Usage of Technology in The Agricultural Sector: Dr. Radhika Kapur

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Usage of Technology in the Agricultural Sector

Dr. Radhika Kapur

Agriculture needs effective utilization of technology to accelerate production and
employability of individuals. The main purpose of this research paper is to understand, how
to make effective use of technologies in the agricultural sector. There are numerous types of
technologies that are made use of to enhance productivity. The main areas that have been
taken into account are, factors relating to adoption of technologies, types of technologies,
technologies used in the agricultural sector, advanced agricultural technologies used in the
present existence, areas of information technology and role of information technology in
agricultural education management. For efficient growth and development of the agricultural
sector, there is a need to familiarize with new technologies, like biotechnology,
nanotechnology, high-tech protected cultivation and modern irrigation methods to accelerate
production. These technologies, when utilized in an appropriate manner, would prove to be
beneficial in improving productivity and profitability. Usage of technology would enhance in
sustaining livelihood opportunities for the farmers.
Keywords: Technology, Agricultural Sector, Production, Sustainable Farming
Systems, Information Technology

Agriculture is regarded as a primary occupation of the individuals in rural areas. To
feed the increasing population, it is essential to introduce modern and innovative techniques
in the agricultural sector. New technologies are required to encourage the yield frontiers to an
advanced stage, make use of the inputs resourcefully and diversify to a more sustainable and
higher value cropping patterns. These are all knowledge intensive technologies that require
both a strong research and extension system and skilled farmers. In addition, it also requires a
strengthened interface, where emphasis is put on communal exchange of information,
bringing advantages to all. Making use of resources in an effective manner is stated as the
driving force behind the use of agricultural technologies. Several resource conservation
technologies are, green manure, crop rotations etc. (New Technologies in Agricultural
Development, 2014).
Improvement in the agricultural growth is an essential aspect for leading to overall
growth and development of the country. The reason being, this sector sustains livelihood of
65 percent of the population. However, the contribution of agriculture towards Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) is 14 percent. Several revolutions in agriculture have taken place to
boost the sector. These include, Green Revolution, Evergreen Revolution, Blue Revolution,
White Revolution, Yellow Revolution, Bio-technology Revolution, Information and
Communications Technologies (ICT) Revolution. In order to increase productivity, it is
essential to make use of technologies and what is required is the extension of these developed
systems. Agriculture extension that has been combined with infrastructure is regarded as the
key aspect towards agricultural growth. Involvement of the private sector would help in the
absorption of technologies in this sector in a rapid way (New Technologies in Agricultural
Development, 2014).
Factors relating to Adoption of Technologies
Factors relating to adoption of technologies have the potential to contribute to the
sustainable farming systems. It is a comprehensive concept and is affected by the
development, distribution and application at the farm level of the present and new biological,
chemical and mechanical techniques, all of which are incorporated in farm capital and other
inputs (Adoption of Technologies for Sustainable Farming Systems, 2001).

The adoption of technologies for sustainable farming systems and other agricultural
practices is a challenging and a vigorous issue for the farmers, extension services, agriculture
business and policy makers. The agricultural sector needs to employ a wide range of
changing technologies and farm practices across many different farming systems and
structures to meet a diversity of changing and varied demands from consumers and the public
for food, fibre and other goods and services that are provided. Quite often ambiguous
outcomes in terms of their effects on sustainability are depicted. The farmers and the
agricultural labourers need to obtain adequate understanding of how to make use of
technology to yield production.
Demand of the farmers have led to an increase in the adoption of technologies.
Farmers have always looked to new technologies as a way to decrease the costs. In addition,
higher incomes, enhanced knowledge and improved channels of communication are leading
consumers to demand low cost food of high quality, gradually produced through organic
methods in many countries, with more variety, consistency and year round availability. At the
same time, consumers are increasingly making a demand that their food be produced,
utilizing the techniques that conserve natural resources, limit environmental pressures and
pay greater attention to rural practicality and animal welfare. The process of trade
liberalisation is broadening the sources of supply and the degree of competition. The varying
demands are reflected in policies and are strongly communicated to the farmers by the media,
pressure groups, food retailers and processors.
The ways in which technologies are employed and made use of are different across
countries. The different policies and concerns regarding the attainment of sustainable
agriculture have resulted in the range of approaches and levels at which they are put into
operation. Market signals, voluntary co-operative industry-led approaches guide the
development, distribution and adoption of technologies in some countries. There have been
large emphasis on the government intervention. Such government involvement ranges from
an assisting to a mandatory role, and includes direct funding for research, payments for
distribution and implementation, legal restraints, information and assistance. Moreover, the
overall framework of agricultural policies and the level of support is a primary factor in
defining which technologies are adopted at which locations at the farm level.
Research efforts, farmer’s education and training, advice and information are
transferring towards balancing economic efficiency with environmental and social
sustainability. The main focus of research and suggestions was to lead to an increase in
profits, and productivity. Emphasis is put on achieving those objectives in a sustainable
manner, which implies usage of technologies and changing farming practices. The
technologies that are made use of in the agricultural sector are not always clear regarding
profitability. Research has been conducted to determine the technology that would be
beneficial to increasing production. These priorities include, biological pest control,
biotechnology, information technology, bioremediation, precision farming, integrated and
organic farming systems. Other issues, related to the educational and training systems,
institutions and the role of public and private research efforts are crucial. Some sustainability
issues are not addressed through technological aspects, but by bringing about changes in the
types of agricultural production and its locations.
There have been development of technologies in the global market and applied at the
farm level, but have an impact on the sustainability beyond the farm. Both conventional and
newer technologies, in particular related to biotechnology, information and precision farming
techniques, are universal industries. The distribution of those technologies is often within the
national market, but their use is local. However, the effects on sustainability of farm level
adoption spread beyond the farm. With more vertical integration, either through formal
ownership structures or contractual relations along the whole food chain, resolutions on the
adoption of technologies at the farm level often cannot be detached from the decisions taken
elsewhere in the food chain. Adoption of technologies is multidisciplinary, taking into
account the objectives related towards sustainable agriculture.
Adoption of technologies involves uncertainty and trade-offs. To generate
sustainability, it is vital for the technologies to contribute to an economically efficient farm
sector, financial practicality of the farmers and improving environmental performance.
Technological developments are progressing at a fast pace and information on the costs and
benefits of adopting technologies in agriculture is often inadequate. Thus, the selections on
technology adoption are made in a climate of vagueness with a large element of trial and
error in its application, and the speediness and amount of adoption varies noticeably amongst
farmers. This can have important implications as to the structure of the farms and the number
of farmers that are able to secure their financial positions in future.
Research and development efforts, the movement towards better education and
training of farmers, the shift in the focus of guidance, rapid and inexpensive means of
distributing and sharing information, accessibility of financial resources, pressures from
consumers, non-government organisations, the media and the public in general are
contributing towards assisting in the implementation of sustainable farm technologies. Many
policies, including those relating to agriculture, environment, and research and development,
are making provision of a combination of incentives and disincentives to technology
adoption. Environmental policies themselves progressively constrain the actions of the
farmers, as the regulations, animal welfare standards and public health policies.
Often policies are providing conflicting signals which impede the acceptance of
technology. Some agricultural strategies are positive towards the expansion of agriculture on
environmentally fragile land, over-exploiting natural resources and not requiring farmers to
take account of environmental spill-overs into other sectors. Many sustenance policies get
capitalised into the value of land, inspiring a larger intensity of production and persuading the
kinds of technologies employed. Some agricultural policies impose environmental restraints
on farmers as a condition for getting support, but at levels higher than otherwise to reimburse
for environmental damage, caused by other agricultural policies. In some countries, the
environmental benefits provided by the farmers are remunerated, in others they are not.
The farmers need to possess appropriate education and information to make use of
technologies and farm practices. The farmers will make investments, when they are assured,
they will generate profitability. Agricultural policies can change the prices that farmers are
facing for inputs and outputs, which in turn will influence their decisions on investment and
can lead to unmanageable farming practices. Where the environmental benefits from
employing sustainable technologies are not expected to accumulate to farmers, but to people
outside the agricultural sector, and where there are no markets for the benefits, levels of
adoption could be sub-optimal from a societal perspective. Equally, where the costs of
environmental effects of present farming activities are paid by other sectors, farmers will
have no incentive to implement environmentally sustainable technologies.
The impact of farm technologies were assessed according to quite few, normally clear
and measurable criteria, production, productivity, farm incomes, employment and trade.
Assessing sustainability is more multifaceted, when environmental, social and ethical
considerations are taken into account. It is often not clear, what relationships are between the
various components of sustainability, what should and can be measured, and how the results
are to be understood, so that farmers, policy makers and other stakeholders can recognize
with rational confidence which sustainable technologies work, which networks can best
facilitate their distribution and implementation in different conditions, and at what costs and
Types of Technologies
Technologies are often classified into three types, these are software, hardware and
org-ware. In understanding usage of technology in the agricultural sector, it is important to
understand the differences between technology types and their synergies and
complementarities. Hardware refers to physical tools, software refers to the processes, skills,
knowledge and information required in making use of technologies and org-ware means
organizational technologies, it refers to the ownership and institutional arrangements
pertaining to technologies. In the agricultural sector, hardware is exemplified by different
crop varieties, software by farming practices or research by new farming varieties and org-
ware, by the local institutions that assist in the utilization of agricultural adaptation
technologies. Hard and soft technologies are often introduced in isolation, it has been
recognized that their simultaneous integration with org-ware is essential for achievement in
adaptation (Technologies for Adaptation in the Agricultural Sector, 2014).
An example of technological innovation that has made use of all three types of
technologies can be found in the adoption of water harvesting technologies. In the early
1980s, the farmers have developed the methods of rehabilitating degraded land by improving
soil quality. This is done by making small holes into the soil, into which farmers put small
amounts of manure, plant sorghum and millet. This process is carried out in the traditional
planting pits. In these pits, water and nutrients are concentrated in a precise way to where
they are needed, and retain water for a long time. This helps the plants to better survive the
dry spells and rehabilitate the degraded land. The seeds or the trees that are grown in the pits
can be considered as hardware. The practices around creating the pits and improving the
fertility of the soil can be considered as software, and the farmer to farmer field schools used
to share the information with other farmers across the region is referred to as org-ware
(Technologies for Adaptation in the Agricultural Sector, 2014).
In order to lead to growth and development of the agricultural sector, it is essential to
make use of all three types of technologies. The area that is of concern is, hard technologies
or hardware are often prioritized and made use of in isolation. When farmers are making use
of these technologies, it is vital, they should be adequately aware and make use of them in an
appropriate manner. There have been development of training centres, which make provision
of knowledge and information to the farmers, how to make use of technologies to yield
production and profitability. There is a need of encouragement and assistance within the
countries in putting into practice, all three types of technologies in a mutually supportive
manner. It needs to be ensured, sustainable and operative applications of technologies are
made use of in the agricultural sector (Technologies for Adaptation in the Agricultural Sector,
Technologies used in the Agricultural Sector
The main purpose of making use of technologies in the agricultural sector is to lead to
an increase in production, so that sufficient food is available to the individuals. Various
technologies have been stated as follows: (New Technologies in Agricultural Development,
Biotechnology - Use of biotechnological tools in agriculture could make food crops
high yielding and more vigorous to biotic and abiotic problems. This could soothe and
increase food supplies, which is important against the background of increasing food
requirements, climate change and land and water scarcity. In 2012, 170 million hectares, by
more than 17 million farmers in around 12 percent of the global arable land were planted with
genetically modified crops, such as soybean, corn, cotton, and canola, but most of these crops
were not grown primarily for direct use. In India, genetically modified cotton, biotechnology
cotton was first commercialized in 2002 and in 2012, over seven million farmers had adopted
this technology on 10.8 million area, which is equivalent to 93 percent of the country’s total
cotton area. Biotechnology cotton has positively increased the profitability of the farmers and
simultaneously reduced the use of chemical pesticides in this crop significantly. The
introduction of biotechnology has reduced food insecurity by 15 to 20 percent amongst the
Indian cotton growers.
Nanotechnology - Nanotechnology can be used in agriculture in numerous ways. It
can help in promoting soil fertility and balanced crop nutrition, effective weed control,
enhancing seed emergence using carbon nanotubes, delivery of agriculture chemicals, field-
sensing systems to scrutinize the environmental stresses and crop conditions and
improvement of plant traits against environmental pressures and diseases. Nanotechnology
makes available significant opportunities for the development of innovative products and
applications for agriculture, water treatment, food production, processing, preservation and
packaging. Its use may generate potential benefits to the farmers, food industry and
consumers alike. Nanotechnology based food and health food products and food packaging
materials are available to the consumers in some countries and additional products and
applications are presently in the research and development stage. Nanotechnology has a great
potential in revolutionizing the food packaging. Nanoparticles such as, titanium dioxide, zinc
oxide and magnesium oxide, as well as a combination of them, once functionalized can be
effectual in killing micro-organisms and are less expensive and safer to use than metal based
Protected Cultivation – Protected cultivation or greenhouse cultivation is the area
where production of horticultural crops has improved qualitatively and quantitatively. In
India, the area under protected cultivation is presently 25,000 hectares. While the greenhouse
vegetable cultivation area is about 2000 hectares. Having restraints of land holdings, rapid
urbanization, decreasing crop production, decreasing biodiversity and ever increasing
population, demand for food, specifically vegetables has increased multiple and protected
cultivation. These factors have offered a new dimension to produce more in a limited area.
Poly-houses can also be utilized for rain water harvesting. The irregular annual demand for a
175 square metre poly-house is of the order of 52,000 litres. The semi-annual demand for a
crop of six months duration is 26,000 litres of water. In a region with an annual rainfall of
400 mm, the rainwater falling on the roof of the poly-house is of the order of 70,000 litres.
Assuming a collection productivity of 80 percent, 56,000 litres of rainwater can be harvested,
which is more than the annual demand.
Farm Mechanization - India has a high share of labour (55 %) with lesser contribution
to farm mechanisation (40 %). Making farming techniques less remunerative leads to an
increase in the poverty of the farmers. One of the major blockages in farm mechanization in
India is 138 million land holdings, which are large in comparison to only two to three percent
of the population having landholdings in the United States of America. Farm mechanization
and use of modern gadgets, machines, equipment and tools for well-timed and effective
completion of operations in agricultural field is one of the most important factors for
maximizing productivity. Small machines, suitable for horticultural operations in the hills and
mountains will improve operation usefulness and farm income. Farm mechanization will help
to improve the overall productivity with lowest cost. Farm mechanization can help in 15 to 20
percent savings in seeds, 15 to 20 percent savings in fertilizers, 5 to 20 percent increase in
cropping intensity, 20 to 30 percent savings in time, 20 to 30 percent reduction in manual
labour and 10 to 15 percent overall increase in farm productivity.
Use of Modern Irrigation Methods – Availability of water is regarded as the most
essential aspect for increasing productivity in agriculture. In India, around 78 percent water is
utilized in the agricultural sector and the remaining is made use of, for industry, drinking and
other purposes. Therefore, it is essential to increase the water storage facilities. Dry land
agriculture should be the main focus, as more than 60 percent of the cultivated area within the
country is without proper irrigation methods. The water use efficiency under conventional
flood methods of irrigation, which is primarily practised in Indian agriculture, is low due to
substantial conveyance and distribution losses. Recognizing the rapid decline of irrigation
water potential and increasing demand for water from different sectors, a number of demand
management strategies and programmes have been introduced to save water and increase the
water usage efficiency in Indian agriculture. Irrigation is vital to the global food supply as 18
percent of the world’s irrigated farmland yields 40 percent of the world’s food. Less than four
percent of the world’s irrigated land is equipped with micro-irrigation systems.
Modernize Technology Transfer Tools - Technology transfer in agriculture needs to
put emphasis upon main involvements at different stages of the crop from sowing of seeds,
crop protection, harvesting, and post-harvest management to marketing. Technology transfer
needs operative collaborating groups like Self Help Groups and Farmers Clubs, which should
become tools of distributing information about various government sponsored schemes.
These entities will help in co-ordinating with various government departments for
developmental activities. As central government has an aspiring programme of connecting
every Gram Panchayat of the country with internet facilities. These Gram Panchayats should
become technology transfer hubs to the farmers. Internet and mobile phones are important
tools to impart knowledge on new developments, improved methods of cultivation and
technologies in the field of agriculture. These tools can be beneficial in distribution of
weather data, agro climatic conditions, and latest information on prices of agriculture produce
to farmers. Krishi Vighyan Kendras (KVKs) have been established in each district of the
country and now these are the pillars of technology distribution within the country.
Advanced Agricultural Technologies used in the Present Existence
Advanced agricultural technologies used in the present existence have been stated as
follows: (New Technologies in Agricultural Development, 2014).
Tractors on Autopilot – GPS tractors, combines, sprayers and more can precisely
drive themselves through the field. After the user has told the on-board computer system how
wide a pathway a given piece of equipment will cover, he will drive a short distance setting A
& B points to make a line. Then the GPS system will have a track to follow and it
extrapolates that line into parallel lines set separately by the width of the tool in use. These
systems are capable of tracking curved lines as well. The tractor system is tied to the steering,
assisting in keeping it on the track.
Swath Control and Variable Rate Technology - Building on GPS technology are
swath control and variable rate technology (VRT). This is where direction really begins to
show a return on investment. The farmer is controlling the size of the swath, a given piece of
equipment takes through the field. This point is a visual representation of how swath control
works. The savings come from utilizing fewer inputs like seeds, fertilizers, insecticides,
pesticides, herbicides, etc. Since the size and shapes of fields are asymmetrical, one gets
bound to overlap to some extent in every application.
Telematics – This technology is the equipment to talk to the farmers, equipment
dealers and even other equipment. When one has to bring work to a halt, due to some
problem within the equipment, with telematics, the deal can access the on-board diagnostic
system of the tractor. On the basis of the problem, equipment can be fixed right from the
dealer. In this way, the farmers get back to work and their time of visiting the dealer also gets
saved. Farmers are able to keep track of what field equipment is, fuel consumption, operating
hours and much more. This technology also facilitates communication between tractors.
Livestock – Livestock has been contributing to generate productivity in the
agricultural sector to a major extent. Therefore, it is important to take care of their needs.
Collars developed for livestock are helping the individuals to keep track of their herds.
Sensors in the collars send information to a rancher’s smartphone giving the rancher a heads
up on where his cattle might be, or maybe they are in some problem. The individuals are able
to keep track of in what positions and situations their herds are. It is a kind of telematics for
the herds. In rural areas, rearing of livestock is an important area and when farmers and
agricultural labourers are engaged in their occupations, it is vital to keep track of livestock.
Mobile Technology – In the present existence, the use of mobile technology has
become productive to a major extent. It is playing an imperative part in monitoring and
controlling crop irrigation systems. With using proper equipment, a farmer is able to control
his irrigation systems, instead of driving to each field. Mobiles and computers are facilitating
these processes to a large extent. Moisture censures in the ground are able to communicate
information about the levels of moisture present at certain depths in the soil. This leads to
more precise control over the water and other inputs like usage of fertilizers, insecticides,
pesticides that are applied by the irrigation pivots.
Crop Production – In order to improve crop production, there are number of areas that
need to be taken into consideration. The farmers need to ensure the seeds, equipment and
other materials that are made use of are of good quality, the tasks and functions are
performed in an appropriate manner and they possess the required skills and abilities. They
need to possess adequate knowledge and awareness to utilize technology in an appropriate
manner. Weather modification is a technique that is necessary to create a suitable climate for
crops. When perfect climate for crops is created, it leads to an increase in production. For this
technology to succeed, it needs to be applied for a long term (Wilde, 2016).
Field Documentation – The on-board monitors and the GPS systems, the ability to
document yields, application rates, and tillage practices is becoming manageable and more
specific every year. In fact farmers are getting familiar with the concepts, where they have
valuable and useful data, that it can be overwhelming to figure out how to implement it in an
effectual manner. As harvesting equipment moves through the field, it calculates yield and
moisture, as it goes tying it in with GPS co-ordinates. Upon completion, printing takes place
of the map of the field and these are often referred to as heat maps.
Biotechnology - Biotech or genetic engineering (GE) is not a new technique, but it is
an important tool with much more potential, yet to be unleashed. The form of GE most
people have possibly heard of is herbicide resistance. The other would possibly be insect
resistant traits. The use of insecticides and pesticides are made use of to control pests that
may damage the crops. In most cases, biotechnology toxins are made use of that is the same
toxin found in some organic pesticides. Insecticides and pesticides should be of good quality
that crops can easily adapt to and help in augmenting productivity.
Weather Modification – Weather modification is the conscious modification or
manipulation of the environment, with the main purpose of bringing about changes in the
weather conditions. A recognized technology is known as cloud observation, to increase the
chance of rain or snow to regulate the local water supply. In the distant future, with
advancements, there will be climate engineering, intervening directly in the climate system.
Two main technologies that are made use of to counter global warming are the removal of
carbon dioxide and the regulation of sun radiation (Wilde, 2016).
Smart Materials – The term smart materials is used as a collective term for materials
that are able to change their shape through the external influences, including pressure,
temperature, humidity, acidity, and electric and magnetic fields. Examples of these materials
include, piezoelectric materials or piezo-crystals, shape memory metal, electric and magnetic-
rheological (ER/MR) liquids, conductive polymers, colour changing materials and light
emitting materials. The use of smart materials have proven to be beneficial, they are used to
clean up hazardous materials, add up functional performance, have an impact on packaging
and so forth (Wilde, 2016).
Renewable Energy - The importance of renewable energy such as, wind and solar
energy primarily is made use of in the production of electrical energy. The change to this
form of energy, requires the electrification of a large number of activities that are now based
on fossil fuels, such as, heating and rapid movements. Biofuels may be part of the solution, if
there will not be any fossil fuels left. Renewable energy is an important aspect within the
agricultural sector. There are numerous reasons, why agricultural sector has played an
important role in the production of renewable energy (Wilde, 2016).
Bio-refinery and Biofuels – Bio-refinery aims to process the biomass in an efficient
manner for the optimal use of components and minimal waste. The complete utilization of
biomass, does not require additional agricultural land. It is also possible to exchange the
residual flows of biomass between different value chains to attain optimum use and to avoid
competition between food, fodder and fuels. Biofuels is a co-operative term for fuels made
from biomass. It is normally not possible to replace petrol or diesel with biofuel without
adapting the engine. The first generation biofuels leads to a reduction in carbon dioxide
emissions by 50% and the second generation by 90% (Wilde, 2016).
Areas of Information Technology
The use of information technology in the agricultural sector is making available
online services for information, education and training, monitoring and consultation,
diagnosis and monitoring, and transaction and processing. E-commerce is primarily used for
direct connections between local producers, traders, retailers and suppliers. The facilitation of
communication amongst researchers, extension knowledge workers, and farmers is important.
Question and answer services, where experts reply to the questions on particular subjects ICT
services to block and district level developmental officials for improved efficiency in
delivering services for complete agricultural development. Current information needs to be
supplied to the farmers early, about subjects such as, packages of practices, market
information, weather forecasting, input supplies, credit availability and so forth. Databases
should be created with the details of the resources of the local villagers, site-specific
information systems, expert systems and so forth (Meera, Jhamtani, & Rao, 2004).
Provision of the early warning systems about the diseases, pest problems, information
regarding the rural development programs, crop insurances, post-harvest technology and so
forth. It is vital for the farmers to facilitate the land records and online registration systems.
Recording of information is considered essential even in the long term, to identify the
improvements that have taken place in various areas. Recording information about
productivity in the past and then recording information making use of information
technology, enables individuals to find out its benefits. Rearing of livestock, producing milk
and milk products is regarded vital to generate a source of income in rural areas. Individuals
are involved in the marketing of milk and milk products. Services providing information to
the farmers regarding farm business and management. Increased proficiency and output of
co-operative societies through the computer communication network and the latest database
technology (Meera, Jhamtani, & Rao, 2004).
Tele-education for farmers, websites created by the agricultural research institutes,
making the latest information available to the extension knowledge workers and obtaining
their feedback have rendered a significant contribution in the development of the agricultural
sector. There have been some initiatives in India, making use of ICT in the agricultural
sector. Despite the enormous potential to connect ICT for agricultural development, only a
few projects have been initiated in India and a few in other parts of the world. Stimulatingly,
many of these projects were started by the non-government organizations, private
organisations, co-operative bodies and governmental organisations other than agricultural
departments. This shows the unconcern of agricultural development departments towards
incorporating ICT into their daily functions. To frame an approach for complete agricultural
development, the isolated ICT projects need to be researched upon and the familiarities
created must be recognized to form instructions for the future (Meera, Jhamtani, & Rao,
Role of Information Technology in Agricultural Education Management
The areas that highlight the role of information technology (IT) in agricultural
education management have been stated as follows: (Chauhan, n.d.).
IT for Agricultural Teachers and Educational Planners – Teachers working in
agricultural schools, colleges and universities need to be empowered to successfully make
use of IT. IT in the present existence is of utmost significance to facilitate learning amongst
individuals. It is vital to arrange training of these individuals in the fundamentals of
computers and then gradually familiarize them with the advanced modules of computer
applications. Teachers need to make use of technology to impart training to the individuals.
The educational planners and administrators should be trained to prepare Annual Budget
Plan, for teaching aids, resource persons and material expenses, infrastructure budget
requirements, time tables to monitor and scheduling the teaching resources, to create and
maintain comprehensive student’s records, files and so forth.
IT in Agricultural Learners in Classrooms – The learners or the students in
agricultural school and colleges need to be well acquainted with how to make use of different
forms of technologies. For instance, making use of Power Points in giving presentations is an
important area that individuals need to be aware of. Before, the usage of technology within
the classrooms, individuals primarily learned through listening to lectures. With the advent of
technology, there have been improvements taking place within the teaching-learning
methods. Video films, online internet presentations are shown on screen with LCD. The use
of CD ROM, on specialized topics on agriculture are displayed on computer monitors to
improve learning and understanding.
IT for Agricultural Learners in Virtual Classes – With the advent of internet, the
learners can attend a virtual class on the monitor of their computer at their homes or the
workplaces. This is apparent, before, one is making use of technology, one should be
adequately trained. After one has attended the virtual class on the computer, one is able to
appear for an online examination. In this, he will be required to type on the computer and
know his evaluation report immediately. Virtual classes are stepping stones for the
establishment of future virtual colleges and virtual universities. These have proved to be
beneficial for densely as well as sparsely populated countries.
New IT Dimensions for Agricultural Education in India - To generate capability,
skills and aptitude amongst the agricultural graduates to meet the challenges and demands of
the new millennium, they are required to pursue a course on international agriculture, WTO,
Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs), global conventions on climate,
biodiversity and desertification, computer technology, patent and trade literacy, and
international standards. For this purpose, IT contributes an important role. Therefore,
generation of information regarding computers, application of software, Data Base
Management Systems, PowerPoint, drawing software, computer programming, multimedia,
internet, role of TV and radio in Information Communications Technologies should be part of
the course curriculum.
IT for Agricultural Empowerment Dimension – There are considerable number of
students or learners, who drop out from schools and training centres in rural areas. In the
present existence, there are individuals in rural areas, who are residing in the conditions of
poverty and backwardness. It is important that every State Agricultural Department should
establish independent areas for Distance Education for imparting training to the drop-out
individuals and rural youth. Imparting short term courses in new and modern skills in
agriculture and allied sciences have the primary objective to make improvements in the
farming practices. For achieving this purpose, IT can contribute an important part.
IT to connect Agricultural Colleges of India – In the present existence, connection
between the agricultural colleges can be facilitated through the use of IT. Appropriate
connections with the other institutions, enables to generate awareness regarding academic
development and compare work with them. This helps in identifying the flaws and
inconsistencies and make necessary changes. Exchange of useful information, like collection
of question papers, recent trends, modern and innovative techniques, information on
seminars, symposiums, workshops, trainings and any other academic developmental activity
can be familiarized with through the use of IT. It should be the primary duty of Indian
agricultural educational planners to introduce IT in all the agricultural colleges of India and
establish a connection between them to make use of the libraries of agricultural colleges and
faculties. Computerization process of the libraries with newly introduced IT has facilitated
The significance of usage of technology in the agricultural sector has been recognized
with the main purpose of meeting the food requirements of the individuals. India has made
progress in agriculture, but productivity of the major agricultural and horticultural crops is
low in comparison to other countries. There are still deficits in the usage of technology.
Yields per hectare of food grains, fruits and vegetables within the country are far the below
global averages. Even India’s most productive states are behind the global average. Similarly,
the productivity of pulses and oilseeds can be increased, through giving consideration to the
seeds, soil health, pest management, crop life-saving irrigation methods and post-harvest
India’s population is expected to reach 1.5 billion by 2025, making food security most
important social issue and food production will have to be increased substantially, to meet the
requirements of an increasing population. In rural areas, there are number of people who are
residing in the conditions of poverty and backwardness. Agriculture is the primary
occupation of the individuals in rural areas, hence, usage of technology and modern and
innovative techniques and methods will prove to be advantageous for improvement in the
living conditions of the individuals and in alleviating the problems of poverty. There are
numerous technologies and individuals employed in the agricultural sector and farming
practices need to possess knowledge and information, how to make best use of them.
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Proceedings. (2001). OECD. Retrieved August 31, 2017 from
Chauhan, N.B. (n.d.). Information Technology for Agricultural Development in India.
Retrieved August 31, 2017 from
Meera, S.N., Jhamtani, A., & Rao, D.U.M. (2004). Information and Communication

Technology in Agricultural Development: A Comparative Analysis of Three Projects

from India. Agricultural Research and Extension Network. Retrieved August 31, 2017

New Technologies in Agricultural Development. (2014). Kurukshetra A Journal on Rural

Development, 62(8), 1-53. Retrieved August 31, 2017 from
Technologies for Adaptation in the Agricultural Sector. (2014). United Nations Framework
Conventions on Climate Change. Retrieved August 31, 2017 from

Wilde, S.D. (2016). The Future of Technology in Agriculture. Retrieved August 31, 2017


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