ILC input and the
resulting correction on the output (i.e. find a model Tbc of Tc ).
2 Choose a filter Hb (q) such that it represents the desired
convergence rate for each frequency. Normally this means a
high-pass filter
3 Calculate L by
L(q) = Tbc−1 (q)(1 − Hb (q)).
4 Choose the Q filter as a low pass with cut-off frequency such that
the band-width of the resulting ILC is high enough and desired
robustness is achieved.

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

Optimization based design procedure

Impulse response matrix model

yk = Tr r + Tu uk

where Tr and Tu are quadratic matrices of size equal to the number

of time points.

Given the cost:

Jk+1 = eTk+1 We ek+1 + uTk+1 Wu uk+1 + λ(uk+1 − uk )T (uk+1 − uk )

by minimizing it w.r.t. uk+1 we derive the following algorithm.

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

1 Build a model of the relations between the ILC input and the
b c of Tc . The
resulting correction on the output (i.e. find a model T
matrix Tc is simply the lower triangular Toeplitz matrix created
from the impulse response of Tbc (q))
2 Choose the weight matrices as We = I and Wu = ρI with
ρ > 0 , choose also λ > 0
3 Q and L are calculated according to
Q = ((ρ + λ) · I + T b −1 bT b
c c ) (λ · I + Tc Tc )
L = (λ · I + T b −1 b T
c c ) Tc

4 Use the ILC updating equation

uk+1 = Q(uk + Lek ) with u0 = 0.

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

Example - The Milk Race [Grundelius]



The motion is performed stepwise, step time T . Want:

To shorten the motion time T
To control the slosh inside (s(t) ≤ smax )
To reduce the residual slosh after the motion

Determine best acceleration profile u(t) that minimizes T .

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)
During the motion the slosh is measured by a laser sensor.
No direct feedback is applied from these measurements, but they are
used in the ILC after each motion.


Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

The acceleration profile was calculated iteratively by an ILC algorithm
(SLOSH ILC). Optimization based ILC respecting the slosh



Assumes reliable, accurate acceleration uk can be applied to the

package all iterations (i.e. a perfect robot).

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

In practice we need two ILC schemes:

uk u∗


At each iteration the robot tries to track the acceleration uk but it

applies to the container a different acceleration û∗k . Solution: ILC
applied to the Robot joints (ROBOT ILC) in order to improve the
tracking of uk .

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

Outer and Inner Loops
1. Calculate the initial acceleration u0 by
solving the Minimum Energy Problem
and calculate the slosh reference r(t)
2. Consider the acceleration reference uk (t)
2.1. Execute an iteration of ROBOT ILC
and measure the acceleration
performed u∗k (t)
2.2. If u∗k (t) doesn’t approximate well
uk (t) go to step 2.1.
3. Execute an iteration of SLOSH ILC by
reproducing on the robot the acceleration
u∗k (t) performed in the last iteration of ROBOT ILC.
4. Calculate the new acceleration uk (t)
using the SLOSH ILC algorithm. Let k ← k + 1
5. If the slosh behavior needs to be
improved go to step 2.
Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)
Joint Scheme:

position ref. JOINT


The Heuristic ILC algorithm is applied in ROBOT ILC. It was applied to

joint 2 and joint 3 of the robot. ILC Scheme applied:

position ILC

position ref.


Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

Outer loop iteration 0 on joint 2 (T = 0.46 s.)
des. J2 position
des. J2 velocity
measured J2 pos. measured J2 vel.
20 ILC pos. control



10 0




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
kROB = 0
des. J2 position
des. J2 velocity
measured J2 pos. measured J2 vel.
20 ILC pos. control



10 0




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
kROB = 3

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

Slosh behavior (T = 0.46 sec.)
4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0

-1 -1

-2 -2

0 0.5 1 1.5
0 0.5 1 1.5
kSLOSH = 0
4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0

-1 -1

-2 -2

0 0.5 1 1.5
0 0.5 1 1.5
kSLOSH = 1

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0

-1 -1

-2 -2

0 0.5 1 1.5
0 0.5 1 1.5
kSLOSH = 2
4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0

-1 -1

-2 -2

0 0.5 1 1.5
0 0.5 1 1.5
kSLOSH = 3

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

Acceleration profiles (T = 0.46 s.)




0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45

Initial acceleration (dotted) and acceleration after three iterations of

SLOSH ILC (full)
Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)
Don’t push it too much...

Example: Robot tracking

Choose a wanted reference motion which should be possible to
achieve without high energy input signals. The robot can’t change
direction instantly. Respect the limitations.
If you are measuring angles on the motor side, you may very well
improve the tracking on the motor side, but it may degrade the motion
on the arm side !!
Typically enough with a limited number of iterations, say 10 or so.
Errors might increase with too many iterations if models are bad.

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

Frequency based ILC

Similar as above, but in frequency domain

uk+1 (f ) = Q2 (f )uk (f ) + Q(f )G−1 (f )(R(f ) − Y (f ))

Filters chosen as
0.1 − 0.5 for frequencies we want the ILC to be active
Q(f ) =
0 otherwise
Q2 (f ) ≡ 1

Note: Can use (non-causal) filter L = G−1 without much effort.

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

Example - Marine Vibrators

How to do seismic surveying:

Generate a HUGE acoustic signal

Pick up echoes using a HUGE (kilometers) sensor array
Do some signal processing (correlation analysis)

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

Output from seismic survey

Higher frequencies -> Great resolution near surface structure

Lower frequency -> Better characterization of structure at depth

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

Acoustic Sources
Air guns have traditionally dominated the market
Higher peak pressures than most other man-made sources, except
New novel constructions have the potential for reduced "acoustic

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

Design Challenges with Marine Vibrators

High output power

High efficiency (for used frequencies)
Exact acoustic signals (linearity, repeatability)

Instead of airguns: Electro-mechanical constructions with well

designed useful mechanical resonances

Problems: Backlash, friction, saturation effects, ...

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)
The Control Problem

Input (2):

Current to coils affecting each side

Measurement sensors (2):

Accelerometer(s) on shells of vibrator

Experiments show that imperfections generate very repeatable errors

Good candidate for iterative learning control (ILC)

Very satisfactory results with ILC

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

System Identification 2x2 MIMO

Many resonances. Very high system order.

Decided to do ILC in the frequency domain

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

ILC algorithm, FFT-based

uk+1 (f ) = Q2 (f )uk (f ) + Q(f )G−1 (f )(R(f ) − Y (f ))

Wanted reference chosen as

R(f ) = F(chirp)

Filters chosen as
0.1 − 0.5 for frequencies we want the ILC to be active
Q(f ) =
0 otherwise
Q2 (f ) ≡ 1

Note: G−1 matrix inverse in the 2 × 2 case

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

Before ILC

Input signal before ILC

Output signal before ILC

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

After ILC

Input signal after ILC

Output signal after ILC

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

Spectrograms after ILC - double shell sensor

Output spectra on the shells (ILC active in [30,650] Hz)

>40dB suppression

Note: Reference = constant amplitude chirp

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

Spectrograms after ILC - double shell sensor

Spectrum on the accelerometers on the two sides

Both sides move according to wanted reference

40dB suppression

Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

Convergence - double shell sensors


Bo Bernhardsson and Karl Johan Åström Iterative Learning Control (ILC)

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