Napadna Operacija 1. Vojne Oblasti
Napadna Operacija 1. Vojne Oblasti
Napadna Operacija 1. Vojne Oblasti
Volume II, Number 2, December 2018 Godina II., Broj 2., prosinac 2018., Zagreb
UDK 32 ISSN 2459-8917 (Online)
UDK 355/359 ISSN 2459-8771 (Print)
Znanstveni časopis Hrvatskog vojnog učilišta
“Dr. Franjo Tuđman”
Croatian Defence Academy (CDA) “Dr. Franjo Tuđman”, Zagreb, Croatia
For the Publisher: MG Mate Pađen
COL (A) Dražen Smiljanić, M. Sc., NATO Allied Command Transformation,
Norfolk, VA, USA
Assistant Editors
LTC (A) Marko Zečević, Ph.D., Center for Defence and Strategic Studies
(CfDSS) “Janko Bobetko”
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For articles in Croatian: Edita Pantelić, prof., Gabrijela Capjak, prof., Danijela Šašo, prof.
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Croatian Defence Academy “Dr. Franjo Tuđman”
About Strategos
The views and opinions expressed in Strategos are solely those of authors and do
not necessarily represent the views of the Ministry of Defence of Republic of
Croatia, Armed forces of Republic of Croatia, or any other entity of the Croatian
Tomislav Kovačić
Napadna operacija 1. vojne oblasti Jugoslavenske narodne armije
u jesen 1991. godine ................................................................................................. 7 - 25
Izvorni znanstveni rad
Robert Bošnjak
Apsolutna vlast i oružje za masovno uništenje
kao strategija očuvanja vladavine dinastije Kim ............................................. 27 - 44
Pregledni znanstveni rad
Mladen Pahernik
Marko Zečević: Uvod u vojnu geologiju ............................................................ 67 - 68
Prikaz skripte
Valentina Ključarić
Deseti svjetski kongres o kemijskoj, biološkoj, radiološkoj i
nuklearnoj znanosti i nadzoru posljedica .......................................................... 69 - 73
Sažetak sa skupa
Tomislav Kovačić1
Prva vojna oblast Jugoslavenske narodne armije bila je nositelj glavnog napora u
agresiji na Hrvatsku u Domovinskom ratu 1991. godine. Rad istražuje kontekst
nastanka vojnih oblasti u Jugoslaviji u predvečerje Domovinskog rata, opća
doktrinarna određenja i koncepte koji su pratili transformaciju armije prema planu
Jedinstvo te njihove posljedice za stratešku i operativnu izvedbu napadne operacije
u istočnoj Slavoniji. Prikazan je i tijek propasti izvorne zamisli o prodoru oklopno-
mehaniziranih snaga prema Zagrebu i Varaždinu i okretanje JNA-a prema tzv.
reduciranom planu koji je uključivao konsolidaciju uspjeha i postizanje što veće
homogenosti zauzetog prostora prije već sigurnog upućivanja mirovnih snaga UN-
a. U tom kontekstu treba tražiti i razloge za arhaičan, gotovo srednjovjekovni način
opsade Vukovara.
Domovinski rat, Republika Hrvatska, Jugoslavenska narodna armija, Prva vojna oblast
JNA-a, istočna Slavonija, napadna operacija
1 Rad je primljen u uredništvo 2. rujna 2018. i prihvaćen za objavu 30. listopada 2018.
Tomislav Kovačić
Offensive operation of the 1st Military District of the Yugoslav People’s Army in
autumn 1991
The First military district of the Yugoslav People’s Army was the bearer of the main
effort in aggression against Croatia in 1991, during the Homeland War. The paper
explores the context of the emergence of military districts in Yugoslavia on the eve of
the Homeland War, the general doctrinal determinations and concepts that followed
the transformation of the army into the Jedinstvo plan as well as the consequences for
the strategic and operational execution of the offensive operation in eastern Slavonia.
The paper reviews the course of the downfall of the original idea of penetrating
armoured mechanized forces towards Zagreb and Varaždin and the turning of the
JNA towards the so-called “the reduced plan” that included the consolidation of
success, and achieving as much homogeneity of the occupied territory as before the
already certain deployment of UN peacekeeping forces. The reasons for the archaic,
almost medieval way of the siege of Vukovar should be sought in that context.
Homeland war, Croatia, Yugoslav People’s Army, 1st Military District, Eastern
Slavonia, Offensive operation
Napadna operacija 1. vojne oblasti Jugoslavenske narodne armije u jesen 1991. godine
Tomislav Kovačić
Napadna operacija 1. vojne oblasti Jugoslavenske narodne armije u jesen 1991. godine
Tomislav Kovačić
5 Ovim „izrazom” Domazet-Lošo definira zbroj prostora vojnih oblasti (VO) i vojno-
pomorske oblasti (VPO), a „otimanje dvije trećine Jadrana” smatra strateškom stožernom
točkom (Domazet-Lošo, 2002: str.60), što je i teorijski, a tijekom Domovinskog rata i izvedbeno
– u suprotnosti s Clausewitzevom idejom gravitacijskog središta (težišta; izv. Schwerpunkt).
6 Reorganizacija JNA-a, u okviru plana Jedinstvo, uključivala je i podčinjavanje republičkih
i pokrajinskih stožera Teritorijalne obrane (TO) zapovjedništvima vojišta. Tadašnje republike
time su u značajnoj mjeri izgubile nadzor nad TO-om (vidjeti: Žunec, 1998:str. 65-66).
Napadna operacija 1. vojne oblasti Jugoslavenske narodne armije u jesen 1991. godine
7 Pojam „glavna operacija” (NATO: major operation) ovdje slijedi službenu terminologiju
OSRH-a. U JNA terminologiji to bi bila jednostavno – operacija, tj. „oblik borbenih djelovanja”
(gradacija: borba – boj – operacija). Kada se radi o „bitci u prostoru”, u tom smislu JNA izraz
bitka bliži je današnjem NATO i OSRH pojmu kampanja (NATO: campaign).
8 JNA zamisao „bitke u prostoru” u današnjim shvaćanjima odnosi se na vojnu kampanju u
prostoru. Prema JNA terminologiji bitka nije „glavna operacija” nego „niz glavnih operacija”
– dakle kampanja. Turbulentno vrijeme s kraja 80-ih i početka 90-ih godina prošlog stoljeća
donijelo je mnogo noviteta i svojevrsne zbrke u terminološkim određenjima doktrine u
JNA-u. Tako je čest slučaj da se, iako su već stvorene vojne oblasti, časnici JNA-a referiraju na
„armije” ili da se miješaju korpusna i divizijska organizacija (vjerojatno zbog gotovo korpusne
snage njezine 1. proleterske gardijske mehanizirane divizije).
9 U današnjim pojmovima primjerice doktrina OS Sjedinjenih Američkih Država identificira
pet razina, a jedna od njih je „bojišna strategija” (engl. theater strategy), što bi bilo najbliže
doktrinarnoj domeni poslova vojne oblasti JNA-a.
10 Prema zapadnoj doktrini, koja je operativnu razinu rata počela zasebno identificirati tek
80-ih godina prošlog stoljeća, glavna operacija (engl. major operation) i kampanja vezane su
uz ciljeve, a ne veličinu snaga. Tako tim specijalnih snaga, iako taktičke veličine, može izvesti
operaciju ako se postiže strateški cilj.
11 NATO podjela razina operacija, kao i podjela u većini zemalja članica NATO-a također
je četvorna: 1. (nacionalna) strateška, tj. politička, 2. vojna strateška, 3. operativna i 4. taktička.
Tomislav Kovačić
U toj strateškoj mreži, Knin postaje jedini gradić koji dobiva korpusno
zapovjedno mjesto, što je do tada bila privilegija isključivo za velike gradove
(Slika 2). Strateška mreža korpusa JNA-a i njegove 1. proleterske gardijske
mehanizirane divizije (1. pgmd) tvorila je tako umrežen sustav koji se trebao
elastično prilagoditi agresiji bilo s istoka ili sa zapada i rasporedom prisiliti
agresora na razvoj i raspršivanje snaga već po ulasku u prostore bojišta.
Time bi se izbjegla odlučujuća bitka s grupiranim snagama agresora. Tako
raspršen agresor vjerojatno bi bio izvrgnut iscrpljivanju sličnome onome
u Vijetnamskom ratu, u kojem je američka vojska dobila većinu bitaka na
taktičkoj razini, a ipak izgubila rat tamo gdje se on jedino gubi ili dobiva – na
strateškoj razini.
Napadna operacija 1. vojne oblasti Jugoslavenske narodne armije u jesen 1991. godine
Strateški kontekst
Tomislav Kovačić
Napadna operacija 1. vojne oblasti Jugoslavenske narodne armije u jesen 1991. godine
Tomislav Kovačić
Operativni kontekst
12 Tekst odluke citiran je istovjetno izvorniku. Direktivu je za zapovjednika 1. vojne oblasti
formalno potpisao njegov načelnik stožera general Andrija Silić.
Napadna operacija 1. vojne oblasti Jugoslavenske narodne armije u jesen 1991. godine
Sve tri grupacije trebale su ili povratiti zauzete objekte JNA-a ili deblokirati
one koji su bili u okruženju hrvatskih snaga. U blokadi Vukovara trebala
je ostati 453. mehanizirana brigada iz sastava 12. korpusa, koja je trebala
„objediniti djelovanja na prostoru Vukovara i po stvaranju uvjeta izvesti
napadnu operaciju s ciljem potpune deblokade Vukovara, Borova i Borova
naselja i uništenje ustaških jedinica” (ICTY, 2005). (Slika 3)
Slika 3. Zamisao operacija 1. vojne oblasti prema Direktivi od 19. rujna 1991.
Tomislav Kovačić
„Da JNA nema snage ‘potpuno poraziti Hrvatsku vojsku’ general Kadijević
je čelnicima Srbije i Crne Gore priznao 8. listopada” (Marijan, 2013: str.131).
Negdje u to vrijeme dolazi i do smjene generala Aleksandra Spirkovskog,
zapovjednika 1. vojne oblasti, kojeg zamjenjuje general Života Panić. Do
kraja rujna 1991. u Generalštabu OS SFRJ-a i komandi 1. vojne oblasti radi
se na reduciranom planu napadne operacije. U odnosu prema prethodnoj
Napadna operacija 1. vojne oblasti Jugoslavenske narodne armije u jesen 1991. godine
Tomislav Kovačić
Napadna operacija 1. vojne oblasti Jugoslavenske narodne armije u jesen 1991. godine
Tomislav Kovačić
činila značajan dio populacije. Zbog tog razloga drugi dio operacije obilježava
srednjovjekovna opsada grada Vukovara i pritisak na sela enklave u trokutu
Šid – Vukovar – Vinkovci.
Na strateškoj razini, u JNA-u je postojala duboka podjela između težnja
i različitih struja za očuvanjem Jugoslavije kao cjeline, stvaranjem krnje
Jugoslavije ili borbe za veliku Srbiju. Takva kompleksna strateška razilaženja
na vrhu odražavala su se na terenu od časnika do zadnjeg vojnika. Časnici
JNA-a nisu znali bore li se za Jugoslaviju ili za Srbiju. Clausewitzevo
čudnovato trojstvo vojske, naroda i države, s gledišta kako ga je vidjelo
vodstvo JNA-a, bilo je u ozbiljnoj kušnji. S druge, hrvatske strane, to trojstvo
naroda, vojske i države manje ili više dobro je funkcioniralo. Ciljevi su
bili mnogo jasniji (obrana i međunarodno priznanje), a manjak borbenih
sredstava nadoknađivan je moralnom snagom i superiornošću malih,
lako pokretljivih snaga u srazu s oklopno-mehaniziranima u urbanom ili
ruralnom okruženju.
Izbjegavanjem odlučujuće bitke, prisiljavanjem snaga JNA-a na rani razvoj
i prihvaćanje borbe u ranoj fazi uvođenja u područje operacija te stvaranje
elastične obrambene mreže s upornošću obrane, Hrvatska vojska znatno
je bolje iskoristila prednosti terena, ali i nedostatke neprijatelja. Tromost,
glomaznost, neprilagodljivost, mikromenadžment i zastarjela primjena
doktrine temeljene na prošlom, a ne budućem ratu, pridonijeli su slomu
ofenzivnih operacija 1. vojne oblasti i neispunjavanju temeljne svrhe njezinih
glavnih formacija: biti manevarska snaga jugoslavenskog Generalštaba za
prodor prema Zagrebu i Varaždinu.
Napadna operacija 1. vojne oblasti Jugoslavenske narodne armije u jesen 1991. godine
O autoru
Strategos, 2(2), 2018, 27-44
UDK 32
UDK 355/359
Pregledni znanstveni rad1
Robert Bošnjak1
Ključne riječi:
The paper analyses the resilience of the North Korean dictatorship in maintaining its
autocratic governance, and its provocative foreign policy behaviour. It was found out
that the North Korea, with carefully designed ideology to create a system of complete
public obedience, had established absolute governing authority along with the
guarantee of its national security based on the powerful means of deterrence against
foreign military intervention. The dynasty rulership of the Kim family is ensured
through the systematic implementation of totalitarian ideology within the entire
population and the “visionary” focus on development and enhancement of the nuclear
weaponry. This fact, despite the effect of globalisation and widespread availability
of information on the international level, has ensured the viability of its autocratic
leadership and allowed a succession of transfer of political power to heirs of Kim’s
Key words:
2 Za potrebe ovog rada upotrebljava se naziv Sjeverna Koreja jer je uobičajen u međunarodnoj
Apsolutna vlast i oružje za masovno uništenje kao strategija očuvanja vladavine dinastije Kim
Prema Vujiću (2014: str. 115), službena politička ideologija Sjeverne Koreje
Juche3 utemeljena je na komunističkim idejama o besklasnom društvu
i zagovara gospodarsku samodostatnost te radikalnu političku i vojnu
Robert Bošnjak
Apsolutna vlast i oružje za masovno uništenje kao strategija očuvanja vladavine dinastije Kim
6 Utjecaj te religije važan je i zbog ideala „apsolutnog odricanja”, koji je nužan za Juche i
na temelju kojeg se od svakog pojedinca traži spremnost na odricanje od obitelji, vanjskog
svijeta, novca, vlasništva utemeljenog na strogom budističkom asketizmu (Vujić, 2014: str.
Robert Bošnjak
7 Pojam blagostanja relativan je u današnjem diskursu jer je Kim Il Sung predviđao kako
će njegov narod ubrzo imati „bogat život, živjeti u kućama s krovovima od crijepova, jesti
rižu i mnogo mesa, odijevati se kvalitetno (…) a svi aspekti života bit će obilježeni obiljem,
napretkom i užitkom” (Lerner, 2010: str. 27).
8 Zanimljivu ideju rušenja sjevernokorejskog režima dao je bivši američki vojni specijalac i
vanjski novinar Business Insidera Jocko Willink, koji je na društvenoj mreži Twitter objavio:
„Spustite 25 milijuna iPhonea na Sjevernu Koreju i satelitima im omogućite WiFi” (Lockie,
Apsolutna vlast i oružje za masovno uništenje kao strategija očuvanja vladavine dinastije Kim
9 Ta je teza u skladu sa šest uvjeta prema kojima se neko društvo može prozvati
totalitarističkim, koje su postavili Friedriech i Brzezinski (1965: str. 22): 1. postojanje ideologije,
2. jedan vođa vladajuće stranke/partije, 3. vladavina terora, 4. kontrola medija i sredstava
komunikacije, 5. monopol nad sredstvima/institucijama prinude i 6. središnje upravljanje
Robert Bošnjak
10 U njoj se vizionarski tvrdi da „…postoji velik broj obitelji u svijetu koje su stvorile velike
ljude. No nema tako velike obitelji kao što je obitelj maršala Kim Il Sunga, čiji su svi pripadnici
generacijama bili poznati domoljubi” (Rich, 2014: str. 129).
Apsolutna vlast i oružje za masovno uništenje kao strategija očuvanja vladavine dinastije Kim
Robert Bošnjak
12 Američki istraživač korejskog podrijetla Joo (2012: str. 2) ističe da je već samo spominjanje
nasljeđivanja trećeg u nizu iz dinastije Kim bilo toliko proturječno i anakrono da su ljudi
diljem svijeta taj podatak smatrali nevjerojatnim i zabavnim.
13 Rich (2014: str. 130) upozorava da su smjene vlasti u diktaturama u pravilu neizvjesni
pothvati koji prijete potpunim urušavanjem režima jer je malo autoritativnih vođa, unatoč
osobnom odabiru nasljednika, bilo uspješno u prepuštanju poluga vlasti svojim nasljednicima.
Sličnog je stajališta i Joo (2012: str. 6), koji tvrdi da je strukturna slabost svake komunističke
države kriza u prijenosu vlasti jer ne postoje institucije koje omogućuju i osiguravaju prijenos
14 Boban (2011: str. 29) prenosi izjave medija da postoje naznake da je dio vojnog vrha
pripremao puč protiv Kim Jong Ila. Urotnici su otkriveni 1999. te su pogubljeni na stadionu
„1. svibnja” u Pjongjangu, a režim je pokazao svoju dosljednost u okrutnosti time što su
urotnici pogubljeni tako što su živi spaljeni.
Apsolutna vlast i oružje za masovno uništenje kao strategija očuvanja vladavine dinastije Kim
15 Pretpostavlja se da je Jong Il izabrao svojeg najmlađeg sina Jong Una za nasljednika zbog
odgovarajućeg temperamenta i fizičke sličnosti s djedom Il Sungom, ali i zbog neugodne afere
koju je imao najstariji sin Jong Nam, koji je s lažnom putovnicom pokušao u svibnju 2001. ući
u Japan (Rich, 2014: str. 130).
16 Održan je od 6. do 9. svibnja 2016. kao najveće političko okupljanje nakon 1980. Na njemu
je sudjelovalo otprilike 3000 partijskih izaslanika (Mishra i dr., 2016: 1).
Robert Bošnjak
17 Južnokorejske obavještajne službe objavile su da je Kim Jong Un u veljači 2017. treći put
postao otac, a otprije je poznato da već ima sina i kćer sa suprugom Ri Sol Ju (Lee i Griffiths,
Apsolutna vlast i oružje za masovno uništenje kao strategija očuvanja vladavine dinastije Kim
18 Pojam iz teorije igara koji znači da ako jedan igrača nešto dobiva, drugi toliko gubi,
odnosno da je svaki rezultat Pareto optimalan (Bowles, 2009: str. 37).
19 Nastavljajući se na govor Jong Una na 7. partijskom kongresu (6. – 9. lipnja 2016.), Patijski
kongres pozvao je na pretvaranje Sjeverne Koreje u neusporedivu nuklearnu silu koja će,
utemeljena na Jucheu, nemilosrdno ukloniti neprijatelje, neovisno o tome jesu li u zraku, pod
zemljom ili na moru (Mishra i dr., 2016: str. 3).
Robert Bošnjak
Apsolutna vlast i oružje za masovno uništenje kao strategija očuvanja vladavine dinastije Kim
Robert Bošnjak
Apsolutna vlast i oružje za masovno uništenje kao strategija očuvanja vladavine dinastije Kim
Korean crisis — and it just might work. Business Insider (e-journal). Dostupno na:
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Mishra, R., Ranjan, R., Banerjee, S. i Talukdar, I. (2016) North Korea’s Seventh
Party Congress: Significance and Responses from the Major Stakeholders.
Noland, M. (1997) Why North Korea will muddle through. Foreign Affairs.
76(4), 105–118.
Noland, M., Robinson, S. I Wang, T (2001) Famine in North Korea: causes
and cures. Economic Development and Cultural Change. 49(4), 741–767.
Rich, T. S. (2014) Introducing the Great Successor: North Korean English
language news coverage of Kim Jong Un 2010–2011. Communist and Post-
Communist Studies. 47(2), 127–136.
Schurmann, F. (1966) Ideology and Organization in Communist China. Berkeley,
University of California Press.
Vidmarović B. (2018) Analiza: Nevjerojatna taktička pobjeda Kim Jong-
una. Index (e-journal). Dostupno na:
[pristupljeno 29. lipnja 2018.]
Vujić, J. (2014) Enigma sjevernokorejske političke singularnosti. Polemos.
16(32), 111–121.
Scobell, A. (2008) Projecting Pyongyang: The Future of North Korea’s Kim Jong Il
Regime. Carlisle Barracks, PA, Army War College Strategic Studies Institute.
Snyder, S. (2010) Kim Jong-il’s Successor Dilemmas. The Washington Quarterly.
33(1), 35–46.
Snyder, S. i Draudt, D. (2015) First Mover Responses to North Korean
Instability. International Journal of Korean Unification Studies. 24(2), 99–126.
Robert Bošnjak
O autoru:
Strategos, 2(2), 2018, 45-66
UDK 32
UDK 355/359
Professional Paper1
This paper seeks to answer whether the concept development of education for the
Croatian Armed Forces and national security can learn from Portuguese experience. In
doing so, it reviewed theoretical notions of defence and security studies, contemporary
concepts in education for the armed forces and national security, and it presents a
case study of Portugal in this field. The current objectives of the national security
in Croatia, as defined in National Security Strategy 2017, point towards the need
of establishing an adequate education system, at the state level. The paper offers
contemporary Portuguese experience as a potential example for implementation in
Ovaj članak traži odgovor na pitanje može li razvoj koncepta obrazovanja za potrebe
oružanih snaga i nacionalne sigurnosti Republike Hrvatske učiti iz portugalskog
1 The paper was received on February 15th, 2018. It was accepted for publication on May
21st, 2018.
Nikola Novak and Tiago David Henriques Silva
Ključne riječi
Which education model for the Armed Forces and National Security to choose – Can Croatia learn from Portugal?
Nikola Novak and Tiago David Henriques Silva
In the modern days, security deals with various elements from problems
within national borders to regional threats, the proliferation of weapons
of mass destruction, terrorism, radicalism, human trafficking, smuggling
and organised crime3. The contemporary security environment calls for “a
comprehensive security approach that goes beyond traditional questions
of defence, thus also presenting a challenge to traditional forms of expert
advice, requiring a mixture of competences from the fields of intelligence,
military, judicial, and policing, as well as regional, local, political, and
economic expertise” (Bures and Pernica, 2016:p.1).
For understanding the notion of security, armed forces and national security
systems are required to adapt to new challenges. Cadets, future officers and
leaders in armed forces, as well as human recourses in other components
of the national security system, are required to prepare themselves for
uncertain environments, and “to fight the disease of certainty in decision
making” (Thomas and Gentzler, 2013:p.70). Concerning this, education
plays a crucial role – the general premise is to educate soldiers and their
units to tackle challenges in today’s unpredictable world of (inter)national
security. Modern military education is perceived as “the cultivation of
judgement rather than as a sort of mechanical habituation of ‘skills and
drills’” (Sookermany, 2017:p.312), thus setting up high expectations on
cadets and military personnel.
At the same time, a nation’s security apparatus requires the application of
the knowledge acquired through military education to both military and civil
components. To preserve effectiveness, responsiveness and adaptiveness to
new security challenges this apparatus requires both estates to engage in
mutual learning, including operational interdependence (Kalu, 2008:p.84).
Cooperation is crucial to a successful response to security and defence
challenges, strengthening ties between the military and society, as well as
making the system less unpredictable and able to produce an adequate
3 The list of perceived security threats differs from country to country, but it is usually
defined in national defence and/or security documents, and it always depends on the national
context for a specific case. The ones mentioned here are the most common ones within the
NATO and EU documents.
Which education model for the Armed Forces and National Security to choose – Can Croatia learn from Portugal?
response. Thus, coherent education for the military and national security
presents the central part of a nation’s security apparatus.
The EU member states rely their security and defence increasingly on
international cooperation in a need for a more rapid response to global
security challenges. However, multilateralism also represents a challenge to
nation-states. The establishment of supranational references, regarding the
potential to tackle mechanisms that can adapt themselves to new challenges
in military and national security education, remains the weakest link. The
Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) has proved itself a useful toolbox
as the European Union “demonstrated its capacity to deploy both civilian
and military types of capacities, possibly at the same time and for a unique
objective, under a concept of the comprehensive approach of international
security and defence” (Paile-Calvo, 2016:p.9).
It comes as no surprise that there are uprising tendencies suggesting military
and national security education systems to adapt their capacities to this goal.
A combination of civilian and military capabilities, in this scenario, leads
to a bottom-up4 approach, just as the Europeanisation of Military Training
and Education (EUROMITE) report shows, with the goal of constructing a
European military culture through the adoption of a new model of defence
education, the National Defence University (, 2015). This
study emphasises a critical conclusion with regard to the implications of the
new military education model: “In contrast to the common criticism of the
minor influence that the CSDP had on national policies it did have influence
indirectly at least on the education and training of Europe’s future generals”
(, 2014).
European military culture directs the focus of national security systems
toward the establishment of military and national security education
respecting new security challenges. It seems that every member state
recognizes the importance of joint security and defence education, and
Croatia is no exception. A brief overview of national defence strategies and
4 Public policy, as an integral part of political science, discerns two different approaches
to implementation research: the more common top-down approach and the bottom-up
approach. See, for example, Sabatier (1986).
Nikola Novak and Tiago David Henriques Silva
Which education model for the Armed Forces and National Security to choose – Can Croatia learn from Portugal?
countries, there are geopolitical parallels that make certain aspects of the
Portuguese case study applicable in a Croatian context. They were selected
at authors’ discretion based upon four levels of argumentation.
First, Portugal and Croatia are member states of both NATO and the EU –
Portugal is one of the founders of the Alliance and one of the oldest members
of the Union, while Croatia is one of their most recent members. Second,
both countries have a long historical tradition and both experienced wars.
Furthermore, the both countries have marital tradition, and both are situated
at the periphery of the European Union. Third, both armed forces are deployed
to international missions; the obligatory conscription has been suspended,
and both countries, have difficulties with reaching an adequate level of
defence expenditure. Finally, military and security education in Portugal is,
to a certain degree, in line with EUROMITE project’s recommendations.
Considering the latest point, Portugal can be perceived as Croatia’s “big
brother” as it possesses a significant potential for providing its experience
in education for armed forces and national security. Sharing knowledge and
experience between allies in the field of security and defence is a top priority
for tackling contemporary security challenges.
Nikola Novak and Tiago David Henriques Silva
Which education model for the Armed Forces and National Security to choose – Can Croatia learn from Portugal?
Nikola Novak and Tiago David Henriques Silva
Which education model for the Armed Forces and National Security to choose – Can Croatia learn from Portugal?
The same logic applies to education. A clear and bold line separates the armed
forces and other security forces and services. The explanation for this could
be traced in tradition and historical heritage. Still, it is interesting to observe
that only the armed forces have devoted actual and measurable effort to
merge their education structures. Likewise, it is important to mention that
previous attempts to join the academies of several branches were made in
19925, but this failed since each branch considered that the specificities of
their training were incompatible to the model applied. Only in 2005 would
this re-emerge in public discussion again.
Regarding the lack of interest in establishing a national defence university
that would integrate national security and the armed forces, one can argue
that there is no need for this due to tradition and functional reasons.
Bureaucratically, these forces rely on different ministries and, in the
Portuguese case, the security forces are very fragmented, which could then
lead to another discussion on whether or not to set up a single security
force. It is the authors’ opinion that before advancing into a national defence
university, if this was to occur, a structural reform of the police should be
implemented first. A dual solution would be to create a military police (the
Gendarmerie) and a civilian police that encompasses the other forces or just
a single civilian force6. Only then, could there be consensus along with other
intelligence services, to evolve into a national defence university, which
would then regulate the enrolment of candidates of different armed forces’
branches and security forces.
Regarding organisational structure, this would be best achieved by sharing
facilities, material, finances and human resources because presently there
would be no infrastructure able to accommodate in one place such a large
project. Likewise, it would be beneficial for the different academies within
5 In the same year, the Military Academy started to train officers for the Portuguese
6 In 2003, during Durão Barroso’s term as Prime Minister and in 2005 with José Sócrates,
several police unions defended the fusion of the police. In 2012, Prime Minister Pedro Passos
Coelho, also taking an International Monetary Fund (IMF) recommendation, defended a dual
police model to implement in the medium term. In August 2017, the Portuguese Communist
Party reignited the debate regarding the establishment of a single civilian police.
Nikola Novak and Tiago David Henriques Silva
Which education model for the Armed Forces and National Security to choose – Can Croatia learn from Portugal?
Nikola Novak and Tiago David Henriques Silva
The structure of the MUI also includes a postgraduate studies department and
the Investigation and Development Centre of the MUI, which encompasses
the research centres of the Naval, Military and Air Force Academies.
Several authors, including Moreira (2001), Vieira (2001; 2002), Paulo (2002),
Santos (2002) and Fraga (2003), were among the first to discuss the possibility
of reforming the Military Higher Education in Portugal (MHES). The idea and
need for more joint Armed Forces regarding the MHES had been present
long before the EUROMITE project. It evolved from the necessity to reform
the Portuguese MHES and adapt to new realities such as the evolving nature
of national security, the economisation and optimisation of human and
material resources, and the financial restrains which Portugal faced. This
idea of joint MHES is featured across several documents – specifically in the
national defence strategic planning cycle, the government programs, or even
in the previous and last national defence strategic concepts. In the latter,
it is emphasised that the changes to the nature of the threats to national
security imply a different response from the Armed Forces. It is stated that
the imperative that drives the reform of the Armed Forces should not be seen
as something conjectural and that the financial restraints facing Portugal
only add to the urgency of the matter. Hence, this structural modification
was taken in line with a strategic vision that obeyed to a coherent model
that relied on integrated and joint solutions and privileged the operational
outcome. These premises helped the simplification of organisational
structures, rationalisation of the national dispositive, sharing of operational
solutions and elimination of redundancy. The 2013 National Defence Strategic
Concept states that environment in which the Armed Forces operate should
extend not only to operational terms, procedures and doctrine, but also to
the institutional and organisational culture of the Armed Forces that should
privilege a joint solution philosophy.
The MHES was not an exception to this common philosophy, and it has
been the subject of a growing harmonization among the several branches
regarding its integration in the Portuguese Higher Education System. The
Which education model for the Armed Forces and National Security to choose – Can Croatia learn from Portugal?
11 Which include Naval Academy, Military Academy, Air Force Academy and the Military
University Institute.
12 This is grounded in a new type of education that is technologically and pedagogically
more demanding for teachers and more accountability demanding for students, without
omitting its military and behavioural components that are banners of the military institution.
13 This was the case of the postgraduate education in history, defence and security studies,
as a result of the partnership between the Portuguese Military Academy and Instituto Universitário
de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL).
Nikola Novak and Tiago David Henriques Silva
Which education model for the Armed Forces and National Security to choose – Can Croatia learn from Portugal?
Nikola Novak and Tiago David Henriques Silva
military to the new paradigm shift. In this process the creation of a common
governance committee was crucial because it alleviated the transitional
process and helped to establish the foundations for today’s MHES in
Portugal. Currently, one can say that the different structures that the MUI
has under its domain still benefit from the great autonomy and have a lot of
redundant structures regarding the Naval Academy, the Military Academy
and the Air Force Academy which could even be improved in the future.
The evolution of the MHES in Portugal has been welcome and was taken very
responsibly concerning the different institutions it represents. Although there
is a lot more to be done, the essential structures and means of cooperation
are established. It means that only the future will show us the good and the
bad from the model implemented in Portugal. Also, the sharing of wisdom,
methodology, teachers, students and facilities will allow for guaranteeing
the quality of the education provided but also will save human and financial
resources and hence train future officers with greater capability of conception,
innovation, and critical analysis, without neglecting military values and the
centennial history of the institutions that help to represent Portugal.
Which education model for the Armed Forces and National Security to choose – Can Croatia learn from Portugal?
Nikola Novak and Tiago David Henriques Silva
Which education model for the Armed Forces and National Security to choose – Can Croatia learn from Portugal?
Nikola Novak and Tiago David Henriques Silva
About authors:
Strategos, 2(2), 2018, 67-68
UDK 32
UDK 355/359
Prikaz skripte
Mladen Pahernik
Skripta Uvod u vojnu geologiju predstavljaju važno vojno stručno djelo jer se
prvi put u hrvatskoj vojnoj literaturi obrađuje problematika vojne geologije
i njezin utjecaj na vojno djelovanje, uglavnom u području roda inženjerije.
Autor vrlo stručno i cjelovito daje prikaz vojnogeoloških značajka zemljišta
i njihov utjecaj na kvalitetu vojnog utvrđivanja i prohodnosti te najsloženije
taktičke zadaće, nasilnog prijelaza rijeke i desantnih operacija. Posebna je
vrijednost djela autorova analiza pojedinih vojnih operacija i utjecaj geoloških
obilježja zemljišta na njihov ishod.
Skripta su podijeljena na deset tematskih cjelina, uz popis korištene
literature i pojmovnik koji dodatno opisuje osnovne pojmove iz područja
vojne geologije. U uvodnom poglavlju autor nas na zanimljiv način
uvodi u problematiku i važnost vojne geologije kroz definiciju, povijesni
pregled te njezin značaj i ulogu na taktičkoj, operativnoj i strateškoj razini
provedbe vojnih operacija. Analizirajući ulogu vojne geologije unutar
suvremene doktrine centraliziranoga mrežnog ratovanja, autor ističe kako
u suvremenom ratovanju većina informacija ima prostornu dimenziju. Time
ističe činjenicu kako kvalitetno prikupljanje i analiza prostornih podataka
(s naglaskom na geološku podlogu) te distribucija dobivene geoinformacije
danas daje važnu informacijsku prednost pred protivnikom. Nakon uvoda
slijede stožerna poglavlja skripata koja obrađuju temeljne aspekte primjene
vojne geologije u provedbi vojnih operacija. Tu autor ubraja utvrđivanje,
nasilni prelazak (forsiranje) preko rijeke, prohodnost (tenkoprohodnost)
zemljišta i desantne (pomorske) operacije. Svako poglavlje popraćeno je
Mladen Pahernik
Strategos, 2(2), 2018, 69-73
UDK 32
UDK 355/359
Sažetak sa skupa
Valentina Ključarić
Sažetak sa skupa
Sažetak sa skupa
Sažetak sa skupa
O autoru:
Strategos, 2(2), 2018, 75-79
UDK 32
UDK 355/359
Sažetak sa skupa
Hrvatsko vojno učilište „Dr. Franjo Tuđman” ove je godine bilo domaćin 12.
konferencije o operacijskim istraživanjima i analizi NATO-a. Konferencija je
održana u hotelu Sheraton u Zagrebu 15. i 16. listopada 2018. u organizaciji
Savezničkog zapovjedništva za transformaciju (ACT) NATO-a i Organizacije
za znanost i tehnologiju (STO) NATO-a. Konferenciju su otvorili dr. sc.
Thomas Killion, glavni znanstvenik NATO-a (NATO Chief Scientist), uime
organizacije NATO STO, i dekan Hrvatskog vojnog učilišta „Dr. Franjo
Tuđman” brigadir Slobodan Čurčija, uime države domaćina Konferencije.
Na Konferenciji je sudjelovalo više od 120 znanstvenika iz država članica
NATO saveza. Tema ovogodišnje Konferencije bila je suočavanje s izazovima
u pogledu složenosti u operacijama NATO-a u konfliktnom i narušenom
okruženju (engl. Tackling Complexity in NATO Operations in Contested and
Degraded Environments). Izlaganja na Konferenciji obuhvaćala su teme kao
što su kibernetičke operacije, logistika i inovativni pristupi analizi vojnih
igara (engl. Analitical Wargaming).
Osim sudjelovanja u tematskom dijelu Konferencije, sudionici su imali priliku
upoznati se s alatima kao što su: SIMUL8 (snažan, intuitivan simulacijski
softver kojim se svatko može koristiti za brzo dobivanje rezultata, poboljšanje
postupaka, povećanje učinkovitosti i smanjenje troškova) i AltA (široko
primjenjiva tehnika kojom se podržavaju neovisno, kritičko razmišljanje i
alternativna stajališta za pružanje podrške odlučivanju).
Sažetak sa skupa
Sažetak sa skupa
Sažetak sa skupa
O autorima:
Sažetak sa skupa
Strategos is an international interdisciplinary journal publishing contributions in English and Croatian. Contributions written in Croatian
should have an abstract written in both Croatian and English. Contributions should be written clearly and simply so that they are accessible to readers
in different disciplines and to readers for whom English is not their first language. Essential but specialised terms should be explained concisely but
not didactically.
Types of Contributions Published
• Original scientific papers
• Scientific reviews
• Preliminary reports
• Professional papers
• Professional reviews
• Other types of contributions, including book reviews, perspectives, opinion articles, commentaries and replies, symposium pieces,
interviews and annotated bibliographies.
Manuscript Submission Guidelines
Volume II, Number 2, December 2018 Godina II., Broj 2., prosinac 2018., Zagreb