CNC Controller Tc55xx User Manual Ru

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TC55 New Version

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Contacts: I N S T R U CT I O N M A N U A L
Moscow +7 (495) 505 63 74
01. Safety Instruction 2
Voronezh +7 (473) 204 51 56 02. Introduction 2
149 Office 03. Operation 3
160, Leninsky avenue
Voronezh, Russia, 394033
04. Programming 15
05. Wiring Definition 26
Monday - Thursday: 8.00–17:00
Friday: 8.00–16.00 06. Installation Size 28
Break: 12.30–13.30
[email protected] We draw your attention to the fact that there can be some changes in this
instruction due to the product consistent technical improvement.
TC55 New Version

01 Safety Instruction
There may be difference between real product and manual picture of TC55. The product or accessories are subjected to changes without prior notice.
Please refer to the updated information.
Before installing and using the product, operate strictly according to the detailed description of product manual, to assure correct application.
Avoid dust and moisture. If there is any quality issue, the users can call our product service center, authorized offices, distributors or agencies to get
corresponding product services.
Any information in such manual can not be duplicated, reprinted or used without our written permission, and the violators should take all responsibility
for the caused loss. Any questions came up for this manual please contact [email protected].

02 Introduction
The TC55 panel-type motion controller (CNC system) uses high-performance 32-bit CPU. The drive device adopts subdivision stepping motor or AC servo
motor. It is equipped with LCD monitor and fully enclosed touch-type operating keyboard. The system has high reliability, high precision, low noise, it is
easy to operate etc.

Main Functions

Automatically execute: Actual running, Dry running, Single-step execution, Terminate program, Start and Pause function.
Manual operation: Manual high speed, Manual low speed, Jog operation, Back to program zero, Back to machine zero.
Program management: absolute programming, Incremental programming, linear and circular interpolation, back to machine zero, sub-program call,
register, delay, repeat, Output, PLC set, Pause.
Parameter settings: Set various control parameters of processing and operation, get the best status of processing effect.
Exterior Manual Operation: control motor clockwise and counter-clockwise spinning, Start, Pause, Alert and Emergency Stop.
USB Connection and upgrade
PLC Extension
I/O Extension
Isolated I/O port
Chinese/English panel display

Technical Specifications

Minimum data unit 0.001 mm

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TC55 New Version

Maximum data size ± 99999.999 mm

Maximum Speed: 9000mm/min (pulse is 0.001 mm)
Maximum pulse output frequency 150KHz
Axis 1-4 (X,YZ,C)
X,Y,Z,C axis can conduct linear interpolation, X,Y can do circular interpolation.
Electric Gear: numerator :1-99999 denominator: 1-99999
System main functions are automatic, manual, program editing, system parameters, self-check,
settings, etc.


Outside Size: 172×94×48 mm

Installing Size: 162×84 mm
Front Panel: 4 mm

03 Operation

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Keys Interpretation Notes

Used for choosing correspondent keys; Blank Keys Multi-functions

Used for choosing correspondent keys; Blank Keys Multi-functions

In manual operation, it is the Z axis clockwise spinning key Multi-functions

In manual operation, it is the C axis clockwise spinning key Multi-functions

In manual operation, it is the Z axis counter clockwise spinning key Multi-functions

In manual operation, it is the C axis counter clockwise spinning key Multi-functions

In manual operation, press 0 for over 3 minutes,work will turn to 0 Multi-functions

In program edition, press F over 3 seconds will empty the current program and create a new Multi-functions
program without name. In manual operation, press F key, then use key 1-8 to control the on and
out of 1-8 output ports

1. Increasing or decreasing speed during auto and manual operation (F) Multi-functions
2. Page up or page down
Confirm and Delete


1. X axis clockwise and counter-clockwise Multi-functions

2. In Back to zero mode, it will control X axis clockwise and counter-clockwise back to zero

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Keys Interpretation Notes

1.Y axis clockwise and counter-clockwise Multi-functions

2.In Back to zero mode, it will control Y axis clockwise and counter-clockwise back to zero

Start: Work only in auto interface

Pause: Work in all occasions

Boot Picture

Entering the main interface after power on(take TC5540 as example).

AutoExec X 00000.000 Y 00000.000

Z 00000.000 C 00000.000
Man Op F00000 100% 00000
Prog Mgmt
Para Set File----n000

Manual Operation

Man Hspd X 00000.000 Y 00000.000

Z 00000.000 C 00000.000
Jog Op F00000 100% 00000
BMZ 1236 clear coordinates

Man Op: Manually switch high speed and low speed. Positive display means low speed, and negative display means high speed. Define in Main Interface-
Jog Op: Press one time, the system will go one step at a specified length.
BPZ: Back to Program Zero, press this key, Imediately go back to zero.
BMZ: Back to Mechanical Zero.

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AutoExec (Automatic Execution)

Actl Run X 00000.000 Y 00000.000

Z 00000.000 C 00000.000
F00000 100%00000
End Prog File----n000

Actl Run(Actual Running) press this automatically operate programs opened last time.
SS Mo: Positive display means consecutive operation. Negative display means operate command by command. When it is negative display, press Actl Run
once, one command will be executed.
End Prog(End Program): Press this to end the program and go back to the first line of the command.

Pro Magn (Progaram Management)

Pro Edit X 00000.000 Y 00000.000

Z 00000.000 C 00000.000
Read Pro F00000 100%00000
Prog Del
Save Pro File----n000

Pro Edit: input or create new file(long press F yto create new file).
Read Pro: read the program.
Prog Del: Delete programs.
Save Program: After edition, press EXIT, then choose to save or save as.

Screen Display Instruction

Pro Up n001 Abs Moti File-----

Tab:0 X0.000
Pro Down F0 Y0.000
Add Row C0.000 Z0.000

Eras Row

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n: Current command name.

Rel Moti: name of the current command.
File----: When it is ----, it means the file has not been named yet.
Tab: tab a certain file, used in loop or jump, defaulted value is 0. Do not need to fill it when you do not need to loop or jump.
F: Speed of the motion, used in Rel Moti, Abs Moti, clwise(clock wise) and coclwise(counter clockwise).
X,Y,Z,C coordinates or amount of increase.

Key Instruction in Prog Edit

Pro Up: Program Up.

Pro Down: Program Down.
Add Row: Add one row.
Eras Row: Erase one row.
Pgup: go to last command that has already finished edition.
PgDn: go to last command that has already finished edition.

Read Pro

Choose to read one of the 20 programs.

Pro Del

Choose to delete one of the 20 programs.

Save Pro

Save the program.

Para Set (Parameters Setting)

Set IO

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SystPara: System parameters, including Contrl Para(Control Parameters), Sped Para(Speed Parameters).
SystInsp: System Inspection, including the self inspection of actual input and output.
Set IO: including system input and manual input.
UserMgnt: Into user management or factory management to do authority setting.
Note: Go into UserMgnt before setting parameters, code is 123456; use it to change the parameters.

SystPara (System Parameters)

1) CtrlPara (Control Parameters)

CtrlPara Language: English

External IO: Proh
SpdPara External PLC:Proh
SavePara Inpu Para 01/18

Language: Choose English or Chinese.

External IO: the I/O port number can be extended using TC55-KA(not included in TC55 package)
to 30/24.
External PLC: PLC TC4616(not included inTC55 package) can be extended.
X axis Reference Point: In manual operation, long press 1 to clear the coordinates and show this value; or in BMZ, after hit the switch, it will show this
X Axis Numerator (1-99999)
X Axis Denominator (1-99999)
Y axis Reference Point: In manual operation, long press 2 to clear the coordinates and show this value; or in BMZ, after hit the switch, it will show this
Y Axis Numerator (1-99999)
Y Axis Denominator (1-99999)
Z axis Reference Point: In manual operation, long press 3 to clear the coordinates and show this value; or in BMZ, after hit the switch, it will show this
Z Axis Numerator (1-99999)
Z Axis Denominator (1-99999)
C axis Reference Point: In manual operation, long press 6 to clear the coordinates and show this value; or in BMZ, after hit the switch, it will show this
C Axis Numerator (1-99999)

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C Axis Denominator (1-99999)

Spd+Time(ms): time use for motor to reach F speed.
Jog+No.(um): in manual operation, increment for jogging.
X Open(um): X axis adjusting gap(to make it more precise)
Y Open(um): Y axis adjusting gap(to make it more precise)
Z Open(um): Z axis adjusting gap(to make it more precise)
C Open(um): C axis adjusting gap(to make it more precise)
X ZeroStart: Choose Prohibition or Effect to choose whether the system will first go back to mechanical zero after booting.
Y ZeroStart: Choose Prohibition or Effect to choose whether the system will first go back to mechanical zero after booting.
Z ZeroStart: Choose Prohibition or Effect to choose whether the system will first go back to mechanical zero after booting.
C ZeroStart: Choose Prohibition or Effect to choose whether the system will first go back to mechanical zero after booting.
Press enter to choose Proh or Effe.

The following function can only be used when Sell Code logged in

• Pro Edit: choose hide will make user unable to edit program.
• ProShow: choose hide will make user unable to see programs.
• TimeLock: after sell code logged in, Para Set-UserMgmt-Sys Veri to set 8digit code to lock the system.

Setting of Electronic Gear Ratio

Setting the electronic gear is to set different data unit for different machines. Different axis of the same machine can be set based on different unit. For
example, axis A can be set as mm, axis B can be set as angle, and axis C can be set as round.
How to set the numerator and denominator of electronic gear ratio:
Pulse needed for the motor to turn one round to the same direction.
Distance moved when the motor turn one round to the same direction (μm).
Numerator and denominator both should be integer between 1 and 99999.
Ex. 1 Screw Transmission
Stepper motor stepping is 5000, or servo motor 5000 pulse/round, screw pitch is 6mm, reduction ratio is 1:1, then,
5000 → 5
6*1000*1.0 → 6
Ex. 2 Rack and Pinion
Stepper motor stepping is 6000, or servo motor 6000 pulse/round, gear teeth number is 20, m=p/π=2, then
6000 → 1 → 107 → 107
1000*20*2*3.14159265 → 20.943951 → 2241.00276 → 2241
Ex. 3 Rotary Angle
Stepper motor stepping is 5000, or servo motor 5000 pulse/round, reduction ratio is 1:30, then,

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5000*30 → 5
360*1000 → 12

2) SpdPara (Speed Parameters)

CtrlPara X Hsped(mm/min): 1000

Y Hsped(mm/min): 1000
SpdPara Z Hsped(mm/min): 1000
SavePara Customer unlogged 01/07

Hsped-X: The highest speed of x axis motor. When the system is operating, speed will not exceed this number no matter what F you set.
Hsped-Y: The highest speed of Y axis motor. When the system is operating, speed will not exceed this number no matter what F you set.
Hsped-Z: The highest speed of Z axis motor. When the system is operating, speed will not exceed this number no matter what F you set.
Hsped-C: The highest speed of C axis motor. When the system is operating, speed will not exceed this number no matter what F you set.
StartSpd(mm/min)Speed during Spd+Time.
Man Hspd: Manual high speed.
Man Lspd: Manual low speed.
Jog Spd: Jog speed.
BZHSpd: Go to machine zero at high speed.
BZLSpd: Go back to machine zero first at high speed, through zero switch and move back at low speed. Finally slider will stop on the switch.
BZMode: two modes to go back to machine zero, trough switch or not. Through switch: slider will stop on switch. Not trough switch: Slider will stop
before the switch.
X+ Coor:X axis positive limit coordinates.
X-Coor:X axis negative limit coordinates.
Y+ Coor:Y axis positive limit coordinates.
Y-Coor:Y axis negative limit coordinates.
Z+Coor:Z axis positive limit coordinates.
Z-Coor:Z axis negative limit coordinates.
C+Coor:C axis positive limit coordinates.
C-Coor:C axis negative limit coordinates.

SystInsp (System Inspection)

Self inspection the input and output port

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TC55 New Version

1) Actl Inp (Actual Inspection)

Actl Inp 01off 02off 03off

04off 05off 06off
Set Inp 07off 08off 09off
Actl Oup
Test actual input 01/02

This is used to detect whether the 14 input port is working functionally.

2) Actl Oup (Actual Output)

Actl Inp 01off 02off 03off

04off 05off 06off
Set Inp 07off 08off
Actl Oup
Enter-on/off 01/01

This is used to detect whether the 14 input port is working functionally.

IO Set
Please do not change parameters of this part without proper reasons.

Entering IO Set, defaulted interface is the systInpu(System Input)

SystInpu X lim+: Proh N.O. Pt0

X lim-: Proh N.O. Pt0
Man Inpu Y lim+: Proh N.O. Pt0
Save Customer unlogged 01/09

This is used to detect whether the 14 input port is working functionally.

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System Input Port Function List

Functions Interpretation Methods

X Axis Lim+ X axis Positive limit setting External Big switch is needed to finish external control.
External switch is connected in the way of normal open.
X Axis Lim- X axis Negative limit setting Press Enter to change off into on, and choose N.O.(Normal Open).
Then choose the IO Port number.
Y Axis Lim+ Y axis Positive limit setting Note: For safety consideration, limit and emergency stop input
is usually set as N.C. (Normal Close).
Y Axis Lim- Y axis Negative limit setting

Z Axis Lim+ Z axis Positive limit setting

Z Axis Lim- Z axis Negative limit setting

C Axis Lim+ C axis Positive limit setting

C Axis Lim- C axis Negative limit setting

AlerInpu Alert Input

EmStInpu Emergency Stop Input

X0 X axis zero switch setting

Y0 Y axis zero switch setting

Z0 Z axis zero switch setting

C0 C axis zero switch setting

OutStart Outside (External) Start Switch Setting

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Out EmSt Outside (External) Emergency Stop Setting

Spd+Inpu Speed Increase Outside Switch

Spd-Inpu Speed Decrease Outside Switch

OutPt 1-8 External input port control output port

Man Inpu (Manual Input)

SystInpu Man X+: Prob N.O. Pt 0

Man X-: Prob N.O. Pt 0
Man Inpu X HSup Pro N.O. Pt 0
Fac Val
Save Customer unlogged 01/04

Functions Interpretation Methods

Man X+ X axis clockwise spinning outside manual switch Choose on or off

Choose N (Negative) or P (Positive)
Man X- X axis counter clockwise spinning outside manual switch

X HSup X axis high speed up

X HSdown X axis high speed down

X LSup X axis low speed up

X LSdown X axis low speed down

Man Y+ Y axis clockwise spinning outside manual switch

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Man Y- Y axis counter clockwise spinning outside manual switch Choose on or off
Choose N (Negative) or P (Positive)
Y HSup Y axis high speed up

Y HSdown Y axis high speed down

Y LSup Y axis low speed up

Y LSdown Y axis low speed down

Man Z+ Z axis clockwise spinning outside manual switch

Man Z- Z axis counter clockwise spinning outside manual switch

Z HSup Z axis high speed up

Z HSdown Z axis high speed down

Z LSup Z axis low speed up

Z LSdown Z axis low speed down

Man C+ C axis clockwise spinning outside manual switch

Man C- C axis counter clockwise spinning outside manual switch

C HSup C axis high speed up

C HSdown C axis high speed down

C LSup C axis low speed up

C LSdown C axis low speed down

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X ZeroSt X axis Machine zero external manual switch Choose on or off

Choose N (Negative) or P (Positive)
Y ZeroSt Y axis Machine zero external manual switch

Z ZeroSt Z axis Machine zero external manual switch

C ZeroSt C axis Machine zero external manual switch

Auto UI Auto operation UI

Manual UI Manual operation UI

Prog Zero All axis go back to Program zero

04 Programming
Programming Instruction

1. F: Feeding Rate
2. Program and Command: each motion of the CNC processing is controlled by a command, a program is consisted by several commands.
3. Line and tab: tab is the name of the line of command.


tab — Another name enable the command to be used in other command

X — X axis increase or absolute coordinates
Y — Y axis increase or absolute coordinates
Z — Z axis increase or absolute coordinates
C — C axis increase or absolute coordinates
F — Feeding speed
R — Radius, ≤180°R is positive, >180°<360°R is negative
Time — Time delayed in the command Delay
Cond — It is used to set the condition of the input port, whether it is on or off

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TargTab — Target Tab

Dir — Direction to go back to zero, + or -
BZAxis — Axis to go back to zero, used in BMZ
Sub-proN — name of the sub program
InpuPort — Input Port
ValueSet — Used in Work Load,number set for the starting number of work piece
CounDir — Used in Count, direction of counting, + or -


Use command up and command down to choose the command.


When the commands can not be read, it will be considered as “End”.

Pro Up n005 End File---------

Pro Down
Add Row
Eras Row


This command is similar with G-code G0, it accomplish fast positioning. The speed is influenced by G0 speed and speed magnifying times.

Pro Up n001 FastMoti File-----

Tab: 0 X0.000
Pro Down Y0.000
Add Row C0.000 Z0.000

Eras Row

X (X axis absolute coordinates), Y (Y axis absolute coordinates), Z (Z axis absolute coordinates).

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Rel Moti

Linear interpolation: Axis moves by relative coordinates. For example: if you input X:200, X axis moves by 200.
The speed is influenced by speed magnifying times and F.

Pro Up n001 FastMoti File-----

Tab: 0 X0.000
Pro Down F0 Y0.000
Add Row C0.000 Z0.000

Eras Row

Parameters: X (X axis moving amount), Y (Y axis moving amount), Z (Z axis moving amount) F (speed).

Abs Moti

Linear interpolation:axis moves by relative coordinates. For example: if you input X:200, X axis moves to 200.
The speed is influenced by speed magnifying times and F.

Pro Up n001 Abs Moti File-----

Tab: 0 X0.000
Pro Down F0 Y0.000
Add Row C0.000 Z0.000

Eras Row

Parameters: X (X axis absolute coordinates), Y (Y axis absolute coordinates), Z (Z axis absolute coordinates) F (speed).


Clockwise interpolation, the speed is influenced by speed magnifying times and F.

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Pro Up n001 ClWise File-----

Tab: 0
Pro Down X0.000 Y0.000
Add Row R0.000 F0

Eras Row

X (X axis moving amount), Y (Y axis moving amount), ≤180°R is positive, >180° <360°R is negative.

Left: Rel Moti X 10.000 Y 0

CLWise X 10.000 Y-10.000 R-10

Right: Rel Moti X 10.000 Y 0

CLWise X 6.000 Y-18.000 R-10


Counter-Clockwise interpolation, the speed is influenced by speed magnifying times and F.

Pro Up n001 CoclWise File-----

Tab: 0
Pro Down X0.000 Y0.000
Add Row R0.000 F0

Eras Row

X (X axis moving amount), Y (Y axis moving amount), ≤180°R is positive, >180° <360°R is negative.

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Left: Rel Moti X 10.000 Y 0

CocLWise X 10.000 Y 10.000 R-10

Right: Rel Moti X 10.000 Y 0

CocLWise X 6.000 Y 18.000 R-10

Set Coor

Set the current position as new coordinates.

Pro Up n001 Set Coor File-----

Tab: 0 X0.000
Pro Down Y0.000
Add Row C0.000 Z0.000

Eras Row

X (X axis coordinates), Y (Y axis coordinates), Z (Z axis coordinates).


Pro Up n001 Delay File-----

Tab: 0
Pro Down DelayTime: 0.000
Add Row
Eras Row

Delay time: 0.001 minimum.

Abs Jump

When this command is executed, the controller will jump to the command whose tab is the
same with the target tab of this command.

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Pro Up n001 Abs Jump File-----

Tab: 0
Pro Down TargTab: 0
Add Row
Eras Row

TargTab (Target Tab):which command you need to jump to.


When this command is executed, the controller will judge whether the input port condition fits what we set, if it fits, the controller will next execute a
certain command’s tab is the same with the target tab. If it does not fit, next command will be executed.

Pro Up n001 JudgJump File-----

Tab: 0
Pro Down Inp Pt:0 Cond: off
Add Row TargTab: 0

Eras Row

Inp Pt(Input port): It is used to test the input port from 1-14).
Cond (Condition): It is used to set the condition of the input port, whether it is on or off.
TargeTab: Target Tab


Go to the command whose tab is the same with this target tab, repeat n-1 times.

Pro Up n001 Loop File-----

Tab: 0
Pro Down Loop No.: 0
Add Row TargTab: 0

Eras Row

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Oup (Output)

Pro Up n001 Oup File-----

Tab: 0
Pro Down Oup Pt: 0 Stas: off
Add Row
Eras Row

Output Port: 1-8

BMZ Back to Mechanical Zero

Pro Up n001 BMZ File-----

Tab: 0
Pro Down BZAxs: X
Add Row BZDir: N

Eras Row

BZAxis: Axis to go back to zero.

BZDir: Direction to go back to zero.

USub-pro (Use Sub-program)

Sub-program need to be placed at the end of the main program, separated by the command END.

Pro Up n001 USub-pro File-----

Tab: 0
Pro Down Sub-proN: 0
Add Row
Eras Row

Sub-proN (Sub-program Name): fill the name of the sub program you want to use.

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Sub-proB (Sub-program Begin)

This means the beginning of the sub-programs.

Pro Up n001 Sub-proB File-----

Tab: 0
Pro Down Sub-proN: 0
Add Row
Eras Row

Sub-proN (Sub-program Name) define your name of the sub program to enable the main program to ask it.

Sub-proE (Sub-program End)

Put this command at the end of the sub-program to end this sub-program series.

Pro Up n001 Sub-proE File-----

Tab: 0
Pro Down
Add Row
Eras Row

Sub-proN and Sub-proE has to exist for create sub-programs.

Note: Example to use sub-program

N001 Main Program
N002 Main Program
N003 USub-pro (Name: 123)
N004 End
N005 Sub-programB (Name: 123)
N006 Sub-program
N007 Sub-program
N008 Sub-programE
N009 End

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This design is used when a series of programs need to be used repeatedly. In order to simplify the programming, you can but this part at the end ready to
be used!

Sped Mod

Sped Mod(Speed mode) this mode will allow each axis to move at a certain speed without a certain destination. Using on and off of the input port to
decide whether to stop or execute the next command.

Pro Up n001 Sped Mod File-----

Tab: 0 X0
Pro Down Y0 Z0 C0
Add Row Inp Pt 0 StpCon off

Eras Row

X (X axis Speed), Y (Y axis Speed), Z (Z axis Speed), Input Port (1-14).

Cond (Condition): It is used to set the condition of the input port, whether it is on or off.

Work Load

When this command is executed, the number on main interface and manual interface will be set to this number.

Pro Up n001 Workload File-----

Tab: 0
Pro Down ValueSet: 0
Add Row
Eras Row

Value Set: Number you set.

Coun (Count)

When this command is executed, the number on main interface and manual interface will increase by 1 or decrease by 1.

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Pro Up n001 Coun File-----

Tab: 0
Pro Down CounDir: 0
Add Row
Eras Row

CounDir: Plus or Minus.

Pause (Paus)

When the controller execute this command, it pause and judge if the input port condition fits what we set before. Sometimes Pause and Judge Jump can
be used in the same situation. If the condition of the input port does not fit, it will jump to the command whose command is the same with the target tab.
If the tab is 0, it will automatically go to the next command.

Pro Up n001 Paus File-----

Tab: 0
Pro Down Inp Pt: 0 Cond: off
Add Row TargLine: 0

Eras Row

Inp Pt (Input port): It is used to test the input port from 1-14).
Cond (Condition): It is used to set the condition of the input port, whether it is on or off.
TargeTab: Target tab.


Setting the register address of PLC.

Pro Up n001 PLC Set File-----

Tab: 0
Pro Down RegisAdr: 0
Add Row Val: 0

Eras Row

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RegisAdr: Register address

Val: value

PLC cmpa (PLC compare)

Pro Up n001 PLCcmpa File-----

Tab:0 Cond:
Pro Down RegisAdr: 0
Add Row Val: 0 TargLine:

Eras Row

This command is used together with PLC.

Cond: Condition.
TargLine: Target Line.

CoorCmpa (Coordinate Compare)

This command is similar with JudgJump, when certain condition of coordinates is met, it will jump to target line.

Pro Up n001 Coorcmpa File-----

Tab:0 Cond:
Pro Down AX: Val:
Add Row TargLine:

Eras Row

AX: axis.

Programming Example:

X axis motor first run 10mm, 500mm/min, then output port 1 is connected, then wait for the signal of input port 1, when the signal of input port 1 is
detected, output port 1 is off.

Main Interface

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Choose “ProgMgmt”
Then choose “Pro Edit”
Press Key F for 3 seconds, then a new file is created, with interface showing “n001 End File----
Tab: 0
Press “Pro Up”to find “Rel Moti”

Then the interface will be

N001 Rel Moti File----

Tab:0 X:0.000 F:0
Move the up and down arrow, to take the cursor go to X, and input 10, then go to F, input 500
Press “PgDn”to create 002 command,
After finishing all the programming it should be like this
n001 Rel Moti File-----
Tab:0 X:10 F:500
n002 Oup File----
Tab: 0 Oup Pt:1 Cond: On (switch by “ENT”)
n003 Paus File----
Tab:0 Inp Pt:1 Cond:off TargTab: 0
n004 Oup File-----
Tab: 0 Oup Pt: 1 Cond:off
n005 End File----

Press “PgUp” or “PgDn”to examine if it is right, then press “Esc”, then press “Save Pro” Key.

05 Wiring Definition
Section I

5V — System pulse or direction 5V output

Xp — System x axis pulse negative output
Xd — System x axis direction output
Yp — System Y axis pulse negative output
Yd — System Y axis direction output
O1 (Output) — Output 1,Connect to power 24V+ through Relay or solenoid valve

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O2 (Output) — Output 2,Connect to power 24V+ through Relay or solenoid valve

O3 (Output) — Output 3,Connect to power 24V+ through Relay or solenoid valve
O4 (Output) — Output 4,Connect to power 24V+ through Relay or solenoid valve
01 (Input) — Input 1,Connect to power 24V- through machine or switch
02 (Input) — Input 2,Connect to power 24V- through machine or switch
03 (Input) — Input 3,Connect to power 24V- through machine or switch
04 (Input) — Input 4,Connect to power 24V- through machine or switch
05 (Input) — Input 5,Connect to power 24V- through machine or switch
06 (Input) — Input 6,Connect to power 24V- through machine or switch
07 (Input) — Input 7,Connect to power 24V- through machine or switch
V — • IO power supply,used to connect 24V+ , not necessary connected
G — • IO power supply,used to connect 24V-, not necessary connected
0V — • 24V-
24V — • 24V+

Section II

5V — System pulse or direction 5V output

Zp — System Z axis pulse negative output
Zd — System Z axis direction output
Cp — System C axis pulse negative output
Cd — System C axis direction output
O5 (Output) — Output 5,Connect to power 24V+ through Relay or solenoid valve
O6 (Output) — Output 6,Connect to power 24V+ through Relay or solenoid valve
O7 (Output) — Output 7,Connect to power 24V+ through Relay or solenoid valve
O8 (Output) — Output 8,Connect to power 24V+ through Relay or solenoid valve
08 (Input) — Input 8,Connect to power 24V- through machine or switch
09 (Input) — Input 9,Connect to power 24V- through machine or switch
10 (Input) — Input 10,Connect to power 24V- through machine or switch
11 (Input) — Input 11,Connect to power 24V- through machine or switch
12 (Input) — Input 12,Connect to power 24V- through machine or switch
13 (Input) — Input 13,Connect to power 24V- through machine or switch
14 (Input) — Input 14,Connect to power 24V- through machine or switch

8 (800) 555 63 74 Edition of 20.07.2015

TC55 New Version

06 Installation Size

8 (800) 555 63 74 Edition of 20.07.2015


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