1978 - Loudspeaker System Design - Three-Enclosure System With Active Delay and Crossover (Linkwitz)
1978 - Loudspeaker System Design - Three-Enclosure System With Active Delay and Crossover (Linkwitz)
1978 - Loudspeaker System Design - Three-Enclosure System With Active Delay and Crossover (Linkwitz)
material down to 70Hz at adequate sion can only be obtained from a small frequency range covered. The volume
levels and low distortion. This moves drive unit which will also have higher inside the enclosure will exhibit cavity
the crossover to the woofer to a less distortion than a larger unit. It appears resonances which have to be elimin-
critical frequency range and a single though that psychoacoustically the in- ated. Acoustic energy is stored when-
large woofer can be used to cover the creased distortion is outweighed by an ever one of these resonances is excited
remaining frequency range below 70Hz. improved sound perspective which and gradually released after the excita-
The large woofer enclosure can be gives a greater sense of realism. Some tion has been removed. Most of this
placed separately from the relatively further investigation of this subject is acoustic energy exits through the cone:
small midrange and tweeter enclosures needed. the speaker regurgitates its own cha-
and still be acoustically close because racteristic box sound. Fortunately it is
d/X is small. Further consideration is Speaker enclosures not difficult to dampen cavity
given to this aspect of the system design Usually the size of a loudspeaker en- resonances. The technique of filling the
later. closure is dictated by the required low enclosure with long-fibre wool is well
2 ~.
The frequency range below 70Hz frequency response and efficiency. A established and very effective.
Another form of undesired secondary
could be covered by two 200mm units different approach is taken here where radiation comes from the enclosure
which will generate 90dB of direct s.p.l. the enclosure is optimized for minimum walls themselves. The walls can be ex-
at 35Hz and lm or two 250mm diameter secondary radiation over as wide a cited to vibrate by the internal air
drivers with 94dB s.p.l. assuming 6mm frequency range as possible. The low volume pressure changes, but more
peak-to-peak excursion capability. frequency output capability is treated serious is the direct transmission of the
The particular drivers chosen for this as a separate problem. mechanical vibration of the driver’s
design are the 100mm KEF BilO low The purpose of the enclousre is to cone to the enclosure. The walls then
frequency/midrange unit, the 25mm control the radiation from the back of radiate the transmitted mechanical en-
KEF T27 tweeter and the KEF B139 the cone. A closed box design is chosen ergy as sound, particularly when its
woofer. A different unit like the KEF as the simplest form of enclosure. If the frequency coincides With a panel
B200 or some other make with adequate largest box dimension is less than a resonance.
excursion capability and linearity could quarter wavelength at the highest It is not unusual that more energy is
be substituted for the B139. frequency from the driver then the box radiated directly from the enclosure
There are of course considerations is acoustically small and the air volume walls than from the cone at resonance
other than dispersion and cone excur- inside the enclosure will act like a uni- frequencies. If for example the vibrating
sion which must enter into the selection form soring. The box has to be made enclosure surface has ten times the area
of a drive unit, such as smoothness of sufficiently stiff so that the internal air of the cone then its acoustic output will
frequency response, freedom from high pressure changes will not deflect the already equal that of the cone if it has
Q resonances, minimum phase behavi- walls and cause secondary radiation. only one tenth of the cone excursion.
our, and low non-linear distortion. Un- The woofer enclosure can be made The output of most loudspeakers is
fortunately few meaningful data are small relative to the 70Hz maximum coloured by radiation from the enclos-
published by many manufacturers. frequency. It will therefore have no ure walls.
Knowing the magnet weight and flux internal air volume resonances and It has been verified experimentally
density is of little help. With some resonances of the box panels can be that vibration coupling between the
training though the ear can sort out pushed above 70Hz by crossbracing of driver and the walls occurs primarily
those drive units that seem worth the walls. through the rigid mounting of the driver
further investigation and the units The enclosure for the Bi 10 presents to the enclosure. Vibration-mounting
chosen for this design proved to be very greater difficulties because of the wider the driver to the enclosure with some
satisfactory. form of complaint suspension will
The selection ofdrivers was primarily significantly reduce the wall excitation,
guided by the desite for wide, uniform but it poses some difficult mechanical
dispersion and crossover frequencies as design problems. The natural frequency
high and low as possible. Had emphasis Fig. 4. Loudspeaker enclosure of the driver mounting has to be well
been placed on high power output dimensions. As there is little stereo below the acoustical output frequency.
capability or lower non-linear and information below the 70Hz limit of the The mount has to seal the enclosure air
Doppler distortion then larger diameter enclosures (left). a centre woofer covers tight and provide sufficient mechanical
drivers would have to be chosen, or the the remaining range down to 25Hz support for the driver. Another
crossover frequencies shifted to a more (right). approach would be to enclose the box
critical frequency range. Wide disper-
Mahogany 20 thick
& 40x40
Q of 36 according to O.
The Q is quite high and the decaytime
~ ~ \d¶~\
litresof roof patching tar to the inside of
the box the resonant frequency was
lowered to300Hz due to the added mass
to the panels. The decay time decreased
to 4Oms, corresponding to a Q of 8.4.
While this treatment proved effective it Fig.~. Sound scattering from the sharp corners of a loudspeaker enclosure
does point out the problem that a small producing a smeared out transient behaviour of the system.
panel can have a high Q which is diffi-
cult to dampen because of its high stiff-
ness and large mass. Better results
might be expected from a thin plywood
construction, with thick layers of damp-
ing material to attenuate resonances
and to reduce the direct transmission of
sound from the inside of the box.4.
Ideally of course the panels should not
be excited in their resonances at all,
neither from the air pressure changes
inside the box nor from the mechanical
coupling to the driver.
A small box presents a small obstacle
to omnidirectional sound propagation.
1. Beranek, L. L., Acoustics, McGraw-Hill
2. Bailey, A. R., Non-resonant loudspeaker
enclousre design, Wireless World, October
1965. p.483
3. Bradbury, L. J. S., Use of fibrous materials
in loudspeaker162 enclosures, LAES, vol. 24,
April 1976,D.
p. A., Sound output of loudspeaker
4. Barlow,
cabinet walls, 50th AES Convention, London,
5. Heyser, R. C., Energy-time test, Audio,
June 1976, p.74
6. Muller, G. G., Black, R. & Davis, T. E., This article will be concluded with active crossover and equalizer
Diffraction produced by cylindrical and designs and a discussion of speaker location.
cubical obstacles and by circular and square
plates, .JASA, vol. 10, July 1938, p.6
exciting these resonances. The 18dB per works, and with second and fourth-order
octave filter was not considered be- cascaded Butterworth sections (ref. 10).
cause it tilts the polar pattern.
All these filters, with the exception of 300Hz 1KHZ
the 6dB per octave network, have a FREQUENCY —~
frequency-dependent phase shift and
consequently some phase distortion. phase shift with increasing frequency Therefore it seemed safe to use the
Only a network of linearly increasing will have no phase distortion. The slope fourth-order filter with its sharp cut-off
of the phase curve is constant in this behaviour which minimizes the overlap
case. Any deviation from the constant between drivers.
slope indicates that some amount of
phase distortion is present. The ques-
tion arises how much slope variation Crossover and equalizer circuits
can be tolerated before it becomes aud- The crossover networks and equalizers
ible and not merely visible on an consists of a variety of active filter
oscilloscope. The slope of the phase circuits. The overall block diagram of
curve, usually referred to as envelope Fig. 12 gives an indication of the system
delay or group delay, has been plotted complexity. Design formulas are pre-
for typically used Butterworth sented for each functional block so that
crossover networks and the new net- the experienced constructor should be
work function10, Fig. 11. Merely able to duplicate the circuits of Fig. 13 or
changing the polarity to one of the adapt the design to particular needs.
drivers drastically changes the group
delay for the summed driver outputs as 3kHz crossover networks
in the case of the first and third-order The fourth-order high and low-pass
Butterworth crossovers. Their on-axis filters are made up from cascaded
amplitude response is unchanged, second-order Butterworth sections, Fig.
unless the drivers are separated some 14. The outputs VH and VL are in phase
distance from each other. Then the with each other at all frequencies and
polar pattern will tilt either up or down the voltage sum is equal to VIN. At the
with the change in driver polarity. crossover frequency f
To investigate the audibility of phase 0, therefore, 2the
distortion an all-pass network was built 6dB
fromwhich is different
each filter will be from
VIN/ the
which duplicates the group delay of the typical 3dB crossover point for filters
new second and fourth-order crossover where VH and VL are in phase quadra-
Fig. 9. Radiation of a 6dB per octave networks (12 and 24dB per octave ture10.
crossover network at the cross-over .curves in fig. 11). Listening with
frequency (3dB peak occurs below the plane Delay compensation
of equidistance for non-coincident drivers) headphones to stereo and mono pro-
and the symmetrical pattern of a 24dB per gram material, no audible difference The Bl1O and T27 drivers do not radiate
octave crossover network at the crossover could be detected with either one of the from the same acoustical plane even
frequency (ref. 10). all-pass networks switched in or out. though they are mounted on the same
Power amplifiers
Delay ‘U 1 -.‘(2TtfRC)
Fig. 16.
Several all-pass phase shift networks
Fig. 15. On-axis response when the tweeter is positioned acoustically in front of the midrange by are cascaded to obtain the required delay
d/\ with 6dBper octave crossover, and 24dB oer octave crossover. compensation.
System equalization
As active networks are already used for
the crossover filters it seems attractive
to also use them to equalize the com-
NORMALIZED FREQUENCY plete speaker system for a flat Gain
amplitude response at the preferred Ib) Frequency response
Fig. 17. Fall-off in response of a rigid piston in listening location. A microphone at that Adc~
a closed box (ref. 11). Box resonancef
0 and Q position will pick up the direct sound
are determined as in Figs. 18 and 19. coming from the speakers and a large
number of reflections from various I I
~2 ~i ~O Frequency
objects and the walls of the room. The Am
microphone cannot’ distinguish
between the different sources. The
microphone output voltage which cor- (c) Design formulas
responds to the direct sound from the fo =
speakers will be masked by the voltage 2TtR
w due to the reverberant sound field. The 1 vc1 c2
z ear-brain combination seems to be Oa= 2~ = 2R1+R2 yc2
w taking its clues for locating the details
I of the stereo image from the direct
sound even when the reverberant sound Adc = R3
R1 o0Vc2
energy is much larger than the direct
f = 1
I I I r~’””~”’ sound. This might explain why attempts 1 TtR1c1 Am—
R2 1- <1
to equalize for a flat response at the
listening location gave unsatisfactory Adc R21’R3
= 2Tt(R2.I-R3)c2 ~= 2R1
Fig. 18. Schematic response of the woofer The response at one metre from the
driving point impedance measured as in Fig. speaker measured in the room appears
19 from which f0 and Q0 of Fig. 1 7are derived to be a better starting point for FIg. 20. Network extends the woofer low
(ref. 11). equalization. But even for this location frequency response to f1 by providing exact
a completely flat response does not compensation for Q0 and f0 with schematic
Dri~r in
seem to give the most natural-sounding amplitude response, and design formulas.
,-— —, reproduction. Some form of shelving 4. or
600 >lOmV ¶Vmax I sloping
In thisresponse
design seems
a 3dB necessary’
boost is applied to the BilO signal to
calibrated obtain flat acoustic output over its
signal range (last stage in the centre channel
of Fig. 13). The T27 is allowed to follow
its o.wn gradual roll-off, but if a flat Fig. 21. Measured voltages at the driver
high-end response seems desirable then terminals of the complete system. A flat
to the simple network shown with broken response does not seem to give natural-
RIC of speaker system sounding reproduction.
with Ohm-meter
Fig. 19. Measurement setup for Fig. 18 to
determine R0~ /RMAX from VDC /VMAX and
the ~ and f2 from
filter has 22dB of attenuation at the (a) Circuit (d) Design formula~
driver resonance. Indeed, this was the
procedure in the original crossover de- (1) Specify to. 00. f p. 0 p
sign for the T27 tweeter, Fig. 10. Such
terminal voltage, however, causes a
36dB/octave roll-off in acoustic output
(2) to
_ 00
OP k > a required
from the driver for frequencies below
resonance f0. To achieve the exact Op ~o
100Hz 1.5kHz
Fig. 29. Cbmplete schematic of crossover network and equalization of the author’s system.
not turned on and off in the usual own to control the motion of the panels tweeter and a 100mm woofer/midrange.
at resonance. A better match between Even the computer-optimized network
abrupt fashion but instead it builds up
the two stiffnesses is required20. of Fig. 28(b) has the desired acoustic
and decays gradually, Fig. 27. The en-
velope of the burst follows a raised Building the enclosures out of 6mm amplitude and phase characteristic only
18. The spectral content plywood with a 15mm damping layer for about two octaves either side of the
cosine function
of The shaped tone burst is concentrated consisting of a 3:1 mixture of water- crossover frequency.
in a narrow frequency range. The ear based roof patching tar and sand gave The active network in contrast to this
appears to be very sensitive to phase optimum results. can be exact because the voltage source
distortion of this signal, while a A simple and quite revealing test is to at the driver terminals is able to impose
square wave or rectangular envelope knock on any box to hear how dead any desired acoustic frequency res-
burst are almost useless at higher acoustically it is. ponse to the driver, without interaction
frequencies for such tests. A system between the source’s frequency res-
with 24dB/octave crossover filters has ponse and the driver impedance.
the phase shift of a second-order all- Passive crossovers
pass network with complex poles and Not everyone is at hom.e with the Note. In addition’ to the points noted on
zeroes of Q = 0.7. No audible change electronics and the rather elaborate page 91 of the October issue, Mr Link-
could be noticed on insertion of this op-amp circuits for this loudspeaker witz points out that the horizontal scale
network into the test signal path. The Q system. A passive crossover seems at- for Fig. 6 is d/X.
had to be increased to 2.4 before any tractive as it would consist only of in-
effect was noticed with the test signal at ductors, capacitors and resistors in a References
‘1.5kHz. Observation with an relatively simple interconnection. Un- 10. Linkwitz S.H., Active crossover
oscilloscope indicated ringing of the fortunately it is considerably more dif- networks for non-coincident drivers,
trailing edge of the shaped burst which ficult for the home constructor to arrive JAES, Vol. 24, 1976. p.2.
became increasingly more audible as Q at the correct element values for a 16. Linkwitz S.J., Loudpeaker system
was raised above 2.4. It can be con- passive network than to design active design, Wireless World, vol. 84, May
cluded safely from these tests and networks with their great flexibility to 1978, p.52 and June 1978, p.67.
others with program material that the change transfer functions and gain’9. 17. Blinchikoff H.J. .and Zverev A.I.,
phase distortion of a 24dB/octave To design a passive network for a Filtering in the time and frequency
crossover is insignificant. 24dB/octave acoustic crossover domains. Wiley, 1976.
Often, claims are made for the super- requires a computer optimization 18. Linkwitz S.H., Narrow band impulse
iority of low-order crossover networks routine unless one is satisfied with the testing of acoustical systems, 60th AES
with 6dB/octave slopes. It should be trial and error procedure on which most Convention, Los Angeles, May 1978,
obvious from Fig. 24 that a 6dB/octave loudspeaker design has been based on preprint no. 1342(F-4), to be published in
acoustic response cannot be realized up to today. If a driver could be JAES.
with a passive network because the represented by a resistor then exact 19. KEFTOPICS, International Edition,
driver itself introduces a 12dB/octave network values are easily cah~ulated2’, vol. 1, no.2A, 1976, and vol. 3, no 1,1978,
slope and the aforementioned Fig. 28(a). Real drivers have complex KEF Electronics Ltd, Tovil, Maidstone
associated phase shift. Merely applying terminal impedances, Fig. 18. This not ME156QP, Kent.
a terminal voltage which changes with only affects the component values of 20. Harris G.M. and Crede G.E., Shock
6dB/octave would guarantee an l8dB/ the theoretical network but also the and Vibration Handbook, 2nd edition,
octave slope below the driver resonance topology as can be seen by comparing ‘McGraw-Hill 1976.
and 6dB/octave above it, but with ex- the two networks of Fig. 28. Here a 21. Linkwitz S.H., Passive crossover
cessive phase shift which defeats the prototype design is shown for a 1.6kHz networks for non-coincident drivers,
whole phase argument for this type of crossover between a 25mm dome JAES, vol. 26, 1978, p.149.
Even a 12dB/octave acoustic high-
pass filter would be extremely difficult
to achieve passively as can be seen from
the required terminal voltage of Fig.
The lowest-order acoustic high-pass Association of audio consultants
filter which can be realized with a pass-
ive network has 18dB/octave slope, IN AN A’ITEMPT to improve the standard of lar aspects and members of the Association will be
sometimes called an acoustic Butter- audio equipment reviews, an Association of bound by their code of Ethics to restrict their
Professional Audio and Radio Consultants activities to areas where their professional exper-
worth’9. This filter still suffers from the has been formed. Acting secretary is James tise is relevant. The range of expertise available is
phase quadrature between low and Moir, 16 Wayside, Chipperfield, Herts WD4 fully comprehensive. For example, the prospective
high-frequency driver outputs and the 9JJ. The aims are as follows. client will be able to choose consultants from
resulting frequency-dependent irregu- within the membership of the Association to. give
assistance with:
larity in the radiation pattern’0. Sur- Aims of the association 1. The assessment of the performance of audio and
prisingly then, the 24dB/octave The Association of Professional Audio and Radio radio equipment and the associated software.
crossover is the lowest-order function consultants was formed in July. 1978 to improve 2. All aspects of the acoustics of concert halls.
for which the all-important radiation the standard of services offered by consultants. studios and theatres, including speech reinforce-
work towards protecting the interests of their ment, sound recording and associated techniques.
pattern has a stable axis. So-called “lin- clients and advance the reputation of the pro- 3. Fundamental redesign for development of
ear phase” loudspeakers are based on fession. It recognised that the work of unqualified improved products.
wishful thinking and not on physical consultants sometimes fell below desirable MembershIp: (a) Member: An organisation or an
realities. standards and the membership requirements of the individual offering consulting services with no
association ensure that a high level of professional significant financial interest in the product of the
and technical competence is maintained. service. (b) Conditions of membership: Applicants
The objects of the Association are: for membership shall furnish evidence of pro-
Enclosures (a) To maintain and where possible improve the fessional and technical competence.
Further investigation into the con- standards of professional conduct and competence The ethic Which has been adopted by the
of consultants concerned with audio and radio Association is basically similar to that of the
structon of a well-damped enclosure for engineering. existing professional associations. It ensures that
the mid-range and tweeter led to the (b) To represent and make known the views of its the advice proferred by its members is not in-
following conclusion. members upon matters relating to, or affecting the fluenced by financial interests in the products and
A small box with 20mm thick walls is profession. that any commercial involvement is, in any event.
(c) To promote further education and knowledge in limited to a small proportion of the member’s
too stiff for tar-based damping layers. audio, radio and acoustic engineering. activity. Members will always declare the nature of
The tar has not enough stiffness of its Some consultancies tend to specialise in particu-. this involvement when appropriate.