Design and Analysis of A Hybrid Security
Design and Analysis of A Hybrid Security
Design and Analysis of A Hybrid Security
Author 1
Dehkontee Chea Cuppah
Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Applications,
Bangalore University, Jnanabharathi Campus,
560056, Bangalore, India.
Author 2
Ambrish G.
Guest Faculty, Department of Computer Science and Applications,
Bangalore University, Jnanabharathi Campus,
560056, Bangalore, India.
Author 3
Dr. M. Hanumanthappa
Chairperson, Department of Computer Science and Applications,
Bangalore University, Jnanabharathi Campus,
560056, Bangalore, India.
As indicated by the 2016 Internet Threat Report [2] from Definition of terms
Symantec. targeted attacks have increased by 125 percent from i. Zero-day attack: an attack by hackers in which zero-
the year before 2015. Each week, on average, a new zero - day day exploits are applied on a zero-day vulnerability in system
vulnerability was found in 2015 firmware, software or hardware before specific security and
A zero-day attack is an attack by hackers in which zero-day preventive mechanisms can be identified and set for such
exploits are applied on a zero-day vulnerability in system vulnerability.
firmware, software or hardware before specific security and ii. Zero-day exploit: an exploit that is meant to trigger a
preventive mechanisms can be identified and set for such zero-day vulnerability to gain access to a target system.
vulnerability. iii. Zero-day Vulnerability: a vulnerability in system
With the current traditional security mechanisms that are in firmware, software, or hardware that is still unknown to the
place, it is very difficult to detect zero-day attacks in real time developers or people responsible for it.
as these mechanisms focus on already known signatures of
malware and being that there are no signatures associated with Literature Review
zero-day attacks, they will not be detected. Exploits can go
An attack that exploits the unknown vulnerability in a system
months or years before they can be identified, and this gives the
is called zero-day attack. It takes advantage of this identified
attacker enough time to cause a lot of harm to the system. Using vulnerability before a patch can be developed by the vendor.
information obtained from the Zero-day danger report [3] from The most dangerous attacks that are more difficult to detect,
FireEye Security, cybercrime discovered vulnerabilities remain according to Kaur & Singh [4], are polymorphic worms that
unknown to the public for an average of 310 days, including show distinct behaviors and worms pose a serious threat to
software vendors. network security. These worms have been rapidly propagating
Defending against an unknown vulnerability is a very difficult and increasingly threatening Internet hosts and services by
exploiting unknown vulnerabilities, and on each new infection
task and although there are security mechanisms like antivirus,
they can also change their own representations.
Intrusion Detection Systems and Intrusion Prevention Systems,
and continuous upgrade and patching of software, it is still
difficult to mitigate zero-day attacks.
As it relates to the categorization of vulnerabilities, Joshi et al.
Figure 1 shows the timeline of zero-day attack from the [5] evaluates some of the prominent taxonomies and this
assessment helps to properly categorize the vulnerabilities
discovery of the vulnerability to the time it is patched.
present in the network system environment and proposes a five
- dimensional vulnerability categorization approach [6] with
vector attack, defense, vulnerability exploitation methodology,
vulnerability impact on the system, and the target of attack. For
the identification and assessment of vulnerabilities, there are a
lot of tools available and the selection of any one of those tools
is important in the security of a network but the downside to
these tools is that they don't detect zero-day vulnerabilities as
these vulnerabilities are not known yet.
Zhichun Li et al [7] proposed for polymorphic worms an attack
– resilient, noise - tolerant and fast network - based automated
signature generation system called Hamsa; which enables the
signature generation algorithm to provide analytical assault
resilience guarantees.
Figure 1: Zero-Day attack Timeline
With most current security mechanism being powerless against CURRENT DEFENSES AGAINST ZERO-DAY
the zero-day exploit, this research paper will analyze danger ATTACKS
associated with zero-day attacks and propose a hybrid model
that will not only seek to identify zero-day attacks but also All networks that are connected to the have a common threat of
zero-day attacks. Some of the reasons behind these attacks are
defend against it in real time. This proposed model will use the
stealing confidential information, disruption of activities on the
behavior-based detection technique and the signature-based system or monitoring the target's network. In this section, some
detection technique to detect vulnerabilities that are known and of the major defense techniques that are currently being used to
unknown. Lastly, the paper will make a recommendation on defend against zero-day attacks by organizations will be
some practical steps that should be followed to reduce the analyzed in-depth.
occurrence of zero-day attacks.
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest as it
Figure 2: Signature-Behaviour based hybrid technique relates to this paper.
Once new traffic flows into the network, the packet acquisition
module will collate all packet belong to the same flow and Acknowledgment
forward it to the extraction and disassembly module. Once it It is a great pleasure to express my gratitude to all those who
gets to this module, individual packets will be extracted and inspired and helped me in completing this paper.
disassembled and forwarded to the Analysis and Evaluation I would like to express my immense gratitude to Dr.
module. This module will use an Intrusion Detection Hanumanthappa M, Chairperson of the Department of
System/Intrusion Prevention System to perform a deep packet Computer Science and Applications, Bangalore University, for
inspection to identify any malware in the packets. Once this is his valuable assistance and co-operation.
done, the packets will be reassembled and forwarded for It is pleasure to thank Ambrish G. who has given me ideas and
signature generation. Once generated, the signature will then be guidance during the duration of the research.
matched against the signature database and if it does not match It is also pleasure to express my gratitude to all Teaching and
any signature in the database, the traffic will then be forwarded Non- Teaching staff members of Department of Computer
to the behaviour analysis module for traffic flow analysis by Science and Applications for their encouragement and
using Hidden Markov Model machine learning approach. If no providing valuable requirements.
anomaly is detected in the traffic, it will then be permitted to With a deep sense of indebtedness I convey my heartiest thanks
enter the network but if an anomaly is detected no matter how to my parents who have taken effort and given me such an
small, the traffic will be blocked from entering the network. opportunity to acquire knowledge and gain experience in my
life. As well as my friends who have helped for this
The objective of this model is to detect anomalities and isolate
accomplished task.
all malicious content to prevent it from entering the network.
This can only be achieved with the help of a machine learning
based malware detection which will be placed in the behaviour
analysis module.
[1] Symantec Corporation, “Internet security threat report"
Retrieved from
_resources/b-istr_main_report_ v19_21291018.en-
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[2] Symantec Internet Security Threat Report, Internet Report
Volume 21, APRIL 2016.
[3] FireEye Security, "ZERO-DAY DANGER: A Survey of
Zero-Day Attacks and What They Say About the
Traditional Security Model‖ ", 2015.
[4] Kaur, Ratinder.; Singh, Maninder., "Efficient hybrid
technique for detecting zero-day polymorphic worms,"
Advance Computing Conference (IACC), 2014 IEEE
International, pp.95-100, 21-22 Feb. 2014.
[5] Joshi, Chanchala; Singh, Umesh Kumar; Tarey, Kapil, “A
Review on Taxonomies of Attacks and Vulnerability in
Computer and Network System". International Journal of
Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software
Engineering (IJRCSSE) Volume 5, Issue 1, January 2015,
pp 742-747.
[6] Joshi, Chancala; Singh, Umesh Kumar "ADMIT- A Five-
Dimensional Approach towards Standardization of
Network and Computer Attack Taxonomies".
International Journal of Computer Application (IJCA,
0975 – 8887), Volume 100, Issue 5, August 2014, pp 30-
[7] Li, Zhichun; Sanghi, Manan; Chen, Yan; Kao, Ming-Yang;
Chavez, Brian, "Hamsa: Fast Signature Generation for
Zero-day Polymorphic Worms with Provable Attack
Resilience", Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Symposium
on Security and Privacy (S&P'06).
[8] Albanese, Massimiliano; Jajodia, Sushil; Noel, Steven, "A
time-efficient approach to cost-effective network
hardening using attack graphs” in Proceedings of DSN'12,
2012, pp. 1– 12.
[9] Alosefer, Yaser; Rana, Omer F., "Predicting client-side
attacks via behavior analysis using honeypot data," Next
Generation Web Services Practices (NWeSP), 2011 7th
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[10] Hammarberg, David, "The Best Defenses against Zero-
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[11] FireEye Security, “Recent Zero-Day Exploits".
Retrieved from: