(& Anyone Else Who Wants To Be Awesome) : Lesson Plan Template For Special Education Teacher Candidates

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Revised February 2018

Lesson Plan Template

For Special Education Teacher Candidates
(& Anyone Else Who Wants to Be Awesome)

Teacher(s):Mr. Luo Subject:Math Grade: 8th

Lesson length: 30 minutes Lesson Topic/Unit: Review for Simplifying Expression

Learning Objectives:
I. By the end of this lesson, students II. By the end of this lesson, students III. I will know that students have met
will know: will be able to: this objective when:

Students will know the order of Students will be able to cite Student explain what each letter
operation in complex expression order of operation without hint in GEMDAS

Students will know like terms. Student will be able to combine Students simplify any given
like terms in any given expression and provide their
expression reasoning

Students will be able to identify

like terms in any given
IV. Essential question(s) for students to answer

What does GEMDAS represent in order of operation?

What are some strategies to help us identify like terms?

What does it mean simplifying expression?

State Standards:
In this section, identify and list the VA SOLs standards (or other) that are addressed in this lesson.

Patterns, Functions, and Algebra

8.14 The student will

b) simplifying algebraic expressions in one variables.

Context for Learning/Background Information

Situating the Lesson: In this section, list/describe topics of previous lessons related to the topic of this lesson that
students should be familiar with.

Students have learned about expressions in previous grade level. Students also have a lot of expereicen
with order of operation since it is a concept taught throughtout lower grade level. We spent the last 2
day learning how to simplifying expression This lesson is designed to assess and review their
knowledge of order of operation along with simplifying expressions.

Lesson Content: In this section, briefly list/describe the content of the current lesson. (2-3 sentences)
Revised February 2018

We will review how to sort and identify like terms in this lesson. I will provide an mini review lesson
for order of operation before we began reviewing simplifying expression. I will ask students on their
knowledge of simplifying expressions. Furthemroe, I will ask students to provide their reasoning to
ensure they grasp the correct concept.

Lesson Rationale: In this section, describe why students need this lesson the way you have planned it. What are you
offering them? What needs are you addressing? (2-3 sentences)

Order of operation is key skill in simplifying expressions. Therefore, we will review order of operation
before we work on like terms and simplifying expressions. This lesson will includes multiple
opportunities to response to ensure students’ understand of this skill. I will also ask for students’
reasoning to engage on critical thinking.

Individualized Instruction

IEP Goals: In this section, list the IEP goals that this lesson addresses. You can list them by student/pseudonym.

By the end of the second quarter of the 2020—2021 school year, Carol will demonstrate an increase in
her math fact fluency and problem solving abilities, scoring between the 25 th and 50th peprcentiles on
the 8th grade M-Comp.

Mal will display the following productive school behavior on a daily basis: will follow directions given
by teachers, will remain on task, work independently, and work on controlling himself when he gets
angry with 80% accuracy.

By April 2021, Mary will score in the instructional evel (25%) on the 8th grade math concepts and ap-
plications(MCOMP) CBM.

IEP Accommodations: In this section, list the classroom & teaching accommodations that must be provided. You can
list them as accommodations or by student/pseudonym. This should include plans for using assistive/instructional technology.

Carol will be given extra time to think during formative assessment. She will also have access to any
supplemental notes during this class.

Mary and Mal will be allow to use calculator on any computation tasks. Mal to be provided with mini
break throughout the class to help him vent and stay focused especially when he feel
overwhelmed/frustrated by the content.

Accommodations for Students from Diverse Cultural &/or Linguistic Backgrounds: In this section,
list any relevant accommodations or other information that you will provide given unique student needs arising from their
cultural or linguistic backgrounds.

Students will be provided clear and slow read aloud on instruction to ensure their understanding of any
given tasks.

Instrinsic Load: Given the content being taught, and unique student needs, predict the level and impact of intrinsic
cognitive load for the lesson on students. Remember, intrinsic load is impacted by the inherent complexity of content,
interatctivity between content elements being taught, and existing student background knowledge and motivation. Can you
make any instructional decisions at this planning phase to limit the impact of intrinsic load?

The intrinsic load for this lesson is high because there are a lot of different sub-category in real number
system. Furthermore, each category has a few unique characteristics. I will use graphic organziers to
provide scaffolding on the relationship of each sub-category. I will provide multiple exmaples that
students are familiar with to provide connection between current concept with prior knowledge.
Revised February 2018

Co-Teaching & Collaboration

Co-Teaching: In this section, select the co-teaching Grouping: In this section, describe the way(s) in which
format that you will be using in this lesson. students will be assigned to instructional groups. Which
Check one or more. It is possible to use several strategies teacher will lead/instruct each group?
during a lesson.
Students will be in pairs of two during discussion
☐ One Teach, One Support time. The whole lesson will be delivered through
☐ Station Teaching direct instruction with visual aids. The lesson will
☐ Team Teaching
require active student engagement. There will also
☐ Alternative Teaching
x Parallel Teaching be many opportunities for discussion through
small group, choral, and independent response.
What is each teacher’s role within the model(s) you selected? Students will reinforce their understanding by
modeling the strategies and sharing with their
General education teacher and I will be teaching partner about their reasoning.
similar review lesson to our group of students.
Furthermore, I will be leading on my review
lesson while my mentor teacher supervise any
possible misbhavior from the students.

Assessment of Student Learning

Assessment Procedures: In this section, describe the assessment procedures that will be used to measure learning of
the objective(s). Assessment procedure must be concrete and tangible, and teacher observation (without a record of it) is
unacceptable. Attach assessment probe or checklist to lesson plan. Multiple forms of assessment are strongly encouraged.

I am going to use a powerpoint slide to lead my instruction. Students will receive multiple
opportunities to response throughout my presentation. I will keep track on students’ performance and
participation via a checklist. Informal exit ticket will also be provided at the end of this lesson.

Assessment Type(s): In this Assessment Criteria: In this Feedback: In this section, describe
section, describe how you will assess section, describe how students will what feedback from the assessment(s)
students. demonstrate mastery on your you will give students and how you will
assessment(s). give it to them.
I will assess students’
understanding through oral Students will demonstrate I will guide students through
assessment and exit ticket. mastery via answering oral each step in a student-friendly
questions, participating during language when they demonstrate
the cold call and completing the confusion. I will ask for their
exit ticket. reasoning and then explain how
their reasoning/ answer might
not align with the procedure of
these strategies.

Materials & Resources

Teacher Materials (I need): Attach teacher Student Materials (They need): Attach ALL student
instructional materials to lesson plan submission. If you are instructional materials to lesson plan (i.e., worksheet,
using a SMARTBoard during lesson, include a file with graphic organizer, test/quiz, etc).
materials (saved as a pdf). If you are using external websites,
videos, etc, list the links below. Students will need paper or something to
write/type on when given a problem.
I will use a powerpoint slide show from my laptop
for the whole group instruction. The powerpoint
Revised February 2018

will be screen shared during a zoom call.

Behavior Management

General Concerns: What routines Specific Concerns: Are there any Feedback: How will you provide
are already in place to help you specific antecedents, unique situations, feedback to students about their
manage student behavior/keep students or other student behavior concerns that behavior during this lesson?
focused & on task? may impact this lesson? Indicate how
you are planning to confront those I will use positive behavior
I am going tto write and review concerns. specific praise to encourage
the daily agenda on the board students participate in the
and remimnd students what kind Students may engage irrelevent
lesson. Rather than call students’
of expectation we should have conversation during
negative behavior, I will praise
during a productive lesson. mathematical discourse. This
their classmates’ positive
can distract other students from
Every slide on the powerpoint is learning. I plan to
short and specific to prevent remind/redirect them during the I will also remind students what
students from been distracted or mathematical discourse to are the appropriate expectations
confused. minimize irrelevant discussion. in a class
Students may not participate or I will ask them why this rule is
is distracted during the important and how can it affect
instruction our learning and safety.

Preparing Students for Instructional Content

Estimated time: minutes

Review of prerequisite skills: In this section, identify Student-Friendly Objective: Re-state the lesson’s
any skills or content that you will review with students prior learning objective in student-friendly language.
to new instruction. This could be the warm-up, “do now”, or
other introductory part of lesson that reviews prior learning. Students will be able to explain what exact letter
stands for in PEMDAS.
Do now: Order of operation
Students will be able to find like terms

Students will be able to simlipfy expressions.

Essential Vocabulary
Estimated time:
Reviewing vocabulary: In this section, identify any Pre-teaching vocabulary: In this section, identify any
vocabulary that must be reviewed or re-taught. vocabulary you need to introduce or pre-teach ahead of the
main lesson. If this is a vocabulary-centered lesson, skip
Expression, like terms, order of operation, and this section.
This is a review lesson. Students have already
lerarned these vocabulary during the previous

Estimated time:

Direct Instruction (I DO): In Guided Practice (WE DO): In Independent Practice (YOU
this section, describe the direct this section, describe the practice that DO): In this section, describe the
instruction that will be provided. How students will be provided with. Include
Revised February 2018

will you model/demonstrate ideas? how you will determine that students independent practice students will
How will you use “think aloud” and are ready to independently practice. complete.
cognitive modeling?

This is a review lesson covering

two core math skills. We will I have prepred total of 4 I prepared two questions of
spent the first half of the review questions on the we do portion each core skills where students
session on order of operation. I of the lesson. There will be 2 will do it by themselves and
will be providing explaination of examples in the order of hold on to the answer until
GEMDA and why it is operation reviews. I will provide everyone is ready.
important for us to know. I have questions and prompts to
included 1 I do exmaple where I scaffold students into correct use Students will also complete the
will model my think aloud as I of order of operation. Students exit ticket independtly while I
solve the given problem will contriubute most of monitor their understanding and
information in the example provide more
The second skill is simplyfing while I ask questsion regarding guidance/feedback.
expression. I will provide direct how they came to such
instruction on introduction of conclusion. I will provide more guided
simpliiyfing exoression using practice on exit ticket if
the CRA (Concrete- Similiary, I will provide 2 requested.
Representational- Abstract) examples question in
model. I will include 2 I do simplifying expression. I will
examples where I provide my lead the students and ask
think aloud. questions of their reasoning
while they provide solution to
the given problem

Estimated time:

Lesson Review: In this section, Forward Look: In this section, link Homework: Describe any
review the learning that occurred this lesson to future learning. State how homework assignments. Use N/A if
during the lesson. Be specific and ask this lesson is related to the next lesson there is no homework assignment.
students to review in a way that reflects or future learning.
what they learned, rather than what the N/A
topic was or what activities were used
to facilitate learning.
Before we end our lesson. I will
This is a review lesson. I will remind students the importance
ask students for their reaonsing of this lesson and how it can
throughout the review question affect them in the future lessons
to monitor students’
understanding of today’s lesson.

I will also ask students what we

learned and how comfortable
they are with the content of
today’s lesson.

Extraneous Load: Explain how the instructional approach and materials you plan to use will keep students’ extraneous
load as low as possible. Remember, extraneous load is increased when teachers talk too fast, use text-laden slides or other
modes of teaching that are not a match for how students have the best chance to learn.
Revised February 2018

How does your instructional approach provide a match for lessening the impact of intrinsic load noted above?

I implemented some of the12 prinicples from the Mayer’s article to reduce students’ extraneous
processing. Every slide within the powerpoints are simple anc clear. I use bolded font to highlight the
key words during the introduction of the strategy. I used consistent lanaguge throughout the lesson. All
my text are next near the item it is describing. I segmenting big chunk of informations into small
manageable portion and I included review concept to ensure students can connect current lesson to the
previous lessons. All the language I included focus on the spoken language rather than writing
language. I use pictures as to provide visual aids to students with linguistic deficits.
How will your instructional materials help manage your own intrinsic and extraneous load as a teacher?

I have notes by my side to remind me exactly what to say. This allows me to feel more at ease during
my instruction. All the informations on the slides are easy to read for both me and my students. There
are visual/empty slides to help me catch my breath.

Preparation for CLASS Scoring (For Dimensions Not Already Explicitly Included Above)

What steps will you take to ensure the lesson will occur within a positive climate, show sensitivity to students and
demonstrate regard for student perspectives?

I will make sure to keep positive attitude throughout the lesson even when I am feeling frustrated. I will
be patient with students who might take longer to think. Lastly, I will encourage them to try their best
when they are struggling. Lastly, I will remind the the appropriate classroom expectation.
How will you maximize instructional time and keep distractions and non-instructional time to a minimum to
ensure productivity?

I will set a timer to prevent poor pacing. I will have all my material ready and minimize to reduce
transition times.
Are your instructional learning formats organized to facilitate active engagement and clear learning?

My instruction formats stress on amount of students interaction and engagement. I will also provide
clear think aloud to foster proper understanding of core skills.
Are you planning to help students utilize higher order thinking skills? And apply their knowledge in some unique

I will include many “why” question to encourage students to share their reasoning. Simply asking why
can encourage them to think above the surface level on these concepts
What are you planning to do to support content understanding and clear up misconceptions?

I will provide clear and immidiate feedback when students demonstrate misconceptions during each of
my review questions.
How will you promote active dialog between you and your students, and among the students? (As appropriate)

What explicit steps can you take to keep students engaged throughout the lesson?

I will provide constant check in to ensure everyone is still listening/engaging the lesson

References, Notes & Other Information

In this section, list any references for lesson plans, resources, or other ideas you used that are not primarily yours. This is
Revised February 2018

also where you will list the APA citations for the articles that were referenced

Mayer, Richard E. Multi-Media Learning 2nd edition. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University
Press, 2009. Print..
In this section, include any other helpful information that is relevant for the lesson plan.

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