Estimation of Pressure Drop in Pneumatic Conveying of Agricultural Grains

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Estimation of pressure drop in pneumatic conveying of agricultural grains

Article · September 1993

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2 authors, including:

Hifjur Raheman
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


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H. Raheman, V. K. Jindal

ABSTRACT. Experiments on horizontal pneumatic conveying of rough rice, milled rice, and soybean indicated that the total
pressure drop gradient is a function of air velocity, solid–to–air ratio, and particle and pipe diameter. Total pressure drop
gradients were analyzed by summing the contributions of individual components for pressure drop due to air and solids
separately. Fanning’s equation was used to estimate the pressure drop due to air in all experiments. An equation analogous
to Fanning’s equation involving a solid friction factor, dispersed solids density, and solid velocity was assumed to represent
the pressure drop due to solids. A generalized equation comprising of selected dimensionless parameters – velocity ratio
(Vt /Vs ); particle to pipe diameter ratio (dp /D); Froud’s number based on terminal velocity (Vt 2/gD) as well as air velocity
(Va 2/gD); solid–to–air ratio; and particle Reynold’s number (ra Vslip dp /ma ) – was developed for estimating the solid friction
factor. Applicability of the developed equation was verified for horizontal pneumatic conveying of corn and mungbean.
Experimental and estimated values were found to be in good agreement showing the average absolute variation within 2 to
12% thus validating the developed correlations and the approach for estimating the pressure drop gradients for general use
for particles ranging in size from approximately 2 to 7 mm.
Keywords. Solid–to–air ratio, Velocity ratio, Diameter ratio, Single–phase flow, Pressure drop due to solids.

he basic step in design of pneumatic conveying The terms appearing in equation 2 have been defined
systems is the correct estimation of total pressure differently by different researchers based on the assumptions
drop in the conveying line and is estimated by made in their analyses. Pinkus and Troy (1952) provided a
either summing the individual contributions of air convincing theory for predicting pressure drop in horizontal
and solid or by using empirically developed equations. The pneumatic conveying of sand particles. Crane and Carleton
first method considers contributions associated with wall (1957) followed their approach and developed a relationship
friction, particle friction, particle acceleration, and support for estimating pressure drop in pneumatic conveying of
of particles. Cramp and Priestly (1924) proposed this wheat in pipes of any inclination as follows:
approach and it has been followed notably by Vogt and White
(1948), Hariu and Molstad (1949), Pinkus and Troy (1952), f r V 2 L 2 f V Lm m gL sin Θ
Capes and Nakamura (1973), Crane and Carleton (1957),
∆Pt = a a a + s s s + s (3)
D D Vs
Mehta et al. (1957), Klinzing (1979), Weber (1981), Yang et
al. (1987), and many others either in horizontal or vertical and
pneumatic conveying. In general, the pressure drop in
horizontal pneumatic conveying lines is represented by the D[ r aCd Ap (Va − Vs ) 2 − 2gv p r s sin Θ]
following equation :
fs = 2
4v p r sVs
DPt = DPaa + DPas + DPfa + DPfs (1)
Zenz and Othmer (1960) considered both solid flow rate
Under steady state operation, the acceleration losses drop as well as air velocity for determining the pressure drop in
out and equation 1 reduces to horizontal pneumatic conveying by using the following
DPt = DPfa + DPfs (2) relationship:

Va ra 2f a r aV a L
2 2
m sV s
DP = + +
2 g D
Article was submitted for review in November 2000; approved for (5)
publication by Food & Process Engineering Institute of ASAE in May f sV s m m s gL
2001 . (1 +
The authors are Hifjur Raheman, Assistant Professor, Department of f aV a V ar a Vs
Agricultural and Food Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology,
Kharagpur, India, and Vinod K. Jindal, ASAE Member Engineer,
Professor, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok. Corresponding 3raCd D Va − Vs 2
author: H. Raheman, Department of Agricultural & Food Engineering, fs = ( )
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 721302, India; phone: 2r s d p Vs (6)
0322–83160; fax: 0322–82244; e–mail: [email protected].

Applied Engineering in Agriculture

Vol. 17(5): 649–656 E 2001 American Society of Agricultural Engineers ISSN 0883–8542 649
Vs = Va – Vt (7) Experiments were conducted in horizontal pneumatic
conveying of rough rice, milled rice, and soybean for
Researchers like Pinkus and Troy (1952), Hinkle (1953), solid–to–air ratios ranging from 0.7 to 3.5 in 54, 68, and
Crane and Carleton (1957), Mehta et al. (1957), Zenz and 82 mm (2.13, 2.68, and 3.23 in.) inside diameter galvanized
Othmer (1960), Wiedemann and Wagner (1976), Yang et al. iron pipes of 6.5 m (21.3 ft) length. The experimental set–up
(1987), Weber (1981, 1991), and many others have analyzed used is shown in figure 1 (Raheman, 1991). The horizontal
the pressure drop due to the presence of solids in a form pipe was laid at a height of 0.5 m (19.7 in.). Material was fed
analogous to Fanning’s equation in single phase flow: into the pipe by gravity from the hopper through a screw
feeder and forced to move along the pipe by air discharged
2 f s r dsVs 2 L (8)
∆Pfs = from the blower. After passing through the test section, the
D grains were collected in plastic buckets then manually
where fs is the solid friction factor similar to Fanning’s fric- reloaded into the hopper for recirculation. Physical
tion factor. properties of grains tested are given in table 2. Conveying air
The approach of Capes and Nakamura (1973), Yousfi and velocity was determined with a hot–wire anemometer
Gau (1974), Yang et al. (1987), and Mathur and Klinzing installed at the centerline at a distance of 3.0 m (9.84 ft) from
(1984) also considered voids in addition to the terms the grain feeding point in the set–up. The anemometer was
appearing in equation 8. The correlations developed for fs calibrated in the 0– to 50–m/s range with the help of a
both for agricultural and non–agricultural materials are standard venturi installed upstream. Pressure drop across the
reported in table 1. From this table, it can be seen that the venturi was measured for different settings of the blower and
correlation developed by Weber (1981, 1991) are for both corresponding air velocities were concurrently recorded by
agricultural and non–agricultural material and are the hot–wire anemometer. Three replications were made for
independent of solid velocity. The correlation developed by each air flow rate and average values were computed. The
Capes and Nakamura (1973) showed fs as an inverse function hot–wire anemometer readings were calibrated against the
of solid velocity. Whereas the studies of Yousfi and Gau venturi measurements of air velocity, which was taken as the
(1974) suggested the friction factor to be almost constant. standard. Using the calibration equation, air velocity in the
Jones et al. (1967) reported that fs was an unique function conveying pipeline was set with a hot–wire anemometer.
ofsolid–to–air ratio. Several other researchers have indicated Three measurements were taken and averaged to ensure the
that fs was apparently a function of slip velocity, particle proper air flow rate.
diameter, pipe diameter, velocity of air and both solid and air The solid–to–air ratio, which is defined as the ratio of
density (Pinkus and Troy, 1952; Hinkle, 1953; Crane and mass of solid conveyed per unit time per unit cross sectional
Carleton, 1957; Mehta et al., 1957; Yang et al., 1987). area of pipe to mass of air conveyed per unit time per unit
Most of the correlations listed in table 1 were developed cross sectional area of the same pipe, was maintained by
for materials like sand, glass beads, aluminum, etc. and their controlling solid and air flow rates. The solid velocity for
applicability to agricultural materials has not yet been different grains was indirectly determined by measuring the
reported. Correlation developed by Crane and Carleton dispersed solids density using equation 9.
(1957) was mainly for pneumatic conveying of wheat and its Vs = ms /(Ards ) (9)
applicability to other agricultural grains is not known.
Though the concept of solid friction factor appears to be The dispersed solids density was measured by a
promising, a detailed study was necessary to develop a mechanical sample–trapping device installed at the end of
generalized relationship for agricultural materials. Thus, a the horizontal conveying pipeline as shown in figure 2. This
study was undertaken to identify the variables affecting the device consisted of two pipes of length 1 m (39.37 in.) each
solid friction factor and the total pressure drop gradient and and diameter equivalent to the conveying pipe line and were
to develop generalized correlations for predicting these welded to 10–mm thick mild steel square plates at the two
parameters for agricultural materials. ends. The entire assembly could be slid in a reciprocating

Table 1. A summary of published correlations for estimating solid friction factor for both agricultural grains and other materials.
Investigator Flow Direction[a] ∆Pfs Friction Factor (fs)
Agricultural Grains
Crane and Carleton (1957) H, V 2fsVsmsL/D D[ρaCdAp(Va–Vs)2–2gVpρssinθ]/4VpρsVs2
Weber (1991) H,V 4fsρaVa2L/2D 1.315µ0.711(Va2/gD)–1.047
Other Materials
Pinkus and Troy (1952) H 2fsρdsVs2L/D CdρagD{(Va–Vs)/Vs}2/(4ρsdp)
Hinkle (1953) H,V 2fsρdsVs2L/D 3CdρaD{(Va–Vs)/Vs}2/(8ρsdp)
Mehta et al. (1957) H 4fsρdsVs2L/2D 3CdρagD{(Va–Vs)2/Vs}/(8ρsdp)
Jones et al. (1967) H 2fsρaVa2L/D bµn, where b and n are empirical constants
Capes and Nakamura (1973) H,V 2fsρs(1–ε)Vs2L/D 0.048(1/Vs)–1.22
Yousfi and Gau (1974) H,V 2fsρs(1–ε)Vs2L/D 0.0015
Yang et al.(1987) H 2fsρs(1–ε)Vs2L/D Va/{(gD)0.5(Va–Vs)}}–1.15
Mathur and Klinzing (1984) H,V 2fsρs(1–ε)Vs2L/D 55.5D1.1/(Va0.64dp0.26ρs0.91)
[a] H = Horizontal; V = Vertical.


Figure 1. Schematic diagram showing details of the experimental arrangement.

motion on a smooth angle iron with side collars in order to using ‘U’ tube manometers with water as the working fluid
align either of the two pipes with the conveying pipeline. Two across the section of 0.5 m (19.7 in.) apart along the convey-
steel balls were provided on the lower side of each mild steel ing line to ensure the zone of steady–state operation (constant
plate to reduce friction while sliding. This device was posi- pressure drop per unit length of the pipe). After the blower
tioned in such a way that one pipe was always aligned with was switched on, the air velocity was adjusted with the regu-
the conveying pipe line. This device was swiftly moved lating valves with no solids present in the conveying line.
manually from one aligned position to the other so that the Pressure drop due to air alone was then determined by record-
second sample pipe was aligned with the conveying pipeline ing the corresponding shift in liquid levels in the manome-
without disturbing the flow. The mass of the sample trapped ters. Next, grain was introduced into the pipe by switching on
in the first pipe was immediately collected in a plastic bag the feeder conveyor, which was set to maintain the desired
and weighed. Dispersed solids density was then determined solid flow rate. Grain was allowed to flow for 5 min. to reach
by dividing the weight of sample collected by the volume of the steady–state operation. The total pressure drop gradient
pipe section. Similar procedures were used for various com- was then measured again by the manometer. Manometer
binations of air and solid flow rates for all the grains tested. readings were taken at least five times to determine average
A minimum of three replications was made for all observa- values of the pressure drop gradient. A similar procedure was
Under steady–state operation, the total pressure drop
gradient in pneumatic conveying was the sum of pressure
drop gradients due to air alone and that due to the presence
of solids. The pressure drop gradients were measured by

Table 2. Physical properties of grains used in pneumatic conveying experiments.

Properties Rough Rice Milled Rice Soybean Corn Mungbean
Moisture content:
% w.b. 11.3 12.0 9.8 13.2 12.2
equivalent 3.64 3.03 6.79 6.96 4.35
dia.: mm (in.) (0.143) (0.119) (0.267) (0.274) (0.171)
Bulk density: 510.0 798.0 681.1 799.5 646.7
kg/m3 (lb/ft3) (31.84) (49.82) (42.52) (49.91) (40.37)
Single kernel 0.029 0.020 0.198 0.223 0.052
Weight: g (lb) (6.39×10–5) (4.41×10–5) (4.37×10–4) (4.92×10–4) (1.15×10–4)
Single kernel 25 15 164 177 43
vol.: mm3 (in.3) (1.53×10–3) (9.15×10–4) (0.01) (0.011) (2.62x10 –3)
Solids density: 1134.5 1398.5 1209.2 1261.4 1204.3
kg/m3 (lb/ft3) (70.82) (87.31) (75.48) (78.75) (75.18) Figure 2. Material trapping device for measuring dispersed solid density.

Vol. 17(5): 649–656 651

followed for several (five to six) combinations of air and solid
flow rate for five different solid–to–air ratios for three differ-
ent grains and for three replications for each combination.


The experimental observations on pressure drop gradients
for air alone and for different solid–air mixtures for
pneumatic conveying of rough rice, milled rice, and soybean
in pipes of three different diameters are presented in figures
3, 4, and 5, respectively. These plots show the total pressure
drop per meter length of the pipe as a function of air velocity
for different solid–to–air ratios. In each pipe, five
solid–to–air ratios were maintained for all grains. In addition,
a minimum of five different combinations of solid flow and
air flow were used for a given solid–to–air ratio.
In general, the total pressure drop gradients increased with
the increase in the air velocity. Theoretically, the pressure
drop gradient varies linearly with the square of the air
velocity in turbulent flow. The experimental results appeared
to show a slightly curvilinear relationship between the
pressure drop gradient and air velocity. However, such
relationships often appeared to be linear due to the narrow
range of air velocity used in our tests. For a given solid–to–air
ratio, total pressure drop gradient increased with an increase
in the solid flow rate (figs. 3 to 5). It is conceivable that a
higher solid flow rate might result in increased inter–particle
as well as particle–to–wall interactions and thus lead to
higher pressure drops.
Many researchers in pneumatic conveying have
recognized the importance of solid–to–air ratio (Richards
and Wiersma, 1973; Weidmann and Wagner, 1976; Weber,
1981, 1991). The plots of total pressure drop gradient versus
air velocity for different solid–to–air ratios are rarely
reported because the selection of solid flow rate is a more
convenient experimental parameter. In the present study, an
attempt was made to visualize the effect of solid–to–air ratio
on total pressure drop gradient in the experimental range of
air velocity (figs. 3 to 5). All these plots indicated that
pressure drop per meter of pipe length increased with an
increase in solid–to–air ratio at any given air velocity. For the
case when solid–to–air ratio was held constant by increasing
both solid and air flow rates, there was a distinct increase in Figure 3. Total pressure drop gradient as a function of air velocity in
the total pressure drop gradient. These results confirmed that horizontal pneumatic conveying of rough rice.
the solid–to–air ratio could not be considered as an
independent parameter. The pressure drop gradients for all observed in pipes of different inside diameters. From the
grains decreased with increase in pipe diameter (figs. 3 to 5). above discussions, it was concluded that the total pressure
The results were consistent with the fact that pressure drop drop gradient in pneumatic conveying of agricultural grains
due to air flow in a pipe varies inversely with pipe diameter under steady state was influenced by air velocity, solid flow
because the friction at the pipe wall increases exponentially rate, solid–to–air ratio, and both particle and pipe diameters.
with the decrease in pipe diameter.
The effect of equivalent grain diameter on total pressure ESTIMATION OF PRESSURE DROP GRADIENTS
drop gradient in 54–mm pipe diameter is shown in figures 6a Under steady state operation, the total pressure drop in
and 6b for solid–to–air ratio of 0.7 and 3.5, respectively. horizontal pneumatic conveying could be considered to be
Among the three grains tested, the highest and lowest comprised of pressure drop due to air and pressure drop due
pressure drop gradients were observed for soybean and to solids. The pressure drop due to air flow alone in mm of
milled rice, respectively, at any given air velocity. The water was estimated by Fanning’s equation:
difference in pressure drop gradients increased with an
increase in the solid–to–air ratio. Apparently, soybean and 2 f a raVa2 L (10)
∆Pfa’ =
milled rice, being the largest and smallest among the grains 9.81D
tested, offered the highest and lowest resistances,
The conversion factor used in the denominator expresses
respectively, in two–phase flow. Similar findings were also
the pressure drop directly in mm of water. The value of


Figure 4. Total pressure drop gradient as a function of air velocity in
horizontal pneumatic conveying of milled rice. Figure 5. Total pressure drop gradient as a function of air velocity in
horizontal pneumatic conveying of soybean.
Fanning’s friction factor, fa, was determined by the well–
known Nikuradse’s equation for fully turbulent flow as fol- analogous to a single–phase fluid flow and expressed in a
lows: form similar to the Fanning’s equation as follows, where fs is
the solid friction factor:
1/ Ǡ fa = 4 log (D/2e’) + 3.48 (11)
2 f s rdsVs 2L (12)
The value of pipe roughness, e’, was assumed to be 0.15 ∆Pfs’ =
mm for galvanized iron pipes (Perry and Green, 1984). The 9.81D
pressure drop due to air estimated by using equation 10 is Using equation 12, the values for the solid friction factor
indicated by solid lines and compared with the experimental were computed for rough rice, milled rice and soybean in 54,
data points (figs. 3 to 5). A good agreement between 68 and 82 mm inside diameter pipes. Based on the complete
experimental and estimated values of pressure drop due to air set of data, a generalized equation was developed for fs by
alone was observed in all three pipes. step–wise multiple regression analysis in the following form:
The pressure drop due to solids only was determined by
appropriately deducting the pressure drop due to air from the fs = a1 (Vt /Vs ) (Vt 2/gD) –0.95 (dp /D) 0.7 + a2 m1.5
total pressure drop. Subsequently, the pressure drop due to
solids could be used to determine a solid friction factorr + a3 (Va 2/gD) –0.7 +a4 (ra Vslip dp / ma ) 0.9 + a5 (13)

Vol. 17(5): 649–656 653

Figure 6. Effects of equivalent grain diameter on total pressure drop
gradient in horizontal pneumatic conveying of agricultural grains for
different solid–to–air ratios in 54–mm inside diameter pipe.

(Vt/Vs) = velocity ratio
(dp/D) = diameter ratio
µ = solid–to–air ratio
(Vt2/gD) = Froud’s number related to solids Figure 7. Comparison of experimental and estimated values of solid
(Va2/gD) = Froud’s number related to pipe friction factor and pressure drop gradient in pneumatic conveying of
agricultural grains.
(ra Vslipdp/ ma ) = particle Reynold’s number
a1 to a5 = regression coefficients
The results of stepwise multiple regression analysis
(SPSSX) for estimating the solid friction factor is presented values of coefficient of determination indicate good agree-
in table 3. The coefficient of determination could not be ment between experimentally determined and estimated val-
improved beyond 0.93. In general, the determination of ues.
pressure drop due to solids only and the solid friction factor
is not very accurate due to experimental errors involved. The GENERAL APPLICABILITY
generalized relationships developed in the form of The general applicability of the correlations developed for
equation 13 clearly showed the contribution of each fs was verified for the pneumatic conveying of corn and
dimensionless group. The results of this analysis showed that mungbean. The experimental values of total pressure drop
a velocity ratio (Vt/Vs), diameter ratio (dp/D), and solids gradient and calculated values of pressure drop gradient due
Froud’s number (Vt2/gD) played the dominant roles along to solids and solid friction factor were compared with the
with the solid–to–air ratio, particle Reynold’s number values predicted using the relationship developed and
(raVslipdp/µa) and pipe Froud’s number (Va2/gD) in presented in the table 4. The low values of the percent
determining the solid friction factor. The experimentally variations presented support the general applicability of the
determined and estimated values of solid friction factor, developed correlation for solid friction factor and the
pressure drop gradients due to solids and total pressure drop approach for estimating the total pressure drop gradient.
gradients are compared infigure 7. These plots and high


Table 3 Results of step–wise multiple regression analysis for estimating solid friction factor in horizontal pneumatic conveying.
Step Variables a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 R2 SEE[a]
1 {(Vt/Vs)(dp/D)0.7 (Vt2/gD)–0.95} 4.98 – – – –0.004 0.80 8.1E–4
2 {(Vt/Vs)(dp/D)0.7 (Vt2/gD)–0.95}, µ1.5 4.53 2.3E–4 – – –0.004 0.86 6.7E–4
3 {(Vt/Vs)(dp/D)0.7 (Vt2/gD)–0.95}, µ1.5 (Va2/gD)–0.7 4.15 2.9E–4 0.33 – –0.005 0.92 5.1E–4
{(Vt/Vs)(dp/D)0.7 (Vt2/gD)–0.95}, µ1.5 (Va2/gD)–0.7,
4 (Rep)0.9 3.35 3.3E–4 0.53 3.4E–7 –0.006 0.93 4.6E–4
[a] SEE – Standard error of estimate

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Vol. 17(5): 649–656 655

NOMENCLATURE Pt = total pressure drop in pneumatic conveying
A = cross sectional area of pipe Rep = Particle Reynold’s number
Ap = projected area of the grain particle Va = velocity of air
Cd = drag coefficient vp = particle volume
D = conveying pipe diameter Vs = solid particle velocity
dp = equivalent particle diameter Vslip = slip velocity
fa = Fanning’s friction factor Vt = terminal velocity
fs = solid friction factor w.b. = wet basis
g = acceleration due to gravity ε = voids
L = length of conveying pipe θ = angle of inclination of the conveying pipe
m.c. = moisture content µ = solid–to–air ratio
ms = solid flow rate µa = viscosity of air
Paa = pressure drop due to acceleration of air ra = density of air
Pas = pressure drop due to acceleration of solid rds = dispersed solids density
Pfa = pressure drop due to friction of air with pipe rs = solid particle density
Pfs = pressure drop due to friction of solid with pipe


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