Roll With It - Wands

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Roll with it!

wands By Russ Brown

Introduction a twenty-sided die (d20) for each. Then read the

results from left to right for your wand description.
Welcome to Roll With It! Wands. This free product If you find this tool helpful, check out our other
is intended to be a quick way for game masters to products! They can be found on the Rusted Iron
generate unique wand descriptions on a moment’s Games website, DriveThruRPG, RPGNow, and the
notice. Use the table presented below by simply Paizo webstore.
picking 2 or more of the named columns and rolling

D20 Material D20 Tip D20 Ornaments D20 Inscription

1 Teak 1 Diamond 1 Ribbons 1 Unreadable
2 Ironwood 2 Golden Orb 2 Chains 2 Gnomish
3 Bamboo 3 Iron Spike 3 Lucky Charms 3 Aboleth
4 Willow 4 Amethyst 4 Hieroglyphs 4 Abyssal
5 Bronze 5 Tuning Fork 5 Serpents 5 Aquan
6 Cedar 6 Amber 6 Alchemy Signs 6 Dwarven
7 Ivory 7 Copper Sun 7 Feathers 7 Draconic
8 Darkwood 8 Dragon Tooth 8 Waves 8 Lost Tongue
9 Ebony 9 Crystal Lens 9 Glitter 9 Sphinx
10 Copper 10 Emerald 10 Dragons 10 Ignan
11 Birch 11 Platinum 11 Leather Braids 11 Orcish
12 Glass 12 Onyx Disc 12 Spiders & Insects 12 Elven
13 Oak 13 Ruby 13 Lightning 13 Dreamspeech
14 Mithril 14 Dessicated Eye 14 Holy Symbols 14 Celestial
15 Ash 15 Uncut Quartz 15 Leaves & Vines 15 Runes
16 Steel 16 Sapphire 16 Flames 16 Auran
17 Pine 17 Pentagram 17 Unholy Symbols 17 Sylvan
18 Reed 18 Silver Star 18 Geometric Shapes 18 Terran
19 Silver 19 Tin Thimble 19 Whirlwinds 19 Druidic
20 Bone 20 Cresent Moon 20 Arcane Sigils 20 Infernal

Romulus Stoica ([email protected]) Transaction: 32658

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