Hippo 4 SF Reading 2020

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HIPPO 2020

8th International English Language Olympiad

IESOL Assessment Reading

RQF Level: Level 1
(CEFR Level: B2)

Candidate Booklet – Reading

Semi-final Round


 Do NOT turn over the page until instructed.

 This examination is made up of 3 TASKS.
 Answer all the questions.
 Remember to transfer your answers onto the answer sheet.
 Use only black or blue PEN.
 Dictionaries are NOT allowed.

Time allowed: 45 minutes Total marks available: 40

Reading Task 1

Read the article and choose the best option to complete the text – a, b, c, or d. An example
has been done for you.


4th June is National Cheese Day. There are many food holidays that are focused around dishes which
0)_____ cheese, but June 4th is all about cheese.

Cheese is an ancient food made of milk. There are many 1)_____ that contribute to the type and taste
of cheese that is available: country of origin, diet of the animal, how long it has been aged and the
mould and bacteria it contains. 2)_____ there is a wide range of flavours, textures and forms available.
Milk from goats, cows, sheep and buffalo can be used for cheese production. Different spices, fruit and
even wood smoke are used as flavouring agents 3)_____ give cheese its unique taste.

In 2014, world production of cheese from cow’s milk was 18.7 million tonnes, and the United States
was the 4)_____ producer, responsible for 29% (5.4 million tonnes) of the world total, followed by
Germany, France and Italy as other major producers. Despite these huge figures relating to cheese
production, the USA is not considered the largest exporter of cheese 5)_____ the majority of the
cheese produced is consumed in-country.

Cheese is high in fat, calcium and protein and has some excellent health benefits, but always eat it in
6)_____. Too much could be bad for you. We think that the best way to eat cheese is to 7)_____ it on a
plate with grapes, olives, tomatoes and some bread.

Did you know that 8)_____ you should never serve cheese cold? The best way of serving it is to let it sit
for about half an hour at room temperature: warm cheese has more 9)_____ and its texture is much

Invite your friends over for a cheese party to 10)_____ National Cheese Day. Why not see if you can
compete with the folks in Wisconsin, USA, where a 21 metre cheeseboard was used to 11)_____ the
variety of cheeses manufactured in Wisconsin? The 12)_____ was attended by a huge number of
people. That was a serious cheese party!

Example: a) affect b) contain c) cause d) enjoy

1. a) reports b) treatments c) factors d) beliefs

2. a) Therefore b) However c) Despite d) But

3. a) whose b) when c) who d) that

4. a) minor b) second c) main d) entire

5. a) as b) if c) unless d) only

6. a) moderation b) absence c) excess d) admiration

7. a) chew b) swallow c) consume d) serve

8. a) approximately b) apparently c) otherwise d) hopefully

GA IESOL Level 1/B2 Candidate Booklet (Reading) HIPPO Semi-final Round 2020 Page 2
9. a) spice b) flavour c) portions d) nutrition

10. a) celebrate b) emphasise c) accept d) generate

11. a) display b) browse c) develop d) donate

12. a) action b) performance c) organisation d) event

Reading Task 2

Read the text and answer the questions below. Choose the correct option, a, b, c, or d. An
example has been done for you.

Eleanor Roosevelt (1884 -1962) was the wife of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd president of
the United States. She was, in her time, one of the world’s most GAP)_____ admired and
powerful women.

Eleanor Roosevelt was born on October 11, 1884, in Manhattan, New York City. Eleanor
grew up in a wealthy family that greatly valued community service. Both her parents died
before she was 10, and she and her brother were raised by relatives.

At the age of 15 Eleanor was sent to Allenswood, a girls’ boarding school just outside
London, in the United Kingdom. She really admired the French headmistress there, Marie
Souvestre. Souvestre’s interest in learning and her taste for travel and excellence—in
everything but sports—inspired Eleanor to take up similar interests. She later described her
three years there as the happiest time of her life. In the summer of 1902, she returned to
New York. At that time, young girls were expected to start attending parties and gatherings
organised by their families and neighbours. That’s why Eleanor had to leave England, but
she wasn’t happy about it. Following family tradition, she devoted time to community
service, including voluntary teaching.

Soon after Eleanor returned to New York, she fell in love with Franklin Roosevelt, and they
were married in 1905 in New York City. His taste for fun contrasted with how serious she
was. The couple had six children together.

After Franklin won a seat in the New York Senate in 1911, the family moved to Albany.
When Franklin was appointed assistant secretary of the navy in 1913, the family moved to
Washington, D.C. Eleanor spent the next few years performing the social duties expected
of a politician’s wife, including attending formal parties and visiting the homes of other
government officials. She mostly found that these duties gave her very little personal

When the United States joined World War I in April 1917, Eleanor was able to start her
volunteer work again. She visited wounded soldiers and worked in a Red Cross canteen.
This work increased her sense of confidence, and she wrote later, “I loved it…I simply ate it

Towards the end of the 1910s’, the couple experienced a very difficult period in their
relationship, but decided to stay together for a number of reasons. The Roosevelts’
marriage settled into a routine in which they focused on their own work GAP)_____
remaining respectful of each other.

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In 1920, Franklin stood to become a vice-president of the United States, but didn’t get
enough votes. At this time Eleanor’s interest in politics increased. She joined the Women’s
Trade Union League and became active in the New York State Democratic Party.

Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected governor of New York in 1928 and served from 1
January 1929 until his election as President of the United States four years later. During
that time, Eleanor found an opportunity to combine the responsibilities of a politician’s wife
with her own growing career and personal independence. She continued to teach at
Todhunter, a girls’ school in Manhattan GAP)_____ she and two friends had purchased.

When Franklin took office as president in 1933, Eleanor dramatically changed the role of
the first lady. During her 12 years, the GAP 1)_____ of Eleanor’s activities and her support
for liberal causes made her nearly as controversial a figure as her husband. She started
regular White House press conferences for women correspondents. She acted as her
husband’s eyes and ears throughout the nation, going on extensive tours around the
country and reporting to him on living conditions and public opinion. Many people
GAP 2)_____ warmly to her interest in their welfare. Beginning in 1936 she wrote a daily
newspaper column, “My Day.” She showed particular interest in child welfare, housing
reform, and equal rights for women and ethnic minorities.

After President Roosevelt’s death in 1945, President Harry S. Truman offered Eleanor a
post at the United Nations (UN), where she worked as a chairman of the Commission on
Human Rights, and played a major role in the creation of the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights. She also continued to be an active member of the Democratic Party.

In 1961 President John F. Kennedy gave her the job of the chair of his Commission on the
Status of Women, and she continued with that work until shortly before her death.

Example: Eleanor Roosevelt was brought up by:

a) her parents.
b) her brother.
c) another family.
d) relatives.

13. In the first paragraph, the best word to complete the gap is:

a) commonly
b) widely
c) frequently
d) broadly

14. As a teenager, Eleanor was not interested in:

a) travel.
b) reading.
c) sports.
d) French.

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15. Why did Eleanor go back to New York in 21. In paragraph number 9, the best word to fit the
1902? gap is:

a) To finish her education. a) where

b) To find employment. b) that
c) To start appearing in society. c) who
d) To get married. d) whose

16. Eleanor’s and her husband’s personalities can 22. During the time Franklin worked as governor
be best described as: of New York, his wife:
a) stopped fulfilling her duties as a politician’s
a) quite similar. wife.
b) quite different. b) qualified as a teacher.
c) equally fun-loving. c) spent a lot of time with her friends.
d) equally serious. d) balanced multiple roles.

17. Before World War I, what did Eleanor think 23. In paragraph number 10, the best word to fit
about her duties as the wife of a politician? the first gap is:

a) She found them difficult to learn. a) extent

b) She found them enjoyable. b) balance
c) She disliked them. c) capacity
d) She chose to ignore some of them. d) content

18. In paragraph number 7, the best word to 24. In paragraph number 10, the best word to fit
complete the gap is: the second gap is:

a) while a) agreed
b) during b) appealed
c) when c) responded
d) because d) returned

19. What caused the difficulties in the couple’s 25. During her time as the first lady of the United
relationship? States, Eleanor:
a) showed a lot of interest in people’s lives.
a) Eleanor’s voluntary work. b) tried to make her husband less
b) Franklin’s political career. controversial.
c) The start of the war. c) rarely travelled without her husband.
d) The text doesn’t say. d) carried out a successful housing reform.

20. In paragraph number 9, the underlined word 26. After her husband’s death, Eleanor:
‘opportunity’ means the same as:
a) retired from many of her positions.
a) chance b) continued to be active in politics.
b) offer c) started to support a different political
c) advantage party.
d) luck d) focused on family life.

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Reading Task 3
A) Read the three texts and answer the questions below by indicating which text each
question relates to: A, B, or C.
An example has been done for you.

Text A - Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Opened in 2009 and built on a former riding school and farm, Yorkshire Wildlife Park (YWP) has
come a long way since its first days. A dynamic centre for conservation and welfare, we have over
400 animals. They come from every corner of the world.

Our fantastic Meet the Animal experiences will make your trip to YWP even more memorable. Come
face to face with our amazing animals and see these stunning creatures up close, GAP 1)_____ one of
our experienced Animal Rangers. This is your chance to hold and feed some of your favourite
animals, though not our polar bears.

The YWP Ranger Academy is aimed at those who are wishing to pursue a career working with
animals. This course has been specially designed for students between 15-17 years of age. Students
who are going to work within the animal GAP 2)_____ as vets, vet nurses or animal keepers will all
benefit from this exciting new course.

Text B - The Deep

The Deep is a public aquarium in Hull, England. Its aim is to increase people's enjoyment and
understanding of the world's oceans. It opened in March 2002. Since then, over eight million people
have visited.

Known as "the world's only submarium", the tanks contain thousands of sea creatures from every sea
in the world, including seven species of shark. It is also a landmark centre for studying the marine
environment. Many of the staff are biologists. They look after the animals in the collections and carry
out investigations into the marine environment.

The Deep offers visitors an opportunity to follow a chronological journey through the oceans from
the beginning of time to the present day. There is also a high-tech 3D interactive area where visitors
can learn to control an underwater diving vessel using computer joysticks. Because of the risk of
infection, unfortunately there are no opportunities to feed or touch any of the residents.

The aquarium runs an education programme, which hosts 30,000 primary and secondary school
students each year. The Deep also has group sleepovers in their offer (remember to bring your
pyjamas), and a variety of special GAP)_____ during the year.

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Text C - Amazonia - Scotland's Only Indoor Tropical Rainforest

A unique place for fun and learning for all ages, Amazonia is a temperature controlled tropical
house, GAP)_____ to over 70 different species. Amazonia is themed on the Amazon rainforest in
South America, the largest rainforest in the world! All our animals come from that area.

During your visit, you will be taken on a guided tour of Amazonia where you can see your
favourite animals, have a chance to feed the fish, have a private animal handling session and then
be digitally ‘transported’ into the rainforest in our interactive room!

We have put together educational packages for all age groups from nursery age upwards. For
more information visit our website. Educational visits last for approximately 1 hour and 30
minutes. They consist of a guided tour, and an interactive session with one of our experienced
educational team.

Amazonia is a proud holder of the Green Tourism Silver Award, so you can be sure that you will be
in good hands during your visit.

Which text describes an attraction …. Text

Example: which is mostly outdoors? A

27. where you can stay during the night? ________

28. where you cannot handle the animals? ________

29. which can help you with career development? ________

30. which is a home to animals from just one region of the world? ________

31. which has been formally recognised for the quality of its work? ________

32. which does not use modern technology to enhance visitors’

experience? ________

33. which conducts research on its premises? ________

34. which offers activities designed specifically for visitors of pre-

school age? ________

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B) Now answer the following questions by choosing the correct option.

35. In text A, the best phrase to fit the first gap is:

a) visited by
b) agreed by
c) welcomed by
d) accompanied by

36. In text A, the best word to fit the second gap is:

a) sector
b) activity
c) position
d) trade

37. In text B, the underlined word ‘landmark’ refers to the quality of being:

a) easily seen
b) excellent
c) recent
d) expensive

38. In text B, the best word to fit the gap is:

a) gatherings
b) occurrences
c) events
d) amusements

39. In text C, the best word to fit the gap is:

a) house
b) home
c) location
d) accommodation

40. In text C, the underlined word ‘packages’ means the same as:

a) gifts
b) parcels
c) offers
d) competitions

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