Module 10-Integrating Marketing Communications To Build Brand Equity

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Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall.

Strategic Brand Management: Building,
Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity
Fifth Edition

Chapter 6
Integrating Marketing
Communications to Build
Brand Equity

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Learning Objectives
 Describe some of the changes in the new media
 Outline the major marketing communication options
 Describe some of the key tactical issues in
evaluating different communication options
 Identify the choice criteria in developing an
integrated marketing communication program
 Explain the rationale for mixing and matching
communication options

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Marketing Communication Objectives

 Means by which firms attempt to inform, persuade,

and remind consumers about the brands they sell
 Can contribute to brand equity by:
◼ Creating awareness of the brand
◼ Linking points-of-parity and points-of-difference associations
to the brand in consumers’ memory
◼ Eliciting positive brand judgments or feelings
◼ Changing consumers’ attitudes
◼ Facilitating a stronger consumer-brand connection and brand

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The New Media Environment

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The New Media Environment (1 of 2)

The media environment has changed dramatically in

recent years:
 Traditional advertising media seem to be losing their grip
 Digital revolution has changed the way consumers learn and
talk about brands
 Changing media landscape has forced marketers to re-evaluate
how they should best communicate with consumers.
 Challenges in Designing Brand-Building Communications
 Role of Multiple Communications.

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The New Media Environment (2 of 2)

 Example: SMH Digital Subscriptions
 10 Types of Social Media and How Each Can Benefit Your
 6 standout social media marketing examples

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Challenges in Designing Brand-Building
Communications (1 of 4)

 Skillfully designed and implemented marketing

communications programs
 Should be efficient and effective
 Require careful planning and creative expertise

 Focus should be on measuring communications options

based on their contribution to brand equity.
 E.g., how well does a proposed advertising campaign
contribute to brand awareness OR to creating,
maintaining, or strengthening brand associations?

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Challenges in Designing Brand-Building
Communications (2 of 4)
 For a person to be persuaded by any form of communication the
following steps must occur:
1. Exposure: A person must see or hear the communication.

2. Attention: A person must notice the communication.

appeal them -> the need
of customers

3. Comprehension: A person must understand the intended

message or arguments of the communication.
4. Yielding: A person must respond favourably to the intended
message or arguments of the communication.
5. Intentions: A person must plan to act in the desired manner of
the communication.
6. Behavior: A person must actually act in the desired manner of
the communication.
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Challenges in Designing Brand-Building
Communications (3 of 4)
 From an advertising standpoint, the ideal ad campaign
would ensure that:
 The right consumer is exposed to the right message at
the right place and at the right time.
 The creative strategy causes consumers to notice and
attend to the ad.
The way to convince the customers,
how to transfer the message

◼ But does not distract from the intended message.

 The ad properly reflects the consumer’s level of

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Challenges in Designing Brand-Building
Communications (4 of 4)
 The ad correctly positions the brand in terms of
desirable and deliverable points-of-difference and
 The ad motivates consumers to consider purchase of
the brand.
 The ad creates strong brand associations to all these
stored communication effects:
◼ So, they have an effect when consumers are
considering making a purchase.

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Figure 6.2- Simple Test for Marketing
Communication Effectiveness

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Magnum Release the Beast Campaign
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Activity 1: Marketing Communication Effectiveness

 Identify the target market of the case brand’s

advertising campaign.
 Evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign by
using the social listening tools.
 Does it contribute to brand awareness OR to creating,
maintaining, or strengthening brand associations?
 Does it create long-term brand loyalty?

 How would you improve the campaign?

(15 minutes)

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Activity 2: Application of Information
Processing Model of Communications
How can companies positively influence the way
consumers process information? Use Examples.
 How can they increase Exposure?
 How can they increase Attention - Noticing communication?
how to explain to

 How can they influence Comprehension?

customer what we want
to say

 How can they yield favorable response?

 How can they influence consumer Intentions? - Planning to

act in the desired manner of communication
 How can they positively influence Behavior? - Actually,
acting in the desired manner
(20 minutes) Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall.
Role of Multiple Communications
 Advantages of multiple communications
 Optimal utilization of monetary and other resources
when the last dollar spent on each communication
option generated the same return.
 Different communication options also may target
different market segments and have different
objectives. E.g., advertising and sales promotions may
target potential consumers, and member events may
reward loyal consumers.

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Marketing Communication Options
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 Any paid form of non-personal presentation and
promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an
identified sponsor
 Powerful means of creating strong, favorable, and
unique brand associations and eliciting positive
judgments and feelings
 It is controversial because specific effects are
difficult to quantify and predict

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Types of Advertising Media

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Print Ad

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Types of Advertising Media

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Sales Promotions

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Sales Promotions
 Advantages
 Permitmanufacturers to charge different prices to
groups of consumers who vary in their price sensitivity
 Convey a sense of urgency to consumers

 Can build brand equity through actual product

 Encourage the trade to maintain full stocks (depending
on type of sales promotion) and support the
manufacturer’s merchandising efforts

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Sales Promotions
 Disadvantages
 Decreased brand loyalty and increased brand
 Decreased quality perceptions, and increased price
 Inhibit the use of franchise

 Divert marketing funds sales promotion

 Increase the importance of price as a factor in

consumer decisions
 May subsidize buyers who would have bought the
brand anyway
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Online Marketing Communication

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Events and Experiences
 Focus on engaging the consumers’ senses and imagination as a
part of brand building
 Event marketing: Public sponsorship of events or activities
related to sports, art, entertainment, or social causes, e.g.,
Cadbury and Coca Cola

 Range from extravagant sponsorship events to a simple local in-

store product demonstration, e.g., Westfield and VAEFNO

 Rationale
 Guidelines Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall.
Mobile Marketing
 Product advertising on various mobile platforms

 Google Ad Sense:

 Geotargeting: Marketers send messages to consumers

based on their location and the activities they are
engaging in
 Opt-in advertising - Users agree to allow advertisers to
use specific, personal information send them targeted
ads and promotions, e.g. foursquare

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Have a look at the case study and analyze their

integrated brand communications strategy?

1. What marketing communications tools do they use?

2. What are their communications objectives?
3. Which brand building strategies do they focus on?
(Think CBBE)
4. Do the marketing communications tools and campaigns
align? (Think Synergy)

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To Sum up...
 Marketing communication is indispensible to the
process of brand building
 Developments in technology has provided new and
creative modes of communication
 Marketers should employ judicious communications
mix to achieve their goals

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Brand Amplifiers
 Efforts made to engage consumers and the public via
word-of-mouth and public relations and publicity
 Amplify the effects created by other marketing
activities through:
 Public
relations and publicity
 Word-of-mouth
◼ Buzz Marketing
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Developing Integrated Marketing
Communication Program (IMC)

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Criteria For IMC Program

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Criteria For IMC Program
 Coverage: Proportion of the audience reached by each
communication option, as well as how much overlap exists
among communication options.
 Contribution: Inherent ability of a marketing communication to
create the desired response and communication effects from
consumers in the absence of exposure to any other
communication option.
 Commonality: Extent to which common information conveyed by
different communication options shares meaning across
communication options.

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Criteria For IMC Program
 Complementarity: Describes the extent to which different
associations and linkages are emphasized across communication
 Conformability: Extent that a marketing communication option is
robust and effective for different groups of consumers. Types of
• Communication conformability - Ability of the mode of communication to
effectively communicate with the diverse group of customers.
• Consumer conformability - Ability of the communication option to inform or
persuade consumers who vary on dimensions other than communication history.
 Cost: To arrive at the most effective and efficient communication
program evaluations of marketing communications on all of the
preceding criteria must be weighed against their cost.
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Figure 6-6: IMC Audience Communication
Option Overlap

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Using IMC Choice Criteria

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