An Enhanced Framework For Identification and Risks Assessment of Zero-Day Vulnerabilities
An Enhanced Framework For Identification and Risks Assessment of Zero-Day Vulnerabilities
An Enhanced Framework For Identification and Risks Assessment of Zero-Day Vulnerabilities
© Research India Publications.
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 12 (2018) pp. 10861-10870
© Research India Publications.
In our previous work, we presented an approch towards (2) Known malicious packets are detected and filtered at
discovery of unknown vulnerabilities [1]. In this paper we are initial stage. This task significantly manages the
enhancing the previous proposed approch by presenting a heavy network traffic and further avoids the
layered architecture for detection and risks analysis of zero- unnecessary payload.
day attacks. The architecture consists of three layers:
(3) The proposed AttackRank algorithm measures the
(1) Zero-day attack path generator: The first layer is risks of unknown, which helps in designing
liable to detect the unknown vulnerability. remediation plans.
(2) Risk analyzer: The second layer is assigned to The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In Section 2 we
analyze the generated attack. discuss related work, while in Section 3 we present our
framework. In Section 4 we present the experimental setup,
(3) Physical layer: The third layer consists of a
and in Section 5 we discuss the performance evaluation of our
centralized database and a centralized server that are
framework. Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper and gives
used during the information processing of the first
directions for further research.
two layers.
This framework was designed to block attackers by examining
known malware samples. The proposed framework follows a RELATED WORK
probabilistic approach for identification of the zero-day attack
Vulnerabilities are the flaws in system configuration or in
path and further to rank the severity of identified zero-day
network by which an attacker may gain entry to the target
vulnerability. Actually, it is a hybrid detection-based
network [6]. Many framework have developed for
technique that detects unknown flaws present in network that
identification and risks assessment of known vulnerabilities
are not detected yet. In particular, our framework performs the
[7]. However, discovery of unknown vulnerabilities is a big
following tasks during two phases:
issue that is still unsolved. Some of the prominent methods to
During the first phase, an attack graph is built from protect against zero-day attacks are classified as statistical-
captured network scenario at any time stamp by based, signature-based, behavior-based, and hybrid detection-
levering the favorable attack conditions, collected based techniques [8].
from various information sources. These attack
Statistical-based techniques generate attack profiles
conditions represent the abnormal system and
from past exploits that are now publically known.
network activities that are noticed by security
From these known exploits, the historical exploit’s
persons or security sensors (e.g., Intrusion Detection
profile parameters are updated to detect new attacks
[9]. Statistical-based zero-day detection approaches
During the second phase, the nodes of the generated [10] cannot be applied at real-time instantaneous
attack graph with higher risks of zero-day detection and protection. They are relying on static
vulnerabilities are discovered. This task is attack profiles, and thus they require a manual
accomplished by using an intelligent algorithm modification of detection settings.
(called AttackRank) that ranks the severity of
Signature-based detection method compiles a library
identified zero-day vulnerability.
of different malware signatures. These signatures are
The contributions of the proposed framework are: cross-referenced with local files, network files, email
or web downloads depending on settings chosen by
(1) This framework is the first integrated approach for
the user. These libraries are constantly being updated
detection and prioritization (based on likelihood) of
for new signatures that often represent the signatures
zero-days attacks.
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 12 (2018) pp. 10861-10870
© Research India Publications.
of new exploited vulnerabilities [11]. Signatures- functionality in parallel. Parallel work of each layer improves
based techniques are broadly used yet, and they need the performance of our approach.
an improvement to generate high-class signatures.
In this paper, we analyze the functionality of each layer.
Behavior-based techniques sniff essential
characteristics of worms to predict the future
behavior of a web server, server or victim machine in Zero-day Attack Path Generator Layer
order to deny any behaviors that are not expected
The aim of Zero-day Attack Path Generator layer is to identify
[12]. These techniques can predict the flow of
aberrant network behavior, in order to detect unknown
network traffic.
vulnerabilities which are rare to find and have high value. It
Hybrid-based techniques overcome the weaknesses detects unknown attacks and generates signatures for the
of the above mentioned techniques by using various Snort by analyzing the incoming traffic.
combinations of them [13]. It is noteworthy that Kaur
In particular, it includes four main components:
and Singh [14] proposed a hybrid approach for
identification of zero-day although it is applicable (1) Snort anomaly detector;
only for polymorphic warm detection.
(2) Attack-graph generator;
In works [15], [16], the authors introduced an approach for
(3) Detection engine; and
measuring the risk level of vulnerabilities using Hazard metric
with the involvement of frequency [17] and impact [18] (4) Zero-day attack path generator.
factors. However, the measurement of zero-day attacks risks
The network is initially filtered by Snort Intrusion Detection/
level is like “measuring an immeasurable”. Obviously, we
Prevention System, to block known attacks based on the
cannot measure the severity of vulnerability, while it is not
signatures. In order to lure attackers, we placed honeypot in
known. Therefore, we must consider the degree of
our network with many common services running (like
exploitability, while measuring the risks of zero-day attack.
Apache, share folders etc.) in order to seem more valuable.
The proposed framework provides a method for zero-day Snort analyzes the traffic and performs filtering based on its
detection and estimates the likelihood of system being signatures, the traffic is either dropped or passed as it is
intruded by attacker. Our framework assumes that “an attacker malicious or not. The filtered traffic is then logged by the
can only advance his attack position to a node that has honeypot; honeypot only captures the information and doesn’t
connectivity and vulnerability to be exploited”. do any processing.
Furthermore, our framework is based on the link analysis To capture intrusion propagation, the Attack Graph is built by
algorithm [19] used for personalized web, that measures the capturing the network scenario at specific timestamp. The
probability of visiting a web page by an anonymous web attack graph is generated by sensing the anomalous behavior
surfer. The idea behind link analysis algorithm is that pages or abnormal activities of network that are noticed by security
visited more often are more important and having high persons or security sensors such as IDS. These anomalies
probability of visit. We follow the same approach while represent the probability of host (node) being infected in the
defining AttackRank algorithm to rank nodes in the attack attack graph.
graph in order of their intrusion likelihoods. The ranking
Detection engine is implemented on another protected
determines which attack path is more vulnerable or requires
machine which retrieves the information saved on the
more immediate attention for network protection.
honeypot through a secure channel. The function of Detection
Engine is to sense malicious packets that may cause exploit
and whose signature is not defined previously in Snort
IDS/IPS. The Detection engine analyses the mysterious
anomalous activities in parsed attack-graph that could be an
The architecture proposed in our previous work, consists of attack, and suspicious activities are preserved as zero-day
three layers [1]: (1) Zero-day attack path generator; (2) Risk exploit.
analyzer; and (3) Physical layer. Once the generated attack
Fig. 3 shows how the zero-day attack path generator works.
graph is generated, these layers execute dedicated
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 12 (2018) pp. 10861-10870
© Research India Publications.
Parsing and Dependency Extraction through Snort anomaly information about filtered traffic, the log is used by Detection
detector: The purpose of Snort anomaly detector is to detect Engine to detect suspicious activity.
and filter known attacks from the captured network scenario.
Attack Graph Generation: After filtering the known attacks
This task is achieved through parsing by defining a set of
through parsing, further analysis is done by Snort tagger on
malicious behavior rules that are set up or configured by an
extracted mysterious packets which did not trigger any alert.
administrator. By establishing a “good” network profile, it is
Tagging packets is a way to continue logging packets from a
easier to identify anonymous “bad” behavior. For this
session or host that generated an event in Snort [22]. Tagged
purpose, Snort is programmed as an anomaly detector.
traffic is logged to allow analysis of response codes and post-
Snort is used to detect and filter the known attacks by
attack traffic. The function of Snort tagger is to monitor the
implementing a good network setup [20, 21]. When traffic
traffic, to tag the packets and send them to the Detection
flows through the Snort, it is analyzed by Snort rule-set; if the
engine for further analysis. The tagger creates a new identifier
traffic turns out to be malicious the Snort filters it and does
based on 16-bit hash of a packet. The tag value and label for
not let it pass. The packets that match with the Snort profile
the filtered packet is stored in a table <Tag, Label> for later
are known attacks, and after storing their information in a
use. The Tag value is calculated based on six attributes:
centralized database, these packets are discarded. If the traffic
{arvl_time, source_ip, destination_ip, source_port,
doesn’t match (packets that are partially matched or not
destination_port, protocol}. The Tag value is stored for later
matched) with the rule-set defined using Snort, it flows
use, and an attack graph of extracted nodes (with mysterious
through the network.
conditions) is generated in this module.
We placed honeypot in our network alongside other systems
Detection Engine: The parsing module is not able to respond
like several workstations that run different operating systems,
to an unknown attack. Therefore, run-time analysis is
servers and others hosts. The honeypot system logs
performed by Snort NIDS (Network Intrusion Detection
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 12 (2018) pp. 10861-10870
© Research India Publications.
System) to monitor network traffic in order to detect help security persons to locate security flaws. In the second
suspicious activity (e.g., an attack or unauthorized activity). phase, we focus on ranking the nodes of the attack graph,
The Detection Engine receives the parsed packets, compares based on likelihood of an attacker reaching these states. Such
them with existing “good” traffic, and detects unknown ranking determines the most vulnerable attack paths that
observations. The “good” traffic is the collection of traffic require immediate attention for security reasons. The
generated by safe machines on which all possible security proposed approach is based on link analysis algorithm used
mechanisms are applied. Security privileges and policies are for personalized Web [19]. The idea behind using link
defined for these safe systems and they do not participate in analysis is that link analysis algorithm measures the
any malicious activity. A trust value has been assigned to safe probability of visiting a web page by an anonymous web
machines, based upon the past experience. Algorithm 1 surfer. We are following this approach while measuring the
explains the operation of the detection engine. likelihood of vulnerability to be exploited. Conceptually, the
risk of vulnerability exploitability is depending upon two
factors: likelihood of exploit and impact. However, in case of
Algorithm 1 zero-day we can’t measure the impact of vulnerability because
it was unknown and not exploited previously; hence we are
1: Procedure zero_day_detection focusing on measurement of likelihood of exploit which
2: for network_scenario in Network do actually defines a potential vulnerability can be successfully
exploited. In order to find probability of a node to be
3: if (equals(packet_content,snort_rules)) then vulnerable we developed an AttackRank algorithm which is
4: drop current_packet; described in the next section.
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 12 (2018) pp. 10861-10870
© Research India Publications.
advance to an attack state that the target system is completely present in the network has a unique name, MAC
down. However, we can simulate the structure of web address, port address and host status information. The
containing web pages as nodes with the network graph status information contains the binary value that
containing hosts as nodes. The PageRank measures the rank represents that the host is either alive or not.
of page to be visited, in the same way by network graph we
(2) Snort Rule-set table (tbl_snort_rule-set): Snort rules
are measuring the likelihood of vulnerability to be exploited.
logically have two parts: (rule_header, rule_option).
AttackRank algorithm is based on the assumption: The rule_header contains information about action and
criteria for matching a rule against data packets. The
Assumption: “If the attacker dumps the current attack
general structure of Snort Rule-set table is:
path, he will find an alternative path by back-tracking (from
tbl_snort_rule-set (action, protocol, source_ip,
one of the set of previous states), and if he continues
source_port, destination_ip, destination_port). The
attacking, he will attempt to each of the possible navigational
rule_option part usually contains an alert message and
states with a probability, based on how hard its vulnerabilities
information about which part of the packet should be
can be exploited”.
used to generate the alert message.
Based on this assumption, the AttackRank algorithm finds the
(3) WireShark Result table (tbl_packet_detail): After Snort
frequency of exploit.
parsing, the transferred packets traffic is analyzed by
Algorithm 2: AttackRank algorithm for likelihood WireShark. Information about packet obtained by
detection of exploit WireShark packet sniffers is stored in this table. The
general structure of this table is tbl_packet_detail (no,
1: procedure AttackRank G(V,E) arrival_time, src_ip, dest_ip, protocol, length, info).
2: I: set of initial states Є V (4) Malicious Packet Detail table (tbl_malicious_packet):
3: for each u, v Є V do After analysis of tbl_packet_detail, good packets are
dropped while suspicious packets information filters
4: if u Є in_link(v) then and stored in temporary table tbl_malicious_packet.
5: attackrank(v):=attackrank(in(u))/ out(v) Information stored in this table is used further to update
Snort table.
6: else if v Є out(v) then attackrank(v):=1-
(attackrankin((u))/ out (v)) (5) Vulnerable Host Path table (tbl_vuln_host): This table
contains information about vulnerable host route,
7: else traced by Nmap.
8: attackrank(v):=1 (6) Zero-day Vulnerability table (tbl_unknown_vuln): It
contains the information about identified suspicious
9: end if
packets. The structure of this table is tbl_unknown_vuln
10:end for (id, attack_vector, attack_complexility, privilege).
11:end procedure
In our framework, database server utilized MySQL database.
Physical Layer
The physical layer contains a centralized database and a
centralized server used during the information processing To test the performance of our framework, we selected a
group of 8 hosts playing miscellaneous roles. These hosts
involved in the first two layers. All of the information along
with attack path, malicious or non-malicious activities, known constitute the test-bed for our case study. Fig. 3 shows the
or unknown exploits is stored in the database server of the structure of the test-bed that is comprised of these hosts in
physical layer. This database is continuously updated by the diverse physical locations. In particular, the test-bed includes:
a network server located at academic block within the contact
records in the audit network data repository that do not yet
range of firewall (; a server located at School
have any sort of context profile. The centralized database
of Engineering and Technology (, and other
primarily contains the following six tables:
(1) Host table (tbl_host): This table contains details of all
Fig. 4 shows the experimental setup of attack scenario. The
hosts present in the network (either up or down). The
attacker uses Kali Linux run on virtual machine; Ubuntu
general structure of host table is tbl_host (host_ip,
Metasploitable Server is used for honeypot system which has
host_name, mac_addr, prt_addr, status). Here, host_ip
many holes available for potential attackers; the web server
is the unique identifier for each host. In our network,
run on windows platform.
we are using IPv4 format. Along with ip, each host
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 12 (2018) pp. 10861-10870
© Research India Publications.
Figure 5. Nmap external port scan result
In this section we present the experiments performed in order
to confirm the accuracy and efficiency of our framework. We
built a test-bed network and launched an attack towards it.
Scanning activities result that the server has
Since zero-day exploits are not readily available, we emulated
13 open ports including tcp80 listening to HTTP traffic, and
zero-day vulnerabilities with known vulnerabilities. For
tcp22 listening to SSH traffic. The SSH connection allows
example, we treated CVE-2016-5387 as zero-day
system administrators to do maintenance work remotely from
vulnerabilities by assuming the current time is Dec 31, 2015.
within the subnet administration.
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 12 (2018) pp. 10861-10870
© Research India Publications.
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 12 (2018) pp. 10861-10870
© Research India Publications.
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© Research India Publications.