Chapter-1 Machine

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ECEg3131 Introduction to electrical machines

Course Introduction

Jimma University
Jimma Institute of Technology
Faculty of Electrical and computer Engineering
By: Alebachew Tenna
With out magnet
• Computers can’t store data in magnetic CDs
• Doctors can’t see the inside of our bodies
thanks to magnetic resonance
• relays, solenoids, inductors, chokes, coils,
loudspeakers, motors, generators, transformers,
and electricity meters won’t operate

1.1 Introduction
• Magnetism refers to the force that acts between magnets
and magnetic materials
• Magnet is a piece of solid body which possesses property
of attracting iron and some other metal pieces
• The force with which a magnetic poles of a magnet attracts
or repels magnetic pole of another magnet is called as
Magnetic force
• The space or region around a magnet within which
magnetic force is exerted on other magnet is called
magnetic field of the magnet
Magnets can be found:
• In a natural state in the form of a magnetic ore,
with the two main types: Magnetite also called "iron
oxide", (Fe3O4) & Lodestone also called “leading
• Or it can be created artificially
• There are two types of magnets. These are
• Permanent magnet
• Temporary magnet
1. Permanent magnet is a naturally occurring magnet. By
permanent it is meant that the material maintains a magnetic
field with no external help. When such a magnet is rolled in to
iron pieces it will be observed that iron pieces cling to it

• The maximum iron pieces accumulate at the two

ends of the magnet while very few accumulates at
the center of the magnet. The point at which the
iron pieces accumulate maximum are called poles
of the magnet while imaginary lines joining these
poles is called Axis of the magnet.

• When such a magnet is suspended freely by a piece of silk
fiber, it turns and always adjusts it self in the direction of
north and south of the earth.

• The pole which adjusts itself in the direction north is called

north seeking or north(N) pole, while the pole which points
in the direction of south is called south seeking or south(S)

2. Temporary magnet
• is a magnet that stays magnetized only for a relatively short
period of time in the presence of inducing field or current

• act like a permanent magnet when they are within a strong

magnetic field, but lose their magnetism when the
magnetic field disappears. E.g. Electro magnet

• When a coil or a conductor carries current, it produces a
magnetic flux around it and then it behaving as a magnet.
• Such a current carrying coil or conductor is called an
electromagnet. This is due to magnet effect of an electric
• Consider fig. below the current, I, creates a magnetic field
that is concentric about the conductor, uniform along its
length, and whose strength is directly proportional to I.

Magnetic Field Produced by Current-Carrying Conductor (Electromagnetism):

Field or flux


Figure 1.2 Direction of magnetic field Figure 1.3 Ampere’s right hand rule
around a current-carrying conductor. showing the direction of field
Ampere's right-hand rule : If we grasp the conductor with our
right hand, the thumb pointing in the direction of the current, & our
fingers will point in the direction of magnetic field.
We can determine the direction of the magnetic field in
a cylindrical coil of many turns of insulated wire by using our right
hand. If we grasp the coil with our right hand with the fingers pointing
in the direction of the current, the thumb will point in the direction of
the north pole. Field or flux


Figure 1.5 Magnetic field direction of solenoid by right hand rule.

If we construct a coil of many turns, we can increase
the magnetic field strength very greatly. 10
• We can easily create an electro
magnet using solenoid

• SOLENOID: Current flowing

through coil of wire

Laws of magnetism


Magnetic Lines of force
The magnetic field of a magnet is represented by an
imaginary line around it which are called magnetic
lines of force or magnetic flux lines.
These lines have no physical existence, they are
purely imaginary to get the visualization of
distribution of lines of force. This is illustrated in fig.
below for the field of a bar magnet.

• As indicated, the field is strongest at the poles of
the magnet (where flux lines are most dense), its
direction is from north (N) to south (S) external to
the magnet, and flux lines never cross. The symbol
for magnetic flux is the Greek letter Φ (phi).

Fig. Field of a bar magnet. Flux is denoted by the Greek letter Φ

properties of Magnetic lines of Force
1.Magnetic field are closed continuous curves.
2. Magnetic field lines originating from a magnet at N-
pole and enter the magnet at S-pole external to the

3.The tangent at any point on the magnetic field lines

give the direction of the magnetic field at that point.

4.No two magnetic field lines can intersect each other.
5.Magnetic field lines are crowded (i.e. close to each
other ) in a region of weak magnetic field.
6.Magnetic lines of force enter or leave a magnetic
surface at angles.

Magnetic flux(Φ)


Example 1: The total magnetic flux out of a cylindrical permanent
magnet is found to be 0.032 mWb. If the magnet has a circular
cross section and a diameter of 1 cm, what is the magnetic flux
density at the end of the magnet?
The total flux = 0.032 x 10-3 Wb, cross-sectional area of magnet:
D2 (0.01)2
A   78.53106 m2
4 4
 0.032103
B   0.407T
A 78.53106
Note that this magnetic flux density exists only at the immediate
end of the magnet. As we move away from the end of the magnet,
the magnetic flux spreads out, and therefore the magnet flux density
Magnetic field Strength(H):
• This gives quantitative measure of Strongness or
weakness of the magnetic field.
• pole strength and magnetic field strength are
• This can be stated as the force experienced by a
unit N-pole when placed at any point in a magnetic
field is known as magnetic field strength at that

Magnetic Circuit Definitions

Magneto motive Force:-

• The ability of a coil to produce magnetic flux is
called the magneto motive force(MMF).
• The “driving force” that causes a magnetic field
• Symbol, F
• Definition, F = NI
• Units, Ampere-turns, (A.t)

Example 1.2 The coil in Figure has 1000 turns wound on a cardboard
toroid. The mean (or average) diameter D of the toroid is 10 cm, and the
cross section is 1 cm. The total magnetic flux in the toroid is 3Wb
when there is an excitation current of 10 mA in the coil.
(a)What is the magnetic flux when the current is increased to 20 mA?
(b)What is the magnetic flux density within the coil when the current is
20 mA?

a) If we double the current to 20 mA. then
Fm  NI  1000 20103  20At
and  must double to 6 Wb

b) For a toroid. the magnetic flux is assumed to be uniform across

the interior cross-sectional area of the coil. From Eq. (1.1),
 6 106
B  
 76mT
A ( / 4)(1 10 )2 2

Magnetic Circuit Definitions

Magnetic Field Intensity

– mmf gradient, or mmf per unit length
– Symbol, H
– Definition, H = F/l = NI/l
– Units, (A-t/m)

Magnetic Circuit Definitions

Flux Density
– The concentration of the lines of force in a
magnetic circuit
– Symbol, B
– Definition, B = Φ/A
– Units, (Wb/m2), or T (Tesla)

Magnetic Circuit Definitions

– The measure of “opposition” the magnetic circuit
offers to the flux
– The analog of Resistance in an electrical circuit
– Symbol, R
– Definition, R = F/Φ
– Units, (A-t/Wb)

Magnetic Circuit Definitions

– Relates flux density and field intensity
– Symbol, μ
– Definition, μ = B/H
– Units, (Wb/A-t-m)

Magnetic Circuit Definitions

• Permeability of free space (air)

– Symbol, μ0

– μ0 = 4πx10-7 Wb/A-t-m

Magnetic Circuit Definitions

Relative Permeability
– Compares permeability of material with the
permeability of free space (air)

– Symbol, μr

– μr = μ/μ0 Dimensionless

Magnetization (B-H) Curve
The nonlinear relationship between magnetic flux density B and
magnetic field intensity H is called magnetization curve. The
magnetic flux density increases almost linearly with an
increase in the magnetic field intensity up to the knee of
the magnetization curve.

Figure 1.6 Typical Magnitization curves. 31

Beyond the knee, a continued increase in the magnetic field
intensity results in a relatively small increase in the magnetic
flux density.

When ferromagnetic materials experience only a slight increase

in magnetic flux density for a relatively large increase in
magnetic field intensity, the materials are said to be saturated.


Hysteresis is the name given to the "lagging" of flux density B behind the
magnetizing force H when a specimen of ferromagnetic material is taken
through a cycle of magnetization.

The relationship between flux density B and H is represented by the curve

oa which is the normal magnetization curve.

If H is varied backwards from -H to +H, the flux density curve follows a path
defa, which is similar to the curve abcd. The closed loop abcdef traced out is
called the hysteresis loop. The term remnant flux density Br is also called
retentivity and the term coercive force is often called coercivity.

Figure 1.7 Hysteresis loop
2.1. Electric Circuit Analogs
In our discussion so far, we note the following analogous
relationships between magnetic quantities and electric

Electric circuit Magnetic circuit

E (volts) Fm (NI ampere-turns)

I (amperes) φ (webers)
R (ohms) ℜm (ampere-turns/weber)
ρ = 1 (conductvity) µ (Permeability) (henries/meter)
We can draw useful electrical analogs for the solution
of magnetic circuit problems.

In an electrical circuit the driving force is the voltage,

the output is the current, and the opposition to
establishing current is the resistance.

In the same way, the driving force in the magnetic

circuit is the magnetomotive force, the output is the
magnetic flux, and opposition to establishing the flux is the

2.2. Series Magnetic Circuit

A series magnetic circuit contains magnetic flux, which is

common throughout the series magnetic elements. These
series magnetic elements may consist of composite sectors of
ferromagnetic materials(different lengths and cross-
sectional areas) and air gaps.

The simplest series magnetic circuit would be of a toroid of

homogeneous material and the steel core of a transformer.
More complex series circuits contain air gaps .

I l
+ R
E ag

(b) Analogous electric (c) analogous magnetic

a) Magnetic circuit
circuit circuit
Figure 1.9 Iron-core toroid with air gap

The magnetomotive force must overcome the magnetic potential

drops of the two series reluctances in accordance with Kirchhoff's
voltage law applied to magnetic circuits.

Fm  miron  mag 1.8

Hence we can calculate the MMF drop for the iron from H

Fmiron  Hiron liron [Amper-turns] 1.9

Finally, the general MMF-drop equation for series magnetic

circuits is modified for calculation purposes to the following

Fm  Hiron liron  1.10

Fringing and Leakage Flux
In a series magnetic circuit containing an air gap, there is a
tendency for the airgap flux to spread out (i.e., to create a
bulge) as shown in Figure below. This spreading effect, termed
fringing, reduces the net flux density in the air gap.


Leakage flux is that flux in a magnetic circuit which is not useful

or effective. Since a large amount of leakage flux requires a
greater magnetomotive force, the designer of electromagnetic
devices must minimize this ineffective flux.
2.3. Parallel Magnetic Circuit
Parallel magnetic circuits are defined by the number of paths
that the magnetic flux may follow.
Figure 1.10a shows a parallel magnetic circuit.

Iafe Ibcd

+ f c

e Ig d

a) Magnetic circuit (b) equivalent magnetic circuit (c) analogous electric circuit
Figure 1-10 Magnetic circuit with center leg 41
There are NI ampere-turns on the center leg. The flux that is
produced by the MMF in the center leg exists in the center leg
and then divides into two parts, one going in the path afe and
the other in the path bcd.
g = afe + bcd 1.11
Where g = flux in portion g
afe = flux in portion afe
bcd = flux in portion bcd

The MMF drop around afe must be equal to the MMF drop
around bcd. This can be stated more precisely as:
Hala + Hflf + Hele = Hblb + Hclc + Hdld 1.12
The drop in MMF around either path afe or bcd must also be equal
to the MMF drop along path g. But g also has an "active source," the
NI ampere-turns of the coil. The actual MMF existing between X and
Y is the driving force NI minus the drop Hglg in path g. Then we can
(NI - Hglg) = Hala + Hflf + Hele 1.13
= Hblb + Hclc + Hdld
For Figure 1.l0b
NI - mgg = bcd (mb + mc + md ) 1.14
= afe (ma + mf + me )
and in Figure 1.l0c we may write
E - RgIg = Ibcd (Rb + Rc + Rd ) 1.15
= Iafe (Ra + Rf + Re )
Example 10
Find the value of I required to establish a magnetic flux of  = 0.75 
10-4 Wb in the series magnetic circuit as shown in Figure below. The
relative permeability for the steel is r = 1424.

• The above device can be analysed by its magnetic circuit
equivalent and its electric circuit analogy as shown in figure

(a) Magnetic circuit equivalent and (b) electric circuit analogy

The flux density for each section is

 0.7510-4 Wb
B   0.5 T .
A 1.510-4 m2
The magnetic field intensity of steel is

B B 0.5 T
Hc     279At/m.
c  r 0 1424 4 10-7 Hm-1

The magnetic field intensity of air gap is

B B 0.5 T
Hg     3.98 105
g 0 1 4 10 Hm
-7 -1

The magnetomotive force drops are

H c lc  279At/m 10010-3 m  28 At.
 
H g l g  3.98105 At/m 2 10-3 m  796At.
Applying Ampère circuital law (analogy to KVL in electric circuit),

NI  H c lc  H g l g
 28 At  796At
200t I  824At
I  4.12 A.

Example 11
Determine the value of I required to establish a magnetic flux of 2 =
1.510-4 Wb in the section of the core indicated in Figure below. The
relative permeability for the steel at region bcde, be, and efab are 2 =
4972, 1 = 4821, and T = 2426, respectively.

The above device can be analysed by its magnetic circuit
equivalent and its electric circuit analogy as shown in figure

(a) Magnetic circuit equivalent and (b) electric circuit analogy

lbcde 0.2
Rbcde    53.35103
2 0 A 4972 0  6 10 m
-4 2

lbe 0.05
Rbe    13 .76 103
10 A 4821 0  6 10 m
-4 2

lefab 0.2
Refab    109 .34 103
T 0 A 2426 0  6 10 m-4 2

Since 1Rbe  2 Rbcde

2 Rbcde
1   5.816104 Wb
From the parallel circuit,
T  1  2  (1.5  5.816) 104 Wb  7.316104 Wb

Applying Ampère circuital law for loop 1,

NI  T Refab  1Rbe  0
T Refab  1Rbe 80  8
I   1.76A
N 50

Example 12
The core of Figure below is made of cast steel. Calculate the current I
that is needed to establish a flux of g = 6  10-3 Wb at the air gap if
fringing field is neglected.
[Hint: Additional information can be obtained from the B-H curve]


(a) Magnetic circuit equivalent and (b) electric circuit analogy

B-H curve (Notes)


Hda = 923.5 At/m.

Bda = 1.12 T (from B-H curve).

2 = BdaA = 1.12  0.02 = 2.24  10-2 Wb.

1 = 2 + 3 = 2.84  10-2 Wb.
Bdea = 1/A = (2.84  10-2)/0.02 = 1.42 T.
Hdea = 2100 At/m (from B-H curve).

Apply Ampère circuital law at loop 1,

NI = Hdealdea + Hdalda = (2100)(0.35) + 184.7 = 919.7 At
I = 919.7/200 ≈ 4.6 A

Example 13
The core of the magnetic device as shown in Figure below is made of cast-iron and
it is symmetrical both left and right arms. Find the current I that needed to establish
flux density of 30 Wb at the right arm of the core.
[Hint: Additional information can be obtained from the B-H curve]

Fig: Series-parallel magnetic

circuit made of cast iron core


(a) Magnetic circuit equivalent and (b) electric circuit analogy

Since the magnetic device is symmetry and made by the same material at
both left and right arms, we can concentrate the analysis of the circuit on
either loop 1 or loop 2. From Gauss law, one gets
1 = 2.
T = 1 + 2.
= 22.

Apply Ampère circuital law at left hand arm,

 loop1
NI  loop1 Hl
NI  H ek lek  H g l g  H mblmb  H bafelbafe
NI  Hek lek  H g l g  Hmblmb  Hbafe lba  laf  l fe  (1)
T 2 2 2  30106 Wb
Bek     0.6 T
A A 0.01 0.01 m2
Hek  H mb  2650At/m (from B-H curve) (2)
Bg T 2 2 2  30106 Wb
Hg      
 
4.77 10 At/m. (3)
0 0 A 0 A 4 107 H/m 0.01 0.01 m2
1 30106 Wb
Bbafe    0.3 T
A 0.01 0.01 m 2

H bafe  750 At/m (B-H curve) (4)

Substitute (2), (3), and (4) in (1) yields

2650 0.035  4.77105  0.510-2  750 3 0.04


 6.42A.
From Faraday’s law , changes in magnetic flux create a voltage e, called
the electromotive force (emf), across the coil equal to
e  N 1.16

Substituting (1.3) into (1.16) gives

d  Ni  N2 di di
eN   L
dt     dt dt

where inductance L has been introduced and defined as Inductance,

L heneries

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