Chapter 4 - Magnetostatics Field

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Chapter Outline
• Maxwell’s Equations
• Magnetic Forces and Torques
• Biot- Savart’s law
• Ampere’s law for magnetism
• Magnetic Field and Flux
• Self inductance and mutual inductance
• Magnetic energy

• In Chapters 3, we discussed about static electric

fields characterized by electric field intensity (E) and
Electric flux density (D).
• We now focus our attention on static magnetic
fields, which are characterized by Magnetic field
Intensity (H) and magnetic flux density (B).

• There are similarities and dissimilarities between

electric and magnetic fields.
• As E and D are related according to D = eE for linear
material space, H and B are related according to B
A definite link between electric and magnetic fields was
established by Oersted in 1820.

(Hans Christian Oersted (1777-1851), a Danish professor

of physics, after 13 years of frustrating efforts discovered
that electricity could produce magnetism)

• An electrostatic field is produced by static or stationary

• If the charges are moving with constant velocity, a
static magnetic (or magneto static) field is produced.
• A magnetostatic field is produced by a constant current
flow (or direct current).

• The development of the motors, transformers,

microphones, compasses, telephone bell ringers,
television focusing controls, advertising displays,
magnetically levitated highs peed vehicles, memory
stores, magnetic separators, and so on, involve
magnetic phenomena and play an important role in our
everyday life.

There are two major laws governing magneto static fields:

(1) Biot-Savart's law, and
(2) Ampere's circuit law.
• Like Coulomb's law, Biot-Savart's law is the general law
of magneto statics.
• Just as Gauss's law is a special case of Coulomb's law,
Ampere's law is a special case of Biot-Savart's law and is
easily applied in problems involving symmetrical current
Overview - Maxwell’s equations

• Maxwell's equations are a set of coupled partial differential

equations that, together with the Lorentz force law, form the
foundation of classical electromagnetism, classical optics, and
electric circuits.
• The equations provide a mathematical model for electric, optical,
and radio technologies, such as power generation, electric motors,
wireless communication, lenses, radar etc.
• They describe how electric and magnetic fields are generated by
charges, currents, and changes of the fields.
Overview - Maxwell’s equations
- Stationary charges produce static electric fields,
and steady currents produce static magnetic
- When  / t  0 , the magnetic fields in a medium
with magnetic permeability μ are governed by
the 2nd pair of Maxwell’s eqn:

B  0 J = current density
H = magnetic field intensity
 H  J B = magnetic flux density
Maxwell’s equations
The magnetic flux density B and the magnetic field intensity H
are related by:

B  H
Where: μ = magnetic permeability
µ = µ0µr

µ - Absolute permeability of free space

µ0 - Permeability of free space = 4π x 10-7
µr - relative permeability
Note: μ = μ0 for most dielectrics and metals excluding
ferromagnetic materials
Magnetic Forces and Torques
• The force a magnetic field exerts on charged
particles, current elements, and loops.
• Such a study is important to problems on electrical
devices such as ammeters, voltmeters,
galvanometers, cyclotrons, plasmas, motors, and
magneto hydrodynamic generators
Magnetic Forces and Torques
• There are at least three ways in which force due to
magnetic fields can be experienced. The force can
(a) due to a moving charged particle in a B field,
(b) on a current element in an external B field, or
(c) between two current elements
Magnetic Forces and Torques

(a) due to a moving charged particle in a B field,

The electric force Fe on a stationary or moving electric charge Q in an
electric field is given by Coulomb's experimental law and is related to
the electric field intensity E as
Fe = QE -----(1)
This shows that if Q is positive, Fe and E have the same direction.
Magnetic Forces and Torques
• A magnetic field can exert force only on a moving charge. From
experiments, it is found that the magnetic force Fm experienced by a
charge Q moving with a velocity ‘u’ in a magnetic field B is
Fm = QU X B --------------(2) Fe = QE -----(1)

This clearly shows that Fm is perpendicular to both u and B.

• From eqs (1) and (2), a comparison between the electric force Fe
and the magnetic force Fm can be made.
F = Fe + Fm
F = Q(E + u X B)

This is known as the Lorentz force equation. It relates mechanical

force to electrical force.
Magnetic Forces and Torques
• on
b)   a current element in an external B field
• To determine the force on a current element of a current-carrying
conductor due to the magnetic field B,

• If the current / is through a closed path L or circuit, the force on the

circuit is given by
• F=
• we should keep in mind that the magnetic field produced by the
current element does not exert force on the element itself just as a
point charge does not exert force on itself.
• The magnetic field B is defined as the force per unit current element.
Magnetic Forces and Torques
• Force
c)   between Two Current Elements
• Let us now consider the force between two elements and .
• According to Biot-Savart's law, both current elements produce
magnetic fields. So we may find the force d(dF1) on element idue to
the field produced by element as

• But from Biot-Savart's law,

This equation is essentially the law of force between two

current elements and is analogous to Coulomb's law, which
expresses the force between two stationary charges.

Biot-Savart's law states that the magnetic field intensity produced at a point P,
as shown in Figure by the differential current clement is proportional to the
product and the sine of the angle between the clement and the line joining P to the
element and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance R between P and
the element.

where R = |R| and aR = . Thus the direction of dH can be determined by the right-
hand rule with the right-hand thumb pointing in the direction of the current, the right-
hand fingers encircling the wire in the direction of dH.

Determining the direction of dH using (a) the right-hand rule, or (b) the right-handed screw
The Biot–Savart’s Law

• Biot–Savart’s law may be expressed in terms of

distributed current sources.
Ampere’s law for magnetism
• Ampere’s law states that:
 H  dl  I  Ampere' s law 

• The directional path of current C follows the right-hand

• It states that the line integral of H around a closed path is
equal to the net current (Ienc) enclosed by that path.
• Ampere's law is similar to Gauss's law and it is easily
applied to determine H when the current distribution is
1. Magnetic Field of an infinite length of conductor

• Consider a conductor lying on

the z axis, carrying current I in az
+az direction.
• Using Ampere’s law:
 H  dl  I  Ampere' s law 

• The path to evaluate is along

the aφ direction, hence use dLφ.
1. Magnetic Field of an infinite length of conductor

Using Ampere’s law:

 H  dL  I enc

Where; H  H  a
dL   rda 


 H  dL  I enc   H  a  rda  I

𝐻∅∫ 𝑟𝑑∅
¿  𝐻 ∅ . 2 𝜋 𝑟

  = 𝐼 𝑎∅
2𝜋 𝑟
2. Magnetic Field of an infinite Infinite Sheet of Current

Consider an infinite current sheet in the z = 0 plane. If the sheet has a uniform current
density K = Kyay A/m as shown in Figure, applying Ampere's law to the rectangular
closed path 1-2-3-4-1 (Amperian path) gives

the resultant dH has only an x-component. Also, H on one side of the sheet is the
negative of that on the other side.

Due to the infinite extent of the sheet, the sheet can be regarded as consisting of
such filamentary pairs so that the characteristics of H for a pair are the same for the
infinite current sheets, that is
2. Magnetic Field of an infinite Infinite Sheet of Current

H0 yet to be determined



In general for an infinite sheet of current density K A/m

3. Infinitely long coaxial transmission line

Consider an infinitely long transmission line consisting of two

concentric cylinders having their axes along the z-axis. The cross
section of the line is shown in Figure, where the z-axis is out of the
page. The inner conductor has radius ‘a’ and carries current ‘I’ while
the outer conductor has inner radius ‘b’ and thickness ‘t’ and carries
return current ‘-I’ . We want to determine H everywhere assuming that
current is uniformly distributed in both conductors. Since the current
distribution is symmetrical.

we apply Ampere's law along the

Amperian path for each of four
possible regions
3. Infinitely long coaxial transmission line
we apply Ampere's law along the Amperian path for each of four possible regions

For region , apply ampere’s law to path L1,

-- --(1)

Since the current is uniformly distributed over the

cross section

Equation (1) becomes

  ∅= 𝐼 𝜌
Therefore, 2 𝜋𝜌
3. Infinitely long coaxial transmission line
For region use path L2

Or Since the whole current I enclosed by L2

For region use path L3

3. Infinitely long coaxial transmission line

Substitute the above in

Putting all the equation together
3. Infinitely long coaxial transmission line

The magnitude of H is sketched in Figure

Notice from these examples that the ability to take H from under the integral sign is
the key to using Ampere's law to determine H. In other words, Ampere's law can
only be used to find H due to symmetric current distributions for which it is possible
to find a closed path over which H is constant in magnitude.
Example 1
 Planes Z = 0 and z = 4 carry current K = A/m and K = A/m, respectively. Determine
H at
(a) (1,1,1)
(b) (0, - 3 , 10)

Let the parallel current sheets be as in Figure
H = Ho + H4
where Ho and H4 are the contributions due to the current sheets z = 0 and z = 4,
(a) At (1, 1, 1), which is between the plates (0 < z = 1 < 4),

Ho = 1/2 K X an = 1/2 (-10ax) X az, = 5ay A/m

H4 = l / 2 K X an , = 1/2 (10ax) X (-az,) = 5ay A/m
H = 10ay A/m
Example 1

b) At (0, - 3 , 10), which is above the two sheets (z = 10 > 4 > 0),
Ho = 1/2 ( - 10ax) X az = 5ay, A/m
H4 = 1/2 (lOax)X az = -5ay A/m
H = 0 A/m
Example 2

A toroid whose dimensions are shown in Figure has N turns and

carries current ‘I’. Determine H inside and outside the toroid.

 Apply Ampere's circuit law to the Amperian path, which is a circle of radius show
dotted in Figure. Since N wires cut through this path each carrying current ‘I’, the
net current enclosed by the Amperian path is NI.

  is the mean radius of the toroid as shown in
Figure. An approximate value of H is
Example 3
• A toroidal coil with N turns carrying a current I , determine
the magnetic field H in each of the following three regions: r <
a, a < r < b,and r > b, all in the azimuthal plane of the toroid.
Solution to Example 3
• H = 0 for r < a as no current is flowing through the surface
of the contour

• H = 0 for r > b, as equal number of current coils cross the

surface in both directions.

• For a < r < b, we apply Ampere’s law:


 H  dl     φˆ H   φˆ rd  2rH   NI
C 0
H  φˆ H  φˆ  for a  r  b 
• Hence, H = NI/(2πr) .
Magnetic Flux
• The amount of magnetic flux, φ in Webers from
magnetic field passing through a surface is found in a
manner analogous to finding electric flux:

   B  dS
Magnetic Flux density
•• The
  magnetic flux density B is similar to the electric flux
density D. As D = in free space, the magnetic flux density B is
related to the magnetic field intensity H according to

 where is a constant known as the permeability of free space.

The constant is in henrys/meter (H/m) and has the value of

The magnetic flux through a surface S is given


Thus the total flux through a closed surface in a

magnetic field must be zero

  equation is referred to as the law of conservation of magnetic flux or Gauss's law for
magnetostatic fields just as = Q is Gauss's law for electrostatic fields. Now by applying
divergence theorem

Example 4

Given the magnetic vector potential A = Wb/m, calculate the total magnetic flux
  the surface = /2, 1 2 m , 0 < z < 5.

• where L is the path bounding surface S; and Ψ4 are, respectively, the evaluations
of along the segments of L labeled 1 to 4 in Figure. Since A has only a z-
Example 5

An infinite length coaxial cable with inner conductor radius of 0.01m

and outer conductor radius of 0.05m carrying a current of 2.5A
exists along the z axis in the +az direction.
Find the flux passing through the region between two conductors
with height of 2 m in free space.
Solution to Example 5
The relation between B and H is:
B  0H  0 a

To find magnetic flux crossing the region, we use:

   B  dS unit: Weber

where dS is in the aφ direction.

Solution to Example 4
dS   drdza 
where  0  4  10 7 H m
   B  dS
2 0.05
0 I
   a   drdza 
z  0 r  0.01
2  0 I 0.05
 ln  1.61  10 6 Wb
2 0.01
• An inductor is the magnetic analogue of an
electrical capacitor.
• Inductor can store magnetic energy in the
volume comprising the inductors.
• A typical inductor consists of multiple turns of
wire helically coiled around a cylindrical core
called solenoid.
Magnetic lines - Inductance
Magnetic Field in a Solenoid
Magnetic Field in a Solenoid
Self Inductance
Self Inductance

• In a solenoid with uniform magnetic field, the

flux linking a single loop is:
 N 
   zˆ   I   zˆ ds
 l 
  IS
where S  cross - sectional area of the loop
Self Inductance
• Magnetic flux linkage, Λ is the total magnetic flux
linking a given conducting structure.
 N2 
  N    IS  (Wb)
 l 

• Self-inductance of any conducting structure is the

ratio of the magnetic flux linkage, Λ to the current I
flowing through the structure.

L  H
Self Inductance
• For a solenoid:
L S  solenoid 

• For two conductor

  1
L     B  ds
Mutual Inductance
• Mutual inductance – produced by magnetic
coupling between two different conducting
Mutual Inductance
• Magnetic field B1 generated by current I1
results in a flux Φ12 through loop 2:
 12   B1  dS

• If loop 2 consists of N2 turns all coupled by B1

in exactly the same way, the total magnetic
flux linkage through loop 2 due to B1 is:
 12  N 2  12  N 2  B1  dS
Mutual Inductance
• Hence, the mutual inductance associated with
this magnetic coupling is given by:
 12 N 2
L12    B 1  ds  H 
I1 I 1 s2
Magnetic Energy
• Consider an inductor with an inductance L
connected to a current source.
• The current I flowing through the inductor is
increased from zero to a final value I.
• The energy expended in building up the current in
the inductor:
1 2
Wm   pdt   ivdt  L  idi  LI

• i.e the magnetic energy stored in the inductor

Magnetic Energy
• Magnetic energy density (for solenoid):
wm 
Wm 1
 H 2
 J/m 

• i.e magnetic energy per unit volume

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