Self Learning Module P.E. 11 Tyson Ramos

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Self-Learning Module for Grade 11

Sports Related Injuries


While participation in sports and physical activity has a lot of positive

aspects, such as improving fitness levels and being involved in a social group
with common interest, it also has negative aspect in the form of incurring physical
injury. This unit will identify different types of sports injuries and how they can
occur. It will consider both physiological responses to injury and then suggest
some methods to prevent and treat sports injuries.

Direction for the User

In this module you will help you understand the different topics about sport
related injuries, the difference between acute and chronic injury and how to
prevent them. Follow the directions given below and you will find this module
beneficial to you. Please accomplish all the tasks and activities in this module as
much as possible.

Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter that best corresponds to your answer in a
given statement.

Directions: Encircle the correct answer.

1. What do you call the injuries that happen when playing sports or
A. Aerobics C. Sports Fest
B. Physical activity D. Sports injuries
2. The following are common sports injuries. Which of them is a tear of
ligament fibers, muscles or tendons supporting a joint?
A. Concussion C. Sprain
B. Contusion D. Strain
3. Which of the following occurs when the ball of a joint is forced out of its
A. Concussion C. Fracture
B. Dislocation D. Strain
4. It is a break, crack, or shattering of a bone.
A. Concussion C. Fracture
B. Dislocation D. Strain
5. The following are signs of a chronic injury except?
A. A bone or joint that is visibly out of place. C. Pain when you exercise
B. A dull ache when you rest. D. Pain when you play
1.Observes personal safety protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion,
hypothermia and hyperthermia during MVPA participation. PEH11FH-IIK-T-10

1.Give the meaning of Sports Injury
2.Differentiate Acute from Chronic Injuries
3. Identify ways to prevent Sports Related Injuries

Procedure / Learning Experience

A. Activity

a. Picture Talk:

b. Guide Questions:
Direction: Analyze the pictures above and answer the following
questions below.
1. Have you experienced any of them? ________________________
2. When did you experience any of them? _____________________
3. Where did it happen? ________________________
4. How did it happen? ___________________________
5. What do you call them? _________________________
c. K-W-L : Fill in the table with what you Know, what you Want To Know,
and what you Learned about injury.
Know Want Learned

B. Analysis

Sports injuries

Sports Injuries are injuries that happen when playing sports or exercising.
Some are from accidents. Others can result from poor training practices or
improper gear. Some people get injured when they are not in proper condition.
Not warming up or stretching enough before you play or exercise can also lead to
injuries. The most common sports injuries are:

 A sprain is a tear of ligament fibers, muscles or tendons supporting a joint.

This can occur when a joint is extended
beyond its normal range of movement. A
sprain can involve a small number of fibers
through to a complete rupture. In extreme
circumstances, the fibers of the ligament,
muscle or tendon can remain intact and rip
from the bone.

 A contusion or bruise is bleeding into the soft

tissue. It is caused by a direct blow from another
person, an implement or an object. A bruise can
occur to any soft tissue of the body.

 A concussion is caused by a direct blow to the

head. Depending upon the severity of the
concussion, injury can cause varying levels of
impairment of brain function. Concussions
are categorized as mild (grade 1), moderate
(grade 2), or severe (grade 3) depending
upon symptoms.
 A dislocation occurs when the ball of a joint is
forced out of its socket (i.e. arm forced out of the
shoulder joint). A dislocation must be reset by
proper medical professionals

 A fracture is a break, crack, or shattering of a

bone. In closed fractures, the broken bone does
not pierce the skin, while in open fractures, the
broken bone breaks the skin's surface.

 Strains are injuries that involve the stretching,

partial tearing, or complete tearing of a tendon.
Strains are categorized as first, second, or third
degree. Chronic strains are injuries that
gradually build up from overuse or repetitive

Kinds of Injury

1. Acute injuries occur suddenly when playing or exercising. Sprained

ankles, strained backs, and fractured hands are acute injuries. Signs of an
acute injury include:

 Sudden, severe pain.

 Swelling.
 Not being able to place weight on a leg, knee, ankle, or foot.
 An arm, elbow, wrist, hand, or finger that is very tender.
 Not being able to move a joint as normal.
 Extreme leg or arm weakness.
 A bone or joint that is visibly out of place.

2. Chronic injuries happen after you play a sport or exercise for a long time.
Signs of a chronic injury include:

 Pain when you play.

 Pain when you exercise.
 A dull ache when you rest.
 Swelling

Sports Injury Prevention

Fitness and training injuries can be prevented if an individual takes
necessary preparations and precautions on the following variables:
1.Proper Attire. The attire should be appropriate for the chosen activity. It
is important to consider comfort and protection when choosing an appropriate
attire. A special attention should be given when choosing footwear because
many chronic injuries are caused by inappropriate shoes. A good pair of shoes
will provide stability, support, cushion, and comfort.
2.Proper Technique. An individual need to consult a trainer and ask for
proper instruction in performing the chosen activity or exercise. The knowledge
on how to execute the movement is just as important as the movement. The
benefit of the exercise will be compromised if it is not performed with the correct
technique. For example, poor running mechanics can lead to patellofemoral pain
and plantar fasciitis.
3.Gym Etiquette. Individuals that subscribe to gym facilities should be
aware of the rules and etiquette. Each facility has its own list of rules but these
are the most common:
 Ask a spotter when lifting loads close to 1RM
 Do not drop the barbell at the end of the set
 Put weights and dumbbells on designated racks
 Be aware of the exercise area for each equipment
 Do not use mobile phone inside the gym
 On a track, inner lane is for walking while outer lane is for running
 Do not engage in horseplay nor talk in a loud voice
 Do not wear loose jewelry while working out
4.Proper environmental condition. It is advisable to check the
environmental conditions before the exercise session. It is possible that the area
or the weather is not conducive for the activity. The risk of getting sprained is
higher when the ground is uneven compared to a running track. The weather
condition should also be considered before training because it can lead to heat
exhaustion and stroke or frostbite and hypothermia. There is a greater risk for
heat stroke when the humidity is above 80% and the temperature is above 35
degrees Celsius.
5.Adequate Recovery. The recovery period is just as important as the
workout session. It is important to provide the body with an adequate and proper
nutrition to recover. Many chronic injuries occur because the work load was too
hard or it was performed too soon. If pain is recurring during exercise, it is best to
stop the activity and consult a doctor or ask a fitness trainer to modify the

Remember this:

When the body does not have enough fluid needed to function normally, it
is dehydrated. This happens when lost body fluid are not replaced. Dehydration
causes a person to have a dry thirsty mouth, become fatigue, less urine yield
with dark color, and in severe case, unconsciousness. The usual causes of
dehydration are hot weather condition, too much perspiration, high fever,
diarrhea, vomiting, and excessive exercise without taking in enough fluid. To
nurse dehydration, the body will need to replenish lost fluids and electrolytes, the
body needs to be rehydrated. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and up to
12 glasses during summer months.

Hydration is also the soundest way to prevent dehydration. Prevention is

better than cure, and the ways to prevent dehydration include the intake of
adequate fluids, watery fruits and vegetables and avoiding hot environment.

Did you know that…

Hypothermia occurs when body temperature is lower than the normal
average of 37 degrees Celsius.It happens when the body has more heat loss
than production. The usual cause of hypothermia is when the body is subjected
to too much cold, mostly through the weather and water. Other causes include
medical conditions, medications, and severed by alcohol and drugs. Continuous
hypothermia may lead to blackout and death.
In contrast, hyperthermia happens when the body overheats and cannot
dissipate, usually at a body temperature of more than 38 degrees
Celsius. Its common causes are high fever or too much heat exposure.
Hyperthermia comes in forms of exhaustion, cramps, dizziness, or heat stroke. If
untreated, a person experiencing hyperthermia may collapse and die. Proper
ventilation and hydration help prevent hyperthermia.

Activity 1.
Identify what type of injury are written in the first column and tell what
causes the injury.

Injury Type Causes of injury

Stress Fracture

Participation in sports and fitness training increases the risk of an
individual to injury. Most of the injuries affect the musculoskeletal structure such
as bones joints, muscles tendons, and ligaments. The symptoms of an injury
occur right after the impact or after several moth. When the pin is felt
immediately, the injury is classified as acute; where as in a chronic injury, the
pain is felt after a long period. Sprains and fracture are examples of acute
injuries. Osteoarthritis and tendinopathies are examples of chronic injuries. An
inflammation occurs at the injured site to facilitate the healing process. The
inflammatory response will depend on the severity of the injury. It is important to
prevent injuries from occurring as the new tissue is not as strong as the original
structure. There are several ways of preventing sports and training injuries such
as proper technique, proper attire, appropriate environmental conditions.


Activity 2. Get Connected

Watch the following YouTube videos. Identify the type of injury shown and
describe it.


E. Reflection
1. How do you feel about the lesson?
2. Does the lesson help you understand sports related injuries? In what
3. What ways can you do to help students of your age who are not quite
knowledgeable about sports related injuries?

Directions: Answer the following questions below. Write the letter of your answer
before the number.

_____1 These are injuries that happen when playing sports or exercising.

A. Accident C. Hydration
B. Dislocation D. Sports injuries

_____2. Which of the following is NOT an example of acute injuries?

A.Fractured hand C. Strained back
B. Sprained ankle D. Wound

_____3. When the body does not have enough fluid needed to function normally,
it is
A. Dehydrated C. Hydrated
B. Dislocated D. Stress Management

_____4. The usual causes of dehydration are the following except,

A. Diarrhea C. Too much water
B. High Fever D. Vomiting
_____5. It occurs when body temperature is lower than the normal average of 37
degrees Celsius.
A. Diarrhea C. Hyperthermia
B. Hydration D.Hypothermia

Answer Key:
1. D
2. C
3. B
4. C
5. A
1. D
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. D Prepared by:

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